Tips and Hints for Planning International Events

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As we all know that every international event planning has its special needs and considerations. So, every time it is the duty of event planner to include a number of extra factors and extra steps, thus the entire planning process needs more time than a local event. Incentives, conferences, meetings, team building, and other international programs can be quite complex and give you some headaches but, if well managed, they can be successful. So, while planning an international event it is good to use best online event registration.


Timing Timing is very important. When you are trying to set up an event locally, you may take many things for granted that are quite different for international programs. First of all, when operating locally, there are usually no language barriers, but if you operate abroad, negotiations, contracts and paperwork may need to be translated. Consequentially, you need to allocate some extra time.


Marketing Create your promotional material and start marketing your program well in advance. You want to give them as much info about the destination, such as currency, cellphone usage, and different types of electrical sockets they may find overseas.

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Site Inspection Site inspections are a must. Of course, if you plan an event in a far away or remote location, you will probably not have the resources or the time to make multiple site inspections. I do recommend at least two, one at the beginning of the planning and one just before the event. And if you can, try to take a trip exactly at the time of the year you are planning your event to have a “real� check.

Hospitality When you’re planning an international event, take into account where the attendees are traveling from and plan the event for a suitable time. You can certainly start your program a day after the arrival to give everyone a chance to recover from a long journey. Or simply set up a light welcome cocktail at the hotel where people can show up as they want, get in the spirit of the event, register and be free to go back in their rooms as soon as they are ready to crash.


Venue and Resources

Of course, you are not planning to reproduce a classic US meeting in different parts of the world. Venues and rooms are not the same. The mega, 1,000-plus-room hotels are uncommon in many countries, where rooms can be small and, in many cases, still do not have air conditioning. Take advantage of what your local destination has to offer and sell your event for the unique features. Be creative with the choice of your venue, using the local decor to make it special.


Financial Risk

Budget: You may want to buy money in advance or edge currency to lower currency fluctuation risks. Consider all travel costs. Airline capacity reductions and rising ticket costs are continually affecting the travel industry worldwide. You may want to offer a complete fee that includes the hotel, as well. Attendees prefer to make one single payment without having to think about it further, especially if they are buying an international trip. Security:It may be a big issue. Be prepared. Be sure you have insurance for all your forms of transportation and activities. Many countries do not offer insurance, and you may need to purchase some. An SOS insurance may also be useful for places considered �at risk�.


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