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Industrialized Building System (IBS) is a technique of construction that uses components that are manufactured in a controlled environment. The IBS components are either on site, off site, transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site work.
The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) was formed in 1994 and they function to promote the usage of IBS system in Malaysia construction industry.
There are two systems of IBS which are open IBS or closed IBS. Open IBS system refers to the usage of combination of prefabricated building components from different companies and the components are compatible and interchangeable with each other in building project. Closed IBS system refers to specific components that can only be used in specific projects by certain manufacturers.
Modular Coordination (MC) is a standard of measurement for IBS elements to coordinate the dimension and spaces of the building. It provides provision of proper metrical building planning, design, construction, installation and manufacturing of building components in accordance with MS 1064.
Advantages of IBS Decrease in construction cost By repeating the usage of steel and aluminium formwork, it would reduces the construction wastage. Reduce manual labour needs The fabrication process occuring off site at the manufacturing factory in a controlled environment.
Increase productivity Construction duration can be reduced as the process of casting components can happened off site.
Increase quality of building components The fabrication process in a controlled environment ensure the quality control of the building components. Disadvantages of IBS Increase in initial costs High initial costs due to the need of special machine to cast the components Expensive for small scale projects Suitable for large scale projects that require mass production Low supply and require sufficient space for storage Local construction industry has yet to be developed with not much manufacturer and supplier available. Required skilled labours The construction process required trained worker. IBS Workframe

Design Consideration IBS components need to be designed based on the specification stated in MS 1064.
Manufacturing The building components are built according to the standard dimensions and in modules at factories in controlled environments.
Delivering to site The completed IBS components will be delivered to the site.
Assembly on site The building components are positioned and assembled on site using machineries.
Completion Finishes such as plastering and painting are done to add aesthetic value to the completed unit.