RTN Newspaper - Costa Blanca South 29 September - 05 October 2017 Issue 936

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For daily news online

south edition


Issue 936

29th September - 5th October

Reporting The News


Photo credit: Wikimedia

Landmark gets green light for restoration WATCHTOWER: Santa Pola’s ancient landmark to be restored

by Steve Collins SANTA POLA Council will be restoring the iconic landmark of the Torre de Escaletes and work will begin in the coming weeks. The tower has been in a very poor condition for some time and will now

be able to complete a restoration programme thanks to a financial investment from the Valencian Community after a similar request to the provincial government in Alicante was refused. One of the primary works to be carried out will be the replacing of the roof. Valencia’s investment, amounting

to € 38,841.30, will finance 65 per cent of the restoration work on the Torre de Escaletes which is one of the three famous watchtowers based along the coast in Santa Pola since the 16th century. Santa Pola will contribute the remaining 35 per cent to the overall total cost of the project of €60,000.

migrants LOCATED after local search


Pyromaniac strikes again

fifty years of radio 1&2




Red Cross appeal for English speakers

From post office to first class food THE building project to turn the previous post office building in Murcia into a gastronomic centre has begun. The first stage of the major works, which are planned to last for a few months, will concentrate on reinforcing the structure of the building, removing the build up of rubbish and debris and renew the drainage system. The centre is planned to open by next summer but it’s emphasised that as the building is protected by a special historical conservation plan in Murcia, any renovation must retain the original 1930’s style when it was first constructed. Murcia’s ‘gastro centre’ is due to include 15 different outlets to allow visitors to undertake a tour of national and international cuisine thanks to a number of specialist gourmet shops. It will create a total of 250 jobs.

by Glen Scott PEDRO DOMINGUEZ, the Provincial Coordinator for European residents of the Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Española) in Communidad Valencia, was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion in Mil Palmeras. Pedro was invited to attend the meeting by the Branch Welfare Officer, Sandie Coates, in order to highlight some of the many services that the organisation can offer to vulnerable British nationals, such as advice and support with accessing social services, help for sufferers of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and practical help for those suffering financial difficulties. Following his presentation Pedro held a short Q&A session which provoked lively discussion as well as providing lots of information to the many residents in attendance. Pedro also appealed for




Mostly sunny

SAT Sept 30



Pleasant, some sun and clouds

SUN Oct 1

MON Oct 2



Some sun and clouds



Some sun and clouds


News & Views from the North & South Costa Blanca & Costa de Sol

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TUE Oct 3



Full day of sunshine

WED Oct 4

THU Oct 5




Partly sunny


Plenty of sunshine

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Pedro and Sandie at the meeting English speaking volunteers to work with the Red Cross so they can help their fellow nationals access the support that they may need. He explained that training is provided in English

which is the language that volunteers would also operate in, so there is no need for any more than a very basic knowledge of Spanish. Anyone needing more information on available

services or who is interested in volunteering can obtain more information from Pedro by e-mail on pdominguez@cruzroja.es or by calling him on 678 501 586

City celebrates its elderly citizens SUNDAY October 1 is the International Day for Older Persons, and the city of Elche are celebrating in style with a series of events taking place throughout the month of October. The full programme got underway yesterday (Thursday) which featured a number of health-related activities in social centres across the city, such as blood pressure and glucose tests and advice on eating habits.

Today (Friday) will be dedicated to first aid. For the more active elderly people, there will be a Table Tennis competition on Friday October 6 and a Ballroom Dance competition on Saturday October 7 beginning at 6pm. One of the highlights of the programme will be held on Saturday October 14 where 35 different couples celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary will get together in the Centro de Congresos.

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Another ‘forgotten city’ Picture credit: Pxhere

Heatwave makes a day return trip JUST when people thought the long, hot summer was coming to an end, many areas of the Vega Baja had a shock at the beginning of the week. Temperatures reached some of their highest levels for the time of the year, with the municipality of Redován reaching 36.5ºC and Orihuela not far behind on 36.5ºC. Rojales registered 33ºC, Guardamar 31.3ºC and Torrevieja 30.4ºC Local meteorologist Pedro J. Cascales explains that the phenomena

is known as the ‘Veranillo de San Miguel’ (St Michael’s Summer) when temperatures unexpectedly rise after the autumn equinox which took place on September 23. Local records show that the last time such temperatures were reached between the 20th and 30th of the month of September was back in 1991 when 37.6ºC was registered. The highest ever temperature recorded for that period was in 1968 – on September 24 – when the thermometer showed 40ºC.

Residents demand at least one bus every hour

by Lynn Whittaker RESIDENTS of an urbanisation in Cartagena have complained to the local authorities that they are being ignored and marginalised. Those living on the Residencial Buenos Aires, alongside the N-332, in Molinos Marfagones are demanding more infrastructure and local services, and are especially asking for more than the six daily buses that serve their area. Letters and various petitions have been

sent to both local and regional governments that have allegedly been greeted with total inaction. There are more than 300 residents living on the urbanisation, and they believe that their most pressing concern is that of local transport stating that only six buses a day to take people into the city is unacceptable. The demand is for a least one bus every hour as at present they’re forced to walk along the main N-332 road to access the nearest bus stop and with all

the associated dangers. A spokesperson for the residents said: “So far, there hasn’t been any accident to a pedestrian but it could happen at any time.” According to the residents, the only response they have had in respect of their claims for extra buses is that such a service would be run at a loss with not enough people using them. Other concerns relate to the lack of cycle lanes, poor condition of the roads, a lack of street lamps and road signs and speed bumps among a long and growing list.


Boat migrants located after local search

by Steve Collins INVESTIGATIONS by the Guardia Civil are looking into whether the latest attempted robbery of a cash point machine is being carried out by the same gang of criminals. The latest failed attempt happened in the early hours of Saturday morning in a branch of the BBVA in Rojales located in the central Plaza de España. The robbers managed to get into the interior lobby of the bank by forcing the main front door, but they were prevented from carry-

ing out their main aim of breaking into the ATM when the alarm was activated which caused them to flee from the scene. Officers from the Guardia Civil were able to extract enough evidence in the form of footprints and fingerprints to establish how many people were involved in the attempted robbery, and to see if they are the same perpetrators of a string of similar crimes in the Alicante province. The branch of the BBVA was open as normal on Monday morning.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

FIVE migrants that are believed to have arrived on a local beach have been located after a short search. The small motor boat was found on the Pinomar beach in Guardamar del Segura in the early hours of Tuesday morning containing six life jackets and a bag with personal effects that are believed to belong to a woman. Not long after the boat was discovered, one of the suspected occupants – a young boy – was found at a local petrol station with his clothes still soaking wet. The Guardia Civil was called and he was taken away to receive medical attention. Moments later, another four people – two men and two women – all adults and believed to have originated from Algeria were also found. They are also receiving medical treatment from the Red Cross based in Torrevieja.

Suspected links to cash point attack

BBVA in Rojales targeted by cash machine theft gang

Cars take an unexpected dip TWO CARS needed fishing out of the water in a Guardamar port after slipping down a ramp. The incident happened when two cars arrived with their boats carried along on trailers. Reports suggest that as the boats owners attempted to manoeuvre their

Photo credit: Guardia Civil

craft into the water of the Las Dunas Marina in Guardamar del Segura, the cars slipped down the bank and ended up submerged in the port. It is understood that both cars had their handbrakes employed but their owners lost control of them during the transfer

of the boats from the trailers. There were no injuries sustained by the owners of the vehicles as they were out of the cars at the time, but their pride and pockets have been damaged as it was a Land Rover and a BMW involved.

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Blaze destroys wood factory A WOOD factory in the small municipality of Arneva in Orihuela has been almost completely destroyed by fire. The blaze, that was attended by brigades from Orihuela, Torrevieja, Almoradí and Pilar de la Horadada was eventually brought under control around two hours after it started in the factory owned by Hijos de Antonio Huertas. Because of the contents of the factory that occupied an area of 2,100 square metres, more fire brigades were deployed than would usually be the case to stop the blaze spreading. As an extra precaution, a helicopter was brought in to drop gallons of water on to the smouldering remains to prevent the fire reigniting.

Hire car in airport crash A RENTAL car has caused major damage to a number of vehicles after a chain of events close to the AlicanteElche Airport. The incident unfolded on the road that connects the municipalities of Torrellano and El Altet in Elche when a rental car crashed virtually head-on with another car. The resulting impact caused the car to then crash into three other vehicles belong to employees of one of the rent-a-car businesses that are located close to the airport. The driver of the car that was hit wasn’t seriously injured in the collision although he had to be released by fire fighters as he was trapped inside as the doors wouldn’t open. He finally left by the car’s tailgate on a stretcher and taken to hospital for treatment on his minor injuries.

Council asks for fire station extension by Glenn Scott FOLLOWING a major fire in the locality, the town hall of San Miguel de Salinas has asked the Valencian Government for an extension of the temporary fire station. The station was set up just for the summer period to

act as a vital back-up force to other local brigades, and they have been called upon often to assist in a series of fires. The latest call-out was for a large blaze in woodland between Pilar de la Horadada and San Miguel de Salinas which destroyed over 1,000 square metres of pine trees.

The town hall have said that it is “necessary and useful” for the fire station to stay longer than originally planned because the sierra Escalona has protected area status and is shortly to be declared a natural park. Local councillor María José Costa sent a letter to the Valencian authorities

to ask for the extension and follows up one already sent at the end of July. “It is vitally important that the fire brigade respond quickly and effectively, which is only possible with a fire station nearby, as unfortunately we have found,” she said.


by Lynn Whittaker THE MAYOR of Guardamar del Segura has quickly blamed the fire that devastated a large part of the municipality’s pine forest on an arsonist. José Luis Sáez condemned the deliberate attack that took place late on Monday afternoon and destroyed an estimated 10,600 square metres of woodland and scrubland located in the sand dunes and pine forests. Fire fighters from a number of

local brigades based in Orihuela, Torrevieja and Almoradí fought the blaze and were helped by a number of helicopters and aircraft and specialist forestry teams from Alicante who was able to contain the fire. High winds at the time hindered the efforts of the emergency services as flames swept through the area. Even though the fire was brought under control within four hours, members of the Guardia Civil, local police and fire brigade stayed on the site over-

night to continue to make the area secure and to monitor any possible reigniting from stray embers. The area was declared completely safe just before 10am on Tuesday morning. This incident is the latest in string of fires in Guardamar del Segura that are all believed to be the work of a local pyromaniac. The Guardamar incident wasn’t the only one in the area on Monday. Further inland on the road from Dolores to Catral, 6,000 metres of land was destroyed.

Swimmer discovers floating body British A MAN aged 62 has died while swimming off a beach in Alicante. The alarm was raised around 6pm on Wednesday evening when another swimmer discovered the floating body of a man who then brought him back to the shore on the main Postiguet

beach in the city. Emergency services were called to the scene and paramedics performed the usual resuscitation procedures, but after being in a state of cardiac arrest for around an hour they could do nothing more to try to save his life.

Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Guardamar

Pyromaniac strikes again DESTROYED: Guardamar blaze tackled from the land and the air

man hospitalised after marina fall

A BRITISH man has been injured after falling from a boat located in Torrevieja’s International Marina. The 68-year-old is understood to have fallen around five metres on Wednesday afternoon and, according to reports, landed on his head. It’s not known if he was working on one of the many crafts moored in the marina as the accident happened in one of the larg-

est repair boat repair zones. Eyewitnesses said that the man had suffered a severe head wound which was bleeding as well as blood coming from his mouth. He showed no signs of any response when people initially rushed to help him but later regained consciousness shortly before the emergency services arrived. The injured man was taken to Torrevieja Hospital and kept under observation.


Mr. President There was confusion amongst all as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy attended a joint press conference with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. President Trump spent the entire conference referring to Rajoy as "president of Spain" instead of "prime minister." Despite hearing others refer to him as prime minister — President Trump even addressed him as "Mr. President" at one point. The White House also referred to Rajoy as president in an official tweet announcing the press conference, which further emphasised the incorrect title. The Prime Minister’s visit to the U.S. has attracted media criticism given its timing with the Catalonia secession vote. The regional government in Catalonia is holding a binding referendum on Sunday to separate from Spain. But the Spanish government insists such a vote is illegal and promises it won't take place.

Disputed blocks finally demolished GIANT excavators have already begun a programme of works to demolish old blocks of flats of the Ayuso de Murcia on the Ronda de Levante. The site will be used for the development of two new residential apartment buildings. It has taken seven years to reach this stage of proceedings after the owners of the blocks sold them to a property developer at the end of 2010 after a series of disputes with previous tenants who refused to leave. This was despite the Gerencia de Urbanismo de Murcia declaring the building in an unfit state following several minor falls of masonry over a period of time. The new project is under the control of the promoter GP (GeorgPrisa) and designed by architectural firm Arquitania Business.

Court cafe vandal still on the run by Glenn Scott A MAN was caught in the act causing damage to the terrace of a cafe located right in front of the Court building in Cartagena. He is still being sought by the local police, although according to the owner of the cafe, it’s alleged that they weren’t unduly

concerned by the incident when they were called to the scene. According to the owner, Fátima El Hammoumi, the culprit started to break up plant pots and destroy everything he could find on the terrace. “I arrived a little later that morning,” she said, “and one of the workers said that they noticed this man smashing

everything around him. He then noticed they were coming for him and he then ran away.” She immediately called the local police but was disappointed when they allegedly didn’t even get out of their patrol car. “They told us they would go and look for the vandals, but I knew they wouldn’t. Their attitude was very

disappointing,” said the cafe owner. At the moment, it’s unknown what the motives are for this unprovoked act of vandalism which is believed to have caused around €3,000 of damage to the top quality plants and plant pots. Assuming the vandal is found, the maximum fine for such a crime is set at between €301 and €600.


Have your Say!

Charity scammers doing the rounds...again

Our most popular post this week is

“Paralympic sailor brings bronze back to Marina Alta” which has so far reached over 1,700 people and been liked over 50 times. Well done Rafa Andarias!

Odd prisoner request in Valez-Malaga

Ronnie Chivers “Keep him there for the rest of his life and charge him rent”


Our most liked posts from this week Paralympic sailor brings bronze back to Marina Alta A party not to be missed

Games of Thrones fans threaten Spanish heritage site Poppy Appeal coming soon

In Total 23,611 People reached 3,234 Post engagements

LOCAL POLICE in Murcia have used Twitter to once again warn people of the dangers of charity scammers. This time, they have highlighted those who are pretending to be deaf mutes and approach innocent members of the public armed with clipboards and asking for donations. The forms look all aboveboard with official looking logos belonging to a fake charity association containing previous names and signatures from others that have previously donated. As the unsuspecting and naive people look at the sheets and are distracted momentarily, another member of the organised group of clever thieves get ready to pickpocket or remove items from

bags such as wallets, purses and mobile phones. Such ‘charity’ scams have been well known for many years as mainly tourists and vulnerable elderly people are targeted by the criminals, sometimes in a very threatening manner if they refuse to sign so-called petitions and donation sheets. Some of these have been reported doing house-to-house calls, where they have been known to distract someone at their front gate while their associate gets into the property and takes whatever they can; the crime only gets noticed well after the event. The overall advice from the police in all areas is not to stop or sign anything in the streets and not to give anyone carrying out these scams any money.

Young victim killed by ex-boyfriend A YOUNG 20-year old woman has been killed in Cartagena within one hour of denouncing her ex-boyfriend. The alleged murderer waited for his victim at her house and stabbed her twice in the neck and once in the heart as she returned from filing an official police report. Neighbours of the young girl were able to catch the alleged attacker as he attempted to flee the scene and were able to detain him after a struggle. They held him until the Guardia Civil arrived to arrest the suspect that was covered in blood at the time as a result of the frenzied attack on his former girlfriend. According to reports from their neighbours, the relationship between the couple was ‘complicated’, saying that they often broke up and then got back together.

Photo credit: Policia Local

by Ray Chadwick

DON’T SIGN: Local police warn of fake deaf collectors

Abusive graffiti daubed on public buildings ORIHUELA council has condemned in the strongest terms the amount of graffiti that has been scrawled across two of its municipal buildings. Located in Calle Arriba, both buildings – the Centro Social Miguel Hernández and Centro Municipal de Participación Ciudadana – were full of abusive phrases and slogans mainly aimed at the local police. The offensive words have now been removed by members of the municipal cleaning teams

rtnnewspaper.com A popular article on our website is “TFrench Farce” from RTN columnist Mike Walsh.

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responsible for both buildings. Not only were the walls of the centres used by people with disabilities and those with special social needs were covered with the red paint, many of the windows and doors were also targeted with the graffiti. Director of the day centre, Sandra Dodge, said that they’ve had their windows vandalised and experienced the odd theft in the past but never acts of this kind.


Council ‘very satisfied’ with fiesta success Photo credit: Wikimedia Fiesta numbers up by 20 percent

by Lynn Whittaker THE number of people attending the annual spectacular that is the Carthaginians and Romans fiesta in Cartagena attracted 20 per cent more visitors this year. According to official figures announced by the acting mayor, Juan Pedro Torralba, visitor numbers are up by one fifth compared to the same time last year and praised all those that had

taken part in both the organisation and participation of the events. "We are very satisfied,” he said. “Almost all the events attracted massive crowds whether they were held in the theatres or in the streets. Credit is due to all those that made extra special efforts to improve their performances and the response from the public has been magnificent.” It wasn’t just the events that saw an increase in spectators as a consequence

was a hotel occupancy level of 65 per cent and noticeable extra numbers taking the opportunity to visit all the famous tourist attractions in the city. Despite the increased security throughout the city in the wake of recent terrorist attacks, it didn’t put people off and officials were delighted to report that other than a minor scuffle and five arrests for drunken behaviour, no major problems were reported among the thousands of visitors.

Team work rescues trapped Labrador A GROUP of young people and the fire brigade of Almoradí are being held as local heroes after saving a Labrador bitch after it fell into a deep but almost empty water canal. The youngsters saw the dog at the bottom of the Vereda Gabato – in front of the Palacio de los Guardiola – as they walked past and also noticed another male dog in a distressed state as to the fate of his mate as she struggled below. It’s believed she fell into the gap while leaning over to attempt to get a drink of water. To raise the alarm, some of those that discovered the dog jumped off their

bikes and raced to the local fire station and raised the alarm. Fire fighters arrived at the scene with a specially adapted ladder which enabled one of them to lean down and attach a rope to the already exhausted dog and bring her up to safety. This particular canine date had a happy ending thanks to the quick and coordinated work of both locals and firefighters alike, and the rescue was helped due to this special piece of equipment that is deployed during regular incidents of this kind as dogs accidentally fall into ditches when trying to quench their thirst.

Clam at risk of extinction Photo credit Wikimedia

The Government said this week that a clam that lives in Torrevieja is at risk of extinction. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), the Autonomous Communities of the Mediterranean - among them the Comunitat Valenciana - and several research centres came together to agree on the measures necessary to prevent the extinction of the Nacra (Pinna nobilis). Pinna nobilis is a large species of Mediterranean clam that reaches up to 120cm. Pinna nobilis is native to the Mediterranean Sea, where it lives offshore at depths ranging between 0.5 and 60 metres. It can be found buried beneath soft-sediment areas such as fine sand and mud. According to the MAPAMA, Pinna nobilis have suffered mass mortality in Almeria, Formentera, Ibiza, Murcia and Torrevieja. In samples of diceased Pinna nobilis, a deadly pathogen has been found and the MAPAMA have recommended that as a first step to prevent the species’ extinction, as many as possible are rescued from the seas and taken to specialised centres to be bred in captivity. The Pinna nobilis was chosen as 'Mollusk of the Year 2017’ by the Spanish Society of Malacology (SEM).

AT RISK OF EXTINCTION: The Pinna nobilis

24 feb - 2 march 2017


Volunteers in major clean-up effort by Glenn Scott MORE THAN 70 volunteers have taken part in a series of environmental clean-up events in the Murcia region. In a collaboration between the ANSE and Decathlon stores in Cartagena, San Javier and Orihuela and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment, the aim was to remove as much waste as possible that is contaminating the environment. Apart from the major clean-up, the other aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the risks of waste disposal in the natural environment. The 70 volunteers were split into two groups. The first, made up of 50 people, attacked the area around Monte Roldán (Cartagena) and Photo credit: Twitter

concentrated on the build-up of plastic containers and bottles. In total, more than 700 litres of general rubbish was removed. In addition, a further 2,700 litres of containers of various sizes and types were recovered. Simultaneously, a group of 20 volunteers proceeded to clean a part of the Caleta del Estacio, in La Manga, where almost 2,500 litres of waste were removed in 35 rubbish sacks, among which were more than 100 glass bottles, almost 300 bottles plastic bottles, 20 fragments of fishing debris, more than 400 empty drinks cans, over 260 containers, several shoes, and thousands of small plastic fragments. The organisers of the events are planning to carry out further cleanings of the area over the coming weeks.

More than 2,700 litres of containers of various sizes and types were removed

Volvo Ocean Race changes future schedules THE CITY of Alicante will continue to act as host of the start of the Volvo Ocean Race, but it won’t be held as often as before. Antonio Rodes, director general of special themed projects in Valencia and responsible for organising the events in Alicante, expressed both pleasure and surprise as he an-

nounced the news. Originally, he was under the impression that the race would continue to be held every two years, and expecting the next events, after this year’s that starts in October, to be held in 2019 and 2021. However, a decision has now been taken to reschedule them to 2020 and

2023 instead and that Alicante continues to be proud to be selected as the starting point of this prestigious event in the world sailing calendar. Rodes said: “We will continue with the agreement that was signed to host the events in the future, even though they will now take place in 2020 and 2023.”


Stroke Association open day by Fabio Delucci THE Stroke Association of Spain has held an open day to proudly show off their new premises in the Casa De Cultura in Benijofar, Alicante. This new centre offers a rehabilitation unit, a speech therapy centre and also an occupational therapy department. In the social room for get-togethers, meetings and social events, they also offer lessons on how to use a smart phone and computer tablets and give basic Spanish lessons. The local Mayor, Luis Rodreguez, was present to cut the tape at the opening ceremony, accompanied by Piler Yagues from Social Services and Veronica Alberole Pachecc from the Culture Centre. Freemasons, from Caledonia Lodge 68, presented a folding hospital bed and a lifting frame to the centre, both of which were received with great enthusiasm and thanks. The Worshipful Master of Caledonia Lodge, W.Br Michael Knight, the Almoner, W.Bro Erick Turner and Bro Sidney Formby, were at the event although missed the official opening of the centre. It was a very successful day with something for everyone with stalls that

included books for sale, candles, clothes, and bric-a-brac. There was face painting for the children, along with hot and cold drinks and home-made cakes. There was also a tombola and a raffle.

TOP: From left to right, W.Bro. Frank Hammond. Paul Owen, the manager of the centre, Luis Rodreguez, the Mayor, Ms. Piler Yagues of Social Services and Ms Veronica Alberole Pacheu, from the Culture Centre. RIGHT: The lifting frame received with great enthusiasm and thanks.

If you would like to donate to this charity or if you would like more information about Freemasonry, please contact William Turney via e-mail at prensa@glpvalencia.com

Maureen Patricia Watts, July 11 1942 – August 26 2017

Mo – the passing of ‘the cat lady’ Many of you will remember Maureen or Mo as she was affectionately called, more recently from the charity shop in Quesada first run by ‘Joe the Cat Man’ and then by Cats and Dogs Aid Association. Several years before that Mo ran a bar in Quesada known as Mokambo where she made a lot of friends. Since arriving in Spain in 1987 Mo took in and cared for many, many cats and was known as ‘the cat lady’ or as Mo herself always called herself, ‘that mad cat woman’! Very sadly Mo passed away at the end of August after spending several weeks in hospital. Her beloved cats are now bereaved and although several have already been offered new homes there are four still desperately waiting and hoping. Aleasha is a pretty female Tabby; Kira is a four-year old male; Ziba is a peaches and cream girl of five, and Faydra is a very affectionate black lady of 10 years. All have been spayed or neutered. (Photos on rtnnewspaper.com) The cats are being cared for by her very dear friend Janet, so if you would like to find out more or meet the cats please call Janet on 96 671 9320. Mo was well known in Quesada as a personality as well as for her cats and charity work. She will be very much missed by many people, and she will rest in peace even more if she knew her beloved cats had been re-homed.


Peace breaks out worldwide by

Michael Walsh

keyboardcosmetics@ gmail.com

Governments, militaryrelated industries and armed forces are reeling after peace breaks out worldwide. This development has effectively crippled every military complex on earth leaving them obsolete in a matter of moments. One General was quoted as saying, “we may not be able to recover from this newest weapon. Our only choice may be to lay our weapons down and go home.” The U.S and NATO governments, as well as bankers and weapons manufacturers, are in round the clock negotiations on how to deal with this latest threat. Such were my thoughts when I joined 7.4 billion other world citizens in contemplating the UN International Day of Peace on September 21. War is an insatiable vampire bloated on blood. The most profitable enterprise of man´s pursuits meets the most potent human vice of all, avarice. The major beneficiaries of just two major wars launched by the US government are Lockheed Martin (LMT), Northrop Grumman (NOG) and Ray-

theon (RTN). These two complexes alone have delivered record-shattering returns to their investors, CEOs and investment banks during the past decade and a half. The Swiss scientist JeanJacques Babel found that during the last 5,700 years humanity fought 14,500 wars with three and a half billion dead. That is half of today’s world population. In 1991 for

example there were 52 wars or warlike crises on this earth. The invasion and occupation of Iraq has cost the United States trillions of dollars and counting. Despite the immense costs to the American people, the military-industrial complex continues to keep the US government on a wartime economy, undermining the domestic social safety net and standard of living of

many millions. No peaceful economic activity can match the immense profits enjoyed by the military-industrial complex in war. This powerful lobby continues to press for new wars to sustain the Pentagon’s huge budget. The costs of almost 15 years of warfare weigh heavily on the US Treasury and electorate. The wars have been dismal failures if

not outright defeats. New conflicts have emerged in Syria, Iraq and, now, Ukraine. The power and influence of the military-industrial complex in promoting serial wars has resulted in extraordinary rates of profit. According to a recent study by Morgan Stanley (cited in Barron’s, 6/9/14, p. 19), shares in the major US arms manufacturers have risen 27,699% over the past fifty years versus 6,777% for the broader market. In the past three years alone, Raytheon has returned 124%, Northrup Grumman 114% and Lockheed Martin 149% to their investors. War profits have soared with the series of military interventions in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. “Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought! Strike against manufacturing shrapnel and gas bombs and all other tools of murder! Strike against preparedness that means death and misery to millions of human beings! Be not dumb, obedient slaves in an army of destruction! Be heroes in an army of construction.” Helen Keller.

Local theatre gets financial injection by Lynn Whittaker THE popular Teatro Capitol in Rojales is to receive an injection of funds in order to carry out a series of upgrades and refurbishments. With a budget of €200,000, the works will include improvements in the security system, the lighting and acoustics...the latter long being an issue for many that have performed in the building. The plans also include a remodelling of the entire front of the stage as well as the relaying of the wooden stage itself which will go some way to improve both the overall look and sound of the main part of the theatre. The stage will see a fire screen or safety curtain installed and the construction of a separate lobby between the stage and the green room with access from a new double-door. Further works planned include addressing the issues of certain restricted viewing areas, better access to and from the stalls, new lighting for the stage and the theatre, and the installation of a generator as insurance against power failures in what is a public building. Culture councillor Inmaculada Chazarra said: “These works are necessary because the passage of time has made many of the existing facilities obsolete.”


Mastering the toaster by

Colin Bird

There is only one thing worse than the embarrassment of wet behind the ears adolescents sorting out problems with my computer. It’s when blokes my own age are able to sort out problems with my computer. The generation gap was always a reliable excuse for not being au fait with the latest technology, but the fact of the matter is, I have always been sadly deficient in the understanding of anything remotely mechanical or electrical. My mind is as blank as a nun’s diary when it comes to such things and I am not only a fish out of water, but one that is already gutted and fried. I have only just got to grips with the toaster. Talking to an acquaintance recently about ‘the good old days’, it became apparent that whilst I was a Mod - they of the Beatles haircuts and Carnaby Street persuasion - he had been a Rocker and a member of the Brylcreem and leather brigade. One of the younger ladies present asked what the difference was between the two. My friend offered the view that all Mods were big girls blouses (appropriate laughter) whilst I informed her that unlike Rockers, the Mods did wash (more tittering). The other major difference we pointed out, was the mode of transport. Whilst Mods were buzzing about on their Lambretta and Vespa hairdryers, the Rockers thundered around on their prized Norton and Triumph death machines. Apart from the attraction of funky clothes and haircuts, there was of course the music, but I have to confess that secretly, I used to drool over the shiny super bikes in the motor cycle showrooms.

My brother-i- law owned a BSA Rocket Gold Star, truly a thing of beauty, and I longed to be able to do my Easy Rider thing and roar off with a raven haired woman on the pillion seat, moulding her luscious body into mine as we left lesser machines in our wake. So what was the problem? Well firstly there was no way I could afford such a machine. Secondly I didn’t know any raven haired women with luscious bodies, and thirdly, whilst we Mods would simply lock up our scooters for the night after a day’s posing, Rockers would be up to their elbows in oil and mysterious metal bits; stripping down and rebuilding the damn things on an on-going basis. And that, as I have already explained, was completely beyond my understanding.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons


50 years of Radio 1 & 2 by Steve Collins TOMORROW, Saturday September 30, BBC Radio 1 & Radio 2 celebrate their 50th birthday. Fifty years ago to the day, while the UK was enjoying the long hot summer of love and BBC TV had recently broadcast its first colour pictures, BBC Radio closed the fader for the last time on the Light Programme and launched two brand new popular music networks to the BBC family - Radio’s 1 and 2. As a special treat on the actual day tomorrow, Saturday September 30, Radio 2 presenter, Tony Blackburn, will re-create live the very first Radio 1 Breakfast show (8am to 9.30am Spanish time) - the programme that launched that station on the same day as Radio 2. He’ll be playing all the records on their original vinyl formats, including the first song ever broadcast on the show, Flowers in the Rain by The Move. It will be broadcast on both Radio 2 and

Radio 1 Vintage (a pop-up digital station marking Radio 1’s birthday), and Tony will be setting the scene earlier in Sounds of the Sixties (7am to 8am). From 9.30am to 11am, both Tony and Radio 1’s current Breakfast Show host, Nick Grimshaw, will co-present a special breakfast show across the two stations and Radio 1 Vintage. ‘Radio 1 Vintage’ is a special digital station set up to cover just the three-days of this weekend of celebrations featuring 50 one-hour themed nostalgic shows made from Radio 1’s archive material from DJs across its entire history to celebrate the pivotal role that Radio 1 has played in music, entertainment and popular culture since its launch in 1967. The first-ever playlist from the Tony Blackburn Breakfast Show that he will be playing again tomorrow in its entirety is reproduced below:

1. Beefeaters – John Dankworth (Theme Tune) 2. Flowers in the Rain – The Move 3. Massachusetts – The Bee Gees 4. Even the Bad Times are Good – The Tremeloes 5. Fakin; It – Simon & Garfunkel 6. The Day I Met Marie – Cliff Richard 7. You Can’t Hurry Love – The Supremes 8. The Last Waltz – Engelbert Humperdinck 9. Baby, Now That I’ve Found You – The Foundations 10. Good Times – Eric Burdon & The Animals 11. A Banda – Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass 12. I Feel Love Comin’ On – Felice Taylor 13. How Can I Be Sure – Young Rascals 14. Major to Minor – The Settlers

15. Homburg – Procol Harum 16. You Keep Running Away – The Four Tops 17. Let’s Go To San Francisco – The Flower Pot Men 18. Handy Man – Jimmy James 19. You Know What I Mean – The Turtles 20. The House That Jack Built – The Alan Price Set 21. Excerpt From A Teenage Opera – Keith West 22. Reflections – Diana Ross & The Supremes 23. King Midas in Reverse – The Hollies 24. Ode to Billy Joe – Bobby Gentry 25. Then He Kissed Me – The Crystals 26. Anything Goes - Harpers Bizarre 27. The Letter - The Box Tops

Curtains will be a-flappin’ again soon THE Deadwood Stage Comp� pany rolled back over the plains again recently to The Madhouse to rehearse their forthcomp ing production of Cinder Hella. Under the direction of David Whitney, all that turned up thorp oughly enjoyed the experience and the appropriately named Madhouse certainly provided an ideal venue throughout the reading of the hilarious script. The final production of Cinder Hella will staged on Friday, Satp urday and Sunday February 9, 10 & 11 2018. Opportunities still exist for anyone that wishes to join this very friendly Company in any capacity, so for more details call Vida on 966 774 127. Keep an eye out for more information in future editions of RTN as well.

Age Concern Costa Blanca - ‘Lifeline’ Appeal DO you have a background in either nursing or social care and perhaps have a few hours spare to act as a volunteer? If so, then Age Concern Costa Blanca urgently needs you for a series of tasks they regularly undertake in the community under the banner of ‘Lifeline’, the welfare section of the charity organisation for those that need assistance. Age Concern Costa Blanca cover a wide variety of tasks and all thanks to their team of hard working volunteers...but more are needed to help with: • Home visits and carrying

out assessments • Advise on where to get nursing care • Liaising with social services and other charities • Give advice on care aids • Give information about Residential Care Homes So, if you think you have the skills and experience required and have some free time to help out Age Concern Costa Blanca, call 966 786 887, send your details via e-mail to costablanca@ageconcern. org.es or pop in to the centre at Calle Paganini s/n, Urbanisation La Siesta, 03184 Torrevieja.


Direct object pronoun – “lo” Basic Spanish for everyday needs by

Jane Cronin

At the end of the last article I gave you a short paragraph to translate. I have to admit the contents are a bit weird but it does give us examples of almost all the adjective forms we were talking about. Here it is again, with my translation below. Notice there is often more than one way to translate something, so I’ve given you some alternatives in brackets. Los dos hijos, el guapo y el feo, van a visitar a su familia este verano. Lo triste es que el guapo es más popular que el feo, aunque el feo es mucho más simpático, y es el más generoso de toda la familia. Lo más curioso de todo es que el guapo tiene muchos más amigos que el feo, pero el feo es el más feliz. The two sons, (or both sons), the handsome one and the ugly one, are going to visit their family this summer. The sad thing is that the handsome one is more

popular than the ugly one, although the ugly one is much nicer, and is the most generous one (or member) of the whole family. The strangest (or most curious) thing of all is that the handsome one has a lot more friends (or many more friends) than the ugly one, but the ugly one is the happier (of the two). And now for something completely different! We looked briefly at the word “lo” last week and saw that it can mean “the”. However “lo” is really quite a pesky word with all sorts of meanings depending on how it’s used. Today we’re going to look at it and what it means when it’s tacked onto the end of a verb. First of all we have to think back a few lessons to when we were looking at verbs in their “infinitive” forms. For example, we had sentences like quiero beber (I want to drink) or necesito limpiar (I need to clean) and puedo ver (I can

see). We saw that quiero, necesito and puedo were verbs in a particular form expressing “I”, or the “first person”, and that beber, limpiar and ver are what we call infinitive forms of verbs. We then saw that we can add other words to these sentences. For example quiero beber el café, (I want to drink the coffee); necesito limpiar el coche, (I need to clean the car); puedo ver el edificio (I can see the building). In grammar terms, the words café, coche and edificio used in this way are called “objects” because they receive the action of the verb. Now as you listen and look around you, you may have come across words from time to time like this: beberlo, limpiarlo, verlo. Well, these words are compounds – they consist of verbs in the infinitive form and the word lo, which here means “it”. We can now see that quiero beberlo

means “I want to drink it”; necesito limpiarlo means “I need to clean it” and puedo verlo means “I can see it”. In other words, lo is replacing the objects (coffee, car and building) in receiving the action of the verb. As I said at the beginning, this is only one use of “lo”. There are also occasions similar to those above where it can mean “him”. In grammar terms though, this would still be referred to as the “direct object pronoun”. One last comment about compound words like “beberlo”, is that you will not find them in the dictionary! That is why we need to have some understanding of the way words can be transformed so that we can then understand which basic forms we can find in the dictionary and which altered forms we can’t! Well, I think I’ve run out of space now, so tune in next week for the next exciting episode.

Necessito limpiar el coche verlo Quiero beber el cafe “lo” beberlo direct object pronoun limpiarlo

puedo ver

Studio 32 dreaming of a White Christmas FOLLOWING ON from their sell-out summer musical Mack & Mabel STUDIO32 are now rehearsing their winter show, White Christmas. Based on that perennial Christmas favourite, Irving Berlin’s film is brought to the Costa Blanca in a wonderful stage adaptation. The show contains some all-time classic songs including Blue Skies, Sisters, and of course the Bing Crosby title number White Christmas. The two lead roles are played by Luke Ringrose as Captain Bob Wallace, and Nick Morgan as Private Phil Davies. It’s 1954, and Bob and Phil have become famous entertainers since leaving the army at the end of the Second World War. Appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show they perform their Christmas hit number Happy Holidays. A chance encounter with a female duo sets the scene for intrigue, comedy, and a great storyline. But will romance be in the air for Bob and Phil? Festive entertainment for all the family is guaranteed, so why not start Christmas off with a visit to this great show. Show dates are Wednesday November 29 to Saturday December 2 at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio. All performances start at 7.30pm with doors open 7pm. Reserved seating tickets are now on sale, priced at €10, and can be obtained by calling 602 454 033, by email at tickets@studiothirtytwo.org or from the following outlets:

Cards & More, La Marina 966 790 954 The Card Place, Benijofar 966 713 266 Tickets are sure to sell fast so be sure to get in early and book your seat to enjoy a spectacular evening that will be merry and bright!


The way I see it… by

Harvey Mann

Believed to be the greatest love story ever told was the mythical one of Romeo and Juliet, however now there is another one that has unfolded, that could have been made in the heavens? This was between a man called Giovanni Cassini and Linda Spilker, although they had never met. The reason for this is because, astronomer Giovanni Cassini lived in the 17th/18th century, and Linda Spilker is a woman of today, in her late forties/early fifties. After spending 29 years as the chief scientist on the Cassini project, Linda kept watch over the Saturn explorer. Nicknamed the “Voyager Mum,” a few tears probably trickled down her cheeks as she watched as Cassini, a billion miles from home, running low on fuel, and almost out of time. After 13 years traversing the Saturn system, the spacecraft Cassini plunged to a fiery death, becoming part of the very planet it has been exploring and in a ball of fire disappeared towards the surface of Saturn with the words a “goodbye kiss” from Linda Spilker. After 13 years producing extraordinary discoveries.

Cassini had travelled 7.9 billion kilometres mostly at 123,607 kph. The incredible journey lasted 19 years, 11 months and 15 days at a cost of £2.5 billion. Was it worth it? A one-way trip into the heart of Saturn, Cassini’s incredible achievements and discoveries of a mission that has changed the way we see the solar system. Strange new worlds with gigantic ice geysers, hidden underground oceans that could harbour life and a brand-new moon coalescing in Saturn's magnificent rings. Scientists now know a lot more of Saturn and its moons and some of the discoveries will help future developments towards the ultimate goal of space travel and the time earth has to colonise another planet. Since the day America sent men to stand on the moon, space has changed our lives, in our life time technology and medicine has changed at an extraordinary pace, almost everything we use in our house, at work, and in our lives, has come with the back ground of space exploration. Planet earth has been

The Cassini Project: Photo Credit NASA

home to human mankind for over 200,000 years, now with a population of 7.3 billion and counting, with limited resources this planet may not support us forever. Professor Stephen Hawking and his team of scientists believe that the human species will have to populate another plant within the next hundred years, with climate change, pollution, deforestation, pan-

demics, and the population growth, increase in temperature, and failing crops in parts of the world, colonisation must be inevitable. In the Atacama Desert microbiologist Maria Farias has found a strange life form that could help make an unlimited supply of oxygen on another planet. In Houston, Texas, ex-astronaut Franklin Chang Diaz has been working on the plasma

powered rocket that could revolutionise space travel, taking humans into space faster than ever before. Even experiments with bears, watching how they hibernate for long periods protecting their body from muscle wastage It may read like science fiction and only our great, great grandchildren will be able to say if it actually happens.


Not a career for the faint-hearted by

Barry Duke

Alarm bells jangled when my mate Alan, over a pint at Ye Olde Spotted Dick, told me that he planned to pack in his job and become a holiday rep on the Costa Blanca. “Is that wise?” I asked. And I told him that I had met a number of people who had become reps and ended up needing therapy. They developed nervous tics, migraines, uncontrollable rages, agoraphobia and addictions to tranquillisers, anti-depressants and alcohol. When Alan insisted that he was bored to death with his accountancy job and needed something more challenging, I suggested he become a lion tamer, a professional javelin-catcher,or learn to be a bomb-disposal operative. But Alan was determined. “What could possibly go wrong?” he asked. I saw him again a year later after he had been discharged from St Tabitha’s Retreat for the Terribly Traumatised. He was still heavily sedated, and only began to talk of how he wound up there after his sixth cup of strong coffee and a couple of strong tablets. “I couldn’t handle the stupid questions,” he croaked, and began trotting out examples: • Does Benidorm have a beach? • Is Benidorm an island? • Is the big rock I can see from my Benidorm hotel balcony Ibiza? • Why is the solarium so hot? • Why are there so many Spanish people in the hotel? • Where can I find the third floor” (To this he replied “get in a lift and press

the button between two and four” – and got a funny look for his helpful answer.) Then there were the endless complaints, most frequent being that the food in the hotels was “rubbish”. Asked to elaborate, guests would explain that “it’s not what we are used to back home.” Apparently Spanish chicken nuggets are far inferior to the UK variety of this nourishing delicacy. But what finally sent him off the rails was the realisation British holidaymakers, unlike their Dutch, German or Scandinavian counterparts, don’t actually come to Spain to enjoy themselves. Heavens to Betsy, no! They come to find fault, and will spend endless hours researching ways of squeezing compensation out of holiday companies for imagined service failures, or for more serious issues, like food poisoning. He frequently had to deal with people who claimed that food served in their hotels had made them ill, and directed me to a recent report that a Liverpool family – Paul Roberts, his partner Deborah Briton and her daughter Charlene Briton – are to face trial next year for claiming damages totalling £51,000 from Thomas Cook. They falsely alleged that they had suffered food poisoning during three separate holidays in Majorca. Following the arrest of the family, the Daily Mail reported in July this year that over 1,000 food poisoning complaints were dropped after Spanish officials launched a crackdown on fraudulent claims made by British all-inclusive holidaymakers.

“A staggering 1,800 complaints had been retracted just days after it was announced those making false allegations could face prison sentences,” the paper reported. But what led to Alan being hauled off by a team in white coats to St Tabitha’s was something he called the Package Holiday Shuffle. Apparently people on these all-inclusive deals never approach their reps directly; crablike, they slowly shuffle up to them, look them up and down for the longest time, then finally ask “ummm … you a holiday rep?” Something snapped in Alan when this happened for the 20th time in one day, and he screamed: “No, I’m only wearing this %&$!@ing uniform because there’s a carnival on the go and I’m in fancy dress!” Management, as well as guests within earshot, were appalled at this outburst and it was decided that Alan needed to be escorted off the premises by health professionals. The good news is that he now appears fully recovered and is ecstatic in his new job playing the role of Donald Duck for a company that organises parties for kids – SPANISH kids!

This is the Fifth of an eight-part mini-serialisation written by author James Hartley specially for RTN readers. Jack Levy, top Hollywood Producer and victim of a mid-air crime, has sent his heavy after the jewels. Meanwhile our hero Costa del Sol is about to make a stunning discovery. by

James Hartley

BIO James Hartley is an author and teacher who spends his time between Torre del Mar and Madrid. He was born near Liverpool in 1973 but has lived most of his life abroad, in Scotland, Singapore, Syria and Thailand, among other places. This year The Invisible Hand, the first novel in a new series for Young Adults about children who get mixed up in the plots of Shakespeare´s plays was published. The second book, Cold Fire, based on Romeo and Juliet, will be published soon. He has also just published a book about Napoleon´s exile and death on St Helena, The Napoleon Diaries. James lives in Madrid with his wife Ana and their children Carmen, 8, and Matthew, 6.


Reporting The News


The Costa del Sol Adventures Costa found the building called Michelangelo easily enough but the entrance gates were all locked. It was siesta time, hot and hazy, and Costa decided there was nothing for it but a cold beer. Between the block and the noisy beach was a fairground, covered up and shabby. Costa sat on the edge of the dodgem track, sipped and stared. One day he would write his memoirs. Tell the truth about Alicante´s Battle of the Espetos, or what really happened with the rasta weavers in Torremolinos. And then he saw him. All in black, crash helmet on, visor down. It was the limp and the mountain dust on his leather trousers that told Costa everything he needed to know. Draining the beer, Costa saddled up and cruised out of the gravel car park, joining the traffic three cars back from his mark, also on a bike. They drove away from the beach. Costa didn´t know the town well and wasn´t sure where they were until he read what was written on the archway the man had vanished through. Cementario. Small, walled in. Costa grabbed the first flowers he saw and followed. The man in black stopped in front of a four-level tomb and took off his crash helmet, revealing one of the most fascinating women Costa had seen in his life. As she shook out her long hair Costa caught the glint of a ring before a great hulk materialised and got the woman in a hold. The pair disappeared behind the grey tomb wall. When Costa came to where the woman had been standing he saw the marks of her heels in the dust. On the ledge in front of a grave marked Pedro Ramirez he saw a diamond ring. The woman or the ring? Costa made his choice.

illustrations by Ben Hartley

advertising feature 25

Buying should be simple not stressful BUYING a property in Spain should be an exciting time and it can be a simple procedure, but for so many, it quickly becomes a complicated process when the buyer is not fully informed. The Spanish property market is constantly evolving. My Lawyer In Spain’s expert conveyancing team are currently staying on top of the game to help guide buyers and give them professional advice to avoid the pitfalls when buying in Spain. The team, which includes partners, solicitors, abogados and legal assistants, provides a professional service designed to offer effective and flexible solutions to clients looking to purchase a property in Spain. Their complete package of services to clients includes assistance with purchasing a Spanish property; obtaining an NIE and will; ownership advice; arranging valuations; arranging surveys; opening of bank accounts and power of attorney. They charge one per cent of the total purchase price of the property with a minimum charge of €1,500 plus IVA (VAT) and disbursements. The expert team can also take the burden from you and obtain quotes from reputable insures for property and contents insurance, so there really is no easier way to know your purchase in Spain is in safe expert hands. My Lawyer In Spain are also happy to provide initial help and advice on the telephone, free of charge, with no

obligation to use their services. Remember, you must always do you homework before buying a Spanish property. Make sure you research the area you want to buy in source a good estate agent as it is important to find a reputable and wellestablished company that will guide you through the process smoothly. Seek specialist legal advice and research all legal issues through a good solicitor.

Check the boundaries of the plot and that the property is registered on the Land Registry and ask for a copy of a land search known as a ‘nota simple.’ Other questions you need to ask your solicitor to check are if the property has a licence of first occupation, this proves it was inspected once built and has been completed in line with the planning permission, if it is registered with the Town

Bitcoin now available to buy at Carrefour

On September 20 the Spanish bitcoin payment platform, Bitnovo, announced residents from Spain can now purchase redeemable bitcoin cards at fifty Carrefour retail stores located across the country. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros – they’re produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems. It’s the first example of a growing category of money known as cryptocurrency. Start-up Bitnovo is continuing to expand throughout Spain, launching pre-loaded bitcoin cards that can be purchased at over fifty of the well-known Carrefour shops located in the country. Spain is Carrefour’s second most popular market

next to France, with the company currently operating in more than 30 countries worldwide. The Carrefour redeemable bitcoin card sales are part of Bitnovo’s launch of over 4,000 new physical locations throughout Spain and the startup’s Visa brand bitcoin debit card. “With our eagerness to continue bolstering cryptocurrency to all the corners of the planet we have launched a new product,” announced Bitnovo. The Bitnovo redeemable bitcoin cards are available for purchase at the store’s gift card rack alongside restaurant coupons, iTunes cards and other retail store vouchers. The company says customers can buy the bitcoin cards with cash or credit card and without registration. To purchase a Bitnovo loaded bitcoin card, Spanish residents can go to one of the fifty partnering locations and select a card with the desired amount of funds.

The company says the bitcoin cards can be redeemed instantly into any BTC-based wallet. In two steps, the user enters the PIN tethered to the purchased card alongside entering a forwarding bitcoin address. “The gift card format is ideal to give as a gift and to initiate your relatives or friends into the exciting world of cryptocurrency,” Bitnovo said. “With our cards, you do not have to keep bitcoin with us; you can store it in your favorite wallet and just convert the bitcoin when necessary. It’s a very quick process, with no logins or registrations, as simple as it gets.”

Hall for local rates known as IBI, if there are any charges or mortgages against the property and ask to see copies of the water and electricity bills. My Lawyer in Spain can give you more help and advice on purchasing a property in Spain. For more information contact the experts now. Call 951 203 094, visit www.mylawyerinspain.com or email enquiries@mylawyerinspain.com

Non-performing loan rate up SPAIN'S non-performing loan rate stood at 8.47 per cent in July as opposed to the 8.43 per cent of a month earlier, the Bank of Spain reported on Tuesday. A non-performing loan is the sum of borrowed money upon which the debtor has not made their scheduled payments for at least 90 days. A nonperforming loan is either in default or close to being in default. Once a loan is non-performing, the odds that it will be repaid in full are considered to be substantially lower. According to the Bank of Spain data, banks, saving banks, cooperatives and credit finance entities had €106.34 billion of non-performing loans up to July, which was above the €106.196 billion they had until June. Spain's total credit portfolio stood at €1.25 trillion. Spain's non-performing loan ratio peaked in December 2013, when it reached 13.61 per cent with a total of €197.04 billion of bad debt as a result of the country's financial crisis, real estate sector debt and high unemployment. Transfers of toxic assets to the Spanish "bad bank" (SAREB) helped to reduce the country's amount of bad debt in the Spanish banking system in 2012, but the country still struggles with the consequences of the financial and real estate sector crisis.



Kevin Wright Account Manager


currency Currency questions answered by Moneycorp

The cost savings of using a specialist currency company are attractive but I have been put off as I understand there could be extra work involved. I also have concerns regarding the safety of my money - am I being over cautious? Specialist currency providers are becoming popular choices for British ex-pats living in Spain or, indeed, those returning to the UK. Opening a trading facility is much easier and quicker than you may think but is necessary to comply with European KYC anti-money laundering legislation. moneycorp offers the option for customers to apply for registration on-line, via our website, which is a short and straight forward process. Alternatively, customers can simply complete a paper registration form. Additional documentation such as proof of identity and proof of address may be required in some cases. For the small amount of effort to apply for an account, there are many potential benefits available. These include potential cost savings and the advantage of having a range of currency services that are not always offered by traditional financial institutions, such as high street banks. Trading is also straightforward and is normally conducted over the telephone. Put simply, you can have access to great rates along with ‘real time’ information on the market which can help you to trade your currency at an advantageous time. Using a specialist currency company means you can arrange to have the rate monitored on your behalf, to help you make the most of market movements and potentially avoid trading when the market is not favourable for you. Purchasing a Forward Contract, means that you can fix the prevailing rate of exchange to buy currency now, to be settled at a determined date in the future, thus avoiding any potential impact from subsequent market fluctuations. A deposit of 10% of the total amount is required for this service. The question of security is completely understandable and one that any client needs to be comfortable with. There are certain questions that will allow you to choose a currency provider with confidence and should be addressed if you have any doubts: How long have you been in business? How many staff do you have? What is your turnover? How many clients do you deal with each year? Do you have any other divisions as part of the company? Do you speculate with the funds? How do you handle client funds? Do you have audited accounts at Companies House? Where are your offices? Are you Financial Conduct Authority Regulated?

This is how moneycorp answer:

How long have you been in business? Moneycorp has been dealing in foreign exchange since 1979. How many staff do you have? Over 760 last year. What is your turnover? The last financial year saw Moneycorp trade over £25.6 billlion worth of currencies. How many clients do you deal with each year? We executed over 7 million client transactions in 2016. Do you have any other divisions as part of the company? Yes. Retail, wholesale, commercial including an awardwinning online trading platform. Do you speculate with the funds? Absolutely not! Moneycorp does not take trading positions and all foreign exchange positions are exactly matched with our panel of liquidity providers. How do you handle client funds?

All client funds are safeguarded in segregated client bank accounts. Do you have audited accounts at Companies House? Yes, we do. PricewaterhouseCoopers have been our auditors since 1987. Where are your offices? Moneycorp has its HO in central London and has other offices outside the UK. Details of locations are on our web site. Are you regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority? Yes. Moneycorp is the trading name of TTT Moneycorp Ltd. which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services. For further information about how Moneycorp can help with your particular currency requirement, contact us on +34 902 887 243 or email kevin.wright@moneycorp.com

Moneycorp is a trading name of TTT Moneycorp Ltd. which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services. TTT Moneycorp Limites, Sucursal en España is registered with the banco de España under the code number 6875 and with the Mercantile Registry of Málaga under volume 5461, book 4638, sheet 7, page MA-131271, inscription number 1. Its registered office address is Centro Comercial Cala Sol, Local 108, La Cala de Mijas, 29649 Málaga and its Spanish tax identification number is W8266051E.






The UK, the European Union and the Spanish health service


If the UK leaves the European Union, will I still have the right to use the Spanish health service? Yes, provided you are registered in Spain and have requested healthcare cover because of limited income, if you are a state pensioner, are under 26 and studying in Spain, or you are a child who is resident in Spain, if you are not working. Or, if you are working in Spain you must be in employment or self-employment and pay social security contributions. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. If you have any further questions please visit www.pellicerheredia.com

If you have any further questions about this or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact us; we have a team of experts standing by to assist you in any way we can. Call 965 480 737 or email info@pellicerheredia.com Videos at www.pellicerheredia.com


home and garden

How to clean your dishwasher

What you need: Distilled white vinegar Baking soda Lemon juice Cloths or soft rags Toothbrush Toothpicks Instructions 1. Run your dishwasher, or wait until just after you've run a cycle. Empty the dishwasher completely by removing the racks and utensil trays and basket. 2. Check the spinning arms to make sure all the holes are open so water can run through them freely. Clear out any debris that has built up in the holes of the spinning arm using a toothpick or other small instrument (be sure not to scratch the finish!). 3. Clean under the bottom of the door. In some dishwashers, this is a spot where water doesn't go, so it can easily accumulate debris. Inspect the floor of your dishwasher, around the drain where the wastewater exits. There will be a grate or grill around it, under the arm. Look for debris clogging up this area and remove any solid matter that has built up. If you have a filter, remove and disassemble the parts in your sink. Use a toothbrush

to wash with a baking soda paste, or warm soapy water. Rinse well. 4. Next, use your toothbrush and baking soda paste to wash around the drain. Be sure to dislodge any food parts that can hang around and cause an unpleasant smell. This area can also become clogged with tags, or stickers that come off jars and dishes. 5. Wipe around the seal with a damp cloth soaked in white vinegar and a few squirts of lemon juice. For tighter areas, you can use a toothbrush. Scrub well, making sure to get the sides and edges of the machine. 6. Check utensil holders and racks for any stuck-on food pieces and then wipe down. If they are really dirty you might want to give them a bath of warm, soapy water and let them soak overnight in your sink. Rinse well. 7. You can remove hard water deposits/scale by running one cycle of your dishwasher (empty) with distilled white vinegar. Add 2 cups of vinegar to the bottom and turn the machine on to an energy saving or low wash. Stop the machine midwash, so the vinegar can set on the bottom and work. Let it stand for about 20 minutes, then turn on to

finish cycle. If you have rust stains, you can tackle them with a dishwasher-safe rust remover. If the finish is chipping or flaking off the wire baskets in your dishwasher, try a sealant made just for dishwasher racks. If you have problems with mould and mildew, bleach will work effectively by adding ½-1 cup in the bottom of the dishwasher and run a full cycle. NOTE: Do not use bleach in your dishwasher if you have a stainlesssteel interior. Also, never mix bleach and vinegar! 8. Clean the buttons and panel thoroughly. Spray the handle and front of your dishwasher with a vinegar/citrus/water solution or stainless-steel cleaner, depending on the type of dishwasher you have. I find microfiber cloths work best for stainless steel and always wipe with the grain. Additional Notes: • It's good practice to do this (or a briefer version), about once a month. • Be wary of dishwashing gels. They typically contain bleach and over time will cause the rubber seal to break down and leak.

Saving a nearly dead houseplant Don’t give up hope just yet! 1. REPOT YOUR PLANT Moving a tired-looking fern or succulent into a fresh pot of soil can make a big difference. Be sure to select a pot a couple of inches wider than the one you are replacing. This will give the roots room to grow and thrive. 2. FEED IT BETTER Plants need healthy food too, so replace your old soil with a high-quality potting mix. Your newly-potted plant will appreciate regular feedings following the frequency recommended on the plant food package. You might also want to try fertiliser — just stick with a slow-process variety that won’t feed your plant’s roots too much at once. 3. GIVE IT SUN — SLOWLY Even though sun is for the most part good for plants, abruptly moving them into the hot, bright sun when they’re looking worse for wear can cause serious problems. Only give your plant 100 per cent indirect sun for a short time until it recovers. 4. DON’T OVERWATER The most common mistake among gardeners is not being familiar with their plants’ dormant periods, so they keep watering them. You should research when this season happens with your plant so

you can make sure you’re not accidentally drowning your favourite flower. 5. GET RID OF PESTS If the leaves or stem of your plant are speckled or weak-looking, bugs might be the problem. Get rid of unwanted visitors by either gently wiping or spritzing leaves with a mild soapy water solution. 6. TRY A GREENHOUSE Some plants may need a more humid environment, which you probably don’t want for your home. To create an individual greenhouse for your plant, place a small plastic bag on top of it. Keep it like this for four to five days to revive the environment needed.



television 29th September - 5th October

Pick of the Day

friday 7:00am 10:15am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:45pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:25pm 11:35pm

Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Neighbourhood Blues Thief Trackers Bargain Hunt BBC News BBC London News Doctors The Boss Escape to the Country Garden Rescue Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News BBC London News The One Show Britain Afloat EastEnders Invictus Games 2017 Death in Paradise BBC News BBC London News Graham Norton Show

7:00am 7:30am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:45pm 4:45pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:05am

Flog it! Trade Secrets Fake Britain Neighbourhood Blues Gardeners’ World Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics For What It’s Worth £100k House: Tricks of the Trade Who Do You Think You Are? Great American Railroad Journeys Earthflight Flog It! Strictly - It Takes Two This Farming Life Mastermind Only Connect Gardeners’ World Mock the Week Newsnight Dragons’ Den

7:00am 9:30am 10:25am 11:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:15am

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Teach My Pet to Do That Coronation Street Cold Feet ITV News and Weather ITV News London Bad Move Tonight at the London Palladium

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:30am 8:55am 10:35am 11:05am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Formula 1 Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Coast v Country Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Find it, Fix it, Flog it My Kitchen Rules Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World The Crystal Maze Gogglebox The Last Leg First Dates

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Childrens TV The Wright Stuff Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 5 News Lunchtime The Hotel Inspector Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Cradle of Lies 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh Britain by Bike with Larry and George Lamb A Celebrity Taste of Italy In Therapy Alaska: A Year in the Wild

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

Road Wars Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life The Dog Whisperer NCIS: Los Angeles Road Wars Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Sport’s Funniest Moments Stargate SG-1 Futurama Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Zoo The Force: North East The Russell Howard Hour

How We Won the War Coast Herbie Goes Bananas Saturday Mash-Up Natural World Rick Stein’s Long Weekends Flog It! Mastermind University Challenge Only Connect Rowing Gardeners’ World The Big Family Cooking Showdown Front Row Britain Afloat Dad’s Army Stop All the Clocks Kate Tempest Presents... Later... with Jools Holland The Edge of Love


Childrens TV


Nic Hamilton’s


Adventure Time

Racing Dream


ITV News


Formula 1


Saturday Morning


F1: Grand Prix

with James Martin


Formula 1


The Hungry Sailors


World’s Most


ITV News

Expensive Cars


Midsomer Murders


The Simpsons




The Simpsons


The X Factor


Formula 1


Thunderbirds are Go


A Place in the Sun


Little Big Shots


A Place in the Sun


ITV News London


Location, Location,


ITV News





Channel 4 News


The Family Chase


Britain’s Ancient Tracks


The X Factor

with Tony Robinson


Jonathan Ross Show


WWII’s Great Escapes


ITV News


Now You See Me


American Pie 2



7:00am 11:45am 12:40pm 1:40pm 2:35pm 3:35pm 4:35pm 5:35pm 5:40pm 6:35pm 7:35pm 8:35pm 8:45pm 9:55pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:25pm

Childrens TV Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud On Benefits Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 5 News Weekend Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! The Fifth Element 5 News The Fifth Element 5 News Weekend Football on 5 Football on 5 Jumper

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:35am

Wild Things NCIS: Los Angeles Duck Quacks Don’t Echo Soccer Am Best Bits Premier League Prediction Show Premier League Preview Show Soccer A.M. The Next Jamie Vardy Football’s Funniest Moments Gillette Soccer Saturday Barclays Premier League Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family A League of Their Own K-19: The Widowmaker Russell Howard Hour

Death In Paradise, BBC1, 10pm

saturday 7:00am



Saturday Kitchen Live


The Hairy Bikers’

Comfort Food


Football Focus


BBC News


Rugby League


Bargain Hunt


Escape to the Country


Final Score


Invictus Games 2017


BBC News


BBC London News




Strictly Come Dancing




Mrs. Brown’s Boys


BBC News


Match of the Day

7:15am 7:45am 8:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:35am

SUNDAY 7:00am 8:35am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:50pm 5:50pm 6:50pm 7:05pm 7:15pm 8:15pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:20pm 11:30pm

Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Morning Live Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Money for Nothing Escape to the Country Points of View Songs of Praise How to Stay Young Invictus Games 2017 BBC News BBC London News Countryfile Strictly Come Dancing Antiques Roadshow The Last Post BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day 2

K-19: The Widowmaker, Sky 1, 10pm

Dawn French Live: 7:00am

Great British

Garden Revival


Gardeners’ World


The Beechgrove Garden




Saturday Kitchen

Best Bites




NFL Live


Rugby League

Super League

Playoff Highlights


Russia with

Simon Reeve


Astronauts: Do You

Have What it Takes?


Dragons’ Den


Dawn French Live:

30 Million Minutes


Isn’t She Great

7:00am 10:05am 10:25am 10:30am 11:00am 11:55am 12:25pm 12:55pm 1:55pm 2:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:10pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 11:20pm 12:20am

Childrens TV Adventure Time ITV News Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury Peston on Sunday Amazing Animal Births Robson Green’s Coastal Lives Bigheads ITV News ITV Racing: Prix De L’arc De Triomphe The X Factor Victoria ITV News London ITV News Tipping Point The X Factor Victoria ITV News Peston on Sunday Liar


King of Queens


Childrens TV




Football on 5


Formula 1


Football on 5


Pets Make You


Formula 1

Laugh Out Loud


Formula 1




Sunday Brunch


Leap Year


Formula 1




5 News


The Crystal Maze




The Great British


Jack the Giant Slayer

Bake Off


5 News


Channel 4 News


Jack the Giant Slayer


Aviva Premiership


Escape to the Chateau

Rugby Highlights


Escape: Human Cargo


5 News Weekend


The Expendables 3


5 News


The Expendables 3


Under Siege


Electric Dreams


Boris Johnson


The Three Musketeers

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

The Hour of Power Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama WWE Raw NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Duck Quacks Don’t Echo The Last Ship The Force: North East Russell Howard Hour

30 Million Minutes, BBC2, 11pm


Pick of the Day

monday 7:00am 10:15am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:45pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:20am

Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Neighbourhood Blues Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News BBC London News Doctors The Boss Escape to the Country Garden Rescue Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News BBC London News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Rellik BBC News BBC London News Stacey Dooley Investigates Annie: Out of the Ashes

7:00am 7:30am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:45pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am

Flog it! Trade Secrets Fake Britain Neighbourhood Blues The Big Family Cooking Showdown Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Canoeing Rowing Great American Railroad Journeys This Farming Life Flog It! Eggheads Strictly - It Takes Two Antiques Road Trip University Challenge Upstart Crow The Human Body W1A Newsnight Today at Conference

7:00am 9:30am 10:25am 11:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:45am

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Alphabetical Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street Liar ITV News and Weather ITV News London 100 Year Old Driving School Jonathan Ross Show

7:00am 7:45am 9:00am 9:35am 10:05am 10:35am 11:10am 12:05pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Countdown King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me A New Life in the Sun Countdown Find it, Fix it, Flog it My Kitchen Rules Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Political Slot Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food Superfoods: The Real Story The Undateables First Dates Too Posh to Parent

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

Childrens TV The Wright Stuff Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 5 News Lunchtime The Hotel Inspector Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist The Novel Murders: Garage Sale Mystery VI 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Car Crash TV Police Interceptors Paddington Station 24/7 Shark Attack Total Recall

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:50am

Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life Monkey Life The Dog Whisperer Modern Family Modern Family Road Wars House Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Stargate SG-1 The Flash Egg Drop The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Da Vinci Code A League of Their Own

TUESDAY 7:00am 10:15am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:45pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:35am

Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Neighbourhood Blues Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News BBC London News Doctors The Boss Escape to the Country Garden Rescue Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Doctor Foster BBC News BBC London News The Insider The Monkey Lab

House, Sky 1, 1pm

Cilla, 7:00am 7:30am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:45pm 4:45pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am

Flog it! Trade Secrets Rip Off Britain Neighbourhood Blues World’s Busiest Cities Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics For What It’s Worth £100k House: Tricks of the Trade How the Wild West Was Won with Ray Mears Great American Railroad Journeys This Farming Life Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Antiques Road Trip Saving Lives at Sea Reformation Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight Today at Conference

7:00am 9:30am 10:25am 11:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:40pm 12:40am

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Alphabetical Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Save Money Robson Green’s Coastal Lives Call the Cleaners Cilla ITV News and Weather ITV News London Safe House Lethal Weapon

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:05am 10:35am 11:05am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:15pm 11:20pm 12:25am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me A New Life in the Sun Countdown Find it, Fix it, Flog it My Kitchen Rules Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great British Bake Off Barbie Gogglebox Parenting for Idiots

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Childrens TV The Wright Stuff Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 5 News Lunchtime The Hotel Inspector Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Heart of Murder 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Tony Robinson: Coast to Coast The Yorkshire Vet Alaska: A Year in the Wild When Chat Shows Go Horribly Wrong

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Monkey Life Monkey Life The Dog Whisperer Modern Family Modern Family NCIS: Los Angeles House Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Stargate SG-1 The Flash Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons A League of Their Own Micky Flanagan The Russell Howard Hour The Last Ship

ITV1, 10pm


24 feb - 2 march 2017

Pick of the Day

WEDNESDAY 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Neighbourhood Blues 12:45pm Caught Red Handed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Boss 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Garden Rescue 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00pm The Apprentice 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm A Question of Sport 12:15am Ambulance

8:15am Neighbourhood Blues 9:00am See Hear 9:30am Great British Menu 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm For What It’s Worth 2:45pm £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 3:45pm How the Wild West Was Won with Ray Mears 4:45pm Great American Railroad Journeys 5:15pm This Farming Life 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Billion Dollar Deals and How They Changed Your World 10:00pm The Detectives 11:00pm The Apprentice: You’re Fired! 11:30pm Newsnight

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Alphabetical 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:25pm Party Political Broadcast by the Conservative Party 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Bad Move 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Doc Martin 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm Play to the Whistle

7:00am Countdown 7:45am King of Queens 9:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05am Frasier 11:05am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00pm Undercover Boss USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A New Life in the Sun 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 5:00pm My Kitchen Rules 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm The Political Slot 9:00pm Location, Location, Location 10:00pm Grand Designs 11:00pm Back 11:35pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

7:00am Childrens TV 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Hotel Inspector 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm The Mentalist 4:15pm Fatal Memories 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Britain by Bike with Larry and George Lamb 9:00pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 10:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 11:00pm Notorious Fritzl: What Happened Next 12:05am The Body in the Freezer: Countdown to Murder

7:00am Hawaii Five-0 9:00am Monkey Life 10:00am The Dog Whisperer 11:00am Modern Family 11:30am Modern Family 12:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00pm House 2:00pm Hawaii Five-0 3:00pm Hawaii Five-0 4:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 5:00pm Stargate SG-1 6:00pm The Flash 7:00pm Modern Family 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm A League of Their Own: US Road Trip 10:00pm Stella 11:00pm A League of Their Own 12:00am Premier League Best Goals

7:00am Good Morning Britain

7:00am Countdown 7:45am King of Queens 9:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05am Frasier 11:05am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00pm Undercover Boss USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm A New Life in the Sun 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 5:00pm My Kitchen Rules 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm The Political Slot 9:00pm The Supervet 10:00pm Educating Greater Manchester 11:00pm The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 11:50pm The Undateables

7:00am Childrens TV 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Hotel Inspector 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm The Mentalist 4:15pm The Cheating Pact 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Police Interceptors 9:00pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 10:00pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 11:00pm Gypsy Kids: Our Secret World 12:05am Notorious Fritzl: What Happened Next

7:00am Hawaii Five-0 8:00am Road Wars 9:00am Monkey Life 9:30am Monkey Life 10:00am The Dog Whisperer 11:00am Modern Family 11:30am Modern Family 12:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00pm House 2:00pm Hawaii Five-0 3:00pm Hawaii Five-0 4:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 5:00pm Stargate SG-1 6:00pm The Flash 7:00pm Modern Family 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons 9:00pm Duck Quacks Don’t Echo 10:00pm A League of Their Own 11:00pm The Russell Howard Hour 12:00am The Force: North East

The Apprentice, BBC 1, 10pm

thursday 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Neighbourhood Blues 12:45pm Caught Red Handed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Boss 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Garden Rescue 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm The Housing Enforcers 10:00pm Ambulance 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time

7:30am Rip Off Britain 8:15am Neighbourhood Blues 9:00am Mountain 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm For What It’s Worth 2:45pm £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 3:45pm How the Wild West Was Won with Ray Mears 4:45pm Great American Railroad Journeys 5:15pm This Farming Life 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Coast: The Great Guide 9:00pm Big Family Cooking Showdown 10:00pm Russia with Simon Reeve 11:00pm Match of the Day 11:30pm Newsnight

9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Alphabetical 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm World Cup Qualifier 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:45pm World Cup Qualifier


The Supervet, Channel 4, 9pm



World Tourism Day Celebrations ORIHUELA COSTA is pleased to announce a full weekend of events to commemorate World Tourism Day beginning today, Friday. To quote the official website, World Tourism Day 2017 – the official day was on Wednesday September 27 - presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the contribution of sustainable tourism among public and private sector decisionmakers and the international community, while mobilising all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change. All activities listed below on

Miguel Hernández Route Date: Friday September 29. Time: 10pm Meeting Point: Casa Museo Miguel Hernández.

the Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas are free, but there are a limited number of places for the events. To check the availability and to book a place – some of which may include transport to and from the event - call the Orihuela and the Orihuela Costa Tourist Information Offices on 96 530 4645 or 96 676 0000 (extension 32)

Cultural Route Date: Saturday September 30. Time: 10.30am. Meeting Point: Arco de Santo Domingo.

Rice Tasting Date: Saturday September 30. Time: 1pm. Place: Ramón Sijé Square.

Golf Lessons Date: Saturday September 30. Time: 5pm. Place: Vistabella Golf Club.

Moor and Christian’s parade Date: Saturday September 30. Time: 7.30pm. Meeting Point: Medical Centre, Urb. Aguamarina.

Flamenco Show Date: Saturday September 30. Time: 8pm. Meeting Point: C/ Agua, esq. C/Mar, Urb. Aguamarina.

“You can be the change you want to see in the world. You can be an ambassador for a better future. This World Tourism Day, whenever you travel, remember to: Respect nature, Respect culture, Respect your host.” Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, World Toursim Organisation (UNWTO)

Water Route Date: Sunday October 1 Time: 10.30am. Meeting point: Tourist Info Orihuela Centro

Nordic Walking promenade and Cabo Roig Tower Date: Sunday October 1 Time: 10am. Meeting Point: Town Hall Orihuela Costa.


Puzzles Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 3 represents C and 7 represents B, so fill in C every time the figure 3 appears and B every time the figure 7 appears. Now using your knowledge of the English language work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

The Venus trine with Pluto shows an intensity of emotions coming to the fore right now, and leading you to the highest forms of love. Indicating spiritual regeneration through love and destiny, this focus emphasises a closer relationship as the reality and power of love are in balance and good harmony. True love at first sight is never wrong! Staying silent right now is the very worst thing that you can do. Not only do inner energies tell you to err on the side of caution, but they are also helping you to come to terms with a better understanding of who you really are. Balance this with the chance to share those innermost feelings you keep, silently trapped within you! Mercury’s sextile with Ceres governs the basic routine that you have become a part of. You like the tried and tested, but sometimes the best fruit is up there on the highest branch. This week is all about being given a chance to prove yourself. When the going gets tough then the tough get going, and you are no exception to the rule! Make hay while the Sun shines. You need financial advice at the moment, and the Cosmos focusses on your taking a risk; but knowing full well that if the current deal is for real, then you cannot go wrong. Delaying will not help you in anyway whatsoever, but stalling may very well allow you to put your money where your mouth really is! Wrapping you in cotton wool has had a soporific effect on your abundant energies and strong focus for the future. If plans are delayed and that green light seems further away, then accept that you have to strike when the time is right, and that that may not be right now. Others are full of good ideas, but you don’t have to listen to them.

Code Breaker

Friends have taken good care of you, as late, and their value to you is unmeasurable. Take time to celebrate with them, and to catch up with what has been going on in their lives too. Aspects all across the Cosmos emphasise your current needs and what exactly has to be swept away to bring back balance and inspiration to your everyday life.

WORD fit

Using just logic, can you make all the words fit correctly into the grid?

The entry of Mercury may set tongues wagging, but that is what you both want and need right now. It is not what they are saying that has any importance, it is who they are talking about, and that’s you! Rather than telling them to mind their own business, use this wisely as a tool to get just what it is that you really do want right now! Mars trines Pluto, and willpower will be sorely tested this week. Stamina and strong application have brought about changes of the most positive nature, and you are about to be rewarded for using, to good advantage, both your foresight and your intuitive powers of discernment to make a difference that really does show! Rather than admit defeat, remember that you acted in good faith and that there were no ulterior motives. Better to be known for what you did rather than what you didn’t do! Pluto connects with Mars this week and this adds complications to what comes next. Be careful who you trust this time, and keep everything under your hat! Astrologically you are a dynamic leader, and a true inspiration to anyone who knows you. You like to be able to say yes, but that’s not always possible. Say a definite no to a recent request because there is more there than meets the eye. You keep your emotions on a tight rein but you need to know too, that you are appreciated! The Venus conjunction with Mars allows you to express freely your emotions, and better explains your recent decision to move on. Above all you have to know that you are not running away, although pastures green are appealing to you right now; and for very good reason. Be unafraid to be confrontational over a matter of the heart! A new decision is not final, but you have to take a stab at it to see if it’s what you really do want right now. Somethings got to give. Time to ask the Cosmos for the protection and care that you yourself need right now, and have every right to have. The times they are a changing, and you have to move to work together now to enable this!

3 letter words EGG ERR 4 letter words ACTS RICE 5 letter words ADAGE GUSTS NOTES PAUSE



Mystical Postbag Kenny, why do some seem to stay in the Spirit World, and why do others move on? Cait P. Hi Cait! The Spirit World is a holding station for all those who are admitted after having lived at least one life here on Earth. From this vantage point, once you have come to terms with your Earthly life, you will be faced with a choice. To remain and work in communica-

tion between all souls enabling the contactable connection for The Spirit World with Earth. Or to opt to be reborn as an Old Soul or plan your reincarnation. Thirdly you may return to Earth in soul form to assist others who are in need of spiritual assistance, in the form of a Spiritual Guide. One of these three will be the reason that not all choose to inhabit the Spirit World at any given time!

For Birthday Celebrants The Cosmos bids you to respond to a recent request, and not to dismiss it before you have given it at least a thought. Change this year is heralded by your strong connection with fate and destiny, as these elements combine to see you lovingly protected in the months ahead.


More Puzzles


Word Wheel

There is 1x9 letter word and 172 others! Make as many 3 or more letter words as you can using any letter combination just once and you must use the central letter in every word!

ACROSS 1 Is nude ordered to find lingerie? (6) 5 Protect a railway employee (5) 9 Crime of someone receiving stolen property (7) 10 A girl got up about one (5) 11 Meeting to vex saint (5) 12 Old man initially in touch is over the top (3,4) 14 Engineers give up and retreat (6) 16 Keep mum confined (4,2) 19 Ruined English female sheltered by benefactor (4,3) 21 Quash urban legend started by girl (5) 23 Fly around Finland’s capital — until now (2,3) 24 Turns as otter turns (7) 25 Bird, for example? About time! (5) 26 Having a go is troublesome (6) DOWN 2 One newspaper in US city that’s smart (5) 3 Editing novel that may be set on fire (7) 4 The rest of the afternoon? (6) 5 Movie star taking up old card game (5) 6 Attack a sailor, by the sound of it (7) 7 Female followers of CND (3) 8 Exhausted boxer, say, tried to change (3-5) 13 Don’t be so optimistic — it’s past praying for (8) 15 Have a discussion about one sort of tree (7) 17 Mend your old-fashioned well (7) 18 Conservative upset by doctor’s decay (3,3) 20 Prime time under trees (5) 22 Up or down, it is unacceptable (3,2) 23 Observe the diocese (3)



Fill the grid so every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9

Airports Quiz

1 PVG is the airport code for the main airport in which Asian 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


City? Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai Richard Branson founded which major airline? Quantas, Southwest Airlines, Virgin, Emirates Rollin King is the founder of which major airline? Quantas, Virgin, Southwest Airlines, Emirates Royal Air Maroc is the national Airline of which African country? Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia RyanAir is an airline from which nation? Wales, Scotland, England, Ireland Sabena is an airline from which nation? France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany Sansa is an airline from which nation? Spain, England, France, Costa Rica Saudi Arabian Airlines has their base at an airport in which city? Beddah, Jeddah, Teddah, Feddah Schiphol Airport lies in which European Capital? Berne, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam SHA is the airport code for an airport in which city? Amsterdam, Shanghai, Chicago, Hanover



1 Arm joints (6)

1 Sell abroad (6)

4 Little angel (6)

2 Curt (7)

8 One of the planets (5)

3 Entire (5)

9 Cradle-song (7)

5 Food fish (7)

10 Ask for (7)

6 Cook in an oven (5)

11 Conductor’s stick (5)

7 On the far side (6)

12 Tired out (9)

9 Baltic country (9)

17 Become narrower (5)

13 Brave woman (7)

19 Beginners (7)

14 Author of “Dombey

21 Hungarian red

and Son”

pepper (7)


22 Reside (5)

15 Paper fastener (6)

23 Simpler (6)

16 Refuge (6)

24 Kidnapper’s demand

18 Famous diarist (5)


20 Russian liquor (5)

Last Weeks Solutions on page 42



A healthy heart is a happy one Today, Friday September 29 commemorates the 17th World Heart Day. World Heart Day was established to raise global awareness of the importance of paying attention to our heart health and our risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the world’s biggest killer. CVD causes 31 per cent of all deaths globally, resulting in 17.5 million deaths every year. The percentage of deaths caused by CVD across Spanish autonomous communities are as follows:

Cantabria – 27.26 per cent Melilla – 27.13 per cent Canarias – 27.08 per cent Pais Vasco – 26.92 per cent Comunidad Foral de Navarra – 26.37 per cent Madrid – 25.86 per cent CVD kills 67,736 women in Spain each year and 56,461 men. 80 per cent of deaths caused by CVD could be prevented, but how? The Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia and The Fundacion Espanola del Corazon recommend the following:

Above the national average: Andalucia – 32.67 per cent Principado de Asturias – 32.38 per cent Aragon – 31.61 per cent La Rioja – 30.65 per cent Extremadura – 30.50 per cent Comunitat Valenciana – 30.33 per cent Galicia – 30.05 per cent Castilla y Leon – 29.77 per cent

Ensure your diet is balanced and varied Spend 30 minutes a day exercising Do not smoke Control your weight Monitor the fat accumulated in the abdomen, as it is dangerous for the heart Check your blood pressure Check your cholesterol and glucose levels Know your cardiovascular risk and what your lifestyle should be Share your doubts and problems Learn to control your stress and anxiety

Below the national average: Region de Murcia – 29.22 per cent Illes Balears – 29.06 per cent Ceuta – 28.17 per cent Castilla-La Mancha – 28.05 per cent Cataluna – 27.64 per cent

Professor David Wood, President, World Heart Federation, said: “World Heart Day is our chance to shine a light on the world’s

HEALTHY LIVING: Be heart smart biggest killer and work together to improve heart health. “Around the world 1 in 10 people die prematurely from cardiovascular disease but the power to change this is in our hands. Making small lifestyle changes such as eating more fruit and vegetables, keeping active and stopping smoking can save lives.

“We are urging people to ‘share the power’ this World Heart Day by sharing your healthy heart tips with friends and family and inspire people everywhere to be more healthy.” Check out https://www.worldheartday.org/ and take the Heart IQ test to find out how heart smart you are.


24 feb - 2 march 2017


Men and moisturiser The best face moisturisers for men accomplish three objectives: Hydrate, Protect, and Renew. Hydrate: Aloe, Hyaluronic Acid, and Vitamin E are three of the best natural ingredients to keep a face looking hydrated. A hydrated face is important as this gives it an energized look and the more hydration your skin has, the firmer it appears. Hydrated skin cells also help give a ‘bright’ look versus a dull complexion.

What is fibromyalgia?

Protect: Jojoba Oils create a protective glove around the skin, preventing water loss – which can quickly make it look deflated and dull. Rooibos Extract is also known for its ability to help fight free radicals, which can eat away at the skin’s condition over time. What about SPF? If you’re going to be in the sun for over 30 minutes, apply a non-comedogenic SPF lotion and immediately wash it off once inside. SPF, while great for sun protection, is loaded with toxic chemicals that you don’t want sitting on your face all day. Renew: A men’s face moisturiser should help fight aging. Green Tea, MSM and Aloe are three of the best natural ingredients to help prevent and reverse fine lines and wrinkles. The best men’s face moisturizers should be lightweight and fast absorbing. Even if you have dry skin, your skin is thicker than a woman’s, so you don’t want a heavy cream that will sit on top of the skin.

COMMON CONDITION: Sufferers ache all over When Lady Gaga announced on Twitter that she suffers from fibromyalgia, she was met with an abundance of well wishes. Not only did fans feel for the ‘Poker Face’ star, they could relate — many gushed with gratitude that Lady Gaga stepped up to raise awareness for a disease that is all too often misunderstood, misdiagnosed or just missed altogether. Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition affecting your bones and muscles. Its classic symptoms are widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue. There's no cure. But a combination of medication, exercise, managing your stress and healthy habits may ease your symptoms enough that you can live a normal, active life. Causes Doctors aren't sure what causes it, but some think it's a problem with how your brain and spinal cord process pain signals from your nerves. We do know certain things suggest

you're more likely to get it: You're a woman You have another painful disease, such as arthritis, or an infection You have a mood disorder, like anxiety or depression You were physically or emotionally abused or have PTSD You rarely exercise Other family members have it Symptoms Simply put, you ache all over. Common symptoms include: Muscle pain, burning, twitching, or tightness Low pain threshold or tender points Draining fatigue Trouble concentrating and remembering, called "fibro fog" Insomnia or not sleeping well Feeling nervous, worried, or depressed Fibromyalgia can feel similar to osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis. But rather than hurting in a specific area, the pain and stiffness could be

throughout your body. Other fibro symptoms can include: Belly pain, bloating, queasiness, constipation, and diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome) Headaches Dry mouth, nose, and eyes Sensitivity to cold, heat, light, or sound Peeing more often Numbness or tingling in your face, arms, hands, legs, or feet Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Your doctor will examine you and ask you about your past medical issues and about other close family members. There's no test that can tell you that you have fibromyalgia. Instead, because the symptoms are so similar to other conditions, your doctor will want to rule out illnesses such as an underactive thyroid, different types of arthritis, and lupus. So you may get blood tests to check hormone levels and signs of inflammation, as well as X-rays.

Toss that old concealer Because concealer is often administered in tiny doses, it's possible to (embarrassingly) realise you've been using the same tube for a lot longer than recommended. This will likely not kill you, but it also means you're probably no longer getting the lovely results that made you select this formula in the first place. “Over a long period of time, some concealers will start to break down and may darken or appear discoloured, or even separated," says cosmetic chemist Jim Hammer. "Or the product may begin to dry up. It might not smell right, or it might feel oily, or grainy,

or have other issues." All are signs it's time for a fresh start. Likewise, if at any point you notice your concealer is looking more orange or just doesn't match your skin like it used to, toss it. "Changes in colour are often indicative of problems in the product—microbial growth, oxidation—so that's a good indicator that it's time to buy a new tube," Hammer says. "Most of these products are designed to last for two years unopened on the store shelf, but it's probably a good idea to use them up within six to nine months after opening."

24 feb - 2 march 2017

food & drink


By Sheralee, The Pub, Formentera Photo credit: Flickr

Broccoli and sausage orecchiette INGREDIENTS:

li 1-1/4 lb brocco rgin olive oil vi atr ex 1/4 cup usage 1/2 lb Italian sa red pepper 1/2 tsp crushed flakes rlic, minced 3 large cloves ga iette pasta 1 lb dried orecch grated 1/2 cup freshly esan cheese Pecorino or parm


• Separate the broccoli florets from the stems and then pare the stems with a knife. Leave the floret clusters whole unless they’re especially large; if so, cut them in half. • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the stems and cook for 3 or 4 minutes; add the florets, and cook for another 5 min. until both the stems and the florets are just tender (test with a sharp paring knife). With tongs or a slotted spoon, transfer the pieces to ice water as they’re done. When cool, drain the broccoli well and

chop it coarsely. Top up the pot with more hot water and return it to a boil. • Heat the olive oil over moderate heat. Add the sausage and cook, crumbling it with a wooden spoon, until it loses its pink color. Add the red pepper flakes and garlic and sauté briefly to release the garlic’s fragrance. Add the broccoli and season well with salt. Stir to coat the broccoli with the seasonings. Keep warm over low heat. • Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook it until it’s just shy of al dente (1 to

2 min. less than the suggested cooking time). Reserve 1 cup of the cooking liquid by removing it with a ladle or a measuring cup. Drain the pasta and return it to the warm, empty pot. Add the contents of the skillet to the pasta and cook it over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until the pasta is al dente, adding as much of the reserved water as needed to keep the pasta moist. Remove from the heat, stir in 1/4 cup of the cheese. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.

Recipe supplied by Sheralee from The Pub, Formentera 966 792 634.

Avocado and tuna tapas Preparation: Preparation time – 20 minutes

Ingredients: 1 (12oz) can solid white tuna packed in water, drained 2 ripe avocados, halved and pitted 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 3 green onions, thinly sliced, plus additional for garnish ½ red bell pepper, chopped 1 dash balsamic vinegar black pepper to taste 1 pinch garlic salt, or to taste


Stir together tuna, mayonnaise, green onions, red pepper, and balsamic vinegar in a bowl. Season with pepper and garlic salt, and then pack the avocado halves with the tuna mixture. Garnish with reserved green onions and a dash of black pepper before serving.


food & drink

Basque style codfish stew

Preparation time – 30 minutes. Cooking time – 45 minutes. ingredients:

1 pound salted cod fish 4 potatoes, sliced thick 2 onions, sliced 4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced 2 teaspoons capers 2 large cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup pitted green olives 1 (4oz) jar roasted red bell peppers drained ½ cup golden raisins 1 bay leaf 1 (8oz) can tomato sauce ½ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 cup water 1/4 cup white wine


1. Soak the salted cod in about 2 litres of water, changing the water 3 times over the course of 8 hours. Drain and cut the fish into bite-size pieces.

2. Layer the half of each ingredient in the following order: potatoes, cod fish, onions, hard-boiled eggs, capers, garlic, olives, roasted red peppers, and raisins. Place

the bay leaf on top, and then pour half the tomato sauce and half the olive oil. Repeat with the remaining ingredients in the same order. Pour the water and white wine on top.

Christmas Day Menu TO START The Classic Prawn Cocktail North Sea Smoked Mackerel Irish Leek and Potato Soup Old Favourite Chicken Tikka

Birthday bash at Paddy Singh’s Paddy Singh’s are inviting clients old and new to join them on Wednesday October 4 for a special party to celebrate Allen’s birthday and the fantastic recovery after his recent major operation. There will be live music from 7pm til late. Everyone is welcome! Join in the fun at Urb Estrella de Mar, Ctra Los Nietos, Los Urrutia – 30368 Murcia or call 968 134 777 alternatively email Allendonaghy2003@ hotmail.com

Do not stir. 3. Cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes.

MAIN EVENT Classic Roast Turkey Scottish Salmon Fillet Roast Pork 1/2 Lamb Shoulder Chefs Vegetarian Xmas Dish Indian Chicken Masala Curry

DESSERTS TO FINISH Traditional Xmas Pudding Cheese and Biscuits Death by Chocolate Xmas Cheesecake Tea or Coffee and Chocolates



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services, reforms, reconstruction: kitchens, bathrooms, roofs, tiling, floors, plasterboard, bricklaying, plumbing & facades. Reasonable Prices. Torrevieja & surrounding areas. Call 672 929 913 any time CARAVANS FOR SALE WE BUY, sell & transport all makes of static caravans 630 055 418 Elsyd7@hotmail.com CHARITIES/CHURCHES LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English speaking Church. We hold services each Sunday and everyone is welcome. Our 11.00 am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and 11.00 am on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.00 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, called Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. We welcome residents, visitors and children. For more information see our website www. lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org or telephone Pastor Keith on 666 180 108. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from

Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: *648 169 045* or Costa Blanca South: *625 912 078* or Costa Calida *679 385 105*. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. www.aa-costablanca.org (93323) Alcoholics anonymous Our meetings currently are held on Wednesday evenings in Cañada de Gallego, near Mazarrón. From next week (w/c 3rd September) they will be moving to Thursday evenings. So the first Thursday meeting will be on 7th September at 5.30pm. Meetings are one hour. Your readers (visitors or others who think they may have a problem with alcohol) can obtain details by calling our helpline on 646 290 420. ROUNDABOUT CHARITY SHOP.

We are now into summer and very soon we will be feeling the heat! It

is time therefore for another visit to the shop where you might find

a bargain or two. Choose from the clothing selection, jewellery, household goods, books or bric a

brac. There is usually something

there for everyone --- but not always. Charitable donations have recently been made to The Alzheimers

Centre, Cancer Research and The Amigos Ambulance Service. We still

need your help with donations etc. Please keep them coming in! We

are situated on Avenida Del Furs

close to the Fountain Roundabout and immediate left by Don Colchon bed shop.


Costa - covering from Punta Prima

to San Javier. The branch meets at Olympia restaurant, Mil Palmeras

on 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 - 19.30pm. More info can

be found on branch website www. orihuelacostarbl.co.uk. THE





Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on

966 495 188 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: Sylvia 633 306 035


TORREVIEJA Christian Fellowship (TCF) is an English speaking lively church located at Avenida de las Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183. Residents and holidaymakers are

welcome to attend our services with communion and ‘kids church’ each Sunday at 10.30am. We have a Fellowship Meeting (Bible Study) each Wednesday at 6.00pm. For further information see our website www.tcf-Spain.org or tel 966 700 391. TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets each Friday 2.45pm to 5pm in The Annex, (behind Age Concern Centre), Calle Paganini, Urb. La Siesta. Our aim is to support stroke survivors and their carers by a range of facilities from speech therapy, rehabilitation exercise, group discussion etc. For info: Louie 966 718 964 or 965 071 920, e-mail: strokesupportgroup@hotmail.com Donations and further voluntary helpers are needed and guest speakers with relevant knowledge or experience are very welcome. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets First Monday of the month 18:00 at “La Taberna next to Monte & Mar Restaurant & Bowls Club, Plaza Mayor (MASA Square) Gran Alacant. granalacant.secretary@gmail.com

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24 feb - 2 march 2017

SOS <http://www. sosinsuranceinspain.com> Insurance in Spain. Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year and cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 / email info@sosinsuranceinspain.com

reputable British home retailer, new to Spain. No selling required or experience needed as full training given. Apply now at www.the-vista-group. com (260022)


MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (250877) POOLS

INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email mark.w@euroweeklynews.com for more details.

POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak

MOBILE Metal Work Any welding or plasma cutting work carried out. For a free quote call 639 487 503 www.eriksmetalwork.com. ALL METAL WORK UNDERTAKEN. Costa Calida. stan@eriksmetalwork.com. 636 050 008.


DIESEL car LHD and motorhome right or LHD wanted.Cash waiting Tel 650 722 905

Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360



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24 feb - 2 march 2017


Diesel Diesal really needs some luck in his life. Ten years old he was thrown out by his owner when a tumour was discovered, only to be hit by a car, which broke his leg. Rescued by APAH he was restored to full health and is now a happy dog who loves the company of people. He doesn’t like cats, but gets on well with female dogs. If you want to give a home to an older dog, Diesal could be the dog for you.


Dotty is a 12 week old English Setter x and is a happy, playful little girl. She is in excellent health, started her vaccinations and is good with other dogs, cats and children. Dotty will be medium to large size when fully grown.

Louie Louie was found wandering the streets trying to interact with people. He appears to have been well looked after. He is well house trained, is very good on a lead and when left to roam freely within boundaries. Louie would suit a single man as we have found he has tendencies to bond with one individual only. Not suitable for families or other animals.

Grant Grant is a handsome black and white young man who is quite shy to begin with but will soon grow to love you. He is not used to children or dogs so would benefit from a quiet environment. Grant is about 5 years old.



ASTON MARTIN JOIN RED BULL FOR 2018 F1 SEASON Aston Martin Valkyrie, which sold out on launch, is set to be the first in a line of incredible products to be borne of this Innovation Partnership will make its first run in 2018 before being delivered to customers in 2019. The new Advanced Performance Centre, which will create 110 new jobs, will also

house Aston Martin’s second dedicated design centre and engineering personnel who will be working on future sports cars. The new centre will allow a closer working relationship between the two leading brands in their respective fields which will see the adoption of both F1TM and road car technology.

Photo credit: Red Bull Racing

ASTON MARTIN and Red Bull Racing have further strengthened their Innovation Partnership with the announcement that the Formula One team will compete as ‘Aston Martin Red Bull Racing’ from 2018. The successful partnership, that has already produced the sold-out Aston Martin Valkyrie hypercar, will yield

future products and an exciting new Advanced Performance Centre that will open on the Red Bull Racing campus in Milton Keynes later this year. The British luxury carmaker will also evaluate the opportunity to be involved in the team’s power unit from 2021 after being asked by the FIA to join discussions on future engines for F1TM. Aston Martin President and CEO, Andy Palmer, said: “Title partnership is the next logical step for our Innovation Partnership with Red Bull Racing. We are enjoying the global brand awareness that a revitalized Formula One provides. The power unit discussions are of interest to us but only if the circumstances are right. We are not about to enter an engine war with no restrictions in cost or dynamometer hours but we believe that if the FIA can create the right environment we would be interested in getting involved.” The relationship between Aston Martin, Red Bull Racing and AF Racing began in 2016 after the companies combined cutting edge F1TM technology and Aston Martin’s signature sports car design to produce a ground breaking hypercar. The

Andy Palmer (Aston Martin) and Christian Horner (Red Bull Racing team boss)

2015 SEAT IBIZA 1.6TDi air-con, CD/radio with aux plug-in, only 44,000kms. Was 10,995€ 2015 SEAT LEÓN 1.2TSi REFERENCE one owner, full service history , climate control, cruise control , CD/radio USB, WAS 12,495€ 2015 FIAT 500 1.2 SPORT air-con, CD/radio with USB & Aux plug-in, city steering, 56,000kms. 2015 HYUNDAI i10 1.1 ADVANCE air-con, CD/radio with USB & Aux plug-in, cruise control, 19,500kms. 2014 CITROEN DS4 STYLE PLUS 1.6i with Park assist, Auto lights/wipers Climate Cruise ONLY 3000kms. NEW PRICE 23.449€ 2014 VW POLO TSi air-con, CD/radio with USB & aux plug-in, alloy wheels, 41,000kms. 2014 FORD FIESTA 1.25 TREND in black 52,000kms Climate control, USB media music system. Was 9,995€ 2013 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 2.0 AUTOMATIC in Cherry red paintwork 28,000kms like new condition A/C 6 CD 2010 VESPA 125cc SUPERSPORT immaculate condition in Rosso Ferrari, 17,000kms, FSH, guarantee & transfer. 2006 FORD FIESTA 1.4i NEWPORT In silver paintwork Aircon 5-door 106,000kms nice tidy car 2005 RENAULT MEGANE CABRIO 1.9 DCI 115 6-speed 104,000 KMS CD Radio Electric hard top Convertible. 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER 2.5Dci AUTOMATIC Fully loaded 7-seat 4x4 SATNAV camera etc to much to list 128,000kms 2004 FORD FOCUS 1.6i TREND nice clean Holiday home car 5-door Aircon etc in Silver metallic paintwork 2003 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE finished in Gleaming black coach work. Very clean motorcar ready for summer Was 13.995€ 2001 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO AUTOMATIC. Leather Interior, Climate, Cruise only 77,000miles Spanish Reg excellent condition. 1999 FORD MUSTANG 3.8L V6 AUTOMATIC 35th anniversary edition, Crystal white paint work with special 19” alloys Was 9,995€ 1997 CHEVROLET CAMERO 3.8 V6 finished in arctic white paintwork with 18”alloys Targa top !! REDUCED 1994 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STi ACROPOLIS edition, no 20 of 100 hand-built cars, 68,000miles. Was14,995€

9,995€ 11,500€ 8,995€ SOLD 16,995€ SOLD 8,295€ 11,995€ SOLD SOLD SOLD 9,500€ SOLD 11,995€ 3,995€ 8,995€ 6,995€ 12,995€



UK car clocking on the rise

THE NUMBER of cars on UK roads showing mileage discrepancies is costing motorists over £800 million every year according to HPI, the UK’s leading authority on vehicle checking services. The automotive data experts say the number of cars affected has also risen to one in 16. The figure has worsened from one in 20 cars less than three years ago. The illegal practice of clocking takes place when drivers look to deliberately defraud second-hand car buyers when the vehicle is sold on. Barry Shorto, head of industry relations at cap HPI said: “The problem of clocking and mileage discrepancies in used vehicles does appear to be worsening

Photo credit: Twitter

DEFRAUD: Mileage alterations can hide defects in vehicles.

and that’s bad news for motorists and car retailers as they are left to foot the bill. There are a number of reasons why clocking is on the up. Technology is partly to blame as the continued development of tools to alter digital odometers and the access to this technology online is becoming increasingly easier. The boom in mileage-related finance arrangements such as PCP and PCH may also be playing aggravating the problem.” The HPI Check includes a mileage check against the NMR as standard, now with over 200 million mileage readings. HPI also confirms whether a vehicle is currently recorded as stolen with the police, has outstanding finance or safety

recalls against it or has been written-off, making it the best way for consumers to protect themselves from fraudsters looking to make a fast profit. Mr Shorto added: “Our valuation data conclusively shows the potential cost to dealers and motorists of the clocking problem. With clockers able to add thousands of pounds onto the value of a car, unsuspecting buyers stand to lose out, as do dealers. We urge retailers and consumers to conduct a vehicle history check to spot a mileage discrepancy before they buy. “It can be almost impossible to tell a clocked vehicle just by looking at it, which makes a vehicle history check an even more vital form of protection for buyers. A clocked vehicle could be hiding serious levels of wear and tear, especially if it has been previously used as a high mileage private hire vehicle for a couple of years, meaning the additional cost of unexpected repairs

or even a potentially serious safety threat to driver, passengers and other road users. An HPI Check can help protect consumers from buying a vehicle with something to hide, saving them cash and keeping them safe.”



SAMM race winners announced THE SAMM Spring Series race program finished in early July but, as there is no monthly meeting in August, the results were not announced until the meeting on September 13. Due to reasons beyond control only 7 races were completed, not 16 as planned. It was decided by the Race Committee that just one result would be dropped to determine the final places. In third place was Mick Burgess in his Sea Hopper ‘Rosita’ the smallest and prettiest boat in the fleet, with 37 points. Second was the Sailfish 18 ‘Sirocco’, with 34 points. Sirocco had been sailed by different crews during the season so the trophy was accepted by Julian Perring. First was John Down in his RS Quba ‘Lola’, with 31.75 points. A lack of wind on the second race day held on Sunday meant that the first race on the second race day had to be delayed until 12.15pm With more members back in Spain after their summer away, eight boats containing 12 crew got away with the help of a gentle four knot breeze. The single hander’s of Tug Wilson and Julian Singleton were soon battling for the lead as they drew away from the rest of the fleet and they completed the first three laps only a few seconds apart, but Tug opened the lead slightly on the last lap to cross the

England have “no excuse” says new chief exec

LEFT: John Down & Julian Singleton TOP: Mick on the Rosita

MayPac remains boxing’s most lucrative fight FLOYD MAYWEATHER’S 2015 fight with Manny Pacquiao looks set to remain boxing’s most lucrative fight of all time, despite his fightwith Conor McGregor last month. The Mayweather/ Pacquiao Las Vegas showdown, which fell short of expectations as a semi-injured Pacquiao went down on points to Mayweather, totalled 4.6million Pay-Per-View buys when the final tally came in. In contrast, Mayweather’s challenge with UFC title holder Conor McGregor is reportedly some 200,000 purchases short of that figure following their bout in August. Mayweather ended a two-year retirement to secure a 50th career victory over McGregor via stoppage as UFC boss Dana White’s prediction of 5 million sales at between $89.95 (€76.50) and $99.95 (€85.00) (HD) failed to come to fruition. The live gate, which was also hoped to be a record-breaker, already dropped some $16.5 million (€14 million) to ‘MayPac’, which made a whopping $72 million (€61.5 million) on fight night. Despite not reaching expectations, Mayweather and McGregor are both likely to clear nine figures for the

The Mayweather and McGregor showdown live gate dropped €14 million less than MayPac in 2015

Photo credit: Vimeo

ENGLAND HAVE “no excuse” not to be the most powerful rugby nation in the world, the new Rugby Football Union (RFU)chief executive Steve Brown said this week. Since losing to Australia in the World Cup in 2015, England have won 20 of their last 21 matches and under Eddie Jones have climbed to second in the world rankings -second to world champions New Zealand. Brown, who previously worked as the RFU’s chief financial officer for six years, takes over an economically powerful governing body who last year turned over a record £407 million (€460 million). “We want to be the strongest country for rugby across the globe,” Brown told the BBC. “I don’t think there’s an excuse not to be that. “We may have been a bit modest in the past, but we are very clear and very open that we want to win. “We potentially have the best rugby opportunity in the world and we need to make the most of that. “We want to win and we want to win everything we’re involved in -- not just the men’s team but the women too and with every team we have. “It’s my job to make sure we deliver on that promise.” Brown echoed Jones’s who said that “everything is geared up around winning” the next World Cup in Japan in 2019.

line 14 seconds ahead. Seven boats started the second race in winds that had increased to 12 to 15 knots. Unfortunately ‘Mistral’ had its’ forestay snap at the first mark and was forced to retire. Tug again crossed the line first followed 50 seconds later by the next three boats which finished just one second apart. Final results after applying the handicaps were: Race 1 -Topaz Duo - Julian Singleton; Laser 2000 -Tug Wilson; RS Quba -John Down. Race 2 - RS Quba - John Down; Gamba -Di Hardwick/Vernon O’Byrne; Sailfish 18 -Robert Hudson/ Steve Rocks. The next race day is October 1 - Pursuit Racing - and then every Sunday in October. If you would like more details about SAMM, go to www. sailingmarmenor. com

showdown, to add to their guaranteed purses of $100 million (€85 million) and $30 million (€25.5 million) respectively. Mayweather’s total could exceed $300 million (€255 million), whilst McGregor may go as a high as half that before White takes his considerable cut of the profits. McGregor immediately took his family on a lavish holiday, whilst Mayweather bought himself a new mansion

in Los Angeles and even paid tribute to ‘The Notorious’ McGregor with a massive painting of the pair on display. As Mayweather reiterates his retirement, McGregor is plotting a return to UFC and has several suitors to his lightweight crown. Pacquiao, on the other hand, is still active and could give McGregor the opportunity to add more money to his bank balance should he fancy lacing up the boxing gloves again in 2018.


San Javier Golf Society report THE latest get-together of the Competition San Javier Golf Society saw them winners go the beautiful course at Aguilon – Mick Hardy matched by the perfect weather - for and David Archer the Pairs Better Ball Competition. Aguilon is about an hour and 20 minutes drive away, although the travelling distance possibly led to the small turnout. Those that did play had no doubt in stating that the course has some of the most superb views of any of the courses on the Society’s venues. The scoring wasn’t very high, even though the course has a negative slope and despite the relative shortness, most people find it quite tricky and a test of their abilities. Role of honour for the day: 1st - Mick Hardy and David Archer ‘Joker’ Competition at the La Serena (41 points) and 2nd - Paul Hamlin course which tees off at 11.04am on and Bob Gallard (38). Monday October 2, with full details Nearest the pins were won by being e-mailed to all members. David Archer, Paul Matthews, and Payday will be tomorrow, Saturday Mick Hardy and The gross 2 (for €50) September 30, between 11am and was not won and will be held over to 12noon in the bar area at La Serena the next game. Golf Clubhouse, Los Alcázares. Next date for the diary is a Team

Photo credit Wikimedia

MUCH NEEDED TIME OFF: McIlroy has said he will rest for the remainder of the season after the British Masters

Charged for failing to control their players

If you’re looking to join the San Javier Golf Society or even play as a welcome guest, please contact Barry Beale on 649 245 889 or look at the website at www.sanjaviergolfsociety.co.uk Check out the Facebook page at www.facebook.com sanjaviergolfsociety

McIlroy has Ryder Cup on his mind at British Masters RORY MCILROY has the Ryder Cup on his mind as he tries to win the £3 million (€3.42 million) British Masters. The four-time major winner added this week’s tournament to his schedule after missing out on last week’s Tour Championship. McIlroy finished 58th in this year’s FedEx Cup standings. That meant


24 feb - 2 march 2017

missing out on a trip to East Lake, but gave him the chance to join British Masters host Lee Westwood and his European Tour peers at Close House Golf Club in Newcastle. More importantly, it means he can play in next year’s Ryder Cup guilt free. “I want to play Ryder Cup next year,” McIlroy said. “So obviously got to play my five events in Europe. So that was a big decision into that (playing this week).” McIlroy failed to fulfil his minimum number of European Tour events in 2015 when he injured his foot. He is playing this week and next week’s Alfred Dunhill Links Championship and will then restfor the remainder of the season to try to get over a recurring rib injury that has hampered his season. The 28-year-old took time off after The Players Championship, but admits he should have taken more: “I just haven’t given myself that little more prolonged length of time to let it fully heal and let it feel 100 percent,” McIlroy said. “I actually don’t feel that far away. I don’t feel like I can go out there all day and practice. I feel at some point, I’d have to take a bit of time to let it rest, and I can feel it sort of stiffening up and getting a little bit sore. It’s not as if I can go full bore at it like I want to. “Hopefully by giving it that six-week or eight-week rest, I’ll be able to fully practice and prepare.”

WEST HAM United F.C.and Tottenham Hotspur F.C have been charged by the Football Association (FA)for failing to control their players in Saturday’s derby at West Ham’s London Stadium in Stratford. Tottenham won the Premier League match 3-2 but almost lost their three-goal lead as West Ham pressed for an equaliser in stoppage time. Both clubs had until 6.00pm last night (Thursday) to respond to the charge. A statement from the FA said: “It is alleged that in or around the 95th minute of the game, both clubs failed to ensure their players conducted themselves in an orderly fashion.” Five players were cautioned by referee Michael Oliver in stoppage time. West Ham’s Andy Carroll, Winston Reid and Andre Ayew were shown yellow cards, while Eric Dier and Fernando Llorente were booked for Tottenham. The incident prompting the charge came after a foul by Carroll which brought angry reactions from both sides and saw four players booked. Ayew’s caution for a foul came earlier in stoppage time. Tottenham were under pressure after being reduced to 10 men with 20 minutes remaining when Serge Aurier received a second yellow card.

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