Media highlights July 2024

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Media Highlights

July 2024

Date: 17 July 2024


Circulation: 240,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000


Von Rolf Westermann ( |Mittwoch,17. Juli 2024

Erste Frau an der Spitze von Kempinski: Barbara Muckermann.


Die Luxushotelgruppe Kempinski wird nach dem Amtsantritt der neuen CEO Barbara Muckermann bis Jahresende eine neue Strategie auflegen.

Für die neue Ära desTraditionsunternehmens sollen alle Hotels auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. „Wir werden alle Häuser anschauen und sehen, ob sie für die hohe Qualität stehen, die wir brauchen“, sagte die erste Frau an der Spitze des 127 Jahre alten Unternehmens der ahgz Dabei gehe es unter anderem um die Hardware, den Standort, die Mitarbeiter und das Gästefeedback. „Auf Basis dieser Portfolio-Analyse legen wir das weitere Vorgehen fest“, kündigte sie im ersten Interview nach ihremAmtsantritt am 15. Juni an.

„Kempinski ist eine wertvolle Marke mit wunderschönen Hotels.Aber Kempinski ist noch nicht dort, wo es sein sollte“, erläuterte Muckermann. Die klare Vision sei es, dass Kempinski noch stärker dasTop-Luxus-Segment belegt. Nur so ließen sich die besten Raten und die höchste Gästezufriedenheit erzielen. Deshalb werde das Wachstum sehr selektiv vorangehen, dazu müssten ikonische Hotels gefunden werden. „Es zählt nur dieTop-Qualität.“

Kempinski Hotels

Interesse am US-Markt

Aus ihrer Sicht ist der US-Markt von großer Bedeutung. Bei den Ankünften im Hotel lägen die US-Amerikaner auf Platz drei. Für den Aufbau einer strategischen Position sei es wichtig, dort zu investieren. Angesichts des Wettbewerbs geht sie von einer Größenordnung von 5 bis 10 Hotels in den USA in einigen Jahren aus. „Mit einem Hotel reinzugehen, bringt nichts. Man kann nicht halb schwanger sein.“

Muckermann bekräftigte das Bekenntnis des Unternehmens zum Standort Deutschland, obwohl Kempinski zum 31. Juli das 5-Sterne-Hotel in Frankfurt verlässt, das die Hotelgruppe seit 1976 betrieben hat. Für Kempinski sei der mit dem Immobilieneigentümer vereinbarte vorzeitige Ausstieg nicht kurzfristig gewesen, betonte Muckermann. Wie bei Management-Verträgen oftmals üblich, seien die Mitarbeiter mit Ausnahme des Hoteldirektors aber nicht bei Kempinski angestellt, sondern beim Eigentümer. Barbara Muckermann kommt von Silversea Cruises, einem Unternehmen der Royal Caribbean Group. Dort war sie für die Leitung der weltweit größten Ultra-Luxus- und Expeditionskreuzfahrtgesellschaft verantwortlich. In ihren 25 Jahren Erfahrung im Tourismus hat Muckermann in ihren verschiedenen Positionen kontinuierlich Umsatz und Rentabilität gesteigert und das Gäste- und Kundenerlebnis für führende globale Luxus- und Reisemarken wie Loro Piana, MSC Cruises und NCL erheblich verbessert. Die gebürtige Deutsche hat in Italien, Frankreich und den USA gelebt, spricht fünf Sprachen fließend und besitzt einen Doktortitel in Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie einen kombinierten MBA-Abschluss der Columbia und London Business School. Sie ist bei Kempinski Nachfolgerin von Bernold Schroeder. „Es ist meine erste Arbeit in der Hospitality, bei der sich die Hotels nicht im Wasser bewegen“, sagte Muckermann im Interview. Von der Kreuzfahrt lasse sich unter anderem im Bereich der Belegung und Ratenoptimierung einiges lernen.

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 180,000 MUV

Kempinski stellt Hotels auf den Prüfstand

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024


Ad Value in USD: 2,000

Erste Frau an der Spitze von Kempinski: Barbara Muckermann.

Die Luxushotelgruppe Kempinski wird nach dem Amtsantritt der neuen CEO Barbara Muckermann bis Jahresende eine neue Strategie auflegen.

Für die neue Ära des Traditionsunternehmens sollen alle Hotels auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. "Wir werden alle Häuser anschauen und sehen, ob sie für die hohe Qualität stehen, die wir brauchen", sagte die erste Frau an der Spitze des 127 Jahre alten Unternehmens der ahgz. Dabei gehe es unter anderem um die Hardware, den Standort, die Mitarbeiter und das Gästefeedback. "Auf Basis dieser Portfolio-Analyse legen wir das weitere Vorgehen fest", kündigte sie im ersten Interview nach ihrem Amtsantritt am 15. Juni an.

Kempinski ist eine wertvolle Marke mit wunderschönen Hotels. Aber Kempinski ist noch nicht dort, wo es sein sollte", erläuterte Muckermann. Die klare Vision sei es, dass Kempinski noch stärker das Top-Luxus-Segment belegt. Nur so ließen sich die besten Raten und die höchste Gästezufriedenheit erzielen. Deshalb werde das Wachstum sehr selektiv vorangehen, dazu müssten ikonische Hotels gefunden werden. "Es zählt nur die Top-Qualität." Hotel: Kempinski

Interesse am US-Markt

Aus ihrer Sicht ist der US-Markt von großer Bedeutung. Bei den Ankünften im Hotel lägen die USAmerikaner auf Platz drei. Für den Aufbau einer strategischen Position sei es wichtig, dort zu investieren. Angesichts des Wettbewerbs geht sie von einer Größenordnung von 5 bis 10 Hotels in den USA in einigen Jahren aus. "Mit einem Hotel reinzugehen, bringt nichts. Man kann nicht halb schwanger sein."

Muckermann bekräftigte das Bekenntnis des Unternehmens zum Standort Deutschland, obwohl Kempinski zum 31. Juli das Fünf-Sterne-Hotel in Frankfurt verlässt, das die Hotelgruppe seit 1976 betrieben hat. Für Kempinski sei der mit dem Immobilieneigentümer vereinbarte vorzeitige Ausstieg nicht kurzfristig gewesen, betonte Muckermann. Wie bei Management-Verträgen oftmals üblich, seien die Mitarbeiter mit Ausnahme des Hoteldirektors aber nicht bei Kempinski angestellt, sondern beim Eigentümer.


Kempinski Hotels wurde 1897 in Deutschland gegründet und ist die älteste Luxushotelgruppe Europas. Die Gruppe betreibt derzeit 82 Hotels und Residenzen der Kategorie 5-Sterne in 36 Ländern. Weitere 34 Hotels in Europa, im Mittleren Osten, Afrika, Asien und Amerika sollen künftig dazukommen. Darüber hinaus ist Kempinski Gründungsmitglied der Global Hotel Alliance (GHA), des weltweit größten Netzwerks unabhängiger Hotelmarken. René Nijhof ist seit März 2023 Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender von Kempinski S.A. mit Sitz in Bahrain. Die Scheichs von Bahrain sind Shareholder, nachdem das thailändische Königshaus ausgestiegen ist.

Barbara Muckermann kommt von Silversea Cruises, einem Unternehmen der Royal Caribbean Group. Dort war sie für die Leitung der weltweit größten Ultra-Luxus- und Expeditionskreuzfahrtgesellschaft verantwortlich. In ihren 25 Jahren Erfahrung im Tourismus hat Muckermann in ihren verschiedenen Positionen kontinuierlich Umsatz und Rentabilität gesteigert und das Gäste- und Kundenerlebnis für führende globale Luxus- und Reisemarken wie Loro Piana, MSC Cruises und NCL erheblich verbessert. Die gebürtige Deutsche hat in Italien, Frankreich und den USA gelebt, spricht fünf Sprachen fließend und besitzt einen Doktortitel in Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie einen kombinierten MBA-Abschluss der Columbia und London Business School. Sie ist bei Kempinski Nachfolgerin von Bernold Schroeder.

"Es ist meine erste Arbeit in der Hospitality, bei der sich die Hotels nicht im Wasser bewegen", sagte Muckermann im Interview. Von der Kreuzfahrt lasse sich unter anderem im Bereich der Belegung und Ratenoptimierung einiges lernen.

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ahgz/fvw Germany - Kempinski puts hotels to the test – 17 July 2024 (Translated via

Kempinski puts hotels to the test

The luxury hotel group Kempinski will launch a new strategy by the end of the year after the new CEO Barbara Muckermann takes office.

All hotels are to be scrutinised for the new era of the traditional company. ‘We will look at all the hotels and see whether they stand for the high quality we need,’ the first woman to head the 127-year-old company told ahgz. Among other things, the focus will be on hardware, location, employees and guest feedback. ‘Based on this portfolio analysis, we will determine the next steps,’ she announced in her first interview after taking office on 15 June.

‘Kempinski is a valuable brand with wonderful hotels. But Kempinski is not yet where it should be,’ explained Muckermann. The clear vision is for Kempinski to occupy the top luxury segment even more strongly. This is the only way to achieve the best rates and the highest level of guest satisfaction. Growth will therefore be very selective and iconic hotels must be found. ‘Only top quality counts.’

Interest in the US market

From her point of view, the US market is of great importance. In terms of hotel arrivals, the US is in third place. In order to establish a strategic position, it is important to invest there. In view of the competition, she expects to have 5 to 10 hotels in the USA in a few years' time. ‘Going in with one hotel is no good. You can't be half pregnant.’

Muckermann reaffirmed the company's commitment to Germany as a location, although Kempinski will be leaving the 5-star hotel in Frankfurt, which the hotel group has operated since 1976, on 31 July. For Kempinski, the early exit agreed with the property owner was not at short notice, emphasised Muckermann. However, as is often the case with management contracts, the employees, with the exception of the general manager, are not employed by Kempinski, but by the owner.

First woman heading Kempinski: Barbara Muckermann

Barbara Muckermann comes from Silversea Cruises, a company of the Royal Caribbean Group. There she was responsible for the management of the world's largest ultra-luxury and expedition cruise company. In her 25 years of experience in tourism, Muckermann has continuously increased sales and profitability in her various positions and significantly improved the guest and customer experience for leading global luxury and travel brands such as Loro Piana, MSC Cruises and NCL. Born in Germany, she has lived in Italy, France and the USA, is fluent in five languages and holds a PhD in Political Science and Economics and a combined MBA from Columbia and London Business School. She succeeds Bernold Schroeder at Kempinski.

‘This is my first job in hospitality where the hotels are not in the water,’ said Muckermann in an interview. There is a lot to learn from the cruise industry in terms of occupancy and rate optimisation, among other things.

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels

Date: July 2024

Publication: India Outbound (IND)

Circulation: 20,000 Ad Value in USD: 7,400

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Publication: Zero Hora (Brazil)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 40,000

Ad Value in USD: 4,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 20,000

Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel: Kempinski

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 29,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,900

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Publication: Tophotel (D)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 110,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Publication: luxurious magazine (UK)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 62,000

Ad Value in USD: 4,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Publication: golfshake (UK)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 32,400 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Publication: Glass Man (UK)

Date: May 2024

Circulation: 40,000

Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 50,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotels Dubai

July 2024

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 175,000 Ad Value in USD: 22,860

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 32,000 MUV

Publication: Journal des Palaces (F)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Publication: Berliner Morgenpost

Circulation: 5,35 mio MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 3,4 mio MUV

Publication: Tagesspiegel (D)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: Aargauer Zeitung (CH)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: Alles André (D)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: The Travel News (I)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 115,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Publication: The Scottish Sun on Sunday (UK)

Circulation: 700,000

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Publication: Condé Nast Traveller

Circulation: 5,7 mio. MUV Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 142,000 MUV

Publication: Personalwirtschaft

Ad Value in USD: 1,190

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München Publication: Restaurant Ranglisten

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 91,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 1,056 MUV


Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 4,000 MUV

Publication: gastrotel

Ad Value in USD: 295

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 71.417 MUV


Ad Value in USD: 1,499

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication:

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 993,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden

Date: June 2024

Circulation: n/a MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication: gastrotel

Date: June 2024

Circulation:4,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 295

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication: Tageskarte

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 57,122 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden

Date: June 2024

Publication: Berchtesgadener Anzeiger

Circulation:146,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a,-soccerplatz-zumemstart-_arid,878742.html

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden

Date: June 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: 1,650

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication: Hogapage

Date: June 2024

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication:

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 18,469 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden

Date: June 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden

Date: June 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Signature Luxury Travel (AUS)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 35,000 Ad Value in USD: 4,400

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: TTG Russia

Date: 11 July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden

Date: 9 July 2024

Circulation: 10,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Sächsische Zeitung

Date: 9 July 2024

Circulation: 3,5 mil MUV

Ad Value in USD: 4,468

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden

Date: 11 July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden

Date: 28 July 2024

Publication: The Scottish Sun

Circulation: 153,000 Ad Value in USD: n/a

ltt:iumsourtthehigll-securitygreetingi wasfor Frenchpreside11t Emmanuel Macron andwife Brigitte, whowereintow11onalong-awaited state visittoDresden, the capitalof Germany'sSaxony region.

Butr:whenitcomesto thestunning HotelTaschenbergpalaisKempinski then EVERYONEistreatedlikeaVIP.

Asyouswish into the 11ew-looklobbyof tlleiconic18thcent:iury building, it'seasy toseewhyour fellowguestMonsieur Macronwaskeentoboo outafloorashis basefor his trip.

TheTaschenbergpalaisreopenedin Februaryafterayearof renovationto theformerroY.f!I palace, originally builtby former Electorof Saxonyand future King of Poland Augustus theStrangin1705 andgiftedtohis mistress.

Thehotel'staglinesfor their revampi11clude'History Retold'and'The Retrnn ofan Icon'-hintingat the key partthebuilding h:asplayed in the storyofUte 13aroquebeauty thatDresdenhas bee11 overthecenturies.

Renovationandrebuildingissomethingthecity knowsallabol!Jt,with aln ost aII of thehistoricoldtownhaving beenfaithfiully rncreatedafter beingallbutdestrnyedinthree nightsofAllied bombingin February1945.

lt'samazingtowanderround thecitycentre and realise thatprettymuch everythingyou areseeinghas been there forlesstha1180years,with muchofitbeing leftderelictin thepost-war yearswhen Dresdenwaspart of Communist EastGermany.

But followingthe fall of the BerlinWalland the reunification of Germany thismagnificentcity-dubbed FIorenceon the Elbe-has Iitera11y risen fromtheashesasastiunningi rivalto the co1mtry'smore renowned tourismhotspots. lt'seasily reached fromtheUKviamajor hubslike Fran fiurt or Berlin,

The new-lookTa&chenbergpalaisis arealjewel inthecrow11ofowners Kempinski'sstableofluxuryhotels,who Ol)eneditasSaxony'sfirstfivestarofferingbackin1995.

The new-looklobby lives UIJ to itsdescriptionasthe'livingroomof Dresden'witilitssweepingdesign matching ti1e flowoftile nearby River EIbe,withcosyfireplaces andclassyartworksmakingit asumptuouspiace to relax-orpressU1eflesh of acelebrityguest asa delighted Frencil member ofour l)artydid whenilis President 'Was headir1goff011ourfirst morning!

Weevengotaquick lookat tlle amazing Royal Suitethe Macronshad stayedin,whichpreviouslyplayedhost to presidentslike Barack Obama and royalty-realones as wellas the Hollywood type!

Our classybases, among the180newlyredesigned roomsand31 suites, maynothavebeeninthesame12,000 Eurosanight price ra11ge, butv,1ere neverthelessbeautiful,with all themodem touchesyou neecJinanoasis of uxuriouscomfort

There'sa great selectionofrestaurants a11d bars at thehotel, plusthe sweetdelightson offer at the mouthwateringAmalie Patisserie.Theopen kitche11at Kastenmeiers, beneathitseye-catching freshwaterand saltwateraquariumsfilledwith fish and lobster, is where gourmetchef Gerd Kastenmeier servedastunningdinner,pairedwithperfect wines, and toppecJoffbysomecremebruleeflamecJinfront ofusatour table. Delicious!

Thehotel'soutside area.

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication:

Date: 01 July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Reopens after a Major Renovation | Virtuoso

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Hogapage

Date: 18 July 2024

Circulation: 14,706 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 4,312

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Travel and Tour World

Date: 11 July 2024

Circulation: 1 mio. MUV

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden

Date: 18 July 2024

Circulation: 47,000

Publication: Connoisseur Circle

Ad Value in USD: 7,484

Hotel: Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Dresdner Morgenpost

Date: 10 July 2024

Circulation: 30,194

Ad Value in USD: 8,211

Hotel:Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden Publication: Hogapage

Date: 15 July 2024 Circulation: 43,597 Ad Value in USD: 1,501

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

Date: 30 July 2024

Circulation: 25,429

Publication: Offenbach Post (D)

Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

Date: 31 July 2024

Circulation: 12,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 3,970

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

Date: 21 July 2024

Circulation: 8,34 Mio. MUV

Publication: sport1 (D)

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Links: DFB-Abreise zu Olympia: Ein großer Schock wirkt nach (

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: 20,000

Publication: Hessischer Rundfunk (D)

Ad Value in USD: 1,709

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch

Date: 25 July 2024

Circulation: 49,654


Ad Value in USD: 8,634

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Das Tirol Publication: capital (D)

Date: June 30, 2024

Circulation: 660,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski Publication: Durrah

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 10,000

Ad Value in USD: 42,600

Hotel: Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski Publication: Spa Inside

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 30,000

Ad Value in USD: 2,300

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest Publication: Turizmus (HU)

Date: 02/07/2024

Circulation: 300,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,200

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Date: 03/07/2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Daily News Hungary

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Date: 12/07/2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Secret Stories (HU)

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest Publication: Budapest Business Journal (HU)

Date: 13/07/2024

Circulation: 50,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Art Profil (DE)

Ad Value in USD: 3,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest Publication: ELLE (HU)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 15,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000

otel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul

Date:1 July 2024

Circulation: 18,000

Publication: Departures (Latam)

Ad Value in USD: N/A


otel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Nomadic Matt (USA)

Date: 7 July 2024

Circulation: 525,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A


Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Infotur Latam (USA)

Date: 12 July 2024

Circulation: 14,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: News 4 Social

Date: 4 July 2024

Circulation: 60,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul

Date: 26 July 2024

Circulation: 2,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Money (BG)

Date: 28 July 2024

Circulation: 1,6 mil MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Gentleman

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: 141,000 Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: İstanbul

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: 36,000

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Food in

Date: 22 July 2024

Circulation: 1,900 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul Publication: Favori Lezzetler (TR)

Date: 23 July 2024

Circulation: 620,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul

Date: 27 July 2024

Circulation: 148,000

Publication: Nasıl Bir Ekonomi (TR)

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel The Dome Belek, Türkiye

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 690,000

Publication: The Scottish Sun (UK)

Ad Value in USD: 4,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel The Dome Belek

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel The Dome Belek

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: Insider Travel Report

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Date: 01 July 2024

Circulation: 20,000

Ad Value in USD: 4,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

atikyonetimikonularmda yenilikc;:i�-iiziimleruygulayacagiz.

Tiirkturizminingii�liive geli�imea�,kyiinlerininas1I tammlarsm,z?

BodrumTi.irkiyeturizmininenonemlimerkezlerindenbiri,di.inyamnliiks destinasyonmarkalanndan biriolmas,,bulundugu konumunkuvvetlenclirilmesigcrckiyor.Turist Sa)'lsmmveeldeettigimiz gelirmiktanmnartmas1 onceliklihedeflerimizarasmdaolmah.Gec;:tigimizyil endikkatc;:ekenarti�lardan birideBodrum' yapanyabanc1misafirlerolmu�tu,busezonda Bodrum'unbirdi.igiin destinasyonuolaraktercih

edileceginidi.i�iiniiyorum. Fiyatvehizmetdengesinde tutarhstratejilerolu�turmak,gelenmisafilerirahat ettirecekaltyap1,onlara sadecehizmetdegilancak gerr;ekbirdeneyimsunmak Bodrum'ungeli�meyear;,k alanlancliyedi�i.iniiyorum.


Giindeminizdekl bafhklardanbahsedermisiniz?

Buscnemisafirlcrimizi<;in her)'"§laziyaret,;iyeyonelik eglence,miizik,gastronomi,wellnessi,;erenzengin birprogramhaZ1rlad1k. K�mpim,klnutdBaruarus :lb}Bodrum,yemye�il alanlan,giiniinhersaatineyayilanyoga,kardiyo, fonksiyoneltraininggibi birbirindenozelaktiviteleri,

DJmiizigi,yet�kinlertatilin tadm1<;1kanrkenc;ocuklara ozelmuht�emii;erikleriyle KempiKidsClub'1ylaher misafirii<;inozenledii�i.iniilmii�programlanyla ailenintiimi.iyeleriir;inyaz mevsiminidahakeyiflihale getiriyor.Misafirlerimize benzersizdenizimizvedogam12launutulmayacaktatillery�atrnak,yen.ihizmetlerimizleonlarasundugumuz deneyimiki§isellc§tirmek, li.iksvekonfordeneyimini hikayelerlezenginlt§tirmek.Siirdiiriilebilirlik kavran11111y�atmakyine iinceliklerimizaras111dayer aliyor.Bodrum'unKaraova bolgesindebulunan9iftligimizin70yildtrekihneyen bereketlitopraklannda kimyasalmaddei9ermeyen TUTKULAR -

dogaltanmuygulamalan yap1yoruz.Misafirlerimize <;iftlikturlarmakat,lma, iiriintoplamaver;iftlikhayatm1deneyimlemeimkam sunuyoruz.Meniimiizdeki baz1organikmalzemeleriBarbaros<;:iftligi'nden tedarikediyoiuz.Aynca malzemelerve§araplari<;in yereli.ireticileridestekliyoruz.Konukla11m1z1oteldeen ozelgastronomikdeneyimlerle,yepyenimarkalarla bulu�turmakvebenzeri olmayanspaalamm1zda fizikselveruhsaliyilik hissiniy�atmakodaklanchgmuzba§hklararasmdayer al1yor.Busenedediigiinler veetkinlikleri9indeneyimli ekibimi1Jehayallerigerr;ekle§tirmeyedevam edecegiz.II

Date: 01 July 2024

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 24 July 2024

Circulation: 15,000

Ad Value in USD: 8,720

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 01 July 2024

Circulation: 11,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 01 July 2024

Circulation: 6,500

Ad Value in USD: 1,866

Date: 01 July 2024

Circulation: 7,000

Publication: Tempo Travel

Ad Value in USD: 38,527

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 29 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 09 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum

Date: 18 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 35,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Date: July 2024

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 51,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Bahía

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 22,000 MUV

Publication: Al Sol de la Costa

Ad Value in USD: 600

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Bahía

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 15,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Bahía

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 70,000 MUV

Publication: The Luxury Editor (UK)

Ad Value in USD: 2,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Bahía

Date: July 2024

Publication: The Luxury Editor (UK)

Circulation: 70,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Bahía

Date: July 2024

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: 22,305

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz ated-my-soul/



Circulation: 1,561 MUV

AdValueinUSD:N/A ogram-check-now-if-your-country-is-eligible/

Hotel: Kempinski Palace Portorož

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 230,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 5,800

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 245,000

Hotel: Kempinski Palace Portorož

Hotel: Kempinski Palace Portoroz Publication: Siol

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 240,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 1500

Hotel: Kempinski Palace Portoroz

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 270,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,750

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 7,500

Publication: Luxury (CZ)

Ad Value in USD: 21,000

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 240,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,200

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras Publication: Trend (SK)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 30,000

Ad Value in USD: 7,200

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 100,000 MUV

Publication: Varecha (SK)

Ad Value in USD: 20,000


Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication:

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 14,678

Ad Value in USD: 4,000

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication: Euromag

Date: 10 July 2024

Circulation: 69,400 MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,500

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication:

Date: 12 July 2024

Circulation: 26,600 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication: Kompaniya

Date: 19 July 2024

Circulation: 132,900 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication: Leclick

Date: 10 July 2024 Circulation: 53,700 MUV

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication: Marie Claire

Date: 15 July 2024

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Publication: Peopletalk

Date: 12 July 2024 Circulation: 2,4 mio MUV

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Date: 22 July 2024

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Date: 10 July 2024

Circulation: 186,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel:Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 19,900 MUV Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Middle East & Africa

July 2024

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: Zawya UAE

Date: 02 July 2024

Circulation: 684,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: Khaleej Times UAE

Date: 10 July 2024

Circulation: 25.5 mio MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: Time Out Dubai

Date: 14 July 2024

Circulation: 715,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: UAE News

Date: 19 July 2024

Circulation: 11,300 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: Al Bayan

Date: 20 July 2024 Circulation: 82,300 Ad Value in USD: 3,721

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel & Residences Palm Jumeirah Publication: Time Out Dubai

Date: 30 July 2024

Circulation: 994,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates Publication: What's On Abu Dhabi

Date: 02 July 2024

Circulation: 20,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 1,120

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates

Date: 05 July 2024

Circulation: 231,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,250

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates

Date: 24 July 2024

Circulation: 3,710 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,250

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City Accra Publication: African Eye Report

Date: 5 July 2024

Circulation: 35,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 210

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City Accra

Date: 11 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City Accra

Date: 11 July 2024

Circulation: 859,500 MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea

Date: August 2024

Al Bayan Magazine

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea

Date: 3July2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD:N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: Cairo 360

Ad Value in USD: 1,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 10,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

The Americas

July 2024

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Cancún

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Caribe Empresarial (MEX)

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Cancún

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Diario de Navarra (ESP)

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Cancún

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Navarra Televisión

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Cancún

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Oveja Negra

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Cancún
Publication: Oveja Negra (MX)

July 2024

Date: July 1, 2024

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 18, 2024

Circulation: 38,500 MUV Ad Value in USD: 883

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Gourmet Cuisine (TH)

Date: July 24, 2024

Circulation: 120,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 850

Y11,w11'1Jt11"tn1m1uru�nuj,i'm.1'\'1U1 mTv�BlJ'mh111uau'IJ1fo �L'ln·lm·h�i aaL'Y1'1 i�hBam.L\JtJL�B1l�

ac1lilflii'a�tiua1ul1i�'IJ'i''IJ1n11'tlu�Aru-Jm1 L�ll�ilu�1EJc11E1L�uiici�i�-flufon�uv1u1n11 mYihro1ila

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Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Bangkok Post

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 300,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,580

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Cathay Holidays

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Krungthepturakit

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 350,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 2,903 ms-fS0MKx5Fna7TJ1z3V4EsJzB69LNX-bomyawjxw_aem_32pXo3MSSGG_bXKVXUp2zA

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Surround (TH)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 150,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,226

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Thai Rath (TH)

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 1,0 mio Ad Value in USD: 11,420

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Publication: Tourism Breaking News

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Travel Daily Media

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: Travel Daily News

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore Publication: SassyMama

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: 146,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 640

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore

Date: 1 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore

Date: 4 July 2024 Circulation: 2,1 mio MUV

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore Publication: The New Paper

Date: 5 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore Publication: Lemon Film

Date: 5 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore

Date: 10 July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore Publication: Honeycombers

Date: 15 July 2024

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore

Date: 24 July 2024 Circulation: 2,1 mio MUV

Value in USD: 2,170

Hotel: The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore Publication: Her World

Date: 28 July 2024

Circulation: 392,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 1,600

Hotel: The Apurva Kempinski Bali

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 180,000 Ad Value in USD: 41,000

Hotel: The Apurva Kempinski Bali

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 18,000 Ad Value in USD: 6,900






https://wwweco-business com/press-releases/leading-the-change-the-apurva-kempinski-bali-stages-eco-impact-event-for-a-greener-future/

Hotel: The Apurva Kempinski Bali

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 41,111 MUV

https://mindfullstories com/the-apurva-kempinski-bali-leads-the-change-for-sustainable-hospitality/

Hotel: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Publication: Femina

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 730,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: 1,000

Hotel: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Publication: High End Magazine

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 1,1 mio. MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,500

Hotel: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Date: July 2024

Publication: Indonesia Expat

Circulation: 1,4 mio. MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,100

Hotel: Beijing Hotel NUO Publication: TRAVEL and LEISURE

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 0.2 mio MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 270,000 MUV

Hotel: Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai Publication: That’s Shanghai

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 290,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 3,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 25,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: 2,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: 5,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 3.6 mio

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Fuzhou Publication: Trend Media Group Nanrenzhuang

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 600,000 Ad Value in USD: 1,000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen Publication: APHS

Date: 26 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Date: 16 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen

Date: 16 July 2024

Circulation: 46,500 Ad Value in USD: 14,427

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen

Date: 16 July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen

Date: 16 July 2024


Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Xiamen

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 130,000 MUV

Publication: Platinum Traveller

Ad Value in USD: N/A


Social Media

July 2024

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 3,1 Mio.

Publication: luxuryworldtraveler

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 109,000

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Berchtesgaden Publication:

Date: Juni 2024

Circulation: 2,099

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München

Date: June 2024

Circulation: 15,293

Publication: Thisispleasure

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 113,000

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 209,000

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 13,200

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 9,930

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 92,900

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 24,400

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 17,900

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 320,000

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 145,000

Publication: My Hotel Collection

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Date: 12 July 2024

Publication: Hind Beljafla

Circulation: 205,000 Ad Value in USD: 3,250

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates






Circulation: 1,74 mio

Date: July 25, 2024

Circulation: 118,354

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: gqthailand

Date: July 26, 2024

Circulation: 127,221

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: enjoyvips

Date: July 29, 2024

Circulation: 71,218

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 30, 2024

Circulation: 72,836

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 30, 2024

Circulation: 218,000

Ad Value in USD: N/A mgjkKKQGZWntpoiEknQueQvd8mNytl

Hotel: Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 31, 2024

Circulation: 506,652

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 72,6000

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 413,000

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: allybunnyruth

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 99,500

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel Bangkok Publication: kongthappeak

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 1,2 mio Ad Value in USD: 3,226

Hotel: Beijing Hotel NUO

Date: July 2024 Publication:

Circulation: 0.5 mio MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Beijing Hotel NUO

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 35,000 MUV


Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chongqing

Date: 23 July 2024

Circulation: 18,000

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Date: 30 July 2024

Circulation: 24,000

Publication: Tik Tok-

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chongqing

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chongqing

Date: 18 July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Publication: Tik Tok-重庆凯宾斯基酒店

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Residences Guangzhou Publication: Weibo

Date: 22 July 2024

Circulation: 9,000 MUV Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Residences Guangzhou Publication: bilibili

Date: 30 July 2024

Circulation: 11,300 MUV

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center Publication: Timeout Beijing

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Ad Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 20,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 12,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 145,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 11,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 15,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu Publication: Toutiao

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 20,000

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 157,000 Followers

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 12,000 Followers

Publication: Dianping

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 96,000

Publication: iam.dariiia

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 4,7M

Publication: dimpisanghvi-ws

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Fuzhou Publication: Weibo

Date: 21 July 2024

Circulation: 247,000 MUV

Ad Value in USD: N/A

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Guiyang

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 6,7 mio MUV

Ad Value in USD: NA urecode=newtitle&s_channel=4&s_trans=1952955171_5058198099462829

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Guiyang Publication: Weibo @

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 2,3 mio MUV Ad Value in USD: NA

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Nanjing

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A

Value in USD: 1,500

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Nanjing Publication: Gourmand Magazine

Date: July 2024

Circulation: 2,000,000

Ad Value in USD: 1000

Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Nanjing

Date: July 2024

Circulation: N/A Publication: Red Book

Ad Value in USD: 1500

Hotel: NUO Hotel Beijing Publication: Citi Horn Beijing

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: NUO Hotel Beijing Publication:

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a

Ad Value in USD: n/a ssid=4bacd39478aa09f3cec360ac442bfcc6&spsw=1&isFromH5Share=article

Hotel: NUO Hotel Beijing Publication: TimeOut Beijing

Date: July 2024

Circulation: n/a Ad Value in USD: n/a

Hotel: The Universal Studios Grand Hotel Publication: Nininiya

Date: July 2024


*Travel KOL

Circulation: 105,000

Ad Value in USD: NA

Redbook Followers : 390,000

Weibo Followers : 492,000

Hotel: The Universal Studios Grand Hotel

Date: July 2024 Circulation: 210,000 Ad Value in USD: NA

Weibo Followers : 9.1 Million

Hotel: The Universal Studios Grand Hotel

Date: July 2024


*Travel KOL

Circulation: 130,000

Ad Value in USD: NA

Weibo Followers : 1.26 Million

Redbook Followers : 50 K

Hotel: The Universal Studios Grand Hotel Publication: 旅游约吗

Date: July 2024


*Travel KOL

Circulation: 1,300,000

Ad Value in USD: NA

Weibo Followers : 11.1 Million

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