Costa de Almeria 15 – 21 August 2024 Issue 2041

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The man, the myth, the law

JACK LAW, local rock star and lead vocalist of Seldom Sober, just performed his 1000th set.

After his thousandth gig, Jack Law spoke with Euro Weekly News (EWN) to talk about his experience, look back on his career, and share his future plans.

Jack performed his 1,000th show with his band, Seldom Sober, on Friday, August 9, at El Chaco Bar, in Mojacar, which he said was “coincidental” but “quite fitting” of a venue, as his first ever performance in Mojacar, in 2016, was at a bar run by the now-chef of El Chaco.

Although Jack is “always nervous before every show,” he said that for this milestone set it “felt like routine” and went very well for him and his band.

When asked about whether he has a most memorable gig of the 1,000 in his career, Jack said it was actually the 999th

performance, due to the technical difficulties he faced, stating “You always remember the ones that go wrong,” adding that “the trick is not letting it throw you off.”

Jack also reflected on his career with “immense pride,” stating the “highs drastically outweigh the lows.”

Looking forward, the rock star has a bright futu-

re, sharing with EWN that he has a solo recording session booked in New York, with plans to release an album.

Jack Law has played a big part in the local music scene for nearly a decade and was celebrated by fans at his millennium gig.

Costa de Almeria • Issue No. 2041 • 15 - 21 Aug 2024 FREE FREE FREI GRATIS
Credit: Tony Randle of Bands and Music Mojacar
Jack Law performing his 1,000th gig with Seldom Sober at El Chacho Bar.

Bronze medallists

LOS HISPANOS competed for the bronze medal in handball on Sunday August 11 and will return to Spain victorious.

On Friday, August 8, at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Los Hispanos, the national handball team of Spain, took an unfortunate loss against Germany, but the team never stopped fighting for what would have been the 18th medal for Spain.

Taking the defeat in stride and maintaining their motivation, Los Hispanos went through to the bron-

ze medal match between Spain and Slovenia.

The bronze medal match was a tight game between the two, consistently staying between one or two goals off each other, however, the Spaniards came out on top, finishing the game 23-22 to Spain.

The Almeria native, Agustin Casado Marcelo, has been a solid pillar for the national team this Olympics, putting in incredible performances each time and this time was no different.

Originally from Carboneras, the 28-year-old centre-back has not lost momentum once during this competition, and brought it all for the bronze medal match, scoring three goals for his team and securing his first Olympic medal.

“It is important for our sport, for many players who could win a medal for the first time” said Los Hispanos coach, Jordie Ribera.

Agustin Casado will return to his hometown proud, and his town will surely be proud of him.

Almeria sea view homes

Harry Sinclair OWNING a home in a coastal town of Spain with a sea view is a dream for many.

It can, however, seem a distant dream to purchase a first or second home in these paradise locations.

Idealista, Spain’s leading real estate platform, has recently put properties up for sale in the province of Almeria that provide exactly what you might be looking for; sea views for less than €50,000.

Located in different parts of the province, these estates all feature the Mediterranean nearby with privileged views of its beauty.

One example of this is a flat in Vicar, in the La Envia Golf area, for €48,000,

with ‘panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea’ as well as being located near the ‘Vicar golf course and the five-star Envia Almeria Spa’, according to Idealista.

Other properties meeting these criteria include one in La Envia, for €50,000, a flat in Roquetas de Mar for €48,000, as well as a multitude of other properties in the province for a similar budget.

Moving to the famously beautiful province of Almeria is a dream in itself, and living with a picturesque sea view is like a fantasy.

Yet now your dream could become a reality with a variety of sea view properties in Almeria on the market.

New properties are on the market providing a dream life next to the Mediterranean, with sea views.
Credit: Comite
Olimpico Español /fb
Los Hispanos celebrating their win against Slovenia for the bronze medal.

Spanish heatwaves

SPAIN has experienced a noticeable increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves in recent years. The Mediterranean region is particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures due to its already warm climate and unique geographical features.

Heatwaves in Spain can cause severe health impacts, strain on energy systems, and agricultural disruptions. Extended periods of extreme heat can exacerbate existing health conditions,

increasing mortality rates and significantly burdening healthcare services.

In addition to heatwaves, Spain has seen a dramatic rise in droughts and wildfires. Prolonged periods of low rainfall, coupled with higher temperatures, create ideal conditions for drought. This, in turn, exacerbates the risk of wildfires, as dry vegetation becomes highly flammable.

Climate change is making extreme weather events, such as heatwa-

ves, droughts, and wildfires, more frequent and intense. However, while climate change is a pressing global issue, it’s crucial to discern between natural climate variability and human-induced climate change.

While natural factors like volcanic eruptions, changes in solar radiation, and ocean currents contribute to climate fluctuations, the current rapid warming trend is predominantly a result of human activities.

Man-made climate

change, largely fuelled by the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, is a significant contributor to the current global warming crisis.

While governments are pivotal in addressing climate change, individuals also bear responsibility. Personal actions, such as reducing energy consumption, supporting renewable energy, and making sustainable lifestyle choices, can collectively make a significant impact.

Stay cool

WITH thermometers soaring up to +40 degrees Celsius, summer in Spain can be challenging if you aren’t used to it. While most people move to Spain for its pleasant climate, newcomers may need time to adapt to the hot conditions.

The Euro Weekly News’ readers shared their top tips for surviving and enjoying the Spanish heat.

Marje Turner shared; “Been 40 years here; inside with air conditioning on, chilling, lots of water and ice.” Tracey Jarvis agreed; “We keep our summer duvet on through the summer, air conditioning on all night.”

But air conditioning isn’t the only option; “Hang a couple of ice packs o the back of your fan, that way it blows out cold air. Also, wrap a couple of ice packs in a pillowcase and put them in your bed,” Yvonne Walton shared her advice.

Water is a great source of refreshment; Dawn Gorman noted; “Drink at least two litres of water a day.” Anna Legge, however, highlighted that water isn’t the only way to feel recharged; “Drink white wine in the summer, red in the winter.”

With the change of the seasons, so comes the change of routines. Andy Solomons a rmed; “Get up with the daylight. The early and late are the best times to do the chores. Don’t even think about working outside in the heat of the

ACCORDING to the Ministry of Health, we should do the following:

• Drink liquids frequently, even if we don’t feel thirsty.

• Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks.

• Keep an eye on babies and toddlers, the elderly with certain conditions, and pregnant women.

• Stay in air conditioned places.

• Reduce physical activity and outdoor exercise.

• Use lightweight, breathable clothing.

• Never leave people or animals in closed vehicles.

• Call a doctor if you feel symptoms of heatstroke for more than an hour.

• Keep medicines in a cool place.

• Eat fruit and eat light.

The Euro Weekly News publishes more content both online at euroweeklynews. com and in its papers than any other English news publication in SPAIN. Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

Droughts are becoming more frequent.
Trying to find shade in the heat.
Credit: Oleksandr P, Pexels

Harry Sinclair

A LOCAL from Albox has flung himself into fame with over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Local YouTube star Man saved at sea

At just 18 years old, Alvaro Perez, from Albox, embarked on a solo adventure into an unknown world.

Twelve years later, he has now surpassed the 100,000 subscriber mark, receiving the iconic ‘silver play button’ from YouTube, living out his passion through his work.

Alvaro Perez, now 30 years old, runs one of the pionee ring photography and film academies in the sector.

Alvaro Perez Garcia created the academy, Fe linu Academy, by himself eight years ago.

“In 2016, while I was studying in Alicante, I set up an online photography school,” said the online star, adding that “at the time there was no online photography academy.”

Felinu Academy aims at tra-

ining other photography enthusiasts in photography and action cameras; “training in photography for non-photographers,” says Perez.

The academy took off, and within a short period, Alvaro already had more than 100,000 students enrolled in his courses, a seemingly symbolic number for the YouTube star.

“On YouTube, I started making vlogs and telling my adventures,” said Alva-

A SERGEANT and a young Algerian were the saviours of a man stuck out at sea.

ge, I used it to test the topics that worked to develop my

Now, after surpassing the 100k mark, Alvaro states -

On Sunday, August 11, around 3pm, alarms were set off on a beach in Almeria after a man was seen clinging to a buoy, calling for help.

While sunbathing on the beach, located near the mouth of the Andarax River, a young Algerian boy heard the cries for help, along with Sergeant Requeno of the Legion and her husband, who then alerted the emergency services.

The officer, now out of commission, went one step further and, with no hesitation, dived into the waters to try and reach the stranded swimmer.

After receiving the call, the Emergency Coordination Centre transmitted the warning to the rescue services and the police authorities leading to the arrival of a patrol unit, the beach rescue service and a Maritime Rescue unit to the beach.

The man stuck on the buoy was quickly assisted by a Salvamento Maritimo jet ski and taken to a safe place on the beach to receive the necessary care, before taking him to Torrecardenas University Hospital.

Local YouTube star Alvaro Perez celebrates 100,000 subscribers on his channel.
The beach where the man was saved by a legionnaire and an Algerian.
Credit: Turismo de Almeria
Credit: Felinu Academy /fb

Grant improves facilities

Harry Sinclair

THE Pulpi Town Council has received a significant grant from Europe to improve the municipality’s facilities.

Pulpi has announced it has received a grant of more than €357,000,

thanks to the European ‘Next Generation EU’ Funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The grant aims to modernise and improve the municipality’s sports facilities and to help pro -

mote sustai nable sports tourism.

Specifically to Pulpi, this grant will allow the implementation of an ambi tious project va lued at more than €932,000, with the main improvements going towards a modern football pitch with artificial turf and a multi-track course.

Almeria fair fans

SOME 15,000 people from Almeria are already holding their Almeria Fair fan for this year’s fiesta.

The Fair’s fan is the most desirable of all for thousands of people from Almeria and tourists from all over as they prepare for the festivities in honour of the Patron Saint, the Virgen del Mar.

Coordinated by the Department of Culture, Traditions and Major Festivals of the Almeria City Council, the first person arrived at the Plaza de la Constitucion at 5.15am, and by 8.30am, an hour before opening, the queue already left the square and reached towards La Claras.

Juan Pedro Garcia, the mayor of Pulpi, expressed his enthusiasm for this achievement, stating “These improvements to the sports facilities of our municipality will soon be a reality that the residents of Pulpi will be able to enjoy,” adding that the funds will help Pulpi “adapt to the sustainable sports tourism that we at the town council

will continue to promote.”

With the Next Gen EU grant, Pulpi will bring forth up to eight improvements to its facilities, including; a general renovation of courts, three new paddle tennis courts, a newly converted modern artificial turf football pitch and multi-track, improvements to access and parking, and the construction of a common area between the courts.

The fan, decorated in red and teal with the iconic flamenco dancer design by Carlos Rigo, was first distributed on Saturday, August 10, in three locations; the Plaza de la Constitucion, the Centro de la Mujer de Cortijo Grande and the office of El Alquian.

The fans are once again raising funds for charity this year, as all the money raised from the fans (€2 per fan) will be donated to institutions that work to help those who need it most, including soup kitchens, Casa de Nazaret and Caritas.

The Department of Culture, Traditions and Major Festivals has distributed 15,000 fans already.
The municipality of Pulpi has received a grant from the EU to improve on its sports facilities.

Growth continues

THE province of Almeria continues to grow in popularity, with a rise in tourism and a new report on the number of residents.

On Wednesday, August 7, the National Statistics Institute released a report on the number of Almeria residents.

According to the latest data, the province of Almeria now has 765,128 residents, a 1 per cent increase since July 2023, a total of 7,023 new residents.

Additionally, the provin

see more tourists each year, reporting a total of 68,110 visitors in the first quarter of 2024; more than 47,000 of those were nationals and 21,190 were foreigners.

At a national level, Spain is seeing an overall increase in the resident population, increasing by 67,367 people in the second quarter, totalling 48,797,875 inhabitants as of July 1, 2024.

According to data from the Continuous Population Survey, this is the highest recorded value in Spain’s

ted population growth of 415,369 residents.

The largest increases have occurred in the Community of Madrid (0.33 per cent), the Valencian Community (0.28 per cent) and the Balearic Islands (0.28 per cent).

The number of foreigners moving to Spain continues to increase, with more than 45,000 people moving during the second quarter, reaching 6,632,064, while the population of Spanish nationality increased by 22,239 people.

The province of Almeria continues to grow in popularity with both residents and tourists.

Planning your retirement in Spain

When planning to move to Spain your initial focus may be on securing residency, but don’t neglect to research the tax, succession and financial planning implications. Spain can be a more tax-efficient place to live than you realise, but don’t leave your tax planning too late. Here are eight key steps to take before and after your move.

1) Apply for your Spain residence visa

While applying for legal residence in Spain now involves stricter requirements and advance planning, it is generally still possible provided you can support yourself. Retirees can apply for a Spanish non-lucrative visa.

2) Understand the tax implications of living in Spain

You become tax resident if you spend over 183 days in Spain a year, or your centre of economic or vital interests is here. This makes you liable for Spanish income, capital gains and wealth taxes on worldwide income and assets and subject to the succession tax rules.

3) Timing your move to save tax

The Spanish tax year runs from January to December, whereas the UK is April to April. The two countries apply different capital gains tax rules and rates. Weigh up whether it is better to sell UK assets as a UK or Spanish tax resident, then time your move accordingly.

4) Structure your assets to minimise tax in Spain

A potentially costly mistake is assuming what was tax-efficient in the UK is the same in Spain. ISAs, for example, lose their taxfree status here.

While Spanish taxation can look high, the tax regime presents attractive tax mitigation opportunities. How you hold your assets can impact how much tax you pay.

5) Research how UK pensions are taxed in Spain

For residents of Spain, UK occupational and state pensions are taxed only in Spain. The taxation of UK private pensions is more complicated so take personalised advice. Government service pensions remain liable only to UK tax (though the income is taken into account when determining your Spanish income tax rate on other income).

Pension lump sums are fully taxable in Spain.

6) Analyse your pension options

Review all the available options for your pensions to weigh up which is most suitable for you. For example, you might benefit from consolidating several UK pensions into one to provide a coherent, more cost-effective investment platform for your reti-

rement income.

Transferring UK pensions to an EU Qualifying Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) after you are Spanish tax resident will incur a prohibitive tax charge in Spain. Take advice before you move.

Pension rules frequently change so the appropriate solution today may differ tomorrow, so it is important to take regulated, specialist advice.

7) Reviewing your savings and investments

Once you’re retired and living in Spain, your circumstances and objectives completely change from your UK working days, so take a fresh review of your savings and investments. Ensure your portfolio is suitable for you today, designed to meet your aims and risk appetite, and has adequate diversification to reduce risk.

Consider what currency to hold your savings in – keeping assets in Sterling puts you at the mercy of conversion costs and exchange rate movements.

8) Don’t forget estate planning

The Spanish succession regime varies significantly from the UK’s. Spanish succession tax works very differently from UK inheritance tax and Spain imposes forced heirship, though you can plan ahead to get round this.

A helping hand

It pays to do your research, but taking specialist cross-border advice will prove invaluable. Find a firm who can advise you for the longer-term, on all these aspects, from the planning stages in the UK throughout your new life in Spain, and if you return to the UK in future.

The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual should take personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

Action arrives

A NEW franchise retailer has come to Albox, o ering up to 6,000 products and continuous discounts.

With more than 2,600 shops spread across 12 European countries, Action has now opened its rst establishment in the province of Almeria.

Action started as a small store 30 years ago in the Netherlands, and has since grown to become Europe’s fastest-growing non-food discounter.

The franchise boasts more than 17 million weekly customers and now includes Albox in its roster.

On August 8, Action opened its doors to the Albox community, in the municipality of Valle del Almanzora, as the rst and currently only in the province.

From Monday to Saturday, 9am to 10pm, Albox residents and locals in the Almeria Province will be able to enjoy the ‘Action Formula’; 6,000 high-quality products, spread across 14 di erent categories, ranging from toys and crafts to household products and gardening and more, at the “unbeatable prices,” according to the organisation.

Residents from Albox have already started to enjoy what Action has to o er, taking to social media to share their joy.

One resident stated, “Action is a fantastic shop, we always go to the one in Murcia. For sure (Albox) will always be busy.”

Another resident said “Got some great stu today, brilliant prices and friendly sta .”

UD Almeria beats Al-Nassr

ALMERIA CITY’S team, UD Almeria, gave an unforgettable performance against Al-Nassr on Thursday, August 8.

In honour of the late provincial legend, Juan Rojas Peña, who did so much on and off the field to unite football in the capital, the Almeria team came in full force to make their city proud.

With 13,936 spectators, the pressure was on for the Red and Whites in this friendly game between UD Almeria and Al-Nassr.

Despite the weight of the game, the Spanish team came out on top, proving themselves superior to the Arabs, with incredible performances from Arnau Puigmal at right-back, Leo Baptistao, Largie Ramazani and

Luis Suarez.

UD Almeria has continued to grow through the season, this time coming out onto the Power Horse Stadium field more focused, more active and more hungry in the leadup to the end of the league, closing next week.

The match was a thrilling and well-deserved win for the provincial capital, a perfect tribute to the Rojas family, ac-

companied by a presentation of the trophy and fireworks to spark the crowd who clearly appreciated the return of the Memorial.

The final score was 3-0 to Almeria, with an own goal at 32 minutes from Lajami (Al-Nassr) after a cross from Baptistao, followed by a goal from Luis Suarez at 40, and then the closing goal from Montes.

Action stores have come to the Almeria Province, opening their first in Albox.
Credit: Jorge Andaluz /fb
UD Almeria celebrate the win.

FOR nearly two weeks, nothing was known about the whereabouts of a young man from Huercal, Miguel Martinez.

Miguel Martinez was reported missing 12 days ago after his mother had not heard anything from or about the young man, In response, his family took to social media to

Miguel located

make an appeal and ask for the public’s collaboration to find him.

In the post, Miguel’s mother asked everyone to “Please spread the photo of my son, he has been missing for many days.”

Hours after his family posted the image of him on social media explaining his disappearance, a phone call cleared all fears.

At roughly 9pm, on Friday, August 9, Miguel

called his brother to tell him that he was fine, but that he did not plan to return home, “at least for the moment,” his mother stated.

Miguel’s mother, once frightened, now says she

and her family are calmer after knowing that “nothing bad” has happened to her son.

After nine days of knowing nothing and not hearing anything, the mother took to social media for help, before even-

tually reporting it to the Guardia Civil. Thankfully, it ended as just a scare and nothing more serious, and although he is not returning yet, “at least we know that he is alive and well,” the mother said.

Fonsi in Almeria

Harry Sinclair

LUIS FONSI graced the Almeria bull ring last weekend during his ‘25 years Tour’.

Luis Alfonso Rodriguez Lopez-Cepera, known by his stage name Luis Fonsi, came to Almeria on Sunday, August 11, as part of his 25 Years Tour, creating an unforgettable night for all who went.

The Puerto Rican singer is known for his soulful and dance-oriented songs, most notably his viral song ‘Despacito’ released in 2017 and later remixed with Justin Beiber, becoming the number-one song in the United States.

At 10pm, Sunday night, the bullring of Almeria opened its doors to the Latin music star, marking the debut of the international artist performing on the city’s stage.

This live performance was supported by the Siente La Plaza label, an initiative that seeks to boost cultural activity in the city with sporting, art and cultural events in the city’s exceptional venue, the Bullring.

The bullring was full to the brim with die-hard fans, with many holding signs dedicated to Fonsi and one lucky fan catching the musician’s guitar pick.

After his performance, Luis Fonsi celebrated and thanked Almeria on social media, saying “Full house, full heart… Thank you Almeria, I have no words.”

Luis Fonsi performed in the bullring of Almeria on Sunday evening.
Credit: Luis Fonsi /fb
Miguel Martinez, from Huercal-Overa, has been found after the social media post.


Unbelievable price,

DISCOVER your new home in Mar de Pulpi, San Juan de los Terreros, Almeria, for a very good price, this charming one bedroom apartment is extremely well priced, offers a saving of average €20,000 from a new build property in the same location.

Situated on the first floor with sea views, offers an ideal space to enjoy coastal living with all the comforts of home. This property has been personalised by the current owner, to make it stand out from the rest. The standard kitchen worktop has been replaced by a high quality silestone worktop with undermount sink and top of the range appliances, a utility room leads off. The wall colours have been changed, plus the bathroom tiles have been replaced to make this flat an exclusive flat totally different from the other standard apartments in this development.

The open plan concept design creates an atmosphere perfect for entertaining guests or enjoying family time. A spacious lounge, with a

modern kitchen and utility room leading off. The living room gives access to a beautiful terrace with stunning views over the urbanisation,

where you can relax and enjoy the landscaped gardens and the communal swimming pool, the perfect place to enjoy the Mediterranean climate, whether sunbathing or dining al fresco.

A spacious bedroom with a large built-in wardrobe, providing ample storage space. In addition, the modern bathroom offers all the necessary amenities with a contemporary design. An exterior parking place next to the apartment, within the secure grounds of the urbanisation. The property benefits from a one year guarantee for any incidents, and the rest of the building guarantees, nine years remaining. Don’t miss the opportunity to live in this coastal paradise for a great price, contact us for more information and to arrange a viewing! Call now on 950 466 112.


MOJACAR has been riding a high this year, introducing multiple improvements and projects to the town as tourism rises.

The Provincial Council of Almeria has allocated €350,000 to improve the access to the Mojacar health centre from the new roundabout.

Mojacar, with the support from the provincial council, has been progressing with its project to improve road safety in Mojacar, alongside building better access to the new Health Centre and bus station on the AL-6111 road.

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 - 04638 Mojácar (Almería)

Telef. 950.615.009 Fax: 950.475.200

Mojacar invests Ribbon race

The president of the Provincial Council, Javier Garcia, and Francisco Garcia, the mayor of Mojacar, visited the construction project funded entirely by the provincial council.

Mojacar saves tourism

MOJACAR has been at the top of the charts recently, proving time and time again to be the most popular coastal town to visit in Spain.

This July just gone, Mojacar established itself as the leading tourist destination in the province of Almeria, reaching a hotel occupancy rate of over 90 per cent.

Additionally, the town has made signi cant steps towards modernisation and sustainable tourism which has ampli ed its attractiveness, installing Green Igloo recycling bins, joining the Ecovidrio Green Flags Campaign and now implementing its Smart City platform.

With this new tech, Mojacar has been able to register a notable increase in the number of visitors, “Thanks to the agreement between the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain Association and Telefonica Tech,” according to a press release from the town council.

As reported by the Smart City platform, Mojacar reached a total of 556,428 visitors over the age of 18 in the rst six months of 2024.

In June, Mojacar saw more than 116,000 visitors, putting Mojacar

among the top ve destinations preferred by tourists.

The number of national tourists exceeded international, however, the data still reveals vast diversity between national and international, including a high number of UK, German and French tourists.

According to the town hall, “Mojacar’s Smart City platform is based on the collection of anonymous data through visitors mobile phones,” adding that it provides “a key tool for the transformation of (Mojacar) towards a more e cient and sustainable management model.”

The Smart City obtains detailed information on the behaviour and characteristics of tourists, which allows for strategic decision-making around topics such as sustainability, accessibility and innovation.

Javier Garcia explained during his visit that

the “construction of this roundabout represents a great step forward for the structuring of Mojacar, while improving road safety in the municipality and allowing pedestrian access to the Health Centre, as well as the Mojacar interchange”

The mayor of Mojacar expressed his satisfaction with the new roundabout, stating “This roundabout, located at the bus interchange and next to the future medical centre, is key work in improving mobility and safety in our town.”

Festival of Dance

IF there are two things Spain is known for, it is its love of festivals and its love of dance.

This festival brings ‘the magic of dance to Mojacar’, as advertised by the organisers, providing a celebration of rhythm and music for the locals of Mojacar.

On Saturday August 17, starting at 10pm in the Plaza Nueva, you will be able to enjoy the Mojacar Dance Festival of 2024, organised by the Mojacar Town Hall featuring dancers from a local dance school.

“Let yourself be captivated by the energy and passion of the Gustavo Criado Dance School in a night full of rhythm, colour and tradition,” states the Mojacar Town Hall, you promise a delightful evening of dance you “can’t a ord to miss.”

Gustavo Criado Barón was born in Almeria in 1966 and began dancing in 1981, more recently opening his dance school, La Escuela de Baile Gustavo Criado, in Mojacar where he has lived for several years.

SOPALMO festivities brought a weekend of fun, food and tradition to the locals of Sopalmo and Mojacar.

Starting on Friday, August 9, the festival held a light competition; the traditional couples ribbon race.

Wives from Sopalmo and the surrounding area came in traditional Spanish clothing, from the province’s rich history, as some also carried clay pots upon their heads up the hill.

Then, when they reached the Sopalmo square, the ladies took their seats in preparation to watch their husbands compete in the ribbon race to once again win their hand in marriage.

The husbands came and climbed on top of the short ladder, at level with the women’s seats, as their wives placed a sash around their necks.

Thus began the main event, as men drove on mopeds, swapping the traditional horses for a more animal-friendly approach, and attempted to hook their respective ribbons from the line hung above the street. It was a community-driven event, organised by the Mojacar Town Hall, providing a “very fun afternoon with a lot of tradition,” according to one resident.

Mojacar has firmly established itself as the leading tourist destination in the province of Almeria.
Credit: Tourismo de Mojacarm /fb
Mojacar is hosting a Dance Festival this year.
Credit: Ayuntamiento de Mojacar /fb
Mojacar receives a grant to better road safety and connectivity.
Credit: Ayuntamiento de Mojacar

Mini Hollywood Camper Park

OASYS Mini Hollywood theme park is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and with it, introducing a whole new facility.

Mini Hollywood, the wild west of Almeria located in the Tabernas Desert, is celebrating its 50th anniversary by porating a new

camper van parking service.

With a capacity for 150 motorhomes and 40 glamping spots, which accommodate between four and eight people, this facility is for ‘lovers of westerns and desert nights’, according to the theme park.

Starting summer 2025, the theme park ‘is going to expand the range of services’ it offers to its 200,000 annual visitors, including the new Camper Park, designed with the theme of Hollywood Westerns of the 50s and 60s.

Caravans and campervans from all over the world will be able to park in an area with views of “a unique waterfall in the Tabernas Desert” according to Jose Maria Rodriguez, the manager of the hotel chain that owns the theme park.

In addition to the Camper Park, for those without a motorhome, Rodriguez announced the implementation of a 150-room hotel complex to come in the next five years.

In the Bronze Age

A TOWN in Almeria travels back to the Bronze Age in a historical recreation promoting the Argaric culture.

With activities and exhibitions, Antas returned to the Bronze Age in its second edition of the Historical Recreation of El Argar.

The reenactment was held at the Antas site on Saturday, August 10, to highlight the Argaric culture, named after the El Argar located near Antas, and to show what life was like more than 4,000

years ago.

The president of the provincial council of Almeria, Javier A Garcia, the provincial deputy, Carlos Sanchez and the mayor of Antas, Pedro Ridao, participated in the historical recreation this year.

At the event was an Argaric market of items pertinent to the time period, such as tools and jewellery.

There were also guided tours, workshops and an exhibition of birds of prey, as well as other va-

rious activities.

Garcia reiterated the influence of this area in Antas, stating “it was the most important settlement of the Bronze Age in the southwest of the peninsula, and it was in our land.”

Additionally, Garcia praised the reenactment as it allowed attendees to see “first-hand what that society was like that has been so important for our history,” adding “That is why I want to congratulate all those who make it possible.”

Credit: Ayuntamiento de Antas /fb
Credit: Ayuntamiento de Antas /fb
Antas held its second edition of the Historical Recreation of El Argar.
Designed with the theme of Hollywood Westerns of the 50s and 60s.

Villa Haraude

near Zurgena




TO VOSS HOMES - An immaculately maintained three bed, three bath villa with amazing open country views, H&C air con, 8m x 4m swimming pool, Florida style enclosure, conservatory and storage room / workshop on a landscaped low maintenance garden of 600m2 for sale in the Los Llanos de Peral area of Zurgena. Four minutes drive to a popular bar / restaurant.

Just eight minutes drive to La Alfoquia village with amenities. Fourteen minutes drive to Arboleas and Huercal-Overa towns and 25 to 30 minutes drive to the coast at Garrucha and Mojacar etc.

Villa Haraude is a truly impressive, recently improved and decorated property both inside and outside. It is an enviable corner / end plot on the edge of a small quiet development of similar well maintained villas. It has

tarmac road access and plenty of safe on road parking and no passing traffic.

Having the open country views is a real bonus and there is even a conservatory / sitting room / snug from were you can sit and enjoy them.

Access into the property is via an iron gate with pedestrian entrance door leading onto the gravelled driveway. Surrounding the pool is attractive imprinted concrete with

plenty of room for sunbathing and entertaining. There is also an outside shower and to the side of the villa is a storage room / workshop.

To the rear of the villa is an 8m x 4m swimming pool with outdoor shower and plenty of room for sunbathing and entertaining.

At the front of the villa is Florida style meshed conservatory making a great inside / outside place to relax or dine whilst looking over the pool and

has distant hillside views. A glazed door takes in you in to the very spacious living room and dining room with super efficient pellet burning fire and H&C air con.

To the left a door leads into the large fitted kitchen with plenty of storage and worktop space. A door leads to a utility room and storage cupboard. Here also is a door out to the side of the villa.

Back in the living room a hallway takes you to a double bedroom with ensuite shower room with walk in shower. Next is the conservatory / snug with amazing views.

Also in the living room an archway leads to the largest double bedroom with ensuite shower room with walk in shower. Next is the third double bedroom and family bathroom. All three bedrooms have built in wardrobes and H&C air con.

For more information and to arrange a viewing or a meeting in our offices please contact Voss Homes DIRECTLY on 0034 950 616 827 or email us on

VOLUNTEERS in the Canary Islands are guiding thousands of African migrants as they face their traumas of the sea.

First strokes

Sauna culture

This summer, Mamadou was guided by Proemaid volunteers to take his first strokes in the Te-

“I wouldn’t do it again. It’s very difficult, very dangerous. It’s a risk we took because we didn’t have a choice,” said Mamadou M Bathily, a 24-year-old trained IT specialist who arrived in Tenerife through Senegal.

nerife waters. The volunteers work with groups of 35-40 people, with some spending up to 15 days at sea. “There are people who come with a terrible fear that you see when they get into the water holding your hand as if clinging to life,” said Jorge Balcazar, from Project Aqua.

Migration rights group, Walking Borders reported that nearly 5,000 migrants died at sea within just seven months this year.

A 17-year-old migrant, Famara, talked to the Press about the reasons why he took the boat from Gambia to Spain; “The time that my mother passed away, I thought about it, because my mother took care of my younger brothers and my sisters. Now my mother is not there, so I have to be the one taking care of them in the future. That made me come here.”

ESTONIA intends to use part of the EU money from the Just Transition Fund to invest in a sauna festival and a dance marathon; uplifting the local culture of good living.

The Just Transition Fund is one of the EU’s key strategy funds to help countries transition to climate neutrality by 2050.

The EU allocated €354 million to Ida-Viru County in eastern Estonia. The money funded will be used to diversify economic activity, reduce the production of fossil fuels and create new businesses.

However, a part of the fund will be distributed to the cultural sector.

To celebrate the Estonian love for sauna, the NGO Rakvere Marathon will be allocated €10,000 to organise Estonian sauna culture masterclasses, while €4,334 will be forwarded for funding a

Sauna - culture of good living.

dance marathon.

The sauna is the centre of Estonia’s culture; the ultimate social network that plays a significant role in the community’s life. All year round, Estonians escape to the sauna to seek comfort, cleansing and connection with others. The practice is ingrained in people’s culture; the first written

records of saunas date back to the 13th century when they were used as birthing rooms due to being the cleanest part of the house. Today, it is a place to meet friends and family on any occasion; whether a New Year celebration, an after-work leisure or a place to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Monument vandalised AC vendetta

ON the anniversary of her arrest by Nazis, August 4, 1944, exactly 80 years to the day, Anne Frank’s monument in Amsterdam was smeared with bloodred paint and the slogan ‘Free Gaza’.

The Diary of Anne Frank became a ‘mustread’ and a societal vow to never again permit the horrors of Nazi barbarity in Europe. Yet here we are just eight decades later and a modest memorial reminding the World of her plight and that of all Jews across Europe, per-

secuted and senselessly slaughtered for nothing more than their family heritage, we find anti-Semitism returns to a Europe that has seemingly forgotten its vow.

According to local television news, this was the second time in the space of a month that the solemn little statue had been daubed with red paint. While an investigation has been launched, no suspects have been identified.

In the wake of the bellic horrors taking place in

Gaza, Anti-Semitism has reared its ugly head once more around Europe to everyone’s shock and dismay. Mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, has been quoted as saying “No Palestinian has been helped by smearing her so precious statue.” She said on her Instagram account “This young girl, who was so brutally murdered by the Nazis at the age of 15, reminds us and our city every day of humanity and gentleness, in the most difficult circumstances.”

ITALY’s wealthiest municipality, Portofino has been seeing an increase in heat, with temperatures rising as high as 32 degrees Celsius; the neighbours, meanwhile, are having heated arguments over reporting each other to the local police.

Portofino has been part of a regional national park since 1935, and until a few years ago, it entirely prohibited the installation of air conditioning units. With the rise in the stifling heat, the authorities lifted the restrictions, as long as the homeowners received permission and ensured a discreet placement of air-con units, without tainting Portofino’s glamour.

At least 37 reports have been received about illegally installed air-cons between January and June.

The fines reach as much as €43,000 if prosecuted in court, although Portofino mayor Matteo Viacava said that the authorities aim to avoid fining people; “We just want to ensure that the constraints are respected and beauty of Portofino is maintained. They need to be put in places that are not visible.

Slowly, we are getting it all in order.”

Local newspaper Corriere della Sera reported the ‘vendetta’ within Portofino neighbours, who denounce each other to the police. While some residents hide their AC units, disguising

them by painting them in colours of the local surroundings, some people have reported to have played host to their neighbours, only to find them secretly taking a photo of an illegally set aircon unit and forwarding it to the police.

Anne Frank’s memorial statue in Amsterdam vandalised.
Credit: Joop Soesan, X.

Spain? Your

Should people stop going on donkey rides in

ACCORDING to the General Council of the College of Veterinarians of Spain’s ‘Guide to Good Practices for the Welfare of Equines in Public Service Horse-Drawn Carriages’, when there is a heat index of 33ºC, working equines may suffer ‘sunstroke, heat stroke, cramps, possibly due to prolonged exposure or physical activity’ and should therefore not be put to work.

In light of this, Mijas Town Hall (on the Costa del Sol) has stipulated that donkey rides and carriages must not operate at certain times of the day when the temperature is showing as a ‘yellow weather warning’ or above.

However, is this enough to protect the donkeys, or are donkey rides a time-old tradition we must abandon?

We asked Euro Weekly News readers if people should stop going on donkey rides in Spain.

Mary Gregory said - “1,000 per cent yes!!!! It should be stopped immediately. There is no need for those poor donkeys to suffer anymore. It’s barbaric. There are many other ways to see the village than riding on the back of these poor, exhausted donkeys. It breaks my heart to see it. So cruel. I don’t visit Mijas anymore and for that reason alone. Please stop this now.”

Pam Joseph also agreed and said, “Yes, of course, it’s barbaric today. Some people have not learned anything.”

Shirley Morris also feels that it

should be stopped and expressed, “Yes, it should be stopped. Anything that puts animals in a degrading and dangerous situation should be banned.”

However, Helen Chapman suggested that putting limits in place may be the way forward - she explained, “I think there should be limits: Not in the heat of the day and no overweight people. What will happen to the donkeys if the owners don’t have any income worries me. How will they afford to feed them and look after them? I think welfare checks should be done on the donkeys and, if possible, a lovely place for them to retire to.”

Deb Horses also agrees with Helen about introducing limits and had this to say. “No! But there should be limits like 1) rides between 8.00am and noon and in the late afternoon between 7 and 10.00pm. 2) weight limited to 60 kilos. 3) There are no rides when it is 35 degrees outside.”

Tricia Pamela feels that it comes down to how well the animal is looked after rather than blanket abolition“No if the animals are treated well, fed, watered and rested, why not?”

In conclusion, while many feel that it should be banned, others are a little more open to the idea of it continuing, with the proviso that limits are set to protect donkeys, particularly during hotter climes, and from carrying heavier passengers.

New EU entry-exit system explained for Britons in Spain

THE British Embassy in Spain is urging British nationals residing in Spain to be aware of the newly published information on the European Union’s Entry-Exit System (EES). This system will be implemented later this year and will impact travel procedures for non-EU citizens, including Britons.

The EES is a new automated system at EU borders designed to register non-EU short-stay travellers. Entering Spain will require providing:


Passport details

Biometric data (fingerprints and facial image)

Date and place of entry and exit

This replaces the current passport stamping process. Data will be stored for three years, eliminating the need for repetitive registration on return visits within that timeframe.

Are you aware of new guidelines from the British Embassy in Spain?

British residents in the EU are exempt from EES registration if they hold a valid biometric residency card, known as a TIE card in Spain.

The non-biometric Green Certificate, while a valid residency document in Spain, will not be recognised under the EES as it predates Brexit and is not included in the Withdrawal Agreement.

Holders of Green Certificates:

May not be exempt from EES registration. Risk facing delays and difficulties at borders, especially in other EU countries.

The embassy strongly advises anyone still using a Green Certificate to obtain a TIE card as soon as possible before the EES launch this autumn.

SPAIN’S Catalan Civil Protection Department has launched a pilot project to test an automatic warning system aimed at improving beach safety.

Wave of innovation

This system uses measuring devices on buoys to send real-time wave measurements to authorities. If successful, it could be used on unsupervised beaches to alert potential swimmers about dangerous water conditions.

Authorities are considering using tra c light signals on beaches to indicate swimming conditions, similar to the current ag system on supervised beaches.

The pilot is being conducted on beaches in three Catalan towns: Cambrils, Roses, and Mataró.

These towns are collaborating with the SARTI centre at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the company Ona Safe & Clean, which makes the measuring devices.

The devices are installed on buoys at supervised beaches to compare their data with local surveillance services.

If the comparisons are positive, the tra c light system will be

tested on unsupervised beaches starting in September.

The tra c light signals will use the same colours as the ag system: green for safe, yellow for caution, and red, no swimming. Eventually, this system will also be used on supervised beaches outside lifeguard hours to keep swimmers informed about water conditions at all times.

APOLLO, the four-year-old African grey parrot, boasts an ever-growing follower count.

His unique skills and larger-than-life personality have taken the internet by storm.

He’s a TikTok sensation, a beloved pet, and an exceptionally intelligent bird with a soft spot for pistachios.

Additionally, he is set to feature in the Guinness Book of World Records 2025!

In 2023, Apollo set the record for most items identi ed by a parrot in three minutes, recognising 12 objects including ‘bug,’ ‘book,’ and ‘socks’.

Amazing Apollo

This remarkable achievement took place in Saint Petersburg, Florida, where Apollo lives with his family: 25-year-old content creators Dalton and Victoria ‘Tori’ Mason.

“We’re proud to make this addition to our wall of achievements, alongside our gold YouTube plaque and our news articles,” said Dalton and Victoria.

Apollo’s new record lls the couple with joy and un-

derscores an important message.

While the emotional intelligence of animals is often dismissed or ignored, this achievement supports Dalton and Victoria’s mission to “spread awareness of the natural intelligence found in animals.”

Described as having the intelligence of a human toddler, Apollo recognises colours, words, and objects.

His verbal skills enable him to count, communicate clearly, and answer complex questions.

This milestone proves that Apollo isn’t just a tremendously cute star of many viral videos; he’s an enthusiastic learner who trains hard to discover new words.

Has unique skills. Image:
apolloandfrens / Instagram

Beach battles

THE decades-long battle of the beaches continues in Italy, as protesters demand freedom from private concessionaires; as laws remain unclear, both sides urge the government to step in.

“Most Italians don’t know they have the right to go to the beach for free,” said Manuela Salvi from the Mare Libero (Free Sea) organisation. “They are used to paying to go to the seaside. And if we don’t make our voices heard, the institutions will think we’re fine with

it.” Mare Libero has been flooding Italian beaches since 2019, trying to reclaim free space.

Today, Italy hosts more than 12,000 beach resorts with daily prices for two loungers and an umbrella averaging €30-35 and reaching as high as €700 in exclusive locations.

In a country with 7,500 km of coastline, sea access is severely limited; in northern Italy, Liguria, almost 70 per cent of the beaches are private, with several towns reaching 100 per cent priva-



Mare Libero member, Stefano Salvetti revealed the Punta dell’Olmo beach to the Press, highlighting it as a “symbol of our resistance against the privatisation of our few remaining beaches.”

Margherita Welyam from Mare Libero shared; “I have spent almost every summer of my life in the same beach club and my mother has done the same for 25 years.”

Today, just 5 per cent of the beaches in Italy remain free.

PASSENGERS in the EU and the UK airports will be prohibited from carrying liquids of more than 100ml from September 1, 2024, reported ACI (Airports Council International).

The re-introduced regulation affects all European and UK airlines and prohibits all liquids including aerosol and gel containers. The only exceptions are prescribed medicines and baby food.

The European Commission reported that the restriction was re-introduced not as a security measure but as a ‘preventive’ measure until the scanner software is improved, “on the basis of information indicating that the performance thereof did not meet the standard for which it had been approved.”

Claimed to be underdeveloped, the scans were also reported as costly. Their purchase can cost almost eight times more than the regular machines and their maintenance costs are four times higher.

The devices have been employed by countries including Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, the UK and Malta.

ACI commented that; “those air -

ports which have been early adopters of this new technology are being heavily penalised both operationally and financially. They decided to deploy C3 scanners in good faith, based on the EU having greenlighted this equipment without any restriction attached.”

He emphasised the need for improvement in the future; “We need to draw the lessons from this situation and make sure the EU certification system provides the necessary legal certainty and operational stability moving forward.”

Italian beach.
Airport security points.
Credit: TravelSafeBC, Flickr

Interesting times



OOPS, I see Mr Khan is reported as stating that ‘people didn’t feel safe in London anymore’. One observation I can bring to the mayor of London’s somewhat cloth ears is that people in most British cities all felt completely secure before the onslaught of mass immigration - mostly illegal. Just saying. Enough of that, I’ve really had it all up to the eyeballs.

Thank goodness I chose to live elsewhere all those years ago. Prior to Spain, where I’ve now resided for over 40 years, (hallelujah), I was, as many readers are aware, an eight-year resident of Saudi Arabia. They were interesting times because the Saudis had decided on a 15-year plan to utilise their vast oil riches on bringing their country into the 21st century. Subsequently, as long as you could duck and dive, the one thing they were able to wash all over you was the ol dough ray me! After I had been stopped by Crown Prince Fahad from importing shows (unveiled

women in my audiences!) I looked around for other lucrative means of balancing the budget.

One that proved to be the most rewarding (apart from an illegal video library) was the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. Using my American contact at the vast military hospital in Jeddah, I was soon supplying both the hospital and others with goods on a daily basis. This, along with my band and association with the extremely popular amateur dramatic society, presented me with probably one of the most enjoyable times of my life, except of course for my days of glory with a wonderful family and a worldwide hit record - I digress. Periodically I would of course need to collect the money owed to me by the hospital.

On one particular day, smartly attired in my whites, I was negotiating one of the long empty passageways of the hospital en route to the cashier’s department. In the distance I suddenly espied what appeared to be a large very black gentleman bearing down on me from further along the corridor. As he drew nearer he began to grow very large indeed, not only

that, he also appeared somewhat familiar. Suddenly, when he was only a few feet in front of me, I realised to my absolute amazement and definite mental twitch, I was about to share some very lonely space with none other than Idi Amin, the man who had been responsible for the death and torture of thousands of his fellow countrymen, literally towering over me in that very solitary environment. Trying to appear totally at ease as he stopped right in front of me, I watched his enormous hand reach out and… patted me on the head. ‘Keep up de good work’ he grinned, flashing his large and very white gnashers. With that he brushed past me and was gone.

Apparently he was in exile in Saudi Arabia, his daughter had been involved in a car accident and was actually on a visit. I couldn’t help but wonder how many of his victims had witnessed the same outstretched hand before he put them to death? Doesn’t bear thinking about.

Keep the faith Love Leapy

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

New limit

LAUNCHING into August, Venice has imposed a limit on tourist groups, allowing up to 25 people in another attempt to combat mass tourism.

All tourist groups will now have to include a maximum of 25 people, with children up to two years of age excluded. The rule also doesn’t apply to visiting students or those on educational trips.

City officials stated that to protect “the peace of residents,” and ensure free movement, tourist guides would no longer be allowed to use loudspeakers. In the cases of non-compliance, fines ranging from €25 to €500 will be issued. The regulations cover the city centre and the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello.

Although initially meant to be implemented on June 1, the authorities had to postpone the rules until August 1 due to prior bookings by tour guides. The latest measure has been one of the continuing efforts of battling overcrowding in Venice, imposed after the alleged ‘fail’ of the Venice entry tax.

The costly campaign of the entry tax had been criticised by government opposition; “The ticket is a failure, as demonstrated by city data,” stated Giovanni Andrea Martini. In his claim, Martini referenced the data which showed that Venice received a record amount of tourists despite the entry tax charge.

Mass tourism in Venice.
Credit: thinktotbot, Flickr



Bright ideas

A GOVERNMENT scheme intended to boost new research and the economy has cost more than £4 billion (€4.65 billion) in both fraud and human error since 2020, HMRC admitted. ‘Groundbreaking’ innovations included methods for window-cleaners to hold buckets at height and initiatives for putting vegan food on pub menus.

Family affair

SANDRA ORTEGA MERA, daughter of Inditex owner Amancio Ortega and his first wife, earned €149.4 million in 2023 from her company, Rosp Corunna, which manages her investments and wealth while providing advisory services. This was 27.7 per cent less than in 2022 but still increased her assets to €1.4 billion.

Creeping up

RETAIL sales began to recover in the UK during July as summery weather finally arrived after a cold and rainy June, figures from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) revealed. Although consumers were still hesitating about make large purchases, retail sales rose by a modest 0.5 per cent, the BRC said.

Chat pays

POPULAR chat show El Hormiguero, broadcast live on Antena 3, is making money for its creators, presenter Pablo Motos and his business partner, producer Jorge Salvador. Their company 7yAccion posted revenues of €31.3 million in 2023 and profits of €6.7 million, an increase of 55 per cent on the previous year.

Falklands fail

STRUGGLING Harland & Wolff suffered another blow after the Falkland Islands government withdrew from talks to construct a £120 million (€139.4 million) floating dock in Port Stanely. The Belfast shipbuilder announced that despite “productive discussions” both parties had agreed to cease further negotiations.

IBERDROLA has paid approxi mately €2.5 billion for 88 per cent of the British grid ope rator, Electricity North West (ENW).

The deal will in fact cost €5 billion, as Iberdrola is ta king on ENW’s debt, executi ve chairman Ignacio Sanchez Galan announced.

The remaining 12 per cent holding continues in the hands of a Japanese consortium headed by Kansai Electric Power.

Galan’s move was also applauded by leading credit ra-


in earnings for Spanish companies listed on the country’s stock market during the first six months of this year, 15.4 per cent up on the first half of 2023.

tings agencies. Standard and Poors (S&P) predicted that ENW would contribute €500 million annually to Iberia’s

earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortisation.

Moody’s said acquiring ENW was positive from the point of view of the company’s long-term credit rating. “The acquisition will strengthen the predictability of Iberdrola’s cash generation,” the agency added.

Fitch also approved the Iberdrola transaction. “It is well positioned to finance the acquisition entirely in cash, taking advantage of its ample cash reserves and headroom,” an agency statement said.

Eyewatering fines

THREE UK water firms face fines totalling £168 million (€195.6 million) for inadequately managing their wastewater plants and networks.

With sewage spills into rivers and the sea more than doubling in 2023, Britain’s Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) proposes to sanction Thames Water with the stiffest fine of £104 million (€121.1 million).

Yorkshire Water will pay £47 million (€54.7 million) and Northumbrian Water £17 million (€19.8 million).

After investigating whether the three companies provided customers with the service they were legally entitled to, Ofwat found that insufficient

investment and deficient management had resulted in “repeated releases of raw sewage” into the country’s waterways.

Ofwat has the power to fine companies up to 10 per cent of their annual sales and the 9 per cent imposed on Thames Water reflected the severity of its offences, Ofwat’s chief executive Thomas Black told the BBC.

In response, a Thames Water spokesperson said that the company took the findings “very seriously” and had cooperated at every stage of the investigation.

“We regard all untreated discharges as unacceptable, even when they

Less appealing Expertise

MULTINATIONAL Accenture has acquired Bilbao-headquartered company Bolsan, which specialises in overseeing large infrastructure projects.

Financial details were not revealed, but Accenture said Boslan would enable it “to reinvent how clients engineer and execute net-zero infrastructure projects.”

Boslan brings more than 1,000 engineering and project management professionals to Accenture, most of whom are based in Spain and Brazil although the company is also present in the UK, the US and Mexico.

THE BBVA-Sabadell hostile takeover bid is currently “in limbo”, Bloomberg Intelligence said on August 7.

Industry analyst Lento Tang maintained the outcome was “uncertain” despite BBVA’s record earnings this year.

He pointed out that BBVA’s offer of €4.83 per share made public on May 1 represented a 30 per cent premium on Sabadell’s share price at the time. At one stage this rose 52 per cent above the Catalan bank’s average over the three months preceding the May offer.

By early August the premium had fallen 5 per cent, while only two weeks previously the premium had dipped to 4 per cent as the BBVA offer rapidly lost its appeal.

are permitted,” they told the broadcaster.

Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water said they were “disappointed” by Ofwat’s decision.

At the same time Britain’s water companies hope to increase their customers’ bills by more than 44 per cent over the next five years to pay for improvements to infrastructure.

Playtime over

POLY JUGUETES toyshops have closed their 30 Spanish stores, six months after filing for voluntary liquidation.

Acquired in 2018 by UK-based Teal Group Holdings, which also owns The Entertainer, Early Learning Centre and Addo, the chain had accumulated losses of €15 million and was no longer viable, the parent company said in March 2024.

All 169 employees have been laid off but will receive more than the legally-established redundancy pay.

The demise of Poly Juguetes follows that of another once-popular toy chain, Imaginarium, which went into liquidation in July 2022 and closed all its shops in early April this year.

GRANDPARENTS tend to look after grandchildren without expecting, or wanting, anything in return.

But if they were to be paid for what is usually an unremunerated labour of love, how much would they earn?

Financial services Sun Life recently calculated the cost of a typical scenario where granny (or grandad) contributes two hours each of chauffeuring, cooking and cleaning for their grandchildren each week.

After including a weekly 18 hours of babysitting, Sun Life came up with an annual salary of £15,864 (€18,481) per grandparent.

Agencies thumbs-up On the payroll Leaving Soho

ONLINE fashion retailer Boohoo seeks a buyer prepared to pay £60m (€69.8) for its London headquarters. Although based in Manchester, Boohoo opened the Great Pulteney Street offices in Soho during its rapid expansion, spending £72 million (€83.7 million) on the building in 2021. According to the Telegraph, any sale would include the option to lease back the offices for up to five years.

Beleaguered Boohoo is aware that a £325 million (€377.8) unsecured overdraft looms, and must be repaid over the coming 18 months.

CREW CLOTHING is suing its former chief executive David Butler 16 months after he resigned in 2023.

Butler allegedly paid himself £622,000 (€722,967) in salary, bonuses and other extras, which he later claimed had been approved by owner Menoshi Shina.

The company maintains that this agreement did not exist, and that it “would never” have consented to it. Butler, who launched a wrongful dismissal case against Crew Clothing, continues to insist that he had received “verbal promises” from Menoshi Shina.

IGNACIO GALAN: Iberdrola executive chairman announced ENW acquisition.
Photo credit: Iberdrola
Photo credit: CC/Jim Linwood
THAMES WATER: Headquartered in Reading (Berkshire).

3I Group 3.013,80 3.038,00 3.010,80 77,96K Admiral Group 2.692,0 2.702,0 2.673,0 18,68K Airtel Africa 110,90 111,80 110,60 170,41K Anglo American 2.247,4 2.260,5 2.241,0 74,14K Antofagasta 1.865,50 1.880,00 1.856,00 60,17K Ashtead Group 5.208,0 5.228,9 5.198,0 21,78K Associated British Foods 2.446,0 2.470,0 2.443,0 21,15K

12.676,0 12.760,0 12.656,0 103K Auto Trader Group Plc 792,20 798,40 791,00 59,52K Aviva 484,18 486,70 482,40 515,15K

B&M European Value Retail SA 450,60 465,70 450,60 134,41K BAE Systems 1.286,00 1.293,50 1.283,00 273,93K

219,55 221,15 218,70 5,32M Barratt Developments 522,87 529,20 512,40 427,73K

Beazley 728,00 736,00 724,50 308,75K

Berkeley 5.025,0 5.090,0 5.016,8 48,08K

BP 438,40 439,60 435,00 2,84M

British American Tobacco 2.798,5 2.809,0 2.793,0 327,5K

BT Group 139,22 140,45 138,00 10,31M Bunzl 3.202,0 3.208,0 3.186,0 20,17K Burberry Group 682,5 697,0 681,6 139,3K Centrica 125,37 125,60 123,28 990,5K Coca Cola HBC AG 2.708,0 2.710,0 2.686,0 56,01K Compass 2.348,00 2.363,00 2.337,00 180,69K

595,72 598,80 594,60


Chile contract

SPANISH companies

Sacyr and Azvi were awarded the €266 million concession to operate and expand Chile’s Northern Airports Network. This will involve tripling the size of the Antofagasta terminal and increase by five the surface area of Atacama airport.

Too much

LORD SAATCHI’s £350 million (€406.3 million) offer for the Telegraph failed to make it to the second round of the auction. The former advertising tycoon afterwards described RedBird IMI’s £600 million (€696.8 million) acquisition of the newspaper rights in December 2023 as “overpayment.”

Good year for English wine

ENGLAND produced 161,960 hectolitres of wine in 2023, equivalent to 21.6 million bottles and an increase of 77 per cent on 2022.

This does not make the UK a recognised wine-making country - Uzbekistan and Tunisia produce more - but revenues for English vineyards nevertheless rose by 15 per cent in 2023, as climate change encouraged growers to plant more vines.

After analysing Com-

IAG gives in

BRITISH AIRWAYS and Iberia owner IAG finally dropped its €400 million Air Europa takeover ambitions.

This was IAG’s second attempt at acquiring from Globalia the 80 per cent of the Spanish airline that it did not own after the European Commission frustrated earlier plans in 2021.

Brussels maintained that had the merger gone ahead, IAG would have domina-

ted Madrid’s Barajas airport, bringing the possibility of higher prices for passengers.

After confirming that IAG was abandoning its Air Europa plans, chief executive Luis Gallego said the airline believed this decision was now in shareholders’ best interests.

He also revealed that IAG would pay Globalia a €50 million breakup fee after backing out of the deal.

seven largest vineyards increased from £32 million (€37.2 million) in 2022 to £37 million (€43 million) last year. This tripled the £13 million (€15.1 million) that the same companies recorded in 2018-2019.

Chapel Down probably the best-known of the English vineyards, posted revenues of £17.2 million (€20 million) for the year ending December 31, 2023.

The UHY Hacker Young survey concluded that English wine has been boosted by improved growing conditions with vineyards as far north as Yorkshire and even Scotland. But as English and British wines flourished, traditional wine-makers failed to benefit from higher temperatures.

Spain and Italy, the world’s largest producers after France, have both seen their output affected by the drought as well as torrential rains that result from climate change.

Coal wins

MINING giant Glencore will not divest itself of its coal interests after 95 per cent of the FTSE 100 company’s shareholders voted to retain the profitable fossil fuel division. Glencore has now shelved earlier plans to merge its coal business with the steelmaking coal division of its recently acquired Canadian company, Teck Resources, and list in New York.

Joining forces

TELEFONICA, Vodafone and Masorange intend to share their fibre optic networks, signing separate bilateral agreements with each other to avoid objections from Spain’s National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC). Between them, the three operators provide fibre optic internet connections for 15 million lines although the network has the potential to reach 78.7 million properties.

pany House records, UHY
Hacker Young accounting
services found that turnover for the country’s
Photo credit: FB Chapel Down
CHAPEL DOWN: English wine-producer races ahead

Cooltural schedule almost full!

Harry Sinclair COOLTURAL Fest 2024 is approaching swiftly, and arriving alongside the Almeria fair to bring more music and more enter-

tainment to the province.

With an extended venue of three stages, more than 10 hours of music and headline acts including Two Door Cinema

Club, Cooltural 2024 is an unmissable event this year.


Blue Nights: Moors and Christians

The Almadrabillas Park concert venue will open at 6:30pm on Thursday, August 15 with a welcome party performance kicked off by Nosoymeri.

THE Macenas Blue Nights are providing historical, traditional, gastronomical and musical nights this August.

has to offer” according to the organisers, “bringing a sample of its most popular traditions and festivals.”

On the following days, the festival will start immediately at 6pm with two stages open; the Music For All and the Estrella de Levante stage.

In addition to the fairground stages, on Saturday, August 17, there will be stages on the beach and in the market.

The music will start at midday to run alongside the Virgen del Mar Almeria fair as you dance through the night until 2am.

Sunday, August 18 will mark the end of Cooltural Fest 2024, and come extra prepared for more music and more hours.

The beach stages will start once again at noon through to 2pm, then the fairground stages will continue with an unbeatable lineup.

The Music For All stage will open at 6pm, the Estrella stage will start at 7pm featuring Two Door Cinema Club at 11.50pm and a closing act from Don Flour at 1.30am.

The Blue Night events, organised by Macenas Resort, started on July 1 and have since held multiple successful events with ‘great turnouts’ of ‘Between 150 and 200 people, of all ages’, according to the resort.

On Thursday, August 15, they are celebrating the Moors and Christians, a part of Spain’s rich history, where attendees will be able to enjoy “everything that the beautiful town of Mojacar

The ‘Night Designed to be Lived’ will feature a Macenas Castle tourist route to the Pirulico Tower, a Moors and Christians exhibition, thematic menus in the resort’s restaurant and a musical performance by the Charanga Los Juaranguinos.

‘Immerse yourself in tradition’ and ‘Experience the magic of Macenas Blue Nights’ on Thursday, August 15 at Macenas Beach Resort.

Indulge in rich Thai flavours with our exquisite cuisine, meticulously prepared by our exper t Thai chef.
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Sawad ee Thai Restaurant sawad eerestaurant
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Unique and individually made tapas are our speciality

SEVERAL years ago Beatriz Gallego de Lerma from Hotel Tikar was invited by the Garrucha Town Hall to help form a tapas contest. The Cultural councillor, Beatriz and a handful of other local restaurant and bar owners organised what has now become the renown ‘Ruta de las Tapas’ in Garrucha. During 10 days in spring, many eating establishments offer a special tapa to compete for the glory of ‘best tapa’ by popular vote. It has become a hugely anticipated annual event.

As with most everything, in 2020 the Ruta de las Tapas was cancelled due to Covid, fortunately it has started up again. In the meantime, the Hotel Tikar was also trying to survive post Covid. Conjuring up new ideas they recalled the popularity of the tapas they offered during the previous years’ tapas routes. Beatriz, Sean and their crew got to work and

created a special tapas menu. Rather than going in a traditional direction they have drawn from the style of food of their highly regarded Resturante Azul.

Sean explains “I love the traditional Spanish tapas of ensaladilla rusa, tortilla de patata, pescados fritos. They are just not our style of food. Our tapas are unique and individually made.”

A few of the morsels they present include a Marinated Goats Cheese, Basil & Fresh Fruit Tostada, Home-made Chicken & Pedro Ximenez Pate, a Braised Lamb, Potato and Mint Cake, the Duck Confi t with Tomato Chutney Brushetta or Steamed Clams in White Wine and Saffron and a tapa sized version of their famous Tikar Seafood Chowder.

“Most people take advantage of our special offer of fi ve tapas and a bottle of wine and turn it into a re-

laxing Saturday lunch in our garden.” Sean continues “Our Tikar tapas are well-liked and have gained a great reputation. Because we only serve them on Saturday afternoons, reservations are highly recommended.”

Restaurante Azul also offers a well priced ‘menu del día’ lunch Tuesday - Friday and is open for dinner Wednesday - Saturday evenings. Hotel Tikar is located in Garrucha on the main road from Vera.

Phone / WhatsApp 950 617 131

Vegan diet reduced biological age and weight loss

RECENT scientific research suggests that adopting a vegan diet for just two months can have profound health benefits, including reducing biological age and promoting weight loss. These findings highlight the potential of plant-based diets to enhance overall well-being and longevity.

Biological age refers to the condition of our cells and tissues, which can differ from our chronological age. The study found that participants who switched to a vegan diet experienced a reduction in their biological age markers. This rejuvenation effect is attributed to the high intake of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from plant-based foods, which help combat oxidative

stress and inflammation.

In addition to the anti-ageing benefits, the vegan diet also proved effective for weight loss. Participants lost a significant amount of wei ght over the two-month period. The weight loss is primarily due to the diet’s high fibre content and lower calorie density, which promote satiety and reduce overall calorie intake.

Hair’s ageing journey

AS we age, our hair undergoes significant changes influenced by genetics, hormones, and overall health. One of the most noticeable changes is the gradual greying of hair. This occurs because hair follicles produce less melanin, the pigment responsible for hair colour. The process can start as early as in one’s 20s, but typically becomes more pronounced in the 40s and beyond.

Hair texture also changes with age. Many find their hair becoming finer and drier due to a decrease in the production of natural oils. This can make hair appear thinner and more brittle, leading to breakage.

A vegan diet emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, all of which are nutrient-dense. These foods provide essential nutrients

like fibre, vitamins C and E, and phytochemicals, which support metabolic health and enhance immune function.

For those considering a vegan diet, it’s important to plan meals to ensure adequate intake of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12, which can be sourced from fortified foods or supplements.

Hormonal changes, particularly in women during menopause, can exacerbate these issues, sometimes causing hair loss or thinning. Moreover, the growth rate of hair slows down as we age. Hair follicles can shrink, resulting in shorter hair cycles and fewer active follicles at any given time.

Maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and using appropriate hair care products can help mitigate some of these changes, ensuring your hair remains as vibrant as possible through the years.

What’s your style

CHOOSING the right nail shape from your manicurist can enhance the appearance of your hands and reflect your personal style. There are several popular nail shapes, each with its unique characteristics.

1. Square: Straight edges with sharp corners, ideal for larger nail beds.

2. Round: Soft, natural contour, perfect for shorter nails.

3. Oval: Gently tapered, elegant and flattering on most hands.

4. Almond: Tapered sides with a rounded tip, elongates fingers.

5. Stiletto: Long, pointed, dramatic and bold.

6. Coffin/Ballerina: Squared-off tip with tapered sides, trendy and stylish.

7. Squoval: Square shape with rounded edges, combines elegance and practicality.

8. Flare: Wide, flared tips, also known as duckbill nails.

9. Lipstick: Slanted tip resembling a lipstick, unique and edgy.

10. Edge: Angular, pointed tip, creating a bold look.

11. Mountain Peak: Similar to stiletto but shorter, less dramatic.

12. Arrowhead: Sharp and precise, similar to stiletto but more compact.

Consult with your manicurist to find the shape that complements your lifestyle and nail health best.

BROAD beans, also known as fava beans, are a nutrient-rich legume that offer numerous health benefits. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein, they are an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

Benefits of broad beans

Broad beans are a great source of plant-based protein, making them ideal for vegetarians and vegans. They also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals, including vita min K, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese. These nutrients support various bodily functions, from bone health to metabolism.

Rich in dietary fibre, broad beans help lower cholesterol

levels, which is beneficial for heart health. The high fibre content also aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.

Broad beans contain L-dopa, a compound that

converts to dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation and cognitive function, potentially improving mental clarity and reducing symptoms of depression. These beans are packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

Need more sleep

SINCE 2023, 20 schools in Denmark shifted their start times to adapt to the needs of teenagers. The private school, Th. Langs Skole in Silkeborg was the pioneer of the initiative, having begun their trial in 2022. Seeing their results, schools across the country followed.

After adding an extra morning hour in the school day, both students and teachers of the Th. Langs Skole were pleasantly surprised. “They sleep better, they sleep longer and they actually have more energy. Not only in the morning but also during the day,” commented the school’s principal Tine Agerholm Kristianses.

One of the students, Emily, aged 15 said; “Before, we were very tired and quite upset in the morning. When we

came happier. We talk to each other instead of looking at our phones.”

The school then collaborated with the tech company, Enversion to track the sleep of students through an app.

The school’s communications officer, Karina Juul Uldal Christesen stated; “Our then-seventh-grade class used to spend an average of 3.5 hours falling asleep before the project. It fell to 1.6.”

Danish health experts revealed that the circadian rhythm of teens is different to adults, hence the school system is flawed in not considering the essential needs of teenagers. With this notion increasingly considered, more and more schools are beginning to transform old educational models.

Suffering from heatstroke

HEATSTROKE is a serious condition that occurs when the body overheats, usually due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures or strenuous physical activity in hot weather. It requires immediate medical attention. Here’s what to do if you or someone else suffers from heatstroke: Common signs of heatstroke include:

• High body temperature (104°F or higher)

• Altered mental state or behaviour (confusion, agitation, slurred speech)

• Nausea and vomiting

• Flushed skin

• Rapid breathing and heart rate

• Headache Immediate actions

1. Heatstroke is a medical emergency. Dial 911 or your local emergency number immediately.

2. Get the affected

person to a shady or air-conditioned area.

3. Use any available means to cool the person. This can include:

• Placing them in a cool shower or bath

• Sponging with cool water

• Applying ice packs to the armpits, groin, neck, and back

• Using fans or a cool,

them cool water. Avoid caffeine or alcohol. To prevent heatstroke, stay hydrated, wear loose-fitting clothing, avoid strenuous activity during peak heat, and take frequent breaks in a cool environment. By acting quickly and effectively, you can help reduce the severity of heatstroke and potentially save a life. Always

dical advice for proper

Credit: John-Mark Smith, Pexels

Costa del Sol Ronaldo in Marbella

CRISTIANO RONALDO alongside Manchester City’s Erling Haaland have been seen training in Marbella.

The Arabian team Al-Nassr, the team Ronaldo currently belongs to, have been in Marbella for pre-season training.

Ronaldo and his team were at the Marbella Football Centre, a very important venue used by some of the top teams for pre-season training camps: La Liga, the Premier League, the Bundesliga and more choose Marbella to prepare.

On the list of teams using the Marbella grounds this year is Al-Nassr, the Saudi Arabian team in which Cristiano Ronaldo plays, as well as Fernando Hierro, originally from Velez-Marbella, is the sporting director for the Saudi team.

Additionally, Norwegian football star Erling Haaland has been seen training there with his team.

Marbella Football Centre has once again firmly established itself as the pre-season training camp for top-level teams.

Axarquia Torrox against cancer

THE Municipal Theatre Villa de Torrox was the stage for a special performance of ‘El Mundo al Revés,’ (The World Upside Down ) organised by the Torrox Theatre Association. This event wasn’t just about showcasing a play; it was a heartfelt effort to raise funds for the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) in Torrox. The play attracted a large crowd, all eager to support the cause.

The evening was a resounding success, with enthusiastic audience members filling the theatre. Their attendance not only highlighted their love for theatre but also their strong commitment to fighting cancer. Local figures like Sandra Extremera, councillor for the Elderly in Torrox, and Salvador Escudero, councillor for Culture, showed their support by attending, highlighting the importance of the cause.

The Villa de Torrox Theatre expressed pride in supporting this cause, noting the powerful blend of art and community spirit in advancing important causes.


Dramatic sea rescue

THERE was a dramatic rescue operation on Saturday August 10 in the waters off Camp de Mar, Andratx, as a yacht carrying a German family and two crew members began to sink.

Emergency services were alerted shortly before 10.00am to reports of a vessel in distress. The Maritime Rescue Service swiftly mobilised the Salvamar Libertas while Local Police units rushed to the scene.

Fortunately, a nearby private boat was able to reach the yacht in time, rescuing all five individuals on board, including a young child. The rescued group, consisting of a German couple, their son, and two crew members, were safely returned to Port Adriano.

Despite the rapid response, the yacht continued to take on water and is now submerged at the bottom of the sea. Maritime Rescue teams remain in the area to monitor the situation and prevent any potential environmental impact.

Costa Blanca South Street Festival

THE Elche on the Street Festival (Elx al Carrer) in Elche is returning for its 16th year, bringing over 20 performances to various squares and city streets.

Due to high demand for participation, the festival has been extended to span two weekends, taking place on September 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

Councillor for Youth, María Bonmatí, highlighted that ‘Elx al Carrer’ is one of the initiatives aimed at bringing culture directly to the city’s public spaces, offering an alternative form of leisure.

The festival will feature a diverse array of performances, including theatre, dance, music, and circus acts, in prominent locations such as Plaza del Congreso Eucarístico, Plaza de Baix, and Plaza del Centro de Congresos.

Pablo Tortosa, the coordinator of the Elx al Carrer programme, emphasised the variety of talent involved, noting that both national and international artists, as well as local amateur performers, will transform the streets into expansive stages.

Costa Blanca North Boogie Wonderland!

ON the night of August 16, Benidorm will play host to a genuine legend of funk, soul, and timeless music. The atmospheric Julio Iglesias Auditorium will host the Earth, Wind & Fire Experience built around Al McKay, promising a truly fantastic evening.

Al McKay, an original Earth, Wind & Fire member and inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, will bring his iconic presence and talent to the stage. This concert will celebrate the original band’s bestknown hits, including September, Let’s Groove, Got to Get You into My Life, and, of course, the most memorable of all, Boogie Wonderland.

For those who have secured a ticket, this sold-out performance in Benidorm offers a rare and privileged opportunity to witness the magic of this renowned band in Spain, as it is the only stop on its packed international tour. Following their performance in Benidorm, the band will continue their tour with appearances in the UK, France, Switzerland, China, Malaysia, South Africa, and Australia.

Costa Calida

Royal in Los Belones

PALOMA ROCASOLANO, the mother of Queen Letizia of Spain, has made a significant life change by moving from Madrid to Cartagena. She’s now living in Los Belones, a town known for its sizeable English community. This move is largely to be closer to her partner, Marcus Brandler, a British businessman with ties to both Spain and the UK.

In Los Belones, Paloma and Marcus have settled into the local scene. They’re often spotted visiting the town’s butcher, a hair salon, and relaxing at Las Mulas beach. The couple first went public at the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards, where they attended as a couple.

Brandler is the president of Tillbrook Products, a family business involved in the trade of tea, coffee, cocoa, and spices. Over the past five years, he’s spent more time in Spain, becoming an integral part of the Rocasolano family. Queen Letizia and her sister Telma warmly welcomed him, and he even organised a surprise 70th birthday party for Paloma.

Dylan loves his pet-sitters

Dog care

WHILE summer is a fun time for the entire family, as pets become thrilled to spend more time with their owners, they face health risks with the rising heat.

Water should always be available to your pets. As they can’t express their thirst, dogs fall under a greater risk of

DYLAN is a feisty fellow and his owners now find it easier to leave him in the care of checked pet-sitters when they travel away from home. They find that he is happier at home rather than in the car or on a plane with them on holiday. Does your pet need pet-sitters at home too?

By joining a house-sitting platform like HouseSitMatch we facilitate an old-fashioned barter exchange where a pet owner provides the pet-sitter with free accommodation and the sitter cares for the pets and property with due care and attention, just like old fashioned barter. Plus HouseSitMatch Saves Money because the Pet-sitting is Free!

If you use you find free checked pet-sitters who pay their way to stay in your home caring for your pets in your absence. It’s an arrangement facilitated by a managed online system. Our house and pet-sitting works as an exchange of services - Free ac-

dehydration. With such active lifestyles, dogs should drink between 15-45ml/kg/ day on average. Look out for symptoms of dehydration in your dogs, including the loss of appetite, vomiting, panting, sunken eyes, reduced energy and dry nose. It is also a good idea to let your dog in the pool if possible or sprinkle water on

commodation for free pet care! HouseSitMatch is Safe - All Members Are Checked

All members are checked for safety, you choose which house-sitters come to care for your pets in your absence.

Your pets stay at home - Safe and Undisturbed

All pets benefit from staying at home, so their routines are undisturbed. Choose for affordable travel, home and pet care and peace of mind for you and your pets.

If you’re travelling in 2024 join now and get organised today:

1. Register as a homeowner on Hou

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them to cool off.

Unlike us, dogs don’t have the protection of shoes; when walking on sizzling hot pavements in the summer, they experience a terrible amount of pain. It is not just uncomfortable but can also lead to overheating and even heat strokes. To see whether the pavement is too hot for

Trustpilot Testimonials - 4.9 / 5


My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks…

Sherel and John looked after Harry early April. They sent photos and mails to inform us how he was getting on. My neighbours tell us Harry had plenty of walks. Sherel and John are very nice people, and we highly recommend them as excellent sitters.

Tom C - homeowner in Mojacar

How do you join? Register online via Need a pet or house-sitter? House-sitting is a win-win, free house and pet-sitting exchanged for free accommodation! Reader exclusive offer - 20% Off Any New Membership. Register as either house-sitter or homeowner. Get a 20% discount - Use coupon code PERFECT20.

your dog, use a simple five-second rule. Place the back of your hand on the pavement; if you can’t keep it there for five seconds, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. It is absolutely prohibited to leave your dog in a hot car, even for a short time; it will inevitably lead to a heat stroke and could even result in death.

of the week Rubi
Meet Dylan the Corgi, he loves it when the pet-sitters come to stay.
Anna Akopyan




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Local Anglican (CofE) Church Services take place at Mojacar and Llanos del Peral (Zurgena) churches every Sunday 11am and at Aljambra Chapel (Albox) monthly. Dates and details of our services, including directions and contact details, can be found at  www.

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Bargain luxury-cars

DRUG-related auctions might be just what you need to get the luxury car of your dreams.

Buying a car at a drug-related auction gives you the opportunity to purchase a high-end vehicle at a price well below market value.

The cars may have a sketchy past, but they are still high-end, in good condition, and at competitive prices.

The Government’s Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs (DGPNSD) acquire vehicles confir-

the costs incurred in the fight against drug trafficking.

The DGPNSD administers the Confiscated Assets Fund, which is supported by the revenue from the auction.

Vehicles are always inspected and sometimes restored before being put up for sale.

The positive impact of these auctions is reflected in the Confiscated Assets Fund, which distributes its income to research, prosecution and repression

of illegal drug trafficking, as well as for the assistance and social and labour integration of drug addicts.

To get your next luxury car, Escrapalia, part of the Surus Inversa Group, has established itself firmly as a leader in the industrial auction market in Spain.

Escrapalia offers a variety of cars from different sources, including those confiscated in anti-drug operations; among the list sold before is a Chevrolet Corvette and a Mercedes-Benz 170S-T.

Buying a car connected to crime might not be your first decision, but it could be your best.
Credit: Wikicommons

Madrid veteran star Pepe retires

FOOTBALL legend Pepe has announced his retirement via an official statement through the Real Madrid website and so cial media.

‘In view of Pepe’s an nouncement of his reti rement from football as a professional player, Real Madrid would like to ex press its gratitude, affec tion and admiration for one of the great legends of our club and world football,’ the statement said.

A team member from 2007 to 2017 he won everything with the club. Over 10 seasons he won 14 titles in 334 matches including three European Cups, two Club World Cups, two European Su per Cups, three La Ligas, two Copa del Reys and

two Spanish Super Cups. Brazil-born Pepe was said by the club to have “been one of the greatest

achievements with FC Porto which include four league titles.

One of the best defenders ever in Real Madrid and European football, he became the Champions League’s oldest goalscorer last year scoring for Porto against Antwerp, continuing to play at the highest level until the

Writing on Instagram, Cristiano Ronaldo said “We won everything there was to win on the pitch, but the biggest triumph is the friendship and the respect I have for you. You’re unique, my brother.”

Team GB in Paris

THE Paris 2024 Olympic Games have come to an end and it has been a whirlwind for Team GB.

Great Britain arrived with 327 athletes for the Olympic Games and, in total, 131 of them returned home with medals around their necks, with more medals than they had in Tokyo.

After more than two weeks of intensity, Team GB won 14 gold medals, 22 silver medals and 29 bronze medals.

In total, Great Britain took home 65 medals, one more than they had in the last Olympics.

Ranking all the participating countries by total medals won, this places Team GB in third, above the host coun try, France, but below China and USA, who won the most.

Britain’s perfor mance at the Paris Olympics was triumphant and certainly deserves celebration.

Andy Anson, the British Olympic Association’s chief execu-

tive pointed out that Great Britain “passed 1,000 medals in the Olympics during this Games, which was a big moment. Sixty-five medals is our second-best-ever tally on foreign soil,” added Anson, “So that’s something incredible to celebrate.”

There were some low points, with swimmer Adam Peaty catching Covid, and Kate French having to pull out for gastric reasons.

However, there were also some incredible highs; Track and field was one of the biggest of Britain’s successes, with 10 medals overall, the best since the Los Angeles 1984

Pepe playing for his adopted country, Portugal.
Team GB have had a tumultuous and triumphant time at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Credit: Team GB /fb
Credit: Stefan Constantin 22 - Shutterstock

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