EDEN Profile Brochure

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EDEN IN A NUTSHELL Being membership organisation with 200 institutions and 1200 individuals from different levels of education and training, EDEN assists a wide range of organisations, networks and experts to collaborate. We share knowledge, develop understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and promote policies in Europe. EDEN is instrumental in the promotion of networking, international co-operation and professional development. EDEN organises annual European conferences, releases academic publications, offers information services and plays useful role in a wide range of European projects. Bi-annual Research

Workshops and the Open Classroom Conferences increase the impact. From 1995, EDEN runs the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL). EDEN’s key asset has been the strong and active membership. By joining EDEN you become part of a developing innovative community of academics and practitioners, representing 58 countries and 420 institutions. Founded in 1991, EDEN is a non-profit organisation under English law. The Secretariat is hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Network of Academics and Professionals

The Members' Portal:

EDEN Fellows: Award for professional excellence

The EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP) supports networking of individual members by providing meeting and communication forum. NAP has a functional autonomy and is co-ordinated by its own Steering Committee elected by a ballot of NAP members, its Chair is ex officio member of the EDEN Board.

The Members’ Area is the online community of members.

To express acknowledgement of professional merit, the EDEN Fellow and Senior Fellow title may be awarded to members who have demonstrated excellence in professional practice, contributed to the development of open, distance and e-learning in Europe and supported the evolution and progress of EDEN.


It allows members to build up their online portfolio


Provides information for professional actions


Promotes communication and networking, helps to find partners


Offers free download of EDEN publications

Why become a member? »» Belonging to the largest, respected and active professional community in open, distance and e-learning in Europe »» Access to EDEN’s database of institutional and individual members and partners »» Delegating up to 30 individuals by member institutions in the NAP »» Attending conferences at reduced fees »» Establishing partnerships and exploring projects »» Free access to electronic versions of EDEN conference proceedings »» Use EDEN logo as reference on websites, blogs, electronic correspondence »» Receiving regular, relevant electronic newsflashes »» Purchase EDEN publications at 50% discount »» Access to the Online Bulletin Board for efficient distribution of information

Join EDEN using the online membership application form. Reasonable membership rates and discounts ensure wide access to the EDEN membership.

Serving for twenty years the European professional community


A meeting place for European co-operation. In forefront: an influential "hub" in lively networks. An organisation that is participative and evolutionary, conveying energy with open attitude. EDEN is building up networks and partnerships with respectable partner organisations.

EDEN CONFERENCES Supporting professional development: EDEN conferences since 1992 EDEN's mission includes the exchange of academic and professional experience, to promote effective navigation in the field, and improve quality of information. Our conferences


are major academic and professional events in Europe, supporting international exchange of expertise,


are gatherings where comprehensive contributions are presented by outstanding experts,


are based on collecting best practice – papers presented and selected with publication in the ‘proceedings’, as resources,


have a genuine community feel to them, where working relationships strengthen and deepen, where new partnerships are formed.

We employ an integrated approach which is crucial to ensure effective knowledge share within interdisciplinary fields of ICT and education. It helps to create and consolidate the international community of professionals. The conferences capitalise on the knowledge of key stakeholders and provide a wealth of valuable resources to practitioners. Social online activities enhance networking, conference sessions’ webcasts are published on the web. Conferences are featured in the members’portal and Facebook groups, in Twitter discussions and on LinkedIn.

To cater for different needs, EDEN organises Annual Conferences and thematic workshops. These interactive events help you to be kept up-to-date, share and discuss. 1992 – Krakow • 1993 – Berlin • 1994 – Tallinn 1995 – Birmingham • 1996 – Poitiers • 1997 – Budapest 1998 – Bologna • 1999 – Moscow • 2001 – Stockholm 2002 – Granada • 2003 – Rhodes • 2004 – Budapest 2005 – Helsinki • 2006 – Vienna • 2007 – Naples 2008 – Lisbon • 2009 – Gdansk • 2010 – Valencia 2011 – Dublin • 2012 – Porto • 2013 – Oslo

Upcoming Annual Conference 2013 – Oslo, Norway

Innovation, Research and Validation 2000

The Research Workshop series


Research on open, distance and e-learning is vital in a field where change and innovation is constant. The Workshops provide important information to assist scholars, decisionmakers, practitioners enhance project development, and help to ensure the viability of products and services. Details of the EDEN Research Workshops at:


2002 Hildesheim

2004 Oldenburg

2006 Barcelona

2008 Paris

2010 Budapest Next Research Workshop 2012 – Leuven, Belgium



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niversity of Crete, Greece

EDEN’s reputation has been acknowledged by its involvement in dozens of projects. We play significant role in initiatives with extensive experience and wide range of communication channels.


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EUROPEAN DISTANCE AND NETWORK E-LEARNING C/o University of Technology and Economic 1, Egry J. u. s 1111 Budapest HUNGARY www.eden-onlin e.org This project has been funded with support from Commission. the European This publicatio n reflects the author, and the views only of Commission cannot the use which may be held responsib be made of the information contained le for any the therein.

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Paul Bacsi

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POERUP Pro ject Manag er Email: paul.bacsic h@sero.co. uk Mobile: +44 7919 113 894 Websites: http://poer up. http://www referata.com .poerup.in fo

www.lo gospro ject.co





Leonardo Da Vinci

Dear Reader ,

What can you Project involvement is based do with SEV AQ+ on invitation by EDEN member organisations who benefit from EDEN’s project services (dissemination, networking, communication, valorisation, evaluation).

Vidéoscop – Universit é Nancy www.univ-nan cy2.fr/VIDEOSC 2 OP CCIP-Hautes Etudes Com (HEC) merciales www.hec.fr EDEN – Euro pean Distance E-Learning and Netw www.eden-onli ork ne.org EFQUEL – Euro Quality in eLeapean Foundation for www.efquel.or rning g Politecnico di Milano – Centro MET www.metid.po ID limi.it MCSU – Mar ia Curie Sklo dowska University in Lublin uczniko.umcs. lublin.pl VMU – Vyta utas Magnus www.vdu.lt University

http://www .sevaq.eu/

Contact: Deborah Arno ld SEVAQ+ coor dinator Vidéoscop-Un iversité Nanc E-mail: Debo y rah.Arnold@un 2 Phone: +33 iv-nancy2.fr (0)3 54 50 47 58

Is quality you r major prio rity in e-learning and ICT? SEVAQ+ is desi Are you striv – professiona gned to help a range ing of or in Higher Edu for sustained quality departments l training centres, in-c omp cation or Voc Education and teaching and or universities – to eval a ational uate Training? totally online learning supported by tech or blended Then SEVAQ+ . offers you a SEVAQ+ ena tool for the multilingua bles you to: self-evaluati l on in technolo • Create que gy-enhanced of quality stionnaires learning. based on reco By merging the approaches. gnised quality approach with Kirkpatrick evaluation model, SEVA the EFQM quality • Analyse resu Q+ has eng easy-to-inte lts with ineered a holistic tool rpret data. for the gen erat stakeholder • Improve -centred que ion of the quality stionnaires and customi of your cou sed evaluati rses. on possibilities . Evaluation Teachers and results are available in real feedback on trainers can gather of forms, from time and in a variety what learners think of thei radar graphs really an instant pict r giving and thus imp learning experience ure to raw data importing rove their cou for into other app rses. Training man lications. SEVAQ+ thus the full pict agers can get helps you prov ure excellence! e your responses from by comparing involved and the different stakeho We hope to lders can track prog cou ress from one growing com nt you among the Organisatio year t munity of SEVA ns and promoter Q+ users against othe can use the results of s of self-eval rs. SEVAQ+ to quality. uation for Learners too adding com have a voice in the proc The SEVAQ+ ments to thei ess, team r responses.

20 YEARS – 100 PROJECTS – 200 PARTNERS The Open Classroom Initiative Open Classroom within EDEN was launched in 1995, with focus on distance education and new technologies in school level education and training. Bi-annual Open Classroom Conferences attract teachers, trainers, researchers and secondary education policy makers alike.p

COMMUNICATION Information Services The EDEN online community offers worthwhile information exchange and networking opportunities. Members have access to the members’ mailing list and the members’ area on the web. The EDEN Newsflash is monthly e-mailed, with relevant information on EDEN’s and Members’ news, events, activities. EDEN’s homepage, with information about activities and membership services, Online Bulletin Board for dissemination, update about involvement in European projects, etc.


Proceedings and presentations For the EDEN Conferences, electronic Proceedings and printed Book of Abstracts are produced. Members have free online access to the archive of Proceedings with over 2000 full papers.

A detailed list of publications as well as downloadable videocasts and slideshows of conference keynote presentations are available on the EDEN web.


Distance and E-learning in Transition Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges Review of research and innovation in distance and e-learning in Europe Published in 2009, the European Year of Innovation and Creativity, this volume is based on 54 selected papers published in the Proceedings of the conferences of EDEN between 2000-2008. E-learning has moved in the last decade from vision to reality, accompanied by the evolution of its concepts and toolkits. The selection demonstrates the deepening and consolidation of knowledge and experience in this field, in this unique period.

Best of EDEN 2010 – EURODL Special Issue


ers presented The best research pap ferences at the 2010 EDEN Con

Annual Conference June, Valencia

European Distance

In collaboration with

shop 6th Research Work October, Budapest


and E-Learning Netwo 2011

tion for Research in the Ulrich Bernath Founda

Learning Open and Distance

The EDEN Best Research Paper Award, launched in 2008, is granted at the Annual Conferences and Research Workshops. A strict selection process guarantees the branding of the award for scholarly papers, in collaboration with the Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning. A special issue of EURODL has collected the enhanced versions of the final candidate and winner research papers of the Best Research Awards in 2010 and was published both online and as hard copy.

Journal of Distance Learning

European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning EDEN has actively been supporting the online European Journal of Open and Distance Learning. EURODL publishes accounts of research, development and teaching for Europe, presents scholarly work and solid information about open, distance and e-learning. The journal is free to readers and contributes to the Open Content movement with over 4000 subscribers.


Your partners at EDEN Morten Flate Paulsen EDEN President NKI Distance Education, Norway António Teixeira Vice-President Universidade Aberta, Portugal Alan Bruce Vice-President Universal Learning Systems, Ireland Ari-Matti Auvinen Chair Network of Academics and Professionals HCI Productions Oy, Finland András Szûcs Secretary General

SECRETARIAT Anna Wagner Office Management Ildikó Mázár Project Management

For further information and application for membership, please contact


Gábor Cser Conference Co-ordination

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1. Hungary

Barbara Lázár Membership Co-ordination

Phone: + 36 1 463 16 28, + 36 1 463 3546

Éva Suba Communication and Networking

Fax: + 36 1 463 18 58

Livia Turzó Projects and Communication Support Éva Szalma Projects and Research Craig French Research Advisor

E-mail: secretariat@eden-online.org EDEN is the trading name of the European Distance and E-Learning Network Ltd, a not for profit organisation registered as a limited Company under English law. Registered office: 8/9 The Old Yard, Lodge Farm Business Centre, Wolverton Road, Castlethorpe, Milton Keynes, MK19 7ES, UK

Members Make Difference

200 institutions

1200 individual members 420 organisations from 58 countries

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