Restylane Silk: Your Questions Answered

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RR Aesthetics

Restylane速 Silk: Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is Restylane Silk? Restylane Silk is a smooth transparent Hyaluronic acid gel that can be injected in the lips and in the fine lines around the mouth to restore natural youthful definition, symmetry and to smooth wrinkles. 2. What is Hyaluronic Acid? Hyaluronic acid is a sugar that is naturally found in the skin that helps provide fullness, elasticity and hydration to the tissue. Restylane Silk uses Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid or N.A.S.H.A. 3. What is Restylane Silk indicated for? Restylane silk is FDA approved and has been specifically designed to fill in file lines around the mouth and to provide subtle enhancement to the lips. 4. How is Restylane Silk actually used in treatment? Restylane Silk is used for fine lines and subtle lip augmentation. It is Injected more superficial the other HA products allowing you to smooth tiny lines without getting the bulk of a filler with a larger particle size. 5. What makes Restylane Silk different from other dermal fillers? There are several key items that make Restylane Silk different from other fillers on the market. One of the things that makes it unique is its gel particle size. The small size of the particles allow the product to be injected more superficially. This allows your injector to place the filler in the

tiny lines closer to the surface. It is also contains lidocaine in the product which helps to make the injections more comfortable. 6. What makes Restylane Silk different from Restylane or Perlane? The N.A.S.H.A. gel particles are much finer than those in Restylane and Perlane which makes it a softer and more delicate product. It allows you to use it for superficial lines without getting a tindle effect. 7. How long does Restylane Silk last? It will last approximately 6 months. Do know that when used in an area that is more dynamic the life span of Restylane Silk will typically be close to 3-4 months. 8. Are the injections painful? Well as we say here at RR Aesthetics … Pretty Hurts. But in reality, it’s just a small poke. Restylane silk has lidocaine in the product which makes it an easy and comfortable experience. Our office also offers numbing cream if you would like to arrive 30 minutes early for pain free injection. 9. Is allergy testing needed? There is no allergy test needed for Restylane Silk as Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body 10. How young can you be treated? Studies for Restylane Silk use patients beginning at the age of 21. 11. Does it matter if I am 30, 40, 50 or older for treating or for the results I will see? There are 2 sides to this coin …. Age does not matter… As long as you are suitable candidate for the product and you have realistic expectations you can be any age. But age does matter. While we can treat patients of any age, outcomes vary based upon age. A 30 year old patient will have different needs and outcomes then a 60 year old patient.

12. Can all skin types be treated? Yes any skin type can be treated with Restylane Silk. 13. Can men be treated? Yes Restylane silk can be used by men and women alike. 14. How long does treatment take? At our office we like to give our patients a full appointment time for their each treatment. This allows you time to meet your injector, discuss your concerns, sit with some numbing cream if you chose and then have your injections. We allow 45 minutes for new patients making an appointment at our office 15. Does Restylane Silk require any special techniques or training? You always want to make sure that you find a qualified injector. Someone who does injectable cosmetics every day. You want to select an MD, RN, PA, NP who is active in their profession and takes part in classes or conferences to further their training. There are different certifications also available for injectors for example: Registered Nurses / Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s Assistant can receive the CANS certification. (Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist) 16. Can you combine Restylane Silk with other facial anti-aging treatments? Restylane Silk can be combined with Botox, other fillers, lasers and skincare as a comprehensive approach to anti-aging. 17. When can I return to work and resume my social life? You should discuss this with your injector. The average person can have injections and return to work the same day. One of the side effects seen with Restylane Silk is bruising and swelling. In our practice we have seen a higher number of swelling cases within the 1st 48 hours of injection with Restylane Silk. We want to make sure you consider that this is a possibility and plan accordingly.

18. What are the common side effects of Restylane Silk? Some of the most common side effects with Restylane Silk are swelling, pain, redness, tenderness, bruising at the injection site. Be sure you and your injector speak about all the side effects before starting your treatment. 19. What can be done to prevent bruising? As with any injection there is always the possibility of a bruise. There are 2 different ways to avoid bruising before your treatment: A) AVOID - Before your injections avoid any blood thinning medications (as ok’d by your primary MD) that includes; Advil, Aspirin, Aleve or Motrin. Tylenol is ok to take. Also avoid certain vitamins such as; Fish Oils, Omega 3 oils, Vitamin E. They are all hear healthy but can also tend to thin the blood leading to increased chance of bruising. B) TAKE – We suggest taking Arnica Montana 3 days prior to your injections. Arnica Montana is a homeopathic aid that is used to reduce bruising time and swelling. It can be purchased at a health food store and some pharmacies. 20. What if I don’t like the results – can Restylane Silk be removed? One of the great things about all Hyaluronic Acids is that they can be removed. Restylane, Restylane Silk, Perlane, Juvederm, Juvederm plus, Voluma and Belotero are all Hyaluronic acids so they can easily be ‘dissolved’ with an enzyme in case you have too much filler. 21. How often can I be injected? We suggest scheduling every 3-4 months for your filler. At RR Aesthetics we take a more conservative approach. We would rather have you come in for several appointments where we are able to layer your filler so that your results look natural. 22. How much does it cost?

At RR Aesthetics, Restylane Silk ranges in price depending on the provider that you see. Michele Florez, RN and Elissa Squire, RN are $550 for 1cc of Restylane Silk. Rand Rusher, RN is $700 for 1 syringe of Restylane Silk. Please call the office for details.

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