Charleston Scene Weekly Magazine

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E2: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E3

E4: Thursday, June 28, 2012

COVER STORY: Find out what’s happening for the Fourth. Pages 20-22

The post and courier

What’s inside

5 | get out

16-17 | music

david Quick previews outdoor fitness options

cd reviews, upcoming shows

6-10 | movies

18-19 | weekend events

“magic mike,” “people like us,” “the amazing spider-man,” “ted”

11 | movie listings 12-14 | food + bev

cory’s grilled cheese, palmetto flats, chew on this

24-25 | see and be scene 26-29 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics + tv grid

with horoscopes and a crossword puzzle

15 | arts

a look at upcoming events

35 | trivia, abby

On the cover: file/ap

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403-9621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 3 No. 17 36 Pages


editor: allison nugent, copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night Life listings: kristy crum and liz foster., sales: deseret seharett, deseharett@post graphic designers: chad dunbar and fred smith ad designers: tamara wright, Jason clark, kathy simes, krena lanham, shannon mccarty, melinda carlos, ashlee kositz, anita hepburn, laurie brenneman, marybeth patterson, amber dumas and sherry rourk

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The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E5

firecracker 5000 a big blast in race lineup w

hen a big holiday, particularly Fourth of July, falls in the middle of a week, it throws everything off just a bit and can create lame-duck weekends (by local standards) on either side of it. But we’ve got lots of beach and lots of water out there, so there’s always something to do outside in our lovely town, it just may not be an organized event.

July fourth 5ks

The Fourth of July is a big holiday for holding road races, including one of the largest race in the nation: atlanta’s peachtree road race. in the lowcountry, there are two very different options. The 27th annual doctors care hilton head Firecracker 5000 road closer to charleston, but involving fewer participants, is the sixth annual July 4th cross country run at 8 a.m. at trophy lakes on Johns island. Find out more at www.

musc urban farm race and Family Fun walk starts at 8 a.m. wednesday, based out of shelter cove community park. Firecracker is the oldest and largest race in Beaufort county, and one of the top 10 races in south carolina. about 1,500 are expected to participate. The post-race celebration will feature music, fresh fruit, cold refreshments, door prizes and more. specifics are at www.bear

kicking off the holiday week ahead is the musc urban Farm spring season open house, which is 8 a.m.-5 p.m. today and features an array of interesting tours and topics. among those are educational sessions on composting, raising “urban chickens,” beekeeping, organic pest control, taming weeds, as well as a cooking demo. For a complete schedule, see the musc urban Farm Facebook page, muscurbanFarm.

Make tracks, because there’s plenty to celebrate in the great outdoors this holiday week.

bulldog breakaway

The citadel’s track and cross-country programs continue its very low-key race series, the Bulldog Breakaway twilight series tonight. The race starts at 6:30 p.m. at The citadel track and is a great way of diverting yourself away from happy hour. check out com/site/breakawayracing for more.

daniel island 5k

and coming full circle, we’re back to The extra mile running shop and the end of the holiday week. on July 5, mike and patt loggins, owners of the extra mile, the oldest running store in charleston, kick off


the 10th year of the daniel island twilight Fun run 5k series. The event starts at Bishop england high school’s sports fields at 6:30 p.m. The series runs for four

Faith& Values Sundays in

Thursdays, the others being July 19, aug. 2 and aug. 16. go to www.theextra for more info. reach david Quick at 937-5516.

Attitudes and understanding.

E6: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

‘magic mike’

Soderbergh and his strippers work it with feeling By roger moore McClatchy-Tribune News Service

movie review

1/2 (out of five stars) director: steven t’s no great stretch to imag- soderbergh ine the chiseled, hot-footed cast: channing tatum, hottie channing tatum alex pettyfer, matthew as a stripper. it’s how he got mcconaughey, cody horn, his start in show business, olivia munn after all. rated: r for pervasive sexand even though he ual content, brief graphic never danced for his dollars, nudity, language and some matthew mcconaughey drug use has never been shy about running time: 1 hour, shedding a shirt on the big 49 minutes screen. what did you think?: But that’s the simple gefind this review at nius of steven soderbergh’s charlestonscene. “magic mike,” a fictionalcom and offer your ized spin on tatum’s preopinion. hollywood years in Florida, taking it off for ladies who dancers. stuffed tips into his thong. From the moment The casting does most of the work in this very entertain- mcconaughey, as the glen wilson/warner bros. pictures ing dramedy set in the sexy/ please see magic, page e7 Matt Bomer (center) as Ken and Alex Pettyfer as Adam/The Kid (right) in “Magic Mike.” seedy world of male exotic


Channing Tatum bares his soul, and much more, in ‘Magic Mike’

By rene rodriguez McClatchy Newspapers


claudette barius/warner bros. pictures

Channing Tatum as Mike and Olivia Munn as Joanna in “Magic Mike.”

ilmmaker steven soderbergh wants you to know that there is more to his new movie, “magic mike,” than the trailers and tV ads would have you believe. “i really like the marketing campaign,” said the oscar-winning director of “traffic,” “ocean’s eleven” and “erin Brockovich.” “i was the one who wanted to sell the movie like it’s fun, because it is mostly fun. it may not be exactly what people expect, but i don’t think the film is different in a way that’s antagonistic to the audience.” Then, after a pause, soder-

bergh addresses the elephant in the room. “look, this is not a movie that is exclusively aimed at women and gay men. to what extent are women going to be able to talk their boyfriends into going? i don’t know. But i don’t think guys will be sitting in the theater thinking, ‘This is torture.’ ten minutes into the movie, they’ll realize they are not being excluded from this experience at all.” “magic mike,” which opens Friday, is less about bare skin and more about the male psyche and how men start thinking and behaving differently when they become sexual objects, something that happens more often to women. The movie sprang

from a conversation between soderbergh and actor channing tatum on the set of the action movie “haywire.” Between takes, they talked about tatum’s production company and the projects he was developing. The actor revealed he wanted to make a movie based on his experiences working for a few months as a stripper and dancer in tampa, Fla., when he was 18 years old. “some people go to college. some people go to acting school. some people go to business school. i threw myself into a bunch of different jobs — i feel like i went to the school of life in a way — and stripping happened to be one of them,” tatum said. “it was a crazy one. i re-

ally enjoyed dancing. it was my favorite part of the job. i didn’t really like taking my clothes off. But i made good money and kept the party going, and it was great for awhile.” in the film, tatum plays the eponymous hero, the main attraction at the ladies-only club Xquisite managed by dallas (matthew mcconaughey), a happy-go-lucky svengali figure. several years earlier, dallas had introduced mike to the business and turned him into a star. as the movie opens, mike does the same for a young man named adam (alex pettyfer) he meets at a nightclub. although there are plenty please see tatum, page e7

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E7

magic, from e6

no prayer of getting a loan to run the business that is veteran owner of the Xquihis first love, hand-crafted site dance revue, struts design. onstage to introduce his enter adam, aka “The ensemble and tell the ladies kid” (alex pettyfer), a “what you can ... and canhunky college drop-out who not touch,” we know we’re mike takes under his wing. in good, um, hands. soderThe kid doesn’t realize what bergh’s direction here is like mike means when he says stripping itself, the selling of “you owe me” as he gets a fantasy, a tease. it’s only as him into a club. next thing the film progresses that the adam knows, he’s helping sobering reality of living in mike hustle birthday girls this sordid world is stripped into the strip club. after bare. that, adam’s up on stage, a tatum has the title role. By virgin doing his first awkday, he’s a hustler — workward striptease. The money ing as an off-the-books rolls in and the lazy adam roofer, running a mobile realizes the real american car-detailing business, living dream: he’s getting paid just in a beachfront split-level for being pretty. where he’s as likely to wake so what if his nurse’s aide up with two naked women sister (cody horn) doesn’t as one. approve? not that she’s a That’s because by night he prude. she just senses is “magic” mike, the break- danger. dancing star of the Xquisite soderbergh, working from dance revue. he’s living the reid carolin’s script, revels good life. it’s a pity that all in the backstage “making his businesses are cash-only. of a stripper” scenes, as at 30, he’s got no credit, The kid is trained to do the

(plain Janes, over 40, not supermodel skinny) — one dancer throws his back out lifting one onstage. There’s the fleeting nature of the career, the sleazy way employees are treated by the “entrepreneurs” who run such revues. soderberg doesn’t pretty up tampa, either, sending everybody out for a “sand-bar party” on the dull-brown waters of tampa Bay, suggesting how glen wilson/warner bros. pictures easy it would be to leave all Adam Rodriguez as Tito in “Magic Mike.” that behind. tatum is spot-on, conken doll routine, the gi fantasies!” flicted and perfect in the Joe strip, “an officer and a The film showcases the part. mike is smart enough gentleman,” the trench-coat dancers — the funnyto know he can’t get by on and umbrella “it’s raining beefsteak Joe manganiello his looks and his stripping men” number. stands out in the supporting forever. he’s ready to leave and in his face, taunting crew. and it sells the fantasy. behind his “friend with the shy out of him, is dallas, For a while. The club patrons benefits” (olivia munn) given a searing swagger by are young and gorgeous and for the plainer and testier mcconaughey. beddable. The hours allow Brooke. “what are you, a 12-year- for enjoying the sun and fun But mcconaughey is the old in the locker room?” as “The kings of tampa.” spark here, preening, amushe teases. put some salesand then the dark side ing, but suggesting the dark manship into that bump shows up: the easy access side of the business and and grind. “you are fulfill- to drugs, the “real” women the only possible future for ing every woman’s wildest who frequent such clubs those who stay in it — alone,

with lots of ready cash but no self-respect, a guy who has to take advantage of the next generation the way he was probably taken advantage of. mcconaughey takes his hipster-revival preacher, butt-slapping jock persona to the next level here, hinting that maybe all this dirty talk, getting up in his dancers’ business in the dressing room, is a closet door he’s hiding behind. “magic mike” drifts into melodrama, and pettyfer (“i am number Four”), though adequate, struggles to make an impression with a character that is little more than a cliche. But soderbergh, tatum and mcconaughey strip this world of glitter and body oils. They let us know that for all the supposed fringe benefits, these guys work hard for the money, and that creating every woman’s fantasy takes a lot of fantasizing on the part of the boys toy, too.

tatum, from e6

think i was lucky enough to be able to enjoy what it gave me, it was my first performing job ever, and then able to get out.” tatum had originally been in talks with nicolas winding refn (“drive”) to direct. when that fell through, soderbergh took over. The actor’s willingness to revisit a chapter in his past other

ing stardom and the movie’s marketing, “magic mike” is being released on 3,000 screens by the same studio that is distributing “The dark knight rises” in July. although the film is being treated as a blockbuster, “magic mike” is subtle, funny, focused and personal, qualities that are not common in summer movies.

decide which path to take. “i’m not ashamed of this of musical numbers — i.e., period in my life,” tatum scenes at the club where said. “i’m not proud of it. tatum and his fellow danc- i would never tell anyone ers perform for screaming ‘hey, man, you should go try hordes of women — magic this!’ Because this kind of mike is less “showgirls” and work is a slippery slope. it’s a more “saturday night Fevery intoxicating world, on a ver,” another character study lot of different levels. and it of a working-class guy who can be a bit of a rabbit hole, hits a crossroads and must and you can get mired in it. i

actors might deem too embarrassing was part of the appeal for the director. “channing’s attitude was you gotta own it, and use it. That’s the smart play,” soderbergh said. “i had a great experience with him on ‘haywire,’ and he immediately became one of those actors in my repertory who i can call upon to do stuff. i

became a fan. he’s interested in a lot of different things, and he’s well aware of the difference between taking yourself seriously and taking your work seriously. i like his attitude, and i think he’s really got it together. we’ve already shot another movie together (‘Bitter pill’) that will be out in the spring.” Thanks to tatum’s soar-

E8: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

‘people Like us’ a movie in search of an identity

By roger moore McClatchy-Tribune News Service


eople like us” is a well-acted weeper that walks an unsteady line between the emotional and the comical. it’s about a guy who realizes he has a half sister, and then injects himself into her life without explaining who he is. he befriends her kid, encourages her through substance abuse recovery and sets up to help her financially. since he’s the handsome and charming chris pine and she’s the fetching and approachable elizabeth Banks, somebody is sure to get the wrong idea. it’s a “rain man” variation, the cynical salesman who grows as a person when he finds a sibling he never knew he had. and there’s a touch of every “i meant to tell you” tale of two people, one of whom hides his or her family connection to the other. pine stars as sam, whose famous record-producer dad has just died. That’s inconvenient, as sam’s career is on the line at the big-time bartering business where his fast-talking shortcuts have earned the attention of the Feds and the ire of his boss (Jon Favreau). sam is willing to lie to his girlfriend (olivia wilde) to get out of going to dad’s funeral. he’s willing to further upset his mom (michelle pfeiffer) to avoid going to los angeles. yeah, he’s selfish. But he has good reason to be. he’s pretty much been left out of the will. a note and a bundle of cash passed on by his dad’s lawyer (philip Baker hall) could change that. There’s a woman, a little older than him. and a kid. “take care of them,” his father scribbled. give them this cash, money that sam could certainly use to get himself out of his current fix.


Sam (Chris Pine, from left) gets to know Frankie (Elizabeth Banks), the sister he has just discovered, and her son, Josh (Michael D’Addario), while trying to figure out how to tell her they are siblings in “People Like us.”

movie review

makes sam squirm without squirming at the obvious chemistry between him and  (out of five stars) Frankie. and he’s simply director: alex kurtzman wonderful at the film’s best cast: chris pine, elizabeth scenes, sam’s little life lesson lectures to Josh. it’s the one banks, michelle pfeiffer, thing his dad gave him that’s olivia wilde useful. rated: pg-13 for lan“everything you think is guage, some drug use and important, isn’t,” he counbrief sexuality sels. life? “lean into it,” he running time: 1 hour, says. “Be there for it, what58 minutes ever ‘it’ is.” what did you think?: Banks, given a character find this review at packed full of flaws and packed into tight bartender and offer your opinion. shorts, sets off sparks and flirts with sam by hinting still, sam goes to check that she has a bartender’s her out. he catches up with ability to read people. Frankie (Banks) at her alcoalex kurtzman’s film holics anonymous meeting, meanders a lot and strains where she reads sam’s fato come up with credible ther’s obituary to the group. reasons for sam to continue she’s not in it. to hide his connection to “it’s official. i don’t exist.” Frankie long past the point They’re related, somehow. of reason. The juggling sam gets to know her with- among the various relationout letting on to who he is. ships — business and perhe tries to help out with her sonal — that sam is failing sullen, troubled son, Josh in is unwieldy. (michael hall d’addario). But “people like us” has he doesn’t tell his mom marvelous payoffs, third-act what he’s doing, doesn’t take revelations that feel heartthe phone calls from his boss felt and earned. and pine, or the Feds. and the longer Banks and pfeiffer play the he strings everybody along, heck out of them. it takes some patience, but this turns the worse his big revelation out to be a film you want to is going to come off. pine has an easy way about lean into, that you want to be there for, whatever kind of him that is the best explamovie this hybrid turns out nation for why he has been landing the big roles. he to be.

The post and courier

the new

thursday, June 28, 2012: E9


Garfield adds welcome sense of danger to franchise By christy lemire Associated Press


t’s impossible to avoid the comparisons, so we may as well just get them out of the way early so we can move on. “The amazing spider-man”: a reboot? prequel? new chapter? it’s hard to decide what to call it as it is pretty much different in every way from the staggeringly successful marvel comics-inspired trilogy that preceded it. The basics are the same: a high school kid gets bitten by a scientifically modified spider, discovers he has newfound super powers, decides to use them as a vigilante crime fighter and takes to the streets of new york in a redand-blue suit. But in terms of tone, characters, performances and even visual effects, “The amazing spider-man” feels like its own separate entity. it may not be as transporting or genre-altering an experience as those earlier films, especially the first two, but it finds a distinct voice. and a great deal of that has to do with the central performance from andrew garfield as peter parker. in the hands of tobey maguire, who originated the role in “spider-man” a decade ago, peter was nerdy, scrawny, insecure. garfield plays peter as more of a misunderstood outsider, a rebel with a chip on his shoulder, a guy who wasn’t afraid to stand up to the class bully even before he underwent his transformation. and that slightly arrogant attitude gives the whole movie a restless, reckless energy and a welcome sense of danger. at the helm, marc webb is a very different sort of director. he may not have sounded like the most obvious choice for a hugely anticipated blockbuster based on his only previous feature, the romantic comedy charmer “(500) days

Jaimie trueblood/sony pictures

Andrew Garfield is shown in a scene from “The Amazing Spider-Man.”

movie review 1/2 (out of five stars) director: marc webb cast: andrew garfield, emma stone, rhys ifans rated: pg-13 for sequences of action and violence running time: 2 hours, 18 minutes what did you think?: find this review at charlestonscene. com and offer your opinion. of summer.” his big set pieces may lack some of the imagination that director sam raimi brought previously, but they’ll do. more important, though, he conveys an emotional truth, a pervasive sense of humanity. webb’s deft touch is especially clear in the scenes between garfield and emma stone as peter’s classmate gwen stacy, who has to be the cutest science geek on the planet. stone and garfield have a sweetly flirty chemistry. But there’s depth and sensitivity there, too, since she’s the only one who knows his secret for a long time. The script from James Vanderbilt, steve kloves and veteran alvin sargent begins when peter was a boy. a sud-

den threat forces his parents to leave him with his uncle Ben (martin sheen) and aunt may (sally Field) before disappearing forever. as peter grows into a teenager, he begins to ask questions about who they were, especially his mysterious scientist father (campbell scott). This brings him to the gleaming high-rise where his father’s former partner, dr. curt connors (rhys ifans), is deeply involved in some groundbreaking, and unproven, genetic research. when connors finally tests his latest formula on himself, the results don’t exactly turn out the way he (or the unsuspecting residents of manhattan) might have hoped. The destruction he causes in his altered state, and spider-man’s attempts to stop him from causing even more, provide the basis for the film’s obligatory noisy showdowns. which brings us to the use of 3-d: “The amazing spiderman” didn’t need it. webb barely applies this de rigueur trick but he never puts the technology to its fullest use to make you feel immersed in this world. Basically, the 3-d feels like an attempt by the studio to sling more summer moviegoing dollars into its web.

E10: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

‘ted’: so cuddly, so wrong, so hilarious By christy lemire Associated Press

movie review

aged to carve out a healthy, four-year relationship with 1/2 (out of five stars) the beautiful, successful and teddy bear who director: seth exceedingly patient lori smokes pot, parties macfarlane (mila kunis, who voices the with hookers, beds cast: mark wahlberg, awkward teenage daughter pop stars and spews profan- mila kunis, the voice of seth meg on “Family guy”). But ity in a new england accent macfarlane by this point, something’s as thick as chowdah? rated: r for crude and gotta give. lori presses John such a creature could only sexual content, pervasive for a more serious commitcome from the blissfully language and some drug ment — and to the film’s twisted mind of “Family use credit, she doesn’t come off guy” creator seth macFarrunning time: 1 hour, like a nagging shrew for lane, confidently making his 45 minutes making this request — but feature directing debut with what did you think?: John isn’t ready to put away “ted.” find this review childish things. if you love his animated at charleston so this is essentially the tV show, you’ll probably film’s central conflict: John love this: in a lot of ways, and offer your tries to please the two most “ted” feels like a live-action, opinion. important figures in his life big-screen version of “Famat the same time but repeatily guy” with its pop-culture edly disappoints them both. references and inappropriate mark wahlberg stars as subplots involving lori’s racial humor, flashbacks and John, whose wish upon a leering boss (Joel mchale) non sequiturs. (macFarlane star as a lonely kid in the and a scheme by a creepy co-wrote the script with two ’80s turned his christmasdad (giovanni ribisi) to of his longtime collaborators morning teddy bear into a kidnap the bear feel like on the series, alec sulkin walking, talking friend for filler rather than real threats, and wellesley wild.) he’s life. decades later, the two although ribisi’s character even included the same sort are still best buddies living does add a whole ’nother of orchestral arrangements together in Boston, although level of daring weirdness to of jaunty transitional music they’re both understandably the proceedings. between scenes. and ted, a tad stunted; daily waking“ted” is at its best when whom macFarlane himself and-baking probably doesn’t ted is at his worst. The voices, happens to sound ex- help matters. John works a disparity between the inactly like peter griffin (which nowhere job at a rental-car nocence such a toy is meant would have been obvious company, while ted spends to represent and the utter even without a throw-away his days getting wasted and wrongness of his every acjoke spelling it out for us). enjoying the meager glimtion provides a pretty constill, you chuck enough of mers of fame he achieved sistent source of hilarity. this stuff at a wall and some for being such an oddity. (a But much of the material of it will stick. most of it flashback that places ted on works because the bear has does for most of the time, the “tonight show” set for someone to bounce off of; wahlberg does his best work although some of the onean interview with Johnny liners and gross-out gags do carson is seamless; actually, in situations like this, where he’s playing it totally straight show signs of strain. “ted” ted’s insertion into all the also happens to be sweeter live-action antics is impres- in a setting that’s totally silly. if only the movie had come than you might expect, desive, even though the bear out closer to the holidays: spite the predictability of its himself intentionally looks ted would make an excellent formula, with a climax that pretty ratty.) gift for the overgrown adowill warm the heart of anydespite this adolescent lescent in everyone’s life. one with new england ties. attachment, John has man-


universal pictures/ap

Mark Wahlberg with the character Ted (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) in a scene from “Ted.”

Home& Garden Sundays in

Spruce things up.

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E11 score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted

Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.



The Amazing Spider-man

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


teenage peter parker’s spiderman beginnings include discovering his absent father’s secret and the lab of dr. curt connors, aka the lizard.

northwoods: tues-wed: 11, 12, 2, 3, 5, 6:30, 8, 9:30 northwoods 3d: tues-wed: 10, 1, 4, 7, 10

Magic Mike 1/2 r

a veteran male stripper teaches a new, young dancer the tricks of the trade of partying, women and easy money. northwoods: fri-thurs July 5: 12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:25, 9:50

People Like us  pg-13

after his estranged father’s death, a struggling twentysomething salesman must deliver $150,000 to a 30-year-old sister he’s never met. northwoods: fri-thurs July 5: 1, 3:45, 6:55, 9:25 terrace: fri-thurs July 5: 12, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15

Ted 1/2 r

a grown man’s cherished and alive, yet irresponsible and vulgar, childhood teddy bear creates conflict as he attempts to embrace adulthood. northwoods: fri-thurs July 5: 12:05, 2:30, 4:55, 7:20, 9:45

Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection pg-13

a wall street investment banker is set up as the fall guy for a mob-backed ponzi scheme and the safest hideout for him and his family is madea’s house. northwoods: fri-thurs July 5: 12, 1, 2:30, 3:30, 5, 6:40, 7:30, 9:10, 10


1/2 r

president abraham lincoln is on a mission to rid the country of vampires and their slave-owning helpers. cinebarre: today: 4:15, 10 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 7:30 citadeL: today: noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 citadeL 3d: today: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50 James isLand: today: 1:05, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 James isLand 3d: today: 1:35, 4:15, 7, 9:45 northwoods: today-thurs July 5: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 northwoods 3d: today-thurs July 5: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 paLmetto grande: today: 4:40, 10:30 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 2, 7:50 regaL 18: today: 4, 7:10, 9:30 regaL 18 3d: today: 1:40, 4:30, 7:40, 10

The Avengers  pg-13

iron man, thor, captain america, the hulk, hawkeye and black widow fight to save earth from thor’s brother, loki. cinebarre: today: 12:40, 3:45, 7:10 citadeL: today: 12:30, 3:30, 6:50, 9:50 hwy 21: today: 10:30 northwoods: today: 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50; fri-mon: 12:50, 6:50; thurs July 5: 12:50, 6:50 paLmetto grande: today: 12:30, 6:50, 10 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 3:40 regaL 18: today: 1:10, 7:25 regaL 18 3d: today: 4:20

Bernie 1/2 pg-13

a small-town texas mortician (Jack black) befriends then murders a disagreeable rich widow, but for months persuades the locals that she is still alive.

terrace: today: 11:55 a.m.; frithurs July 5: 9:20

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1/2 pg-13

despite the false advertising, british retirees find their lives transformed in the less expensive and seemingly exotic india.

citadeL: today: 1, 4, 6:50, 9:30 paLmetto grande: today: 12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 9:35 terrace: today: 11:55, 2, 4:05, 7:45, 9:45; fri-thurs July 5: 12:25, 2:50, 5, 7:10

Brave  pg

a scottish princess must rely on her bravery and archery skills to undo a beastly curse placed upon her kingdom.

cinebarre: today: 4:20, 9:30 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 7 citadeL: today: 12:30, 1:30, 2:50, 3:50, 5:10, 6:15, 7:30, 9:50 citadeL 3d: today: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 hwy 21: today: 8:45 James isLand: today: 1, 3:30, 6:15, 8:45 James isLand 3d: today: 1:30, 4, 6:45, 9:10 northwoods: today: 12:30, 2, 2:50, 4:20, 5:10, 6:40, 7:30, 9, 9:50; fri-thurs July 5: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50 northwoods 3d: today-mon: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30; tueswed: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30; thurs July 5: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 paLmetto grande: today: 1, 2:10, 4:10, 5:20, 7, 8, 9:40 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 1:30, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 regaL 18: today: 1, 2, 3:20, 4:40, 7, 8, 9:20 regaL 18 3d: today: 1:30, 3:50, 7:30, 9:50

The Incredible Journey nr

when a cat and two dogs are separated from their owners, they must trek through the canadian wilderness to get home. terrace: wed: 11 a.m.

plan to return to new york by way of a traveling circus.

cinebarre: today: 1:30, 4:30, 7:05, 9:25 citadeL: today: 1, 3:30, 6:50, 9:10 citadeL 3d: today: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 hwy 21: today: 8:45 James isLand: today: 1:30, 4, 6:40, 9:10 James isLand 3d: today: 1, 3:30, 6:20, 8:45 northwoods: today: 1:20, 4, 6:50, 9:10; fri-thurs July 5: 1:20, 4, 6:50 northwoods 3d: today: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:25, 9:45; fri-mon: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:25; thurs July 5: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:25 paLmetto grande: today: 1:20, 4:30, 7:20, 9:50 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 1:50, 5, 7:40, 10:05 regaL 18: today: 1:35, 3:45, 6:45, 9:10 regaL 18 3d: today: 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:40

Men in Black 3 1/2 pg-13

to save the agency and the planet, agent J travels back to 1969 to prevent an alien criminal from assassinating agent k.

citadeL: today: 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 James isLand: today: 4:15, 10 northwoods: today: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20; fri-mon: 9:20; thurs July 5: 9:20 paLmetto grande: today: 1:55, 7:35, 10:20 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 4:45 regaL 18: today: 1:55, 6:50 regaL 18 3d: today: 4:25, 9:15

Moonrise Kingdom  pg-13

in the summer of 1965, two 12-year-olds fall in love and make a secret pact to run away into the new england wilderness.

terrace: today: 11:40, 1:15, 3, 5, 6:15, 7:20, 9:15; fri-thurs July 5: 12:15, 1, 2:15, 3, 4:10, 5:10, 6:10, 7:15, 8:10, 9:30

One Day on Earth Madagascar 3: nr Europe’s Most Wanted 1/2 pg

alex, marty, gloria and melman

this documentary creates a shared film where human experience in the same 24-hour

period was recorded in every country in the world. park circLe: sat: 8

Prometheus 1/2 r

a team of space explorers discovers a clue to the origins of humankind and must fight to keep civilization from extinction. cinebarre: today: 12:40, 3:40, 7:15, 10:05 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:50, 10:35 citadeL: today: 9 citadeL imaX: today: 1, 4, 7, 10 northwoods: today: 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45; fri-mon: 9:45; thurs July 5: 9:45 paLmetto grande: today: 12:40, 3:50, 6:50, 10 paLmetto grande 3d: today: 1:35, 4:25, 7:25, 10:25 regaL 18: today: 1:15, 4:05, 6:55, 9:35 regaL 18 3d: today: 2:10, 4:55, 7:55 terrace: today: 2:10, 4:25, 7:15, 9:30

Raising Arizona pg-13

since they can’t have children of their own, an ex-con and an excop decide to steal a quintuplet from a local businessman. cinebarre: mon: dark

Rock of Ages  pg-13

a small town girl and a city boy pursue their hollywood dreams.

cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:35 citadeL: today: 1:10, 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 hwy 21: today: 10:25 northwoods: today: 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 paLmetto grande: today: 12:50, 1:40, 4, 5:10, 7:10, 8:10, 10:15 regaL 18: today: 1:05, 1:45, 4:50, 7:50 terrace: today: 12:15, 2:15, 4:30, 7:20, 9:35; fri-thurs July 5: 9:40

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World 1/2 r

fearing the world is coming to

an end, a man and his neighbor take a road trip to find his high school sweetheart.

cinebarre: today: 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 citadeL: today: noon, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 paLmetto grande: today: 2:20, 5:05, 7:45, 10:20 regaL 18 3d: today: 1:50, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55

Snow White and the Huntsman  pg-13

the huntsman is ordered by the evil Queen to kill snow white, but he teaches her the art of war and retaliation instead. cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:50, 7:20, 10:15 citadeL: today: 12:45, 3:50, 7, 9:50 James isLand: today: 1, 7 northwoods: today-mon: 1, 3:55, 7, 9:50; tues-wed: 9:30; thurs July 5: 1, 3:55, 7, 9:50 paLmetto grande: today: 1:10, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10 regaL 18: today: 1:25, 4:15, 7:25, 10:10

That’s My Boy  r

donny (adam sandler) desperately tries to reconnect with his son todd (andy samberg) and must deal with the repercussions of his bad parenting skills.

cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:45 citadeL: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7, 9:35 James isLand: today: 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:55 northwoods: today: 1:10, 4, 7, 9:35; fri-mon: 3:50, 9:50 paLmetto grande: today: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55, 10:30 regaL 18: today: 1:20, 2:20, 3:55, 7:05, 7:35, 9:45, 10:15

What to Expect When You’re Expecting 1/2 pg-13

five interconnected couples experience the thrills and surprises during the pregnancy and childbirth processes. cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:40, 10:15

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

E12: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

photographs by rob young

Cory’s Grilled Cheese is a food cart making the rounds on the peninsula and James Island.

food cart all about cheese By roB young

Special to The Post and Courier


ecently, saveur magazine published a nifty piece about food carts in portland, ore., and how the mobile dining trend has helped redefine the culinary tract of the city. here in charleston, we’re blessed with a convoy of food trucks. But food carts? That wave might just be on the horizon. and once it arrives, we can mark down cory’s grilled cheese as one of the progenitors. The food cart delivers a gooey, cheesy fix downtown and on James island. during lunch, you can find him at the corner of george and glebe streets on monday and Thursday. For late nights, venture over to king and spring streets. But really, it’s best just to check cory’s twitter or Facebook pages for current times and locations. cory’s cart is outfitted with a griddle and fryer, and of course cheese, lots of cheese. choose from american, cheddar, fontina, jack, pimiento, mozzarella, muenster, provolone, brie, swiss and goat varieties. The sandwiches are fashioned from several breads, too: white, multigrain, sour dough, gluten-free and

The Deluxe Grilled Cheese with bacon, tomato and jalapenos. cinnamon-raisin swirl. mix and match as you will. one choice of bread and cheese costs $4. otherwise, items include cory’s Famous grilled cheese ($4.50), which consists of muenster cheese, crispy bacon and honey mustard on cinnamonraisin swirl and the deluxe grilled cheese ($5) with bacon and tomato. The menu also features a weekly special, an alternating dessert sandwich and some golden-brown fries that show off the same cut as mcdonald’s. and i swear to goodness, if they were cooked just a little longer they’d taste like them, too. on the sandwiches, you also can pile on the extras: avocado, fried onions, nutella, jams/jellies, etc., but

if you go what: cory’s grilled cheese where: george and glebe streets; king and spring streets hours: 11 a.m.3:15 p.m., monday and thursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m., tuesday, friday and sunday; 11 p.m.-until, friday and saturday. more info: 580-2145 or www.corysgrilled

sometimes it’s difficult to taste the add-ons. This is the reign of cheese, and buttered-up, crisped-up bread. and that, my friends, is plenty.

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E13

eating Lowcountry with a little bit of italian

By deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier


almetto Flats restaurant and tavern is the kind of place you want to succeed. The owners have painstakingly painted and renovated their strip mall space. a color palette of mushroom, espresso and lavender wears well at lunch and dinner. Black tab curtains drape the window wall along the parking lot view and are much needed as the sun sets. at the time of our visit, a stage was under construction and plans were being made for live music. sunday brunch was also a work in progress and is now offered along with the mellow sounds of acoustic jazz. slowly but surely this locally owned and operated restaurant demonstrates the earnest intents of its management. The staff is friendly but could benefit from a bit more training on the menu preparations. many of our questions required a trip back to the kitchen for our affable server. and you will have questions. a side of “orzo pasta” is a cold salad; cauliflower also was “pickled” and chilled, so you may want to sleuth the sides when you are ordering. most entrees come with your choice of two sides unless they are pasta- or grits-based dishes. italian is the accent in the kitchen where chicken appears in a panzanella salad ($9.49), an italian bread salad with the addition of grilled chicken and mozzarella cheese. and the tuna salad ($7.99) is seasoned with capers, olives and mozzarella cheese. yet sauerkraut and pierogies find equal measure as an appetizer ($5.99) and an accompaniment to a daily special of pork shank. Fried green tomatoes ($8.99) layered with house-made pimiento cheese show off the restaurant’s southern side, and barbecue and buffalo

brad nettles/staff

Palmetto Flats Restaurant and Tavern is in the Summerville Galleria off Bacons Bridge Road. wings tender the bar trade with heat and smoke. salads ($7.99-$10.99) are of the entree kind and a small side salad is available with entrees or for $1.99 at lunch. This simple side is a spring mix of greens with cucumbers and tomatoes served on a nicely chilled plate with your choice of dressing. Flatbreads, from which the restaurant takes it name, are round, thin and crisp pizzalike doughs topped with a variety of ingredients as well as “flatbread” sandwiches that are given the panini treatment. you may choose from flatbread appetizers, open-faced flatbreads and flatbread sandwiches. The menu is varied and the dinner service menu kicks in at 4 p.m. monday-saturday and most of sunday. daily specials have included butternut squash ravioli with a brown butter and sage sauce, shrimp and grits, and pork

shanks with sauerkraut. kudos to the kitchen for kicking it up a notch with its menu: cracked pistachios crust a white, firm-fleshed swai fish ($13.49); meatloaf ($12.99) is stuffed with wild mushrooms and wrapped in a puff pastry crust. artichokes partner with spinach in a chicken breast Florentine ($13.99); and cornmealcrusted catfish finds a soul sister in yellow grits and andouille sausage gravy ($13.49). steamed broccoli, glazed carrots, and a basic cucumber and sour cream salad are healthy signs of a kitchen that is embracing smart menu choices. The more expansive and frequently tasteless veal in a scaloppini is abandoned for a lean pork cutlet ($12.99) that is pounded (not quite thin enough) and topped with sage, prosciutto and slow-roasted lemon slices.

if there was a common thread to the kitchen at palmetto Flats, it was the prepping of the ingredients: the prosciutto sliced too thick; the cold salads underseasoned, the cheeses not melted on the flatbreads: all easy to fix. Fans of french fries ($3.49) will be happy to know that a full pound is served as an “appetizer.” true oxymoron, that one — what appetite would be left after a pound of fries? The staff was friendly and engaged. all palmetto Flats needed were some customers as they were not very busy at the time of the weekend dinner visit. our server was counting on that stage to set the floodlights on new business. with menu pricing that nicely favors your budget, easy parking and a wide swath of food choices, you may want to check them out.

palmetto flats cuisine: eclectic american category: neighborhood favorite Location: 975 bacons bridge road, summerville (bi-lo shopping center: summerville galleria) phone: 419-6430 hours: daily 11 a.m.-4 p.m. lunch, dinner 5 p.m.10 p.m., sunday brunch 11 a.m.-3 p.m. food:  1/2 service:  atmosphere:  price: $-$$ costs: appetizers $3.49-$8.99, flatbreads $7.99-$9.49, salads $7.99-$10.99, sandwiches $7.49-$8.99, entrees $12.99-$14.99, daily specials mp. vegetarian options: yes bar: full-service bar; happy hour 4:30-7:30 p.m. decibeL LeveLs: varies; live music planned in the future wheeLchair access: yes parking: yes other: facebook, catering, special events and daily specials. last wednesday of the month wine tastings. Jazz offered during sunday brunch.

E14: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

By deidre schipani for more.

‘hole in one’

z Fish restaurant, 442 king st., has recently hired craig Bente as restaurant manager.

Special to The Post and Courier

The wentworth mansion and John rutledge house inn are offering exclusive golf, dining and accommodation packages for the upcoming pga championship on kiawah island, scheduled for aug. 9-12. The sold-out 94th pga championship will feature the top players in the world, and is expected to bring more than 50,000 visitors to the state. The hole in one and Birdie packages are designed to give guests an opportunity to take in the best of downtown charleston and attend one of the most exciting sporting events in the world. The wentworth mansion, ranked no. 3 on the u.s. news & world report annual “top 10 hotels in the usa” list for 2012 and voted one of the 2012 “top 500 hotels in the world” by travel + leisure magazine, is offering a hole in one package that includes a three-night stay, coveted tickets to two days of the pga championship and meals at circa 1886. The John rutledge house inn, a four diamond hotel, is offering a Birdie package, which includes a three-night stay and two days of the pga championship. Find out more at www. or www.johnrutledgehouse

tasting menu

slightly north of Broad will be offering an unusual experience at the chef’s table with special tasting menus. with only six seats available, the chef’s table overlooks the kitchen that gives guests a chance to experience the vast range of slightly north of Broad’s culinary team’s repertoire and creative and technical kitchen skills. each week there will be a different menu accompanied by descriptions of the courses from the culinary team, for a deeper look and under-

fish in the news

z Jodie Battles, the general manager at Fish, has been honored with a les dames d’escoffier legacy award. This award, supported by the Julia child Foundation, will allow Battles an intensive week with carolyn wente, ceo of the wente Family estates Vineyard. Battles will experience the production of a wine from harvest to bottle. only six such awards are given each year.

bring home the bacon


The Wentworth Mansion and John Rutledge House Inn are offering exclusive golf, dining and accommodation packages for the upcoming PGA Championship on Kiawah Island. standing of the tasty fare. The exclusive tasting menu at the chef’s table will be offered every sunday evening with two different times for dinner, one seating at 5:30 p.m. and a second seating at 8 p.m. The prix fixe dinner is $40, $55 with wine pairings. tax and gratuity are not included. call 723-3424 to reserve a spot. go to www.slightly for more information.

and gratuity. reserve a spot at 881-4711. laura alberts is at 891 daniel island drive, daniel island.

Queology, the barbecue team representing the market street saloon of north charleston, took first place in pork and third place overall in a recent barbecue competition sponsored by the sam’s club national BBQ tour. The team will compete in the finals in tennessee on sept. 22.

sticky fingers at 20

sticky Fingers smokehouse restaurant celebrates 20 new at tristan years in the barbecue busichef nate whiting welness and 16 locations in the comes summer with a new south. it opened the first lobar and dinner menu. if cation in mount pleasant in yours is an appetite for 1992. to celebrate this annivanilla-poached lobster and versary, all full racks of ribs compressed watermelon sal- can be yours for $19.92. ad, head in to tristan restau- check www.stickyfingers. rant at 10 linguard st. call com for more specials and 534-2155 or go to tristan locations.

mamma returns

mary alice Brown has returned to mount pleasant with her signature mamma Brown’s BBQ. her new location is at 2840 highway 17 near s.c. route 41. hours are 11 a.m.-9 p.m. monday-saturday and 11 a.m.-3 p.m. sunday.

wine and dine

laura alberts tasteful options will host a four-course wine dinner at 7 p.m. Friday. The wines of J. lohr will be featured, and chef matt provided Brigham has designed a Sticky Fingers is celebrating 20 years by offering discomplementary menu. counts on full racks of ribs. The cost is $55, plus tax

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E15

village playhouse goes out with a dash of cash in its debut performance in charleston. There will be free beer, wine and food while supplies last. The event will be behind artisan tees, 47 spring st., in the back parking lot. call 828-406-7904 or go to for more.

‘filling the frame’


s you may have already heard, the Village playhouse and repertory company will soon move from mount pleasant to downtown charleston. But before they leave their home of so many years, they’ve decided to go out with a bang. it’s a “rip-roaring, footstomping musical tribute to a true american legend, the ‘man in black’ himself, Johnny cash,” said keely enright, artistic director. For the past two years they have put on this particular show around independence day and it’s always been a huge success. “we couldn’t wait to bring it back again this year,” enright said. “This is not a play but a musical celebration, incorporating the biggest hits of Johnny’s career with some of the many patriotic tunes that Johnny sang and recorded in his lifetime, as well. “he is still beloved the world over. his story is a real american story of success, heartbreak, struggles and ultimately triumph. he is considered a true american, not only for the time he served in america’s armed forces in the air Force, but for the people he represented in song: the underdogs, the disheartened and those at the end of their rope. “he gave voice to the dark side of america, and praised the strong and the determined part of the american spirit, as well,” enright said. “he continues to be an inspiration for millions, and his records continue to be as relevant today as 40 years ago. many of his best hits

local artist rebecca west Fraser has been curating shows of late, and they’ve been quite interesting. Friday through sunday, she’ll be showing the abstract pen and ink works of architect and artist alan

Jackson at christophe artisan chocolatier, 90 society st. The solo exhibit, “Filling the Frame” will “feature a large selection of small-scale drawings as well as mediumand large-scale works. These meditative pieces noted for their precision have been executed on various backgrounds including paper, canvas and wood,” Fraser said. Join them for the opening reception 6-9 p.m. Friday. For more information, contact Fraser at 870-5155 or rebeccawestfraser@gmail. com.

Home&Garden Sundays in


The Village Playhouse’s final performance at its Mount Pleasant location is a tribute to Johnny Cash. were historical in nature and capture the essence of real americans.” They also will be putting together a cookout with hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill in front of the playhouse before the show. The red, white and cash band will also be playing before and during the show. shows will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday and saturday; 5 p.m. sunday; and 7:30 p.m. July 5, 6 and 7. tickets are $30 for adults, $25 for seniors, $20 for stu-

dents and $15 for kids 15 and under. come see the very last show at the original Village playhouse, 730 coleman Blvd., in the Brookgreen towne centre in mount pleasant. purchase tickets by calling 856-1579 or online at www.

final friday

artisan tees, a locally owned business on spring street, has been producing its Final Fridays series for quite a while now.

gaining popularity and consistency, it’s worth checking out this free, opento-the-public event 6-9 p.m. Friday. This month, art institute of charleston student and artist christopher hudson and world-traveled photographer adam chandler will be the featured visual artists. Their work will be accompanied by musical entertainment from the electronic-based sole symphony and a dance performance by the coalesce company

Spruce things up.

E16: Thursday, June 28, 2012

Justin bieber


Justin, buddy, what’s going on? you’re 18 years old now, a grown man. it seems like just yesterday you were a precocious teenager from canada who was on the rise in the pop world thanks to some well-publicized youtube videos. preteen girls the world over caught a huge dose of Bieber Fever, and you capitalized on that newfound fame, starring on tV’s “csi,” even crafting your own fragrance. now, while i certainly have no interest in knowing exactly what scents make up Bieber Fever, i don’t fault you for cashing in. Fame is fleeting. you can be hot one minute and moved to the bargain bins the next. you need to strike while the iron is hot. so why then on your new album, “Believe,” do you sound like you’re distancing yourself from your core audience? song’s such as “all around the world” and “Boyfriend,” while they are still big pieces of cotton candy pop heaven, also have a new sense of maturity to them. ok, so maybe “mature” is stretching it a bit, but when you sing about “chillin’ by the fire while we’re eating fondue,” as you do in “Boyfriend,” well, that’s a bit much. There are some decent moments here, especially when you team up with drake on “right here.” But all in all, you sound like you’re trying to grow up too fast. There’s plenty of time to get old, buddy. embrace your youth. and i’d like to speak to whoever decided on the amount of auto-tune that was necessary on the new cd. There’s way too much of it. while i have no doubt you’ll sell millions of albums and singles, you should probably think about going back to your roots. i know that sounds insane, considering you’ve only been recording since 2009, but i’m guessing there was no auto-tune on those youtube clips that first got you noticed. Think about it, ok?


key tracks: “all around the world,” “boyfriend,” “right here”

The post and courier

kenny chesney

Welcome to the Fishbowl/Sony Nashville

anyone who is a fan of kenny chesney knows that the popular country singer would really rather be Jimmy Buffett. since that is impossible, chesney has made do with largely duplicating the career arc of the mayor of margaritaville, releasing albums that mix elements of country and caribbean in doses that make cowboy hats and boat drinks seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. on his latest effort, “welcome to the Fishbowl,” chesney makes a surprising turn, getting serious and, in some cases, depressing as he tackles subjects such as terminal illness and lost love. Folks expecting to crack a beer and kick back while listening to this new release might want to reconsider. The songs here are far more thought-provoking and mature than anything chesney has released in the past, and in my opinion, it’s the best thing he’s ever recorded. chesney took a big gamble breaking largely from his “yeehaw, mon!” formula, but he pulls it off. “sing ’em good my Friend,” which deals with mortality, is easily the deepest and most touching song chesney has ever recorded. The album’s title track, which deals with the loss of privacy in today’s world, is smart and catchy. other standout tracks include “Feel like a rock star” and “i’m a small town.” kudos to chesney for taking a big chance here.


key tracks: “sing ‘em good my friend,” “welcome to the fishbowl,” “i’m a small town”

glen hansard

Rhythm and Repose/ANTI

irish artist glen hansard is a man of many musical hats. he performed as a street busker as a young man, fronted the band The Frames for more than two decades and starred in alan parker’s woefully underrated 1991 movie “The commitments.” Though hansard is probably best known for the 2006 film “once,” in which he played a street performer who collaborates with a fellow musician, played by marketa irglova. The song “Falling slowly” from that indie film earned hansard and irglova an academy award for best original song. on “rhythm and repose,” hansard’s new solo album, the artist further proves his depth with a collection of intense and emotional songs. “in time this won’t even matter, this chapter will be long under grass,” sings hansard on “you will Become,” a song that tries to downplay the importance of someone after the romance ends. hansard bares his heart and soul on this mostly somber and low-key performance. on one of the album’s more emotional songs, “Bird of sorrow,” hansard repeats the phrase “hanging on,” almost as if in an attempt to convince the listener, or perhaps himself, that he won’t give up. anyone who has followed hansard’s career with The Frames and later with his work with irglova knows that the irishman is a gifted songwriter. on “rhythm and repose,” hansard shoots for the stars, and in most cases hits his marks.


key tracks: “you will become,” “maybe not tonight,” “bird of sorrow”

— by devin grant

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E17

By matthew godBey

Special to The Post and Courier

the black Lillies

when the folk band The everybodyfields dissolved in 2009, the pieces scattered. Vocalists sam Quinn and Jill andrews both went on to pursue solo careers, while pedal-steel guitarist tom pryor and drummer Jamie cook went on to join an americana group called The Black lillies. i know, i know, americana bands are quickly becoming overdone, a genre as crowded as grunge in the early ’90s and alt-metal in the late ’90s. it seems everyone wants to be from the south and play in a “we’re not a country band” type of country band, but there are some good ones out there. The Black lillies is one of the good ones. while the band does follow in the footsteps of others, the knoxville, tenn.-based quintet leaves some deep imprints behind. The band’s formation is actually several separate parts coming together to form something singular. songwriter cruz contreras set out to record several songs he had written following his divorce from singer robinella Bailey and the dissolution of the pair’s own band, robinella and the ccstringband. contreras recruited pryor and cook, also castaways, along with trisha gene Brady to sing harmony and a relative unknown yet impressive jazz bassist, robert richards, to help him get the muddy-yet-tender blues, jazz and country sound he was seeking. The Black lillies released its debut, “whiskey angel,” in april 2009, after spending a weekend recording in contreras’s living room. The record’s honest confrontation with personal heartbreak and the ensuing struggle to find hope somewhere in the ashes resonated immediately with audiences and critics alike, and The Black lillies was asked to play Bonnaroo two weeks later. The band would later be asked to perform at the

The Black Lillies americana music association’s annual americana music Festival in 2010, 2011 and 2012. “whiskey angel” was nominated for an independent artist award in 2011 and won the “Vox populi” (“people’s choice”) award for best americana album. The Black lillies is currently on tour in support of its latest album, “100 miles of wreckage.” The band will perform tonight at The pour house, 1977 maybank highway, with The honeycutters. tickets are $8 at the door or online at doors open at 9 p.m. go to charlestonpour or call 571-4343 for more information.

carbon Leaf

The tale of Virginia’s celtic-inspired folk/rock quintet carbon leaf is one that probably inspires as much as it does deter. with a little less than two decades under its belt, there’s no overnight success story here, no jet-setting, arena-filling history to brag about either. There’s not


even a chart-topping record to discuss, even out of the dozen or so that have been

released. no, carbon leaf’s story is one of bitter devotion and perseverance, more akin to fighting for years in the trenches than flying high on the charts and in the skies. it’s a more realistic tale of what it takes to survive in the music business for such a length of time. The band has experienced its share of ups and downs over the years, having toured with the likes of the dave matthews Band, John mayer, The avett Brothers and counting crows, and finding some success on the indie charts some years ago with 2006’s “love, loss, hope, repeat” and 2009’s “nothing rhymes with woman.” But despite never striking it big, carbon leaf seems content. The band decided to leave its label, Vanguard records, in 2010 and return to making music on its own again, self-funding everything from tours to records and relying on the internet to sell its albums. carbon leaf is now on tour in support of its latest

from how to play the guitar to how to back up a trailer. such a tribute by his sons says something about a man, something that his sons have captured so deeply in their songs that one can hear the grinding of truck gears and the smell of grease on their fingertips. There’s a deep-rooted sense of authenticity in the band’s music, an honesty that fans and critics alike have praised for the last six years. The band recently released sons of bill its third full-length album, consisting of three broth- “sirens,” after a successful ers and two longtime project friends, Virginia-based raised more than $40,000, a americana band sons of total that far surpassed the Bill’s story sounds like band’s $20,000 goal, which it was surely scripted for was met in less than 24 some southern tale about hours. fathers and sons, brothers sons of Bill will perform and growing up. rick Bragg tuesday at The windjamor pat conroy might have mer, 1008 ocean Blvd., with imagined it if it wasn’t alradiolucent. tickets are $8 ready true. in advance, $10 the day of The eldest three of six the show and are available at children, the wilson broth- or at the door. doors open at ers decided to name their 9 p.m. band after their father, Bill call 886-8596 or visit wilson, a professor of losophy and a songwriter who taught them everything for information. release, “how the west was one.” The band will perform saturday at The windjammer, 1008 ocean Blvd., with local singer and songwriter luke cunningham. tickets are $10 in advance, $12 the day of the show and are available at or at the door. doors open at 9 p.m. call 886-8948 or go to for more information.

E18: Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012: E19


top gun party

outdoor film fest

do you feel the need … the need for speed? then head out to the aircraft carrier yorktown, 40 patriots point road, mount pleasant, on saturday for a night of ’80s fun. break out your best pair of aviators and enjoy an evening of live music in the name of charity, as the event benefits camp happy days. from 7-11 p.m., nosh on food from the black bean company, Jack’s cosmic dogs and d’allesandro’s and enjoy specialty drinks from miX premier bartending, redbull and svedka. cost is $35. find out more at

cinebarre’s free summer movie series continues monday with the coen brother’s classic “raising arizona.” the pg-13 flick stars holly hunter and nicolas cage (rocking some serious sideburns) as a childless ex-con and ex-cop couple that decides to help themselves to one of another family’s quintuplets, and it all just goes downhill from there for the pair. food, music and fun starts at 6 p.m. with the movie staring at dark. and don’t forget your blanket and/or lawn chair. go to for more information.

white haute nights get ready to strut your stuff! tabbuli, 6 n. market st., is hosting this south beach-style evening friday, the first in a series of summer fashion events. view cynthia rowley’s summer collection (yes, the designer whose clientele includes Julia roberts, scarlett Johansson and anne hathaway) that includes menswear, womenswear, eyewear and handbags, as you sip on specialty cocktails. mediterranean-inspired fare will be provided and silverman sounds will provide the music. white haute nights will be 7-10 p.m. and models will be styled by alexandra styles. for more, call 628-5959.

continuing the reggae nights series, the charleston county park and recreation commission hosts da gullah rootz at James island county park, 871 riverland drive, on saturday. from 8-11 p.m., the music begins at 8:30 p.m., the charleston-based reggae band will perform their “eclectic and diverse melodies,” which intermingle a variety of reggae styles including ska and dancehall. food, including caribbean-style dishes, pizza and other festival foods, and beverages will be available for purchase. outside alcohol and coolers are prohibited. vendors will be on-site displaying handmade crafts and souvenirs available for purchase. tickets are $8, gold pass holders and kids under 12 get in free. find out more at or by calling 7954386.


music on the green

fish fry hope you’re hungry! on saturday, sullivan’s island fire and rescue will host its 63rd annual department benefit fish fry. featuring $5 plates, options include fish with hushpuppies and fixings and hot dogs. top it all off with a sweet snow cone. there also will be live music provided by fowler’s mustache and a jump castle for the kids. the 5-8 p.m. fry will take place at the big tin at hennessey street and poe avenue next to fort moultrie. for more info, call 883-9944 or go to www.sullivans

reggae concert series


billfish classic

south carolina’s first multi-port billfishing tourney, the carolina billfish classic promises “a whole new level of billfishing.” and with the fishing comes parties. the third leg of the s.c. governor’s cup billfishing series, the classic began wednesday and runs through saturday and offers a hefty sum for the first place billfish: $20,000. the fishing begins today, and a party will be held at 7:30 tonight and at 7 p.m. saturday on goldbug island. but the party you won’t want to miss is the fourth annual south carolina memorial reef auction set for 7 p.m. friday on goldbug. call 571-0013 for more. for details on the classic and the parties, check out

the final show in freshfields village’s free, outdoor concert series will be 6-9 p.m. friday. kick up your heels to the offerings from the david landeo band, which promises an interactive show that includes dance, country, reggae and beach music. food and drinks will be available for purchase. guests are encouraged to bring a blanket or beach chairs. freshfields village is on Johns island between kiawah and seabrook islands. check out or www. village for more info.

Members of the Second South Carolina Regiment fire muskets at Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island during a Carolina Day celebration.

carolina day today, in honor of the 236th anniversary of the battle of sullivan’s island, fort sumter national monument is hosting a day of free activities and waiving entrance fees for fort moultrie. this year’s event features revolutionary war musket demonstrations, fife and drum music and a period medical program. the programs will be ongoing throughout the day from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. the fort and visitor center will be open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. for more information, call 883-3123 or go to in addition, the president of the fort sumter-fort moultrie historical trust, doug macintyre, will present the keynote address at the carolina day ceremony at white point garden. the ceremony will begin with a 10 a.m. service at st. michael’s church, 71 broad st., followed by a procession from washington park to white point garden at 11 a.m. after a wreath-laying ceremony and a performance by the charleston community band, macintyre will share little-known facts about the people involved in one of the most complete patriot victories of the american revolution.

revolutionary war focus tours the charleston museum’s heyward-washington house, 360 meeting st., is celebrating the nation’s independence with a special tour at 4 p.m. tuesdayJuly 5. learn about how thomas heyward Jr. and elizabeth heyward were a part of the events of the revolution; from signing the declaration of independence to serving under gen. william moultrie to a stand against the british. admission is $10, $5 for children; charleston museum members get in free. reservations are not required. find out more by calling 722-2996, ext. 235, or by going to www.

party at the point atlanta-based rock band drivin’ n cryin’ takes the stage friday for the second-to-last installment of the 2012 party at the point season, “charleston’s premier happy hour concert series.” opening for drivin’ n cryin’ is luke cunningham, who will offer up a variety of rock and pop music. held from 5:30-9:30 p.m. at the charleston harbor resort and marina, 20 patriots point road, mount pleasant, the party includes $2 draft (until it runs out) plus drink specials from cuervo and captain morgan. admission is $15. after the event, the live music will continue at the official after-party at wild wing cafe on coleman boulevard. find out more at www.charleston

dive-in movie make a splash at the sanctuary, 1 sanctuary beach drive, kiawah island, tonight. families are invited out to the pool to float or lounge and enjoy “the smurfs” on the inflatable movie screen at 8:45 p.m. the loggerhead grill will extend its hours through the end of the event so that attendees may purchase food and beverages. the movie is free. find out more at accommodations/the-sanctuary or by calling 768-6296.

summer kid series James island 8 cinema, 1743 central park road, is offering up a $2 movie (that also covers a drink and popcorn) at 10 a.m. thursdays. today’s movie is “kung fu panda,” an animated tale where po the panda finds himself chosen as the dragon warrior despite the fact that he is obese and a complete novice at martial arts. for more info, call 7624904.

E20: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

fourth of July pick your party as they begin on friday and run through wednesday By allison nugent


appy 236th birthday, usa! independence day honors the birthday of the united states of america and the adoption of the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. and as we’re a country that loves to celebrate, what better way to do it than with multiple parties. a day of picnics and patriotic parades, concerts and fireworks, Fourth of July is all about having a good time (safely, of course). we’ve done the legwork for you in rounding up a comprehensive list of what’s going on in the area. now you just have to make the hard decision of which event you’ll attend.

Charleston Independence Day at Middleton Place

what: hear the fife and drums and smell the gun powder as reenactors celebrate the nation’s birthday. view displays of period weapons, uniforms and see how 18th-century troops lived, including cooking and musket firing demonstrations. partake in a reading of the declaration of independence, kid’s militia muster and drill. when: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. wednesday where: middleton place, 4300 ashley river road price: general admission, which is $25 for adults, $15 for students, $10 for children 6-13, children 5 and under get in free more info: 556-6020 or www.

RiverDogs game

what: as the riverdogs will be away on the fourth, they’re celebrating early with a special fireworks show in addition to their two-for-tuesday (two-for-one ticket discounts at the box office) and craft beer tap tuesday (sample the featured craft beer at a special tasting booth) offerings. the riverdogs will be playing the

greenville drive. when: 6:35 p.m. tuesday where: the Joe, 360 fishburne st. price: $7-$16 more info: 723-7241 or www.

Fishy Fourth

what: celebrate in one of the prime spots overlooking the cooper river, the arthur ravenel Jr. bridge and patriots point. enjoy the aquarium, including the new madagascar Journey exhibit, a 4-d movie, face painting, music and crafts. barbecue will be provided by smoky oak taproom and holy city brewing will be serving up suds. tickets include beer, refreshments and food. guests who want to view the fireworks show over charleston harbor from the riverside terrace can bring chairs and/or blankets. no personal coolers are allowed. when: 7-10:30 p.m. wednesday where: south carolina aquarium, 100 aquarium wharf price: $55 for adults, $30 for children, kids 3 and under get in free; aquarium members get a $5

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thursday, June 28, 2012: E21

Festival in the Park

events from page e20

what: the town of moncks corner and the berkeley county family ymca are celebrating a little early with a day of food vendors, artists and crafters from around the state. there will be live music and entertainment for the kids that includes jump castles and water slides. fireworks will go off at dusk. when: gates open at 2 p.m. saturday where: old santee canal park, 900 stony landing road price: free, with donations for the fireworks show taken at the gate. more info: 761-9622 or berkeleycounty

discount ($50 for adults, $25 for children) more info: 577-fish (3474) or www.scaquarium. org

Sizzling Southern Celebration

what: wentworth mansion and circa 1886 are celebrating in true southern fashion. chef marc collins will be serving a picnic-themed menu that includes antelope burger sliders, carolina peel ’n’ eat shrimp, summer truffle and fingerling potato salad, whiskey baked beans, watermelon floats and banana pudding ice cream sandwiches. live music will be provided. after dinner, guests are invited to the mansion’s lawn to watch the fireworks display. wentworth mansion also is offering a package for those who want to stay overnight; $499 per couple includes the above dinner and a one-night stay. when: 7:30-10 p.m. wednesday where: circa 1886 and the lawn of the wentworth mansion, 149 wentworth st. price: $70, which includes a glass of champagne and all food but excludes tax, gratuity and additional beverages. more info: 853-7828 or

Mount Pleasant Fourth of July Blast

what: patriots point opened up the flight deck of the aircraft carrier yorktown for the first time to party patrons. and while the 1,000 tickets sold out in record time, there’s still plenty of space landside. the east coast party band and the explorers club, fresh off opening for earth, wind & fire, will provide the musical entertainment starting at 6 p.m. on the flight deck; a radio station will be piping music on the ground. games will be on-site to keep the kids busy. food and beverages from local vendors will be available for purchase. patriots point offers another prime spot to catch the fireworks show over the cooper river. when: 5:30 p.m. wednesday where: patriots point, 40 patriots point road price: free; $10 per vehicle parking fee for all who wish to park at patriots point more info:

Firefly Fireworks Harbor Cruise

what: head out for an evening on the water and watch the fireworks show from there. enjoy a harbor cruise on the carolina Queen and enjoy live music provided by the louie d. project, featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals with four-part harmonies and a dynamic rhythm section. partake in a picnic-style buffet offering lowcountry boil, fried chicken and more, and sip on firefly drink specials. when: 8-10 p.m. wednesday; boarding begins at 7:30 p.m. where: boat leaves from the charleston city marina, 17 lockwood drive price: $57.50 for adults, $35 for children under 12 more info: 810-0055

Blues and BBq Harbor Cruise

what: enjoy a sunset cruise on the belle while enjoying a catered buffet by fiery ron’s home team bbQ, live music provided by shrimp city slim, followed by the fireworks show over charleston harbor. when: 8-10 p.m. wednesday; boarding begins at 7:30 p.m. where: boat leaves from the charleston maritime center, 10 wharfside st. price: $50 for adults, $30 for children under 12 more info: 722-1112 or www.charlestonharbor

Sunset Sail and Fireworks

what: enjoy a sunset cruise on the schooner pride. bring a picnic supper to enjoy; beverages will be available on board. after your ride, stay on board for a dockside view of the fireworks over charleston harbor. when: 8-10 p.m. wednesday; boat boards at 7:30 p.m. where: boat leaves from the charleston maritime center, 10 wharfside st. price: $50 for adults, $40 for children under 12 more info: 722-1112 or www.charlestonharbor

Full Moon Fireworks Tours

what: see the fireworks from a different vantage point. charleston outdoor adventures is offering paddle board and kayak (tandem and single) tours through the saltwater estuaries as the moon rises and the fireworks flash. when: 8-10 p.m. tuesday and wednesday where: charleston outdoor adventures, 1871 bowens island road price: $45 more info: 795-0330 or www.charleston



what: new south, ace of spades entertainment and pretty fly society present revolution: the official independence day party, a musical celebration. hosted by Jb of highstar entertainment, music will be provided by dJ boss hogg, dJ root and dJ tantrum. when: 10 p.m. wednesday where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $10 more info:

Folly Beach Fireworks

what: a fireworks display will be shot off from the ocean just off the beach at dark. when: dusk wednesday where: edwin s. taylor fishing pier, 1 center st. price: free more info: or www.folly

Goose Creek Fabulous Fourth in the Creek

what: take part in kid’s activities, including a jump castle, listen to the party on party band and nosh on goodies from food vendors. the fireworks display begins at 9:30 p.m. alcohol, pets or outside fireworks (including sparklers) are not permitted. tailgating is not allowed in the parking areas. when: 6-9:30 p.m. wednesday where: marguerite h. brown municipal center, 519 north goose creek blvd. price: free more info:

Isle of Palms Fireworks

what: isle of palms’ fourth of July fireworks show begins after dark. individual fireworks are prohibited

and alcohol is not allowed on the beach. when: 8 p.m. wednesday where: front beach, off ocean boulevard price: free more info: 886-8294

Kiawah Island Celebrate the Red, White & Blue

what: enjoy the scenic oceanfront view from the terrace lawn while enjoying festive food and classic drinks. music will be provided by the all american band. activities will be provided for children. the fireworks show begins at 9:40 p.m. reservations are required. when: 5:30-9 p.m. wednesday where: the sanctuary terrace lawn, 1 sanctuary beach drive price: $48 for adults, $24 for children more info: 768-6253 or accommodations/the-sanctuary

Moncks Corner Street Dance

what: the town of moncks corner will hold its annual street dance, with music performed by custom 4 + 2. food vendors will be set up. bring your chairs; no pets or coolers. when: 8-11 p.m. friday where: moncks corner depot, 100 behrman st. price: free more info: 899-4708


what: the town of moncks corner holds its annual parade. the parade will begin at berkeley high school and ends just before the railroad tracks at east railroad avenue. when: 10 a.m. saturday where: moncks corner depot, 100 behrman st. price: free more info: 899-4708

uncle Sam Jam

what: enjoy the view from the pier at memorial waterfront park at the foot of the arthur ravenel Jr. bridge that stretches 1,250 feet into charleston harbor. permanent vacation will perform classic oldies and beach music for folks to dance to; the music begins at 8 p.m. the riverwatch cafe will be open for attendees to purchase treats and snacks; beverages will be available for purchase on-site. outside alcohol and coolers are prohibited. there will be no refunds issued or rain dates scheduled for this event. when: 7-11 p.m. wednesday where: mount pleasant pier, 71 harry hallman blvd. price: $10, $8 for charleston county residents, children 3 and under get in free more info: 795-4386 or

North Charleston 4th of July Festival

what: the city of north charleston hosts this annual festival, which offers a kids’ play area that will include jump castles and games, vendors and more. entertainment will be provided by common ground, coastrunners, atlanta pleasure band and ruben studdard (if the name sounds familiar, it’s because he was the season 2 winner of “american idol”). a fireworks display will begin at dark, coordinated with live music from equinox Jazz band. attendees can bring chairs and/or blankets. food vendors will be on hand. no alcohol is permissible within the park. when: 3-9 p.m. wednesday where: riverfront park, 1001 everglades drive price: free more info:

sullivan’s Island Special menu

what: atlanticville is tossing out the regular menu and offering up a special all-you-can-eat menu of pulled pork bbQ, burgers, hot dogs and all the fixin’s. they’ll also have drink specials. in between rounds at the dinner table, enjoy live music, dancing, spar-

please see events, page e22

E22: Thursday, June 28, 2012

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events from page e21

klers and more. reservations are required. bring a chair and set it up in the parking lot to watch the fireworks. when: wednesday where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. price: $20 adults, $15 children more info: 883-9452 or

summerville Red, White and Blue on the Green

what: promising to be bigger and better than ever this year, summerville dream, along with palmetto primary care and the post and courier, will host this annual old-fashioned family fun event that will include games, face-painting and jump castles along with a watermelon-eating contest. new activities will be a revolutionary war-era camp set up by the fort dorchester garrison re-enactors; on display will be world war ii jeeps, a nascar car driven by carl edwards and the carolina stingrays fanzam; and a train will be set up and offering rides. musical entertainment will be provided by the starlings. food vendors will be on hand to offer summer favorites for purchase. a costume contest for the best patriotic garb will be held; the winner will help lead the 7 p.m. parade, where decorated bicycles and wagons, families and pets march around the park and the most original and best decorated entrants are awarded prizes. when: 5-8 p.m. sunday where: hutchinson square, off main street price: wristbands cost $3, $2 for military families more info: 821-7260 or www.summervilledream. org


The parade at 2011’s Red, White and Blue on the Green in Summerville.


what: a fireworks display is slated to begin shortly after dusk. grills are not allowed in the park, but concessions including hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks and candy bars will be available for purchase. when: dusk wednesday where: gahagan sports complex, 515 w. boundary ave. price: free more info: 821-7260 or www.summervilledream. org

Wadmalaw Island Tasting

what: raise a glass and celebrate the nation’s birthday. for those not interested in being on the water, head to irvin-house vineyards and firefly distillery and take part in wine tastings or liquor offerings from firefly vodka, sweet tea bourbon, sea island rums and southern accents liqueurs. when: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. wednesday where: irvin-house vineyards, 6775 bears bluff road price: $6 to taste six of 15 liquors, $4 to taste five wines more info:


Fireworks explode over Charleston Harbor as crowds watch the Patriots Point display from the Fountain Walk pier downtown.

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E23

E24: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

neon candy carnival photographs by marie rodriguez

suede supper club in mount pleasant brightened up the night saturday with their neon candy carnival. dozens of people donned their best brights and pops of neon to party in the black-light lit club. hundreds of glow sticks and props added to the day-glo atmosphere. attendees nibbled on candy and cake pops and drank cotton candy martinis and other drink specials as they listened to dJ c-nile spin.

Todd Elkins, Michael Connolly and Stephen Robinson

Grace Cammann, Cassie Odachowski, Carly Shabo and Julia Olson

Janelli Saavedra and Kim Snodgrass

Stephanie Newton, Jackie Covert and Devin Simpson

Whitney Jones and Alli O’Brien

DJ C-Nile

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E25

more from neon candy carnival

Johnnilee Dono, Kimberlee Lisicki and Karen Paolucci

Marty Farmer, Teisha Comer, Jenny Miller and Angela Barnes

Christina Dolphin, Jade Magpantay and Shannon Powell

Thomas Zierenberg

Mike Jones, Anna Fuller and Ian Willis

Ken, Erica, Bennett, Martha and Rachel

Renee Tomlinson, Rachael Rhine and Brandi Brinkley

E26: Thursday, June 28, 2012


Circus of the Kids

what: circus of the kids, a traveling circus education program celebrating its 30th anniversary summer, is partnering with the Jewish community center’s camp baker. circus of the kids takes children and turns them into circus performers in less than a week. besides acrobatic skills, they teach children the life skills of self-reliance and esteem building. campers will learn the intricacies of juggling, clowning, tumbling and even trapeze acts. when: 7 p.m. June 28, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. June 29 where: charleston Jcc, 1645 wallenberg blvd. price: $9 advance, $12 at door more info: 614-6486 or www.

The post and courier for more weekend events, go online to

Native American Art

what: “we the people of kituhwa” is presented by chane and able productions as its fourth annual cherokee & native american art showcase. the show features works by watercolorist silvia williams as well as photography by Qbiart1789. gallery hours: 9 a.m.5 p.m. daily. when: through June 30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free admission/ free parking more info: 740-5854 or http://

Friday Music on the Green

what: music on the green returns. family-fun concerts will be held each week during the sum-

mer on the village green. guests can enjoy the sounds of rock and roll, jazz, funk, beach music, country and more. food and drinks will be available for purchase. it is recommended that you bring a beach chair or blanket for the event. sponsored by the town of kiawah. when: 6-9 p.m. fridays through aug. 31 where: freshfields village green, crossroads of Johns, seabrook and kiawah islands price: free more info: 816-6684 or http:// view/music-on-the-greensummer-concert-series

Art Show Cookout

what: this month you can view and enjoy the art of christopher

please see events, page e27

the deadline for items is friday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be submitted online at items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.

Tonight Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues quartet. when: 5:30 p.m. June 28 where: carolina belle, 10 wharfside st. more info: 722-1112

Kirby Easler and Friends

what: kirby easler is a self-taught finger-style guitarist from st. stephen. her influences include billy Joel, the beatles and tommy emmanuel. when: June 28 where: single smile cafe, 100-a south main st., summerville price: free more info: 875-7745

Frank Duvall Trio

Island Duo

when: June 28 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

what: calypso music. when: 7-10 p.m. June 28 where: crab shack, 24 center st., folly beach

Larry Ford and Co.

what: acoustic singer/guitarist. when: 7-9 p.m. June 28 where: pearlz oyster bar, 9

what: piano and saxophone. when: 6:30-10:30 p.m. June 28 where: halls chophouse, 434 king st.

Graham Whorley

what: rock and funk guitar. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. June 28 where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd., mount pleasant

Rene Russell

please see clubs, page e27

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events from page e26

hudson, photography by adam chandler as well as music by sole symphony, and a modern dance performance by the coalesce company. free beer, wine and food provided while supplies last. this event is open to the public and will be held in the parking lot behind artisan tees. when: 6-9 p.m. June 29 where: artisan tees, 47 spring st. price: free

‘Red, White and Cash’

what: the village playhouse invites you to celebrate independence day with a rip-roaring, foot-stomping musical tribute to a true american legend, the “man in black,” Johnny cash. hamburgers and hot dogs will be cooking on the grill out front of the playhouse before each show. when: 7:30 p.m. June 29 and 30, 5 p.m. July 1, 7:30 p.m. July 5, 6, 7 where: the village playhouse, 730 coleman blvd. more info: 856-1579 or www. season/13-season-11/79-redwhite-and-cash.html

saturday Shaggin’ on the Cooper what: spend an evening dancing to live classic oldies and beach music. beverages will be available for purchase on-site. only 800

thursday, June 28, 2012: E27 tickets will be sold for this event. advance purchase is recommended. in the event of cancellation, tickets will be good for any 2012 shaggin’ on the cooper event. ages 3 & up. when: 7-11 p.m. June 30 where: mount pleasant pier, 71 harry hallman blvd. price: $10/$8 ccr discount/$10 on-site if still available more info: 795-4386 or www.

castes and a bikini car wash. car/ bike show competition starts at 2 p.m.. winners will receive trophies and other prizes. when: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. July 1 where: rimtyme, 6185 rivers ave price: everyone free until 1 p.m.; $5 entry after 1 p.m. more info: anyone interested in being a vendor should contact tye boogie at 801-7221 or email

Reggae Concert Series


what: enjoy traditional old school roots reggae with a new school attitude. bring your chair or blanket and rock the night away to live music by da gullah rootz. food, beverage, and souvenirs will be available for purchase. outside alcohol and coolers are prohibited. no advance tickets will be sold. gates open at 7:30 p.m.; music begins at 8:30 p.m. when: 7:30 p.m. June 28 where: James island county park, 871 riverland drive price: fee: $8/free: gold pass holders & ages 12 & under more info: 795-4386 or www.

Outdoor Movie Series


what: cinebarre will host free outdoor screenings on the large outdoor screen. food, beverage and fun starts at 6 p.m. followed by the film at dark. the line-up is as follows: “raising arizona,” July 2; “superbad,” July 11; “talladega nights,” July 18; “ghostbusters,” July 25; “the lost boys,” aug. 1; “across the universe,” aug. 8. when: 6 p.m. wednesdays through aug. 8 (except monday, July 2, rather than July 4) where: cinebarre, 963 houston northcutt blvd. price: free more info: 216-2690 or http:// charleston-sc

Car/Bike Show


what: the larger than life car/ bike show will feature live entertainment, food vendors, free giveaways, three dJs, discounted rims, free rim giveaways, raffles, jump

Salute to Heroes

what: the charleston community band will present a free

clubs from page e26

where: planet follywood, 32 center st., folly beach

magnolia road more info: 573-2277

Champagne w/ Friends

Larry David Project

what: acoustic duo plays classic and contemporary rock covers. when: 7-10 p.m. June 28 where: poe’s tavern, 2210 middle st., sullivan’s island more info: 883-0083

Hippodrome Series

what: live music by grace adele and the grand band, leigh glass and the hazards. when: June 28 where: the charleston hippodrome, 360 concord st. more info: 452-1642

Carroll Brown

what: self-proclaimed “coastal folk and country music.” when: 9 p.m. June 28 where: tommy condon’s irish pub, 160 church st.

Derek Cribb

what: experimental reggae/rock singerguitarist. when: 9 p.m.-midnight June 28 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: free more info: 225-7427

Ric Wooten

what: acoutic tunes when: 9 p.m. June 28

what: funk/reggae/pop rock band will perform as part of the “island reggae” series. when: 9 p.m. June 28 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5 more info: 883-3131

Plane Jane

what: 7-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock and roll favorites from every era. where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd., mount pleasant more info: 971-9464

The Design

what: rock/pop cover band from raleigh, n.c. when: June 28 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Friday Keith Bruce

what: acoustic singer-songwriter/guitarist. when: 6-9 p.m. June 29 where: gilligan’s, 582 dock road, moncks corner more info: 761-2244

Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post modern funk band

concert of patriotic music. when: 6-7 p.m. July 3 where: smythe park lake floating dock, daniel island drive price: free more info: 856-0186 or www. charlestoncommunityband. com

Wednesday Laugh for a Lincoln

what: two to three acts of improv comedy. arrive by 7:30 p.m. for tickets. when: 8-10 p.m. wednesdays, through dec. 26 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $5 more info: 853-6687 or www.

sunday, July 8 Sprint Triathlon Series

what: this annual five-series race event will begin with a 600-yard freshwater swim, continue with a 12-mile bike ride and end with a 5k run. athletes may compete in one or all five races in the series. when: 6 a.m. same-day registration 7:15 a.m. start time July 8 where: James island county park, 871 riverland drive price: registration fees, per race, are $60 with t-shirt or $55 without t-shirt and a late fee will apply 10 days before the event

more info: 795-4386 or www.

Music in the Park

what: hanahan recreation and parks presents music in the park the second sunday of each month. traditional country and variety music open mike session, so bring your musical instrument and join in. hosted by the talk of the town band led by larry villa. when: 2 p.m. July 8 where: hanahan city hall, 1255 yeamans hall road price: free, open to the public more info: 225-5365

Thursday, July 12 Gay Men in America

what: charleston enlightenmen presents faces of gay men in america, an exposition of the photo essay book “gay in america” by scott pasfield. the evening starts with a brief catered reception. the exposition will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m., leading right into a one-hour panel discussion featuring men profiled in the book. the event will end with a book signing and an opportunity for the attendees to interact with the stage guests from “gay in america.” when: 7-10 p.m. July 12 where: south of broadway theatre company, 1080 e. montague ave. price: free

price: $10 more info: 557-7690

featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals with four-part harmonies and a dynamic rhythm section. when: 6-9 p.m. June 29 where: vendue inn rooftop bar, 23 vendue range st. more info: 810-0055

where: mulligans sports bar & restaurant, 1359 u.s. 17 south more info: 249-7145

Frank & Ronnie

Ballroom Dance Club

when: 6 p.m. June 29 where: blackbeard’s cove family fun park, 3255 u.s. highway 17, mount pleasant more info: 971-1223

Anthony Owens

what: rock/beach/pop. when: 6:30-10:30 p.m. June 29 where: halls chophouse, 434 king st.

Jazz Duo

when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. June 29 where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st., sullivan’s island more info: 883-9452

Fab 2

what: dance lessons followed by a dance party. when: 7:30-11 p.m. June 29 and 30 where: charleston ballroom dance club, 1632 ashley hall drive price: $5-$10 more info: 871-6575

Nick Collins

when: 7 p.m. June 29 where: salty mike’s bar, 17 lockwood drive

Bands at Oasis

when: 7-11 p.m. June 29 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

what: marytre, go Jenny go, primo noctis, rule #9, affectation and lost in the middle will perform. when: June 29 where: the oasis bar & grill, 778 folly road price: $8

Hot Jazz Swing Club

Old You

The James Slater Trio

what: instructor stephen duane teaches an intermediate and beginner swing dance lesson, followed by a dance party. when: intermediate lesson, 7:15 p.m.; beginner lesson, 8 p.m.; dance party, 8:45 p.m. June 29 where: spirit moves studio, 445 savannah highway

when: 9 p.m.-midnight June 29 where: blu restaurant and bar, 1 center st., folly beach price: free more info: 588-6658

please see clubs, page e28

People Up close and personal. Saturdays in

E28: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier


clubs from page e27

where: the music farm, 32 ann st. when: June 30

Never Tha Less Band

when: 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. June 29 and 30 where: the strike zone at dorchester lanes, 10015 dorchester road price: free

The Frank Duvall Trio

when: 7 p.m. June 30 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

Calhoun’s Calling

Louie D. Project

what: Jam/alternative/folk rock party band. when: 9 p.m.-midnight June 29 where: crab shack, 24 center st., folly beach

what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals with four-part harmonies and a dynamic rhythm section. when: 8-11 p.m. June 30 where: tabbuli, 6 n. market st. more info: 810-0055

Luke Cunningham

what: rock singer-songwriter. when: June 29 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd., mount pleasant more info: 971-9464

Music Man Entertainment

what: mike & rebecca singing some of the most popular hits and doing karaoke. when: 8-11 p.m. June 30 where: vfw post 3142, 3555 dorchester road price: $5

The Secrets

what: funk/jazz/soul party band. when: June 29 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Soul Fish

Kevin Church

what: four-piece party rock band. when: June 29 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st. more info: 722-9464

what: americana/blues/folk rock. when: June 30 where: crab shacks, 24 center st., folly beach

Thomas Champagne


what: indie folk rock band out of athens, ga. when: 10 p.m. June 29 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5 more info: 883-3131

The Cool

what: pop, rock, dance and

marie rodriguez

The Louie D Project plays at The Post and Courier’s Advantage Member Appreciation Party held at the S.C. Aquarium.. party covers. when: 10 p.m. June 29 and 30 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st., folly beach

Plane Jane

what: 7-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock and roll favorites from every era. where: wild wing cafe,

7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post modern funk band featuring louie d. on

sax and lead vocals with four-part harmonies and a dynamic rhythm section. when: 10:30 p.m. June 29 where: midtown bar & grill, 559 king st. more info: 810-0055

saturday Ben Fagan Band

when: 2-5 p.m. June 30 where: blu restaurant and bar, 1 center st., folly beach price: free more info: 588-6658

Whiskey Diablo

what: tunes from elvis, sinatra, ccr, gypsy jazz and blues. when: 6:30-10:30 p.m. June 30 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave., isle of palms price: free

Cheryl Z

where: mulligans sports bar & restaurant, 1359 u.s. 17 south more info: 249-7145

54 Bicycles

what: Jam band, widespread panic covers. when: 5 p.m. June 30 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: free more info: 571-4343

what: funk and reggae. when: 9 p.m. June 30 where: planet follywood, 32 center st., folly beach more info: 588-7380

Step Down Duo

when: 9 p.m.-midnight June 30 where: blu, one center st., folly beach price: free more info: 588-6658

Col. Bruce Hampton and The Pharoah Gummitt

what: blues/rock/jazz/soul fusion when: 9 p.m. June 30 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $10 more info: 571-4343

L Shape Lot

what: americana/bluegrass/ country/rock band from n.c. when: June 30 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd., mount pleasant more info: 971-9464

Junkyard Angel

what: americana/alternative country/rock. when: 10 p.m. June 30 where: fiery ron’s home team j bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5 more info: 883-3131

please see clubs, page e29

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E29

clubs from page e28


when: June 30 where: rehab bar and grill, 8484 dorchester road

The Krays

what: 5-piece classic rock band. when: June 30 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Homemade Wine

what: country/southern rock/ americana band from knoxville, tenn. when: June 30 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st. more info: 722-9464

sunday New South Jazzmen

when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. July 1 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

Dori Chitayat

what: spanish/flamenco guitar when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. July 1 where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st., sullivan’s island more info: 883-9452

Whiskey Diablo

when: 6-10 p.m. July 1 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

music and cajun weepers. when: July 1 where: suede supper club, 816 Johnnie dodds blvd.

Market Street Trio

what: Jazz when: July 1 where: tristan, 10 linguard st.

Plane Jane

what: 7-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock and roll favorites from every era. when: July 1 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st. more info: 722-9464

Sam Robinson and The Groove Elaters, featuring Artimus Pyle

what: blues/funk/jam/roots band from winston salem, n.c., with artimus pyle, drummer from lynyrd skynyrd. when: 10 p.m. July 1 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $8 more info: 883-3131

Monday Acousticmuffin

what: acoustic trio plays americana/reggae/rock favorites. when: 5 p.m. July 2 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: free more info: 571-4343

Ted McKee and friends Margaret Coleman where: d.d. peckers wing shack, and Wayne Dawes

more games at games.

1660 savannah highway price: free

Swamp Pop Shelly & The Bayou Ramblers

what: south louisiana swamp

ace’s on bridge


Today’s deal comes from the women’s event in last year’s Scandinavian bridge championships. Against three no-trump, Cecilia Rimstedt led her heart queen, ignoring her partner’s suit and focusing on her own — a very good decision today. When her partner had the king and unblocked it under declarer’s ace, the suit was already set up for the defenders. At trick two, Trine Dahl tried to steal the club trick she needed by running the club 10. But Rimstedt won the jack and quickly took her tricks for down one. That was 10 IMPs to Sweden when the Swedish pair at the other table scored 10 tricks in three no-trump after a spade lead. Ofcourse,declarershouldduck

the first heart, but let’s come back to the deal and compare the line followed by Pekka Viitasalo of Finland. Against him, when the heart queen was led, he ducked thetrick.Eastunblockedtheking to win the trick and continue the attack on hearts. Pekka won the second heart with the ace, played a diamond to his ace, and led a low club toward dummy, intending to finesse if West followed low. When West inserted the jack, Pekka called for the ace from dummy, then cashed his diamonds and the spade ace. Now he exited with a small heart to West, who could cash his two heart winners but then had to lead into declarer’s club tenace and concede the ninth trick.

where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

Songwriter’s Night

what: local performer susie summers hosts an open mike night for singer-songwriters. when: 8 p.m. July 2 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road more info: 225-7427

Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues pianist/ singer. when: 7 p.m. July 2 where: med bistro, 90 folly blvd. price: free

© United Feature Syndicate

Shovels and Rope

when: 8 p.m. July 2 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $8 more info: 571-4343

Tuesday Open Mike Night

what: acoustic music. when: 5:30 p.m. July 3 where: bakehouse charleston, 160 east bay st. price: free more info: 577-2180

James Slater Trio

when: 6 p.m. July 3 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

Open Mike Night

what: bring your musical instrument or voice and share your talent. check in with keith miller or greg neff upon arrival. when: 6 p.m. July 3 where: single smile cafe, 100-a main s. main st. price: free more info: 875-7745

The Reckoning Duo

what: acoustic grateful dead tunes. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 3 where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd., mount pleasant

The Algar Rhythms

when: 7-10 p.m. July 3 where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st., sullivan’s island more info: 883-9452

Big & Small

what: a new project featuring local drummer adam chase from emotive and black eyed susan. when: 9 p.m.-midnight July 3 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: free more info: 225-7427

Wednesday Anne Caldwell and Larry Ford Trio

when: July 4 where: high cotton, 199 east bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815

Green Barn Jam

what: live music by savage tongues, shatterdog, bent strings and Johnson’s crossroad. when: 6 p.m. July 4 where: sewee outpost, 4853 n. highway 17 price: $5 donation requested more info: 452-1642

Whiskey Diablo

what: rockabilly/blues/country. when: 7 p.m. July 4 where: salty mike’s bar, 17 lockwood drive

Acoustic Music Open Mike Night

when: 7-10 p.m. July 4 where: local market+coffee bar, 1331 ashley river road

Lowcountry Blues Club

what: local blues musicians rotate every wednesday, showcasing a wide variety of styles and talent. when: 8 p.m.-midnight July 4 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road more info: 225-7427

New South Jazzmen

what: a trad jazz band that plays a variety of standards. when: 8 p.m. July 4 where: osteria la bottiglia, 420 king st.

Fried Rainbow Trout

what: irish and folk favorites. when: 8:30 p.m. July 4 where: tommy condon’s irish pub, 160 church st.

Jeff Houts

what: acoustic/classic rock/ reggae. when: 9 p.m.-midnight July 4 where: crab shack, 24 center st., folly beach

Cherry Bomb

what: playing your favorite party rock songs from the ’80s to today. when: 9 p.m. July 4 where: the windjammer, 1008 ocean blvd.

Packway Handle Band

what: experimental bluegrass band from athens, ga. when: July 4 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: $5 more info: 883-3131

E30: Thursday, June 28, 2012

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: agenesis

aegis anise assign average mark 19 assignee words time limit 35 minutes gain gases can you find 27 gene or more words in genesis depraved? genie the list will be published tomorrow. gneiss ease – united feature syndicate 6/28 easing

today’s word: depraved

egis ness sage sane sang sans seeing seen seine senega sense siege

sign signee sine sing singe snag

the ruLes -words must be four

or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at

E32: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, June 28, 2012: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope aries (march 21-april 19): an old partner, friend or lover will contribute something special to your life. reopen doors that have been shut.

Leo (July 23-aug. 22): take on more, and thrive on the buzz you generate. don’t let anyone meddle in your affairs. take control and call the shots.

taurus (april 20-may 20): diversify when it comes to your resume and what you can offer professionally. you have to adapt to changing times if you want to get ahead.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): trusting what someone else says or wants you to do will result in a financial consequence. don’t let compliments go to your head.

gemini (may 21-June 20): take on a high-energy job. embrace opportunities that promise to teach you something new. present youself with confidence. cancer (June 21-July 22): the better prepared you are, the more cost-efficient you will be. work from home if possible, where you can be secretive about your plans.

Libra (sept. 23-oct. 22): concentrate on learning something new or improving your skills, image or attitude. love should dominate your day. scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21): set a strict budget that will allow you to focus on the most important changes you need to make in your life. success will be based on how responsible you are.

sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21): you can make personal and professional headway if you take a serious and responsible approach to partnerships and teamwork. capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): weigh the pros and cons of any offer before you jump in and take a risk. you need a change of scenery to rethink your next move. aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): emotions will be close to the surface. don’t react in haste. love is in the stars, and charm will lead to substantial gains. pisces (feb. 19-march 20): don’t get sidetracked. ask questions about what’s being offered and size up the long-term prospects of your

E34: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television JUN 28


6 PM


7 PM

C = Comcast Cable (N) = New (HD) = High Definition See complete TV listings Online at

= Broadcast


8 PM



9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM

News 2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel (R) (HD) Jeopardy! (N) 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials: Saving Hope: The Fight. ER night Rock Center with Brian Williams News 2 at 11PM (:35) The Tonight Show with Jay 3 (N) News (N) (HD) (HD) Swimming. z{| shift. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (N) Leno Tyler Perry. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Duets: Songs from the 2000s. First Wipeout: Hotties Versus Nerds 2.0. Rookie Blue: Girl’s Night Out. Driver ABC News 4 @ (:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel 8 6 (N) WCIV (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) live show. (N) (HD) Big Balls returns. (N) (HD) already dead. (N) (HD) 11 (N) (N) (HD) Live (HD) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (R) (:31) Broke Girl Person of Interest: Flesh and Blood. The Mentalist: At First Blush. Wrong- Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) WCSC (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (R) (HD) Five mob leaders. (HD) fully accused. (R) (HD) (N) (HD) man Blake Lively. (N) (HD) The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) Equitrekking: Big Pic: State Carolina Stories: The Lady in Black. Southern Lens: David’s Boat VoyPOV: Granito: How to Nail a Dictator. Film led to BBC World Charlie Rose (N) 11 WITV Spain. (R) House Wrap. Darlington Raceway. (R) age of the Swamp Fox. (R) ex-dictator’s indictment. (N) (HD) News (HD) Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Prophecy Beginnings Manna (N) Know Cause Empowered Awakening Awakening 230 Jewish WLCN Tunéame (N) Tunéame (N) Quiero ser grupero (N) Al extremo (N) El pelado de la noche (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 El milagro de los Santos (N) WAZS Judge Judy KaJudge Judy Car Family Feud (R) Family Feud (R) Take Me Out: Episode 4. (N) (HD) The Choice: Episode 6. (N) (HD) The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) 30 Rock: Into the Loves Raymond: 6 rate; gifts. (R) WTAT payment. and weather forecast. (N) Crevasse. Be Nice. Family Church of Simpsons (HD) Big Bang Penny’s Big Bang (HD) Without a Trace: Neither Rain Nor Without a Trace: Party Girl. Heir- Excused: Buggin’ Excused: Chem- 30 Rock: Pilot. Christine (HD) Everybody Con13 the WMMP Fonz. rival. (HD) Sleet. Postal worker. (HD) ess kidnapped. (HD) Out!. (HD) istry 101. (HD) cert. (HD) The First 48: Hale Storm. (HD) 48: A Simple Plan/The Rip-Off. First 48: Night Shift; Mobbed. Cajun (N) (HD) Cajun (N) (HD) Cajun (R) (HD) Cajun (R) (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 48 Cell phone traced. (R) (HD) A&E CSI: Miami: Caged. Horatio must CSI: Miami: Paint It Black. Dead “The Reaping” (‘07, Horror) aa (Hilary Swank) A religious skeptic “The Shawshank Redemption” (‘94, Drama) aaaa (Tim Robbins) An innocent man 58 protect AMC a MMA fighter. (HD) co-ed. (HD) probes the death of a child under mysterious circumstances. convicted of his wife’s murder copes with the horrors of prison. ab (HD) BET Awards ‘11 Comic Kevin Hart hosts hip-hop’s biggest event, awarding artists for their work. (R) (HD) Wendy (N) 18 106 & Park (N) (HD) BET Housewives Teresa’s efforts. Housewives Teresa’s efforts. Housewife Party fighting. (R) Kathy (N) Watch What Kathy (R) 63 Shahs Mike and GG decide. BRAVO Gullah Grub Healthcare SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk Silver 2 Tammy C2 Daily (R) (HD) Chappelle’s South Prk (R) South Prk (R) Comedy Central Roast of Flavor Flav (R) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 30 Rock (HD) 30 Rock (HD) Colbert (HD) Queens (HD) Seinfeld Seinfeld Breaking Opening night. (HD) Diaries Senior Year (R) (HD) WCBD News ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Final Offer: Sink or Swim. (N) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Final (R) (HD) 27 Auction (HD) DISC E! News (N) (HD) Soup (R) (HD) “Knocked Up” (‘07) (Seth Rogen) Pregnancy brings mismatches together. (HD) C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 Kardashian (R) (HD) E! Chopped: Pride on the Plate. Chopped: Far Far Out!. (HD) Chopped (R) (HD) Chef Mexican restaurant. (HD) Sweet: Hard Boiled Genius. Chopped (R) 34 Chopped (R) (HD) FOOD 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men Anger (N) Anger (N) Wilfred (HD) Louie (N) (HD) Brand X (N) Louie (R) (HD) Wilfred (HD) 23 2 1/2 Men FX Backstory: Blake Shelton. (R) Top 20: Sexy Videos. Today’s hottest country music videos. (N) Headline (R) Late Shift (N) Backstory (R) 147 Girls Night Out: Superstar Women of Country GAC Fam. Feud Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage (R) 179 Fam. Feud GSN Little House: The Faith Healer. Little House: Author, Author. Prairie: Crossed Connections. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Prairie: The King Is Dead. HALL Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Home (N) (HD) Selling LA (R) Selling NY London (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Selling NY 98 The Ultimate Crash (R) HGTV Swamp: Cold-blooded. (HD) Swamp: King of the Swamp. Swamp People: Man Down. Mountain: Survivng Winter. Swamp: Cold-blooded. (HD) Swamp (HD) HISTORY 126 Mountain: Miles from Home. Happy Days Dr. Quinn: Law of the Land. The Waltons: The Hunt. The Waltons: The Typewriter. Little: The Wild Boy, Part 2. Dr. Quinn Lobbying efforts. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Celeb (HD) Celeb (HD) Celeb (HD) Wife Swap: Chi; Edwards. Swap: Fulco; Samel-Garloff. 7 Days: Binions; Godovs. (HD) Bristol (R) (HD) Bristol (R) (HD) Swap af 29 Celeb (HD) LIFE Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Snooki (HD) Snooki (HD) Awkward (N) Snooki (HD) Awkward (R) Real World 35 Awkward (R) MTV Disappeared: Lost Hero. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Love and Lies. (HD) 48 Hours Myst.: Sleep Tight. 48 Hrs. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Love and Lies. (HD) 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 Disappear (HD) OWN UFC Unleashed (R) (HD) MMA Live (N) 1000 Ways 1000 Ways 44 Tenants (HD) Tenants (HD) Tenants (HD) Tenants (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) SPIKE “Edward Scissorhands” (‘90) aaac Bizarre outsider adjusts to suburbia. (HD) “Eight Legged Freaks” (‘02, Action) aa (David Arquette) (HD) “Ice Spiders” (‘07) c (Patrick Muldoon) ab 57 Spirits (R) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Grace 242 (5:00) Praise the Lord TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Men Work (N) Big Bang Conan Mark Wahlberg. (HD) Men Work (R) 12 Queens (HD) TBS (5:45) “The Green Slime” (‘68, Horror) (Robert Hor- MGM Parade “Finian’s Rainbow” (‘68, Musical) aac (Fred Astaire, Petula Clark) A leprechaun co- “Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter” (‘68, Musical) ac 55 TCM (Stanley Holloway) Singer waxes lyrical for pretty girl. nou ton) A mysterious substance wrecks havoc. Show mes to America to retrieve a pot of gold stolen by an Irishman. nou On the Fly (R) On the Fly (R) Undercover Boss: Chiquita. On the Fly (N) On the Fly (R) DUI (N) (HD) DUI (N) (HD) On the Fly (R) On the Fly (R) DUI (R) (HD) 68 Toddlers: Le Maison de Paris. TLC Mentalist: Little Red Book. Mentalist: Pretty Red Balloon. Mentalist Future murder. (HD) CSI: NY: Dead Inside. (HD) CSI NY (HD) CSI NY (HD) 4 Mentalist: Scarlet Ribbons. TNT v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Sandwich (R) Sandwich (R) Trip Flip (HD) Trip Flip (HD) Hotel: La Jolla Cove Suites. Bizarre Foods: Japan. (R) Trip Flip (HD) 52 Bizarre Foods: Los Angeles. TRAVEL Cops (HD) Dumbest Leg in smoker. (R) Dumbest Unusual striptease. Dumbest Mass mooning. (R) Clipaholics (N) Top 20: Brainless Blunders. Dumbest (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Un refugio para el amor (HD) Abismo de pasión (N) (HD) La que no podía amar (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Hasta que el 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Caged. (HD) NCIS: Royals and Loyals. (HD) Burn Notice: Last Rites. (HD) Suits: Meet the New Boss. (N) Pains: Dawn of the Med. (R) Notice (HD) 16 NCIS: Road Kill. (HD) USA Hollywood Exes (R) (HD) Hollywood Exes (R) (HD) Greatest 40-21 of top songs. Greatest 20-1 of top songs. (N) Single Ladies: Ex Factor. (HD) Single (HD) 21 Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (HD) VH1 WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Christine 71 30 Rock (HD) 30 Rock (HD) @ MLB Baseball: Chicago White Sox at New York Yankees from Yankee Stadium z{| (HD) WGN The Kudlow Report (N) Biography: Sears. Human Trafficking (R) Greed A TV art auction. (R) Mad Money (R) Human (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan Tonight (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) The Ed Show (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) The Ed Show (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC Draft Preview A 2012 NBA Draft: from Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. z{| SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN NFL32 (HD) SportsCenter (HD) Baseball (HD) 41 Nation (HD) ESPN-2 @ 2012 World Cup of Softball: Teams TBA. z{| S X Games Los Angeles z{| (HD) Access (HD) Wrld Poker no} (HD) Wrld Poker no} (HD) UFC Insider Access (HD) Action Sports: Paris, France. FOX Focus Barfly (HD) Wrld Poker 59 Boys in (HD) FSS PGA Tournament: AT&T National: First Round. no} (HD) Golf Cntrl 19th Hole 66 Golf Cntrl GOLF F Nationwide Tour: United Leasing Championship: First Round. NBC Sports Talk (HD) CNBC (HD) Indycar 36 Swimming NBCSPO 56 2012 U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Trials: Men’s Qualifying. (HD) 7 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials: Track and Field Finals. NASCAR Race Hub (HD) NCWTS (HD) 10 (HD) Car: ‘00 F-150 Trucks. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 Qualifying SPEED S NASCAR Camping World Truck Series: UNOH 225. z{| (HD) Braves (HD) Post Game Post Game MLB Baseball: Arizona vs Atlanta no} (HD) 28 Match Point SPSO @ MLB Baseball: Arizona Diamondbacks at Atlanta Braves from Turner Field z{| (HD) River Monster: Flesh Ripper. River: Alaskan Horror. (R) (HD) River: Lethal Legends. (R) (HD) Wildman (R) (HD) River: Alaskan Horror. (R) (HD) River (R) (HD) 62 River Monsters: Demon Fish. ANIMAL Drama (R) Adventure Adventure (:15) MAD (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family Hospital (R) CARTOON 124 Regular (R) Luck (R) A.N.T. Farm: Babysitter (R) Good Luck: The Shake It Up!: “The Princess and the Frog” (‘09) aaa (Anika Phineas: Monster Babysitter: The Austin (R) (HD) Wizards (R) (HD) 38 Phineas (R) (HD)Good DISNEY (HD) clairvoyANT. (HD) Break Up. Auction It Up. Noni Rose) Girl, gator & firefly aid frog-prince. from ID. Brewed. (R) Prince: Will Steps Flint“Austin Powers in Goldmember” (‘02, Comedy) (Mike Myers, Mike “Gone in 60 Seconds” (‘00, Action) aa (Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie) A mobster de- The 700 Club (N) 20 “The FAMILY mands that a retired car thief supply him with 50 exotic cars. ab (HD) Out. stones” (‘94) (HD) Myers) Austin needs dad’s help with Dr. Evil. ab (HD) VICTOR. (R) Figure It (N) Figure It (R) All That Kenan Kel Heights Loren’s song is cut. Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends (:32) Friends (:04) Friends 26 VICTOR. (R) NICK (:52) MASH (:24) MASH (:56) Home (:28) Home Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 (:13) M*A*S*H: Father’s Day. TVLAND The Newsroom News anchor returns (5:45) “Larry Crowne” (‘11, Comedy) aa (Tom Fight Game (R) “Crazy, Stupid, Love” (‘11) (Steve Carell) After a divorce, a man solic(:15) True Blood: Whatever I am, (:15) Undercover 302 Hanks) Middle-aged man returns to college. (HD) HBO its the dating advice of his young bachelor friend. (HD) to changed job. (R) (HD) (HD) You Made Me. (R) (HD) (R) (5:35) “The Debt” (‘11, Drama) aac (Helen Mirren) “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (‘01, Fantasy) (Daniel Radcliffe) An orphan “The Art of War” (‘00) aa (Wesley Snipes) An agent framed for a “Kiss & Tell” 320 Agents MAX track down Nazi war criminal. (HD) learns the truth about his past after enrolling in a school of magic. (HD) U.N. ambassador’s assassination must clear his name. (HD) (‘10) (HD) “Capote” (‘05, Biography) (Philip Seymour Hoffman) An author bonds “The Beaver” (‘11, Comedy) aaa (Mel Gibson) An Don Friesen: Ask Your Mom Don Red Light Comedy Live From Man” “Ultrasuede: In” 340 “Paper SHOW (‘11) aaa (HD) with one of the killers depicted in his infamous book. (HD) executive tries handling his faults. (HD) Friesen performs. (R) (HD) Amsterdam (N) (HD) (‘11) (HD)








The post and courier

thursday, June 28, 2012: E35

honeymoon only for wife, husband

the fantastic, royal, aquatic life of wes anderson


By reBekah BradFord Special to The Post and Courier


he reviews are in, and “moonrise kingdom” by wes anderson is considered to be one of his best films. in honor of anderson’s quirky, stylized work, this week’s head2head trivia is all about his body of work. current trivia champ, kevin miller, is going up against teacher abby Frasier.

file/evan agostini/ap

Wes Anderson


1. david bowie’s music is featured heavily in which wes anderson film? 2. who co-wrote “bottle rocket,” “rushmore” and “the royal tenenbaums” with anderson? 3. “here are just a few of the key ingredients: dynamite, pole vaulting, laughing gas, choppers — can’t you see how incredible this is going to be? — hang gliding! come on!” name the movie. 4. what is the name of the play staged by max fischer at the end of “rushmore?” 5. “you wanna talk some jive? because i’ll talk some jive. i’ll talk some jive like you’ve never heard.” name the movie. 6. “i saved latin. what did you ever do?” name the movie. 7. what kind of creature is steve zissou and his crew after in “the life aquatic with steve zissou?” 8. the short film “hotel chevalier” acts as a prologue to what movie? 9. what is the name of the sports game the characters play in “fantastic mr. fox?” 10. what actor has appeared in every wes anderson movie except “bottle rocket?”

kevin’s answers

1. haven’t seen a lot of these. 2. i know owen wilson’s been in a bunch of them. 3. “royal tenenbaums” 4. don’t really know. 5. throwing out a guess here. “rushmore.” 6. “life aquatic” 7. some kind of fish. 8. the new movie that’s out now. 9. well i love sports, but i don’t know the answer to this one. 10. bill murray

conclusion it’s always fun when head2head finds a contestant whose enthusiasm for a subject coincides with that week’s trivia. such serendipity happened with abby, who admitted to being a big fan of anderson’s films and became the newest head2head champ. hopefully she’ll be as excited about next week’s topic.

abby’s answers

1. it’s “the life aquatic.” 2. owen wilson 3. “bottle rocket?” 4. oh, i know this! Just can’t remember it at the moment. 5. isn’t this one of the things royal says in “the royal tenenbaums?” it’s hilarious. 6. “rushmore” 7. it’s a shark. i think a Jaguar shark, to be more specific. 8. “the darjeeling limited” 9. whackbat! 10. bill murray

correct answers 1. “the life aquatic with steve zissou” 2. owen wilson 3. “bottle rocket” 4. “heaven and hell” 5. “the royal tenenbaums”

6. “rushmore” 7. Jaguar shark 8. “the darjeeling limited” 9. whackbat 10. bill murray

ear aBBy: my husband and i have been married 15 years. we skipped the honeymoon after our wedding so we could save up for our 15th anniversary, which we will celebrate this summer. we plan to stay at one of the resorts at disney world. when i mentioned it to my sister-in-law, she said, “it’s silly to go to a place like disney world without a child or two,” and asked me if we would bring her son and his friend with us. i refused, saying that this trip is for my husband and me. she then accused us of being childish and selfish. i agree that going to disney world may be childish — that’s the whole point — but selfish? do you agree with that? — child at heart DEAR CHILD: No, I do not. For your sister-in-law to have said what she did was rude and nervy. Unless the children were yours and you wanted them to accompany you, a honeymoon (belated or not) is for the couple celebrating their marriage. Shame on her. dear aBBy: i am 26 and have been dating a nice man for three months and we have spent every weekend together. recently, he has talked about taking me to a family celebration in another state. the conversation prompted me to initiate a discussion about where we are in our relationship. during the course of our talk, he explained that he feels it’s too early for us to be an official couple. But he does want me to meet his parents. i don’t see why i should invest the time and energy to meet his family if he’s still thinking about dating other people. do you agree? — nerVous in d.c. DEAR NERVOUS: I sure don’t. When a man wants you to meet his family, it’s a compliment. It doesn’t necessarily mean he has marriage on his mind. If you are interested in him with an eye on becoming a couple, accept his invitation. It

will give you a chance to see what kind of family he comes from and how they treat each other, which is valuable insight. It will also give his family a chance to see what a charming, personable woman you are. If you refuse the invitation for the reason you stated, I’d be surprised if the relationship developed much further. dear aBBy: please help with something that has been on my mind for years. i am one of your male readers. i have a sister, “eileen,” who is a bit older. we had a wonderful childhood and are close. when eileen entered college, she became pregnant. Because she was unmarried, she and mom went to a different city, and she had the baby. i believe the child was placed for adoption. i don’t know if it was a boy or girl. eileen returned home, finished college, got married and now has a family. it was never mentioned again. i sometimes wonder if she thinks about the baby she had. i think about it a lot and wonder if i should ask her, or if it’s too painful for her to discuss after all these years. i sometimes think i have a niece or nephew out there and wonder what she or he is like. should i ask my sister or just leave it alone? — wistFul out west DEAR WISTFUL: I’m sure your sister also sometimes thinks about the child she placed for adoption and wonders what he or she is like. However, unless she raises the subject with you, my advice is to leave it alone. If it has never been mentioned again, there is a good reason for it. dear abby is written by abigail van buren, also known as Jeanne phillips, and was founded by her mother, pauline phillips. write dear abby at www.

E36: Thursday, June 28, 2012

The post and courier

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