Bana Balang

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Bana Balang

Bana Balang is published by the Ithuteng Dipuo Foundation as a service to the youth along with educators and parents of the North West and parts of Northern Cape Provinces. Manager Editor Layout Marketing Public Relation


Hubertus Mostert Sonja Vermaak Evelyn Piek Letitia Mostert Thabo Mpolokeng

100 000 copies distributed twice per quarter to schools in urban and rural areas of North West and Northern Cape.

Bana Balang Project is supported by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund The NLDTF relies on funds generated by the Na onal Lo ery. The Lo eries Act iden es the manner in which NLDTF funding may be allocated. The Minister of Trade & Industry, on the recommenda on of the industry experts in the relevant Distribu ng Agency, makes the policy that guides the alloca on of funds to bene ciaries. It is the aim of the NLDTF that the grants made will make a di erence to the lives of all South Africans, especially those more vulnerable. The NLDTF is dedicated to improving sustainability of the bene ciary organisa ons it funds. The NLDTF currently has in the region of R2 billion a year to distribute to registered non-pro t organisa ons in the elds of chari es; arts, culture and na onal heritage; and sport and recrea on that meet the qualifying criteria. The NLDTF places emphasis on areas of greatest need and greatest poten al, so that all South Africans can gain from, and contribute to, South Africa’s development.

From the editor The world you are currently in, is sometimes daunting, unfair, wonderful...a lot of things at the same time. Remember that this is the pathway to being an adult, a learning curve to get to know yourself. More importantly - to learn what you would like to achieve and how to get there. Be young and enjoy it! Be responsible, but try everything - which you know are safe to try.... Your youth will be the one thing, you’ll look back on, time and again in the future, so make it count! In this edition we are providing you with a bit of everything... something to get to know yourself, fashion and as always, exiting learning pages. For those who would like to percue a career in education, there is a whole half page dedicated to you.

Enjoy XoX

in this issue are you an introvert or extrovert? hats - as a fashion statement recycling buddies coming soon

are You an Introvert or an Extrovert ? Find out where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum. Answer each question True or False, choosing the answer that applies to you more often than not.


I prefer one-on-one conversations to group activities.



I often prefer to express myself in writing.



I enjoy solitude.



I seem to care about wealth, fame, and status less than my peers.



I dislike small talk, but I enjoy talking in-depth about topics that matter to me.



People tell me that I’m a good listener.



I’m not a big risk-taker.



I enjoy work that allows me to “dive in” with few interruptions.



I like to celebrate birthdays on a small scale, with only one or two close friends or family members.


10. People describe me as “soft-spoken” or “mellow.”


11. I prefer not to show or discuss my work with others until it’s nished.


12. I dislike con ict.


13. I do my best work on my own.


14. I tend to think before I speak.


15. I feel drained after being out and about, even if I’ve enjoyed myself.


16. I often let calls go through to voice-mail.


17. I prefer a weekend with absolutely nothing to do to one with too many things scheduled.


18. I don’t enjoy multi-tasking.


19. I can concentrate easily.


20. In classroom situations, I prefer lectures to seminars.


The more often you answered True, the more introverted you probably are. Lots of False answers suggests you’re an extrovert. If you had a roughly equal number of Trues and False, then you may be an “ambivert”

An introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

Most people believe that an extrovert is a person who is friendly and outgoing. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.

Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to “recharge.”

Extroverts tend to “fade” when alone and can easily become bored without people around. When given the chance, an extrovert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think. In fact, extroverts tend to think as they speak, unlike introverts who are far more likely to think before they speak. Extroverts often think best when they are talking. Concepts just don’t seem real to them unless they can talk about them; re ecting on them isn’t enough.

When introverts want to be alone, it is not, by itself, a sign of depression. It means that they either need to regain their energy from being around people or that they simply want the time to be with their own thoughts. Being with people, even people they like and are comfortable with, can prevent them from their desire to be quietly introspective.

Extroverts enjoy social situations and even seek them out since they enjoy being around people. Their ability to make small talk makes them appear to be more socially adept than introverts (although introverts may have little dif culty talking to people they don’t know if they can talk about concepts or issues).

Being introspective, though, does not mean that an introvert never has conversations. However, those conversations are generally about ideas and concepts, not about what they consider the trivial matters of social small talk.

Extroverts are very comfortable in groups, and may be even happier as the centre of attention. Extroverts’ personality traits are self-con dent, enthusiastic, gregarious, friendly, & outgoing.


Bana Balang

Mogi wa metsi kwa Intia a ne a na le dipitsa tse pedi tse di kgolo; di ne di anegwa ka mo mafelong a pale mme a ne a e rwala ka mo thamong. Pitsa e nngwe e ne e phanyegile mme pitsa e nngwe e ne e siame mme e ne e tlisa metsi otlhe morago ga go tsamaya kgakala morago ga go ga metsi go tswa kwa nokeng go ya kwa ntlong mme pitsa e nngwe nako yotlhe e ne e goroga e le halofo fela. Se se ne sa diragala dingwaga tse pedi, letsatsi le letsatsi mme mogi wa metsi nako yotlhe a ne a tlisa fela pitsa le halofo ya metsi kwa ntlong ya mongwe wa gagwe. Pitsa e e sa dutleng e ne e kgatlhegile thata ka e ne e dira sentle mme e direla mosola wa teng wa go dirisiwa. Pitsa e e phanyegileng e ne e tlhabiwa ke ditlhong mme e inyatsa ka gore e ne e kgona fela go dira tiro ya yone e le halofo nako yotlhe. Morago ga dilemo di le pedi tsa go ga metsi a le halofo fela pitsa ya bua le mong wa yone kwa nokeng. “Ke tlhabiwa ke ditlhong mme ke batla go go kopa tshwarelo” “Goreng “ ga botsa mogi wa metsi. “Ke eng se se go tlhabisang ditlhong?” “Ke ka gore ke ne ke kgona fela go rwala halofo ya metsi a ke neng ke tshwanetse go a rwala ka gore ke phanyegile mme metsi a dutla fa re tsamaya re ya kwa ntlong ya mong wa rona. Ka lebaka la gore nna ke a dutla le wena ga o kgone go dira tiro ya gago ka tshwanelo go bona mosola wa matsapa a gago” ga bua pitsa gape. Mogi wa metsi o ne a utlwela pitsa botlhoko mme ka kutlwelo botlhoko a re, “Fa re boela gae o go ya kwa ntlong ya mong wa rona o lebelele dithunya tse dintle mo thoko ga tsela.” Ga nna jalo, e rile ba tlhatloga mo thabaneng pitsa ya kgale e e phanyegileng ya lemoga mogote wa letsatsi le dithunya tsa naga tse dintle mo thoko ga tsela mme se sa dira gore a itumele gape. Mo bofelong jwa tsela pitsa e ne e santse e se monate mme e ne e setse e dutlile metsi gape mme ya kopa tshwarelo gape mo go mong wa yone. Motlalemetsi a raya pitsa a re: “ A ga o a lemoga gore dithunya tse dintle di ka mo thoko ga tsela fela mo o leng teng mme e seng mo pitseng e e sa dutleng? Nako e yotlhe ke ne ke itse gore o a dutla mme ke ne ke bona mosola wa gago fa ke bona o dutla. Ke ne ka jala dipeo tsa dithunya ka mo karolong ya gago ya tsela mme letsatsi le letsatsi wena o ne o tla o nosetsa dithunya fa re tsamaya go tswa kwa nokeng. Ke dingwaga tse pedi jaanong ke ntse ke kgetla dithunya tse dintle go kgabisa tafole ya mong wa rona. Fa o kabo o sa phanyega jaaka o ntse go kabo go se na bontle jwa dithunya tse dintle jalo mo ntlong.” Le fa mongwe le mongwe wa rona a na le melato kampo re dutla mo bophelong ke ka mo re bopilweng ka teng Rona rotlhe re dipitsa tse di phanyegileng tse di dutlang. Fa re ka dumela, Jesu a ka dirisa diphoso tsa rona go kgabisa tafole ya Rara. Ka mo tlholegong ya Modimo ga go sepe se se se nang mosola se se latlhiwang fela. Se inyatse, se tshabe fa o phanyegile mme o na le diphoso. Dumela fela gore o na le diphoso mme tshwana le pitsa e e nneng e dutla ka gore e ne e tlisa bontle. Itse gape gore fa o se na maatla o tla wa maatla ke Modimo.


Grade 11 & 12

Bana Balang


Comprehension Test

TB ke eng?

Tuberculosis (TB, mafatlha a magolo) ke bolwetse jwa ka gale mme gantsi ke bolwetse jo bo tshelwang mme bo tlisiwa ke megare e mennye mme gantsi e tlisiwa ke megare ya ‘’Mycobacterium tuberculosis’’ mo bathong. TB ka metlha e tsena makgwafo mme nako e nngwe e lwadisa le dikarolo tse dingwe tsa mmele. E anamisiwa ka mo moweng fa batho ba e ba tshwereng ba gotlhola, ba ethimola kampo ba kgwa mathe. Bontsi jwa tshelo ka mo bathong e tlisa bolwetse jo bo sa bonagaleng jo bo leng teng mme e le nngwe mo tlhagelelong gasome e tlisa bolwetse jo bo bogale mme fa e sa lwantshiwe ka melemo e bolaya go feta halofo ya batho ba ba tshwarwang ke yone.

se tshwarwe ke TB. Ga go na ente e e leng teng e e fanang ka tshireletso e e tshepagalang mo bagolong.

Diponagalo tse gantsi di leng teng ke go gotlhola nako yotlhe le go gotlhola madi le bolepolepo, go fufula bosigo le go ota. Tshelo ya dirwe tse dingwe tsa mmele nako e ntsi e tlisa disupo tse di farologaneng. Go lemoga bolwetse go tshepa thata di-x-rei, teko ya letlalo ya tuberculin, teko ya madi le gape tlhatlhobo ya maekorosekoupo le gape kgodiso ya megare ya TB e e leng ka mo dieding tsa mmele. Kalafo e thata mme e tlhoka gore go dirisiwe diantibiotiki tse di farologaneng sebaka se selelele. Le batho ba ba amanang le balwetsi ba TB nako e ntsi ba lebelelwa thata mme ba wa le bone melemo fa go tlhokega. Twantsho ya melemo ya diantibiotiki ke bothata jo bo golang thata go ya pele mme e tlisa TB e e ganelang kalafo e ntsi.

Ka mo Aforikaborwa, naga ka tlhagelelo e ntsi go feta dinaga tsotlhe ka TB, bana ba wa BCG tlase ga dilemo di le tharo. Le fa go le jalo, BCG ga e na nonofo e kgolo ka mo ditikologong mo megare e mennye e leng teng thata, ka jalo BCG ga e we batho botlhe ba ka mo dinageng tse.

Nngwe-tharong ya batho botlhe ba mo lefatsheng ba akanngwa ba tshwerwe ke “TB ya M” mme ditshelo tse dišwa di diragala di le pedi la metsotso e mebedi. TB ke e nngwe ya malwetsi a mararo a magolo mo bahumaneging gammogo le AIDS le Malaria. Letlole la Lefatshe go Lwantsha AIDS le simolotswe ka 2002 go kgobokanya madi go lwantsha malwetsi a a anamisiwang thata a. Setšhabatšhabafatso se tlisitse ditshono tse dišwa go ka anamisa kampo go phatlalatsa bolwetse.

Kanamiso Fa batho ba tshwerwe ke go gotlhola mathe a TB, ba ethimola mme ba kgwa mathe ba ntsha marothodinyana ka moweng a a ka anamisang. Go ethimola gangwe go ka ntsha marothodinyana a le 40 000. Le nngwe le le lengwe la marothodinyana a a ka anamisa bolwetse mme le fa go le gore thata go tlhokega e ka nna marothodinyana a le lesome go ka anamisa TB. Batho ba ba kopanang nako e telele mme gau le batho ba ba lwalang ba na le tekeletso e kgolo thata ya go ka lwala le bone ka kanamiso ya 22%. Motho yo o tshwerweng ke TB e e sa ala wang a ka anamisa batho ba ba 10 -15 ka ngwaga. Kanamiso e ka diragala fela go tswa go bathong ba ba tshwerweng ke TB e e dirang mme e seng TB e e robetseng. TB e ka anamisiwa gape ka go ja nama e e nnang le TB. TB ka mo dikgomong e tlisiwa ke ‘’Mycobacterium bovis.’’

Thibelelo Thibelelo le taolo ya TB e ka e mebedi. k diragala di l ka k mekgwa k b di Sa S ntlha, batho ba ba tshwerweng ke TB le batho ba ba kopaneng le bone ba a ala wa. Temogo ya dikanamiso nako e ntsi e tlisa go dira ga diteko mo bathong ba ba kotsi e kgolo go ka na le bolwetse. Sa bobedi ke mokgwa wa go enta bana go ba sireletsa gore ba

WHO (World Health Organization) ka 1993 e biditse TB go nna Tshoganyetso ya Boitekanelo mo Lefatsheng mme Tirisanommogo ya STOP TB e tlhabolotse Leano la Lefatse la go Emisa TB mme ba na le maikaelelo a go boloka maphelo a ka nna dimilione di le 14 magareng a 2006 le 2015.

Metswako ya molemo

Go na le mmalwa wa metswako ya melemo e e tlhabololwang go thibelela tshelo ya TB. Go na le motswako o o solofelang thata wa TB mme jaanong jaana e mo kgatong ya bobedi mo Aforikaborwa mme setlhopha se etelwa pele ke Yunibesiti ya Oxford mme teko e agilwe ka mo poposešweng ya genetiki ya metswako ya megare. Motheo wa Bill le Melinda Gates ke mokgatlho o o tsayang karolo e kgolo mo tlhabololong ya motswako o wa TB. Fela maloba motheo o itsisitse gore o abela dimilione di le $200 ka mo letloleng la Motheo wa Aeras Global TB Vaccine go ka dira diteko tsa bongaka mo mefuteng e le 6 ya batho ka metswako e e leng mo tseleng jaanong jaana.

Dipotso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ke eng se se tlisang TB? Bitsa mekgwa e meraro ya diponagalo tsa TB. TB e lemogwa jang ke dingaka? Go anamisiwa batho ba bakae ka TB ka mo lefatsheng? Bitsa maina a malwetsi a mararo a a tshwarwang ke batho ba ba humanegileng. TB e anamisiwa jang? TB e ka thibelwa jang? Ke mang ba ba entiwang go thibele TB mo Aforikaborwa? Ke motswako ofe o o dirisiwang mo Aforikaborwa? Ke motheo ofe o o emang nokeng thata tlhabololo ya metswako e mešwa?

Bana Balang


Dikarolo tse dingwe di le 4 (pono, monkgo, tatso, kutlo) di ka mo mafelong a a rileng a mmele wa gago mme bokgoni jwa go ka utlwa ka go kgoma kgotsa go kgomiwa bo ka mo mmeleng otlhe!

e farologaneng ya mafelo a methapo e e 12. Dikutlo kampo maitemogelo a go kgomiwa ke e e latelang mme ke mogote, botsididi, ditlhabi le kgatelelo.

Se ke ka lebaka la gore bokgoni jwa gago jwa go ka kgoma bo teng ka mo llageng ya kwa tlase ya letlalo la gago mme le bidiwa temisi. Temisi e tletse ka metlhapo e mennye e mentsi e e go fang tshedimosetso ka ga se se kgomang mmele wa gago.

DINTLHA TSE DI BOTLHOKWA: Lebelela mafelo a menwana ya gago. metlhalanyana e e ka mo letlalong la menwana ya gago ke dikgatiso tsa menwana mme ga di tshwane mo bathong ba babedi gope, le mo mawelaneng a a tshwanang ga di tshwane gope

Tsone di isa tshedimosetso kwa mokolelong mme one o romela molaetsa kwa bobokong jwa gago kwa se se utlwiwang se lemogwang. Mafelo a methapo a ka go bolelela fa sengwe se le mogote kampo se le tsididi kampo fa sengwe se ka utlwisa mmele wa gago botlhoko. Mmele wa gago o na le mefuta e

Keep your friends close If your friendship with someone is slowly weakening, take initiative immediately. Repair it instead of allowing the situation to spiral out of control. Identify a possible reason why the friendship is weakening, and do something about it! Just breath and be the better We all have felt like ’If I could only....urgh’ Think about it carefully - would it change anything - like in really change anything? Be the mature one, take a deep breath and just let it go and move on.

Desmond Mpilo Tutu o bonwe kwa Matlosana ka letsatsi la 7 Diphalane 1931. Ene e ne e le ngwana wa bobedi wa bana ba bararo ba ga Zacheriah Zililo Tutu le mosadi wa gagwe Aletta mme gape ene ke mosimane a le mongwe kwa lapeng. Lelapa le le ile la fudugela kwa Gauteng ka selemo sa ga Desmons sa bo masomepedi. Rraagwe e ne e le morutabana mme mmaagwe e ne e le moapei le mophepafatsi ka mo sekolong sa bana ba ba foufetseng. Kwa sekolong se o kopane le Trevor Huddleston yo o neng a le rre wa moperesiti wa go tswa kwa semethemethe sa Sophiatown. Tutu a re: “Letsatsi lengwe ke ne ke eme ka mo seterateng le mmaagwe mme ga feta mosweu ka seaparo sa moperesiti. E rile a feta o ne a dumedisa mme ka go rola hutse. Ke ne ke atlhame fela ka ke ne ke sa dumele gore mosweu a ka dumedisa mosadi wa montsho wa modiri fela!” Tutu ke molwantshadipoletiki wa mo Aforikaborwa mme o rotse tiro a le Mobišopo wa kereke ya Anglican mme o ile a tlotliwa lefatshe ka bophara ka tiro ya go ema kgatlhanong le apartheid ka dingwaga tsa kwa 1980. Ene o ne a le Archbishopo wa ntlha wa Aforikaborwa wa ntlha wa montsho wa Kapa, wa Aforikaborwa le gape Mobišopo wa ntlha wa go emela Kereke ya Porofense ya Aforikaborwa( Jaanong e bidiwa Kereke ya Anglican ya Aforika ya Borwa). Tutu o ntse a dira ka maatla go lwela ditshwanelo tsa batho mme o dirisa maemo a gagwe mo letsholong la go lwela ba ba gatelelwang. O dirile ka maatla go lwela AIDS, TB, homofobia, teransefobia, bohumanegi le botso. Tutu o amogetse Kabelo ya Nobel ya Kagiso ka 1984, ya Albert Schweitzer ya Botho ka 1986, ya Pacem kwa Terris 1987, ya Sydney ya Kagiso ka 1999, ya Ghandi ya Kagiso ka 2005 le Mmetlele ya Moporesitente ya Kgololesego ka 2009. Tutu o gatisitse palo e kgolo ya dibuka ka ga dipuo tsa gagwe mme o amogetse diPhd tse dintsi tsa tlotlo go tswa go diyunibesiting tse dintsi go tswa mo lefatsheng ka bophara.

Keep your distance from drama If the problem doesn’t involve you, don’t get involved. As tempting as it seems to be the mediator to resolve con ict or to take the side you believe in more - it is just not worth it. In return for your good intention you would be one being the enemy! Don’t waste your time, the parties involved will sort out the situation themselves. Respect authority As young adults we may not always agree or sometimes like our teachers and parents. What we need to remember is that we have these individuals in our lives for a lot of reasons. They do care about you and me. Listen to their advice. Believe me they have been there and done that (not that they would admit it entirely). All the situations we are currently dealing with - they know and understand. It is healthy to state your opinion but take in what they tell you and obey. One day not far from now, you will be in their shoes! Make your own statement Wearing the latest fashion, getting the newest electronics, getting a popular haircut, and spending a lot of your time trying to follow the latest trends is a huge waste. Trends won’t matter in a few months and they are not in your interest - only in the interest of giant corporations who market to the masses. Concentrate on your academics This the one thing you don’t want to mess up. Your academics will be the one and only thing, standing in your way of having a good job. Develop good academic habits for college, absorb the information being taught to you. If not, you are wasting the most important function of high school. Think about it in this way - would

you let a doctor who scored 40% on his/her exams while studying do an operation on you? I would not! Do Not Be Too Quick To Judge Do not value rst impressions highly. Don’t dismiss a person or idea too early just because you immediately get a bad impression from it. You will miss many opportunities because of that. Just because something is not to your liking at rst glance, does not mean it is bad. Try to give everything a fair chance. See things in other people’s perspective The decisions people make, may seem odd to you, but try to walk in their shoes. Try to imagine why they would do the things that they do. They may be victims, they may have good intentions, they may have something to gain out of what they are doing, they may be thinking illogically, or are you thinking illogically? Learn to take responsibility Doing whatever you want regardless of the consequences, may be okay for now because there are parents and teachers to help you x it. BUT they won’t be there in the future. Break this awful habit. Learn to be accountable for yourself and learn self-discipline. Never hold grudges It is like holding a trade embargo. We believe that the intend is to hurt the other party, but it hurts you equally. Spending your high school years focusing on the tension between you and another person is not pleasant. Be quick to forgive. Be thankful for everything you have There are many people in the world who are poor, starving, uneducated, and on the verge of death, and there are millions of people in history who have suffered from war, famine, and slavery. So be thankful for everything you have. It’s all about the habits Bad habits are hard to break and remain with you for a long time. Don’t fall into a trap which can hurt you. Simultaneously, develop good habits which you would like to carry with you for the rest of your life. How will this effect me in ve years? Ask that question with every big decision you make.

TV Serial Gossip Girl is at the moment the most important “fashion serial” as beside the intrigues, love and friendship it got millions of viewers around the globe thanks to fashion they raised to new level. If you want to look like your favourite character you cannot be without hat as Blair & Serena are glamming up their looks with hats for every occasion. Blair is choosing 1920’s small hats style due her small head and face while Serena is wearing pretty much everything from boho style to big round beach hats. Nowadays they are wearable in whole variety of shapes and became one of the items that make statements and draw attention. For 2012 trends are large round soft hats but you’ll still look great if you chose smaller ones.

The Amazing Spider-Man Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Running Time: 2hrs 15min Release date: Friday 13 July 2012

This superhero jaunt deals with teenage social outcast Peter Parker (Andrew Gar eld) who spends his days trying to unravel the mystery of his own past and winning the heart of his high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). When Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase belonging to his father, who abandoned him when he was a child, it leads him to his dad’s former partner, Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) who may just hold the key to the mystery. However, Peter soon nds that the discovery of his father’s secret will ultimately shape his destiny of becoming “Spider-Man” and brings him face to face with the villainous master-criminal, the Lizard


It is hard for me to tell my mom how I feel. I am shy and scared she will not understand. Ithumeleng


Dear Ithumeleng

Sometimes it is very dif cult to get our feeling across to others. It can also be especially dif cult to tell a parent or someone who you don’t think understand you.

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Maybe it would be easier if you wrote your mother a note? Or maybe you have an older sibling who you trust? You could talk to them and ask them to go with you when you talk to your mother? You should try to nd a solution that will work for you and your family. Remember many people feel like you do.


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Good luck Dr Eve

I am getting low grades in English and need to lift them. I do not know how I can do this, but I really need to improve my marks. Can you give me some clues? Neo High yield potential Stability Good Standability Irrigation

Dear Neo

Learning a new or another language is something that all of us are confronted with. Some people nd languages very easy to learn and others nd this task very dif cult. I would suggest that you go to your library and borrow an easy English reading book to start off with. Once you have read this book and understand it, go get another one which should be a little bit more dif cult. You can carry on with this technique and in so doing improve your English. Keep a dictionary close by to look up the word that you do not understand, and see how these words are used in the book. Reading can help you learn many things, especially the language in which you are reading. Be careful not to take up the time that you need to complete your homework with reading. Make another time your reading time and try to read EVERY DAY. I hope this will help you. Dr Eve.

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Bana Bana Balang Balang

Bana Balang Project is supported by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund

Thami Lungisa Tsolekile (born 9 October 1980) is a South African cricketer who has played matches for South Africa as a wicket-keeper. At the beginning of the 2009/10 season, Tsolekile moved from Cape Town up to Johannesburg to go play for the Bizhub Highveld Lions. He also played hockey for his country at international level, scoring on debut, and played soccer during his childhood. Tsolekile has been identi ed as the successor to Mark Boucher when he was named as one of 22 contracted players for the 2012-13 season, the rst time CSA have contracted a second wicket keeper in 13 years since contracts were rst awarded in 1998. Tsolekile has been playing rst-class cricket since 1999 and represented South Africa in three Tests in 2004, when Boucher was dropped after a lean patch. He took six catches but scored only 47 runs and Boucher was soon back at the helm, a position he has occupied for the last 15 years. In previous years it has been dif cult to isolate one of the franchise ‘keepers as the next best in the country, but the selection committee was forced to do so in the most recent meeting. They settled on Tsolekile, saying his recent form with the bat and maturity behind the stumps gave him the edge. Tsolekile has shown that he is willing to learn and had made signi cant improvements from when he rst appeared for South Africa. “I was very surprised to get a national contract but all the hard work I’ve put in has paid off,” he said. “As a cricketer I have matured with age and experience and I am more ready now than when I made my debut and I would love to get another chance.”

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