Wonderland 2012 Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Working European Making projects happen

wonderland Workshop: 13.1.2012 Š wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

wonderland platform for european architecture Wonderland is a Vienna / Austria based network fostering the exchange of experiences, information and knowledge for young Europe-oriented architecture practices. Wonderland continuously initiates collaboration projects with international teams in order to strengthen inter-European exchange. Wonderland also does research about current challenges and approaches in the field of architecture and urban planning. Our network currently consists of cultural organizations, architecture teams, urban planners and designers throughout Europe. In 2012 wonderland successfully implemented two new formats: lectures for emerging architects and movies in wonderland. When combined with the already existing formats of Project Space and Blind Date, a balanced program mix was established. The EU-Research Project Underconstructions is completed and the results have been shared with the public by means of a symposium and a publication. Due to financial restrictions, the SkillBill project had to be postponed to 2013. This extra feature on the digital platform will allow teams registered on the platform to find partners, whether it be for couchsurfing purposes, a competition, travel tips or officesurfing. Supported by

General assembly 14.1.2011 Š wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

An extensive exhibition format, which includes all network members and all formats, is being prepared for the 11th year anniversary. As 11 is almost a magical number for wonderland, since it began with 11 teams and has worked throughout the 11 years, and is now about to start its journey into a new decade, ELEVEN seemed to be the best name for this extraordinary exhibition, to be showcased in AZW/Vienna, for the first time in 2013. The Digital Platform will be one way of technically adapting to the contemporary requirements of our members throughout Europe. Interactive Pages will help our members represent their practices/projects in a better and more extensive manner, allowing them to communicate their contents. The new look of wonderland will accompany the technological relaunch. All in all, it was a very busy year for wonderland. Even though the financial situation was very tight, wonderland nevertheless managed to brilliantly achieve significant change, and realize most of the goals set forth for 2012, thanks to the extensive efforts of all the project teams involved. A special thanks is also in order to all the volunteers and the extensive hours they contributed to make another wonderyear possible. Bahanur Nasya on behalf of the wonderland board


1. TIME TABLE 2. PROJECT SPACE ACTIVATING URBAN VOIDS Mannheim (DE) participative conversion Amsterdam (NL) Participative process on field 3. BLIND DATE

5. UNDERCONSTRUCTIONS Workshops Local planning tools Re-think inclusive strategies How to work with the city authority Transformation processes MY FAVOURITE RULE, How to bend the constraints of architecture and urban planning? Symposium AlterArchitecture

grundstein (AT) & superwondergroup (DE)

what’s the minimum planning we dare?


studio weave (GB) & placemakers (NL) placemaking as planning tool

Budapest (HU) kick-off screening

ar2com (DE) – Czita (HU) sustainability on all levels

Brno (CZ) kick-off screening


Vienna (AT) the gruen effect

Vienna (AT) Getting started

Linz (AT) grand hotel

Milano (IT) Getting started

Budapest (HU) the gruen effect

Vienna (AT) Going public Vienna (AT) Going public Munich (DE) Getting started Vienna (AT) Making mistakes Vienna (AT) Getting started Vienna (AT) Getting specialized


1. TIME TABLE 2012______________

2011.01 VIENNA (AT) UNDERCONSTRUCTIONS general assembly

2011.09 LINZ (AT) MOVIES IN WONDERLAND grand hotel


the gruen effect



grundstein & superwondergroup

Workshop: Re-think inclusive strategies

participative conversion



Symposium: AlterArchitecture

Workshop: How to work with the city authority

placemakers & studio weave

VIENNA (AT) LECTURES Getting started

MILANO (IT) LECTURES Getting started


VIENNA (AT) LECTURES Making mistakes

VIENNA (AT) LECTURES Getting started

2011.06 PARIS (FR) UNDERCONSTRUCTIONS Workshop: Transformation processes


2011.07 BUDAPEST (HU) MOVIES IN WONDERLAND kick-off screening

BRNO (CZ) MOVIES IN WONDERLAND kick-off screening

MUNICH (DE) LECTURES Getting started

2011.08 VENICE (IT) UNDERCONSTRUCTIONS Workshop: MY FAVOURITE RULE - How to bend the constraints of architecture and urban planning?


2011.11 VIENNA (AT) LECTURES Getting specialized

2010.12 VIENNA (AT) BLIND DATE ar2com & czita

PROJECT SPACE_________________________

Activating urban voids In 2012, Project Spaces continued to follow the goal of finding sustainable and social development strategies through on-site workshops, lectures and open public discussions, leading to practices in new and effective cross-border co-operation throughout Europe. Participants received the opportunity of presenting their visions to an interested audience consisting of citizens, real estate representatives, landlords, potential users, representatives of municipalities, architects, and representatives of education as well as of research centres. The Activating Urban Voids Series brings up the topic of newly emerging challenges for urban space design in 2 different European cities, and discusses possible approaches. The design of our cities is one of the biggest and most pressing fields of activities, particularly for the young and European orientated architecture generation. The two stations in 2012 are to be considered as a temporary laboratory to develop ideas, test experimental strategies, implement new methods, discuss alternative planning instruments and present future-orientated solutions and visions. Each project space lasts for several days and includes lectures, workshops as well as round table discussions and public presentations. 2012 October Mannheim (DE) participative conversion 2012 October Amsterdam (NL) participation process on field

2. PROJECT SPACE______ activating urban voids by Daniela Patti



May-July 2012: international call August 2012: result announcement October 2012: workshops

MANNHEIM (DE) participative conversion 3rd - 7th October 2012 at in

Altesvolksbad in Mannheim Mannheim / Germany

In cooperation with:

Superwondergroupp (DE)

While most parts of the city had been destroyed during WW II, Mannheim today, with approximately 300,000 inhabitants, is the economic and cultural centre of the metropolitan area of the Rhein-NeckarKreis. In 1971 the city reached a historical high of 333,000 inhabitants. For several years, the city of Mannheim had been building a reputation as a creative city beyond regional borders, with projects such as the Musikpark and the PopAkademie.

Workshop participants:

2 wonderland board members 3 local team members 4 planners / 2 teams from Spain, Germany and France (the winner of the international competition for ideas) 6 local architects

Since the end of WW II, some of the major facilities of the American Armed Forces and NATO have been based in Mannheim. With up to 25.000 people, the US-community has become an inherent part of the city for more than 60 years.

The final presentation was also attended by the vice-mayor Dr K. Hummel, in charge of the Conversion process in Mannheim, journalists from the main local newspaper "Mannheimer Morgen" and representatives of various citizens associations.

All of the 9 military bases will be dispersed and dismantled by the end of 2015. Almost all of the areas will be reverted to the FRG. All together more than 510 ha, partly close to the city centre but mostly in the periphery, will be free and available for new uses. Besides the demand for new and affordable housing space, there are also demands for new open spaces and local recreation areas.

Supported by:

Map of the area:

Amidst such a background, the Project Space Mannheim is dealing with the "planability" of areas of such a scale, their impact on the city as a whole and the possibilities and opportunities for the city, the citizens and the region. The task of this Project Space is to find innovative proposals for urban development and planning strategies, including and enabling citizens to design and improve conditions in their city. With a total amount of more than 500 ha of new land, the opportunity to think of Mannheim in a completely new and different way is made possible. From the perspectives of planning and selforganisation, questions concerning alternative planning strategies, social urban planning and general visions for the future of Mannheim will be raised and answered.

Crucial questions:

 Rethinking the future of Mannheim – Where do we want to go? • Which citizen group's should one consider during such a process, including the first phases? • How can self-organization become a viable part in the urban planning process? • What kind of concepts promise a fertile way of combining participation, selforganization and top-down processes? Links: http://www.mannheim.de/konversion http://www.konversion-in-mannheim.de http://www.mannheim.de/sites/default/files/page/21 952/weissbuch.pdf http://www.mannheim2020.de/

Local cooperation partner:

The superwondergroup was founded by Frane Bettac, Leo Grosswendt and Wulf Kramer in 2010. The fields of interest range from issues such as participation and low-budget interventions to small scale temporary use projects, and implementing them between architecture, art and urban planning. Undisciplined in thought and interested in open outcome procedures, we play with design possibilities in both public and private spaces, exploring our own poss ibilities and limitations. www.superwondergroup.com

Selected teams for the workshop:

MANNHEIM ON ITS WAY by Luc Knödler and Shirley Hottier



During the first day, the teams visited the site of the Turley Baracks in the morning, and attended lectures given by people involved in the Conversion Process and the processes in the city and region. Kick-off lectures by:

Konrad Hummel Gesch채ftsstelle Konversion MA (DE) "The citizen participation within the Conversion process" Susanne Franz imove TU Kaiserslautern (DE) "Sustainable metropolitan mobility patterns" Christina West Urban and social geographer, University of Mannheim(DE) "The importance of citizen involvement in the regeneration processes, examples from Europe" Daniela Patti and Anna Lugbauer wonderland board members "The wonderland network and projects" A lively debate took place following the presentation. The teams decided that the most useful thing to deliver as a result of the project was a toolkit with some guidelines for improving participation processes in the city. The second day saw an intensive evaluation of possible toolkits through various communication strategies, followed by a communal decision made on how the toolkit in Mannheim could look like and what the guidelines should be.

During the third day, the toolkit was developed as a prototype and tested with some citizens. The feedback was positive, active, engaging and also quite fun, in fact many participants asked if there would be a follow up to the project, as they would be interested in taking part.

The work was presented as an exhibition and visitors were guided along a path, with explanations of the concept and prototype.

During the fourth day, a public presentation took place. Amongst the citizens of Mannheim some of the key speakers (kick-off lecture first day) joined the interactive presentation. An article published in the local newspaper, about "young architects and professionals, working in the Altes Volksbad creative cluster" helped to increase public awareness and attention.

The final presentation: The final presentation was attended on the whole by approximately 25 people: representatives of public administrations, journalists, representatives from citizens associations, etc.

This allowed the creation of smaller discussion groups. Finally, the exhibition was presented for about 4 hours, with the participation of individuals during different phases of the presentation.

Press review:

Articles on the "Mannheimer Morgen"

Freiräume für die Bürger Ein experimentelles, alternatives Treffen junger Architekten und Stadtplaner unter dem Titel "Open Space" läuft derzeit im Kreativwirtschaftszentrum Altes Volks-bad, Mittelstraße 42 (Eingang Pflügersgrundstraße). Hier arbeiten noch bis Sonntag, 7. Oktober, Mitglieder des in Wien ansässigen Netzwerks "wonderland" auf Einladung des neugegründeten Mannheimer Büros "superwondergroup" an Modellen der Bürgerbeteiligung und der Umnutzung von Großstadtbrachen am Beispiel der Mannheimer US-Kasernen. Auf dem Programm stehen Impulsreferate u. a. von Mitarbeitern der städtischen Konversionsstelle und eine Ortsbesichtigung. Bei öffentlichen Gesprächsrunden heute, Freitag, 5., und morgen, Samstag, 6. Oktober, jeweils 19.30 Uhr, erläutern sie ihre Arbeit und suchen den Dialog mit interessierten Mannheimern. Eine ebenfalls öffentliche Abschluss-Präsentation ist für Sonntag, 7. Oktober, 10.30 Uhr angesetzt. "Superwondergroup"-Mitgründer Wulf Kramer sowie die Wiener Architekten Anna Lugbauer, Daniela Patti und Michael Wildmann setzen dabei auf eine freie, von den Betroffenen in Eigenverantwortung organisierte Umnutzung der "Großstadtwüsten" in neue Freiräume für die Bürger. Das Netzwerk bearbeitete in seinen regelmäßigen Workshops bereits ähnliche Themen in Italien, Frankreich, Rumänien, Ungarn, Österreich und den Niederlanden. lang

© Mannheimer Morgen, Freitag, 05.10.2012

Architekten suchen Ideen bei Anwohnern Von unserer Mitarbeiterin Astrid Mader Museum des Kalten Krieges oder Guerillabauernhof? Bewohner im Umfeld der Turley-Kaserne haben unterschiedliche Ideen von der Zukunft des Areals. Was macht die Stadt mit einem Areal, das sie für immerhin 22 Millionen Euro gekauft hat? Wie berichtet, erwarb Mannheim vom Bund die Turley-Kaserne mit einem Gelände von 13 Hektar. Und bevor es an konkrete Pläne geht, schickte sie eine kleine internationale Architektengruppe mit dem Namen "wonderland" los. Sie untersuchte, wie die Fläche so gestaltet und umgenutzt werden könnte, dass sich die Bürger des Stadtteils dort gut aufgehoben und versorgt fühlen würden. Seit April 2011 erfragt die Stadt zwar schon von engagierten Bürgern Ideen zur Raumgestaltung. Im Februar dieses Jahres erschien unter der Leitung des Konversionsbeauftragten Dr. Konrad Hummel auch ein Weißbuch "Konversion und Bürgerbeteiligung in Mannheim". Die Jungarchitekten aus mehreren europäischen Ländern interessierten sich nun aber ganz unkonventionell für das Projekt. Sie luden Hummel zu einem Vortrag ein, schritten das der Neugestaltung harrende Gebiet selbst ab und sammelten in einem Workshop Gedanken dazu, welche Kriterien bei der Umnutzung berücksichtigt werden müssten. Handfeste Vorstellungen kamen dabei nicht heraus, eher vage Ideen. Das Architektennetzwerk schien die Idee eines Lebensraums zu verfolgen, in dem interkulturelle Toleranz und individuelle Talente gleichermaßen gefördert werden, daneben aber auch der Anschluss an alle

technischen Möglichkeiten gewährleistet ist.



Zugleich sollten Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Bildungsstätten eine gewisse Unabhängigkeit von der Innenstadt ermöglichen. VIELE IDEEN FÜR TURLEY-KASERNE




• Die ehemalige Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kaserne an der Friedrich-Ebert-Straße (Ecke Grenadierstraße) umfasst eine Gesamtfläche von knapp 13 Hektar. • Neben einer asphaltierten Freifläche und von den Amerikanern errichtete Gebäude besteht die Anlage hauptsächlich aus den über 100 Jahre alten, denkmalgeschützten Sandstein-gebäuden, die vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg errichtet wurden. • Die Turley-Kaserne wurde von den USTruppen bereits 2007 geräumt. • Die Stadt Mannheim kaufte von der Bundesverwaltung das Gelände für 22 Millionen Euro. Inzwischen gibt es zahlreiche Ideen, was auf dem Areal entstehen soll. Sie reichen über Wohnungen, Schulzentrum, Museum bis zu einer Kulturinstitution. Um herauszufinden, was sich die Bürger für ihr Wohnviertel wünschen, gingen die Architekten schließlich vor Ort in Kneipen und Bars zeigten den Gästen kleine Mitmach-Boxen, in denen sich eine Großansicht und vier Ausschnitte des KasernenAreals befanden sowie Stifte und Aufkleber. Spielerisch sollten die Menschen sich einen Augenblick Zeit für Ihre Stadt nehmen und Leben in die Schachtel mit dem Titel "Mach Mann-heim" bringen. Das war Bürgerengagement einmal anders. Sehr praktisch, spontan und konkret. Vom Museum für US-amerikanische Geschichte beziehungsweise für Besatzungszeit und Kalten Krieg übers Theater, einen Palast für Neue Medien, günstige

Gemeinschaftsbüros bis hin zum Guerillabauernhof fanden hier viele Einfälle Platz. Viel mehr als Stichworte mit Appellcharakter konnte das Netzwerk von "wonderland" in den vier Tagen freilich nicht liefern. Der Impuls ging denn auch nicht in die Richtung, eine Alternativgestaltung des Turley-Areals vorzulegen, sondern städteplanerische Vorstellungen von Architekten mit den Wünschen der dort ansässigen Anwohner zu koordinieren und zu prüfen, wie unterschiedliche Interessen in ein Projekt eingebunden werden können. © Mannheimer Morgen, Montag, 08.10.2012

AMSTERDAM (NL) participation process on field 15th - 18th October 2012 at in

Modestraat in Amsterdam Amsterdam Noord / Netherlands

In cooperation with:

Placemakers (NL)

Workshop participants:

2 wonderland board members 3 local team members 4 planners / 2 teams from Spain, Germany and Italy (winners of the international competition for ideas) 3 local architects The final presentation was also attended by local architects, public servants from the City Administration and inhabitants of the area. The whole process was also broadcasted on twitter and other social networks. Supported by

Map of the area:

Like in many countries today there is no point of turning back in the Netherlands. For decades the city has been ruled by the design of institutionalized processes, the planner behind the desk. Many of these top-down designed architectural glamour projects turned out to be unprofitable in many ways. Top down strategies seem to be insufficient for a lively and healthy environment. At the same time masses of citizens' stand up for their right to participate in reshaping our society. Urban projects are too often just aiming at spatial developments without taking into account the social agenda. We think that integrating social solutions in urban development projects can result in more liveable and economically upgraded neighbourhoods. It seems that the gap between city developers and city users has grown too big. Since we're being confronted with responsible and well organised citizens, the field of urban planning should reconsider the way we organise and rule, plan and design our cities. The realization that we need to revalue the in the way we deal with resources and developing urban spaces.

It means that various parties are included to collaborate together, making a durable and sustainable city environment. However, in the new trend in urban planning the end user forms the core of the developing process. We need to re-find the connections between developers and citizens by integrating social and physical aspects of urban development. Placemaking is a bottom-up process to include different parties to include their ideas and energy in their own environment. When Placemaking becomes an integral part of urban development spaces improve exponentially, because places are made by the residents themselves. How could Placemaking be applied to keep spaces flow? And how can we involve a young generation - the citizens of the future - in the urban planning process? Placemaking is a good tool to make diversity visible in the public domain. With the Project Space we would like to open up dialogue between innovative city makers, city planners and city users. How can these different groups enhance each other and come up with a new framework that with an open source and bottom up urban development structure?

Involving young citizens together as city experts in order to renew city spaces together with developers and planners is a solution towards sustainable urbanism. In the Project Space we learn how to incorporate these new ways of developing the city - both social and physical - by doing a collective Placemaking activity. We're inviting teams with experience in innovative methods of co-creation with young people. In this project, the city council, housing corporations and locals are also involved. During the Project Space, we're trying to find a good balance of co-creation by using Placemaking as a tool. This year Placemakers will host the Project Space in the fastly changing and upcoming area Amsterdam Noord. During the Project Space we'll work and focus on a specific area: Nieuwendam Noord. This neighborhood exists mainly out of middle and high-rise buildings, almost all of the social rented sector (95%).

The neighbourhood still looks exactly the same as it did in the beginning of the sixties: There is plenty of greenery, the buildings still seem to be in good condition and hardly any vacancies exist. In recent decades however, hardly any investments were made to regenerate the area, and there are no places for young people to go. The physical situation is virtually unchanged, whilst the residents have changed. The inhabitants of the first hour are older now and their children have moved from the neighbourhood. The number of people moving out in Nieuwendam Noord increases while many new residents move in, often with different (ethnic) backgrounds. Nieuwendam Noord has become a multicultural neighbourhood. One consequence is that neighbours do not always know one another or understand each other anymore. It appears that the involvement of residents in their neighbourhood decreases while the feeling of insecurity on the streets increases. Placemakers are currently actively working inside a brand new building, part of the newly made center of the Nieuwendam Noord. This location is called the Modestraat (fashion-street) where young designers have workspace until the building will be taken into use by a shopkeeper. In return, this group of designers (artists, fashion designers, social designers, architects and performers) organizes activities for the local community. For the Project Space we will focus on a recently made urban void, the Waterlandplein. What should be or become of the heart of the neighbourhood is still being decided and developed in a traditional top down structure. During the Project Space and intervention, we will emphasize on how to activate the Waterlandplein, bottom up, together with the community and a strong focus on the young generation in the area. Amsterdam-Noord is a borough of the city of Amsterdam. It is located above the IJlake and has 86.520 residents (2009). With a surface of 49,01 km2 it is the biggest borough of Amsterdam. During the Project Space, we'll focus on a specific area: Nieuwendam Noord. This neighbourhood exists mainly of middle and high-rise buildings, almost all of the social rented sector (95%). The neighbourhood

still looks exactly the same as in the beginning of the sixties: There is plenty of greenery, the buildings still look in good condition and there is hardly any vacancy. In recent decades, however, hardly any investments are made in the area to regenerate and there are no places for young people to go. Crucial questions:

 What are the consequences for the city when positioning the architect in the role as mediator between top-down and bottom-up parties?  When we work more process based instead of product based, what are the new guide lines we need to consider?  How do we integrate the dynamism and desires of a new young generation into city planning?  What are good forms of co-creation to include teenagers in urban development to strengthen the identity of a place? Links: www.noord.amsterdam.nl http://www.broedstraten.nl/onderdeel/nieuwendammodestraat-2010/ www.placemakers.nl

Local cooperation partner

Placemakers is a group of young architects, designers and sociologists who set up community projects with people onsite, and in various locations. Placemakers aims at providing social and physical development for areas by encouraging local, creative ideas and connecting different stakeholders; Placemakers can be seen as a chain between 'users' and 'planners'. Through the process of cocreation, local groups work together with developers and municipalities during the development of their city or neighbourhood. The outcomes of the process will be 'translated' into concrete possibilities for developers so that these places can grow more in line with the desires of people and their ways of living. Placemakers stands for the stimulation of active and joint bottom-up process with a focus on small-scale initiatives, as essential, innovative approach to the revitalize public space in different phases of urban development; during planning, (re)designing and the management phase. At a local level Placemakers initiates projects to achieve physical output to encourage the relationship between LOCATION - ACTION - CREATION. www.placemakers.nl

Selected teams for the workshop:

BENCH by spacepilots



Throughout the workshop lectures took place:




The workshop started with a bike excursion from the city centre to the project site.

Joost De Vries Youth and the City – youngster-worker "How to involve and activate youngsters? What can they contribute to their environment?" Giulia Maci IFHP "What we can learn from informal city development in East Europe and South America." Daniela Patti, Bahanur Nasya wonderland "The wonderland network and projects" Chris Von Oost Artgeneering and wonderland member "The role of architects in informality"

On the first day of the workshop, local students took the participants on a guided tour of the neighbourhood. The message to the planners was clear: There is a need for a place for people to meet each other in public.

Following two intensive days of lectures and tours, the group has obtained a significant amount of useful information. Using the information as a basis, the group could start doing what they do best: designing. Because of the Dutch weather, it was soon decided that the structure designed should have a roof, and be a shelter for the user of the street. They combined these two needs and decided on building a house enabling encounters.

The construction part was now taking place. The participants divided into two groups, the construction group and the function group, and worked towards quickly reaching the goal of creating a public-shelter-space. The construction group evaluated the material and construction tricks while the function group

decided on the function of the house. Besides a space enabling people to meet each other, it was decided that the house should also fulfil the purpose of allowing the broadcasting and statement of opinions on upcoming decisions. Initially, voting was about what citizens of the area would like to do or see if there were to be a public stage in Amsterdam Noord. The choice could be made by picking one of the prepared symbols – from ballet to bingo – or by drawing something new on one of the empty papers and pinning them on the inner wall of the house. The shelters themselves, as well as the symbols on color coded sheets of paper were prepared in co-operation with the local students (of the Bredero Lyceum).

The students and architects started in the early morning hours to finish the house construction on time.

Applause arose when the house was finally erected on all four pillars. The teams were ready for the public intervention on the market square in Waterlandplein/ Amsterdam Noord.

Walking to the square while carrying the house generated a lot of attention. The infamous Dutch weather also showed signs of mercy, and it stayed dry throughout the whole intervention. People were instantly curious about the neon coloured-walking-house and were willing to share their opinions. Following the intervention, the house looked fully packed with various symbols hanging on the inner walls of the temporary shelter. It was a great success and helped us obtain valuable information about the needs and wishes of the residents.

will stay with us not only as a nice memory but also as a working tool, helping generate input from the neighbourhood. The final presentation: The final presentation was attended by about 15 additional people, including public servants from the City of Amsterdam, local architects and people of the neighbourhood interested in the project. The presentation was conceived as an exhibition for the participants to experience the whole duration of the workshop. Along the wall were the posters, comments and working material explaining the thinking process, in the centre was the colourful home so that the participants could also enter it and experience the atmosphere for themselves.

It was also possible for the participants to make a wish of what the future theatre for the neighbourhood could be!

This Project Space can be seen as a kickoff for the pilot-stage project Waterlandplein to be carried out by placemakers, the local organizing team. In any case, the colourful temporary house

BLIND DATE ____________________________

two teams – one topic – one event The format, which was developed further, enabled two teams (whether they be architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning or design based) to exchange ideas on a current topic, in a unique way. 2012 October Mannheim (DE) "What is the minimum of planning we dare?" 2012 October Amsterdam (NL) "placemaking as planning tool" 2012 December Vienna (AT) "sustainability on all levels"

3. Blind Date___________

participative conversion participation process on field sustainable acting by Anna Lugbauer


MANNHEIM (GERMANY) What is the minimum of planning we dare?

at in

3rd of October 2012 Altes Volksbad Mannheim / Germany

Blind Date of

Grundstein (AT) – superwondergroup (DE) Participants:

In total the Blind Date had about 15 guests. Mostly all of them were young architects, urban planners and people working in a related field. Supported by:

The Blind Date was supported by the Austrian consulate general in Munich.

What happened

The Blind Date in Mannheim was the opening event for the Project Space which took place in Mannheim the following days.

© wonderland / Claus Morgenstern

The members of the 'superwondergroup' presented their project 'Inverted Theater', which they realized 2012 in Gießen / Germany. The idea was to work with a modular facade and different parts of the facade were designed by different people who participated in the process. The boxes of the facade were placed in a public space in Gießen for two weeks - also to promote the theater festival - and during these two weeks the citizens of Gießen were invited to participate in the design of the theater. A strong interaction between the organizers of the festivals, the actors, the architects and the citizens was the result of the project.

Michael Wildmann, representing the Austrian architecture practice 'grundstein' from Vienna met the young architects of the 'superwondergroup' Franziska Bettac, Wulf Kramer and Leo Großwendt for the first time. The topic of their first date was the question of the minimum of planning we dare. To start the discussion on the topic, both teams presented one of their projects. Team 'grundstein' presented 'Anarche Territorialisierung', a project realized in 2005 at the festival SOHO Ottakkring in Vienna. The experiment observes anarchic processes in the territorialization of space. Lots of ricks were provided to the visitors / participants in a room, giving them the opportunity to occupy space. The style in which the bricks were set in the room (in a row, like skyscrapers,a single family house in the middle of a huge garden, with infrastructure close by, ...) is also representing the way the participants think about their ideal built environment.

Source: http://www.superwondergroup.de/index.php?/projekte/inverted-theatre/

After the presentation of the two projects, an exciting discussion about the need of rules and regulations in planning processes, the options and also the dimension of the participation of the neighbors took place. The potentials and weaknesses of different stakeholders in the process, from the administration to the shop owner around the corner were also a part of the discussion. The guests attending the Blind Date were all very active so the debate was not only between 'grundstein' architects and

'superwondergroup', but also between the two teams who were invited to participate in the Project Space workshop and the guests from Mannheim.

Further information about the teams:

grundstein www.grundstein.cc superwondergroup www.superwondergroup.de

© wonderland / Claus Morgenstern

© wonderland / Claus Morgenstern

"A Blind Date is in the run-up to the event always an exciting thing because you do not know what to expect. The wonderland Blind Date with 'Grundstein' architects was wonderfully uncomplicated, interesting and funny. In a little while very interesting discussions, not only between 'Grundstein' architects and us – the team 'superwondergroup' -but you also with the other guests who originally came only to listen to it, came up. I think the initial stress of the unfamiliar format has subsequently contributed to the relaxed atmosphere in which we sometimes closer to the original topic, sometimes further away – stayed talking quite for a while to exchange our views and had a great evening." Franziska Bettac, superwondergroup

AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS) Placemaking as planning tool

at in

15th of October 2012 FLX Ymere Amsterdam / Netherland

Blind Date of

Studio Weave (UK) – Placemakers (NL) Participants:

In total, the Blind Date had about 50 guests. Most of them were young architects, urban planners and people working in a related field. Also the staff of FLX Ymere (social housing cooperation) in Netherlands took part in the event. Supported by:

The Blind Date was supported by housing cooperation Ymere.

What happened © placemakers / Veronika Kovacsova

The Blind Date in Amsterdam was also part of the Project Space which was organized to develop strategies to activate urban voids in the Netherlands. The local team 'placemakers' met the British team 'Studio Weave' at FLX Ymere to think about placemaking as planning tool. The 'Placemakers', represented by Ronald Boer presented two projects: 'Modestraat as Trust' and 'chart for initiatives for Nobelhorst', where crowd-source ideas and co-creation trajectories lead to an engaged form of urban planning tool - Placemaking. As a central focus, placemakers talked about creating involvement and ownership by doing onsite interventions that may lead to sustainable ways of urban planning. Placemakers explained that new forms of engaged urban planning need to be found. By experimenting with new tools like placemaking, architects and planners can position themselves in the community and are able to operate on a planning level.

The idea was to create a very long bench down the spine of the promenade, potentially the longest bench in the United Kingdom or perhaps eventually the world. The structure travels along the promenade, meandering around lampposts, bending behind bins, and ducking down into the ground to allow access between the beach and the greens. The project has a wonderful development process where many different local parties are involved.

© placemakers / Veronika Kovacsova

The team of 'Studio Weave', represented by Je Ahn and Maria Smith, presented their project 'The Longest Bench' which was realized in Littlehampton, West Sussex in 2010.

Another project presented by 'Studio Weave' was 'Payles Upon Pilers', a timber palace perched on pillars that marks the spot of Aldgate and commemorates its

most distinguished resident, Geoffrey Chaucer. This project shows the importance of telling stories and revealing them in a public space in a contemporary way.

"The format of a Blind Date helps us to exchange experiences and knowledge across the borders of our own nation and put us in the position relating to similar urban challenges. For Placemakers the Blind Date was a great kick starting to open dialogue between housing corporation Ymere, fellow city planners, urbanists, architects, designers, citizens and many others during this informal lunch date. Together with Studio Weave we motivated people to think about the importance of people's and places' stories for the future development of our cities." Ronald Boer, placemakers

Š placemakers / Veronika Kovacsova

The presented ways of practice inspired the audience. Amongst the discussed topics, the questions were: How to engage the public? Where to start with a participative project? What's essential in a participative process? What can be expected from the public and what part stays with the planner? Studio weave pointed out on many occasions that the identity of a place is the most important value for their projects. They always try to create a project out of this identity. Both teams use the public and local opinion to shape their projects, but Je Ahn clearly points out that the interrogation of the public has to be fair. One should not forget that the planners are those in charge and they have to make the decisions and express the ideas in forms and functions. To the question "how to start / proceed with contaminated sites", very pragmatic answers were found clear the contamination, do something and show that change is already taking place. Endless reports without action do not convince the public, but even low budget interventions based on the opinion of the public, which take place clearly show that public opinion counts. And the actors will be rewarded. That was the message of this Blind Date.

Š placemakers / Veronika Kovacsova

Further information about the teams:

Studio Weave www.studioweave.com Placemakers placemakers.wordpress.com

PRESSBAUM (AUSTRIA) Sustainability on all levels

at in

1st of December 2012 Velux Sunlighthouse Pressbaum / Austria

Blind Date of

ar2com (DE) – Czita (HU) Participants:

In total the Blind Date had about 15 guests. Mostly all of them were young architects, urban planners and people working in a related field. Supported by:

The Blind Date was supported by Velux Austria.

What happened

András Cseh from the architecture practice 'Czita', based in Györ, Hungary. Heinz Hackl from Velux initially gave a short introduction about the concept and the design of the Sunlighthouse. The house was planned by Juri Troy from Hein-Troyarchitects and realized in 2010. One of the most impressive facts was that the Sunlighthouse provides four times more daylight than ordered by building law. Since March 2012, Yasmin and Ludwig Dorfstetter, together with their children Johann and Alfred, have been living in the Sunlighthouse, to test it under 'real' conditions. After the introduction of Heinz Hackl the family guided us through the Sunlighthouse, gave us a tour and explained how their behavior changed since they began living in this very special house. For example they used to open the windows in summertime when it became too hot – but after a while the realized that it’s much better to keep them closed and benefit from the good insulation of the model home.

© wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

© Velux Austria

The third Blind Date in 2012 was organized in cooperation with Velux Austria and dedicated to sustainable acting and planning. Therefore, the event took place in one of Velux' model homes – the Sunlighthouse in Pressbaum, close to Vienna. To exchange their approaches and ideas towards the topic, wonderland invited two young architects – Jula-Kim Sieber, who is running her own office 'ar2com' in Darmstadt, Germany and

After the introduction, Jula-Kim Sieber presented two of her own projects, one realized in Timbuktu, Mali and another one in Germany. The first project – école du scarabée – is a school for Touareg children built out of adobe, the traditional architecture in Timbuktu, and the black tent of the Touareg. With these two elements a scarab, the holy bug, is translated into architecture. Furthermore, these two elements also represent two historically hostile parties of the region working together for a school project, which is a very strong symbol. The school project was planned only via internet communication – email and skype – which made it even more exciting for the architect and the locals.

The second project Jula-Kim presented is called OpenUp and shows how an old apartment with many small rooms and a dark space can be opened up into a light filled living space by means of very small interventions, and therefore, in a very sustainable way. Relating to the topic of the Blind Date, both projects provide an example about how sustainable planning means understanding the local situation and finding very specific solutions for the problem. For the school project for example, the challenge was to communicate the ideas of the architect to the local community, who was building the house, which worked best with a very simple model. It turned out that they built it a few meters too small, so there was no way of moving tables and chairs into the classrooms. The architect had to react to this fact, and they jointly invented small multi-purpose bags for the students, which now can be used as a stool as well as a table. Most importantly, these bags belong to the students themselves, displaying that they are going to school and receiving an education.

design of Czita won the competition because of its very effective use of space.

© wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

The first topic, which often comes to mind when someone is talking about sustainability, are engineering solutions. They are important for sure but, as we have learned from the project of the biomass plant in Panonhalma from Czita architects as well as from the Sunlighthouse, sustainability needs to be part of the design and not attached to it at the end. Both architects are also teaching at university and working with students. Furthermore, András Cseh works with young children, for example at the preARCHITECTURA workshops, and tries to teach them how to use their environment and to sensitize them for sustainable acting and an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

© wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

The presentation of András Cseh showed the different levels of sustainable planning in his work. Engineering solutions, learning from tradition, effective use of space and sustainability by design, innovation in education, sustainable lifestyle and teaching how to use our environment were the headlines of his presentation. To better explain the meaning of these terms, András also presented a few of his projects, such as the St. James Pilgrim House in Pannonhalma, Hungary, where they realized amongst others a small wooden chapel built together with students, and the abbey winery, where the

© wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

Following the presentations of the two architects, they realized that the approaches of them are often very similar. Both architects believe in communication – communication with local inhabitants to get them involved in a project, communication with students and young people to explain the consequences of their own behavior and communication with clients, who sometimes still think that sustainable planning and working together

with architects is something they cannot afford.

with their projects and this made them a unit. The following conversation was lively - in comparison to the events which I usually visit - and I enjoyed the homely atmosphere." Gabriele Brugner, guest at the Blind Date

Further information about the teams:

© wonderland / Yilmaz Vurucu

The last statement was also confirmed by other architects and planners attending the Blind Date and the representatives from Velux. All agreed that on the one hand there is a lack of information and the general public still carries wrong and imprecise ideas about sustainable architecture. On the other hand, the regulations for housing subsidies are still too one-sided and focus only on the heating value but often forget to think about housing in a more holistic way. Both issues are things which we all need to work on in the future.

© Velux / Christina Brunner

"The projects that were presented were original and I like it again and again to learn about the philosophy behind it. These projects were very sensitive regarding the environment, the needs of the population, the use of the materials and the human aspect. I've felt a beautiful harmony between the planners and their projects. You could feel planner's total identification

ar2com – Jula-Kim Sieber www.ar2com.de Czita – Andrá Cseh www.czita.hu

Further information about the location:

Sunlighthouse www.sunlighthouse.at

LECTURES _____________________________

manual for emerging architects

As for the wonderland manual for emerging architects, the proposed lectures are not about architecture but about architects, not about the work that architects produce but about how they produce it. The main reference is provided by the recently published 'wonderland manual', first and foremost a guide containing facts and figures, tips and experiences and that as such, it can be seen as a handbook for European architects about how to conceive, establish, develop and run an architectural practice nowadays. The editors of the book will present the topics of the book in lectures and work on them with the audience in workshops. As the book is highly dense with information, a division in 5 events/lectures/workshops is suggested. Any event should be teamed up with a key speaker (local/international) and/or finalized with a roundtable.

4. LECTURES__________ manual for emerging architects by Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp


Workshop options:

Workshop 1: "getting started" Content (exhibition material available) - -Where to go? - -What to do? - -How to keep up? Workshop 2: "making mistakes" Content (exhibition material available) - -Where things can go wrong? - -Why make mistakes? - -What to do when things go wrong? Workshop 3: "going public" Content (exhibition material available) - -Why go public? - How to go public? - Where to go public? Workshop 4: "getting specialized" Content - Why specialize? - What to specialize in? - How to specialize? Workshop 5: "making competitions� Content (exhibition material available) - Why make competitions? - How to make competitions? - What happens next?

2012 May Vienna (AT) Getting started 2012 May Milano (IT) Getting started 2012 June Vienna (AT) Going public 2012 July Munich (DE) Getting started 2012 October Vienna (AT) Making mistakes 2012 October Vienna (AT) Getting started 2012 November Vienna (AT) Getting specialized

VIENNA (AT) Getting started 8th of May 2012 Workshop & lecture at in

ig-architektur Vienna / Austria

In cooperation with:

ig-architektur/Vienna Workshop by:

Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp Workshops participants:

21 persons Architects and experts at the lectures:

Michael Achammer, Sue Architekten (AT) Marion Gruber, PLOV (AT) Eric-Emanuel Tschaikner, KENH (AT) Natalie Neubauer-Muzicant, KENH (AT) Torre Doberstein, complizen (DE) Moderation: Silvia Forlati wonderland Lecture participants:

Approximately 50 persons

Workshop Š ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

During the workshop participants received the opportunity to ask individual questions about the starting process. The questions were discussed further in the evening during the lectures given by the invited experts, the public and the best practice teams. Excerpts of the manual for emerging architects were shared in order to provide an overview about the starting procedures in Europe.


by Silvia Forlati and Anne Isopp in german Der Weg zum eigenen Architekturbüro Welche Strategien und Wege führen zum erfolgreichen Start/Neustart des eigenen Architekturbüros? Wie macht man sich als Architekt am besten selbständig: Welche Wege und welche Stragien gibt es hierzu? Bisher gab es kaum Literatur zu dieser und anderen praktischen Fragestellungen rund um den Architektenberuf. Auch Plattformen, auf denen man sich darüber untereinander austauschen kann, gibt es kaum. Für uns, Silvia Forlati und Anne Isopp, war dieses Manko Motivation genug, um mit der Arbeit an dem "wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects" zu beginnen – einem Handbuch mit Best-Practice-Beispielen, ExpertenMeinungen, Umfragen sowie einer Sammlung von Erfahrungen aus erster Hand, das im Herbst 2011 im Springer Verlag erschienen ist. Auf Grundlage dieses von wonderland herausgegeben Handbuches bieten die IG Architektur in Zusammenarbeit mit uns jetzt eine Reihe von Workshops zu den besonderen Bedingungen von Architekturschaffenden an. Im ersten Teil jedes Workshops werden individuelle Fragstellungen zum Thema sowie Lösungsund Strategieansätze erarbeitet. Im zweiten Teil werden diese Ansätze durch einen internationalen Expertenvortrag sowie Best-Practice-Beispiele ergänzt und öffentlich diskutiert. Am 8. Mai hat der erste Workshop zum Thema "getting started" stattgefunden. Teilgenommen haben 20 angehende sowie angestellte Architekten, aber auch solche, die schon einige Jahre selbständig im Beruf tätig sind. Vor allem die Frage nach den ersten Schritten, nach NetzwerkVerbindungen und der wirtschaftlichen Komponente, waren dabei relevant. Der Kommunikationsexperte Tore Dobberstein vom deutschen complizen Planungsbüro war mit dabei sowie die Teams SUE, PLOV und KENH aus Wien. Gesponsert wird diese Workshop-Reihe von den Firmen Sto und Laufen.

Getting Started oder wie gründe ich mein Architekturbüro? Es gibt mehrere Wege, ein Architekturbüro zu gründen: Der Zufall kann eine Rolle spielen. Plötzlich steht jemand da und möchte ein Projekt mit einem umsetzen. Man kann einen in seiner Freizeit gezeichneten Wettbewerb gewinnen und darüber seinen ersten Auftrag bekommen. Oder aber man kann die Bürogründung gezielt planen und durchführen. Was auf jeden Fall klar ist: Der Schritt in die Selbständigkeit ist eine Option, die für viele angehende Architekten eine große Rolle spielt. Laut der Sector Study (2010) des Architecture Council of Europe gibt es in allen EU Ländern eine hohe Zahl an Architekten, die als Einzelkämpfern oder in kleinen Bürostrukturen arbeiten. Laut dieser Statistik steht Österreich mit 65 Prozent an "sole practitioners" an erster Stelle in der Europäischen Union. Nur zwei Prozent der etwa 155.000 Architekturbüros in der EU haben mehr als zehn Mitarbeiter. Diese Erhebung stimmt zum Teil mit der 2006 von wonderland durchgeführten Umfrage überein: Hier wurden die meisten Büros von zwei bis drei Partner und Partnerinnen gegründet und beschäftigten nach fünf Jahren im Durchschnitt bis zu vier Mitarbeiter. Auch wenn Teamwork und Projektpartnerschaften eine relevante Rolle für jüngere Architekturbüros spielen, bleiben die Akteure in kleinen Strukturen verhaftet. Daraus ergeben sich einige Schwierigkeiten, zum Beispiel die, an größere Aufträge zu kommen sowie genügend Gewinn zu generieren. Allein vor diesem Hintergrund wird eine durchdachte und strategische Herangehensweise an eine Bürogründung immer relevanter. Wie kann ich mich sich als kleine Büroeinheit erfolgreich durchsetzen? Laut der nierderländischen Konsulentin Eva Boudewijn (siehe wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects, S.34) macht es Sinn, sich in der Anfangsphase klare Ziele zu setzen und die Bürostruktur regelrecht zu 'entwerfen'. Sie beschreibt in ihrem Text drei mögliche Bürotypologien: "Studio", "Office", und "Business". "Studios" bieten kreative und innovative Lösungen, haben hohe Designansprüche, aber fehlendes Projekt- und Kundenmanagement. "Offices" sind Kunden orientiert. Hier geht es in erster Linien um die Erfüllung und

Umsetzung von Kundenwünschen und nicht um die Realisierung von eigenen Visionen. Neben Designfähigkeiten spielt hier das Management eine große Rolle. "Business" setzen größere Bürostrukturen voraus, die ein komplettes Paket an Dienstleistungen auch außerhalb der Architektur anbieten können. In den meisten Fällen ergeben sich Mischtypen, jede dieser Strukturen aber beinhaltet bestimmte Potentiale und Risikos. Das Überleben und schlussendlich der Erfolg eines Büros hängt im Endeffekt davon ab, ob die vorhandenen Fähigkeiten und Talente der Partner mit der ausgewählten Bürostruktur übereinstimmen.

entwicklung bis hin zur Planung und Durchführung von nachhaltigen Projekten in allen Maßstäben. In diesem veränderten Berufsfeld ist die Rolle des Architekten viel offener und flexibler geworden. Projekte und entsprechende Aufträge können durch Eigeninitiative ins Leben gerufen werden, statt durch einen 'Aufruf' von Seiten eines Bauherrn. Für diese Erweitung des Berufsfeldes nennt das "wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects" drei mögliche Kategorien: Den "Puristen", der das traditionelle aufs Bauen konzentrierte Berufbild erfüllt, den "All-Rounder", der vielen anbieten kann, von der graphischer Gestaltung bis hin zur Eventkonzeption und Organisation und sich trotzdem als Architekt begreift. Als dritte Kategorie gibt es den "Cross-Breeder", der durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Professionisten ein neuartiges Produkt anbieten kann, das nicht mehr als traditionelle Architekturleistung darstellt. Neben den produktbezogenen Strategien sprechen klassische Marketingansätze von drei weiteren Ebenen, mit der jede Firma sich auseinander setzen sollte, um erfolgreich zu sein: -"Price" – zu welchem Preis bietet man seine Dienstleistung an; "Place" - Wie und wo findet man seine Klienten; "Promotion" und "PR und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit". Diese so genannten 4Ps gelten auch für Architekten, und auf jeder dieser Ebenen sind innovative Ansätze möglich und zum Teil notwendig (siehe auch Manual Seite 58).

© ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

Was biete ich an? Eine weitere wichtige Frage, die sich Architekten zu Beginn stellen sollten ist: Welches Produkt möchte ich auf den Markt bringen. Neben dem klassischen Fokus aufs Bauen haben sich viele Architekten in den letzten Jahren zusätzliche Kompetenzen erworben wie zum Beispiel die Steuerung von Partizipationsprozessen, die Immobilien-

© ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

Die Zukunft des Architekten Die Studie 'The future for achitects?' vom Royal Institute von British Architects (RIBA), hat die Überlebenschancen des traditionellen Berufsbildes des Architekten

hinterfragt. Sie ist zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass immer globaler arbeitende All-In-One-Büros dem Kunden größere Sicherheit zu einem geringeren Preis anbieten. Die kleineren Büros müssen, um überleben zu können, ihre kreativen Kompetenzen schärfen. Nur wer sich als "design house" oder "creative agency" profilieren kann, wird als kleines Büro wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. In der Studie ist auch die Idee vorhanden, dass kleiner Büros Dienstleitungen anbieten sollten, die über das Bauen hinausreichen, so dass sie flexibel auf den Markt reagieren können. Auch Vernetzungen spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Architekturbüros, ob kleinere Büros oder aber auch größere, bringt die

© ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

Möglichkeit mit sich, sich gemeinsam für spezifischere oder größere Aufträge zu bewerben. Kooperationen mit anderen Professionisten ermöglichen die Bandbreite der angebotenen Dienstleistung zu erweitern und damit den Kunden entgegenzukommen. Die Erfahrungen von den drei Best-Practice-Beispielen, die an dem wonderland – IG Architektur Workshop teilgenommen haben, zeigen, dass auch persönliche Netzwerke für den Erfahrungsaustausch sowie zur Unterstützung harüberinaus sehr wichtig sind. Zweifel und 'Trockenphasen' sind Teil von fast jedem Anfang. Diese drei Büros zeigen auch, dass Möglichkeiten vorhanden sind, erfolgreich die ersten Schritte und die darauffolgenden zu schaffen.

Best Practice Beispiele:

SUE SUE Architekten gibt es seit 2001. Das heißt, dass Christian Ambos, Michael Anhammer und Harald Höller jetzt schon seit mehr als zehn Jahren zusammenarbeiten. Im Rückblick und aus den in dieser Zeit gewonnenen Erfahrungen zählt Anhammer die wichtigsten Punkte auf, die ihnen geholfen haben, den für sie und für ihr Büro richtigen Weg zu finden. Als erstes nennt er die Teamarbeit – sie sind drei Partner, die sich gut ergänzen. Dann spricht er von Geduld sowie Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten und betont, wie wichtig die Kontakte zu Kollegen für sie waren. Diese Netzwerkverbindungen haben ihnen sehr geholfen, da sie viel von den Kollegen lernen konnten. Und last but not least haben SUE immer versucht "groß zu denken", indem sie von Beginn an Zukunftsvisionen entwickelt haben: "Wie und wo wollen wir mit unserem Büro in drei bis vier Jahren stehen?" Hierfür halten sie regelmäßig Strategiebesprechungen ab, bei denen sie ihre Zukunftsbilder entwickeln und fortschreiben. Auch externe Experten laden sie hierzu immer wieder ein. Schon bei der Namensfindung hat sie ein Mediator unterstützt. Später einmal war die Zusammenarbeit der drei gleichberechtigten und doch sehr unterschiedlichen Partner ein Thema. Wie können sie trotz Differenzen einen guten Umgang miteinander und eine gute Teamarbeit bewahren? Heuer haben sie einen Politikberater hinzugezogen, um an Zukunftsvisionen für die nächsten Jahre zu arbeiten. Bisher sind, so Anhammer, ihre Visionen immer aufgegangen.

Organisations- und Bürostrukturen bis hin zur Mitarbeiterführung. Als dann der erste von ihnen die Befugnis hatte, als Ziviltechniker zu arbeiten, haben sie ihr Büro in Wien, anfangs in der eigenen Wohnung, eingerichtet. Die ersten Monate ihrer Selbständigkeit haben sie ausschließlich damit verbracht, sich zu organisieren, die Bürostruktur aufzubauen und einen Businessplan zur Absteckung ihrer Ziele der ersten Jahre zu erstellen. Einer ihrer Erkenntnisse daraus war, dass an der Teilnahme von Wettbewerben kein Weg vorbeiführt, um zu den Bauvorhaben zu gelangen die sie über kurz oder lang umsetzen wollten. Weiters war die Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit,also wie sie sich bei Bürgermeistern und Bauträgern bekannt machen wollen, sowie die Finanzierung der ersten drei Jahre wichtige Themen im Businessplan.

www.sue-architekten.at PLOV Marion Gruber und Christoph Leitner haben sich 2009 als Architekten selbständig gemacht. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Teams hatten sie zu dem Zeitpunkt als sie PLOV gegründet haben, jedoch kein Projekt in Aussicht. Aber beginnen wir von vorne: Nach dem Studium haben sie in diversen Architekturbüros unter anderem in Holland gearbeitet. Dies nennen sie einen für sie wichtigen Schritt in die Selbständigkeit. Hier konnten sie sich Know-How aneignen – von architektonischem Wissen über

© ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

Ebenso wichtig für diese Anfangszeit waren aber auch ihre Netzwerke. Hier konnten sie sich mit anderen Kollegen austauschen und haben hier und da auch kleinere Projekte zur Realisierung übernehmen können. Der gewonnene Wettbewerb eines Krankenhaus in Salzburg - auch wenn dieser dann vom 2. Preisträger realisiert wurde – hat

ihnen Vertrauen gegeben und war sehr hilfreich erneut Kontakt zu potenziellen Auftraggebern zu suchen. Im dritten Jahr haben sie dann ein großes Projekt gewonnen, daß sie nun bauen. Mittlerweile hat PLOV 5 Mitarbeiter und ein weiterer gewonnener Wettbewerbe steht kurz vor der Realisierung. Vor kurzem haben sie auch eine Office Managerin ins Team mit aufgenommen, damit sie auch in Zukunft ihr Büro so strukturiert führen können wie sie es begonnen haben. www.plov.at KENH KENH Büro für Architektur und Design, besteht aus drei Partnern. Zusammen mit Natalie Neubauer und Eric Tschaikner, die beide an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien Architektur studiert haben, gehört Kim Tien, eine an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Wien ausgebildete Designerin, zu den Gründungsmitgliedern. Die unterschiedlichen Werdegänge und Kompetenzen der Partner sind ein wichtiges Merkmal von KENH. Eric Tschaikner hat bereits zur Diplomzeit begonnen – gemeinsam mit einem Kollegen aus Oberösterreich ein erstes Einfamilienhaus gebaut. Danach folgte ein weiterer Hausumbau, dann ein geladener Wettbewerb, an dem er mit Helmut Gruber arbeitete und den sie gewannen. Dieser war bis vor kurzem das vierte Gründungsmitglied und Partner von KENH. Natalie Neubauer ging nach dem Diplom für weiterführende Studien ins Ausland und kehrte 2008 zurück – mit einem Umbau für eine Kanzlei kam sie auf Gruber und Tschaikner zu. Für dieses Bauvorhaben konnte Kim Tien, die gleich nach dem Studium als freie Mitarbeiterin für diverse Architekturbüros aus Wien gearbeitet hatte, als Teammitglied gewonnen werden. Aus dieser ersten losen Zusammenarbeit wurde anschließend das Architekturbüro KENH. Auftraggeber sowie sie selbst schätzen die unterschiedlichen Werdegänge und Qualifikationen – zwei der

drei Partner haben zudem eine Zusatzausbildung als Mediator und Coach. Diese Vielfalt in der Zusammensetzung und den Aufgaben der Gruppe ist ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor und Antrieb des Büros. www.kenh.at

Press review:


The presentation was followed by the input of two practicing young architects and followed by an intense discussion on the specifics of the Italian situation and of the needs, especially in the Italian context, to develop new strategies to establish and run an office.

Getting started 31th of May 2012 Lecture at in

FOAM biblioteca Milano / Italy

Book Presentation: wonderland manual for emerging architects followed by round table discussion: 'Come emergono i giovani architetti' In cooperation with:

Fondazione dell' Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia die Milano (FOAM) With:

Andrea Liverani, Liverani Molteni, Milan Stefano Tropea, Milan Silvia Forlati, wonderland Moderation: Valeria Bottelli Š FOAM biblioteca Participants:

40 people, students




Silvia Forlati was invited to present the 'wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects'.


http://fondazione.ordinearchitetti.mi.it/ind ex.php/page,Notizie.Dettaglio/id,2399/type ,fo

La Biblioteca degli Architetti Come emergono 31/05/2012




Giovedì 31 maggio 2012 alle ore 18,30 si è svolto l'incontro di presentazione di "wonderland manual for emerging architects", manuale di architettura incentrato sull'analisi dei processi progettuali e sulla gestione della propria attività professionale. E' stata l'occasione per discutere sulle modalità con le quali un piccolo studio di giovani architetti possa affacciarsi al complicato scenario dell'odierno mercato professionale, emergere e affermarsi. Valeria Bottelli, Consigliere dell'Ordine, apre il dibattito sottolineando come il libro sia dotato di un ricco apparato di statistiche, informazioni decisive per allinearsi alle richieste del mercato e per scoprire nuovi settori professionali in crescita. La domanda che tutti pongono in questo momento di crisi generale è come e su quali fronti lavorare per poter sostenere la propria attività professionale. Silvia Forlati, curatrice del manuale assieme ad Anne Isopp e attiva con il suo studio a Vienna, racconta l'esperienza che ha portato alla scelta di redigere il manuale, un grande lavoro di ricerca, un'inchiesta sulle modalità in cui lavorano decine di studi in tutto il mondo. Il principio ispiratore generale è stato concentrarsi sul "come" invece che sul "cosa": analizzare i processi invece degli esiti formali dell'architettura, contrariamente a quello che solitamente si fa sui manuali tradizionali e sulle riviste specializzate. L'architettura, intesa come manufatto, rimane sullo sfondo: quello che conta è il processo e l'attenzione è tutta rivolta all'aspetto gestionale. Alcuni dati: il 50% degli studi di architettura lavora ormai su di un campo d'azione ampio, occupandosi di grafica, design, allestimenti, consulenze per immagini coordinate di aziende.

Ci si ritaglia lavoro non più nello specifico settore dell'architettura, ma spaziando agilmente nell'ambito delle discipline creative. Il 40% degli architetti lavora come freelance gestendo la propria attività individualmente, con occasionali collaborazioni con strutture più grandi. Inoltre parrebbe che la stragrande maggioranza degli studi siano di dimensioni contenute, costituiti da una media di 4 persone. Sembra di passare in rassegna i dati del mercato italiano – sottolinea Valeria Bottelli - ma in realtà si tratta di statistiche confermate a livello europeo. La situazione italiana dunque non è isolata ma è assimilabile ad un quadro più generale, rispetto alle cui trasformazioni partiamo tutti dallo stesso punto. L'intervento di Andrea Liverani, architetto generazione 1969 iscritto alla rete wonderland Italia, utilizza il medesimo approccio – l'analisi fondata sulle statistiche – per descrivere l'attività dello studio di cui è associato. Ne risulta che i lavori svolti, su di un campione di 100 progetti dal 1999 al 2012, siano equamente distribuiti tra committenza pubblica (51%) e privata (49%), con un 13% dei progetti effettivamente realizzati e un 10% dei concorsi vinti (uno su dieci). La durata media dei cantieri si aggira attorno ai 2 anni per il privato, 6 anni per il pubblico. La visibilità sulle riviste non si traduce effettivamente in aumento delle commesse ma serve ad incrementare l'autorevolezza del proprio studio nel ranking mondiale. Stefano Tropea, architetto classe 1983 da poco affacciatosi alla professione, si pone problemi concreti: si chiede se l'architettura non sia destinata a diventare un mestiere elitario, incapace di essere "commercialmente funzionante", ovvero attività imprenditoriale sostenibile. E' lo scenario dovuto all'eccessiva saturazione del mercato che, in tempi di crisi, non può offrire lavoro per tutti più di 140.000 architetti italiani. Le grandi difficoltà di questo quadro sono però causate dal mutamento dello scenario generale, al quale occorre adattarsi il più rapidamente possibile.

Silvia Forlati conclude con un dato di ottimismo, assai significativo: nonostante le statistiche sulla professione non siano propriamente incoraggianti, alla domanda se, tornando indietro, gli architetti cambierebbero mestiere, la stragrande maggioranza dichiara un secco "no": dopotutto – chiude Andrea Liverani - "gli architetti non sono poi cosÏ razionali". Alessandro Sartori

Š FOAM Biblioteca

Š wonderland

VIENNA (AT) Going public 5th of June 2012 Workshop & lecture at in

ig-architektur Vienna / Austria

In cooperation with:

ig-architektur/Vienna Workshop by:

Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp Architects and experts at the lecture:

Frank Peter Jäger, Berlin Michael Obrist, feld 72 soma architecture Moderation: Silvia Forlati, wonderland

Š ig-architektur / Fabian Gasperl

MUNICH (DE) Getting started 18th of July 2012 Lecture at in

Academy of Art Munich Munich / Germany

In the frame of:

Mittwochsreihe ArchitekturDesign Lecture by:

Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp Participants:

30 students, 5 architects, representatives of the local architectural chamber

Auf dem Weg zum Architekturb端ro: wo, wie wem?

eigenen und mit

With the 'wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects' as a blueprint, Silvia Forlati and Anne Isopp discussed the issues an architect setting up a practice has to deal with, how the field of practice is changing and which possible strategies can respond to this change.

VIENNA (AT) Making mistakes 16th of October 2012 Workshop & lecture at in

ig-architektur Vienna / Austria

In cooperation with:

ig-architektur/Vienna Workshop by:

Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp Architects and experts at the Lecture:

Kurt Mayer, REFLACT Peter Nageler, nonconform architektur vor ort Erwin Stättner, franz Markus Kaplan, BWM Architekten & Partner Moderation: Silvia Forlati

Why do architects make mistakes, why is it important? The Workshop was dedicated to the role of mistakes in everyday practice. After focusing on 'getting started' and 'going public', it is now time for 'making mistakes'. The wonderland workshops - in cooperation with the Vienna based organization IG architektur – offer an exchange on relevant issues concerning the architecture practice, and are based on the wonderland manual for emerging architects. Each workshop is combined with a public round table discussion starting at 19.00h with experts and inputs from selected Austrian practices. Best practices for 'Making mistakes' include younger and more established practices who agreed to talk about the role of mistakes in their practices, and the strategies they have developed to deal with them.

VIENNA (AT) Getting started 28th of October 2012 Lecture at in

MOE Vienna / Austria

Organized by:

EASA incoming students (AT) Participants

Approximately 70 architecture students/ EASA national contacts from all over Europe

INCM Vienna 2012 is an assembly of the international EASA network open to all European architecture students. It brought around 150 people from all over Europe to Vienna for a week of discussion, exchange and celebration. In cooperation with INCM Vienna 2012 wonderland held a lecture about future development of the architecture practice. This event was also an opportunity for the exchange of the two international architecture networks.

VIENNA (AT) Getting specialized 20th of November 2012 Lecture at in

ig-architektur Vienna / Austria

Organized by:

ig-architektur/Vienna Architects and experts at the lecture:

Katharina Bayer, einzueins architektur Ulrich Huhs, huhs & hanenberg Moderation: Silvia Forlati, Anne Isopp wonderland

Getting specialized for why, where and how??


Getting specialization in everyday practices is the topic of the last lecture for emerging architects in 2012. The wonderland workshops - in cooperation with the Vienna based organization IG architektur – offer an exchange on relevant issues concerning the practice of architecture, based on the wonderland Manual for emerging architects.


Observatory of innovative architectural practice in Europe


Underconstructions is an observatory of innovative architectural and urban practice in Europe. Underconstructions is an observatory of innovative architectural practices in Europe that reflects changes happening in the field of architecture and urban planning by identifying new methods in regards to living and working conditions while reflecting on social engagement and civil involvement. Several workshops in different European cities were conducted and an online data base was set up with the aim of highlighting best-practice projects and to promote innovation within Europe. Several workshops in different European cities were conducted with the aim to highlight bestpractice projects and processes. Architects, experts and initiatives helped pursue a critical survey. By setting up an online data base, underconstructions disseminates information as well as experience to promote innovation within Europe.


observatory of innovative architectural practices by Hannes Schreckensberger, Celia Picard


© wonderland / Celia Picard

Workshop series 2012

2012 February Rotterdam (NL) Workshop - Local planning tools

2012 March Potsdam (DE) Workshop - Re-think inclusive strategies

2012 May Vienna (AT) Workshop - How to work with the city authority

2012 June Paris (FR) Workshop - Transformation processes

2012 August Venice (IT) Workshop - MY FAVOURITE RULE How to bend the constraints of architecture and urban planning?

2012 October Paris (FR) Symposium - AlterArchitecture


displays the role of the architecture team as a mediator striving to create a common accord and while integrating the diverse interests of the stakeholders involved (the inhabitants, the building and loan association, and the local authority). The project also displays how this methodology can create social coherence through a sensible transformation of an impersonal dwelling area.

local planning tools 24th of February 2012 Workshop at in

Berlage Institute Rottermdam / Netheralands

Architects and experts:

Dirk Bervelt Architectuur Lokaal, Amsterdam (NL) Hedwig Heinsman DUS Architects, Amsterdam (NL) Salomon Frausto Berlage Institute – Head Programs, Rotterdam (NL)



Rob Docter EFAP – President, General Director of the Berlage Institute (NL)


The aim of this workshop was to identify tools bringing innovation to architecture and urban planning practices on a local level. Underconstructions isn’t a scientific report. It functions as an observatory, detecting and collecting innovative projects and processes throughout Europe. wonderland, platform for European architecture, stated that the selected projects and processes are evidence of the diverse landscape of European architecture practices. Hedwig Heinsman of DUS architects gave a presentation at the workshop. Her presentation focused on their unique strategy of transformation regarding the Wierden neighbourhood in Almere/ The Netherlands. The ensuing discussion focused on the examination and exploration of such local implementation projects and the potentials as well as the legal obstacles involved. The project

Dirk Bervelt of the Dutch nongovernmental building and culture institution 'Architecture Lokaal', focused on their work as a consultant for public authorities. He stated that there are big discrepancies in Europe among countries on the issue of building culture. He also explained the political significance and impact of the work they did. He presented the best practices around The Netherlands and demonstrated further ways of identifying innovative projects and processes. The shortlisted selection of the "Call for projects and practices" was reviewed by peers and academically discussed in the presence of Rob Docter, director of the Berlage Institute and Salomon Frausto, head of public program of the Berlage Institute. Following this meeting and the intensive discussion which took place, the Underconstructions online database was set up. The database utilizes an organic structure by using tags as an interactive system of coordination. It links projects with various backgrounds, heritages, contexts and timelines in order to maintain a diverse selection, as opposed to a strict method of categorization. This flexible structure makes it possible to compare various displayed approaches and point out analogies. The database gathers various approaches, making them accessible and visible in a unique way. In conclusion, EFAP underlined that Underconstructions is a network of partners highlighting the vital movement of innovative projects and processes in Europe beyond the constraints of ordinary architecture practice. It presents tools which are reproducible. Underconstructions aims to strengthen all actors involved in architectural innovation in Europe.


Following the first two Underconstructions workshops taking place in Vienna and Rotterdam, this Workshop was devoted to the topic of "Re-thinking inclusive strategies" as an innovative method of implementing civic engagement in architecture and urban planning in Europe.

re-thinking inclusive strategies 30th of March 2012 Workshop at in

Bundesstiftung Baukultur Potsdam / Germany

Architects and experts:

Carl Zillich Bundesstiftung research (DE)




Verena Brehm Cityförster – architecture + urbanism, Berlin, Hannover, London, Oslo, Rotterdam, Salerno
 Tore Dobberstein Planungsbüro complizen, Halle (DE) Florian Köhl FAT KOEHL ARCHITEKTEN, Berlin (DE) Clément Mariotte Un plus Un, logement faits maison, Paris (FR)

© wonderland

Inclusive strategies have a tradition which is little-known in Europe. Hannes Schreckensberger and Celia Picard from wonderland offered a short historical review of the Austrian architect Eilfried Huth and his implementation of participatory practices in social housing projects from the 1970s to the 1990s. The participants heard about the importance of the socio-political will of local authorities in realizing such processes and how individual commitment was necessary to challenge and push the rules, in the past as well as in the present. Clément Mariotte from 'Un plus Un' introduced an innovative housing model they developed. The model allows modest families to own their own place of residency. It aims to provide families with affordable and unique apartments. The association assumes the role of the

facilitator between home-buyers, local authorities, developers, banks and building material suppliers. With the aid of lawyers, they developed an "uncomplicated state buy" system. They worked with banks in finding the right format of credit. Florian Köhl from FAT KOEHL offered a summary of his experience as an architect in his ongoing processes. He presented different variations of shared authorship strategies co-housing groups implement. Together with his office in Berlin, which has been focusing on this field over the last few years, he accumulated a significant amount of experience. Shared authorship is based on a clear definition of roles between users, architects and the project manager. Its relation to the city is fundamental for the office, and their work focuses on co-operating with groups in integrating this relationship with the domestic demand. As citizens actively engaged in their cities, they consider the project to be flexible and aren’t afraid of bending some of the urban rules they find meaningless.

which was prepared for the consultation commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development of Berlin, was the generation of engagement by changing the tools of planning. Torre Dobberstein from the Planungsbüro Complizen introduced their innovative and award winning approach of implementing sports in urban planning. The so-called "Sportification" process utilizes sports as a universal medium. It serves as a method for constructing a playful argument which encourages discussions about the city. Inclusion in this process takes place through personal experience and the development of the feeling of belonging. This method brings up an important question: how much power do inhabitants have and how can they react to their social environment?
Following the presentations, a final discussion ensued. It focused on how far participation can go and the metaidea that participation is about democracy. One of the recommendations coming out of the discussion was to find and develop

© wonderland / Celia Picard

Verena Brehm, from the transnational architecture office Cityförster, talked about the implementation of participation as a method in their practice. She focused on their study of the future transformation of the airport Berlin Tegel area following its shutdown in the summer of 2012. One of the main theses their proposition had,

adequate conversation languages between the inhabitants and politics. Doing so could create new partnerships which foster inclusive strategies. The goal is to make possible, the realization of new processes which can generate social change. The workshop covered the questions of empowerment and participatory practices

on different levels in innovative manners, which are showcases of good tools, as underlined by wonderland. Invited architects and experts pointed out that a critically ethical approach, and innovative processes, were necessary in managing the high risk associated with the loss against the power of the construction business and the reluctance of policies. The adaptation of these new strategies requires effort by policymakers and a strong will for change. And finally, EFAP stressed that participatory practices play an important role in ensuring the evolution of policies that it aims to support. By setting the needs before the project and the rules, these processes give priority to the best solution in a specific situation. Good solutions, projects that work, provide the best information for adapting policies to reality. By disseminating information about possible architectural and urban planning processes, Underconstructions is a powerful tool for designing better European cities.

VIENNA (AT) how to work with the city authority 15th of May 2012 Workshop at in

ig-architektur Vienna / Austria

Architects and experts:

Jens Brandt Supertanker, Copenhagen (DK) Cédric Bouteiller, Florent Chiappero, Olivier Menard Collectif Etc, architects, FR
 Patrizia Di Monte 2009-2010, director of program, Zaragoza (ES)


Lorenz Potocnik Umbauwerkstatt, Linz (AT)

© wonderland / Celia Picard

The 4th underconstructions workshop, taking place in Vienna, connected representatives of various architectural practices coming from different generations. The topic of focus was creating strategies to improve collolaboration with the decision makers of the city. Participants exchanged their experiences and knowledge on the topic and presented diverse innovative forms of architecture and urban planning tools which could be used for discussion with stakeholders. The processes revealed can be seen as prototypes which had a certain impact on local authorities throughout Europe and helped foster more civic cities. Umbauwerkstatt
Linz, Austria
 Lorenz Potocnik kick-started the workshop

by presenting the process of transformation. Together with a group of architects, urban planners and social scientists, he is engaged in the transformation of the empty Tabakfabrik, a huge former Tobacco Factory located in the heart of Linz. Umbauwerkstatt (transformation workshop), which was initiated in February 2010, is described as follows: "it is thought to be a think tank providing the necessary ideas and the stimulus required to counter the predictable inertia off municipal institutions by being a research lab for the future of the factory. Furthermore, Umbauwerkstatt aims at providing independent information and therefore transparency to citizens."
The professional initiators used their expertise in several process-oriented projects to bring people together and give an impulse to the city. They utilized tools of communication to create a situation and provoke a reaction by city authorities. Despite all the energy invested however, it took quite a while for the local authorities to acknowledge the situation and take part in the discussion. This experience portrays the important role city authorities play in the management of the potential of energies. Estonoesunsolar
Zaragoza, Spain
 Partizia Di Monte presented the process she managed, which took place in the historical quarter of the city of Zaragoza between 2009 and 2010. The outstanding aspect of this process is that it starts from a local employment of a plan with spatial consequences, the creation of public space in abandoned plots. Partizia Di Monte explained how political involvement allows the achievement of so much despite the time and budget restrictions. This is a sample case of how the city made the difference by trusting the architect in charge and providing him/her with technical and juridical support. Supertanker
Copenhagen, Denmark
 Supertanker was founded in Copenhagen as a movement against urban renewal projects. It is a close-knit network of urban-social entrepreneurs working on the borders between action research, process design and urban development. For them, architecture is a tool for discussion. Supertanker has now established itself as an association and limited company and is

funded through various social, arts and research grants.
The network first unfolded as a civic urban laboratory in an otherwise antagonistic political climate surrounding the redevelopment of the Copenhagen harbor in 2003. They came to the realization that the contest process is not satisfactory enough, and more civic involvement is needed. They then set up the basis for a constructive dialogue between the city and its citizens. After this first experience, the group developed the process in medium scale towns where open discussions were still taking place. They functioned as commissioned mediators. Such a task is not easy for them however, since they have to ensure that they remain independent and objective, and refrain from being used as the communication tool of the authorities.

artists and social workers. They believe in the creative capacity of citizens and provide them with tools and simple techniques to ensure they are involved in the development and change of their own urban environments. Their actions are 1:1 tests and are not made to last, but rather to readapt or replace with others within few years, based on the response they receive from citizens. After setting up a city commissioned temporary public space in Saint Etienne, they are currently busy traveling throughout France for a whole year. Their agenda is based on meeting and working with the stakeholders and actors of the production taking place in the civic city. They see their practice as urban activators through action, education and discussion. They are now looking for long time projects rooted in local problems, and they would like make environmental changes to help achieve their desires. Conclusion:

© wonderland / Celia Picard

© wonderland / Celia Picard

Collectif Etc
 Collectif Etc is a group of young architects, urban-planners and graphic designers who collaborate with landscape designers,

The testimonies point out the crucial role local authorities play and how their support is essential in the existence of innovative processes in cities, regardless of how they may initiate or support them, whether it be in a financial, technical or juridical way. Nevertheless, an independent status has to be established for the practices in charge in order to make possible a critical point of view, and to develop innovative processes.
EFAP, organizers of Underconstructions in partnership with platform wonderland and the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, stressed the need for facilitating these experiments. Giving visibility to these isolated processes is at the core of EFAP's mission. They would like to help integrate them into common practice and improve policies by bringing them into public discourse. For example, the EU's Cohesion Policy has adopted the approach which allows structural funds from different sectors to be mixed or united for experimentation. In this framework, EFAP's role as a platform is also to function as a space for negotiation and to be an activator, by notably exploring multiple ways for funding urban experimentation. This can become a powerful tool for all the actors of the city who would like to want to make possible the processes such as those tackled during this workshop.

PARIS (FR) transformation processes 29th of June 2012 Workshop at in

Cité de l´Architecture Patrimoine, Salon Eiffel Paris / France



Architects and experts:

Stefan Shankland Trans 305, Ivry-sur-Seine (FR) Gilles Montmory urban planner, Mairie d'Ivry-sur-Seine (FR) France Andreas Lang Public Works, Co-organizer of R-urban – Colombes, London (UK) Doina Petrescu AAA, Originator of R-Urban – Colombes, Paris (FR)

© wonderland / Celia Picard

For the 5th workshop, processes within the context of urban renewal projects were brought together. The participants were outstanding achievers, jointly launching new fields of action, with global and longterm impact. This workshop was kindly hosted by the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris. HQAC / TRANS305 HQAC is proposed as a label, created to communicate with local authorities and developers. The acronym is a reference on the name of the first green architecture label in France: HQE, which specialized in promoting approach over rules or conventions. Following several collaborations, the artist Stefan Shankland and the city of Ivry-sur-Seine (on the southern border of Paris), chose to renew the local urban art intervention program. HQAC was created and it stands for "High Artistic and Cultural Quality". Stefan Shankland defines it as a method between propaganda and activism.

In Ivry-sur-Seine, where 25 % of the city is in a phase of urban transformation, the city council voted for HQAC in 2007. Serving as a program prototype to the HQAC approach, the process labeled as TRANS305 will be developed during the 6 to 8 years on the ZAC du Plateau, a vast development area. It will create a common ground where developers, urban planners, cultural actors, education professionals and children, city services and politicians can work together. The program is currently considered as a major urban tool by the city for reverse urban mutation. During the last five years (2007-2012), TRANS305 lead several activities which were integrated into the consultation, planning, demolition and construction of the ZAC du Plateau. An architecturesculpture pavilion on the construction site of the l'Atelier/TRANS305 was constructed. Artistic projects linked to urban mutation, such as installations and exhibitions were created, documentation was gathered, an edition was published and a website, www.trans305.org, was created. Two research program (CNRS / PIRVE by Ministère de la Culture et Communication & Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Dijon) were completed. Analyses on the statute of art practice in making the city sustainable were conducted with the city, the developer and institutions of higher education. Many encounters and meetings were organized where exchanges took place, accomplishing public visibility, and giving an identity to this neighborhood in transformation.

to the conclusion that its main achievement is modifying the perception of inhabitants, politicians, developers and professionals in their practices, and their way of thinking, and that art center on the development area have to be changed. It is about dilatation, to make the building site visible and to ensure it becomes a part of the city. It is also about indetermination, even when everything seems to be well planned, the possibility of integrate something new still exists. It points out the issue of the determination of overplanning, which wants to prove that everything is controlled but creates a fixed picture which is outdated when completed. TRANS305 transforms a large development area which could be defined as a "no place" / "no time" area, into an available resource. Gilles Montory, urban planner of the city council, underlined that TRANS305 is a rare case where cultural action and urban retrofit meet. He stated that the artist isn’t a social worker in the city, (s)he’s a catalyzer who empowers on an individual scale. The main concern of Stefan Skankland is to change the state of mind of the inhabitants or the users of the city, he would like to see them become more reactive in their daily lives and make their own decisions in regards to their lives. 2011 the TRANS305 program received the Prix COAL Art & Environment. www.trans305.org

© wonderland / Celia Picard

© wonderland / Celia Picard

The research made on this process came

R-urban To go beyond the actual crisis, R-urban follows the thoughts of Andre Gorz in producing what we consume and consuming what we produce. R-urban proposes the creation of local resilience

networks and short closed ecological, economic, social and cultural circuit links to urban activities (living, working, mobility and urban agriculture) by using the territory of the city in a reversible way. It offers tools and facilities to enable easy civic commitment. It is a critic of the EcoZAC´s. These are new developments in France which aren´t dealing with existing urban structures of the city. The objective of R-urban is to create an assimilation of the inhabitants and their city. This means creating a new life in an existing context. The process doesn’t provide an activity for the leisure of the citizens, it is more about including all aspects of life in the process, from working to living. Atelier d'Architecture Autogéré (AAA) demonstrated an innovative way of practicing architecture, where the architect is no longer in his/her office busy dealing with firms and institutions, but where (s)he is negotiating with people on site. The key for AAA is to multiply the partnerships involved in this process (city, institutions, inhabitants, workers, etc). R-urban has been funded with the support of the European Commission program Life+. The partners of the project are AAA (coordination), the city of Colombes (for the three prototype units) and PublicWorks from London (for the mobile unit). www.r-urban.net

© wonderland / Celia Picard

R-Urban, Colombes, FR by AAA In Colombes, a suburb in the northwest of Paris, an experimental 4 year long program has just been launched. Based on three sites located within a bike-ride distance, R-

urban has initiated an ecological urban metabolism about resilience, not in a technical way, but rather in a social, cultural and civil context. Three projects are to be implemented: AgroCité (experimental farming, community garden, pedagogic and cultural space, energy production), RecyLab (recycling and re-use pole of urban waste, dedicate to selfconstruction) and EcoHab (cooperative and ecological housing and shared space, with one part being self-constructed) R-Urban, London, UK by PublicWorks PublicWorks is a London based arts and architecture practice, working within and towards creating public space. The projects of PublicWorks address the question how public realm is shaped by its various users and how existing dynamics can help provide information for further proposals. Their focus is the production and extension of a particular public space through participation and collaborations. Projects span across different scales and address the relation between the informal and formal aspects of a site. PublicWorks aims to produce social, architectural and discursive spaces. Outputs include sociospatial and physical structures, public events and publications. When beginning a new project, they start off by working as civic citizens, allowing them to be focused on the local scale. For instance, for the Abbey Garden project, they reclaimed a piece of derelict land as a friend group, which helped them utilize the statute which allows the easiest method of creation in the UK. As a result of this initiative, the Wick Curiosity Shop project emerged. PublicWorks organized a series of events, developed local products (seed bomb, ginger juice, etc) and set up an archive of memories on Hackney Wick in East London, an unregulated territory until it was renewed for the 2012 Olympic games. Following the London Olympics however, it will become a 41ha vacancy space without any use. The Wick Curiosity Shop activities are linked to the International Village Shop project, an experimental shop platform to exchange local products. The R-Urban project in London will be a mobile unit, the Wick On Wheels (WOW).

WOW is a roaming production unit, which will travel across Hackney Wick and its surrounding areas. It will engage intensively with local communities to reuse, recycle, repair and re-make. It will explore and encourage direct, collective on site production using existing local materials, resources and skills. Production will focus on three areas in particular: narrative products, direct interventions on vacant sites and harvest maps. www.publicworksgroup.net Final discussion and recommendations:

AAA: The city of Colombes and AAA are equal partners in the R-urban project, making it a unique case. This project should become a precedent, an example for further projects. R-urban is a 4 year project, which makes it a medium timed project, which is also the minimum time of duration such a process requires. The time duration should be longer, but it is difficult to obtain long periods of engagement with a city. The next step would be to create a real estate agency which would point the available spaces out. HQAC: Little projects like Trans305 can change the thinking of other follow-up projects in a city. Various other decisions will be made by politicians and the stakeholders. It is about setting up a precedent and creating a new culture of dealing with urban renewal projects. A transfer of information about these innovative projects and processes to other architects as well as to architecture students and politicians within Europe could push the constraints of architectural practice to a more experimental one. Underconstructions, an observatory of innovative practice in Europe is an essential contribution to this pressing demand pointed out wonderland, platform for european architecture. EFAP stressed that such resilient processes are essential for urban innovation in Europe. Resilience theory, which has been at the core of this workshop, highlights precisely the importance of innovation in smaller scale systems and its impact on large scale functioning. What might seem as micro initiatives deserve support because their total accumulation can trigger major changes on a large scale. Underconstructions is precisely about these

processes and EU funding is crucial for supporting such initiatives. AAA have been funded by the EU's LIFE program, which gives them the latitude and independence necessary for experimenting out of the constraints of regular practice. EFAP draws attention to the possibilities of future Cohesion Policy. In structural and cohesion funds, which represent a 400 billion â‚Ź budget, at least 5% will be allocated to cities. Of this sum 400 million will go towards experimentation projects. Furthermore, funding will no longer be provided by sector, but on a cross-cutting approach, which leaves space for experimenting with new ways of interacting in urban fabrics settings. The role of EFAP will be crucial during the development of national strategies for the allocation of these funds for giving to the city its role of being a testing ground of new cross-cutting resilient approaches. Supported by:

Wonderland - platform for european architecture is supported for the 5th Underconstructions Workshop in Paris by the Austrian Cultural Forum Paris.

VENICE (IT) my favourite rule - How to bend the constraints of architecture and urban planning? 28th of August 2012 Workshop at in

Spazio Punch Venice / Italy

Architects and experts:

Arthur Acheson asa, active social architecture Collectif Variable DUS architects Gruby Punkt Patrizia Di Monte Alexander NiĂąo Ruiz Nonconform on site Orizzontale Thierry Payet Supertanker Urbanchat room

Š wonderland / Celia Picard

Alterarchitectures manifesto:

Book presentation at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, 2012 Alterarchitectures is the first publication of Underconstructions, European observatory of innovative architectural and urban processes. The title is a reflection of other ways to construct the city. Indeed, the innovative experiments constitute isolated occurrences, but seen together, their sum testifies to the existence of a veritable movement on the European scale and beyond. "Pump up housing, city creates city, Aunt Bertha's cabin, Think Tight!, Asking architecture, When people take charge, Athens by exception, Gradient fields, Place au Changement, Un plus un, Petites Urbanités Libres …," to randomly mention a selection of projects, set the tone! It is the written projects of various authors that are to be edified here. The objective of these authors is not to respond to a dispositive, but to a situation, to the inhabitants, to different temporalities, practices, desires… Experimental perspectives produce exceptional results; induce rules specifically adapted to situations, to geographies, to moments in lifetimes…. What can be deduced from this information without being reductive – without formatting, or creating slogans?

Editors: Thierry Paquot, Yvette and Marco Stathopoulos


Published by: Eterotopia (Italy), Infolio (France) Contributions: Thierry Paquot, Alberto Magnaghi, Lucien Kroll, Winy Maas, Patrick Bouchain, Bart Lootsma, Dus, Supertanker, Christian Reder, wonderland, Collectif etc, . . .

PARIS (FR) AlterArchitecture Symposium 23rd of October 2012 Symposium at in

Cité de l'architecture et patrimoine, Palais de Chaillot Paris / France


Architects and experts:

Patrick Bouchain, Loïc Julienne Architect (FR) Celia Picard, Hannes Schreckensberger wonderland - platform for european architecture Patrizia Di Monte Estonoesunsolar, Saragosse (ES) Florian Köhl Fat Köhl, Berlin (DE) Moderation: Christophe Catsaros Architect, chef editor of Tracés Collectif ETC Paris (FR) Verena Brehm Cityförster, Berlin (DE) Jens Brandt Supertanker, Copenhague (DK) Moderation: Marie-Hélène Contal Architect, directeur-adjoint de l'IFA (FR) Thierry Paquot Philosopher, professor (FR) Symposium

The colloquium was opened by Luc Lièvre, Managing Director and Acting President of the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine. Lièvre stressed the importance of new ideas, of innovation, for facing Europe's uncertain times. The city is a testing ground for democracy, environment and sustainability, he added. But while Europe has included the city in its Agenda, no place has been left for architectural and urban experimentation and design. Architect Patrick Bouchain presented his critical view on constructing, gathering and

resisting. We live in hyper specialized societies of execution that leave no space for democratic debate. He stressed that Democracy is the field of disagreement, a sum of individual views, and asked: "How can we define the architecture of democracy?", "Does architecture of democracy exist?" and "How can we learn by constructing?" To share this questioning with the audience he showed a movie on one of his projects of housing in northern France. Impossible in principle, it has been successfully completed thanks to the cooperation of all the actors of the construction, from the architects to the inhabitants and the builders, original financing and collective practice and learning. The observatory of innovative processes launched by the European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) with the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine (CAPA) and wonderland, collects such initiatives, added Yvette, Masson-Zanussi (director of EFAP). It aims at giving visibility and connecting new ideas produced by action with the public discourse the, she added. It aims at creating synergies and multi-scale collaborations between all the actors of the urban fabric who produce innovation locally, but who witness of the presence of a true movement of European scale and geographical range. In this framework, she presented the Observatory and the book Alterarchitectures Manifesto (Eterotopia, Infolio 2012). This publication, co-edited by EFAP Yvette Masson-Zanussi and Marco Stathopoulos, together with the acclaimed urban philosopher Thierry Paquot, is a snapshot of European innovation in 2012 and its connection to the political context. Yvette Masson-Zanussi drew the attention of the audience on the fact that these innovative experiences collected by EFAP's Observatory show that there may be a dramatic crisis, but this crisis is also an urgent opportunity for changing models of democracy that more and more citizens take part in.

Célia Picard and Hannes Schreckensberger, of wonderland, presented their modus operandi for identifying and collecting in the field the innovative initiatives. This introduction opened the morning series of presentations of a selection of architects of Underconstructions and of the Alterarchitectures Manifesto publication, moderated by philosopher Christophe Catsaros. Patrizia Di Monte, director of Estonoesunsolar program, Zaragoza, ES, presented the process of their work of the creation of public space in abandoned plots. Based on an employment plan, it produced major spatial impact. She explained how the political involvement allowsthe achievement of a lot in a restricted time and a low budget. It is the city which made the difference by trusting the architect in charge and providing technical and juridical support.

get involved in their urban environment through easy techniques. They build by testing, progressively. Constructing together, in their work, also means not being afraid of failing, of trying again and again until it works. They see their practice as urban activators through action, education and discussion.

© wonderland / Celia Picard

Christophe Catsaros concluded this morning of discussions by questioning on a vision of positive gentrification bringing social progress, and the mechanisms of accumulation that has been generated the crisis. He concluded the debate by stressing the importance of creating a common space for living together that will not be subject to exploitation.

© wonderland / Celia Picard

Florian Köhl from FAT KOEHL offered a summary of his field experience as an architect in the ongoing processes he’s engaged in. He talked about shared authorship, based on a clear definition of roles between users, architects and the project manager. The work of his office focuses on co-operation with groups and in integrating this relationship with the domestic demand. They consider the project as committed citizens, flexible and not afraid of bending some of the inappropriate rules. Collectif Etc, a group of young architects, urban-planners and graphic designers, collaborate with landscape designers, artists and social workers. They believe in the creative capacity of citizens and provide them with tools enabling them to

© wonderland / Celia Picard

During the afternoon session of the symposium, moderated by deputy director of the CAPA Marie-Hélène Contal, Verena Brehm, from the transnational architecture office Cityförster, talked about the implementation of participation as a method in their practice. She focused on their study of the future transformation of the airport Berlin Tegel. One of the main theses their proposition had, which was

prepared for the consultation commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development of Berlin, was the generation of engagement by changing the tools of planning. Jens Brandt described the work of Supertanker, a close-knit network of urban-social entrepreneurs working on the borders between action research, process design and urban development. For them architecture is a tool for discussion. They set up the base of a constructive dialogue between the citizens and the city. Supertanker has developed process in medium scale towns where discussions were still opened. They work as commissioned mediators. The difficulty for them in such a position is to stay independent and not to be used as a communication tool of the authorities. Marie-HĂŠlène Contal, reacting to the presentations, questioned the audience on which way should urban policies chose for facing the crisis and in light of what has been said during this day of debates. Martin Colreavy, Chief Architectural Advisor/Government Advisor on Architectural Policy in Ireland, answered by stressing the importance of the work of the European Forum for Architectural Policies. Ireland, he reminded, has an historical collaboration with EFAP that has lead to the drafting of architectural policy. He pointed out that EFAP's multilevel functioning, its presence both among the institutions (Council conclusion on architecture,2008), and in the field with its projects, is indispensable to reconcile the two aspects that concentrate the challenges of contemporary urban policy making. These aspects are that while policies are made top down, citizens and architects build bottom-up. He concluded by saying that we need tools for engaging with the communities if we want to be successful. After the presentations, urban philosopher Thierry Paquot took the audience on a voyage through the American roots of urban activism, from Paul Goodman to Saul Alinsky or Jane Jacobs. By depicting today's social discomfort and divisions, indignation and citizen’s in need for

autonomy, he pointed out the similarities with the context in which American counterculture was born. By doing so he proposed an inspiring view on contemporary European innovation as part of a nascent movement, and suggested an optimistic premonition for European urban future by reminding the social and democratic progress American activism has produced.

MOVIES IN WONDERLAND_________________

architecture film festival Architecture film is a means of mediation and communication that can foster understanding for contemporary architectural and urban projects in Europe. In recent years, "architecture films" became a genre on its right to represent architecture and stimulate debates about urban transformation. The [movies in wonderland] project aims to organize Central European producers, curators and spectators of architecture films into a network that enhances the visibility and accessibility of these films in the region and beyond. Therefore wonderland plans a series of architecture film screenings and film productions. The establishing of a network among professionals dealing with architectural value in film, and a common archive does not only connect institutions within Europe, but also enriches their respective repertoire and develops new international perspectives, while diminishing costs for screenings, rentals etc.. The key questions for the film festival are: -



6. movies in wonderland_ architecture film festival

by Levente Polyak, Marlene Rutzendorfer, Clemens Bauder




How can communication between architects/planners and the general public be improved? What urban spaces in Vienna, Linz and Budapest (as well as other European cities later on) are best for making this dialog possible? How can wonderland reach a broad and interested public? In what ways can architecture film events and organizational teams collaborate in order to help each other to increase the quality and quantity of film archives and screening events? What positive effect can result from the public screenings, also with respect to long term developments and input for planners? What is the best way to initiate new film projects that deal with valuable architecture? (Competitions etc.)

JULY 2012 BUDAPEST (HU) kick-off screening

JULY 2012 BRNO (CZ) kick-off screening

AUGUST 2012 VIENNA (AT) the gruen effect

SEPTEMBER 2012 LINZ (AT) grand hotel

SEPTEMBER 2012 BUDAPEST (HU) the gruen effect 2012 marked the first year of the movies in wonderland series. The movies in wonderland season was realized in cooperation with various partners in the Central European region: KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre in Budapest, 4AM Forum for Architecture and Media in Brno, as well as the websites www.filmclips.de and www.streetfilms.org.

BUDAPEST (HU) kick-off screening 2nd of July 2012 Screening and debate at in

Trapez padlas Budapest / Hungary

In cooperation with:


Screened movies:

Behind the Iron Gate Heidrun Holzfeind (Warsaw, 2009, 55') Petržalka Identity Juraj Chlpik (Bratislava, 2010, 25') Rounding Off Zsolt Keserue, Levente Polyák, Dénes: (Budapest, 2007, 24′)


The kick-off screening of the series took place in Budapest, on July 2, at Trapéz padlás, where over 150 people gathered to watch the screening of a selection of the Central European Architecture Film Collection. Three films portraying life in socialist-style housing estates were shown at the event.

© Levente Polyák


Metropolitan Archelogy Gruppo Tökmag & György Mór Kárpáti (Budapest, 2011, 8′)

kick-off screening

The Slovakian National Barbara Zavarská, Aleš (Bratislava, 2010, 5')

7th July 2012 Screening and debate at in

ruburban tram station Brno / Czech Republic

Gallery Šedivec

The Slovakian Broadcasting building Barbara Zavarská, Aleš Šedivec (Bratislava, 2010, 5')

In cooperation with:


No Entry Márk Péter Vargha (Budapest, 2011, 4') Screened movies:

Behind the Iron Gate Heidrun Holzfeind (Warsaw, 2009, 55') Petržalka Identity Juraj Chlpik (Bratislava, 2010, 25') Rounding Off Zsolt Keserue, Levente Polyák, Dénes: (Budapest, 2007, 24') Most Petr Zikmund (Prague, 6') Rahova David Možný (Brno, 2008, 6')

© Levente Polyák


The second event of the movies in wonderland series took place in Brno on July 7, in a suburban tram station. The station lost its terminus status, but is still in use, thus allowing passers-by to join the screening and the following concert. At the Brno screening, attended by over 100 people, various films depicting the Central European architectural and urban condition from the Central European Architecture Film Collection were shown.

VIENNA (AT) ... a filmfestival with selected movies and talks about architecture, urbanism and public space! 24th August 2012 Screening and debate at in

MQ Vienna / Austria

In cooperation with:



Gudrun Hausegger Architecture historian, Journalist Christian Knapp Kohlmayr Lutter Knapp Marlene Rutzendorfer wonderland Andrea Seidling Architect, Film essayist Katharina Weingartner Director "Der Gruen Effekt – Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall"

Screened movies:

Further links:

"DER GRUEN-EFFEKT. Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall." Anette Baldauf, Katharina Weingartner (A 2009, 55 min. )

www.azw.at/event.php?event_id=1258 www.pooldoks.com www.streetfilms.org

"San Francisco Park(ing) Day 2009" John Hamilton (USA 2009, 4 min.)

The third event of the movies in wonderland series was organized in Vienna, on August 24th. Taking place in the lecture hall of the Architekturzentrum Wien, the event attracted over 200 visitors. Anette Baldauf and Katharina Weingartner's film "Der Gruen Effekt. Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall" screening was accompanied by John Hamilton's short movie "San Francisco Park(ing) Day 2009", and a round-table discussion about the commercialization of the urban environment, featuring Gudrun Hausegger (architecture historian, journalist), Christian Knapp (Kohlmayr Lutter Knapp), Marlene Rutzendorfer (wonderland), Andrea Seidling (architect, film essayist) and Katharina Weingartner (director of "Der Gruen Effekt – Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall").

Cover Fortune Magazine © Gruen Associates

© Mario Heuschober

The screening at the Museums Quartier related to that site, considering its parallels to Gruen´s initial intent of the so-called "Shopping Towns". Centres that combine shops and public institutions around an open air courtyard, not unlike the collection of museums surrounding a courtyard at MQ. Public space and its democratic use for citizens without motorised vehicles was another big topic that evening. The MQ Vienna provides such a space for citizens, protected from traffic noise and pollution. Gruen had also functioned as a pioneer for pedestrian zones, such as Vienna´s Kärntner Straße. John Hamilton's short movie "San Francisco Park(ing) Day 2009" functioned as an introduction, dealing with the idea of reducing the impact of motorized vehicles on today´s cities, while reusing parking space as actual temporary parks, playgrounds and relaxing zones during the annual event called Park(ing) Day, founded in San Francisco.

© Mario Heuschober

LINZ (AT) ... a filmfestival with selected movies and talks about architecture, urbanism and public space! 5th September 2012 Screening and debate at in

Alte Tabakfabrik Linz / Austria

Screened movie:

"Grande Hotel" Lotte Stoops (Belgium 2011, 67 min.)

Grande Hotel Š Lotte Stoops

The fourth event of the Movies in Wonderland series was realized in Linz, at the former tobacco factory on September 5. In order to provide input on the ongoing discussion of how this big vacancy could be transformed, Lotte Stoops' film "Grande Hotel", which tells the story of an occupied hotel in Beira, Mozambique in Mozambique, was presented to the audience of over 60. A lively discussion with the audience on temporary use and reuse of buildings pursued.

Wich strategies are sustainable and successful for long-term processes? What about the role of informality? How can conflicting interests be dealt with? How can existing structures be reinterpreted? How can (civil) initiatives contribute to such transformation processes? How can experimental free space be created? Those were the main questions of a roundtable discussion featuring Margit Greinöcker (fruchtgenuss - agency for vacancies), Thomas Diesenreiter (Tabakfabrik Linz), Roland Krebs (urban issues) and Clemens Bauder (wonderland). This screening took place in cooperaton with Tabakfabrik Linz and backlab.

Artists and small offices from creative industries are trying to find a way of reinterpreting a former tobacco factory, installing work spaces, offices and community institutions. Future tenants, organizers and representatives of the project described the difficulties of realizing ideas in the context of various groups of interest, money and funding, as well as dealing with the city council. This marked a big difference between their current situation in Linz and the occupied building of the "Grande Hotel" in Mozambique, where poor tenants live in a formerly luxurious hotel installed in the mid 20th century by the Portuguese government. These inhabitants try to survive not by actually only living in it, but also by living on the building and the materials that they sell, such as metal, concrete, wood, glass etc. Hence, the former landmark representing the rich occupation power with only few luxury rooms, is now a skeleton, occupied by people who need it to survive, divided into small housing units. This screening was organised in cooperaton with Tabakfabrik Linz and backlab.

©wonderland / Jürgen Haller

BUDAPEST (HU) ... a filmfestival with selected movies and talks about architecture, urbanism and public space! 10th September 2012 Screening and debate at in

Muszi (Corvin Department Store, Blaha Lujzater Budapest / Hungary

Screened movies:

"DER GRUEN-EFFEKT. Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall." Anette Baldauf, Katharina Weingartner (A 2009, 55 min.)

The closing screening of the 2012 series took place in Budapest, on September 10, as the opening event of Budapest new independent cultural venue, Művelődési Szint. Anette Baldauf and Katharina Weingartner's film "Der Gruen Effekt. Victor Gruen und die Shopping Mall" screening was accompanied by a roundtable discussion about the decay of shopping malls and the destiny of vacant commercial spaces. The discussion included Bálint Kádár (BME), Dávid Zubreczki (urbanista blog), Gábor Radványi (Futureál) and Levente Polyák (KÉK). We decided to correlate today´s version of shopping centres and what has become of it with Gruen´s ideas in a shopping centre in Budapest. What has become of the idealist shopping town, upgrading American suburbia for housewives, providing them with cultural and educational institutions in combination with the shops they needed. While Gruen intended to transfer the old European city centre to the American suburbs that lacked infrastructure and social areas, the course of history changed the direction of this transfer from the US to Europe, which meant an increase of shopping centres on the outskirts of the cities, while shops in city centres could no longer compete and died off. Especially in Hungary and Eastern Europe, the end of the Iron Curtain brought with it huge shopping mall

developments. The 2012 movies in wonderland series managed to achieve the goals set: to link locations through a series of screenings and to engage various publics in discussing architectural questions through the medium of film.

Wonderland is an architectural think-tank that explores the professional, economic, and social aspects of being an architect while utilizing the wonderland magazine, wonderland symposiums and in wonderland exhibitions as discussion platforms. The network's aim is to foster the exchange of information on typical architectural work processes and daily professional practice across national borders. Aims of the wonderland internet platform:

The internet platform will be an offspring of the current wonderland website. Redesigned to allow more interactivity among wonderland members, it will enable architects throughout Europe to take part in wonderland's online community, making it a hub of online social interaction for architects and alternative practices. The new interface will have many new features, but most importantly, it will allow easier access to wonderland and the events organized by wonderland. The online platform will also serve as a portal for the dissemination of knowledge and information for everyone involved in the field of architecture, including alternative practices. The modern design interface will allow architects throughout Europe to take part in wonderland's online community while the categorization of topics and issues will allow direct access to information and knowledge.

7. Digital platform by Leo GroĂ&#x;wendt, Yilmaz Vurucu, Jiri Koten


In short, the overall aim of the new platform is to make the wonderland site an online hub where architects and urban planners/designers can exchange info on a timely and relevant basis, be a part of the online community and exchange ideas through discussion boards and personal pages. The wonderland platform will become a gathering place for everyone associated with Architecture, not just wonderland members. It will raise wonderland's profile and make it an important base of information and knowledge.

The proposed online internet platform will have the following features: The current wonderland website will be redesigned The style and functionality of the current site will be updated and modernized. A new, simple yet functional style will be implemented, allowing the user easy and quick access to all of its features. The splash page will be redesigned

The current splash/intro page of the wonderland website will go through extensive redesigning. One of the new features of the introduction page will be a ticker which displays the most recent 'wonderNews', the latest news in regards to what's happening at/with wonderland. The intro page will also provide immediate access to basic information about wonderland and what it does. The menu on the side of the page will allow easy and quick access to all the new features of the page.

The social network

This is perhaps the most important and significant new feature of the site, and will potentially become the most useful aspect. A social network will be constructed and integrated into the main wonderland website. The social networking tool will allow dynamic online interaction among architects, urban developers and alternative practitioners. They will be able to post information about themselves, their practices, their area(s) of expertise and status updates (with photos and visual info) about their projects. The social networking site will allow members with similar interests to connect with each other, exchange information or perhaps even forge collaborations on future projects. Each member will have a profile and wall (much like facebook) where they can post about their practices. They will also be able to post in the general forums, and these posts will show up on their wall.

The social network aspect of the wonderland platform will be integrated into the main splash page, where a ticker on the side of the page will receive constant updates about the trending topics and issues of discussion. This way, interactivity among architects throughout Europe will be increased and wonderland will serve as a hub for making connections and exchanging information. The posts on the forum will be TAGGED with subject headings, allowing integrated easy searching. The most recent issues of discussion/exchange will be integrated into the splash page in the box/section about the forum. Wonderland project updates:

Each wonderland project (i.e.: Project Space, Blind Date etc.) will have their own page within the new web portal. The team leaders of each project will be able to post photos and news updates on their own, within the page allocated to them. Every new item/update will be displayed/integrated within the 'news box' on the wonderland splash page, allowing easy access to users curious about the latest news and wonderland happenings. The WonderCalendar:

The site will also have a calendar display, where architects can browse through recent and upcoming architectural gatherings, displays, symposiums etc. The calendar will be color coded, with a special color reserved for wonderland events and happenings. Facebook integration into the social network:

The wonderland social network will also allow facebook integration to those interested. Each status update or discussion taken part in, can optionally be displayed on the facebook pages of users. This will also allow new potential users to be aware of wonderland through other social media sites, functioning as a marketing tool of sorts. Press Section:

The webpage will have a press section, which will include a database of Architecture related books and magazines, which the user will have the opportunity of

obtaining more info. About or perhaps even purchase via the publisher's site. Milestone 1 (redesign, team logins):

General: redesign, connection social networking, mobile web design, Facebook integration, search engine, redirected subfolders/pages Everyone and everything is handled as a member or user (member are teams and our formats like blind date etc and might be in future co-organizers like Landluft or KEK etc.; user have limited access and are for free logins) Membership, automatically payment, self representation, adds like jobs wonderland: News, Events, press section, calls/surveys, All content will be filterable, searchable, ticker for wl events/news/projects, event feed Timeline:

The first milestone = launch supposed to be ready by the 13th of January, where wl general assembly gets a presentation of the first milestone at the general assembly. SkillBill-features will be implemented in the second milestone in 2013.


Building on the success of the 'European wonderland Tour' (travelling exhibition through nine European countries between 2004 and 2006), 'Deadline today!' (travelling exhibition through six European countries between 2009 and 2011) and the continuous work of wonderland with its ongoing formats as Blind Date, Project Space etc. wonderland decided to initiate a new format in the course of its 11th anniversary in 2013. The vision of the exhibition is to strengthen and expand the wonderland network and its ideals of social responsibility in architecture and urbanism and aims to present itself to a broader public. In order to develop the exhibition format properly three workshops were held in 2012. The Kick-Off workshop took place in Vienna, on 11th and 12th May 2012, at urban issues ZT, focusing on a general project vision of the wonderland and the elaboration of its respected results. Firstly, past wonderland-activities and milestones of its history were reflected and studied.

Šwonderland/Roland Krebs

8. WONDERLAB________ by Clemens Bauder, Roland Krebs


As result of the reflection of the past, the idea of "the wonderland-archive", a structured collection of material from previous wonderland activities and research as well as reports produced during exhibition events was created. The second key aspect was how to involve wonderland's nearly 100 members and present their projects, approaches, processes, modalities of work, cooperations and spaces of interest of emerging architects.

Aiming at a deeper insight in the exchange of experiences and different points of view from different European countries concerning similar urban situations, social structures and political conditions, the wonderland teams will be asked to give statements, in an open "call for participation".

On two days the main part of the exhibition format, a temporary physical wonderland-headquarter, were defined.

©wonderland/Roland Krebs

©wonderland/Roland Krebs

The second workshop took place on 29th of May 2012 at urban issues ZT targeting on the strategy of the "call for participation" and the requirements to exhibit the results in a permanent showcase. Another point of the agenda was the question, how can the ongoing wonderland activities, such as 'Blind Date' or 'movies in wonderland' contribute to the content and program of the exhibition format. The third workshop was held on 10th and 11th August 2012 at the afo (architekturforum oberösterreich) in Linz.

As a result the "WONDERLAB" as an urban laboratory for architecture and urbanism will be established for the duration of the exhibition. Young, emerging teams from all over Europe will work on topics in order to give a strong statement about social relevant architecture and urbanism. Moreover the requirements for an overall continuous, playful structure embedding the exhibition, archive, workshop area and activities were defined. Another issue discussed and defined in the workshop was the definition of the open "Call for participation". The main question is about the emerging architects and their working conditions, their current projects and perspective as innovative planners for a sustainable development our cities and built environment. In a call of participation, the wonderland teams are asked to give statements - aiming at a deeper insight in their methods and working processes - in three different steps: I.

"Postcards from your projects"


"Explaining your practice, tools and European context"


"Your working conditions"


This survey will create a collage of postcards, pocket videos and objects mirroring a veritable stocktaking of young European practises. ©wonderland/Clemens Bauder

WONDERLAB will take place at AZW, Vienna, August 7th – 25th, 2013 and then move to DAZ in Berlin in September 2013 for another two weeks. Currently the content of the WONDERLAB-workshops and the design of the structure is developed further with our partners from AZW and DAZ.

Šwonderland / Clemens Bauder

wonderland platform for



Weyringergasse 36/8 1040 Wien - Austria office@wonderland.cx www.wonderland.cx +43 680 32 599 06 Head of Organisation Bahanur Nasya PR DI Leo Großwendt Yilmaz Vurucu Blind Date Anna Lugbauer Underconstructions Hannes Schreckensberger Celia Picard Project Space Daniela Patti movies in wonderland Levente Polyak Marlene Rutzendorfer SkillBill Gabor Zimboras Marlene Rutzendorfer Digital Platform Leo Großwendt Jiri Koten Yilmaz Vurucu Wonderlab Clemens Bauder Roland Krebs Cashiers Anna Lugbauer Hannes Schreckensberger

Advisory board members: Tore Dobberstein / complizen (DE) Silvia Forlati /share architects (AT) Roland Gruber / nonconform (AT) Anne Isopp / morgenbau (AT) Christof Isopp / morgenbau (AT) Michael Obrist / feld 72 (AT) Astrid Piber (NL/AT) Irene Prieler /grundstein (AT) Viktor Sabik / BARAK architekti (SK) Peter Stec (US/SK) Maria Topolcanská (SK)

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