This is a brief glimpse into the world of Standup comedy and Kappa Alpha Psi.
Ever comedian in this magazine is a confirmed member and a comedian doing big things.
Fundraiser use Standup comedy- it is a very heavenly use of your time and money .
Kappa Alpha Psi (ΚΑΨ) is a collegiate Greek-letter fraternity. Since the fraternity's founding on January 5, 1911 at Indiana University Bloomington, the fraternity has never limited membership based on color, creed or national origin. The fraternity has over 160,000 members with 721 undergraduate and alumni chapters.
Comedians listed:
Keedar Whittle, Finesse Mitchell, Ced, Robert Powell, Billy sorrelis, J Bliss, Willie Lynch Jr, Joe Claire, Redd Grant , Lavar Walker, Montee Rogers, Calvin Evans, Gene Renfroe , TRay Sanders, Shed G , Aaron Foster, Nephew Tommy, Willie and Woody Brown, Trenton Davis, Mike Goodwin, Tommy Taylor Jr
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