Leather Holsters H T T P : / / W W W.K I R K P AT R I C K L E A T H E R . C O M
Kirkpatrick Leather Company has been manufacturing quality leather holsters since 1950, offering the best selection of western gunbelts in the market today.
We've been changing designs and continuously improving our holsters to satisfy our many customers.
Keep in mind that when you have chosen a Kirkpatrick holster you are getting over fifty years of experience in hand-crafting leather.
We offer our personal guarantee: "the best quality leather, the right fit for your gun and a service second to none."
For over 60 years we have hand crafted our holsters and belts one at a time.
We do not keep a larger inventory on hand. In fact, most of our products are made to the specifications requested by the customer.
It is because of this manufacturing process that the following return guidelines must be adhered to: • Items must be returned in new and unused condition • Restocking fee may apply on certain items • Exchanges must be received within 20 days of receipt • Exchange policy does not include shipping fees • NO exchanges or refunds on items with custom changes
Kirkpatrick manufactures leather holsters for doing things shooting and concealed carry which includes: shoulder holsters, pistol holsters, cowboy holsters, glock leather holster, duty holsters, western holsters, action shooting holsters and much more.