Leverage your Sponsorships The new generation of how to maximise value to sponsors AND achieve a better return
What are we covering? 1. Marketing – What is it? 2. Sponsorship a) Why it doesn’t work currently b) Market needs – What are they? c) Processes – Typical and Proposed
3. 4. 5. 6.
Leverage Sponsorship Events – Are they the answer? Event Masters – Who & What are they? Action – What to do now?
1) What is Marketing? 1. Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and fulfilling them Many other definitions talking of communications, selling, promotion, relationships, persuading. These other definitions are all garbage! Don’t complicate it!
How does this apply to you? Traditionally, sponsorship has been a ‘warm and fuzzy’ virtual donation to clubs by interested parties. In these days of more competition for spend and tighter financial controls, getting this revenue becomes harder Therefore, knowing what your market wants and providing it becomes vital
2) What is Sponsorship? 1. ‘Individual or entity that underwrites a part or whole of the expenses or the staging or operation of an event or group through contributions in cash or kind, in return for advertising or other promotion’. Typically passive – Logo on jumpers, signage on a wall or oval, logo on a poster or newsletter. All warm and fuzzy FOR YOU but does NOTHING to attract or interest customers
2a) Why has sponsorship failed? Lack of accountability No measurable or often perceived ROI Often done for other than ROI reasons Lack of understanding by recipient group Lack of systems or ideas from recipients Ill-conceived target market selection Lack of penetration to targeted market No offer, call to action or interaction with people Basically, a LACK OF PERCEIVED VALUE
Is there a better way to go? Yes. That’s why we’re here! It’s based on the principles of marketing FIND a NEED and FULFILL IT! Ask WHY companies would want to sponsor Target that answer as the solution Build a relationship for ongoing business Provide real and tangible value and results Truly make them ‘partners’
2b) What are the market needs? Why do they consider sponsorship? What do they expect to achieve? How will they measure results? Who are their market? What can you provide to fulfil ALL these questions?
What works best currently? Who are your most satisfied sponsors? Why? What do they get for their involvement? Do you have an ROI measure? Can they reach THEIR desired market? Or are they just supporting your sport / club? Do you review the process to adjust the plan during the sponsorship period?
2c) Typical Sponsorship process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Identify sponsor Approach and present proposal Negotiate terms and obtain agreement Provide them with agreed mechanisms Hope they’re happy Try again next season
Suggested Sponsorship process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Identify sponsor Approach and present proposal Negotiate terms and obtain agreement Provide them with more ‘active’ mechanisms that work for both parties Provide more ‘tangible’ value Ensure they’re happy Review involvement and results and modify if required (as you would during a game if behind) More likely to sign again next season
3) How to leverage sponsorship 1.
Example 1: Company A sponsors Club for $2k. Money goes into bank and helps run the club. Company gets some signage, logo in newsletter, mentions on website Example 2: Company B sponsors Club for $2k. That pays for a designated event (major quiz night). They are the naming rights sponsor of the event (profile, visibility, interaction, offers etc.). The night makes $8k and the show is already paid for. They are treated as an $8k sponsor and obtain far more as does the club.
Results Use their money DIRECTLY to MULTIPLY their contribution At the same time MULTIPLY their value and results Provide tangible, visible and accountable methods of participating
4) Events are the vehicle. They: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bring people together socially Build club spirit Raise more $ than most other activities Give the sponsor an opportunity to be the ‘star’ and meet people at the club 5. Allow you to present sponsors more fully 6. Build a stronger relationship with sponsors 7. Give sponsors more value than they’d normally get 8. Raises more money for the club than the direct sponsorship amount contributed RESULT: EVERYONE wins!
5) How can Event Masters help? We have over 30 years event experience Over 14 years specifically in fundraising Have a wealth of experience in clubs with fundraising and sponsorship A range of low-cost, low-risk, proven events Can provide complete ‘turnkey’ event packages Can help ‘brand’ the event to maximise value to the sponsors Take the hassle and stress out of running these events Just get the people along – and we even provide the material and tips on how to do that most effectively
6) OK. You’re interested. What next? 1. Set a meeting with Event Masters to assess your current situation 2. Set some targets of who and what you’d like to achieve 3. We jointly develop a plan 4. Put the plan into action
Thank you for your interest  At Event Masters, our aim is to assist groups – particularly community-based and NFP, to operate more effectively and make their required funds easier and better. This includes the quality of your events, which impacts your brand and appeal. We also ensure the process of running an event is far less stressful, hassle and difficult than can be the case.  We run hundreds of these events every year, so know what works, how to make them run smoothly and what makes it easier for you.
For further information Email events@eventmasters.com.au Phone 1300 Go Show (467 469) www.eventmasters.com.au www.facebook.com/EventMastersAust www.facebook.com/futurefundraising