Digital Entrepreneurship Secrets

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The digital entrepreneurship secrets to have a “work� from home

The ecosystem of digital entrepreneurship in the Spanish-speaking market is going through a crisis that not everyone is ready to accept. The bad news is that 90% of those who today start a " digital business " will inevitably fail due to the lack of clarity in this, and is that most of those who say they want to undertake do not stop a minute to ask the question: What business model will I adopt? What is out there and I know what works, what is the route that I will follow? The issue is that almost everyone who chooses the path of entrepreneurship goes the most obvious way: doing the same job they did when they were employed but independently. Many of these new entrepreneurs live in the illusion of doing the same thing they did for a company but on the outside, they will multiply their income, and this may be true, but only up to a certain point. Becoming a service provider is an option, but the truth is that it is the most competitive option and if you choose this way of doing things, it is most likely that during the following years you will live the lifestyle of the self-employed or freelance, it is different from the entrepreneur or the entrepreneur. I'm here to tell you that this is the best time to start an online business, and although this may be true at any time in the history of the internet, the reality is that these times are really good, because today we know better than ever what It works and what does not work. And today I will share with you 6 business models where you can stand out for your mission and your purpose while you live the digital nomad's lifestyle even knowing little about technology, so pay attention to me because this is going to serve you.

Business model number 1: Info products or information products Books, eBooks, courses, audios, DVDs or reports are some of the most common formats of a digital business based on information products or info products. If you are someone who knows something, and that something can be encapsulated in a physical or digital format, this business will interest you. It is true that internationally this may be one of the most competitive models in the world, but also and fortunately the Spanish-speaking market is still fertile and receptive for experts who market their knowledge in this way.

Business model number 2: Online coaching services If you are a one-to-one coach, group coach, therapist or in some way you have clients that you help reach a certain result, this model may be for you. Imagine a situation where you spend half of your day talking on the phone or Skype with new customers who value your expertise and benefit from your advice.

If this resonates with you, these are your next steps: 1. Investigate your competition and find your differentiating factor. 2. Design a personal brand, do not complicate yourself too much, just make sure that it is clear who you are and what you are expert at. 3. Generates a structure of high prices (tip: anything below $ 500 is too low) 4. Generate a sales funnel, 5. Design and execute a marketing strategy, 6. Concentrate your first reduced group.

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Business model number 3: Events If you are an organizer of events, conferences, courses, seminars or any type of event that has the audience as the final audience (not companies or government), tea can also leverage digital marketing resources to grow your business. Your next steps: 1. Build a page for your next event, but not a traditional page but a funnel page that allows you to capture your potential customers, 2. Start creating an online community of future attendees. You can use groups from Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack or any other similar, 3. Set the dates of early bird, regular and late, 4. Launch your campaign, 5. Execute

Learn the easy done for you system to earn money in automatic pilot

Business model number 4: Professional services If yours are personalized services and these services can be provided remotely (for example if you are a designer, accountant, consultant, therapist, etc.) this model is for you. And if that is the case these are your next steps: 1. Create a personal brand, like, nothing complicated, just make it perfectly clear who you are and what you do. If you can get some excellent testimonials, 2. Generates a portfolio of services. Avoid to the maximum packages "to your measure", better generates a system where your services are provided in the most mechanical and systematic way possible. 3. Tell all your potential customers that you will now start working remotely, 4. Design and execute a marketing strategy.

Learn the easy done for you system to earn money in automatic pilot Business model number 5: Publications If your thing is to write, create videos or generate content, this model is right for you. Write a blog, publish a video blog or build a publication where you and others publish original and good quality content can offer significant income in the medium or long term. If this resonates with you, here are your next steps: 1. Find your niche Investigate deeply what is already on the market and elaborate a concept that truly distinguishes you from others, 2. Choose the most appropriate format according to your audience. Written notes will not work well for everyone, but videos so little. Identify the best format and commit to it, 3. Generate a publication calendar. The more the better, but the most important thing is perseverance. If you decide that you are going to

publish every day, make it every day. If you choose every week, let it be every week. Whatever it is but you can not afford to fail your community. 4. Optimize for organic traffic. 5. When you have decent traffic compared to the other media in the niche, start monetizing by placing AdWords ads.

Learn the easy done for you system to earn money in automatic pilot Business model number 6: Affiliate business If you are one of those who are able to gather people but do not want to be responsible for selling their own products or services, making affiliate sales may be the best model for you. What you can do is find one or more digital products (infoproducts, software, coaching, etc.), find out if they have an affiliate program and start selling them to your community. The commission percentage varies, but you can find products that will give you from $ 0.0000001 cents per sale, up to $ 50 or $ 100 dollars per sale, or more. If this and only that you are interested, your next steps:

1. Identify an audience you want to work with, 2. Generate a system where you have direct communication with these people, for example a Facebook group or a list of emails, 3. Find the digital products or services that are already in circulation and that have already been tested. Avoid getting involved with new products. 4. Generate a strategy where content contributions and at the same time sales with your affiliate links.

The world of digital business is broad and can be extremely profitable but that does not mean it is easy. Build a digital empire and live the lifestyle of the digital nomad is something you could achieve in a few months but the most important thing is that you commit to your business model, be consistent and do not give up.

Learn the easy done for you system to earn money in automatic pilot

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