The last resort

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The Last Resort

Regenerative architecture in the Maldives

Hoi Kiu Evelyn Wai

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Architecture (Professional) degree, The University of Auckland, 2013.


Abstract i

By the end of the century, the island nation of Maldives will be completely submerged by the impending deluge caused by global warming and at no point does the nation’s elevation match the predicted sea level rise of 2 metres. Ironically, survival under such circumstances may lie beneath the very feet of Maldivians. Coral habitats have long been the economic provider and, as discussed in this thesis, could be the one thing that rescues the country from abandonment. The Last Resort is an hypothetical urban design proposal that explores the implications of fusing coral growth studies with steel space frame technology for the purpose of constructing urban replacement communities. This thesis proposition addresses the architectural design challenges of Maldives in facing a 2 metre submergence.



Acknowledgements ii

I would like to express my gratitude to the people who have supported me throughout the year, without them, this thesis would not have been possible. Thanks to my supervisor Ian Ng for his help, guidance and advice. Special thanks to my family - mum, dad, Jaimie and Rainbow and also a big thanks to Cynthia Yuan and Jonathan Shih for the never-ending support and companionship.


All images are author’s own unless otherwise noted

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Sketch of Coral Reef Planet Earth underwater a. World Map 2013 b. World Map 2100 (accessed 11th April, 2013) Map of Maldives Sketch of Atoll Island a. Eocene Volcano b. Coral growing at volcanoes’ peripheries c. Volcano slowly sinks d. Central island completely submerged e. Deeper lagoons and wider atoll islands Marine Species of the Coral Reef National GDP Traditional Arts and Crafts (accessed 13th June, 2013) a. Lacquer b. Boat Making (accessed 13th June, 2013) c. Basketry (accessed 15th August, 2013) (accessed 11th July, 2013) d. Coconut Art (accessed 20th March, 2013) e. Wood Carving (accessed 18th April, 2013) f. Coiling Underwater Cabinet Meeting of 2009 (accessed 9th April, 2013) Population density by 2060

12 13

14 15 16 17 18

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Steel Matrix Encrusted a. U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Guane Artificial Reef http://images.nationalgeographic. com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/039/cache/davidb. U.S Coast Guard doubilet-sea-lion_3958_600x450.jpg. (accessed 11th April, 2013) New York Subway into Artificial Reef Rigs to Reef Structure Initial Solar Power Supply Coral Skeletal Structure and the formation of calcium carbonate Growth of Biorock a. 0 months b. 3 months c. 9 months d. 12 months e. 18 months First Biorock Experiment (accessed 11th November, 2013) Alternative uses of Biorock Artificial Reefs a. Coral Skirt - Pemuteran Bali (accessed 3rd May, 2013) b. Barnacle Reef I (accessed 3rd May, 2013) c. Barnacle Reef II (accessed 4th April, 2013)

List of Figures iii 22

Power Supply to Biorock Structure

23 Protocell architecture/. (accessed 19th March, 2013) a. Visualization of Synthetic Protocell b. Protocell protruding out of the water features/15151-interviewrachel-armstrong. (accessed 8th March, 2013) Synthetic Protocell Experiments a. Protocell Particles Venice1.jpg. (accessed 11th May, 2013) b. Oil Droplets Rachel-Armstrong-Living-Architecture-1.jpg. (accessed 2nd April, 2013) c. Scientific Apparatus Venice1.jpg. (accessed 2nd April, 2013) Visualizations of Sinking Venice Project 2011/02/Venice1.jpg. (accessed 4th April, 2013) Triangulated Structural Systems a. Tetrahedron b. Tetrahedron c. Octahedron d. Triangular Dipyramid e. Icosahedron Detail of Connection Points Geometry of Living Space Detail of Roof Connection Spacing of Foundation


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31 32 33

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Detail of Foundation Visualization of Residential Quarters Biomimetric Design a. Armadillo (accessed 28th August, 2013) b. Dalian Shell Museum (accessed 28th August, 2013) Binary Fission Maldivian Home (accessed 17th June, 2013) Rumahadat Typical Residential Plan Diagram Typical Commercial Plan Diagram Typical Creative Hub Diagram Distribution of Clusters Communal Walkways Agricultural Growth on Beachfront Wave Heights Melling, G. (2010). Tsunami box. Wellington: Freerange Press. Tsunami Box Plan Melling, G. (2010). Tsunami box. Wellington: Freerange Press. Tsunami Box Design Tsunami Design - Porosity Porous Section Sea Levels india-sri-lanka-map.jpg. (accessed 8th August, 2013) Coral Transplanting (accessed 8th May, 2013) Gore, A., & Melcher Media. Bolivar, Texas following Hurricane Ike (2006). An inconvenient truth: the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press.


51 52 53 54 55

Typhoon Haiyan Floating Walkways Column Ring Design a. Flood Mitigation Soft Engineering b. Flood Mitigation Hard Engineering c. Flood Mitigation Combined a. Hind House in water b. Hind House in water c. Hind House on Land

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

VII (accessed 15th November, 2013) (accessed 11th March, 2013) (accessed 11th March, 2013) (accessed 11th March, 2013)

Maldives and its fault lines Cluster Orientation Varying elevations in Sectional Diagram Safe Islands and Administration and Current Population Distribution Maldives Underwater Proposed Population Distribution Safe Island Design Implementation of Safe Island Design principles The Last Resort Masterplan Model of Residential Dwelling Residential Hub Commercial Hub Transport Hub

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76



Wind Turbine Diagram Wind Farm Stage 1 Section Stage 2 Section Stage 3 Section Commercial Sectional Perspective Depths of Coral in the world Maldives Underwater

a. Bubbles underwater_desktop_1900x1200_wallpaper-429747.jpg. (accessed 2nd September, 2013) attachment/ (accessed 19th September, 2013) b. Beijing Watercube jennifer-wen-ma-zhen-jianwei-nature-and-man-in-rhapsody-oflight-at-beijing-water-cube-designboom-01.jpg. (accessed 19th September, 2013) a. Sand Dunes (accessed 1st November, 2013) b. UAE Pavilion for Shanghai Expo (accessed 1st November, 2013)

List of Figures iii 79 80 81 82 83 | 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Reed’s Case Study 1 Reed’s Case Study 2 Reed’s Case Study 3 Process of Recycling Plastics Return to Nature Visualization Plan view of physical Model Perspective view of physical Model Plan view of physical Model South facing sheltered outdoor spaces Plan view of physical Model with roof Close up plan view Perspective view Opening over vertical panels Close up of top view View of layering Private balcony Perspective view of private balcony Perspective view of interior mezzanine Roof top structure built in preparation for future levels Physical representation of steel structure sunken into water Steel matrix under dwellings Steel matrix just protruding Dwelling with closed facades and roof top activity Undulating nature of panel fixtures



Contents Page Abstract Acknowledgements List of Figures Contents Introduction

The Sinking Nation

1.1 Plea for Mercy 1.2 Uncertainty 1.3 Ship Out or Soldier On

The Steel Coral

2.1 Regenerating Coral 2.2 Spatial Framing 2.3 Biomimetric Design 2.4 Space Planning 2.5 Clusters and Distribution 2.6 Tsunamis and Natural Disasters

The Unfinishing Narrative 3.1 Scenarios 3.2 Conclusion

References Appendix

I A Maldivian Profile II Steel Coral III Photographic Documentary



ssuming that the world will continue to generate greenhouse gases and world politics will remain the same, the future of The Republic of Maldives depends on its leaders actively seeking alternative architectural and technological solutions to ensure continuation of national sovereignty and identity. Anthropogenic sea level rise is already putting tremendous strain on the coral habitats, disrupting the once harmonious marine ecosystem. Continual exploitation of the planet’s resources will induce mass emigration by 2020 and by 2100, world maps would have to be redrawn to illustrate the complete inundation of the Maldives (Gore & Melcher, 2006). This design thesis will test the ability of architecture to gracefully integrate into the delicate Maldivian coral ecosystem. US National Research Council suggests the impending deluge would see a rise in sea level of 2 metres by the end of the century (Titus, Park & Leatherman, 2008). Critical discussions on the anthropogenic impacts on the environment in recent years have highlighted the need to protect fragile ecosystems for instance coral reefs which are very sensitive to temperatures and water qualities. Early Buddhist texts suggest that the coral reef was the main provider of food and wealth since 4th century BC, a fact that remains unchanged (Shenk, 2012). Home to over a thousand species of marine creatures, the reef ensures a well balanced nutritious diet as well as acting as the primary building material for construction. This thesis investigates the interaction between coral growth technologies, humans and marine ecosystems in order to develop an architectural accompaniment to coastal habitats that adopts principles found in artificial reef systems. As sea levels rise, an adaptive network of structural steel will gradually grow to maintain dry living


Introduction v

spaces for humans, simultaneously creating a sheltered environment below for delicate marine life to flourish. The triangulated steel matrix will house humans and aid coral growth to promote vital services it provides. Much like the formation of atoll islands, extensions to the structure will be added incrementally in response to sea levels. Portions of the structure where submerged will be applied with a low voltage that triggers minerals dissolved in seawater to precipitate and crystallise forming a thick coating of calcium carbonate to accumulate generating a unique and beneficial living space for marine and amphibious creatures to thrive in (Goreau & Trench, 2013). Artificial reef systems implemented in areas where coral reefs are threatened have provided solid evidence that positive human intervention is a step towards saving coral. The Barnacle Project in Ihuru, a Maldivian resort island, has received international recognition for its success in not only restoring a damaged coral reef but the enhancing of biodiversity of its underwater community (Maynard, 2003). The experiment led by Abdul Hakeem has observed an accelerated growth of coral 3-5 times faster than that of neighbouring reefs; mineral precipitation due to the electrical charge promptly repairs cracks and damages caused by external forces (Precht, 2006). Preservation of the harmonious Maldivian ecosystem is the single most important element in the survival of this disappearing nation. The urban design of The Last Resort is suggestive of an island community informed through the understanding and exploration of disaster mitigation techniques. This thesis focuses on the potential of integrating ideologies of a tsunami resilient community with an intricate architectural design approach to address the issues of global warming and its implication on the coral reef.

Figure 1. Sketch of Coral Reef


1 013

The Sinking Nation

Figure 76. Planet Earth underwater

The Sinking Nation


Figure 3a. (top) World Map 2013 3b. (bottom) World Map 2100


The Sinking Nation

Plea for Mercy 1.1 “As a president, it is very clear to me that the most important fight is the fight for survival... The ability to sustain human life here is very fragile, if we can’t stop the seas rising, global warming will destroy the Maldives.� (Shenk, 2012)


hile the effects of climate change will clearly have a profound impact on life in the Maldives, the issue has been unrealized until recent turns of events. In the summer of 2009, the president of this tiny country leading a population of 350,000 stepped into the limelight just weeks before the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in an appeal to place Maldives on the map. Nasheed Mohamed has fought a long political battle and is now facing an even more serious battle with climate (Shenk, 2012). The last 30 years have been dedicated to creating a paradise to attract elite tourists with golden beaches and shallow reef fronts lined with extravagant resorts and water bungalows. Investments from offshore markets are driving the Maldivian market; thus, the issue of sea level rise has been swept under the carpet by many local Maldivians who fear climate change will discourage foreign investors on whom they depend for income (Graham, 2004). Global warming is a matter of life and death for much of the population of the Maldives; 1200 Maldivian islands will be inundated by 2100 (Graham, 2004). Even though the entire population will need to be evacuated, displaced and robbed of their livelihoods, the world seems to dismiss claims of total

inundation. The rest of the world just views the Maldives as an island getaway and remain distant to their frightening reality. Locals living on smaller atoll islands are conscious about the issues sea level rise poses, the most obvious being loss of beachfront due to coastal erosion, yet there is an eerie silence on the matter (Shenk, 2012). Fears of negative morale and impacts on foreign investments would create even more problems in addition to the initial loss of land. Environmental preservation efforts often work against short term profits, reducing the incentives to implement them. There have been some efforts to stave off the impending disasters, though much has been done in vain. Environmentalists and those who have already been directly affected by the loss of land, with the help of local community members, have tried to stop the water from stealing their land by utilizing shoreline stabilizers. Hard engineering techniques used in stabilization, for example concrete tetrapods and sea walls have been rendered pointless. Contrary to their intention, harsh engineering has increased coastal erosion and ruined clean beach-front waters, therefore they are in dire need of assistance in overcoming the threat of climate change (Micallef, 2011).

The Sinking Nation


Figure 6a. (first to right) Eocene Volcano Figure 6b. (second to right) Coral Growing at Volcanoes’ Peripheries Figure 6c. (third to right) Volcano Slowly Sinks Figure 6d. (fourth to right) Central Island Completely Submerged Figure 6e. (fifth to right) Deeper Lagoons and Wider Atoll Islands

Figure 5. (below) Sketch of Atoll Island

Rising abruptly from 700 metre deep submarine plateaus in the Indian Ocean are atoll rings formed by 1200 islands constituting The Republic of Maldives. The formation of these atolls as theorized by Charles Darwin is that a fringing reef emerges with the subsidence of Eocene volcanic foundations and continues to grows upwards. The central island eventually sinks, becoming lagoons; a safe haven for tropical marine organisms relying on warm ocean temperatures (Gillespie & Clague, 2009). Low lying islands formed between 3000 and 5500 years ago now sit at an average of 1.5 metres above sea level (Woodroffe, 1992) in an environment endangering the delicate marine ecosystem; an ecosystem extremely sensitive to light and temperature change, acidification and mining. Tidal waves ashore is commonly experienced throughout the country, incidents regarding vegetation and infrastructure in regions at close proximities to the coastline have been linked to stronger high tides. Figure 4. (left) Map of Maldives


The Sinking Nation

Uncertainty 1.2

Uncertainty cont’d The Sinking Nation


For the people of Maldives, the coral reef is intertwined with their culture and way of life whether it is their diets or national economy, furthermore, at a low elevation of 1.5 metres above sea level, all islands are closely related to the ocean waters. Smaller atoll islands are generally populated with tight knit communities many of which are relatives or distant relatives; the culture of local businesses revolve around the reefs run by families. Agricultural activities can better portray the lives of women in the Maldives. Crops cultivated in seasonally adjusted home gardens year round supply a third of the resident’s dietary needs. Skills acquired by women here factor towards gainful employment in the agricultural labour market. Figure 7. Marine Species of the Coral Reef


The Sinking Nation

Uncertainty cont’d

The Sinking Nation


Internationally renown for its idyllic beach-side resorts, the tourism industry is directly responsible for 70% of the nation’s gross domestic product and indirectly contributing a further additional 8-12% in other sectors including construction, transport and souvenir based businesses (Stalker, 2010). The reef plays a significant role in the economic stability of the nation; staple industries include both local trade and tourism which rely on the survival of the coral. Gradual modernization of the Maldives has seen increasing dependence on imported foods, consumer goods, capital goods and petroleum products. Chief exports include a range of fish products and clothing. The fishing industry is also clearly dependent upon the ecosystem of the coral reef, further emphasizing the need to protect the environment and aid in the growth of coral. Conservation programs throughout resort islands revolve around a core theme of environmental and ecological awareness to enlighten visitors but local efforts cannot fix a problem that is indisputably a global issue. 021

The Sinking Nation

Uncertainty cont’d Figure 8. (previous page, left) National GDP 2012 Figure 9. (previous page, right) Traditional Arts and Crafts a. Wood Carving b. Lacquer c. Basketry d. Weaving e. Thatching f. Coiling Figure 10. (below) President Mohamed Nasheed hosting the underwater Cabinet Meeting of 2009

President Mohammed Nasheed has already announced a nationwide goal to become carbon neutral by 2020 with restrictions already being enforced on building and fishing practices to help retain the delicate embellished reefs throughout the islands (Shenk, 2012). 203 of 1200 islands are inhabited of which 87 are resort islands, these islands are entirely built and sustained by ongoing ecological processes in the coral reef ecosystem. An estimated 235 square kilometres of land stretches over 900 kilometres making the Maldives one of the world’s most geologically dispersed nation. With an Exclusive Economic Zone of 859,000 square kilometres, it is no surprise 40 percent of the national Gross Domestic Product is directly related to the products of the coral reef (Stalker, 2010). Warmer climates would see extensive coral bleaching and other anthropogenic pollution further exacerbating mortality rates but ultimately sea level rise before the end of the century would see the entire population fleeing to neighbouring countries (Kawahata & Awaya, 2008). Climate change and the events associated with global warming will impact the marine ecosystem therefore protecting and prolonging this ecosystem will be the key to preserving the culture and traditions.

The Sinking Nation



he Republic of Maldives must consider what rights its citizens will have if their homeland is vanquished by nature’s unprecedented force. Several survival strategies give people hope of maintaining national identity and continuing life as independent Maldivians. Retreating to higher ground and building breakwaters and seawalls are proving unsustainable; aerial views of receding shorelines of modified coastal regions provide evidence that harsh human intervention is not a viable solution. Negotiations surrounding bought land would not only erase all current means of income and vitality but would also place a tremendous burden on subsequent countries. Development of resilient architecture is presenting itself as the most efficient and effective method of survival for both Maldivians and associated aid countries.

Figure 11. Population Density by 2060


The Sinking Nation

The simplest myopic path would be to overlook all problems and cope with each natural disaster as it strikes. Many locals are

Ship Out or Soldier On 1.3 If all the world’s ice caps melted, global sea levels would rise 80 metres, 6 metres within the next two centuries.

(America’s Climate Choices, 2010)

afraid to identify rising seas and climate change as a problem due to the possible loss of interest from foreign investors; therefore, smaller atoll islands have, in a sense, ignored natural disasters that have already taken place and relied on international aid. While this solution would be the cheapest and easiest in the short term, it will incur the greatest cost when the Maldives are eventually overpowered by sea level rise. This would mean becoming climate refugees and abandoning sacred settlements to which they have grown accustomed. Making a living in a foreign country with unfamiliar resources as well as integrating into new societies will inhibit the continuation of their unique island culture. This would cause some political discordance as countries might not be open to accepting refugees or immigration, it would also have a high cost, especially if transportation, support and social welfare is funded by host countries. Therefore, this naive plan will result in only adverse conditions for all parties involved.

The country is in amidst of discussions regarding purchasing offshore land in nearby India and Sri Lanka because of their cultural, cuisine and climate similarities but are also considering Australia due to the availability of land as an insurance policy against rising seas, giving itself time to prepare to re-establish themselves as a country (Ramesh, 2008). However, many flaws in executing and sustaining this plan surface. Although the country’s annual tourism revenue is worth billions, tourist numbers are not as positive as predicted; the problem is that the government plans to continue to redirect a portion of these funds to financing the purchase. These funds would limit the development of environmental projects that could extend life on the islands. Even after successfully purchasing land, relocating citizens to a foreign land would be lengthy and troublesome. Neither tourism nor fisheries or construction will be the country’s main source of income, again raising issues of survival.

In order to preserve their culture and minimize mental and financial burden, the islands must combat the rising sea levels. The first step in this process is the removal unprecedented causes of sea level rise and climate change which is largely anthropogenic. The Maldives are asking the world to reduce greenhouse gases; it itself is striving towards becoming carbon neutral by the year 2020 to set a good example (Shenk, 2012). The change will not be enough to stop rising seas, so a resilient cityscape must also be designed that will prolong and ensure the survival of life in the Maldives (Bhattacharyya, 2011). Additionally to protect the culture and the economy which revolves around the waters and coral reef, the proposition must be drawn up with self sufficiency in mind in order to protect both its people and the environment from destruction.

The Sinking Nation


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The Steel Coral

The Steel Coral


Figure 12. (previous page) Steel Matrix Encrusted Figure 13a. U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Guane Artificial Reef b. U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Exterior View


The Steel Coral

Regenerating Coral 2.1 Artificial Reef Systems

Realizing the damage human civilization has done to the coral reefs of the world, environmentalists and engineers have developed an array of techniques in an effort to reverse the effects. The diversity of the marine reef ecosystem in the waters, along with a handful of iconic coral reef locations have made the Maldives an ideal location to host various experiments, some of which yield a hopeful future for the life of coral. Other popular test sites include Florida Keys, Mexico and Australia (Goreau & Trench, 2012), the majority of the experiments are presenting positive feedback in steel based structure whereas concrete based apparatuses resulted in mixed results with several failed attempts that were linked to the leaching of chemicals which alter pH levels of sea water. New York City Transit saw the opportunity to save 13 million USD on the disposal of discontinued subway cars (Urbina, 2008). In 2001 project Redbird Reef 714 placed stripped down

Figure 14. New York Subway into Artificial Reef

Figure 15. Rigs to Reef Structure

cars into the Atlantic Ocean. Redbird Reef is also lined with 86 retired tanks and armoured personnel carriers, and a handful of tugboats and barges; within 7 years the quantity of marine food has multiplied 400 times and houses more than 10,000 fishing parties and an array of unique marine species. The success of the artificial reef has prompted other states to apply for the city’s next subway cars to be discarded in their waters (Urbina, 2008).

The process of recycling decommissioned platforms would either be towing partially removing or toppling into place which are much more cost effective than decommissioning which typically costs more than 15 million USD (Fenner & Banks, 2004).

The practice of recycling disused items is not limited to vehicles. Conversion of decommissioned offshore oil rigs is not uncommon, as well as the re-purposing of unused refrigerators and shopping carts. In 1987, U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Duane was sunk off the coast of Texas to act as a shoreline buffer against wild waves; the corridors of the ship now flourish in a coral blanket of marine life (Harigan, 2011).

In addition to re-purposing unused properties, numerous engineered artificial reefs have been designed, manufactured and marketed as simple solutions to building reefs. The majority, if not all, of these products are designed so that application is simple and not site specific. Therefore implementing the apparatus on site is cost-effective and straightforward; designs are modular in nature such as the reef ball and the fish haven. The Last Resort draws on the idea that artificial reef systems are vital to the rehabilitation of marine ecosystems and coral reefs which is especially relevant to the Maldives where the effects of climate change has already caused major changes and based upon the fact the coral reef is essentially its main support.

The Steel Coral


Floating Panel

Electro mineral accretion is a process that accelerates the growth and facilitates the establishment of artificial reefs. When a low voltage current is applied to a metallic structure, naturally occurring minerals dissolved in seawater precipitate forming crystallized calcium carbonate, which has a chemical structure similar to that of coral skeleton (Goreau & Trench, 2013). The core steel matrix structure of the Last Resort’s design utilizes thin steel tubes for its ability to conduct electricity thereby assisting the electro accumulation of minerals. This process is often referred to by its trademark name, biorock (Goreau & Trench, 2012) Accretion of brucite and limestone composite possesses concretelike mechanical strength and appears in a form comparable to natural coral. Early experiments conducted by marine scientist Professor Wold Hilberts tested the impact of electrical currents in seawater on shelled creatures, discovering that the electrolysis of seawater causes calcium carbonate crystals to coat the cathode, 029

The Steel Coral

eventually blanketing it (Goreau & Trench, 2013). By using an anode to apply a low voltage current through submerged steel structures, an electrolytic reaction is initiated and within a few days the structure will show early signs of encrustation. The shade formed from a matrix system will attract a range of colonizing marine species; this is paired with a mild electrical field that is not only safe for humans and fish but is also shown to attract fish. As time passes the steel matrix will have added strength and rigidity due to its calcium carbonate coating. By the 9 month mark, the voltage will no longer be constantly required due to adequate coating. When the steel is not applied with an electrical current, the calcium carbonate will no longer precipitate on the structure. During this time, the option of natural coral reproduction or transplanting will further facilitate the establishment of a complete coral reef ecosystem. Natural coral grows up to four times faster on biorock coated structures

Figure 16. (top) Initial Solar Power Supply Figure 17. (bottom) Coral Skeletal Structure and the formation of calcium carbonate

Biorock Technologies

Figure 18. Growth of Biorock a. 0 months b. 3 months c. 9 months d. 12 months e. 18 months

compared to a natural reef system (Goreau & Trench, 2012). Electrical currents can be reapplied to the structure if required, which simplifies the even distribution of anodes across a community of structures. Such little electricity is required that a large network of steel tubes can be powered by floating solar panels, small wind turbines and wave turbines. The addition of currents in coral polyps improve their energy levels, therefore increasing reproduction rates by four times (Maynard, 2003). Mangroves absorbed the lethal forces of the Boxing Day tsunami (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). Recent reports have highlighted that these natural coastal defences may survive sea level rise, erosion and increased salinity if they are correctly protected from human activity including felling, damming and building construction. Scientists have proposed the establishment of mangroves to combat climate change due to its ability to process more carbon dioxide than any other sea phytoplankton. Unlike many other ecosystems, increased air temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide increases mangrove productivity, but dramatic changes

would greatly reduce the chances of survival (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). If and when mangroves are no longer able to cope with the stresses of global warming, the calcium carbonate coated metallic network may be able to operate as breakwater just as the mangroves have done. A rapid growth rate of 5 centimetres per year permits biorock to take over this function. Furthermore, the structure will contribute towards reducing coastal erosion by trapping sediments in its structure. The accelerated growth will minimize weed overgrowth present on reefs stressed by eutrophication. External factors, which would otherwise prove problematic, including thermal pollution, do not hinder the rate of biorock growth much like mangroves. Global temperatures are predicted to increase 1.8 degrees Celsius by 2100 and even if carbon emissions were stabilized, radiative forcing will have contributed a further 0.5 degree Celsius to the temperature (Gore& Melcher, 2006).

The Steel Coral


Figure 19. First Biorock experiment

In addition to artificial reefs, biorock is involved in ocean farming of diverse marine organisms such as fish and shellfish. This practice is common in South-East Asia and in the Maldives. The United Nations Fund for Agricultural Development began a 5 year mariculture development project in 2012, which anticipates a rise in foreign investments vital to the country’s economic status. The largest biorock reef construction extends 50 by 8 metres. Electricity from solar cells provide 1200 watts of electricity to 400 square metres of biorock structure. In the early stages, waves burrowed past the wire mesh onto a severely eroded beach but as minerals precipitated, sand deposits helped control waves resulting in beach-front growth of 15 metres (Goreau & Trench, 2013). 031

The Steel Coral

Biorock Technology cont’d

Figure 20. (prev page top right) Alternative Uses of Biorock Figure 21a. (prev page bottom right) Coral Skirt - Pemuteran, Bali Figure 21b. (bottom left) Barnacle Reef I - Ihuru, Maldives Figure 21c. (bottom right) Barnacle Reef II - Ihuru, Maldives Figure 22. (right) Power Supply

The Steel Coral



Figure 23a. (top) Synthetic Protocell Figure 23b. (bottom) Synthetic Biology Protruding out of the Water


The Steel Coral

Synthetic Protocell 2.1.3 Figure 24a. (top) Protocell Particles Figure 24b. (second) Oil Droplets Figure 24c. (third) Experimentation Figure 25. (bottom) Visualizations of Sinking Venice Project

The foundations of the iconic Italian city, Venice, is built on soft mud, and the city is essentially sinking into the mud. “Protocell Architecture,” a new living system proposed by Spiller and Armstrong (2011) claims to be the solution to Venice’s problem in “Reclaiming Venice.” The project challenges synthetic technology in small-scale experiments translated into visualizations of the technology in the Venice’s lagoons (Schmidt, 2012).

into the dark crevices of Venice’s sinking foundation (Spiller & Armstrong, 2011).

Carbon will fix itself or precipitate like skin into a coral like structure; the mechanics of transferring non-renewable sources onto architecture to produce an inert object essentially extending and transforming the life cycle of a built structure can linearize the life cycle of natural organisms and that of architecture. Preliminary laboratory experimentations prove that the dynamic “oil in water” droplet system is in fact a viable Ultimately the idea is that genetically engineered single celled solution. Emerging technologies notably the Synthetic Protocell oil droplets capable of basic movement, primitive sensation and is relevant in the long term maintenance of foundations. complex behaviours. Formation of an artificial shell structure occurs when in contact with foundations and eventually begin The success of a biorock structure is still dependent on light to convert carbon dioxide dissolved in the water into calcium quality due to natural coral growth whereas the Synthetic carbonate. “Protocells could be the beginning of life on Earth” Protocell is completely the opposite, an integration of the (Spiller & Armstrong, 2011, p.132). Photosensitive protocells that are programmed with light averse mechanisms respond to biorock technology and Synthetic Protocells would be an ideal solution for the future of The Last Resort. chemicals in the water and repel away from light, guiding it



The Steel Coral


Triangles are inherently strong because of its fixed rigid shape collapsing only due to material fatigue. A complex set of triangles sharing sides will possess an even stronger structure. Buckminster Fuller demonstrated the potential of what he considered a perfect form to be transformed into liveable spaces. The assembly of these geometrical modules provided efficient spaces with minimal structural effort (Edmondson, 2007). The geodesic dome springs from the principles of “tensegrity�, a term coined by Buckminster. The lattice shell structure was used as parts of military stations, civic buildings and attractions. Dymaxion house prototype addresses shortcomings of vernacular construction but more importantly the production of on site assembly kits made the design suited for any site. A hybridized version of the house was converted into an extension of an existing house and lived in. Ideologies of tensegrity influenced other inventions including the Aerodynamic Dymaxion car. Figure 26. Triangulated Structural Systems a. Tetrahedron b. Tetrahedron c. Octahedron d. Triangular Dipyramid e. Icosahedron


The Steel Coral

The Strength of Triangulation

Protruding out of the Water

The Steel Coral


Figure 27. Detail of Connection Points 037

The Steel Coral

Spatial Framing 2.2



Figure 28. (above) Geometry of Living Space Figure 29. (right) Detail of Roof Connection

Comprised of hydraulic steel tubes the wood cladded core structure is modular in nature. Primary triangulated construction occurs horizontally whilst spatial organisation in terms of wall arrangement will depend on the internal programmatic function. All horizontal members are 2.5 metres long and vertical members are 3.5 metres long. In a simple setup, vertical members staged diagonally to form a triangle will allow for a floor to ceiling height of 2.5 metres, arrangements of a range of functions will be based on a basic 2.5 metre frame. Each steel member will be connected through a ball joint that is bolted in place, and spacers that are clamped in place. Internal walls have identical cladding and membrane systems on either side. The facade cladding is determined by the level of waterproofing. Building paper lines the underlay of wood cladding and there is also a layer of EPL plastic membrane that acts as a double skin facade. Waterproof building paper lines all of the wood in the design to prevent corrosion of the steel tubes. This simple construction panelling is universal throughout the proposal regardless of programmatic function.

The Steel Coral


Where the building is submerged in seawater, the timber cladding will be stripped away, exposing the steel tubing. Timber that is stripped away can be repurposed elsewhere on the building and also to extend connective floating walkways. At this time, electrical current is applied to the structure to initiate the biorock process. Marine species will gradually occupy the newly created artificial reef and coral polyps will attach to the biorock structure. Occupants are given the opportunity to design spatially to their needs in the sense that spaces can be added to a dwelling both vertically and horizontally as programmatic functions change over time. In the event of a strong storm, damage to the triangulated steel frame will ideally be in isolated portions of a whole building due to the lack of independency of the steel structure to the overall construction but more so on its immediate connected members. Diagonal steel members are joined at a node and are then bolted to a platform, which is connected to a micropile foundation. Multiple steel members will be connected to one foundation above the ground level which minimizes the amount of steel directly impacting on the natural coral reef whilst balancing the number of foundations each building will require. 039

The Steel Coral

Figure 30. Spacing of Foundation

Spatial Framing cont’d

Figure 31. Detail of Foundation

The Steel Coral



The Steel Coral

Figure 32. Residential Interior

The Steel Coral


“History suggests human co exist with sea equilibrium� (Shenk, 2012)

Conventional building practices have been developed to isolate humans from nature, a disjointed practice that puts a strain on the natural environment in which we exist. An understanding across disciplines of socio-economics and ecology will aid the evolution into sustainable architecture that can achieve a balance between biology and architecture where the mere introduction of environmentally conscious technologies proves fruitless. Ecological systems share the same idea of basic building blocks, coming together to form complex connected systems. The biological process of creation is commensurable to architectural creation in the sense that both attempt to address functions most efficiently whilst conforming to the restrictions of the environment. Its intelligence is extracted, rearranged as biological principles and reapplied to architectural strategies; this process of imitation is defined as biomimicry or biomimetics (Reed, 2010). The notion that the steel matrix continually grows in response to its occupants is symbolic of the formation of coral reefs and its perpetual strive towards sunlight.


The Steel Coral

Figure 33a. (left) Armadillo b. (right) Dalian Shell Museum

Biomimetric Design 2.3

Programmatic issues with physical interior spatial elements shall be resolved through distillation that fulfils the requirements. Certain elements in modern and biological construction techniques originate from the core idea of protection and structural stability and ultimately the optimization of incorporation with building technologies.

Figure 34. Binary Fission

The objective of a biomimetic approach is to steer away from impersonations of organic forms through integration of aquatic, vegetatious and atmospheric features to create a bridge between architecture and nature. The evolution of organisms is analogous to human adaptations in a changing environment. The adaptive nature of the steel matrix system can be understood as morphological construction in the sense that biological processes are taking place to inform the architecture. The morphogenesis of new shapes are responses to the presence of new and foreign changes made generally to retain the structural integrity and its functioning capabilities. If world citizens are to co-exist harmoniously with the planet, it is only logical to reintroduce the natural environment back into architecture (Reed, 2010).

The Steel Coral


Traditional Maldivian houses are mostly built out of woven coconut leaves, plastered with mud and a thatched roof; more luxurious dwellings are constructed out of mined coral. Divided into two main spaces, internal spatial planning is defined a communal and sleeping area with minimal furniture emphasizing the quality of woven mats and beds. With limited windows, openings are limited to doors restricting airflow; kitchen and bathroom areas are located behind a house sheltered by trees and fence.

Figure 35. Maldivian Home


The Steel Coral

Space Planning 2.4

Centres with programmatically dispersed arrangements use internal and external pathways as transitional elements to reflect the language of the triangulated built form. Varying internal heights promote the installation of mezzanine floors build a closer relationship between the architecture and its user. Considering the linear progression across a dwelling, both internal and external walls can be manually altered to open rooms. The facade system can open upwards to become external shading or downwards and transform into a balcony area. It is envisioned to provide the opportunity for users to engaged with the flexibility of the structure therefore progressing towards more independent alterations; eventually it is expected that the future design of upwards construction is self orientated. Rumah adat, traditional Indonesian architecture, responds to the hot and wet monsoon climate by elevating the building on stilts to allow air breezes to regulate internal temperatures (Dawson & Gillow, 1994). As seen in Figure37, portions of the thatched roof can be opened for ventilation, easy access to roof drying areas and light (Dawson & Gillow, 1994). Figure 36. Rumahadat

The Steel Coral


A typical residential building as represented in this thesis is based on two nuclear families sharing basic utilities encapsulated around a core service column centralized in a structure. Electricity, water and gas elements are protected by this column, with living spaces encircling the core column. Access into the dwelling is gained through the communal spaces, roof garden areas connected by a central staircase. Due to diminishing arable land, women often grow vegetables in courtyard gardens, the culture of this will continue on the rooftop gardens.


The Steel Coral

Typical Residential Plan

Figure 37. Typical Residential Plan Diagram

The Steel Coral


A proposed commercial fishing unit responds to the Maldives’ most successful trade which typically consists of families working together to either fish, catch or farm marine species, while on-site processing and packaging ready the products for export. Mariculture, which is fish breeding using biorock technologies to prepare equipment, is embedded into the overall steel matrix design. Users can simply add members to enlarge or alter farming areas to better accommodate their needs.


The Steel Coral

Typical Commercial Plan

Figure 38. Typical Commercial Plan Diagram

The Steel Coral


Communal buildings for instance government and education centres are especially dependent on external connective spaces. The concept of centralizing education and public services is so that larger areas like this are easier to access and manage. In contrary, smaller programmatic spaces may be more defined by its occupants; an example would be that a school for young children will largely be based on its peripheries, with a secure and open plan design within along with central courtyards which would essentially be shallow swimming pools or water activity zones.


The Steel Coral

Health and Education Hub

Figure 39. Typical Creative Hub Diagram

The Steel Coral


The manner in which clusters and programmatic functions are configured is so that connective spaces are sheltered by dwellings, allowing the peripheries of clusters of buildings to be left undisturbed, allowing access for water transportation. Atoll rings are comprised of many smaller atoll islands; clusters originate from high points of these islands and gradually build out into shallow inner atoll regions whilst conforming to the shape of overall atoll island. Clusters of dwellings are spaced apart; furthermore, each dwelling within a cluster is spaced apart, as well as being positioned non-linear to a east-west direction, a concept inspired by defensive tsunami design.

Figure 40. Distribution of Clusters 053

The Steel Coral

Clusters and Distribution 2.5

Figure 41. Communal Walkways

The Steel Coral


Tsunamis are water waves caused by the displacement of a large body of water; earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and other disturbances all have the capacity to generate this destructive walls of water (Zschau & Kuppers, 2003). During the Boxing Day tsunami, it is estimated that 1600 kilometres of the Indian Plate slid under the 2004 Burma plate causing a megathrust earthquake (Sibuet et al., 2007). The unusually strong 9.0 magnitude earthquake caused rapid displacement of water due to the sea bed lifting and within hours saw a series of killer waves radiating from the epicentre affecting countries from east Africa to Thailand (Jha, 2005). In deep waters, tsunamis have a relatively small wave height and enormous lengths, but the waves become dangerous once it approaches land; waves will slow down and a circular motion of wave energy generates walls as high as 30 metres. (Blaikie & Ragnhild, 2010).


The Steel Coral

Tsunamis and Natural Disasters 2.6



Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 highest recorded wave 10m



Lake Borgne Surge Barrier Height




Height of proposed sea wall in Male


Height of current tetrapod wall in Male


Height of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami wave in Maldives


redicted Sea Level Rise by 2100


Sustained sea level during 1987-88 floodng in Male Current Sea Level

Figure 42. Agricultural Growth on Beachfront Figure 43. Wave Heights

The Steel Coral


The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami is considered the worst tsunami to date followed by the recent Japan 2011 Tsunami, the remaining eight events occurring more than a century ago (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). Earthquakes, consequently tsunamis, will be increasingly common and power due to climate change thus provoking an added interesting in tsunami resilient architecture. The Tsunami Box is the production of a emergency housing study in Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, anchored into the ground are concrete blocks, mono-pitched roofs and rooms are permanently open. The idea of porosity is evident throughout the design in the construction of porous walls and passages through buildings (Melling, 2010). Orientated diagonal to the coastal shoreline allow waves to hit a structure at a pointed corner to redirect water therefore reducing pressure buildup. The porosity of structures within a porous urban fabric Figure 44. Tsunami Box


The Steel Coral

Figure 45. Tsunami Design

Tsunami design

Figure 47. Porous Section

allows the laminar flow of water to funnel through and around buildings to dissipate energy; the water compatibility of these communities are key to the resiliency of establishments against waves including tsunamis and storm surges.

Figure 46. Tsunami Design - Porosity

Extracting the main driving concept of the Tsunami Box project, this thesis endeavours to integrate the idea of porosity throughout the Maldives. High magnitude earthquakes will most likely be generated from friction between the Indian and Burma plates due east, thus the direction of tsunamis that may affect the Maldives will generally travel from east to west. As seen in the masterplan of The Last Resort island Figure 64, dwellings will line the edges of atoll rings in small clusters and will be connected by floating walkways or ferry lines (Stalker, 2010).

The Steel Coral


Unlike many locations, the seasons of the Maldives are distinguished by two monsoons: Iruvai, a dry northeast monsoon from December to March and Hulhangu, a wet south-western season from May to November with a transition between the two seasons that is notably hot with clear waters. Wind patterns are traditionally used to determine the arrival of a new monsoon; furthermore, wind direction authorizes the porosity of clusters and the dwellings of which it is comprised. This thesis proposes a building typology and urban fabric that allows wind to be channelled under, past and through clusters to avoid undistributed pressure build-up in isolated points. Storm surges are created as a result of strong winds, which also embodies high destructive power comparable to tsunamis (Zschau & Kuppers, 2003). Changes to Maldives’ geography due to climate change has already seen sea levels and increasingly violent storms damaging the land. The average land elevation of 1 metres will not be able to defend itself against the predicted 2 metre rise by the end of the century, total inundation to all but two of its 1192 islands. Global warming has factored into the instability of the environment causing increasingly frequent and violent natural disasters such as storm surges, tsunamis and typhoons. The 059

The Steel Coral

Figure 48. Rising Sea Levels

Climate Patterns

Figure 49. Coral Transplanting

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contended that there is evidence over the last 50 years anthropogenic activities have attributed to large scale disasters, ozone and biodiversity depletion and the spreading of infectious diseases. Global surface temperature is expected to rise 1.1 to 2.9°C, a rise of 1.5 to 2.5°C would put plant and animal species at risk of extinction (Gore & Melcher, 2006). The collision of El Niño and La Niña causes the Southern Oscillation which is linked to extreme weather in various regions of the world particularly in the Maldives. Extensive coral bleaching took place 1998; 95 percent of the pristine coral reef perished that year (Robinson, 2010). A second event in 2010 saw an additional 10-15 percent of shallow reef coral rid of its vibrant colours (Bowermaster, 2011). Algae is attracted by warm water columns away from the coral and pigmentation is excreted by algae, therefore robbing the reef of its colour. Even though current artificial reef systems cannot prevent this phenomena, biorock can maintain the structural stability of the limestone and “super corals” such as Acropora hyacinthus can be transplanted onto the structure to continue providing nutrients and a safe place for fish (Bowermaster, 2011).

The Steel Coral



hanges to Maldives’ geography due to global warming has already seen increasingly violent storms damaging the land. The average land elevation of 1.5 metres will not be able to defend itself against the predicted 2 metre rise by the end of the century, total inundation to all but two of its 1200 islands (Graham, 2004). Global warming has factored into the instability of the environment causing increasingly frequent and violent natural disasters particularly storm surges, tsunamis and typhoons (Zschau & Kuppers, 2003) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contended that there is evidence over the last 50 years anthropogenic activities have attributed to large scale disasters, ozone and biodiversity depletion and the spreading of infectious diseases (Parry, 2007) Global surface temperature is expected to rise 1.1 to 2.9°C, a rise of 1.5 to 2.5°C would put plant and animal species at risk of extinction (Parry, 2007).


The Steel Coral

Figure 50. Bolivar, Texas following Hurricane Ike

Climate Patterns cont’d

Figure 51. Typhoon Haiyan

As a consequence of the changing chemistry in our oceans, algae blooms have created “new dead seas devoid of ocean life”, they feed on pollution and thrive in warm waters (Gore & Melcher, 2006). Tropical storms, such as typhoon Haiyan, draws energy from the sea’s surface. Additionally, the temperature difference between the sea level and the top of the storm is representative of the gradient of a heat engine driving the storm; there is speculation that climate change is increasing this difference (Emanuel, 2005). Northern regions are at greater risk of typhoons, while Southern regions are more open to tsunami waves, which ties into the idea that modularity of regional clusters is appropriate as defensive tsunami design concepts can be interrelated with those in storm surge defences (Carrington, 2013). Extreme episodic events notably El Niño years, typhoons and tsunamis have left numerous islands damaged and uninhabitable (Maniku, 1990).

The Steel Coral


Figure 52. Column Ring Design


An activated lagoon in between different community hubs acts as a transitional space. Residential and creative hubs encompassing recreational activities including a range of water-sports, in a sense, initiate the activation of a space whilst sheltered by a reef wall. The in between space is the meeting of two conditions, and an indeterminate condition remains with constant shifts of tension, movement and aura. Theoretically, the ambience of the transition spaces are influenced by nature’s process of tidal changes, and wind, therefore, also influences travel paths taken by commuters.

forces (Yamaha, 2005). These modular structures can, in the future, be extended to become larger open spaces for cultural and social events and even for educational purposes, such as swimming and trade school. The buoyancy of the sealed pipes or barrels is sufficient to float a heavy load and, at only 20 centimetres deep underwater, damage is reduced. These floating pontoons can be transformed into temporary floating boats or jumping platforms for divers; where larger open function spaces are needed, these floating modules can be secured in larger formations.

Artificial reef systems as well as pathways are only employed where deemed necessary by users to respect the natural environment and to accentuate the notion of movement with the exposure of connective elements. Walkways comprised of modular pontoon structures that are tied together and secured to the seabed using a column ring connection (Refer to Figure 52) allow the fluctuation of water levels whilst resisting horizontal

Floating walkways are connected to fixed platforms through means of staircases attached to the walkways. The water is constantly engaging with the user through differing elevations of the staircase. The fixed platforms are extensions from floor levels inside the dwellings, and walls can be lowered and secured to further extend the area of platform space.

The Steel Coral

Flood Mitigation Techniques

Figure 53. Floating Walkways

The Steel Coral


Figure 54a, b. (top, second) Flood Mitigation Hard Engineering c. (third) Flood Mitigation Soft Engineering d. (bottom) Flood Mitigation Combined


ighly modified islands are more vulnerable to global warming revealed in the assessment of the status of its coastal beaches and land (Shaig, 2007). Gradual progress to integrate emerging technologies with adaptive strategies suited for continual integration will increase island survivability greatly. Hard engineering flood mitigation techniques include harsh alterations to the environment for example sea walls and land reclamation (Refer to Figure__). Soft engineering cover a more passive approach to flood mitigation such as stilts. The combination of ‘no action’ and ‘soft engineering’ is a harmonious method of creating a flood proof community. The essence is to create a non defensive building that follows generic flood mitigating solutions that are transferable to all regions. The LifE Project is a proposal for three flood prone riverbanks in the United Kingdom which emphasizes the importance of infrastructural stability and inherent structural building strategies that protects its vital communal amenities including water, power and communication (Baca Architects, 2009)


The Steel Coral

Flood Mitigation Techniques cont’d hitects/2010/11/26/the-hind-house-living-room& docid=ar41o6usWMOtcM&imgurl= =PwsPUrjDLMqYlQWijIDADA&zoom=1&ved=1t:3 588,r:15,s:0,i:126&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=163&tb ind House adapts to the seasonal flooding of River nw=239&start=14&ndsp=19&tx=140&ty=80#img Loddon England. The house appears to be in dii=r6yFrVZCsqbP5M%3A%3BAkS1oC5jZ8L_RM% deep connection with nature during summer with 3Br6yFrVZCsqbP5M%3A windows protruding into the shadows of the forest. Three living


‘wings’ forming a pinwheels is the main concept of the Hind House that celebrates nature in a positive response to a flood prone site (Tonkin, 2009). During the rainy seasons, the waters of River Loddon cover the staircases of the steel framed glazed house that almost waits in anticipation of rising waters. The two staircases are the main focal points of the design that seeks the arrival of water; as the steps disappear into the water as if to lure people into the water. Raised up on stilts, the Hind House exhibits the notion of flood protection by elevation (Tonkin 2009).

Figure 55a,b. (left top, left bottom) Hind House in Water c. (right) Hind House on Land

The Steel Coral



The Steel Coral

Flood Mitigation Techniques cont’d

Figure 56. (prev page) Fault Lines Figure 57. (above) Varying Elevations in Sectional Diagram

Each dwelling is assembled according to the needs of its users but the design of the triangular modules will guide the overall typology of spaces. Varying floor elevations allows its users to retreat to higher ‘ground’ in case of emergencies. Hierarchical interior planning of living and service spaces can give its users long periods of time to prepare for high seas.

The Steel Coral


Nolhivanfaru Kulhudhuffushi Funadhoo



Thulusdhoo Male

Muli Kudahuvadhoo


Thimarafushi Gan




The Steel Coral

Figure 58. Safe Islands and Administration

Figure 59a. Current Population Density

Safe Islands

Small island nations are built on unique social economies which are often dependent on foreign contribution, this factors towards assumptions about future trends regarding unstable economies, societal complications, migration and population. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides specific vulnerabilities of the Maldives and the threat of rising sea levels on its water resources, renewable energies and sound infrastructure (Parry, 2007). Out of 1200 islands, 200 are occupied; a quarter of those are utilized for agricultural purposes and 97 are island resorts. Currently, population is distributed throughout the 26 atolls. The government has identified 14 islands that will be developed as Safe Islands- islands resistant to tsunami waves and storm surges (Lal, 2011).

Figure 59b. Proposed Population Distribution

The Steel Coral


Figure 60. Maldives Underwater


The Steel Coral

Safe Islands cont’d Outer Lagoon

40m EPZ

Accessibility Access to island Harbour Close to regional airport

Evacuation Zone

Geographical Position Strategic location in atoll

Public Safe Buildings 30m EPZ

Social Factors Large Population High standard of health and education facilities

Disaster preparedness High ground leels Elevated public buildings for emergency evacuation Drainage area for flooding Buffer food stock storage facilities Community aware of disaster mitigation measures

Figure 61. (top) Safe Island Design Figure 62. (right) Implementation of Safe Island Design Principles

Developmental Potential Economic activities in the region Potential for land expansion Land availability on island

Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Zone with revetment Erosion protectio measures Sanitation system

Inner Lagoon

Safer Island Development Programme (SIDP) proposes to consolidate the highly vulnerable population to enable communities to sustain social and economic development in emergencies by providing ecologically safe zones (Lal, 2011). The idea of the Safe Island is to mitigate tsunami hazards through improved coastal protection, building codes with vertical evacuation strategies and providing basic appropriate services such as health, communication and transport infrastructure especially in an emergency. A crucial principle of the urban plan comprehends the theory behind the Safe Island population consolidation, placing an emphasis on its long term developmental strategies (Lal, 2011). The inward lagoon placement of public buildings stems from the idea of the place of consolidation more protected against tsunamis by the mitigation of wave energy through thickened density in clusters on outward reef zones. In accordance with the Safe Island concept, all clusters of dwellings fall within the Ecological Protection Zone (Lal, 2011).

The Steel Coral


Figure 63. Context 073

The Steel Coral

Figure 64. The Last Resort Masterplan

The Steel Coral


3 075

The Unfinishing Narrative

The Unfinishing Narrative



ight knit communities can utilize waters sheltered by the built environment to participate in water activities. The inner lagoons and shallow waters are ideal for children to play as well as for recreational fishing. Areas of water enclosed by residential buildings can be transformed into private pools for smaller groups of people. A network of floating walkways allow residents to travel amongst residential zones. The sense of community can be felt in these regions in these human activated zones. Residential houses can open up its facade for cross ventilation, this would enable visual connections through buildings further emphasizing the spirit of a close knit community.

Figure 65. (prev page) Model of Residential Dwelling Figure 66. Residential Hub


The Unfinishing Narrative

Residential Hub

The Unfinishing Narrative



isheries is the local’s main source of income; the commercial hub consists of a variety of trade but mainly that to do with marine fishing, farming and processing. Mariculture can be promoted by the submerged steel matrix. Recycled plastics can be used to line the walls of underwater fish farms, alternatively, discarded metals from fridges and containers coated in limestone using the process of biorock can also be used (Goreau & Trench, 2012). Marine farming allows fishermen to stabilize household incomes unlike fishing in the open seas where storms and other factors can hugely impact on yields.

Figure 67. Commercial Hub


The Unfinishing Narrative

Commercial Hub

The Unfinishing Narrative



he transport hub is characterized by its long extended walkways acting as piers. Its north-north west location on the island allows sheltering from eastward structures in order to protect main lines of transport within the island, inter-atoll and nation. As larger ferries arrive on the outer lagoon, locals can transfer to smaller inner island ferries or travel on foot by floating walkways towards the creative zones. (Refer to Figure 64)

Figure 68. Transport Hub


The Unfinishing Narrative

Transport Hub

The Unfinishing Narrative


Figure 69. Wind Turbine Diagram

Figure 70. Wind Farm


The Unfinishing Narrative

Renewable Resources - Wind Farm

The Unfinishing Narrative


Scale 1:350

Figure 71. Stage 1 Sectional Diagram cut through residential and commercial example dwelling 085

The Unfinishing Narrative

The Unfinishing Narrative


Scale 1:350

Figure 72. Stage 2 Sectional Diagram cut through residential and commercial example dwelling 087

The Unfinishing Narrative

The Unfinishing Narrative


Scale 1:350

Figure 73. Stage 3 Sectional Diagram cut through residential and commercial example dwelling 089

The Unfinishing Narrative

The Unfinishing Narrative



The Unfinishing Narrative

Figure 74. Commercial Sectional Perspective

The Unfinishing Narrative



he premise of this thesis is to enrich a marine ecosystem threatened by a number of anthropogenic factors by introducing an architectural system that permits the continuation of human settlements in the sinking nation of Maldives. Respect for the planet must not extend merely to specks of new environmentally sustainable inventions and architecture machines that will not exhaust nature’s capital resources. References to the Maldives have always portrayed the importance of the coral reef and its pristine coastal regions, but the low lying idyllic nation is about to turn its proud citizens into climate refugees scattered around the world. Due to unnatural changes in the earth’s natural processes, the delicate coral marine ecosystem is likely to perish, severely impacting the lives and vitality of those who depend on it. Maldivians’ profound practical knowledge of nature and their adaptation to their environment represented in the development of the Nakaiy calendar is applaudable; the two week calendar predicts weather patterns and is symbolic of the connection the people have with the sea, but continual effects of human induced carbon emissions would render this connection pointless.


The Unfinishing Narrative

The intent of this thesis proposition is to capture the qualities of the Maldives and enable its society to cope with a nature that is transforming into an environment man has never before encountered. The existence of the coral reef is vital to life on the islands. Issues with sea level rise are often mentioned in local and international environmental preservation policies, but currently publications only attempt to partially address short term problems. Hard engineering is commonly referred to as a feasible solution to sea level rise despite heightened damage and the fragility of altered reefs, these methods ultimately obliterate any chance of future life for the coral reef. The Last Resort seeks to address the disparity indicated in these policies between given solutions and the main environmental hurdle of small island nations by suggesting a modular framework in which human civilization can continue to live on disappearing land. Distinction between private and public area is not articulated through the use of physical fencing or obstacles but through vertical layering of functions. The anchored nature of the dwellings creates a greater sense of stability as well as a sense of autonomy through the physical separation of the floating connective elements.


This architectural development of the steel coral matrix exemplifies a series of architectural principles intertwined with emerging technologies that have the potential to contribute to a new form of contemporary living. Nature is an element that is constantly changing, and this design has demonstrated that our relationship with nature is also changing. The relationship between the built form, floating walkways and the ocean is crucial in portraying the symbolic connection of the Maldivian society with its waters. Spatial experiences within the architecture change and fluctuate with the movement of the sea; these qualities are especially apparent at thresholds between the dwellings and the transitional spaces. The approach towards urban planning reflects the need for built establishments to be water permeable and become water compatible communities. Large surfaces orientated front on to the forces of tsunami waves and prevailing wind decrease the stability of a structure. Distribution of small clusters of dwellings follow flood mitigating ideologies with separation between solid forms thus promoting laminar flow and avoiding turbulent flows of water (Zschau & Kuppers, 2003). The Indo-Australian

Plate slips under the adjacent Eurasian Plate, displacing a large body of water; therefore tsunami waves are generally westward. The Sunda Plate was once considered a part of the Eurasian Plate but is now a tectonic plate due to constant movement away from Eurasia, all but the northern boundary of this plate is quiescent. In relation to Maldives’ geographic location, the direction of tsunami waves are most likely to be due west. Urban planning in a Maldivian context generated a distribution of clusters with water permeable east-west corridors. Orientations of dwellings are placed so that they shelter floating walkways and outdoor platforms from wind and waves generally being located within the north-south corridor. The modularity of the framework allows independent structurally sound dwellings to exist in close proximity to one another in the sense that additions to an existing network could either merge or further separate a dwelling that stems from the same primary foundation. The flexibility of this frame allows the users to build future levels of their dwellings that respond to unprecedented climate patterns that could occur.

Further articulation of the relationship between architecture and its occupants could illustrate the intended flexibility. The fixed framework establishes a primary module in which flexibility allows dwellings to retain a sense of individuality amidst the articulation, emphasizing the variety of relationships between its occupants rather than the existence of people within an imposed governing structure. The success of the scheme ultimately relies on the resiliency of marine organisms and their physiological ability to adapt to natural global warming and foremost the will of residents to allow provocative architecture such as this design to facilitate the move towards survival in the Maldives. This thesis hopes to inspire and provoke an architectural discourse in the application of technology to addressing issues with sea level rise. Other than the orientation of clusters, the design is relatively non site specific, this permits the exploration of integrating the modular steel coral design into atoll nations throughout the Pacific Ocean and eventually permits further investigations into the implications of developing this system into one that is suitable for other vulnerable coastal regions in colder climates.

The Unfinishing Narrative




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Appendix 1

I Appendix 1



t is surprising that the small nation’s urban sprawl is seriously straining the natural resources and having negative impacts on human settlements so serious they are clearly visible on satellite imaging. Capital city Malé is the fourth most crowded island with a population density of 47,415 people per square kilometre. In preparation of high waves, 3.5 metre high sea walls, tetrapod storm breakers and elevated grounds have been built. Such harsh engineering techniques have resulted in severe coastal erosion and coral bleaching. Drawing connections amongst five sub-ecosystems, it is clear that the basic coral structure is a vital link between a plant based ecosystem and one that is enriched with over two thousand fish species. Surface illumination is proportional to the rate of coral growth because coral calcification is enhanced when photosynthesis is active. Reduced light due to increased water depth, cloudy skies or polluted water results in reduced rates of coral calcification. In spite of some coral species such as madrepora oculata occurring at 2020 metres below sea level, the coral reefs in


Appendix 1

the Indian Ocean are found in depths of up to 40 metres. Additionally, climate changes affect the frequency and intensity of several natural disasters, including storm surges and earthquakes to which the Maldives are very susceptible due to its low elevation. The Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 is a prime example of nature’s ability to wreak havoc upon both the marine ecosystem and human civilization. It caused widespread deposition of coral sand, vegetation, municipal waste from dump sites, healthcare waste, human excreta from damaged septic tanks, hazardous substances and demolition waste across islands (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). National sovereignty lines are located 12 miles off outer atoll boundaries outside of which is governed by international law and considering the relatively small total area, much of the Maldivian government’s plea for mercy is directed towards nearby powerhouses such as India and Australia. Flat, low-lying islands with an average peak of 1.5 metres would see sea level rise inundating extensive portions of the country with only

Figure 75. Depths of Coral in the world

Appendix i - A Maldivian Profile 1 The Country

one island spared by year 2100. Wide spacing between islands makes centralizing primary services costly and often impossible creating the need for self sustaining communities which would mean stepping away from complete reliance on diesel and imported goods for survival. In present times, larger islands and resorts have diesel power generators; Northern Maldives is the only region to be supplied with electricity, clean running water and desalination plants. Due to the scattered nature of the country’s geography and poverty, smaller residential islands developed power supply systems on an ad hoc basis by community members resulting in inefficient and unreliable power plants. Lack of management, skilled engineers and developable area all present major obstacles for developing sustainable power systems.

bore piped collection systems are constructed on numerous islands to dispose of untreated water via multiple outfalls to the surrounding near shore environment.

The majority of locals depend on rainwater as a primary source of potable water and groundwater for non-potable purposes. Responsibilities of water management are left to the homeowners with on-site septic tanks. Basic municipal small

It was estimated that the economic value of the coral reefs around the world was 375 billion USD in 2002 being drivers of tourism and fishing industries whilst providing protection from the waves of open seas for many communities. In 2012,

Basic utilities such as generators, underground pipes and desalination plants are vulnerable to disruption or destruction by flooding. The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami provided a glimpse into the conditions that would need to be dealt with as sea levels rise and islands become flooded (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). There have been post tsunami rescue efforts to provide desalination plants and rainwater collection tanks for free, particularly to prevent the outbreak of water-borne diseases, but there are many other strategies and techniques that would be much more stable and robust.

the Ministry of Tourism recorded 958,027 tourists, a 65% increase since 2004. It also accounts for 25,000 jobs, 17,000 of which are in the hotel industry alone. Due to the high dependency on naturally available resources for water activities, sea life exploration and services provided by the coral reef, the protection of these resource is vital to the survival of its people. The implications of an increase in natural disasters can be seen in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami which was caused by an earthquake that had the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs (Karan & Subbiah, 2011). This tsunami caused widespread deposition of coral sand, vegetation, municipal waste from dump sites, healthcare waste, human excreta from damaged septic tanks, hazardous substance and demolition waste across islands. It destroyed 14 islands, displaced 29000, destroyed 1847 houses and damaged 3500. It also caused a loss of 120 fishing vessels, loss of equipment on 5 reef boats, a loss of 16 ocean cages, a loss of equipment at 374 processors, and damages at 8 boatsheds and 2 fishery institutes.

Appendix 1


Figure 76. MalĂŠ Underwater


Appendix 1



he Flooded Earth tells a story about planet Earth after global warming has truly taken its toll. Ward paints a vivid scenario based on the geological records of Earth’s deep history and the predicted carbon dioxide levels constantly reminding us that the Earth once flooded and will flood again. Extreme scenarios visualized are comparable to events that occurred some 250 million years ago, the Permian extinction in which 96% of all marine species went extinct. Eroded beds of ancient sea bottoms expand the border of North Dakota with linings of different kinds of sedimentary bedding visible. This region is also home to a collection of the world’s most studied and famous fossils. The water markings are indications of fluctuations in sea levels. Sea level rise is often understood as a body of water fluctuating but in this case, the seabed shrunk, slightly altering its volume. Evidence says that flooding of the Black Sea could have reached 558 feet. Being a confined basin, this would have wiped out previous agricultural land of the people, a scenario very possible for our future.

Rapid disintegration of one or more ice sheets will also cause chaos. 14,000 years ago, the sea rose 50 feet over 300 years. Storm surges are a threat to the entire human civilization especially those living on the fringe of landmass. They usually translates into abnormally high waves as storms push sea volume with great force. In 1990, 10 million people were affected, mostly displaced as a result of storm surge; if Bangladesh is hit with a mere 8 inch rise, another 10 million people will be displaced. There is an element of desperation in the consideration of carbon sequestration possibilities through afforestation, charcoal burial and acceleration of natural weathering processes. Ward predicts that scientists will overcome their inclination to reticence and share their real fears in hopes of enlightening the general population to the full reality of what we are doing to the climate and escape extreme consequences, but the question is, will they realize in time?

Appendix 1



Appendix 2

II Appendix 2



onventional building practices have been developed to isolate humans from nature, a disjointed practice that puts a strain on the natural environment in which we exist. The practice of architecture refers to designing and constructing buildings. The introduction of environmentally conscious technologies alone will not alleviate strain on rapidly diminishing natural resources therefore a vital move would be to first strengthen the relationship between structural system and form. Hind House is a response to biomimetric design where visual acquaintances between the inhabitant and the environment is intensified. Using architecture to embrace nature, it reaches out to the river in which it is embedded, cultivating a close interdependent relationship between man and nature. Technological advancements have contributed to this relatively new discipline, granting discussions in enabling the evolution of biomimetric design based on nature’s intelligence. Biologically inspired design and also that of engineered materials have the potential to revamp modern day building practices. Ingber (2009) agrees that further developments in science emphasize the importance of imagination.


Appendix 2

Figure 77a. Bubbles

Figure 78a. Sand Dunes

Figure 77b. Beijing Watercube

Figure 78b. UAE Pavilion Shanghai Expo

Appendix ii - Steel Coral

Biomimetric Design


Figure 81. Reed’s Case Study 3

Figure 79. Reed’s Case Study 1

Figure 80. Reed’s Case Study 2

cology and natural systems are readily reflected through contemporary architectural design practices, with the emergence of environmental concerns and sustainable design further emphasizing the importance of naturally driven ideologies in buildings. The potential of increased complexity in an ecological system is the driver towards a thorough investigation of the formation of cities from an urbanistic standpoint. Reed’s four strands of ecologies are generally applicable due to the similarities in underlying ideologies between this design proposition and ecological systems (Reed, 2010). Structural ecology is the most prominent; possessing several traits that solidify key principles already established. The notion of allowing the mechanisms of natural species to aid the structural reinforcement of foundations of the steel matrix system to achieve conditions in which species will thrive is central to the project. Embedded in this ecological strand is the idea that systems will be capable of accepting emerging technologies and will be closely parallel to morphological construction and efficient construction (Reed, 2010).

Appendix 2


Efficiency and Programme


he surrounding environment shapes the morphological form and multifunctional capabilities as a biological response mechanism that alters and transforms structure in order to become coherent with nature. The methodology of adaptability prevails to maintain the transformation of structural and intellectual integrity as applied to architecture. Organisms are subjected to the scarcity of nutrients, therefore producing highly efficient food harvesting and digestion systems. Architecture encompassing the talent of a simple coral plant could lead to the discovery of technology to harvest required energy from the sun and to adapt to diverse conditions. This discovery would essentially sustain the life of architecture; with the ability of biological mechanisms to self harvest and conserve energy, thereby generating a self-sufficient system, global building practices would be rewritten.


Appendix 2

Efficiency and Construction


rchitectural self sufficiency is translated to the efficiency of a built space. Intended programmatic spaces are fundamentally designed to accommodate the needs of people, and people require light, ventilation, water and other resources to achieve comfort. Subsequently, built architecture needs to consume less and harvest more energy in order to address issues associated with embodied energy and maintenance (Reed, 2010). An intrinsic characteristic of the fundamental building block of life including coral life is binary fission. Binary fission is a operation where cells multiply itself using energy transformed from nutrition. The ability to self regenerate as natural decay takes place will be notably resourceful to the longevity of architecture. Considering the capabilities of sustainable building technologies, the integration of regenerative architecture with energy cultivating technologies will pave way to a self sufficient architecture.

Figure 82. Process of Plastic Recycling Practices

Biomimetry and efficiencies

“One can envision a future where buildings are designed to sense environmental cues, and to adapt their shape and function to continuously optimize energy efficiency, light transmission, thermal gain, and other behaviours critical for sustainability.”

(Ingber, 2009)


Morphological Construction

raditional building construction have dealt with efficiency secondary to form and aesthetics but in light of the current strain on resources, efficiency has become the focal point of projects with propositions to maximize performance within minimized structure. The principle of the I-Beam was derived from the naturally occurring skeletal bone; areas where stress is applied, bone sponge is thicker and more structural as is in the I-Beam. Another similarity between biological construction and architecture is the significance of its modularity. The Last Resort proposition achieves high complexity by creating modular units that enable combinations of modules to achieve a complex design whilst preserving primary structural qualities. Optimizing an element that will further develop coral growth and methods of adaptation will “shape and stabilize within an on-going transformation that can occur through the smallest of particular variations.” (Gans & Kuz, 2003)


Recycle Repurpose

ecycling is becoming ingrained in architectural practices; projects integrating skilful sustainable elements will hold an advantage over competitors. The reality is that humans must recycle if they want to continue to live on the Earth. Resorts and Malé city alone uses 1920 tonnes of high density polyethylene plastic which can be reused as construction material. Discarded drinking bottles are shredded, reformed or molded into long life structural panels. Due to unavoidable dependence on imported water, plastics will be available for up-cycling and the incorporation of such durable composite produce will help the circulation of resources. The ability of architecture to embrace technological advances will help in adaptive construction practices.

Appendix 2



rchitectural recycling is not simply a case of using recycled materials but should be reintroduced into cities to imbue our society with the meaning of capturing the beauty of past energies encompassing new uses, original functions of buildings lost yet its structure prepared to take on new functions. A military fortress on a Palestinian hill top that separates the city and desert, controlling movement and city expansion, was abandoned in 2006 (Khalidi, 2010). The concrete shell still standing after violent operations is not just a reminder of past violence but continues to be the grounds for on-going political confrontation and rehabilitation attempts by various groups. The opportunity for reusing the fortress, as is the case in many post colonial governments, proved problematic. The surveillance and weapons technology would eventually become a fence for Palestinian elite, thus reproducing inherent alienation and violence between Israelis and Palestinians. The objective of 111

Appendix 2

Return to Nature

Figures 83 - 87 - Return to Nature Visualizations

project “Return to Nature� is to return the establishment to nature. Accelerating degradation, disintegration and overgrowth will convert the battle ground into a sanctuary for small migrating birds hiding from large predators (Maclagan & McKee, 2012). The essence of Return to Nature is to act on behalf of nature and all its species; to bury itself in natural growth and create new habitats for local species using the decomposing rubble from its own fortification. The principle behind accelerating coral growth on constructed structures to eventually house marine species parallels that of this project (Maclagan & McKee, 2012). Architecture often outlives its intended purpose; demolishing them is a disrespectful method of repurposing land. Reusing, repurposing and recycling architecture is emerging as an answer to unused, abandoned structures. The revolution of post-industrial architecture has provided the field of design engineering with exceptional, ingenious innovations.

Appendix 2



Appendix 3

III Appendix 3


Figures 88. Plan view of physical Model 115

Appendix 3

Appendix iii - Photographs of Models

Figures 89. Perspective view of physical Model

Appendix 3


Figures 90. Plan view of physical Model 117

Appendix 3

Figures 91. South facing sheltered outdoor spaces

Appendix 3


Figures 92. Plan view of physical Model with roof 119

Appendix 3

Figures 93. Close up plan view

Figures 94. Perspective view

Appendix 3


Figures 95. Opening over vertical panels


Appendix 3

Figures 96. Close up of top view

Figures 97. View of layering

Appendix 3


Figures 98. Private balcony 123

Appendix 3

Figures 98. Perspective view of private balcony

Figures 99. Perspective view of interior mezzanine

Appendix 3


Figures 100. Roof top structure built in preparation for future levels


Appendix 3

Figures 101. Physical representation of steel structure sunken into water

Figures 102. Steel matrix under dwellings

Appendix 3


Figures 103. Steel matrix just protruding 127

Appendix 3

Figures 104. Dwelling with closed facades and roof top activity

Figures 105. Undulating nature of panel fixtures

Figures 106. Undulating nature of panel fixtures

Appendix 3


The End

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