RTN Newspaper - Costa Blanca South 15 - 21 June 2018 Issue 973

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Alicante taxis only for the AVE AN agreement has been reached between the local authorities and representatives of taxi drivers to ensure that only those registered to operate in Alicante can have exclusive access to the AVE high-speed railway terminus. This follows months of pressure on the Valencian Government and the official announcement was made earlier this week to change the regulation that until now had allowed drivers from other municipalities to wait for fares. There are around 350 taxi drivers based in Alicante that will now exclusively have access to the estimated two million passengers annually that arrive at the AVE station.

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Issue 973

15th - 21st June

Mayor listens to residents JOSE MANUEL DOLON, the mayor of Torrevieja, has held a meeting with a number of residents’ representatives to listen to their ongoing concerns. They came from the southern part of the municipality in Mar Azul, Eliseos Playa, Los Chimos and Playa Verde, and especially talked about the state of the beaches between Cala de Ferrís and La Veleta that are only a few metres away from their homes. In particular, they want action to be taken to prevent to deterioration of the area as well as improving the access points for all. In addition, they have asked for greater maintenance of the green areas where they live and improved street cleaning services. Mayor Dolon said that he would commit himself to visit the areas in question in the

ACCESS: Cala de Ferris in Torrevieja will see improvements. company of the councillor responsible for beaches and the municipal biologist to see the

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issues at first hand and assess what can be done and when. Also at the same residents’

meeting was one of the heads of the Urban Cleansing Department who has taken note of the

requirements of the neighbourhood and has promised to follow them up.

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15th - 21st June

MANY English people don’t understand the fascination that the Spanish have for roundabouts which become major landmarks in roads around the country. They may not know how to drive round them (and more of that later) but they like them so much that not only do they name and decorate them, but they even have different words for them so you could be approaching a Glorieta, a Rotunda or even La Circulación Giratoria. It is almost impossible to find a roundabout which doesn’t have some form of decoration on it and it’s not just a few shrubs or an electrical conduit, but councils have spent a huge amount of time and energy in ensuring that each roundabout is better than the next. Back in 2016, the mayor of Estepona on the Costa del Sol reportedly spent €50,000 on a statue showing a couple - possibly copulating - and stuck it in the middle of a roundabout without

Driving in a roundabout way Credit: Naeblys Shutterstock

by John Smith

FUERTEVENTURA: The sculptural group Caminos by Cuban artist Lisbet Fernandez Ramos. ever having run the cost through the council for approval. The range of different designs is quite incredible, obviously in older cities there are classical statues and fountains, but roundabout designs cover the whole gamut of human experience with ships, anchors, submarines, aircraft, cars, modern sculpture, abstract sculpture, windmills, buildings, animals, the odd Picasso and possibly a genuine Dali.

There’s even a roundabout with a roundabout on it plus hundreds decorated with bright flowers which are changed on a regular basis. What’s more, come Christmas or special Saints Days, then out roll new designs including Nativity Scenes, Reindeer and Santa Claus. So the roundabout is an important icon within the Spanish psyche and this is why so many councils issue press releases

every time they produce a new decoration to appear within their territory. The only real problem with Spanish roundabouts however is that they are dangerous for road users! Apart from the fact that the majority of Spanish drivers think that they get charged every time they indicate, those who were taught to drive some time ago were given different instructions to those

who have learned recently. The old concept was that the driver should remain in the inside lane (that nearest the roundabout itself) and then move out into the outside lane to exit. As the number of cars increased so dramatically, it became apparent that this was potentially dangerous and the Guardia Civil issue diagrams advising drivers to stay on the outside lane where possible so that they don’t cut across other cars. It can be quite daunting as a foreigner to attempt to drive on and off of roads circulating Spanish roundabouts but after a while (and perhaps a few ‘close shaves’) one tends to develop a sixth sense and judge which car is likely to cut you up without indicating. The only problem then is deciding which hand signal would be the most appropriate and understood by the culprits. My wife who is Gibraltarian tells me that some of my favourite would not make sense to the average driver, so I am in the process of working out a number of new ones. Either that or fit a bull horn behind the radiator so I can shout ‘cabrón’ if my opponent is a man.

15th - 21st June

Human trafficking group arrested Photo credit: Guardia Civil

LEADER: Human trafficking mastermind among those arrested. FIVE people have been arrested by the Guardia Civil suspected as being behind a human trafficking operation. One was detained in Almoradi and another in the village of Guadalupe in Murcia. The three men and two women - all Moroccan nationals - are aged between 29 and 45. According to a report in the Spanish media, one of those arrested is believed to be the leader of the criminal group and

has been detained on three occasions in the past month alone for allegedly committing similar crimes. During the raids on the properties in Almoradi and Guadalupe de Maciascoque, several mobile phones, computer equipment, a high-end car, â‚Ź3,000 in cash and a significant amount of potentially incriminating documents were uncovered. The investigation began in

March when the Guardia Civil became aware that a Moroccan citizen, living in Guadalupe de Maciascoque, could be related to a criminal plot dedicated to the smuggling of immigrants from North Africa. At least five boats arrived during the first two months of the investigations containing around 50 people... all of Moroccan nationality... in the ports of Tarifa and Algeciras in Cadiz. The investigations continue.



15th - 21st June

Unique Torrevieja exhibition launched TORREVIEJA has launched an exhibition of ‘Hidden Heroes’ which is expected to welcome more than 40,000 visitors. It is being presented in collaboration with the La Caixa bank and promises to be a unique exhibition telling the previous unknown stories of everyday objects. The exhibition is located in the port of Torrevieja and will remain open until July 16. Opening hours are 12 to 2pm and from 5pm to 11pm with free entry. Among the exhibits will be information about the inventors and examples of a number of items that everyone now takes for granted. These include the ring binder, a plaster, bubble wrap, the elastic band, clothes pegs and tea bags.

Some people ‘forget’ to return rental cars.

Can we have our car back? by Darren Parmenter A MAN has been arrested in Elche after tak-

ing a hire car and not returning it for two weeks. He was detained in a hotel in the city and the car was subsequently handed back by the man’s family after becoming aware that the National Police were looking for it. The man originally hired the car at the Atocha t ra i n s t at i o n i n M a d r i d from a reputable car hire company but failed to take it back on the agreed date. T he com p a ny t h e n re ported the hirer to the police and a search and ar-

rest war rant was issued against the man and the return of the vehicle. Reports in the Spanish media state that when the police originally tried to find the car at the registered address, a cousin of t h e n o w - a r re s te d m a n e n d e d u p re t u r n i n g t h e car some days later. T he delay was blamed on the man who had originally rented it having to travel u r g e n t l y to h i s h o m e country of Columbia. However, the man was instead found in an Elche

h o te l s o m e w e e k s l ate r and arrested for the crime of misappropriation. W hen he appears in court, it will try to establish whether there was a deliberate intention never to re t u r n t h e c a r o r w h e t h e r i t ’s s i m p l y a breach of contract. Such cases are not isolated, with several similar incidents being reported from car hire firms operating in Elche, especially with almost all those being based at the AlicanteElche Airport.

Club amends ‘girls-only’ advert A POSTER advertising a nightclub in Crevillente has been reported as being too sexist. The phrase (translated into English) said ‘Free bar for all girls’ and immediately led to a number of people turning to social media outlets to express their annoyance. As a result, the publicity material has been amended and now the offer is ‘for all boys and girls.’ This latest case has added to the debate about the use of women in advertising that has, in recent years, seen many establishments reported for offering similar promotions. These include ticket discounts or free entry for women only.


15th - 21st June

Cheers! Local gin one of the best by Darren Parmenter Photo credit: @pepeorts Twitter

MAL ABUSCA GIN, created and distilled in the Baix Vinalopo region of Alicante has been voted one of the best in the world. The accolade was given by a jury of 50 experts at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Gin has become one of the most fashionable drinks in the world, and a recent survey showed that even in the UK the spirit has overtaken beer as the most popular alcohol... even among men, who have taken to the drink known as ‘Mother’s Ruin’ in great number. In the statement issued by the judges, they confirm the popularity stating that ‘gin is omnipresent at any celebration or when friends get together.’ The Malabusca Gin was the brainchild of Oscar Ondoño, Jose Francisco Navarro, Santiago Hernandez and Cesar

We arrange

POPULAR: Gin is consumed more than beer in the UK. Ramirez, four people from Elche and Santa Pola who are passionate about the world of gastronomy and cocktail production. The idea was born back in 2015 when the quartet looked at finding a spirit that could gain the same popularity as wine when accompanying a meal. And so they combined their expertise and

even contacted a number of botanical experts across the world to come up with the ideal formula. Its unusual flavour made up of a mixture of spices and citrus fruits have now ended up on the exclusive and prestigious El Corte Ingles department store Gourmet Club from where it will be shortly distributed to its members.

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15th - 21st June

Torrevieja scammers arrested

Photo credit: Casa de S.M. el Rey

by Glenn Scott

VIEWS: His Majesty King Felipe VI enjoys the thrills and spills in the sky.

The King’s flight by Darren Parmeneter KING FELIPE VI was well received by the people of San Javier after travelling to preside over the air show at the weekend, held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the General Air Academy (AGA). His Majesty the King was greeted by loud applause from a mixture of local and regional dignitaries that included the regional president of Murcia, Fernando Lopez Miras and Chief of the Air Force, Javier Salto.


The king then went to individually greet many of the dozens of people that had gathered nearby in front of the Fernandez Tuleda Casino, amid chants of ‘Viva España’ and ‘Long Live the King!,’ before moving to the balcony of the building to witness the start of the show launched by the arrival of the PAPEA paratroopers. An estimated 300,000 people watched the displays of aerobatics and the latest Spanish Air Force technology from a number of different locations up and down the beaches of the Mar Menor.

THREE people have been arrested in Torrevieja, suspected of being part of a scam that conned thousands of euros from several people. Investigations by the Guardia Civil discovered that the trio, a couple and a solicitor, built up a high level of trust with their future victims before taking them for significant amounts of money for work that never took place. In addition, others were charged extortionate levels for services that were much cheaper elsewhere or even completely free. According to a report in the Spanish media, the group once charged €800 for obtaining an NIE number (Foreigners’ Identity Number). They also allegedly took as much as €30,000 as a deposit on a property up for sale without giving the money to the vendor. As soon as the money was transferred, all contact between the client and

the trio disappeared and none of the cash was returned, despite a number of formal requests made to do so. The group had not previously been brought to justice as many of the dozen or so victims of the scam had decided not to file for-

mal complaints due to the complex procedures. It’s understood that the three people detained two of which have been remanded in custody pending future legal procedures - have been subject to similar investigations in the past.


15th - 21st June

Beach improvements

Ten treated after vapour leak Photo credit: Google Maps

THE Playa de Galua in La Manga del Mar Menor will see a number of improvements to the seafront after a project has been approved by the Cartagena City Council. The programme of works will be carried out by the Murcia Regional Government at a budget of €1.2 million. The announcement was made by Mayor Ana Belen Castejon who said the project will see the renovation of the current car parking and pedestrian areas.

by Darren Parmenter TEN people have been treated from the effects of a leakage of non-toxic steam from an industrial complex in Cartagena. The incident happened at 11am last Tuesday when a pipe ruptured in the Repsol refinery in the Escombreras neighbourhood, and the leak took around 90 minutes to be repaired. Those slightly injured by the blast of water vapour were treated by the medical staff at the refinery and none needed hospital treatment. Even though the steam was non-toxic as declared by Repsol as soon as the incident unfolded, local people were advised to stay indoors until the all-clear was given and to close all windows and doors Mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belen Castejon, immediately contacted the refinery’s director as soon as she became aware of what happened and offered any help and assistance. Local Police, firefighters and environmental protection officers were deployed to the scene and it’s understood that the leak was brought under control by the gradual closing down of a valve.

NON-TOXIC: Vapour leak at the Repsol refinery in Cartagena.

Elderly woman suffers AN 80-year old woman has been taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation after a fire in her home in Elche. Reports from the Alicante Provisional Fire Brigade said the blaze started in the kitchen of a second-floor apartment in a six-storey building in Calle Angel, Even though smoke from the fire found its way into the staircase, the fire authorities decided not to evacuate the building. Apart from the elderly woman, no other injuries have been reported. Reports also say that the kitchen has been completely destroyed while smoke has badly affected the rest of the flat.

15th - 21st June

Photo credit: @PHAlicante Twitter

FIGHT: Members and supporters at the PHA celebration.

Road to recovery celebrated by Mark Rogers THE city of Alicante celebrated ‘Proyecto Hombre Alicante’ at the weekend, to commemorate the international day of the fight against the misuse and illicit trafficking of drugs. The centrepiece of the event was the emotional moment when 10 people who have recently undergone a programme of drug therapy and rehabilitation were formally discharged back into society. They were accompanied by members of their family and friends and have begun what everyone involved in the project marks the beginning of a new direction in their lives.

Proyecto Hombre Alicante (PHA) has been in operation in the province for the past 23 years and to date has helped close to 16,000 people that have ranged in ages from 12 to 80. Its headquarters are in Alicante with another branch in neighbouring Elche. According to the latest figures provided by PHA for those adults addicted to drugs, 49.6 per cent are men and 18.2 per cent use cocaine. In the area of alcoholism, 54.5 per cent are women against 27.1 per cent of men. Among the adolescent population, substances such as cannabis continue to be the main drug used with 77.1 per cent of those admitting to using narcotics being men and 68.3 per cent women.


Near miss? LAST Monday evening, Ryanair flight 8028 from Stansted to Murcia San Javier, was involved in what could have been a near miss incident. The already delayed flight was about to touch down when the pilot applied full power and veered upwards from the runway, causing alarm amongst the passengers, with one woman having to be attended to. The aircraft then circled to prepare for another landing where the passengers were informed by the captain that it was due to ‘traffic on the runway.’

One passenger exclusively spoke to RTN and commented that “after the incident if indeed a vehicle or aircraft had been positioned dangerously on the runway, then urgent questions should be asked.” Whilst it is still very safe to travel around the world by aircraft, events such as this bring home the vulnerability of passengers who have no control over the activities of others. It would appear that quick thinking on the part of the pilot averted what could have been a potentially life threatening event.

Dead driver on opposite carriageway ONE person has been killed and five others injured - two of them seriously - as a result of a head-on collision on the A-7 motorway at the entrance to Alicante. The deceased - understood to be a Swiss national - was driving on the opposite side of the road for reasons which are still being investigated when he collided with another vehicle containing five people. The fire brigade needed to free both of the trapped drivers involved in the crash which also involved two other cars that were unable to avoid the carnage ahead of them. The crash caused a major traffic hold up with some vehicles stuck in jams from more than two hours.


15th - 21st June Photo credit: Guardia Civil


Popular post on Facebook reaching 8,266 people with 81 reactions ‘Elderly Costa Blanca woman lay dead ‘for seven months’ before being found.’

FAMILY AFFAIR: One of the arrested Romanian car thieves being led away.

A-7 highway robbers caught by Ray Chadwick

Ena Cummings Very sad I am surprised her family did not vist or her doctor or social worker if she had a fall and discharge from hospital. As neighbours we should look out for each other.

THREE members of the same family have been arrested after stealing from cars when their owners believed they had a fault with

@RTNNewspaper Most liked posts from this week • 58 speed cameras installed across Spain, locations revealed • Benidorm stag party travel 300km the wrong way in taxi • Irish hitman to be sentenced for Mijas murder • Elderly Costa Blanca woman lay dead ‘for seven months’ before being found • Ten treated after vapour leak in Costa Blanca

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their vehicles. According to a report in the Spanish media, the three detained - all Romanian - are a couple aged 38 and 45 along with their 23-year-old son who were already known to police due to their previous criminal records. Their usual modus operandi was to drive alongside cars, mainly on the A-7 motorway, and point out to unsuspecting drivers that they had a puncture or other issues with their vehicles. As they pulled over and stopped, the other car joined them and while they were distracted, the accomplices stole a number of personal belongings such as handbags,

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wallets, mobile phones and designer sunglasses from the car before fleeing the scene. Another of their scams was to approach drivers in service areas and ask them directions after opening a map across their windscreen. Again, when they were otherwise engaged, items were stolen from the car. It’s understood that the group committed at least 15 similar crimes along the A-7. Investigations eventually enabled the Guardia Civil to arrest the two men, although the woman was detained a few days later when she tried to rent a car to enable the series of highway robberies to continue.

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Sheena Stewart What a shame this lady had no friendly neighbour to care enough to check on her. Her family obviously are estranged for whatever reason. Very sad.

Probe into fire underway THE Guardia Civil are investigating a fire in Punta Prima to establish whether or not it was started deliberately. Their suspicions were alerted after they had to return to the scene of the fire some two hours later when it started again after being extinguished. The original fire broke out in the kitchen of a second floor flat in Urbanisation Cala Dorada in Torrevieja owned by a British national, and it’s understood from reports in the Spanish media that a suspected gas leak required the road to be closed and a number of local people to be evacuated. No injuries were reported in either incident.

Sea and beach open day PLAYA LOS LOCOS was the location for the ‘Torrevieja Nautical Experience’ and a way of promoting the city’s initiative of attracting a wide range of sea and beach-based tourism. These range from water-based toys and bouncy castles for the children to a number of sports aimed at the more serious participants.

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15th - 21st June


They’ve started already... WITH the summer season hardly underway, the issues surrounding the traffic on the N332 as it bypasses Torrevieja have already begun. A number of long traffic jams have been

Almoradi arsonist at large FOR the third night in a row, firefighters were called out to extinguish fires in a number of rubbish containers in Almoradi. The first wave of fires took place between 5am and 6am on Monday morning, followed by another batch in the early hours of Tuesday. The final two incidents were at 2.30am and 4.30am on Wednesday, and an intensive search was immediately started to find the possibly more than one arsonist responsible. A total of 10 separate fires were started over the three days, and there is a fear among the locals that any further incidents might spread to nearby properties or parked cars.

New forest fire base planned IN an attempt to efficiently fight fires in the area, San Miguel de Salinas are planning to install a permanent forest fire unit. A meeting will be taking place on Monday between local councillors and representatives from the Valencian Emergency and Response Agency to look at the viability of having such a facility in the municipality. It’s in a strategic location close to the forested areas of La Mata and Torrevieja as well as those in Campoamor. The plan is to have the permanent unit operating 365 days of the year and will serve 27 local municipalities which have, until now had to rely on a similar unit located in Guardamar del Segura... but not all-year-round.

reported not only on the N-332, but also on the connecting CV-905 and CV-95, and drivers are worried how bad they are going to be with the influx of tourists in July and August.

The build-up of traffic is particularly bad in the stretch between the two exits to Torrevieja and the University Hospital, which regularly sees vehicles having to slow to 40kph in an area that also forbids overtaking.

Around 40,000 vehicles per day use this section of the N-332 on a daily basis, and there is no prospect of it being widened to a dual-carriageway until the middle of 2020 at the earliest.


15th - 21st June

by Barry Duke

is leading a minority Socialist government. Sánchez immediately won me over when he exercised his right to be inaugurated without a Bible and a crucifix. He was the first Spanish Prime Minister to do so. He has made it abundantly clear in the past that he believes that religion belongs in churches and not in schools. That’s certainly not a sign of stupidity. He then delivered on a promise to pick a socialist, feminist and pro-European cabinet. Spain now has a centre-left administration with a record number of women. With 11 women and six men, Sánchez’s cabinet is 65 per cent female. He also made it clear that he is absolutely committed to the EU. Polico magazine quoted him as saying: “This is a decisively proEuropean government. Europe is our new homeland.” Add to that the fact that he has voiced his determination to introduce new environmental protection policies and has promised to help pensioners, the unemployed and those with insecure jobs. He also vowed to fight child poverty. What raised my spirits too was the calibre of the people Sánchez

Credit: La Moncloa flickr

ON June 2, I posted on my Facebook page the following message: ‘Yay! Spain's handsome new PM is a Socialist and an atheist!’ Jesús Carmelo Padrón Gordillo, a Facebook friend who lives in Gran Canaria, responded by saying: ‘Handsome? He is so stupid!!!’ Gordillo, when asked to explain just why he thought Pedro Sánchez was stupid, never responded, so I began trawling the Internet to see what evidence, if any, there was to suggest that Spain’s Prime Minister might be in the same league as established imbeciles in Western politics, such as Donald Trump, his VP Mike Pence and hard-line Brexiteers like Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Jacob ReesMogg. Nothing came to light. Indeed, everything I’ve read about Sánchez suggests that he is a man who stands a very good chance of propelling Spain into a new era of economic growth and social stability, despite the fact he

Sánchez, you’re my man!

PEDRO SÁNCHEZ: With his new, mainly female cabinet. has chosen for his team. The new government features a number of high-profile technocratic appointments such as astronaut Pedro Duque, who will be Spain’s new Science Minister. Duque is a vocal supporter of science. “If we keep failing to invest in our future, this country will sink forever,” he said in 2013, during protests against cuts to science effected by the government of Mariano Rajoy. The new minister is also an outspoken critic of pseudoscience, homeopathy in particu-

lar, which he described as “candy”. He insists: “It doesn’t work. It doesn’t do anything.” There’s good news too for Spain’s gay communities. The new Interior Minister is Fernando Grande-Marlaska, an openly gay former judge at Spain’s top-level National Court. Each year the daily newspaper El Mundo reveals the top 50 most influential Spanish homosexuals. In 2016 Grande-Marlaska headed that list. In 2010 he made public his homosexuality and encourages all gay individuals ‘to help others.’

All the new ministers broke with tradition by taking their oaths on the constitution rather than the Bible, following Sánchez’s example. On the day Sánchez took over from Mariano Rajoy, he received a congratulatory call from the UK’s utterly inept Prime Minister Theresa May, who could give masterclasses on how NOT to govern a country. When her fool of a Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson recently referred to the EU as ‘the enemy’ and said he believes that Trump would make a better job of handling Brexit, she should have instantly sacked him. But May is utterly incapable of imposing discipline and just stands around wearing a frightened bunny face as her team members fight one another like cats in a sack over the catastrophe that’s Brexit. While Sánchez has chosen ministers who are all experts in their respective fields, Tory top guns are mainly mega-wealthy self-serving toffs who aren’t even qualified to push a shopping trolley. Oh, they wouldn’t, even if they could. They’re far too posh to push anything other than policies guaranteed to make themselves richer and everyone else a damn side poorer.

15th - 21st June Photo credit: Pxhere

QUALITY: Origins of cocktails not always known.

Health risk of beach cocktails BENIDORM City Council has issued a series of warnings about certain drinks being sold by street vendors on the municipality’s beaches. They believe that some pose ‘a serious risk’ to health on the basis that some of the cocktails on offer have not gone through any form of quality control, and has been included in a report from the Ministry of Health. They state that the sale of such cocktails should not be permitted. According to the Spanish media, the report states that the drinks on offer to tourists on the beaches - with or without alcohol - would be within the definition of food and so must com-

ply with overall food production and handling documentation... something that the street sellers are unlikely to possess. Not only are there concerns as to the origin of the basic ingredients used - such as the alcohol, fruit juice and even the ice - but also whether the preparation areas of the cocktails are hygienic enough. The overriding concern from the council is the health of the people that consume them. Although Benidorm has taken the lead on this matter, the potential problem exists wherever there are beaches and tourists.



15th - 21st June

Action...but no lights! THE audience didn’t realise it at the time but while they were watching schoolchildren on stage at the theatre in Almoradi, someone was trying to steal the spotlights. The 40-year-old man was caught in the act backstage as children from the Colegio Santa Maria de la Huerta were performing a scene

from The Lion King. The Local Police quickly arrived at the theatre and stopped the thief from leaving via the back door. They checked his car and found other similar lighting equipment which was his own property. Nothing else had been stolen.

Scam meant drivers weren’t insured by Glenn Scott

A safer, bumpy ride DRIVERS and cyclists using a number of roads in Pilar de la Horadada will notice that new speed bumps have been installed. Councillor Jose Francisco Albaladejo said that they’d been placed to improve safety and reduce vehicle emissions as the vehicles slow down approaching the new restrictions. Avenida de lo Monte and roads on Urbanisation Mil Palmeras are the first to benefit from the scheme which Councillor Albaledejo said would be extended across the municipality “to create a more pedestrian friendly town.”

AN insurance agent has been arrested in Orihuela in connection with allegedly issuing and selling non-existent policies. According to a report in the Spanish media, the National Police detained the man for defrauding 21 people of more than €8,000 and faces charges of fraud and forgery of documents. The arrested fraudster took money directly from his clients and instead of depositing it in the insurance company’s account; he allegedly kept it for himself thus leaving his clients with-

out appropriate cover. This included a number of car insurance policies which left the drivers unaware that they were behind the wheel totally uninsured. The man also knew the internal workings of the insurance companies he ‘dealt’ with and took advantage of that knowledge in order to defraud his clients. Knowing that the insurance companies sent their clients a registered letter to let them know that payment for their policy was outstanding, the arrested man allegedly supplied false information to prevent them from finding out about the scam by this method.

15th - 21st June

Electric fraudsters unplugged FIVE people - four men and a woman have been arrested for posing as electricity company employees. They were operating in Alicante and Murcia and are believed to have scammed around €2,100 from mainly elderly people. The fraud came to light when many of those who fell for the scheme received notifications of late payment of bills.

Summer of blood donations ahead MURCIA’S Minister for Health, Manuel Villegas, has announced 160 different points within the region where people can donate blood during the summer months. These are in addition to the Regional Blood Donation Centres in Murcia and Cartagena and are open until August 31. The announcement was made at the Jose Barnes football stadium in Murcia and aims to ensure that hospitals in the region have enough supplies for the summer. Minister Villegas thanked the people of Murcia who have already responded to previous appeals to become blood

donors. For 2018, an extra 3,000 people have joined the list which is in addition to the 60,000 who donated their blood last year. “It’s an altruistic gesture that helps to save lives,” said Villegas. “Subsequent blood transfusions also help patients to overcome a number of issues and offer them a better quality of life.” In addition to donating blood at fixed points in the region, anyone interested can go to a number of mobile units set up in 45 municipalities. Full details can be found at www. murciasalud.es/crh and on Twitter via @DonarsangreMU.

Endangered turtle chooses La Manga MORE than half of the nesting attempts made in Spain during 2017 by the loggerhead sea turtle were found on the beaches of Calblanque and La Manga del Mar Menor. As a result, both the governments of Murcia and Cartagena have brought in a series of protocols on how to deal with them when discovered. The loggerhead turtle is an endangered species that doesn’t habitually make its way to this part of the Spanish Mediterranean. However, in recent years around six similar nests have been found locally.


15th - 21st June


Photo credit: @MSFSea Twitter

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SUPPLIES: Migrants on board the Aquarius receive urgent rations on their journey to Spain.

Aquarius migrants offered sanctuary by Mark Rogers THE planned arrival in the port of Valencia of the Aquarius boat with more than 600 migrants on board has sparked a wave of solidarity across the province, where several municipalities have offered to welcome these people. As well as Alicante, Elche, Orihuela, Elda, Alcoy, Benidorm and Sella have also offered to house the refugees. In the case of Alicante,

Councillor Mari Carmen de España said that they have “an open door” to take in the maximum amount of the migrants possible. Elche has also offered a warm welcome. Mayor Carlos Gonzalez praised the “humanitarian commitment” of the new PSOE government headed by Pedro Sanchez, and has put eight houses at their disposal which can be used in such cases of emergency. Orihuela’s spokesperson Rafael Almagro also said that “we are more than happy to

welcome the migrants and help them as much as possible.” He added that it would need the assessment of central government first to lay out the priorities and then make the local resources available. Social Service departments in the municipalities are also contacting those who offered their homes as a place of refuge during the crisis in Syria to check if they are equally able to offer a place for any of the Aquarius migrants.

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15th - 21st June

Photo credit: Google Maps

New roof ‘roasts’ fruit & veg

HOT-HOUSE: Traders buy their own umbrellas to combat heat.

by Darren Parmenter MARKET traders working in the giant Mercalicante wholesaler’s complex have had to take drastic measures to stop their produce being ruined... by the heat. Cherries are being ruined and melons becoming too soft are among the many complaints made by the Association of Fruit and Vegetable Settlers about the current conditions inside the building due to the high temperatures. The problem has been caused, they say, by the new roof that was installed a few months ago when the previous one had suffered a number of holes after a severe hail storm. According to a report in the Spanish media, the new cover, described as ‘ice-white,’ causes a magnifying effect

that with the strong sun raises the temperature in the building to over 30ºC. This is causing problems with several varieties of fruit and vegetables that should only be exposed to temperatures of between 15º and 20º. Traders’ representatives said that the temperature has already reached 34º and fear at just how high it will rise once July and August arrive. They asked the management of the building for awnings to be installed but they were refused using ‘aesthetic’ reasons. And so several traders took the matter into their own hands and went out and purchased large beach umbrellas instead. However, the shades may cover the produce from the sun but now block the cameras that had been installed to monitor stock levels. Solutions to the problem are being discussed.


15th - 21st June

SLIGHT INCREASE: Has the Alicante-Elche Airport peak been reached?

ORIHUELA’S Tuesday market will be leaving its Los Huertos site shortly to return to the location in Las Monserratinas where it was last held nine years ago. Councillor Damasco Aparacio has signed the transfer documentation and is now to organise the distribution of the pitches among the 200 traders. Representatives of the traders have been seeking relocation after more than 140 stalls were lost due to the lack of customers.

Photo credit: Twitter @aena

Orihuela’s market on the move

Passenger numbers ‘slowing down’ by Glenn Scott COMPARED to the same month in 2017, the number of passengers using AlicanteElche Airport in May increased by just 1.5 per cent. This represents an overall total of 1,307,789 people and despite fears from some quarters that visitors from the UK are choosing other countries for their holidays; they still lead

the nationalities of those flying to and from the popular Costa Blanca airport. Passengers from the UK accounted for 549,561, and way ahead of the next on the list which were Spanish nationals (128,869). These were followed by the Netherlands (86,231), Germany (78,684), Norway (76,188) and Belgium (62,231). However, despite the slight increase in passenger numbers,

the actual number of flights was a similar percentage lower at 1 per cent, standing at just short of 9,000 operations. As with traveller numbers, flights to and from the UK head the list with 3,310 compared to those between Spanish airports recording 1,412. With the figures for the period January to May now released, a total of 4,905,000 passengers have used AlicanteElche Airport this year so far.

Elche... Spain’s hot spot! MONDAY’S hot weather across the area saw Elche record the highest temperature not only locally but across Spain. According to readings at the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), Elche reached 33.3ºC and saw many local people complaining of the sudden intense heat that has hit the area. The high temperature in Elche was recorded at 4.10pm, while 20 minutes later Orihuela also reached 31.2ºC. These readings even beat the traditionally high temperatures at the Alicante-Elche Airport where they only reached a mere 30.7ºC... with a minimum of 19.6ºC at 2.10am.


15th - 21st June

money Baby-boomers’ kids to benefit Photo credit: Pixabay

ACCORDING to a new report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), a growing number of retired people do not spend their accumulated wealth. Instead they choose to bequeath the majority of it. The repor t goes on to say that people approaching retirement (those aged between 55 and 64) have an average of £185,000 (€207,000) tied up in their main property. In addition, they have other wealth excluding pensions - of £33,000 (€37,000). Another finding in the IFS study found that older retirees aged between 70 and 90 spend very little of their money, draw-

NOT SPENDING: Pensioners are becoming more frugal with their money. ing down on average just 31 per cent of their accumulated wealth. This means that their children or families will subsequently inherit a large portion

of their money, and will receive more than the offspring of the baby-boomer generation. Rowena Crawford, an associate director at IFS and author of

the report, said of the findings: “Older people do not draw on their wealth much during retirement. The majority of homeowners do not move or access their housing wealth, and even financial wealth is drawn down only slowly. This means that most wealth held by retired people is likely to be bequeathed to future generations, rather than spent. “However, the IFS believe this trend will change over time as current workers’ pension wealth reduces in size. This will force more retirees in future to draw down from accumulated housing wealth in order to maintain their lifestyles in retirement.”

Who will get your pension? RECENT research from Scottish Widows has revealed that one in five people are completely in the dark when it comes to who gets their retirement savings in the event of divorce or death. How a pension income or a lump sum is passed on depends on who you nominate to your provider. You would normally name one or more people on first joining a scheme, and getting the details changed typically involves filling in and submitting a new form. If you don’t fill in a form, the scheme has discretion on who inherits your pot, but would usually follow what’s in your will. During the survey, Scottish Widows found 17 per cent of divorcees didn’t know who would inherit their pension, compared with 20 per cent of all adults. However, people who are separated, but were never married or are not yet divorced, are less well-informed, with 28 per cent admitting they had no idea. According to the survey of 5,000 adults carried out across the UK last September, 28 per cent of people currently living with a partner also don’t know, and are potentially excluding them from inheriting their pension. Catherine Stewart, retirement expert at Scottish Widows, said: “It is important that you know who stands to inherit a pension when you die - for all you know, it could be an ex from many years ago.”

15th - 21st June


Caught in the Bermuda Triangle Credit: Tabercil flickr

by John Redfern

I HAD now been playing in Bermuda Triangle, the pop trio for 10 years, it was 1974 and I was now 25 years of age and although the gigs were keeping us busy it was mainly in Working Men’s Clubs. It was our main source of income but like the name of the trio the Bermuda Triangle, we were being sucked down into this mythical devils triangle in the North Atlantic Sea (Readers of this great rag the RTN newspaper please note, John Smith the editor is on tip toes with me because of my John Bull vocabulary, but I couldn’t care a monkeys). Well here we go! We were now playing in these clubs all around the Midlands and to be honest the money was good, but times were changing. The small Working Men’s Clubs were slowly closing down and bands had to travel further which was a drag, but the show doesn’t end until the fat lady sings as the saying goes. We had to start looking at travelling into the sticks and had to go through a test called ‘Shop Windows.’ It was always on

CHUBBY CHECKER – still doing the Hucklebuck. a Sunday lunchtime. This allowed the gaffers of their clubs an hour or two at a table on their own to let’s say to get half hissed. These middle-aged men with red pimpled snot boxes and beer guts that flowed over their waistline like the Niagara Falls looked like lorry driver’s mates or a Russian shot putter but were in a position of power. They sat with a stack of business cards with their Woodbines glowing and puffing fag smoke that rose to the roof. The acts was given a 10-minute slot and at the end of show the performers wandered around the club to hopefully top up their

Age Concern Summer Fair AGE CONCERN continue their 20th anniversary year with a Summer Fair tomorrow (Saturday) in their grounds at the centre situated at Calle Paganini, La Siesta. Vi s i t o r s w i l l b e w e l comed from 10am and will enjoy an array of stalls selling jewellery, clothes, cakes, plants, bric-a-brac, mobility aids and more. Just like a traditional Village Fete in the UK you can try your luck with the lucky dip, guess the name of the teddy and have a go on the tombola. Relax in the sunshine with some light refreshment including the obligatory tea and scones which are always a big favourite!

Then from about 10.30am sit back, listen and enjoy the music of The Alpengold Oompah Band followed by some displays of somewhat more British Morris Dancing. This year ’s fantastic raffle includes a star prize of coach trips to the value of €200 with a local coach company. Other prizes are a BBQ grill, kettle and toaster set, bone china mugs, meal vouchers and many more prizes. Ti c k e t s a r e j u s t € 1 each and can be obtained from their centre or one of the charity shops located in To r r e v i e j a o r L o s Montesinos. To i n c r e a s e t h e i r stock on the cake and

plants stalls, they would be delighted to accept last minute donations of cakes, pastries, pies, plants or shrubs. All money raised at the Fair will go towards maintaining the Age Concern vehicles, shops and centre so th a t th e ch a ri ty can continue to help and care for the over 50’s in the area. For further information please contact the centre between 10am and 1.30pm Monday to Friday by telephoning 966 786 887. Or follow them on Facebook at Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur and they would love to welcome plenty of new friends on social media.

diaries for future work. Entertainment secretaries at that time worked for their clubs for nothing. Oh boy! I am now coughing up blood while laughing! Please excuse me! Just had a sip of my favourite tipple (red wine) That’s better and I’ve calmed down now and lit up my fag. Right let’s get straight to the point. A few and it was a few of these so-called volunteers that represented the working class people (cough cough, wink wink) were skimming a few quid from the act’s fees and to be honest in the day we couldn’t care less. The dance nights at the clubs were a rave

and the clubs used to put up signs outside saying full house on a blackboard at 8pm and some nights we had to play the Hucklebuck by Chubby Checker three times! Funny story: We were playing one night at the West End club in Coventry, There was a lightning strike for the night shift at the Chrysler UK car factory, it was about 10pm, and the gaffer of the club came on stage to announce it! The dance floor was packed then within seconds of this announcement, the young and middle-aged women were grabbing their coats and legging it before their husbands came home. These dance nights were nicknamed by bands ‘Grab a granny nights.’ Cor blimey I was standing on stage playing my bass and watched this debacle, it was so funny, just like a dust cart following a wedding! Our trio after 10 years had now hit stony ground and my great friend John Clarke the guitarist and singer announced to us he was leaving. It was a bomb shell because in music terms we were a marriage and he was the king pin, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me because I finally ended up in a six-piece band which had a brass section including trombone, trumpet and saxophone. Wow, the brass section in a band when blowing gives the rhythm and percussion a thrill that blows your brains out.


15th - 21st June

by Colin Bird The opinions published in Colin’s weekly column are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or newspaper sponsors. AFTER 12 years of Spanish sun and good living, we had a hankering to return to the Greek Islands. In the late 70’s, when we had just about got back on our feet after buying our ancient Suffolk cottage and spending all our available cash on renovations and refurbishment, we decided it was time to treat ourselves to a cheap holiday in the sun. We had seen in the press that the island of Kos was experiencing a typhoid scare. I delved a bit deeper and found that it was just two unconfirmed cases in one particular hotel, but nevertheless the booking figures had been reduced to almost zero as a result. It didn’t seem much of a risk to us, at least not if we avoided that particular hotel, so for the princely sum of £120 each including flights, we had ourselves two weeks in what was then, one of the islands yet to be spoiled by mass tourism. The added bonus was that our friends gasped at our adventurous spirit, braving the threat of a deadly disease. ‘Typhoid? We laugh in the face of danger,’ I told them.

Grecian yearn

Over the succeeding years we visited many of the lesser known islands: Skopelos; Lesbos; Paros; Cephalonia, Kalymnos et al, always avoiding the tourist hot spots, and we grew to love the Greek way of life. Leisurely days spent on a remote beach, then relaxing in a harbour side taverna, happy to wait an eternity for our souvlaki or kleftiko whilst we watched the world go by, contentedly sipping our ouzos. Then came the new millennium, and

SINATRA: Do Be Do Be Do.

with the prospect of retirement hurtling down the track, we decided to acquire our own place in the sun. Greece came into the reckoning obviously, but Spain seemed to tick all the right boxes: direct flights of relatively short duration with no ferry connections to worry about, and a choice of two airports nearby. But having looked again at our favourite of all the islands, Naxos - the largest island in the Cyclades - we were disappointed to find that it now has its own airport and is therefore attracting more tourists.

Damned inconsiderate if you ask me. Add to that the volatile economic climate prevalent in Greece right now, and we are wondering if we should simply be content with our memories of golden times past. As it used to say on the wall of one of our favourite Naxos bars: ‘To Be Is To Do’ - Socrates. ‘To Do Is To Be’ - Sartre. ‘Do Be Do Be Do’ - Sinatra. What does that mean? You’ve got me, but it sounds profound and the cocktails were good.

NOW that the new Cirque de Soleil TOTEM show is well into its Malaga City dates, its next port of call is Alicante City where the sheer brilliance of its performers will leave audiences gasping. The event which is described as a journey into the evolution of mankind arrives in Alicante City on July 21 and runs until August 19 in the arena at the Cortijo de Torres Fairground. The show follows the human species from original amphibian state to the ultimate desire to fly. The six interlinking parts of the performance which are broken up by a number of clowns and an intermission include a pair of high flyers on trapeze, followed by an amazing Amerind dance performance by a supreme acrobat and then a pair of roller skaters also performing as Native Americans. The slightly more esoteric part of the performance called the Sparks of Life sees members of the

Photo Credit: Cirque du Soleil

All the thrills but no animals

TOTEM: Five incredible unicyclists. cast appear in exotic amphibian and fish like costumes cross the arena by bouncing on trampolines. Two male acrobats compete with each other on rings to a Bollywood backbeat, until a single female athlete arrives to show them how it’s done! Wearing colourful costumes inspired by the lost civilisations of South American a team of acrobats will stun the audience by leaping across the arena on bars in attempt to escape earth’s gravity. Then five unicyclists will amaze as they toss metal bowls with their feet and

catch them on their heads as they travel around the arena, metres above the ground. In between, the cast manage to recreate a living scene from Darwin’s Origin of the Species. Tickets for this incredible month of circus with a complete difference start at €28 and range in price depending upon the position of the seats and whether VIP treatment is required. The website www.cirque dusoleil.com/es/espana/ali cante/totem/comprar-en tradas has full details of pricing and availability of tickets.

15th - 21st June


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ZENIA SERVICES: Nothing is too much trouble. remove most of it. This amazing overhaul offers a highly professional, long lasting finish leaving them looking like new and can also be done on any metal item from small candlesticks to large pieces of garden furniture. Not only can they repair grills but they can turn your existing security grill in to a safety grill by adding a hinge to it so it can be opened to allow for escape

in an emergency. The locking system for the grill to open is situated on the inside so it is not noticeable from the outside and in many cases no one would even be able to tell it was any different from a normal grill. Neil Couzens from Zenia Services said: “Unfortunately fires can and do happen. UK safety regulations say houses must have windows that open

fully to allow for escape in the case of a fire and these grills offer that same peace of mind.� These are in addition to the services already provided by Zenia Services which was formed as an extension of Zenia Blinds. The blinds are still an integral part of the company, along with being able to offer mosquito nets, which are manufactured in their factory, and shutter repairs with many repairs are able to be done within 24 hours. With the forecast that there could be a plague of cockroaches and mosquitos this year, the installation of these nets which keep both pests outdoors could be a very wise investment. There is no job too big or small for Zenia Services and work is guaranteed. For an unbeatable, affordable and friendly service call Neil and the team now.

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The Housemaid Anon: Special Blood Money The Land Marjorie Prime Blade Runner 2049 It Blood Money The Land Blade Runner 2049 Dazzling sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi noir masterpiece, starring Ryan Gosling as an LAPD officer who unearths a longburied secret. 11:45pm It 2:10am My Blind Brother 3:50am Inside... 5:30am Anon: Special

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4:15pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:05am

Stars of Russia Stars of Russia Stars of Russia Stars of Russia Destination Russia 2018 12:30pm Destination Russia 2018 1:00pm Phenoms - Uruguay 2:00pm One2eleven 2:20pm One2eleven 2:40pm One2eleven 3:00pm Football's Greatest 3:30pm Football's Greatest 4:00pm Phenoms - Uruguay 5:00pm Football Years 5:30pm Football Years 6:00pm Football Years 6:30pm Football Years 7:00pm Phenoms - Spain 8:00pm Football Years 8:30pm Football Years 9:00pm Football Years 9:30pm Football Years 10:00pm Phenoms - Spain 11:00pm Phenoms - Uruguay

SATURDAY 7:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am Match of the Day Live 2:15pm BBC News 2:25pm Weather 2:30pm Bargain Hunt 3:30pm Escape to the Continent 4:30pm Britain's Best Home Cook 5:30pm Match of the Day Live 8:10pm BBC News 8:20pm Regional News 8:25pm Weather 8:30pm Pointless 9:20pm Casualty 10:10pm All Round to Mrs Brown's 11:10pm BBC News 11:25pm Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day 12:30am Match of the Day

SUNDAY 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm BBC News 1:25pm Weather for the Week Ahead 1:30pm Bargain Hunt 2:10pm Escape to the Country 2:40pm Points of View 2:55pm Songs of Praise 3:30pm Britain's Best Home Cook 4:30pm Match of the Day Live 7:10pm A Question of Sport 7:40pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm Countryfile 9:00pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm Poldark 11:00pm BBC News

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of RTN.

MONDAY 2:35am 7:00am 10:15am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:45pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 7:10pm 7:15pm 10:25pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:10am 12:15am 12:45am

BBC News Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Crimewatch Roadshow Live Island Medics Bargain Hunt BBC News Regional News Doctors The Boss Escape to the Country Match of the Day Live BBC News Regional News Match of the Day Live EastEnders BBC News Regional News Weather Have I Got Old News for You The Graham Norton Show

3:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:15am 2:15am

This is BBC Two Flog It! Rip Off Britain Garden Rescue Antiques Roadshow Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Week in Parliament The Daily Politics Tennis Richard Osman's House of Games Curious Creatures Great American Railroad Journeys The Family Farm Versailles QI Newsnight Weather Managing England: The Impossible Job Putin's Russia with David Dimbleby Countryfile

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:00pm ITV Lunchtime News 1:20pm Regional News and Weather 1:30pm FIFA World Cup 2018: Sweden v South Korea 4:15pm Catchphrase 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Vera 10:00pm Long Lost Family: What Happened Next 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm Regional News and Weather

8:10am King of Queens 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:35am Frasier 11:05am Car S.O.S 12:05pm Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm The £100k Drop 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:30pm The Posh Frock Shop 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Jamie's Quick and Easy Food 9:30pm Food Unwrapped

8:55am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:05am Paw Patrol 9:20am Floogals 9:40am Digby Dragon 9:55am Nella the Princess Knight 10:05am Mofy 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm Can't Pay Special: Big Family Bust-Up 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Gadget Show 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm Cagney and Lacey 4:20pm Deadline for Death: Your Parents Will Die 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Moto GP Highlights 9:00pm The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 10:00pm The Two Ronnies

6:30am 7:00am 8:50am

Anon: Special Please Stand by Top Ten Show, the 2018 9:05am The Layover 10:50am So B. It 12:40pm Blade Runner 2049 Dazzling sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi noir masterpiece, starring Ryan Gosling as an LAPD officer who unearths a longburied secret. 3:35pm Blood Money 5:20pm Please Stand by 7:10pm So B. It 9:00pm Blade Runner 2049 11:45pm The Layover 1:20am American Satan 3:20am The Land 5:10am Marjorie Prime

1:00pm England World Cup Report 1:30pm Best Championship Goals 2017/18 2:00pm England World Cup Report 2:30pm Phenoms - Ghana Nigeria Senegal 3:30pm Football's Greatest 4:00pm Phenoms - Belgium and Netherlands 5:00pm One2eleven 5:30pm Football's Greatest 6:00pm England World Cup Report 6:30pm Football Countdowns 7:00pm England World Cup Matchday 8:00pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head 8:30pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head 9:00pm Phenoms - Roi, Scotland and Wales 10:00pm England World Cup Verdict

Flog it! Trade Secrets Rip Off Britain The Super League Show Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Tennis Richard Osman's House of Games Curious Creatures Great Indian Railway Journeys The Super Squirrels Conviction: Murder in Suburbia Live at the Apollo Newsnight Weather The Secrets of Your Food

10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:00pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:20pm Regional News and Weather 2:30pm ITV Racing Live 4:25pm FIFA World Cup 2018 7:15pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 9:00pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Trevor McDonald: Return to South Africa 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm Regional News and Weather 11:45pm FIFA World Cup 2018

9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:35am Frasier 11:05am Car S.O.S 12:05pm Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm The £100k Drop 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:30pm The Posh Frock Shop 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Ackley Bridge 10:00pm Bride and Prejudice 11:00pm A Year to Fall in Love

9:05am 9:20am 9:40am 9:55am

5:10am 7:00am 8:50am 10:25am 12:10pm 2:55pm 4:50pm 5:20pm 7:15pm 9:00pm

11:00am Phenoms - Spain 12:00pm Phenoms - The Attackers 1:00pm World Cup Matchday 1:30pm Phenoms - Colombia 2:30pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head 3:00pm MLS Round Up Show 3:30pm Football's Greatest 4:00pm Phenoms - Ghana Nigeria Senegal 5:00pm MLS Round Up Show 5:30pm Football's Greatest 6:00pm Phenoms - The Attackers 7:00pm Phenoms - Russia 8:00pm MLS Round Up Show 8:30pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head 9:00pm Greatest Moments in Football 10:00pm World Cup Verdict 10:30pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head

TUESDAY 3:20am 7:00am 10:15am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:20pm 1:30pm 4:15pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 10:10pm 11:10pm 11:40pm 11:50pm

BBC News Breakfast Rip Off Britain Homes Under the Hammer Crimewatch Roadshow Live BBC News Regional News Match of the Day Live Escape to the Country Garden Rescue Flog It! Pointless BBC News Regional News Match of the Day Live Our Girl BBC News Regional News Weather

6:55am 7:25am 8:10am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am

10:05am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Paw Patrol Floogals Digby Dragon Nella the Princess Knight Mofy The Wright Stuff Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 5 News Lunchtime GPs: Behind Closed Doors Home and Away Neighbours Cagney and Lacey Unwanted Guest 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Police Interceptors Britain's Greatest Skyscraper The Hotel Inspector

11:45pm 1:20am 3:10am 5:10am

Marjorie Prime So B. It The Layover That's Not Me Blade Runner 2049 Please Stand by Anon: Special So B. It The Layover Blade Runner 2049 Dazzling sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi noir masterpiece, starring Ryan Gosling as an LAPD officer who unearths a long-buried secret That's Not Me The Land American Satan Marjorie Prime

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of RTN.


15th - 21st June

WEDNESDAY 4:40pm 7:10pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:40pm 11:45pm 12:30am 2:10am 2:15am

Match of the Day Live BBC News Regional News Fake Britain Mad About Elvis Holby City Death in Paradise BBC News Regional News Weather Match of the Day Match of the Day Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am

Richard Osman's House of Games Curious Creatures Great Indian Railway Journeys World's Most Extraordinary Homes Conviction: Murder in Suburbia Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing Newsnight Weather Morocco to Timbuktu: An Arabian Adventure

2:30pm 7:00pm

BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Tennis Richard Osman's House of Games Curious Creatures Great Indian Railway Journeys The Family Farm Million Pound Menu Mock the Week Newsnight The Great Game: Iran v USA The Bridge Ambulance


7:15pm 7:30pm 10:15pm 11:15pm 11:50pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:20am 4:00am

ITV Racing Live Regional News and Weather ITV Evening News FIFA World Cup 2018 Flights From Hell: Caught on Camera ITV News Regional News and Weather Diabetes British Touring Car Championship Highlights Jackpot247 Grantchester

1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun The £100k Drop Come Dine with Me The Posh Frock Shop The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Great Rail Restorations with Peter Snow 10:00pm 24 Hours in a and e 11:00pm Britain's Refugee Children

3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

Cagney and Lacey To be Announced 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 9:00pm Shop Smart, Save Money 10:00pm Mcdonald's: 50 Years of the Big Mac 11:00pm Extraordinary People 12:05am Party Pensioners: Sex, Drugs and Bingo

5:10am 7:00am 8:45am 10:35am 12:35pm 3:30pm 5:25pm 7:10pm 9:00pm 11:45pm 1:35am 3:20am 5:30am

Marjorie Prime The Layover Please Stand by The Land Blade Runner 2049 So B. It That's Not Me Please Stand by Blade Runner 2049 Godless The Layover American Satan Anon: Special


6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

6:00am The Hurricane Heist: The Eye of the Storm 6:30am Monster Family: Special 7:00am Please Stand by 8:50am Top Ten Show, the 2018 9:10am That's Not Me 10:45am The Layover 12:30pm Blade Runner 2049 3:15pm Slumber 4:55pm So B. It 6:45pm Anon: Special 7:15pm The Layover 9:00pm Blade Runner 2049 11:45pm Slumber

4:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm

Football's Greatest: Head to Head 3:30pm Football's Greatest 4:00pm World Cup Matchday 4:30pm Phenoms - Uruguay 5:30pm Football's Greatest 6:00pm Phenoms - The Defenders 7:00pm World Cup Matchday 7:30pm Phenoms - Spain 8:30pm Football's Greatest: Head to Head 9:00pm Greatest Moments in Football 10:00pm World Cup Verdict

THURSDAY 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 10:10pm 10:40pm 11:10pm 11:40pm

The Boss Escape to the Country Garden Rescue Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News Match of the Day Live EastEnders Room 101 BBC News at Ten BBC London News

12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am 1:15am 2:15am

7:15pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:45am 1:30am 2:25am

FIFA World Cup 2018 ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Murder of Rhys Jones: Police Tapes ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London FIFA World Cup 2018 Play to the Whistle Lethal Weapon Jackpot247

1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm

Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 5:00pm The £100k Drop 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:30pm The Posh Frock Shop 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Supershoppers 10:00pm Humans 11:00pm First Dates

5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Wonderful World of Puppies 9:00pm Get a Holiday Body: Lose a Stone in Four Weeks 10:00pm The Double Life of George Michael 12:05am The Nation's Favourite George Michael Song 1:05am Cricket on 5 2:05am Super Casino

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

World Cup Matchday Phenoms - France Football's Greatest Phenoms - The Goalkeepers World Cup Matchday Phenoms - Argentina Football's Greatest: Head to Head Greatest Moments in Football World Cup Verdict Football's Greatest: Head to Head Phenoms - The Playmakers

this week weather FRI







June 15

June 16

June 17

June 18

June 19

June 20

June 21

37º/16ºC 37º/17ºC 38º/18ºC 36º/18ºC 34º/17ºC 37º/19ºC 37º/19ºC Brilliant sunshine

Brilliant sunshine

Partly sunny

Partly sunny

Brilliant sunshine

Brilliant sunshine

Partly sunny

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of RTN.

15th - 21st June

Word Ladder Can you by changing 1 letter at a time, get from the first word to the last word in the given number of moves?

Puzzles Page

BOLD 1 2 3 4

Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings kennycorris@hotmailcom www.kennycorris.net Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424

Aries. Someone is trying to lead you down the garden path this week; but actions brought about by the Mercury opposition to Saturn greatly enhance your psychic skills of perception. Ask yourself how anybody could treat you like this, and don’t waste time being angry, forewarned is for armed, but for you, the decision has been made.

Libra. Take some time to review your true commitment to others. Currently the Cosmos is picking up on your feeling a bit down on emotional levels, especially since you appear to be doubting yourself. You are currently showing an introverted energy, but this just means that you need to have the peace and freedom that you deserve!

Taurus. You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you to, so it is time to slide out of this no win situation. In hindsight you wouldn’t have got involved if you knew that things were going to pan out this way. Venus squares up to Uranus to back you to the hilt and to open the door to opportunity as a true gateway to the future.

Scorpio. Take every advantage of the motivational aspects of a Moon in Aries. OK, there have been some false starts in a relationship that often appears to be one sided, but keep options open and do not refuse invitations simply because you can’t be bothered. Love is your motivation, but you have to start loving yourself more, if this is the way ahead.

Gemini. Power to your elbow this week as Mercury skirts Mars and brings an intensity of positive energy you can put to very good use. This is a time to look within at your innermost self, and to admit that something is missing. You need the impetus to turn dreams into a reality that’s yours if you want it, and, if you are ready, right now!

Sagitarius. Mercury opposes Saturn and trines Jupiter in a double whammy that works for you right now. There has been a lot of soul searching going on, and now lucky Jupiter sends you a blessing of abundance, just when it is needed, and not before time. Be generous with yourself, and your happiness will attract others into your life.

Cancer. Don’t apologise! If somebody has bitten the hand that fed them, then you have nothing to be blamed for. As you prepare for the entry of the Sun at the end of a busy week, make yourself the priority. You have an open and loving energy, but you have to close down totally on those who would seek to abuse you in any way.

Capricorn. Out with it! Give clear instructions and be ruthless with yourself since a glitch has put an affair of the heart on hold. People are finding it hard to connect with you at this time. If they are the right people this should be spontaneity personified. Letting go and sharing with those who truly do care for you is the way ahead.

Leo. As the Sun slides into Cancer and sextiles with Ceres stick to your routines and believe in better; because there is something out there on the horizon for you. Take chances this week as opportunities are governed by your quick response and endearing yearn to want to be out there in the spotlight. Still you are more than you think that you are!

Aquarius. You have learned to cope with disappointment and are finding it hard seeing the light at the end of a truly dark tunnel. Everything works for you if you let it. Mercury sextiles Uranus this week bringing solutions and showing you that all is not lost. Soon things will be very much better for both yourself, and those who you really love.

Virgo. No doubt about it, the ups and downs of this month are a rollercoaster ride for you. After the recent new Moon now is a time for changes, but this may proceed as a set of several minor adjustments. Work towards your goals and do not take no as an answer, since persistence pays off and it will reward your resolve and clear thinking.

Pisces. All creative centres are open and awaiting your instructions right now. It is your motivation that holds everything together at the moment. Though you deserve a credit for this you rarely accept it, even if it is offered. Open to your inner energies, feel the source of the current Cosmic energy and turn things around, while you can.

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Down 1 Outflow from newly formed lake takes time (7) 2 Monotonous sounding insect (5) 3 Brew tea leaves, but not as boost (7) 4 Parts of a fish used for balance (6) 5 First staff at the Esso station fills up (5) 6 Nice tax break is incorrect (7) 7 Follow headless queens around (5) 13 You’ll turn nuts if you use it (7) 15 Quick to declare (7) 16 Get core rebuilt for the procession (7) 17 Dip in Eurocrat error rate (6) 18 Deputy at clock centre sounds hesitant (5) 19 Hardly any can be seen in the street (5) 21 Philosopher who started philosophising late and too obscurely (5)

YEAR Weekly Stars

Across 1 Steps that make holes in stockings (7) 5 A bad shot with the wedge (5) 8 Jack takes poem home (5) 9 Current, very French, society produces a performer (7) 10 One tenant ate cellulose (7) 11 Climb over a range (5) 12 Not as hard as Eire, correct (6) 14 Getting caught on piste is bad (6) 18 Plenty of boys retaining nothing (5) 20 Smarten up the walls, whichever way you like (7) 22 Trick diplomacy is touching (7) 23 Dodge lady about now (5) 24 Advantage of changing timer (5) 25 Bring back from rest or energetic exercise (7)

Code Breaker

Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 18 represents Z and 24 represents Q, so fill in Z every time the figure 18 appears and Q every time the figure 24 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Play on Words

Answers: Far and wide. Come on down.


15th - 21st June

Kenny’s Postbag

Quick Across 1 Promises (5) 4 Male child (3) 6 Permit (3) 7 Keyboard instrument (5) 8 Relevant (3) 9 Twelve-month period (4) 11 Utter sudden loud cry (4) 14 Small insect (3) 15 Songbird (5) 17 Epoch (3) 18 Organ of hearing (3) 19 Additional payment (5) Down 1 Joyful (5) 2 Small green vegetable (3) 3 Leisurely (4) 4 Look at with fixed eyes (5) 5 Remaining after all deductions (3) 10 Following later (5) 12 Loans (5) 13 Snatch suddenly (4) 14 Consumed (3) 16 Forbid (3) Across 1 Salt-cellars (7) 5 Less (5) 8 Tower (5) 9 Elderly old man (7) 10 Plancha (utensilio) (4) 11 Small cushion (8) 13 Cricket (insect) (6) 15 Camarero (6) 18 Pepino (8) 19 Enchufe (eléctrico) (4) 22 Pupils (school) (7) 23 Walnut tree (5) 24 Hornos (5) 25 Mothers-in-law (7)


Down 1 Sentado (7) 2 Long (dress, hair) (5) 3 Junco (4) 4 Estación (parte del año) (6) 5 Rucksacks (8) 6 El más cercano (7) 7 Humo (5) 12 Germans (8) 14 Incluir (7) 16 Presents (gifts) (7) 17 Banquetes (6) 18 Nail (metal) (5) 20 Place (5) 21 Rodilla (4)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

Kakuro Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.


Word Wheel The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel. Can you find the 9 letter word?

The 9 letter word is:

Fill the grid so every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9

Kenny, A friend of mine attended a funeral service which you officiated at. I would love to have a spiritually enabled funeral too, since I see death as the beginning and not the end of life. I have clear ideas of what songs and stories I would like to have, as well! Betty T. Betty, I am often asked to give Eulogies and have run complete services, so I have seen many clients on their great journey to the Other Side. A Spiritual send-off is an option for anyone, and treasured special words, music and style of service can be planned ahead for the event. I will send you full details and I can work with funeral plans and most Tanatorios.

Kenny Corris

Don't forget to email or message me with your Postbag Questions!. Check out my new website: www.kennycorris.net


15th - 21st June

Intro to root-changing verbs Basic Spanish for everyday needs

by Jane Cronin

THERE is a substantial group of verbs in Spanish which behave differently from the standard verbs we have looked at so far in these articles. They are called root-changing verbs. Some people call them radical-changing verbs which is just a posher name for the same thing. The reason they have this name is because, as well as the ending changes which are exactly the same as with standard verbs, they make some small but significant changes to their roots. As a quick reminder of what roots are, they are the bit of verb that’s left once you take away the -ar, -er, and -ir endings. This could be one letter, as in the case of the verb ‘to see’ - ‘ver’ (ending er; root - v), or several syllables, as in the verb to reorganise’ - ‘reorganizar ’ (ending -ar; root - reorganiz). We divide all verbs in this way for all sorts of different reasons, so it is a very important principle. Just as in the case of standard verbs, root changing verbs follow very pre-

dictable patterns. There are in fact three types of root changing verbs, and once we have learnt what they are, and a few basic things about them, there really are no more mysteries. So, let’s get started straight away on our first type of root changing verb and look at how it works. The most common group is what is called the ‘e to ie’ group. This refers to certain verbs that contain the letter ‘e’ in the root. For example, the verb ‘cerrar’ which means ‘to close’ and is an -ar verb. The -ar endings are exactly the same as all other -ar verbs. They are completely regular, and have to be so, because they tell us who is performing the action of closing. So, let’s refresh our memory about the -ar verb endings. These are: a as a

amos áis an

Now let’s look at our root, in this case ‘ c e r r. ’ We a r e l o o k i n g a t t h e ‘ e t o i e ’ group, so this means that the root ‘cerr’ changes to ‘cierr.’ However, it only does so in four out of the six forms, as follows: cierro cierras cierra

cerramos cerráis cierran

(which mean, just in case we’ve forgotten: I close, you close, he/she/it closes, we close, you close, they close). So, if we look at this pattern carefully we will see that all the singular forms change from cerr to cierr, as does the third person plural ‘they’ form, but the first and second persons plural (we and you forms) do not make this change. The reason for this is to do with where the beat of the word goes when we are speaking. Where the changes occur, the beat goes on the root, and where the changes do not occur (cerramos, cerráis) the beat goes on the endings.

This is actually a very important point which we will explore in more detail next week. Just to finish off this initial foray into the fascinating subject of root-changing verbs though, I will answer straight away the question that comes to everyone’s mind sooner or later, which is: ‘How do we know which verbs are root-changing and which ones aren’t?” The answer is quite simple: ‘We don’t!’ We just have to get used to each one as we go along. Well, I think that’s enough excitement for one week, but at least we have made a start.

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15th - 21st June


Could pistachios help improve impotence? MEN, could pistachios improve your sex life? Yes, according to a study by the University Hospital and Atatürk Research Centre Ankara, Turkey. Their study, published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, showed that 17 men who added 100 grams of pistachios to their diet for three weeks, perceived significant improvements in sexual function, sexual satisfaction, orgasms, sexual

arousal and overall satisfaction. Pistachio nuts are rich in unsaturated fats and mono-unsaturated fats that help maintain a normal level of blood cholesterol. Pistachio also has a high thiamine content, which contributes to normal cardiac func-

tion. These protective properties have encouraged scientists to investigate the effect of pistachios on erectile function as the problem may be related to heart disease or vascular problems. Although more research is needed to confirm the results, initial research suggests that eating pista-

chios may improve circulation to the penis and therefore improve sexual performance of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. According to studies, more than half of men over age 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction according to the World Health Organisation. PISTACHIOS: Protective properties.

Secrets of the east CHINESE beauticians have some 5,000 years of history behind them. A little more than most online magazines! Here are some top beauty tips that have been passed on down the ages. Herbal tea and Chinese medicine are a wellestablished pair. But the herbal elixirs are good for beauty regimes as well as health. Chock full of vitamins and anti-oxidants, infusions such as goji berry tea help keep your skin clear and radiant. Chinese royalty once used jade rollers to help improve facial circulation. The ancient ritual involves gently rubbing the stone across your face, letting the blood flow and easing out wrinkles. Afterwards you could put on a turmeric mask. With a little almond milk or yoghurt, honey and turmeric, the orange, wrinkle busting mask has been a firm royal favourite from Arabia to the Far East. Chinese women will also typically stay out of the sun, even using what you might call ‘sunbrellas’ to avoid the glare, though social class rather than skin care is the normal reason. Another key beauty regiment which differs from the west is the use of massage, rather than exercise. But, be warned, they can be quite vigorous!

Genes of others could affect our health THE genes of your room-mate could affect your health, so choose

who you live with wisely. Scientists say a study has revealed how much

another person’s genetic t r a i t s a ff e c t o u r o w n lifestyles, particularly those we live with. It has been previously known that other people influence your own behaviour and well-being, but it was not known that there was a genetic basis for this. The study was carried out at the European Bioinformatic Institute (EMBL-EBI), and looked at social genetic effects between mice in the same cage. It is hoped studying this sort of social geneti c e ff e c t w i l l h e l p r e searchers to learn more about the mechanisms behind how people influence one another and this could also be vital information for doctors in helping treat illnesses.

15th - 21st June



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15th - 21st June

vox pop Name: Bill Shaw Age: 63 On holiday: Yes Where from: Belfast AFTER 60 years of non-communication, even if an idiot like Donald Tr ump has got them talking , it has to be a positive sign. Each side has been threatening each other into oblivion so it’s quite a turnaround. Nixon was an awful president but managed to get the Chinese to start talking, so something should come of it. It’s a hopeful sign but I’m astonished, given the state of play up till now. Maybe threatening to unload on countries works!

What do you make of the deal between Trump and Kim? Name: Sean Reilly Age: 52 On holiday: Live here Where from: Glasgow Trump is great, I’m a huge fan! We need more Trumps, especially in the UK. He’s a great businessman (like me) and countries should be run efficiently like businesses. Somebody had to do something about North Korea. It is sometimes

The Nor th Korean economy must be creaking, as a lot of its GDP has gone on weaponising. The money they save on denuclear isation will free up resources for other par ts of the military. However, the North Korean young people are getting more information online these days, so I don’t think they can be easily fooled any more. Name: Kate White Age: 58 On holiday: Yes, has a boat here Where from: Edinburgh He’s an idiot. Don’t believe a word of it. There is a hidden agenda and Kim is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. He’s manipulating Trump and Kim will get more out of it than the US will. North Korea is almost

better to do a deal with the devil, it doesn’t mean you have to compromise your morals. You can’t please everybody with these things. But people are getting back into work in the US, and manufacturing is booming. Kim’s not stable. As long as Trump is about, Kim will stick to his word. But you can never trust a state like North Korea. Name: Philip Ellis Age: Over 21 On holiday: Live here Where from: Stoke on Trent Trump deserves praise for approaching Kim and securing a deal. I’m surprised but the proof will be in the pudding. Trump has a way which no one could or probably would want to imitate. He is a salesman, but I’m actually disappointed Hillary didn’t get in.

bankrupt and it needs to keep the US on board to get rid of the sanctions. Kim wants an ally like the US which has nuclear power. But Trump doesn’t have an ounce of political acumen, he’s a businessmen on the back of his father. The man has done so much harm, alienating Mexicans, the gay community, and other ethnic minorities.

Spain’s Fiancés of Death Credit: Davric Wikimedia

by Michael Walsh

keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com THE Spanish Legion is an elite unit of the Spanish Army and was founded as the Tercio de Extranjeros. The Legion was formed by royal decree of King Alfonso XIII on January 28, 1920 and its five battalions filled primarily by natives of Spain and Cuba. It was created as a corps of elite troops that could replace conscripts in colonial campaigns. The Spanish Legion’s first major celebrated campaign was in North Africa. In 1920 Spain was facing a major rebellion in the Protectorate of Spanish Morocco. King Alfonso XIII conferred command on Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry José Millán Astray. The Spanish officer’s style and attitude would become part of the mystique of the Legion. During an earlier defence of San Rafael in the Philippines, the 18year-old commander had fought off a rebel force of 2,000 with only 30 men. He subsequently served

THE SPANISH LEGION: Parading their colours. in Morocco, where he lost his left arm and right eye for which action he acquired the nickname Glorioso mutilado (Glorious amputee). Astray habitually wore an eye patch and a white glove on his right hand when appearing in public. Millán Astray provided the Legion with a distinctive spirit and symbolism intended to evoke Spain’s Imperial and Christian tra-

ditions. The commander depicted his troops as crusaders on an extended Reconquista against Islam, and later as saviours of Spain by their thwarting Communism and democratic liberalism. In 1934, units of both the Legion and the Regulares were brought back to Spain by the Republican regime to help put down a Spanish workers revolt. Asturias striking miners were mercilessly slaugh-

tered by the Stalin-backed régime; 3,000 workers were killed and 35,000 strikers taken prisoner during the terrible Stalinist repression that followed. During Spain’s Civil War (1936 1939) the proficiency of both the Legion and Regulares gave Franco’s anti-Communist forces a significant advantage over less well trained Republican forces. When Morocco gained its inde-

pendence in 1956 the Legion continued as part of the garrison of the remaining Spanish enclaves and territories in North Africa. After 1987 it changed its name to the Spanish Legion. Regardless of rank, Spanish Legion troops are titled Caballero Legionario (Knight Legionnaire). Legionnaires are known as Novios de le Muerte (Bridegroom of Death). Contrary to usual military practice, Spain’s Legionnaires are allowed to sport beards and can wear their shirts open on the chest. From its establishment the Legion was noted for its plain and simple uniforms. This was part of the cult of austerity favoured by a unit that considered itself on more or less continual active service. During the Holy Week processions, the Paso carried by Legionnaires is held not on the shoulders but on their extended arms to show their faith, toughness, strength, and endurance. Michael Walsh’s father, an associate of war correspondent Ernest Hemingway, fought in the Spanish Civil War. Michael’s mother was befriended by Dolores Ibarruri.

Mike Walsh’s opinions are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers advertisers or sponsors.


15th - 21st June


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15th - 21st June



First ever hole in one IT’S true today that 13 is certainly a lucky number for TMSG Swedish member Lennart Holmberg, who fulfilled a dream of hitting a hole in one. He achieved this on the par 3 11th at La Marquesa last week. Showing true Swedish character he invited all members to join him with a glass of cava, although he did receive a little help with the bill from the Society funds. Alas his final total of 32 points left him just outside of the podium places in his new category (Silver) after scoring 40 points recently at Mar Menor Even the two’s pot was shared out between 4 members, giving T Roed and S Hill with birdies on hole 17, J Dean managed birdies at hole 5 and 17, each birdie being worth €8. Weather and course conditions were excellent for enjoying a day’s golf with the greens recovering nicely after the recent hollow tinning. This month’s latest

SWEDISH MEMBER: A very happy Lennart Holmberg. addition to the course is a neon sign situated by the first tee, it reminds players to be courteous to fellow players and maintain a good place of play.

Lo Crispin Golf Society ON June 13 members of the Lo Crispin Golf Society played an Individual Stableford Competition for the first time in its history, at Hacienda Del Alamo. This fact coupled with its considerable distance from Lo Crispin and the vagaries and inconsistencies of satnav systems, a number of members arrived with little time to spare before the 1st tee off time! Clearly the whole complex, situation and set up at Hacienda Del Alamo is undoubtedly impressive. Unfortunately, the course in the opinion of the majority of the 30 members and two guests who teed it up on the day, was a disappointment. A good proportion of the numerous bunkers were classified as GUR (Ground Under Repair) and those that weren’t

had little sand in them, with a layer of what looked like little gravel stones on top! Further the greens had obviously been hollatined recently, which produced uneven rolls and made judgement of pace difficult. The above issues along with a strong breeze into players’ faces on many holes and the length of the course (one of the longest in Spain), no doubt greatly accounted for the relatively poor scores. The next main game at Altoreal on June 27 is a four ball better ball competition and the next interim game is at Font Del Llop on Wednesday. Anyone interested in joining the Society or wishing to play with us as a guest, should contact any committee member, whose details can found on the Society’s website.

Last week’s European tour event in Austria saw a new format in place, ie the clock; briefly every player was put on the clock for each shot or would receive a

penalty of one shot. Maybe not surprisingly some groups actually managed 18 holes in four hours or less, so if they can do it why shouldn’t everyone.

Slow play has always been a problem and this shows that it doesn’t have to be. Results: NTP’s hole 5 J Dean, Hole 11 L Holmberg, hole 15 S Hill, hole 17 nada. Best guest this week and for the second week running was Mrs J Van Der Kooi. That was her third game as a visitor so now she must become a member next time. Bronze: 3rd T Jones 27 points off a handicap of being 87 years young. In second place was Tom’s gym slip partner Pearl Sabine with 30 points (age withheld, Tom doesn’t want an investigation into his cradle snatching, although Pearl will be eligible for free membership to the Society next year, that’s an exclusive club for the over 80’s). Silver cat: 3rd N Allen 32, 2nd T Roed 32 L/H, 1st D Sullivan 34. Gold cat: 3rd S Hill 29, 2nd O Rong 32, 1st K Winton 34. To find out more about the Society please visit www.tmgs.org or www.face book.com/tmgsgolf.

A commendable performance ROJALES NETBALL CLUB took part in the Netball 7’s To u r n a m e n t o n L a M a n g a Club last weekend. The event was attended by 40+ teams from the UK. Rojales’ first game was against really tough opposition who never really allowed them to get in to the game. It meant Rojales needed to step up in the next one and they worked tirelessly to come away with a 4-4 draw. By the time Rojales went into their last game in their group they were well into their stride and earned a well deserved 7-4 win. It was on to the knockout stage next. It was a fast paced game with the centre court of Ange, Roni, Zara/ Donna moving the ball up towards the shooting partnership of Millie and Wendy. At the other end of the court Claire and Louise put on a great defensive disp l a y. R o j a l e s c a m e a w a y winners and the quarter fi-

ROJALES: The Netball Club.

nals beckoned. The quarters turned out to be Rojales last game as they lost and were therefore knocked out of the tournament. Their overall performance throughout was to be commended though, especially as these UK teams are playing competitively two to three times a week. The day ended with a presentation dinner and then the party commenced.

El Plantio 2 Golf UNFORTUNATE withdrawals due to dentist, holidays and cruises left the turnout for the Gordon Abba Trophy less than ideal. Eleven members made up the numbers for the Trophy donated by Gordon, who unfortunately (for them) has returned to the UK. The competition was played on a Medalford basis with the Stableford score on the back nine holes being deducted from the Net Medal score from the front nine holes. If anyone would like to join the Society, which plays at El Plantio Golf Club every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230.


15th - 21st June

motoring MERCEDES-BENZ has been forced to recall some 238,000 cars across Germany after they were suspected of containing unauthorised defeat device software. Germany’s Transport Ministry said a total of 774,000 Daimler vehicles across Europe were affected by the potential scandal. The ministry is only able to demand the manufacturer recalls cars within its own borders - meaning more than half a million vehicles across the continent could also be affected. Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Vito, and GLC diesel models were allegedly found to be the main cars with the fault. The transport ministry said in a statement: “The government will order 238,000 Daimler vehicles to be immediately recalled Germanywide because of unauthorised defeat devices.” Daimler, who also owns Mercedes’ AMG arm and SMART, has pledged to work on removing the software and to cooperate with authorities. According to Daimler

Daimler defeated by dubious devices DODGY DAIMLER: The recall will hurt Mercedes’ image.

Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche, the carmaker had found a technical solu-

tion for updating the software on its vehicles, so they expected to avoid a fine.

Daimler also said there was no evidence they had deliberately tried to cheat emissions tests.

Treasure trove of classic car parts found AN amazing collection of rare classic car parts, valued at well over €1 million, has been discovered in shipping containers. The treasure trove of parts includes many valuable spares and items from the great Italian brands like Ferrari, Maserati and Abarth. Incredibly, many of the parts are still in their original wooden packing cases dating from the 1960s, or in their original boxes and wrapped in oiled paper. Chris Routledge, managing director of Coys, the auctioneer which unearthed the intriguing find, said: “Something of this scale, and with the importance and rarity of the cars they are related to, is unprecedented. “It’s an Aladdin’s cave which is going to excite people all over the world. I’ve never seen anything like it.” In amidst the treasure trove is a hoard of wire wheels, carburettors, exhaust pipes, radiator grilles and dashboards. “I feel a bit like Howard Carter uncovering Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922,” added Routledge. “Every time we remove one box or item, there is something else of huge interest hiding behind.” The items were part of a private collection, the owner of which passed away many years ago. They will be auctioned by Coys on June 29 at Blenheim Palace, and will all be offered without a reserve price, meaning that there could be some real bargains.

15th - 21st June



YAMAHA has decided that this is the time to introduce the public to the next quantum leap in motorcycle technology. The three-wheeled NIKEN boasts unique leaning technology to make it drive and feel like no other machine on the road. The NIKEN demo tour is the first chance for the public to experience the revolution first-hand. Yamaha LMW (Leaning Multi Wheel) technology was first presented at the Tokyo Motorshow in 2013 and was immediately met with wide interest. Thanks to the added stability of the innovative chassis, the NIKEN gives the rider unmatched control over his motorcycle. Combine the design revolution with a customised Yamaha 847cc CP3 engine and you get a machine that’s not only incredibly responsive, but that delivers pure power. Engineers have tried to find the perfect driving line for the NIKEN, and from the very first concept it was designed for winding roads and tight turns. That is why the NIKEN demo tour will go all over Europe and to the most challenging

locations, to show the public what makes this machine so unique. From mountain trails to tight bends through valleys, this tour will showcase everything that is possible with the three-wheeled marvel. The NIKEN demo tour will take place from June to October 2018, and Spain and Great Britain will be among the countries visited.

BEAST BIKE: The NIKEN’s three wheels make it cruise over any terrain.

Credit: Yamaha

Ride the revolution with Yamaha

New Tesla Roadster is a rocket on wheels T E S L A’ S n e w R o a d s t e r sports car will come fitted with rocket engines, according to billionaire founder Elon Musk. Posting on Twitter, Musk claimed the ‘thrusters’ would be part of an optimal SpaceX package for the electric coupe. Already tipped as the fastest production car in the world, the Roadster could blast past its 250mph top speed with the addition of a proposed 10 rocket thrusters placed around the motor. I n o n e o f h i s Tw e e t s , Musk said: These rocket engines dramatically improve acceleration, top speed, braking and cornering. “Maybe they will e v e n a l l o w a Te s l a t o fly.” Despite not being due for delivery until 2020, the

Roadster has already attracted plenty of attention from fans after Musk promised incredible performance statistics. Of course, launching one into orbit around the Earth also helped to boost the supercar’s profile. The base model will be capable of 0-60mph acceleration in under two seconds, but if the thrusters become a reality, the numbers will be even more impressive. The Roadster - which has a lift off roof to store in the boot and seats four promises a staggering range of 630 miles from its 200kWh battery packs. When it was revealed late last year, Musk said the first 1,000 Founder Series models would cost €215,000, while ‘basic’ models will start from €171,000.

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