03.14.13 Charleston Scene

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E2: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

file/marie rodriguez

COVER STORY: Charleston Fashion Week enters its seventh year bigger and better than ever. With a promising lineup of emerging designers and a bevy of specials guests, the five days of runway shows will tickle your fashion fancy. Pages 20-23

what’s inside 4 | get out

david Quick previews outdoor options

11-13 | food + bev

nana’s seafood & soul, chew on this, Xiao bao biscuit

26-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku

5 | dollar days

14 | arts

30-34 | comics + tv grid

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

6-7 | movies

“the incredible burt wonderstone”

8 | movie listings

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403-9621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 4 No. 2 36 Pages

Moxie Fridays in


Courage. Vigor. Determination. Verve. Skill. Pep. Know-how.

editor: allison nugent, anugent@postand courier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford,

a look at upcoming events

15-17 | music

upcoming shows, cd reviews

with horoscopes and crossword puzzle

35 | trivia, abby

18-19 | weekend events

matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: liz foster and abigail darlington. calendar@postandcourier. com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: mark J. gallagher, mgallagher@post andcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and fred smith ad designers: tamara wright, Jason clark, kathy simes, krena lanham, shannon mccarty, melinda carlos, ashlee kositz, anita hepburn, marybeth patterson, amber nungesser, sherry rourk, terri riley, sheryl martin, swan richards, melissa kelley, laurie hellmann and Julie noccida

on the cover: file/marie rodriguez

to advertise with us

contact: mgallagher@postandcourier.com classified advertising: 722-6500, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. to place an ad online: postand courier.com/placeads retail advertising: 937-5468, mondayfriday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

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The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E3

E4: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

st. patrick’s day-themed races take over


or many revelers in the charleston area, st. patrick’s day — err, weekend ... err, week — is a great opportunity to raise a few pints, dress in green and act goofy. and in the last few years, the time to start is the Thursday before march 17 with the catch the leprechaun 5k run and walk at mount pleasant memorial waterfront park. tonight, the park will get even greener as hundreds, perhaps even a thousand if the weather behaves, gather for the race, which starts at 6:30 p.m. and includes postrace food, beer and music. since the race was reincarnated in 2010 from one held in park west, it has grown from 319 finishers to 693 in 2011 and 880 in 2012. co-race director mike mckenna said the growing popularity of the race is due to a few aspects. “in a nutshell, it’s a fun race that supports a great cause (pattison’s academy, a school for children with disabilities). There’s an endless sea of 5ks, and we tried to give the runners something they won’t get at other races. it’s a night race which features a bagpiper, prizes for people who finish before the leprechaun, pots of gold for the winners and a post-race party,” he said. “it’s different, and i think people appreciate it.” not to rest on his laurels, mckenna noted several changes to this year’s race, including a costume contest, trolley providing shuttle service from dunleavy’s pub and the hampton inn & suites charleston/mount pleasantisle of palms, and discounts at egan’s spirits during its grand opening saturday and sunday. because today is race day, the fee to enter is $40. www.catchtheleprechaun 5k.com

shamrock shuffle

meanwhile, organizers of one of the oldest races in the charleston area, summer-

more online to read more get out columns by david Quick, go to www.postandcourier.com/ section/features columnists. ville’s flowertown festival run, has changed its name after 34 years to something irish: the shamrock shuffle. summerville family ymca ceo gary lukridge said the change came after the ymca sought to separate the identities of the run and the flowertown festival. The run, after all, is held a few weeks before the festival. “This way, the shamrock shuffle can stand out on its own merit and show how great an event we have assembled. The course, distances, local, etc., has not changed, and as always, it’s a great warm-up for the bridge run,” lukridge said. race director Jan parsons said many people, so far, have responded positively to the name change. “we are used to seeing people dressing up in st. paddy’s day attire as the run falls close to the holiday, which furthered our reasoning on changing it up a bit. we hope to see a greater attendance since we have invited a bring on your green costume contest and many other festive activities.” The shamrock shuffle kicks off with the 5k starting at 7:50 a.m. saturday. The fee for the 10k or 5k is $30. www.ymcashamrock shuffle.org

Runners and walkers are encouraged to dress in green in the Catch the Leprechaun race.

The mischievous leprechaun, Eric Ruckel, of the Catch the Leprechaun race.

shamrock sup race

yet another st. paddy’sthemed event is the second annual shamrock sup race. The paddleboard contest features numerous races and

start times: elite at 9 a.m., recreational at 9:05 a.m., kids race at 11 a.m. and the dog race at 11:15 a.m. prizes will be awarded for the top finisher in each category, and those wearing green in the spirit of st. paddy’s day will have the chance to win prizes. pre-registration runs 8-8:45 a.m. saturday at charleston sup safaris, 83 center st. on folly beach. registration costs are $35 for elite or recreational races and $20 for kids or dog races. paddleboard rentals will be available for $10. proceeds from the event will benefit pet helpers and the emerson rose heart foundation. www.charlestonsupsafaris. com

not over yet

another race often held near st. patrick’s day has a green theme, but isn’t directly related to the holiday. The daniel island 5k is a

file photographs by david Quick/staff

fundraiser for bishop england high school’s running programs (be’s team colors are green and white). The 14th annual 5k will start at 9 a.m. saturday next to the school. The fee is $25. www.actioncarolina.com

sweet grass walk/run

The inaugural sweet grass walk/run will be at 7:30 a.m. saturday at patriot’s point in mount pleasant and will be followed by a bluegrass music festival. The cost is $30 for the run or $40 for the run and festival. find out more on Pages 1819 or at sweetgrassmusic festival.com.

palmetto pump

if you’re not a runner and all these make you want to climb a wall, there’s an event for you, too. The 16th annual palmetto pump & usa climbing competition, the largest outdoor

climbing competition in the southeast, will be saturday at James island county park. each year, the competition attracts climbers from throughout the region, all scaling the park’s 50-foot tall climbing wall that features more than 4,500 square feet of climbing space. The nationally sanctioned event is designed for climbers of all ages and abilities, and no competition experience is necessary. registration is 8-9 a.m.; the competition will take place 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. competitor registration is $45. not a climber but interested in watching? The competition is free for spectators with the general $1 park admission fee. come witness this show of strength, balance and endurance from some of the best climbers in the region. www.ccprc.com/wall reach david Quick at 9375516.

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E5

do some good this weekend submit info l

ike many people, i’m a big fan of events that combine a good time with raising awareness and funds for a worthy cause. and while these types of events are never in short supply in charleston, the majority are priced $50 and above. now, i understand why as they’re usually black-tie galas, but it does prohibit those on a budget from participating. This weekend, though, offers up a number of charity events that are reasonably priced, opening them up to a whole different demographic.

‘pursuit of happyness’

crisis ministries, charleston’s homeless shelter, will host a screening of the film “The pursuit of happyness” to heighten awareness of homelessness. The film, for those unfamil-

nary arts program and a silent auction. The benefit will be held 6:30-8 p.m. friday. do you know of an event admission is $10 and inthat should be included in cludes wine and appetizers. dollar days? email anugent@ call 284-3340 or go to postandcourier.com. reformstudiossc.com.

available on-site. call 723-9477 or go to charlestonhomeless.org. iar, is a heartwarming tale of how a single father fought to build a future for himself and his son, going from homeless to a wall street legend. will smith stars as chris gardner in this movie, which is based on true events. The film will be shown at 6 p.m. today at the american Theater, 446 king st. The suggested donation is $12 and includes popcorn and soft drinks. a cash bar will be

wine tasting, auction

reform studios, 1081-b east montague ave., will hold a benefit for my sister’s house, a local organization that provides services, programs and resources to empower domestic violence victims and their children to live free from abuse. The event will feature tastings of napa valley wines, appetizers catered by the stratford high school culi-

blackbeards cove

blackbeard’s cove in mount pleasant will hold a family fun day fundraiser for camp happy days, an annual camp for children with cancer. The mutiny pass costs $16 and includes free play on go-karts, a climbing wall, jump-land and two miniature golf courses for two hours. half of the proceeds will go to camp happy days. The event runs 10 a.m.6 p.m. saturday. tickets will be sold until friday and must be purchased through camp file/zade rosenthal/columbia pictures/ap happy days by calling 5714336 or online at camp Jaden Smith (left) and Will Smith appear in a scene from happydays.org. the film “The Pursuit of Happyness.”

E6: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

film not ‘incredible’ but not bad by roger moore MCT


n all-star comedy that leans on its stars to conjure laughs out of thin air, “The incredible burt wonderstone” is about veteran magicians who find themselves suddenly less relevant when mr. new and edgy shows up and upstages them on the vegas strip. an art-imitating-artist moment for steve carell and Jim carrey? maybe. but when you’ve got those two, oscar winner alan arkin, olivia wilde, steve buscemi and James gandolfini in your cast, the four guys you paid to write this thing should have no trouble finding a laugh a minute. we meet anthony and albert as bullied 10-year-olds who find escape, and purpose, in a “become a magician” kit — vhs instruction tape included — featuring veteran prestidigitator rance holloway (arkin). Thirty years later, burt wonderstone (carell) and partner anton marvelton (buscemi) have their own theater at bally’s, a steady fanbase, gullible groupies (for burt) and a boss (gandolfini) who puts up with burt’s diva-demands and lifestyle. They go through assistants like candy, and burt is so

Jim Carrey as Steve Gray in ”The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.”

movie review  (out of five stars) running time: 1 hour, director: don scardino 40 minutes cast: steve carell, steve bus- more photos: for more cemi, Jim carrey, olivia wilde, photos from the alan arkin, James gandolfini film, check out rated: pg-13 for sexual the review on content, dangerous stunts, charleston a drug-related incident and scene.com. language arrogant that he calls them all “nicole,” even after the latest nicole quits and fetch-

ing backstage assistant Jane (olivia wilde) is pressed into service. first good gag of

warner bros.

the movie? The skin-baring bombshell wilde (“tron: legacy,” “butter,” “deadfall”) going all stumbling, demure and embarrassed by the skimpy stage costume. The crowds still come, even though this act is as stale as its “abracadabra” theme song (steve miller’s last big hit), even though burt hurls insults at anton backstage after every “impossible feat of impossibility.” until the day that steve please see movie, page e7

Steve Carell, Jim Carrey work magic in comedy by John anderson Newsday


rmed with his mattel magic kit (“i loved it so much”), the very young steve carell would put on shows for other kids in his acton, mass., neighborhood. but he admits he wasn’t a very good magician. “as soon as the show was over,” he said, “i would tell everyone how all the tricks worked.” That’s something he certainly can’t do with “The incredible burt wonderstone,”

which opens friday and stars carell, Jim carrey and olivia wilde in a comedy about egos, illusions and plunging necklines (on carell). in an effort to avoid too much computer enhancement, the movie used a lot of real tricks that came courtesy of its magic adviser, the celebrated david copperfield. but it meant the actors had to sign a confidentiality agreement. “honestly, that was the coolest part,” carell said. “you really felt you were part of that world.” worlds collide in “burt wonderstone,” which is set in

the magic capital of the world, las vegas, a place where “you go big or go home,” as wilde put it, and which she said seemed “ripe” for the kind of parody they were out to do. “and the more i learned more about vegas magicians, the more i said, yeah, this place is right for comedy. “and the idea of competition between magicians? They really do dislike each other.” They certainly do in “burt wonderstone.” burt (carell) and his partner, anton marvelton (steve buscemi), have been doing turn-away busi-

ness on the vegas strip for years (any resemblance to siegfried and roy is purely intentional). but their act is getting old, the seats emptier and the relationship so acrimonious they keep losing assistants and have to draft a techie named Jane (wilde) as a last-second substitute. despite Jane’s contributions, the act is in free-fall, and the team’s boss, hotel owner doug munny (James gandolfini), looks to replace them with someone edgier, someone like

please see magic, page e7

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E7

warner bros.

Steve Carell as Burt Wonderstone in ”The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.” movie from page e6

gray rolls into town. Jim carrey turns gray into a long-haired guru of the gross: a magician/stuntman who rolls up with a guerrilla film crew and stuns bystanders with routines that involve self-injury, followed by selfstitches. carrey, sporting an “escape from what?” tattoo and a Zen master-meetsstreet-thug ethos — “bad things don’t happen to us, they happen for us” — makes this guy so scary and magic from page e6

steve gray (carrey), a street “magician” and internet sensation whose act is more about body-modification and pain than the kind of grand illusion in which burt and anton have specialized in ever since they were boyhood friends. while the idea of “extreme” magic reflects something going on in the culture at large, it wasn’t something the filmmakers wanted “to hit with a sledgehammer,” carell said. but he hoped it wouldn’t be lost on anyone, either. “it’s the idea that something that is classic and perhaps a bit well-worn can casually be replaced by something that might not be considered art but is new and shocking,” he said. “i think that not only happens in magic but in the comedy world, as well. i think there are lots of parallels, especially in television, in terms

fun that you wish his “brain rapist” tv show were real. because we’d watch it. but to burt? gray’s not a real magician: “he doesn’t even have a costume.” “burt wonderstone” lets us see the rise, and then fall of burt and anton, their changing hairstyles and unchanging act. it takes burt from the man with the “biggest bed in las vegas” — “would you like to see it, nakedly?” — to a drunk reduced to entertaining the seniors at a retirement home.

That’s where he meets rance, and tries to get his old magic mojo back. The laughs come fast and furious for about 30 minutes, then they fade into occasional chuckles of recognition and the odd hear-carell-makefunny-whimpering-sounds gag, or see clueless anton deliver unwanted magic kits to starving Third world kids. few jokes take us by surprise, but enough comic haymakers land to make “burt wonderstone” credible, if not exactly “incredible.”

of what people are watching at this point. people are getting so much info on a daily basis, you need to do something ridiculous just to garner any attention.” in one scene, carrey, looking remarkably buff, with a mephistophelean beard and long, flowing locks, does a hiddencard trick that involves steve pulling the card out of a slice in his cheek. he also attempts to set the world record for staring, while having pepper spray shot into his eyes. “it’s an observation about what people want to watch, and what audiences seem to be demanding,” wilde said. “people want to be pushed to the brink, to see what they’ve never seen. it’s interesting because it’s happening in sports and in film, as well — horror, comedy. people want to be pushed to the edge. i wonder if that’s a reaction to technology and what’s

available at our fingertips, or the demands made on entertainment that you pay for, because free content is so plentiful. “if our film is a love letter to anything, it’s to a classic style of entertainment.” directed by tv’s don scardino (“30 rock,” “2 broke girls”) and written by six other people, “The incredible burt wonderstone” is less than a love letter to vegas, or the performers who inspired the burt and anton characters (“There were so many,” carell said with a laugh). carell said of vagas: “i found that i’m no gambler. it’s not in my dna, i’m not good at it and don’t think i enjoy it. but what i really like are the restaurants. and the shows. my wife and kids came out this weekend, and we all had dinner and went to see ‘o.’ That’s what worked for me.”

The post and courier

E8: Thursday, march 14, 2013

score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.

Opening The Call r

suspense thriller about a 911 operator (halle berry) who receives a call from an abducted girl (abigail breslin) and must confront a killer from her past to rescue her.

citadel: fri-march 21: 1:40, 4:20, 7:20, 9:40 northwoods: fri-thurs march 21: 1:35, 4:10, 7:20, 9:40

Emperor  pg-13

in post-world war ii Japan, gen. douglas macarthur (tommy lee Jones) is responsible for deciding whether emperor hirohito should be punished as a war criminal and enlists assistance from an expert in Japanese culture and psychological warfare (matthew fox). terrace: fri-thurs march 21: 1, 3, 4:55, 7, 8:55

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone  pg-13

burt wonderstone (steve carell) and anton marvelton (steve buscemi) struggle to revive their superstar magic act and their friendship when their success is threatened by the cult following of guerrilla street magician steve gray (Jim carrey).

citadel: fri-thurs march 21: 1:20, 4:10, 7, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8 James island: fri: 4, 7:10, 9:40; sat-sun: 1:20, 4, 7:10, 9:40; mon-march 21: 4, 7:10, 9:40 northwoods: fri-thurs march 21: 1:20, 4:05, 7:10, 9:45

A Late quartet

1/2 r

philip seymour hoffman, christopher walken and catherine keener are part of a world-renowned string quartet, whose future and friendships face dramatic upheaval when one of the members suffers a life-changing illness.

terrace: fri-thurs march 21: 12:30, 4:40, 7:15

Patang (The Kite) nr

while visiting ahmedabad for india’s largest kite festival, a new delhi businessman and his family must face their past and begin the process of healing. park circle: sat: 8

Rust & Bone  r

this french film tells the story of a struggling single father who falls in love with a


wheelchair-bound whale trainer (marion cotillard) as he tries to restore her will to live.

sat-sun: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:45; mon-thurs march 21: 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 northwoods: today: 4, 7, 9:40

terrace: fri-thurs march 21: 2:30, 9:10

Dead Man Down

 Wonder Women! r The untold Story of American a ruthless crime lord’s vengeful rightSuperheroines hand man (colin farrell) is seduced and nr

this documentary explores the concept of heroic female role models from the 1940s to today and challenges pop culture’s gender bias, featuring gloria steinem, lynda carter, lindsey wagner and others.

blackmailed by one of his boss’ victims, who needs him to help her get retribution.

park circle: sun: 4

cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:25, 10:10 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1:15, 3:50, 6:55, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1:05, 3:50, 7:10, 9:40


Escape From Planet Earth

21 and Over  r

the evening before an important interview, a straight-a medical student celebrates his 21st birthday with two friends, and it turns into a night of mayhem. cinebarre: today: 1:15, 4:15, 7:50, 10:30 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1:40, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 James island: today: 4, 7:10, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1,

3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40


1/2 pg-13

french-language drama about a married elderly couple who have their love tested when the wife suffers a stroke. terrace: today: 12:25, 2:45, 5, 7:25, 9:35


1/2 r

this film chronicles a cia operation to free six american hostages during the 1979 iranian revolution.

cinebarre: today: 3:35 citadel: today: 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35; fri-thurs march 21: 1, 3:50, 6:50

Beautiful Creatures 1/2 pg-13

two teenagers in a small southern town discover romance, but dark and mysterious secrets threaten their love. northwoods: today: 1:20

Dark Skies


1/2 pg

animated feature about an astronaut hero who rushes to answer a distress call from a dangerous alien planet and must be saved by his brother.

citadel: today: 12:55, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25 James island: today-fri: 4, 6:30, 8:50; satsun: 1:20, 4, 6:30, 8:50; mon-thurs march 21: 4, 6:30, 8:50 northwoods: today: 12:55, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25; fri-thurs march 21: 12:55, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25, 9:45

A Good Day to Die Hard

 r

former police detective John mcclane (bruce willis) travels to russia to help his incarcerated son and discovers that he is a cia operative, and they team up to prevent a nuclear-weapons heist. citadel: today: 2, 6:45, 9; fri-thurs march 21: 9:35 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 12:50, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45

Identity Thief  r

a mild-mannered accounts representative (Jason bateman) crosses the country to confront the con artist (melissa mccarthy) who has stolen his identity.

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:25 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1:25, 3:55, 7, 9:35 James island: today-fri: 4:10, 7, 9:45; satsun: 1:20, 4:10, 7, 9:45; mon-thurs march 21: 4:10, 7, 9:45 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1:15, 3:50, 7, 9:35

Jack the Giant Slayer



citadel: today: 9:40 James island: today-fri: 4:15, 7:15, 9:45;

a young farmhand accidentally opens the gateway to a world of giants, and an ancient war between the kingdoms is reignited.

this science-fiction horror film follows a young suburban family targeted by a mysterious and deadly force.


cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:50, 7:20, 10 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1, 7 citadel 3d: today-thurs march 21: 4, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 9:50 James island: today-thurs march 21: 4, 9:35 James island 3d: today-fri: 6:50; sat-sun: 1:15, 6:50; mon-thurs march 21: 6:50 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1:30, 4:10, 7, 9:45 northwoods 3d: today: 2, 5, 8

The Last Exorcism: Part 2



nell sweetzer’s attempts to rebuild her life after possession are sidetracked when the evil force returns.

cinebarre: today: 10:05 citadel: today: 1:45, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30; frithurs march 21: 7:10, 9:30 James island: today-fri: 4:25, 7:10, 9:50; sat-sun: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50; mon-thurs march 21: 4:25, 7:10, 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1:25, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40

northwoods: today: 9:35

The quartet 1/2 pg-13

at a special home for retired musicians, three members of a famous quartet have their lives disrupted when a soloist-gonediva becomes the newest resident.

citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1:20, 3:55, 6:55, 9:15 terrace: today: 12:25, 2:45, 5, 7:25, 9:35; fri-thurs march 21: 12:55, 2:55, 4:50, 6:55, 8:50

Safe Haven

1/2 pg-13

based on nicholas sparks’ novel, a mysterious newcomer (Julianne hough) in a north carolina town has her budding romance with a local widower (Josh duhamel) threatened when she must confront the dark secrets of her past.

citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1, 3:50

cinebarre: today: 12:40, 3:40, 7:05, 9:45 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 1:10, 3:55, 7, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 10:20 James island: today-fri: 4:05, 7, 9:45; satsun: 1:10, 4:05, 7, 9:45; mon-thurs march 21: 4:05, 7, 9:45 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 1:10, 3:55, 7:05, 9:35

Oz the Great and Powerful

Silver Linings Playbook

Life of Pi

 pg

an adventure of a 16-year-old boy who ends up in a lifeboat with a bengal tiger.



a small-time, unethical magician from kansas (James franco) is hurled into the enchanted land of oz and transforms himself into a great wizard and better man.

after eight months in an institution, a man moves in with his parents and bonds with a mysterious girl.


cinebarre: today: 12:20, 12:35, 3:20, 7, 7:30, 10:20 cinebarre 3d: today: 12:30, 12:45, 3:30, 3:45, 7:15, 7:45, 10:15, 10:45 citadel: today-thurs march 21: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:20 citadel 3d: today-thurs march 21: 2, 5, 8 citadel imaX: today-thurs march 21: 1, 4, 7, 9:50 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8 northwoods: today: 1:10, 3:50, 7, 9:35; frithurs march 21: 1:05, 3:50, 7, 9:45 northwoods 3d: today-thurs march 21: 2:10, 5:05, 8:10 terrace: today-thurs march 21: 1:30, 4:10, 7:20, 9:30


cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:10, 9:55 citadel: today: 1:30, 4:05, 7, 9:45; fri-thurs march 21: 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45 terrace: today: 12:35, 2:45, 5:05, 7:20

Snitch  pg-13

when his son is wrongfully imprisoned, a father risks everything to become an undercover informant for the dea and infiltrate a dangerous drug cartel.


cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:35, 10:15 citadel: today-march 21: 1:20, 3:55, 7, 9:35 James island: today-fri: 4:20, 7, 9:30; satsun: 1:25, 4:20, 7, 9:30; mon-thurs march 21: 4:20, 7, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs march 21: 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:25, 9:35


Warm Bodies


ed harris, david duchovny and william fichtner star in this cold war-era suspense thriller about a soviet submarine captain who leads a covert mission that could spark global nuclear war, inspired by true events. citadel: today: 4:15

 pg-13

a zombie rescues and falls in love with a human, and his relationship with her makes him become more human.

citadel: today: 7:15, 9:30; fri-thurs march 21: 1:35, 4:10, 7:15, 9:30

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E9

‘X-factor’ auditions

hopefuls come to charleston for a shot at stardom on televised singing competition

again succeed earn a “golden ticket” to the judge’s round, where they’ll audition in front mily skipper started singof a full audience and the ceing as soon she could talk. lebrity judge panel. apart from more than a decade later, cowell, this year’s judges have she’s ready to take her passion yet to be announced, although to the next level. previous judges have included “i don’t ever remember a britney spears, paula abdul time when i wasn’t doing and l.a. reid. something with singing,” The “X-factor” auditions are said the 15-year-old James a regional draw, and hopefuls island charter high school from across the southeast will sophomore, who has battled be in town to sing their way to stage fright since she began stardom. in the first round of performing. to overcome tryouts in l.a., wade said they her fears, she began joining surpassed turnout from the carin baer/foX first two seasons, with 10,000 her father at open mic nights around town, including those The “X-Factor” began it’s audition process in Los Angeles, people turning up for a shot to at the brick house kitchen on where a record number of people came out to the Galen sing in front of the producers. folly road and parson Jack’s because the producers want Center to try out. The next round of auditions takes place cafe in west ashley, before to send anyone with a chance at the North Charleston Coliseum. landing gigs at awendaw at winning to the judges’ green and rita’s on folly “X-factor” has completed two round, there’s no quota or cap beach. for each audition. seasons since debuting state“it’s a very inexact science,” side in 2011. “even though it was hard, i wade said. “The extraordiwinners receive a recordrealized that i really like playing contract worth $5 million, narily talented people get put ing in front of people,” said through to the next round.” making the payout the largest the singer, who plays guitar to improve their chances, of any televised talent show in and varies her song selection wade said it’s important to history. between originals and favorbe willing to work hard to unlike “american idol,” ites by taylor swift and patsy prepare. performers of nearly any age cline. provided are allowed to compete, with “This whole journey is after almost heading to categories for teens between 12 about people learning to greensboro, n.c., to audition Emily Skipper and 17 and another for anyone be a pop star, and pop stars for the “X-factor” last year, work incredibly hard,” he over age 25. groups also are hours,” explains wade of the skipper finally will pursue “X-factor’s” selection process. permitted to enter; last season, explains. “They make evher dream tuesday when the the five girls of fifth harmony erything look effortless, but fox show hosts one of five na- “you’ve got to think, ‘what’s made a run into the final three it’s because they’ve done going to make these people tional auditions at the north before losing out to 38-year-old thousands and thousands of want to put me through?’ charleston coliseum. hours of practice.” country singer tate stevens. skipper said she follows the even if you’ve got a specseason Three’s auditions auditions for season Three show with her sister, and she tacular voice, if you’re just like conclude in denver in may, began in los angeles on prefers the “X-factor’s” judgevery other person singing after which contestants will march 6, before traveling to ing style and process to its the same songs, you’re going peer, “american idol.” for her to meld into the background. charleston and then proceed- proceed to the judges’ rounds. The show begins airing in ing to new orleans, long audition, she’s still deciding you’ve got to be clever with september. island, n.J., and denver. which song she’ll sing (audiyour song choice and make even though a contestant although “american idol” tions must be sung a cappella), sure that it really works with has held auditions in charles- may be among thousands of but “house of the rising sun” your voice, and dress approton before, this week’s tryout is other hopefuls, wade emphaor a grace potter cover are in priately so that you look and the first in the lowcountry for sizes that auditioning for the contention, she said. sound like a star.” “X-factor” is still a unique and the “X-factor.” it also marks The show’s executive proA bit of background the smallest metropolitan area rare opportunity for any hopeducer, rob wade, said that ful singer. they’ll visit. The “X-factor” already has song selection is more impor“The producers are top qual“There’s a vast amount of talproduced its share of pop stars, tant than many contestants ity a&r (artists and repertoire) ent around your area,” wade most notably the boy band realize. he explains that the people. They’re the real deal said. one direction, which got its producers constantly hear when it comes to looking for start on the original u.k. veretta James, mary J. blige and The audition process acts,” claims wade. “normally, sion of the program. adele at auditions, making you might be able to send a hopefuls who make it founded by simon cowthose song choices less likely through the first day are called mixtape, but you’d never get ell, famous in the u.s. as the to stand out. a face-to-face audition with back for a second round of brutally critical judge on “we’ll have 20 booths someone like this. This is a auditions wednesday in front “american idol” until leavwith producers listening to of senior producers. Those that chance to be there in the presing that position in 2010, the contestants for 15 straight

by stratton lawrence Special to The Post and Courier


how to audition

who: singers and vocal groups 12 years of age or older as of Jan. 1 who are legal u.s. citizens or eligible to work in the u.s. and do not currently have a music recording contract are eligible. some restrictions apply; go to www.thexfactorusa.com for specific information. how: wristbands will be distributed from 6 a.m. sunday to 11 a.m. tuesday.

once auditioners obtain their wristbands, they will be asked to return to the north charleston coliseum by 8 a.m. tuesday. a legal photo id is required, and those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. auditioners will not be permitted to camp out. registration link: bit. ly/y1xhit

ent and make an impression.” young hopeful skipper said she plans to arrive early on tuesday and try to “focus on not over-thinking it.”

“i’ve got my family and some friends coming to support me,” she said. “i’m going in with a positive attitude and i’ll do my best.”

E10: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E11

nana’s serves up serious servings of seafood by rob young

if you go

should you feel less ambitious, the items can be orwhat: nana’s seafood & dered as individual meals t some places, the servsoul ($7-$11.75) or as combinations ings are so great that where: 176 line st. ($9-$13). or if your appetite you can count on gethours: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. mon- begs for something different ting a pair of meals from the day-friday, 2-7 p.m. saturday (or slightly different — it’s still order. for more: 937-0002 mostly fried), choose from not so at nana’s seafood & turkey wings, flounder, deepsoul, where three meals is the fried ribs, crab stuffing or crab better baseline. line, like lil’ fluffy popcorn purloo, the latter of which also but volume is only one mea- bites ready for intake. Though is recommended. sure of performance. we’ll best might be the deviled sides vary from red rice, need to check underneath the crab, which is fashioned into lima beans, macaroni and hood — or in nana’s case, the a ball shape to crown the pile. cheese, and potato salad to container flap. it’s sneaky spicy with a fine fried oyster caesar salad. behold, the nana’s seafood medley of seasonings and crab expect around 30 minutes dinner: a $15 jumbo sampling meat. The rest is cooked to a for your food, as nana’s cooks of fried shrimp, whiting, scal- golden finish, heated well — to order. lops, oysters and deviled crab. not too hot — with a winning, accommodations are limpiled high with little space to crispy texture. ited, too; only four two-tops spare, it’s hard to even see the enjoy the tangy Thousand make up the seating. but as white styrofoam container island-y, tartar-y dipping a neighborhood spot, nana’s rob young supporting the feast. sauce, too, which is actually meets its obligations, serving and what a feast it is. surprisingly close to in-n-out up terrific, homespun meals The Nana’s Seafood Dinner: a $15 jumbo sampling of fried shrimp, whiting, scallops, The oysters are top-of-theburger’s secret sauce. for everyone. oysters and deviled crab. Special to The Post and Courier


E12: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

by deidre schipani in the write-up, Zagat adSpecial to The Post and Courier mits that the holy city “is by no means ‘up and coming,’ James beard salute ” saying that “many might The James beard foundatell you that charleston has tion will be in charleston on ‘arrived.’ ” but it’s the pace monday for a debut dinner at in which charleston’s food fort moultrie featuring some scene is exploding with innoof the city’s finest chefs with vative restaurants that earns beard foundation ties. it a spot on the list. The evening will begin with restaurants noted by Zagat cocktails and hors d’oeuvres include butcher & bee, two inside historic fort moultrie boroughs larder, The rarebit on sullivan’s island. and The gin Joint, with chefs guests will be able to explore sean brock (husk) and mike the fort and learn about its lata (fig, The ordinary) also role in american history. The garnering mention. check it passed hors d’oeuvres will out at blog.zagat.com. feature items from beardmac and cheese honors winning cookbook authors, including matt and ted lee esquire magazine has and nathalie dupree, as well named crave kitchen & as executive chef frank lee of cocktails in mount pleasant slightly north of broad. among the 10 nominees for after the cocktail hour, “most life-changing mac guests will move to a tent and cheese.” along the water to enjoy a head over to www.esquire. seated three-course dinner com to vote for your favorite. accompanied by wine paircrave is at 1968 riviera ings. The evening’s menu will drive in mount pleasant. reflect times when the fort was call 884-1177 or go to www. active, moving from the revo- cravemtp.com. lutionary war to the civil coastal cupboard war, and also will spotlight traditional lowcountry cuiThe coastal cupboard, 644 sine and ingredients. J long point road in mount The event begins at 6 p.m. pleasant, will host the big monday. The attire is “charles- green eggs “and ham” cookton chic,” and flat shoes are out 11 a.m.-4 p.m. saturday. suggested. attendees must be The event will feature 21 and over. smoked bacon french toast tickets are $300 and can be casserole and grilled breakfast purchased at charleston pizzas for brunch (11 a.m.wineandfood.com. The event 1 p.m.), maple-glazed smoked will raise funds for the beard ham sliders and baconfoundation. when buying wrapped cornbread stuffing tickets, a chef team must be for lunch (1-3 p.m.) and grilled selected: fruit cobbler with smoked icez Team Brock: sean brock, cream for dessert (3-4 p.m.). mccrady’s/husk; Jeremy for those unfamiliar, a big holst, anson restaurant; green egg is a ceramic cooker nico romo, fish. that can be used as a grill, z Team Deihl: craig deihl, smoker and oven. go to www. cypress; graham dailey, pen- thecoastalcupboard.com or insula grill; ken vedrinski, www.facebook.com/The trattoria lucca. CoastalCupboard. z Team Lata: mike lata, chili cook-off fig/The ordinary; daniel doyle, poogan’s porch; frank sweeney’s, a new Johns ismcmahon, hank’s seafood land restaurant, will host a restaurant. chili cook-off and fundraiser z Team Stehling: robert to benefit crisis ministries 1stehling, hominy grill; Jer5 p.m. march 30 at 3157 mayemiah bacon, The macintosh/ bank highway. competitors oak steakhouse; marc colpay a $50 entry fee; tasters pay lins, circa 1886. a $5 judging fee. to reserve a booth or for more details, call up and coming Jim sweeney at 559-5633. Zagat has listed charleston as one of the “7 up-and-coming fifth anniversary The glass onion will offer a food cities around the u.s.”

complimentary glass of wine to all dinner guests 5-9 p.m. march 21 in celebration of its fifth anniversary. The west ashley restaurant at 1219 savannah highway will showcase some of its most loved dishes, such as pork belly, fried chicken livers and shrimp pilau. during march, the glass onion will kick off its latest endeavor: a daily champagne happy hour 4-6 p.m. it will offer special pricing on champagne cocktails and miller high life, “the champagne of beers.” guests can choose between a classic champagne cocktail and the french favorite kir royale for $4, or enjoy an ice cold miller high life for $1. The full beer and wine list and daily menu can be found at www.ilovetheglassonion. com.

artisan meat share

two-time James beard award-nominated chef craig deihl of cypress is offering selections from his community supported agriculturelike concept, the artisan meat share, this month. artisan meat share packages feature a selection from deihl’s more than 80 types of charcuterie and cured meats. a limited number of packages are available for $50. The spring package will include varieties of cooked, cured and smoked meats, including saucisson sec, city ham and country pate. The package will be available at cypress for pick up beginning march 27 and can be pre-ordered by calling 937-4012, ext. 229.

pastry production

The hospitality management group inc. team has announced that executive pastry chef andrea upchurch will oversee pastry production at all three hmgi restaurants: blossom, cypress and magnolias. upchurch is a south carolina native whose strong desire to cook led her to the culinary program at the art institute of charleston, where she developed her passion for pastry. she began her culinary career with cypress and magnolias as assistant pastry chef in 2005 and quickly was promoted to executive pastry chef

at blossom and magnolias. after spending eight years overseeing the production of all pastries, pastas and bread at blossom and magnolias, upchurch also is running the pastry program at cypress.

menu additions

The team behind the newly opened mount pleasant cafe and coffee shop The collective is adding to its breakfast and lunch menus house-made smoked salmon. The majority of The collective’s menu, which was created by stuart tracy of butcher & bee, features components made in-house, including pastries, breads, bagels, salad dressings, sausages and chorizo, many of which are baked and prepared daily. liz aktar owns The collective and The bagel shop with her husband, sinan. The collective is in the bi-lo shopping center at 76 shelmore blvd. in mount pleasant. call 284-8703.

new menu

82 Queen chef steven lusby’s new spring menus take advantage of the local bounty. The classic favorites will remain, but the kitchen has added a bit of tradition with a twist. check out the offerings at www.82queen.com.

now open

z tanya gurrieri is operating salthouse catering in the former rice market restaurant space at 549 east bay st. go to www.salthousecatering.com or call 577-7847. z louis osteen was in town for the bb&t charleston wine + food festival, and now he is operating louis’s at sanford’s on pawleys island. call 237-5400 or go to www. louisatsanfords.com.

reopening set

Joe pasta at king and John streets will reopen friday at 4 p.m. The restaurant closed after it was damaged by a small fire on feb. 26.

submit info have an event or opening/ closing information that’s food related? email preview food@postandcourier.com.

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E13

Xiao bao biscuit

downtown asian restaurant’s dishes offer taste, texture and flavor Xiao bao biscuit

by deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier


pring and king streets have much in common these days as commerce marches north and west. new businesses and new restaurants fuel these arteries that were once the thoroughfares of exodus. The newest players in satisfying our appetite for all things asian are Josh walker, duolan li and cocktail maestro Joey ryan, proprietors of Xiao bao biscuit. for the past couple of years, Xbb, as it is affectionately known, hosted pop-up dinners around town. now they have a “room of their own” — a former gas station has been converted for Xbb. it possesses an urban edge that in true charleston preservation fashion maintained the design lines of its previous function, added a sassy turquoise-painted door, maintained the pass-through as a window onto spring street and painted the former gas station’s canopy a cheerful carolina blue. add a few outdoor picnic tables, pot some bamboo, hang some asian “primitive” art and fire up the rice cooker, and Xiao bao biscuit is open for business. The menu is pan-asian, not anchored to authenticity but gently tethered to the cuisines of east asia, southeast asia and the west. for walker, li and their team, this means the use of local produce and foodways translated to sauce stratification, layered seasonings and the generous use of herbs and aromatics. you will find the flavors clean. There is a clarity of plate composition that plays ginger and garlic against chiles and mint; that tempers fish sauce with caramel and lemongrass with vinegar. walker informs guests: “our dishes have been carefully crafted to be enjoyed as is. no substitutions please!”

leroy burnell/staff

Xia Bao Biscuit Restaurant is at 224 Rutledge Ave. downtown. honor that, and you will not be disappointed. begin with Japan’s okonomiyaki ($8), a cabbage-based pancake that would remind you of a korean pajun, tossed in a light batter with kale, carrots and scallion. it is striped with Japanese mayo and a bright red band of chili sauce. commendable. The dumplings ($8) are toothsome and are allowed to crust before being topped with pea shoots and radish and a black vinegar dipping sauce. The bahn mi tom quet noung ($6) are vietnam’s answer to chinese shrimp toast and play out greaseless and crisp. The dipping sauce has some kick, but the paste of shrimp is light and fresh tasting. follow this with som tam ($5), which is a green papaya salad topped with peanuts and fried shallots. a traditional

snack food, it makes for a good palate cleanser before any of the main courses. This is not a one-fromcolumn-a, one-fromcolumn-b kind of a place, but you can easily mix the sides and starters and share any of the main dishes. Xiao bao biscuit also offers family-style platters. These must be reserved 48 hours in advance with an email to the restaurant. at the time of our review visit, the choices were a whole poulet rouge chicken ($50) served with rice and seasonal vegetables for four; a triggerfish ($32) for two and clams from “nowhere” ($29), an obvious play on the fact that every other item on the menu lists a country of origin. tenri-style ramen ($12) was popular that night, and the restaurant tops its shoyubased broth with pork belly,

kimchi, greens and a poached egg. The classic hoi ann (a place) cao lau ($13) is not to be missed. The belief is that this wheat noodle dish was designed to please the Japanese, and its noodles get their chewiness from that city’s well water. walker and his team manage to get that sticky, toothsome quality to the noodles. The broth is elixir and the garlic and lemongrass “chips” cut the fat flavor of the pork. bright green kale adds a bitter, earthy note, and the chili-infused broth cradles the final flavors of this dish. a pan-seared flounder dish ($16) served over rice noodles brought new appreciation to whole stems of dill being used as both a vegetable and herb. lemongrass played up the citrus notes and the well-crusted fish kept its texture for as long

as it lasted in the bowl. our server, “wu tang,” did not spin any hip-hop or break into a dance but was wellinformed about the menu, the heat levels and the flavors. mapo dofou ($12) will appease those looking for heat, and congee ($12) adds a note not usually seen in asianinfluenced restaurants here: the addition of pork cotton candy (rou song) as a topper for the dish. Think of a light, soft/crunchy elusive porkwhisperer. The cocktails read interesting. The beers are wellmatched to the menu, especially the beer lao ($4). wine has a very short sheet. push-up popsicles are for dessert ($4). They are the perfect balms to the chiles’ heat and vary with the day. diners to the right of us enjoyed doughnuts that they were

cuisine: pan-asian fusion category: neighborhood favorite location: 224 rutledge ave. phone: no bar: full-service bar, specialty cocktails, beer and sake, limited wine selection hours: lunch 11:30-2 p.m. monday-friday; dinner 610 p.m. monday-thursday, 5-10 p.m. friday and saturday; brunch 11:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. saturday (new; check website for details) food: 1/2 atmosphere:  service: 1/2 price: $-$$ costs: appetizers $6-$8, entrees $12-$16, sides $2-$5, desserts $4. family-style dinners, market price, $29-$50 (designed for 2-4 guests). lunch $8-$10. vegetarian options: yes, as well as vegan and gluten-free. wheelchair accessible: yes parking: limited lot, neighborhood streets other: family-style dinners require advance reservation; facebook, twitter, email eat@ xiaobaobiscuit.com, www. xiaobaobiscuit.com. dipping into a condensed milk sauce (thank the french for that one!). Xiao bao biscuit is a labor of love. They recently closed for two days to prepare a new menu and launch saturday brunch. Theirs is truly “Zen and the art of cooking” and it shows in taste, texture, flavor and the calm that presides in the kitchen.

more online read more restaurant reviews at charlestonscene. com.

E14: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

mt. pleasant artfest has something for everyone by olivia pool Special to The Post and Courier

call 697-5471 or go to www. rebekahjacobgallery.com.

ount pleasant towne centre plays host on saturday to artfest, a community celebration that brings families and cultural enthusiasts together with budding and professional artists. The event is all about showcasing a diverse array of local and regional artistic talent, yet it doesn’t stop there. artfest also will include local music, dance and visual arts performances. The family-friendly event will offer children the chance to ignite creative aspirations as they explore many art forms and create their own masterpieces, such as beaded jewelry, sand art and a variety of crafts. The mount pleasant artists guild also will present a juried art show. all activities and performances are free of charge. artfest runs 11 a.m.-3 p.m. find out more at www.mt pleasanttownecentre.com or call 216-9900.

spa show


one-night show

painter and textile worker lulie wallace has gotten a lot of attention and recognition in the past year. Join her for a one-night-only exhibition of her floral paintings and 2013 textile line of bags 5-10 tonight at stems, a boutique floral design studio at coming and cannon streets. if you aren’t familiar with her name, you may have already seen her pieces at places such as anthropologie, urban outfitters, serena & lily and one kings lane. wallace’s works are almost always floral, bright and happy. if you can’t make tonight’s reception, call 706-536-3282 or go to her website, www. luliewallace.com, and make an appointment.


“Flowers for Raines” by Lulie Wallace

gallery talk one of charleston’s betterknown and loved artists, linda fantuzzo, has an exhibit called “brush with nature,” consisting of new large-scale paintings, at rebekah Jacob gallery. gallery owner rebekah Jacob said, “linda is the best landscape painter in our region. “combining tradition and modernism, fantuzzo characteristically explores dualities in her landscapes that border on the abstract. she skillfully layers warm colors and cool tones with broad, loose brush strokes, creating images of landscapes distinguished more for a romantic, magical rendering of light and color than for the tropical flora that identifies the region,” Jacob said. and fantuzzo said this of the new body of work: “after many years of painting in the field, i now sense the landscape as myth. nothing is set or fixed in the terrain; it is elusive and is altered minute to minute as sun and clouds traverse the sky. i can only render what is seen in an instant, and it is this instant that opens pathways to the use of color and texture in order to create an atmosphere that describes the land.” fantuzzo will give a talk at 6 p.m. today at the gallery, 502 king st.

painter marcus colburn has had an interesting life, living in places as varied as iowa and spain, and he and his wife soon will be moving to beijing. his abstract watercolors are like explosions of color on paper. check out his vibrant pieces this week only at lordis loft salon and spa, 310 king st. There will be a closing reception saturday; the time is still being determined. call 347-557-2232 for more details. view more of colburn’s works at www.marcus colburn.com.

double feature

The south of broadway Theatre company has created not one, but two operas for audiences this month. “laundry & bourbon” and “lone star” are companion pieces written by James mclure that “offer two points of view about the ‘goings-on’ in the town of maynard, texas,” explains mark gorman of south of broadway. “laundry and bourbon” is set on a back porch with three wives — elizabeth, amy lee, and hatti — as they drink bourbon and coke, fold laundry and gossip. The companion story somewhat parallels this one as it is set at angel’s bar, where the three women’s husbands — roy, ray and cletis — are gathered for an evening of beer, booze and tall tales. Things start to get interesting when a few too many secrets are revealed. The performances will run 7:30 p.m. today-saturday, monday and march 21-23, and 3 p.m. sunday at 1080 e. montague ave., north charleston. call 745-0317 or go to www. southofbroadway.com.

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E15

by matthew godbey for its religious themes Special to The Post and Courier and outspoken christian members, but it soon began the devil wears prada branching into secularity with named after the popular stints on the warped tour lauren weisberger novel, and mtv. The devil wears prada beThe band’s latest album, gan playing around its native “dead Throne,” debuted at dayton, ohio, in 2005. a year no. 10 on the billboard later, the metal-core quintet top 200 in 2011 and became released its debut, “dear love: the band’s second album, a beautiful discord.” behind 2009’s “with roots The band initially launched above and branches below,” from the christian hard-core to reach no. 1 on the indie scene, having been embraced charts.

having spent 2012 touring alongside slipknot, slayer, anthrax and motorhead on the rockstar energy drink mayhem festival, the group is set to release a new album later this year. The devil wears prada will perform with as i lay dying tonight at the music farm, 32 ann st. fellow metal-core bands for today and The chariot will open the show. tickets are $24 and are available online at www.etix.com, the music

farm box office or the door. doors open at 6:30 p.m. go to musicfarm.com or call 577-6969.

to his own unique and universal style that can only be described through sexton’s performance’s. over the years, sexton’s almartin sexton bums have grown more and since his 1992 self-produced more complex, using horns, debut, “in the Journey,” bosbackup vocalists and fullton (by way of new york) band arrangements, but sexsinger-songwriter martin sex- ton’s live shows often remain ton has become the definition true to his humble beginnings of a musician. as a street musician in harhis influences ranging vard square. from delta blues to country, with one-man band rendirock to jazz has given way tions of his studio works that

involve scatting, feet stomping and guitar thumping, sexton is unparalleled in his displays of studio adeptness and live performance brilliance. sexton will perform friday at The pour house, 1977 maybank highway, with matt mackelcan. tickets are $20 and are available online at www.etix.com. doors open at 8 p.m. call 571-4343 or go to www. charlestonpourhouse.com.

doobie brothers takin’ it to the dock street by harris cohen Special to The Post and Courier

if you go

otherwise.” with this successful reunion, what: doobie brothers templeton suggested the “new ossibly more than any when: 8 p.m. tuesday old” group cut another album. other band, the doobie where: dock street theatre, This generated a top 10 single: brothers have experienced 135 church st. “The doctor.” an unconventional career. price: requires $500 Longevity only The eagles’ path commembership to music with pares to the doobie brothfriends, plus $1,500 annual with numerous hits at or apers’ immense early success, fee for three shows proaching 40 years, Johnston significant changes in lineup, for more info: www. is proud that “listen to the considerable shift in style and musicwithfriends.com music,” “china grove,” “long sound, a second peak of suctrain running,” “black water” cess, a breakup then reunion and “take me in your arms,” and makeup, new studio music with a constantly changamong other songs, have stood and ongoing touring. ing lineup, the biggest change the test of time. but even The eagles never came in 1975 when Johnston “i won’t lie,” Johnston said. had four guitarists and four had to leave the band because “while skill is involved, so is drummers — at the same time. of health reasons. blind luck.” with a record contract rehis rhythmic chord structure Early influences quiring an album release, mi- and distinctive strumming The doobie brothers were chael mcdonald was brought style led to songs that were ininfluenced by more than in on keyboards and vocals to stantly recognizable. just other musicians, such as supplement singer, guitarist, “back then, radio was allthe grateful dead, Jefferson songwriter and original mem- powerful and made the bands airplane and moby grape. ber patrick simmons. and the hit songs. you needed founder, singer, guitarist and as longtime band producer a hook such as, ‘wo, oh, listen songwriter tom Johnston ted templeton was “blown to the music.’ ” now it’s many reflected on the northern cali- away” with mcdonald’s demo more people trying to jam fornia scene from the summer of “takin’ it to the streets,” through a much smaller door of love through the mid-’70s the band radically changed its and it’s so much harder to that brought about dramatic sound from guitar-centric rock stand out,” Johnston said. cultural and social change. to softer, bluesy rock with the not all is in the distant past, “The reintroduction of keyboards front and center. as Johnston added, “we have the blues to a wide audience The band’s second peak of some great newer stuff, too.” brought many new sounds and popularity came with its 1978’s on its most recent album, types of music. all this congrammy-winning “minute by 2010’s “world gone crazy,” verging at the same time won’t minute” album and the single the band evokes earlier sounds be repeated and is so different “what a fool believes,” but with lush harmonies, includfrom now,” Johnston said. constant touring and stylistic ing the first single from the conflict caused the band to dis- album, “nobody.” ‘Which Doobie?’ band in 1982. The video, which can be seen The most well-known line This was not the doobie at www.doobiebros.com, imfrom the doobie brothers’ brothers’ end, though, as peccably blends the band playappearance on the “what’s drummer keith knudsen ing the song in the studio with happening” television show brought them back together for clips from its earlier years. in 1978, “which doobie you a vietnam veterans benefit. Johnston said everyone takes be?,” reflected what was hapJohnston said, “no doubt, pride in playing, but the key pening in the band. it wouldn’t have happened difference is basic: simply


practicing. “vocal exercises make an immense difference. it is muscular and to keep control, you have to keep strong. The audience deserves it,” he said.

Music With Friends

for the doobie brothers upcoming concert at the dock street Theatre with music

with friends, Johnston said the group will play songs spanning the band’s history, including some reworked “old new songs,” a deep cut or two and, of course, the hits. The concert is the first of three shows the organization will present this year. “with the dock street Theatre being such an intimate venue,

the shows feel more like a club than a larger concert,” music with friends founder larry faber said. “given the doobie brothers high-energy level, this show will be powerful and the music alive even more so.” Johnston concurred, saying, “whatever age or demographic, our job is to reach the audience and move them to react.”

E16: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

crowfield says ‘goodbye, goodnight, so long’ by ballard lesemann Special to The Post and Courier


hen charleston band crowfield announced in January that it was splitting up after a six-year run, fans and friends were shocked and confused. led by singer-songwriter and guitarist tyler mechem, the americana-tinged quintet had become one of the brightest stars in the lowcountry rock scene. last march, mechem and his bandmates — drummer parker gins, keyboardist whitt algar, bassist ben meyer and lead guitarist ryan holderfield — independently released a well-polished studio album titled “The diamond sessions.” and they followed it up by touring heavily throughout the southeast and across the country through the summer, fall and winter. Things seemed to be going well for the band by the end of 2012, but an announcement posted on its facebook page Jan. 4 stated that mechem and his crew were “moving on to other interests in life,” adding that crowfield would be performing an official farewell show march 15 at the charleston music hall. mechem believed crowfield already had accomplished its best. “it was tough, but if those words were going to come out of my mouth, i knew i was


Local band Crowfield will hold a farewell concert Friday at the Charleston Music Hall.

if you go what: crowfield with luke cunningham, John wesley satterfield and ryan bonner when: 7:30 p.m. friday where: charleston music hall, 37 John st. price: $20 for more info: www. charlestonmusichall.com or www.crowfieldmusic. com definitely sure,” mechem said. “i saw myself as the last one in the band to realize that we should probably quit.” with the final show fast approaching, mechem has mixed emotions. Through a kickstarter. com campaign, he and the band raised nearly $20,000 to finance “The diamond sessions.” with so many fans of-

fering support, it was particularly difficult for mechem to pull the plug on the group. “so many people had believed in us, supported us, given money and done so much for us to do what we did. i didn’t want them to feel like we were giving up on them or being unappreciative,” mechem said. “There was some frustration on the business side of things, but i was just at the point where i kind of started feeling like it was ok if we’d reached the end.”

The beginning

mechem formed crowfield in charleston in 2007 shortly after he and pianist Joe giant relocated to the lowcountry from indiana. They started performing as a duo before adding extra players to the lineup, including micah nichols on lead guitar, ethan ricks on bass and gins on drums. in 2008, the band released “goodbye, goodnight, so long midwestern,” a twangy debut comprised of guitarbased power-pop and altcountry originals. They followed up in 2010 with a self-titled collection of radio-friendly modern-rock and pop tunes. named in honor of late promoter/manager Johnny diamond, 2012’s “The diamond sessions” included more countrified ballads and wellpolished guitar-pop tunes. mechem considers diamond to be a dedicated supporter who took a chance on assist-

ballard lesemann

Tyler Mechem performs at the Royal American downtown. ing and guiding crowfield through major career decisions and tours. mechem and his bandmates spent much of 2012 embarking on one road trip after another, playing new cities and returning to familiar clubs. The turnout was mixed; some shows were exciting and wellattended while others were mild and sparse. “we wanted to take over the world, and we’d get stressed out if we didn’t get enough ads at radio stations with ‘The diamond sessions’ or draw big crowds at shows,” mechem said. “The motivation for those things started to fade a little bit, not because i didn’t believe in what we were doing, but because those outcomes didn’t dictate whether or not i believed it was a success. “i think those changing expectations didn’t line up with the kind of band we were. i think i just wanted to change our goals.”

The end

mechem said he was pleased and relieved that his bandmates were so understanding about his decision to stop, especially his drummer, with whom mechem had played the longest in crowfield. “parker told me, ‘i wondered when and if you were going to do it, but i was willing to stick with you, no matter what,’ ” mechem recalls. “That guy can play anything with any rock band, so that meant a lot.” crowfield’s break-up doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the end of the band’s musical adventure. Through mechem’s work, the crowfield legacy will continue, one way or another. as the songwriter and vocalist, mechem developed a distinctive style that will likely play into forthcoming solo and collaborative efforts. crowfield drew from a mix of pop, rock and americana

influences, and mechem regularly fine-tuned the way he handled writing lyrics, arranging songs and performing on stage, so the crowfield flavor likely will always accent and enhance his songs to come. for friday’s concert at the charleston music hall, mechem and the band plan to play two sets of early and recent material with a brief intermission, which likely will include a panoramic photo shoot of the audience and the band from the stage. guest horn players and various former members of crowfield will be on hand, as well. “we’re not going to change our set for the show,” mechem said. “i’d be tempted to if it wasn’t our final show. “when it’s the last one, you want to play everything that you really want to play one last time. it’s kind of like kissing each one of your kids goodbye.”

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E17

they might be giants Nanobots/Idlewild/Megaforce


for more than three decades now, the brooklyn, n.y., band They might be giants has been releasing its own brand of music to an ever-growing audience. The do-it-yourself mentality of core members John linnell and John flansburgh has resulted in a variety of musical styles and concepts. one of the more curious recordings came

doug mcleod

There’s a Time/Reference


one of the best parts of reviewing music is the chance to discover an artist whose work was previously unknown to me. This week’s discovery is blues guitarist doug mcleod. he’s been recording and performing music for more than 30 years, and on his latest release, “There’s a time,” the musician delivers a set of deceptively placid tunes played mostly with acoustic guitars.

Jimi hendrix

People, Hell & Angels/Legacy


make a list of the greatest rock guitarists in history, and chances are that Jimi hendrix will be at the top of it. The late musician certainly deserves that honor. although he really only made music professionally for about seven years before his untimely death in 1970, hendrix changed the way guitar players think about creating music. The surviving members of hendrix’s fam-

on the band’s 1992 album “apollo 18.” called “fingertips,” the song was actually 21 different songs, each lasting just a few seconds. it has remained a fan favorite, especially when performed in its entirety live in concert. on They might be giants’s latest, “nanobots,” the band revisits the “fingertips” idea with nine of the album’s 25 tracks clocking in at under a minute, and while they don’t pack quite the same novelty punch as “fingertips,” the songs demonstrate that the two Johns still have what seems to be a bottom-

less well when it comes to song writing. as for the rest of the music on the album, songs such as “you’re on fire” and “replicant” will remind longtime tmbg fans of classic albums such as “lincoln” and “flood.” local fans will be able to check out some of the new material firsthand when tmbg performs live on april 11 at the music farm. key tracks: “you’re on fire,” “lost my mind,” “replicant”

where some blues artist such as stevie ray vaughan and buddy guy like to wail on their electric guitars, mcleod takes the strong, quiet approach. mcleod’s effectiveness as a performer comes just as much from his voice as it does from his guitar. That voice, with its unidentifiable drawl (mcleod was born in new york and lives in los angeles), is as smooth and thick as honey, and is perfectly suited for telling stories while mcleod’s fingers pick out a melody on his guitar. standout tunes on the new album include

the bouncy “rosa lee,” the positive “The up song” and “The night of the devil’s road,” which benefits beautifully from the haunting sound of mcleod’s resonator guitar. listening to “There’s a time” shows why mcleod has been at his trade successfully for the past three decades, and this new album is a great jumping-on point if you, like me, were not previously aware of mcleod’s talents.

ily keep a pretty tight rein on the rights to his recorded material, and while it might seem like we’ve heard everything the artist recorded in a studio already, the slow trickle of studio material continues. The latest release, “people, hell & angels,” calls itself a collection of 12 previously unreleased studio tracks. in reality, while the music we hear on this new album might be made up of unreleased recordings, the fact is that many of the songs have appeared on other releases. sure, what we heard on those earlier albums might have been a different take or even a completely different studio record-

ing, but what we’re getting here are retreads and tracks that are in some cases cobbled together from several takes. “let me move you” is one of the few truly new pieces of material, and hendrix doesn’t even sing on the track. for the hendrix completist, this is ok to add to the collection, but casual or first-time listeners would do well to look elsewhere.

key tracks: “rosa lee,” “the up song,” “the night of the devil’s road”

key tracks: “somewhere,” “let me move you,” “hey gypsy boy” — by devin grant

E18: Thursday, march 14, 2013

thursday, march 14, 2013 : 19E

MYCharLesTONWeeKeND designer showhouse preview party the charleston symphony orchestra league will kick off its 36th annual designer showhouse with a preview party. this black-tie optional event (flat-heeled shoes are requested) will include a ribbon cutting by charleston mayor Joe riley followed by tours of the house, refreshments and live music provided by charleston symphony orchestra members. the house will be open to the public march 21-april 21, excluding easter. the home presents creative solutions for smaller spaces, an exclusive boutique

and designer sales. the showhouse acts as a fundraiser for the cso and student scholarships. when: 6-9 p.m. wednesday where: 4 s. adgers wharf price: $65 includes unlimited access to the showhouse throughout the monthlong event; showhouse tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. more info: 768-3511, gwengilmore@ bellsouth.net, 723-0020 or www.csolinc. org

pet helpers oyster roast

‘lord of the dance’ provided

charleston trials break out the big hats! it’s time for the inaugural charleston trials. sanctioned by the national steeplechase association, these steeplechase and flat races bring spring horse racing back to the lowcountry for the first time since 1986. and as tradition goes, tailgating is in order at this family-friendly event. when: sunday; gates open at 9 a.m. with the paddock call at noon where: the plantation at stono ferry, hollywood price: $25-$2,500 more info: 766-6202 or www.charlestontrials.net

folly beach pub crawl brian doherty

Just in time for st. patrick’s day, michael flatley’s famed irish dance show “lord of the dance” is returning to the area. the show, which is the world’s highest grossing irish dance show, has been running for 16 years and features a masterfully orchestrated combination of precision dancing, state-of-the-art lighting and pyrotechnics. based on irish folklore, the show is a classic tale of

“good vs. evil,” expressed through dance. when: 8 p.m. saturday where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $39-$57 more info: www.northcharlestoncoliseumpac.com or www.lordofthedance.com

needtobreathe classic participants in the needtobreathe classic golf tournament, hosted by commonwealth cares foundation, will have the chance to pair with celebrity guests from the nfl, mlb and music industry in a round of golf on the daniel island ralston creek and beresford courses. for vips, the golf tournament will be followed by an evening with needtobreathe and friends, including performances from members of collective soul, John mark mcmillan and others. the event benefits palmetto medical initiative. when: tuesday; registration opens at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. where: daniel island club, 600 island park drive price: $300 for individual player registration, $1,200 for a team of four more info: 884-4545 or www.commonwealthcares.org/ commonwealth-cares-classic

the folly beach business association and 10 restaurants and bars on folly beach are taking advantage of the nicer weather on tap with a pub crawl. participants can choose where they want to start from the list of participating venues: loggerhead’s beach grill, woody’s pizza, folly brew pub, drop in bar and deli, planet follywood, folly beach crab shack, the grill on the edge, surfbar, blu restaurant and rita’s seaside grille. prizes will be awarded at the end of the crawl. proceeds from the event will benefit three folly beach charities: surfrider foundation, save the light and folly angels. when: noon-5 p.m. saturday where: numerous locations on folly beach more info: visitfolly.com

sweet grass music festival


this inaugural event will kick off with a 5k and then transition to an all-day concert event. the family-friendly festival will feature performances by bluegrass groups common ground, nothin’ fancy, sierra hull, balsam range, iiird tyme out, and rhonda vincent and the rage. the event will be held rain or shine. bring chairs but leave coolers and pets behind. all proceeds will go to charity. when: 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m. saturday where: patriots point, mount pleasant price: $25 in advance, $30 at the gate; children under 12 get in for free more info: www.sweetgrassmusicfestival.com

this event benefiting pet helpers is about having a good time for a good cause. the event will feature all-you-can-eat local oysters and music by the rusty hook ramblers and eddie bush. the event is pet-friendly, so bring your four-legged fur baby. when: 7 p.m. march 16 where: charleston visitor center bus shed, 375 meeting st. price: $35 for adults, $20 for students, $15 for children 12 and under more info: 795-1110 www.shuckyour pawsoff.com

edisto eats food fest edisto marks the shift in season with a festival designed to showcase the coastal island. the event will feature the arts and crafts fair at 11 a.m., live music starting at noon, the third annual chefs competition at 2 p.m. and a community oyster roast at 4:30 p.m. held in conjunction with the festival is the second annual edisto beach road race, which begins at 8:30 a.m. for registration information, go to www. edistochamber.com. when: 11 a.m. saturday where: mcconkey’s Jungle shack, edisto st. price: free more info: 869-0097 or edistoeats.org

E20: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

file/marie rodriguez

charleston fashion week five-night celebration helps make charleston the ‘it’ place to be by seth mccormick diasio

Special to The Post and Courier


onde nast traveler named charleston the no. 1 city to visit in the world. in addition to history, charm and a multitude of award-winning restaurants, events such as charleston fashion week add to the city’s cachet and give it the cosmopolitan vibe that jetsetters all over the globe seek out. charleston fashion week has grown up and come into its own since its inception in 2007. under the tents at marion square, this year features early evening shows by local shops bits of lace, bob ellis, Jlinsnider, belk, gwynn’s of mount pleasant and v2v alongside semifinalists for the emerging designer competition:

east and established designers such as libertine, a.a. antonio azzuolo and christian siriano. between shows, guests can indulge in libations at the style lounge, where The shops at charleston place, cos bar of charleston, tanger outlets, sneaker and stella & dot are some of the many companies that will have a presence. The five-night fashion celebration has been credited with launching the careers of up-andcoming designers and models, and supporting local businesses and charities through its affiliations and events. This year, baker motor company headlines the event, rebranding it baker motor company charleston fashion week, in addition to benefitfocus coming on as a title sponsor.

shawne Jenkins, benefitfocus ceo, said, “we are very excited to be participating in baker motor company charleston fashion week this year. cfw is known as a springboard for undiscovered talent, and we’re proud to be a part of their journey.” This year brings more special guests than ever before. in addition to the panel of judges, guests can expect appearances by grammy award-winning entertainer ashanti, fashion designer cynthia rowley and lifestyle expert robert verdi.

emerging designer

the eastern seaboard. applicants start the process nine months before fashion week. after a rigorous selection process, the top 20 designers are selected as semifinalists. They then create full collections to debut at cfw. one designer will be selected the grand prize winner by the cfw fashion panel. The grand prize includes $5,000, $10,000 in online marketing and promotional packages from f22 designs, mentoring opportunities, professional look-book images of the collection by J. balliet, a bernina sewing machine donated by fashion fabrics in mount pleasant, an ippolita necklace from reeds Jewelers and a scheduled slot on the runway at cfw 2014.

The emerging designer competition: east is the backbone of cfw that gives it its credibility for finding and promoting fresh talent along please see Fashion, page e23

if you go what: baker motor company charleston fashion week when: tuesdaymarch 23 where: marion square price: $35-$195 for tickets to individual shows; select number of vip packages available for more info: charlestonmag. com/fashionweek

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E21

meet the emerging designer competitors Jazsalyn mcneil

Arocena and Datinguinoo Poku (left)

afriyie poku Atlanta a self-taught designer, afriyie poku’s menswear line, oberima afriyie, gleans inspiration from designers such as ralph lauren and ozwald boateng as well as day-today life. his collection references 18th- and 19th-century menswear through cut and construction while modernizing its foundations.

callie nichol

Social Circle, Ga. with her eponymous line, savannah college of art and design graduate callie nichol offers her perspective on 20th-century art, architecture and street fashion. her collection, she says, reflects the strong post-sept. 11 tension in the united states, something she realized while visiting the u.k. based on that anxiety, she incorporated middle eastern sculptural shapes Nichol seen in knight’s armor to create brave yet delicate pieces.

cassidy elizabeth-mae brown Melbourne, Fla. The simple beauty of day-to-day life along with the dance, food and music of other cultures influence the designs of cassidy elizabeth-mae brown’s womenswear line, elizabeth mae. her “tribal royale” line is a reference to traditional african tribal beauty enhancement practices and Brown music. leather pairs up with organza and chiffon to create voluminous forms and figure-enhancing details.

clarissa arocena and bryan datinguinoo Durham, N.C. clarissa arocena and bryan datinguinoo both received their education at north carolina state university. influenced by traditional tailoring, classic craftsmanship, shoe cobblers and metalsmiths, their elena viana line references photographs of child laborers with oversized wool jackets and tattered looks. Their designs modernize the image of a factory worker and add men’s tailoring to a woman’s style.

hope wallace

Savannah hope wallace’s collection references the lines from the art deco period and includes fabrics as different as leather and sateen, denim and georgette, or washed silk and brushed twill. bold, Wallace graphic pieces are indicative of her pop-art influence and silhouettes from the ’60s and ’70s.

hyemin cho

New York hyemin cho, who studies at the savannah college of art and design, reflects on architecture, traditional korean culture and street fashion in her namesake line. her Cho collection honors korean tradition and its cultural influence, specifically its architectural lattice patterns, roof tiles and ink wash paintings.

Raleigh with Thai silk, chiffon, lame, lace and boucle, Jazsalyn by Jazsalyn mcneil is all about creating an intricate story with every garment. her line “kingdom come” includes McNeil menswear and womenswear that she says “provides momentum for an aesthetic journey towards self-discovery.”

karen hulse

Rego Park, N.Y. karen hulse’s line go. see. do. is influenced by artists of the early 1900s, the art deco period and designers such as proenza schouler and dries van noten. her collection Hulse references camping and the outdoors, and displays interesting necklines while surprising with detail such as lambskin trim and long-pile faux fur.

katherine barron

Savannah katherine barron uses her self-named line to bring to life her sketches, daydreaming, exploring and observation. her collection starts with the magnolia blossom as her inspiration. her Barron all-white garments mimic the texture and shape of the flower, and texture comes into play with luxurious fabrics such as silk and cashmere. her collection is polished with hand painting and beading on each garment.

kendra duplantier

Brooklyn, N.Y. kendra duplantier enjoys tinkering with opposites and uses pop culture of the past and present to give weight to her play on the balance between masculine and feminine. her Duplantier eponymous womenswear collection references tailored menswear and juxtaposes those androgynous looks with more feminine details rendered in a mix of fabrics, including angora and washed silk.

kita nolley

megan huntz

Atlanta eXpatriate, kita nolley’s womenswear line, focuses on fine tailoring while being inspired by the designer’s international travels. The designer has lived and worked Nolley in europe and south asia, and has pulled from those experiences to form her collection. “culture club” is in homage to her african and american heritage and combines mix-and-match patterns with contemporary silhouettes and classic tailoring.

Atlanta after studying at the pratt institute in new york and domus academy in milan, italy, megan huntz launched her line megan huntz dresses. inspired by storytelling, eccentric and artistic women as well as expressionism, the designer uses her Huntz pieces to tell a story that she hopes will connect with the wearer. her line aims to capture a moment that cannot be repeated using over-dye, distressing and luxurious fabrics.

lulu long

monisha pillai

Seabrook Island willow, a childrenswear line by lulu long, is inspired by classic american designers such as ralph lauren and vera wang. The designer looked back to her Long family for her collection and added a plethora of details to each look. equestrian meets military meets mod-rock in unexpected fabrics are styled in clever and unpredictable ways.

mary katherine schweitzer

Manhattan, N.Y. modern art, shapes, metropolitan spaces and music are heavy influences for mary katherine schweitzer and her self-named label. a recent transplant to new york city, Schweitzer she has noticed the evolution of the city’s space through everything from weather to which floor of a building you find yourself on. Thinking about how an urban space will be in the future as a jumping-off point, her line transforms neoprene to resemble other fabrics and uses geometric silhouettes to give the collection a sporty feel.

Atlanta monisha pillai’s line is inspired by the usual suspects such as valentino couture and architecture and the notso-usual suspects, including iris van herpens’ experimental fabrics or bmw’s visionefficient dynamics concept car. her Pillai collection is heavily influenced by Zaha hadid’s kartal pendik masterplan, which is a vision for a new urban center in isanbul. her eponymous line features bold patterns mixed with neutrals finished with fine detail like french seams.

roz morris

New York stone morris by roz morris is a womenswear line that reflects influences from oriental medicine, dance, nature, travel, history and art. The line culls images from personal paintings, photos and sculptures. The collection is inspired Morris by a trip to london, specifically westminster abbey, which shows in its reference to medieval armor, courtly dress and period tapestries. velvet, wool, crepe de chine and feathers all play a role in bringing the pieces to life.

please see emerging, page e22

E22: Thursday, march 14, 2013

emerging from page e21

sabrina spanta

Savannah sabrina spanta’s line, spansen filles, references sculpture, nature, architecture and music, and is influ- Spanta enced by the designs of alexander mcQueen. her collection uses zippers in innovative ways to represent unwinding time and history. fabrics such as silk and leather lend a more contemporary aesthetic to the edgier silhouettes of the garments.

serena da conceicao

Brooklyn, N.Y. serena da conceicao’s namesake line gets its inspiration from dinner parties, people da Conceicao watching and people such as carla bruni sarkozy, among others. her love of lingerie comes out in the collection. silk double georgette, leather, alencon lace, cotton tulle, wool crepe and silk taffeta create feminine but not girly pieces. her pieces are created for businesswomen who are not afraid of being sexy.

The post and courier

siobhan elizabeth murphy Charleston influenced by the first couture designers, madeline vionnet’s creative use of tulle, balenciaga Murphy and charles James, siobhan murphy uses her designs to indulge in the childhood fantasy of dress-up. her line, retulled by siobhan, uses eccentric styling to bring together a “schizophrenic” group of styles that include classic ’50s and ’60s silhouettes as well as box peplum dresses, french lace and tutus.

victoria cid

Charlotte The gothic leanings of labels such as alexander mcQueen, viktor & rolf, gareth pugh, givenchy and bal- Cid main are influences for victoria cid and her self-named fashion label. her collection explores pattern, shape and color from nature though edgy and unusual creations that are wearable with intricate details.

Bridal Design Winner














brooke ray Marietta, Ga. The winner of the 2013 emerging bridal designer competition, brooke ray is influenced by rustic materials, cultures, landscapes and the female form for her line of wedding gowns dubbed melanie brooke. her win was a unanimous decision by the judges panel after they were impressed by her fluid sketches and deftness for layering deconstructed fabrics into corseted, full-skirted gowns. after showing at charleston fashion week, ray will be given the chance to intern at the design and dress production headquarters for modern trousseau in connecticut.

fashion panel and special guests Sparks



z Ashanti, grammy-winning singer, fashion panel z Antonio Azzuolo, fashion designer, featured designer and fashion panel z Anne Barge, founder of anne barge bridal collection, featured bridal designer z Peter Davis, editor in chief of scene magazine, fashion panel z Hannah Goff, fashion designer and winner of the 2012 emerging designer competition: east, featured designer z Arlene Goldstein, vice president of trend merchandising and fashion direction for belk inc., fashion panel z Johnson Hartig, fashion designer and founder of libertine, featured designer and fashion panel

z Fern Mallis, international fashion and design consultant and host of 92y lecture series fashion icons with fern mallis, fashion panel z Sarah Parrott, fashion designer and winner of the 2011 emerging designer competition’s “people’s choice” award, Fashion Panel z Nikki Poulos, fashion designer, fashion panel z Cynthia Rowley, fashion designer z Christian Siriano, fashion designer and winner of season four of “project runway,” featured designer and fashion panel z Cator Sparks, editor in chief of Themanual.com and fashion industry journalist, fashion panel z Brandon Sun, fashion designer, fashion panel z Robert Verdi, lifestyle expert

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E23

celebration helps make charleston the ‘it’ place to be Fashion from page e20


cfw is not just for the designers. in addition to more than 35 runway shows, cfw is also a breeding ground of emerging model talent. to help select the best of the best, cfw launched the rock the runway model competition. past winners of the contest have signed on with agencies such as ikon model management and img, and others have gone on to compete in “america’s next top model.”

cfw fashion panel

The cfw fashion panel itself contains some fashion heavyweights. fern mallis, who is widely credited with starting new york fashion week, returns for a third year on the panel and has said she “was delighted to be invited ... to charleston. i was impressed with the city, the people i met and the organizers of cfw.” mallis is joined by ashanti; cator sparks, editor in chief of Themanual.com and fashion industry journalist; fashion designers brandon sun, christian siriano, Johnson hartig of libertine, nikki poulos and sarah parrott; peter davis, editor in chief of scene magazine; and arlene goldstein, the vice president of trend merchandising and fashion direction for belk inc.

provided by charleston fashion week

Cassidy Elizabeth-Mae Brown does a fitting with a model during a previous visit to Charleston.


fashion and film

This year, cfw is also host to its first fashion and film contest. held in conjunction with tout pictures and production design associates, the competition is for short films up to two minutes that tie in with fashion. “There’s so much natural overlap between fashion and film that we wanted to somehow highlight this art form as part of our programming,” said Jed drew, one of the owners of cfw. “we want cfw to continue to be a pipeline of talent across

file/marie rodriguez

the fashion spectrum, and we’re thrilled to offer this opportunity to filmmakers this year.”

charleston fashion week doesn’t end at the runway. each night after the show, guests get a chance to flaunt their style at the afterparties. day 1 will find guests at mercury bar with dJ rdot, followed by dJ y-not at mynt on wednesday. Thursday and friday bring dJ forge at The cocktail club and The macintosh, and dJ sk at republic, respectively. saturday, the final night, is the big night for all the fashion types and culminates in a party at the woolfe street playhouse with dJ natty heavy. of course, these are the official after-parties. There are bound to be unofficial afterparties and parties after the after-parties, as well.

E24: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

celebrate st. paddy’s day in style by allison nugent anugent@postandcourier.com


h, st. patrick’s day, the day when everyone is irish. while many see it as an excuse to wear green, drink beer and dig into a plate of corned beef and cabbage, march 17 has a bit more back history. The day marks the anniversary of the death of st. patrick, the patron saint and national apostle of ireland. The saint’s religious feast day has been observed as a religious holiday in ireland for more than 1,000 years. and as st. patrick’s day falls during the christian season of lent, it traditionally has been a day to set aside lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat in favor of dancing, drinking and feasting. in honor of st. patrick, here is a listing of local events that will have you partying like the irish.

St. Paddy’s Day Block Party & Parade

what: the 10th annual st. paddy’s day block party & parade claims to be the biggest st. patrick’s day celebration in the lowcountry. the family-friendly event will feature live music across three stages, bagpipe music, a mechanical bull, food vendors and trucks, corned beef and cabbage, irish trivia, a kids zone with jump castles, face-painting, local artisans and more. live music will be performed by karl byrne, customs four & friends, the v-tones, folkgrass, sean austin leonard, michael wolk, don merckle & the blacksmiths, the three dudes, maya morill, lizzy pitch and wadata. when: noon-8 p.m. saturday; road closures begin at 9:30 a.m. where: olde village of north charleston (east montague avenue near park circle) price: free more info: www.madraruapub. com

St. Patrick’s Celebration

what: the annual celebration in downtown charleston will start off with mass at st. patrick’s catholic church on st. philip’s street, a parade down king and broad streets, a raising of the irish flag over city hall, and conclude with irish meals and entertainment at local pubs. this year’s st. patrick’s day parade promises to be the largest such event ever in charleston. the grand marshal will


Revelers fill the streets at the 2012 St. Paddy’s Day Block Party in Park Circle. be michael patrick duffy, senior u.s. district Judge in charleston. music will be provided by the charleston police pipe band and the popular na fidleiri, the youthful irish violin group. there will be an irish dance group, many antique cars, the scottish society, fire engines and more participating. throughout the day, irish musicians and dancers will appear at local establishments such as tommy condon’s on church street, o’malley’s on king street, dunleavy’s on sullivan’s island, blind tiger on broad street and molly darcy’s on east bay street. when: 8 a.m. mass, 10 a.m. parade, 11:30 a.m. flag raising, noon entertainment saturday where: king street price: free

St. Patrick’s Week Talk

what: the charleston historical society presents its annual talk on the irish. stephen J. white’s lecture, “charleston and its irish: the bryan family,” looks at a family out of

dublin coming to charleston and how they affected their new city and nation. when: 7 p.m. today where: karpeles museum, 68 spring st. more info: 723-3398

when: noon-5 p.m. saturday where: center street, folly beach more info: www.follybeach. com

Family Celebration

what: the hibernian society will hold its 211th anniversary banquet. u.s. sen. lindsey graham, r-s.c., will be the guest speaker. when: 8 p.m. saturday where: hibernian hall, 105 meeting st.

what: sullivan’s island will hold an island block party that will feature live entertainment, contests, games and prizes. alcohol is strictly forbidden. when: 10 a.m.-noon saturday where: stith park, 2050 middle st., sullivan’s island more info: www.sullivans island-sc.com

Folly Beach Pub Crawl

Share Your Green

Anniversary Banquet

what: a number of folly beach bars and restaurants will be participating in the fourth annual st. patrick’s day pub crawl. local restaurants will serve up irish food, and bagpipes will be playing all day long. participants in the crawl can get a stamp from each stop and enter to win a prize by turning in their completed card. the event is family-friendly.

what: crown leadership academy will host a st. patrick’s day fundraiser at awendaw green. there will be live music by volcanoes in the kitchen, barbecue with all the fixings, beer and wine for sale, a silent auction, face-painting and more. rsvps are requested. when: 3-6 p.m. sunday where: awendaw green, 4879 u.s.

highway 17 price: $15 in advance, $20 at the door; kids 5 and under get in free more info: 200-9916 or www. crownleadershipacademy.org

Smoky Oak Party

what: enjoy a day of musical performances, including guilt ridden troubadour, 2-5 p.m., gaslight street 5-8 p.m. and cross-eyed mule 10 p.m. -1 a.m. when: saturday where: smoky oak taproom, 1234 camp road, James island

Johns Island Event

what: in its second year, the seanachai social club has planned a weekend of events. the fun starts saturday with a corned beef and cabbage cook-off by some of Johns islands’ most celebrated restaurants, including the fat hen, wild olive, southern general and sweeneys. in addition to drink specials and live music well into the evening, there will be face-painting and a jump castle for

kids. the fun continues sunday with brunch, live music by moonlight ale, and food available from outta my huevos and southern general. when: 11 a.m. saturday and sunday where: 3157 maybank highway, Johns island more info: seanachaisocialclub. com

St. Paddy’s Day Party

what: enjoy all-day corned beef and cabbage with guinness mustard, drink specials, live music, drinking songs and more. when: 5 p.m. sunday where: pawleys island tavern, 10635 ocean highway price: free for more: 237-8465

St. Patrick’s PubCrawl

what: the producers of the world’s largest pub crawls are looking to make history yet again with the luck of the irish pub crawl through

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thursday, march 14, 2013: E25

paddY from page e24 the irish pubs of charleston. drink specials will be available at the bars along the way. when: noon saturday where: mac’s place, 215 east bay st. price: $10 more info: pubcrawls.com

Charleston Bar Crawls

what: green kegs and hammered is taking over spots all over charleston. choose from the friday night kick-off party, saturday st. paddy bar crawl and sunday st. patrick’s day bar crawl. when: friday-sunday where: silver dollar, 478 king st. more info: barcrawls.com

Tin Roof

what: wear your green and rock out with the royal tinfoil. irish drink specials will be offered. when: 8 p.m. sunday where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road price: $5

Charleston Pour House

what: the werks will produce a dance party that can be appreciated by a majority of musical tastes. when: sunday; doors open at 9 p.m. where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: $10 in advance, $13 at the door more info: www.facebook.com/ charlestonpourhouse


A bevy of bagpipers set the tone for the annual St. Paddy’s Day Parade in North Charleston in 2011.

E26: Thursday, march 14, 2013

Today ‘Boeing-Boeing’

what: it’s the swinging ’60s and, in paris, an american playboy is juggling love affairs with three sexy stewardesses: one from twa, one from lufthansa and one from air france. when all three unexpectedly turn up at his apartment on the same night, the comic fireworks begin. presented by charleston stage. when: 7:30 p.m. march 14-16, 20-23; 3 p.m. march 17, 24 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: adults $34.50-$53.50, seniors

The post and courier

for more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com. (60+) $32.50-$53.50, students (25 and under) $22.50-$53.50 more info: 577-7183 or www. charlestonstage.com

‘The Mouse Trap’

what: five strangers take shelter in a converted manor house: a spinster, an architect, a retired army major, an odd man and a former magistrate. into their midst comes a policeman on skis. paranoia erupts when the magistrate is found dead and there is nowhere to run. when: 8 p.m. march 14-16, 21-23, 28-30, april 4-6; 3 p.m. march 31, april 7

where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: adults $20/seniors $15/ students and military id $10 more info: 277-2172 or www. thresholdrep.org

‘Sex Please, We’re Sixty!’

what: set at rose cottage bed & breakfast in new england, this hysterical farce is the golden girls meets grumpy old men. filled with mayhem, mischief and mood swings, this witty farce examines what happens when there is a mix-up of libido-boosting pharmaceuticals. when: 8 p.m. march 14-16, 21-23; 3

p.m. march 17, 24 where: the footlight players, 20 Queen st. price: tickets are $25 for adults, $22 for seniors/military, and $15 for students (student rush $10 with valid student id) more info: 722-4487 or www. footlightplayers.net

to the artist’s upbringing in rural dorchester, in his exhibit “renditions.” when: march 1-31 where: the meeting place, 1077 e. montague ave. price: free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Alvin B. Glen

Colie, Fowler exhibit

what: local artist alvin b. glen will feature a collection of mixed media and pastel pieces that capture glimpses of the south carolina lowcountry, as well as explore social and spiritual concepts as they relate

what: charleston artist dayton colie will display watercolors celebrating stall high school’s marching band and its positive contribution to the musical culture of the school and the city of north charleston in his

exhibit “the band of blue.” michael fowler of north augusta will present a collection of landscapes, painted from both memory and imagination, with a focus on color and shape relationships in his exhibit “recent huescapes.” when: march 1-30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Charity Benefit

what: the st. Johns fire district will

please see events, page e27

the deadline for night life items is monday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be faxed to the newsroom at 937-5579 or e-mailed to clubs@postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.

Today Cane Creek String Band

what: “old-time” music includes banjo, fiddle and stand-up bass. when: 4 p.m. march 14 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island

price: free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Weigh Station Duo

what: self-described “dirty southern funk rock.” when: 6-9 p.m. march 14 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st., folly beach more info: 588-2525

Steve Carroll & The Bograts

what: traditional folk, irish/celtic tunes and tavern sing-along favorites. when: 8:30 p.m. every thursday, friday and saturday where: tommy condon’s irish pub, 160 church st., downtown charleston

Sam Holt Band

what: referred to as “heavy americana” and self-described as “country and eastern.” when: doors open 9 p.m. march 14 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: $8 advance, $10 day-of-show more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Mississippi John Doude

what: blues/roots/rockabilly/punk/ trance. when: 9 p.m.-midnight march 14 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston

price: free

ave., isle of palms

Nikki Talley

The Gin House Boys

what: americana, folk, roots singer/songwriter. when: 9 p.m. march 14 where: the sparrow, 1078 e. montague ave., north charleston more info: 744-7753 or www. facebook.com/thesparrowparkcircle

The Rough & Tumble

what: self-described “ambient-folk, quirk-pop duo” out of nashville, tenn. when: 9 p.m. march 14 where: the royal american, 970 morrison drive, downtown charleston price: $5

The Get Right Band

what: funk/rock ’n’ roll/reggae/ party band out of asheville, n.c. when: 9:30 p.m. march 14 where: surf bar, 103 w. cooper ave., folly beach price: no cover.

what: acoustic trio plays the hits from the ’60s to today. when: 6-9 p.m. march 15 where: ms. roses, 1090 sam rittenberg blvd., charleston more info: 766-0223

Sincerely, Iris

what: acoustic/folk/indie music on the upper deck from todd murray. when: 7:30-10:30 p.m. march 15 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms


what: self-described “post-modern ragtime/gypsy/jazz/swing/jugband.” when: 8-11 p.m. march 15 where: seanachai, 3157 maybank highway, Johns island price: free

Beach Brothers

what: americana/classic rock/jam band. when: 10 p.m.-1 a.m. march 14 where: loggerhead’s, 123 w. ashley ave., folly beach

what: beach/shag/jazz and more for this “old side reunion” of the ’60s and ’70s iop gang. when: march 15 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie dodds blvd., mount pleasant more info: 881-1858


Thomas Champagne

Bringers of the Dawn

Thomas Champagne

what: acoustic pop/reggae/funk. when: 4:30-7:30 p.m. march 15 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st

what: acoustic pop/reggae/funk. when: march 15 where: smoky oak taproom, 1234 camp road, James island

Dan Clamp

what: acoustic guitarist. when: 9 p.m. march 15 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.

The Get Right Band

what: funk/rock-’n’-roll/reggae/ party band. when: 9 p.m.-midnight march 15 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston price: no cover.


what: metal/rock/southern rock. when: 9 p.m. march 15 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Hollow Point

what: rock. when: 9:30 p.m. march 15 and 16 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st., folly beach price: free

People’s Blues

what: blues/psychedelic/rock. when: 10 p.m.-1 a.m. march 15 where: loggerhead’s, 123 w. ashley ave., folly beach

Dr. Dan & The Looters

what: Jam/blues/rock with dr. dan matrazzo, one of the godfathers of

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events from page e26

host a charity dinner to benefit the carolina children’s charity. menu will include a house salad, choice of entree, bistro meatloaf or buttermilk fried chicken, both with sides and choice of dessert. st. Johns firefighters will be servers. when: 6-9 p.m. march 14 where: sunrise bistro, 1797 main road price: $40 a person or $75 per couple more info: reservations are recommended. call 718-1858 or www.sunrise-bistro.com

Sound of Charleston

what: experience the sounds that define charleston and its unique southern charm — jazz, gospel, gershwin, gullah, spirituals, civil war songs — coming to life in sacred and historic spaces during a 75-minute live concert. when: 7 p.m. march 14 where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. price: $28 adults, $25 seniors, $16 students, children 12 and under free more info: 270-4903 or www. soundofcharleston.com

Comedy Dinner Show

what: the rotary club of summerville is sponsoring a comedy dinner show featuring shaun Jones and roy haber. proceeds to benefit rotary district 7770’s gift of life program whose mission is to further the cause of world peace

thursday, march 14, 2013: E27 and understanding. reference rotary gift of life show when making a reservation. when: march 14; seating is at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. where: firewater grille, 109 holiday drive, summerville price: $25 more info: 261-2121

Blast Off?

what: members of the theatre 99 company are always creating new shows. this is the showcase for them to try out these in front of a crowd. when: 8 p.m. march 14 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: pay what you can more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

Friday Piano Concert

what: gabriel faure’s suite from “pelleas et melisande” was derived from music from the play of the same name, but reorchestrated for a larger force of musicians. tchaikovsky’s “piano concerto no. 1” is one of the best known piano concerti in history. in honor of the anniversary of prokoviev’s death and keeping with the dramatic theme, the cso tells the story of the tragic star-crossed lovers through excerpts from the ballet “romeo and Juliet.” when: 7:30 p.m. march 15 and 16 where: sottile theatre, 44 george st.

price: tickets start at $25 in advance or $30 at the door, if available. more info: 723-7528 or www. charlestonsymphony.org

Theatre 99 Improv Jam

what: this fast-paced show takes audience suggestions and spins them into improv scenes. when: 8 p.m. march 15 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $10 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

This Is Chucktown!

what: this is chucktown! presents charleston’s best and funniest stand-up comedians all in one night. when: 10 p.m. march 15 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $8 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

saturday Bart Saylor and Friends

what: the 2012-13 gage hall coffeehouse series continues with an evening of music by bart saylor, who will be joined by some of his musical friends from around town. when: 7:30 p.m. march 16 where: gage hall, 4 archdale st. price: 10 more info: 723-4617 or http://bit. ly/zjbf3b

clubs from page e26

way 176, summerville price: free

where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

jam music. when: 10 p.m. march 15 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5

Natty Vibes

The Cool

Zach Deputy

Modern Man w/ Cement Stars, Knives & Daggers

saturday Whiskey Diablo

what: self-described “dirty rock ’n’ roll and gutter country with a touch of swingin’ jazz” band. when: 4-8 p.m. march 16 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms

Reggae Allstars

what: reggae, roots, dub, jam, disco. when: 4 p.m. march 16 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Bart Saylor & Friends

what: folk musician will celebrate the release of his new cd, “still feels mighty good.” when: 7:30 p.m. march 16 where: gage hall coffeehouse, 4 archdale st., downtown charleston price: $10 more info: 723-4617 or www. charlestonuu.org

Mason Dixon Band

what: country and southern rock. when: 9 p.m. march 16 where: bottoms up, 3057 high-

what: reggae/rock/pop. when: doors open 8 p.m. where: the music farm, 32 ann st., downtown charleston price: $12 advance, $15 day of show more info: 722-8904 or www. musicfarm.com what: described as “island infused drum’n’bass/gospel/ninja soul.” when: doors open 9 p.m. march 16 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: $12 advance, $15 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Eddy Boston

what: acoustic favorites and rootbased originals. when: 9 p.m.-midnight march 16

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 9:30 p.m. march 16 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road, charleston

what: self-described “sleezegaze/ doomstep” rock. when: 10 p.m. march 16 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Swamp Gypsies

what: self-described “southern, gypsy, swamp-rock.” when: 10 p.m. march 16

please see clubs, page e28

E28: Thursday, march 14, 2013

Moxie Fridays in

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Courage. Vigor. Determination. Verve. Skill. Pep. Know-how.

clubs from page e27 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.

The Get Right Band

what: funk/rock-n-roll/reggae/ party band. when: 10 p.m. march 16 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5

sunday The Hungry Monks

what: celebrate st. patrick’s day at the lowcountry blueberry Jam with folk/americana/celtic music. when: 2:30-7 p.m. march 17 where: blue pearl farms, 9760 randall road, mcclellanville price: free more info: www.bluepearlfarms. com

The Buddhist Prodigies

what: local phish cover band will play on the deck. when: 4 p.m. march 17 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Nathan Calhoun

what: vocalist and guitarist from local party rock band. when: march 17 where: smoky oak taproom, 1234 camp road, James island

Monday Battle of the Bands

what: week three of a five-week band competition, in connection with 98 rock. twelve bands will be selected and three judges will pick the winner. when: 8 p.m. march 18 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Tuesday Whitey Morgan & The 78’s

what: american honky-tonk band out of flint, mich. when: march 18 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: call for details. more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

King of Prussia

what: psychedelic indie folk pop from king of prussia out of athens, ga., joined by supernova drift. when: 9 p.m. march 19 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Lost Highway

what: americana/bluegrass/folk. when: 9 p.m.-midnight march 19 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston price: free

Heather Luttrell

what: southern rock songstress. when: 9:30 p.m. march 19 where: tattooed moose, 1137 morrison drive, downtown charleston price: no cover.


what: self-described “indie/soul/ legit pop.” when: 10 p.m.-1 a.m. march 19 where: loggerhead’s, 123 w. ashley ave., folly beach

Wednesday The Hungry Monks

what: local folk/americana/celtic band will play this week’s acoustic dead wednesday event. when: doors open 5 p.m. march 20 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Mark Jackson

what: funk/soul/blues/rap/groove jams. when: 6-9 p.m. march 20 where: ms. roses, 1090 sam rittenberg blvd., charleston

Sound Tribe Sector 9

what: crunk/electronica/rock. when: doors open 7 p.m. march 20 where: the music farm, 32 ann st., downtown charleston price: see website for details. more info: www.musicfarm.com


what: self-described “fiery, soulful, indie pop that rocks.” when: 8-11 p.m. march 20 where: the sparrow, 1078 e. montague ave., north charleston

Sans Jose

what: rock/surf/psychedelic. when: doors open 9 p.m. march 20 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

more games at postand courier. com/games.

ace’s on bridge


Deciding whether to trump a winner or a loser is a common dilemma on defense. An unusual variation of the theme of whether to ruff in or discard comes on hands like today’s. West has to make two good plays as second hand to beat five diamonds, after being given a chance by declarer. On the club lead, declarer wins the ace and would do best, as the cards lie, to draw only one round of trump before taking the club discard on the spades. If, instead, he cashes the diamond ace and king, then leads out the top three spades to pitch the club, West must refrain from ruffing. West knows he cannot prevent declarer from discarding dummy’s losing club whether he

ruffs or not, but there is a better use for the trump than ruffing a winner — drawing two of the opponent’s trumps. If West mistakenly ruffs in, then declarer gives up a heart and crossruffs the rest. So West must pitch a club on the third spade, after which declarer will try to sneak a heart through. If he can duck the trick to East, he will be able to play along crossruff lines. Instead, West must hop up with the heart 10 on the first round of the suit, insuring he wins the first or second heart. He cannot now be prevented from drawing one round of trump, then tapping dummy with a club, preventing the establishment of the hearts.

© United Feature Syndicate

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E29

E30: Thursday, march 14, 2013

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: pearly

pale paler pare average mark 19 parley words time limit 40 minutes payer peal can you find 32 pear or more words in pearl ingenues? play the list will be published tomorrow. player plea – united feature syndicate 3/14 plyer

today’s word: ingenues

pray prey pryer pyre earl early aery aper rale rape real reap

relay rely repay replay reply layer leap lyre yare year yelp

the rules -words must be four

or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

E32: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, march 14, 2013: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope sagittarius (nov. 22dec. 21): keep your thoughts a secret. spend time at home doing things that will improve your life or bring you added comfort.

aries (march 21april 19): your changing attitude will confuse some and excite others. don’t discuss your plans in detail until you have them fully formulated in your mind.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): share your insight, thoughts and ideas. plan to visit a place or person that will inspire you to make personal changes that will improve your life.

taurus (april 20may 20): don’t hold back if you think you have a solution to an existing problem. dive into the situation with optimism. gemini (may 21June 20): don’t be fooled by someone complaining and asking for your help. charity begins at home and you must put you and your family first.

virgo (aug. 23sept. 22): discussions will lead to solutions. your approach to handling people and problems will be successful.

capricorn (dec. 22Jan. 19): avoid a confrontation with a friend, relative or neighbor. stick to business and focus on elaborating and developing your ideas and plans for the future.

libra (sept. 23oct. 22): don’t be fooled by someone promoting a new lifestyle, gadget or personal product that can perform miracles.

aQuarius (Jan. 20feb. 18): re-establish connections with people you have shared good times with in the past.

cancer (June 21July 22): check out different lifestyles that can offer you greater opportunities. opportunity is available, but you may have to make a change to take advantage.

scorpio (oct. 23nov. 21): follow your gut feeling. improvements can be made that will enhance your relationship with someone dear to your heart. love is on the rise.

pisces (feb. 19march 20): let your intuition guide you when it comes to legal, financial or medical matters. look over contracts and add what you require to make it worth your while.

E34: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television MAR 14


6 PM


7 PM

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8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM







6pm NBC Nightly Wheel (N) (HD) Jeopardy! (N) Community (N) Parks RecreThe Office: The 1600 Penn: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: WCBD 11pm The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 3 WCBD WCBD News (N) News (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) ation: Bailout. Farm. (HD) Game Theory. Criminal Hatred. (HD) News (N) James Franco. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Shark Tank Electric unicycle deGrey’s Anatomy: Transplant Scandal: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. ABC News 4 @ (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Jim Par8 6 (N) WCIV (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) sign. (R) (HD) Wasteland. (N) (HD) Fitz’s trust issues. (R) (HD) 11 (N) sons. (R) (HD) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (N) 2 1/2 Men (N) (:01) Person of Interest: All In. El- Elementary: Deja Vu All Over Again. Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) WCSC (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) derly gambler. (N) (HD) Missing wife. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) man Gerard Butler. (N) (HD) The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) Pledge Programming Acclaimed programming highlights a memberPledge Programming Acclaimed programming highlights a memberPledge Programming Highlights en- Pledge Pro11 WITV ship drive encouraging viewer support. ship drive encouraging viewer support. courage viewer support. gramming Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Miracles New Believers Know Cause CBN News Awakening Awakening 230 CBN News WLCN Lo que callamos (N) Extranormal (N) Al extremo (N) Infieles (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 La otra cara del alma (N) WAZS Judy (N) Judge Judy Family Feud (R) Family Feud (R) American Idol: Results Show. One Glee: Feud. Will and Finn are given The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) Dish Nation (N) Raymond: The 6 Judge WTAT af Biting girlfriend. (HD) sent home. (N) (HD) an assignment. (N) (HD) and weather forecast. Apartment. Family: Brian and Simpsons (HD) Big Bang (HD) College Basketball: SEC Tournament: Second Round, Game #3.: Vanderbilt CommoCollege Basketball: SEC Tournament: Second Round, Game #4.: White: Judgment 13 Stewie. WMMP Team TBA vs Missouri Tigers z{| Day. (HD) dores vs Arkansas Razorbacks z{| 48 Cell phone traced. (R) (HD) 48 Victim helps. (R) (HD) 48 Manhunt; more. (N) (HD) 48 Murder in street. (N) (HD) (:01) 48 Home invasion. (R) (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 48 Killer identified. (R) (HD) A&E Comic Book: Freakshow (N) Immortal: Love Comic Book: Freakshow (R) Immortal: Love Comic Book: (5:30) “Underworld” (‘03, Horror) aac A medical student becomes The Walking Dead: TS-19. Myste58 embroiled in a war between vampires and werewolves. (HD) AMC rious doctor. (R) (HD) Stash Wars. (HD) and War. Stash Wars. (HD) and War. Stash Wars. “He Got Game” (‘98, Drama) aac (Denzel Washington) A governor offers a murderer clemency. Husbands (R) Husbands (R) Husbands (R) Wendy (N) 18 106 & Park Top music videos. (N) (HD) BET Matchmaker Retired NFL. (R) Housewives (R) Housewives Los Angeles. (R) Housewives: Strip is a Trip. Watch What Kathy (N) 63 Matchmaker Opening up. (R) BRAVO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SE Spine Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mayor Riley Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 2 Paid Prog. C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) Sunny (HD) Sunny (HD) Workaholic Tosh.0 (HD) Ben Show (N) Nathan For Daily (R) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 South Prk (R) Tosh.0 (HD) ‘70s (HD) Seinfeld Rules (HD) Vampire Diaries: Bring It On. Beauty: Any Means Possible. News (N) Seinfeld Rules (HD) ‘70s (HD) Queens (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Property (HD) Property (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Property (HD) 27 Auction: Pick-Off Special. (R) DISC E! News (N) (HD) Soup (R) (HD) “He’s Just Not That Into You” Woman gets advice about dating scene. (HD) C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 Kourtney &: Bitch Slapped. E! Sweet Genius: Sci-Fi Genius. Chopped: Sunny Side Apps. Chopped Pigs’ feet. (R) (HD) Chef Oahu, Hawaii. (N) (HD) Worst Cook (R) (HD) Chopped (R) 34 Chopped (R) (HD) FOOD Anger (HD) “The Fighter” (‘10, Drama) (Mark Wahlberg) Boxer and half-brother trainer. (HD) Anger (HD) Archer (HD) Legit (N) Russell Brand (N) (HD) Archer (HD) 23 2 1/2 Men FX BBQ BBQ Farm Kings First Fall Festival. Truck Stop Truck Stop Videos Headline (R) BBQ 147 GAC Daily Countdown (R) GAC Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed (R) Newlywed (R) Newlywed (R) Newlywed (R) Family (R) Family (R) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage (R) 179 Fam. Feud GSN Brady Brady Brady Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Brady HALL Selling NY Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Income (R) (HD) Addict (HD) Addict (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Life (R) Life (R) Addict (HD) 98 Selling NY HGTV Swamp: Floating Dead. (HD) Swamp People: Bad Mojo. (R) Swamp People: Blood Lines. Big Rig: Goin’ Country. (HD) (:02) America (R) (HD) Swamp (HD) HISTORY 126 Big Rig: Snakes and Robbers. Happy Days Dr. Quinn: Buffalo Soldiers. Little House: The Circus Man. The Waltons: The Career Girl. Matlock: The Mark. Matlock: The Juror. Dr. Quinn 244 Happy Days INSP Dance Moms (R) (HD) Runway: A Sticky Situation. Project Runway: Take It All Off!. (N) (HD) Client Relationship woes. (HD) Double (HD) Runway (HD) 29 Dance Moms (R) (HD) LIFE Dyrdek (HD) Dyrdek (R) Dyrdek (HD) Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Failosophy Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous 35 Dyrdek (HD) MTV Marry? (HD) Marry? (HD) Marry? (HD) Dateline on ID: Twisted Faith. Dateline Home intruder. (HD) NY ER (HD) NY ER (HD) Dateline on ID: Twisted Faith. Dateline (HD) 64 Marry? (HD) OWN Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) Tenants (HD) Tenants (HD) Fighting (HD) Tenants (HD) Tenants (HD) 44 “Batman Begins” A man becomes a masked vigilante. (HD) SPIKE Blackout (R) Blackout (R) Blackout (R) Robot: Rise of the Machines. Robot Unfair fights. (R) Robot: A Hero’s Journey. (R) Robot: Rise of the Machines. Robot (R) 57 Blackout (R) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 “Tribulation Force” (‘02) aa TBN Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Steve Carell. (N) (HD) Men Work (R) 12 Queens (HD) TBS “The Way West” (‘67, Western) aac (Kirk Douglas) A senator ar“13 Rue Madeleine” (‘47, Adventure) (James (:45) “The House on 92nd Street” (‘45, Thriller) aaa (William Eythe, “Ice Station Zebra” The North Pole 55 ranges aid for a wagon train traveling from Missouri to Oregon. TCM Cagney) O.S.S. agents try to prevent info leak. Lloyd Nolan) A student infiltrates a Nazi spy ring. ab holds espionage data. LI Medium Borrowed (R) Borrowed (R) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Not to Wear: Katherine L.. (N) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Wear (R) (HD) 68 LI Medium TLC The Mentalist: Red Alert. (HD) 4 The Mentalist: Bloodhounds. TNT A NBA Basketball: Dallas Mavericks at San Antonio Spurs z{| (HD) A NBA Basketball: New York vs Portland z{| (HD) v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Mysteries Famous handcuffs. Mysteries (R) Mysteries Lethal outbreak. (R) Mysteries Photo, limo, bird. (R) Mysteries (R) 52 Bizarre Foods: Hungary. (R) TRAVEL Cops (HD) Guinness Forehead hammer. Guinness World: Shattered!. Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Upload (N) Dumbest (R) Guinness (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Corona de lágrimas (HD) Porque el amor manda (HD) Amores verdaderos (HD) Amor bravío (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Al diablo con 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Aliyah. (HD) NCIS: Truth or Consequences. NCIS: Reunion. (HD) NCIS: The Inside Man. (HD) psych: Lassie Jerky. (R) SVU: Choice. 16 NCIS: Semper Fidelis. (HD) USA Greatest Act gone after hit. (R) Greatest Act gone after hit. (R) “Liar Liar” (‘97) aac A dishonest lawyer finds he can’t lie. (HD) Mob Wives: Mama Drama. (R) Full Court (R) 21 Ink Crew: Krazy with a “K”. (R) VH1 Christine Funniest Home Videos (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Rules (HD) 71 Christine WGN The Kudlow Report (N) Crime Inc.: Secrets For Sale. Fugitives A securities dealer. Greed: Deadly Payout. (N) Mad Money (R) Fugitives (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan LIVE (N) (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) P. Morgan (R) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) The Ed Show (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) The Ed Show (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC College Basketball: Big East Tournament: Quarterfinal #3. (HD) SportsCenter (HD) 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN A College Basketball: Big East Tournament: Quarterfinal #4. z{| (HD) SportsCenter Basketball NASCAR (HD) 41 NFL32 (HD) ESPN-2 A College Bball: Big Ten Tournament: First Round, Game #3. A College Basketball: Big Ten Tournament: First Round, Game #4. z{| (HD) Access (HD) Champions Series Tennis: Philadelphia: Rafter vs. McEnroe. UFC Ultimate Knockouts 9 (HD) Wrld Poker no} (HD) NHL Hockey 59 GameTime FSS LPGA Tour.: RR Donnelley LPGA Founders Cup: First Round. PGA Tournament: Tampa Bay Championship: First Round. no} (HD) Golf Cntrl 19th Hole 66 Golf Cntrl GOLF Pro Football Overtime (HD) Formula 1 NBCSPO 56 Crossover A College Basketball: ACC Tournament: First Round, Game #3. A College Basketball: ACC Tournament: First Round, Game #4. z{| Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors: Mustang. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Pinks! (HD) Pinks! (HD) Car Warriors: Mustang. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 NASCAR Race Hub (HD) SPEED Memphis (HD) MLB Spring Training: Atlanta Braves vs St. Louis Cardinals no} Access (HD) Spotlight (HD) MLB Spring Training: Atlanta vs St. Louis 28 Mississipp SPSO North Wood (R) (HD) Rhino: Bring in the Big Guns. Rhino: Playing With Fire. (HD) North Wood (N) (HD) Rhino: Playing With Fire. (HD) North Wood 62 Gator Boys (R) (HD) ANIMAL Regular (R) Regular (R) Orange (R) Crew (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family Hospital (R) CARTOON 124 Adventure Good Luck: Ditch Jessie Diamond Austin Jam con- Wizards: My Tu“Wizards of Waverly Place: Wizards (R) (HD)Wizards Chaotic Wizards of Waverly Place: Wiz- Wizards (R) (HD)Wizards (R) (HD)Shake It Up!: 38 (5:15) DISNEY tor, Tutor. test. (R) (HD) ards vs. Angels. (R) (HD) Lock It Up. (R) Day. (HD) tiara. (HD) date. (HD) The Movie” (‘09) aac (HD) Prince: Pilot. af “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” New “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” (‘09) aaa A wizard and his friends stumble upon a peculiar manuscript that be- The 700 Club (N) 20 FAMILY longs to the “Half-Blood Prince” and may reveal the early days of his powerful enemy. af (HD) teacher seizes control of Hogwarts. (HD) Sponge (R) “Scooby-Doo” (‘02) ac A gang is mysteriously drawn together. Full Hse Full Hse Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends 26 Sponge (R) NICK MASH Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Raymond Raymond Cleveland (R) Cleveland (R) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 MASH TVLAND “Sucker Punch” (‘11) aac (Emily Browning) An imaginative young “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" (‘11, Fantasy) (Leslie Girls: On All (:45) Making of Downtown Girls: The Hookers of (:55) Fight Game 302 girl and her peers seek freedom from mental institute. (HD) HBO Phillips) Finding the three remaining Horcruxes. (HD) Fours. (R) (HD) (R) (HD) Honolulu Ex-men for hire. (R) (HD) & Michele” “Road House” (‘89) aa (Patrick Swayze) A bouncer takes a job at a “A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas” (‘11) aac “Safe House” (‘12) aaa (Denzel Washington) In South Africa, a CIA “Pleasure Spa” 320 “Romy MAX aac (HD) Locating a replacement tree in New York. (HD) small-town bar, but gets more than he bargained for. (HD) rookie and a rogue agent are attacked by mercenaries. (HD) (‘13) c (HD) (:15) “New York, I Love You” (‘09) (Bradley Cooper) People in New “My Week with Marilyn” (‘11) (Michelle Williams) My Week with Monique Marvez: Not Skinny Not Gigolos A new Gigolos The extra Lies Inspiration. 340 York SHOW City go about their lives in a series of vignettes. (HD) Blonde bombshell gets away from it all. (HD) Marilyn (HD) Blonde (HD) client. (HD) mile. (HD) (R) (HD)



The post and courier

thursday, march 14, 2013: E35

trivia takes a trip down the runway

This creation by British fashion designer Alexander Mcqueen was featured in 2007 in Paris. A year after his death in 2010, Mcqueen was the subject of a popular retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

by rebekah bradford Special to The Post and Courier


ime to step it up style-wise, folks. charleston fashion week takes over marion square next week for five nights of runway shows, bringing together incredible talent, models, big-name judges (cynthia rowley and ashanti, to name a few) and fabulous fashions. current head2head champ colleen myers is being challenged by kelly davenport, who’s visiting charleston on spring break.


1. which american designer was tapped to take over at balenciaga last year? 2. what is the order of the four major fashion weeks? 3. what fashion label does phoebe philo design for? 4. when kate moss got married last year, who designed her wedding gown? 5. name the shoe designer whose signature is a red sole? 6. Johnson hartig, one of this year’s cfw judges, founded a label in 2000. what is it called? 7. what tv show first gained attention for christian siriano, another cfw judge? 8. what british designer was the subject of a hugely popular retrospective in 2011 at the metropolitan museum of art? 9. what designer introduced the knitted jersey wrap dress in 1973, landing her on the cover of time magazine? 10. which ’90s model rather dramatically declared that she wouldn’t get out of bed for less than $10,000?

file/JacQues brinon /ap


1. alexander wang 2. new york, london, milan, paris 3. celine. how lucky that there’s an article in this month’s vogue? 4. it was John galliano, who’s a bit of a pariah now in the fashion world. 5. christian louboutin 6. i think it’s libertine. is that right? cfw is featured in charleston magazine, otherwise i wouldn’t have known. 7. “project runway.” one of my daughters loves that show. 8. alexander mcQueen 9. diane von furstenberg 10. oh, that’s funny. i think i actually remember that story, but i can’t think of who said it.

CONCLuSION with a close contest, colleen squeaked out a second win to hang on to her head2head crown. for more information about charleston fashion week, see pages 20-23.


1. i wanna say alexander wang. 2. um, new york then london, milan and paris. 3. celine 4. don’t know. matthew williamson? 5. louboutin 6. i’ve never heard of him. 7. “project runway” 8. alexander mcQueen 9. von furstenberg 10. linda evangelista. that’s so awesome.

CORRECT ANSWERS 1. alexander wang 2. new york, london, milan, paris 3. celine 4. John galliano 5. christian louboutin

6. libertine 7. “project runway” 8. alexander mcQueen 9. diane von furstenberg 10. linda evangelista

Son gets his way using lies, looks


ear abby: i need help and don’t know where to turn. i am divorced and have a 37-year-old son, “teddy,” who has never married and has no children. he lives on his own except when he’s in trouble or has nowhere else to go. Then he moves back in with me. The problem is my son is a liar and has been ever since he was a teenager. he even lies when telling the truth would be better. i punished him every way i knew how when he was growing up. nothing worked. teddy has been in trouble with the law in the past and is now in trouble again. of course, he says he’s innocent. i got him out on bond and offered to get him help. i also told him there would be no more money from me, and i no longer want to hear his lies. another problem: teddy is extremely good-looking and women swoon over him. he ends up using them and then dumping them, and then they call me. i don’t know why he is the way he is. is there treatment for people who can’t tell the truth? please tell me what to do. i love my son and it breaks my heart to see him do these bad things. — brokenhearted mother in teXas DEAR BROKENHEARTED: As much as you love Teddy, it’s time to accept that you can’t fix what’s wrong with him; only he can do that. It

dear abby

won’t happen until he finally has to accept the consequences of his bad behavior. Taking him in and bailing him out is not the answer. dear abby: my wife and i are having a disagreement about laundry. when you buy new clothes that are still in the plastic wrapping, should they be washed before they are worn? — Jim in new Jersey DEAR JIM: It’s a personal choice. Some garment manufacturers recommend that certain items be laundered before wearing. However, if they don’t, I don’t. dear abby is written by abigail van buren, also known as Jeanne phillips, and was founded by her mother, pauline phillips. write dear abby at www.dearabby.com or p.o. box 69440, los angeles, ca 90069. abby shares more than 100 of her favorite recipes in two booklets:“abby’s favorite recipes”and“more favorite recipes by dear abby.” send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $14 to: dear abby, cookbooklet set, p.o. box 447, mount morris, il 61054-0447.

E36: Thursday, march 14, 2013

The post and courier

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