Costa Blanca North 18 – 24 July 2024 Issue 2037

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Benidorm United

IN Spain’s ‘Little England’, more than 4,000 people from the two countries united to watch the Euro Cup nal on Sunday July 14.

Benidorm showed a live screening of the match at the Julio Iglesias auditorium, which reached its 4,000 people capacity.

Home to more than 3,000 English residents and even more visitors, an event as signi cant as the Euro Cup was anticipated in Benidorm with concern for a con ict.

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez collaborated with Local and National Police, setting up drones across the city and prohibiting the sale of alcohol in glass containers a few hours before the nals.

Anyone who has been to Benidorm knows the city is never calm; a place that feels like an all-yearround holiday and unites such diverse nationali-

ties. For the English living in Benidorm, being in Spain comes with a love for the country and despite losses, the majority spent a night in celebration of sports, friendships and global achievements.

Costa Blanca North • Issue No. 2037 • 18 - 24 July 2024 FREE FREE FREI GRATIS
Euro Cup in Benidorm.

Swim for charity

FREEMASONS of Valencia descended in droves upon Denia for a day of fun in the sun, a sponsored swim. And in doing so, they raised an impressive €2,000 for Masonic charities.

The event was the brainwave of Mike Tullett, Charity Steward at the Javea 40 Lodge. It took place at the Playa de las Marinas in Denia.

Mike said: “When we saw the idea of organising a sponsored swim, we knew that we

overwhelmed by the attendance today and the huge sum of money pledged by Freemasons all over Valencia.”

What might surprise you is the number of lodges in the Valencia region. There are 24 of them.

The Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, Rodney Bignell, with his wife Jeanette attended the event. Rodney and David Wynn showed off their sartorial elegance in very fetching vintage bathing suits and gamely

Rodney and David in their vintage bathing suits.

International residents speak out

RECENT British headlines have portrayed Spain as an unwelcoming place for foreigners, but Torrevieja residents are adamant that life here is good. Torrevieja o ers a vibrant international community, excellent healthcare, and a genuine Spanish experience, minus the mass tourism crowds.

“The papers are saying our town is a let-down for Spain. Why? Here in Torrevieja, we couldn’t be happier!” says Euro Wee-

kly News reader, Christine White - “The lack of big tour companies and large hotels is a blessing. We get independent travellers who appreciate the local vibe.”

Torrevieja boasts a thriving international community but hasn’t lost its Spanish charm. Christine feels fortunate to be part of a close-knit group with “good transport links, a great health service, and a modern feel without the tourist overload.”

The negative press has left Christine and other residents bewildered. “I don’t know who these unhappy people are,” she exclaims. “Our positive voices have to be heard!”

The sentiment echoes throughout Torrevieja. Residents are proud of their town, where there’s “no overcrowding.” The local hospital receives particular praise - “One of the best in Europe! “The healthcare is incredible, with nothing

but support and kindness.”

Community spirit thrives in Torrevieja. “People don’t think about where they come from - Swedish, French, Spanish, Moroccan - we’re all neighbours,” Christine explains. “We know each other’s names, look out for each other. Covid really brought us together.”

The message from Torrevieja is clear: not all of Spain is drowning in tourist woes.

Integrating into Spanish life

WHILE Spain is known for its welcoming atmosphere, making friends and integrating into the community can take time. This is where social groups and meeting places come in.

The internet has made connecting with others easier than ever. Platforms like Facebook offer a wealth of expat groups in Spain, catering to specific regions, interests, or nationalities.

Spain’s cafe culture thrives on social interaction. Grab a seat at a local cafe, order a coffee (un café con leche for a milky latte) and strike up a conversation with fellow patrons.

Many towns have social clubs or associations that organise events, cultural outings, or language exchange programmes. These can be a fantastic way to meet people from diverse backgrounds and practise your Spanish.

Volunteering is a rewarding way to give back to the community while meeting new people. Organisations like the Spanish Red Cross or local animal shelters often have volunteer opportunities open to expats. Euro Weekly News reader, Jeremy Newman, explains - “For me, around Barcelona it was animal welfare. The shelters had many regular foreign volunteers - and hardworking Spanish staff. There’s a great sense of camaraderie in those places, the odd party, and a counterpoint to the country’s patchy reputation on animal issues.”

TOURIST arrivals are at record levels in Spain, fuelling economic growth that outpaces most of Europe. Yet, locals in popular destinations are increasingly voicing their discontent, taking to the streets in protest.

On the one hand, tourism is a golden goose. It contributes a signi cant portion - around 13 per cent - to Spain’s GDP. It creates jobs, lls hotel rooms, and keeps businesses a oat. This economic engine has propelled Spain’s

recovery from past recessions. However, residents complain of rising housing costs. Additionally, overcrowding strains infrastructure and resources.

Spain needs to nd a way to maintain the economic bene ts of tourism while mitigating its negative impacts. This could involve:

Distributing tourism revenue beyond popular resorts, developing attractions in lesser-known regions to ease pressure on popular destinations.

Encouraging eco-friendly practices, protecting cultural heritage, and supporting local businesses.

Ensuring a healthy mix of tourist accommodation and housing for residents.

publishes more content both online at euroweeklynews. com and

Torrevieja residents are very proud of their community
Credit: Torrevieja
Meeting new people in Spain will enrich your experience.
Credit: Kampas Productions/pexels

Costa breathe

Anna Akopyan

THE sound of sea waves, the freshness of the air, kindly spirited people and unique locations; this is what Costa Blanca has to offer to every visitor.

Pous de l’Abiar, five guided meditations are offered to people of all ages and backgrounds.

An innovative campaign was launched by the Benitachell Council, ‘Tourism to Breathe’, made by the Department of Tourism with the collaboration of the teacher and writer, Paco Cholbi and the teacher and musician Santi Cruanyes.

The campaign presents meditation as the key to discovering the unique experience of Costa Blanca for both tourists and residents. With five location points across the coast; the Portalet viewpoint, the Moraig Cove, Morro Roabit, Les Fonts Park and

Visiting the location points, a campaign pedestal can be found with a QR that shows the landing page turisme , offering information about each location alongside an audio recording of a meditation session, created exclusively for each place. The mediations can be heard in Spanish but are easy to follow for newcomers and visitors.

Mayor of Benitachell, Victor Bisquert, emphasised that the project not only aims to improve the visitor’s well-being by being “away from crowds” but also protects the “natural heritage of the destinations.”

ON July 15, the lifeguard and rescue team in Villajoyosa, alongside the Local Police, conducted a comprehensive drill at

Lifeguard drills

central beach to assess their emergency response protocols.

The drill involved the

Central Beach lifeguard team, Local Police o cers, and Civil Protection personnel.

The primary objective was to evaluate the e ectiveness of their response to emergencies and ensure the safety and care of beachgoers.

Supervising the drill were Rosa Llorca and Carlos Soler, councillors for Tourism and Beaches. They highlighted the recent increase in the number of lifeguards at the central beach, now totalling seven.

Across all six blue ag beaches in Villajoyosa, a total of 24 lifeguards are stationed.

Some of these lifeguards have received specialised vocational training in aquatic lifeguarding for beaches, pools, and natural areas.

The lifeguard and rescue service operates daily from 10.30am to 7.30pm until September 30.

As an additional safety measure, a jet ski patrols the waters to ensure the safety of bathers.

Carlos Soler emphasised the critical role of these drills in continuously improving emergency protocols, underscoring the municipality’s commitment to ensuring the safety of beach visitors both on land and in the sea.


Age just a number in Moraira

TEULADA-MORAIRA has been recognised for its senior citizen-friendly policies with accreditation from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

It has been accredited by the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. This is recognition of the municipality’s commitment to improving the quality of life of older people, promoting an inclusive and accessible environment for all citizens.

The aim is to take into account the views and opinions of older people in the design and planning of public strategies. This will improve their environments by adapting infrastructure and resources to the needs of this social group, thus promoting inclusion and the participation of older people.

Verónica Martínez, councillor for Senior Citizens in Teulada-Moraira expressed her satisfaction with the recognition. “We support older people and remain interested in promoting different healthy activities, services and initiatives so that our seniors can enjoy them.

“We held several participatory tables, from which different ideas emerged, such as the +55 circuit training course that was implemented last year or the computer classes for seniors that will begin at the end of the year.”

Benidorm brings back Green Flag initiative

BENIDORM City Council has signed up more than 300 hotel establishments in the city to compete this summer for a prize from the Green Flag of sustainability from Ecovidrio, the non-profit entity in charge of managing the recycling of glass containers in Spain. The councillor for the Environment, Monica Gomez, and the manager of Ecovidrio, Roberto Fuertes, have kicked off the fifth edition of the ‘#MovimientoFanderasVerdes’ campaign in Benidorm.

Each summer this rewards the commitment of the municipalities and their hotel sector for the recycling of glass containers, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Gómez said: “in Benidorm, we love challenges and even more so when they are linked to sustainability, one of the great axes that marks our political action and also that of the private sector.”

She pointed to the fact that, regardless of

the time of year, “Benidorm always presents deposit and reuse percentages well above the national average.”

Benidorm will compete with up to 40 Valencian municipalities and more than 150 municipalities nationally.

Senior citizens are welcome in Teulada-Moraira.
Cleaning up: manager of Ecovidrio, Roberto Fuertes, left, with Councillor for the Environment Maria Gomez

Beach for all

ANOTHER development was installed in Benidorm, facilitating people with reduced mobility on local beaches; ensuring access for all.

Benidorm City Council collaborated with the Department of Beaches to install the latest development of a special crane to assist people of reduced mobility in transporting through the beach.

An operation which “until now required the intervention of at least two lifeguards and that can now be carried out with a single assistant and without the need for sudden movements or be difficult for the user,” emphasised the councillor for Beaches, Monica Gomez.

The crane has been placed at the accessible beach of Levante, allowing complete comfort and safety for all disabled visitors to the beach.

The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez, accompanied Gomez to view the development, highlighting; “In this day, we are pioneers in bringing accessibility to our beaches so that it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their condition and capabilities.”

Accessibility on the beach.

The new installation can now be used alongside the existing support, including access ramps, walkways, adapted changing rooms, amphibious chairs and crutches of different sizes. Moreover, there are special shaded spaces and even a WIFI connection, as well as regular lifeguard service.

Benidorm has been a great example of inclusivity for the disabled since it first introduced accessible beach points throughout the city in 2000. Last year alone, the service assisted 16,155 users of the Levante, Elche Park and La Cala beaches.

The city council, however, is de -

termined to do more. The councillor of Beaches expressed that although the beaches of Benidorm “are fully equipped and are set as an example of a fully accessible and inclusive service, the city council continues to explore all possible avenues of improvements.”

Gomez revealed that the council will therefore request a subsidy from the Generalitat Valenciana, focusing on the project to improve three points of accessible beaches, including the acquisition of roller walkways, a handrail and three new amphibious chairs, one of them size XXL. The estimated budget is €12,815.

LA NUCIA TOwn Council invested €44,315 into the installation of solar energy panels on the roof of the Caravan Library, making it the 11th public building with solar panels.

Solar savings

ce CO2 emissions by turning to self-consumption,” said the town mayor, Bernabe Cano. He emphasised; “We want to be a municipality that is respectful of the environment.”

The investment was made possible by the subsidy from IVACE (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness) of the Generalitat Valenciana. The photovoltaic installation joined La Nucia’s Youth Centre, Police station, heated swimming pool, Muixara school, Social Centre Calvari, Pabellon, Almacen Municipal, Auditorium, Centro de Especialidades and edificio de Urbanismo in having solar energy panels in place.

the rooftop with a capacity of 35.3 kW. The excess energy will be used to power the double charging point for electric vehicles, located next to the Caravana library.

Sixty-four solar panels were installed on

Kids summer fun

Credits: and

Bulls in wheelbarrows - children enjoy a humane version of bullfighting.

CHILDREN are well catered for in Marina Alta this summer, thanks to the Popular Festivals of Ondara Sant Jaume 2024.

There really is something for everyone, with water activities taking place at the municipal pool because of the ongoing drought. This kicks off the festival on Saturday July 20.

On Sunday July 21, there will be face-painting, bracelet workshops and

a mini-disco. On Wednesday July 24 there will be children’s athletic games and a competition, plus a mechanical bull.

On Friday July 26 at the Prado, there will be wooden and inflatable games, and a show with the magician Kaxinove.

And on Saturday July 27, the little ones will be treated to a circus workshop, then a circus show by the Zapatones troupe.

Of great excitement for children will be the ‘bous en carretons’, bulls in wheelbarrows, a humane version of the famous Pamplona spectacle. These will take place at 7pm on Saturday, Monday, Friday 26 and Saturday. They will be leaving from the Plaza de Escuelas. There will also be giant inflatable bulls to be seen at the same time and place on Wednesday July 24.

“With this action, we are able to pay the electricity bill and are better able to redu-

The latest installation will effectively reduce the library’s electricity by €10,000 per year, all while reducing CO emissions. The mayor emphasised the potential of the future; “The final objective is for all public offices to have solar panels.”

In honour of the victims

DENIA Town Council called for a minute’s silence this week for victims of gender violence.

It took place at midday on Tuesday July 15.

The event was to register abhorrence at the deaths of two women in the Valencian Community.

Juliana Denise Vinuesa, was murdered by her partner in Buñol, on Saturday, July 13. She was 31 years old. She had reported her partner for mistreatment and was in the government-organised VioGén network that seeks to help women in abusive relationships.

THE Valencian regional government claims that new legislation approved last week will prevent hotels being built within 200 metres of the shore.

And on Sunday, July 14, a 36-year-old Russian woman was murdered in Alicante by her husband with a shotgun.

Members of the Municipal Corporation met on the steps of the town hall to observe the minute’s silence. In a press release, the council said the move was “to show their condemnation and rejection of these new cases of gender violence.”

It added, “Denia Town Council shows mourning and solidarity towards the victims and their families, expressing zero tolerance for violence against women.”

Future musicians

“THE musical societies of Benidorm are a fundamental pillar in the city’s culture,” highlighted the local councillor for Culture, Jaime Jesus Perez.

Perez announced that €45,000 will be distributed among three music schools of Benidorm to support young musicians, allocating each school with €15,000 for development.

He commented about the grants; “the 2023/2024 academic year is to date the one in which the most money has been awarded, as the three musical entities in Benidorm have reached the maximum eligible amount.”

He mentioned that more than 750 young students will benefit from the new aid, those who “begin in the music at very early ages, thanks to the schools of the Musical Union, the

Societat Musical I’llla and the La Nova Musical Society.”

The councillor indicated that these numbers reflect “that Benidorm has a wide pool of musicians and will now even about the young musicians and the importance of early education, as it will provide Benidorm with a strong and creative future generation.

Law change to allow hotels nearer beaches

But this is sleight of hand, claim the socialist opposition parties PSOE and Compromis, because current legislation dictates that it must be 500 metres under the existing coast protection plan, PATIVEL.

This will allow predatory developers to move the goalposts and as well as hotels, the proposed legislation will allow ‘non-permanent’ structures such as beach bars and chiringuitos to be erected just 100

to 200 metres from the coast.

The opposition condemn the move as typical pro-business skulduggery from the centre-right and right-wing coalition of the Partido Popular (People’s Party) and Vox.

The NGO Ecologístas en Acción has issued a statement with 12 objections to the draft coast law, saying that it will “open the door to speculation” by allowing building within 500m of the shore and urban development in areas earmarked for environmental improvement.

Young pianist. Credit:AndyEick,Flickr
Members of the council observing a minute’s silence on the steps of the town hall.
Credit Denia City Council

It’s all change at Number 10, but what changes are in store for tax and pensions? It is early days, and we may have to wait until the autumn budget for firm evidence of the government’s fiscal plans. For now, we look at the Labour Party manifesto for indications of what direction it will take.

Income tax, national insurance, VAT

The Labour Party manifesto confirmed that it would not increase income tax, national insurance contributions or VAT.

However, we do not yet have a clear indication of where the new government stands on frozen tax allowances. It could maintain them till 2026 as planned, end them earlier, or perhaps extend them.

Capital gains tax

The manifesto promised not to tax an individual’s main home, but did not include anything on capital gains tax rates. That said, during the campaign Labour candidates maintained there were “no plans” to increase them – but this has not stopped speculation that CGT could be one of the targets for increasing revenue.

What changes can expatriates expect following the UK election?

Non-domicile regime and inheritance tax

The Conservative Party’s last budget included plans to abolish the non-domicile regime from 2025 and replace it with a residence-based system. The Labour Party manifesto then promised to address unfairness in the tax system and abolish ‘non-dom’ status once and for all, replacing it with a scheme for people genuinely in the country short term. We need to wait for details, but this could be a significant change for British

expatriates’ liability to UK inheritance tax (IHT) on worldwide assets.

We do know that the Labour Party plans to end the use of offshore trusts to avoid UK inheritance tax – non-domiciles would no longer be able to shelter offshore assets from IHT, regardless of when the trusts were established.


These are interesting times for UK pensions, with the Labour Party having promised to review the whole pensions system.

This means we do not have much indication of any plans yet, though the manifesto did affirm that the ‘triple lock’ will be maintained. It also indicated that the new administration would look at imposing requirements for pension funds to invest more in UK markets. This could help re-energise the UK economy but may mean less flexibility on the investments you hold in your UK pension fund.

One notable absence was the lifetime allowance. When the 2023 spring budget abolished this allowance the Labour Party was quick to voice its opposition and commit to reinstate it. Doing so would be no easy task, however, especially after three new pension allowances came into effect this April. But no doubt the government will analyse these allowances when it reviews the pension system.

British expatriates

While many UK changes don’t directly affect British expatriates (unless they return to UK), taxation can have a long reach if you own UK assets, and inheritance tax follows you around the world.

Reforms to the pension system will impact everyone with UK registered pensions, including retired British expatriates.

Until a tax or pension change is announced, we can only speculate what will happen in the ever-changing world of politics.

Manifesto and pre-election promises can be broken or adjusted, and reforms are only set in stone when the government releases the relevant documentation.

We await developments over the coming weeks, at the next budget, and whole parliamentary term. In the meantime, you may have a brief window to adjust your wealth management under current regulations, if you prefer acting on known rules rather than facing potential future changes.

The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual should take personalised advice.

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.ble

GANDIA’S mayor José Manuel Prieto joined Valencian Government president Carlos Mazón, Bellreguard mayor Cristina Mateu, and ALE-HOP company founder Vicent Grimalt in signing a significant four-party agreement.

The agreement outlines plans to expand Gandia’s in-

dustrial footprint by 17 hectares to accommodate the growth ambitions of ALEHOP, a prominent Valencian firm.

José Manuel Prieto stressed the strategic significance of this expansion for Gandia, highlighting ALE-HOP’s

commitment to invest €120 million, resulting in the creation of over 1,000 direct jobs across two phases.

He also noted enhancements to communication infrastructure, including improvements to the C-V60 road and plans for a coastal

train/tram route, complementing the project’s objectives.

“This initiative marks Gandia’s proactive approach to expanding industrial capabilities after a prolonged period,” the mayor confirmed.

100th Anniversary Expanding ALE-HOP

FINESTRAT’S Hermitage of Santissim Crist de Remei turned 100 years old; the local council prepared a competition with prizes to honour this centenary.

Puig Campana Musical Centre.

Located in the historic centre, El Castell, the neo-Gothic hermitage was founded in 1924 and today is included in the catalogue of Assets and Protected Spaces of Finestrat as an Asset of Local Relevance; bringing a large number of residents and tourists to discover the town’s past.

To honour the event, the local Department of Culture prepared a programme of events that will begin with a Musical Composition Contest in collaboration with the

“We encourage you to participate in this contest, seeking inspiration in the 100 years of a building as emblematic as our hermitage,” said the local councillor for Culture, Nati Algado. The competition aims to honour Valencian history and celebrate the future by distributing €3,500 among the top composers of the region.

With €2,000 for first place, €1,000 for second and €500 for third, the competition is open for all people of legal age who have composed a piece of six-10 minutes that has a difficulty level of 3.5; multiple entries are accepted until August 30, 2024.

New four-party agreement.

DURING summer, alerts are sounding along the Spanish coasts due to an increase in jellyfish populations.

These creatures are often perceived as bothersome due to the toxins in their tentacles.

According to Marta Martín-Borregón from Greenpeace’s Oceans and Fishing Campaign, climate change and rising sea temperatures, coupled with reduced predator numbers from overfishing and organic pollution, create an ideal environment for jellyfish proliferation.

If stung by a jellyfish, it’s important to manage the discomfort and irritation with immediate care.

Symptoms typically include pain, red marks, itching, numbness, or tingling sensations.

The sting itself is often described as sharp, burning, stinging, or tingling, with pain that may radiate outward from the affected area on the arm, leg, or torso.

You might notice tentacle impressions on the skin, appearing as red, brown, or purple track marks, with the surrounding area possibly turning pink, red, or purple.

If you are stung, first, rinse the affected area with seawater (not freshwater) to prevent further activation of the jellyfish’s stinging cells (nematocysts).

Next, carefully remove

Coastal sting

Beware jellyfish.

any remaining tentacles or spines from the skin using tweezers or the edge of a bank card.

Then, soak the affected

area in very warm water (not scalding hot) for at least 30 minutes.

These steps can help manage the discomfort and

promote healing after a jellyfish sting.

If severe symptoms develop, seek medical attention promptly.

Funding for cultural activities

CALPE Council has given the green light to subsidise cultural activities and artistic training. This now puts culture and the arts in the same position as sports, which already received subsidies.

So if you are a member of, say, a local expat amateur dramatics group, it’s time to get your claim in.

They say: “The subsidies will be allocated to public or private entities, associations and foundations of music, dance or plastic and performing arts or any other cultural activity to finance the expenses derived from cultural training. The activities will have to be carried out

in the town of Calpe.”

Councillor for Culture, Guillermo Sendra, explained that “interested parties themselves view the criteria for improving the service favourably. Why restrict criteria? We can attend to the economic aspect as well as the quality aspect.” So it’s worth a shot whatever you want to set up.

These are for expenses rather than income, do bear in mind, so must not exceed the costs incurred of running the activity or group.

We are expecting to see Widow Twankey in association with Calpe City Council in the next panto season…

INTERNATIONAL adoption is a complex process that allows a person to adopt his or her partner’s children, or the children of a relative. Only in certain cases and under certain conditions. In this week’s article we analyse the requirements, conditions and documentation that is necessary to carry out an international adoption in Spain.

Legal requirements for International Adoption.

In order to initiate the process of international adoption in Spain, it is essential to comply with the requirements established in article 175 and following articles of the Spanish Civil Code.

On the one hand, the adopters must be over 25 years of age and must have full legal capacity. In addition, the age difference between the adopter and the adoptee must not be more

than 45 years old, nor less than 16 years old.

Another important requirement is the consent of the adopters. In the case of children under 12 years of age, their consent is also necessary. This means that both the adopters and the child must give their consent before a judge. Ensuring that the adoption is carried out in an informed and voluntary manner.

It is also crucial that the parents of the minor non emancipated give their consent, except in specific cases. For instance, if they are deprived of parental authority by a firm judgement or are under a legal cause for such deprivation.

Declaration of suitability by the Public Entity.

In order to initiate the adoption file, a prior proposal by the Public Entity is necessary, in which

is declared that the adoptive parents are suitable for the exercise of parental authority. In other words, that the adoptive parents have the necessary qualities to care for and educate the minor as their own children.

However, this is not required when adopting their partner’s children. Nor if the adoptees are orphans and relatives of the adopter to the third degree by blood or affinity. Etc.

Applicable law, territorial jurisdiction and court procedure.

The legal process of international adoption in Spain is mainly governed by the following rules. Law 54/2007, of 28 December, on International Adoption. Civil Code. And Law 15/2015, of 2 July, on Voluntary Jurisdiction. The procedure is initiated by submitting the application to the Court of First Instance of the

adopter’s/adoptee’s domicile. The judge, accompanied by the Public Prosecutor, will assess the suitability of the adopters and the situation of the adopted minor. The adoption will be decided after all the parties are heard.

Documentation required for international adoption in Spain.

The following documentation must be included with the application:

- The birth certificate of the adopters and adoptees.

- Marriage certificate (if the couple’s children are adopted).

- The death certificate of the deceased parent (as the case may be).

- Etc.

It is also recommended to provide documentation proving the adopter’s means of support, indicating his or her capacity to

assume parental responsibilities. All documents issued outside Spain will need the apostille/ legalisation and a translation.


International adoption in Spain is a legally rigorous but rewarding process, which often makes possible to provide a stable home for children in need of one. If you are considering this process, please do not hesitate to contact us. At White-Baos Lawyers we have extensive experience in Family Law.

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice but rather to convey information related to legal issues.

Double the dollars

THE latest data from the Tax Agency highlights why more property owners in the Valencian Community are turning to the tourist rental market.

Homes intended for short-term rentals generate almost double the income compared to those in the traditional rental market, though higher taxes reduce the difference in final profitability.

The Statistics of personal income tax filers, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, reveal the revenue generated annually by housing rentals.

In contrast, the 24,476 houses allocated for other rental modalities, including seasonal and tourist rentals, generated a total of €273 million, averaging €11,155 per home.

Despite the higher gross income, the net return is lower once deductible expenses such as property amortisation, community receipts, and utilities are factored in.

Traditional rentals yield a net return of €3,395 per property, whereas tourist apartments yield just over €7,000.

Operation cleanup

LOCAL groups have called for a war on abandoned belongings in the street that they say “present a deteriorated image” of the town.

Local group for the townspeople Gent de Denia has presented a motion to the Municipal Plenary, describing it as an “urgent urban challenge.” The motion proposes ‘severe sanctions’ for infractions and calls for multilingual languages on containers to ensure everyone gets the message.

These figures account for rents charged by private citizens, excluding company activities.

In 2022, 214,635 homes in the Valencian Community were rented for habitual residence, generating over €1,368 million in gross income. This averages to €6,374 per property.

This higher net return makes tourist rentals an attractive option for many owners, leading to a significant increase in the number of homes marketed this way.

The number of properties declared to the Treasury for tourist rentals has nearly tripled from 8,048 in 2019 to almost 24,500 in 2022.

These should include information of having oversized belongings collected, where to recycle and how much the fines are for infractions. Mario Vidal of Gent de Denia, said: “Denia deserves clean and safe streets. We cannot allow negligence and indifference to destroy our town. Whoever messes up will pay the consequences. The motion emphasises the need for community collaboration to keep the town in good shape.” Miguel Llobell of the same party, added: “In our meetings we have been talking about this problem for a long time and looking for real and applicable solutions in the short term. Unfortunately, it seems that they only react when they touch wallets. Well, we will have to touch wallets for the common good.”

Tourist rentals are an attractive option for many.
Image: Esteban Martinena Guerrer / Container

Europe’s Ariane-6 launch debut Serial selfie-taker

Linda Hall

A TEENAGER filmed himself outside the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral dome in Florence on the night of July 11.

Believed to have hi -

dden inside the cathedral after it closed, he is shown walking up a stairwell before reaching the level of the 15th century cupula and stepping out onto an exterior platform

where he takes a selfie.

The footage was then posted on the @dedelate Instagram account and exterior shots taken by an accomplice appear to show him later fleeing the cathedral.

Although not officially identified, the Italian media maintain that he is a 17-year-old from Lombardy who has carried out similar selfie-ops in the past.

They include Milan Cathedral last May, together with earlier stunts in Milan’s San Siro football stadium and Sanremo’s Ariston theatre where the song festival is held.

The Vatican could be next on Dedelate’s list, as one of his 227,000 Instagram followers has now challenged him to challenged him to climb to the top of St Peter’s Basilica.

Harry Sinclair EUROPE’S newest rocket, Ariane-6, made its debut on July 9, lifting off in French Guiana.

The rocket’s development cost €4.3billion and boasts a stronger vehicle than its predecessor.

Ariane-6’s mission was to put a clutch of satellites in orbit.

After launch, the crew on the ground in Korou applauded as the new vessel jetted off into the sky.

The climb to its desired

altitude was smooth and the release of satellites was successful, however the upper stage of the rocket malfunctioned.

Computers onboard decided to prematurely shut down the auxiliary power unit which pressurises the propulsion.

This prevented the rocket from initiating the burn intended to bring it out of orbit and set up for stage 2.

Controllers on the ground were unable to resolve the issue onboard.

The mission was still a success, deploying 11 spacecraft in our orbit.

Josef Aschbacher, the director of the European Space Agency, told the BBC;

“This is a historic moment. The inaugural launch of a new heavy-lift rocket doesn’t happen every year. And today we have launched Ariane-6 successfully.”

The driving force behind the Ariane project is Europe’s desire for access to space.

Lift-off of the first Ariane 6 rocket from French Guiana, July 9, 2024.

Holiday horror

TOURISTS experienced a holiday horror in Greece as they were told to wade through water with luggage in hand.

Greece is known for its beautiful islands, stunning holiday destinations and alluring scenery. For these globetrotters, however, Greece may be more a nightmare than a dream in their memory.

An idyllic boat ride to a promising hot spot led these holidaymakers into chaos as they were told to leave the vessel out of the hatch and into the clear blue waters with luggage in hand. While they did receive help from the crew, and a handy rope to hold on to, this is nothing compared to previous years. Instead of waist-high in water, these guests would have been comfortable strolling across a oating platform, intended to get them from the boat to the land - dry.

Local reports said they were forced to enter the water after o cials banned the use of oating platforms in response to over-tourism.

Following this footage, however, the o cials have reversed the decision and agreed to reinstall the platform.

ON the road or out at night, these European vending machines o er products you didn’t know you’ve been craving; these are the weirdest ones.

Germany’s sausage vending machine

Famous for its bratwurst and bockwurst sausages, Germany decided to make their authentic products available 24/7. According to NPR, there were more than 500,000 sausage vending machines in 2020. The meat sold is vacuum-sealed and the machines are temperature-controlled, ensuring safety measures equal to the butcher’s.

Germany’s dairy and eggs vending machine

Not only are there sausages across German towns but products including eggs, milk and cheese, can be found in vending machines. Renovators of farming, Peter-und-Paul-Hof, were the rst to plant the idea in 2009, and have since expanded across the country.

Italy’s Let’s Pizza

Italy doesn’t shy away from its stereotype; pizza is by now the most popular food worldwide and in Italy can be found even in vending machines. A machine called Let’s Pizza can be loaded with ingredients for making 100 pizzas from scratch. Within just three minutes, people can take away a truly one-of-a-kind Italian pizza.

Paris’ baguette vending machine

The baguette craving can come any time of the day; in Paris, a fresh bague-

Odd offers

tte can be purchased from a vending machine for just €1.20. The bread is partially cooked before being placed in the vending machine and nishes baking inside per order, guaranteeing the same quality as the supermarkets.

The Netherlands’ vegetable vending machine

In most places, nding a fresh and organic snack can be practically impossible. Unlike vending machines lled with Cokes and Snickers, machines in the Netherlands o er a wide range of vegetables. This development has been especially bene cial to farmers, who, by placing their produce in vending machines, have been able to pro t more than by selling when renting out stalls.

Amsterdam’s FEBO

Amsterdam is known to have just about everything; now, there are even vending machines that o er restaurant meals for a price below €10. A chain of walk-up fast food restaurants, FEBO made hot food accessible through vending machines, including items like croquettes stu ed with veal or beef, French fries and burgers. Raw milk vending machine France, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands have all embraced the raw milk trend, despite controversy about the drink’s safety concerns. Some states in the USA have banned the sale of raw milk due to its potential to carry harmful diseases but Europe believes it’s safe and even promotes the drink.

Meat vending machine.
Holidaymakers entering a boat preparing for a memorable trip.

Popcorn to premiere

THE €49 pass, popularly known as the Deutschlandticket, has gained widespread recognition for its innovative approach to public transport accessibility and simplicity.

Now, a similar concept has been adopted by the Federal Film Board (FFA) in Ger-

many, aimed at movie enthusiasts. This initiative, named Cinfinity, is set to launch nationwide in October, allowing subscribers to attend any participating cinema for a monthly fee of €12.50. In Germany, where the average cinema ticket price

was €9.71 in 2023 and can rise to €12 on weekends, Cinfinity offers a significant saving.

If cinema-goers watch more than one film per month, they save money, making the subscription attractive.

Although not a novel concept in Germany, as the neighbouring Netherlands has offered cinema flat rates for a decade, Cinfinity aims to boost cinema attendance nationwide.

The subscription is not limited to specific chains but includes all cinemas that join the initiative. Over 100 cinemas have signed up, with more expected to follow.

Prospective users can sign up for Cinfinity through a dedicated app and are encouraged to check if their local cinema is participating.

This new service arrives at a critical time when traditional cinema attendance faces challenges from individual movie consumption on electronic devices.

However, Cinfinity anticipates a 10 to 20 per cent increase in cinema attendance.

Out of sight

BELGIUM’S Federal Public Health Service (FPS) has announced a new regulation set to take effect on April 1, 2025.

The regulation will prohibit shops from openly displaying to bacco products for sale.

Originally sche duled for January 1, 2025, the im plementation has been delayed by three months.

The aim is to reduce smoking rates by making tobacco products less visible.

Shops will be re quired to conceal both brand logos and the actual products, including cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, filters, and rolling papers.

The ban applies to all retailers but excludes wholesalers.

Earlier this year, the Belgian government raised cigarette prices through taxation and committed to expanding smoke-free public spaces.

Non-compliance carries penalties, including up to one year of imprisonment and fines from €2,000 to €800,000. VapeBel, representing vape retailers and distributors, expressed disappointment, arguing that specialised stores are crucial for age verification and educating adult smokers about vaping.

They and Belgium’s Superior Health Council have advocated for exceptions for these stores.

Despite concerns about how customers will identify available tobacco products, authorities suggest retailers maintain price lists detailing product names and brands without logos.

Image: africa_pink /

GERMANY’S former Chancellor Angela Merkel recently appeared on Italian television in a very different role. Not in person, it should be said, but as a Miss Marple-type sleuth in a twopart series called Miss Merkel and the Murder in the Castle.

In fact, the programme was seen in Germany last year but its airing on Rai2 has brought it to the attention of a wider European public.

Having retired from politics, the

Miss Merkel investigates

fictional Miss Merkel portrayed by actress Katharina Thalbach now lives with her husband Joachim Sauer in the Uckermark region in what was formerly East Germany.

That is where the former Chancellor, who celebrates her 70th birthday on July 17, spent her childhood and where she now owns a holiday home.

Airlines ‘illegal’ fees

MORE and more airlines recently are adopting the practice of charging passengers extra for hand luggage. While this may seem common, court cases are now revealing this may be illegal, calling for airlines to stop charging additional costs and even

the luggage fees generally being charged at the end of the ticket reservation process, meaning consumers cannot compare the real prices transparently.

Additionally, the Court of Justice of the EU has ruled that hand lu- ggage of a rea

son, Laura Clays stating “Hand luggage is not a luxury item and should not be treated as such.”

Spain’s Consumer Ministry also confirmed the practice is illegal and fined several airlines.

Unfortunately, passengers are still facing addi

Passenger at the airport stressed over too much luggage.

Bored with retirement Merkel, who in real life has a doctorate in Quantum Chemistry, begins to take an interest in solving crimes which the local police inspector is too indolent to solve.

Creator of the series, author David Safier, explained to Italy’s Corriere della Sera how a 2019 conversation with his agent regarding Merkel’s fu -

ture retirement and watching a Columbo rerun gave him an idea for his next book.

Safier has now released three whodunnits featuring Miss Merkel, whose name reflects his other source of inspiration, Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple.

A fourth book will be published in November, coinciding with the publication of Freiheit (Freedom), Angela Merkel’s own autobiography.

Ban tourist apartments? Your opinion VOX Pop

BARCELONA’s decision to prohibit tourist apartments by 2028 has sparked a range of reactions from residents, business owners, and tourists. We hit the streets to gather opinions on this controversial policy.

Paul from Burnley and a resident of Lo Pagan said “Stopping tourist rental won’t make that type of property available to local workers it will just mean people who don’t want to rent them will have more choices.

“The people you want to help will be negatively affected because tourists bring a lot of money into the area and based on a two bed apt you will lose about 1,000 tourist nights per property per year, a massive loss of income to bars, restaurants, and shops and therefore jobs.

“In Barcelona, the effect might not be as bad because there is other employment, but in tourism-based areas, such as Mallorca, the effect could be massive. It would be better to introduce a tourist tax system to re-invest in new properties outside the centre and also invest in the transport network.”

Michael , on holiday from the UK, stated “I visit Barcelona often, and I love staying in local apartments to get a feel for the city. I’m disappointed by this news. It might mean higher costs for accommodation in the future. It will push hotel prices up. But if it helps locals live better, I can un derstand the rea soning be hind it.”

natar, on the Costa Calida, added “This town has always had an influx of holidaymakers in the summer, mostly people with second homes from Madrid. It has never been a problem here but we do complain about them in August!”

Kevin from Ireland said “Instead of an outright ban, there should be a compromise that balances tourism and residents’ needs.”

Ana from San Javier stated “The prices are through the roof because of all the tourist apartments. I think this policy will help young people who are trying to start their lives here.”

Barcelona’s decision to eliminate tourist apartments by 2028 got mixed reactions. While many residents applaud the move for its potential to make housing more affordable, property owners and tourists express concerns about the economic impact and future travel experiences. The debate highlights the challenge of balancing a thriving tourism industry with the needs of the local community.


The Princess of Wales at Wimbledon

THE Princess of Wales made a triumphant return to Wimbledon, receiving a standing ovation as she entered the Royal Box. This marks her second public appearance of the year, following her ongoing cancer treatment.

Kate, 42, was joined by her daughter Princess Charlotte, nine, and sister Pippa Middleton for the highly anticipated Men’s Singles Final between Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic.

Adding to the excite-

Jay Slater

BRITISH teenager Jay Slater, who vanished four weeks ago after attending a music festival in Tenerife, has sadly been confirmed dead.

A post-mortem conducted on Monday July 15’s discovery by Spanish rescuers matched fingerprints to the 19-year-old from Lancashire. Slater was last seen near the remote village of Masca.

Authorities believe he suffered a fatal fall. “A positive identification has been made,” a statement from the Canary Islands’ high court of justice reads. “Fingerprint analysis confirms the body belongs to Jay Slater. The cause of death appears to be trauma consistent with a fall in a rocky area.”

Slater’s mother, Debbie Duncan, expressed her grief. “This is the worst

ment, the mother-daughter duo met with British tennis star Emma Raducanu before settling into their seats. Charlotte appeared thrilled to meet Raducanu, who unfortunately exited the tournament earlier in the week. They later interacted with

HAPPY TIMES: Jay Slater and his family.

news imaginable,” she said. “I can’t believe this happened to my beautiful boy. Our hearts are shattered.”

Slater was on holiday with friends and attended the NRG music festival in Playa de Las Americas. He reportedly left the festival with two men and accompanied them to their remote Airbnb, an 11-hour trek from his original location. Initial searches of the area failed to find the missing teenager.

participants of the ‘Work at Wimbledon’ programme, which empowers young people from diverse backgrounds through roles at the Championships.

The Royal Box boasted a star-studded audience, including Hollywood A-lis-

ters Julia Roberts and Tom Cruise, a close confidant of the royals. Benedict Cumberbatch, Prince William’s former classmate from Eton, London mayor Sadiq Khan, and tennis legend Andre Agassi were also present.

The Princess of Wales returns to Wimbledon.
Credit: Jay Slater Missing/fb


Play on

A 1961 Fender Stratocaster guitar that belonged to singer-songwriter Rory Gallagher who died in 1995, will be sold later this year, his brother Donal announced. Rory acquired the Stratocaster, probably one of Ireland’s first, for £100 (€118.80) in 1963 when he was only 15, Donal told the RTE broadcaster.

Nightmare over

DUBAI dropped the charges against Tori Towey, whose passport was impounded after she was accused of attempted suicide and drinking alcohol following an alleged attack in her own home. Glad to be home in Roscommon thanks to the intervention of the Irish government, Tori said Ireland was an “amazing” country.


Happy event

AFTER a gestation period of 15 months, a giraffe calf was born at Planckendael Zoo as first time mother Valeye initially “looked on in surprise,” according to zookeeper Jolien who was present. He also said that members of the public would soon be able to vote on a name for the new arrival via the zoo’s Instagram.


Space invader

TRELLEBORG is trying out a new strategy in its battle against Japanese knotweed which is prevalent in southern Sweden. As elsewhere, the presence of the invasive plant can reduce the value of a property and the town hall is experimenting with underground 300-degree heat cartridges designed to wipe out the plant.

Old beliefs

PEOPLE practising the Asa religion which venerates the Old Norse gods, giants and ancestors could soon have their own burial ground in Molkom after applying to the Swedish Church for unconsecrated ground. Pending regional permission, the Church can allocate a graveyard to any religion that requests one.


Bruni charged

CARLA BRUNI, wife of former president Nicolas Sarkozy, is the subject of a formal investigation after concealing evidence of witness tampering linked to alleged campaign financing in 2007 by the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. She is currently barred from contacting others linked to the prosecution, apart from her husband.

Picture perfect

THE French authorities rebutted accusations of carrying out ‘social cleansing’ by removing the homeless before the start of the Olympic Games on July 26, saying there had been no increase in evictions. Non-profit making associations countered with figures showing they had risen compared with previous years.


Real value

TRANSPORT minister Matteo Salvini confirmed that Milan’s Malpensa Airport would be named after the former prime minister and media billionaire, Silvio Berlusconi. Milan’s centre-left and leftwing parties criticised the choice but Salvini declared that nobody on the left “is worth a 10th of what Berlusconi was worth.”

Fairer fares

TAKING a taxi in Rome will now cost a minimum of €9, city hall announced, as it prepared to issue 1,000 new licences. Transport councillor Eugenio Patane explained that low minimum tariffs discouraged cabbies from accepting short journeys, which resulted in especially long queues at railway and bus stations.


Flying high

OSLO’S Gardermoen airport was named Europe’s best in the category serving between 25 and 40 million passengers each year. Airports Council International Europe praised Gardermoen for its punctuality and operational procedures as well as its baggage system, snow removal methods and efforts to reduce emissions.

Mystery graves

A BURIAL ground for children aged from three to six years old that was discovered in 2023 in Fredrikstad was used constantly between 800 and 200BC. Infant mortality would have been high at that time, but archaeologists admitted they were mystified by the ancient circles of carefully-placed stones that marked each grave.

Cold feet

ITV Studios Finland has begun production of a Finnish version of Cold Feet, the UK comedy-drama series which was aired on television for five seasons between 1997 and 2003, with a reboot 13 years later. Finland’s version, which debuts in 2026, will follow much the same pattern as its British predecessor.

Work ethic

A SURVEY by Finnish Lotteries discovered that 29 per cent of those who were employed on winning at least €500,000 continued in the same job, although half eventually left to enjoy their financial freedom. Many of the 32 per cent not working when they won were senior citizens, the investigation found.

Fire probe

ONCE emergency workers had secured the scene, police began investigating the origin of an explosion and an extensive fire at a hostel for asylum seekers in Buchholz in der Nordheide. Twenty people including first responder officers were injured in the blaze, while later reports revealed that a woman had lost her life.

Hauwei veto

ESSENTIAL components from Huawei and ZTE will be barred from the country’s 5G core networks by the end of 2026, Interior minister Nancy Faeser said. The move follows on from weeks of negotiations resulting in future agreements with Germany’s 5G operators, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefonica.



Rat run

RATS that feasted on last summer’s large quantities of fallen fruit are now multiplying in Aalborg where the public were reminded that they are legally required to report any sighting of a rat to the local authorities. These in turn are expected to eliminate rats from the sewers, drains and waste land they inhabit.

Space mission

DENMARK now belongs to Nato’s Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) programme which shares space surveillance intelligence. Defence minister Troels Lund Poulsen described Nato as the world’s strongest defence alliance and said it was in Denmark’s interest to be closely aligned with its allies.

Smashed avo

EUROPEAN Environment Agency, GEOTA, warned that the Murta reservoir in Alcacer do Sal would be at serious risk of drying up if a large-scale avocado-growing project was allowed to go ahead. GEOTA described the location as a “biodiversity hotspot” providing “countless birds and mammals” with water.

Property ladder

THE government has calculated that exemption from the IMT property transfer tax and stamp duty for under-35s buying a home for the first time will cost €25 million after the concession comes into effect on August 1. That will rise to €50 million in 2025, Finance minister Mirand Sarmento announced on July 10.


TWENTY-FIVE per cent of Netherlands residents did not go away on holiday in 2023, a CBS national statistics agency survey found. Most of the 45-65 age group explained that they simply preferred staying at home, although 38 per cent of low earners told CBS that they had to choose staycations for economic reasons.

Troll ops

THE US Justice Department revealed that the Netherlands’ AIVD and MIVD intelligence services have assisted in removing hundreds of bogus social media profiles set up by Russia to spread disinformation. The operation involved seizing two domain names and investigating AI-generated accounts.

GIRAFFE CALF: The public will be able to choose the name of Planckendael Zoo’s latest addition.

Candlelight concert

A NIGHT of live music illuminated by candles and stars awaits visitors at the San Bartolome Parish in Javea.

The one-of-a-kind Candlelight Concerts by Fever are back in Javea until August 16. The international concert series brings classical music to a new generation, enlivening audiences with spectacular performances.

Not only does the show present Vivaldi’s legendary Four Seasons, played exceptionally by the visiting musicians but special tributes to modern icons, including ABBA, Coldplay and Queen will be performed.

Enhanced by thousands of candles, the San Bartolome Parish transforms into a timeless, magical place, do-

CAZZIE and Doug are inviting you to the Open Mic Night on July 18; open for all amateur musicians and music fans. If you’re looking to spend a fun evening making new friends and enjoying great music, it is the event for you. The session will be held at the Restaurant Tio Rico Italiano at the Los Patos camp site in Denia, starting at 6.30pm.

A fantastic restaurant menu will be available until 9pm, as you watch fellow musicians take the stage. Everyone is welcome to perform, regardless of music genres or skill levels; whether you’re an absolute beginner, a singer or have a repertoire of original songs already. There will be no facility for backing tracks so contact Cazzie for more information by calling 633 488 448 or emailing expat_dragon@hotmail. com.

A €3 entry includes great raffle prizes.

minated by beauty and joy.

Candlelight Concerts Fever travel across the globe to bring unique music experiences, inspiring a diverse range of audiences worldwide.

On July 19, at 8pm, a tribute will be given to the famous German composer, Hanz Zimmer, transporting the listeners to the worlds of their favourite movies.

On August 16, at 10pm, a Coldplay tribute will be performed, transforming the notion of orchestral music with a uniquely striking performance.

On July 19 and August 2, at 10pm, a tribute will be given to the most celebrated rock band of all, Queen, playing memories recognisable to all.

At Placa de l´Esglesia, Javea.


THIS summer, Costa Blanca residents will be treated to the latest work by the legendary circus troupe Cirque du Soleil.

The show is called Alegria Bajo Una Nueva Luz - Happiness Under A New Light - and promises to be the most spectacular to date, say organisers. It aims to appeal to a new generation of followers, they add.

The theme is that of a kingdom that has lost its king, and examines conflict between the old, established order and a new generation that yearns for free dom, hope and re birth.

It will

Cirque du Soleil comes to Alicante

take place on Playa San Juan - San Juan Beach - and run from July 16 to September 1, the whole summer, before moving on to Sevilla and then Madrid.

Preparations are being finalised with a Big Top that has a height of 19 metres and a

diameter of 51, with a capacity of 2,600 nightly. It will cover an area of 4,500 square metres.

Tickets start at €48 per person, with a 15

people and a 25 per cent discount for groups of 10 or more. You can buy them from or

Open Mic Night

July and August

In August we will also be at the Torrequemada Jazz Festival: THURS 1st & 8th | SAT 17th | FRI 23rd. Book with us:

You will have dinner on a table to enjoy the concer t TAPAS MENU WITH 5 DIFFERENT DISHES AND A DRINK INCLUDED 35 EUROS (Includes admission to the concer t)

Credit (main pic)
Carrer Pare Pere, 19, Denia, Alicante
Credit: Ian Muttoo, Flickr

TELEPORT into the Medieval period with chariot races, gladiator combats, dances and rituals with the Gran Circus Maximus.

Every Saturday in Villajoyosa, visitors are invited to experience a memorable spectacle of a live performance based on Ancient Roman Circus, perfect for families, friends and couples. With tests of bravery and

A historic show

captivating matches, the circus show is always accompanied by a traditional dinner, presenting a unique outdoor spectacle of the Medieval adventures.

The shows are running until September 28 and are free for

children under three and for birthdays.

Delve into the exciting world of the past at Villajoyosa, Partida Piletes 26.

Reserve your place at or 966 851 604.

Taste of life

BREATHING in the air from the sea. Sipping on home-made fresh tea. Dancing along to your favourite hits.

All of this can be done at Gustos del Mundo. Every weekend, the international restaurant invites visitors for night live music sessions, introducing Evening Style Blues Band, Sax & Show and Lidia Murr.

The sea-fronted venue offers a rich and diverse menu of dishes ranging

from French to Spanish and Georgian food, served with fresh quality drinks.

The stunning restaurant has recently been taken over by new owners and has since seen families and friends dance to global hits every weekend.

Book your place by calling 675 697 260 Find Gustos del Mundo on Facebook.

Quality guaranteed. Open all days but Wednesday, 12pm-10pm. At Carrer Llevant 1, Calpe.

Minigolf and beers at the Bull, Benidorm

WHETHER you are a family on holiday in Benidorm, or live there all year round, here’s a great chance to enjoy fun for all the family.

The Bull is a well-equipped family pub that offers beers (naturally), an LED-lit 18-hole golf course and fun for the youngsters. Think mini-golf, an adventure playground and a large amusement arcade. So

while older members of the group can enjoy a few drinks, the children get to have undiluted fun, and all in a safe environment.

Visitor Lynn Moore says, “I always go there when in Benidorm with friends and have a great time playing minigolf... and it’s good to be able to sit and have a drink after the game... will be back again.”

While Chris Thorne

warns, “Great little course, bit hard when you may still be a tad drunk though.”

A word of warning. Some reviewers note that the course and fixtures seem a little dated and could do with upgrading, but… golf and beer for all the family? We’re in!

You’ll find the Bull up the road from Hotel Marina and opposite Hotel La Perla on the Levante side.

Credit: Gustos del Mundo, Facebook

Game show

WHO wants to be a millionaire? Play your cards right, question of sport, family fortunes and more exciting games are waiting for you at the Dilligaf Bar in Benidorm.

With delicious meals and a great selection of drinks, the venue hosts game show quizzes every Wednesday at 3pm.

Come with friends and make new ones at a welcoming venue with an amiable atmosphere.

Top prizes are waiting to be won; be ready to compete.

At Local 3233 Avenida Severo Ochoa, Benidorm.


summer of tribute fun at Saxo

THE Saxo Disco Garden Chillout is establishing itself as the home of live music in the Costa Blanca North region. The set-up is fantastic, with a garden and a stage.

Even better, admission is free.

Quiz-in Calpe

DO you want to win prizes and make new friends? Come to Quiz-in Calpe to meet great people and compete in exciting quizzes.

Organised by Kevin, the sessions are a great way to meet the locals; if you come alone, a team will be happy to welcome you.

Test your knowledge and connect with a warm community; families are welcome. Amazing prizes will be given to winners and runners up.

Held on Wednesdays at 7pm at Havana´s Beach Club and on Sundays at 1.30pm at the Gran Sol Hotel.

Local guide Stephane Bousson describes it as a “fun place for live fun music, good bar cocktails and food from the food truck “

The schedule is packed all through the summer, but here are a few dates to note:

Saturday July 20, 4pm, Chill Factor

Pam and John Pearson cover songs by The Police, Fleetwood Mac, Genesis, Radiohead, Oasis, Dire Straits, The Beatles and many more...

Just Pretend, an Elvis Presley tribute performer takes over to provide A Little Less Conversation.

Wednesday July 24, 6pm, a Beatles tribute band will be serving up your favourites to sing along to.

Thursday July 25, 6pm

The Tongue, a Rolling Stones tribute band.

Carretera Moraira-Calpe, 03724

Moraira; Alicante; +34 627 825 732 Full programme

Flamenco in a lounge bar, Javea Shamrocker Kelly

ROCK away at The Irish Tavern with the one and only, Shamrocker Kelly on August 2.

A unique chance to see the talented musician from the legendary duo, The Guinness Brothers, who have enchanted audiences across the world, the evening is guaranteed to be rocking.

From 8pm, visitors are invited to delight in the traditional Irish beers and treats to the sound of the freshest rock music at a friendly and conventionally Irish venue.

At Cami Vell d´Altea,

Albir. Book your place by visiting The Irish Tavern, Albir on Facebook, calling 610 129 283 or emailing irishtavernalbir@

Open Monday-Wednesday, 3pm-3am and Thursday-Sunday, 12pm-3am.

DUENDE is at the very heart and soul of flamenco. It is hard to translate, though a dictionary suggests ‘the power to attract through personal magnetism and charm’. In the context of flamenco, having soul, a heightened state of emo tion, expression and heart.

It grew in the gypsy culture of Andalucia, largely, and anyone who has seen a performance will testify that it is impossible not to be moved. The mournful ballads of love and loss, the frenetic clapping and crescendo, all combine to deliver a soulful and stirring sensation.

In Javea, you can catch live shows every Sunday throughout the summer at 5pm at La Bambula. If all that emotion builds up your appetite, there is a splendid and comprehensive menu. Everything from oysters and sushi to fillet steak.

• La Bambula, Av. de Ultramar 3, 03738 Javea;

Javea and Denia get in the swing Altea experience

ONLY this summer, the Bon Vent restaurant invites visitors to enjoy live DJ sessions with delightful Mediterranean cuisine by Altea’s port.

Every 15 days, on Wednesdays, the restaurant hosts the energising DJ, Doctor Sound from 7pm until 10pm. The next sessions are on July 24, August 7, August 21 and September 4.

At a spacious terrace with a breathtaking view, visitors can explore Mediterranean classics with a signature taste of Bon Vent. Made entirely from quality products, the restaurant offers a menu for every palette, including seafood dishes, vegetable appetisers, classic tapas and verified Valencian rice recipes.

Those craving an immersive nautical experience can also purcha-

se the gastro-sailing pack, which offers a three-hour instructed sailing trip, followed by a restaurant meal for just €50 per person, including two starters, rice dish of the day, dessert or coffee, beverage and bread with alioli.

During hot summer days, the visitors can enjoy refreshing drinks

by Bon Vent’s private swimming pool, all while listening to superb live music.

Free private parking for customers is available. Open daily 8am-midnight. At Avenida del Puerto 50, Altea. Reservations through 965 843 476. Find Bon Ven RestauranteCNAltea on Facebook.

THEY say, “it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”. Composed by Duke Ellington in 1931, though many associate it with Louis ‘Saatchmo’ Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald’s version in 1967.

Now accepted as a jazz standard, it embodies the spirit of swing. And devotees and aficionados of swing in Costa Blanca North are guaranteed to be transported to the America of the Thirties, Forties and Fifties by Lady K and the JJs on Tuesday nights throughout July and August at La Bambula Cocktail and Lounge Bar on the harbour in Javea. And on Wednesdays at BASTA! Lounge Bar at the Marina in Denia. Hit it!

• La Bambula, Av. de Ultramar 3, 03738 Javea;

BASTA! Marina de Denia, Local C2, 03700 Denia; 965 75 39 88;

Credit: Bon Vent Restaurante - CNAltea, Facebook

Let’s get quizzical in Javea

WEDNESDAYS are the night for trivia lovers in Javea with not one, but two organised quizzes for quiz lovers to get involved with.

First up is Debbie Clarke’s charity quiz at her Café Cortado near the harbour. The café owner is an enthusiastic supporter of local charities and does what she can to help them. This is a fun evening, with quizmaster Jack at the tiller. It’s €2 per person, with a guaranteed €30 to be won. If you are not part of a group, just turn up and Debbie will match you with other individuals. One regular attendee says, “it’s a damn good laugh.” From 6pm.

To book a table, call Debbie on 603 828 445.

Cafe Cortado, Carrer de Joan Fuster 6, 03730, Alicante

And also on Wednesdays, another fundraiser, this time for cancer charity Lynwen Nursing Team, the Kawana quiz. Admission is €10, and that

gets you a plate of food as well. This is a very well-reviewed gastrobar, and they hand out spot prizes as well, such as dinner for two at a local restaurant. Starts at 7:30 pm sharp.

Book your table by calling 628 728 377.

Hotel lounging

SPEND a Friday night with a stunning terrace view to the sound of the best hits from the 60s and 70s at the Hotel Mañet.

Only this summer, the 3 Music Teers are performing at the Hotel Mañet every Friday night from 6.30pm, delighting the audiences with classic pop hits. Enjoy a range of cocktails, fine wines and a delicious set of international dishes.

Reserve your spot by calling 966 490 181. At Av. Del Portet 126, Teulada-Moraira.

A Run for Your Life Festival: From lethal bull runnings to sad farewell traditional songs

tion of up to 1.5 million viewers daily from July 6 to 14 at 8am as they tune in to watch on TV. Planning a trip to Pamplona is no joke. Personally, I’d rather enjoy it from the comfort of home - no chance of facing off with angry bulls there! Yep, I chickened out. As they say, ‘Los Toros se ven mejor desde la barrera’ (It’s easy to be an armchair critic).

In this centuries-old celebration, the city hums with bars dishing out the best pintxos (tapas) and mouthwatering local cuisine to thousands of visitors. Beyond the thrilling bull run through the streets, the festival offers a quirky array of activities: photo booths with taxidermy bulls, concerts that shake cobblestones, fireworks illuminating the night sky, majestic processions, giant figure parades turning heads, live music grooving, and wood chopping competitions for the lumberjacks. With seamless coordination among security forces, emergency services, maintenance crews, event planners, and media production teams, the streets are locked down early with 7,000 sturdy wooden barriers. Early birds start flocking at 4am to snag prime spectating spots.

The bull run itself, a whirlwind lasting two to five heart-pounding minutes, charges through iconic streets like Santo Domingo and Estafeta, ending in the bullring where spectators await the heroic

runners and their horned adversaries.

While I appreciate local customs in Spain, the festival’s animal cruelty in bullfighting gets under my skin, a sentiment echoed by many Spaniards who believe traditions shouldn’t come at the cost of animal suffering. Controversies aside, the ‘mozos’ (runners) treat this event with reverence, training rigorously for their moment of glory. For die-hard San Fermín enthusiasts, there’s no greater honour than boasting, “I ran in the San Fermín run.”

If you dare to participate in this heart-pounding event where life hangs in the balance and bulls are on the loose, remember the old adage: “It’s better to be trampled than gored!” Survival isn’t guaranteed, but the thrill draws adventurers from all corners of the globe. Despite its risks, for those brave enough to face the bulls, nothing compares to the adrenaline rush of this ultimate experience. Just like any epic party, San Fermín eventually winds down. As July 14 approaches, revellers sing ‘pobre de mí’, (Poor me) bidding a bittersweet farewell to the highs and jubilant spirit of this grand celebration.

Gora San Fermín (long live San Fermín). As Spaniards say, “Que no te pille el toro” - never be caught off guard.

Lucca Movaldi’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.



Having fun

A TSB survey, How Britain Spends, noted a 9.2 per cent increase in outlay on airlines and travel companies during the first half of 2024, compared with the same period last year. The British spent 5.1 per cent more on concerts, cinema and theatre and a huge 20.2 per cent more on visiting amusement parks, the TSB found.

Indra approval

THE US Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA) has added Indra’s Surface Awareness Initiative (SAI) to its Qualified Products list. The Spanish company’s system, which increases runway safety by providing real-time surface aircraft movement data, may now be installed at any US airport with a staffed control tower.

Belt tightened

LONDON-BASED Burberry will cut jobs as it introduces cost-cutting measures to bolster declining profits, the Telegraph reported. The company has lost more than a third of its stock market value since January and, as one of the worst performing FTSE companies, is on the brink of relegation from the index.

Wait and see

INDIAN bus company Switch Mobility has suspended until 2026 its plans to build a €100 million factory to produce electric buses in Valladolid. The company contacted Valladolid City Hall on July 8 to explain that it intended in the meantime to evaluate the evolution of the market for electric vehicles in Europe.

Jobs lost

BILLIONAIRE Sir James Dyson is slashing 1,000 British jobs following a review of the company’s worldwide operations. “The company operates in increasingly fierce and competitive global markets, where pace of innovation and change is only accelerating,” the British inventor said.


€2.28 billion

turnover in 2022 - the last available figures - for familyowned Catalan company Agrolimen which produces Spain’s most-used stock cube, Avecrem.

France’s wealth running scared

TO relief tinged with wariness, the New Popular Front (NFP) came out on top in the second round of France’s elections on July 7.

The NFP’s victory kept Marine Le Pen’s hard-right National Rally (RN) out of power, and seats in the National Assembly are split more or less evenly between left, right and centre although the NFP will call the shots.

The hard-left alliance romped home on promises of boosting the minimum wage and public sector pay while reducing the pensionable age from 64 to 60 and freezing the prices of staple goods.

These measures will cost approximately €150 billion over three years, according to the calculations of the NFP and its leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, but president Emmanuel Macron’s party Renaissance predicted that they would require at least €300

SOUTH EAST WATER, which supplies 2.3 million people, needs money after losing £36 million (€42.7 million) in the year ending March 31.

This was down from £74 million (€87.7 million) in 2022-2023 and turnover rose 9 per cent to £281 million (€333.2 million) but South East Water needs more cash as it awaits a verdict from the regulator Ofwat on future spending.

The company has submitted plans that would require £1.9 billion (€2.25 million) to maintain and upgrade infrastructure while increasing customer bills by 22 per cent.

Britvic says yes

UK soft drinks maker Britvic has agreed to an improved £3.3 billion (€3.9 billion) offer from Danish brewer Carlsberg. Britvic accepted £13.15 (€15.60) a share after turning down an earlier offer which it said had undervalued the company. Carlsberg announced on July 8 that the Britvic board would “unanimously recommend” the cash offer of £12.90 (€15.31) per Britvic share plus a special dividend of 25p (approximately €0.29) for each share.


France has a current Budget deficit of 5.5 per cent of the country’s

JEAN-LUC MELENCHON: NFP leader has pledged to tax the wealthy.


gross domestic product (GDP) and government ministers already warned against spending on this scale during the election campaign.

Worse still is the spectre of a 90 per cent wealth tax.

Immediately after the NFP victory, the international financial media agreed that this would push the country’s financial elite to look elsewhere, probably to Switzerland but also to Italy and even Spain.

Speaking to the Financial Times, Parisian wealth adviser Gregory Soudjoukdjian, said that he was receiving more calls than at any other time during his career.

“Our high-end clientele are asking themselves a lot of questions,” he admitted.

“All wanted to know if their money was safe,” Soudjoukdjian added.


DOMESTIC SUPPLY: South East Water provides water for five UK counties.

Enagas goes greener

SPANISH company Enagas is selling its 30.2 per cent holding in US energy infrastructure company Tallgrass Energy.

The $1.1 billion (€1.02 billion) sale to the US investment company Blackstone, which already owns a Tallgrass stake, will be used to finance green hydrogen projects, Enagas announced.

Spain’s gas grid operator, in which the State holds a 5 per cent stake, looks to evolve from its established role as a natural gas grid operator to organising a hydrogen infrastructure network.

Meanwhile, Enagas will absorb a €360 capital loss from the divestment that should be completed by the end of July although the transaction will bring a positive impact on earnings from 2025.

South East Water, whose parent company HDF Holdings belongs to NatWest’s pension fund, a Canadian pension fund and an Australian infrastructure fund, is currently talking to investors and shareholders about additional liquidity.

The company expects this to be forthcoming, although a July 10 statement said that if talks fell through, this would shed doubt on its ability to continue as a going concern.

Legendary marque

THE Lancia is to be produced in Spain once more.

Seat formerly built the brand at its Landaben (Navarro) plant in the late 70s and early 80s and now, 40 years later, Stellantis announced that it would be produced exclusively at its Figueruelas (Zaragoza) factory.

The company has begun taking orders for the Ypsilon, a hybrid and electric model with the first deliveries scheduled for October 2024.

“This is an important phase in our plans,” Lancia chief executive Luca Napolitano said.

“Lancia returns to Europe and arrives in Spain, which has always been one of the marque’s most important markets.”

THIERRY ANDRETTA, Mulberry chief executive since 2015, left the company with immediate effect on Tuesday July 9.

The upmarket handbag company, whose customers include the Princess of Wales and Kate Moss, saw total revenues fall 4 per cent in the year ending on March 30, 2024, with a 3.2 per cent fall in UK sales.

Insiders also revealed that tensions have risen at Mulberry following attempts by Frasers Group owner Mike Ashley, who owns a 37 per cent stake in the company, to join the board.

WETHERSPOONS has done well from Euro 2024 with beer sales surging during matches that have compensated for a wet June.

The chain does not usually offer live sport for its customers, but only two of the chain’s 809 pubs did not provide coverage, apart from the 21 which do not have televisions.

It now looks forward to a 6 per cent increase in sales for the current quarter and the pubs foresee a buoyant annual profit that easily approaches the predicted £75 million (€89 million).

COSMETICS giant Puig’s shares are now listed on the Spanish stock market and will soon be available in the US.

Citi and Puig have launched an unsponsored American Depositary Receipts (ADR) programme that is equivalent to 25 million shares in the Barcelona-based company which owns Penhaligon’s, Charlotte Tilbury and Jean Paul Gaultier. This will enable the US market to invest in Puig without any further regulatory procedures, in a system that is already used by Telefonica, Santander BBVA and Grifols.

Photo credit: FB/Jean-Luc Melenchon
Photo credit: Pixabay/Tiburi

8.358,0 8.300,0 4,73K

455,25 457,80 454,55 1,27M

Liquid gold

ACESUR, which produces the Coosur and La Española olive brands, posted record sales of €1.102 billion in 2023. This was 25 per cent more than last year and the first time that the Jaenbased company’s revenue topped €1 billion.

No thanks

ASDA supermarkets abandoned plans to introduce a 44-hour, four-day working week after a trial flopped at 20 stores. Employees said the 11-hour shifts were so physically demanding that they could not enjoy the extra free day and the new hours clashed with childcare.

No longer a joke

TAITTINGER, one of France’s best-known Champagne houses, launches the first of its Domaine Evremond wines in Chilham (Kent) this September.

The Evremond vineyard is a joint venture between Champagne Taittinger and Hatch Mansfield, the French winemaker’s business partner in the UK.

Taittinger acquired the Kent apple orchards in 2015 with an initial plan-

ting of 20 hectares of vines which increased to 40 over the following three

years. The results of almost nine years’ work and a £15 million (€17.8 million)

Grifols solution

THE Grifols family, which controls 30 per cent of the Spanish blood plasma pharmaceutical company, could go private.

Financial daily Cinco Dias recently revealed that the company and Canadian fund, Brookfield Capital Partners, were discussing a joint takeover worth around €5.5 billion which could be completed “within weeks.”

Shares rose by 15 per cent on the mor-

ning of July 8 after trading was temporarily halted following publication of the takeover rumours.

Grifols has been practically under siege since January 2024 after short-seller investment fund Gotham City Research maintained that Grifols had manipulated its debt-to-earnings figures by consolidating the earnings of units it did not control.

investment are now ready to fill glasses.

As the climate changes, not only Taittinger but other big names are spending large amounts of money on producing wine in England. These include Pommery which now has an estate in Old Alresford (Hampshire).

Rising temperatures mean that some parts of England are perfect for wine-making and Kent’s chalky soil is little different from the Champagne region.

“English wine was taken as a bit of a joke 30 years ago. Now, it definitely is not,” Patrick McGrath, Hatch Mansfield’s managing director, said.

“One of the beauties of English sparkling wine is the acidity,” he told the UK media recently. “It’s slightly racier than Champagne,” McGrath explained. “Champagne is a bit riper and fatter.”

Era ends

AFTER 194 years, Royal Mail has announced it will no longer use its own trains to move mail overnight, with its remaining trains mothballed in October as it increasingly switches to road transport. The decision coincides with parent company International Distributions Services’s decision to accept a £3.6 billion (€4.27 bn) takeover offer from Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky.

Plane sense

A COMPANY report reveals that Inditex bought a second-hand private jet from its founder and principal shareholder, Amancio Ortega in 2023. Acquiring the €46 million aircraft, which is “perfectly maintained” and “in perfect technical condition” from Ortega also meant that the company was able to avoid the usual threeyear wait for delivery, Inditex said.

Photo credit: CC/Nilfanion
ENGLISH VINES: Taittinger’s first Domaine Evremond wines ready in September.

At 85, I’m on my way



WOW, thanks for all the mail. Last week’s piece certainly brought some strong reactions; most, I’m relieved to say, in accord with my suggestions. Mind you there are always dissenters. One gentleman thought I was not only riddled with hatred, I could also be leading myself to an early grave! Both wrong opinions of course.

The first being that at 85 years, I have rather overshot the somewhat unenviable opportunity of an early grave and secondly, the only members of our somewhat precarious human race that I truly do hate are those who believe the only way to survive is to bring death and total destruction on your enemies. I certainly don’t hate Transgenderism.

During my Bayswater years I had a large number of friends and associates who swung just about all ways. One I was not too happy about however bore the nickname of Spanish Ricky. Totally flamboyant, extre-

mely hard and physically muscular, Ricky, with his bouffant hair style, flamboyant dress and heavy makeup would walk down the Portobello road market, goading the barrow boys to make fun of him. If they did he would then rush over and often punch them to the ground.

The problem was we moved in similar late night club circles. As time went on Ricky fell hook line and sinker for the young Leapy Lee. When feelings were not reciprocated, he used some completely fabricated rumour to beat me up quite heavily; so I was fully entitled to not like him. Delighted to report that a number of my many other gay friends made sure it never happened again!

A message here to the likes of Clint Eastwood and Sir Anthony Hopkins. As much I have always admired these two highly rated and widely admired members of the acting fraternity, I simply must come out in protest at their recent social platform ‘advice’ to humanity. They suggest that we should not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, nor shops, gifts, parties or events. They advise that true luxury is not found in money,

it is in being respected, able to play with your grandchildren, smelling the flowers, relaxing in the garden etc. I do of course agree with all these wonderful things. Unfortunately for most of us they cannot take priority. Only when other important problems have been taken care of can we truly relish all the really good things. Are we able to feed our families, can we pay the rent or the mortgage. Will our jobs and ambitions attain success etc? These two gentlemen have achieved everything in life. They have both been utterly successful in their chosen careers, managed to live to a grand old age, their bank accounts are spilling over and they also enjoy large families and a number of gracious dwellings. I’m sure we will all be delighted to follow their advice when we too have reached these goals. Unfortunately, for most of us, smelling the flowers and gazing at the stars can only be our exclusive enjoyments when we get a break from our efforts to survive. Don’t worry, at 85 I’m on my way!

Keep the faith

Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Taking the plunge

SPORTS minister Amelie Oudea-Castera went for a swim in the Seine on July 13.

The brief but well-publicised dip was intended to demonstrate that the river water would be safe enough for triathlon and open-water swimming events during the Paris Olympic Games which start on July 26.

Oudea-Castera, who prudently wore a wetsuit, was accompanied by Alexis Hanquinquant, the triathlon competitor who will be France’s flag-bearer at the Paralympics on August 28.

Water samples collected on June 16 failed to meet the required health and safety standards but the minister took to the water after city hall indicated the Seine water met required standards for ‘10 or 11 of the last 12 days’. By doing so, Oudea-Castera managed to eclipse Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo, who has also pledged to swim in the Seine “if the water quality is good enough.”

Whether or not Hidalgo decides to swim, the Seine water during the Games has been constantly on the organisers’ minds.

The Paris region saw unusually heavy rainfall over the past few weeks and this increased pollution levels after untreated sewage was swept into the river along with rainwater from overburdened storm drains.

Demonstrating that water is safe for swimming.


Volunteering kindness

Donna Williams

AS President of Samaritans in Spain, I was honoured to participate in the Befrienders Worldwide Conference 2024, held in Columbo, Sri Lanka. The roots of Befrienders Worldwide can be traced back to Samaritans UK, which established Befrienders International, a crucial platform for coordinating ‘befriending’ agencies in over 40 countries.

Along with myself, delegates from across the globe came together to discuss the very prevalent issues of mental and emotional well-being that can affect anyone at any time and, in some cases, even lead to suicide.

The Inauguration Ceremony was a truly cultural occasion, with male and female dancers in traditional costumes and the lighting of the symbolic tree. This ensured that light shone upon us as we came together to learn from each other and forge new connections.

Aside from attending as a delegate, I was privileged to be chosen as one of the speakers. I was able to share a little more about Sama-

ritans in Spain and how we work and speak on a new initiative we have undertaken. Thanks to a collaboration with the Santiago Embassy of Chile, we can now provide our services to English speakers residing in Chile. Before this, they had nowhere to turn to besides the

Embassy, which felt ill-equipped to handle such delicate matters.

During my time at the conference, I heard from renowned professors specialising in suicidology and learnt just how truly important ‘active listening’ is as a suicide prevention tool. I was humbled by

the extreme situations and personal trauma that some of the organisations were responding to with kindness and emotional support daily. I met a tenacious lady in her 80s from an organisation in Sri Lanka who introduced online training when the pandemic pre-

vented her from carrying out face-to-face. She described how she didn’t really understand the online world and turned to her grandchildren to assist her in what she believed was possible. I also heard from an organisation located in Lebanon that has been developing an evaluation tool to measure the effectiveness of their presence.

Each workshop I attended brought new ideas, discoveries, and ways of doing things. Not everything was agreed upon, but healthy debates and discussions ensued, bringing us all ever closer. Something truly magical happens when like-minded people come together, and all egos are put to one side. It made no difference the role we played in our organisation; we all had an equal voice, which I found to be truly inspiring.

During the conference, the Welsh term ‘cynefin’ (pronounced kuh-nev-in) was used to describe us as a community, and I couldn’t agree more.

To find out more about Samaritans in Spain, visit

President, Samaritans in Spain (centre) with other delegates showing ‘love’ Malaysia style.

To shave or not?

IF Italian researchers are correct, most bearded young men could be ready to settle down.

A University of Padua survey, assuming that beards demand more care and attention than shaving each day, recently concluded that their owners were prepared to exchange their single lives for family life.

The study asked more than 400 men aged be tween 18 and 40 why they chose to have beards and linked their readiness to groom facial hair to social goals.

“Regarding fundamental social motives, men having more facial hair reported less mate-seeking motiva tion, but more mate-re tention and kin care motivation,” the University of Padua report maintained in an article published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour journal.

The investigators

went on to suggest that men who cultivated beards were sending out a message that their social motives were moving from the mating market to long-term relationships and family.

On the other hand Men’s Facial Hair Preferences, a study published in the US’s National Library of Medicines in April 2023, maintai-

ned that men with beards were seen as “aggressive, dominant, older, and more formidable, mostly by other men.”

Investigators found that men with facial hair, particularly heavy stubble or a full beard, favoured it for themselves but not other men. This implied that men’s preferences for beards could be based on their “display value,” they

The US study also tied with the Padua findings - however loosely - by suggesting that facial hair enhanced men’s attractiveness for women when judging long-term over short-term relationships “and when considering fathering abilities other than sexual attractiveness.”

SHAVING: Allegedly less timeconsuming than grooming beard.

Money worries

IT seems that Finland’s smallest municipality, Lestijärvi in Central Ostrobothnia is facing major financial difficulties.

Having a population of just 680 people, it has suffered an investigation to see whether central government considers that it has so many problems that it should be declared a ‘municipality in crisis’.

Basically it is required to be able to demonstrate that it can comply with the law with regards to the range of services that it offers to its residents but with a current deficit of €2.7 million and a record of consistent losses, it seems likely to fail the test.

According to YLE News it has borrowings of €10.6 million which is the

equivalent of €15,588 per resident of whom many will be too young or too old to be earning and it has announced that it will put on unpaid leave all of its staff members over the next three winters in order to save money.

This is the village that was so worried about depopulation, (a problem in many rural parts of Finland), that 12 years ago it offered a €10,000 ‘baby bonus’ to every couple that has a child.

Forty-one babies were born over the following four years at a cost to the council of €410,000 but it’s a very long term solution to a pressing problem with no guarantee that the babies who were born will stay in the municipality when they grow up.

Lestijärvi Municipal Hall.
Photo credit: Pixabay/Stokpik

Domestic Zen zone Shading shenanigans

CHOOSING the right shade of lipstick based on your skin tone can greatly enhance your overall look. Here’s how to find your perfect match. For fair skin tones, opt for soft pinks, light corals, and peachy nudes. These shades add a delicate pop of colour without overpowering your complexion. For a bolder look, classic reds with blue undertones are flattering. Medium skin tones benefit

from a wide range of shades. Warm pinks, mauves, and berries are excellent choices. For a more dramatic effect, rich reds and deep burgundies complement your skin beautifully.

Olive skin tones look best in earthy colours like warm browns, terracotta, and brick reds. These shades harmonise with the natural warmth of your complexion. Bright colours like coral and oran -

SWEDISH researchers at the Umeå University argue that there’s not enough evidence proving benefits of sunscreens.

One of the most increasing forms of cancer in Sweden, skin cancer is linked to sun exposure and many believe in the use of sunscreens for guaranteed protection.

According to the Radiation Safety Authority, applying sunscreen provides protection from the sun, yet researchers at Umeå University are doubting the results. “The scientific support

ge-based reds can also be stunning.

Deep skin tones can rock bold, vibrant shades effortlessly. Rich plums, deep berries, and dark reds look striking. For added glam, metallics or bright, vivid colours like fuchsia are perfect. By matching your lipstick to your skin tone, you can enhance your natural beauty and create a harmonious look.

Sunscreen use

that sunscreen protects against skin cancer is weak. Therefore, one should be careful in recommending it as a protection,” said Bengt Järvholm, a senior physician and professor at Umeå.

He linked his doubt to the increase in skin cancer in Sweden, despite the rising use of sunscreen. “It cannot be explained by an increased frequency of reporting to the cancer

ENHANCING the energy in your home can have a profound impact on your well-being, fostering a sense of tranquility and positivity. Here are some effective ways to cleanse and uplift your home’s energy:

Decluttering: Clearing out unnecessary items helps to open up the space, allowing energy to flow freely. A decluttered environment reduces stress and promotes mental clarity.

Smudging: Burning sage or palo santo is a traditional method to clear negative energy. The aromatic smoke purifies the air, creating a calm and serene atmosphere.

Salt cleansing: Sprinkling salt in room corners or using salt lamps can absorb negative energies. Salt’s natural purifying properties help to enhance the room’s vibrancy.

House plants: Adding plants like lavender or aloe vera not only purifies the air but also brings a touch of nature indoors, promoting a calming effect.

Sound therapy: Using singing bowls, chimes, or playing soothing music can break up stagnant energy. Sound vibrations uplift the home’s atmosphere, fostering harmony. By incorporating these practices, your home becomes a sanctuary of positive energy, reflecting in improved mood, health, and overall well-being.

registry as the mortality rate in malignant mela noma is also increasing,” stated Järvholm. The risks associated with using sunscreen are not known and have not been scienti fically established. “Some substances pass through the skin, which can be measured by studying the pre sence of the substances or their breakdown products in urine. The risks of this are not fully known,” he said.

Credit: Mikhail Nilov, Pexels

Pore perfection

SKINCARE mistakes can inadvertently lead to spots, a common and often frustrating breakout. One major mistake is over-cleansing. While it might seem logical to wash your face frequently to remove oil, doing so can strip your skin of its natural oils, prompting your skin to produce even more oil, which can clog pores.

Using the wrong products is another frequent error. Products that are not non-comedogenic (formulated to not clog pores) can cause breakouts. Similarly, using harsh exfoliants can irritate the skin, leading to increased oil production and spots.

Skipping moisturiser is a mistake even those with oily skin should avoid. Depriving your

skin of moisture can cause it to overcompensate by producing more oil.

Additionally, not removing make-up before bed can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Finally, touching your face frequently transfers dirt and bacteria from your hands to your face, leading to spots. Proper skincare routines, tailored to your specific skin type, are essential to maintain clear, healthy skin.

Shampoo free style

CO-WASHING, or conditioner washing, is a hair care method where you wash your hair using only conditioner instead of shampoo. This te chnique is popular among individuals with curly, dry, or textured hair types as it helps maintain moisture and reduces frizz.

The main advantage of co-washing is that it gently cleanses the hair wi thout stripping away natu ral oils. Traditional sham poos can often be harsh, leading to dryness and damage, especially for curly or chemically-treated hair. By using a conditioner, co-washing can leave hair fee ling softer, more hydrated, and ma nageable. It can also enhance curl defi nition and reduce tangling.

However, there are some drawbacks. Co-washing might not thoroughly cleanse the scalp, potentially leading to product buildup, dandruff, or an itchy scalp. This method may not be suitable for those with fine or oily hair, as it can weigh the hair down and make it appear greasy.

To achieve the best results, it’s essential to choose a lightweight, silicone-free conditioner and periodically use a clarifying shampoo to prevent buildup. Co-washing can be a beneficial addition to a hair care routine when used appropriately.

Breaking the bad

HABITS shape much of our daily routines, often developing unconsciously. Forming a habit involves repeating a behaviour in a consistent context until it becomes automatic.

This process engages the brain’s basal ganglia, reinforcing actions through repetition. Contrary to popular belief, forming a habit doesn’t take a precise number of days, like the oft-quoted

21. Research suggests it varies significantly, typically between 18 to 254 days, with an average of around 66 days. Breaking a habit requires a conscious effort to interrupt and replace the established pattern. Identifying triggers and replacing the unwanted behaviour with a positive one can be effective. Consistency and persistence are key, as is forgiving oneself for occasional lapses. The process of breaking a habit is as individual as forming one, taking anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Ultimately, patience, self-awareness, and support from others are essential in both creating and dismantling the routines that shape our lives.

By understanding these processes, we can better manage and improve our behaviours.

Brushing your teeth

MAINTAINING good oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy smile. One of the most essential aspects of oral care is brushing your teeth regularly.

Selecting an appropriate toothbrush is vital for effective dental care. Consider the following factors when choosing a toothbrush:

• Opt for a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging your gums

• Look for a toothbrush with a small head to reach all areas of your mouth easily

• Electric toothbrushes can be more efficient in removing plaque, but combined with a manual brush is fantastic.

Toothpaste plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health. When choosing toothpaste, keep these points in mind:

• Select a toothpaste that contains fluoride as it helps prevent tooth decay

• Look for toothpaste that targets specific dental issues such as sensitivity or gingivitis

• Consider the flavour and texture that suits your preference to encourage regular brushing.

Now that you have the right tools, it’s important to use proper brushing technique. Follow these steps:

1. Wet your toothbrush and apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste

2. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gum line

3. Use short, gentle circular motions to clean each tooth individually

4. Brush the outer and inner surfaces of your teeth, as well as the chewing surfaces

5. Don’t forget to brush your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.

Brushing your teeth for an adequate amount of time is crucial for effective cleaning. Aim to brush for at least two minutes, twice a day. Use a timer or play a song to ensure you dedicate enough time to each brushing session. Dividing your mouth into four sections can help ensure thorough cleaning. You can also make an appointment to see our hygienist, we recommend you should have at least an annual appointment so the hygienist can remove tartar that you can’t.

Pantry eye elixirs Getting grounded

REDUCING dark circles around your eyes can be effectively achieved with simple ingredients from your kitchen cupboard. These natural remedies offer an affordable and convenient way to brighten your eyes.

Start with tea bags, known for their caffeine and antioxidant content. Brew two tea bags, let them cool, and place them over your closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. The caffeine helps constrict blood vessels, reducing puffiness and dark circles.

Cucumbers are another popular remedy. Slice a chilled cucumber and place the slices over your eyes for 10 minutes. Cucumbers have a cooling effect and contain antioxidants that help lighten dark circles and reduce puffiness.

Raw potatoes are also beneficial. Grate a raw potato, extract the juice, and soak cotton pads in it. Place the pads over your eyes for 10 minutes. Potatoes contain natural bleaching agents that can help lighten dark circles.

Lastly, a mixture of honey and almond oil can be effective. Mix equal parts, gently massage around your eyes before bedtime, and leave it overnight. Both ingredients moisturise and can lighten skin over time.

Incorporate these natural remedies into your routine for brighter, healthier looking eyes.

GROUNDING exercises are practical techniques de signed to connect you to the present moment, particularly useful during times of anxiety, stress, or dissociation. These exercises work by redirecting focus from distressing thoughts to the immediate physical environment, helping to regain a sense of control and calm.

Grounding works by engaging the five senses or by encouraging mental focus on the here and now. For instance, one common grounding exercise involves identifying five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This sensory awareness helps to anchor the mind in the present.

promoting mindfulness and relaxation.

Another effective technique focuses on naming things you observe around you, this shifts the brain away from stressors,

Simple physical activities like walking barefoot on grass, holding an ice cube, or rhythmic breathing can also serve as grounding exercises. These practices are beneficial for managing anxiety, enhancing mindfulness, and fostering emotional stability, making them valuable tools for mental well-being.

Benidorm shuns antitourist message

WIDESPREAD protests across Spain find no support in Benidorm, says a tourism director there who welcomes all tourists, especially from the UK.

Benidorm is in the northern Costa Blanca region and has been welcoming tourists - largely from the UK - for decades.

It is particularly beloved of British tourists and its appeal only seems to be rising. In 2019, pre-Covid, 788,845 holidaymakers headed for

the city in eastern Spain, in the Valencia region.

Last year, this figure was up 5.2 per cent to 832,115.

When asked what the local view towards British holidaymakers in the face of so many protests against them in other parts of Spain, Visit Benidorm director Leire Bilbao told Alice Scarsi of The Express , “We are happy for every tourist that chooses us.

“Imagine, they are saving money all year to invest in their holidays

and they decide to choose us. Our fidelity rate is very high - 73 per cent of the tourists come back to us. That is a wonderful award for us.”

Pressed upon whether Benidorm is losing its cultural identity in the face of being overrun by the British, Bilbao dismissed this. She said that Benidorm has a special multicultural nature, saying, “We are not afraid of losing our identity and traditions remain - you can enjoy them or not - but we have plenty of activities all year round that continue taking place as always. We have been a tourism destination for decades, and nothing has changed in our popular and cultural traditions.”

Explaining one tradition “doesn’t disappear after tourists bring us new options,” Ms Bilbao said locals “love celebrating the Day of the Netherlands or St Patrick’s Day, and we have a poppy appeal in Benidorm every year.”

She pointed to the fact that the Valencian tradition of Fallas is celebrated alongside events such as St Patrick’s Day.

The seafront at Benidorm.

Tree-mendous triumph

A MONUMENTAL cork oak tree in Reynès, France, has been confirmed as the world’s tallest cork oak tree.

Standing at 21 metres (68 feet 10 inches), it surpasses the previous record holder, Portugal’s Sobreiro Monumental, which is 16.2 metres (53 feet) tall.

Cork oak trees are the main source of cork, used in products like wine stoppers and flooring.

The tree, now cared for by Serge Arnaudiès since the late 1980s, was once mentioned in an 1891 travel guide.

Serge discovered the guide, ‘Souvenirs du Midi par un homme du Nord’, at a flea market, which described the tree’s impressive dimensions and its valuable cork yield.

Intrigued, Serge bought the land, cleared the brush, and preserved the tree’s health, ceasing bark harvesting in the 1990s to protect it.

Locals have long claimed it as the world’s largest cork oak tree, but it wasn’t officially measured until recently. Now certified, they hope it will be recognised as a national symbol, si-

milar to the previous record holder in Portugal.

The tallest living tree overall is ‘Hyperion’, a coast redwood in California, USA, standing at 116.07 metres (380.8 feet).

Image: Guinness Book of Records.
The world’s tallest cork oak tree.

Sheeran mania

THE British music icon, Ed Sheeran, announced a second concert in Madrid after his rst one sold out in just a few hours.

The singer-songwriter will lead the Metropolitano arena on May 30 and May 31, 2025, as part of his extensive Mathematics tour. Promoting his latest album, Autumn Variations, Sheeran will also feature the hits from his fth and sixth studio albums, - and =.

The tour features 142 shows across Europe and the UK, to be concluded on September 6 in Dusseldorf, Germany.

An expression of ‘love, sentimental disappointment, depression and loneliness’, the Autumn Variations album itself sold 30,016 units in the UK alone and has touched the hearts and souls of millions across Europe.

The superstar’s concerts are usually attended by at least 60,000 people; tickets tend to sell out within hours, especially in capitals like Madrid.

The Mathematics tour features Sheeran’s global hits, including Castle on the Hill, Galway Girl, Shape of You and Bad Habits; from folk love ballads to pop-rock anthems, the tour’s setlist represents the diversity of human emotions, much like the complexity of mathematics.

In Madrid’s Metropolitano venue, 70,460 spectators will be able to meet Sheeran face-to-face in fan zone areas and get the best views and sound from the 96 per cent covered seats.

Sheeran’s relentless energy and love for his fans showed once again as he spontaneously announced the second concert, ensuring that every Sheerio across Spain gets to see him perform at least once in their life.

The tickets for the concert in Madrid went on sale on July 17 at 9am with a pre-sale on July 15, at 9am on Livenation.

Sheeran and his team remind his listeners that the pop star holds “a strict stance against the use of uno cial ticketing sites to prevent abuse of fans trying to buy tickets to his concerts.”

The tickets can be purchased through ocial websites including or ed

Britain’s ugliest dog walks the red carpet

Harry Sinclair BRITAIN’S ugliest dog, Peggy, joined the Deadpool cast as they walked the red carpet.

Peggy the pugese, a crossbreed between pug and Chinese crested is making her acting debut as ‘Dogpool’, the sidekick to Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool character. She was photographed in her superhero costume with the actors as they promoted the film ahead of the release at the Eventim Apollo in London on Thursday July 11.

In celebration of the film, and Peggy’s stardom, HMV replaced its traditional dog-and-gramophone logo to

feature canine-superhero Peggy in the logo, displayed on the sign of their flagship store on Oxford Street, London.

Peggy is the pet of Holly Middleton, from East Yorkshire, who entered her in the UK’s ugliest dog contest after adopting her at six months old, describing her as “beautiful both inside and out.”

After winning the con-

test, Holly went on to say they “could never have imagined that we would discover a star.” Little did they know how big of a star Peggy would become.

Reynolds was the one to spot and cast Peggy in the newest Deadpool, stating she felt “like the animal manifestation” of Wade Wilson, the man who becomes Deadpool.


Speaking European –Juul van Noort

Juul spent four months thinking about Spain; is it the right place to move to? Is it the right time?

SHE and her husband planned to buy a house in Spain, only to stay during the winter but after Juul’s husband lit up with the idea of moving completely, the couple reconsidered their life in the Netherlands.

Juul finally gave in; she quit her job and moved to Alcalali, where the couple purchased a beautiful home.

“You have to follow your heart,” she said. “If you’re hesitating, stay in Spain for a month or two and you’ll know.”

mediately felt “at home.”

“Life in Spain is much easier,” she shared. Juul loves the country for its climate, which is “the best in Europe.” She shared that in Spain, it became “easier to be healthy.”

But even after moving away from the Netherlands, Juul continued to make Dutch friends in Spain and im-

Now, she spends her days with nature and sports, mindful and at peace.

“Moving to Spain has had a bigger impact on my mental health than I anticipated. It’s so peaceful. It’s quiet on the roads, quiet in the mind; it’s a much healthier and happier way to live.”

Ed Sheeran.
Peggy in her superhero role with Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson.

Lower prices


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Spanish Stone Age Sandals

CURIOUS about the origins of your espadrilles? The earliest known version of these iconic sandals dates back a staggering 4,000 years, or so we thought. But recent discoveries have pushed that timeline even further, revealing sandals woven from grass believed to be 6,000 years old. These ancient artefacts were unearthed in a bat cave in Andalucia, preserved remarkably well by the cave’s low humidity, despite being plundered by miners in the 19th century.

Among the trove weren’t just sandals, but also baskets and an array of tools. Experts claim that this collection represents the oldest and best-preserved set of plant fibre artefacts in southern Europe, showcasing the remarkable craftsmanship of prehistoric societies.

Advanced dating techniques have revealed that this cache actually dates back 9,000 years.

The sandals themselves, crafted from various grasses along with leather and lime, hail from the Neolithic era, predating even the 5,500-year-old leather shoes dis -


covered in an Armenian cave in 2008.

The site of this extraordinary find is La Cueva de los Murciélagos, or Cave of the Bats, first explored in 1831 by a landowner in pursuit of, err, bat droppings for fertiliser. Subsequently, miners stumbled upon a chamber containing mummified remains, baskets, wooden implements and even a unique gold diadem, adding layers of intrigue to this ancient trove. Ancient wisdom, modern lessons - who says history is boring?

Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers, including the latest ‘The Couple across the Street’ (www., all available online at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

Nora’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


What a nutty situation


THE world is now officially totally bonkers. I don’t know what’s happening any more. The years are flying past.

Things that were considered pretty bad by police are now not worthy of even being reported. Shoplifting used to be a proper crime. I remember when I was a kid the police would be called if someone nicked a chocolate bar. Now I read that in America one big store group is removing shopping trolleys to deter the thieves coming in, filling them up and just walking out with them not even being challenged by security. The police won’t even attend unless it’s over a certain amount. How nuts is this situation?

To add insult to injury another clue these pieces of filth have found is that some of these stores have a no quibble refund guarantee (what is a quibble?). So they take the stuff they nicked back to other branches of the same store and get refunded!!! It’s like the Wild West out there. My friends that still have shops in the UK have confirmed that it’s a massive problem. I

know the woke brigade will get their undies in a twist, but it’s mostly very well organised groups of Eastern Europeanssorry but it’s a fact. The UK police do not know what to do. They seem to be protecting all the wrong people for fear of being called racist by all the do-gooders.

Interesting to see UK MPs taking their oath in Punjabi, and other languages, or not taking it at all because they don’t believe in a monarchy. Only in the UK - it’s a joke. I’ve no problem with any race or religion being a UK MP but at least respect the official language of the country you live in. OK enough of that.

Why do people think they know what dead people would like? How many times have I heard people say when making a ridiculous decision, ‘It’s what he would have wanted’. I want to say, I knew them better than you and they would have hated it. My advice is if you are in that position do what you think is best not what someone else tells you what the deceased would have liked.

Did you know that the baby in Three Men and a Baby is 40 years old now? Feeling old? My cloud storage for all my photos used to be an old biscuit tin!


Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


Borgonya and Scotland

WHILST it is generally known that the Scots have influenced the world, it is something of a surprise to discover St Andrew’s flag flying in a Spanish town.

Although it’s not the only municipality to honour its Scottish links (as Teba has its own Douglas Days Celebration), the village of Borgonya in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees goes a step further.

In 1893, J&P Coats which was based in Paisley, Scotland decided to create a new factory in this quaint little village to weave the Paisley cloth that it had become famous for.

Turning back to Borgonya, employees from Coats travelled to the village to train the locals and their influence saw the building of terraced

houses with back gardens as seen in Scotland as well as creation of new streets with such names as Carrer Paisley, Coats and Escòcia.

The factory continued to grow and expand and lasted more than 100 years before finally closing in 1999, but the Scottish influence still remains today, none more obvious than the local football club, CD Borgonya whose team plays in the same black and white stripes as Paisley based St Mirren and even has a saltire (blue flag with white cross) on the shirt.

When the local football stadium was damaged in a storm not so long ago, a St Mirren fan on holiday in the area set up a crowdfunding page and raised £1,600 to help with the restoration efforts.

The local football team still emulate the St Mirren kit.
Credit: CD Borgonya


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Feline factors

WHEN adopting a cat, it’s important to consider several factors. First, observe the cat’s behaviour: a friendly, curious demeanour is ideal. Notice how the cat interacts with people and other animals. A well-socialised cat will approach calmly and enjoy being petted. Check for physical health indicators: clear eyes, a clean coat, and healthy weight are positive signs. Ask about its medical history, vaccinations etc.

Red flags include aggression, extreme shyness, or signs of illness.

Lamia and Chloe love dogs, and they love housesitting too!

• News from Our Other 6 Newspapers •

Costa del Sol Torremolinos Pride

LGBTI Congress of Andalucia, at an event hosted in Torremolinos, recognises Andalucia as a model province not only in Spain but worldwide. Torremolinos played host to the fourth iteration of the congressional meeting held on June 12, however, the town received the distinction on July 9.

Minister of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families, and Equality, Loles López inaugurated the event and announced a new distinction that will be given to spaces deemed to be free from LGBTIphobia. To receive that recognition, LGBTI people in the area will be able to recommend both public and private institutions.

The group has over 300 members, made up very evenly of men and women and largely of an age range between 25 and 45. The event saw several roundtable discussions led by experts including Andalucian government lawyer Olvido Valdes, who gave a talk on the challenges and threats towards the LGBTI community.


Coastal connection

THE Granada Provincial Council has announced an investment of over €6 million to extend the Senda Litoral (coastal path) to Cabo de Gata through Granada. This initiative will cover more than 80 kilometres of the Costa Tropical, complementing the work already done along the Costa del Sol and the Almeria coast. The project will connect 18 towns from Nerja to Almuñecar and further to Almeria.

Granada’s regional government aims to link the existing trails between Manilva and Malaga’s Axarquia region with those in Almeria, reaching the scenic Cabo de Gata. The nearly completed Senda Litoral-GR91 E12 spans over 200 kilometres and is accessible for walking and cycling, though some areas restrict bikes.

Recent projects, like the pedestrian bridge over the Granadillas stream in Rincon de la Victoria, highlight the environmental and public space benefits of the Senda Litoral, which is now 90 per cent complete in Malaga.

Mallorca ‘Have Fun with Respect’

CALVIA and Consell de Mallorca are joining forces to promote responsible tourism with the launch of their new campaign, ‘Have Fun with Respect’.

The campaign will have a high profile throughout Calvia. Social media will also play a key role in spreading the message, ensuring broad reach among tourists and residents.

“Responsible tourism is more than just a goal, it’s the future we’re building to guarantee positive experiences for both tourists and residents,” stated Jose Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, Minister of Tourism for Consell de Mallorca, during the campaign’s launch.

“Raising awareness about the importance of civil behaviour is essential for fostering coexistence and mutual respect.”

Calvia’s mayor, Juan Antonio Amengual, said - “Calvia is a safe and high-quality leisure destination. Civility and responsibility from both tourists and residents are fundamental in maintaining that reputation.”

Costa Blanca South Soaring stats

THE Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport has set a new record, closing June with 1,772,559 passengers, the highest number ever achieved in a single month. This surpasses the previous record set in May by 1.32 per cent and marks a 17.7 per cent increase compared to June 2023.

International travellers make up the majority, with 1,532,755 passengers, reflecting a 16.8 per cent increase. National traffic also saw a significant rise, with 237,528 passengers, a 24 per cent increase from the previous year. Among international travellers, the United Kingdm contributed the most with 612,123 passengers, followed by the Netherlands (103,953), Germany (103,131), Belgium (85,689), and France (81,876). For the first half of the year, the airport managed a total of 8,341,151 passengers, 17.9 per cent more than the same period in 2023. The total number of flights operated between January and June was 52,801, a 15.2 per cent increase compared to the previous year.


World Rock Day

ON July 13, 1985, Bob Geldorf (Boomtown Rats) and Midge Ure (Ultravox) cajoled most of the world’s most famous rock stars to perform for charity. With Live Aid shows in both London and Philadelphia raising millions for relief of starvation in Ethiopia, it was Phil Collins who flew across the Atlantic to appear at both events and who called for the establishment of a World Rock Day to mark the special day.

This year, youngsters taking part in the Albox Musical Summer School were primed to celebrate Rock for an entire week and they were photographed on Saturday July 13 showing their support for World Rock Day.

According to the council, it’s important that those taking part in the school have a diverse and enriching musical education which takes in all types of genres of music including Rock, especially as Rock Albox is one of the longest running musical festivals in Almeria and is now in its 39th year.

Costa Calida Boutique hotel

CABO DE PALOS introduces a new boutique hotel this summer, the Cetina Cabo de Palos Puerto, adding to its hospitality options. Situated centrally on Calle Tintero, this three-star hotel spans two floors and offers 45 rooms. Owned by a real estate company linked to Marnys, led by José Martínez Nieto, it will be managed by the Murcian chain Cetina.

The hotel features a terrace with panoramic views of the town and coastline, along with a cocktail service and a Jacuzzi for guests. Its restaurant, Amura, specialises in Mediterranean cuisine, offering both tapas and formal dining.

Established eight years ago in Murcia, Cetina has converted several historic properties into boutique hotels across Spain, including locations in Sevilla, Segovia, and soon in Cordoba.

This addition reflects Cabo de Palos’ ongoing growth in tourism, providing 45 new rooms and upscale amenities aimed at environmentally conscious travellers seeking high-quality experiences.


Unpaid traffic fines Renault’s focus on sporty EVs

FAILING to pay traffic fines in Spain can lead to a series of escalating consequences, impacting both your financial situation and legal standing. Here’s what you can expect if you neglect to settle your fines:

When you receive a traffic fine, you typically have 20 days to pay it. If you pay within this period, you often benefit from a 50 per cent reduction. Ignoring this opportunity leads to the full fine amount becoming due.

If you fail to pay within the initial period, the fine amount dou bles. Continued non-payment can result in additional penalties and interest being added.

The Spanish authorities can initiate a formal debt collection process. This may include seizing your wages, freezing your bank accounts, or seizing assets to recover the owed amount.

RENAULT is shifting gears towards sporty electric vehicles (EVs) as part of a strategic move to boost profitability. The French automaker, known for its diverse range of affordable cars, is now focusing on the high-performance EV market, aiming to capture the interest of enthusiasts and eco-conscious drivers alike.

In severe cases, especially if you have accumulated multiple unpaid fines, your vehicle could be impounded. Retrieving your vehicle would then require paying all outstanding fines plus any impoundment fees.

Persistent non-payment can lead to legal proceedings. This might result in court appearances and further legal costs, adding to your financial burden.

Unpaid fines can affect your ability to renew your driving licence or other official documents. It can also create complications if you plan to travel or move within the European Union.

Paying traffic fines promptly is crucial to avoid these consequences and maintain your financial stability.

Renault’s CEO, Luca de Meo, has outlined an ambitious plan to introduce a series of sporty EV models that combine the thrill of high-speed driving with sustainable technology. This pivot comes as the global automotive industry experiences a significant shift towards electric mobility, driven by stricter emission regulations and growing environmental awareness among consumers.

The company’s new EV lineup will include performance-oriented models designed to compete with established players in the electric sports car segment. These vehicles will feature advanced battery technology, impressive acceleration, and sleek designs, reflecting Renault’s commitment to innovation and sustainability.

By entering the sporty

EV market, Renault aims to attract a new demographic of customers willing to pay a premium for performance and style.

to enhance the brand’s image and profitability, positioning Renault as a leader in the evolving automotive

landscape. Renault’s investment in sporty EVs represents a strategic effort to diversify its product portfolio and capitalise on the growing demand for electric vehicles. As the company accelerates its transition to electric mobility, it remains committed to delivering high-quality, exciting, and environmentally friendly cars to its customers.

Death of the handbrake

THE traditional manual handbrake, once a staple in cars, is rapidly disappearing. Since 2019, the number of new models featuring manual handbrakes has plummeted by 61 per cent. Car manufacturers are increasingly opting for electronic parking brakes, signalling the imminent demise of the manual version.

Electronic parking brakes (EPBs) offer several advantages. They provide a cleaner interior design, as they replace the bulky handbrake lever with a simple button. EPBs also include advanced features like automatic engagement, which activates the brake when the car is parked, and hill-start assist, which prevents the car from rolling backward on slopes. These systems can enhance driving convenience and safety.

Despite their benefits, electronic parking brakes come with a significant drawback: cost. Repairs and replace-

ments of EPBs are far more expensive than those of manual handbrakes. While fixing a manual handbrake is relatively straightforward and affordable, dealing with an EPB involves complex electronics and software, leading to higher repair bills.

As car brands continue to transition to electronic systems, the manual handbrake is poised to become a relic of the past. However, for many drivers, the simplicity and reliability of the manual handbrake will be missed. The increased costs associated with electronic parking brakes could be a point of contention for car owners, despite the added convenience and safety features.

In conclusion, while electronic parking brakes may represent the future of automotive technology, the death of the manual handbrake raises questions about cost and practicality for many car owners.


THE All-New Dacia Spring, at £14,995, is the UK’s most affordable new electric car by a margin of thou sands of pounds. I exclude the much cheaper Citroen Ami as it’s left hand drive, and not really a car, more a mo torised quadracycle.

Dacia have a good track record of bringing very affordable cars to mar ket and in the process leaving the competition behind in whiche ver sector they choose. The Spring could be the EV that brings electric cars to the motoring masses. Well on price certainly, but will buyers take to it because it’s not without its issues.

There are two versions, the lead-in Expression and more upmarket Extreme at £16,995. Standard fare inclu des air conditioning, rear par king sensors, power front windows and a rear wiper. Not something you find on every EV! The higher trim Extreme version adds front parking sensors and a rear parking camera, allround power windows, tyre pressure monitoring and power door mirrors. Both cars drive the front wheels with the lead-in model at 45hp not

New Dacia Spring rewrites the EV rulebook, but it’s not without issues

suspect it could struggle on busy A roads. The higher powered 65 hp version would obviously fare better on faster, less urban roads. However the potential issues don’t end there as the driving range is quoted as just 140 miles, which in real world driving will be less than this stated figure depending upon conditions and type of driving. Dacia claim the Spring will run for six days of average urban driving without charging.

being exactly fast. The benchmark 62 mph takes an astonishing 19.1 seconds and the top speed is 78 mph. Even the more powerful 65hp takes 13.7 seconds, although Dacia claim a more appropriate time is the 0 to 31mph at 5.8 seconds and 3.9 seconds respectively.

Dacia say the car, especially the lead-in version, is aimed more at urban motorists, but this misses the point that even at such a competitive price this is an expensive city runabout. Take it on a longer run and I

If you can live with the limited range, and even more limited performance, then the Spring is another impressive model from Dacia. Yes it might be cheap and cheerful, it might have limited range and it certainly isn’t quick. However, it looks the part of the stylish mini off-roader, is without doubt the most affordable EV and over time Dacia will improve it as they have with all their models.

DACIA SPRING: Without doubt the most affordable EV.

Brad Pitt’s New F1 Movie

HOLLYWOOD superstar Brad Pitt is set to make a thrilling return to the big screen with a new Formula 1 movie, scheduled for release in 2025. This highly anticipated film promises to blend high-octa ne racing action with compelling storytelling, capturing the intense world of Formula 1.

While specific plot details re main under wraps, the movie is expected to follow the journey of an ageing Formula 1 driver, pla yed by Pitt, who mentors a young, up-and-coming racer. The film will delve into the personal and profes sional challenges faced by drivers in the high-stakes world of For mula 1, showcasing the intense rivalries, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of speed and perfection.

The project boasts an impressive lineup of talent. Acclaimed director Joseph Ko sinski, known for his work on ‘Top Gun: Maverick’, is set to helm the movie. The screenplay is being penned by Ehren Kru-

ger, adding to the excitement with his knack for creating gripping narratives. The film is also being produced in collaboration with

Lewis Hamilton, the seven-time Formula 1 World Champion, ensuring an authentic portrayal of the sport.

Saving fuel

Efficient driving, by minimising abrupt acceleration and braking, maintaining constant speeds, and optimising engine use, results in fuel consumption savings.

The movie will feature real-life racing sequences, shot at actual Formula 1 events, adding a layer of authenticity rarely seen in sports films. Brad Pitt has reportedly undergone rigorous training to prepare for his role, including sessions with professional drivers to master the intricacies of Formula 1 racing.

Fans of both Brad Pitt and Formula 1 are eagerly awaiting this film, which promises to deliver a unique blend of drama, action, and the exhilarating world of motorsport. As the release date approaches, anticipation continues to build for what is expected to be a blockbuster hit.

With its star-studded cast and production team, Brad Pitt’s new Formula 1 movie is poised to be a cinematic thrill ride that will captivate audiences worldwide.

Photocredit Shutterstock/Jay Hirano Photography

Southgate quits

DESPITE getting to the European Cup Finals, Gareth Southgate has decided to quit as England Manager, and the process for appointing his successor is already underway.

In discussing his resignation, he said, “As a proud Englishman, it has been the honour of my life to play for and manage England. It has meant everything to me, and I have given it my all. But it’s time for change and for a new chapter.”

The 53-year-old led the England team to a World Cup semi-final and two Euro finals. In fact, he boasts a better win rate than even Sir Alf Ramsey, who led England to World Cup victory in 1966. His record of 64 wins out of 102 matches is surpassed only by Fabio Capello, who was in charge of England between 2008 and 2012.

Assistant boss Steve Holland will also be stepping down.

In response to the resignations, Mark Bullingham, Chief Executive of the FA, said, “Over the last eight years, they have transformed the England men’s team, delivering

unforgettable memories for everyone who loves the Three Lions. We look back at Gareth’s tenure with huge pride.”

When asked about succession plans, he would not be drawn on

Gareth Southgate celebrates winning 2024 Euro semi-final.
Credit: Shutterstock: Orange Pictures

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