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304 Stainless Steel
Contains high nickel content between 8 and 10.5% and 18 to 20% chromium. A softer alloy than 420 and 420 allows for stamping of more decorative designs.
420 Stainless Steel
Contains a minimum of 12% chromium, making it corrosion resistant and is magnetic due to the lack of nickel.
430 Stainless Steel
Contains 16 to 18% chromium, making it corrosion resistant and is magnetic due to the lack of nickel.
Alumina Oxide
A fine ceramic material known for chemical and physical stability with high heat resistance, strength and hardness that is excellent at resisting abrasion.
ISO 14001
The leading environmental management system standards that minimize negative environmental impact.
Magnesium Oxide
A physically stable ceramic with outstanding high temperature performance and hardness.
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
A process producing a metal vapor that is applied as a thin coating on stainless steel.
Press Molded Glass
Glass produced by mechanically pressing molten glass into a mold using a plunger.
Reactive Glaze
Variegated glazes that result in a unique finish from a non-formulaic firing due to oxidation or a chemical reaction during the glaze fire.
Soda Lime
The most prevalent type of glass, soda-lime is chemically stable with a smooth and non-reactive surface.
Spun Molded Glass
Glass produced by pressing molten glass into a spinning mold using a plunger.
Thermal Shock
A variation in temperature which causes tension in a material which may result in breakage.
Plastic that is molded at elevated temperatures and hardens upon cooling. Has high insulation properties in its solid state.
Twice Fired
Ceramics that are fired twice. The first firing, the bisque fire, removes moisture and hardens the clay. The second fire, or glaze fire, fuses the glaze to the ceramic body, forming a glassy layer.
UK Bone Ash
Calcium phosphate derived from cow bones.
Convert into glass or a glass-like substance, typically by exposure to heat. Fully vitrified dinnerware is non-porous.