American Dad
Family Tree Francine
STAN His name is Stan Smith. He is 42 years old. His job is an agent of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) He is down of the assistant deputy director of Bullock. He has got dark hair, his eyes are brown, his nose is big and his mouth and chin are big too. He always wears an uniform of CIA, and black shoes. He is of medium build and is very tall (1.91 meters).
FRANCINE Her name is Francine Smith. She is 40 years old. She is a housewife. Her hair is long, straight and blonde. Her eyes and her mouth are very big, but her nose is small. She always wears a pink dress, pink heels, a necklace and a wristband.
Hayley Her name is Hayley Smith. She is eighteen years old. Her hair is long ,straigth, dark. Her eyes and mouth are very big but her nose is small. She always wear a black, short T- shirt and trousser with a belt. She has got a piercing and a necklace. Her husband´s name is Jeff Fisher.
STEVE His name is Steve Smith. He is 14 years old. His eyes, mouth and nose are big. Her hair is brown and short. He always wear a red shirt, an orange T- shirt, and blue troussers. He has got glasses and he likes play baseball, and rugby.
ROGER His name is Roger Klaus. He is 1601 years old. He always goes naked. He is bold, his eyes are an expression less and his mouth is big and he hasn´t got nose. He is short and fat. He is ugly.
KLAUS It name is Klaus. It is the family`s pet. It is a orange fish. It is very big and fat. It can speaks.