The Science (Fiction) Of Beauty Products
The intelligent woman’s guide to sophisticated living.
Are You Trying To Have A Baby?
Branding, The Key Market Ingredient
Contents February 2010
Volume 1, Number 1
Entertainment NCMAG’s New Author Angel Vinson
Trying To Have A Baby?
The Wisdom Of Salmon
No Lonely Hearts Club
Style The Science (Fiction) of Beauty Products 26
NCMAG’s Bachelor of the Month- Garth Viosin
Branding, The Key Market Ingredient
Ceek to Fulfill
AUTHOR Mag The intelligent woman’s guide to sophisticated living.
“This book has been written from a deep call to help woman identify with the issues that have been deeply rooted in their lives, stemming from our expectations as little girls - of what our lives should be. Whether it was hurt, rejection, abuse or other issues that may have left you frustrated and confused. We have to find the keys to unlock the prison cells in our lives so that we may live again. Be free to express yourself. Put it all on the line. I write to you, that you too may be released.”
~ Angela Vinson February 2010 NCMAG
ey Marke K e t Th
Branding I ng r
edi e n t
By Kellie Posey
With the mortality rate for small businesses being less than gratifying;
it is obvious that in the world of entrepreneurship it is survival of the fittest and only the strong will survive. According to the SBA, an estimated 627,200
understand the fundamentals of marketing, what
new employer firms began operations in 2008, and
is often overlooked is the key ingredient necessary
595,600 firms closed that year. These figures paint
to maximize their marketing efforts. This key
a picture of tough survival for those running small
ingredient is known as branding.
businesses. Being strong in business encompasses a variety of strategies. Superb financial data, strong
Brand : Company : Reputation : Celebrity Your brand is more than your tangible identity; it
operation strategies and healthy administrative
goes beyond a mere logo. It is the perception, the
skills are among the surplus of components
character and grit of who you are in business. Your
necessary for doing good and steady business.
brand is captured by the experience one indulges
However, comprehensive and focused marketing
at the mention of your business’ name and the sight
is a vital feature found in small businesses that not
of your marketing materials. Your brand is your
only survive but often thrive in today’s economy.
business’ personality, values and beliefs.
Marketing is essentially creating, communicating,
When most think about Paris Hilton they consider
delivering and exchanging products and/or
partying and the ultimate life of a prominent
services that have value for customers, clients,
socialite. To the ears of many middle class women,
partners and society at large (American Marketing
Oprah Winfrey represents inspiration, generosity,
Association). While entrepreneurs generally
and influence. When your clients / potential clients February 2010 NCMAG
hear your name what comes to their mind? As an entrepreneur the experience of your brand
2. Design your ideal brand- Now that you know how others view you; make the decision
4. Take it to net-
solely depends upon someone or something. This
to build upon that branding experience or
someone could be a consumer who had a bad
create a new one. Does your logo reflect who
The internet that is!
Communicate who you
experience with your service, a reporter who writes
you want to be in business? What is your tag
If you are reading
are and what you stand
about your product line in their weekly article, or
line? What type of images are you using on
this you are clearly
for by sharing relative
perhaps a stranger who “just so happen” to stumble
all your marketing materials? What colors
living in the age
news, updates, insights
upon your website and liked or disliked what they
represent your business? What type of font
of social media.
and tools via your new
saw. It is critical that you take over the reins of
are you using? What makes you different from
So what are you
social media platform.
your direct and indirect competitors?
waiting for? Take
How is your “difference” being
full advantage of
5. Manage it-
it. Everyday more
3. Pick a niche! -What community
and more self-made
your brand and become the authority of the direction it takes. Here are a few tips every entrepreneur should use in order to steer their brand in the appropriate direction:
1. Know your current
“Pick a niche! -What community are you really good at serving?”
are you really good at serving? This is called your niche. For a designer of couture dog tags their niche is
brand- conduct an investigation to
certainly pet lovers and more specifically- dog
seek out the current perception of your
owners. For a real estate agent identifying
business. Ask new and old clients,
a niche may not be as easy. If your market
friends, employees, contractors and
appears to be broad it is critical for you
partners, to describe your company in
to identify at least one segment of that
three words. Also ask them to describe
market and hone in on it! Master the art of
your business as if it is a person (what
communicating to your niche. Understand
type of clothes, car, and life style would
their needs and desires. Know them from
your brand have?). It is important to
the inside out and then you will be equipped
understand your current brand identity.
to effectively take on tip #4 productively and
In order to get to a destination one must
know their current location. 10 NCMAG February 2010
(second priority).
Creating your brand message is not enough to thrive. In order for
celebrities are born
your brand to thrive,
due their hard work
it must be managed
and persistence
once it is created. Once
on building their brand. Creating a reputation in this global society has become one of the easiest things to do for those who are “Crushing It”. If you do not already have a Twitter account, Face Book page, LinkedIn profile, and YouTube subscription, I strongly suggest you take the time to establish these commodities ASAP. Once they are created, do everything in your power to introduce yourself to your niche (first priority) and the world
you have established a following or fan base, you’ve essentially created a community around the core of your branding message. In order to prevent brand hi-jacking (having someone take your brand hostage), it is very important that you create a well polished communications plan. Your communications plan should outline the “who, what, when, where, and why” of every communication strategy you engage in.
(Continued onto next page) February 2010 NCMAG 11
Business So for a spa owner’s Twitter-social media
The brand is the image behind your name and
strategy the outline may look something
is fundamentally the constructor of the name at
like this:
whole. Therefore, in order to grow your market
What: Twitter Who: Regional niche When: Daily via an API while personally
and essentially create a strong and positive
engaging following in the morning and at
your brand is working for you. Branding is the key
night for one hour.
ingredient to marketing and without establishing
Where: Will obtain information via Spa
an effective brand; one has nothing solid to
blogs and online magazines (be specific).
communicate to their target market.
“name” for your business, take time to delve into the realms of what makes up your brand and how
Why: To let current and potential clients know about our services
3340 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1800 Atlanta, GA 30326, USA BY APPOINTMENT ONLY +1.404.259.9196 12 NCMAG February 2010
Ceek To Fulfill is a 501-(C)3 Non-Profit organization that helps children who have just been emancipated to gain stability and start life on the right track. This organization is owned and operated by Evelyn Cooksey, an entrepreneur and foster parent.
Q: What is the purpose of your non-profit organization? A: The purpose of my non-profit is to help youth that are aging out of foster care, and youth that have dropped out of school to return to school, get their G.E.D and go to college. Q: How did you get started and what does Ceek-to-Fulfill stand for? A: The way that I got started was I was a foster parent for 13 years and during that time I noticed that many kids that aged out of foster care had no one around them to help them. In addition, I also was a teacher at a prison and I learned that 80% of the women who I was teaching were ex foster youth. Ceek-to-fulfill is a legacy of my father and the work that he did for youth and the community. CEEK is made from my mom and dad’s initials. Q: How many children does your organization serve a year and who is eligible to participate in your program? A: We serve about 50 youth a year. Youth 16-21 who are either foster youth, youth who have been incarcerated, kids who are runaways or homeless, dropouts, youth who are parenting or expecting a baby, or who meet a low-income criteria. Q: What kind of services do you provide to kids in Ceek to Fulfill? A: What we do is we give them support services, housing assistance, teach life skills, job preparation, give assistance with college registration, give internships and job placements. Q: What do you have planned for the future of Ceek to Fulfill? A: I would eventually like to have an apartment complex to house the youth giving them real life experience in a supervised atmosphere. Q: How can others assist your organization? A: People can help by making monetary donations (tax deductible), donating of furniture and small household appliances, volunteering their time, and becoming mentors. 14 NCMAG February 2010
February 2010 NCMAG 15
TRYING TO HAVE A BABY? A Look at Some Natural Ways to Increase Fertility By: Jana Devries
Below is a look at the top fertility-enhancing lifestyle changes... 1. De-stress Stress is known as the “fertility killer” because of its effect on your health and hormones. If
you’re having trouble conceiving, you should
nfertility is a growing problem in our society.
take a good look at your schedule and decide
Approximately 15% of couples in the U.S. have
what you can drop in order to free up more time
been diagnosed as infertile. Medical professionals
for relaxing and getting a good night’s sleep.
of environmental factors, our terrible American diet,
2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise
and the fact that most women are waiting until their
A healthy, balanced diet will supply your body
30s or later to have their first child.
with the nutrients it needs to carry out all of its
believe the rise in infertility is a result of a combination
Interestingly enough, practitioners of Eastern medicine don’t believe that infertility exists…at least not for a woman whose reproductive organs are intact. Instead, they believe that infertility is a sign of a body in need of extra care. A recent study from the University of Surrey has
processes…including reproduction. A healthy diet should be heavy on fruits and veggies and light on processed, high fat, and sugary foods. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine consumption should also be reduced, as all three have been shown to decrease fertility. Because maintaining a healthy weight is
3. Detoxify your life Many of the chemicals in our food, household and hygiene products, pharmaceutical drugs, etc. are now known to decrease fertility. By switching to organic, hormone-free food and natural products you can reduce your exposure to them.
4. Fertility supplements Fertility supplements can increase fertility by helping you produce and use hormones efficiently, regulating ovulation, and boosting reproductive health. Some of the best supplements include: essential fatty acids, Vitamins A, B, C, and E, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), D-Pinitol 600, Vitex 750 (Chaste tree extract), Cinnulin PF, Borage Oil, Colostrum, Q-10 supplement, Wheatgrass, Folic Acid, and Zinc. You should consult your doctor or a naturopath before taking these or any other supplements.
shown that 80% of women who adopted positive,
another key to increasing fertility, daily exercise
healthy lifestyle changes were able to conceive
is important. Extremely strenuous exercise,
may have difficulty getting pregnant. While there
successfully. This is a much higher success rate than
however, can actually decrease fertility.
is no single cure for infertility, the positive lifestyle
in-vitro fertilization and other unnatural methods.
There are literally hundreds of reasons a couple
changes outlined above address many of the factors that cause infertility. These four simple steps will give you a healthier body, much more capable of producing a healthy baby.
16 NCMAG February 2010
February 2010 NCMAG 17
The Wisdom I
f the census form queried for the most loved fish, the tag would hands down go to the Salmon. The
of Salmon
simplicity of cooking a salmon and the variety one can offer is innumerous. Hued in pink to red to orange, its oily and firm fleshed nature enhances the rich flavors.
Often referred to as ‘brain food’ its taste and color appeals across the country. The merits of the salmon are sung by the nutritionists. And, so the ‘Yo-yo’ dieting generation includes it in their calorie counts. Omega 3 fatty acids is the essential nutrient, one associates with salmon. A quick and effortless recipe is the Avruga Endive. Crème fraîche topped with Avruga on smoked slices of salmon is delectable. The endive leaves complement it. Be it as a hors d’oeuvre or a main course or just another savory dish, the salmon sits comfortably wherever placed. The fish is not only high in protein, but low in calories and saturated fat. It improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Health conscious people benefit from its ability to prevent obesity. Diabetic patients should eat it to improve their insulin response. The omega 3 fatty acids are known to aid in the good cholesterol being damaged as also, reduce its level. Having a salmon a day, keeps Vitamin D tablets away. The fish fulfills an entire day’s requirement for Vitamin D. So, a grilled salmon is not only tasty but, healthy. Team up your left over salmon with a few veggies and enjoy the crunchy salad for a healthy living. Known to perk up one’s mood and fight depression, the salmon is surely a ‘magical’ fish. Salmon’s famous for its quirky facts. In an Irish mythological tale, the eating of the Salmon fish enlightens the protagonist. One can call it the ‘Wisdom of Salmon.’ Also, scientists claim that the fish returns to its birthplace to have off springs. And then, there is the controversy of wild salmon and farm fished salmon. But, the salmon lover can rejoice on the myriad options one has. From fresh to frozen, smoked and canned – the fish pleases everyone. Salmon with dill leaves, dill sauce, anything dill enhances the rich taste. It is a food for better thought. And, if you want to bring the cartoon in you – be either tom or jerry, the love for salmon is universal.
18 NCMAG February 2010
February 2010 NCMAG 19
No Lonely Hearts Club by Chilone Barbarino Payton
Disney Fairy Tale: Damsel in distress meets boy, boy rescues girl, boy and girl get married and live happily ever after. Pre- pill (birth control) Fairy Tale: June Cleaver Girl meets boy, Ward Cleaveresque Boy marries June Cleaveresque Girl, and The Cleavers live in a house with a picket fence, 2.5 kids and a dog. Post- Pill Modern Day Woman Fairy Tale: Girl dates, girl has career, girl dates more, girl marries boy, girl has house, kids, dog, and girl considers divorce as a viable option. Post Internet Fairy Tale: Girl has career, girl dates online, girl discovers boy has many options and interest on internet, girl dumps boy, girl dates online, girl advances career, girl is in waiting for modern day committed relationship. Does any of this sound familiar? We as woman have always had a preconceived notion of what romance, love, commitment and marriage looked like. I will bet you your pretty little strappy too expensive date-night stilettos (That is if you are not too shy or cheap to own a pair, that maybe we got this from all the bedtime stories read to us as a children. Well, stand back ladies, it is the dawning of a new era and fairy tales are not all what they once were.
20 NCMAG February 2010
February 2010 NCMAG 21
Hey, Miss Career Driven Woman, times have changed! Since the advent of the Internet, men
you have a life and get out of the house on occasion. Remember to maintain good
have options. Now a’ days, communication spreads far and wide. The Internet has given men
eye contact and ask him questions about himself and listen to the answer. The art
the illusion and the option of dating a woman even in Timbuktu, if he so chooses. With men
of good conversation is to ask people about themselves, as everyone is their own
being the hunting gender, and if given the option of chasing some strange tail, and conquering
favorite subject. Following this little well known, but often forgotten trick will preserve
it without much effort and then starting a new fresh quest – “Sweetie,” as primitive
your aura of mystery. Which leads me to remind you not to tell the man all
and self serving as it sounds, he will do just that. So with the return of February and
your business. Leave your yeast infection, girls-night-out stories of wayward
visions of cupids and fine chocolates, what must a modern day woman do to get a
drunkenness, childhood horror stories and any negative talk, for your BF. Just a
man or at least keep the attention of one?
word to the wise.
First things first, the competition is stiff, remember, he has options as far and as
And finally, do not forget to be a girl and all that implies. Never underestimate
wide as the ends of the earth. However, there is no substitute for a real live woman or
the power of a tight skirt, a little tasteful cleavage, a push up bra, smokey eye
the quick possibility of one. So ladies, please ladies, refine and stream-line your look.
lids, pouty wet lips and the ever famous and ever lingering effects of the hair toss.
Men are visual, and hey, aren’t we all? This simply means being the best, up-to-date,
There is power in the coyness of subtle flittering. If done properly, it projects
most interesting you. Keep up with the grooming girls. Pluck, conceal, shave, wax,
self confidence, comfortableness in one’s own skin and that you are indeed
highlight, perm, cut or anything else that needs to be done. Become the enchanting
interested. So have fun with your sexy!
girl of your dreams. Don’t forget to practice your confidence; it is possibly the most attractive trait a woman can possess. And trust me, it is catching. Now, for those that partake in the Internet dating phenomenon, get good pics and
So if you are a member of the “Lonely Hearts Club” this Valentine’s day, then don’t be next year. No matter how many options for philandering we all have these days, we are all still neatly wired to be with a companion and lover. I
in a variety of settings. Take the opportunity to showcase your personality in your
know that some of you will think my opinions and suggestions are archaic
biography; keep your dialogue upbeat and positive. Avoid the subjects of ex’s and
and conniving…, My dear please do not be naïve; romance is work, as are
intimacy. It is not necessary for a potential suitor that has never met you to ask you
most worthwhile things. And trust me, any person that is looking for a serious
your favorite sexual position or your cup size. Hint: he is looking for a bed buddy and
relationship is looking for the very best in you. My suggestions and ideas will
is not looking for a sustainable committed relationship, no matter what he tells you.
only work for men that are looking for quality and substance and not to be wasted
And remember to be careful out there, please tell a friend or a family member all the
on the philanders of the world. No matter how independent we have become of
relevant particulars of your potential beau and where you will be meeting. In the words of that
one another, we all want to fall in love and keep it. At the end of the day it is not your
Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts, be a “Safety Girl.”
career that will bring you soup when you are sick or hold you up during a difficult time, but is the love in our lives that really get us through the good, the bad and the ugly.
Now when you get that initial phone call or that date, please have something to talk about. Consider buffing up on the news, latest movies, books or anything that would suggest that
22 NCMAG February 2010
Let us all vow that this Valentine’s Day is the last time you pay your membership dues. The power is all yours; after all, we all want to love and be loved.
February 2010 NCMAG 23
e h T Science (Fiction) of
Beauty Products By Mikki Douglas
e all see the beautiful marketing images
assortment of household cleaners in toxicity. The
of flawless, perfect-skinned models
reality is that the average beauty conscious woman
that fill the beauty ads in every major woman’s
and teenage girl uses 20 or more products a day
magazine. They wow us with their trademarked
and winds up exposing herself to more than 500
scientific names for their patented ingredients
different chemicals, which sadly don’t help women
and convince us with their “scientific” studies will
achieve beauty or results. These seemingly helpful
produce results that are rarely delivered. The truth
and magical potions house dangerous and health-
is these chemicals and concoctions are definitely
altering chemicals. These ingredients have gone
full of science, but the promises of results, the
largely un-noticed and un-questioned by women
safety and the gimmicky marketing taglines are
and are all linked to serious health problems.
more like science fiction. These beauty companies
Because many of these chemicals are estrogenic,
spend more money on the science of hiding
meaning they actually encourage the growth of
the truth about these ingredients, the marketing
cancer cells, they have been the rightful target of
campaigns and the eye-catching packaging than
many cancer studies.
they do the actual ingredients, so the question is… what are they really selling us? Many women would probably say that the
26 NCMAG February 2010
Female cancers are at epidemic proportions in a country that has the most resources, funds and scientists to battle this seemingly unbeatable
products just beneath the kitchen sink offer up the
force? Something isn’t adding up. Instead of
most dangerous chemical zone in the house. But
results, these ingredients produce cancers, birth
lurking in your makeup bag, shower and bathroom
defects, reproductive impairments, developmental
cabinet lays a danger zone that will match any
disorders, organ damage, endocrine disruption, February 2010 NCMAG 27
rosacea, allergies, dermatitis, eczema and a
ingredients added are in safe enough doses that
We have to choose not
myriad of other mind-boggling side effects with
they are not hazardous. But we know that they
accept what they tell us
sustained use. At their worst (like PCB’s) they
will say anything to sell their products. Just take
just for the sake of profits.
can produce severe and adverse developmental,
into consideration that most beauty products say
reproductive, neurological, and immune system
one thing on the front of the bottle and hide the
disorders in our unborn children and wildlife.
ugly truth on the back. That is a clear indication of
What we don’t know does hurt us Recent surveys show that more than one third of the women surveyed are totally unaware of the hidden dangers inside their daily beauty products and nearly 70% were unconcerned about the number of toxins they were exposing themselves to on a daily basis. Only 1 in 10 opted for chemicalfree products when shopping. Why is this? Have we become that complacent, or is it because the advertising and the labeling are intentionally
what’s important to these companies.
Read the label & then read it some more. A statement in an article that has stuck with me to this day that best summarizes how I feel about this topic…”If you’re not outraged, then you’re not paying attention.” Educating yourself is the best weapon against being exposed to high levels of these chemicals. It is also important to emphasize that many
Getting to know the culprits behind many of these serious health debates is the first step is safe guarding yourself. It’s time to push back the curtain and name these culprits. Here are the Top 10 offenders to look out for in your beauty products:
1. Parabens –
that recent studies showed not only that when
“natural” or “organic” companies use many of these
(Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben,
ingredients as well. So you can’t always believe
Isobutylparaben) Found in almost every cosmetic
“According to one research study, among the
that just because a product is labeled as “natural”
product we use today. These are used for the
products tested the ever popular perfume was the
that it’s free from these chemicals. So beware of
preservation of cosmetics by preventing microbial
worst contender. On average perfumes contain
beauty products that seem to have a purchase-
growth and extend shelf life. The Environmental
250 components, while some have more than
worthy list of essential oils, plant extracts, and
Protection Agency (EPA) reports parabens and
used in the manufacture of cling film or most
400 chemicals. The study also found that lipstick
vitamins, yet are swimming in a pool of toxic
other preservatives have been linked to metabolic,
other food contact plastics (MAFF, 1996a)
consists of 33 elements, body lotion 32, mascara
developmental, hormonal, neurological disorders,
and in September 2004, the European Union
and cancer.
implemented a ban on all beauty products
29, hand moisturizer 11, foundation 24 and nail polish 31.” The cosmetic industry loves to try and tell us that their products are rigorously tested and that the
We as a society in general have to start reading labels and asking questions, a lot of questions. We have to name names. We have to tell others.
Dr. Marianne Marchese recently interviewed for EmpowHER – Women’s Health Online, stated
parabens are added to breast cancer cells, they grow exponentially, but that 100% of biopsied breast cancer tissue contained parabens.
2. Phthalates - In the U.K. they are no longer
containing phthalates, yet the U.S. and Canada have not yet put the health of it’s citizens first and implement the same ban. Commonly found in nail
“We as a society in general have to start reading labels and asking questions, a lot of questions.” 28 NCMAG February 2010
February 2010 NCMAG 29
polish, aerosol hairsprays, styling aids, deodorants
or sodium laureth sulfate and not allow them to
known to form nitrates and nitrosamines,
more than 20 ppm [parts per million] of lead and
and many food products, baby products, many
call themselves certified natural. SLS can cause
which are also known carcinogens that lead
arsenic. FD&C Colors are limited to 10 ppm. Any
plastics and even children’s toys.
a number of skin and eye disorders by breaking
to liver and kidney cancers. These risks
amount of lead and arsenic is too much in my
down the skin’s proteins, thus allowing other
increase significantly for children.
“A recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that five percent of women between age 20 and 40 had up to 45 times more phthalates in their bodies than researchers initially thought.” They have been proven to cause a wide range of serious
environmental contaminants easier access to the lower, sensitive layers of the skin. SLS also causes endocrine system disruption, reproductive system disorders, and is linked to skin cancer.
5. Triethanolamines
6. FD&C Coloring – Class of artificial colors that
Tests done on a number of different lipstick
have been approved by the FDA and are used
brands in 2007 for the presence of lead found that
in just about every food and cosmetic product on
in over half of the brands tested the level of lead
the market.
was more than what’s allowed in candy! More
FD&C colors
recently, the FDA tested 22 brands of lipstick and
reproductive and developmental harm to infants,
(TEA, MEA and DEA-
are used
found lead in every single one and at even higher
organ damage, immune suppression, endocrine
related ingredients)
heavily in
levels than the 2007 study. This is scary though
disruption and cancer.
These ammonia based
lipstick and all
considering we lick our lips many times day. On
emulsifiers are associated
other colored
average, each woman consumes 4lbs of lipstick
with the highest number of
just by licking their lips after the product is applied.
complaints of skin irritation
The lead and arsenic that we ingest are very
and contact allergy. It’s in
D&C and
poisonous. So knowing this and the fact that lead
almost every conventional
FD&C Colors
accumulates in your body, that means that even
beauty & personal care
are regulated
miniscule amounts of lead in our beauty products
product, like bubble bath,
by the FDA,
can lead to harmful, health altering side effects like
body wash, shampoo,
but only in
neurotoxicity, organ damage and cancer.
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) This ingredient is the
soaps, facial cleansers
terms of the
main foaming ingredient in most products. Used
and much more.
amount of the
3. PEG Esters – (Polyethylene glycol) This ingredient is widely used as the main emulsifier and/or stabilizer in beauty product. Used in pesticides, is highly toxic and is linked to skin irritations, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity and cancer.
4. Sulfates (Sodium Laureth Sulfate &
also as an engine degreasers and anti-freezes.
This chemical
toxic metals,
To add insult to injury, sulfates are commonly
suppresses the immune
lead and
contaminated with dioxane, a known carcinogen.
system by decreasing
arsenic, they
In Germany, there is an effort underway to label
the body’s ability to repair
contain. D&C
cosmetics and personal care products containing
damaged cells and is also
Colors may
sodium lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate
a hormone disruptor
not contain
30 NCMAG February 2010
7. EDTA’s – EDTA is a polyamino carboxylic acid (PCA) and is made from formaidehyde, and sodium cyanide. Yes, cyanide. EDTA is in such widespread use that it has emerged as a persistent organic pollutant. Studies show that oral and dermal exposures have been noted to cause reproductive and developmental effects, as well as cancer.
February 2010 NCMAG 31
Style 8. BHT & BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole and
Style Propylene glycol causes more of the ingredients
There is far more information available out
will begin to understand that we simply demand better
butylated hydroxytoluene) BHA and BHT are
in the formula to be absorbed into your body, which
there on these ingredients and many others that
from the companies that claim to make products that
antioxidants, but not natural or good ones. Oxygen
is altogether frightening when you think about
I did not have the time or space to cover in one
better women’s lives.
reacts preferentially with BHA or BHT rather than
the fact that this chemical allows for other worse
article, so I strongly encourage you to do your own
oxidizing fats or oils, thereby protecting them
chemicals to be absorbed deeper. Propylene
research and learn even more about what these
from spoilage. They are used in cosmetics, most
Glycol has been shown to be a significant skin
dangerous additives are doing to our health and
pharmaceuticals, foods, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum
irritant and can cause liver abnormalities and
the environment. A good rule of thumb is if you
products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming
kidney damage.
can’t pronounce it, or if the list of ingredients is
fluid. They are highly disruptive to the hormonal system and are linked to various endocrine disorders and cancers.
Ok, science lesson over. You might be feeling confused or thinking how on earth you can protect
longer than a grocery list for a family of 10, then don’t buy it.
yourself? The key here is to start somewhere. Pay
Just remember, that you vote every time you buy
attention. Start by replacing one product at a time.
a beauty product. One vote at a time, as we make
in many beauty products like sunscreens, body
I suggest starting with all the “leave-on” face and
better and healthier purchases, beauty companies
wash, bath products, shampoos, styling aids,
body products first, meaning the ones that you
fixatives, hairsprays, lipsticks, mascaras and many
do not rinse off after use and especially products
more. This category of ingredients is directly linked
that you use on your children. Then progress to
to various forms of cancer.
everything else by category - styling aids, face and
9. Acrylate Copolymers – Copolymers are found
10. Propylene Glycol (Butylene & Ethylene Glycol too) – Propylene Glycol is used as a
body washes, nail products, hair products, etc. Read every label before you buy it. Or if you’re
stabilizer and penetration enhancer. It’s a main
feeling really inspired, simply throw out what you
ingredient in anti-freeze, acrylic paints, brake
have and start over with the healthier alternatives.
fluid, antifreeze, tile grout, primer, sealant paste,
Your health is worth that few extra seconds to read
floor polish, tire sealant and shoe polish. PG is
the label and definitely worth a few extra dollars.
used heavily in deodorant, lipstick, lip balms, and
A little at a time you will notice a shift in your
most all other skincare products like baby wipes,
awareness, you will find yourself without thought,
creams, styling aids, cleansers, toners, shampoos,
turning over the product and reading the label, just
conditioners, shave gels, baby powder and even
like you used to buy it without a thought of reading
toothpaste, foods and most pharmaceuticals.
the label.
32 NCMAG February 2010
Mikki Douglas began her journey into the beauty industry in 1994. From providing skincare & makeup services to sales, marketing, management and education, Mikki has been involved in skincare and beauty for over 16 years and has worked with some of the largest skincare and beauty companies on the globe. In addition to launching What Women Want in February of 2009, she founded CAS Consulting in 1999, a spa consulting firm where she consults with beauty businesses, spas, salons and physicians. Her own personal fact finding journey into the beauty products she uses everyday has been the driving force behind providing women with the information that has been life changing to her. Mikki Douglas has written beauty articles for various trade publications. She lectures and educates the public on wellness and beauty related topics at industry tradeshows, events and seminars.
February 2010 NCMAG 33
Mag The intelligent woman’s guide to sophisticated living.
Garth Viosin
Born in the island of Trinidad, West Indies, Gav has always been involved in fitness from a young age he began by playing soccer, volleyball, basketball and cricket (mainly a British sport, similar to Baseball). After moving to the United States about 8 years ago, Gav became involved in fitness training. Realizing that Fitness was his true passion he wanted to share his knowledge with others and decided to get involved in Personal Training by giving tips, sharing routines and offering advice on healthy living and exercise. My slogan is simple says Gav, “Healthy living made simple.” Follow GAVfitness as he continues on his journey with his new website and 2010 calendar, and more great projects and benefits. Gav also models and was featured in ANGIE STONE’s video “I AIN’T FEELING YOU”. NCMag: What are your hobbies? GAV: I enjoy soccer, beach volley-ball, fitness training, writing. NCMag: What are your business goals? GAV: To open my own fitness-training studio, kids fitness camps and create cancer benefit society. NCMag: What are you most passionate about? GAV: Acting and being a writer, along with personal training are some of my passions. NCMag: What are you looking for in a woman? GAV: In a woman I am looking for someone supportive, understanding, definitely goal oriented and loves to laugh and travel.
Height: 6ft Age: 32
Origin: Trinidad
NCMag: How can our readers get in-touch with you? GAV: February 2010 NCMAG 35
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