batec de llum
Batec de Llum és el nom d’una instal·lació de llum, so i aigua que funciona amb la interacció de les persones dins l’espai. Les persones es tornen els creadors del so i el moviment de l’aigua i les ones de llum. En algun lloc entre el món digital i el món natural, aquests tres elements s’uneixen, generant un registre únic; el batec humà de la llum. El sistema funciona amb tres càmeres infraroges que capten la presència de persones al voltant de tres basses circulars plenes d’aigua i transformen les dades en ones de so. Un altaveu situat a la part inferior de cada bassa reprodueix les ones de so i genera moviment dins l’aigua continguda a la bassa. Patrons variats es creen mentre que hi ha una interacció activa en l’espai i les llums amb el reflex de la llum a l’aigua, les parets i el sostre; els patrons de llum generen una experiència viva i envolvent.
Batec de Llum (light beat) is the name of a light, sound and water installation that works with people’s interaction in space. People become creators of their own sound, water and light waves. Somewhere between the digital and the natural world, these three elements come together, generating a unique registration; the human’s beat of light. The system works with three infrared cameras that pick up people’s presence around three circular ponds and transform data into sound waves. A speaker located at the bottom part of each pond reproduces the sound waves and generates movement into the water contained inside the pond. Interesting and different patterns are created while there is an active interaction in space and lamps reflect light in the water and into walls and ceiling, light patterns generate an alive and surrounding experience.
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alive. Inside a dark canvas, light shines, water waves reflect into space and bodies giving intense and floating textures and people leave volatile shadows in the atmosphere. Context This is a project understood in the context of an interior, the courtyard of the Palau Bru, a palace located in el Gothic quarter of Barcelona. This is the SGAE headquarters, general society of authors and editors, a private organisation which stores musical works, among other genres, by national artists.
How does it work The installation beats with people’s presence. Six infrared cameras pick up people’s presence around the circular ponds and transform data into sound waves. A speaker located at the bottom part of each pond reproduces the sound waves and generates movement into the water contained inside the pond. Interesting patterns are created while there is an active interaction in space and lamps reflect light in the water and into walls and ceiling, light patterns generate an alive and surrounding experience.
around the ponds, the spa alive. Inside a dark canvas nes, water waves reflect and bodies giving intense a textures and people leave v dows in the atmosphere.
Context This is a project understo context of an interior, the c the Palau Bru, a palace lo Gothic quarter of Barcelon the SGAE headquarters, g ciety of authors and editor te organisation which store works, among other genres nal artists.
EXPOSICIONS Edifici SGAE durant el festival de LlumBcn | febrer 2015 Festival Inter[Act]2, organitzat per transformabcn | març 2015
EQUIP DE PROJECTE Teresa Baena, Pol Domènech, Miguel Barrio, Noa Massanet, Adrià Margall, Eva Molins, Patricia Parejo, Arnau Parés, Marta Pérez, Joan Recasens, Andrea Vallvé.
Programació: Eduard Castany, juntament amb l’equip de projecte.
So: Román Daniel
Coordinadora: Raffaella Perrone Tutor: Jordi Ballesta Consultors: Josep Novell, Raúl Nieves.