Costa del Sol • Issue No. 2002 • 16 - 22 November 2023
Turn to page 2 A CHARITABLE INHERITANCE: Maureen with one of the lucky donkeys.
G GRATUIT from Front page
Marbella recovers €34 million
Charities benefit MAUREEN THOMSON, a British resident of Benal madena since 1998, died suddenly in 2020. Maureen had not left a will so her sis ter, Liz Thomson was left to deal with her estate which included two properties. According to the Citizens Advice Bureau website: for eigners have the choice to apply either the law of na tionality or the law of ha bitual residence to their succession. The habitual residency choice leaves many incon sistencies as to whether your habitual residence is in the country of residence or the country you were most associated with at time of death. For those who die intestate in Spain, the estate will be executed under Spanish law. Eventually, Liz learned that she could gift the prop erties to charity without Kevin Fraser Park AT Marble Arch, in one of the busiest areas of London, a kiosk decorated with photographs of the Costa del Sol was set up last week to encourage passers-by to travel to the province of Malaga. From the stand, 8,000 copies of the newspaper ‘El Sol’ were distributed as part of the campaign, ‘Need inspiration? Feel Costa del Sol’, which hoped to win over the more than 20,000 Britons who pass through this area every day. As part of Turismo Costa del Sol’s participation in the World Travel Market (WTM) in London, one of the most important events in the tourism industry, the organi-
Maureen Thomson died without leaving a will.
first inheriting them. So, given that Maureen was an avid supporter of Cudeca and also loved animals, es pecially donkeys, the two properties were divided between the charities Cud eca and Donkey Dream land. Cudeca’s Director of Fi nance, Rafael Olalla, said, “Maureen’s sister, Liz, has donated a beautiful apart ment to us. We are ex tremely grateful for her generosity as inheritances
are a fundamental source of our income.” A spokesperson for the donkey charity added, “Gestures like this enable us to go on giving care to our donkeys.” Liz said, “I think she’d be very pleased with my deci sion. I have tried to do the right thing, to honour her memory and her spirit. “In death she has given something back to the country in which she spent the greater part of her life.”
‘El Sol’ FREE NEWSPAPER: Spreading the word about Costa del Sol.
sation took to the streets in the popular Marble Arch square in the British capital. In order to boost the arrival of travellers from the United Kingdom - the main market for the province of Malaga and for just one week, Turis-
mo Costa del Sol had a kiosk giving out the free newspaper. Called ‘El Sol’, with a nod to one of the best-known tabloids in the UK, but with only news about the benefits of holidays in the Costa del Sol. In its pages is information on the province’s attractions including: golf courses, beaches, the Caminito del Rey, Maro-Cerro Gordo and El Torcal de Antequera. President of Costa del Sol Tourism, Francisco Salado said forecasts predict that next year, the British market will exceed the numbers of 2019 and the organisation is investing €1 million in promotional activities.
ON Wednesday, November 8, Marbel la’s mayor, Ángeles Muñoz, gave a press conference, together with the delegate of the Treasury, Félix Romero, to present the budget for 2024, in which she put the amount that the mu nicipality of Marbella will recover from court rulings at “be tween €35 and €40 million” over the next four years following dozens of court cases against the main members of the gov ernments of the late exmayor Jesús Gil. Ángeles Muñoz said on Monday November 13 that the city could receive in 2024, “around €10 million from the Court of Au ditors,” in relation to the auction of assets of those convicted in the various cases of the Gil era. Muñoz thanked the town hall for the great work that is now start ing to bear fruit: more than €2 million was collected last month and the total amount through court judg ments is estimated to be up to €40 million. These funds will go di rectly to the city coun cil, they will be used for major projects and to improve services provided to residents. Photo: Marbella Town Hall
16 - 22 November 2023
Photo: Cudeca
Photo: Malaga Provincial Council
Presenting the budget for 2024.
16 - 22 November 2023
NIBS EXTRA Masked robber MARBELLA Local Police ar rested a man who stole a cash register from a shop, which he entered in the early hours of November 1, hiding his face with a Halloween mask. The man was found to have an existing warrant for robbery in Ceuta.
IPTV arrests OFFICERS of the National Po lice have dismantled a crimi nal organisation allegedly dedicated to the fraudulent distribution of TV content in Spain. The operation has re sulted in the arrest of eight people, including one in Malaga and another in Sevil la, all accused of crimes against intellectual property.
Thieves caught THREE men who had a high level of expertise in forcing open locks, have been ar rested in Benalmadena for almost 20 burglaries in homes Police recovered large amounts of jewellery the thieves stole by breaking into houses in the early hours of the morning.
Hostage held A MAN has been arrested in Malaga by the Local Police after holding a plumber hostage at knifepoint, barri cading himself in and threat ening to blow up the build ing because he thought the estimate he’d been given by the plumber was ‘daylight robbery’.
Another store LEADING supermarket chain, Mercadona is ex panding in Estepona with a new store, which will re place the one currently lo cated on Avenida Juan Car los I.
ESTEPONA Town Council is reducing its electricity consumption by 30 per cent through the remote management of street lighting. The council is imple menting a remote manage ment system of 46 control centres in the town centre which will be telematically controlled. That equates to more than 3,000 public lighting fixtures. The pro ject will take two months to complete and will result in a saving of more than €40,000 a year on the
Photo: Estepona Town Hall
STREET LIGHTING: Remote management system introduced.
council’s electricity bill. The mayor explained that, with this pioneering
system in the town, the council will be able to im prove the energy efficiency
of public lighting by in stantly regulating the light ing of roads according to their use. In addition, the new IT service will provide automatic warnings in the event of breakdowns or malfunctions, as well as an alarm system that will au tomatically warn of at tempted theft or sabotage. The system will also pre vent more than 61.5 tonnes of polluting gases being released into the at mosphere each year, thereby also reducing the current carbon footprint.
Quilt winner Excellent Marbella MAY MCDONALD is now the proud owner of the beauti ful quilt donated to Age Care by the Monday Quilters Group, Costa del Sol. The raf fle held at the Age Care Open Day on October 18 col lected a total of €266 which has all been donated to the charity. The quilt was presented to the winner by the Age Care Welfare Manager, Karen Stallard and the organisation would like to thank the Quil ters Group for their gener ous donation. Quilters del Sol is a group who meet each month to pursue their passion for patchwork and quilting. From small beginnings, the group now has many active members who sew for
The proud owner.
themselves, their friends and families as well as work ing on charity projects like this. Age Care also has a charity shop in El Zoco, Calahonda and is currently stocked with Christmas bargains lots of decorations and a great choice of sparkly jewellery and festive wear. The shop is open Monday Friday from 10am 4pm.
New section completed MARBELLA City Council and the public water company Acosol, have completed a new section of the coastal path that connects Los Monteros and Río Real by means of a wooden footbridge. The mayor, Ángeles Muñoz, visited the project and said that, “we continue to make progress in the objective we have set our selves this term of office of connecting the entire coastline by means of pedestrian paths so that both residents and visitors have the opportunity to walk along these 27 kilometres of coast line in a privileged area.” The design of the walkway, which is three metres wide and 700 metres long, is similar to those that have been installed in other areas of the Paseo Marítimo and which allows the Jardines de las Golondrinas and Naviero avenues to be joined by a 200 metre stretch.
Photo: Marbella Town Hall
PROMOTION: Marbella is a widely recognised destination.
MARBELLA has been promot ing itself as a ‘destination of excellence’ in London as part of an event organised by the Spanish Luxury Association. Councillor, Laura de Arce, held nearly 50 meetings “with the most important travel agen cies in the United Kingdom” last week, after the close of the World Travel Market fair, and said that, “the vast major ity of them know Marbella and what it has to offer per fectly. “We have seen that we are a widely recognised destina tion in this country and we have also taken the opportu nity to inform the agents of new and future establish ments including the Four Sea sons and the W,” said De Arce. At the event, which was al so attended by the director of Tourism of the Spanish Em
bassy in the United Kingdom, Manuel Butler, the councillor said that the city council has already developed several campaigns, including one in the United States earlier this year and another in the Per sian Gulf in October.
Manilva windfarm AT the request of the Asociación Ecología y Libertad, the San Roque councillor for the Environment, Noelia López, accom panied by the town’s architect, held a meet ing to address the is sue of the newly an nounced Neptuno offshore wind farm project which will be sited off the coast of La Línea de la Concep ción, San Roque, Manilva, Casares, Es tepona and Marbella. The Ministry for Eco logical Transition and the Demographic Chal lenge is currently pro cessing an environ mental impact study of the Neptuno Float ing Offshore Wind Farm project and has therefore notified the opening of the consul tation period for the project’s environmen tal impact assessment procedure so that the Manilva Town Council can give its opinion. A more indepth study of the issue will be carried out at mu nicipal level and a po sition will not be adopted without first having been able to analyse all the docu mentation.
The Euro Weekly News publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain. Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to
always keep it that way.
16 - 22 November 2023
By Kevin Fraser Park MARBELLA has once again received the highest dis tinction in the ‘Andalucia en flor’ (Andalucia in Flow er) awards, which recog nise the city’s commit ment to the care of its green areas. The city has been receiv ing the award since its cre ation in 2019. The mayor, Ángeles Muñoz, said that, “we are proud that our green areas are the focus of attention of specialists in the field and that we continue to be a bench
Flowery Marbella International Business Fair mark in this area, not only on the Costa del Sol but throughout Andalucia.” She went on to say that, “it is a distinction that es pecially takes into account the enhancement of these spaces to improve the quality of life of citizens, the image of the munici palities for residents and visitors, sustainable man agement and improving social awareness in the en vironmental section.”
The awards are given out by the Asociación Mul tisectorial de la Jardineria Andaluza (AMJA), which ensures the promotion, protection, improvement and enhancement of these spaces in the region, while the annual Andalu cia en Flor programme aims to promote their maintenance, as well as sustainability and the pro motion of ecological val ues.
PROVERB OF THE WEEK “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This proverb highlights the need for steady persistence in achieving any goal and comes from the 6th century BC Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism.
ON Saturday November 11, overlooking the sea at the restaurant Play in Mijas, the first ever Mijas Internation al Business fair opened its doors. The mastermind behind this event, which was spon sored by Cajamar, is none other than Ali Meehan, the founder of Costa Women, a free community for women living or moving to Spain. Euro Weekly News spoke to Ali at the fair, who re vealed her motivation for creating the business event. “In Mijas and the surround ing areas, there are many foreigners, but it can be dif ficult to share a message between them,” she stated. “I wanted to find a way to bring people and business es together.” In association with this
Credit: EWN
Ali Meehan and Katja Thirion.
uniting event, is the foreign ers department of the Mijas Town Hall. Local councillor Katja Thirion, who was pre
68 years: the length of the longest bout of hiccups.
sent at the event, told EWN that, “we wanted to start small for the first fair, for companies to meet each other and present them selves, businesses of all na tionalities,” before explain ing that, “we definitely want to do another one, we are very happy with how today is going and it is excit ing to see where this can go.” Uniting businesses and nationalities, whilst also giving them a platform to show off their services, cer tainly seems extremely ex citing, and with this day be ing only the beginning, who can imagine what will come next! Bravo to the business fair in Mijas! As well as to those internationally intelligent minds behind it!
THE popular Pan Piña bakery, famous for its bread made with gold, will move almost its entire production to Casares. In 1940, José Piña and his wife, Manuela Corrales, founded in Algatocin, in the Serrania de Ronda, a small and humble bread bakery that today, 80 years later, is in ternationally renowned and its products are coveted by the wealthiest people on the
16 - 22 November 2023
Gold bread City of the year
planet. The reason for the suc cess of La Pan Piña Bakery is due to a unique and most ex clusive product: its bread made with gold. The most ex pensive bread in the world it sells for around €3,700 per ki lo which will now also be
Trees felled
A RESIDENT of Las Chapas has complained to the Andalu cian Ombudsman, and also to the Regional Government’s Department of Sustainability, about actions which he con siders are damaging the environment due to the construc tion of a housing development in the area, in which trees have been felled. The construction of houses is taking place on a plot of land on Avenida de España, at the junction with Avenida de Italia, in the Las Chapas district of Marbella. A neighbour considers that this is an, “attack on the environmental her itage” and has decided to take protest action. He believes that the developer is applying the system of “I’ll kill the trees, I’ll build to the maximum and increase the profits, and with that I’ll pay the fine.” This citizen has called for, “a stop to housing developments.” The developer obtained planning permission in Novem ber 2021 to build 25 dwellings (18 semidetached and seven detached) on a plot of land covered with pine and cork oak trees. The town hall has confirmed that it has authorised the felling of seven trees.
produced in Casares. The bakery company, origi nally based in Algatocin, will build new facilities on Casares soil with a total investment of €6 million. The idea is to move most of its production here which, apart from gold bread, includes more than 70 vari eties of bread. Its bread with gold attracts Arab sheiks and Russian mil lionaires because, although the gold, (or silver, which they also use), does not add any flavour to the bread, it does provide the exclusivity de manded by some of its cus tomers who are prepared to pay around €1,480 for a 400 gram loaf. The expansion project of the Pan Piña Bakery includes, together with the new premises in Casares, the cre ation of a chain of cafeterias, patisseries and sweet shops all over the Costa del Sol. The first of these, according to the company manager, Juan Manuel Moreno, will open in Estepona.
ESTEPONA has come second in the European City of the Year 2023 competition. The jury considered the city as an ‘example’ and ‘inspiration’ for its sustainable model ‘with a bright future’. Estepona was the only city in Spain to compete for this prestigious award, granted by the independent, nonprofit organisation, The Academy of Urbanism, which promotes the recognition of towns and cities that are developing good practices in urban plan ning. The mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, re ceived the second prize as Eu ropean City of the Year 2023, in recognition of localities that are developing good practices in urban planning. Estepona competed alongside Amers foort (Netherlands) and Ex eter (United Kingdom). Amersfoort was the eventual winner. The mayor expressed his satisfaction at this recogni
City with a bright future.
tion, “which projects our city model internationally and defines it as a European benchmark for sustainabili ty, quality of life and wellbe ing.” The members of The Academy of Urbanism said that Estepona achieved this recognition for the ambi tious pedestrianisation pro ject that has been carried out in the town centre, for
the initiative to unite the entire coastline through the coastal corridor, for the pioneering network of inclu sive public car parks at a cost of €1 per day, for the green spaces and for its commit ment to culture.
16 - 22 November 2023
SWEA’s Business Expo ON November 9, the Pala cio de Congresos in Marbel la came alive with the vi brancy of businesses spanning various industries as the Swedish Women’s Educational Association (SWEA) organised their an nual Business Expo. This event was a testa ment to the dynamic busi ness community in Marbel la, bringing together 65 companies representing sectors such as health, medical, insurance, invest ment, real estate, food and wine, design, and beauty. One of the highlights of the expo was the diverse range of companies pre sent, each offering a unique and valuable perspective on their respective indus tries. Attendees had the op portunity to explore cut tingedge medical technologies, with demon strations of medical laser procedures and cardio ul trasound services. For those with a pen chant for indulgence, the expo provided a delightful experience for the taste buds. Local craft gin from Malaga allowed attendees MANY of us may never tru ly comprehend the feeling of real hunger. Imagine the hardship of sending your child to school, expecting them to concentrate and learn, but all the while, their stomach is empty, and all they can think about is food. This is a daily strug gle for numerous families on the Costa del Sol. The Saint George Charity, based in Manilva, is sup porting a community pro ject called ‘Feed a Child’.
Swea ladies.s
Fastighetsbyran real estate.
to discover the flavours of the region. The event not only provided an opportu nity to learn about these products but also allowed for a handson experience, as visitors had the chance to taste and appreciate the craftsmanship behind these locally produced beverages. Moreover, the expo was n’t just about business transactions; it was a feast for the senses. Treats and drinks were generously of fered by the participating companies, creating a warm and inviting atmo sphere. Private chefs and catering companies added a culinary touch to the event with live show cook
ing, treating the audience to creative bites. A choir pro vided a melodic backdrop to the expo, creating a pleasant ambiance for net working and exploration. The blend of business and culture contributed to a holistic experience for at tendees, making the expo not only informative but al so entertaining. Attendees had the chance to win amazing gifts, adding an el ement of excitement and anticipation. This served as a reminder that the busi ness community in Marbel la is not just about transac tions; it’s about building connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie.
Feed a Child The aim is to provide over 60 children with a dai ly packed brunch. This in cludes a bread roll, ham, cheese, juice/water, fruit, and a biscuit. The cost of this is just €2 per month per child or less than €1 per day. You can sponsor a child for a month, a year, or con tribute whatever you can
afford. These children are all local, and their parents have fallen on hard times. Every penny of the €14,000 target will go towards sup porting LOCAL underprivi leged families. Visit www.gofundme. com/f/StGeorgeChrist mas2023 for more informa tion and to donate whatev er you can.
New walkways By David Hart SIX companies bid for the creation of the pedestrian walkways over the A7 on Clemente Díaz Avenue in Fuengirola. At present, as Mayor Ana Mula, pointed out, this section does not have pave ments where pedestrians can walk safe ly. The first of the walkways, the one to be built on the western side, will be 34
metres long. The one that will connect the pavements of the other side will be 100 metres long. “Now all that remains is for the techni cal committee to decide which company will carry out the work, sign the contract and begin this decisive action for the de velopment of this area of Fuengirola,” said Ana Mula.
16 - 22 November 2023
MALAGA is hosting Simed (the Mediterranean Real Estate Exhibition ) with homes from €90,000. It is being held until Novem ber 18 at the Palacio de Ferias in the capital. More than 200 compa nies and organisations are taking part in the event, with an exhibition area that has grown by 24 per cent since last year. The event brings to gether the main develop ers and real estate agents of Spain and includes both new and secondhand properties priced from just €90,000 in around 70 different areas, mainly on the Mediterranean coast. More than 11,000 proper ties will be on offer at the fair. Simed is a commercial housing platform that brings together in a single space an offer of first and secondhand properties for purchase and rent. For many years, the
Photo: Malaga City Council
Real Estate Show
More than 11,000 properties will be on offer at the fair.
province of Malaga has seen almost 90 per cent of purchases of luxury prop erty being made by for eigners. Malaga is histori cally the favourite destination of the British to buy in Spain. “Despite Brexit, they have contin ued to represent the bulk of foreign buyers, not only in the province, but also in our country,” explained consultancy firm Hiscox. Behind the British, who
represent 20 per cent of the transactions closed by foreigners in the province, are the French and north ern Europeans (Swedes and Belgians), with a growing presence of Ger mans, Austrians and Dutch. The exhibition runs from 10am to 7pm on each day of the event. Professional and private visitors can all enter free of charge.
MALAGA is among the cities with the best Christmas mar kets in Spain, according to National Geographic. The publication highlights the Muelle Uno market, which this year will be open until January 10. National Geographic sin gled out Malaga as one of the best Christmas destinations in Spain, not only for its lights, as the European Best Destinations portal has awarded it, but also for its Christmas market. Although the best in Eu rope tend to be in the central part of the continent, in Spain it is becoming increasingly common to find these mar kets. In fact, in Malaga there are already several: the one in Paseo del Parque, the one in Plaza de la Marina and the one in Muelle Uno which ap pears at number 3 on the list. “The city’s Christmas lights turn the famous Calle Larios into a light show that wraps Christmas trees, wicker fig ures and poinsettias. The city centre also hosts daily light and music shows between December and January,” Na tional Geographic notes. Among its competitors, on
Christmas market a national level, are the Mer cadillo de la Plaza Mayor in Madrid, the Mercadillo de Al calá de Henares; the Santa Lucía Fair in Barcelona; the Christmas Market in Bilbao; the Sevilla Craft Fair; the mar kets of Valencia; the Santiago
de Compostela market; the market in the Plaza del Pilar in Zaragoza and the Nativity Scene Market in Granada. It seems that Andalucia is attracting more and more in ternational attention at Christmas.
Hairdressers of the year LA CALA DE MIJAS home owners and internationally renowned hairdressers, Gary Hooker and Michael Young have won the Global Hair dresser of the year 2023 award in Australia on Sun day November 12. The Australian Hair Fash ion Awards (AHFA) is Aus tralia’s largest, longest run ning and most successful independent hairdressing awards programme, dedi cated to annually awarding and celebrating the best tal ent in the Hair Fashion indus try. Gary Hooker and Michael Young are regarded in the business as one of the most respected, successful and loved hair duos to come out of British hairdressing. While proud of their north east of England heritage, Gary and Michael have taken their na tional success and replicated it creatively on a global scale. They could have easily tak
Credit: Hooker and Young Instagram
10 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
PROUD: Hooker and Young with colleagues.
en the easier route by open ing in London but wanted their success to be of benefit to their home town. With sa lons in Gosforth, Jesmond, Ponteland and Wynyard the Hooker & Young brand is synonymous with style and they pride themselves in of fering the latest hairdressing techniques to their loyal clientele in the north east. The team has presented shows around the globe, clocking up over 700,000 air miles to New York, Australia,
and extensively throughout Europe. This latest award joins nu merous others for the team: British Hairdresser of the Year, British Colour Techni cian of the Year, Men’s Hair dresser of the Year and Northeastern Hairdresser of the Year (winner 12 times). We at the Euro Weekly are proud to announce this amazing accomplishment and look forward to cele brating with them on their return to the Costa Del Sol.
Vigilante arrests THIRTEEN people have been arrested by the police for their alleged involvement in the kidnapping of two men in Benal madena and Fuengirola who were sub jected to beatings and threats. In the searches 25 watches were seized, some of them imitations of luxury brands; 13 mobile phones; four cars, three of them top of the range, and €4,800. According to the investigations, the origin of the kidnappings was a robbery in a luxury villa in Mijas. Among the stolen items was a stateoftheart head set whose GPS tracking, via a mobile phone application, led the victims of the
robbery to a home in Benalmadena. In that home, a man who was in pos session of the headphones was abduct ed and, after taking him by force they extracted information from him about the person who had sold him the device. This was the alleged mastermind of the robbery in Mijas who frequented a bar in Fuengirola, where the vigilantes found him and kidnapped him. Later, a police squad received an alert that a man had been kidnapped and, on arriving at the scene, managed to locate and free the victim and arrest his cap tors.
“It’s a goat track!” REGULAR drivers on the road to Malaga airport have reported potholes, clouds of dust and loose gravel. The town hall says that, “the works are signposted” and that the section has a speed limit of 40 kilometres per hour. Despite this, last Saturday there was a multiple collision on this road which left three people in jured. Drivers on the MA21 road, which links Malaga with Torremolinos, are com plaining on social media about the state of a twokilometre stretch of the road, which is currently being resurfaced. Taxi
drivers who provide services at the air port have called it no better than a, “goat track”. Guthy Oliveira, an employee of Europ car, a car hire company said that, “at least seven or eight clients,” have recently com plained about the “thirdworld road” that takes them to the airport. Malaga City Council, said that the resurfacing work will take 15 months to complete and, are aimed at improving the road surface of two sections which are considered to be the main arteries of the city’s road network.
12 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
CHAIR LIFT: A great help for the daily care of its users.
By Michael Carrington THE Rotary International Club has donated a chair lift to AFA Mijas (the Associa tion of Relatives of Alzheimer’s patients). A spokesperson for AFA said that this equipment is a great help for the daily care of its users. It is designed to facilitate the transfer of patients and people with reduced mo bility, so this chair lift was needed in the day centre of AFA Mijas, which works daily with 25 users. Thanks to the solidarity of the in ternational Rotary club, it is now theirs. The chair lift cost € 900
and has been financed by Kevin Birtles, owner of the company PCC Wealth Management, who con tributed €500, and by Derek Jones, a member of the Mijas International Ro tary club, who added the remaining amount by turn ing his birthday party into a charity event, exchanging his gifts for financial dona tions for this purpose. This is not the first time that this group has collabo rated with AFA Mijas. In the summer, they donated breakfast food for two months, a month of phys iotherapy and the services of a nurse.
by Kevin Fraser Park ESTEPONA Town Council has organised the third InterCen tre Solidarity Badminton Meeting, in which some 160 young people will participate on Friday, November 17 from 9am to 2pm, held at the El Carmen Sports Centre, bring ing together around 3rd and 4th year ESO students from six schools in the town. This is all to raise funds for charity and this year, the ben eficiary organisation will be the local association for peo ple with disabilities, ASDIES. This is one of the many sport ing activities that are carried
Charity badminton Photo: Estepona Town Hall
TO encourage glass recycling, Ecovidrio has installed the largest container in the world at Muelle Uno in Malaga and is giving away tickets to enjoy the Final 8 of the Davis Cup. Anyone who goes on Satur day November 18 between 9am and 2pm, to one of the recycling points listed below, with a minimum of three glass containers, will get in return a double ticket to enjoy the matches. Specifically, the four points to get the tickets are: Explanada de Muelle Uno, next to the Centre Pompidou Cruz del Humilladero Roundabout Carretera de Cádiz District Teatinos District Malaga will host, from November 21 to 26, the Final 8 of the Davis Cup 2023 and Ecovidrio, a nonprofit organi sation responsible for the management of glass packag ing waste recycling in Spain, will promote the design and development of its sustainabil ity strategies.
Chair lift donation Photo: Mijas International
Free Davis Cup tickets
Involving ESO students.
out with the objective of pro moting minority sports, facili tating equal participation be tween genders and promoting the inclusion of
people with different abili ties.The event will bring to gether a large number of peo ple, including students and teachers and wristbands will be sold for €3, the proceeds of which will go to ASDIES. The first edition of this charity sporting event raised funds for the Materno Infantil Hospital in MalagaRonald McDonald House and the An drés Olivares Foundation, while the second edition raised funds for SOL DE ES TEPONA Parkinson’s Associa tion.
Gastronomy and lights By Brian Bamford MANILVA Town Hall has begun to install the Christmas lights for the festive season. The act of switching on the lights will take place, coinciding with ‘Saborea Manilva’, on De cember 7 at 8pm in the Plaza de la Vendimia. Saborea Manilva is a gastronomic fair, which in addition to the products and tradi tional cuisine of this area, promotes every thing from culture to folklore, landscape to leisure.
This initiative was created by the mayor, Mario Jiménez, with the main objective of creating attractions that contribute to the deseasonalisation of tourism in the town. This festival is usually held to coincide with the long weekend holiday in December and has a programme that includes activi ties and workshops related to the surround ings, agriculture and the environment, de signed for visitors of all ages. It also includes tasting and sale of traditional products, competitions and a variety of performances.
Favells lls
14 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
LARA: Now requires a further two operations.
family financially, they now find themselves in the unfortunate situation of asking for your support in this very delicate situa tion once more. It is sim ply too much for the little family. Please help Lara to receive the treatment she so deserves, especially af ter having come thus far. Donations can be made via the GoFundMe web page https://www.go princesslara
By Kevin Fraser Park MIJAS Town Council and Malaga Provincial Council have resumed their collaboration to complete the remaining sections of the Coastal Path in the town, specifically those linking La Cala de Mijas with Fuengirola. The new mayor of Mijas, Ana Mata, and the president of the provincial institution, Francisco Salado, visited the Faro de Calabur ras area, where one of the sections of the path will run. Currently, of the eight sections into which the Coastal Path is divided as it passes through the municipality of Mijas, there are five of them in use, from La Cala to Marbella, totalling some seven kilometres. But there are still more than five kilometres to be completed, from La Cala to the border with the municipality of Fuen girola, divided into three sections. At the moment, work has been put out to
photo: Mijas Town hall
Help Lara
recommended to have both operations done at the same time in order to minimise the risk of com plications. These opera tions once again are to be performed in Barcelona because of the lack of medical advances and co ordination here on the coast. The latest quote was just over €17,000, which after the previous three trips (including two inter ventions) covered by the
Completing the path Photo: Stefanie Gracie
LARA was saved through a lastminutespinaloper ation by surgeons in Barcelona in 2021, 1,100kms away from her home on the Costa del Sol, as this intervention was not available here. Since then the family has had to return a fur ther three times for fol lowup operations. Now Lara requires a further two operations, one of which is on her back to stretch the growth bars implanted in 2021 and the other being on her foot, as she can no longer put her body weight on her ankle, therefore not allowing her to walk any longer without a great deal of pain and the risk of irreparable damage be ing done. As Lara is classified as a high risk patient regarding anaesthetic due to the malformation of her res piratory tract and low im mune system since can cer, the family has been
COASTAL PATH: Work put out to tender.
tender on two of these pending stretches: from La Cala to the El Sheriff restaurant (some 700 metres) and from El Faro to the border with Fuengirola, which totals 2,150 metres. And the project for the intermediate section (between the Sheriff restaurant and El Faro), which is the most complex and has a length of some 2,300 metres, has yet to be finalised.
Discount for a smile RESTAURANTS are report ing that clients are getting ruder in fact, people have been so rude that at least one restaurant in the area felt obliged to close for a day to give its employees time to recover from the impolite ness of the diners. The combination of Covid and repeated lockdowns seems to have changed the rules of human engagement and left people anxious, con fused and, especially if they do not believe the restric tions were necessary, deeply resentful. Unfortunately, this ap pears to have resulted in a
decrease in basic manners and consideration when dealing with staff providing service in restaurants. Well over half of workers, 62 per cent, reported receiv ing emotional abuse and dis respect from customers, ac cording to a survey by Black Box Intelligence. Of workers surveyed, 15 per cent left the restaurant industry in the last year, and another 33 per cent said that they hope to do so. However, a tapas bar in
Torremolinos has taken a novel approach by rewarding customers with a discount. For kindness, generosity and patience, the owner of Tres 14 Tapas & Café, will deduct 1 cent for each from the bill, another cent for recom mending the bar and a fur ther cent just for a smile. It only amounts to a 5 cent discount in total, but it’s the thought that counts and if just a little gesture can bright en people’s day then it’s worthwhile.
Beach football MARBELLA City Council and the Andalucian and Spanish beach football federations are working together to ensure that the facilities at the new Mediterranean Park, which is being built next to the Pinillo beach, meet the requirements for holding international competitions. The councillors for Works and Sports, Diego López and Lisandro Vieytes, visited the site this week accompanied by the vicepresident of Malaga football, Pedro Díaz, who said that, with some details still to be finalised, “we are look ing at the best facility of its kind in Europe.”
Diego Lopez said: "We will have three beach football pitches ap proved for international competitions and anoth er 18 for volleyball and the federation has told us that we meet all the requirements.” Lisandro Vieytes added that, “we have unbeatable facilities, in an incomparable setting right on the beach, which will not only allow the practice of topclass sport, but will also serve for the use and enjoy ment of our citizens free of charge. We are al ready working on the programming of events and activities in this park.”
16 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 AROUND three million British citizens living in Spain will soon be eligible to vote in the next UK general election thanks to draft legislation changes expected to take full effect by mid-January. Previously there was a 15year limit to the voting rights which now will be extended to include long term ex-patriates as well. The changes come at the end of a 20-year struggle by the late Harry Shindler who challenged the 15-year voting limit in the high court, later bringing his case to the European court of justice. Credit: WTM
Can Spain change?
LONDON: The very busy World Travel Market.
HÉCTOR GÓMEZ, Span ish caretaker Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism has just attended World Travel Market in London. Having made it clear in a statement that “tourism adds almost three million workers and creates one in four new jobs in the economy” it has become apparent that the British market is still of major im portance despite Brexit. There is a large body of opinion which believes that action needs to be taken to redress the prob lems caused by the 90/180 restrictions on vis iting Schengen countries
by nonEU passport hold ers and already the French Senate is consider ing a bill which would grant long stay visas to British second home own ers without the usual problems of red tape de lays. It is reported that Minister Gómez took the opportunity whilst in Lon don to visit the Foreign, Commonwealth and De velopment Office to dis cuss the very problem of restrictions on visits by UK residents to Spain to try to find a solution. Currently, the UK al lows Spanish citizens to spend up to six months per visit and this is what
campaigners such as the 180 Days in Spain group believes should be the norm for British visitors to Spain. Spain still holds the Presidency of the EU until the end of this year and even with a caretaker government still has more chance of gaining traction for a change in the rules whilst in this position. The argument up to now has been made that Schengen rules can’t be changed for just one or two countries, but with the French precedent al ready set, this may be the right time for Spain to make its own bid for spe cial treatment.
Votes for Brits
Voting rights extended.
According to a survey by ‘British in Europe’, 84 per cent of those expatriates asked were ‘very likely’ to vote in the next general election if allowed, with 10 per cent say-
ing they were ‘quite likely’. Potential first-time voters will be required to give proof of former residency in the UK in order to be added to the electoral roll.
Vampire grave THE remains of a child buried face down, held in place with an ‘antivampire’ triangular pad lock, were discovered near Pień in south eastern Poland by researchers from the Nico laus Copernicus University in Toruń. The 17thcentury burial was found near the grave of the ‘vampire from Pniu’ discov ered a year earlier a woman buried with a sickle around her neck and a padlock locked on her toe. Vampires were feared not only in popular fiction, but in real life by people living several centuries ago. This is why those suspected of supernatu ral powers were often buried in very specific ways: with their faces downwards, tied with ropes in an embryonic position, with their heads cut off, pressed to the ground with a boulder or their chest pierced with a sharp tool. Researchers from the University discov ered the skeleton of a woman doubly pro tected from rising from the grave.
The people burying the girl had placed a tri angular padlock on her left big toe and addi tionally pinned her neck to the ground with a sickle. The bones were very quickly dubbed ‘vam pire’ in the media. “Our discovery does not necessarily indi cate that a vampire was buried here,” said the head of the research in Trunks, Dr Dariusz Poliński, Professor of the UMK Institute of Ar chaeology. I would treat these treatments more as ‘antivampiric’ activities. Maybe the woman had some kind of phys ical or mental defect, her fellow inhabitants treated her badly while she was alive and were afraid that she would haunt them after death.
90 days: the time an average person will spend kissing.
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WELCOME to Euro Weekly News Social Scene, the most infor mative weekly review of what’s happening on the Costa del Sol. It’s an evolving and ev ery growing directory that attracts English speaking residents and visitors who want to know how best to spend their time and what’s going on now and in the future. There is literally some thing for everyone with details of top bars and restaurants along the coast as well as informa tion about those very popular Ruta de la Tapa organised by different municipalities where you can enjoy an inex pensive selection of drinks and tapas at dif ferent establishments. There’s more to life than eating and drinking (although it is a very im portant part of exis tence) so EWN Social Scene tells readers what’s going on be it a musical event, charity function, ballet, pop tribute, fiesta, circus, children’s event or even
Credit: EWN Media Group
EWN Social Scene
Many enjoy music with their meal.
an educational walk. This is not a simple re peat each week but a great deal of time and energy goes into looking forward and recording what may be happening in the coming weeks and months. Comedian Jimmy Carr will be performing in Marbella in 2024 and there is sure to be a scramble for tickets, but readers of EWN Social Scene knew as soon as they went on sale. So, those who want to find out the best places to eat and be entertained in all forms know that EWN Social Scene should be their first port of call with many arti cles also going on
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 17
A culinary and cultural adventure ALONG the picturesque coast lines, where the sea meets the land, there’s more than just sand and surf to be dis covered. Nowadays, coastal regions are teeming with new restau rants and bars that offer a wide array of experiences, making it crucial to venture out and try them. The reasons are many, ranging from di verse and delectable cuisines to captivating entertainment options, eclectic cocktails, and the opportunity to connect with the vibrant tapestry of new European residents. Here’s why it’s important to make the effort and explore these coastal culinary gems. 1. Culinary Adventure: One of the primary reasons to ex plore new coastal restaurants and bars is the opportunity to embark on a culinary adven ture. These establishments of ten offer a diverse range of food options, from fresh seafood platters to exotic in ternational cuisines. Whether you’re a food enthusiast or someone looking to broaden their palate, trying these new establishments can be a de lightful journey of flavours and gastronomic discoveries. 2. Entertainment for All: Coastal restaurants and bars
Credit: PXHere
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Enjoy all that the beachfront has to offer.
don’t just serve food and drinks; they offer entertain ment that caters to a wide range of tastes and ages. From live music perfor mances spanning various genres to familyfriendly ac tivities and themed events, there’s something for every one. These venues have been transformed into hubs of en tertainm ent where people can gath er, socialise, and enjoy mem orable experiences together. 3. Eclectic Cocktail Choices: For those who appreciate mixology, coastal bars are be coming known for their eclec tic cocktail menus. Talented bartenders are crafting inno vative and unique concoc tions, often featuring locally sourced ingredients and re gional influences. Exploring these bars allows you to savour creative and expertly
Jennifer Popplewell IT is only just the middle of November, but the Christmas season is now defi nitely upon us, as each year the resi dents of Spain seem to jump into the festive season earlier and earlier! However, as some may groan at this ever lengthening holiday, a wave of goodwill and kind Christmas spirit is coming from Calahonda as local pub, The Irish Times is giving away 10 Christ mas Hampers each containing €100 worth of food, drink and treats to 10 deserving winners. Euro Weekly News spoke to Alan and Anna from The Irish Times who said that “the aim is to spread some love and Christmas spirit within the community.” They also mentioned that they have al ready had nominations, with the give away deadline being Monday December
crafted cocktails that are a far cry from your typical drink menu. 4. A Multicultural Experi ence: Coastal regions often attract people from all around the world, including a growing number of new Eu ropean residents. By visiting these restaurants and bars, you have the opportunity to engage with these newcom ers and learn about the rich tapestry of their cultures. It’s a chance to foster cultural un derstanding and apprecia tion, all while enjoying deli cious food and drink, from a wide range of different cul tures. 5. Inclusivity for All Bud gets: Another compelling rea son to explore new coastal es tablishments is their inclusivity. Whether you’re on a tight budget or looking to in dulge in a luxurious dining ex
perience, you’ll find options to suit your financial constraints. The range of eateries and bars along the coast ensures that everyone, regardless of their budget, can take part in the excitement and enjoy ment of these venues. The coast isn’t just a place to bask in the sun and sea; it’s a dynamic and evolving culi nary and cultural landscape. By making an effort to ex plore new restaurants and bars opening along the coast, you can embark on a thrilling journey of flavours, entertain ment, and cultural exchange. So, the next time you find yourself by the shore, be sure to venture out and savour the myriad experiences that these coastal gems have to offer. You’ll be rewarded with un forgettable memories and a deeper connection to the vi brant coastal communities.
Tell your best friends
Credit: The Irish Times Facebook
THE IRISH TIMES: Ten Christmas Hampers up for grabs.
20. On their Facebook post it explains ‘how to share the love’, that a person who lives locally must be nominated to win a hamper, perhaps somebody in need or just a friend/family member that you believe deserves a little treat!
To make a nomination you can comment under their post with the person’s name and why you think they deserve this prize. Or alternatively, direct message the heartwarming tales to The Irish Times Calahonda Facebook. The 10 best stories will be cho sen and winners will receive their special hamper just in time for Christmas! In addition to this, Euro Weekly News will provide 10 gift vouchers worth €25 each from Iceland to add to the ham pers as an extra treat. So spread the word, and help The Irish Times make this festive season a little brighter, for those lovely souls who need it most.
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18 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 •
Seniors at Bioparc
Local culture
by Brian Bamford FUENGIROLA Town Hall has once again invit ed the town’s senior citizens to take part in the activity entitled ‘Get to know Bioparc’ on November 23 for free. Those interested can collect their tickets from the Senior Citizens’ Department in Blanca Paloma Street, on pre sentation of their valid senior citizen’s card. Through this initiative, organised by the Se nior Citizens’ Department, coordinated by councillor Cristina Bornao, Fuengirola resi dents over the age of 65 are offered the chance to visit the town’s zoo free of charge from 11.30am on November 23. To get tickets, those interested only have to go to the offices of the Area for the Elderly, lo cated in Calle Blanca Paloma, from 9am to 1pm, any day until November 22. This is an initiative that has zero cost both for those interested and for the municipal cof fers thanks to the collaboration agreement signed between the town council and Bioparc. The requirements to participate are: to be registered in Fuengirola and to present a valid Fuengirola pensioner’s card. Bioparc Fuengirola champions a new mod el of park based on respect for nature and the preservation of its species, which has become a European benchmark. Bioparc is a different concept of zoo, a zoological park where ani mals live together in a recreation of their habi
Photo: Fuengirola Town Hall
Council are offering a special deal.
tat. The councillor in charge of the Senior Citi zen’s Department reminded everyone that the registration period is still open to take part in the different workshops, both annual and quarterly, offered by the town council for the town’s senior citizens. “We encourage those who have not yet decided to take part in any of our activities to sign up for one of our work shops, which are very varied and many of them have places available,” said Bornao. The annual Senior Citizen workshops in clude subjects as diverse as handicrafts, com puters, ballroom dancing, regional dances, En glish, oil painting, singing and theatre. The quarterly workshops include subjects such as mobile phones, memory and gardening.
THEATRE and music are the fo cus of Malaga Provincial Coun cil’s MVA Cultural Centre. On November 16 and 18 the Ollerías stage will host the composers Bruno Bavota and Fernando Barroso in concert. The Centro Cultural María Victoria Atencia hosts, on Thursday November 16, Bruno Bavota, a young Italian com poser and multiinstrumental ist capable of uniting the intel lectual and the emotional in serious and deeply effective songs. Though favourably com pared early in his career to the legendary Ludovico Einaudi, Bavota has found himself in creasingly seeking ways to dis tort and disrupt traditional ar rangements and melodies in search of a more distinctive resonance. Armed with a plethora of processors and ex ternal effects pedals, Bavota manually manipulates his songs in real time as he plays, often with his bare hands in a battle of construction against obstacles.
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Bruno Bavota
CULTURAL CENTRE: Will host various composers.
Next up is Fernando Barroso who will present his latest work ‘MAN’, with a band made up of musicians from Galicia and Portugal, at the MVA on November 18. Bar roso is a multiinstrumentalist musician, composer and pro ducer from Galicia, who has participated in numerous pro jects within the Folk / World Music scene. The Diputación has also pro grammed a series of cultural activities in different municipal ities in the province for this week. Through the Delegation of Culture and Culturama, ‘Ali
cia’, the latest short film by the Malaga director Tony Morales, will be shown in the towns of Casares (November 18), Alhau rin de la Torre (November 21) and Benahav’s (November 24). After each screening, the di rector will give a talk and hold a colloquium with the audi ence. Admission is free. On Sunday 19 November, the Malaga Provincial Youth Orchestra will perform in Iz nate under the direction of Juan Paulo Gómez Hurtado. The concert will take place in the Church of San Gregorio VII, at 6pm and admission is free. •
20 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
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Bringing a taste of home to Miraflores
IN the bustling heart of Miraflores lies a hidden gem that has swiftly become a cornerstone of the com munity the Deluxe Supermarket. Nestled on C/Malva No 22 in Mi jas Costa with easy parking, this familyrun establishment has been garnering attention and praise since its recent opening. What sets Deluxe apart from the plethora of supermarkets dotting the region’s landscape is its unique offering a tantalising selection of products hailing from Germany, Ukraine, Spain, Norway, France, Sweden, Finland, and England. Operating diligently from Mon day to Friday, 8.00am to 10.00 pm, and extending its warm welcome over the weekends from 9.00am to 10.00pm, Deluxe Supermarket has captured the essence of familiarity and convenience. As we approach the festive season, the supermarket stands out as a beacon for those seeking a taste of home during the
A family-run establishment.
holidays. With an array of frozen, dry, and fresh products that include all your cherished favourites, Deluxe ensures that your Christmas cravings are effortlessly satisfied. But it’s not just the extensive ar ray of international products that sets Deluxe apart. The welcoming ambience, coupled with the friend ly and accommodating staff, ele vates the shopping experience to a new level. Customers have praised the attentive and approachable
A welcome ambience.
team, always willing to assist and guide, making every visit a delight ful encounter. Moreover, Deluxe Supermarket isn’t just about groceries. It’s a one stop destination catering to various
needs. With a wellcurated se lection of wines and spirits that proudly showcase beloved brands and soughtafter labels, it stands as a goto destination for those looking to elevate their celebratory occasions or simply unwind with a glass of their favourite drink. Adding to its charm, Deluxe also offers the convenience of picking up a copy of the Euro Weekly, keep
C/Malva No 22, Urb. Jazmin, Miraflores, Mijas Costa
ing the community updated and connected with the latest happen ings. The outpouring of appreciation from the local residents reflects the warm embrace Deluxe has re ceived within the community. By seamlessly blending a diverse range of products with exceptional ser vice, Deluxe Supermarket has quickly etched itself into the fabric of Miraflores, creating a space that feels like a home away from home for many. In a world where personal con nections often take a back seat, Deluxe Supermarket stands as a testament to the power of creating a warm, inviting space that tran scends the transactional nature of shopping. So, whether you’re seek ing a taste of familiarity or exploring new culinary horizons, Deluxe Su permarket invites you to embark on a delightful journey right here on the Costa. •
22 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
Where style meets smiles! Credit: Mapuchi Moda
By Kevin Fraser Park
Sara Hayley, Ella Bayley and Samantha Bayley
about breaking the bank; it’s about break ing hearts with your killer style. Affordable and fabulous? That’s a Yorkshire promise! And when the holidays roll around, you’re in for a treat. Forget the giftgiving stress; Mapuchi Moda has got your back. Your girlfriends will be wondering how you became the giftgiving guru. From daz zling jewellery to chic bags, cosy scarves, and cute cushions you’re going to be the Santa of the season! But here’s the secret ingredient: it’s not just about shopping; it’s about communi ty. Mapuchi Moda is the kind of place where you’ll realise we’re all in this togeth
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Spaces and views
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CALLING all savvy shoppers! Let’s take a little journey into the heart of La Cala de Mijas where fashion, fun, and a touch of Yorkshire charm converge at Mapuchi Moda. Now, picture this: you stroll in, and bam! A friendly hug and a kiss greet you. No, it’s not your longlost aunt; it’s just Sara Hay ley, the superstar of style, ready to make your day fabulous. And guess what? There’s a furry friend by her side, offering doggy kisses and cuddles because who doesn’t love a bit of canine retail therapy? So, let’s dive into the magical world of Mapuchi Moda. It’s like stepping into a treasure trove of fashion delights. Clothes? Yep, they’ve got everything from comfy casuals to officeworthy ensembles. Feel ing like a sequinned superstar? Check! The only problem is trying to decide which ones to take home. But here’s the best part: Mapuchi Moda isn’t just about clothes. They’ve got you covered from head to toe, literally. Jew ellery? You bet! Bags? Of course! Scarves? You’ll be spoiled for choice. And who knew cushions could be this stylish? Your living room is about to get a serious makeover. Now, here’s the real deal the prices. Mapuchi Moda isn’t
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er. Sara, the former model turned York shire gem, keeps it real and keeps it stylish. It’s like shopping with your best mate who just happens to have impeccable fashion taste. So, what are you waiting for? Head on down to Mapuchi Moda for an unfor gettable shopping experience. It’s where style meets smiles, and fabulous meets fun. You might just leave with a new outfit, a handful of gifts, and a heart full of warmth. Mapuchi Moda, Bulevard de La Cala, Lo cal 11 where fashion is fun, and shopping is a joyous adventure. Your wardrobe and your soul will thank you!
THE Convent of Santo Domingo in Ronda is hosting an exhibition on the architectural legacy of the Andalu cian period in the Iberi an Peninsula. This his torical tour, which is free of charge, can be visited until January 7. The event, called ‘An dalucian Architecture. Spaces and views’, has been organised thanks to the contributions of the Andalucian public foundation El Legado Andalusí. The mayor, María de la Paz Fernández, visit ed the collection and said, “how impressive it is, both in terms of history and monu ments, as well as the important overview it gives of a very impor tant period in our past.” The exhibition shows what Andalucian archi tecture was like
through its cisterns, baths, mosques and or atories, minarets, hous es, citadels, palaces, walls and towers, gates, bridges and mint houses, both in small villages and in the large cities of the time. As examples, in ad dition to the Arab baths of Ronda, the castle of Moral in Luce na, the Alcazaba of Almeria or the Castelo dos Mouros de Sintra, in Portugal, can be seen. More than 50 ob jects make up this exhi bition. Concha de Santa Ana, director of the Legado Andalusí Foun dation, thanked the town council for its col laboration in the or ganisation of this exhi bition, “in which Ronda should be present due to its important past and the wide variety of buildings from the peri od that can still be seen today.” •
24 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
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By Brian Bamford ARTIST Lara Lars will be in charge of the new collage workshop organised by the Museo Picasso Malaga on Thursday November 30 in the afternoon, based on the exhibition El Eco de Picasso, on the theme of Picasso’s echo. Registration is now available at the museum’s ticket offices and at www.museopicasso The collage technique, a recurrent one in Pablo Picasso’s work, is present in some of the works in the temporary ex hibition The Echo of Picasso. On this oc casion, the Museo Picasso Malaga is of fering a collage workshop in collaboration with Lara Lars, an artist specialising in this technique, who has collaborated on designs for firms such as Vogue and Vanity Fair Spain, publishers such as Anagrama and campaigns for the Ministry of Equality. The work of this Galician illustrator, an architect by train ing, combines feminism and surrealism: brutalist buildings, UFOs and women from the 50s and 60s are all her hall marks. The workshop includes practical exer cises, different ways of approaching the blank sheet of paper through image and concept are experimented with. By ap plying the collage technique, the impor
Photo: Lara Lars
Collage workshop St. Cecilia’s Day concert
PICASSO: The collage technique.
tance of images is underlined when using them in illustration. No previous knowledge is required for this activity which will take place in the Education Workshop of the Museo Picas so Malaga on Thursday November 30 at 5pm and will last approximately three hours. Materials are included in the fee, which is €25, although participants can bring cuttings, magazines and other pa per materials in order to personalise the result. More information and registration at
By Kevin Fraser Park THE Magnum Mysterium Choir of Estepona com memorates St Cecilia’s Day, Patron Saint of Music, with a ‘Love & Peace’ concert in the Parish Church of San José. The concert will take place on Friday, November 24, at 8pm, accompanied by a Youth Choir, soloist Isabel Moreno and pianist Javier Sánchez Calderón. Admis sion is free. Under the title ‘Love & Peace’, the choral group, di rected by Miguel Ángel Gar
rido Sánchez, will perform popular pieces from various countries, whose common theme is love and peace in the world, in honour of the Patron Saint of Music, Saint Cecilia. Called ‘Villa de Estepona’ in its beginnings, the Mag num Mysterium Choir was founded in 1987 thanks to the initiative of a group of enthusiastic lovers of choral works. In its beginnings it was set up as a Chamber Choir dedicated to the study and performance of Spanish
By David Hart THE Bello Horizonte skate park will host the third Spanish Scooter Championship from November 17 to 19, which will bring togeth er the best national riders for the first time in Andalucia. The event is being held for the first time in Andalucia and will bring together the best national riders. The councillor for Sports, Lisandro Vieytes, said that, “we are very proud that this 600metre facility, which has been built with the input of the fans and the federation itself, is approved to host a top level tournament that already has more
and European music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, and in successive years it opened up to differ ent works, styles and peri ods. It is currently a member of the Federación Malac itana de Coros, the Confed eración Andaluza and the Confederación Coral Es pañola. Its principal conduc tor, Miguel Ángel Garrido Sánchez, has been conduct ing choirs in the city of Malaga for more than 57 years.
Scooter champions than 60 registered participants, including lo cal representatives Antonio Fernández and David Jesús Vázquez.” The councillor explained that, “we are promoting this sport with the creation of a space that has contributed to the revitalisa tion of the area, expanding the sports and leisure facilities, and with the future launch of the Trapiche Norte skate park, which will have a surface area of 5,000 square metres, we will be able to host international compe titions.”
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La Scala Marbella’s Hangover Party
A grand feast awaits you.
AS the early morning sun of the New Year graces the luxurious coastlines of Marbella, La Scala offers the perfect remedy for those still basking in the af terglow of the previous night’s celebra tions. On January 1, 2024, Marbella’s renowned Italian gem, La Scala, invites you to indulge in a grand feast tailored for both, the gourmand and the party lover ‘The Hangover Party’. Picture this: The soft melodies of live music by Laura Carter fill the air, blend ing seamlessly with the clinks of pros ecco glasses. Upon arrival, each guest is greeted with a glass of bubbling prosecco, setting the mood for an af ternoon of decadence. The Culinary Journey La Scala has always been synony mous with culinary innovation, blend ing tradition with modernity. The par ty’s threecourse menu showcases this perfectly. Starter: The delightful ‘Burrata Gar den Candy Caprese’ promises a burst of freshness. Deluxe Burrata cheese, paired with tricolored tomatoes, green pesto, and aromatic basil, offers a tan talising start to your feast. Mains: Choosing just one might be a challenge! From the ‘Classy Aubergine Parmigiana’ and ‘Grilled Amalfi Goat’s cheese’ with a touch of pear and caramelised onion, to the meat lover’s
dream, ‘Carni vore Fillet Steak’, there’s something for every palate. Seafood enthusiasts might find themselves lost between ‘Ravioli limoncello e gamberi’, a home made ravioli delight, and ‘Prosecco Sea Bass’ with a hint of caviar. Desserts: To conclude this gastro nomic journey, the classic ‘Tiramisu’ competes with the ‘Limoncello ricotta cheesecake’ and the everloved ‘Vanil la crème brulee’. A Toast to New Beginnings Complementing the culinary sym phony is a cocktail that awaits, ready to be clinked and cherished as you toast to new beginnings, friendships, and memories that 2024 promises. Warm, inviting, and brimming with the allure of Italian finesse, La Scala’s Hangover Party is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. It’s where the love for food meets the joy of celebra tion. So, Marbella, gear up for a New Year’s Day filled with flavoors, music, and the best of company. La Scala awaits to make your first day of 2024 unforgettable.
For reservations and more, visit *Prices and dishes subject to availability.*
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 25
26 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 •
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Discover the unique charm of Soho Market in Marbella IN the beautiful Marbella, you’ll find a place that encap sulates the essence of art, cul ture, and good food: Soho Market Marbella. This pic turesque corner has become a meeting point for locals and visitors seeking a unique expe rience. Soho Market Marbella stands out for its vibrant and eclectic atmosphere. Every corner is imbued with creativi ty, from colourful works of art to stalls offering unique and artisanal products. This mar ket is much more than a place to shop; it’s a showcase of lo cal creativity. Art lovers will discover a true paradise in Soho Market Marbella. The walls are adorned with impressive mu rals that reflect the cultural di
SOHO MARKET: From colourful artwork to unique artisanal products.
versity of Marbella. Moreover, the market provides a plat form for emerging local artists, giving them the opportunity to exhibit and sell their creations directly to the public. The gastronomic offering is
another gem of Soho Market Marbella. Visitors can enjoy a wide variety of flavours, from traditional dishes to interna tional options. Food trucks and food stalls offer a unique culinary experience, with fresh
ingredients and authen tic recipes that will de light even the most discerning palates. The shopping experience at Soho Market Marbella is un paralleled. The stalls offer everything from handmade jewellery to unique clothing and locally de signed accessories. Each prod uct tells a story, and buying at this market is a way to sup
CONTACT DETAILS: Where to Find Us. Centro Comercial Guadalmina - Marbella Tel : 952 738 875 / 619 613 321 Opening times Mon - Thu 9.30am - 11pm // Fri & Sat 09:30am - 1am // Sundays Closed
port Marbella’s creative com munity. In addition to being a space for culture and shopping, Soho Market Marbella organises regular events and activities. From live concerts to creative workshops, there’s always something exciting happening in this lively corner of the city. So, the next time you’re in Marbella, be sure to visit Soho Market. Immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere, discov er new creations and flavours, and be part of the vibrant community that makes this market a local treasure. Soho Market Marbella is more than a place; it’s an ex perience you can’t miss. We look forward to welcoming you to the creative heart of Marbella! •
28 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
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Advertising Feature
Lennon Sports & Late Night Bar NESTLED within the lively streets of Calahonda, Mi jas, Lennon Sports Bar and LateNight Venue emerges as a vibrant hub for sports enthusiasts, music lovers, and party goers alike. This multi faceted establishment of fers an exhilarating blend of live music, toptier per formers, and a welcoming atmosphere, making it a mustvisit destination on the coast. At Lennon, the enter tainment never stops. From hosting some of the coast’s finest performers to creating an ambiance that’s perfect for a night of revelry, this spot promises an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re seeking live music or aiming to catch up on your favourite sports events, Lennon’s got you covered. Lennon warmly wel comes its patrons from Tuesday to Sunday, offer ing a haven from 5pm till late. Those who crave the excitement of live music, the thrill of watching sports, or simply desire a vibrant atmosphere for a latenight rendezvous will
LENNON: The place to be.
find their needs met here. The heart of Lennon lies in its ability to bring people together. The friendly and welcoming staff creates an inviting ambience that makes this sports bar and venue a perfect meeting point for friends. Its full cocktail menu complements the lively atmosphere, setting the stage for unforget table nights filled with laughter and good times. Lennon Sports Bar and LateNight Venue adds a distinctive and dynamic energy to the area. It’s not just another bar; it’s a place where diverse tastes and interests converge,
offering a different vibe that resonates with every one who walks through its doors. Perfect for Christ mas parties and celebra tions. Situated at Avda Espana 70, Centro de Negocios Calahonda, Mijas, Lennon serves as a central spot for those seeking entertain
ment and fun. For inquiries, reser vations, or fur ther informa tion, feel free to reach out to Lennon on 646 268 537. For those looking to immerse themselves in the essence of sports, music, and an electrifying atmosphere, Lennon Sports Bar and LateNight Venue is the place to be. It encapsulates the spir it of camaraderie, enter tainment, and a unique vibe that stands out in Calahonda, creating mo ments to cherish long af ter the night fades into morning.
Avenida España 70, Sitio de Calahonda, Mijas Costa +34 646 268 537
The Nutcracker
THE Association of Ballet, Mu sic and Performing Arts of the Costa del Sol is performing a classical ballet ‘The Nutcrack er’, a Christmas favourite star ring guest couple Bogdan Camila and Cristina Dijmaru, prima ballerinas of Bucharest National Opera, accompanied
by local artists and students of the School of Russian Ballet. A magical Xmas show at Teatro Ciudad de Marbella on De cember 8 at 6pm. The colour ful scenery and costumes, the imaginative characters and the music of Tchaikovsky make it a timeless classic. •
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Autumn Festival By Kevin Fraser Park THE Association of Traders and Professionals of the Old Town of Marbella (Acopro camar) has organised from Saturday, November, 11 the ‘Marbella Old Town Au tumn Festival 2023’, which will revolve around three activities: a raffle, an Urban Sketchers drawing competi tion and an exhibition. The aim of this project is to encourage residents and visitors to explore the Old Town and to visit its shops and establishments with a diverse and differential of fer. Until December 11, Acop rocamar members’ estab lishments will offer a wide variety of gifts to reward the loyalty of their customers for choosing local shopping and local commerce. Each member establishment will have a raffle book so that they can offer their cus tomers tickets to participate in the festival draw.
Photo: Flickr CC / Kamyar Adl
30 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
OLD TOWN: Go along and see what it has to offer.
The draw will take place live on the association’s In stagram account, @cascon taiguomarbella, on Monday December 11. In total, 18 gifts will be raffled off, donat ed by the establishments in the Old Town, with a total value of over €1,000. In addition, customers of these shops will have one hour’s free parking in the Market Car Park for any purchase over €10. On Saturday November 18 the ‘1st Urban Sketchers Marbella Old Town Draw ing Competition’ will take place, in collaboration with the Urban Sketchers of Mar
bella (USK Marbella) com munity. Participants will have the morning to draw their favourite corner of the Old Town of Marbella, as long as one or more of the com mercial establishments that fill the area with life and identity appear in the draw ings. More information, reg istration and the rules can be found on the Associa tion’s website: www.cas The event will begin at 9.00am on Saturday November 18 and entries must be submitted by 1.30pm on the same day.
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16 - 22 November 2023
By David Hart LA TÉRMICA, the contempo rary culture centre of the Diputación de Málaga, has launched 'Present Continu ous', a new exhibition of its own production with which it celebrates the venue’s ten year anniversary. It was founded in 2013 and has served as a launching pad for more than 50 visual artists who have started their careers thanks, to a large ex tent, to the support provided by La Térmica. 8 of these artists feature in 'Present Continuous' in a return to
Photo: Diputación de Málaga
Present Continuous
NEW EXHIBITION: Celebrating 10 year anniversary.
their artistic home. The exhibition is made up of almost 20 works all repre sentative of the contempo rary artistic scene. It can be
By David Hart THE biggest ‘Solidarity Christmas Bazaar in Marbella’ is taking place from Thursday November 30 to Sunday December 3. One of the most important charity events held in Marbella is warming up. This 18th edition will take place from 11am until 10pm at the Palacio de Con gresos with the aim of raising funds for Caritas Marbella to cover the great needs it has in the care of all the people they help throughout the year.
visited until March 17, 2024, from Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 2pm and from 5pm to 8.30pm with free ad mission.
Caritas Bazaar There will be numerous stalls selling Christmas items, jewellery, clothes, acces sories, decoration, etc, as well as several restaurants, raffles and an entertainment area. There will also be food and drinks available and entertainment for children. Anyone interested in setting up a stall please call 654 384 014 or email puestos
EWN 31 •
32 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
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Solidarity cuts THE boulevard of San Pedro Alcantara will be the setting for the fourth edition of the ‘Cortes solidarios’ (Solidarity cuts ) event on November 19, in aid of the Asociación Prin cipito, a charity which helps families with children with at tention deficit disorder. The boulevard of San Pedro Alcantara will be the stage on Sunday November 19, from 10am to 6pm, for the fourth edition of ‘Cortes solidarios’. The councillor of San Pedro, Javier García, encouraged citi zens to participate in this ac tivity in which attendees can get their hair cut by 13 hair dressers in the area for a modest price of just €5, or get massages by four other pro fessionals. “Everything we raise will go entirely to Principito,” he said, while pointing out that from 10.30am, children will be able to enjoy a performance by Mimosín and, from midday,
Photo: San Pedro Town Hall
HELPING CHARITY: Everything raised will go to Principito.
there will be performances by Los Piratas, Eva Piñero, Ana Soto, Mónica Garrido, Son akay and María Barea. Be forehand, there will be a fla menco guitar show and a DJ will provide the finishing touch with music from the 80s and 90s. There will also be churros and a food bar. The founder of Principito explained that the association started in 2017 and currently serves 80 families with chil
dren with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). “We carry out training in schools and insti tutes aimed at teachers and students and this type of ini tiative helps us to pay for this action carried out by profes sionals,” said the coordinator of Principito, thanking the council for their collaboration. There is also an account number for those who wish to make a donation: ES20 0237 0620 5091 7097 0262.
Urban Art
FUENGIROLA Town Hall is launching the ‘Paseo de los Murales’ (the Murals Route) with a big party in the neighbourhood of El Boquetillo. The event will take place on Sat urday November 18, from 12.30pm, and will feature live music, catering, competi tions, giveaways and lots of surprises. The event is part of the Edusi project that has involved the creation of an openair ur ban art museum made up of 16 decorative murals, plus a large mural that will wrap around the market, created by artists of na tional and international stature. The event was announced by councillors Carmen Díaz and Isabel Moreno. “The end of the Edusi initiative is ap proaching and that is why, until December 31, we are going to have a lot of activity around the neighbourhood of El Boquetillo. Today we are presenting the ‘Paseo de los Murales’, which is the name by which this openair museum we have created in the area of Calle La Paz and Valladolid will be THE start of Christmas in Marbella and San Pedro, is marked by the switch ing on of the Christmas illuminations. The lights have already been in place for days and will be switched on on Friday December 1. This is a week later than
Photo: Fuengirola Town Hall
The Murals Route in Fuengirola.
known from now on,” said Carmen Díaz, adding that, “it has been an important in vestment, to create 16 murals plus the mural that will surround the El Boquetillo Market.” The councillor responsible for the neigh bourhood, Isabel Moreno, said: “We will make this Saturday morning a festive day of thanks and also to feel proud of our roots, of our neighbourhood and of making El Boquetillo one of the most characteristic and also one of the most cultural and touristic neighbourhoods of our town,” Moreno concluded.
Marbella lights last year when they were lit on November 25. Although the Christ mas programme and lightshow details have not yet been announced
the illumination will be similar to that of 2022, with the musical specta cle of the ‘angel trum peters’ in the Plaza de Los Naranjos.
952 934 963
Fuengirola fundraiser THE annual Christmas Market and Fundraiser for the strays and abandoned pets of Fuengirola is on the way. The date is Satur day, November 25 and the venue is Walker’s Pub (near Altafit gym and be hind Leonardo Hotel), Fuengirola. It will be a funfilled day with stalls selling crafts, gifts, cards, jewellery, cakes, pies, mulled wine, hot chocolate and much more. Breakfast will be served from 10am, there’s a quiz at 2pm, bingo at 4pm, raffle at 8pm, carol singers and Christmas mu sic. All money raised will go towards neutering and treating the strays of Fuengirola. The organiser would like to thank every one for their continuous support and special thanks goes to the local bars, businesses and kind people who donated the raffle prizes. Raffle tickets are available from Clarkys bar, Jean Clark, Walker’s Pub, Chris Bance and on the day up until the draw at 8pm. On the day dona tions of pet food, blan kets, towels etc will be taken and given to PAD and Aristochat shelters. Let’s make this Christ mas a little more special for everyone.
The Smuggling Raisins PLEASE join The Smug gling Raisins Cold Water Swimming Club on De cember 26 to help make it the biggest Charity Dip along the coast. Last year was fantastic, so many fab people and lots of laughs. The Charity Dip will be at 10am on Boxing Day at Playa del Cristo in Es tepona. There is a mini mum €10 donation and all proceeds are in aid of the St Georges Feed a Child Campaign. Everyone is encouraged to wear a Christmas hat or some thing Christmassy.
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The Beatles tribute
TICKETS are already flying for the 33rd National Trib ute to The Beatles at the Planta Baja in Granada with Los Escarabajos in concert on Thursday De cember 7 from 9pm. After the success of the special performance for their 30th anniversary, the band from Sevilla is return ing to Granada with their most classic annual event and a completely different repertoire. This one will celebrate the 60th an niversary of the album ‘With The Beatles’, and the release of the new single, ‘Now And Then’. Los Escarabajos do not come from Liverpool, nor is English their mother tongue, but they have tak en on a committed and singular enterprise after their foundation in Sevilla at the end of 1993: the live reproduction of the com plete works of The Beatles as faithfully as possible to the original sound, also portraying the humour of the British band in their concerts. The project was created by the Sevillian producer, writer and collector En rique Sánchez (guitar, key boards, vocals), bringing together some 30 national and international musi cians over the course of 22 promotions and five differ ent stages. He is joined by José Luis Blanco (lefthanded bass, vocals), José Vaquerizo (guitar, keyboards, vocals) and José Manuel Bueno (drums, percussion, vocals) in the group’s current line up. Los Escarabajos have achieved many things which are not usually part of the biography of cover artists opening the Fallas programme; inaugurating a street dedicated to the Fab Four; promoting the learning of English in schools; recovering John Lennon’s unfinished work; playing alongside figures from The Beatles’ inner cir cle; and completing an al bum at the legendary club The Cavern are just a few of their achievements
Photo: Facebook / Los Escarabajos
The band is returning to Granada.
Both in their perfor mances and in their recordings, Los Escarabajos aim to get as close as pos
sible to the legacy of The Beatles which fans can now enjoy next month in Granada.
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 33
A Day of Music TORREMOLINOS is celebrating the ‘Day of Music’ with a concert in honour of Santa Cecilia which will take place on November 23 at 8pm in the Casa de la Cultura with free admission. The concert will feature the ‘Coral de Torremolinos’, under the direction of Rosana Dalmaso, and the ‘Coral Nuevo Amanecer’, from Churriana, directed by Carlos Aguilar Moreno. They will offer a repertoire made up of popular secular themes and film soundtracks. Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music and Musicians, she was a Roman noblewoman from the third century who died a martyr’s death during the persecution of the early Christian Church. Saint Cecilia also gives her name to a musical movement of the 19th century called Cecilian ism; a movement that aimed to restore Gregorian chant and classical polyphony of the 16th century. The Church commemorates the death of the saint in November by naming her saint’s day: ‘Day of Music’.
By Kevin Fraser Park THE company ‘La Operita de Estepona’ pre sents ‘Camelot’ at the Padre Manuel Cul tural Centre, a musical by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe. The performance of the musical will take place on Friday November 17 at 8pm, produced and direct ed by baritone David Geary. The musical is by Alan Jay Lerner (libretto and lyrics) and Frederick Loewe (music), produced and directed by the baritone, pi anist, assistant director and singing teach er, David Geary, with the collaboration of the town hall and the Unicorn Cultural As sociation. Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loew cre ated the musical ‘Camelot’, which pre miered on Broadway in 1960, starring Julie Andrews and Richard Burton. It is based on the story of King Arthur, Queen Güenevere and the Knights of the Round Table, includ ing Sir Lancelot. The musical tells the story of Arthur, the King of Camelot and Güenevere, who meet just before they are married. Arthur estab lishes the Round Table, with the best and purest knights to rule the land without war. Among those who join is Lancelot, who falls in love with Güenevere. Eventual ly, Camelot falls apart for many of the same reasons why it cannot achieve any ideal world: rivalries, jealousy and lust for power. Although the production of the Estepona Operita is much more modest than the original, the musical score is complete, so
Organ concerts
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Camelot Photo: Wikimedia CC •
Photo: Shutterstock
34 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
A musical performance of Camelot.
that, in David Geary’s opinion, “the music gains from being reduced to its essential el ements. Often the story, which is basically very intimate, gets lost in the spectacle.” David Geary was determined to become a singer from the age of seven, in his youth he combined university with the Toronto Opera School. At the age of 22 he moved to Munich to study singing, and then to Switzerland, where he remained until 1991 as a singer, pianist, assistant conductor and singing teacher. Since 2015 he has lived in Estepona, where he has taken up residence and founded the opera company La Operi ta de Estepona, with which he has pre miered several productions. Admission is a pay after the show system (access to the show is free, everyone de cides their contribution at the end of the performance).
Bach Festival FANS of the concerts of the Friends of the Sol Mayor Organ Association (AAOSM) can look forward to more concerts in December and the first three months of next year. The AAOSM has been in charge of managing the fi
nancing and commissioning the completion of the Sol Mayor Organ project which has now been completed. All this has been possible thanks to the professionalism of Mr Albert Blancafort, who has been in charge of carrying out this task. Unfortunately, the anniversary concert, scheduled for December 29, cannot take place due to the impossibility of having organ ists Michael Reckling and Javier Villero as they will not be in Marbella on this date. Confirmed concert dates are as follows: December 10: Jesús Sampedro Professor Organ Conservatorio Superior de Sevilla and Arturo Garralón (Tenor) January 14: Marina Omelchenko Organist of the Catholic Cathedral of Moscow (Russia) February11: Javier López Organist of the Cathedral of Ávila (Spain) March 10: Ángel Hortas Organist of the Cathedral of Jerez (Spain)
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Angelical light show By Kevin Fraser Park FROM December 1, the BotanicalHis torical Garden La Concepción in Mala ga will inaugurate its new light show. If last year it flooded Christmas with light and nature with its Stela show, this year it is the turn of Angélical: The Kingdom of the Christmas Angels. It is a new light show of several kilometres around the complex that will run until January 7. In the new show of the Botanical Lights, visitors will be able to take a magical journey full of lights and visual games through the eight kingdoms where Christmas comes to life through the angels. Between December 1 and January 7, all those who come to the Botanical Garden’s transformation will be able to enjoy a unique and novel experi ence that follows the path of the previ ous year, fusing nature with the magic of Christmas. Thus, the BotanicalHistorical Gar den of La Concepción in Malaga will become the Great Kingdom of the Christmas Angels, where children and adults will be able to discover the eight kingdoms: The kingdom of enchanted winter The Kingdom of renewed hope The Kingdom of healing myrrh The Kingdom of peace and harmony The Kingdom of gold and light The Kingdom of generosity and soli darity The Kingdom of sweets and treats The Kingdom of dreams and desires Angelical will be available from 6pm and access to the enclosure will be each half an hour, allowing a maxi
mum of 400 people for each of the shifts until it closes, thus ensuring both a safe environment and a com fortable and pleasant tour for all visi tors. In addition, for children, candy floss will be given away to sweeten their stay and make the visit even more special. “Angélical has been carefully de signed to delight all ages, with a stun ning display of lights, sculptures and angelic decorations with light and sound that will transport visitors to a dreamlike world. Each of the eight kingdoms repre sents a different aspect of Christmas and has been created with attention to detail, from traditional to modern dec orations, including popular culture and spiritual elements,” explained the or ganisers of this new light display. It should be noted that on this occa sion, in order to facilitate access to the Botanical Garden, secure parking areas have been set up with capacity for more than 400 vehicles, which will be connected to shuttles leading to the entrance of the site. In addition, Malaga’s tourist bus will offer a special service from the city centre to the event site, making it even easier for attendees to get there. Tickets for the show are already available on the web site and on the show’s official website, It should be noted that the show will be closed on December 24 and 31. Tickets are priced at €15.50 for adults, €11.50 for children between three and 12 (children under three are free) and €12.70 for people with re duced mobility who cannot make the full tour.
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 35
BOTANIC GARDENS: Will inaugurate its new light show.
Photo: Luces del Botanico
36 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 •
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Marbella youth summit HOME is where the heart is un less you can’t get a job and don’t feel you belong. Most of the in ternational children who grow up in Marbella can’t return ‘home’ after studying abroad for lack of career opportunities, sep arating families in the process. The United Nationalities of Mar bella Summit 2023, to be held on December 7 aims to shine some light on these issues, seeking specific solutions in three main areas: 1. Personalised Support: ex amining the core issues affecting youth wellbeing, such as free time opportunities, education, internships, and work experi ences. 2. Happy Helpline: detailing work on a Happy Helpline to centralise all the contact details for support in English for suicide prevention in a more attractive way to appeal to our youth. 3. Interact with AI: this year NeduAI, has been unveiled, an interactive and gamified plat
form designed to make the pro cess of choosing an education path, recognising skills, and plan ning a career both easy and en joyable. The platform empowers young people, giving them con trol over their choices and there by improving their overall well being. But it’s not just for the youth; parents can get involved too, turning the stressful process of lifeplanning into a collabora tive and enjoyable family activity and compiles helplines for those needing to reach out for emo tional support. The Summit is to be held over lunch on December 7 from 12.00 15.30 hrs at The Harbour Restaurant which offers a three course meal for €35. Payment can be made directly to the restaurant upon arrival, howev er, your name must be on the list to ensure a place. For booking, please contact:
STUNNING PERFORMANCE: This will be a night to never forget.
Harry Potter tribute By David Hart ATTENTION all Harry Potter fans! Get ready to experience all the magic, as you’ve never experi enced it before, through the en chanting melodies and iconic themes, from the Harry Potter films. All of this will be brought to
life in a stunning symphonic per formance. The ‘Music of Harry Potter’ concert performed by a world class symphony orchestra will be on December 3 at 7.30pm in the Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Centre. For Harry Potter fans it
will be a night to never forget. This is a onceinalifetime op portunity to experience the en chanting music that has captured hearts around the world. Whether you are a diehard fan or simply love beautiful music, this concert is not to be missed.
38 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
NEWS ACROSS THE REGIONS FROM THE PEOPLE'S PAPER RECORDBREAKING IN an impressive feat, the Ali canteElche Miguel Hernandez Airport has recently celebrated its best October ever, welcom ing a staggering 1,586,073 trav ellers. This marks a remarkable 17 per cent increase compared to the same month last year, showcasing the airport’s grow ing popularity. Out of this recordbreaking figure, 1,584,276 were com mercial passengers, with a no table surge in international travel. A significant 17.9 per cent rise in international flights was recorded, with 1,378,143 pas sengers jetting off to various destinations. Domestic flights also saw a robust 11.1 per cent increase, with 206,133 passengers choosing to explore their own backyard. Taking a closer look at the international travel landscape, the United Kingdom led the pack, contributing 536,480 travellers. Following closely were the Netherlands (113,129), Ger many (98,643), Belgium (84,720), and Norway (73,715).
Image: Ayuntamiento de Altea
GOURMET BURGERS: A whopping 1,050 votes were cast by the public.
Anna Ellis THE culinary showdown at Altea Burguer Gourmet reached its crescendo as El Bar de Confianza’s hamburger emerged victorious, crowned the best among 23 par ticipants by the discerning jury. Mayor Deo Sánchez unveiled the thrilling results, revealing that a whopping 1,050 votes were cast by the public, a testament to the event’s popularity. However, the true extent of the gastronomic success extended
beyond the vote count, with many more delectable hamburg ers savoured during the event. Such was the triumph of Altea Burguer Gourmet that plans are already underway to expand the event in the coming year, promis ing an even more extensive and tantalising showcase of gourmet burgers. The gastronomic extravaganza witnessed such overwhelming de mand that local butcher shops found themselves working over
time to meet the soaring appetite for hamburgers. This surge in business not only boosted the hospitality industry but also indirectly contributed to the prosperity of other local busi nesses, true winwin for Altea’s vibrant community. The esteemed jury, in addition to crowning El Bar de Confianza as the champion, bestowed sec ond place on Rumors Altea and third place on La Sidrería Escondi da.
IN the heart of Camposol residents joined forces to create a touching tribute for Remembrance weekend. The community witnessed an outpouring of unity as individuals came together to honour those who had fallen in the line of duty. The Green Fingers Camposol maintenance team and dedicated volunteers kicked off the preparations. They worked diligently to tidy up and create a beautiful memorial garden and they even collected an impressive €176 in the collection buckets. In the leadup to Remembrance Day, the community diligent ly prepared the memorial gardens. Weeding, debris clearance, and pine needle removal were among the tasks undertaken to ensure the Circle of Remembrance stood as a pristine and solemn tribute. The collective efforts of the Camposol communi ty resulted in beautiful and meaningful spaces, allowing resi dents to come together, reflect, and honour the sacrifices made by servicemen and women.
ALMERIA has long been known to be frequented by our aliens ami gos, particularly Aguadulce, an area abundant in terms of records of UFO sightings. An expert in ufology, writer JJ Benítez, stated that “Almeria is a land of UFOs” at the El Ejido Book Fair in 2008. Its beaches and cliffs are a perfect point to observe strange flying objects, and several ufological groups from Almeria often meet on the El Cañarete high way at night. One of these, the AVANCE Cultural Association, made one of many calls on the infamous alien night of March 23, 1977, to report a UFO in the sky over Roquetas de Mar and Aguadulce. That night, a famous actor from Almeria experienced something unex plainable. Paco Barrilado said he got in the car with his wife in Roquetas de Mar, and in less than three minutes he was on the outskirts of Almeria capital. Neither of them remembered anything about that trip. However, the next day he saw a headline that read: “Several UFOs seen near Roquetas de Mar.”
A PLAQUE that gives the name of Almuñecar to a beau tiful square in the Zaragoza town of Cariñena has been un veiled. Located next to the town’s cultural centre of the town, it celebrates the 50th anniver sary of the twinning between the two municipalities. Juan José Ruiz Joya and Sergio Ortiz, the mayors of both towns re spectively, performed the un veiling on November 11. After signing Cariñena Coun cil’s book of honour, the may or then held a meeting with the local council members. He also met with members of the Association of Elderly People, and a group of young people who had visited the Sexita town a few months ago on an exchange programme. Both municipalities commit ted themselves to: ‘promote a meeting between their respec tive associations to promote initiatives and collaboration that will benefit the economic sectors of Cariñena and Al muñecar,’ the mayor said. The twinning of Cariñena and Almuñecar took place in 1973, when José Antonio Bus tos was mayor. Since then, the Sexita town has had a central street that bears the name of Cariñena.
ON Sunday, November 12, in an extraordinary rescue operation in Mallorca, emergency teams saved a Yorkshire Terrier who had fallen off the edge of a cliff in Llucmajor. The incident oc curred near Calle Cristobal Colon in Bahia Grande, with the dog becoming lodged in a tree some 30 metres below. Llucmajor Civ il Protection volunteers, a Guardia Civil member, and Mallorca Firefighters collaborated in the rescue. A local Civil Protection volunteer was the first on the scene. Alerted by the dog’s barks, she promptly mobilised the rescue operation. Additionally, an offduty Guardia Civil officer from the drone unit, who happens to live in Bahia Grande, helped by us ing a drone to confirm that the little dog was still alive. Firefighters then descended the cliff and safely returned the dog to its owner. The dog miraculously escaped with no broken bones. This is not the first rescue of its kind in the area under scores the dedication of Mallorca’s emergency services.
+34 951 386 161 •
40 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
DENMARK 3D flats DANISH design company SAGA Space Architects working with 3DCP Group have announced that they will build the largest ever 3D produced building in 2024 which will consist of 36 student homes, situated near to VIA University College’s Holstebro campus. The apartments will include wood floors, a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room.
Green fuel LIKE some other countries, the Danish government has announced that it is considering imposing a tax of around Kr100 (€13.4) on all domestic air travel in order to help finance the transition to 100 per cent sustainable fuel by 2030 with the cash collected being used to reduce the cost of fuel to the airlines operators.
Got the gold BELGIUM had never won a medal at the FIVB Beach Volleyball U21 World Championships before setting foot in RoiEt, Thailand. The pressure was on for young Belgians, Van Langendonck and Vercauteren, as they faced a wellexperienced and confident Austrian pair. However, they emerged from the ashes to clinch the gold medal, following their down-to-the-wire win. “We are world champions,” Van Langendonck exclaimed.
IRELAND Health Fest THE 'Keep Well, Keep Movin' Older Persons Community Health Festival will be held at Mallow GAA and Sports Complex on November 15. Organised by Cork Kerry Community Health Care, it offers older adults a chance to connect with health services, featuring activities like drum fit, relaxation exercises, and talks on nutrition and brain health.
Dire display A SCOOTER rider, aged 20 was arrested in Linkeroever, Antwerp last week. He was found to be carrying over 13 kilograms of fireworks and was detected by Local Police due to his erratic behaviour whilst riding his electric scooter against traffic on the Beatrijslaan cycle track. The confiscated fireworks are set to be destroyed in the near future.
Dubliner honoured DUBLIN-born Richie Baneham, a two-time Oscar winner for visual effects, will be honoured at the 18th Oscar Wilde Awards. A Ballyfermot College of Art & Design alumnus, Baneham's notable works include 'Avatar' and 'The Lord of the Rings'. The US-Ireland Alliance event celebrates the contributions of Irish Americans to cinema.
National Park
Cyber winners
Country of origin
Minimum wage
AFTER 11 years of argument, it has been confirmed that a new National Park will be declared in Østmarka a popular recreational area to the east of Oslo. Apart from having to gain agreement from five different local governments bordering the area, those behind the scheme also had to combat farmers frightened by the protection given to predators such as wolves.
GERMANY is the winner of the 2023 European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) followed by Switzerland in second place and Denmark in third place. The ECSE held in Hamar, Norway had a total of 34 teams representing EU Member States as well as five guest teams: Canada, Georgia, Serbia, Costa Rica, Singapore and the USA, took part in this year’s challenge
ON supermarket shelves around France, consumers are becoming increasingly concerned. For several days now, a number of Internet users on TikTok have been reporting the presence of avocados from Peru or Mexico that actually come from Israel. While the display shows a different producer country, the boxes where the avocados are stored indicate the opposite: ‘Country of origin Israel’.
'THE Council of Ministers has now approved the decree-law that determines the increase in the national minimum wage to €820 from January 1, 2024, in compliance with the commitments assumed within the scope of the Reinforcement of the MediumTerm Agreement on Improving Income, Wages and Competitiveness', indicated a government statement.
Housing crisis
Last journey
90th Anniversary
THERE is a bit of a housing crisis in Norway, not as is sometimes the case, a shortage of property but a glut with almost 20,000 properties currently unsold and with that number due to increase as new builds are completed according to Estate Agents Association Eiendom Norge and this is the highest figure since 2009.
BERLINERS affectionately dubbed them ‘Coke Cans’. For decades, the Model Series 485 trains dutifully traversed Berlin's S-Bahn tracks. These stalwart vehicles, initially commissioned and constructed in the German Democratic Republic during the era of the Berlin Wall, are bidding farewell. On November 12, the final 22 of these iconic trains will make their last journeys through the city, marking the end of an era.
MARKING 90 years of elegance in Paris, Air France extends its jubilation globally. Commemorating this milestone the airline highlights a legacy of technology, innovation, and comfort. Exhibitions featuring vintage memorabilia and fashion shows spotlighting uniforms, past and present, adorn iconic locations in Rome, Delhi, Accra, Washington, Shanghai, and Buenos Aires.
THE death of a Groundforce/TAP worker at Porto Airport has been blamed on the facility's emergency policies. After being taken ill while taking a shower at the end of his shift, the Transport Workers Union of Portugal claimed that protocols prevented him from receiving immediate medical assistance. Airport rules state that an internal nurse must first be called and only then can the INEM medical emergency service be alerted. They arrived 40 minutes after he was taken ill.
ITALY Italian refugees PRIME MINISTER Giorgia Meloni and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama have reached an agreement on building centres for refugees and asylum seekers in Albania. Once rescued in the Mediterranean by Italian ships, these people will be sent to the other side of the Adriatic Sea, where procedures will be started to verify whether or not they are entitled to international protection.
Unpaid taxes AIRBNB is alleged to have evaded taxes in Italy on more than €3.7 billion. The accusation comes from the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, which is investigating for tax fraud the short rental giant and three top managers of the company. According to investigators, Airbnb did not pay 21 per cent withholding tax between 2017 and 2021. Guardia di Finanza has seized over €778 million in assets.
Unusual location AFTER the collapse of the Dutch coalition government earlier this year, the Netherlands are hosting elections on November 22, with an unexpected twist. One of the poll stations available will be none other than the iconic Anne Frank House! It will be closed to the public on that day and open to voters from 9am to 7pm.
Better beds THE Dutch Cabinet plans to improve the status of sex workers with a new proposed plan. This is necessary as these workers often face unequal treatment due to prejudices about their profession, stated State Secretary for Justice and Security Christophe van der Maat. A plan of action has been sent to the lower house of the Dutch parliament.
Airport death
Game Oscars
Going strong
THE highly acclaimed video game 'Alan Wake 2' by Finnish company Remedy leads The Game Awards nominations and is aiming to be crowned Game of the Year. This horror adventure, blending Finnish culture, got rave reviews, scoring 87-94 on Metacritic. Released for PS5, PC, and Xbox, the game is reportedly, ‘Finland's most expensive cultural product of all time.’
IT has been reported by Sweden's national export credit agency that North Korea owes Sweden $267 million (€249) for 1,000 Volvo cars that were sold to North Korea in 1974 but although they have never been paid for, it appears that several are still in service as taxis in the capital Pyongyang.
Ex-PM’s book FORMER Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who at 34 became Finland’s youngest prime minister has now made the transition to author with her book: ‘Our Turn: Fearless Leadership for a New Generation’. Marin continues to maintain a strong media presence and recently signed with Range Media Partners. As yet no release date for her book has been confirmed.
Exotic taste THE Swedes are well-known for their love of food and those living in Gothenburg now have the option to enjoy a different culinary experience at Restaurant Saga which is run by a young chef from Singapore Pearly Teo. Her tasting menu features special dishes based on the taste of her grandmother’s cooking.
FINANCE Cleaned out BRITISH STEEL, owned by China’s Jingye Group, plans to close its Scunthorpe blast furnaces, putting up to 2,000 jobs at risk. They will be replaced by an elec tric arc furnace in Scunthorpe and another in Teesside in a £1.25 billion (€1.43 billion) pro ject to turn British Steel into “a clean, green and sustainable business.”
Ill wind SPAIN’S Association of Petroleum Product Operators (AOP) warned that extending Spain’s windfall tax on large en ergy companies endangered €16.5 billion in investments. Rep sol has already delayed plans for a hydrogen plant in Bilbao, while Endesa’s chief executive con demned the tax as “discriminato ry and unjustified.”
Naked truth NAKED WINES shares plummet ed more than 30 per cent after the group cut its annual fore casts, with adjusted pretax earn ings cut to between £2 and £6 million (€2.3 and €6.9 million). The company’s chief executive Nick Devlin announced he was stepping down from the busi ness “with immediate effect.”
Settle up MADRID’S Provincial High Court handed Carlos Iglesias, brother of singer Julio Iglesias and his former manager, a sixmonth prison term and a €30 million fine for failing to pay corpora tion tax on land he sold in Madrid. The transaction was carried out by a Panamaregis tered company where Carlos Iglesias was also the manager.
Prime time ASSOCIATED BRITISH FOODS, which owns Primark, attributed rising profits and sales to al liances with celebrities who have included Rita Ora. The group’s total revenue grew by 16 per cent to £19.7 billion (€22.6 billion) in the first three quarters of 2023 with Primark sales rising 15 per cent to £9 bil lion (€10.3 billion). • 16 - 22 November 2023
paid by Inditex founder Amancio Ortega’s investment company Pontegadea for the purchase of a 49 per cent stake in Repsol’s Spanish windfarms and solar power plants.
€490 million
M&S recovers its spark Linda Hall MARKS & SPENCER share holders will receive £20 mil lion (€23 million) in dividends next January for the first time since 2019. Pretax profits climbed by an unexpected 56 per cent to £326 million (€374.5 mil lion) in the six months end ing on September 30 as the company focused on re vamping stores, clothing lines and its digital offer. Clothes sales rose 5.5 cent while profit margins in creased to more than 12 per cent compared with 9.8 per cent during the same period in 2022, with fewer items sold at reduced prices. Food sales have increased
Photo credit:
TURNAROUND: Marks & Spencer’s pre-tax profits rose 56 per cent.
by almost 12 per cent while the Remarksable budget range rocketed by 45 per cent. Despite the buoyant half year results, chief executive Stuart Machin viewed the remainder of 2023 and the coming year with caution,
TELEFONICA will spend approximately €1.97 billion on buying up the 28.19 per cent of its German subsidiary Telefonica Deutschland it does not already own. The Spanish multinational has con firmed an offer of €2.35 per share, a 37.6 per cent premium on the closing price of November 6. Telefonica said the takeover bid, which involves 838, 452,647 shares, would reinforce its position in its four strategic markets together with Spain, Brazil and the UK. This would also sim plify the structure of the group while im proving its cash flow in euros. Responding to the offer, Telefonica Deutschland, listed on the Frankfurt
warning on November 8 that the recent and favourable market condi tions might not persist. High interest rates, slower price rises, global conflict and erratic weather could hit trading, he said, although he was “hopeful” that the com
pany’s growth would contin ue. “Against more challenging comparatives, we expect profit before tax and adjust ing items to be weighted to wards the first half,” the chief executive added. One drawback for Marks & Spencer has been the company’s association with online grocer which regis tered a £23.4 million (€26.9 million) operating loss in the first six months of the year. Although the company admitted earlier that it “was not happy” with the online grocery retailer’s perfor mance, Machin said he re mained positive about its po tential.
Plans to fully control Deutschland Telefonica fol low on from the loss of a major roaming contract last August when the 1&1 mo bile operator announced stock market since 2021, an that it would be nounced that its “management switching to the and supervisory boards” Vodafone Ger would consider the bid. many network in It would comment after June 2024. Photo credit: the fulloffer document The company’s TELEFONICA: had been approved by share price fell by Multinational’s the financial services 18 per cent, which chairman Jose Maria regulator and pub resulted in a 7 per Alvarez wants lished, the company cent drop in the par Telefonica added. ent company’s shares. Deutschland takeover.
Telefonica takes over
Mapfe in Turkey
Christmas cheer
Debanking rise
SPANISH company Mapfre is selling its Turkish life insurance division to Swiss group Zurich. The Madridbased firm headed by Antonio Huerts will now cen tre its Turkish operation on the nonlife segment, company sources told the financial daily, El Economista. “We aim to guar antee stable growth and main tain financial sustainability by concentrating on the longterm strategic areas where we will develop our activities,” said Ed inc Yurtseven, director general of Mapfre’s Turkish subsidiary, Mapfre Sigorta. The amount in volved in the Zurich sale has not been revealed and awaits ap proval from Turkey’s Regulatory and Supervisory Authority for Insurance and Private Pensions.
A SCIENCEDIRECT study used Spain’s Gor do de Navidad to gauge the impact of lot tery winnings on consumer sentiment and consumption. Researchers found that residents in win ning towns or cities even those who won nothing were “significantly” more opti mistic about the Spanish economy than people elsewhere. There are now 180 series of each num ber sold in the Christmas lottery and as the participants usually buy at least one Deci mo (10th), the distribution of the biggest prizes influences local spending. The Sci enceDirect article noted a 10percentage point rise in the number of cars sold in mu nicipalities where a big prize had been sold, while unemployment dropped 0.3 of a percentage point. Both were linked less to an improvement in the region’s overall wealth than to increased optimism, the study’s authors concluded.
THE Nigel Farage debanking scandal has opened the door to a spate of complaints regarding unilateral ac count closures. The GB news presenter and the Brexit party’s former president changed to Lloyds after Coutts, now owned by NatWest, closed his account for motives that ranged from his financial position to his po litical views. Figures quoted in the UK media show that the Financial Ombuds man opened 1,613 cases linked to bank account closures between March and September alone. With 2,708 debanking cases re ported throughout 2022, com plaints are likely to have risen by 20 per cent to approximately 3,200 by the end of 2023, Financial Ombuds man sources said.
Call for openness BANK OF ENGLAND governor An drew Bailey said on November 8 that Brexit had modified the UK economy’s “openness.” Speaking at the Financial Sys tem Conference in Dublin, Bailey said that as a public official he took no position on Brexit, which had been the British population’s decision. But he stressed that free trade required “strong regulation” based on agreements with for eign supervisory bodies. He hoped to see further close regulatory cooperation with his counterparts in Ireland, Bailey said, to “minimise fragmentation of financial markets after Brexit.”
Bad loser AIRPORTS operator Aena said on November 8 that it hoped Iberia would not hinder the imminent changeover to new handling com panies. Although it retains Madrid Barajas, Iberia Airport Services lost its licences for eight airports after the contracts were put out to tender. These have gone to Menzies, Aviapartner and Groundforce, a decision which Iberia has now appealed against to the Central Appeals Tribunal, (TACRC), attached to the Finance Ministry (Hacienda). The TACRC has now suspended the alloca tions while it investigates Iberia’s objections, a process which could take weeks to complete.
Chipping in PENNSYLVANIABASED Vishay Intertechnology paid $177 mil lion (€168.5 million) for the UK’s largest microchip factory in Newport (Wales). The sale ar rived after the UK government blocked a Chinesebacked takeover on national security grounds and ordered Dutch company Nexperia to sell New port Wafer Fab in November 2022. Nexperia, which is owned by Chinese giant Wingtech, ap pealed against the order, but put the plant up for sale. The compa ny has done well out of the deal which doubled the worth of Newport Wafer Fab when Nex peria bought the 86p per cent that it did not own for £63 mil lion (€72.3 million) in 2021.
44 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
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0,11% 2,12% 0,34%
393,11K 222,54K 23,80K
Spirax-Sarco Engineering 8.522,00 SSE 1.685,50 St. James’s Place 649,2 Standard Chartered 625,4 Taylor Wimpey 118,1 Tesco 279,5 Tui 449,93 Unilever 3.961,50 United Utilities 1.076,00 Vodafone Group PLC 77,18 Whitbread 3.278,00 WPP 702,6
-14 5,5 -1,6 3,6 1 1,7 5,6 12,5 7,5 0,77 14 1,8
-0,16% 0,33% -0,25% 0,58% 0,85% 0,61% 1,26% 0,32% 0,70% 1,01% 0,43% 0,26%
6,77K 162,23K 172,84K 212,86K 1,05M 531,88K 40,11K 207,55K 91,65K 3,98M 53,65K 71,56K
Flutter Entertainment
GSK plc
Hargreaves Lansdown
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Imperial Brands
3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble Salesforce Inc The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney
92,81 154,38 267,31 186,4 196,65 239,68 142,95 52,59 56,72 49,48 325,51 291,59 186,71 149,02 38,86 147,25 146,43 267,79 101,39 369,67 106,11 151,41 213,63 169,96 541,21 35,71 245,25 20,76 166,19 88,27
+1,11 +2,01 +3,25 +4,23 +3,32 +5,53 +1,01 +0,59 +0,06 +1,12 +4,73 +3,72 +3,03 +2,4 +1,06 -0,17 +2,14 +0,88 -0,99 +8,98 -0,89 +1,06 +3,62 +1,37 +2,21 +0,09 +3,61 +0,31 +2,27 -2,07
+1,21% 2,39M +1,32% 2,02M +1,23% 2,02M +2,32% 64,87M +1,72% 4,76M +2,36% 2,51M +0,71% 11,36M +1,13% 17,00M +0,11% 11,66M +2,32% 3,80M +1,47% 1,56M +1,29% 3,55M +1,65% 2,13M +1,64% 3,17M +2,80% 37,58M -0,12% 6,92M +1,48% 7,38M +0,33% 2,60M -0,97% 7,19M +2,49% 26,85M -0,83% 8,89M +0,71% 5,23M +1,72% 3,90M +0,81% 880,68K +0,41% 2,46M +0,25% 12,78M +1,49% 4,04M +1,52% 8,55M +1,38% 4,75M -2,29% 25,04M M - MILLION DOLLARS
COMPANY Most Advanced Doximity, Inc. James Hardie Industries plc Light & Wonder, Inc. Synaptics Incorporated AppLovin Corporation Onto Innovation Inc. Holdings, Inc. FormFactor, Inc. Stantec Inc. Palantir Technologies Inc. Isuzu Motors Limited
+16.24% +15.77% +11.21% +10.75% +10.36% +10.14% +9.95% +9.91% +8.98% +7.66% +7.65%
8.462M 20,701 1.789M 944,585 5.643M 1.026M 545,569 776,132 304,294 92.956M 49,911
-19.79% -16.66% -11.72% -10.33% -9.77% -8.05% -7.95% -7.45% -6.90% -6.85% -6.64%
1.893M 42.502M 3.155M 5.549M 27.811M 9.077M 173,632 130,867 4.698M 36,27 7.239M
Most Declined MSP Recovery, Inc. The Trade Desk, Inc. Diageo plc RB Global, Inc. Affirm Holdings, Inc. Illumina, Inc. Shiseido Company, Limited Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd. Flowers Foods, Inc. Worldline SA TKO Group Holdings, Inc.
BUSINESS EXTRA High rise Levi’s LEVI STRAUSS’S Spanish subsidiary reported sales of €45.5 million last year, 12 per cent more than in 2021 but still 9 per cent below the €49.9 million registered in 2019 before the pandemic hit. Spain accounted for 96 per cent of the company’s 2022 turnover, while Portugal’s 4 per cent was one per centage point more than in 2021.
PwC cuts ACCOUNTANCY firm PwC announced that it is prepar ing to lay off between 500 and 600 employees, explain ing that it finds itself over staffed owing to a reduced call on its services. The group will cut between 500 and 600 jobs via a voluntary re dundancy scheme, in a move affecting 2.4 per cent of its 25,000 employees in the UK..
16 - 22 November 2023
Food inflation slims down FOOD price inflation in the UK fell to single digits for the first time since July 2022. According to data compa ny Kantar, inflation on gro ceries dipped to 9.7 per cent between October 1 and 29. Describing the reduction as a “big milestone” for shoppers and retailers, Fras er McKevitt, who heads Kantar’s Retail and Con sumer Insight department, said people were still “feel ing the pinch.” He also pointed out that
FOOD INFLATION: Supermarkets have cut some prices.
Madrid hotel venture BRITISH private equity investment firm Maya Capital is finalising the purchase of Hotel Mayorazgo in Madrid’s exclu sive Gran Via. According to sources quoted in the fi nancial daily Cinco Dia, Maya Capital made a formal offer of €60 million last August for the 200room hotel, and at the same time requested a comprehen sive “due diligence” audit.
Normally completed with one or two months, this is taking longer than ex pected, the same sources said. According to the latest accounts pre sented by the hotel’s owners, Salazar Hermanos, the hotel was back in the black last year, with a turnover of €8.62 million and a profit of €1.7 million, com pared with 2019’s record €8.01 million and €1.45 million.
yearonyear price reduc tions were limited to major staples like milk, butter and dried pasta. Kantar found that Lidl was again the fastestgrow ing retailer, with sales over the quarter ending on Octo ber 29 up 14.7 per cent. Aldi, where sales in creased by 13.2 per cent, at tracted 207,000 more cus tomers than during the same period in 2022. To gether with Waitrose, where sales rose by 5.4 per cent, it was the only super market which increased its number of shoppers year onyear. Aldi and Waitrose took 9.7 per cent and 4.6 per cent of the market. Sainsbury’s was the fastestgrowing traditional supermarket in October, and sales increased by 10.1 per cent over the previous quarter. Sainsbury’s also an nounced recently said that it had spent £118 million (€135.5 million) since March on trying to keep prices down.
EWN 45
Record results CAR component manufactur er Gestamp’s turnover grew by 17.9 per cent to €9 billion by the end of 2023’s third quarter with net profits of €225.3 million, up 23 per cent on the same period last year. These were the best results since the Spanish multination al was floated on Madrid’s stock exchange six years ago.
Normalised METRO BANK deposits fell by 5 per cent from £16.4 billion to £15.6 bil lion (€18.8 billion to €17.9 billion) during the third quarter of this year. Cus tomer withdrawals have normalised after Octo ber’s emergency £325 million (€379.2 million) rescue deal from in vestors and bondholders plus £600 million (€688.4 million) in debt refinanc ing, the bank said.
46 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT AND so this is Christmas. Well perhaps not quite, but if you’re reading this on the day of publication you have just 39 days to gear yourself up for yet another precious celebration of the Christian majority. Surrounded by family and friends, hopefully many of you will, once again enjoy this time honoured and much loved occasion. I’m pretty sure most of you will also observe the ritual Christmas day tradi tions that we have become familiarised with over the generations. In the begin ning we are the babies, crawling around the base of the tree with the young mums of the family lightly ad monishing us as we endeavour to pull baubles and shiny bits of tinsel from the lower branches. Over the next few years we morph into the youngsters, excitedly tearing off the paper from presents, brought by a Santa we are becoming slightly
more sceptical about but still prepared to give the benefit of the doubt just as long as we receive at least a proportion of the presents we asked him for! The next stage in our Christmas gen eration game sees us become one of the young and mid aged adults who, having finally got the youngsters off to bed, are pouring copious measures of alcohol and consuming about a million calories in Quality Street and mince pies, while relating what we consider hilarious tales of past Christmas turkey disasters. All being played out against a back drop of East Enders, Coronation Street, the Monarch’s message and yet another rerun of Dr Zhivago on the box. Generations later, if we last long enough, we find ourselves in the twi light of our years, quietly enjoying the utterly spoiled and most loved exulted position you can attain. You become Grandpa/Grandma. And that’s actually just where this ol’ boy has finally found himself. Grandpa (or in my situation Great Grandpa) is expected to do just about nothing. He is not required to wash up, clear up, lift up furniture or
top up the drinks. He occupies the most comfortable chair in the room (general ly in the corner). Periodically, he is asked by various family members if he ‘wants anything’. He is then allowed to doze off, without being labelled a party pooper and is subsequently not particularly worried that his chair is a little out of the way just as long as he is close enough to oc casionally interject the conversation with an ‘I remember when’ recollection of his own. These narratives are usually deliv ered to reassure the room (and him self) that he hasn’t actually ruined the whole Christmas celebrations by self ishly deciding to slip away and meet his maker; thereby decidedly becoming an ‘I remember when’ subject for a whole host of future family Christmas gather ings. Let’s also hope our religious and peaceful beliefs have not by this com ing yuletide, been ripped asunder by those who consider violence and may hem the true answer to any future exis tence on our precious planet. Keep the Faith Love Leapy,
Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
No kids allowed
THE owner of a restaurant in Italy has banned un der14s from his establishment saying: “They break everything” The restaurateur went to say, “I am exas perated. When I tried to report it to the parents, they just defended the out of control children.” A notice on the premis es of the ‘Hostaria Oasi Marina’ in Bacoli near Naples reads: “For reasons out of our control, we are forced to not accept bookings with children or young people under the age of 14. Don’t hold it against us, but it is the fault of many parents who are irre sponsible.” The restaurateur de fended his choice and, speaking on ‘Uno Matti na in famiglia’ broadcast on Raiuno, said: “I am ex asperated by various
Photo: Shutterstock
Christmas Day ritual
Children banned.
events. To name a few, I had to remove all the wine glasses on the ta bles, because they were breaking everything. They were chasing each other between tables and it’s dangerous. With the parents undaunted, unmoved. In fact, when I tried to point it out, they defended their children. “I want to add that I am also a teacher and encounter the same diffi culties at school. There are children who are an gels. I am also a father. But with certain parents, it is difficult to inter vene,” the restaurateur concluded.
48 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
Advertising Feature
The FIRE PLACE can warm you up WITH winter approaching and threats of cold weather arriving, it’s time to think the most suitable way of keeping warm. There is a familyrun business in Marbella that proudly boasts more than 50 years in volvement in the manufacture, design, supply and installation of all types of fires. More than a decade ago, Ian, the propri etor of The Fire Place, moved to Spain to open a specialist shop and it is now situated in a central position in Marbella close to the famous Marbella Arch. Now blessed with a hardworking staff of experienced fitters, the company offers a complete service for all matters concerned with fires and fireplaces and can often offer a same day fitting service. Sourcing only the best equipment from across Europe, The Fire Place can supply and fit fires of all types including gas, wood burn ers, open hearths, electric and biofuel and will offer a free no obligation survey in order to suggest the most suitable option for any home or business premises.
THE FIRE PLACE: Supplies and fits all types of fires including gas and wood burners.
As well as visiting existing properties, it of fers a design service for new builds and recon structions and can even help with smoking chimneys or other problems with existing fires even if they didn’t fit them initially.
Gas fires when fitted properly offer clean energy which is where this family business comes up trumps. Not only does it use its own trained fitters but it then arranges an in dependent check and certification by a Rep
sol officer to give clients complete peace of mind. Most recently it has been able to offer flue less gas fires which are safety controlled by a catalytic converter and what’s more if you want to sit outside at any time of the year, they offer a range of fire pits. There is no doubt that wood burners give out the strongest heat but they do require good stocks of material and regular cleaning whilst electric and biofuelled fires can also be great options. Apart from offering a friendly and personal service, the company holds a wide stock of fires as well as surrounds in wood, marble and stone supported by a team that actually know what will work and what won’t in al most any situation which is why the home visit and design service is so helpful. Offering a combination of off the shelf and tailormade fireplace solutions, it is so confi dent of its stock and value for money that it guarantees to beat any written quote for a similar product.
For more information call 951 898 250, email or see a selection of options at The shop is situated at Local 7, Calle Zinc, Edf La Marina, Marbella and is open from 10am to 4pm Monday to Thursday and 10am to 2pm Friday.
Sold out 7By David Hart TICKETS for British singer Ed Sheeran’s concert in Tenerife on June 29, 2024 at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López stadium have sold out in less than an hour af ter they went on sale. The first to sell out were the side tier and VIP boxes, then all the front tier tick ets were sold out and, fi nally, the tickets for the arena went. This is the only concert that Ed Sheeran will give in Spain on his ‘Mathematics Tour’, which will start next January in Bahrain. The Estadio Heliodoro Rodríguez López has an approximate capacity for concerts of 35,000 specta tors. As the organisers of the concert announced, the 35,000 capacity of the sta dium was expected to be covered, and they did it almost in record time.
Half an hour and it was already sold out. Ticket prices started at €69 for the cheapest, ie the ones furthest away from the stage and the most ex pensive one, the premium boxes, were € 250. The artist last visited Spain on tour in June 2019 with a concert at the Esta dio Metropolitano in Madrid, so his visit to Tenerife will be the first performance on Spanish soil in the last five years, al though he has made some appearances at awards shows, such as the 40 Mu sic Awards in 2021, in Mal lorca. The organisers are now considering the possibility of increasing the venue’s capacity, as long as the sta dium allows it within the safety regulations. So there could still be some seats available for lucky fans.
16 - 22 November 2023 By Brian Bamford IF you like your jokes quick and biting, get ready to laugh. Jimmy Carr is back on tour with his new show ‘Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny’ at Marbella Arena. It’s not util August 31, 2024 but tickets are already available and selling fast. Some people are repelled by Jimmy’s dark humour. This show is not for those people. But if that’s the kind of thing you like, then this is the kind of thing you’ll like. ‘Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny’ will be 90 minutes of laughs without intermission. Jimmy Carr is an awardwinning comedian, writer and television host. Among the mostre spected and bestloved comedians working in Britain today, Jimmy is one of the biggest selling live acts in UK comedy, consistently performing to sellout crowds across the country and By Michael Carrington AS part of this year’s Christmas Wonderland organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) on behalf of the Min istry of Culture, the Christmas Fair Attrac tions at John Mackin tosh Square will open at 7.30pm on Friday November 24 The rides will be free of charge on this day. From Saturday November 25 until Sun
EWN 49
Laughs Funny
Jimmy Carr bringing his new show.
around the world. His television credits include hosting some of the UK’s longest running panel shows such as 8 Out Of 10 Cats, 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Channel 4’s Big Fat Quiz Of The Year and Big Fat Quiz Of Every thing. Jimmy has also regularly appeared on shows such as QI and A League Of Their Own, was one of the stars of Channel 4’s 10 O’Clock Live and has been a guest on chat shows such as The Jonathan Ross Show, Graham Norton and Alan Carr: Chatty Man. See the Marbella Arena website for details and tickets (show all in English).
Gib Fair day January 7, the Fair will be open from mid day until 7pm daily and all rides will be priced at £3. Rides will also be free of charge on Thurs day December 14 as part of a GCS initiative to
support the GBC Open Day fundraiser. In addition to the Christmas Fair Attrac tions, the King’s Bastion Leisure Centre will have a Christmas Sleigh Virtu al Reality ride through
out the month of De cember. The ride, which will be priced at £3, will be open from 7.30pm to 10.30pm on Friday November 24 and Satur day November 25 to co incide with GCS’ Christ mas Wonderland events. For any queries, please contact GCS’ Events Department via email or on 20067236.
50 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
The water of life A RECENT study published in the journal eBioMedicine by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that wellhydrated adults are less likely to develop chronic health conditions, have a re duced risk of early death, and are generally healthier. The research analysed health data from 11,255 adults over 30 years, focusing on serum sodium levels and other health indicators to de termine how they correlated with biological ageing. The study assessed infor mation from five medical
visits for each participant, with the first two visits oc curring when participants were in their 50s and the last visit between 70 and 90 years old. Results showed that adults with higher serum sodium levels within the normal range had a 10 to 15 per cent greater chance of being biologically older than their chronological age com pared to those in the mid normal range. Participants at greater risk of ageing more quickly also had a 64 per cent higher risk of devel
oping chronic diseases, in cluding stroke, heart failure, dementia, and diabetes. Study author Natalia Dmitrieva, a researcher at the NIH’s Laboratory of Car diovascular Re generative
Medicine at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti tute (NHLBI), stated, “The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down ageing and prolong a dis easefree life.”
Make sure you stay well-hydrated.
NUTRITIOUS SMOOTHIES: A great way to start your day.
Smoothies for smooth skin A D E L I C I O U S and nutritious smoothie is not only a great way to start your morning and replen ish your body but it can also do wonders for your skin. Here are the top five ingredients to in clude in your smoothie to ensure the cutest cutis. 1) Collagen: As we age, colla gen production decreases, lead ing to signs of ageing like sagging skin and wrinkles. Adding colla gen to your smoothie can help in crease your intake. 2) Coconut water clears up
breakouts: Coconut water is a popular smoothie ingredient that’s hydrating and antimicro bial, containing lauric acid, which can kill acnecausing bacteria. 3) Coconut oil hydrates dry skin: Coconut oil, a cooking sta ple and trendy skincare ingredi ent, has antiinflammatory prop erties and helps moisture retention. A few drops in your smoothie can provide these ad vantages. 4) Matcha protects against sun damage: Matcha, a type of green
tea, offers antioxidant protection against environmental free radi cals. It is also rich in polyphenols, which protect skin from ultravio let radiation, potentially prevent ing premature ageing. 5) Prebiotics soothe irritated skin: Prebiotics, compounds in certain foods that support diges tion by nourishing beneficial gut bacteria, can also aid your skin. Prebiotics are available in pow der form and are abundant in ba nanas, an essential for any smoothie.
Finland’s happiness streak FOR the sixth consecutive year, Finland has clinched the title of the world’s happiest country, and its recipe for happiness con tinues to captivate global attention. A unique blend of societal factors con tributes to Finland’s con sistent high ranking on the annual World Happi ness Report. Finland’s commitment to social equality, strong social support networks, and a robust healthcare system are integral com ponents of its happiness equation. The country’s emphasis on education, with minimal stress on
standardised testing and a focus on student well being, fosters a positive environment from an ear ly age. Nature plays a pivotal role in Finland’s happi ness narrative. The coun try’s picturesque land scapes, abundant green spaces, and access to out door activities contribute to a lifestyle that priori tizes a healthy worklife balance. Moreover, Finland’s progressive social poli cies, including parental leave, gender equality, and overall societal trust, create an environment
where citizens feel secure and supported. The Finnish culture’s empha sis on communal values and the importance of closeknit relationships also adds to the overall sense of contentment. In essence, Finland’s consistent happiness ranking underscores the importance of prioritising factors beyond economic indicators. By placing em phasis on social welfare, education, nature, and societal trust, Finland continues to set a global benchmark for holistic wellbeing and content ment.
16 - 22 November 2023
Eight keys to health A N E W study to be pre sented at the American Heart Association’s Scien tific Sessions 2023, high lights eight healthy habits that can boost your car diovascular health and help reduce your rate of biological ageing. Although the habits are perhaps unsurprising, the health gains for following them are quite remark able. The habits include: ab staining from smoking, en gaging in regular physi cal activity, eating a healthy diet, maintain ing a healthy weight, having healthy blood sug ar and cholesterol levels, and keeping blood pres sure in the normal range. To gauge people’s car diovascular health, the team of researchers looked at how well people followed the eight mea sures and a score was used to place people in
NEW STUDY: Highlights eight healthy habits that can boost your cardiovascular health.
categories of high, moder ate, or low cardiovascular health. For the 6,500 adults who were involved in the
study, the researchers found that people with high cardiovascular health were physiologically younger than their age,
concluding that those with the highest score were, on average, six years younger in comparison to the peo ple with the lowest scores.
EWN 51
A surprising study A N OV E L study sug gests that a daytime coffee followed by an evening glass of wine could be a recipe for better sleep, challeng ing conventional wis dom. This sixweek study involving 17 partici pants revealed an in triguing interaction be tween caffeine and alcohol. While coffee is known to potentially disturb sleep, and alcohol can lead to lower sleep quality, their combined effect appears to offset these individual draw backs. Researchers found that a daily cup of cof fee reduced sleep by about 10 minutes, but adding an evening alco holic drink reduced this effect to only five min utes. Lead researcher Frank Song from the Universi ty of Washington notes
that while alcohol may induce sleepiness, coun tering some of caf feine’s effects, the com bination does not guarantee highquality sleep. Published in PLOS One, this research adds a new dimension to un derstanding how these widely consumed bev erages might be used to manage sleep better, especially among busy professionals. The study emphasises moderation and further research, considering it relied on selfreported sleep patterns and did not detail consumption timings.
€3.75 trillion: the current value of the global wellness industry.
52 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
Well-man and women check-ups E V E R Y O N E knows pretty well that prevention is always better than treatment. Prevention is less time consuming, cheaper and safe. There are specific health conditions based on gender, so they appear dif ferently in men and women, especial ly being more important with ageing, when some physiological functions of the body are being altered. To screen prostatic gland condition in men has similar importance like breast and uterus condition in wom en. If any inflammatory or degenera tive process of those specific organs is detected early and addressed respec tively the goal of prevention is achieved perfectly. For a man over 50 years of age it is recommended to do the test once a year, for someone from the family of documented prostate cancer, make it at 40 years of age, and because of a different benign prostate diseases, mainly prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Key parameters are analysed in the early diagnosis of these diseases and their treatments. Following two indicators: PSA total &
Active PSA with counted proportion between the two together in a blood sample taking after night fasting with physical examination of the prostatic gland and pelvic ultrasound examina tion are very important and highly recommended to test it annually. For the similar reason of prevention for a woman of 2030 years of age breasts checkup is recommended ev ery two years, over 30 years of age ev ery year and for older then, 40 years of age, when the breast tissue density drops down with hormonal changes, more appropriate is to perform breast scans like an ultrasound/mammogra phy once a year. Of course, selfobser vation and selfexamination of breast is the MUST of every girl and woman at any age. Next important steps of prevention are annual gynaecological physical ex amination, connected with intravagi nal usg of female organs and col poscopy with human papillomavirus test (HPV), at the same time. (Any woman between 3065 years of age should be tested with a pap smear test every five years.)
Contact us today to schedule an appointment +34 952 933 377.
Embrace a healthy lifestyle AS we age, maintaining good health be comes increasingly essential for a fulfilling and active life. Embracing a holistic approach can significantly contribute to overall well being. Regular exercise is a cornerstone of healthy ageing, promoting flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. Engag ing in activities like walking, swimming, or gentle yoga can enhance mobility and vitali ty. Mental stimulation is equally crucial. Keep ing the mind active through activities such as reading, puzzles, or learning new skills helps preserve cognitive function and reduces the risk of agerelated cognitive decline. A robust social network provides emotion
al support and combats feelings of loneli ness, common in older age. Whether through family, friends, or community groups, staying connected fosters a sense of belonging and mental wellness. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, is funda mental. Incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports im mune function and helps manage weight, re ducing the risk of chronic diseases. By prioritising exercise, mental stimula tion, a strong social network, and a balanced diet, individuals can proactively enhance their quality of life in their golden years, enjoying health and vitality through out the ageing process.
BALANCED DIET: Rich in nutrients is fundamental as well as regular exercise.
16 - 22 November 2023
Writing the blues away NUMEROUS studies have demonstrated that read ing books can increase life expectancy by allevi ating stress, depression, and cognitive decline, as well as promoting happi ness and empathy. Although less common, but equally beneficial to our mental health and wellbeing, writing has al so been shown to help in dividuals process and reg ulate emotions, express frustrations, and gain a better understanding of themselves. In a landmark study conducted by Dr James Pennebaker of the Uni versity of Texas, healthy undergraduates were di vided into four groups and asked to write for 15 minutes on four consecu tive nights. Three groups wrote about a traumatic life event, while the fourth wrote about a trivial top ic.
WRITING: Has been shown to help individuals process and regulate emotions.
Over the next six months, the three groups who wrote about trau matic events had fewer visits to the health cen ter, indicating a connec tion between expressing emotions and good health.
In recent years, there has been a focus on grati tude journaling, but ex pressive writing, as ex plored in Pennebaker’s research, may be the next wave of writing therapy. Whether using thera pistcreated journal
prompts, books designed to help individuals work through emotions, or freeform writing based on Pennebaker’s original instructions, writing can provide a healthy outlet for processing life’s ups and downs.
EWN 53
Age-old secret ALTHOUGH we all experi ence signs of ageing, some people just seem to have a better relationship with time and defy their age. While chronological age, or the number of years you’ve been alive, is an unreliable indicator of how quickly your body will decline, biological age, on the other hand, which reflects your physi cal and functional ability, is a far more accurate measure. Biological ageing is in fluenced by a complex mix of genetic traits, mi crobiome composition, environment, lifestyle, stress, diet, and exercise. Genetics, once thought to have no influence on aging, have been shown to play a role, accounting for 2030 per cent of bio logical age. Environmental and lifestyle factors, in cluding social connected ness, sleep, water con sumption, exercise, and
Defying your age.
diet, also play an impor tant role. Although there is cur rently no effective test to predict an individual’s health trajectory and im prove quality of life with age, researchers are ex ploring several promising molecular markers that may serve as biological age fingerprints, including epi genetic clocks, senescent cells, and metabolites. This research is starting to show that delaying bio logical age may be one way to live healthier, fuller lives, even if the elu sive fountain of youth re mains unknown.
54 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
Spanish gastronomy THE upward trend of culi nary tourism is a testament to the fact that, wherever they are in the world, every one loves trying new food. Europe has long been the centre of diverse and quality cuisine and Spain is a leading gastronomic light in the con tinent. Culinary tourism is grow ing increasingly popular, with the market worth €743 billion in 2022 and expected to exceed €872 billion by 2028, an increase of 17.44 per cent. In an Internet age, for bet ter or worse, foodies rely heavily on rating apps and recommendations from So cial Media influencers, but the one recommendation that has held the heaviest weight for the last 100 years is that of the Michelin Guide and its star rating system. A traditional view of Span ish cuisine is that it’s simple, cheap, simple food that’s wholesome and varied. However, Spain holds the fifth most Michelin stars in
MICHELIN STARS: Spain ranks third in the world.
the world and its restaurants rank third in the world for the coveted threestar award. The Basque Country town of San Sebastian holds the crown for the highest densi ty of Michelinstarred restaurants in Europe and is regularly named by many of the world’s top chefs as their favourite foodie destination. In 2022 Spain boasted 226 one, two and threestarred restaurants, 38 Green Star
restaurants and 232 Bib Gourmand. In 2023 the number of Michelinstarred restaurants in Spain has risen to 248, demonstrating the rise of Spanish gastrono my on the world stage.
126 feet: the diameter of the world’s largest pizza.
Munich take-off STARTING in the summer of 2024, Lufthansa is plan ning to significantly ex pand its longhaul flight of ferings at Munich Airport. Currently, Lufthansa op erates approximately 150 longhaul flights every week from Munich. However, in the sum mer of 2024, the airline in tends to boost this num ber to over 190 flights per week, marking an un precedented growth of more than 20 per cent. Munich is the second largest German airport and the secondlargest Lufthansa location, after Frankfurt. As part of this expan sion, Lufthansa will intro duce new intercontinen tal destinations from Munich. Travellers can look for ward to flights to Seattle, Hong Kong, and Johannes burg, along with a signifi cant increase in routes to
LUFTHANSA: Planning to expand long-haul flights.
North America and Asia. The airline’s longhaul fleet includes the world’s largest passenger aircraft, the A380, some of which were previously moth balled. Lufthansa plans to reac tivate all eight of its A380s, with four already back in service and the remaining four set to return over the next two years.
Despite these positive developments, Lufthansa’s CEO expressed frustration with Munich Airport’s subpar rail con nections. In contrast to Frankfurt, there is no ICE (InterCity Express) connection, and the SBahn (suburban train) service in Munich is plagued by frequent breakdowns and delays.
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 55
Kay Caldwell EWN in partnership with Age in Spain is launching the Good Neighbour Award this week and we’re looking for the best neighbour in Spain. This doesn’t have to be your nextdoor neighbour, but someone who has gone out of their way to help you practically or of fered you emotional sup port when you’ve needed it. Or it could be someone you know who has done something special for your community. The winner will receive a celebratory dinner for two, a certificate to frame, and congratulations from the UK Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott. And we’ll highlight their achieve ment here in EWN. But every person nomi nated will be acknowl edged by Age in Spain, so they’ll know their good deed has been appreciat
Credit: Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash
Good Neighbour Award
Extending the hands of friendship.
ed. It’s a great way to say thank you to someone who has done you a favour. The award scheme is open to anyone who lives in Spain. You have until December 12 to make your nomination and you can do that very easily by visiting the Age in Spain website at www.agein bouraward. Just say who you’re nominating and what they’ve done to help you
or your community. An in ternational panel of judges will select the winner and runners up. You don’t need to live in Spain, but your nominee does. Last year’s winner was a Spanish woman, nominated by her English speaking neighbours! Age in Spain helps En glish speakers of all nation alities settle in Spain. We know there are some very neighbourly people out there and they want to hear about them!
Speaking European - Claudio Casal This week Euro Weekly News caught up with Claudio Casal from Switzerland. CLAUDIO, aged 49, has been living in Estepona for the past year, after buying a property here in January 2022. This smooth Swiss arrived to meet EWN on his limited-edition Harley Davidson, which he tells that he has embarked on many an Andalucian adventure with. Claudio explained that “I was at a point in my life where I wanted to make a change, then I found the Costa del Sol and I thought, yes, this is it”. When asked what his favourite thing about the coast was, he replied “well, apart from the fact that it changed my whole life, I would have to say the food, all the fresh produce. The culture of tapas too, to share, to talk, it’s like a mentality, like the coffee culture in Italy.” He did however note that food tends to take a while to actually arrive at the table, which is something he was not used to in Switzerland. Claudio smiled as he recounted this difference, then added “but the beauty
CLAUDIO CASAL: What a life!
of living somewhere new is acceptance. To understand there will be differences but to accept this new way of life.” As EWN said ciao for now to Claudio Casal, he swiftly mounted his motorbike and said he was off to the mountains. “I ride often, the landscape here is beautiful and the salty sea air, it’s just… wow.” What a life!
58 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
WHILST music is a force that often unites people who love a particular band or individual, it can also cause friction between those who love a type of music and those who don’t. The Beatles are generally accepted as being one of the great musical forces of the 20th century but in a recent article entitled ‘Beatles Final Song Released: Now Can We Let It Be?’ our writer expressed her own personal opinion calling them ‘the drab four’. She suggested that the releases of an until now overlooked last number Now and Then was really the thin end of the wedge and that contemporaries, the Rolling Stones were much more exciting and entertaining. This certainly encouraged a number of responses from readers which you can read below and go to the Euro Weekly News website to read the original story and let us know if you agree or disagree.
Instant Karma’s gonna get you Gonna look you right in the face Better get yourself together darlin’ Join the human race Lyrics by John Lennon from the song ‘Instant Karma’! John Zennon
‘… the Drab Four are possibly one of the most overrated bands in music history’. What an absurd piece of rubbish is this article - written by some nobody. D Bath
I’m adding to this because the latest song, not album, in fact the last song is very poor. Like much of some of the other musicians mentioned here. It is sad because it gives the Beatle bashers leverage. All bands and musicians have bad songs. I’m not going into details but believe I could. My take is that the Beatles that are left did this as a kind of eulogy. Just leave it be. And please don’t pretend to be a music expert critic. I am very sad that so much nastiness comes out so easily. Don’t we have enough problems? I think this vitriol is out of order. A totally one-sided out pouring of negativity. And I guess you are going to praise the latest Rolling Stones album. A bit of balance please.
all over the world. It is still better for me to know that before girls were screaming for them and not taking drugs to go and see their preferred group of musicians. And as the song ends you can hear these words ‘you’re welcome’. All the songs from The Beatles reflected positivity. Ericoo
No, no and thrice no. If you want to hear regurgitation of Beatle-esque songs just go out and buy a couple of Liam Gallagher albums. Sorted. To coin a wellknown phrase, ‘Let it Be’. Geoff Atkins
It certainly sounds like a Beatles song but is nothing special, just another pop song. I don't know why they did it, maybe just because the technology now allowed them to include Lennon? Most Beatles songs sound dated today although at the time they were superb. Brian Wall
It is good Now and Then but Hey Jude and Imagine are better. Tim McMahon
From a Beatles fan… it’s very dated. Judy Breadmore
I heard it this afternoon and thought it was crap. Most overrated band ever. Richard Webb
Stephane de Leng
Unlike Emna Mitchell, who has obviously had a bad day, I’m looking forward to buying the Beatles’ last record, they have given a lot of pleasure over the years.
Its good, but… just a b-side. Peter Mack
Definitely not needed. Bill Shearer
S Ede
I can also assure you that several great composers have given their findings about the song, it would have been better that you did read them first before posting your negativity. Respect is what this group has earned many years ago and still have from many fans but also performers
Fabulously written piece… but I guess you have stepped on a lot of toe. Eleni Lolkema
Not the same just two of them. Mark Free
Comments should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements. • 16 - 22 November 2023
Pet-sitters care for your pets at home WE help to match petsitters with the pet owners for free safe pet care in the pet’s own home, for free! Those of you familiar with us know that we have maintained good value for our customers in the last 10 years Yes, we are nearly 10 years old! And in all that time we have only ever raised our prices once. Standard member ship is still only £69 per year! Not bad for free petsitting in your own home. If you’re planning a trip in the next few months register now to find petsitters in time. Earlier is better than later. Whether your trip is short or long, you need to prepare. All pets in particular ben efit from staying at home, so they can follow their routines undis turbed. Join our pet and house sitting network, and the sitters come for free!
A petsitter cares for your pets at home
Choose for affordable travel, home and pet care. These are the steps to take: 1. Register as a homeowner on 2. Choose a Standard account (£69GB per year) to ensure you can help online when needed 3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house 4. Post an advert for the dates when you want to go away. Sit ters apply and you choose.
How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our net work for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert saying when you are going on holiday. House sitters see your advert, they re spond and you choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets. Trustpilot Testimonials 4.9 / 5 Excellent Pure Joy I have completed two housesits so far so early days. Both sits have been well suited to me and my dog. Thoroughly enjoyable experi ences with beautiful homes and wellrounded animals. I’m looking for more! Lisa Stimpson, Petsitter from the UK How do you join? Please register online via our website
Need a pet or housesitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and petsitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either housesitter or homeowner with a 20% discount using coupon code 20EWN – Reader exclusive offer. To find a house pet-sitter go to
PET ownership can bring a host of benefits for seniors which is all the more impor tant for us here in Europe where the ageing population is grow ing. For many se niors, pets offer com panionship, unconditional love, and a sense of pur pose, helping to com bat feelings of loneliness and isolation that can Pets offer companionship. be common in later life. As well as this, pet own wellbeing. Additionally, pets ership helps people stay fit with daily exercise. Whether can have a positive impact on taking a dog for a walk, playing mental health. Studies have with a cat, or caring for a bird, shown that pet ownership can pets encourage seniors to stay reduce stress, anxiety, and de active and engaged. This can pression, leading to improved help to improve cardiovascu mood and a better quality of lar health, maintain muscle life. The companionship and strength, and enhance overall affection that pets provide can
Companions for elderly also help to boost selfesteem and foster a sense of purpose and routine. Furthermore, and perhaps not so obvious, pets can pro vide social opportunities for seniors. Whether it’s striking up a conversation with a fel low dog walker, attending a petrelated event, or simply
sharing stories and photos of their pets with friends and family, pets can help seniors to stay connected and engaged with their community. The overwhelming benefits outweigh any drawbacks and even pet care and food costs are being eased by a wealth of new charity foundations.
A round of appaws AS the importance of pets within modern society grows so too do the industries that serve their wellbeing, providing goods and services that just a decade ago would have been unheard of. easyJet has recently launched a petsitting service, a Hyatt Regency in Japan offers pet rooms with 100 per cent occupancy and the CEO of GCH Hotel Group, has noted that one call in 10 to his hotel chain is now related to pets, leading the company to develop a programme that includes dog walkers and other pet services. Within this changing landscape, specialised pet hotels are a relatively new phenomena, with a forecast market growth of 6.0 per cent CAGR over the coming years according to the Eu rope Pet Boarding Market. From welcome treats, grooming facilities and onsite veteri nary care, to bespoke walking services and special pet menus, these hotels are going above and beyond to ensure that our furry friends feel just as welcome and comfortable as their hu man counterparts.
60 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 AIR CONDITIONING DRAINS
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 61
62 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
16 - 22 November 2023
EWN 63
CLASSIFIEDS AIR CONDITIONING AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Euros. For other energy-saving products visit www.cooland 952 935 513. We are Junta de Andalucia authorised installers as the new law states (real decreto 115/2017). On the Costa del Sol since 1993 (303283) Quality Air Conditioning Installations. Economical heating, & silent in operation. 28 Years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@ (304164) MR COOL – Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heating Systems, Sales & Service – Call Christian +34 629 527 587 or Nick +34 618 678 853 – (304151) AIR-CONDITIONING installations. Service & Repair
to any make or model, commercial air conditioning, as well as Bar bottle coolers. Suppliers of catering equipment. All work guaranteed. All areas covered including campo. Contact Williams Refrigeration 952 596 404 / 679 284 959.
AWNINGS ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation; also recovery service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof s h a d e s . d e s i g n T1(101730) SUNSHINE AWNINGS / BLINDS Awnings, Persiana, Shutter & Rejas Specialist. New & Repairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 / 952 199 640 (304068)
64 BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931
plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423
MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (304439)
www.handymanser Electrician, plumbing, construction, painting. Innovation. ROT deduction for Swedish, Sotogrande to Marbella 648 712 530
SOLAR BLINDS SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living environment. ian@solar Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (303296)
BLINDS ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)
16 - 22 November 2023 •
JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs,
METALWORK NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 19yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/WhatsApp 655 040 648
GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available) (303486) SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (303441) PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 QUALITY renovation: Kitchens, bathrooms, tiling, windows, doors, plastering, Total property renovations info@ 952663141 /670409759 Over 28 years renovating history in Spain (302479)
LOOKING TO PURCHASE Modern Ladies Gold Rolex watch. Genuine Cash Buyer. Call 654 499 804. Genuine callers only, NO dealers.
HOUSE CLEARANCE SPECIALISTS, FULL OR PART CLEARANCE. ALL FURNITURE WANTED, WE PAY MORE. TEL 634 324 914 OR EMAIL houseclearance (303118) PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662) ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071
Puerto Banus
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S THU, FRI, MON, TUES, WED: 17:30, 19:40 SAT, SUN: 15:30, 17:40, 19:50 BLACK FRIDAY SAT, SUN: 15:30, 19:30 THANKSGIVING THU, FRI, MON, TUES, WED: 17:15, 19:50 THE HUNGER GAMES: THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES THU, FRI, MON, TUES, WED: 17:00, 19:10, 21:45 SAT, SUN: 12:00, 15:00, 17:50, 20:45 THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS FRI: 17:00 SAT, SUN: 15:00 THE MARVELS THU, FRI, SAT, SUN, MON, TUES, WED: 17:20, 19:30 SAT, SUN: 12:00, 15:15 THE OLD OAK THU, FRI, MON, TUES, WED: 17:00, 19:15 SAT, SUN: 12:00, 15:00, 19:40 TROLLS BAND TOGETHER THU, FRI, MON, TUES, WED: 17:15 SAT, SUN: 12:00, 15:15, 17:00, 18:45
16 - 22 November 2023 CHARITY COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting donations of clothing, homeware & furniture, so if you are having a House Clearance, Please call us for FREE COLLECTION. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)
CHIMNEY SERVICES CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional 608 377 497 (303436) APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (303700)
CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Elimfamilyfe or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011) CALAHONDA: Encounter C h u r c h ( E l i m ) , Fa m i l y church with kids’ activities, Ig l e s i a S a n M i g u e l , S u ndays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012) THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (the road behind the Mijas Aquapark) on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 (293850)
ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email acservs@ (290189)
BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (295026)
UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290189)
ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL work, re-wiring, fault finding. Professional & experienced. Frank Tel. or Whatsapp 650 561 629 (304241)
REYES PROPERTY SERVICES Est. over 25 years. Rental management. Tailor made for your all property needs. Call Wendy 635 630 370 wendy.bolitho@hot (303625) STARLIGHT Property Cleaning & Maintenance. All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 682 636451 (303142)
DECORATORS ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 602 431 968 Facebook: @ATDDecor Malaga (304018)
DOMESTIC APP REP DOMESTIC appliance repairs washing machines fridges cookers ovens water heaters gas electric professionally repaired 608 337 497 (303436) WASHING MACHINES, Ovens, Boilers etc. All work guaranteed by ex Zanussi technician. Reliable rapid service. Joe 609 345 096 (304441) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
FOR SALE/WANTED WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)
FURNITURE FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (303496)
IRRIGATION IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521
EWN 65
GATE REPAIRS ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (290156)
GATES ELECTRIC GATES/Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. tgdc@hotmail. (295956)
GLASS CURTAINS GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (302477)
HANDYMAN HANDYMAN: General Building work, painting, wall/roof waterproofing & other jobs. Call Michael 622 755 666 (304677)
HEATING Fires: Electric, Gas. Quality guaranteed. EnviroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141 / 670 409759. info@enviro www. (304164)
VINYL WRAP VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs can renovate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (303296)
HOT TUBS AND SPAS HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (303337)
66 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 HOUSE CLEARANCES ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (303496)
INSURANCE MOTOR INSURANCE. For t h e m o s t c o m p e t i t i ve quotes in English call Linea D i r e c t a o n 9 5 2 1 4 7 8 3 4, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer yo u r e x i s t i n g n o c l a i m s bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor i n s u ra n c e w i t h a h u m a n voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm a n d s ave m o n e y n o w ! (200726) STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security (291234)
LOCKSMITHS ENGLISH LOCKSMITHS, SECURITY & SHADE EXPERTS. FREE HOME SECURITY SURVEY. 636 770 865 / 952 660 233 WWW.SECURITYOF SPAIN.COM CONTACT DAREN (303056) T1 ENGLISH LOCKSMITH e m e r g e n c y & a p p o i n tment, locks changed, patio doors & windows secured. All locks supplied insurance approved. Fast & reliable service. No hidd e n e x t ra s o r n a s t y s u r prises. 657 466 803 (290138)
MASSAGE RELAXING Massage for Men & Couples. Feel free from tension & stress Call Dany 603 202 758 (304729) SAN PEDRO. Sandra. Professional relaxing, tantric massage. Young, slim, work alone, unforgettable moments. Nueva Andalucia. 641 346 278
PURE RELAXATION in Nueva Andalucia with attractive independent masseuse. Tantric and other special massages in private apartment. For gentlemen and couples, with no rush attention to your needs 656 350 401 ENGLISH ELEGANT independent & affectionate lady in late 40s, gives a sensual golfers massage to relieve tension in her discreet private apartment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 680 177 569 (304160) RIVIERA DEL SOL. Dana, Cuban masseuse, fun and spontaneous. My hands will offer you a unique experience, with a mixture of smells, sounds, sensations . Contact me without obligation 951274723, 650237145. (303656) CALAHONDA. Leila, Arab masseuse, expert in the art of seduction and tantric massage. Authentic masseuse who manages to transmit the physical and emotional pleasure with the 5 senses. Tantric massage, sensual or body to body to perfection. Make an appointment. 650237145 (303656) BUTTERFLY - Massage, is the ideal place for people with high sensitivity, with a taste for body to body interaction, who enjoy the sensuality and magic, feeling the warm hands of an attractive masseuse running through their body. Our masseuses have been chosen not only for their physical attractiveness, but also for their sensuality and massage skills. Only by appointment 951274723 , 650237145 (303656) CALA DE MIJAS. Looking to get out of your routine? E xc e l l e n t p r o fe s s i o n a l masseuse and with exclusive attention for people who want and wish to relax and live a unique experience. If you are looking for discretion and good treatment, here I am. I’m Sara a n d I h o p e yo u a s k fo r your appointment as soon as possible because I am ve r y b u s y. 6 5 0 2 3 7 1 4 5 (303656) RIVIERA DEL SOL . Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away by your imagination. I am waiting for you in an atmosphere suitable for relaxation and sensuality, without noise, with candlelight and soft music. Before you start, you just have to relax, breathe slowly to free your body and mind... I’ll take care of the rest. Miriam, qualified masseuse with many years of experience. Book your appointment. 650237145 (303656) CALAHONDA. I am Mery, a young, simple and natural girl who hides among her shy appearance the best kept secrets of relaxing, descontracture and stimulating massage. I massage both men and couples. 650237145. by appointment only (303656) NEAR Elviria. Viky, undoubtedly I am the most sensual and, sweet latin masseuse you have ever met. Tantric sensitive massages very special, body to body with oil! I will make you feel very relaxed with a good massage and the end will be your choice. 951274723, 650237145 (303656) CALAHONDA. I am your ideal masseuse if you want to enjoy a massage, relaxing and sensual, I will use all my charm and my secret techniques of relaxation and mutual connection. Dana – 650237145 (303656) MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for relaxing massage in the city centre. Available 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (302600) PROFESSIONAL MALE muscled masseur. Full-body relaxing, deep tissue and therapeutic massage. In/outcalls. WhatsApp me 607 595 906 (304067) FUENGIROLA - Johanna Brazilian 45yrs Mature Masseur. Relaxing Massages. Best relax guaranteed. Tel: 617.818.615 (296396) LOS BOLICHES - Carolina Pretty Masseur, 45yrs Relaxing Massage, Guaranteed relax - 634.703.111 (296396) BENALMADENA lovely lady, offering you a very relaxing body massage. Call for an appointment 634 209 427 (304699) FUENGIROLA. Japanese Shiatsu & Zen Ki relaxing and therapeutic massage. Excellent service guaranteed. Home Visits. WhatsApp for appointment 693 988 340 (304051)
ESTEPONA. Susana, Latin Girl sculptural body, trained for deep relaxing massage. 697 705 304 (FU 2786) AT MY Wellness Massage Studio your first visit will be the first of many. Tel: +34 623 492 262 (304620) JAPANESE massage. Marbella. Relaxing, less stress. 664 177 216 (MI 559) MARBELLA Tantric ritual massage with aromatherapy to leave completely renewed. 642 751 070 (2907) MASSAGE! Outcalls everywhere in Costa del Sol! Independent lady offer sensual massage. 613 731 259. (FU 3127) SARA Venezuelan, professional relaxing therapeutic & sensitive massage. I can visit you. For more information contact me 632 770 051 (303021) BENALMADENA Private Villa: DANIELA from Colombia 19yrs Masseur. New on the Coast. in C/ Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 679 267 197 (304586) BENALMADENA: IRINA Russian Masseur, model, slim, Russian, Spanish, English. Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 604 181 157 (304586) BENALMADENA Masseur, massage, jacuzzi, outcalls 24hrs. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 679 267 197 (304586) BENALMADENA: Maria Colombian Masseur - blond long hair, Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 604 181 157 (304586) BENALMADENA: Alicia Spanish professional & relaxing Masseur.. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 679 267 197 (304586) FILIPINA/Thai, exclusive prostatic, deep, hard, soft massage pleasure to body mind therapy, exotic professional relaxation, clean, good atmosphere. Elviria. Marbella. 679 126 231 (MI 572) BOLICHES. Https://celina Elegant loving kind lovely delightful lady for educated very discreet, respectable gentleman. Unique relaxing moments, hot sensual massages, private quite place. Enjoy full deep complete, excellent treatment, special attention of your needs and total satisfaction. Demanding impeccable hygiene. Previous appointment
11am/6pm. 622 210 797 (FU 3117) BENALMADENA: Sandra Spanish Masseur and Amalia - duo massage & relaxing. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 604 181 157 (304586) NEW IN FUENGIROLA I am Daniela, 19 years old, massages and relax. 603 366 841 (fu 3136) ASIAN lady tantric sensory generate self esteem body technique, fantastic relaxation massage Marbella. 603 208 080 (MI 572) SAN PEDRO DE ALCANTARA - Camilla Masseur 33 - private apartment - 603 804 443 (303731) VANESSA Benalmadena excellent massage services. Relaxing & therapeutic. Home premises. Call me 624 811 098 (304730) NEW IN FUENGIROLA. I am beautiful brunette Luna, treat yourself to massages and relaxation 603 366 841 (fu 3136) ASIAN Touch try something different combination Oriental European, absolutely relaxing massage relief pain stress, luxury place. Marbella. Elviria. 633 705 558 (MI 572) ASIAN MASSUER offers relaxing full body massage. Home Visits. WhatsApp 641 980 066 for details (304011) FUENGIROLA Centre 3 beautiful girls enjoy with authentic beauties 603 366 841 (fu 3136) OLGA Mature Masseure relaxing & sensitive. Outcalls & Incalls. 24 hrs. Marbella – Tel: 632 467 580 (304040) FILIPINO MASSAGE CENTRE, where hearts of Asian professional massage daily. 604 421 973 (MI 572) SAN PEDRO DE ALCANTARA - Camila Masseuse 33, slim, pretty - private apartment - Call 603 804 443 (304637) NEW VILLA in Fuengirola. 4 masseuses. Total discretion. 632 018 105 (fu 3136) ASIAN PROFESSIONAL Massage, sensual, relaxing & therapeutic, to release tension & stress. Fuengirola. Call 613 592 062 (304091) FUENGIROLA. Marisa, 38 years old, mature, all kinds of massages. Only WhatsApp. 631 659 408 (FU 3126) Heated pool, Jacuzzi and pri-
vate bar. Inland private retreat with a full massage service. 662 913 428 (FU 3111) ASIAN ladyboy and gay, authentic professional/traditional massage therapy unique treatment, clean atmosphere. Marbella. 603 257 690 (MI 572) FUENGIROLA. Excellent company, massage and more... Blond, tall, pretty lady. In/outcalls 657 697 397 (FU 3139) BENALMADENA. FRIENDLY attractive masseuse, relieve muscle tension. From 50€. 613 106 153 (FU 3132) NATURIST Tantra massage and fun. Professional Exotic Masseur. Marbella. 602 098 606 (FU 3133) COLOMBIAN. Yeraldin, I do massages and something else. I am independent 45 years old I am in Nueva AndalucIa 611 245 461 (FU 3135) NEW MARBELLA: Mature Chiromasseuse, sensual, relaxing massages. WhatsApp 697 304 608 (FU 3130) CASSIE. Mature English lady. Discreet and clean. Fuengirola. 667 914 732 (FU 3031) OLGA MATURE Masseure relaxing & sensitive. Outcalls & Incalls. 24 hrs. Marbella – Tel: 632 467 580 (304740) BARBARA mature masseur educated 42yrs, private, 24hrs, Marbella. Tel 613 213 030 (304740) SHAVING & Massage sensitive area by mature Japanese masseuse. Fuengirola. 610 396 186 (FU 3137) MARBELLA. Hi! Beautiful masseuse, spectacular attributes. Relieve stress, personalised massage, unforgettable sensations. 642 268 665 (FU 3138)
MISCELLANEOUS GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)
MOSQUITO SCREENS ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730)
MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (302477) MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours, call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (295855)
FOR SALE ROBERTSON CARS... would like to thank all of my past, present & future clients for their continued support over the last 35 years here in Spain. Stay safe and outdrive everyone. If contacting Samantha in the afternoons, please only Whatsapp on 608 658 785 or Email therobertsonclan@ as I am driving mostly & unable to take your calls. ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE SALE THE TIME TO GO TOPLESS IS NOW AUTOMATIC / CABRIO MERCEDES SLK
ONLY 57,000kms 2006 Stunning Silver only used as holiday car with 57,000KMS (Approx 35,000miles) 2 Seater Convertible have fun in the sun. Comes with New ITV until 2024 and history, Electric Roof folds into boot. Selling Under Book Price only €10,995. Now FINAL SALE PRICE €10,000. Classy Great Shape Cabrio. Mercedes, need I say more… See photos on my web page – www.robertsoncars -spain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email: therobertsonclan@ ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE AUTOMACTIC / DIESEL MERCEDES C220 ESTATE 2013 ONL Y 8 2 , 0 0 0 K M S Yes Approx. 50,000 Miles. Electric Big Sunroof, this is no ordinary Mercedes this is my own much loved super Good Looking. Striking Shade of Grey Mercedes, New ITV till Augugst 2024 ,Sat Nav, Electric Everything, Parking Sensors, Fabulous Air-con, Samantha´s Hot Bargain WAS 17,995 Euros Now FINAL SALE PRICE €17,500. www.robertsoncars-spain. com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email: ther ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE AUTOMATIC / CABRIO SMART CAR Silver with Black Electric Hood, hood can be half opened or fully down, go top-less, 2 seater. Small Car Big Personality. Park anywhere, little beauty she has her own car cover. Huge Service History originally from Germany, now Spanish Plates. Low KMS. ITV, Air-condition, Electric Windows and Locking, 2 Keys. Outstanding Condition, WAS €5,995 NOW SALE PRICE €5,250 Perfect Runaround. See Photo on my web page – www.robert or text/Whatsapp me: 608 658 785 Email therobertson ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE NEW ARRIVAL CABRIO BMW 420 DIESEL AUTOMATIC ONLY 59,000KMS Comfortable four-seater, just services October, always kept n garage. Careful Expat owner, new grandchild forces seal. Stunning white with tan leather, condition like new be quick bargain BMW for €25,995. Call/Whatsapp me: 608 658 785 phone me and I will bring it to you for a test drive. Email therobertson ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE 4x4 RANGE
16 - 22 November 2023 ROVER SPORT 2022 LOWKILOMETERS Stunning in White, New ITV Till August. Always garaged, lady owner has looked after her. Arrive in style was €18,995 now FINAL SALE PRICE €17,500 See Photo on my web page – www.robert or text/Whatsapp me: 608 658 785 Email therobertson ROBERTSON CARS SALE SALE SALE 4x4 SUZUKI SAMURAI CABRIO This old warrior is in amazing condition. White with White Soft Hood. No Air-Con, just take the hood off! Drives like a tank great for campo. ITV until June 2024 only 77,000KMS. MUST BE SEEN €4,995. See Photo on my web page – www.robertson or text/Whatsapp me: 608 658 785 Email therobertson WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)
CAR SERVICES ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (303219)
IMPORT/TRANSFER CARS TRANSFERRED, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678808837 or email
WANTED WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (303386) WANTED CARS AND VANS, FREE COLLECTION, SAME DAY 685 524 921 (290189) CARS, VANS BOUGHT WITH / WITHOUT PAPERS. CASH WAITING 678 808 837 (303115) ALL CARS / Commercials wanted, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (303389)
CARS, Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Considered Call or Whatsapp 687 049 592 (304671)
MOBILITY FOR SALE WHEELCHAIR Electric / Manual in one. New & comfortable. Offers accepted. Call or SMS 711 099 887 (304669)
OTHERS EDS? We have the solution, Kamagra pills & jells, Cialis, Sidenafil, over 7 products for men & ladies, mixed trial packs.Free delivery throughout Costa del Sol. WhatsApp or call 603 117 394
PASSPORT RENEWALS UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photos. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. (290153)
PEST CONTROL C O C K R O A C H E S , ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N . P. S . Pa u l 6 7 6 7 0 0 3 7 0 (303636)
PETS LAGUNAPETHOTEL.COM Loving care for cats and dogs TEL 646 066 351 (302996)
KENNELS C A T & D O G W o r l d Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (304242)
PET CHARITY ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the town hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is www.ace where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320) ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 2.00pm. (93319) ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287) ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered charity 8448, the Centre is open to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authorities, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind
EWN 67
Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 info@sepeonline. net (93321) SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clearout, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about rehoming, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)
PLUMBING PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (295026)
68 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023 POOLS
and let us sell your property. Call Joe 626 864 683 (304019)
Laguna Village. €4,950 pm. Call +44 7960 933566 (304736)
WWW.INTERMARBE LLA.COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email info@in (303052)
15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 1st December 2023. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (304200)
SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call and let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290189)
MAN & VAN, 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (294214)
FOR SALE URBAN PLOT 1200m2. Able to build 3 Houses of 143m2. Good investment in a prominent position Urb Sierra Chica Coin / Malaga. 130,000€ plus taxes. Tel: +34 696 376 454 (304791)
PROPERTY WANTED WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info (303052) THINKING of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively looking for properties from Torremolinos to Calahonda. List with us
STARLIGHT Property Cleaning & Maintenance All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Persiana repairs, Decorating, Electrial & Plumbing repairs. 682 636451 www.starlight-spain. com (303142)
PROPERTY TO LET WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@intermarbella. com (303052) ESTEPONA/MARBELLA – large house, gardens & farm to rent. Close to
2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 Tel David 696 810 618 (295657) STORAGE, Storage, Storage. Man & Van Services. Call/Whatsapp 690 155 340 MAN AND VAN removals / storage service. House clearances Collections and deliveries Waste removal NO JOB TOO SMALL Call Mike on 604 380 570 (304093) A&J REMOVALS For all your clearance, delivery and removal needs. Moving never looked so good. Call us on 662534877 (304678)
JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Call or WhatsApp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (304139) Tel David 696 810 618 (295657)
STORAGE Tel ephone’s David 696 810 618 (295657)
ROLLER SHUTTERS ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730) ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (302477)
SOLAR SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 28 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@enviro www. (304164)
SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosan (304143)
SPECIALTY SERVICES 3 IN 1. Nurse 17 years experience, Cleaner, Home help. English / Dutch speaking. Limited slots available €30 per hour. WhatsApp or Call 690 849 277, 24 hours (304638)
SWIMMING POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE, & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 951 536 389 w w w. s p a r k l e n r i p p l e . n e t (303027) SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems. 28 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141 / 670 409 759 info@ www.envirocarespain. com (304164)
TRANSLATORS OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpedrotranslations@gmail. com (304238)
TV & SATELLITE REPAIRS to TV’s, LCD, LED, -Videos, Hi-Fi, & Microwaves, Mag Boxes, UK channels installed. 35 years experience. Free Estimates, Can Collect. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201.
UPHOLSTERY ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701
UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290189) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)
WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC & Gas Water Heaters. Quality Installations. 28 years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141 / 670 409 759 info@envi www. (304164)
70 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
DGT’s fine discounts
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A crucial ally for expats
NAVIGATING the intricacies of buying or selling a car, especially as an expa triate in Spain, can be a daunting task. Car Connect, based between the UK, Mallorca, and the mainland, emerges as a beacon of simplicity and security in the used car market for expats. Car Connect, accessible at, distinguishes itself by of fering a fully managed platform. Whether you’re a buyer or seller, their dedicated team handles all the paper work and administration, ensuring a 100 per cent secure transaction pro cess. In an environment where the complexities of car transactions in Spain can be overwhelming, Car Con nect stands out for its commitment to managing and guaranteeing the entire process for its users. The brainchild of James Rogers, who founded Pentagon Vehicles Ltd/LHD Car Buyer in 2009, Car Con nect brings over a decade of commer cial experience in the motor trade in
James is behind the business.
dustry. Having worked extensively in the global import and export market, James recognised a gap in the market. After successfully facilitating lefthand drive vehicle trades in the UK for 14 years, he identified the lack of a safe and supported platform for the expat community to buy and sell their vehi cles in Spain. Car Connect fills this void, providing a reliable and trustworthy solution. Covering regions such as Malaga, Murcia, Alicante, the UK, and Mallorca, Car Connect caters to a broad expat market. Their operating
hours, from 9am to 6pm, seven days a week, ensure accessibility. Moreover, the team remains reachable through WhatsApp for any inquiries outside these hours. Car Connect’s commitment to transparency and reliability sets it apart. While they currently do not have special offers or promotions, their dedication to managing the com plexities of car transactions speaks vol umes. For those seeking more infor mation, the website is the goto re source. The userfriendly interface en sures that potential customers can ex plore the platform and initiate contact with ease. In conclusion, Car Connect emerges as a crucial ally for expats navigating the used car market in Spain. With a team dedicated to streamlining the process, their platform promises a se cure and hasslefree experience for both buyers and sellers.
+34 671 922 650
SOME fines imposed by Spain’s General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) normally have a 50 per cent discount if paid before the deadline. However, there are others that this does not apply to. Traffic offences are divided into three levels by the DGT: minor, serious and very seri ous. Except for certain offences that the DGT stipulates must be paid in full, most of them can benefit from the 50 per cent discount for prompt payment during 20 days fol lowing the date of the fine. Violations that forfeit the discount include: the use of a jammer or radar detector and the falsifying of a driver’s identification. Similarly, drivers who cause damage to road infrastructure do not benefit from the discount ei ther. Based on the Traffic and Road Safety Law, the DGT classifies up to 26 offences with this distinction, all of which are included in Article 77 of the law. Motorists committing one
of these offences can receive a minimum fine of €500 along with the loss of points from their driving licence. Driving without a licence is also included, as are failing to comply with the rules regard ing assistance on public roads, and throwing objects onto the road or its sur roundings that could cause fires or accidents. As specified by the DGT, the procedure to appeal against a traffic fine is very simple: an appeal can be sub mitted online, but the Cl@ve certificate is required. Another way is to send it by post to the Provincial Traf fic Headquarters or to the Automated Complaints Treatment Centre. Alterna tively, the claim can be pre sented in person at any Traf fic Office. It should be noted that ap peals can only be lodged within 20 days of being noti fied of the offence. Once this period has elapsed, it is only possible to lodge an appeal for review if there is an error in the fine.
16 - 22 November 2023
Affordable electric motoring nailed! ROAD TEST by Mark Slack I HAVE seen some interest ing names for cars over the 40 years of my writing ca reer, but perhaps the strangest was sampled a few weeks back. Chinese manufacturers are very strong on producing electric cars and manufacturer BYD, Build Your Dreams (yes, real ly!), has launched the Dolphin and has a second model to be launched shortly called the Seal. So what of the Dolphin? It’s billed as a city car with the po tential for longer runs if need ed, and if you can find decent public charging on your cho sen route here in the UK. Prices start at €29,968/ £26,195 for the leadin model and estimated range varies from 310km/193 miles to 426km/265 miles depending on model and battery size. Four trim levels Active, Boost, Comfort and Design offer standard equipment
DOLPHIN: Looks and feels classy for its price.
that includes LED lights, auto lights, high beam assist, adap tive cruise control, powered front seats, powered and heated door mirrors and plen ty of USB sockets. Move up the range and the already generous equipment moves up accordingly with such addi tions as a panoramic roof, wireless charging, heated seats and rear privacy glass. In terms of overall size the Dolphin is a Csegment car, so think of Corolla and Golf to give you some idea of com parisons. It feels a wellbolted together car and although
there are the inevitable hard plastics inside the car it manages to retain a look that doesn’t shout bargain base ment. The faux leather seats are comfortable and supportive with power adjustment on both front. Space is pretty good too, and although the topoftherange version with panoramic roof might feel a
1889: the year the first electric car was built.
little tighter my very tall col league managed to easily en ter and exit the rear seats. On the road the initial rather loud motor hum is a surprise and something I haven’t experienced on oth er EVs, but it does soon fade to a more usual whisper quiet ride. There seems very little intrusion from wind and road noise to make the Dol phin a refined drive. As with, seemingly, all new models it’s rather too techy even when more analogue solutions would prove easier. The air conditioning system is a case in point where physical but tons work far easier than a touchscreen. Overall though there’s little to criticise the Dolphin, it looks and feels classy for its price, has very generous equipment levels and drives well. If you want affordable electric motoring then the Dolphin may well have it nailed.
EWN 71
Facts at a Glance • Model: BYD Dolphin Design • Price: €36,260/£31,695 • Power: 60.4 kwh Lithium Iron-Phosphate (LFO) battery developing 204PS • Gears: Single speed automatic • Performance: 0-100kmh (62mph) 7.0 seconds. Maximum Speed 159kmh (99mph) WLTP • Range: 426km/265 miles • Charging time: DC 150kw charger – 10 to 80% 40 minutes • Emissions: 0g/km-WLTP
72 EWN 16 - 22 November 2023
THE Hogan Hackers are de lighted to have played anoth er successful November two day tournament at the weekend. This event had a great response with 96 golfers taking part and competing both Friday and Saturday. They travelled to opposite sides of the coast with 48 playing Mijas Los Lagos and Almenara Golf Courses each day. The weekend finished off with a welldeserved dinner and prizegiving at the Hogan Stand on Saturday night. The fabulous Laura Carter provid ed the night’s entertainment and had the crowd dancing and singing along all night. The overall winner of the competition was Mick Walsh, while Lady Captain Edna Car
The League goes on and Malaga win their second tournament of the year!
Ladies winner - Captain Kieron Hayes presenting Edna Carson.
son took the ladies prize. Ad ditionally, the Golfer of the Year competition came to its conclusion with Peter Gaten by claiming the title this year. A big thank you goes to O’Leary International for sponsoring The Hogan Hack ers and to The Glenroyal Ho tel in Kildare for sponsoring this event.
• AWFL Over 50s League AC Benahavis 1 v 2 Marbella Marbesula This game began well with the home side taking an early lead through Andrew Sweeney with a strike into the bottom corner. Shortly after, the same player scored again but this was chalked off for a running offence. Benahavis then man aged to hit the woodwork three times in a hard fought first half, although it ended with Marbesula netting the equaliser through Pepe Luque after mounting a de cent spell of pressure. The second half turned into a prickly affair with several players sinbinned from both teams for dissent, a visiting player for violent con duct, and a visiting official sent off alto gether… it’s not always pretty! A wonder strike from Paco Fernandez from inside his own half gave the visitors the lead and, helped by a disallowed goal from Benahavis and being able to disrupt any rhythm which the hosts tried to mount, Marbesula hung on for the win, much against the run of play. • AWFL Over 60s League Real Calahonda 2 v 1 Competa Boca Seniors This was an extremely close game throughout and a cagey first half saw no
MALAGA: The Cup winners.
goals being scored and few chances cre ated. In the second period, Calahonda had a player sidelined for running of fences, but it was during this time that the hosts’ Scott Cousins scored what could be termed a controversial goal due to a free kick mix up. The home side cer tainly thought so and made the ultimate sporting gesture by allowing Competa’s Lee Nye to walk the ball into the home side’s goal to redress the balance, 11! Eventually, increased pressure from Cala honda enabled Malcolm Hopwood to score what was probably a deserved winner in a game played in the best of spirits by both teams. Rojales Walking Football Cup (organ ised by Esquina Park Rangers) This annual tournament has become
wellrenowned for the top teams it at tracts and this year was no exception with entries from Scotland and Wales, as well as from northern and southern Spain, including two teams from our own AWF League and two who also played in our league last year. After an exciting Day 1, no team appeared to be running away with the Cup, with the leaders Malaga having been beaten in their first match by Pollok Utd from Glas gow. The Glaswegians continued to keep up the pressure and, although The Walking Dead and Red Lion Fortuna con tinued to try to make up the points dif ference, it seemed that Pollok would overtake Malaga, who, despite putting massive pressure on their adversaries, were splendidly held to a couple of draws towards the end of day’s play. Ev erything depended on the last game be tween Pollok and Red Lion. Despite the Scots being heavy favourites, The Reds held out heroically, cheered on, not sur prisingly, by the entire Malaga team and a 00 draw was enough to hand the Cup to Malaga, to emulate their achieve ment in the Eurocopa earlier in the year. (Sponsored by www.mylawyerin