How To Know If An Event Company Is Experienced Or Just Another Rookie? We spend so much to bring up the business for the organzation and always keen to be on the top of our competitors. A important factor constituting the business is the event and socializating our services to end customers. We set up multiple Events which can led to direct customer winning and for this we need to hire a event management orgazation. Such events hold really great importance for the reputation of the services provided by you and thus needs to be properly attended before recruting them. There are various rationals and factors which needs to be propoerly analyzed and we are here comiling few of the major pointers. We must look into there business in the recent past and kind of responses they have received, this can be verified from various sources. Social sites is very easy and crucial place where you can find the reality of the event manageemnt firm. This can help you to understand the past businees and will provide the list of actual customer base and the quality of the management for their events. The picutres posted along with vedios can be viewed to better see if this is matching upto your expectations. Its very much possible this can meet your expectation but at the same time we also need to see if this is not overshooting the budgets that we have set for the same. We also need to go thru the physical feedback form provided by the event management firm and can cross check with th end customer numbers with very polite words so they will be happy to provide the requried information. Sometimes the feedback forms also provide the contact information such as emails etc which are even better way to reach any customer for their feedback. Apart from the abvoe two things, we can verify the autehnticity of the event managemetn by the kind of customers mentioned in the attendace. If we can see VIP’s, prospective customer list then you can gauge that the event managemetn firm has done good role in bringing the right customers which will be really benefical for us as well. We have always mentioned that we should never judge a book by its cover so don’t get flooded with the fancy things posted on their websites. These can be true as well as to catch customers. We have to work on the things and then go for the final short listing as these constitutes direct money to your company. Don’t miss to have second opinion from your key stakehodlers and proper due deligence can be processes within your business groups. Background checks can also be done thru third party executives with formal docuementation and this is now a days become the first point of verificaiton. We hope you grow your business and have a succesfull events in coming future. Keep yourself safe from the rookies and share your feedback on the websites/social group so they can also stay safe and alert.