Eva Leung - Marketing Through Graphic Design

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Explore the Logic How can I ďŹ nd the ultimate synergy with my skills in marketing and graphic design?

Table of Contents Eva Leung: Marketing through Design Introduction ...................................................................... 1 Identity and Rationale ..................................................... 3 Spacing and Placement of logo ..................................... 4 Use of Colour .................................................................... 8 Typeface Families .......................................................... 12 Applications: ďŹ eld grid

rice grid

nine-part grid

Stationery Package..................................................... 16 Newsletter.................................................................... 18 Postcard ....................................................................... 19 Promotional Items ...................................................... 20 Conclusion ...................................................................... 24

Table of Contents

Introduction: Explore the Logic Graphic design is a bridge connecting marketers and the audience of the communicated message. In attempt to further understand the relationship between graphic design and marketing, I find it logical to begin my experiment with graphic design guides.

[1] [n] composition; article; writing [2] language [3] literature; culture; education [4] elegant; cultured; polished; suave; civil; polite; urbane; mild [5] civilian; civil [6] monetary unit [7] used in combination [8] a Chinese family name

Why do we need to set standards for graphic use? The purpose of a graphic design guide is to “standardize” the appearance of an identity, ultimately branding the identity into something that the target audience will easily recognize and truly understand. With branding being one of the central themes of marketing, the graphic standards guide becomes the bible of an identity. With this in mind, I have decided to take on a challenge — to market myself by creating an identity of my own. In attempt to let you understand more about Eva Leung, I will also reveal some of my personal beliefs and opinions. Throughout this booklet, I will also try to explain how graphic standards are important and why marketing and graphic design comes hand in hand.



Identity and Rationale: Experiment with my Logo The heart of any identity is the logo. Understanding that an identity always has a meaning and represents something, I have created a logotype which explains who I am and expresses my opinions and beliefs.

Excel to the Limit I always try my best with the task at hand and will always look forward to a challenge.

The mark forms the letters E and L, which are the initials of my English name, Eva Leung. It also reads as my Chinese name, pronounced “man� rendered in a Chinese calligraphic style. The stroke of this character is strong and sleek, which represents that I am enthusiastic, energetic and will excel to the limit to complete a goal.

In this case, my challenge is to create my own identity...


Identity and Rationale


Spacing and Placement of logo: Effective Layout placement of the logo should be consistently positioned in a specified location. The logo should always appear in the same area on all documents using this identity.

In order to standardize the use of any graphics, it is important to specify how a logo should be seen by the audience. It is essential to leave ample space around the logo for it to stay as a separate identity amongst other surrounding elements. In this case, the logo has to be protected by clear space of at least 10% of the width of the logo. For example, a clear space of 0.1˝ is required to surrounding with a logo size of 1˝ x 0.94˝ in size. The space can be proportionally reduced or enlarged by the same proportion of the logo size. The mark can also be used separately as a stand alone element with the same spacing rules applied. To keep the identity recognizable and coherent, the 0.1˝







x x


In this case, I have chosen for the logo to always appear on the top left hand corner of the document. This location is chosen because it is the natural place for the eye to enter a page. Placing the logo at this point will catch the attention of the audience as their eyes enter the document.


x 0.94˝

x 0.1˝

x x

0.1˝ 1.0˝


x x

The logo should always appear on the top left hand corner of the document

x x x x


Spacing and Placement of Logo


Lesson Learned Organizing the spacing and placement of the identity is one of the important elements of an effective layout.

Enthusiastic Learner I am a fast learner and I am always interested in acquiring new skills.

Next, I will learn how to apply colour to my identity.



Use of Colours: Expand the Latitude of a logo Next to recognizing the shape of an element, colour is the second item that the audience will pick up when viewing a graphic element. Therefore, it is essential to let the colours of the logo express the central concept behind the identity.

Black and White: A well designed logo should be versatile and work in any graphic situation. The following shows how my identity would work in black and white, as well as in reversed background. It can also be used as a screened mark as backgrounds or other graphical effects at under 20% screen value of any of the corporate colours.

Colours can evoke many different feelings and are often associated with emotions. For that reason, choosing the appropriate colour is critical to the success of an identity.

Identity Colours


Pantone 661 C = 100 R = 12 M = 69 G = 46 Y = 0 B = 134 K =9

• Blue symbolizes the composed side of Eva Leung. It reflects that I am professional, dependable, and inspires confidence.

Pantone 195 C = 0 R = 112 M = 100 G = 0 Y = 60 B = 23 K = 55

• Brown symbolizes the down-to-earth side of Eva Leung. It suggests that I am energetic, friendly, and approachable.

Pantone Process Black C =0 R =0 M=0 G=0 Y =0 B =0 K = 100

• Black reflects the traditional classical style of the Chinese calligraphy culture.

Use of Colours

Colour Version

Black and White Version

Reverse Black and White Version

Screened at 20% of Pantone Process Black


Lesson Learned Choosing the appropriate colours to represent an identity can expand the latitude of a logo.

Equality in Life I think that every person deserves to be treated fairly, especially in a team environment where everyone work together towards a common goal.

To ďŹ nd the balance in design, I will explore the art of choosing the right typography for my identity.



Typeface Families: Enhance the Language The following is an example of how the chosen typeface is used in a document with headings, subheadings, and body text.

The use of typefaces should be specified in detail to keep the overall look of the identity consistent and well received. In the case of my identity, the Rotis font family has been chosen to become the font of the identity. The Rotis family is flexible and offers a wide range of serifs, sans serifs, and semi serif fonts, which is suitable for different styles used in a large variety of documents. It also has a futuristic and modern shape that can reflect the personality of my identity.

Rotis Sans Serif 65 bold Heading 16 pt

8151 No. 1 Road Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1T8 Tel: 604.782.2569 Email: evaleungyeeman@yahoo.com www.evaleungyeeman.com

Portfolio 3 - Self Promotional Package Proposal Submission By Eva Leung Project Summary

Rotis Serif 55 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\<>?:”{},./;’[]

The purpose of this project is to create and produce a professional, simple self promotional package showcasing my graphic design skills as a marketing and graphic designer in a corporation.

Rotis Sans Serif 55 Subhead 12 pt

Rotis Sans Serif 55 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\<>?:”{},./;’[]


Typeface Families

The deliverables of my project will be a graphic standards guide in a 16-pages booklet format, 8.5 x 5.5 , excluding cover. The booklet will contain the following: •

Rotis Semi Serif 55 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\<>?:”{},./;’[] Rotis Semi Sans 55 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\<>?:”{},./;’[]

Project Scope

Specifications and reasoning of the identity design (the logo and logotype), fonts to be used, colours, clear space and placement of logos as used in the promotional piece. • Examples of how to use the standards in various applications, i.e., stationery package, brochures, advertisements, website, promotional items, etc. •

Rotis Serif 55 Body 9.5 pt

Throughout the booklet, I will integrate my skills and experience into the content of the graphic standards guide to help me determine or apply the rules and guides in each section.

The booklet can be folded and packaged into a self-mailer, which will be mailed to various targeted corporations with job applications or be presented to the interviewer at the job interview as a self promotional piece.

promotional initiatives, I would offer my potential employer graphic design application skills tailoring to the specific needs of the corporation. Those corporations may have already developed graphic design guidelines for specific documentations and require professional design to produce quality marketing promotional printed documents such as proposals, brochures, and signage, etc. for various occasions and events by following the predetermined guidelines. Hence, I would offer my marketing and administration services together with a flair for visual communication design.

Intended Audience The target audience for my self-promotional package would be marketing managers, marketing directors, or communication directors in large corporations with marketing and/or communications department. They would be professionals who would expect qualified work from their subordinates. By showcasing a promotional package with a creative design tailored to follow corporate guidelines, I could show my target audience that I could apply creative design and communicate the intended message while keep to a specified standard. A list of potential target audience would include marketing managers, marketing directors, or communication directors from:

Design Objectives


With this self promotional project, I would like to present myself as a specialized and qualified marketing professional who also have graphic design skills and background.


In addition to my experience in marketing and


Engineering and consulting services companies – AMEC Americas, Sandwell Engineering, Fluor Daniel Engineering High-tech, telecommunications and communications companies – Rogers, Telus, Dominion Pages Real estate companies – Polygon, Bosa, Omni, Henderson Development Continue on next page


Lesson Learned The font can enhance the language of the editorial content if it reects the identity’s personality.

Encourage Laughter I have a good sense of humour. I try to bring laughter and delight to people around me.

I try to bring a smile to your face as I design the following applications...



Applications: Stationery Package The most common piece of identity that the audience usually sees is the stationery package. Consequently, a well designed stationery package can increase the chances of the identity being remembered and recognized. 8151 No. 1 Road Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1T8 8151 No. 1 Road Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1T8 Tel: 604.782.2569 Email: evaleungyeeman@yahoo.com www.evaleungyeeman.com

Tel: 604.782.2569 Email: evaleungyeeman@yahoo.com www.evaleungyeeman.com

Kenneth Beare Administrative Director English Learners & Company 2520 Visita Avenue Olympia, WA 98501 September 12, 2003

Dear Mr Beare: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lectus est, placerat fermentum, eleifend sed, aliquet eu, velit. Nunc sed wisi auctor pede mattis adipiscing. Proin id magna. Integer a mi nec magna feugiat porttitor. Cras ut nunc eu lectus viverra tempor. Aenean venenatis venenatis nisl. Nullam imperdiet. Aliquam wisi ante, bibendum nec, tristique et, dapibus ac, pede. Suspendisse potenti. In eget lacus. Praesent lacus. Sed tempor, nibh ut aliquet ornare, quam dui facilisis nulla, vel egestas mi sem ut libero. Nullam vitae tellus sit amet ante semper facilisis. Phasellus ipsum

8151 No. 1 Road Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1T8

Ut ultricies, risus eget pellentesque dapibus, neque urna ullamcorper lacus, eget mollis nisl lacus a neque. Etiam posuere leo sit amet urna. Suspendisse magna nibh, iaculis id, feugiat non, accumsan ac, nulla. Praesent eu dui placerat pede mollis gravida. Pellentesque gravida varius justo. Etiam fermentum magna. Nullam tincidunt, lorem non dignissim sollicitudin, orci est vehicula wisi, non mattis massa metus quis nisl. Morbi tincidunt tempor orci. Maecenas et pede. Donec tempus, nisl a aliquam convallis, dui nunc vestibulum sem, id lobortis nisl erat ut purus. Vivamus posuere fringilla pede. Morbi lacinia. Praesent nonummy tincidunt lacus. Mauris sapien. Morbi dapibus. Vivamus feugiat sodales enim. Duis orci dolor, sollicitudin id, placerat eget, aliquet eget, mauris. Aliquam eleifend, ligula eu blandit fermentum, sapien diam blandit sapien, id auctor nulla neque sollicitudin ante. Etiam nisl wisi, feugiat in, varius id, congue sit amet, nisl. Yours sincerely, (Signature) Eva Leung Graphic Designer ExcelLimit


Application: Stationery Package


Applications: Newsletter

Applications: Postcard

Below is an example of how the my identity can be applied in a newsletter format. It follows all the guidelines previously specified.

Below is another example of how the my identity can be applied in to a promotional postcard design. It acts as a teaser to encourage the audience to visit my website. Again, the graphic standard guidelines have been followed.


Days of the Month

EXAMPLES July 2 - 11

Theatre: Ziggurat! Promising audiences “the thrills and laughter of the Old Testament”—and hey, isn’t the Old Testament, above all else, a total hoot?—much-loved local circus types Leaky Heaven put on a show inspired by the legend of the Tower of Babel,—“the mythological beginnings of misunderstandings.” At the Big Top at Commercial and William St. 604-257-0366. Leakyheaven.com

July 3 - 4

Event: Squamish Nation War Canoe Races Spend the afternoon enjoying a vision of a time—not so long ago—when these fierce craft ruled the local waves. There’ll also be a tasty salmon BBQ plus land-based events. Ambleside Park, West Vancouver.

July 12 - 31

Theatre: The Shakespeare Project Bardathon Over four years, the plucky thespians of Savage God decided to present all of Shakespeare’s plays in staged dramatic readings—i.e. little or no walking around. Starting with Henry IV, Part One and rounding things off with a little something they like to call Hamlet, it’s 13 plays in 13 days. Christ Church Cathedral. 604-682-3848. Savagegod.com

July 13

Music: Sonic Youth Grizzled old punks who’ve been making increasingly richer and deeper recordings in the last year or so—some nearly as good as their late ’80s Daydream Nation highpoint. Commodore. 604-280-4444. Ticketmaster.ca

July 13

Music: Vans Warped Tour Needless to say, many of our faithful readers have already bought their tickets for this eight-hour, all-ages rock show featuring Bad Religion, NOFX, New Found Glory, Alkaline Trio, Flogging Molly, Atmosphere, Yellowcard, Taking Back Sunday, Bouncing Souls and many, many more. We are so stoked about Flogging Molly. UBC Thunderbird Stadium. 604-280-4444. Ticketmaster.ca

July 18 - 20

Music: Vancouver Folk Music Festival A three-day festival of contemporary and traditional folk music, pita pockets, helicopter dancing, blond dreadlocks, righteous vegans and well-intentioned world music fans. There’ll be over 50 folk music perfor-

mances and a folk art marketplace, for those looking to restock their macrame. Featuring Jim Byrnes, Bruce Cockburn, Utah Phillips, Odetta, Janis Ian and dozens more. Jericho Beach. 604-602-9798. Thefestival.bc.ca

July 21

Event: Tour de Gastown Canada’s top male and female cyclists take on North America’s best on a one-kilometre criterium course in Gastown. Start/Finish line at Steam Clock on Water Street. Gastown. 604-646-3564. Tourdegastown.com

July 22 - August 2

Event: Vancouver International Comedy Festival Comedy, as Steve Martin pointed out back when he was funny, is not pretty, and everybody knows that stand-up comics are deeply disturbed, bitter, vengeful people, with the exception of Brent Butt, who’s a teddy bear. Come see the freaks perform for your amusement! Granville Island. 604-683-0883. Comedyfest.com

July 23 - 25

Event: Molson Indy Vancouver You know the drill. All people not currently angry that they can’t vote for Bush in the next U.S. election get the hell out of town for the weekend. Concord Pacific Place. 604-2804639.Molsonindy.com

July 23 - August 20

Music: Early Music Festival Not early as in consisting of rockpounding and rhythmic grunting (which could work; someone ought to put on a “Really, Really Early Music Festival.” We’d totally buy tickets to that.) Featuring the New Art of the Fourteenth Century, with Eric Mentzel (voice), Lydia Knutson (voice) and Margaret Tindemans (medieval strings), and chamber music by Telemann with Sonja Boon (baroque flute), Les Voix Humaines and harpsichordist Eric Milnes. UBC School of Music, Recital Hall. 604-732-1610. Earlymusic.bc.ca

July 23

Music: Jessica Simpson If you don’t go to this show, my friend, the terrorists are winning. General Motors Place. 604-280-4444. Ticketmaster.ca

July 24

Music: Ibrahim Ferrer A truly dapper soul, and a hot date ticket. One of the trés distingué voices of the ubiquitous

Buena Vista Social Club, 77-year-old Cuban singer Ferrer appears, backed by a 15-piece orchestra. Orpheum. 604-280-4444. Ticketmaster.ca

July 24

Event: Illuminares Lantern Festival The prettiest event of the year, featuring music, fire sculptures, torch choreography and a fireworks finale. Trout Lake Park. 604879-8611. Publicdreams.org

July 24 - August 2

Event: Pride 2004 A gazillion fabulous events kick off this annual celebration of all things queer— a Stonewall festival in Grandview Park and a dance at the W.I.S.E. Hall on the 26th; five nights of Queerstock at Alexandra Park, and of course, the Pride Parade storms Sunset Beach on August 1. 604-687-0955. Vanpride.bc.ca

July 28, 31, August 4, 7

Event: HSBC Powersmart Celebration of Light Things that go bang in the night sky. Totally rocking music will be simulcast on Rock 101. 604-731-2428. Celebration-of-light.com

July 31 - August 1

Event: Powell Street Festival This year features a Taiko extravaganza; contemporary dance by Kokoro Dance and Compaigni V’ni Dansi; a community art exhibition, Nikkei in Transition; a one-act play series called “Sexual Practices of the Japanese: Volume One”; IQU, an underground electro-pop from Seattle; a traditional Japanese tea service; historical walking tours of the Powell Street area; HIPnoDORI, featuring breakdancers, MCs, graffiti art & more; a literary series featuring Kei Ebata and Terrie Hamazaki—and, you know, much much more. Oppenheimer Park. 604-7399388. Powellstfestival.shinnova.com July 2004


Applications: Newsletter



Thinking outside of the box... working within the box. www.evaleungyeeman.com

Applications: Postcard


Applications: Promotional Items Identities do not only appear on print and paper. They can often be seen on promotional items which are given out to potential or existing clients as gifts and as a reminder of the companies’ services. These items can vary from stationery and clothing garments to bags, mugs, and many other items. Here are some examples of how my identity will look on various promotional items.

8151 No. 1 Road Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1T8 Tel: 604.782.2569 Email: evaleungyeeman@yahoo.com www.evaleungyeeman.com

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Applications: Promotional Items

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Lesson Learned To keep an identity consistent, graphic standard guidelines should apply to all items that carry the identity.

Expectations to Live up to I can be entrusted to live up to the job expectations and fulďŹ ll my responsibilities completely and cordially.

Have I lived up to your expectations so far?



Conclusion: Learned Experience Throughout the process of creating this booklet, I have reafďŹ rmed that marketing an identity will not be successful without the proper use of graphic design skills and guidelines. Now that I have learned to market myself through graphic design, I am conďŹ dent that can help you market your products and services. I will excel as a marketing professional with graphic design skills and would be excited to take on any available position as a new challenge. Thank you for sparing your precious time to share my experience and hopefully you now know more about Eva Leung.



Eva Leung I am ready to help you promote your products and services with my marketing and graphic design skills.

5675 Eleanor Street Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 3E1 Tel: 604.782.2569 Email: fafamocha1022@yahoo.com

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