2 minute read
30th-Anniversary Event
The Evens Foundation team has been planning a special event to celebrate 30 years of partnerships, projects and prizes. This will be a moment to bring together friends of the Foundation, past and current partners, and potential future collaborators, as well as recognise the most recent Prize laureates, who were not able to have award ceremonies due to Covid-19.
In October 2021, the Evens Foundation advertised for a new member of the team specialising in communications. This led to the recruitment in November of a Communications Officer on a freelance basis, working part-time from the Antwerp office.
The first two projects initiated by the new Communications Officer began to materialise towards the end of 2021 in the form of an ambitious digital strategy for 2022, which seeks to aggressively grow the Foundation’s ‘owned’ audience through existing and new channels, and a new internal newsletter aimed at building a communications bridge between the team that works day-to-day across the Foundation’s offices and the board.
Building on the Foundation’s existing partnership with cultural and arts institution BOZAR in Brussels, the team began to work on an ambitious programme that strove to be inclusive and engaging. Spanning an entire day, the event would include moments of introspection and wide-ranging discussions about the future of Europe and the role of the Evens Foundation, and showcase the work of selected partners and the 2020 and 2021 Prize laureates, as well as a more traditional party.
While this was initially scheduled to take place in 2021, after a number of delays, the Foundation’s team made a collective decision to move the event to 2022 due to continuing uncertainty and changes in regulations on public gatherings. This provided additional time to create a series of short documentary-style films about the Prize laureates – a project that would involve filming in a number of different countries with different film crews, which began to unfold in 2021.
In November 2021, the Communications Officer also secured a number of mainstream press articles around the Evens Lecture Series, with interviews with Ann Pettifor appearing in national news outlets in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The role of the Communications Officer will continue to evolve in 2022 when the main focus will be on creating content for and promoting the Foundation’s 30th-anniversary event and its new strategic plan.
The Evens Foundation Team
Board of Directors
Yolande Avontroodt
Angélique Berès
Monique Canto-Sperber
Corinne Evens (Co-founder and Honorary President)
Déborah Flon
Daniel Kropf
Gerard Salole
Xavier Vidal
Francine Wachsstock
Executive Committee
Monique Canto-Sperber (Chair)
Corinne Evens
Xavier Vidal
The Team
Caroline Coosemans
Marjolein Delvou
Federica Mantoan
Maria Orejas
Anna Winston
Anne Davidian
Hanna Zielińska
Magdalena Braksator
Published by The Evens Foundation
© 2022 Evens Foundation www.evensfoundation.be
Editor: Anna Winston
Design: Wils & Peeters Graphic Design
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