Unsung Heroes in Alternative Medicine

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Heroes in Alternative Medicine: The Uphill Battle for Recognition In 1891, a doctor from America stumbled across an astounding theory; poor eyesight is caused by habitual eyestrain. Dr. Horatio Bates developed a potential treatment for poor eyesight that involved relaxation techniques for the eye. If his theory held true, many people would be free from eyeglasses forever. He published a book, Perfect Sight Without Glasses, and established a magazine called Better Eyesight for over ten years. His peers were brutal in their condemnation of Dr. Bates, and largely ignored his theories despite many people claiming to have improved vision with his methods. In 2008, Dr. Ernie Murakami was forced into retirement because he was more aggressive in the treatment of Lyme disease than commonly acceptable. Fellow doctors were very vocal in their opposition, despite his many success stories, and even denied that Lyme disease was an issue in British Columbia. His patients, however, received real relief from a real disease that had left many of them incapacitated before his treatments. Since then, there have been several other people who have cured themselves completely of Chronic Lyme Disease by using a hybrid of alternative medicine and antibiotics. Rob Matthies cured his disease in less than two months using techniques he learned from Will Wiegman, a PHD who cured himself of the devastating disease in just over the same amount of time. Their stories remain largely unheard, because they go against the common and accepted medical treatments. And so it goes; every time someone dares to oppose generally accepted treatment modalities, even when those plans are not working to begin with, they are silenced. Especially if they are successful. When Ontario allergist Dr. Joseph Krop was being harassed for his alternative treatment plan for allergies, Rob Matthies was working at the pro-consumer law firm that was assisting him. None of Dr. Krop’s patients would testify against him, and in fact of the six patient records that were submitted into evidence against his methods, three of the patients themselves stepped forward to defend him. Mountains of letters from patients who had been cured were read at the hearing, and ultimately the only thing the medical board could find him guilty of was a fabricated lack of what they termed “lack of proper consent,” a paper-thin excuse to validate the trials in general. When the College could find no blatant violations of rules and regulations, several doctors were encouraged to try something new, and following Dr. Krop’s lead, began using successful alternative treatment plans. During and after the College’s investigation, Rob Matthies and Joseph Krop would meet to discuss the case, and medicine in general. These meetings were moved from Dr. Krop’s office when a listening device was discovered in the room. The two met like conspirators in cars, with nothing to hide but unknown enemies watching their every move. Matthies, as a paralegal researcher with the pro-consumer law firm, was asked to address the Victims of Medical Abuse group, and discovered that several of them were already seeing Dr. Krop. The group consisted largely of former Bell Canada workers who lost their immune system due to carpet glues used improperly in construction of a CBC building. Rob had already cured himself of his own low immune system after being challenged by his physician brother-in-law; by using Astragalus and the Maitake mushroom, he was able to overcome his low white blood count. Although now suspicious of modern medicine, even Rob was stunned when one of the officers of VMA showed him a Merck Manual, showing the ingredients in commercially manufactured medications. To Rob’s surprise, these ingredients included compounds that appeared to be

more unhealthy than the diseases they were supposed to treat; it didn’t take a professional to realize that “Benzene” was not a healthy component in medicines. Rob Matthies began a quest for knowledge, and an unofficial medical education. His brother-inlaw began to worry that the cures Rob was stumbling upon would hurt his medical practice when Matthies stopped needing to come to his clinic. Rob forged ahead, and after finding a way to cut cold and flu symptoms by 95%, he ghost-wrote an article in Alive magazine, “Echinacea,” detailing his findings. Rob Matthies search for the truth led him to discovering a cover story in Harper’s Bazaar, featuring Dr. Nick Gonzalez and his amazing alternative cure for pancreatic cancer that saved 100% of his patients. Pancreatic cancer is normally one of the most devastating cancers, resulting in the deaths of 95% of patients within five years of diagnosis. Rob continued his thirst for knowledge, eagerly reading books to fuel his burning need for the truth. Confessions of a Medical Heretic struck a chord deep within him, discussing unnecessary surgical procedures, dangerous drug prescribing routines, and more. The second book that resonated deeply was the deathbed confession of a physician, a JAMA editor. This book was full of eye-opening statistics and dire warnings to the public; in fact, he confesses, the public should avoid physicians altogether. Rob is continuing his unofficial education, and seeking to bring light to the dark shadows of modern medicine. He realizes that for some reason, whether it is greed or common ignorance, it benefits doctors and pharmaceutical companies to keep their patients sick. Rob Matthies continues to fight for the right to be well.

Rebecca R Bevard Woodstock MD USA Chronic Lyme Disease victim for over 14 years

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