04.04.13 Charleston Scene

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e2: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

The Big weekend is here!


Find out everything you need to know about the Cooper River Bridge Run. special section inside


The Lowcountry Cajun Festival is all about the ladies in its 22nd year. pages 8-9


The Flowertown Festival offers everything from food to art to civic and business info. pages 18-25

what’s inside 4 | dollar days

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

6 | movies “evil dead�

7 | movie listings 10-12 | food + bev

chew on this, mex 1 coastal cantina, broaster chicken

14-15 | music

16 | arts

a look at upcoming events

17 | weekend events 27-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics +tv grid

with horoscopes and crossword puzzle

35 | trivia, abby

cd reviews, upcoming shows

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 294039621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 4 No. 5 36 Pages


editor: allison nugent, anugent@postandcourier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: liz foster and abigail darlington. calendar@postandcourier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: mark J. gallagher, mgallagher@postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and fred smith

on the cover: file/staff

ad designers: tamara wright, Jason clark, kathy simes, krena lanham, shannon mccarty, melinda carlos, ashlee kositz, anita hepburn, marybeth patterson, amber nungesser, sherry rourk, terri riley, sheryl martin, swan richards, melissa kelley, laurie hellmann and Julie noccida

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how to contact us

calendar listing: 937-5581, previewfood@postandcourier.com, calendar@postandcourier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com

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www.charlestonscene.com, www.facebook.com/chasscene, www.twitter.com/chasscene

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e3

e4: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

this weekend’s offerings all over the lowcountry map folly fridays


his is far and away the busiest weekend in the tri-county and beyond. you’ve got the weekend’s big three: the cooper river Bridge run, the lowcountry cajun Festival and the Flowertown Festival; plus the Family circle cup is still happening. and then you have everything else. seriously, every corner of our coverage map is hosting an event.

last week, the Folly association of Business kicked off a new weekly promotion called Folly Fridays, an event that will round up food and drink specials, live entertainment, prizes, giveaways and more every Friday through may 10. sponsored by mix 95.9 radio and corona, this week’s event takes place at Blu restaurant at tides Folly Beach hotel, 1 center st., and will include a free concert by “american idol” contestant stefano langone. The season 10 singer, who has a new single on the charts, “yes to love,” will take the stage at 7 p.m. on the deck at Blu. The fun starts at 3 p.m., as slammin sammy from mix 95.9 will broadcast his afternoon show live from the restaurant, with the station hosting contests, trivia, giveaways and promotions throughout.

upstairs bar), 10 percent of all bar purchases at the pre-party will benefit camp happy days, the host and beneficiary of the Bed race. camp happy days is a yearround program for south carolina children with cancer that aims to give the kids and bed race pre-party their families hope and suptoday, get a jump on port by providing programs, celebrating the fourth anspecial events, emotional nual charleston Bed race support and access to crisis with a pre-party at The alley, resources. 131 columbus st. The charleston Bed race and as the event will be will be april 14 in hampton held at the peninsula’s first park. registration and inforbowling alley in decades, it’s mation will be available at the only fitting that a group of pre-party. college of charleston stuFor more, go to www. dents will be hosting a Bowcharlestonbedrace.com or a-thon at 7 p.m. find charleston Bed race on registration for bowling is Facebook. $25 per team in advance and wings-n-wheels $30 the day of. email chd bowlathon@gmail.com. in walterboro, the lowFrom 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the country regional airport mezzanine space (aka the and experimental aircraft specials on corona and corona light will be offered, and attendees will have the chance to win prizes from corona and gift certificates from business on Folly. go to www.visitfolly.com or find visit Folly on Facebook.

association chapter 477 will host the fifth annual wings-nwheels. From 10 a.m.-4 p.m. saturday at the airport on aviation way, check out more than 100 antique aircraft and show cars, with pilots and owners available for a meet-and-greet. The family-friendly event will include helicopter rides and food vendors. something sure to thrill the whole family is an air show, where aviators will display aerobatic flying skills. a donation of $5 per car is requested, with proceeds benefiting the wounded warrior project. Find out more by calling 549-2549 or going to www. wings-n-wheels.org.

honey & bee expo

Things will be buzzing in mount pleasant as cinebarre plays host to the second an-

submit info do you know of an event that should be included in dollar days? email anugent@ postandcourier.com. nual charleston honey & Bee expo. From 11 a.m.-5 p.m. sunday, meet beekeepers, see live bees hard at work and take part in a free honey-tasting. There also will be educational presentations, honey cotton candy and local honey available for purchase. at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., two bee-themed movies will be presented: “colony” and “silence of the Bees.” a $5 donation is requested for movie tickets. cinebarre is at 963 houston northcutt Blvd. call 849-5095 for more.

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e5

e6: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

‘evil dead’

bruce campbell helps with new version of horror movie By erik piepenBurg New York Times News Service


You are invited to

Shine, Shimmer and


TICKET INCLUDES: Complimentary dance lessons Dancing to the original versions of your favorite beach music Silent auction Heavy appetizers Wine, beer and soft drinks Two ways to purchase your tickets:


and at the door, the night of the event

Tickets are $75


Chic Beach Attire

ack carlson is a huge fan of the 1981 horror film “The evil dead.” That’s why he won’t be seeing the new “evil dead” when it opens Friday. “i wouldn’t watch it at gunpoint,” said carlson, a writer for the horror movie website Bleeding skull. as “high noon” is considered a fundamental western, “evil dead” is a seminal horror film and, for many fans, one not to be messed with. a story of possession set in a cabin in the woods, “The evil dead” was part of a wave of low-budget independent horror films in the late ’70s and early ’80s that used crude effects and guerrilla filmmaking techniques to tell a scary tale saturated in outrageous gore. it was directed by sam raimi, who went on to direct the tobey maguire “spider-man” films and “oz the great and powerful.” The original has two followups: “evil dead 2” (1987), a dark horror-comedy that’s effectively a remake of the original, and “army of darkness” (1992), a horror-adventure sequel to “evil dead 2.” “it was so unique, considering the initiative those filmmakers took back then,” carlson said. “it was unmarketable, and that’s part of the value.” in 2011, when word of a bigger-budget remake first surfaced, reactions from “evil dead” fans ranged from cautiously optimistic to apoplectic. But word of mouth has been positive since the film was greeted enthusiastically at its premiere at the south by southwest film festival last month in austin, texas. at a recent advance screening in new york, the audience, many of whom were fans of the original who waited hours to get a seat, cheered the mayhem. afterward, several people said they enjoyed the film on its own merits.

tristar pictures

Jane Levy in “Evil Dead.”

movie review 1/2 (out of five stars) director: fede alvarez cast: Jane levy, shiloh fernandez, Jessica lucas rated: r for strong, bloody violence and gore, some sexual content and language running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes more photos: for more photographs from the film, check out the review at charlestonscene.com. “i was cringing in my seat the whole time,” said eric striffler, 22, who lives in manorville, n.y. “it’s gruesome. it’s like i was watching people get cut in half. it was awesome.” The influence of “The evil dead” comes from its being a prototype of the supernatural backwoods horror film, a formula that’s had considerable staying power, as in last year’s “cabin in the woods,” which was directed by drew goddard and written by goddard and joss whedon. unlike horror series that celebrate superhuman villains like Freddy krueger and jason voorhees, the character most

cheered for in the original “evil dead” is ash (Bruce campbell), who kills everyone, including his sister, to survive. in the new film, there is no ash. instead, the lead is a woman played by jane levy, who is taken by a group of friends to a remote cabin to get off drugs cold turkey. as much as horror fans love gore, they love their protagonists even more. when it was announced that ash wasn’t part of the new “evil dead,” it was the kiss of death for some fans, according to kano vuong, who runs the “evil dead” fan site deadites.net. “he’s an iconic pulp character that everyone loves,” vuong said. as it turns out, campbell is one of the producers of the new “evil dead” along with raimi and robert tapert, an original “evil dead” producer. campbell was thankful for fans’ zeal for the original, but he urged them to have an open mind about seeing a film that’s “not the new ‘evil dead,’ just new.” “These are the original producers making this movie, not some ... producer looking for a cheap property to get their hands on,” campbell said. “i am far more concerned with this being a good movie than the fans are. i spent the last

few months working with the director and producers to make sure this movie meets or exceeds their expectations.” levy, who stars on the aBc sitcom “suburgatory,” said: “i would say to the fans to give it a chance. it’s a different movie, and i don’t think we depend on the original. There are homages, but i think it’s a rebirth. it’s the same intention with a different story.” in the new film, key elements of the original remain. The biggest difference between the two is the graphic violence, which is ramped up considerably with several self-amputations and a chainsaw to the mouth. The bloodletting is a point of pride for the director, Fede alvarez, who is making his feature debut. The gore was done with only practical effects, in which, for example, prosthetics are cut into and the squirts are authentic. alvarez, a native of uruguay, earned the producers’ attention with a slick science fiction short, “panic attack!” campbell’s advice for skeptics? There’s always yesterday. “we’re not collecting the negatives from the original ‘evil dead’ and burning them,” he said. “we’re just expanding the ‘evil dead’ universe.”

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e7 score: Out of 5 stars g: general audiences pg: parental guidance pg-13: parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: not rated r: restricted

Note: dates and times are subject to change. call the theater to make sure times are correct.

opening Evil Dead

1/2 r

while in a remote cabin, five friends uncover a book of the dead and unknowingly conjure up dormant demons from the nearby woods. cinebarre: fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 9:45; sat-sun: 10:50, 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 9:45; mon-thurs april 11: 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 9:45 citadel: today: 10; fri-thurs april 11: 1, 2, 3:05, 4:10, 5:10, 6:30, 7:20, 9, 9:40 James island: fri-sun: 1:40, 4:05, 6:30, 9; mon-thurs april 11: 4:05, 6:30, 9 northwoods: fri-thurs april 11: 1, 2, 3:10, 4:15, 5:20, 6:45, 7:30, 9, 9:45

Jurassic Park 3D 1/2 pg-13

after a tropical storm knocks out the power supply to a cloned dinosaur theme park, the man-eating beasts rage out of control against a tour group. cinebarre: fri: 12:50, 7:15, 10:10; sat-sun: 9:55, 12:50, 7:15, 10:10; mon-thurs april 11: 12:50, 7:15, 10:10 cinebarre 2d: fri-thurs april 11: 3:50 citadel imax: fri-thurs april 11: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:45 James island: fri-sun: 1, 4, 7, 10; monthurs april 11: 4, 7, 10 northwoods: fri-thurs april 11: 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35

On the Road 1/2 r

based on Jack kerouc’s novel, a young writer and a free-spirited couple travel across the country in search of freedom and expression. citadel: fri-thurs april 11: 1:10, 3:45, 8:10

playing 21 and Over  r

the evening before an important interview, a straight-a medical student celebrates his 21st birthday with two friends, and it turns into a night of mayhem. northwoods: today: 9:40

Admission  pg-13

a princeton university admissions officer (tina fey) takes personal and professional risks while on a recruiting visit to an alternative high school.

cinebarre: today: 1:20, 4:20, 7:15, 9:50; fri: 1:20, 4:20, 7:40, 10:25; sat-sun: 10:45, 1:20, 4:20,


7:40, 10:25; mon-thurs april 11: 1:20, 4:20, 7:40, 10:25 citadel: today: 1:25, 4:10, 7:20, 9:45; frithurs april 11: 1:25, 7:20 northwoods: today: 1:35, 4:15, 7:15, 9:40 terrace: today-thurs april 11: 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25

The Gatekeepers

G.I. Joe: Retaliation

The Croods

1/2 pg

animated feature about the world’s first prehistoric family after their cave is destroyed by an earthquake.

cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:30; fri: 1:25, 4:25, 7, 9:25; sat-sun: 11, 1:25, 4:25, 7, 9:25; mon-thurs april 11: 1:25, 4:25, 7, 9:25 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:25, 4:25, 7:35 citadel: today: 12:50, 1:50, 3:20, 4:15, 5:50, 7, 8, 9:30; fri-thurs april 11: 12:50, 3:20, 7, 9:30 citadel 3d: today-thurs april 11: 1:30, 4, 7:15, 9:45 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8 James island: today-sun: 1:30, 6:45; monthurs april 11: 6:45 James island 3d: today-thurs april 11: 4, 9:15 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1, 3:30, 6:30, 9 northwoods 3d: today-thurs april 11: 1:30, 4:15, 7:15, 9:35

Django unchained 1/2

r a slave-turned-bounty hunter teams up with his mentor to hunt down a ruthless gang and rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner. terrace: fri-thurs april 11: 3:30, 7


 pg-13

in post-world war ii Japan, gen. douglas macarthur (tommy lee Jones) is responsible for deciding whether emperor hirohito should be punished as a war criminal and enlists assistance from an expert in Japanese culture and psychological warfare (matthew fox).

terrace: today: 3, 5, 7; fri-thurs april 11: 1, 3, 7, 9:10

Silver Linings Playbook

burt wonderstone (steve carell) and anton marvelton (steve buscemi) struggle to revive their magic act when their success is threatened by guerrilla street magician steve gray (Jim carrey).



cinebarre: today: 1:30, 4:30, 7:45, 10:15 citadel: today: 1:40, 4:20, 7:20, 9:40; frithurs april 11: 7:20, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:35, 4:10, 7:20, 9:40


a documentary on shin bet, the israeli secret service agency, featuring interviews with six former heads of the agency.

The Call suspense thriller about a 911 operator (halle berry) who receives a call from an abducted girl (abigail breslin) and must confront a killer from her past to rescue her.

northwoods 3d: today: 2:10, 5:05, 8:10 terrace: today: 1:30, 4:10, 7:20, 9:30


terrace: today: 1:10, 3, 4:55, 7:05, 8:55; frithurs april 11: 3:30, 7


Incredible Burt Wonderstone


1/2 pg-13

in addition to fighting cobra, the g.i. Joes must infiltrate the white house to rescue the president when zartan impersonates him and tries to deceive other world leaders.

cinebarre: today: 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:35; fri: 1, 4, 7:20, 9:55; sat-sun: 10:20, 1, 4, 7:20, 9:55; mon-thurs april 11: 1, 4, 7:20, 9:55 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 4:15, 7:25, 10; fri: 1:15, 4:15, 7:50, 10:25; sat-sun: 10:40, 1:15, 4:15, 7:50, 10:25; mon-thurs april 11: 1:15, 4:15, 7:50, 10:25 citadel: today-thurs april 11: 1:30, 4:30, 7, 9:25 citadel 3d: today-thurs april 11: 2, 5, 8 citadel imax: today-fri: 1, 4, 7:30, 9:50 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8 James island: today-thurs april 11: 4:10, 9:30 James island 3d: today-sun: 1:30, 6:50; mon-thurs april 11: 6:50 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:15 northwoods 3d: today-thurs april 11: 1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 9:40

The Host 1/2 pg-13

when parasitic aliens invade peoples bodies and erase their memories, a young woman risks everything to protect those she loves.

cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:20, 10:10; fri: 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 9:55; sat-sun: 10, 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 9:55; mon-thurs april 11: 12:55, 3:55, 7:05, 9:55 citadel: today: 1:10, 2:10, 3:55, 5:10, 7, 8:10, 9:40; fri-thurs april 11: 1:10, 2:10, 3:55, 5:10, 7, 9:40 James island: today-sun: 1:10, 4:15, 7, 9:55; mon-thurs april 11: 4:15, 7, 9:55 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:05, 3:55, 6:50, 9:35

Identity Thief  r

a mild-mannered accounts representative (Jason bateman) crosses the country to confront the con artist (melissa mccarthy) who has stolen his identity. citadel: today: 1:25, 3:55, 7, 9:35 James island: today: 1:20, 4:10, 7, 9:45

citadel: today: 1:20, 4:10, 7 James island: today: 4, 7:10, 9:40

 r

after eight months in an institution, a man moves in with his parents and bonds with a mysterious girl.

Jack the Giant Slayer

cinebarre: today: 10 citadel: today: 1:30, 4:05, 7; fri-thurs april 11: 4:10, 9:45




a young farmhand accidentally opens the gateway to a world of giants, and an ancient war between the kingdoms is reignited. citadel: today: 1 citadel 3d: today: 4

 pg-13

when his son is wrongfully imprisoned, a father risks everything to become an undercover informant for the dea and infiltrate a dangerous drug cartel.

Mindless Behavior: All Around the World

citadel: today: 1:20, 3:55, 7, 9:35 northwoods: today: 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:25

a concert documentary about the teen r&b/hip-hop boy band mindless behavior on their first headlining u.s. tour.

Spring Breakers


James island: today: 1:40, 4:20, 6:40, 8:50

Olympus Has Fallen 1/2 r

a former special forces operator (gerard butler) must save the president (aaron eckhart) when he is kidnapped by a terrorist mastermind.

cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:40, 10:25; fri: 1, 4, 7:25, 10:10; sat-sun: 10:15, 1, 4, 7:25, 10:10; mon-thurs april 11: 1, 4, 7:25, 10:10 citadel: today-thurs april 11: 1:10, 3:40, 6:55, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 10 James island: today-sun: 1:25, 4:10, 6:55, 9:40; mon-thurs april 11: 4:10, 6:55, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35

Oz the Great and Powerful

1/2 pg

a small-time, unethical magician from kansas (James franco) is hurled into the enchanted land of oz and transforms himself into a great wizard and better man.

cinebarre: today: 3:50, 10:05; fri: 3:45, 10:45; sat-sun: 9:50, 3:45, 10:45; mon-thurs april 11: 3:45, 10:45 cinebarre 3d: today: 12:50, 7:10; fri-thurs april 11: 12:45, 7:10 citadel: today-thurs april 11: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:20 citadel 3d: today-thurs april 11: 2, 5, 8 hwy 21: fri-sun: 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:05, 3:50, 7, 9:45

1/2 r

while on vacation, four college girls search for adventure and excitement and become involved in a life of crime.

cinebarre: today: 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 9:55; fri: 1:30, 4:30, 7:45, 10; sat-sun: 11:10, 1:30, 4:30, 7:45, 10; mon-thurs april 11: 1:30, 4:30, 7:45, 10 terrace: fri-thurs april 11: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:20, 9:20


1/2 r

psychological thriller about the relationships between an 18-year-old girl, her mother (nicole kidman) and the mysterious brother-in-law. terrace: today: 12:50, 9

Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor 1/2


tyler perry’s latest drama about a marriage counselor who betrays her husband and embarks on a passionate and obsessive affair with one of her clients.

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 10:10; fri: 1:05, 4:05, 7:35, 10:15; sat-sun: 10:30, 1:05, 4:05, 7:35, 10:15; mon-thurs april 11: 1:05, 4:05, 7:35, 10:15 citadel: today-thurs april 11: 1, 2, 3:45, 5, 7, 8, 9:40 James island: today-sun: 1:15,4:05, 7, 9:50; mon-thurs april 11: 4:05, 7, 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs april 11: 1:10, 2:10, 3:50, 5:10, 7, 8:10, 9:30

azalea square, 215 azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-northcutt Blvd., mount pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imax, 2072 Sam rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and central park rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 ladson rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, u.S. 17 north, mount pleasant, 216-tOWn | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins ave., park circle, north charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 mall drive, north charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-d maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 northwoods Blvd., north charleston, 518-6000

e8: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

cajun queens

‘women of the swamp’ to emerge for the 22nd annual lowcountry cajun festival By stratton lawrence Special to The Post and Courier


hy would charleston host a cajun festival? after all, it’s a culture that’s based 800 miles away in the heart of southern louisiana. on the other hand, why not? The histories of the two places are not so dissimilar. when the British expelled 11,500 French acadian settlers from coastal canada in 1755, most made their way to the Bayou state, but 942 settlers established their new home in south carolina, blending in with the French huguenots already here. charleston’s French ancestry is still present in the peninsula’s churches and streets around the French Quarter. of course, the cajun culture that emerged in louisiana — full of rich food, fiddle music and a distinct French dialect — was one far different from the French influence of charleston, where most integrated into the British file photographs colonial customs. But that shared ancestry is as fine an Attendees of a previous Lowcountry Cajun Festival at excuse as any to suck a few (or James Island County Park dance to zydeco music. 50) crawfish heads and twostep the afternoon away to a first called him in 1991 about zydeco beat. organizing and cooking for a what: lowcountry cajun cajun-themed festival, he imBayou roots festival mediately jumped on board. “alligator jack” sheffield when: noon-6 p.m. sunday “i grew up doing what we is kidding around when he where: James island coun- do here next sunday,” said proclaims, “i am the cajun ty park, 871 riverland drive sheffield, referencing the Festival.” price: $10; free for ages sprawling tables of crawfish he’s less apologetic when 12 and under with a paying and bowls of jambalaya and boasting about his crawfish adult; gold pass holders also etouffee he’ll be cooking by eating record: 21 of the red get in for free the gallon. “Through those crustaceans in just 30 secfor more info: 795-4386 first few years, this festival onds. even that is nothing or www.ccprc.com/cajun probably lost money, but now compared to the guy he met it’s the biggest one-day money at his family reunion back maker for the park system of home in louisiana this year, “i got my nickname because the year.” who stormed his way through i grew up hunting and trapsheffield is correct in that 55 pounds of crawfish in 45 ping alligators,” sheffield assertion, confirms ccprc minutes. explains. “i was only supposed Festival and event manager a Baton rouge native, shef- to stay up here for a year, and matthew rosebrock. apart field moved to charleston that’s turned into 24 years.” from the holiday Festival for culinary school and stuck The lowcountry cajun Fes- of lights, it’s also the oldest around, opening alligator tival gives sheffield a chance county park event, along with jack’s cajun cafe in mount to show charleston a taste the latin american Festival pleasant before moving on to of his life back home. when held in october. the catering business he oper- the charleston county park “at the time, the county ates today. and recreation commission parks tasked the recreation

if you go

texas sound.” waters will cede the stage at 2:15 p.m. to north carolinabased zydeco group unknown tongues, followed by new jersey’s sidewalk Zydeco (from the “delta of the navesink river,” jokes erwin, and highlighted by a washboard scrubber with the stage name mary From tokyo), before the tongues close the day with a second set beginning at 4:45 p.m. erwin compares the nonlouisiana-based bands to ccprc blues artists from russia or “Alligator Jack” Sheffield serves up some crawfish at a past Zimbabwe. “They might not Lowcountry Cajun Festival. be of authentic origins, but they’ve passionately learned kicks off springtime in the it and have their merits,” he lowcountry. said. “it’s these bands that carry the torch.” Cajun sounds unknown tongues’ gary “shrimp city slim” bandleaders Bryan and Barerwin has booked the mubara Blake have put in their sic at the cajun Festival for research time through multimore than 15 years, bringing ple trips that they dub “cajun in famous louisiana names camp.” The group is a cajun including nathan and the Festival veteran, performing Zydeco cha-chas and chub- on the 2004 lineup. by carrier. “i like to tell people that For this year’s 22nd annual Bryan is a born-again cajun,” event, erwin took a different Barbara said of her husband, approach, choosing the bands who plays accordion, fiddle, around the theme of “women guitar and pedal steel with the of the swamp.” group. “he was playing oldIsabella Roland enjoys a opening the day at 1 p.m. time mountain-style music past festival. is shelly waters, a recent when he first heard the cajun transplant to the lowcountry fiddle, and it was like he was staff with starting up new from rayne, la., known as the struck down by lighting. he programming, and every“Frog capital of the world.” fell in love with it.” one thought a cajun festival waters met erwin soon after The couple founded a mardi would be a good idea,” said her arrival in charleston in gras festival in their homeBrockbank, who looks forlate 2011, when she asked to town of gloucester, on the ward all year to the chance to sit in at a backyard party gig north carolina coast. gorge on crawfish. “you don’t that erwin was playing. The “we put the spear in the get to eat crawfish on a daily diva took the mic and thrilled ground for cajun culture in basis in charleston, so i defithe crowd, and she and erwin our area,” explains Blake. “it’s nitely pig out when the time have since collaborated on a joyous music. i feel like we’re comes.” a debut release in her name kind of missionaries of cajun after holding steady at titled “swamp pop princess.” music.” around 5,000 attendees for 15 “swamp pop is a sometimes For folks unsure of how to years, the cajun Festival has overlooked regional genre dance a waltz or two-step to a doubled in popularity since of louisiana music that was creole or zydeco song, Blake 2006, now attracting as many prevalent in the late ’50s and says to simply follow the lead as 10,000 people. early ’60s,” explains erwin, of another dancer or to just it’s always held the sunwho once hosted an s.c. pub- wing it. “i like when people day after the cooper river lic radio program on creole, just get up there and do their Bridge run and concurrently cajun and zydeco music. “it’s own thing,” she laughs. “we’re with summerville’s Flowa blend of old time rock ’n’ not sticklers about cajun ertown Festival, creating a roll, twangy country and new dancing precision.” culmination to a celebratory orleans r&B, with a little weekend that effectively bit of that Buddy holly-east please see cajun, page e9

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e9

cajun from page e8

A crawfish feast

unknown tongues travels the country playing cajunthemed festivals, but Blake claims that charleston’s offering is one of the best, thanks to the beautiful location at james island county park and the quality of the food. For some people, however, it’s more about the quantity. among the event’s most popular attractions is the annual crawfish-eating contest, when dozens of competitors line up to devour as many of the freshwater critters as possible in 30 seconds. two years ago, that number was a whopping 24. all in all, 600 crawfish are consumed during the competition. That’s a minor note compared to the total day’s consumption, however. caterer sheffield said he’s ordered 2,000 pounds of live crawfish for the event, along with 400 gallons of chicken and andouille sausage gumbo, 400 gallons of etouffee, and 200 gallons of red beans

unknown Tongues and rice. “if you leave hungry, it’s your own fault,” sheffield ribs, adding that he’s happy to teach anyone how to eat


a crawfish who’s not sure of proper procedure. he’ll be cooking them up in a giant rig he calls the “cajun hot tub.”

although treats like fried alligator tail will be available, there are also hot dogs, funnel cakes, snow cones and barbecue on hand for the less adventurous. This year’s event has even attracted a film crew from the cooking channel show “chuck’s eat the street,” featuring French-canadian chef chuck hughes. with thousands of pounds of food being served, it’s also notable that the ccprc has partnered with the s.c. green Fair to integrate recycling and composting into the event. in 2012, 95 percent of the festival’s waste was diverted from landfills. when planning your attack for the day, sheffield recommends that attendees come early, bring a blanket or chair, and leave the dogs and coolers at home (neither are permitted in the park sunday). “get here early, stay all day and eat, be merry and have fun,” sheffield said. “once you come through the gate of james island county park on sunday, you’re in louisiana.”


The crawfish-eating contest is always a big event. Contestants battle to see who can eat the most in 30 seconds.


Children can enjoy rides while parents dance to the music playing nearby.

e10: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

By deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier

vote now

The cannonborough Beverage co. continues its soda sweet sixteen, a march madness-style bracket that invites devotees of the company’s sodas to decide which new flavor will debut at this year’s farmers market. The choices are down to the Final Four, with the final round announced saturday. Fans of the cannonborough Beverage co. can place their votes by commenting beneath the bracket on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ Cannonbevco. The winning flavor will be featured at the cannonborough Beverage co.’s stand at the april 13 charleston Farmers market in marion square. For information on the company, go to www.cannon bevco.com.

wine-ing on daniel is.

sauer grapes, 885-c island park drive on daniel island, will host a series of wine tastings for tennis fans through saturday. all tastings are free. regular hours are 3-8 p.m. wednesday-saturday. go to www.sauergrapeswine.com or call 849-1999.


Brandon Wogamon (from left), Matt Fendley and Mick Matricciano are the mixologists behind the Cannonborough Beverage Co. fava beans in a truffle mushroom consomme or seared scallops over coconut-avocado sushi rice with a sunchoke and fennel quiche. new dessert and cocktail menus are also debuting. go to www.fishrestaurant charleston.com.

benefit at opal

opal executive chef patrick owens is hosting a benefit dinner in honor of friend and local food and beverage industry fixture matt tooman, catch lunch at fish who recently was diagnosed just in time for spring week- with multiple sclerosis. end festivities, Fish will open tooman was the former its doors to the saturday lunch bar manager at muse and is crowd beginning this week. a wine consultant for whole locals and visitors can Foods. enjoy Fish’s $10 lunch menu in an effort to raise awarefavorites. ness about ms and support doors open for cooper riv- tooman in his fight against er Bridge run racers and fans the disease, owens is putat 9 a.m. saturday. regular ting together a benefit dinner lunch hours will be 11 a.m.april 15. 2:30 p.m. monday-saturday. The evening will kick off Fish restaurant also is with a “charcuterie happy launching a new spring menu hour,” featuring plates of that features local peas, mush- house-cured meats, artisan room and asparagus alongside cheeses and accompaniments. garden herbs like basil and guests then can choose from tarragon, Bibb lettuce, tamaa three-course prix-fixe menu, rind and quinoa. which includes dessert and dim sum highlights include wine pairings. chef nico romo’s clam creme The event begins at 6 p.m. brulee and the lobster roll The cost is $75 plus tax and with spicy pickled celery on gratuity, and proceeds will coconut brioche. benefit direct-ms. For dinner, they recommend opal restaurant + wine Bar the tilefish with quinoa and is at 1960 riviera drive, suite

c, at The shoppes at seaside Farms in mount pleasant. call 8654-9070 or go to www. owensdininggroup.com.

new chef at kiawah

The kiawah island golf resort has welcomed a new chef, Brendon Bashford. as part of his initiation, area residents have been invited to stop by 5-7 p.m. april 11 to meet The sanctuary’s culinary team. dine on its seasonal creations inspired by bright colors, crisp flavors and crunchy textures at this complimentary event at kiawah island golf resort, one sanctuary Beach drive. call 768-6296.

expanded services

Black magic cafe at 103 w. erie st. on Folly Beach will extend its offerings by adding full-service dining supported by new dining room and bar menus. owner eran maron has hired chef Bill deroche, previously of the tBonz group and sesame, to bring his lowcountry sensibilities to the menu. mimosas, bloody marys, irish coffees, craft beer and wine selections will round out the Black magic experience. Black magic cafe is open daily at 7 a.m. call 406-3507.

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e11

mex 1 coastal cantina a highway to flavors of baja mex 1 coastal cantina

By deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier


n 2012, jack hurley jettisoned his jack’s cosmic dogs in avondale. his roadside hot dog stand did not cut the mustard in west ashley. his other two cosmic dogs are open in mount pleasant and on james island, but hurley is trying out a new concept in the space on st. andrews Boulevard. hurley, with partner roddy smith and bar manager/son ryan hurley, repurposed the west ashley casual eatery into mex 1 coastal cantina. its name comes from the highway that connects tijuana and cabo san lucas in mexico. The interior is a kitschy match-up of Baja meets longboard. repurposed boat wood painted the coastal colors of aquamarine, turquoise and sea glass green are wrapped around the spacious bar. weathered surf boards frame one side of the cantina, bringing new meaning to the word “wallboard.” galvanized metal is used to create a privacy barrier between the dining room and bathrooms that have cleverly been named every international word you can think of for toilet. humor and creativity show their hands throughout the restaurant. global hot sauces are self-serve and are placed on a shelf that is adjacent to the restaurant’s fire extinguisher. The flat-screen tv runs a closed-loop film of surfer craig anderson’s swell searches: 24/7 tube time. a former wire spool has been reclaimed as a dining table, and some vintage-style “toledo drafting chairs” are gathered around the table, adding notes of nostalgia and an industrial revolution of another kind. modern brushed aluminum chairs lend a contemporary accent to the space, and a slat-board ceiling suspended above the bar is strung with white party lights, keeping an attitude of fun front and center, as well as above. The servers are well-

cuisine: coastal mexican/ american category: neighborhood favorite location: 817 st. andrews blvd., west ashley phone: 751-4001 hours: daily 11 a.m.-10 p.m. (kitchen), 11 a.m.-midnight (bar) food:  atmosphere: 1/2 service:  price: $ costs: appetizers $5.50$9.75, salads $6.75-$9.75, quesadillas $6.50-$9.50, tacos $2.75-$3.50, tortas $7.50$9.50, baja bowls $6.50-$9.50, kids menu $2-$2.50, sides $2.50, desserts $2.50 bar: full-service bar, specialty cocktail menu, infused tequilas, vodkas, floaters vegetarian options: yes wheelchair accessible: yes brad nettles/staff parking: lot Mex 1 Coastal Cantina is in the former Jack’s Cosmic Dog space on St. Andrews Boulevard in West Ashley. other: entertainment, daily specials, special events, faceinformed about the menu, and can add steak, carnitas, chick- with chile’s heat, and the three book, patio, specials the staff is quick to dispense en, shrimp, mushrooms or milks of “tres leches” are used chips and salsa to every table. read more restaurant mahi-mahi for an additional to make the bread pudding. Beverage service is efficient, reviews at charlestonscene. charge. The bowl is brown it is said that “it is an ill cantina that brings a coastal, and the signature cocktails are com. rice, black beans, monterey wind that blows no good.” casual freestyle of the Baja worthy of your calories. try jack cheese, pico de gallo, gua- For hurley and his partners, peninsula to west ashley and the hydrator ($7) with its use lends credible heat to a lightly camole, tortilla strips, queso the demise of a jack’s cosa new wave of success to these of coconut water to balance fried shrimp taco ($3.50), and fresco and green onions — a mic dogs birthed a mexican accomplished restaurateurs. your h2o, the jalapeno martheir sweet heat sauce is just meal in its own right. garita ($7) to jump-start your that, a balanced merger of we topped ours with mahi taste buds or the mex1can sweetness and fire. ($9.50), and the fish was fresh, ashtray described as “Baja in we began with the triple firm and seasoned with the a can” ($3) for the daredevil in dipper with smoked chipotle mex 1 rub. This was a filling you. eager-to-please servers salsa, not incendiary, but salsa and delicious dish marred onpay attention to all the tables, with a kick; freshly made gua- ly by temperature. By the time and friendly mangers stop by camole that is not pabulum but the toppings were strewn over to check in on your experience. rough-cut chunks of avocado the beans and rice, everything diners can seek out the that could use more lime and took on a chill. bar, high tops, banquettes or salt; and creamy queso that we look to the tortas category a community table to hoist used to slather on our tacos. on the menu if you prefer to their favored beverage and The taco menu is wellchow down on a sandwich toast this Baja-inspired mex composed, and the shroomer ($7.50-$9.50). Quesadillas are cantina that quickly has found ($2.75), the carnitas ($2.75) plump with fillings and are a home with west ashley resi- and the bangin’ shrimp served with sour cream, guadents and beyond. ($3.50) were all ordered and camole and pico de gallo. The kitchen makes all their enjoyed. kudos for having their sauces, rubs, relishes, dressmex 1 cantina’s signature kids menu hang ten with the ings and vinaigrettes. Their dish is its “Baja Bowls.” The theme and the same for their version of “Bangin’ ” sauce base price is $6.50, and you desserts. Brownies are jazzed

more online

e12: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

‘broasted’ chicken a novel, and delicious, concept By roB young Special to The Post and Courier

if you go

charleston. in keeping with business practices, every order is sealed ithin the small retail what: broaster chicken and prepared in a Broaster center of evanston where: 5335 dorchester pressure-fryer, each piece simplaza, there are sevroad, north charleston mering and cooking up to a eral houses of chicken: the lo- hours: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and golden shade. cally owned, charcoal-grilled 5-9 p.m. monday-friday; From start to finish, the wait pollo tropical; the fourth11 a.m.-10 p.m. saturday time is 13 minutes. largest chicken restaurant for more: 608-3900 and guess what? a fresh orchain, church’s chicken; and der is surprisingly, shockingly, the mash-up king of cooking quite good. methods known as Broaster is vast. he helped conceive The skin crinkles up to chicken. and build the first automatic produce a great crunch as the yes, that’s an awful lot of gasoline pump, first automatic meat retains its moisture. The poultry per capita. toilet and first automatic com- portions are appropriately Broasting, as one may or mercial refrigerator. sized and typically served up may not assume, combines so, all that, and he’s still alongside onion rings, fries, the cooking concepts of pres- probably best-known for fried okra or a handful of sure cooking, deep-frying and broasting. other sides. sorcery. today, the Beloit, wis.otherwise, Broaster offers a just kidding on the last based Broaster co. continues large catering menu, includone. But it does involve a phelan’s legacy, offering ing wings and other plus-size little magic, or at least a bit of food-service equipment, fresh selections. creativity, as conjured up by and frozen foods, and fried, my advice: drop the skeptil.a.m. phelan in the 1950s. er, broasted chicken at a few cism and try a two-piece oran entrepreneur/inventor to restaurants, including the der. phelan may have been on A two-piece order of “broasted” chicken from Broaster Chicken. the nth degree, phelan’s reach takeout location in north to something.


rob young

The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e13

e14: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

the black crowes Wiser for the Time/Silver Arrow


now that the band once again has emerged from yet another hiatus, The Black crowes are poised to reclaim the rock ’n’ roll crown from some of the younger whippersnappers out there. leading the charge this time is “wiser for the time,” a live album recorded during the band’s 2010 tour in support of the acoustic greatest hits album “croweology.”

depeche mode

Delta Machine/Columbia


while depeche mode reached its creative zenith with the 1989 single “personal jesus,” i was always more of a fan of the band’s 1987 album, “music for the masses.” That album featured singles such as “strangelove” and “never let me down again,” and the resulting tour in support of the album was filmed for the documentary “101.” while depeche mode has never quite been able to recapture those heady days of success in the mid- to late ’80s, its latest release, “delta machine,” demonstrates that

lil’ wayne

I Am Not a Human Being II/Cash Money


i’m probably going to get an amazing amount of grief for this, but i just do not get the appeal of lil’ wayne. sure, i understand that the rapper has been recording since age 9, and that he’s easily one of the biggest hip-hop artists on the planet at the moment, but while i get where superstars like jay-Z and eminem are coming from musically, what lil’ wayne continues to put out as finished material sounds as if he’s still noodling around in his home studio.

as anyone who caught the show when the tour stopped at the Family circle tennis center on daniel island will tell you, the band was running on all cylinders at the time, and this new live album captures that feeling. while the two-cd set features a handful of classic crowes tunes (“jealous again,” “she talks to angels”), true crowes fans will revel in how chris robinson and the rest of the band dig deep for more unfamiliar crowes tracks and a few well-placed covers. disc one encompasses the acoustic first set of a typical show on the tour, with

highlights that include “cursed diamond,” “garden gate” and a cover of The Flying Burrito Brothers’ “hot Burrito #1 and #2.” disc two turns up the volume a bit, with fully amplified versions of songs such as “soul singing,” “no speak no slave” and “a conspiracy.” if you’re planning a road trip to the band’s april 23 show in atlanta, this album will make for some great road music.

even a quarter-century later, there is life left in the band. singer dave gahan still has that confident vocal swagger that endeared him to so many fans in the ’80s; one of the album’s best tracks, “Broken,” sounds as if it could have come straight from the sessions for “music for the masses.” gahan’s baritone vocals against the band’s mostly electronically produced music remains one of the best examples of the alternative/electronic style. “soft touch/raw nerve” sounds like it could have come from the same era that gave us “people are people.”

all in all, longtime mode fans will slip right into this album like a familiar pair of black jeans or a well-worn “violator” tour t-shirt. For the younger folks who are perhaps just discovering these admittedly older artists, just know that without depeche mode there would be no killers, nine inch nails or The postal service. definitely start with “music for the masses” or “violator,” but this new release dovetails nicely into those older albums.

i’ll even give you that his 2008 release, “Tha carter iii,” was pretty good. listening to his latest, “i am not a human Being ii,” though, has me back to thinking that he’s trying to sneak an album of demos past us. The album is a sequel to his 2010 release titled, you guessed it, “i am not a human Being.” on tracks such as “curtains,” “no worries” and “trippy,” we find lil’ wayne spending more time manipulating his voice through auto-tune than paying attention to what he’s saying. one later track, “lay it down,” which fea-

tures nicki minaj and cory gunz, briefly takes us back to the glory of his “Tha carter iii” days. also amusing are “hot revolver” and “hello,” which, rather than sounding like rap, come off as pop and punk rock songs, respectively. aside from that, there is nothing here that screams originality, or completion for that matter.

key tracks: “hot burrito #1 and #2,” “hotel illness,” “she talks to angels”

key tracks: “welcome to my world,” “broken,” “should be higher”

key tracks: “lay it down,” “hot revolver,” “hello” — by devin grant

The post and courier

By matthew godBey Zeds dead, mstrkrft, gramaSpecial to The Post and Courier tik and conspirator. robotic pirate monkey will robotic pirate monkey perform tonight at The pour Formed by three friends house, 1977 maybank highand fellow colorado-based way, with kicks n licks and djs — matt Flesher, andrew alpha data. hathaway and matt Berryhill tickets are $13 and are — robotic pirate monkey available at the door or online has risen quickly through at etix.com. doors open at the congested ranks of the 9 p.m. burgeoning electronic music For information, call 571world. 4343 or go to charleston The group’s heavy usage of pourhouse.com. computers to create exploumphrey’s mcgee sive, untamed samples and song manipulations coupled since 1997, south Bend, with its feverish live perforind.’s umphrey’s mcgee mances turns most of has been one of the pioneers its concerts into massive of the prog-rock jam band dance parties, hence the movement. combining ingroup’s quick ascension to fluences from yes and Zappa popularity. with the dead, Zeppelin and in less than three years, phish, the group has been robotic pirate monkey has labeled one of the innovators relentlessly toured the nation, of modern-day jam music, sharing the spotlight with as well as one of its bestartists such as Big gigantic, reviewed live acts.

thursday, april 4, 2013: e15

6989 or go to musicfarm. com.

Robotic Pirate Monkey with a seemingly countless number of studio albums, compilations and bootlegs released, umphrey’s mcgee most recently added to its list of recordings with the 2011 studio effort, “death by stereo.” The sextet will perform


wednesday at the music Farm, 32 ann st. tickets are $22.50 in advance, $25 the day of the show and are available online at etix.com or at the music Farm box office. doors open at 7 p.m. This is a 16-and-up event. For information, call 577-

tion of a respected music career during his tenure there. ben rector his emotionally dawning oklahoma-born, nashville, lyrics and capability for imtenn.-based singer-songwriter mersing himself in his vocals Ben rector isn’t snazzy or over- has led many of rector’s the-top. songs to appear on film and his music isn’t groundtelevision soundtracks. breaking, nor is it contrived his latest record, last year’s or gimmicky. “something like This,” rector has made quite a charted on itunes in several name for himself just by docategories, even reaching the ing things the old-fashioned no. 4 spot on the top overall way: chops and late nights. albums chart. The 26-year-old college Ben rector will perform graduate began writing Friday at the music Farm, songs as a teenager and, at 32 ann st., with alpha rev. the time, became the young- tickets are $15 in advance, est winner of the john len$18 the day of the show and non songwriting contest are available online at etix. when his song “conversacom or at the music Farm tion” took the top prize in box office. doors open at the contest’s pop category 7:30 p.m. seven years ago. rector was This is a 16-and-up event. a freshman at the university For information, call 577of arkansas at the time and 6989 or go to musicfarm. went on to build the founda- com.

e16: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

bird photos, glass art featured on first friday

ave. in the revitalized olde village area of north charleston, will be open 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Fridays and saturdays. a free public reception will be 5-8 p.m. may 8 at The meeting place during the festival art walk. call 740-5854 or go to northcharlestonartsfest.com.

By olivia pool Special to The Post and Courier


his Friday and the first Friday of each month, be sure to check out the opening receptions at many of the galleries along Broad street and nearby. unless otherwise noted, receptions take place 5-8 p.m. and are free.

ellis-nicholson gallery

Cabaret Night

charleston’s performing arts community has a lot going on on a regular basis, and A piece by John Miguel Alnow the actors, performers maguer. Almaguer’s glass and producers are bringing work will be on display at you yet another fun night of the Ellis-Nicholson Gallery. entertainment with Theatre sneddon’s work includes land- charleston’s cabaret night called “under the spotlight.” and seascapes that capture Theatre charleston’s cabaret fleeting moments of beauty, both realistic and meditative,” nights started last winter as a service to its members. The explains susan st. hilaire of affairs have been a little secret the real estate studio. “The among the theater community sneddon sisters have shown and now is going public. together in north and south carolina, and have had numer- “we have such a talented pool of actors and singers in ous solo shows nationally.” There will be an opening re- the charleston area” executive director emily wilhoit said. ception 5-8 p.m. today at 214 “even with all the fantastic king st. wine and light hors theater being produced in d’oeuvres will be served. The works will be on display town, these actors are eager for charleston artist guild until may 20. 722-5618 more opportunities to share their favorite pieces. cabaret talented photographer Brian koury is the featured artist for CoOp Gallery and Sale nights provide a venue to perform songs and scenes from the month at the charleston every year, the city of north brand-new shows currently artist guild gallery with his charleston holds its annual running on Broadway, pull out newest collection of photos art & Fine craft coop galsome of everyone’s favorites called “Birds out on a limb.” lery and sale at The meeting from shows rarely locally prokoury has a gift for capturplace. This temporary artistduced, and perhaps even give ing intimate moments in run gallery will be open each a sneak peek of an upcoming nature. he particularly likes Friday and saturday, april 5production at one of our 12 cloudy days and is inspired by june 1, and will be part of the member theaters.” water in all its forms: rain, fog, 2013 north charleston arts “we’ve seen such incredible mist and marsh. Festival, taking place may 3-11. performances in the past, it The reception will take place all of the works are from 6-8 p.m. The gallery is at 160 “lowcountry artists of varied seemed unfair to continue to allow these nights to be an ineast Bay st. 722-2425 or www. backgrounds in a diverse ardustry secret,” she added. charlestonartistguild.com. ray of media and styles, from join members of Theatre representational to contemSister show porary,” said ann simmons charleston tonight at the woolfe of the north charleston cul- street playhouse. The perfortonight, enjoy a show of tural arts department. mance starts at 10:30 p.m.; the works by two sisters with participating artists include late start time is so that patrons different yet complimentary sherri Bardsley, olga Bixby, can enjoy other productions by painting styles. sue snedsome of Theatre charleston’s don works in oils and pastels andrea cochran-pastel, jan dalton, daryle halbert, james member theaters earlier in the while nance lee sneddon christopher hill, angela hio- evening and then attend cabaret works with acrylics and tt, muriel lanciault, Barbara mixed media. night afterward. B. sawyer, pat singletary and “nance lee sneddon’s work tickets are $10 and can be Francina smalls-joyner. has an exuberant, celebratory purchased at www.theatre The gallery, inside The meet- charleston.com or at the door. tone, weaving images together in a tapestry-like fashion. sue ing place at 1077 e. montague 813-8578. glass artist john miguel almaguer will show his newest colorful glass art in a collection he calls “Breakthrough.” “This will be almaguer’s first solo show after returning from murano, venice, where he lived and worked in glass before he arrived in asheville, n.c., where he currently creates his art,” said vikki ellis of the ellis-nicholson gallery. There also will be works available from his “realms” series, along with his newest body of work, “scratching the surface.” The gallery is at 1½ Broad st. 722-5353 or www.ellisnicholsongallery.com.


The post and courier

thursday, april 4, 2013: e17

MYcharlesTonweeKend garden club of charleston walking tour


Caroline Wozniacki celebrates her Family Circle Cup win in 2011.

family circle cup the nine-day women’s tennis tournament is back, bringing with it a number of stars from the tennis world, including sloane stephens and venus and serena williams. marking 41 years, organizers are celebrating in a big way by adding events to the tournament. while the cup is rooted in the competition that has more than 90 players battling for the trophy, the event offers so much more. today and friday, catch the last two happy hours, which will feature drink specials, live music by travis allison and permanent vacation, respectively, and more. on saturday, the cooper river bridge run and the family circle cup join forces to present a street party that will include live music by soul fish, food, drinks and fun; those still wearing their race bibs will be treated like vips. when: through sunday where: family circle tennis center, 161 seven farms drive, daniel island price: $10-$80 for individual events; $90-$525 for ticket packages; street party is $40 and includes a ticket to the semifinals more info: www.family circlecup.com

the garden club of charleston will take you on a walking tour of some of the finest houses and gardens on the peninsula during its 78th annual event. each of the homes on the tour will feature flower arrangements by members of the club. refreshments will be served in one of the gardens. proceeds benefit the club’s continuing projects, including maintaining the gardens at the manigault house, heyward-washington house, gateway walk, healing garden at the medical university of south carolina, museum courtyard garden and the garden at the historic confederate home.

kiawah island art & house tour

enjoy this rare chance to peek behind the gate and see some of kiawah’s most exclusive properties in this 13th annual event. sponsored by the gibbes museum of art, the tour features five homes filled with world-class collections of contemporary art. tickets also include a pass to the gibbes. when: 1-5 p.m. friday where: kiawah island price: $55 more info: www.gibbesetc.org

shine, shimmer and shag


The Garden Club of Charleston House and Garden Tour when: 2-5 p.m. friday and saturday where: historic district in downtown charleston

price: $45 more info: www.the gardenclubofcharleston. org

habitat for humanity auction


charleston bluegrass festival awendaw green, the southern bar & grill and sewee outpost have teamed up for this two-day showcase of traditional bluegrass music. the festival will feature performances by town mountain with Jim lauderdale, blue billy grit, the corduroy road, the bushels, packaway handle band, underhill rose, great smoky mountain bluegrass band, the empty bottle string band, cranford and sons, seven handle circus and more. food and drinks will be available. a portion of the proceeds from this rain-or-shine event will benefit the awendaw community outreach center. when: friday and saturday where: sewee outpost, 4853 u.s. highway 17, awendaw price: $20 for individual day tickets; $30 for both days more info: charlestonbluegrassfestival.com

sea island habitat for humanity is celebrating its 35th year and 300th home with an evening of dining and dancing. the event will include a seated dinner and live mu-sic from the port authority band. the event will be capped off by habitat’s biannual auction event, which will feature a silent auction, a live auction with auctioneer tom crawford and an exclusive wine auction. all proceeds will benefit sea island habitat for humanity. when: 5-9 p.m. saturday where: the river course clubhouse, river course lane, kiawah island price: $100 more info: 768-0998 or www.seaislandhabitat. org

be sure to wear your dancing shoes as you boogie the night away at a benefit raising money for the children served by lowcountry orphan relief. heavy appetizers will sate your appetite, and wine, beer and soft drinks will keep you hydrated as you take part in dance instruction by arthur murray dance studios. a silent auction will cap off the night. when: 7-11 p.m. saturday where: memminger auditorium, 56 beaufain st. price: $75 more info: 747-4099 or www.lowcountryorphanrelief.org

e18: Thursday, april 4, 2013

thursday, april 4, 2013 : 19e

Cooper river event overview




kids’ events

speCiAl runners & groups

Bridge run 2013 A puBliCAtion of the post And Courier CoverAge, results At postAndCourier.Com

2 • cooper river bridge run 2013

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 3

4 • cooper river bridge run 2013

Inside 6

B r i d g e r u n ov e r v i e w Changes include a new home for the Expo and steps to avoid a late start.

12 T h e B e aT g o e s o n Enjoy the lineup of bands along the route, including singer Elise Testone. 14 M a p & M o r e Where to go, how to catch the shuttles.

20 e v e n T f i n a n c e s The big race is big business. 22 h a l l o f fa M e Guest column by Cedric Jaggers. 23 Q & a w i T h c h a i r M a n Larry Schrecker, runner and dad. 24 d e T e r M i n aT i o n Woman with prosthetic leg to compete.

16 Q & a w i T h f o u n d e r Marcus Newberry remembers the run’s humble beginnings.

26 c a s T o f c h a r ac T e r s Interesting get-ups from 2012 race.

18 K i d s r u n , w o n d e r f e s T Two events combine for family fun.

on the cover: Part of the 2013 Bridge Run poster, designed by Mayela Lopez.

News and results

get the most comprehensive coverage of the cooper river bridge run at postandcourier.com. complete access to our site will be free from 9 a.m. thursday, april 4, to 9 p.m. monday, april 8. our team of reporters and photographers will cover the race from start to finish. we’ll post extensive photo galleries and the names and times for everyone who finishes the race at postandcourier.com. the day after the race, check out sunday’s newspaper for a special bridge run section that will include stories, highlights, photographs, and the names and times of the top 10,000 male and 10,000 female finishers.

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 5

Thousands of people glisten as the sun briefly breaks though the morning clouds before the start of the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run.

cooper river bridge run 2013

Big year, big changes

Bridge run organizers aim for fewer runners, smoother start and new expo in n. charleston 6 • cooper river bridge run 2013

tyrone walker/the post and courier

By david Quick dquick@postandcourier.com

But there’s more order unrelated to those changes.

a year is a long time to relive an hour. But that’s what cooper river Bridge run race director julian smith and the Bridge run staff have done after last year’s 57-minute start delay that caused a cascade of problems afterward and left some of the record 36,755 participants complaining. as a result, this year may be the most organized Bridge run ever. after lowering its total registration cap from 44,500 to 40,000, the Bridge run board and staff hired a logistics manager, rented 70 more buses, added three more major bus loading areas, hammered out a detailed plan and have a lot of resolve. Barring a disaster, the changes almost guarantee an 8 a.m. start.

Welcome to North Chuck

Because of construction under way at gaillard auditorium in downtown charleston, Bridge run officials will finally get to do what they wanted to do in 2011 — move the Bridge run’s two-day expo to the charleston area convention center in north charleston. Three years ago, charleston mayor joe riley objected to a proposal to move the expo. The Bridge run board folded and voted to keep it at gaillard. But with the work being done at the gaillard, the Bridge run had to find another home for the expo and the choice was clear. The move to the convention center gives smith the confidence to almost guarantee Special advertiSing Supplement

file/grace beahm/the post and courier

tom spain/the post and courier

Buses full of runners cross the Cooper River bridge before the 2012 race.

something else — no more gridlock in downtown charleston on the Friday before the Bridge run. “i’m excited about allieviating the traffic situation as well as growing the expo to a worldclass one,” said smith, adding that the extra space will allow the Bridge run to go from 110 vendor booths at gaillard to 185 at the convention center. “i think logistically the flow is going to work way better,” smith said. The Bridge run has a contract to hold the expo at the convention center through 2015. to keep the expo convenient to residents, workers and visitors in downtown charleston, the Bridge run will have shuttles departing every 15 minutes from the charleston visitor center during expo hours (noon-8 p.m. today; 8 am-8 p.m. Friday). Special advertiSing Supplement

Boosting bus business

needless to say, the Bridge run will be spending a lot more on buses — $100,000 — Thursday through saturday. Besides the shuttles from the visitor center to the convention center, the Bridge run will be running shuttles for the kids run (from the east side of johnson hagood stadium to hampton park) on Friday and increasing the number of buses on race day from 130 to 200. The majority of those buses, 130, will be dedicated to the traditional pickup downtown at calhoun and anson streets, where nearly 12,000 have signed up to board buses. meanwhile, other buses will depart from the convention center, mount pleasant towne centre and a parking area near daniel island park. in all, 5,500 have signed up to take buses from those locations.

grace beahm/the post and courier

cooper river bridge run 2013 • 7

The 6:45 cut-off

one key strategy to starting the race at 8 a.m. will be a hard line on when the last bus from downtown gets to cross the cooper river bridge. last year, buses still were crossing the bridge long after the expected 7 a.m. close. That’s not going to happen this year. “The last bus to leave calhoun street by 6:45 a.m. will be the last bus to go across the bridge,” said carl Beckmann, the Bridge run’s logistics manager. “i will be there to designate that last bus.” Beckmann said buses leaving from the other departure sites will use i-526. Beckmann and a crew from the exchange club of charleston will be directing the loading of the buses. “i’m real familiar with loading buses and how to move people,” said Beckmann, who identified one of the causes of last year’s problems. “an individual that shouldn’t have been there but was there (giving orders),” Beckmann said. “This year we’re going to alleviate that problem. … i’m going to be down there, as well as the exchange club and city (of charleston) police, who will maintain the safety of it. The exchange club will load buses in the approved manner that i have outlined to them on two separate occasions.” 8 • cooper river bridge run 2013

grace beahm/the post and courier

still, Beckmann said runners and walkers need to be on time, or better, early. Buses start loading at 5 a.m. The benefit of not being late is less stress for all involved.

The sideshows

long gone is the day when the Bridge run was just a big 10k. not only does the Bridge run include more events, but those events are expanding – from the expo and Friday’s kids run and wonderfest to the growing number of musical acts at the start, along the course and at the finish. with the move to north charleston for the expo, the taste of Bridge run – which offers sample dishes from about 25 local restaurants – will be held 5-8 p.m. Friday at three sites: the charleston maritime center at 10 wharfside st. in charleston, harborside east at 28 Bridgeside drive in mount pleasant, and the convention center at 5001 coliseum drive in north charleston. For the first time, the Bridge run will have a designated beer “garden.” it will block off hutson street, which is the block just north of marion square between king and meeting streets. Blue moon will park four beer trucks leroy burnell/the post and courier along the street. a band playing to runners on king at hutson will turn the speakers around An aerial view of runners making their way toward the bridge at the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run. to perform for the beer garden. Special advertiSing Supplement

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 9

country’s 20 largest races in 2011

file/brad nettles/the post and courier

The elite runners battle as they make their way down Meeting Street during the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run.

10 • cooper river bridge run 2013

1. atlanta Journal-constitution peachtree road race 10k, atlanta . . . . 55,077 2. lilac bloomsday run 12k, spokane, wash.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,303 3. dick’s sporting goods bolder boulder 10k, , boulder, colo. . . . . . . . . 49,213 4. ing new york city marathon, new york . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47,133 5. zazzle bay to breakers 12k, san francisco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,954 6. bank of america chicago marathon, chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,755 7. cooper river bridge run 10k, charleston, s.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,789 8. ukrop’s monument avenue 10k, richmond, va. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,365 9. zappos.com rock ‘n’ roll las vegas half-marathon,las vegas. . . . . . 33,257, 10. bank of america shamrock shuffle 8k, chicago.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,442 11. oneamerica 500 festival half-marathon, indianapolis, ind. . . . . . . . 30,659 12. blue cross broad street run 10 mile, philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,244 13. boston marathon, boston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,913 14. pat’s run 4.2 mile, tempe, ariz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,676 15. army ten-miler, washington, d.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,049 16. country music half-marathon, nashville, tenn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,015 17. walt disney world half-marathon, orlando, fla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,991 18. marine corps marathon, washington, d.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,042 19. honda la marathon, los angeles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,902 20. rock ‘n’ roll san antonio half-marathon, san antonio, texas. . . . . . 19,546 sourCe: running usa. (statistics from 2011 are the most current available.)

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 11

elise testone to open and close the Bridge run

By Ballard lesemann Special to The Post and Courier

charleston-based singer/songwriter elise testone — a longtime local musician who recently reached the final rounds of “american idol” (season 11) — experienced her first official cooper river Bridge run two years ago when she ran the race for the first time. This year, she’ll start and finish the race not as a runner, but as a performer. “That was the first and only one i’ve done, and i loved it,” she says of her previous Bridge run. “it was inspiring because everyone was doing it together, no matter what shape they were in. during the race, your body just takes over and your mind just goes for the ride. i want to do it again for sure.” this saturday, testone is scheduled to perform a brief acoustic set and sing the national anthem at the starting line on coleman Boulevard in mount pleasant. last december, she sang the national anthem in front of 30,000 soccer fans at the major league soccer cup in los angeles. she’ll sing in front of thousands once again this week. “i’m excited to be singing the national anthem again,” testone says. “i really enjoyed doing that in los angeles. it was very rewarding. i was nervous about it, but i took time to think about doing a respectful version without changing it a lot. i added a few little trills at the end of a few lines, but otherwise, it was very straightforward.” as the race begins, Bridge run officials will transport testone over the bridge to the Finish Festival at marion square, where she and her band — guitarist wallace mullinax, bassist Ben wells, drummer daniel crider, horn

players michael Quinn and simon harding, and backing vocalists shannon cook and diane Fabiano — will perform a full set of originals and renditions for runners, families and fans. “we’ll play a mix of our own songs, plus a bunch of blues, pop, rock and americana,” testone says. “There’ll be something for everyone in the set.” testone and her band recorded the basic tracks for their debut album at truphonic studio in west ashley in march. she expects to finish the session this month and have the album ready for release by mid summer. The band’s next big local show is april 23 at the north charleston performing arts center, where they’ll open for legendary blues/soul man B.B. king.

More Bridge Run Performers

schema: instrumental jam band, pre-race at coleman boulevard and interstate 526 college lounge: acoustic combo, pre-race at coleman boulevard and fairmont avenue irene rose: country-pop, 0.3 mile marker at coleman boulevard and mill street hibachi heroes: blues-rockers, 0.55 mile marker on coleman boulevard past pelzer avenue savage tongues: rock band, 0.8 mile marker on coleman boulevard between cliffwood and lansing drives forrest baldwin: folk-rock, 1.3 mile marker on coleman boulevard past houston northcutt boulevard dtsmb: alt-rock. 1.6 mile marker on the ravenel bridge off ramp heartfelt hinges: indie-rock, 2 mile mark on the ravenel bridge heyrocco: power-trio, 2.2 mile marker on


In this April 25, 2012 photo released by Fox, contestant Elise Testone performs on “American Idol” in Los Angeles. the ravenel bridge salem lake: groove-pop, 2.8 mile marker on the ravenel bridge synergy: violin-based project, 3 mile marker on the ravenel bridge pierce edens and the dirty work: roots-pop, 3.4 mile marker on the ravenel bridge bad drew baldwin: blues/roots duo featuring harp player Juke Joint Johnny, 3.6 mile marker on the ravenel bridge Jefferson coker band: blues, 3.8 mile marker on the ravenel bridge lionz of zion: funky reggae-rockers,

4.7 mile marker on meeting street past stuart street yellowknife: soul-rock, 4.8 mile marker on meeting street past line street will hastings: indie, 5.2 mile marker at king and woolf streets grand folks: folk, 5.4 mile marker on king street past mary street luke cunningham: pop/americana, 5.6 mile marker at king and vanderhorst streets call momma band: breezy blues-pop, 5.8 mile marker at king and george streets tyler boone: alt-pop, 6 mile marker at king and wentworth streets

music initiative makes Bridge run a musical experience By Ballard lesemann Special to The Post and Courier last spring, charleston resident Becca Findley, chief creative agent for The music initiative, ran in the cooper river Bridge run as a competitor. This year, she’ll be racing around town once again — not as a racer, but as the coordinator of a “rock ’n’ rollin’ ” Bridge run. designed as a unique series of mini concerts that will span the length of the race course, this year’s Bridge run will feature 21 bands from across the southeast. “i knew that there was live music during the previous Bridge run, but i wasn’t sure what was planned for this year’s event,” Findley said. “we were looking for high-visibility platforms for musicians to be able to perform and get paid.” Findley started The music initiative three years ago as a monthly online magazine. it gradually evolved into a multimedia project.

12 • cooper river bridge run 2013

The music initiative made a splash in the charleston scene last year when it started recording live performance clips and interviews at morgan creek grill on the isle of palms as part of the web-based “Balconytv” series. it also produced a series of holy city eclectic evenings concerts for comcast channel 2. The organization recently created a sister project called This is noteworthy to put together the musical aspect of the Bridge run. “The music initiative was doing a bunch of different projects for musicians, and we realized that we needed to narrow down our focus if we wanted to raise money and opportunity,” she said. “we decided to do a not-for-profit. as a legal entity, This is noteworthy focuses on helping musicians in their careers with five main things: wellness, performance opportunity, media platforms, business networking and charitable giving.” in the fall, Findley contacted julian smith,

executive director of the cooper river Bridge run, with a proposal to curate the music portion of the Bridge run. “julian and i went back and forth about what had worked and what hadn’t worked with music before, and we came up with a plan to shepherd it and make it work this year,” Findley said. “The cooper river Bridge run is the perfect event for this kind of thing,” she added. “it’s the biggest event that charleston has, so we could book more than 20 bands and do it up right so they could get some good visibility.” open to nationwide submissions, the music initiative received applications from more than 130 bands from around the southeast, and they narrowed them down based on the different genres. “we didn’t want too much of one particular style,” Findley explains. “we wanted to match the style of music to the terrain, too. i wanted it all to work sonically.” Findlay and her assistants walked the entire

route of the Bridge run to pick the best spots for the music stages along the way, including nine stages on the arthur ravenel jr. Bridge. The music initiative also compiled songs from all of the participating acts on a cd titled “run with me: 2013 official cooper river Bridge run Bands.” The discs are available for sale around town, via the music initiative website and online at cdBaby.com. proceeds from sales will benefit The music initiative and This is noteworthy, the bands and the cooper river Bridge run charities. “we wanted the cd to represent the music of the area, but we also wanted the song order to represent how a runner runs on this course,” Findlay said of “run with me.” “if they need to go on an incline, they can have something with a steady beat. if they plateau out, they can have something more mellow that carries them in a different way. we wanted it to be like what a runner might have compiled on their own ipod for the race.” Special advertiSing Supplement

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 13


Calhoun St. 17


Taste of the Bridge run Harborside East

Marion Square


Mile 2 3

. t. St ing Spr lfe w oo W St. Visitor Center n o n parkin g n Ca p

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Mount Pleasant on


finish line

First aid station

Meeting St. near George St.

p Parking w Water station

. Dr

Shuttle bus drop-off e Cam llia

t cen Vin




start es

Special advertiSing Supplement





Moultrie Middle School

B lv ley w Da Sea Island ck Shopping Chu Center T Ben Sawye r Blvd.

Royall Hardware

S = Sweat shuttle T = Portable toilets

t. tS on


road closures

Coleman Boulevard in Mount Pleasant and the bike/ped lane on the Cooper River bridge close at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, April 6. The bridge closes, both ways, at 7 a.m. For a detailed list of road closures, including those for the Kids Run at Hampton Park on Friday, April 5, go to www.bridgerun.com/event.php

Hibben Church d. an Blv Colem



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Moultrie Shopping Center



Brookgreen Town Center

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Runners and walkers must have official race bibs to gain access to free shuttle buses.

A boat shuttle will take a limited number of participants from Fountain Walk (near S.C. Aquarium) to Patriots Point, then a bus to the race starting area. The boat shuttle, however, usually sells out.


race day shuttle buses

Boat shuttle




mo Sim

What: Discounted overnight parking for $5. When: 5 p.m. Friday, April 5, to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 6. Where: Charleston Visitor Center parking garage on Mary Street, between King and Meeting, S.C. Aquarium garage on Calhoun Street between East Bay and Concord streets, and Gaillard Auditorium garage on Alexander Street between Calhoun and George streets.

Before the race: Runners can start boarding buses at 5 a.m. on Saturday, April 6, but must be in line before 6 a.m. For the first time ever, buses will depart from four different locations, including the major point: Calhoun Street at Anson Street. Other locations will be the Charleston Area Convention Center in North Charleston, Mount Pleasant Towne Centre and Daniel Island Park. Those parking in the aquarium garage can catch a limited number of buses from the alley north of the garage. After the race: Buses, clearly marked for return locations, will leave from Calhoun Street back to the original departure points.

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overnight parking

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corrals and the wave start

Participants are assigned to color-coded corrals and number-coded sub-corrals. Yellow and blue corrals, which include elite and sub-40 minute runners, start at the 8 a.m. gun. Subsequent sub-corrals follow in "waves" at three-minute intervals. Total of 14 waves this year to further improve the flow of people along the course. Shem Cre ek



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Gaillard Auditorium (Under Construction)

Taste of the Bridge run Maritime Center


Corral area (details below)

Shem Creek


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Boat shuttle Patriots Point

Runners and walkers will start boarding buses at 5 a.m. Saturday, April 6. Of four departure locations, the largest will be Calhoun Street at Anson, where 130 buses are designated to transport about 12,000 participants to the starting line in Mount Pleasant. Participants can start lining up on Calhoun Street at 5 a.m. Saturday, April 6, but must be in line by 6 a.m. The last bus allowed to cross the Cooper River bridge will be at 6:45 a.m. Buses departing after that will have to use I-526 to get to Mount Pleasant.

Coleman Blvd. near Simmons St.

Mile 1

5 p Aquarium Parking

. y St t Ba





Mile 6




Gaillard Auditorium

calhoun street shuttle bus staging

start line


Boat shuttle Fountain Walk finish festival Marion Square


Houston Northcutt Blvd.




Mile 3

Mile 5

Taste of the Bridge run

14 • cooper river bridge run 2013

Marion Square 17







Who: Elite runners who range from invited athletes to the very best in local runners. Limited to 200 runners.

Who: Runners expected to finish in under 40 minutes. Limited to 1,000 runners.

Who: Runners competing for age group awards or who run under 45 minutes. Limited to 2,000 runners.

Sub-corrals A-D Who: Runners who run 45-60 minutes approximately 4,000 per corral.

Sub-corrals E-H Who: Runners who run over 1 hour approximately 4,000 per corral.

Sub-corrals I- K Who: Runners who walk/walk run approximately 3, 000 per corral.

Yellow and Blue start at the gun


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Kids run & wonderfest

What: Sample dishes from about 25 local restaurants at one of three locations. When: 5-8 p.m. Friday, April 5. Where: Downtown Charleston (Maritime Center, 10 Wharfside St.); Mount Pleasant (Harborside East, 28 Bridgeside Drive); and North Charleston (Charleston Area Convention Center, 5001 Coliseum Drive).


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Johnnie Dodds Blvd.

Cooper River



Participants will line up on Calhoun and be directed to waiting buses near the Gaillard. One lane of Calhoun will remain open for emergency vehicles.


Expo and packet pickup

When: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, April 5; races start at 5 p.m. Where: Hampton Park, Charleston. Registration: $10 with a T-shirt, free without a T-shirt; noon- 8 p.m. Thursday, April 4, at Charleston Area Convention Center in North Charleston or noon-4:30 p.m. Friday, April 5, at Hampton Park. Parking: Brittlebank Park, Stoney Field and on the east side of Johnson Hagood Stadium at The Citadel. Shuttles will take participants to and from Hampton Park.

Drum Island

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Meeting St.

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When: Thursday, April 4, from noon to 8 p.m. and Friday, April 5, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There is no race-day packet pickup. Where: (New) Charleston Area Convention Center, 5001 Coliseum Drive, North Charleston. Registration: Regularly priced ($45) entries are sold out, but organizers think $150 charity bibs will be available. Transportation to expo: Shuttles will run from the Charleston Visitor Center bus shelter on Ann Street between King and Meeting Streets every 15 minutes during the hours of expo. 2

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shuttle bus staging 5 a.m. race day

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Charleston Area Convention Center, 5001 Coliseum Drive, North Charleston.


The 2013 Cooper River Bridge Run starts 8 a.m. April 6. Use this page as a reference to know where to line up at the start, where to watch the race or how to get to the start. Read The Post and Courier and postandcourier.com/news/bridgerun/ all week to stay in the know on race updates, results, background, race tips and more. Kids run & wonderfest Hampton Park

expo and package pickup

North Charleston

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36th cooper river Bridge run



Each subsequent sub-corral will start at 3-minute intervals cooper river bridge run 2013 • 15

16 • cooper river bridge run 2013


dr. marcus newberry, founder of the Cooper river Bridge run By david Quick dquick@postandcourier.com

dr. marcus newberry arrived at the medical university of south carolina in 1971 and held a series of leadership roles from dean and academic vice president to provost before retiring in 1998. Born in georgia and educated at northwestern university and emory medical school, perhaps newberry’s greatest contribution to the charleston community was founding the cooper river Bridge run in 1978. at the time, it was an event he hoped would foster the practice of lifelong wellness. currently residing in north carolina, newberry has remained committed to health in the palmetto state. he has served on south carolina’s climate change committee, he maintains a “lifestyle management” practice in the upstate, and he serves as chairman of the steering committee for lighten up charleston, a wellness initiative created by charleston mayor joe riley.

come far enough — especially considering all we know about exercising and eating — in promoting prevention over cure? a: no, i don’t see the medical profession doing enough to promote wellness or prevention over cure, but they are moving in that direction. on the other hand, medical care does not cure many health problems. changing behavior can prevent many health problems, but that is not easy and the medical care model may not be the best way to accomplish such change. public health and Q: for those who don’t know the origins of community health are different endeavors the Cooper river Bridge run, take us back to from medical care and it is time for them 1977. what was the genesis? lead. But don’t expect the change without a: By the 1970s, it was apparent to me that turmoil and resistance. medical care was dominating health in the united states and it could not deliver the exQ: what are some of the efforts you’d like pectations of good health and wellness. The to see happen in terms of wellness initiatives cooper river Bridge run was initiated to in south Carolina and the Charleston area? promote healthy lifestyle, fitness and wellness a: i would like to see the lighten up charlesin the lowcountry and to serve as a model and ton project expand to include the entire laboratory for wellness. lowcountry and join with other community projects throughout the state to develop better Q: did you ever think that the Bridge run health. as a practical matter, it would be benwould be this big — the seventh largest race eficial for state government to join the effort in the united states? in an attempt to reduce the need and cost for a: i never expected the run to become an medicaid. not an easy task, i assure you. There international event and grow to the current are programs and dedicated people already in size. The run struggled during the early years, place that require coordination and support. and it is a credit to many people and the community organizations comprising the board Q: do you plan to be here for the Bridge that it survived and eventually thrived. The run this year? do you come most years? lowcountry adopted the run and made it truly a: i do plan to be at the run this year, and i a community event. do return for most of the runs. also, i serve on the board for the run, and i try to make as Q: what has the Bridge run achieved for many of the meetings as possible. (race direcCharleston in regards to wellness? tor) julian smith has been a good friend for a: i believe there are people who began to many years, and i try to support him, the staff engage in regular physical activity due to the and the board as best i am able. Bridge run. and i believe it and children’s (kids) run, plus all the associated activities Q: when you are here for the Bridge run, is keep fitness and wellness in the forefront for there a certain place you like to watch or any the community. traditions you have? a: my favorite place to view the start of the Q: As a medical doctor, you were way ahead run is on the scaffolding over the start line. of your time in encouraging people to exerBest seat in the house. i see many old and new cise and eat right. has the medical profession friends from there. Special advertiSing Supplement

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 17

With parents urging them on, toddlers dash toward the finish line of the 2012 Cooper River Bridge Run Kids Run at Hampton Park.

Kids run & wonderfest

where: hampton park when: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. friday race start: 5 p.m. cost: $10 for t-shirt and race number (children may also race for free without a t-shirt) parking: lots near stoney field on fishburne street with shuttle transportation available more info: www.bridgerun.com 18 • cooper river bridge run 2013

kids run merges with wonderfest

By gene sapakoFF gsapakoff@postandcourier.com

julian smith, executive director of the cooper river Bridge run, was helping christine osborne set up tables and chairs at her booming wonderfest event last june when an idea stuck like cotton candy on a jump castle. “julian saw we had 4,000 people having so much fun,” osborne said. “he said, ‘This is awesome, but it’s getting so big you’re going to have to do something. why don’t you join our kids run?’ That’s when the light bulb came on.” The cooper river Bridge run kids run is a one-mile race around hampton park the day before the real thing. wonderfest, the brainchild

of osborne and staffs at her four wonder works toy stores, celebrates the talents of lowcountry kids while supporting charities, some of them run by children. Themagicmergerathamptonparkfrom11a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday gives children 13 and under a chancetomixfitnesswithwhatosbornecalls“the lowcountry’s largest free family festival.” yes, free “crazy hair” and a free wonder works toy for each kid, with items donated by national toy companies. “we’re keeping the toys kind of a secret right now,” osborne said. “But i can say that they will be fun.” Bi-lowillprovidefreehotdogs,snacksandwater. runners 13 and under get a t-shirt and race

file/the post and courier

number for $10 with race-day registration at hampton park) for the 5 p.m. race. children may run free of charge without a t-shirt. registered runners also receive a medal and coloring book. adults can participate, too ($12, including t-shirt). wonderfest perks include pony rides, mad science exhibits, live entertainment, play zones, face painting, a webkinz van and a mechanical bull. The monster mobile game Theater will broadcast wii Fit and Zumba on three 55-inch screens. The activity theme continues with rock climbing and an obstacle course. wonderfest started as a benefit event, and this year the charities include hugs for harper, keys for hope, happy wheels, abby’s Friends and musc children’s hospital. “This is history in the making,” osborne said. “There is no other run in the nation that does something like this. it’s going to be incredible.” parking is available around hampton park. shuttle transportation will be provided from lots near stoney Field on Fishburne street, osborne said. with most lowcountry children out of school for spring break, osborne expects a turnout “between 7,000 and 10,000 people.” Special advertiSing Supplement

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 19

so what happens to all that money? a look inside bridge run finances

money in david Quick


very year at this time, like clockwork, i hear the question: “what does the Bridge run do with all that money?” i’ve written about it before, detailing the expenses of year-round staff, all the stuff that runners and walkers get (wanted or not), buses, overtime pay for police and sanitation crews, portable toilets, festivities and so on. cooper river Bridge run race director julian smith gets the question, too. “why don’t they do that about food and wine (the wine + Food Festival), and (charleston) Fashion week, and wildlife (southeastern wildlife expo) and all the other nonprofits that put on events in charleston?,” smith asked when i brought up the subject recently. “we give runners more than any other race in the country.” even when i underscored the need for the Bridge run to be transparent, as with any nonprofit, smith wasn’t comfortable talking about the race’s finances. and about those other festivals, The post and courier has reported on budgets of all of them, as well charleston’s premier one, the spoleto Festival.

entry fees: $1.6 million (73 percent). sponsors: $475,000 (22 percent). merchandise: $80,000 (4 percent). other (clinics, race photos, pasta dinner): $33,200. total: $2,188,200.

money out participant services and amenities: $1,447,000 (72 percent). salaries: $325,000 (16 percent), including race director Julian smith ($80,000), five assistant race directors (both full-time and seasonal), an office manager, and 12 part-time, seasonal employees. bridge run office/store and storage: $195,000 (10 percent). grants: $32,000 (2 percent). total: $1,999,000.

fencing: $32,000 (includes renting fencing). music: $32,0000. printing: $30,000. eQuipment rental: $25,000. sound systems: $25,000. awards and trophies: $18,000. elite runner expenses: $18,000 (travel expenses, no appearance fees paid). supplies: $12,000. computer service expenses: $10,000. eQuipment purchases: $2,000. total: $1,447,0000.

office expense details

squash (to fund shoes and racquets for urban youth participants), $1,500 for meeting street academy (to transport youths to donated swimming lessons), and $1,500 to wando high school (for its special needs program to buy four stationary bikes). The Bridge run also donated 172 complimentary race entries to nonprofits this year. should it do more? probably. Board members note that its charity connection program is expected to raise at least $150,000 for its 14 chosen charities this year, which in turn are committed to scrounge up volunteers to help with the race. however, that money comes either directly from participants, sponsor solicitations, or through the sale of $150 “charity bibs” and not from the Bridge run’s budget.

Being transparent

a few weeks ago, Bridge run board president larry schrecker and treasurer john massey sat down with me and went through the budget. The only thing they weren’t forthcoming about was smith’s salary, which according to tax documents filed in 2011, was $80,000. when i noticed a difference in revenue from 2011-12 (filed with the s.c. secretary of state) and the projected revenue for 2012-13, massey explained it was due to a $1 million, five-year cash donation ($200,000 for five years) from Boeing. That entire $1 million had to be retote bags, usb event program, flected in 2011-12, when it was received. comp towels: $250,000. “For Fy11-12, as a part of our sponsorship t-shirts: $195,000. agreement, we were required to maintain pre- and post-race activities: $800,000 in reserve and spend only $200,000,” $155,000 (includes rent for marion says massey. “we may withdraw $200,000 square, entertainment, scaffolding, per year for each year of our agreement with expo set-up). Theories Boeing. This provides an assurance to Boeing bibs and chip timing: $120,000. my best guess about why people question the that their sponsorship will properly span five postage: $110,000. Bridge run is that it’s fairly easy to calculate years.” vendor and contract services: 40,000 participants times $40 ($1.6 million) and as for a projected profit of nearly $101,000 (includes $5,000 for one-year for an event that seemingly lasts about two or $200,000 for 2012-13, massey said, “we budget contract services for a logistics director for three hours. you know, it’s just running, not revenue, but don’t always get it.” 2013 race). food, fashion or the arts. surplus revenue, if there is any, goes under buses: $100,000. But the Bridge run is more involved than “retained earnings.” The current balance on prize money: $70,000. most people imagine. this asset sits at about $900,000. municipalities: $62,000 (pay for overFirst, some perspective. The Bridge run is the time services of police and public service “That might seem like a lot, but we have seventh largest race in the country, yet takes found that it is important to maintain this for workers in charleston and mount pleasplace in the 78th largest metropolitan commutwo reasons. First, unanticipated, unbudgeted ant). nity in america. it holds company with monemergencies. if it were necessary, we must be portable toilets: $40,000. source: cooper river bridge run treaster races such as the peachtree road race in prepared to purchase, on very short notice, any signage: $40,000. surer John massey. atlanta, Bay to Breakers in san Francisco and product or service needed on race day. second, the new york and chicago marathons. a solid bank balance for our year-round funclike those races, every Bridge run is a logis- nonprofit, it’s a business operation, too. the impact at $18.3 million. tions.” tical everest, even though the lead climbers are whether you believe that number or not, just massey adds that most of the Bridge run’s Charities experienced. Think last year. ask a hotel or restaurant owner about business revenue arrives in February and march, but if you’ve ever worked with a volunteer-only another theory of mine about why people on Bridge run weekend. most will say they that it has expenses year-round. organization, you know volunteers alone can’t question Bridge run finances is that the race is are slammed. improving the economy floats massey and schrecker, both avid runners, say pull off a race like this. The event requires a not first and foremost a charity race, though it everybody’s boat. the Bridge run is different from many large, paid staff and a year-round operation. and has expanded its efforts to help local charities as for charity efforts, the Bridge run does for-profit race events in that it keeps most of that costs money. in the last 10 years. fund a grant program at The coastal comthe money at home in the lowcountry. on numerous occasions, i’ve popped in the Bridge run officials acknowledge this, but munity Foundation of south carolina, where “i’m proud of the Bridge run’s international Bridge run office in mount pleasant unanunderscore that the event has a major econom- $32,109 recently provided funds ranging from reputation and the number of participants nounced — weeks and even months before the ic impact on the charleston area. local orga$200 to $1,500 to 29 local nonprofits in support we attract,” says massey. “But i’m even more race — and staffers are logging information on nizations, sometimes with ties to the event, of healthy initiatives. proud of the fact we are home grown, locally registrations. This crew works. and like any conduct impact studies. last year’s study put some in 2013 include $1,500 to chucktown sponsored, and nonprofit.” 20 • cooper river bridge run 2013

participant services expense details

telephone: $21,000. advertising: $20,000. accounting: $19,000. insurance: $18,000 (includes general liability year-round). bank charges: $15,000. meetings and retreats: $15,000. race sponsorships: $15,000 (includes travel expenses for staff to attend other races to promote the bridge run). photography: $12,000. storage rental: $10,000. legal fees: $7,500. office expense: $7,000. licenses and taxes: $6,500. insurance for race: $6,000 (through usa track & field). regime fees: $5,000 (shelmore village, mount pleasant). utilities: $4,000. fuel: $3,500. posters: $3,000. uniforms: $3,000. workers compensation insurance: $1,500. dues and publications: $1,000. miscellaneous: $1,000. repairs and maintenance: $1,000. total: $195,000.

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cooper river bridge run 2013 • 21

guest column

cooper river Bridge run hall of Fame (2002-12)

hall of Fame: present, past and future

2012 gAil BAiley: runner, female runner-up in 1980, four-time masters division winner. irv BAtten: runner, two-time dr. marcus newberry award winner, local running store owner and coach. BenJi durden: runner, winner of the inaugural Bridge run. dAvid mellArd: runner, four-time dewey wise award winner.

By cedric jaggers want a defining quote from an old Bridge run race booklet? “For celebration of the 25th Bridge run (the anniversary race in 2002), the executive committee of the cooper river Bridge run decided to commemorate the occasion by establishing the hall of Fame. every year, the hall of Fame will seek to honor those who have had a significant impact on this tremendous event.” This has come to mean people who had contributedtothecreationoftherace,excelledintherace, or contributed to the race as a volunteer worker. iwashonoredtobeamongtheselecteesthatyear.

2011 david Quick/the post and courier

Bill Boulter, 83, is an avid runner and triathlete and loyal Bridge Run volunteer.

ciallywhenthefeatincludeswinningthenewberry awardmoretimesthananyotherwoman,proving that she is the fastest female runner in the area. The 83-year-old she also has run a personal best, or her fastest Bill Boulter, 83, lives and runs in charleston time, three different times in the Bridge run. and will be one of the oldest runners inducted her fastest winning time was 37:04 in 2010 and into the hall of Fame. her slowest was 45:10 in 2004. he retired from the Federal aviation administration more than 20 years ago, but didn’t start The future running until he was 55. so where does the hall of Fame go in the future? Boulter has won the dewey wise award — Therearetoomanyrunnerstonamewhoshould presented to the oldest runner whose Bridge be considered for induction. wouldn’t it be a good run time is lower than his age — four times in ideatoinductdavidBranch,thefirstrunnertofina row (2009-12). and he has placed first in his ish the Bridge run in less than 30 minutes back in age group an astounding 13 times. 1983? he was also the race’s first two-time winner. he first ran the Bridge run in 1992 with a time how about inducting mark friedrich, the secof 54:48. his fastest time came in 2002 with a ond runner to break the 30 minute barrier (also 48:36. last year, he ran his slowest time at 64:14. in 1983). he also won the dr. marcus newberry Boulter said he really enjoyed running the race award in 1991 and 1996. last year because he did better than he had exhow about Bob walton, who has run all 35 pected and admitted that it is getting harder each Bridge runs and has placed multiple times in year. “probably due to age,” he said. his age division? shouldn’t the only female Bridge run race diThe 35-year-old rector, Benita schlau in 1993, who has worked rives poe, 35, lives and runs in charleston and as an assistant race director for many years and is the youngest runner inducted into the hall of holds the added distinction of winning the dr. Fame. poe teaches math and tutors at ashley hall marcus newberry award in 1986 and 1988, be school, where she also assists in coaching the added to the hall of Fame? cross country team. she never ran competitively is it too early to consider last year’s winner in high school or college. Janet Cherobon-Bawcom, who had finished poe began competitive running nine years ago. second multiple times in her seven runnings of she moved to charleston afthe race and competed in the olympics last year? ter running the Bridge run what about tatyana pozdnyakova, whose in 2004 and has run the race name you find in the female masters and then every year since, except for grand masters money winners list year after year? 2009 when she was injured. what about eric Ashton, whose name you will she said her favorite Bridge see in the masters money for a lot of years in a row, run was in 2010, “when evand who won the dr. marcus newberry award in erything seemingly lined 1999 when he was living in the charleston area? up.” This is not an all-inclusive list. There are plenty she is a five-time dr. marof accomplished and deserving runners, male cus newberry Award winner, and female, who have run and supported the given to first local (Berkeley, Rives Poe Bridge run and whom i hope will one day be charleston and dorchester inducted into the Bridge run hall of Fame. counties) area male and female finishers. — Cedric Jaggers is author of “Charleston’s Cooper when someone wins an award every time they River Bridge Run: A Complete History In Words have run the Bridge run, people take notice, espe- And Photos,” published by Evening Post Books. 22 • cooper river bridge run 2013

hArry hAllmAn: mount pleasant mayor, helped support and sponsor the race. CAdwAllAder And luCy Jones: longtime endurance athletes and fitness advocates. Joe riley: charleston mayor, helped support and sponsor the race. John smyth: former Bridge run chairman, and also the former director of the u.s. olympic training centers. Cheryll woods-flowers: mount pleasant former mayor, helped support and sponsor the race.

rAndy Brown: runner, race volunteer, 2005 former executive committee member. John Conroy: charleston police chief, tom mAther: runner, nine-time winsafety and crowd control for early races. ner (the most for any runner) of the race’s ted summerford: race start line co- dr. marcus newberry award. ordinator. tom o’rourke: race volunteer. 2010 thomAs dewey wise: ken BiBle: runner, race former state senator who volunteer, former executive pushed through legislation alcommittee member. lowing use of the bridge for the JAmes tomsiC: longrace. time race volunteer. 2004 liz sheridAn: race volunteer, coordinator for the Betty Bell: race volunteer. crBr kids run. gil BrAdhAm: race volunteer. 2009 mike ChodniCki: runner kArl gueldner: forand race volunteer. mer race director and the emelyn Commins: race first paid director. volunteer. Al hAwkins: race medical director for 2003 the past 18 years. keith hAmilton: race director of the 2008 inaugural race. roy hills: former race director, Bridge terry hAmlin: runner and measurer run committee member. of the inaugural course. mArgAret koneCky: composer of ChuCk mAgerA: runner and former the Bridge run theme music. finish line director. lee newton: Bridge run water station BriAn smith: runner and former race organizer and director. director. BryCe And Jenny myers: ham gAry wilson: race volunteer and lead radio club members who have broadcast bicyclist for the inaugural race. splits for every Bridge run.

2007 Anne (reed) Boone: runner, in 1980 was third place overall female. riChArd godsen: race volunteer handled the finish line for the inaugural race, later wrote a computer program to help handle the growing number of race finishers. Jimmy seignious: race volunteer, former mount pleasant recreation director, former member of the Bridge run executive committee.

2006 mArC emBler: runner, in 1981 the only local overall winner of the race.


sAllie driggers: runner and local resident, in 1982 female overall race winner. CedriC JAggers: runner, journalist and Bridge run historian. ed ledford: runner, four-time masters division winner. mArCus newBerry: race founder. BoB sChlAu: runner, in 1979, the overall race runner-up, two-time marcus newberry award winner, one-time masters winner, three-time grand masters winner. mArgAret wright: runner, oldest female finisher of the inaugural race in 1978 and again at age 80 in 2002, when she set a state age group record. — Compiled by Cedric Jaggers Special advertiSing Supplement


larry schrecker, chairman of the Cooper river Bridge run board

By david Quick dquick@postandcourier.com larry schrecker is a representative of the charleston running club on the cooper river Bridge run Board of directors and is the board chairman for this year’s race. unlike many board members, he is a runner. schrecker, 41, is an investment adviser in mount pleasant and is the father of three children, including one with special needs. Q: ten years ago, would you have ever dreamed that you would be chairman of the Cooper river Bridge run? a: no. ten years ago i had really not gotten back into running. i was a bit out of shape and struggling with a special needs child and a newborn at home, so running and civic involvement was not a big part of my life.

david Quick/the post and courier

Cooper River Bridge Run Board Chairman Larry Schrecker (left) returned to running when he organized a race for Carolina Childrens Charity because of the help it gave his son, Will Schrecker (middle), who has Angelman syndrome. They pose with Eric Ruckel, the official leprechaun for last month’s Catch the Leprechaun Race, a fundraiser for Pattison’s Academy.

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friend mike mckenna, brought new life to the Catch the leprechaun 5k. what led you in that direction? a: my son, will, led me in that direction. he has angelman syndrome and carolina children’s charity gave us some assistance to go to a conference to learn about the disorder. i felt like i needed to give back and i ended up on their board. likewise, the catch the leprechaun was an effort to support the pattison’s academy, where will has attended the camp and the school. i do enjoy the competitive aspects of running but mainly to compete with myself. i set a goal to qualify for the Boston marathon and accomplished that, which is my proudest moment from a competition standpoint.

Q: how does the Cooper river Bridge run, along with Charleston’s array of other races, benefit the greater good of the community? a: charleston as a whole is a great city and is Q: tell me how you came to running and very active. people want to come to charleston what role it has played in your life? and the majority of the people that live here a: i got interested in running back in the love it. on any given weekend there is typically early 80’s when i started running some local more than one opportunity to participate in 5k and 10k road races. i believe it was 1982 or more than one fitness-related event. The coo1983. i was 11 or 12 years old at the time. my per river Bridge run, in addition to our event, first 10k was a food and fitness run at Brittlesupports many of the other local events. The bank park. my parents would not let me do the Bridge run is the largest single tourism event Bridge run because they thought it would be in the city. my friend Bobby ross, who owns too hard. i think my first Bridge run was the The windjammer at isle of palms, told me that following year in 1984. i continued to run road the Bridge run weekend surpassed Fourth of races and track through high school. i was july and labor day as his busiest weekend. never an elite runner but i really enjoyed it. Q: last year’s Bridge run featured a deQ: you organized the Carolina Children’s layed start of nearly an hour. do you think Charity 8k in hanahan and, along with your that hurt the race at all? And are you confi-

dent it won’t happen this year? a: i knew you were going to ask about that. in the whole scheme of things, yes, the delay was a huge inconvenience for the participants and a black eye for us. with that said, i would rather have to wait an hour on a street for a road race then be stranded 5 days at sea on a cruise ship with no power. The delay was unacceptable to both the staff and the board of directors. i am very confident it will not happen again. i would be a fool to say the “g-word” (guarantee). Q: if you could change or improve anything about the Bridge run, what would it be? a: i would like to see the Bridge run put on a second event. we have the infrastructure and the know-how. it’s just a matter of the planning and making it happen. Q: what are a few things that people can look forward to at this year’s race and the bridge runs in the years to come? a: i’m excited about the expanded expo and packet pick up (at the charleston area convention center in north charleston). i believe our expo will be taken to a whole new level by having more room and our participants are going to have a better experience with it being in a more accessible location. i also believe it will alleviate some of the traffic downtown and will actually increase the amount of the foot traffic in downtown traffic on Thursday and Friday. also, we have partnered with wonderworks toy store and wonderfest, for our Friday kids run at hampton park. kevin adcock is the director of that event and i believe it will be taken to an entire new level this year.

cooper river bridge run 2013 • 23

24 • cooper river bridge run 2013

david Quick/the post and courier

Betsy Burch, an amputee and former March of Dimes poster child, has been training for the Cooper River Bridge Run since August with boyfriend, Eric Stinnett, a local firefighter and former wrestler at uNC-Chapel Hill.

Former march of dimes poster child to compete By david Quick dquick@postandcourier.com after moving to the charleston area more than two years ago, it didn’t take long for Betsy Burch – the national poster child for the march of dimes in 1980 – to figure out what she wanted to do. run, not walk, the cooper river Bridge run. yet Burch, who is now 40 and a registered nurse at east cooper medical center, had never run more than 100 yards. she is an amputee and did not have the appropriate prosthetic limb for such a task. Burch was born without a tibia in her right leg and with malformed hands. she had 20 surgeries, including an amputation of her right foot that enabled her to get a prosthetic and walk. pursuing athletic endeavors is not new for Burch. she competed on the national swim team in her mid-20s, but didn’t qualify for the paralympics. “i’ve always been very active and very independent, sometimes to a fault,” said Burch, adding that her experiences with march of dimes, which included meeting people such as robert redford and jimmy carter, helped give her confidence and determination. “i think even though i was very young at the time, 6, i think it (representing march of dimes) provided me the opportunity to get out there

and not be ashamed or afraid of who i was. … Through the rest of my life, i was determined to do anything.” outside of the spotlights of the march of dimes and the u.s. swim team, Burch also was bold enough to teach aerobics, in part to inspire others. “i figured if i could do that maybe other people who think they can’t do it will see they can do it,” says Burch. last august, she and her boy f r iend , er ic stinnett, a sullivan’s island firefighter and former unc-chapel hill wrestler, started running with the goal of finishing the Bridge run. “i figured we’d just go step by step, starting with 100-yard runs, then quarter mile runs, then half mile runs,” stinnett said. “we just kept stepping it up. once we hit the mile mark, i knew she could do it.” Their first race was the knights of columbus turkey day run on Thanksgiving day. she ran with her “everyday” prosthetic limb, but it was as far as she could go with it. she needed a blade, or j-leg, to go farther. after she told her prosthetist steven kramer, Special advertiSing Supplement

photo provided

As the national poster child for March of Dimes, Betsy Burch met President Jimmy Carter in 1980 when she was 6. practice manager at carolina orthotics and prosthetics, what she wanted to do, he got to work on getting her a blade, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars. “Betsy has been a joy to work with and when she told us what she wanted to do, we had to do all we could to make it happen,” kramer said. he said everyday prosthetic legs were not meant for running much beyond two miles and that most insurance plans only pay for a new one, whether an everyday or a running-only blade, every three years. The practice donated the socket and a manufacturer, ossur, donated the blade. in all, the prosthetic is valued at about $10,000. The blade made all the difference. Burch and stinnett have worked up to five miles and ran on the bridge for the first time last week. “i have no problems or issues within this (the blade). in fact, my real leg hurts more than this one. it is awesome because it springs you forward. still, it’s challenging to run, but it’s great.” despite her confidence, Burch admits to still struggling with reactions she gets from people. “i think the hardest part is just getting out there and not being afraid. of course, you have the stares, the looks and i think that has been, to be honest, the toughest thing,” Burch said. “some people label amputees or people who look different as disabled and i think that’s not the correct term. people can be physically challenged, but i think disability is a state of mind and you don’t have to be disabled. it’s a choice. if you have physical challenges, there are ways to overcome and adapt.” as for the expense of getting a blade, Burch says it’s a matter determination. “There are programs that can help you get the supplies you need,” she said. “it’s out there. it’s just a matter of finding the right prosthetic and Special advertiSing Supplement

photo provided

Betsy Burch with Robert Redford in 1980.

the right prosthetist.” Beyond the Bridge run, Burch said her next challenge is stand-up paddleboarding, which kramer also helped by creating a new prosthetic from the parts of her older ones so that she doesn’t risk getting her everyday leg wet. stinnett admires Burch for wanting to do something so challenging. “ it’s good to see her with that kind of strength. i’m glad to be a part of it and to help provide her some motivation,” said stinnett, adding that she has demonstrated what his high school wrestling coach called “The Three d’s: desire, dedication and determination.”

cooper river bridge run 2013 • 25

26 • cooper river bridge run 2013

a fun run to watch

who says running isn’t much of a spectator sport? every year, runners and walkers dress up in team outfits and special costumes. here are a few of our favorites from last year’s run. for galleries of runners this year, go to postandcourier.com.

grace beahm/the post and courier

alyssa murkin/the post and courier

tyrone walker/the post and courier

alyssa murkin/the post and courier

tyrone walker/the post and courier

Special advertiSing Supplement

Special advertiSing Supplement

cooper river bridge run 2013 • 27

28 • cooper river bridge run 2013

Special advertiSing Supplement

e20: Thursday, april, 4, 2013

The post and courier


festival big-time event still includes folksier artisans

By Bo petersen bopete@postandcourier.com


he duct tape dude, the cookie chick and the puppet farmer are part of what gives the vaunted Flowertown Festival in summerville its hometown ambience. These booth crafters are doit-yourself entrepreneurs. two of them just launched their businesses. heck, one of them is 12. “yeah, that’s just cool,� greyson taylor, the duct tape dude, said about being the youngest vendor in azalea park, in the town where the lexington resident was born. The 40-year-old annual arts and crafts street festival takes place Friday, saturday and sunday in and around azalea park. no small part of its charm is that homey appeal. But the fest has taken on a life of its own, growing from a modest azalea and arts showcase to a regional destination please see Festival , page e25

Joshua Varner of Moncks Corner enjoys a snow cone last year during the Flowertown Festival.

Charleston Police Pipes and Drums perform last year.

file/staff photographs

Pat Price of Summerville looks at hand-blown glass friendship balls.

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e21


Shuttles to ease crowded street-side parking, walks

By Bo petersen bopete@postandcourier.com

flowertown festival 2013

ATM First aid & EMS


Parking garage Shuttle service

Joyce ln.

e. 6th s. st.

Farmers market (Sat. only)

s. main st.

Entertainment stage

Azalea Park s. magnolia


Business, civic, food booths The Taste booths

U.S. 17A detours s. gum st.

Arts & crafts booths Childrens Jubilee gill guerry/staff

shuttle schedule

if you go

parking rules

z noon-5 p.m. friday; three 30-seat trolleys z 10 a.m.-6 p.m. saturday; two 44- to 50-seat buses z 1-5 p.m. sunday; one 30-seat trolley

what: flowertown festival when: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. friday-saturday, 9 a.m.4 p.m. sunday where: main street and azalea park, summerville price: free for more info: www. flowertownfestival.org

for those who park along the streets around the festival, the rules are:

pickup and drop-off: z heritage square (berlin g. myers parkway at u.s. hwy. 78) to west doty avenue at hutchinson square and back. z the former hoover dodge parking lot (trolley road at miles Jamison road) to Joyce street at south main street and back.

w. doty

ruther ford st .

w. richardson ave.

w. 3rd s. st.


ce ntr al av e.

Portable toilets w. 2nd s. st.

ve. er a t sum

w. 5th s. st.


he free shuttles are back, and summerville police credit them for relieving maybe the biggest concern with the Flowertown Festival: crowding streets. parking along the narrow historic district streets around azalea park in summerville had jammed up so tightly by 2011 that ambulances and firetrucks wouldn’t have made it down some of them, and police and fire officials called for changes. Festival organizers brought in remote parking and shuttles last year. it eased the jam, freeing up room for emergency vehicles. and riders found, after a day on their feet, that they preferred the shuttles to what could have been a long walk back to their cars. For street-side parking, “we’re acting on the same plan as last year. it worked well,” said summerville police capt. jon rogers. “we want to make sure roads stay clear, so if we have to get emergency equipment through there, we can, and we can do it efficiently.”

YMCA information booths

z get the vehicle off the roadway but stay in the right-of-way off private property. z don’t park where streets have been roped off or along no-parking areas such as intersections or hydrants. z main street traffic will be detoured around the festival using magnolia and

gum streets as one-way routes north or south. z magnolia and gum streets will be barricaded to opposite-direction traffic and closed to parking. z barricaded streets closed to festival parking include south main, west richland, congress, hampton, rutherford, charleston and other streets immediately adjacent to festival grounds.

e22: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e23

file/staff photographs

While the Taste offers up a bunch of options, you’re not limited to just those. Food vendors offering everything from kettle corn to turkey legs will be set up.

taste participants tickets for the taste of summerville are $1 each and can be purchased at a taste ticket booth. the taste will be set up along main street between 5th and 6th streets. ticket booths will be set up at either end. z bubba gump shirmp co. z gilligan’s seafood restaurant z little Jimmy’s italian ice z logan’s roadhouse z madra rua z mcalister’s deli z our daily bread z panera bread z papa John’s pizza z ruby tuesday z sticky fingers smokehouse z wasabi z yokoso of summerville z zeus grill & seafood

e24: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

file/staff photographs

Garden ornaments are just one of the many items sold at the Flowertown Festival.

Larry Wilkins of Goose Creek and his grandson, Ty Edison, walk down Main Street at last year’s festival.

Marieli Castro of Summerville dances during a musical performance at last year’s Flowertown Festival.

Tom McMurray of Walterboro shops for wind chimes at last year’s festival.

One of the many vendor booths set up along Main Street in Summerville.

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e25


Emily Milliken of Summerville flies by during last year’s Flowertown Festival. Festival from page e20 event that draws an estimated 200,000 people a year. The festival had become so big by 2000 that the sumerville Family ymca organizers put limits on business booths in an attempt to preserve the artisan nature. But today, almost as many businesses set up vendor booths as crafters. The festival has become business, a fundraiser said to bring in about $100,000 to the ymca as well as $30 million to the local economy. The $350 booth rental fee means a lot of crafts must sell — and that can daunt folksier, more offbeat artisans. But the size of the crowd lures plenty of them year-to-year. The arts and crafts booths tend to run the gamut from tried-and-true vendors to doit-yourselfers. There’s established veterans like kerry dortch of the puppet Farm, who returns with his barn full of furry animal puppets and puts on impromptu puppet shows for prospective buyers. he works

by the numbers

weave your way through:


arts and crafts booths


business booths


food vendors, including


restaurants and a coca-cola tent by hand with an electric knife and sewing machine, but the georgia resident knows the drill — he’s been at it 27 years. There’s a hopeful crowd pleaser. Faith keppler of mount pleasant will have a booth not even a year to date after launching The cookie chick. she’s already popular at the town’s farmers market and is bringing mouthwatering cookie flavors like choco-

late chip and sea salt, coffee coconut and oatmeal, lemon lime sugar and a few more. asked if they’re good, she doesn’t launch into a sales pitch. “oooooo,” she said with her voice rising. “They’re fantastic.” Then there’s the duct tape dude. greyson makes wallets, purses and other items out of — yep, you guessed it — duct tape. he started this two years ago when he was 10 and sells items for only a few dollars each. he pays back his mom for the booth rental out of his earnings. “it’s fun to make stuff. it’s cool when i make money,” he said. But the Flowertown booth is a big-time business leap for him, and even lisa taylor, his mom, was leery when he suggested it. is he feeling the pressure? “kind of,” he conceded as he put together wallets last week. “i’ve got to sell a bunch.” reach bo petersen at 9375744, @bopete on twitter or bo petersen reporting on facebook.

e26: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e27

for more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com.

Today Designer Showhouse

what: the charleston symphony orchestra league’s 36th annual designer showhouse features a converted cotton warehouse on one of charleston’s last remaining cobblestone streets. it has been transformed by designers into a showcase of the latest in interior design trends and includes a boutique, designer sales, and a cafe in a brickwalled courtyard. when: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. mondaysaturday and 1-4 p.m. sunday through april 21 where: symphony designer showhouse, 4 south adgers wharf price: $15 in advance, $20 at the door more info: 723-0020 or www. csolinc.org

‘Fine Art Digitals’

what: “fads: fine art digitals,” on loan through the s.c. state museum traveling exhibition program, presents a number of works by south carolinian bill helms. helms is considered a pioneer in digital photography. his images are transformed into personal visions and recombinations of the world around him.

this exhibit features his color photo montages and digital manipulations that range from a kind of modern impressionism to various degrees of abstract realism. when: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. april 1-30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Chamber Music

what: musicians of chamber music charleston perform a program of music for violin, cello and piano including shostakovich’s piano trio no. 2 in e minor and Johannes brahms piano trio no. 1 in b major. performing musicians include violinist frances hsieh, cellist timothy o’malley and pianist ghadi shayban. when: 7 p.m. april 4 where: the baldwin residence, 28 robert mills circle price: $35 more info: 763-4941 or www. chambermusiccharleston.org

Blast Off?

what: members of the theatre 99 company are always creating new shows. this is the showcase for them to try out these new shows in front of a crowd. reservations will not be

taken for this show. tickets are available at the door starting 30 minutes before the show. when: 8 p.m. april 4 and 18 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: pay what you can more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

‘The Mouse Trap’

what: five strangers take shelter in a converted manor house: a spinster, an architect, a retired army major, an odd man and a former magistrate. into their midst comes a policeman on skis. paranoia erupts when the magistrate is found dead and there is nowhere to run. earn free tickets: follow us on facebook or twitter to participate in our scavenger hunt. when: 8 p.m. april 4-6; 3 p.m. april 7 where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: adults $20/seniors $15/ students and military id $10 more info: 277-2172 or www. thresholdrep.org


what: american playwright tracy letts dishes up a “tension-filled” thriller about a soft-spoken veteran, peter, and the lonesome agnes. one night of unintended passion ends with the discovery of a bedbug ...

or is it? when: 9 p.m. april 4-6, 11-13; 4 p.m. april 7 and 14 where: the footlight players, 20 Queen st. price: tickets are $15 on friday, saturday, and sunday, and $10 for thursday more info: 722-4487 or www. footlightplayers.net

friday Dessert and Tea Room

what: the st. Johannes lutheran church dessert and tea room features assorted beverages and homemade desserts. the church will again host these tea rooms in conjunction with the 66th annual historic charleston foundation’s festival of houses and gardens anson tours. when: 2:30-6 p.m. april 5 where: st. Johannes lutheran church, 48 hasell st. more info: 722-8906 or www. stjohanneschurch.org


what: “breakthrough” will be erupting forth with colorful hot glass art by artist John miguel almaguer. works from his “realms” series

please see events, page e28

the deadline for night life items is monday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be faxed to the newsroom at 937-5579 or e-mailed to clubs@postandcourier. com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.

Today Reckoning Duo

what: grateful dead covers, featuring members of sol driven train. when: 6-9 p.m. april 4 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st., folly beach more info: 588-2525

Steve Joy & Chris Christ

what: Jazz standards from steve Joy on sax & chris christ on guitar. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. april 4 where: seanachai, 3157 maybank highway, Johns island more info: 559-2200

Whiskey Diablo Duo

what: self-described “dirty rock-nroll and gutter country with a touch of swingin’ jazz.” when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. april 4 where: ms. roses, 1090 sam rittenberg blvd., charleston

Island Duo

what: calypso/caribbean/reggae/ beach music. when: 7-10 p.m. thursday where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Shelly Waters & Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues and swamp music by piano/guitar duo. when: 7 p.m. april 4 where: aqua terrace bar, marriott hotel, 170 lockwood drive

price: free

Estee Gabay

where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms

what: indie/electro-pop/alt-rock. when: 8 p.m. april 4 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Jess Strickland

Long Miles w/ Heyrocco

Rene Russell

what: rock/reggae. when: 6-9 p.m. friday and saturday where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st., folly beach

what: reggae/rock/jam band long miles and experimental/indie rock from heyrocco at the Johnny diamond memorial award show, a benefit for the college of charleston arts management department. when: 8 p.m. april 4 where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $8; $5 with student id

what: acoustic/alternative singersongwriter/12-string guitarist on the upper deck. when: 7:30 p.m. april 5 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms

Tarlatans Duo

what: acoustic americana/blues/ country/folk. when: 8 p.m. april 5 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie dodds blvd., mount pleasant more info: 881-1858

what: acoustic rock/folk rock/folk pop. when: 9 p.m.-midnight april 4 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston

Velvet Truckstop

what: southern rock/americana band out of asheville. when: april 4 where: midtown bar & grill, 559 king st.

friday Keith Bruce

what: guitarist/songwriter. when: 4:30-7:30 p.m. april 5

Carroll Brown & Sharon Cumbee

The Jimmies

what: rock/blues/indie-alternative. when: 9 p.m. april 5 where: planet follywood, 32 center st. price: free

Dante’s Camaro

what: Jungle/metal/rock. when: april 5 where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road, charleston price: $5

Johnny Ace & Sidewalk Zydeco

what: americana/blues/roots/ cajun/zydeco. when: 9 p.m.-midnight april 5 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston price: free

Last Waltz Ensemble

what: classic rock/folk/jam band out of atlanta, playing primarily bob dylan and the band tunes. when: 9 p.m. doors april 5 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: $11 advance, $13 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Hunting Helen

what: rock. when: 9:30 p.m. april 5-6 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st., folly beach price: free

The Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals. when: 10 p.m. april 5 where: castaways grille, 1291 folly road, James island more info: www.louied.com

please see clubs, page e28

e28: Thursday, april 4, 2013

clubs from page e27


Jason Connelly Band

what: Jazz/pop/soul on the creekside stage. when: 5 p.m. april 6 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms

The Cool

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 7 p.m. april 6 where: bighorns sports grill, 7832 rivers ave., north charleston

Jess Strickland

what: rock/reggae. when: april 6 where: smoky oak taproom, 1234 camp road, James island

The Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals. when: 9 p.m. april 6 where: the break room, 2700 u.s. highway 17, mount pleasant more info: www.louied.com

Domino Effect

what: “multifaceted reggae, dub, funk and fusion quartet” out of

The post and courier savannah. when: 10 p.m. april 6 where: loggerhead’s, 123 w. ashley ave., folly beach price: free

sunday Kids’ Show w/ Hit or Miss

what: live tunes from Joel and ward of sol driven train. when: 2:30 p.m. april 7 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Thomas Champagne

what: acoustic pop/reggae/funk on the patio for the last oyster roast of the season. when: 2-5 p.m. april 7 where: pearlz, 9 magnolia road., charleston

Bret Mosley & Danielle Howle

what: funk/roots/alternative from bret mosley and americana/folk from danielle howle. when: 7-10 p.m. april 7 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island

events from page e27 along with his newest body of work “scratching the surface” will be shown. . when: 5-8 p.m. april 5 where: ellis-nicholson gallery, one broad st. price: free more info: www.ellisnicholsongallery.com

‘Anything Goes’

what: a shipload of hilarity sets sail when cole porter’s “anything goes” arrives at the historic dock street theatre. charleston stage brings this broadway classic to the dock street stage as the grand finale of charleston stage’s 35th anniversary season. when: 7:30 p.m. april 5-6, 10-13, 18-20, 25-27; 3 p.m. april 7, 14, 21 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: adults $38.50-$57.50, seniors (60+) $36.50-$57.50, students (25 and under) $22.50$57.50 more info: 577-7183 or www. charlestonstage.com

3 On 3 Tourney Prelims

what: each prelim round will feature six teams with three members each. each team will perform for eight minutes and after all groups have performed, the audience will vote on the top two teams that will move on to the next round. each prelim round will have a wild card team made up of three audience members. audience members that want a chance to perform can put their name in the hat and will be drawn at the top of the show. the

price: free


what: southern soul/blues artist. in-store ticket locations include loco records, monster music, cat’s music and marvin’s seafood. when: 8 p.m. april 7 where: pete & rita lounge, 3557 dorchester road, north charleston price: $13 advance, $25 at-thedoor more info: 471-3966 or www. lebradoatpeteandritalive.eventbrite.com

bret mosley and americana/folk from danielle howle. when: 9 p.m. april 9 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road, charleston price: free

Nikki Talley


what: husband and wife duo from asheville play acoustic guitar, clawhammer banjo, flat-picking guitar and bass. when: 9:30 p.m. april 9 where: tattooed moose, 1137 morrison drive price: free

The Larry David Project


what: acoustic multigenre covers by dave dunning and larry strickland. when: 6 p.m. april 8 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st., folly beach

Tuesday TrickKnee Duo

what: acoustic/lounge/rock. when: 6 p.m. april 9 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st., folly beach

The Mearnts

Mark Yamplosky

what: blues/country/rock singersongwriter. when: 6-9 p.m. april 10 where: ms. roses, 1090 sam rittenberg blvd., charleston


what: Jam/funk folk/rock. when: 9:30 p.m. april 10 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway, James island price: $8 more info: 571-4343 or www. lingomusic.net

what: funk/roots/alternative from

second act will feature an improv jam featuring the winning teams. when: 8 p.m. april 5, 12. 19 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $10 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com


(cmc) will conclude its threeconcert edisto island concert series with a program of music for violin, cello and piano. when: 3 p.m. april 7 where: trinity episcopal church, 1589 highway 174, edisto island price: $20 more info: 763-4941 or www. chambermusiccharleston.org

Gospel Sing

what: grammy winner and christian music’s artist and male vocalist of the year Jason crabb will be in concert. also featured will be the bowling family. when: 7 p.m. april 6 where: charleston southern university lightsey chapel auditorium, 9200 university blvd. price: vip seats $25, advance general admission $16, day of show $18 more info: 800-922-7315 / 7666633 or www.jdmgospelsings. com

‘Hunky Dory’

what: relive the summer of 1976 in this british musical from the producer of “billy elliot.” ms. driver plays a high school drama teacher determined to fire up her hormonal, apathetic students by putting on a glam rock-infused musical version of shakespeare’s “the tempest.” when: 8 p.m. april 6 where: greater park circle film society, 4280 Jenkins ave. price: $2-$5

sunday Chamber Music

what: chamber music charleston

more games at postandcourier.com/games.

ace’s on bridge By BOBBY WOLFF

The world is full of stories of bridgedealswherearidiculousplay succeeded,orthecorrectplayfailed. In today’s example, West was not only a fine player, but also a practical joker. Moreover,hewasplayingagainst two of his least favorite opponents, both of whom could be relied on to bidaccurately,butneitherofwhom possessed a detectable sense of humor. AcompetitiveauctionsawNorthSouth reach four hearts after flirting with a slam-try. When West ledhissingletondiamond,hecould see that prospects of defeating the game would hinge on whether his partnerhadboththeaceandkingof diamonds.Ifso,thedefenderscould surely take two diamonds and two trump tricks.

AlasforWest,whenEastwonhis diamondaceandcontinuedwiththe diamond queen, it was South who had the diamond king. It was easy forthedefenderstotakethreetricks, but where would the fourth come from?Eastsurelyhadnomorethan one trump. Inspiration dawned! The defenders might prevail if East had the singleton heart king. West ruffed the second diamond with his heart ace and led his small trump to his partner,givinghimtheentrytocash the diamond jack for one down. At the end of the deal, West leant forwardandapologizedforaccidentallywastinghisheartace.“IfIhad ruffed low, would we have beaten themtwotricks?”heasked,andwas rewardedwhenSouthstartedbanging his head on the table.

© united Feature Syndicate

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e29

e30: Thursday, april 4, 2013

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: ambiance

abeam acme acne average mark 20 ameba words time limit 30 minutes amen amice can you find 27 anemia or more words in anemic sherbet? anima the list will be published tomorrow. mace main – united feature syndicate 4/4 mana

today’s word: sherbet

mane mania maniac manic mean mica mice mien mince mine bane beam

bean bema bine iamb iceman name nice cabin caiman came cane ceiba


the rules -words must be four

or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

e32: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

Thursday, april 4 2013: e33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope aries (march 21april 19): offer assistance and good things will happen in return. the joy you spread and the ideas you share will enhance your relationships.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): do your thing. getting together with friends or peers could lead to conversation that will encourage you to pursue your dreams.

sagittarius (nov. 22dec. 21): put more energy into your home, family and romance. make a decision that will help you put uncertainty to rest.

taurus (april 20may 20)): refrain from making complaints. an emotional issue must be handled with diplomacy. put greater emphasis on what you can do to help someone.

virgo (aug. 23sept. 22): listen carefully and make sure that what’s being said is accurate. let your common sense and gut feeling lead you down the right path.

capricorn (dec. 22Jan. 19): look for common ground before you decide to become closer with someone from your past or present.

gemini (may 21June 20): don’t lend or borrow money. a short trip will add to your knowledge, expertise and ability to make constructive alterations to your personal life. cancer (June 21July 22): you are best not to share sensitive information. taking responsibility for your actions will bring results you desire.

libra (sept. 23-oct. 22): a relationship will be enhanced if you are willing to make a compromise. don’t fight change when it’s essential to moving forward.

aQuarius (Jan. 20feb. 18): generosity will draw unique individuals into your life. draw on past experience and consider the changes you want to make in order to improve your future.

scorpio (oct. 23nov. 21): get involved in events that will help you connect with people. contributions you make will attract someone who has something to offer.

pisces (feb. 19march 20): moderation is a must if you don’t want to ruin a good opportunity. keeping your life and plans simple will bring the best results.

e34: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television APR 4


6 PM


7 PM

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8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM







6pm NBC Nightly Wheel: Spring Jeopardy! (N) Community (N) Parks & Rec.: The Office: Go On: Fast Hannibal: Aperitif. Jack Crawford re- WCBD 11pm The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 3 WCBD WCBD News (N) News (N) (HD) Break. (HD) (HD) (HD) Partridge. (N) Promos. (N) (HD) Breakup. (HD) turns to the FBI. (N) (HD) News (N) Eva Longoria. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Wife Swap: Cochran; Curry. Wake Grey’s Anatomy: She’s Killing Me. (:02) Scandal: Molly, You in Danger, ABC News 4 @ (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Goran 8 6 (N) WCIV (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) up call for both. (N) (HD) Surgical lessons. (N) (HD) Girl. Old case. (N) (HD) 11 (N) Visnjic. (N) (HD) 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang Tenure 2 1/2 Men (N) Person of Interest: Trojan Horse. (:01) Elementary: Snow Angels. Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 Live WCSC (N) (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) fight. (HD) (HD) Executive saboteur. (HD) Vault protection. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) man Martin Short. (N) (HD) The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) Equitrekking: Big: State Ports Carolina Business Review: EduSouthern Lens: Chattahoochie: Fort Peck Dam: Taming the Tavis Smiley (N) BBC World Charlie Rose (N) 11 WITV Texas. (HD) Authority. cation. From Water to Water Vision. Mighty Missouri (HD) News (HD) Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Miracles New Believers Know Cause CBN News Awakening Awakening 230 CBN News WLCN Lo que callamos (N) Quiero ser grupero (N) Al extremo (N) Infieles (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 La otra cara del alma (N) WAZS Judge Judy (N) Judge Judy (R) Family Feud (R) Family Feud (R) American Idol: Results Show. New Girl: First Mindy Project: The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) Dish Nation (N) Raymond Debra 6 WTAT af af Down to six. (N) (HD) Date. (HD) Pretty Man. and weather forecast. cooks well. Family Bonding Simpsons Big Bang (HD) Big Bang (HD) White Collar: The Portrait. Stolen White Collar: All In. Game of Baggage (HD) Excused (R) 30 Rock: I Do Christine (HD) 30 Rock: Cooter. 13 time. WMMP Homer’s diet. art. (HD) chance. (HD) (HD) Do. (HD) (HD) 48 Lies lead to killer. (R) (HD) 48: Unarmed; Bad Feeling. (R) The First 48: Wild Ride. (HD) First 48: Cold Light of Day. (R) 48 Grandfather killed. (R) (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 48 Same tattoo. (R) (HD) A&E “The Transporter” (‘02, Action) (Jason Statham) A courier of illegal Freakshow (R) Freakshow (R) Freakshow (R) Freakshow (N) Comic Book (N) Comic Book (R) Immortal: Heaven Immortalized: Dead (R) (HD) 58 goods AMC becomes entangled in a deadly smuggling plot. (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) and Hell. Self-Portrait. “Friday After Next” aa Craig and Day-Day living on their own. “The Cookout” (‘04) a Basketball player signs with NBA team. Wendy (R) 18 106 & Park Top 10 videos selected by the viewers. (N) (HD) BET Tabatha (R) (HD) Housewives: Reunion, Part II. Housewives: Divas into Icons. Tabatha Takes Over (N) (HD) Watch What Tabatha Takes Over (R) (HD) 63 Tabatha New rules. (R) (HD) BRAVO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SE Spine Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mayor Riley Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 2 Paid Prog. C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) Sunny (HD) Sunny (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) Ben Show (N) Nathan For Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 South Prk (R) Tosh.0 (HD) ‘70s (HD) Seinfeld Rules (HD) Vampire: A View to a Kill. (HD) Beauty Beast: Out of Control. News (N) Seinfeld Rules (HD) ‘70s (HD) Queens (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Property (HD) Property (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Property (HD) 27 Auction (HD) DISC E! News (N) (HD) The Soup: Soup Awards. (HD) Kourtney & (R) (HD) Kourtney & Surrogacy. (HD) C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 “Out My League” (‘10) (HD) E! Sweet: Relative Genius. (HD) Chopped Slices of pizza. (HD) Chopped Pink candy. (R) (HD) Chef: French Connection. (HD) Worst Cook (R) (HD) Chopped (R) 34 Chopped (R) (HD) FOOD Anger (HD) “The Green Hornet” (‘11) aac Party boy turns secret crime fighter. ab (HD) Anger (HD) Archer (HD) Legit (N) (HD) Russell Brand (N) (HD) Archer (HD) 23 2 1/2 Men FX BBQ BBQ Introducin (R) Introducin (R) ACM Top New Artist (R) Videos Headline (R) BBQ 147 GAC Daily Countdown (R) GAC Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American Bible (N) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American (R) 179 Fam. Feud GSN Brady Brady Brady Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Brady HALL Selling NY Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Income (R) (HD) Addict (HD) Addict (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Addict (HD) 98 Selling NY HGTV Swamp People: Waging War. Swamp People: Deadly Chill. Swamp: No Surrender. (HD) Big Rig Bounty: On the Line. Secrets: The Pentagon. (HD) Swamp (HD) HISTORY 126 Swamp: Monster Marsh. (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn: The Library. Little House: The Camp-Out. Waltons: The First Casualty. Matlock: The Deadly Dose. Matlock: The Target. Dr. Quinn 244 Happy Days INSP Wife Swap: Tassie; Tyson. Runway: The Art of Fashion. Project Runway: Finally On My Own. (N) (HD) Preachers’: Turning Water to Wine. (R) (HD) Runway (HD) 29 To Be Announced LIFE Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Failosophy Real World: Hot Air Jordan. Ridiculous 35 MADE: Catalina Island. (HD) MTV Will Killer gets money. (HD) Dateline ID: Deadly Exposure. Dateline ID: Haunting Images. Dateline: Burning Suspicion. Dateline ID: Deadly Exposure. Dateline (HD) 64 Will Widow wants share. (HD) OWN Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) Bellator MMA (HD) Bellator (HD) 44 “Walking Tall” aa A man combats drugs in his hometown. (HD) SPIKE “Interview with the Vampire” (‘94) aaa A vampire searches for others like him. “Case 39" (‘10) aac A young girl has mysterious powers. not “Interview with the Vampire” (‘94) aaa ab 57 Blackout (R) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 “Passion of the Christ” (‘04) TBN Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Men Work (N) Big Bang Conan Charles Barkley. (HD) Men Work (R) 12 Queens (HD) TBS Again” (‘61) (Jessie Royce Landis) An older woman begins “The Corn Is Green” (‘45, Drama) aac (Bette Davis) A woman tries “How Green Was My Valley” (‘41) aaac A Welsh miner’s family “The Proud Val55 a“Goodbye TCM passionate affair with a lawyer despite disapproval. to open a school for a coal mine’s young workers. pqw faces a series of socio-economic changes over time. pqw ley” (‘40) Tattoos (HD) Casino (N) Casino (N) Tattoos (HD) Tattoos (HD) NY Ink New artists join. (HD) Tattoos (HD) Tattoos (HD) NY Ink (HD) 68 NY Ink: Fight or Flight. (R) (HD) Tattoos (HD) TLC Inside NBA 4 Castle: Under the Gun. (HD) TNT A NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City Thunder z{| (HD) A NBA Basketball: Chicago Bulls at Brooklyn Nets from Barclays Center z{| v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Mysteries Rowdy crowds (R) Mysteries: Unexplained. (N) Mysteries Medical secret. (R) Mysteries Plain, khaki outfit. Mysteries (R) 52 Bizarre Foods: Maine. (R) TRAVEL Cops (HD) Dumbest (R) Dumbest Robbe; smoker. (R) World’s Dumbest... (N) Upload (N) Upload (R) Top 20 Surprising events. (R) Dumbest (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Corona de lágrimas (HD) Porque el amor manda (HD) Amores verdaderos (HD) Amor bravío (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Al diablo con 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Smoked. (HD) Law & Order: SVU: Blast. Law & Order: SVU: Class. Law & Order: SVU: Fat. (HD) psych: Cirque du Soul. (R) CSI (HD) 16 NCIS: Twisted Sister. (HD) USA Wicked: Pahty Hahdah. (HD) Mob Wives: Crazy Love. (HD) Game Ranking. (R) (HD) Master of The Mix (R) (HD) Love (R) (HD) 21 “You Got Served” (‘04) c A dance crew enters a competition. VH1 Christine Funniest Home Videos (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Rules (HD) 71 Christine WGN The Kudlow Report (N) Crime Inc. (R) Fugitives A partner takes off. Greed: Wild West Rip-Off. (N) Mad Money (R) Fugitives (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan LIVE (N) (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) P. Morgan (R) 10 (5:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC 2013 NIT Basketball Tournament: Championship. z{| (HD) SportsCenter (HD) SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN A Basketball: State Farm Slam Dunk & 3-Point Championships. Interruptn NFL Live (HD) Special (HD) Special (HD) 30 for 30: Survive and Advance. (HD) NFL Live (HD) Baseball (HD) 41 Horn (HD) ESPN-2 Access (HD) Car Warriors: ‘00 Crown Vics. Wrld Poker no} (HD) Wrld Poker no} (HD) UFC Unleashed (R) (HD) Wrld Poker no} (HD) NHL Hockey 59 Insider (HD) FSS Golf Cntrl PGA Tournament: Valero Texas Open: First Round. no} (HD) 66 F LPGA Tournament: Kraft Nabisco Championship: First Round. z{| (HD) GOLF Crossover Mobil 1 (HD) Heads Up Poker (HD) Heads Up Poker (HD) Heads Up Poker (HD) Heads Up Poker (HD) Heads Up Poker (HD) NBCSPO 56 Crossover Car Warriors: GM Truck. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Pinks! (HD) Pinks! (HD) Barrett Jackson Auction: Palm Beach. (R) 99 Barrett Jackson Auction: Palm Beach. Auction highlights. (N) SPEED Braves (HD) Post Game Post Game MLB Baseball: Philadelphia vs Atlanta no} 28 S Carolina SPSO @ MLB Baseball: Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves from Turner Field z{| (HD) North Wood: Deer Deception. North Wood (R) (HD) North Wood: Harvest Time. North Woods Law: Uncuffed. North Wood: Harvest Time. North Wood 62 North Wood (R) (HD) ANIMAL Regular (R) Regular (R) Regular (R) Crew (N) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family Hospital (R) CARTOON 124 Adventure “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” (‘05) Jessie: Trashin’ Austin: Deejays & Good Luck: The A.N.T.: studANT Wizards Waverly: Luck: Jessie Tony’s A.N.T. Farm: A.N.T. Farm: A.N.T.: signifi38 Good DISNEY a Boy’s imaginary superheroes need help. Fashion. (R) Demos. Break Up. council. (R) Movies. Dress Mess. (R) parents. (HD) influANTces. intelligANT. (R) cANT other. “Twister” (‘96) aac A retired storm chaser and his ex-wife lead a ragtag team of scien- “Twister” (‘96) aac A retired storm chaser and his ex-wife lead a ragtag team of scien- The 700 Club Scheduled: author Prince: Cased 20 tists FAMILY on one last, dangerous run into Oklahoma’s “Tornado Alley.” ab tists on one last, dangerous run into Oklahoma’s “Tornado Alley.” ab gives some insight. (N) Up. Sponge (R) Sponge (R) Drake Dad Run (R) Dad Run (R) Full Hse Full Hse Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends 26 Sponge (R) NICK Gold Girl Gold Girl Gold Girl Gold Girl Gold Girl Raymond Raymond Cleveland (R) Cleveland (R) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 Gold Girl TVLAND “Phil Spector” (‘13, Drama) (Al Pacino, Helen Real Sports (:45) “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (‘04, Comedy) (:05) Game of Thrones: Valar Real Sex Cathouse (R) “Your Highness” 302 Gumbel (HD) HBO aac (Will Ferrell) Sexist anchor gets female partner. (HD) Mirren) Phil builds a bond with attorney. (HD) Dohaeris. (R) (HD) (HD) (‘11) (HD) “Clean(:50) “Chernobyl Diaries” (‘12) (Ingrid Bolsø Berdal) “Horrible Bosses” (‘11) (Jason Bateman) Three friends devise a way “Fast Five” (‘11, Action) aaac (Vin Diesel) Former cop and ex-con “Sex Games 04" 320 (5:00) MAX skin” (‘12) (HD) Paranormal forces around Chernobyl. (HD) to forever rid themselves of their horrible bosses. (HD) team up on the wrong side of the law for one last job. (HD) (‘06) (HD) Blonde “The Three Musketeers” (‘11) aac (Luke Evans) A young swords- “The Ninth Gate” (‘99, Horror) aac (Johnny Depp, Frank Langella) A rare-book dealer Gigolos: Black Gigolos A new Lies: Hostile 340 “Legally SHOW man joins forces with a trio of guards to defend Louis XIII. (HD) C**k Down. job. (R) (HD) Takeover. (HD) 2" aa (HD) is hired to find a lost tome written by the devil himself. not (HD)

The post and courier

Thursday, april 4, 2013: e35

wife sees trouble in husband, clerk

can you win this trivia race?


By reBekah BradFord Special to The Post and Courier


his weekend is an especially busy one in the lowcountry. Between the Family circle cup on daniel island, Flowertown Festival in summerville and lowcountry cajun Festival at james island county park, there’s something for everyone. arguably the biggest event, however, is the cooper river Bridge run. one of the premier 10k races in the country, it draws thousands of runners from all over the world. in celebration of the event, we present our annual cooper river Bridge run head2head trivia. competing are current champ greg Bradley and his opponent, dana mathis, who is a new mom. file/staff

The Cooper River Bridge Run has become one of the premier 10K races in the country. How well do you know the race’s history?


1. what was the first year of the bridge run? 2. the first race was a 10k. true or false? 3. how many years has there been a tie for first place? 4. what talk show host raced using a pseudonym in 1994? 5. runners from what country have dominated the race since the early ’90s? 6. what was the first year that more than 10,000 runners participated? 7. what famous comedian fired the cannon and ran the event in 1996? 8. the 2006 race debuted what category as a competitive event? 9. what was special about the 2006 race? 10. who won the design contest this year for the t-shirt?

greg’s answers

1. 1983 2. true 3. don’t know. once? 4. guessing oprah. 5. kenya 6. 2005 7. Jim carrey? 8. race walking. 9. took place in the rain. 10. don’t know.

conclusion dana wins her first round of head2head, becoming our new champ. she’ll return next week to defend the title.

dana’s answers

1. late ’70s, like maybe ’79. 2. let’s say false. 3. um, one? 4. i’ve heard it was oprah winfrey. 5. kenya 6. 1999 7. bill murray, because he lives here? 8. i’m thinking it was wheelchairs. 9. isn’t that the year the ravenel bridge was open? 10. like the design, but don’t know the name.

correct answers 1. 1978 2. false. police ordered the finish line moved about 150 yards, making the course short. 3. one. it was in 1980. 4. oprah winfrey 5. kenya

6. 1995 7. bill murray 8. wheelchair 9. it took place on the new arthur ravenel Jr. bridge. 10. mayela lopez

ear aBBy: my husband, “wade,” and i went into a convenience store near our home that we frequent regularly. a new employee, a pretty, much younger girl, stared at wade with an expression of recognition and surprise on her face. when i asked him what that was about, he laughed it off and said i was “imagining things.” The next time we saw her, wade acted nervous and started talking fast, as if trying to distract me. he seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her. she ignored me while obviously trying to lock eyes with wade. The third time, she again ignored me but smirked and giggled while we were checking out. Then she shouted, “see ya later!” to my husband as we were walking out the door. when i turned, i caught wade glaring at her. when i asked why, he replied, “i looked at her like that because she was acting like an idiot.” when i asked why she’d be acting like an idiot if they didn’t know each other, he screamed at me. he threatened to leave me if i bring the subject up again. should i ask her why she seems so amused by my husband? and why is he angry at me? — smells something Fishy deAr smells: By all means ask because i’ll bet she is dying to tell you. your husband may have been seeing her or someone she knows. he

dear abby

attacked you because he felt guilty about something and didn’t want to discuss it. it proves the truth of the adage, “The best defense is a strong offense.” you have my sympathy, but you need to get to the bottom of this. dear aBBy: what do you call additions to your family that result from second or third marriages? our daughter died several years ago. i refer to her widower as my son-in-law, but what term should i use when i introduce his new wife? she has two daughters from a previous marriage, sweet girls who call me “granddad.” technically, they are not my granddaughters, but what are they? i have tried searching the internet for answers without luck. any suggestions? — Family man in teXas deAr fAmily mAn: when introducing your late daughter’s husband and his wife, try this: “This is my son-in-law ‘sam’ and his wife, ‘virginia.’ ” As to the woman’s daughters who are not blood related to you, because they call you “granddad,” refer to them as your granddaughters and leave it at that.

e36: Thursday, april 4, 2013

The post and courier

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