Peak Energy

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Product Catalog

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Mission Statement Consumer Profiles Mood Board Logo Design Type System Competitive Analysis Website Design Commercial

Billboard Design Guerrilla Ad Magazine Spread Product Photos Stationery About the Founder Image Credits CD Deliverable

30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46


WHO WE ARE At Peak Energy, our purpose is to give you the energy that you need to do what you do. Our mission is to fuel the world, giving adventurous people a healthy extra hand on the mountain. Unlike our competitors, we strive to produce a product that’s good for both you... ...and the Earth.



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No matter how you use it, Peak Energy will keep working for you until you’re done... without making you crash afterwards.

Peak Energy is like having a personal trainer on the trail, helping you push yourself farther than you imagined.

Energy drinks have an unhealthy connotation, and we’re here to change that with something that’s actually good for you.

WHO ARE YOU? We don’t just want to be another product you go to the store for. We want to be something that is an integral part of your life. Going for a run after work? Bring us along, we’d love to see the trail you blaze! Planning a weekend full of mountain biking and camping? Make sure you throw us into your pack! Even if you’re just facing a long day at work, we can help you get through that too. (but really, bring us along for the fun stuff)

Bring us into your life and let us know what you’re all about. If you’ve got anything in common with these lovely folks, we’re probably a match made in heaven.


Our Peak

Performers These folks are a cut above the rest. Not just because they drink Peak Energy (though we do like to take credit), but because they embody everything that we believe in.

Peak performers love sunny wea ther, but they love a good stor m even more. e, they do it themselves. ’t like the way something is don They work hard, and if they don

They’re almost always active, but they always seem to find the time to kick back and relax at the end of the day.

But above all else... Peak Performers know when to work, and when to play.


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Peak Performers: Josh Hardwick Daily Life

9:00am Wakes up using the alarm on his Android phone 9:10am Cleans teeth using Listerine mouthwash 9:25am Eats Frosted Flakes for breakfast 9:40am Drives his Mazda 3 to work, grabs a NOS drink 10:00am-6:00pm Works at COX Communications 6:30pm Changes into an Old Navy shirt and puts on a Columbia jacket 7:00pm Hikes a short 2-mile trail in Colorado Springs to enjoy the sunset 8:15pm Returns to apartment to watch Netflix with fiancé


Adventure - The spice of life that keeps things fresh Independence - Being able to hold your own against the world Eco-conscious - A lover, protector, and enthusiast of nature


Brand Usage (Hours Per Week)


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Andriod CLIF GoPro




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Full Name: Joshua Allan Hardwick Ethnicity: Caucasian Age: 24 Location: Colorado Springs, CO Marital Status: Engaged Income: $40,000 Education: 2 years of college Homeownership: Rents apartment Autos: 2006 Mazda 3 (blue) Children: none Pets: siberian husky Military Service: none Groups: work friends, Slopes Club

As evidenced by his brandscape, Josh is very much an outdoorsman. If he’s outside, he’s prepared for the weather with his Columbia jacket and checking the forecast on his Android phone. He keeps his CLIF bar on hand for a quick snack on the go, and if he’s doing something really epic, he’s filming it on his GoPro. When he’s not outside, he enjoys kicking back and relaxing after a hard day’s work with some Netflix.


Peak Performers: Liz Biscevic Daily Life

5:00am Wakes up to eat a bowl of Raisin Bran with milk 5:30am Dresses for work, wearing North Face Jacket and Levi Jeans 6:00am Arrives at animal shelter for work in downtown 12:00pm Goes to lunch at Noodles and Company 3:00pm Gets off work, drives home in her used black Jeep Liberty 4:00pm Grabs her Columbia backpack and prepares for a hike through the forest 7:30pm Returns from a long hike, drinks a bottle of V8 to replenish vitamins 8:00pm Marathons multiple episodes of The Walking Dead on Netflix before bed




Daring - Always pushing the limit to get the most out of life Generosity - Giving back to the world helps you get more out of it Activist - To protect what you love, you need to stay informed Brand Usage (Hours Per Week)

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Netflix Columbia Jeep

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Full Name: Elizabeth Ann Biscevic Ethnicity: Caucasian/Asian Age: 24 Location: Tahoma, WA Marital Status: Single Income: $28,000 Education: 4 years of college Homeownership: Rents apartment Autos: 2010 Jeep Liberty (black) Children: none Pets: golden retriever Military Service: none Groups: Backpackers Anonymous


Liz is the type of person that believes you get out what you put into life. Kind-hearted and spunky, she’s the type of person who is sometimes driven to just go out and do something on her own. As evidenced by her brandscape, being prepared to take what mother nature dishes out is important, and after a long hike, it’s important to put the nutrients that you expended on your journey back into your body.

Peak Performers: Justin Yu Daily Life 9:00am Wakes up for class with his iPod 9:30am Throws on Levi jeans and an Adidas t-shirt 11:00am Takes notes for class using his Apple laptop 12:00pm Grabs a burger and salad at the school cafe 3:00pm Drives to the beach in his yellow Subaru Baja 4:30pm Shoots his surfing friends using his Nikon DSLR 9:00pm Grabs a Heineken beer with friends from his surfing group 11:30pm Crashes into bed and falls asleep to an episode of Survivorman on Discovery

Full Name: Justin Shi Yu Ethnicity: Korean Age: 21 Location: San Diego, CA Marital Status: Single Income: $25,000 Education: 2 years of college




Strength - When the going gets tough, dig in and overcome Optimism - Your past mistakes can be used to propel the future Health - Take care of yourself, it’s the only you you’ve got


Brand Usage (Hours Per Week )











Homeownership: Dormitory Autos: 2004 Subaru Baja Children: none Pets: long-haired cat Military Service: none Groups: Sunday Surfers, school study

Justin knows that there’s a time to study, and there’s a time to play. If you work hard in life and put your past mistakes behind you, you can create a better future for yourself. Justin’s brandscape indicates that if you want to live a full life, you need to surround yourself with reliable brands. He understands that letting loose every now and then is okay, and even necessary to maintain mental health.


What We Represent (at a glance)


Mo Bo ard


Still not sure what Peak Energy is all about? Check out our mood board. This collection of images represents everything we represent. Colors, textures, people, and a flurry of outdoor activities. Even just a quick scan over this collage should give you a feel for who we are. We’re energetic, we’re natural, and we’re here to help you follow your passion.


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A Mark to Remember.

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What good is having a company logo if you can’t remember it? A lot of thought went into our logo, and we thought you might appreciate some of the behind-the-scenes reasoning behind what we are. The mountain peaks can stand alone as their own iconic mark, with the peaks allowing for the customization of color. Coupled with the Epoxy History typeface and just a hint of bold natural colors, our logotype and combination come together to give you both a clean, precise feel, as well as something that has an edge to it. The Peak Energy logo says “We work hard, but we know when to let loose.”


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Pantone 293C





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Color Alternates

Of course, different situations call for different colors and luminosities. That’s why we’ve included these alternate colors, which allow us to emphasize text and expand our line of flavors.

Pantone 219 C

Pantone 354 C

Pantone 393 C

Pantone 428 C

Pantone 7505 C

How We Speak No matter how free-spirited you are, every company needs to have rules to follow. However, we didn’t want those rules to feel stifling. That’s why we chose Epixy History and Thonbury typefaces for our system. EpoXY histoRy is bold and gritty, representing the raw nature of our brand, while Thonburi and its uniform stroke width shows that we are consistent and reliable.

Headings Heading 1 40/60 EpoXY histoRy regular White Heading 2 24/36 EpoXY histoRy regular White Heading 3 18/26 EpoXY histoRy regular White

Lorem ipsum Suspendisse cursu sit Cras sit amet lorem nibh. er

Subheadings Subheading 1 22/30 Thonburi bold CMYK Cyan

Vestibulum ante ipsum

Subheading 2 16/24 Thonburi bold CMYK Cyan

Volorero dolent enimentem re venda

Subheading 3 12/16 Thonburi bold CMYK Cyan

Net pore pre etur recte acerferibus aut proris autet as a solupti ommodit aut dolor atur, qui remporupta ipit


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Body Copy 8/12 Thonburi regular Pantone 428 C

Suspendisse cursus ligula sit amet fringilla egestas. Cras sit amet lorem nibh. Integer dignissim euismod enim sed dictum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec facilisis suscipit placerat. Nullam vulputate mattis sagittis. Nam tincidunt posuere purus, et laoreet turpis tincidunt id. Quisque eget felis mauris.

Bulleted Body Copy 8/16 Thonburi regular Pantone 428 C

• Proin fringilla lectus sit amet • Maecenas gravida eleifend enim vel laoreet. • Suspendisse lobortis pharetra ipsum convallis condimentum. • dghfdghfh

Emphasis Copy 8/12 Thonburi italic Skew 16 degrees Pantone 428 C

In posuere, lorem sit amet facilisis interdum, mi justo rutrum mauris, a cursus quam dolor eget ante. Sed faucibus lacinia neque eget malesuada. Maecenas enim arcu, euismod eget nisl vel, iaculis rutrum velit. Ut iaculis iaculis lectus, eget facilisis turpis porttitor id.

Chart Label 6/10 Thonburi bold

Maecenas interdum imperdiet tempus. Mauris auctor sollicitudin ipsum sit amet cursus. Nulla id risus consequat, adipiscing quam sit amet, pretium eros. Ut nulla metus, aliquet vitae enim vitae, sceler-

Pantone 393 C

isque placerat dolor. Sed vestibulum, augue non tempor dictum, arcu augue mollis lectus, sit amet

Chart Text 6/10 Thonburi Regular Pantone 428 C

Nunc vulputate varius est sed imperdiet. Ut a ante a tortor semper egestas a et mi. Nulla scelerisque

Note/Credit Copy 6/12 Thonburi italic Skew 11 degrees Pantone 428 C

Nulla iaculis tellus quam, non tempor dolor interdum et. Vestibulum purus arcu, vulputate et nisl quis,

euismod nisi tellus auctor felis

aliquet accumsan. Donec rutrum sodales diam ac iaculis. Aliquam sed tempus ante, lobortis feugiat sem. Morbi laoreet non odio a sodales.

sagittis iaculis justo. Maecenas egestas lectus a lectus ornare molestie. Nullam a lorem velit. Nunc a lobortis felis, a volutpat odio. Cras diam risus, consequat a consequat laoreet, vulputate eleifend diam. Donec commodo nunc tortor, luctus pretium mauris dictum a. Aliquam consequat, enim sit amet mattis sollicitudin, turpis sem


The Showdown No race is worth winning if you’re the only one in it. So who is Peak Energy up against? A few big names. But we have what they don’t have: a product that can actually help you. To give you a better breakdown of the competition, check out how we stack up against each of them individually.

5-Hour Energy While 5-Hour Energy is a shot-style energy drink, ours is a traditional can. Unlike 5-Hour Energy, our product features more natural colors as well as asimpler cylindrical design for the athlete on the go.

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Rockstar Their design is solid, but it has no “natural� appeal. Our product appeals to nature enthusiasts and animal-lovers (instead of concert-goers).

Red Bull Red Bull has a very clean design, which may have contributed to their success. Our product builds on their clean design, but unlike Red Bull, Peak Energy also has a certain element of grittiness to it.

Monster Breaking apart from Monster, our product has more of a clean-cut look. Monster’s design is too gritty, and features too many toxic neon colors (resembling their harmful ingredients).


A Site for Sore Eyes The internet doesn’t need another website designed by a middle-schooler who just learned how to use hyperlink buttons. Our website provides a fresh perspective, with an endless scroll design that allows users to feel free and open in a crowded world wide web. The Peak Energy website, much like our product, is both a thing of function and beauty.



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Website Illustration

Endless-scrolling Bliss One feature that sets our site apart from the rest is the presence of the endless-scroll design. Instead of getting lost in a web of hyperlinks, ours is all there for you to see on one page. All you have to do is move your finger and explore the page! The endless scroll design is intended to make our online experience more interative, allowing users to spend more time on the site and really get to know what Peak Energy is all about.

Enthusiasts of all Backgrounds The panoramic illustration that composes the background of our website covers enthusiasts of all backgrounds. Whether you’re an avid skydiver, a professional snowboarder, a weekend mountain-biker, or just the occasional jogger, you’re represented on our site. This inclusive strategy allows viewers to immediately see that they have something in common with our product. By scanning the background image, they can see that Peak Energy and their passion go hand in hand.

Surfer, biker, runner, hiker, surfer, or skydiver? We’ve got you covered!


Pure Functionality By creating a simple, sleek website design, we provide the viewer with a space that is both easy to navigate and interact with. While some endless-scroll designs simply look nice, ours also provides you with the tools to jump to any section you want. This “jump-to” section, as well as the site search, fade in opacity until they are hovered over. This keeps them out of the way, so they don’t distract from the site’s visual impact, while maintaining their functionality. Additionally, we implemented a “return to top” button at the bottom of the page.

Simple Beauty



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Of course, we couldn’t resist adding a few purely cosmetic touches to our site. These come in the form of interactive animations. Upon scrolling down to a new section, the header flies in from the right while the section content flies in from the left before fading in. These simple animations are what set our site apart from so many others, and they give the viewer a reason to interact with the site and stay there longer.

Website Wireframe


In the Real (Virtual) World The design of our site immediately invited the user to explore and scroll down. The navigation menus (hovering left and right) make the experience effortless and enjoyable. The background illustration is seemless, so you feel like you’re in a space instead of staring at a screen.


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Website Home Page

Friendly For All Since our website is an endless scroll design, it is extremely friendly to mobile devices. This is crucial in a world where everyone is on-the-go and the importance of social presence is on the rise. And with simple javascript coding, the website automatically stretches to fit the size of your browser window, so even on horizontal-based desktop systems, the design is still equally as smooth and user-friendly.



On Your Screen It’s short and sweet, but you can say a lot about a company in 15 seconds. Our goal with this short spot was to draw viewers in with active, outdoorsy imagery. The people in are video are real users of our product and allow the viewer to put themselves in their shoes. The full video can be viewed at the address below, or on the CD in the back of this book.




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A Lasting Impression Instead of opening with our logo, we first draw the viewer in with artistic imagery. By including sliding and panning shots of our product, our commercial very much mirrors the “scrolling� style of our website. Many of the same colors in the website illustrative panorama are also included in our commercial scenes. Lastly, we close with a subtle fade-in of our logo, allowing the viewer to register our brand and all of the active vignettes they just witnessed.

Commercial Frames


On the Street Our billboards catch your eye, but we don’t keep you too long. After all, we don’t want our beautiful billboards to impair your ability to drive! We encourage getting off the road, a simple play on words that appeals to drivers viewing our signs. Our slogans are short and sweet, allowing for quick communication, and they close with a simple call to action alongside our logo. The designs are vector-based, so whether you want to print them small or tall, resolution is a non-issue.

Billboard Designs


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Going Rogue Being a company that embodies all things active, we were very excited to release our guerrilla advertising campaign. A viral video would have been cool, but we wanted to get in touch with our target audience directly. So, we drew up a little scheme that goes something like this:

The Plan a y logo, our slogan “Fuel Your Passion” and • Design a sticker with the Peak Energ scannable QR code.

weather-resistent, biodegradable paper. • Print off batches of these stickers on the city, targeting areas where people are • Distribute these stickers throughout asiums, hiking gear rented by college active. Bike racks, kayaking clubs, gymn nearby, we want to be a part of it. students, you name it. If there’s any action ts them rs, the slogan “Fuel Your Passion” temp • When people encounter these sticke all about. When they do, they’re taken to to scan the QR code and see what this is ing events, and links to our site. our Facebook page, which has deals, upcom diately ing them to interact with our brand imme • By targeting our audience and allow mer acquisition increases dramatically. through the QR codes, our rate of custo



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The Sticker It’s simple, eye-catching, and mysterious enough to make you want to interact with it. When you see one of these after getting back from a ride and locking your bike up, you want to know what it’s all about. The majority of people in our target market have smart phones (often used to track things like workouts), so using a QR code to direct them to our site was a no-brainer. With the wide variety of athletic activities out there, the possibilities of where to put this sticker are endless. Skateboards, ski lifts, bike racks, and basketball goals are all viable candidates. And most importantly, we kept our campaign environmentally friendly. While these stickers are weather-resistant, they will biodegrade over time.

Guerrilla Ad Sticker


Peak in the Pages Social media and digital advertising may be on the rise, but print is far from dead. We decided to create a print ad that would run in magazines that appeal to the active and eco-conscious population. Our ad would run in magazines like National Geographic, Bicycling Magazine, and Climbing. By running our ad in magazines like these, we ensure that our product is seen by people who would actually use it.

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Magazine Spread

Get Lost. Love the outdoors? So do we.

At Peak Energy, we provide you with the fuel to pursue your passion. Whether you’re going out for a run or spending another day on the river, we want to be right by your side. With Peak Energy, your body gets the boost it needs without any of the harmful chemicals in other energy drinks. So grab a can, throw it in your day pack, and let’s get going.

The Spread For our magazine advertising campaign, we designed an ad that would fill a full two-page spread. However, doing so presents a few problems, the largest one being the magazine gutter cutting the ad down the middle. Instead of designing our ad around this limitation, we actually designed ours in it. When you open the magazine, you effectively reveal the kayaker in the center who is otherwise “lost” in the gutter. This is where the bold title text saying “Get Lost” ties in. The ad concludes its upper-left to lower-right path layout with the placement of a call to our action and our logo in the corner.


The Real Deal

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This is really just the part where we show off how pretty our product is. Peak Energy cans are sleek, portable, and come in a variety of flavors tailored to the tastes of experienced outdoorsmen everywhere. If you like tea, check out our Valley Sage. Or if you’re more of a morning energy person Mountain Mocha may be more your style. Whatever you prefer, we’ve got the options you need. Fuel your passion with a pack of your single-favorite flavor, or pick up a variety pack to sample everything we have to offer!


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Peak Papers Peak Energy doesn’t just operate online. We’re out in the real world. And for that reason, we need stationery that can stand up to the test of being transported in good ol’ snail mail. Whether it’s an envelope mailed to customers containing coupons, letterhead congratulating an athlete on their recent sponsorship, or a sales rep handing out a Peak Energy business card, we need to be represented both online and in paper.

Our envelopes feature a custom die cut in the shape of the Peak Energy mountains. Instead of the traditional transparent rectangle, you’ll be seeing your name and address info through our logo.




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Envelope Design


Card Des ign

Pristine Papers Whether you’re taking a card from a sales representative or receiving a letter confirming your most recent purchase, you can be sure that Peak Energy papers will look sleek in your hands.

Our business card features a custom die cut, much like our letter, which provides both a convenient holding mechanism and really sets our card apart from the rest. A memorable card is one that gets used, not thrown away.

Our letterhead is equally sleek in design, with our logo and address information at the top, as well as a unique custom cut at the bottom. This cut, which corresponds to our logo, will make Peak Energy papers easy to identify.

Letterhead Design


About the Founder We’re not one to boast, but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t founded by one of the nicest guys around. Peak Energy was founded by Evan Ludes in early 2014. While Peak Energy was initially just a concept for a university graphic design course, the brand has since grown into the skyrocketing startup that it is today.

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Evan Ludes was born in 1993 and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. After graduating from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2015, he immediately landed a position at one of Denver’s most well-respected design firms. However, due to creative differences, Ludes left the firm in late 2016. Upon leaving the firm, he discovered that his passion wasn’t just rooted in design, but design that could bring a great product into the lives of great people. He started the Peak Energy beverage company shortly after leaving the firm, and thanks to supportive family and loyal customers, it has since grown into the great company it is today. Without the support of these people, it would have never been possible for Evan to pursue his passion to create Peak Energy. If he’s not out hiking the Black Hills or hitting the bike trail himself, he’s always encouraging others to do so. This idea, which is at the heart of Peak Energy, is the reason we encourage you to...

Fuel Your Passion.

Peak Energy founder


Image Credits Mission Statement

Mood Board

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Consumer Profiles

Website Design!

Magazine Ad

CD Back Cover

Founder Portrait

All Other Images Evan Ludes Photography


Evan Ludes 402-547-1269


The Goods No, we weren’t going to leave you hanging. We knew a responsible person like yourself would be wanting a digital copy of all the goodies you’ve seen in this book, so we went ahead and made one for you! A PDF version of this book, the commercial, website, and presentation are all there. Just pop it into your computer and enjoy!






Fuel Your Passion.


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