Equippers College 2012 Prospectus

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Life is never the same once we choose to follow Jesus. We should live reflecting the amazing glory of God and impacting the world with the message of Jesus Christ. But are you ready for it? Do you know what it’s going to take? The goal of Equippers College is to see you equipped for life, developing your knowledge and skills in practical ministry. The staff are dedicated to providing an environment that will develop your faith in Jesus Christ. Take up the challenge and invest in your future. There is no higher call than to live consumed by the purposes of God.


The most leaders are developed in a real is the best ministry setting. I believe the environment for you to outwork your learning, and develop your potential. Equippers College you in a local church environment, equipping you for the great commission - to change your world.

local church



Sam Monk College President Senior Minister, Equippers Church

Key Lecturing Staff MARK STEPHENSON



B.Ed, Dip Tchg (endorsed for SLT), NZRT, M.D.C (Te Nikau) Ordained Minister

B.A, M.A.



D.Min. Worldviews, M.B.S. Biblical Studies, M.Phil. Development Studies, B.Ed. Sociology, Dip.Tch., L.R.S.M. Music. Ordained Minister



Dip. Christian Leadership

Programme Director

National Leader of ACTS Church movement M.D.C (Te Nikau), Ordained Minister.

Academic Advisor


Dip B.S, Lead Pastor Equippers Church Manukau Ordained Minister


National Leader of ACTS Church movement Ordained Minister


M.A. (Hons), M.Couns, M.Z.N.C.C.A. Registered Counsellor, B.Th. Theology, B.Ed., Dip.Tch. Ordained Minister


Life on Campus .................................................. 4 Student Support ................................................ 5 Course Overview ............................................... 6 Certificate in Christian Ministry ......................... 8 Certificate in Christian Ministry (Applied) ....... 10 Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry ...... 12 Diploma in Pastoral Leadership ....................... 14 Distance Learning ............................................ 16 International Students ...................................... 18 Fees & Entry Requirements .............................. 20

How to apply .................................................... 22 Contact Details (Back Cover) ........................... 24





M.A.(Hons), P.G.Dip.Ed., B.Ed., Dip.Tch., Registered Teacher, Ordained Minister

B.Bus, Lead Pastor Equippers Church Auckland, Ordained Minister

Recording Artist, Ordained Minister

CCM, Cert. Advanced Christian Ministry



General Manager of CLS/SENZ


Dip Performing Arts, Dip Christian Leadership, Worship Pastor Equippers Church, Ordained Minister



CCEd, Dip. Tch, NZRT, Lead Pastor Equippers Church Wellington, Ordained Minister

Specialist Lecturer


Specialist Lecturer Recording Artist, Ordained Minister

Administration Manager

s u p m a C Life on

Equippers College is no ordinary school environment. The current College campus is located in the heart of Auckland City, within walking distance of Auckland Domain, Myers Park, Auckland University campuses and the Queen Street shopping precinct; great places to relax during a college lunch break. Auckland is an international, multicultural city with a unique Pacific flavour. Wedged between the Waitemata and Manukau harbours, and built on more than 50 dormant volcanic cones, you are never far from a breathtaking view.


Church Life

Equippers College campus does not provide

Equippers College is a local church-based college,

accommodation on site, however the College

strongly connected with Equippers Church, a vibrant

Accommodation Advisor is available to assist

multi-cultural church reaching over 2,000 people, with

students in finding flatting, boarding or hostel

services across Auckland, and a network of Equippers

accommodation. This assistance is given to

churches around the world. Equippers Church is built

those needing help or details during the usual

on a strong leadership culture and a fervent desire

application process before the semester begins.

to see the world impacted by the message of the gospel. This has resulted in a diversity of community

Living Costs

ministries within the church, reaching out to people

Accommodation in Auckland costs on average

and around the world.

within the central city, greater Auckland, New Zealand,

approximately NZ$150.00 per week. This can vary from suburb to suburb. The cost for power extra cost – allow for approximately NZ$40-50 per

There are so many opportunities...

week and another NZ$20-30 for any additional

We are surrounded by people in need. At Equippers


there are so many opportunities to get involved in

and phone are usually additional. Food is another

evangelism while you train. There are opportunities


to reach out to high school kids, ‘at risk’ youth, young

Auckland City is easily accessible by the Public

students, kiwi students, back packers, street

Transport System. Buses and trains come into the

workers and night clubbers – all without leaving the

city frequently from around the wider Auckland

neighbourhood! With mission teams travelling all

area. Further information is available at www.

over New Zealand and around the world every year

maxx.co.nz For those who have vehicles there is

supporting church plants and mission organisations,

also free street parking that is an easy 15min walk

you’ll be in the middle of what God’s doing while you

away from college.

learn what God is all about, and who you’re called to

professionals, primary school children, international


Typical Week Classes run four days a week. There are opportunities to gain experience through serving in a variety of areas in church over the weekend.

Conferences Students also take part in a wider team of people serving and organising within important conferences hosted by Equippers Church during the year. SHOUT Leadership, Youth, Kids and Creative Arts Conference, EquipHer Women’s Conference and ACTS National Leaders’ Conference. Being a part of the greater team in running these powerful, life changing conferences encourages the development of skills, opening of opportunities and connection with new people.


t r o p p u S t Studen

Pastoral Support If you’ve got a question – we have an answer! The

Equippers College sees you as a part of the answer to

support you need might be anything from assessment

extending God’s Kingdom, and we want to do all that we can to

questions to questions about life! We have a fantastic

equip you to become as effective as possible.

pastoral staff which includes professional counsellors

We understand that no two people are the same; we all have

and tutors.

unique gifts and abilities, as well as unique needs. We know that sometimes being a student isn’t easy, and we provide a great range of services to make sure we’re doing our best to help you get the most out of your time at Equippers College.

Staff Everybody has heard that in life more is ‘caught’ than is ‘taught’. At Equippers College our staff are ‘living the

Resources and facilities

dream’. Every one of our lecturers, tutors, academic and administrative staff have extensive experience in seeing

We provide a range of facilities to support a great learning

the Kingdom of God extended as they serve with all of

environment if you choose to study at our Auckland Campus

their might in leadership and ministry positions in local

– comfortable lecture rooms, access to an onsite library and

church settings.

computer room, as well as an interactive website to help with

Equippers College staff are passionately committed to

assessments when you’re not on campus. We also have ‘experts’

seeing you learn, grow and minister effectively as you

available on navigating Auckland traffic!

study with us. James says ‘faith without works is dead.’

So – why not come and put yourself in an environment of

Knowledge without practical application is also dead.

challenge and support, where we are confident you’ll not only

Our lecturing staff are qualified, competent and, most of

develop more of your God-given potential but have a great time

all, called – to direct and encourage you in your journey

doing it!

towards becoming all that God has called you to be!

t a e gcrourses!


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[6 MONTHS] Cer tificate



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el: 3 NZQA Lev February nths Star t: o m 6 : th g Len






Christiany Ministr d) (Applie

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el: 4 NZQA Lev February Year Star t: e n O : th g n Le







The greatest use of your life is to spend your time building something that will last beyond your generation. When you were young you learnt to tie your shoes and someone was there to teach you. Whether by choice or not, you are always learning. The best way to learn is to imitate someone who is more experienced than you.




r tificate in

Advancedn Christia y Ministr

eir interns at th re a e rs u o c dying this real-world Students stu arning in a le d n a g in h, work local churc t. environmen

el: 3 NZQA Lev Any time ear Star t: Y e n O : th g Len





NZQA: Equippers College is a division of ACTS

Auckland City Training School, an NZQA accredited provider – students are eligible to apply for loans and allowances. All ACTS qualifications are NZQA approved. * In 2012 loans and allowances are not available for the Diploma in Pastoral Leadership. Places on all other courses, including access to loans and allowances, are limited. Please contact the registrar for more information.

: n i e t a Certific

START DATE: 13 Feb 2012





You don’t get anywhere overnight You don’t get anywhere without taking a few steps, and you don’t get anywhere great without making an effort and paying a price. It’s normal to spend years studying for a career that may last 20,10 or even 5 years. The Certificate in Christian Ministry is study to equip you for your whole Christian life. It’s an investment into your future that will last forever! If you have a dream to do something great, be someone great or see great things in God, this course is a step in that direction.

Foundation Subjects

Key Focus Areas

Interpreting the Bible

(Minimum intake required for each area)

Old Testament Survey New Testament Survey Introduction to Basic Theology Prayer & Spiritual Warfare

Leadership: The leadership focus will teach you the power of influence, and help you understand how you can harness it.

Communication Skills

Youth Ministry: The youth ministry focus will

God’s Mission

empower you to reach a generation with relevance and power. Creative Ministries: The creative ministries focus will teach you the true potential of your creative ability that goes beyond your gift and

You will learn:


To lead and inspire individuals and groups; to communicate effectively; to understand foundational Theology; to interpret the Bible accurately and apply its teaching to everyday life; to reach out to others and encourage new Christians; an understanding of the Old and New Testaments; your part in God’s Mission on the earth; keys to effective Prayer and Spiritual Warfare; a passion for your own Spiritual Development. You will become more effective in your leadership and service, and your understanding of effective ministry will grow.

Entry Requirements: See page 20 of this prospectus for all entry requirements.

The Certificate in Christian Ministry will equip you for a life of purpose and adventure in God



- David Ting


- Kerry Hague


ate in Christian Ministry because decided to sign up for the Certific rs ippe Equ to wasn’t necessarily a big call, but he decision for me to go I wanted direction for my life. It ys alwa had I ause nce to get some Godbec easy y College was fairl like a good opportunity and a cha med see ty my universi planned to study after finishing direction! study than at my to e plac er bett t wha and degree istry has helped me develop my The Certificate in Christian Min home church! out in faith, understanding more confidence. I have learnt to step lege Col rs ippe e for my life. The last six Equ ut abo me When people ask God is and His plan and purpos who ut abo g Not . stumped life shaping. I have gone from livin and what it’s like I’m usually a bit months have been amazing and nce fide con it, in ut g abo livin d bt to a place of because I don’t know what is goo life from a place of fear and dou to start! If you n out of my comfort zone and into take n bee e hav I . but because I don’t know where God and faith in of side c emi . However I was constantly acad the ut were wondering abo tances where I had to rely on Him ums circ for fect is per t, a place where I was loved and the course I would tell you that it part of a faith filled environmen for rch chu in have become my family. anyone. Whether you have been supported by amazing people that r ove disc will you life le three months or your who for myself trying to fit God in. Before the course, I was living life er knew. More things about the Bible that you nev purpose in Him. I have gained my w I am living for God, finding kno to Now ger hun r you grow will it importantly hip and fun, and living in God’s so much in the way of life, friends e. serv we God the ut abo e mor blessing, according to his plans. n Ministry is ns, and have come out While the Certificate in Christia Bible College with lots of questio into nity e ortu cam I opp of ty plen is e ther more theoretical, d with the tools to find out more. is some answers, but also equippe rse with cou This . ned lear ls skil the to practise ing of the context of the Bible and I have gained a better understand anyone’s life. You for l ed tica prac is it ause bec t grea relationship with God has deepen how I can apply it to my life. My time ministry to I me. with es icat mun don’t have to be involved in fullcom He how as I have become more aware of misconception reap the benefits. I think this is a rt for missions and the significant hea His ut abo lot a nt lear ld also e wou hav you : lege Col e Bibl of e hav people can role the church plays in that. ng involved only go if you intended on becomi h in Christian Ministry is how muc sidered this What I loved about the Certificate in full-time ministry. For me I con of se sen a with hed finis e hav I . . Many people my hunger has developed for God to be a gap year before working me a in Equippers Church has given r I would eve how , king wor ad abro it nd belonging and purpose. Serving would spe er bigg ng ethi som of I feel I am part in Christ to take real sense of ownership because challenge anyone who believes in ing serv for zeal and love a great e about Him. I than myself and have developed t a gap year for God and learn mor College has been one of the bes rs ippe Equ to it! et ing regr Com ’t se. won hou Gods promise that you decisions of my life!

Christian Ministry

Kerry Hague Graduated 2011

David Ting Graduated 2011

Certificate in:

. . . y a s s t n tude


: n i e t eC rtifica

START DATE: 13 Feb 2012






It’s not by accident, it’s by design, intention and purpose We are God’s workmanship and we are created to walk in the good things He has prepared for us. He is prepared, but how prepared are we? The Certificate in Christian Ministry (Applied) helps you focus what you’re learning and bring application in one of the three focus areas – Leadership, Youth Leadership or Creative Ministries. This course helps you discover your unique gifting and provides opportunity for you to give things a go, break out of the box, and unleash your potential!

Foundation Subjects

Key Focus Areas

First Semester:

(Minimum intake required for each area)

Interpreting the Bible

Leadership: The leadership focus will teach you the

Old Testament Survey

power of influence. You’ll get the opportunity to take

New Testament Survey

what you’re learning and apply it by having hands-

Introduction to Basic Theology

on experience in leadership environments. These

Prayer & Spiritual Warfare

environments may include such areas as children’s

Communication Skills

ministry, pastoral care, media etc.

God’s Mission Second Semester:

Youth Ministry: The youth ministry focus will empower you to reach the emerging generation. You’ll gain a

Leadership Skills

frontline understanding of how to build an effective youth

Heart of Leadership


Character Development Ministry Development Applied Communications Ministry Issues

Creative Ministries: Through Biblical teaching and practical involvement, the creative ministry focus will teach you the true potential of your creative ability.

Ministry Experience

You will learn: Effective models and methods of leadership; a deep knowledge and love for God’s Word; the importance and the dynamics of character development; skills for successful church ministry; to understand and appreciate your unique gifts and personality; harness the power of teamwork; keys to becoming an inspiring leader; the power of leading your own spiritual development; the most important issues in modern ministry; to lead others towards the achievement of strategic goals; how you can change the world through structured, strategic community programmes.

Entry Requirements: See page 20 of this prospectus for all entry requirements.

A life of greater significance, influence and purpose


orately for a few fter university and working corp Bible College had to ing com years, my reasons for uring in God Mat er. care a ing find nothing to do with n has and I knew I is a desire I believe every Christia foundations strong needed to set aside time to set my life. before I moved forward in igned to cover not just The papers we studied were des ut the Bible, but also foundational truth and facts abo promises of God for how to believe and outwork the unique environment ly high a myself. I found it to be ndship, challenge made up of theory, practice, frie no choice but to be and faith where there was literally d. The more I learnt min transformed through a renewed didn’t know much I ised real I e about the Bible, the mor to pursue the call of at all, and I developed a hunger existed. God in my life that I never knew indeed engaging My year at Equippers College was opportunities to y man so e wer and rewarding. There grow in capacity. I step up in my God-given gifts and of the local church hadn’t understood the importance I play in making part nt until then, and what a significa erneath the und g rnin Lea Matthew 28:19 a reality. ired me to insp nt eme mov our in keystone leaders in my life. to complete an on t dream bigger and take risks. I wen we are like s, nitie ortu opp f managing te staf crea on ’t don now we I believe if internship programme and am is faith that pleases It ds. olution Tour. see t Rev plan The ’t ld, don wor who the in ers farm the best missions tour by that ise tual llec inte God and sometimes we can will be something I out. However, by What I learnt at Equippers College waiting for the “right time” to step pletely transformed my to Equippers College use for the rest of my life. It com choosing to trust God and sign up r people. I am now othe with relationship with God and to build me more as a I created an opportunity for Him calling, gifts and my e, valu my tity, confident in my iden for life! follower of Christ – I feel set up ippers College is the so much more. I truly believe Equ ortant things in imp t best place to discover these mos your life.

signing up for a never thought I would find myself time I was leaving the At ! year at Equippers College but it was not ily, fam ng you a a full time job and had , because I faith of step that take to n a hard decisio a desire to with t I wen believed it was the right choice. God and I of d Wor the of gain a greater understanding e! mor h left with that and so muc Equippers College was I entered with a perception that ting the Bible however it just about learning and interpre that. I learnt to identify than e turned out to be much mor n me and grew a give has God and develop the gifts the calling God had new passion and perspective for of understanding placed on my life. The foundation begin working truly to e the Word gave me a firm plac life. I am not a my in God of will out the purposes and honest I couldn’t even highly educated person and to be I felt intimidated by s recall many scriptures and at time I had not been Also . ents the knowledge of other stud missing some was I felt I so long a Christian for very r, by the end of the key values and principles. Howeve e up for that in mad course I felt that this one year had significant fruit the see ld cou more ways than one and I


Sarah Smith Graduated:2009 ager Currently: Revolution Tour Man

- Duwayne Toko


- Sarah Smith

Christian Ministry (Applied) [ONE YEAR]

Duwayne Toko Graduated: 2010 istry through Currently: Interning in Youth Min n Ministry istia Chr ed anc the Certificate in Adv

Certificate in:

. . . y a s s t n tude


: n i e t eC rtifica

START DATE: Flexible





There is nothing like learning on the job Maximum learning is achieved when you can get in ‘amongst it’ by taking responsibility in an organisation and really putting into practice the principles that you are being taught. Plenty of people talk about how they would run that church, that ministry or that business... talk is cheap! It’s a simple fact that you don’t really know something until you do it. You might have an understanding of the physical dynamics of a back flip – but can you do one?! The Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry teaches people to do more than just talk about ministry, it teaches them to do ministry.

Foundation Subjects Internship Practical Component I & II Personal Development Developing Christian Spirituality Service Dynamics Leadership Development

How does it work? The certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry is a local church-based internship programme. You will gain a position within your local church; you serve practically in an area or areas of ministry; you complete tasks and development related assessments, all while being supported by a nominated supervisor.

You will learn The workings of a complex organisation from the inside out; to develop your capacity for service, ministry, leadership and life; to set, monitor and achieve your own personal and ministry goals; to reach your potential and go beyond it.

Entry Requirements: See page 20 of this prospectus for general entry requirements, additional requirements for this certificate include securing a volunteer position within an approved organisation.

You will discover a greater understanding of what God has called you to do. Through practical involvement you will gain hands-on experience of the dynamics of ministry.


Currently: Young Adults

year stint at Auckland was coming to the end of a four make a decision on University when it came time to rest of my life. I was at a what I was going to do with the world but had absolutely loss. I had a vision to change my pen. no idea how it was going to hap decision to come to It was at the time that I made the e a lot of sense but I Equippers College. It didn’t mak the right environment thought if I could place myself in ld show me what it was He for God to speak to me, He wou wanted me to do, and He did!


rumental is helping Equippers College has been inst life. Through the me discover the call of God on my tion and leadership various papers, practical applica my view of Him and how responsibilities God increased me. I’m blown away by much He was able to do through years at Equippers how He’s used me through my two istry that is currently College in initiate a University Min h week. God has now reaching hundreds of students eac e to develop this ministry, opened a door for me to continu rs Church. I am amazed now as a staff member at Equippe for what He wanted me to at His process in preparing me do. God used Equippers I look back now and can see that an effective minister – College as a tool to train me to be totally defined by God not defined by role or location but and His plan and purpose.

- Ed Anderson



been a path I thought oing to Bible College had never came time to make the my life would take…but when it of Advanced Christian decision to enrol in the Certificate , and I was very excited to Ministry it was another step of faith God would speak to me and again be in a place where I knew challenge me in a big way. Certificate meant that not The very practical element of the space for me to step into – but only did it provide a leadership such as administration and I also learnt important life skills and ministry together not for time management – balancing life ead to honour God with all of the sake of organisation, but inst the areas of Youth and Creative my life. As an intern I served in zing mentors and pastors who Arts under the leadership of ama I could lear n how to be an partnered together with me so that er alone – there was a strong effective minister. And I was nev t from other staff and other sense of networking and suppor



ironment was incredibly Working in this pressure-filled env tivity and caused me to dig demanding – it stretched my crea your life out for God…He deep in God. But when you pour . I look back now and realise pours so much more back into you only to lead myself but to that God built in me a capacity not e again His call on my heart. lead others. God has forged onc me in future years, I will be I know that wherever God takes ause of what I have learnt in better prepared and equipped bec lege. these two years at Equippers Col

- Esther Elliott overseas? Why not consider an internship See page 16 for more information


Advanced Christian Ministry

Esther Elliott Graduated: 2008 tly: Youth Creative Arts Director

Ed Anderson Graduated: 2007

Certificate in:

. . . y a s s t n tS ude


: n i iD ploma

START DATE: On Application







What does it mean to be a truly effective leader in a pastoral ministry setting and what does it take to get there? This Level 5 diploma will give students the foundational knowledge, skills and experience that are vital for embarking on a significant leadership role in full or part time ministry. “Significant ministry flows out of significant relationship.” That’s why the Diploma in Pastoral Leadership gives opportunity to be exposed to key leaders within the ACTS Churches movement through block courses that will allow time with national leaders including Bruce Monk, Sam Monk, Jordan Smith and others…. The Diploma in Pastoral Leadership meets the national church guidelines for the ordination of pastors – the NLT has stated that in the long term, the movement suffers if incoming ministers have not attended Bible training. The Diploma in Pastoral Leadership offers equipping that will allow ongoing involvement in ministry/employment. The Diploma in Pastoral Leadership offers part time study involving short courses aimed at creating an environment of impartation, not just information! Distance Learning also forms part of the programme – access is through the Equippers College interactive “Moodle” website. Applicants for the Diploma in Pastoral Leadership who have completed some Bible training may have their prior learning recognised and accredited toward the Diploma programme.

Subject and assessment content includes: Team leadership and development

Managing People and Projects

Old and New Testament overviews

Theory and application of leadership models and skills

Theological foundations

Personal spiritual development/mentoring relationship

Biblical interpretation

Practical weekly involvement in a leadership role within a church

The Diploma in Pastoral Leadership is both flexible and effective. This course provides students with the opportunity for challenging, life-changing study within the context of practical pastoral leadership with opportunities for distance education.

Entry Requirements: See page 20 of this prospectus for general entry requirements. Additional prerequisites and entry requirements for the Diploma, including proven leadership experience and an interview, will apply. Contact the registrar for more information.

Significant ministry flows out of significant relationship

Diploma in:

Pastoral Leadership



Equippers College is about


EQUIPPING PEOPLE FOR LIFE Internships at your place and around the world! Equippers Internships (Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry) give you the opportunity to work as a modern-day ‘apprentice’ in your church or ministry organisation, while studying subjects that will help you develop your ministry and leadership potential. Internship positions are available across the country and internationally! You can apply to be an intern in a church here in New Zealand or overseas... in fact – why not do both?! Equippers Internships are flexible – New Zealand residents can spend part of their year serving in an overseas-based ministry and part based locally in New Zealand... while still being eligible for loans and allowances. Not a bad alternative to the traditional OE!

Revolution Tour Students studying full-time in Auckland are given the opportunity to be part of the Revolution Tour. The Revolution Tour takes to the road every year, with bands, dance crews, comedians, huge sounds, multi-media, lights, and a simple message that every teenager should hear. The tour visits high schools all over the North and South Island letting young people know that they can make a difference in their world. In 2011 the tour covered 10 cities in three weeks, performing in more than 112 high schools. The night time concerts were attended by around 14,900 people and of this number 2,000 recorded responses to Christ were made. What an incredible experience to be part of!

Online learning at Equippers College Studying couldn’t get any easier with the use of the Equippers College intranet site. With the help of technology no matter where you are if you can get on-line you can access it. It’s fast, it’s efficient and it’s easy to use. It has everything you’ll need from assignment and lecture material to forums connecting you with other students and tutorial support. All at the click of a mouse!


l a n o i t a n r Intedents Stu Student Visa Requirements Students who are not New Zealand residents need to obtain a student visa to study in New Zealand (excluding Australian citizens). All Equippers College courses are approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and it is possible to get study visas for Equippers College Courses.

Procedure In order to obtain a student visa for New Zealand, you will need to contact New Zealand Immigration Services for an application form. On acceptance of your application to attend Equippers College and receipt of your full tuition fees, we will provide you with a letter confirming your place on the course. This is needed for the issuing of your visa. Processing of your student visa may take up to two months depending on the country in which the application is made. Please ensure that you apply in plenty of time. Please see http://www.immigration.govt.nz/ for more information.

English Language Requirements All lectures at Equippers College are in English. A reasonable standard of both spoken and written English is required. (An IELTS score of at least 5.5)

Application Closing Date In 2012 applications for international students close on January 31st 2012. All applications must be received by this date in order to be considered for acceptance. For more detailed entry requirements see page 20. For more information on studying as an international student at Equippers College, including entry requirements, contact the Registrar. ACTS Auckland City Training School is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.


s a young adult I used to look for pleasure in friends, partying, taking life easy and having fun. Everything seemed to be sweet and I enjoyed this type of life for quite a few years. But during this time I felt there must be something more to life than the aimless one I was living. I figured out that life is not just about comfort and not just about me. I could feel this void inside me; a void that new friends or other things could not fill. I wanted to know myself better and I wanted to find my purpose in life. So I started to seek God. I decided to give God and myself a chance to become everything I was supposed to be. To make this possible I had to leave my home in Italy and give up many things like my job, family and my girlfriend. It was a big price to pay; I sacrificed a lot. But I knew I had to make this change in my life. Equippers College was an amazing experience that helped me reach a deeper level of intimacy with God, enabled me to experience other cultures and helped me build relationships. It was a place where I was inspired by other people. I deepened my knowledge of God and His ways. I have been equipped in reaching out to the needy, and becoming a useful tool in God’s hand. The course helped me discover my qualities and my skills as a leader, as well as developing my character. I found a place in God where I belong. People here have treated me kindly, encouraged me along the way and supported me by listening and being there when I needed a friend, a counselor or even a parent’s advice. I feel championed to keep reaching out to my destiny in God. During all this time, I learned to live by faith and to rely on God’s grace in times of pressure. Looking back I see that the price was worthwhile. Just like it says in Matthew 16:25, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Equippers College is the key to a radical life lasting change for better. I dropped everything I was carrying at the time in order to invest a year of my life in Equippers College. What I ended up with was a lifetime adventure with God! I am really excited about my future. And I can say confidently the best is yet to come! Life is a gift from God! Do not waste it! Invest in it!

For information on studying as an international student at Equippers College, including entry requirements, contact the Registrar.

- Mihai Pitis

s e e F t n Stude Student Fees Certificate in Christian Ministry Certificate in Christian Ministry (Applied) Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry Diploma in Pastoral Leadership

6 Months 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year



$2,600 $3,990 $2,030 $4,600

$6,000 $10,450 $8,450 $11,000

All prices are inclusive of GST, (Goods and Services Tax).



Key Dates

The college receives funding from the New Zealand Government through the Tertiary Education Commission for each New Zealand student enrolled. This money is used for the operation of the college.

Equippers College is a division of ACTS Auckland City Training School, an NZQA accredited provider – students are eligible to apply for loans and allowances.

Semester 1: 13th February – 29th June (Mid Semester Holidays: 9th – 22nd April) Semester 2: 16th July - 29th November (Mid Semester Holidays: 8th – 21st October)

Places on all courses, including access to loans and allowances, are limited. Please contact the Registrar for more information.

Public Trust - Student Protection of Fees All student fees are deposited into a separate trust account with Public Trust. Public Trust act as a protector for student fees and proportionally refund the fees back to Equippers College on a monthly basis.

Useful Contacts International Education Appeal Authority c/- Ministry of Education Private Bag 47-911, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand PH: +64 9 374 5481 FAX: +64 9 374 5403 EMAIL: info.ieaa@minedu.govt.nz

Study Link PH: 0800 88 99 00 WEB: studylink.govt.nz New Zealand Qualifications Authority PH: +64 4 802 3000 EMAIL: helpdesk@nzqa.govt.nz WEB: nzqa.org.nz

Entry Requirements When applying for an Equippers College course you must: • Have been a committed Christian for at least twelve months. • Have successfully completed NCEA level 1 or equivalent. (preferred though not essential) • Have completed a new Christian course run by a local church. • Be presently involved in the life of a local church, and demonstrate levels of mature discipleship. • Have the approval of your pastor/minister for your application into College. (a satisfactory Pastor’s reference is required)

• Have a conviction that there is a call of God upon your life. (A detailed testimony is required) • Be assessed by the College as likely to successfully complete the course. • Have evidence of English proficiency if English is your second language. (An IELTS score of at least 5.5) Additional application requirements exist for the Diploma in Pastoral Leadership and the Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry. Contact the Registrar for further information.

For further details about staff faculty, student support and college procedures, refer to the Student Handbook (available from the Registrar).


“We highly recommend you consider Equippers College. With teachers dedicated to developing leadership and creativity within the churches of New Zealand, Equippers College is a contemporary and exciting environment to serve, worship, train and belong in.� - Wayne & Libby Huirua

Worship Pastors, Auckland

. . . w o n o d What to Step 1 – Pray

Pray. Ask God to confirm to you that Equippers College is your next step.

Step 2 – Obtain the forms on-line Check out our website equipperscollege.com. All enrolment information and application forms are available on-line.

Step 3 – Contact Us Call us on 0800 ACT NOW (228 669) or email registrar@equipperscollege.com to ask any further questions, or to request some application forms.

Step 4 - Get together all your application requirements: A fully completed application form A fully completed pastoral reference A $20 non-refundable application fee A 300 word testimony and vision statement A verified copy of your highest qualification A verified copy of your birth certificate or passport A recent passport-size photo A verified copy of your marriage certificate if your name has been changed through marriage NB: Additional application requirements exist for the Diploma in Pastoral Leadership. Contact the Registrar for more information.

Step 5 – Post it Send us your application forms: Equippers College P.O. Box 68455 Auckland 1010 New Zealand

Step 6 – Get Ready! Get ready for God to take you to your next level in ministry and in life!


Equipping you for life through faith in Jesus Christ

Contact us. Equippers College

A division of ACTS Auckland City Training School OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8am - 4.30pm POSTAL: P.O. Box 68-455, Newton, Auckland 1010 PH: 0800 228 669 or (09) 358 0351 FAX: (09) 358 0371 EMAIL: registrar@equipperscollege.com WEB: equipperscollege.com

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