2 minute read


By Damona Hoffman

It’s surprising that someone can discern a strong sense of who you are with a first impression. Even more surprising, they can pick up on some of the most intimate details of your past:


Am I compensating for something?

Do I have some lingering emotional scars?

Am I looking for love?

So what does your first impression say about you?

IAccording to an NYU study, I have only seven seconds before the person across from me makes up their mind about who I Am. Seven seconds to get someone to ask for your number, or be offered the job, or close the deal. only seven seconds. Now, you know me as a dating expert, but I actually started out as a casting director. And in my work, I saw tons of actors who were talented, but couldn’t book a part because they didn’t know who they truly were. What if Melissa McCarthy thought she was a Jenny McCarthy? Or if Taylor Swift was trying to be Beyonce?

The first time I became aware of the principle “of self awareness” was during a theater class in college. Yes, I was a nerdy theater major. We did an exercise that was designed to teach us about our essence, which is basically just a fancy theater term for the way that you present to others physically and emotionally. The way that people perceive you the minute you walk in the room. We walked around the theater waiting for the teacher to call out a student’s name. When that name was said, we were supposed to embody that person’s essence and express how we perceived their energy. I thought I was doing a great job of hiding away the broken misfit inside and parading her around the mask of a discriminating artist. But in an instant, they had all seen behind it when everyone in my class did Dimona, with crossed arms and that look, I had to acknowledge what they were seeing. Who was this critical, uptight girl in black? Was that who I had become?

Quick Wit

A natural comedian is able to think on their feet and come up with clever and funny responses in any situation.

Observational Skills

They have a keen ability to observe and comment on the world around them, which they use to create relatable and humorous material.

Meet Our Team


They have a natural sense of timing and can deliver jokes and punchlines at just the right moment for maximum impact.

10 Attributes Of A Natural Comedian.

A perfect blend of creativity and technical wizardy. The best people formula for great projects. Their level of expertise is stellar. Interstellar even. Creativity: They have a unique and original style of comedy that sets them apart from others.


They are confident in their abilities and comfortable performing in front of an audience.


They are able to tell a story in a way that is both engaging and funny.


They have a unique and likable personality that shines through in their comedy.


They are able to adjust their material and delivery to suit different audiences and settings.


They have a good understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses as a comedian.


They have a good understanding of human nature and are able to connect with their audience on a personal level.

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