Costa de Almeria 4 – 10 July 2024 Issue 2035

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Life savers

ON the morning of Saturday, June 29, two lifeguards at the Tabernas municipal pool saved the life of a 16-year-old swimmer.

Almost like an elaborate episode from a film it appears that the two 17-year-olds Antonio Martinez Jaén and Ionut Bogdan Ciuborariu had only started their jobs the previous day and suddenly within 24 hours they were called into action.

A group of boys turned up at the pool and jumped in, but one of them suddenly found himself in difficulties and started to drown.

The lifeguards pulled him out of the pool and began to resuscitate him, bringing him back to life and waiting with him whilst an am -

bulance arrived to take him first to the nearby health centre and then to hospital where he is said to be recovering.

The local council has singled out these two young men and congratulated them on

their incredible action which has saved a life and showed the importance of having trained lifeguards on hand.

This is an important reminder for all of those who will be taking to municipal pools or

swimming in the sea to always be alert to the presence of lifeguards, take notice of warning flags on beaches and comply with any instructions that may be issued in order to keep everyone safe.

Costa de Almeria • Issue No. 2035 • 4 - 10 July 2024
Credit: Tabernas Council
The two young heroes.

Asking for help Paws patrol

THE requirement that dog owners should clean up their mess has been a law for many years, but still uncaring people just leave the mess behind.

It’s bad enough when the weather is mild, but with hot weather and the summer not only is this mess more unpleasant than usual but it’s hazardous to health, especially when the very young are involved.

The Huercal-Overa Council, through the auspices of the Local Police, is carrying out a special campaign with the aim of ensuring compliance with current regulations on the identification and care of dogs and the collection of their excrement.

This initiative seeks to promote responsibility among pet owners and maintain the cleanliness and health of public spaces and the fine for not clearing the mess could be €300.

The law requires that all dogs are microchipped so that they can be identified and if you are an owner who hasn’t done this, then fines could range from €10,000 to €50,000.

During this campaign, the Local Police are increasing surveillance in parks, streets and other areas frequented by pets. Controls are carried out to verify that dogs are identified and that their owners comply with the obligation to pick up excrement.

TWO members of the popular Almeria band

The Ruby Welts have had to appeal for assistance after their electric bikes were stolen.

Jazz (Jasmine) Wrann and partner Dan have been forced to set up a Go Fund Me page (where she explains that recent bad luck that has beset them saying;

“Hello, We are Jazz and Dan. We’re hoping to raise money to replace our two electric bikes that were stolen in our village.

“Unfortunately while we were collecting two puppies, our locked bikes were stolen in the space of 15 minutes.

“We feel terrible because my father, Kevin, lent me the bikes and he’s had a real string of bad luck that had to have him return to England. We work very hard, even through Jazz’s health issues at the moment, but we simply can’t afford to replace

my father’s bikes.

“We don’t want to replace the bikes with brand new expensive ones, we are happy with second-hand bikes.

“Thank you for taking the time to read, and thank you for any donations. We really appreciate all the love and support from our friends, neighbours and community.

“We understand there is so much going on in the world right now that needs help and support.

“We are actively looking for the stolen bikes. If they are found, although very unlikely, All funds raised will go to the established animal charity for stray cats and dogs.”

The Ruby Welts in happier times.
DOG PATROL: MAke suRe yOu cLeAn uP AfTeR yOuR PeT

Extra parking

NIJAR Council has announced that it has created two new areas for parking in Las Negras, next to the library and sports areas, in order to improve congestion and having covered the surface it will improve the appearance of the area.

White night

JULY 10 sees the eighth White Night in Agua Marga Nijar with music and dance from the Fusion Fiesterar and Charanga show starting at 8.30pm with other music taking those attending into the early morning.

Stolen veg

OFFICERS from the Guardia Civil stopped a vehicle in Huercal-Overa and discovered that the driver and passenger were transporting more than 1,260 kilos of assorted vegetables which it would appear were stolen.

Blue flags

LIKE other councils in Almeria, Roquetas de Mar has now received the seven flags that its beaches had been granted and it has also received confirmation that the Aguadulce beach has Universal Accessibility.

The beauty of Nijar

THE municipality of Nijar is one of just three towns in Almeria which has become a member of the Most Beautiful Village in Spain Association.

Based 300 metres above sea level in the foothills of the Sierra Alhamilla it has seen the influence of the Moors and then the return to rule by the Christians which ensures that the two cultures have left an indelible mark on the village.

Narrow and labyrinthine streets of square white houses, adorned with colourful flowerpots make for a peaceful walk through this beautiful village, which can be admired in its entirety from La Atalaya (watchtower), located on an easily accessible promontory. It is well-known for its ceramics and traditional rugs as well as the exciting food which can be obtained from local restaurants.

IT has taken a long time, but nally Nijar Council has entered into an agreement whereby the town will be protected by the Levante Almeriense Fire and Rescue Consortium.

Although the village is small, the entire area which makes up the municipality is some 600 square kilometres, making it the largest municipality by size in Almeria Province and it boasts the Cabo de Gata-Níjar natural park as well as the greatest number of

ROMANCE was in the air across Almeria as the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain Association promoted their eighth Annual Romantic Night.

The village of Nijar was completely in favour of the event and although other towns decided to hold their nights on June 29, Nijar accepted the recommendation of the Association and plumped for June 22.

beaches which run along its 63 kilometre coastline. Population is just under 32,000 of which just 2,200 have settled from other parts of Europe although there is a significant Moroccan community who enjoy living in the municipality.

Apart from agriculture, tourism forms an in important part of the economy of Nijar and there are wide range of different places to stay from Boutique hotels to campsites.

Romance in Nijar

There were heart shaped balloons aplenty, flowers, candles, music in the street and for some reason not really explained, white faced mime artists.

In these times of international strife it was refreshing to see couples, children and even those who didn’t quite know what was happening, getting together and just enjoying the evening. If you have a special partner and want to join in next year, place June 22 in your diary. XX

Racing in Nijar

THERE was an exciting event in Nijar over the weekend of June 29 and 30 when the fourth Rally-Chrono of Nijar took place.

This is a qualifying event for the Andalucian Rally-Cronos Championship 2024 and the Almeria Provincial Cup.

There was a 10 kilometre straight course as well as a test via a chicane and after the event all of the participants were invited to join each other for a paella and live music.

There were 36 participants

with top-level cars and the race was held on a road that is spectacular, which was a legendary stretch of the old ‘Costa del Sol’ rally which many of the fans remember with a ection.

The councillor for Sports Jesús Guerrero, thanked the FAA and the Automobile Club Comarca de Nijar prior to the race for their involvement in what is now the fourth edition of the race.

“We know the importance of the motor world in our municipality; Great rally drivers have come and continue to come from here, and the council will always be at their side, supporting them in everything that that we can,” he said.

The signing of this agreement which was witnessed by the rst vice president of the Provincial Council of Almeria, Fernando Giménez, and Nijar councillors means that the municipality will now receive a basic re prevention service. This doesn’t come cheaply and the council is committed to paying €679,441.68 per year for the cover although the sum due for 2024 will be just €200,000.

This agreement shall remain in force for a period of three years, but at any time the agreement may by mutual consent extend it for a period of up to four additional years.

The Vice-President of the Provincial Council and Deputy President, Fernando Giménez, congratulated Nijar Council and the Consortium for “this historic agreement that will allow Níjar to have its re service guaranteed. This is the rst time that this has happened and for the Provincial Council, it is something very important.”

One of the cars taking part in the race.
Credit: Nij ar Council
Enjoy the laid back life of Nijar.

Astronomy rules

Michael Cano REPRESENTATIVES of a number of different local and national government organisations visited the Calar Alto Observatory on Friday June 28.

With the impressive title of the Hispanic Astronomical Centre in Andalucia, AIE, the observatory is looking to promote information about its activities and importance to the region as well as Spain.

During the tour, attendees were told about the 3.5 telescope and taken to the CARMENES instrument and the MARCOT room (modular scalable telescope); during which they received explanations of the scientific projects in

which Calar Alto is currently involved. It was in 2019, its 50th anniversary that the observatory became 100 per cent Spanish owned as 50 per cent of its shares were obtained from the German Max Planck Institute, thanks to financing from the Junta de Andalucia and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).

The delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucia in Almeria, Aránzazu Martín observed that “the Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory is not only a benchmark for astronomy in Spain, but also occupies a prominent place in the international scientific community.”

Los Bandidos in Vera

Jessica Sweeting NO matter the weather, those intrepid runners who belong to Los Bandidos took part in the Vera 4k and 11k races on Saturday June 29.

Fifteen hardy competitors turned up on a hot and humid evening for the races which started and finished at Club Deportivo in Puerto Rey.

It was a winding route which took the runners past the nudist beach and as the event was well organised, there were plenty of much needed water stations and a very welcome man with a hose pipe coo-

ling everyone down!

There was lots of support from fellow Bandidos out on the course encouraging all runners, but especially those racing for the first time.

All finishers received a commemorative medal, a race t-shirt and bag, as well as a lettuce and cherry tomatoes with beer, food and drink available at the finish.

Los Bandidos was set up in June 2018 with a small group running the five kilometre Mojacar Paseo, and now has road cycling, sea swimming and triathlon groups.

All ages, nationalities and speeds are welcome, whether permanent residents or holiday makers. Visit their Facebook page for more information.

Welcoming visitors to the Calar Alto Observatory.
The runners who took part.

Michael Cano LGTBIQ+ Pride Day was officially due to take place on June 28, but the Almeria Council concentrated on promoting the event

City without labels Rossman in Albox

the following day, a Saturday.

Proud of its proposal, ‘Almeria is a city without labels’, the council ensured that the Rainbow flag

took pride of place on the front of the municipal offices in the Plaza Vieja. There have been numerous events during June to promote the celebrations and these culminated with a march and party on June 29 at which everyone was welcome.

This was a day to be positive and continue the fight against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia whilst endeavouring to ensure that everyone embraces the concept of respect for all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Paul Edwards JOINING an existing store in Vicar, German company Rossman has just opened its second outlet

in Almeria in Albox. There was quite a lot of excitement with many turning up on Friday June 28 to take advantage of a number of special offers, with the first 50 people receiving a gift voucher (with some worth up to €100) whilst those who weren’t so lucky took part in a raffle for a paddle surf kit.

That wasn’t all as there was an opening 20 per cent discount on make-up and 10 per cent discount on other products on sale in the large store based in the Avenida 28 de Febrero, where there is plenty of parking as well as a number of popular supermarkets.

There is a huge range of competitively priced product available from this massive drug store (similar to Superdrug in the UK) which covers more than 400 square metres. The company is committed to continue to expand its outlets throughout Andalucia and the next opening will be in Malaga Province but according to the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain, there will almost certainly be a third outlet opened in Almeria Province before the end of the year.

Parading the motto of respect.

Walk for Life Win Annual Award Special care

TWENTY-FIVE young people from the Almeria Asperger Association will be attending the Roquetas de Mar summer school which runs until July 30.

The youngsters along with the president of Asperger Almeria, Amparo García, were welcomed to the town by mayor, Gabriel Amat, together with councillors Amalia López and Daniel Salcedo.

He wished them the very best and explained that he hoped that they would enjoy all of the activities available to them over the coming month which would include visits to places of interest such as the Castle of Santa Ana.

Amparo García, observed that this summer school also includes the development of workshops and other sports activities that will take place on the beaches of Roquetas de Mar.

“The launch of the summer school also provides a respite for families and, at the same time, encourages the inclusion of these children who have the opportunity to enjoy a large number of leisure activities and learn about the culture and history of the province,” she explained.

AT a lavish awards ceremony in Zurgena to celebrate and recognise companies, people and associations who have made a difference in the regions of Valle del Almanzora and Los Vélez, Walk for Life were presented with a prestigious award.

This annual event was organised by La Voz de Almeria, Cadena SER and Los 40 and it was the first time the two regions have been awarded jointly. There was just one recipient in each of nine categories across both regions. Walk for Life’s Award was in the

category of Associations.

President Irene Lee-Barber and Vice President Claire Harper accepted the award from Arboleas Mayor D José Juan Ramos Ramos. In her acceptance speech, in Spanish, Claire thanked Arboleas Town Council “for the cooperative work they selflessly offer us throughout the year and especially with our annual walk, which is the largest charity fundraising event in our area.”

She also thanked “all the local companies that support us continuously”

and added, “Our biggest thanks has to go to all the people in our community who get involved in our events and raise an incredible amount of money that allows us to continue to offer support to indivi-

duals and families battling cancer. On behalf of all the volunteers of Walk for Life, we would like to say that without the work of everyone it would not be possible to make this great work a reality.”

Welcoming the students to roquetas de mar.
Credit: Roquetas de Mar Council

All aloud charity concert for kids

ON Friday June 28 the Community Choir All Aloud held their final fundraising event for the Huercal-Overa Hospital Children’s Ward. A charity concert was held at the Kubatin Bar in Arboleas. The group had already raised in excess of €4,000, from various events, during the course of the year, held to support this worthy cause.

On a warm summer’s evening an expectant audience filled the Kubatin Bar to hear these amateur singers perform a concert of over 25 songs from a number of genres. The programme ranged from light opera to pop via folk music and the musicals and the choir was led by Mrs Donna Walker.

Entry to the concert was free but donations were accepted. In total the sum of €500 plus was collected and they thank everyone.

THE fact that someone is disabled in some way doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t enjoy sports as has been demonstrated with the success of the Paralympics.

So, the Association of parents, relatives and friends of people with

An outstanding effort.

With donations received to date and a couple still pending the total is expected to exceed €5,000. An outstanding e ort.

Many photographs were taken during the evening and those wishing to view them should visit the All Aloud Facebook Page.

the All Aloud Face-

Special award

intellectual disabilities (APAFA) has just received the highest award granted within the Sports and Disability Project of the Provincial Council of Almeria.

The ‘Almeria Play Fair’ award has been created by the Provincial Council to support the philosophy that physical-sports practice, promotes a proactive and exemplary role through training in values and acquisition of healthy habits.

APAFA has achieved the highest score in good practices, in all areas of activity and therefore rightly deserves this recognition.

Presenting the award, the provincial deputy for Sports stressed the importance of a programme that “meets the objective of promoting sports practice and healthy lifestyle habits for Almeria residents with disabilities in the province, promoting equal opportunities and the role of sport is a powerful tool of social inclusion for all.”

Whether you have bank savings, a share portfolio or own investment property, understand how this capital and income is taxed in Spain. Residents are liable to local tax on worldwide income, gains and wealth; non-residents are liable on assets owned in Spain.

Interest, dividends, capital gains etc Income is split into two categories in Spain, with different tax treatment. The savings income category covers:

• interest income

• dividends

• capital gains on the sale/transfer of assets (property, shares, securities etc)

• income from life assurance contracts

• purchased annuity income

All income that falls into any of these categories is combined and taxed at progressive rates:

Up to €6,000 – 19%

€6,000 to €50,000 - 21%

€50,000 to €200,000 – 23%

€200,000 to €300,000 – 27%

Over €300,000 – 28%

For residents, gains made on the sale of real estate is taxed as above, but property meeting the main home criteria is exempt. Non-residents pay tax at a flat 19%.

How investment capital and income is taxed in Spain

Investment losses can be set off against other savings income gains, with a specific order.

Life assurance contracts

An approved life assurance policy, where you hold investments within its ‘wrapper’, can provide tax advantages in Spain. Income and capital gains rolled up within the policy are not subject to tax, while only the gain element of withdrawals is subject to tax.

Take specialist advice to establi-

sh if these arrangements are suitable for you and how you could potentially benefit.

Rental income

Rental income is classed as general income and taxed at the scale rates of income tax. In Andalucía, these range from 19% for income up to €12,450 to 47% for income over €300,000.

Spanish residents get a 60% reduction against the net rental income, provided the property is used as a main home. This includes long lets outside Spain.

Other EU/EEA residents are taxed on net rental income from Spanish property at a flat 19%. NonEU/EEA residents pay 24% tax on gross income.

If you own a property that is not your main home, a notional rental income is deemed to arise for periods where the property is not let to a third party and taxed as above.

Wealth taxes

The value of your worldwide as-

sets is added up on an annual basis and if the total exceeds the available allowances, you are subject to the wealth tax rules. Andalucía provides a 100% relief for the main wealth tax, so local residents don’t have a wealth tax liability. If, however, your wealth, exceeds €4,000,000, you may be liable for solidarity tax.

Spanish exit tax

If you have a large investment portfolio and leave Spain to become tax resident elsewhere, you may have to pay Spanish tax on unrealised capital gains arising from your holdings.

This applies if you have been Spanish tax resident for 10 out of the 15 years preceding departure, and the shares’ market value surpasses €4,000,000, or total shareholdings exceed 25% and their market value exceeds €1,000,000.

Tax planning

Living in Spain offers many benefits, but as anywhere, there are some drawbacks and a key concern

for many people is the local tax regime. But you don’t necessarily need to fear Spanish taxation and may even find you improve your tax situation by becoming resident. The tax regime presents tax mitigation opportunities; how you hold assets and take income from them can make a significant difference to your tax bill. Take specialist, personalised advice to establish how to improve your tax situation in Spain.

The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual should take personalised advice.

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at

John Smith EUROPOL, the organisation that helps coordinate police activities across borders has just revealed that 54 Spanish phone fraudsters have been arrested. This was a joint operation between the Spanish National Police, Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonia) and the Portuguese Judicial Police (Policía Judiciária) which culminated with raids across the Iberian Peninsula on June 4.

Scammers arrested INTRODUCTION

these alleged criminals who started by calling them on the phone, pretending to be bank officials and then ended up on their doorsteps.

Investigators had discovered that at least 84 elderly victims had between them lost at least €2.5 million to

The fraudsters would take debit or credit cards, obtain PIN and bank details whilst in some cases, the criminals also forced their way into the victims’ homes, stealing cash and valuables such as jewellery.

Money that had been stolen was then transferred to different bank accounts in Portugal and Spain and on the day of the raids, one suspect was caught sitting in front of his computer with the bank details of one of his victims up on the screen.

As investigators closed in on the suspects and monitored their conversations, they heard them planning to use extreme violence as a last resort to rob the victims.

Forty suspects were taken into custody in Spain, and three are being detained in Portugal whilst awaiting extradition to Spain.

Hello dear readers

I AM thrilled and honoured to kick off my new column, ‘From Coast to Coast’, where I’ll share insights, stories, and a dash of wit from an American who’s proudly called the Costa del Sol home since 2005. Originally from the sunny shores of the Pacific coast, I bring a Californian zest to this vibrant region and can’t wait to connect with fellow Americans and internationals through this platform. How did I end up here? By a stroke of luck, I founded my company in Spain in 2006, possibly the country’s first online language academy. Since then, I’ve partnered with dedicated educators worldwide to provide top-notch education to students globally, with a special nod to our beloved Spaniards.

Over a decade spent with my former Sevillian in-laws, I’ve picked the nuances of Spanish culture and the secret phrases that win over locals. From handy local expressions like ‘quillo’, ‘‘ta logo’,

and ‘un manchao po favó’, navigating daily life has become second nature. Join me in ‘From Coast to Coast’ as I uncover hidden coastal gems, decode day-to-day customs, and explore cultural insights that enrich our Spanish experience. With a keen eye for humour and a knack for adaptation, I’ll unravel the intricacies of embracing foreignness with grace, wit, and a healthy dose of optimism.

Thank you for considering my column as part of your reading repertoire (or not). I’m excited to embark on this journey with you and look forward to sharing stories that resonate with us all.

Here’s to embracing new adventures and laughter ‘From Coast to Coast’! Cheers to the relentless power of ‘Guiringness’.

Lucca Movaldi, President, American International Club Marbella

See my new column on page 22

Summer opening hours

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, Northwestern University in Qatar

MERCADONA, the leading supermarket chain in Spain, has announced extended summer opening hours, including Sundays and holidays.

This action is a move following similar adjustments by competitors like Carrefour and El Corte Inglés.

Effective now in different regions in the country, Mercadona will open its doors from 9.00am to 10.00pm on weekdays, extending its previous closing time by 30 minutes.

On Sundays and holidays, 340 selected stores will operate from 9.00am to 3.00pm, accommodating the seasonal shopping needs of customers.

The decision to modify operating hours during the summer months aims to meet the increased demand and provide greater convenience to consumers across the country.

This shift comes amid ongoing discussions about work-life balance and employee rights, especially concerning weekend rest for staff.

These adjusted timings will remain in effect until September, ensuring customers have ample time to shop during the extended daylight hours of the summer season.

To find out if your local Mercadona store is included in these new summer hours, customers are encouraged to visit the Mercadona website for specific details.

Parental control

THE Swedish Liberals’ Johan Pehrson has once again highlighted the importance and responsibility of parents in children’s personal development in his speech in Almadalen.

Pehrson especially focused on the father’s role in the child’s life; “I think Sweden would do well with a little more father anxiety. We need more adult men who take greater responsibility for their children’s upbringing.”

In the same week of June, the Liberal Party launched a proposal for a ‘parental contract’, for students at risk of failing primary school. This

is a contract ‘where the parents undertake to set limits and set rules for the child’s homework, sleep, free time and screen habits’.

Pehrson emphasised the importance of technology in children’s upbringing, stating that the Party has developed proposals for tech companies and the internet giants to “take greater responsibility for children’s vulnerability online.”

“We need to see a new public education movement rise against the eternal scrolling by the screen,” he argued, determined to change the current habits of children.

Mercadona store in Madrid.
Limits should be set for children.
Credt: Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

Spain helps its neighbours

SPAIN is sending 313 police officers to Paris to provide extra security during the Paris Olympics which start on July 26.

Interior minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska explained during a reception for some of those who will soon be setting out for Paris that the French embassy had passed on the request for reinforcements during the Games earlier this year.

The contingent of 171 National Police officers and 142 Guardia Civil members will remain in Paris for the Paralympics which start on August 28 and continue until September 8. The officers include bomb disposal experts and canine units that specialise in sniffing out explosives France, which in the past has been subjected to mortal attacks by Islamic extremists, raised its security alert to the highest level following the attack on the

Moscow concert hall that killed at least 133 people in March. The Islamic State (IS) group later claimed responsibility for the carnage.

The authorities are particularly concerned about the Games’ four-hour opening ceremony which takes place in the heart of the city on the River Seine, with a waterborne procession of competing countries that involves 80 boats.

The six-kilometre route starts at Austerlitz bridge and finishes at Jena bridge near the Eiffel Tower. For once, huge crowds watching from the embankments will be close to the opening ceremony, which is open to the general public.

Approximately 45,000 police officers and gendarmes will be deployed in the Paris region for the event with the addition of 18,000 troops mobilised during the Games themselves.

Photo credit:
OLYMPIC SECURITY: Some of the Spanish officers who will be present in Paris.

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)

Telef. 950.615.009 Fax: 950.475.200

Mojacar Green Flag Better beaches

AS predicted by Euro Weekly News , Mojacar Council has applied yet again to be part of the sustainability Green Flags movement.

The Mojacar mayor, Francisco García Cerdá, accompanied by the Tourism councillor, María Gracia Alarcón, announced that the municipality has joined the new campaign for this summer with the aim of encouraging and promoting glass recycling among the municipality’s residents, tourists and businesses.

It’s the fifth such Green Flag opportunity which is promoted by the not for profit company Ecovidrio and based on past experience

it is expected that more than 153 municipalities from the Valencian

Safety first

THE current watchword in Mojacar is safety, especially with so many visitors to Mojacar due in thesummer season.

Over the last few weeks, a series of important improvements have been carried out across the municipality with particular emphasis on safe access to the beaches and keeping the environmental paths clean and accessible.

Clearing work has been carried out on the municipality’s natural paths, including the AdelfaLa Olla path, the Macenas - Torre Pirulico - Sobrerico - Granatillas path, the Estrecho - El Jalí path, the Barranqueras path, the Aljuezar - Las Barranqueras path and the Picacho path.

These actions are crucial for fire prevention and to ease the passage of emergency vehicles in the event of incidents and to ensure that these paths are kept in optimal condition it guarantees the safety of all those who enjoy the natural routes and green spaces.

Works councillor, Jesús Montoya, was charged with the role of supervising the improvement works and expressed his satisfaction with the work carried out and commented “I have been able to confirm first-hand the excellent work of the workers. These improvements not only beautify our environment, but are also essential to prevent possible fires during the summer season.”

Community, Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Andalucia will apply to take part.

This initiative aims to reward the efforts and activism of coastal municipalities for sustainability during the summer, especially with regard to the proper management of their waste and it is also hoped that a total in excess of 18,000 hospitality establishments will become involved.

Mayor García Cerdá stressed the crucial need to respect our ecosystem and reaffirmed his commitment to the protection of the en-

vironment. He emphasised the support of the local council for initiatives that promote the circular economy, the reduction of pollution, the reduction of waste and the sustainable use of natural resources.

To obtain a green flag, municipalities must meet a series of requirements, which include increasing the volume of glass container recycling compared to the previous year, the active collaboration of the hospitality sector and the commitment of the local council to promoting and publicising the campaign.

Blue Flags fly

ALTHOUGH it was announced in May that various beach across Almeria had been awarded Blue Flags, councils have had to wait until the end of June to receive them.

In a ceremony hosted by the Junta de Andalucia, the various Blue Flags were con rmed and then representatives of the Junta travelled to di erent municipalities on June 28 to hand them out.

The mayor of Mojacar and council members were delighted to pose with the Blue Flags and members of the lifeguard team prior to them being own above the ve beaches which had been recognised as being of outstanding quality.

Those beaches are Marina de la Torre, El Cantal, El Lance Nuevo and Sale de Bancal - Ventanicas although the council has always maintained that Sale de Bancal - Ventanicas should be treated as two separate beaches, thus bringing up the municipalities quota from four to ve.

Turtle talk

ON June 27, Mojacar councillor for the Environment Maria Gracia Alarcón hosted a special meeting with members of the local services team. Now is the time that various turtles may nd their way on to local beaches to lay eggs and this event was part of a pan-Andalucia nesting campaign explaining what should be done in the case of turtles being spotted on local beaches. By ensuring neither the turtles nor their nests are disturbed by the general public and following clear rules of how to deal with the situation, they will be able to preserve these vulnerable species.

NOW that the o cial bathing season has started in Mojacar, lifeguard and rescue services are up and running and visitors can expect the beaches to be better than ever.

For this season a series of new facilities have been added that will signi cantly improve the Mojacar beach experience.

Among the new features, the addition of amphibious chairs and accessible pergolas, shade canvases and new walkways stand out, as well as bin islands for cleanliness and recycling.

The improvements will continue throughout the bathing season when new lifeguard modules and toilets will be installed and information panels with embossed QR codes added.

Mojacar mayor, Francisco García, visited one beach to view all of the new facilities accompanied by Festivities councillor, Pascual Artero.

During his visit, the mayor said “These improvements are a testament to our commitment to o ering inclusive, safe and comfortable beaches for all visitors. The investment in new service vehicles and beach infrastructure not only improves bathers’ experience, but also reinforces everyone’s safety and well-being.”

Although access to the beaches in the municipality is all year round, the extra facilities only apply during the summer season.

Credit: Mojacar Council
Making sure that the paths are clear.
Credit: Mojacar Council Mojacar wants to win another Green Flag.

Double the fun

July sees flight seat increase

IN a remarkable occurrence, Pollard Middle School in Needham, Massachusetts, saw 23 sets of twins graduate this June, comprising about 10 per cent of the eighth-grade class.

These identical and fraternal twins participated in the ‘moving up’ ceremony, an event headteacher Tamatha Bibbo described as “quite unusual.”

Typically, the school sees only ve to 10 sets of twins per year.

“We have approximately 450 to 500 children in each grade, so having 23 sets of twins is extraordinarily high,” the headteacher remarked.

During the ceremony, the school gave a special shout-out to these twins, acknowledging their unique

Image: Pollard Middle School

contribution to the graduating class.

In addition to their academic achievements, all graduates of Pollard Middle School are required to complete up to 10 hours of service learning in their communities.

The Needham Exchange Club annually o ers ve community service awards to commend students’ e orts.

Interestingly, another student who is a twin also graduated, but her brother attends a di erent school.

According to the National Centre for Health Statistics, twins account for around 3 per cent of live births in the US.

This makes the Pollard Middle School’s twin count particularly noteworthy.

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, North western University in Qatar SPAIN expects 12.5 million seats on international ights for July 2024, according to Turespaña’s latest data.

This marks a 9.5 per cent increase from July 2023, which saw 11.4 million seats.

Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, said the increase in planned seats on international ights is compared to last year’s predictions.

“A very positive summer season for the sector. Spain is among the top preferences of international tourists, which indicates that the quality of our destinations is increasingly appreciated,” said Hereu in a La Moncloa report.

Comparing July 2024 with the same month in 2023, key markets show strong performance: the UK (+5.4 per cent), Germany (+7.4 per cent), Italy (+14.5 per cent), and France (+8.4 per cent).

Poland and the Czech Republic have seen substantial increases, with a 25 per cent rise in seats. Additionally, the US market has grown by 17 per cent, and Nordic countries show progress with Finland up 10.1 per cent, Sweden 7.6 per cent, Denmark 3.3 per cent, and Norway 0.4 per cent as reported.

EIGHTH GRADE: Comprises 23 sets of twins who graduated.


Casa Altos in the

Huercal-Overa Countryside

EXCLUSIVE TO VOSS HOMES - A charming, renovated country house currently with three bedrooms and one bathroom (could be more) for sale in the Huercal-Overa area of Almeria of approx 130m2 with H&C air con with great views on approx 7,400m2 of land. Four mins drive to the village of Santa Maria with shop, bar / restaurant, doctors, chemist, school. Twelve mins drive to Huercal-Overa and 40 mins drive to the coast at San Juan de Los Terreros, Mojacar, Vera and Garrucha.

Next to the house is a 160m2 part built outbuilding which would be great for storage etc.

The main house is single storey and is renovated and consists of an entrance conservatory with fly free dining area. Next is the good sized living room with super efficient pelllet burning fire and H&C air con. To

the right is a double bedroom. To the left is the family shower room. Also off the living room are two more double bedrooms and study room.

At the end of the living room is the fitted kitchen and dining room which is large enough to have a study area.

From the kitchen is another large room. If you wanted to change the room layout of the house or to have

another bathroom this room could be transformed into a double bedroom with ensuite.

Around the house is a walled and fenced private garden and plenty of parking. To the side is an an area with great views and an ideal place for a pool. Outside of this is the rest of the 7,400m2 of land which is mostly hillside and terraced so may be good for keeping horses etc. There is plenty of room for parking

: VH2243

and construction materials. The property has tarmac road access except for the last 50 metres.

Mains electric, water, internet and satellite TV are connected.

Voss Homes is a British family-run business with offices in the thriving, market town of Huercal-Overa and La Alfoquia village. We specialise in selling properties around Huercal-Overa, Zurgena, La Alfoquia and Taberno.

For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact Voss Homes on 0034 950 616 827 or email us at


Discovering Spain

THE Great Lisbon earthquake occurred in 1755 and the tremor was felt in the city of Salamanca across the border in Spain.

At the time, crowds rushed to the cathedral convinced that this was the start of the Apocalypse and the end of the world.

In the event, no-one was injured although the tower of the cathedral started to lean slightly.

The council that managed the cathedral declared that from then on, once a year, someone should climb to the top of the cathedral to ring the bells in thanksgiving to God for this miraculous event.

A family which lived inside the cathedral, Los Mariquelos were tasked with this duty which they diligently undertook for more than two centuries, before the last member of the family died in 1976.

No-one stepped into the breach until 1985 when Ángel Rufino de Haro decided to take up the tradition again and inherited the name of El Mariquelo and from then on he has taken on the role.

Dressed as a charro (a Mexican style cowboy) he climbs the 110 metre tall

tower on October 31 to play a charrada (a country dance) on his bagpipes and tambourine, thanking god and praying for peace and good causes.

As he grows older, so El Mariquelo has to ensure that he remains fit and capable of making what is potentially a dangerous climb, but his dedication to keeping this tradition alive ensures that there is always a large group of visitors applauding his strenuous efforts.

Credit: El Mariquelo Facebook
El Mariquelo praying from the clock tower.


Live in a tourist destination

GRUPO PLATINUM ESTATES presents this beautiful furnished apartment in the sought after urbanisation of Altos de Nuevo Vera in Vera Playa. This one bedroom, one bathroom apartment with fitted kitchen, spacious lounge dining room, beautiful terrace and garage space totals 88 square metres of pure comfort! Call before it’s too late and don’t miss the opportunity to visit it with Grupo Platinum Estates +34 950 466 112 !

The spacious living, dining room is decorated with care and detail, as is the rest of the property, and offers a large built in wardrobe at the entrance that can be used for storage. The property also has ducted air conditioning. From the living room there is access to a beautiful south facing covered terrace where you can enjoy the sun and the good weather. The bedroom is spacious and comfortable and has a built in wardrobe with two doors, fan and its own access to the terrace. The kitchen, equipped with electrical appliances, dishwas-

her included, has plenty of storage space and connects to the living room through a bar, making it easy to use on a daily basis. The property also has a laundry room with a washing machine and a 120 litre electric water heater, this space will be very useful for domestic chores. The bathroom has a bathtub and bidet, as

as a toilet and washbasin.

The urbanisation Altos de Nuevo Vera stands out for its privileged location, with proximity to all the services and the beach, and its security, with physical doorman and fenced access. It has three swimming pools, one of which is open all year round, garden area and children’s area. With


the keys of the urbanisation you can also access the gardens that overlook the beach on the other side of the street. If you are looking for a place close to the sea where you can relax and enjoy all year round, this beautiful apartment in Vera Playa is for you!

Are you ready to live just a few steps from the sea and surrounded by all amenities? Call us now on +34 950 466 112 and schedule your visit!

Vera Playa, with its beautiful coastline, is the location of this gem. Its golden sandy beaches and lively local life make this destination a perfect place to enjoy the sun and sea. In addition, Vera Playa offers a wide range of services, restaurants and activities for the whole family  welcome to your new home in the coastal paradise of Vera Playa!


NATO leader

THE outgoing Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, is about to become the new NATO secretary general, following a unanimous agreement of the 32 NATO members.

Since 2023, Rutte has been methodically working towards the position; in January 2023, he told US President, Joe Biden; “You have asked me twice to become secretary-general of NATO, and I turned you down twice. If you ask me a third time, I will say yes.”

Initially reluctant, Turkey nally supported Rutte and with opposition from Hungary left behind, as well as the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis’ announcement to withdraw

from the race, Rutte secured his place as NATO’s secretary general.

It is now a matter of days until he is formally con rmed in his new position.

As the Ukraine-Russia crisis continues and concerns rise about former US President, Donald Trump’s return to power, Rutte’s diplomatic approach appears to be the key to maintaining peace.

Nicknamed Te on Mark for his ability to avoid scandals and Trump Whisperer for managing negotiations with Donald Trump, NATO’s members have shown con dence in Mark Rutte, anticipating a strengthening of the EU peace-making strategies.

Are the Americans here to stay? Oh, yes!


FROM the Heartland to the Heart of Spain: Embracing New Adventures Abroad.

Embracing Global Opportunities Amid America’s Economic Strengths!

As the dust settles post-Covid, the US economy is flaunting its comeback skills and grabbing global attention. How did Uncle Sam pull off such a rebound?”

Well, American workers aren’t just putting in hours - they’re setting new standards in tech and energy, driving economic growth like never before. Add America’s talent for leading in AI, renewable energy, and innovation, and you’ve got a formula for success that’s turning heads.

But it’s not just about hitting goals; it’s about smart economic moves. The US has been making wise choices with spending and forward-thinking energy plans that keep things running smoothly. And let’s not forget the dollar’s global reputation - it’s like having a currency that dances through economic challenges with ease.

Beyond the numbers, Americans are feeling the urge to explore. They’re leaving their usual surroundings for the lively streets of Barcelona, the cultural buzz of Madrid, and the captivating charm of Malaga and its province. Spain isn’t just a destination anymore - it’s a lifestyle upgrade with cultural riches and a

quality of life that’s truly enviable. Costa del Sol, chiringuitos, here we come!

Americans deeply cherish Spain’s cultural heritage, traditions, and historical legacy, woven into the strong ties between Spaniards and Americans. The impact of Spain’s colonial past has left a lasting mark on American shores, especially in places like Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and more, creating a deep appreciation for its cultural tapestry.

Sure, there are hurdles - visa issues, tax troubles, and a weaker dollar, you name it. But recent trends show Americans moving past these barriers and embracing new opportunities abroad. Economic confidence is driving this shift, promising not just travel but a vibrant exchange of cultures and economic benefits.

And let’s talk timing. With the euro and dollar nearly equal since 2002? It’s a green light for Americans to explore and maybe even settle abroad, making travel more affordable and relocation more appealing. Pack your bags and embark on a journey where personal and economic growth align perfectly!

As a proud yet humble immigrant, I echo the words of John F Kennedy: ‘Immigration is the heartbeat of American history.’ Now embraced by the arms of Spain, these words resonate deeply, reflecting the journey and contributions of countless individuals like myself who have found a new home. Spain, thank you for making us feel that ‘su casa es mi casa’ connection!

Lucca Movaldi’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Expat or Immigrant? VOX Pop

STROLLING through the streets of Spain, a familiar debate among European residents often arises: are they expatriates or immigrants?

Talyta Franca, Class 2026, Northwestern University in Qatar Traditionally, ‘expatriate’ is often associated with temporary stays, while ‘immigrant’ suggests a permanent move and integration into the local culture.

However, Dana , originally from Russia, dismisses the need for labels. “I don’t believe in those terms,” she says, “I think in our modern world, where one can live wherever they want and not necessarily stay in one place all their life.”

For her, the choice to live in different places should be seen in a more normalised way. “It doesn’t mean they [residents] haven’t settled. It’s just our new reality,” she adds.

In contrast, Kamila Ptaszynska , a 30-year-old from Poland, confidently identifies as an immigrant, since her deep personal and professional connection to Spain aligns her with long-term plans to stay.

“I live and work in Spain and I hope to spend many more years there,” said Kamila.

On the other hand, Marcello, 34, from Italy, prefers the term expatriate. He believes the distinction often relates to social class and nationality.

“To me, an immigrant sounds like someone who is not accepted in the country where they are, and also someone who is running away from their home country,” he explains.

The different points of view show that the choice between ‘expatriate’ and ‘immigrant’ is more than semantic, it reflects personal narratives in society about identity, belonging, and class.

Paula who is Scottish understands the concept that the word expat is unacceptable to some, but said “It’s a bit like 1984 by George Orwell and it’s a thoughtcrime to use language which everyone understands but has now been redefined as something different.

“I believe that when one refers to an expat it’s really a simple short word which means someone who has moved from one country to another but nowadays it’s supposed to evoke the concept of colonialism and theft of identity and natural resources.

“Personally I think that’s nonsense but unlike some, I don’t want to tell others what they can or can’t say.”

Similarly, Laura Kemppi , 29 who is Finnish, also sees herself as an immigrant. “I thought about this for a while, but then I came up with the answer,” she said, “The reasons why I think I am an immigrant is that I live in Spain, I work in Spain and I pay my taxes in Spain.”




Big payday

BRITISH banker Christopher Willcox runs Japanese finance mammoth Nomura’s wholesale bank in New York, overseeing all its operations. He received a $12 million (€11.22 million) pay packet for the year ending March 2024 after returning the bank to profit, giving him a pay packet tripling his Japanese boss’s.

Getting bigger

GRUPO IFA, a central purchasing group consisting of 6,448 supermarkets in Spain as well as others in Portugal and Italy, reported a record turnover of €39.4 billion in 2023, a 9.2 per cent increase on 2022. Sales in Spain accounted for €18.17 billion of the total, an increase of 9.3 per cent on the previous year.

Fine line

APPROXIMATELY 95,000 workers were fined by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) even though they did not owe any tax. Those earning less than £12,570 (€14,860) do not have to pay income tax but they were penalised for submitting late selfassessments for the 20212022 tax year, accountancy firm RSM revealed.

Madrid deal

REAL ESTATE asset manager Azora, which is based in Spain but operates throughout Europe and the US, paid €30 billion for a building in Madrid’s Calle Doctor Esquerdo from Macqaurie subsidiary GLL Real Estate Partners. Currently used as offices, it is likely to become a hotel, market sources said.

Protein direct

MIKE ASHLEY’S Frasers Group has bought a portfolio of luxury brand websites, including Coggles clothing, from the third-party online retailer THG for an undisclosed sum. Under the deal, Frasers will now be able to sell the online health and beauty retailer’s Nutrition protein products in Sports Direct shops.


€20 billion

in estimated income next season for Europe’s football leagues headed by the UK, and followed by Germany, Spain, Italy and France, according to auditors Deloitte.

Tunnel company goes Dutch

A COMPANY ready to convert subterranean tunnels below High Holborn into a tourist attraction, no longer intends to float in London.

London Tunnels will now raise £30 million (€35.5 million) by listing on Euronext Amsterdam, with all the advantages of Europe’s equity and capital market.

The announcement was unexpected, City insiders said, as London Tunnels presented documents to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) in January with details of it plans.

It was fitting that the unique tunnels “built by the British government

for the defence of Britain” should be listed in London, the company’s chief executive Angus Murray said at the time.

The passages 40 metres below High Holborn were built in the 1940s as air raid shelters during the Blitz in the Second World War

PASCUAL is restructuring the group, splitting it into four subsidiaries in a bid to compete with supermarket own-labels.

The group, which posted sales of €841 million in 2022, the last year with available figures, plans to market Bezoya and the mineral waters that accounted for 19 per cent of Pascual’s revenues that year via Agua Sierra de Guardarrama.

The milk products that the public automatically associates with the company and which generate 75 per cent of the group’s sales, will be handled by Lacteos de Fuentemizarra. Coffee Horeca will be respon-

Dividend possibility

IAG could reinstate dividends as early as this year although no details were given at the annual shareholders meeting in Madrid on June 26.

The airline owns British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus and Vueling and currently hopes to persuade Brussels to approve its purchase of Air Europa,. IAG last paid a dividend in 2019, not long before aircraft were grounded worldwide owing to the pandemic and all travel was restricted.

but were never used for this purpose. Instead, they housed the Special Operations Executive, a branch of MI6.

Decades later, during the Cold War, they were used as an international telephone exchange.

London Tunnels’ decision to snub the LSE fo-

llows the exit of FlutterPaddy Power owner - to list in the US, along with UK chip designer Arm. These disappointments were compensated by the recent London float of Raspberry Pi although Chinese clothing giant Shein’s £50 billion (€59.1 billion) LSE plans have yet to be confirmed.

Reuters reported that Shein had filed papers with the Financial Conduct Authority in early June although some sources close to the process claim that this could be cancelled as Beijing is “concerned” about the way Shein is viewed in the UK.

Taking on the own-labels

Growing season

SPAIN’S economy grew by 0.8 per cent during the first quarter of 2024, instead of the predicted 0.7 per cent.

This was the best figure since the second quarter of 2022, the National Statistics Institute (INE) announced on June 25.

The increase was due principally to greater household spending, which rose by 0.4 per cent, INE said. Imports climbed by 2.2. per cent during the first three months of 2023, but exports went up to 3.3 per cent during this time and public administration spending dropped by 0.6 per cent.

Along the same lines, S&P Global’s latest Eurozone Economic Outlook Q3 report said that “Spain, noticeably, continues to beat expectations.”

sible for coffee products following Pascual’s acquisition of Café Jurado in 2022 as well as its own Mocay brand.

Pascual’s dairy farms in Fuentespina (Burgos) now become Granjas de La Ribera.

Company chairman Tomas Pascual Gomez-Cuetara explained that these changes answered the need to give the company “more agility, flexibility and focus” as it takes on the supermarkets’ own-label products.

Going elsewhere

SPAIN is Europe’s leading car manufacturer after Germany, although 90 per cent of the 2.45 million vehicles leaving its factories in 2023 were destined for export.

Spanish vehicle manufacturers’ association, Anfa, said that only 30 per cent of the remaining 10 per cent that were bought in Spain last year were made here.

The Morocco-made Dacia Sandero was the most popular car in Spain with 13,068 models sold in 2023, while the Toyota Corolla, made in the UK, was second with 10,197.

The Seat Ibiza, whose only factory is located in Barcelona’s Martorell plant, was third, with 9,202 models sold.

STELLANTIS, which owns the Vauxhall, Peugeot and Citroen names, called on the UK government to provide more help for electric vehicle (EV) makes.

Maria Grazia Davino, UK managing director, said that the company did not want to cease operations in Britain but she warned that Stellantis could close its Luton and Ellesmere Port plants unless there was greater demand. Britain also needed to “loosen” regulations, Davino said. “The demand is not coming. We expect the government whoever it is to respond to this.”

A HOLLYWOOD theme park on the site of a former brickworks outside Bedford could boost the economy by an expected £50 billion (€59.1 billion).

Universal’s parks division, which acquired the site covering 480 acres (194 hectares) in December 2023, said the theme park would generate £35.1 billion (€41.5 billion) during construction and the first 20 years of operations.

Added to this, the film studio said, the project would contribute up to £14.1 billion (€16.6 billion) in taxes paid to the Treasury during the same period.

ONLINE electrical goods retailer AO World’s profits rose to £34.3 million (€40.5 million) over the year that ended on March 30, 2024. This was 186 per cent more than the £12 million (€14.18 million) posted in 2023 thanks in part to continuing sales of air fryers as well as more demand for tumble dryers during a very wet UK winter.

Television sales also increased as people bought new models in preparation for this summer’s Euro 2024 tournament, AO World said.

HOLBORN TUNNELS: Soon to be converted into tourist attraction.
Photo credit: CC/John Pannell
Photo credit: Calidad Pascual TOMAS PASCUAL: Group will become more flexible and focused.

690,20 693,80 689,00 1,75M

213,44 210,80 6,97M

8.392,0 8.274,0 29,25K

477,45 481,95 477,30 3,87M

313,80 317,00 313,30 1,6M

721,40 730,60 718,01 569,68K

12.300,0 12.382,0 12.278,0 86,57K

2.024,00 2.039,20 2.024,00 125,08K

4.292,0 4.342,0 4.283,0 167,26K

3.591,00 3.657,00 3.572,00 293,3K

137,90 139,85 137,80 4,02M

Group 3.048,00 3.096,00 3.040,42 92,39K

717,60 736,20 717,20 269,18K

308,70 310,40 307,20 2,23M

1.876,00 1.899,00 1.874,00 21,18K

2.994,0 3.010,0 2.987,0 88,51K

1.204,00 1.212,00 1.196,00 111,91K

1.363,5 1.379,0 1.355,5 162,95K


EUR/GBP: Down from £0.85 to £0.84

EUR/USD: Down from $1.08 to $1.06

The euro faced significant selling pressure over the past month. The bulk of these losses coming after French President Emmanuel Macron shocked markets by calling a snap election in the wake of the European elections.

Macron’s gamble sent shockwaves through Europe, amid fears a ‘cohabitation’ with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party could derail Macron’s final years in office and disrupt any attempts at passing needed economic reforms

Before the fallout of the European elections the euro was actually able to find some support, with an uptick in inflation and a hawkish rate cut from the European Central Bank (ECB) both underpinning

Currency outlook: Euro rocked by French political uncertainty, pound firms as markets trim BoE rate cut bets

EUR sentiment at the start of June.

The euro could face some turbulence in the weeks ahead as the people of France go to the polls. If we see a strong performance by the far right expect to see the single currency test new lows.


GBP/EUR: Up from €1.17 to €1.18

GBP/USD: Unchanged at $1.26

The pound trended broadly higher over the past four weeks, with the currency stri-

king new multi-month highs against both the euro and US dollar.

This comes as the odds for a Bank of England (BoE) interest rate cut in June plummeted to almost zero after UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s surprise election announcement.

After peaking in response to solid UK wage growth figures, Sterling began to relinquish some of it gains as we entered the second half of June, as GBP investors grew increasingly confident in pricing in an August rate cut from the BoE. Looking ahead, the UK elec-

tion at the start of July may potentially trigger some volatility at the start of July. While Labour is widely expected to form the next government, the size of its majority could impact Sterling sentiment.

US Dollar

USD/GBP: Unchanged at $0.78

USD/EUR: Up from €0.91 to €0.93

The US dollar traded in a wide range over the past month amid some mixed US economic data.

While the latest US payroll

figures smashed expectations, a weaker-than-expected GDP and inflation acted as headwinds. The uneven data lead to some notable swings in USD as investors repeatedly repriced their Federal Reserve rate cut bets.

Going forward, USD investors are likely to keep a close eye on upcoming data as they seek to gauge whether a September rate cut is on the cards. A particular focus is likely to be placed on June’s inflation figures, with the US dollar poised to tumble if this cements bets for a rate cut at the end of summer.

Currencies Direct have helped over 430,000 customers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your currency transfers.

Heaven help us all



WOULDN’T it be nice if just for once we could usher in a new month with a modicum of common sense? Ha! Dream on everyone. Only in the UK could headlines warning of a possible new Mid East war, or millions of hectares being destroyed in uncontrollable Australian bush fires, be shared with the same front pages informing the nation that veganism must now be considered to be on a par with religion!

Apparently a judge has ruled that ‘ethical’ vegans should be protected under the same rules that apply to religious and philosophical beliefs. Yep, yet another minority group will now have attained the right to accuse the beleaguered majority of some unfair ‘victimisation’ or another.

Greta Thunberg arrested

Well, what another week that truly was. I couldn’t help but utterly admire the member of the Sunak/Starmer debate audience that had the valiant attitude to stand up and ask these two pinnacles of political parody if they really were two of the best the country had to offer? Well done that man. What a perfect pair of pillocks they both represented as they actually tried to waffle out of that one. As for an intelligent debate, I’ve had better political discussions down the local pub.

And of course the foray of the debaters didn’t end there. I made a point of catching most of the Trump/ Biden stratagems and they truly had to be seen to be believed. For the last couple of years I’ve been saying Biden, obviously suffering from dementia, should be gently led away to

How long will it be I wonder, before one of these plant eaters manage to drag a ‘disgusting’ carnivore into court for displaying some form of veganophobia? I truly do respect the views of my vegan friends, but please don’t try to make the majority of us feel bad for eating what some of you colourfully describe as ‘dead animals.’ It’s a nice pork chop or a sizzling T-bone. Awright? Just as a matter of interest, it is also a proven fact that plants do actually have feelings as well. Looks like starvation time ahead folks.

rest out the remainder of his days in some form of residential retirement facility – and what more proof did you need? In fact his waffling and stuttering was so awful, that to win the debate, Trump hardly had to say anything at all. Millions of Americans, including his own party, now consider he should resign.

Funny how this ol’ columnist, who a (very) small group of readers, still consider an out of touch bigot; should have reached this conclusion some two years ago. This archaic, so called leader of the free world, is merely a front for the atrocious Vice President who, along with her White House devotees and his power happy wife, have finally pushed the whole dangerous exercise much too far.

In the coming elections Trump will sail in with gusto, while in the UK Starmer and his bunch of pirates will also surge home; in a portside propelled leaky boat with more holes in it than an oxidised colander. Heaven help us all.

Keep the faith Love Leapy.

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

NO matter what one may personally think about her, there is no doubt that Greta Thunberg is prepared to be arrested in the fight for the environment.

Some would argue she is as much about pushing herself forward as she is about the almost impossible demand to fight climate change, but she certainly gets noticed as does whichever organisation she supports.

This time, on June 25, she was part of a demonstration in the Finnish capital Helsinki where between 1,000 and 2,000 demonstrators answered a ‘call to battle’ from Elokapina, the Finnish branch of Extinction Rebellion.

They started with an event in front of the Parliament Building and then moved on to a busy crossroads during rush hour with the intention of stopping traffic as a matter of civil disobedience.

Their aim was to highlight their demand to end state subsidies that are harmful to the environment and they are threatening an escalation of these demonstrations over the coming days and weeks.

Although no official figures have been released concerning the number of activists arrested, Elokapina claim that police detained around 140 people including Greta Thunberg who was released later the same day.

Traffic was brought to a standstill in Helsinki.

80s Extravaganza

Jessica Sweeting

THERE will be an 80s Extravaganza in Turre on Sunday August 11 with proceeds from the event being donated to the Vera and District Lions Club.

Star of the evening will be one of the best George Michael acts around, Jay Francis who is based in Tenerife and support act

will be Michelle Miles with her 80s show and disco.

Tickets for the event which is being organised by Galeforce Productions (who recently brought the Robbie and Gary Show to Turre) which is to be held at the Hostal Rural will cost €15 per person.

Guests are invited to dig out their favourite 1980s

outfits in order to make this a nostalgic extravaganza to be enjoyed by everyone.

Get your tickets from the Hostal Rural (which is closed on Mondays), The Lions Charity Shop in Turre (open Thursday to Saturday) or by sending a WhatsApp to 634 382 968.

Dreambeach Festival

OVER the years, Dreambeach has established itself as one of the most important electronic music festivals in Spain. This year, there has been some controversy as local residents and environmentalists are not happy with the choice of El Toyo as its new venue, but the four day festival is set to go ahead running from August 1 to 4.

There is an international line up, headed by David Gueta, but a number of lesser known Spanish artists have also been invited to appear in order to make this an all embracing celebration of electronic music, set in a beach location.

There is a wide choice of ticket options from daily to the full festival with or without camping so if you are interested in attending visit the Dreambeach website to check on who is playing and when as well as finding your ideal ticket option.

Credit: Jay Francis

Hamming it up

THERE is no question that one of the great delicacies enjoyed by many in Spain is the incredible Jamon which comes in many different styles.

From the basic ham to the eye-wateringly expensive Jamón Ibérico de Bellota 100 per cent Puro, there is a little cured leg or shoulder to satisfy almost all tastes and pockets.

For the 28th year, the town of Seon, which is a 30 minute or so drive from

Albox and Arboleas will be hosting its annual Ham and Sausage Fair on Friday July 5 and Saturday July 6 and based on previous years, the town is going to be pretty crowded.

In addition, for those who enjoy seeing experts at work, there also be the 14th National Ham Cutting Championship.

So, here’s a chance to enjoy the little piggy that went market!

You have seen the before, this is the after!

Bold blue revival

IN the ever-evolving world of beauty trends, what’s old often becomes new again. Blue eyeliner and mascara, reminiscent of bold 80s and 90s fashion, are making a striking comeback in 2024. This resurgence is part of a broader re vival of vibrant, statement-making make-up that encourages self-ex pression and individuality.

Celebrities and influencers are leading the charge, showcasing daring looks on red carpets and social media platforms. The appeal of blue hues lies in their versatility and ability to make eyes pop, pro viding a fresh alternative to tradi tional black. Whether it’s a subtle navy flick or electric blue lashes, these shades add an unexpected twist to any makeup routine. Moreover, contemporary formulas ensure that these products are more wearable than ever. Long-lasting, smu-

Soda secrets

BAKING SODA, or sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile household staple with remarkable health and beauty benefits. Its natural properties make it a go-to solution for various everyday issues, promoting well-being and enhancing beauty routines.

One of baking soda’s primary health benefits is its ability to neutralise stomach acid, providing relief from heartburn and indigestion. Simply mixing a teaspoon with water can alleviate discomfort quickly. Additionally, its mild antiseptic properties make it effective in treating minor skin irritations, insect bites, and rashes.

In the realm of beauty, baking soda is a powerful ally. It acts as a natural exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and leaving skin feeling smooth and refreshed. A paste made of baking soda and water can be used to brighten teeth, providing a gentle yet effective whitening treatment. For hair, baking soda can clarify and remove buildup from styling products, restoring natural shine and softness. Affordable and easily accessible, baking soda is a must-have for those seeking natural health and beauty solutions. Its multifunctional uses demonstrate how simple, everyday items can contribute to a healthier, more radiant lifestyle.

Shutterstock/Melinda Nagy

What is Cortisol Garden glamour

CORTISOL is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, often referred to as the ‘stress hormone’ due to its role in the body’s response to stress. It helps regulate various functions, including metabolism, immune response, and blood sugar levels. Cor tisol follows a diurnal rhythm, peaking in the morning and gradually declining throughout the day.

Effects of Excess Cortisol:

Too much cortisol can lead to several health issues. Chronic high levels, often due to prolonged stress or conditions like Cushing’s syndrome, can result in weight gain,

nitive function, weaken the immune system, and increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression.

Effects of Low Cortisol:

Conversely, insufficient cortisol, as seen in Addison’s disease or adrenal insufficiency, can cause symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, and low blood pressure. It can also lead to a decreased ability to respond to stress, resulting in potentially life-threatening situations during physical or emotional stress. Maintaining balanced cortisol levels is crucial for overall health, and disruptions should be managed under medical supervision.

CERTAIN garden weeds, often considered nuisances, have surprising benefits for skincare and health and beauty routines. These plants, commonly found in England and Spain, are rich in vitamins, minerals, and an tioxidants, making them valuable natural ingre dients.

Dandelion: Known for its vibrant yellow flowers, dandelion is packed with vita mins A, C, and E. Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties make it excellent for skin health. Dandelion-infused oils and teas can help reduce acne, soothe irritation, and promote a clear comple xion.

Nettle: Despite its sting, nettle is a power house for skin and hair care.

Rich in vitamins A, C, K, and B vitamins, nettle helps in treating eczema, reducing inflammation, and improving scalp health. Nettle-infused shampoos can strengthen hair and prevent dandruff. : Often found in gardens, chickweed is excellent for moisturising and soothing the skin. It contains vitamins A, D, and C, and is used in creams and salves to treat dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. Its cooling effect alleviates itching and redness. Incorporating these garden weeds into skincare routines offers natural, effective solutions for various skin concerns, promoting overall health and beauty.

HAY FEVER, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne substances such as pollen, leading to a range of uncomfortable symptoms.

Common symptoms of hay fever include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes, itchy throat, nose or ears and coughing. These symptoms can

Hay fever

vary in severity and are often mistaken for a common cold. However, unlike a cold, hay fever symptoms persist as long as the individual is exposed to the allergen.

Hay fever is primarily triggered by pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. The pollen season can vary depending on geographic location

and climate.

Managing hay fever involves several strategies:

Stay indoors on high pollen days, keep windows closed, and use air conditioning to filter the air. Over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids can relieve symptoms. In severe cases, a doctor may

ACCORDING to a report by the National Statistics Institute, around 350 people died in Spain from heat stroke and dehydration during the summer months of 2022. With Europe experiencing the greatest warming, up to one degree more than the global average, it is more important than ever to take sensible precautions when the temperatures start to soar.

Heat stroke occurs when the body’s cooling mechanism of sweating stops functioning and is considered the most serious heat-related illness.

The body’s temperature rises rapidly, often as high as 40 degrees, within 10 to 15

Avoiding heat stroke

minutes. Heat stroke can affect anyone, although the elderly, infants, persons working outdoors, those with obesity, circulation issues, and mental health conditions are especially susceptible.

The good news is that heat stroke is preventable with just a few sensible precautions. The first and most important is to drink plenty of fluids and avoid dehydration. This is crucial to enabling the

body to sweat and maintain a normal temperature. Also, choose loose-fitting clothing so that the body has room to breathe and cool down properly.

Sunburn can seriously impact the body’s ability to cool, so be sure to use a suitably high-factor sunscreen. This needs to be applied generously and frequently, particularly if swimming or sweating. Even so, avoid spending too much time in the heat, especially during the hottest part of the day.

Check any medications to ascertain if they are likely to affect the body’s ability to stay hydrated and dissipate heat. If so, take greater precautions to stay cool and drink extra fluids to compensate.

• News from Our Other 6 Newspapers •

Costa del Sol Train to fight cancer

CANCER patients are offered free training in Fuengirola during the summer months.

Fuengirola Council has renewed their agreement with Juanma Garcia exercise centre so that these residents can continue to exercise in July and August despite classes concluding.

Julio Rodriguez, Sports councillor at Fuengirola Council thanked Juanma for his involvement ‘specifically for such sensitive groups that need continuous attention.”

Last year, senior citizens benefited from this agreement.

There will be 30 places up for grabs which will be combined with personalised training.

Juanma Garcia, a graduate in Social Sciences said: “The Department of Sports is always attentive to any initiative and Julio always offers us facilities to be able to offer this service that has the sole purpose of helping cancer patients and people with functional diversity in our centre.”

Axarquia Feline welfare

IN Rincon de la Victoria, the town hall has partnered with the Official College of Veterinarians of Malaga to advance the welfare of urban feline colonies. This collaboration expands their existing programme with the implementation of the CER Method (Capture, Sterilisation, and Return), aimed at managing the local stray cat population responsibly.

Mayor Francisco Salado and College President Juan Antonio de Luque highlighted the partnership’s dual benefits: improving the lives of these animals and enhancing public health within the community. Participating veterinary centres will offer humane capture, surgical sterilisation, and return of stray cats to their habitats, along with essential health services like rabies vaccinations, microchipping, and deworming.

Funded by a €10,000 annual budget from the locality, this initiative highlights their commitment to long-term population control and promoting harmonious coexistence. The initial agreement spans one year, with potential extensions of four years.

Mallorca A Place in the Sun

LAURA HAMILTON, a familiar face to fans of Channel 4’s property programme A Place in the Sun, has recently revealed her love for Mallorca on her official Instagram page, calling it one of her “favourite places in the world.” The presenter has hinted that she plans to spend more time on the island.

This news comes after Laura bid farewell to her long-time home in the UK. While Laura expressed a sense of accomplishment reflecting on the renovations she made to the property, there was no hint of sadness about leaving. “I wasn’t planning on selling this property,” she wrote, “but a few months ago, the time came for myself and my children to move on and say goodbye to this wonderful home... I don’t feel sad. In fact, quite the opposite.”

Mallorca looks forward to welcoming Laura to the island!

Costa Blanca North Guided tours

A GREAT way to get to know Altea’s heritage is to participate in one of the free guided tours.

The tours are organised throughout the year by the municipal Tourism department and are offered in Spanish, Valencian and English.

Altea’s Tourism councillor, Xelo González, has confirmed that details for July’s tours are now available. Guided tours will take place on Fridays and Saturdays throughout the month, starting at 7.30pm from the Tourist Info located at Passeig Sant Pere.

The only requirement to attend is to register in advance at, as the maximum capacity is 30 people.

Alternatively, registration can also be done by phone on (+34) 965 844 114

Xelo González has encouraged participation from residents and visitors and urges those interested in discovering Altea to sign up as soon as possible for these guided tours through the Old Town, as they are very popular.

Costa Blanca South Duke’s legacy

THE legacy of the Duke of Edinburgh lives on in Vega Baja. This year, 49 students from ELIS Villamartín School in San Miguel de Salinas joined the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DofE) programme.

The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, started the DofE programme to help young people develop practical and personal skills beyond the classroom.

Over the years, the programme has grown internationally, benefiting millions, including many from Alicante Province.

Since its start in 1956, the DofE has introduced young people to new interests, helping them gain confidence and a sense of purpose.

The DofE programme is for young people aged 14 to 24 and has four sections: Volunteering, Physical Activity, Skills, and Expedition.

Completing the DofE is a significant achievement that enhances teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

Costa Calida Foreigners welcome

THE Union of Professionals and Small Self-Employed (UPTA) predicts that the Murcia region will need 4,000 more self-employed foreigners over the next five years.

Currently, there are 10,180 international self-employed workers registered in Murcia, which is a 41 per cent increase over the last 10 years. According to Eduardo Abad, the president of UPTA, industries like retail, hospitality, agriculture, transportation, construction, and domestic services will be particularly in need of these workers.

Abad recently met with Pilar Cancela, the Secretary of State for Migrations, to discuss simplifying the process for foreigners who want to start their own businesses in Spain. He emphasised the importance of welcoming international entrepreneurs and moving away from xenophobic attitudes. This initiative aims to boost Murcia’s economy by attracting more foreign entrepreneurs to contribute to key sectors.


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What coloured road lines mean

PAINTING different coloured lines on the side of Spanish roads, is not an experiment in showing all of the colours of the rainbow, but each colour has a meaning.

So the following is a brief explanation of which colour represents which rule:

White lines

White lines painted on the side of the road indicate that you can park your vehicle there as long as you wish without having to pay, although some spots may be reserved solely for the disabled.

Yellow lines

A continuous yellow line indicates that parking is not allowed in that area although you may be able to stop briefly to load or unload your vehicle if the yellow line is interrupted at the kerb or edge of the road.

A yellow zig zag line indicates that the area is reserved for a special purpose such as a bus stop, taxi stand or delivery area and private vehicles may not stop there.

Parking on a yellow line can attract a fine of €200.

Blue lines

Blue lines allow parking but this needs to be paid for by obtaining a parking ticket which needs to be displayed clearly but in many areas, parking is free at lunchtime, night time, weekends or national holidays, but this can be checked at roadside ticket machines.

Orange lines

BLUE LINES: Indicate that parking should be paid for.

In some municipalities, orange lines have appeared which indicate that parking is available for local residents only at certain times of the day and signs will advise what the rules are.

Red lines

The same rules as orange lines.

Green lines

Green lines are similar to red and orange lines as they indicate a reserved parking area for local residents but anyone may park for up to two hours if they pay a fee, but green lines can also indicate short term parking for services such as taxis.

Generally speaking you should never park on or partly on a pavement unless there is a sign indicating it is acceptable and a much less known and not obvious restriction means that if you park in the opposite direction to the traffic flow, then you could be fined.

Winning ugly Football for migrants in Spain

HAVING been disappoin ted not to be at Wimble don last year through injury, 21-year-old Emma Raducanu’s smile is back.

Up until 10.30am on the day of the match, she had been preparing to play Ekaterina Alexandrova, planning and setting up practices with similar opponents. However, when the unexpected change occurred, Raducanu’s adap tability was truly impressive.

Unfortunately, the Russian had to withdraw due to illness, and Radu canu faced Mexican Renata Zarazua, who had previously lost in the third round of qualifying.

Elated to be allowed to play and make her main debut at Wimbledon, Zarazua pushed Raducanu in an extremely tense game that turned out to be an incredibly difficult

match for the 2021 US Open Champion. However, Raducanu’s unwavering determination and perseverance, despite the challenging circumstances, was a testament to her spirit. She even-

tually found a way past Zarazua, securing victory with a 7-6 (7-0) 6-3 win on

Speaking after the match, Raducanu said she had been inspired by the heart shown by the England squad in their match against Slovakia the night before. “I was nervous; I think everyone could see that in my tennis, but at the end of the day, you have to do whatever it takes to get over the line.” Raducanu continued, “Watching the football last night, it was like ‘winning ugly’ - that it all counts.”

Raducanu, who will now face Belgium’s Elise Mertens, shared that her motivation is to keep coming back, keep playing, and feel that Wimbledon buzz.

WHILE the excitement of Euro 2024 captures the global spotlight, a diffe rent kind of football story un folds in Spain. Here, on dusty pitches and local fields, the beautiful game serves as a lifeline for many migrants, particularly young asylum see kers.

Spain, a southern gateway to Europe, sees a steady influx of migrants each year. In 2023, nearly 57,000 individuals arrived, many fleeing hardships in South America and Africa.

Among them were over 2,500 unaccompanied mi nors seeking refuge.

Football clubs across the country are stepping up to offer a sense of belonging and opportunity.

FC Darna, a team founded in Barcelona, exemplifies this spirit. Starting in 2019 with li mited resources and boundless enthusiasm, Darna (meaning ‘home’ in Arabic) provides a spa ce for young migrants, mostly from

Rollercoaster ride

TO misquote a famous football commentary

‘They thought it was all over’ but in fact England managed an undeserved win in their match against Slovakia.

This takes them through to the quarter final of Euro 2024 where they will play a very strong Swiss side who beat European Champions Italy 2-0 on Saturday June 29.

Returning to England, it might be fair to say that in 1996, Gareth Southgate missed the penalty (although it did make him money with the shameful Pizza Hut advert) and in 2024 he seems to have missed the point!

The England team is packed full of top class players, although when you study which teams they play for, quite a few come from the less successful Premier League clubs although the bench

is also formidable.

Possibly the worst fea ture of the England team on June 30 is that they really can’t pass with ac curacy and every time a long pass was intercep ted by a Slovakia player, it gave the opponents a chance to score.

Slovakia having taken the lead, all of the pun dits were crying out for a change of players at half time but Southgate took no notice.

It was in the last minute of extra time, with everyo ne expecting the English camp to pack their bags that Jude Bellingham sco red an impressive equali ser to allow the match to run into 30 minutes of ex tra time.

Kane finally found the net as the match restarted and then Southgate could happily claim that his bri lliant strategy meant that he kept two substitutes

Morocco, to build identities and

Many young people, facing personal tragedy and hardship, find solace and purpose in football. The sport plays a vital part in migrant integration. Teams like Los Dragones, another club chosen for the Adidas Football Collective initiative, provide a platform for connection and community building. As these young migrants find their place on the pitch, they are also finding their way in their new ho-

Football in Spain provides a sense of belonging and purpose for players.

Harry Kane was delighted that England had won.
Emma Raducanu takes victory on Wimbledon Centre Court.
Credit: X: the_LTA

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