Design Project
2013-------2023 TaiwanSydney
Innovation that inspires
Social media Asia social media Asia E-commerce Asia social media XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney E-commerce
WeChat illustration Poster
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
web ads and EDM Package
社群IG宣船 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
社群IG宣船 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
社群IG宣船 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
社群IG宣船 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
Marketing & E-commerce
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
掏寶詳情頁 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
網店產品介紹 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
微信朋友圈廣告 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
微信朋友圈廣告 XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 小紅書宣傳
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 天貓&微信公眾號
Advertisements for products like w ebsite UI Page design, Ads, Banner Email-EDM XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 產品網站&EDM
This case sells electronic products, so the design needs to be made with a sense of technology and high-end
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
Poster & flyer
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 海報,宣傳單
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 簡介
The task
The brand identity of Innobuilt architectural design firm and one page of website.
The Identity
It is a newly established architectural design company where the field of excellence of this company is custom furnish for the modern classic side .
The challenge
The brand identity tended to use lines, directions and paths in the design, inspired by the Interior design drawing interconnected within the limits to form the required architectural unit.
Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
This case is my work as a freelancer, I was doing a UI design
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計 flyer
Use XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
B Noticed
This case is my work as a freelancer, this is a construction company from Canberra, I was doing a LOGO, brand guide and UI design
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
XXG DESIGN Use 品牌&網頁設計
This case is my work as a iinovar, this is a new company, doing a LOGO, brand guide and UI Design, social media .
Use XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 品牌&網頁設計
Package Design
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 包裝設計
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 包裝設計
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney
Double Water Love Rope knot
雙喜飲料,兩面中英文設計, 銷售於華人外國市場
Draw & illustration
XXG DESIGN Taiwan -------------- Sydney 插畫
Eva Chen Phone:0403478342 WeChat: xxg_design_au