08.30.12 Charleston Scene

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E2: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E3

E4: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

What’s inside

5 | get out

david Quick previews outdoor fitness options

6 | dollar days

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

18-19 | Weekend events 22-23 | music

cd reviews, upcoming shows

24 | arts

a look at upcoming events

7-13 | movies

“celeste and Jesse Forever,” 25 | see and be “killer Joe,” “the scene possession,” “lawless,” “red hook summer”

14 | movie listings 15-17 | food + bev

26-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics + tv grid

the blind tiger, high cotton, with horoscopes and crossword puzzle chew on this

35 | trivia, abby

on the cover: dreamstime image

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403

charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 294039621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 3 No. 26 36 Pages


editor: allison nugent, anugent@postand courier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: kristy crum and liz Foster. calendar@postand courier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: deseret scharett, descharett@ postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and

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COVER STORY: Nationally-known jazz artists will be descending on the the North Charleston Performing Arts Center for the fourth Lowcountry Jazz Festival, which has extended to three days. Pages 20-21

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E5

labor day ushers in array of fall events


ummer’s last hurrah, labor Day weekend, is bittersweet for me because it’s just one more indication that the longer, lazier days of summer are on the wane. fittingly, little in the way of organized outdoor events for fitness buffs is on the calendar this week. in fact, two events are very similar in nature; both are free events coordinated by retail stores and have little to do with competing. lululemon athletica is holding an encore to its June 15 yoga on king event with a free, mass yoga class, “Joga … asana in the outfield” 7-8:30 p.m. friday at Joe riley park. for more, check out the king street lululemon’s facebook page. another free event offers locals a chance to demo new trek mountain bikes on charleston’s newest bike trails, wannamaker north Bike trail at north charleston wannamaker county park. The demo will be held 10 a.m.-3 p.m. saturday at the park and features 45 bikes from the 2013 model year. for more, check out trek Bicycle store of Mount pleasant’s facebook page. (of note: you’ll need a helmet, photo identification and credit card, the latter so you’ll return the bike.)

go by water

Those who read this column last week got a preview of the new and different running events in the coming season. here’s the rest of the picture. Though the air temperature’s cool, relatively speaking, water temperatures remain pleasantly warm well into fall. and many events are held on the water. kayak for a cure, a fund-

raiser for multiple sclerosis, will be held oct. 27 at nature adventures kayak and canoe outfitters on shem creek. The event features two-hour trips with certified kayak instructors and guides. call 5683222 or go to www.Kayak CharlestonSC.com. Despite the fact that standup paddleboard races rarely draw more than 100, they continue to be held. The fifth annual Joe hiller longboard classic, the last local surfing contest of the year and the only one on isle of palms, features a sup contest. it will be held oct. 6-7. contact charleston watersport outfitters for more information or check out ssc.surfesa.org. The half-Moon outfitters third annual golden nugget paddle n’ party, a benefit for the Mount pleasant land conservancy, will be 2-6 p.m. nov. 4 at The lighthouse on shem creek. The event features a 10k and 5k race on shem creek. for more, go to www.mountp land.org or call John girault at 224-1849.

tri, on & off road

The year’s triathlon season rounds out with one standard olympic distance and two adventure triathlons. The 19th annual kiawah island triathlon, featuring a 1.5k ocean swim, 45k bike and 10k run, will be staged from kiawah’s Beachwalker

File/david Quick/staFF

Following Lululemon Athletica’s successful Yoga on King event in June, which drew an estimated 450 people, it will hold “Joga ... Asana in the Outfield” on Friday at Joe Riley Park. county park on sept. 16. More information at The extra Mile running shop’s website, www.theextra mileinc.com. The folly Beach challenge triathlon will include a three-mile kayak paddle, 8.5-mile “mountain” bike leg and a 3-mile run oct. 20, staged from the folly Beach fishing pier. find out more at www.ccprc.com. The eighth Barrier island ecothon featuring kayaking, off-road running, inlet swimming and road biking will be held oct. 28. check out ecothon. blogspot.com.

hope, a fundraiser for local cancer charities, will be held at awendaw green. check out charlestonrideforhope. com.

slow it down

for those wanting a more leisurely pace for charity, two events come to mind. The largest walk in charleston outside of the cooper river Bridge run and walk is the lowcountry heart walk, a major fundraiser for the local chapter of the american heart association. it will be held sept. 29, staged from liberty square in charleston. The ninth annual louie’s cycling against cancer kids yoga Marathon will trek bikes of Mount pleas- be held at Marion square ant will hold its annual on oct. 6. call 724-9267 or Breast cancer awareness email info@louieskid.org. ride on oct. 13. go to www. you also can find out more trekbikesofmountpleasant. at www.louieskids.org. com for details. and on the following day, the fifth anreach david Quick at nual Jerry Zucker ride for 937-5516.

E6: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

odyssey road will play it any way you want it


k folks, it’s time for another admission: i’m a Journey fan. whew, it feels so good to get that off my chest. (Don’t hate.) yes, i’m the person who throws their fist up in the air and sings every word when songs such as “Don’t stop Believing,” “any way you want it,” “faithfully” and “separate ways” come on at the local bar, or on the radio, or at a wedding … well, you get the idea. so it excites me to announce that odyssey road, the “ultimate” Journey tribute band, will be performing friday night at the Music farm, 32 ann st. tickets are $10 in advance, $12 the day of the show. Doors open at 8 p.m. find out more info at www. musicfarm.com. now if only i could convince someone to go with me!

music on the green

in other music news, freshfields village’s Music on the green concert series comes to a close 6-9 p.m. friday. The final performance in the free, family-friendly series will be by Men of Distinction. The high-energy seven-piece group plays everything from rhythm and blues to country and swing to soul and Bach (you read that right). The show will be on the freshfields village green, at the crossroads of Johns, seabrook and kiawah islands. food and drinks will be available for purchase. and don’t forget to bring a


The Music Farm hosts Odyssey Road on Friday. beach chair or blanket for the event. for more info, call 8166684 or go to freshfields village.com/events/view/ music-on-the-greensummer-concert-series.

tickets or to find out more.

dance under the stars

charleston county park and recreation has another dance event planned, this moonlight mixer one wednesday. yet another event on frispecial needs participants day night (oh, the choices!) and their families and is the always popular friends have been invited Moonlight Mixer, put on by to attend a special night on charleston county park and the Mount pleasant pier, recreation. 71 harry hallman Blvd. head out to the folly starting at 6 p.m., attendBeach fishing pier, 101 e. ees (participants ages 15 and arctic ave., from 7-11 p.m. under are required to have a and enjoy the view and a chaperon) are asked to dust little ocean air as you boogie off their dancing shoes and down to oldies and beach dance the night away under the stars while enjoying their music provided by DJ Jim favorite music. Bowers. Beverages will be tickets are $5, $4 for available for purchase. charleston county resitickets are $10, $8 for dents. tickets are limited, charleston country resiso advance purchase is recdents. advance ticket purommended. for more inforchase is recommended. mation, call 795-4386 or go go to www.ccprc.com or call 795-4386 to purchase to www.ccprc.com.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E7

‘celeste and Jesse Forever’ feels like a real relationship By Michael phillips Chicago Tribune


ike the recent “take This waltz,” directed and written by sarah polley, the new american indie “celeste and Jesse forever” begins and ends with an unspoken question: is this mismatched couple meant to stay together? set in a universe of restless narcissists, meaning l.a., the movie written by rashida Jones and will Mccormack and directed by lee toland krieger opens with a montage of how celeste (played by Jones) and Jesse (andy samberg) meet, date, marry and then split. already? usually this sort of montage fades out before the “directed by” credit hits the screen, at the “marry” part. “celeste and Jesse forever” is different, enough to distinguish itself from a lot of other small-scale relationship films. its characters, post-split, are trying to remain friends, because it’s easy and comfortable, too much so. Jones and Mccormack write about bright, quippy people who are simpatico in their senses of humor but stuck in a kind of postadolescent rut. audiences prefer their romantic comedies to stick to a leads to B leads to c and concludes with ending D. This one scrambles its aBcs just enough to make the outcome feel like life, as opposed to just another movie. Jones’ celeste works as a pop-culture branding guru (already, we’re in a somewhat rarefied realm of “relatability”) who becomes a sounding board to a reckless young pop star (emma roberts). Jesse is more boy-man than man and hasn’t yet gotten his career going. celeste and Jesse try to

sony pictures classics

Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg in “Celeste & Jesse Forever.”

movie review 1/2(out of five stars) director: lee toland krieger cast: rashida Jones, andy samberg, elijah wood, emma roberts rated: r for language, sexual content and drug use running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes What did you think?: Find this review at charleston scene.com and offer your opinion. date their way out of their nagging attachment to each other. chris Messina plays the brightest of several prospects for celeste; Jesse, meantime, becomes more seriously involved, and the best of “celeste and Jesse forever” confronts the neediness behind celeste’s behavior toward Jesse, postdivorce. samberg’s performance doesn’t push the comedy, though he’s not yet what i’d call a gripping or surprising screen actor. Jones is about five steps up from there. she’s learned

all the right lessons from her work thus far, notably on “parks and recreation,” about how to inhabit a scene naturally without leaning too hard into the punch lines. a hard drinker and quickwitted sweetie, celeste is neither heroine nor antiheroine. she’s a little messed up, a little lost, a little mean, a little nice. it’s nice to see someone like this at the center of a movie, however facile and coy parts of the movie may be. it’s hard to build a story around two people who find each other delightfully funny this much of the time; certainly it puts pressure on the actual funniness of the material, and the task grows more challenging because celeste and Jesse are meant to be sort of low-level pathetic as well as mediumlevel charming. Jones is first-rate (and fellow writer Mccormack is fun as the wild-eyed pot dealer skillz). The film has a conventional fake-documentary look, but underneath it is an honest concern about how to learn to treat people well and kindly after the end. or to get to an ending, or a new beginning, in the first place.

E8: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

mcconaughey stellar as ‘Joe’ By Betsy sharkey Los Angeles Times

help from the family: his grease-monkey dad ansel (Thomas haden church), ut of the muck and stepmom sharla (gina germire of human deshon), and his slightly dazed pravity that is “killer and confused beauty of a Joe,” something magnificent sister, Dottie (Juno temple), comes: a killer performance who is the sole beneficiary of by Matthew Mcconaughey. the policy. The actor already has had a The desperation that drives stellar year playing lowlifes. the film and sends chris to But his dirty Dallas detective plead his case is there from Joe cooper, who has a lucra- the first frame. “killer Joe” tive sideline as a hitman, is opens on a rainy night in a arguably the best of the worst. muddy trailer park that has never has the actor’s molas- never seen better days. a ses drawl been more lethal. junkyard dog is straining at never has noir been more his chain as chris frantically diabolically naughty, either. bangs on the door. when The film, directed by wilsharla finally answers, she liam friedkin and adapted stands framed in dull light by tracy letts from his play, wearing nothing but a shirt is ostensibly about the comand a snarl. plications of a contract kill“killer Joe” is a brash bid ing. chris (emile hirsch), a for a comeback from a dihapless drug dealer, has no rector who has had many prospects, an overdue debt fallow years since his 1970s to his supplier and an angry heyday. The tension-building mother. getting rid of mom that helped earn friedkin an and collecting the life insuroscar for 1971’s “The french ance payoff seems the easy connection” and the satanic answer. But it will require chill of “The exorcist” in ’73


movie review  (out of five stars) director: william Friedkin cast: matthew mcconaughey, emile hirsch, Juno temple rated: nc-17 for graphic, disturbing content involving violence and sexuality and a scene of brutality running time: 1 hour, 43 minutes What did you think?: Find this review at charlestonscene.com and offer your opinion. make their way into “killer Joe,” but none of the restraint is here. That makes this toxic slice of texas crime lore exceedingly hard to stomach. Before you can pity the mother, there is a story about Dottie’s childhood that will explain a lot. Though death hangs over the proceedings, it is not the end game. The film is more of a leering look at the way in which serious intimidation can lead people to submit to humiliating things and how far a filmmaker will push it. Dottie, played by temple, is an actress who has mostly flick-

ered through other films such as “atonement.” here, she is excellent at creating a dreamy disconnection, holding the focus as a woman-child. she’s the collateral Joe wants, because there is no money for his upfront fees. his slow but deliberate seduction of the 20-year-old virgin is as mesmerizing as it is wrong. chris is as close as the film comes to a good guy. plot twists keep the pressure building, and the internal struggle between morality and expedience resonates in hirsch’s flailing. when death finally does come calling

ld entertainment

Emile Hirsch (left) as Chris Smith and Matthew McConaughey as Killer Joe Cooper in “Killer Joe.” in “killer Joe,” it is horrifically brutal but delivered, like much of the other carnal carnage, with a punch line. By far the film’s deadliest weapon is Mcconaughey. The way the actor leans into threats, dropping his voice, wrapping eloquence in sinister tones, is skin-crawling. and if the eyes are the window to the soul, you really don’t want to peer for long into his. it is not an easy performance to watch, but it is unforgettable. The cast around Mcconaughey is excellent at captur-

ing the ethos of down-andout blue-collar life. There are moments of brilliance, saturated with the blackest irony. There are other scenes that are so twisted that the film becomes almost unbearable. letts tends to favor damaged relationships with deadly consequences. But with “killer Joe,” it’s as if he has stepped into the abyss. friedkin is just trying to work his way out of it. But with Mcconaughey’s virtuoso turn as a completely virtueless man, friedkin may just have pulled it off.

what possessed them to make ‘the possession’? By roger Moore MCT

movie review

if you only see one demonic possession/Jewish exorcism movie this year, make it “The possession.” swap the clerical collars for a yarmulke, change the sacred incantations from latin to hebrew, leave out the pea soup and you’ve got a passable pg-13 version of “The exorcist,” the granddaddy of all exorcism movies. But don’t forget the box where the demon possessing this little girl came from. according to Jewish folklore, a Dybbuk Box is where the canny and the devout can lock up an evil spirit. until that evil spirit whispers into the ear of some innocent victim and slips out and takes over the victim’s body. Jeffrey Dean Morgan stars

as clyde, a newly divorced college basketball coach who is trying to make his weekends with his daughters (natasha calis, Madison Davenport) pleasant. Then

 (out of five stars) director: ole bornedal cast: Jeffrey dean morgan, kyra sedgwick, natasha calis, matisyahu rated: pg-13 for mature thematic material involving violence and disturbing sequences running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes What did you think?: Find this review at charleston scene.com and offer your opinion.

house. she’s hearing voices, wearing a ring from the box that changes the color of her hand and when she gags, she sees fingers sticking up out of her throat. Dad starts looking for answers, from a Jewish academic at his college, a hasidic community in Brooklyn. Meanwhile, everyone who threatens the box is assaulted by an invisible assailant that flings them against walls and through windows. we see the diyah pera/lionsgate first attack in the film’s openTzadok (Matisyahu, from left), Em (Natasha Calis), Clyde ing scene. (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie (Kyra Sedgwick) inspired, apparently, by a in “The Possession.” 2004 newspaper article detailing the “bad luck” felt by he hits the wrong garage sale, (kyra sedgwick), “have you various folks who possessed and emily (calis), the young- noticed anything odd going a holocaust-era box, “The est, buys an odd wooden box on with emily?” we’re notic- possession” has a perfuncwith hidden locks and heing all these odd things going tory “amityville horror” feel brew carvings on it. on with emily. Moths fly out to it. it’s as if, like that film Before clyde can ask the ex of the box and infest dad’s and “The exorcism of em-

ily rose,” the filmmakers thought their “based on a true story” claim was all the credibility it needed. Danish director ole Bornedal manages a few gotchas, some decent jolts. But as spooky as calis is, the adults have little to work with. sedgwick registers shock, and Morgan’s natural playfulness is introduced, then ignored. The Jewish experts he consults, especially the “hasidic reggae superstar”-turned-actor Matisyahu, who plays a rabbi’s son, are the only ones allowed to make light of all this. The effects are chilling enough, the build-up has its ominous moments. But the film lacks impact. By the third or fourth time the angelic-looking calis rolls her eyes in that way the possessed do, she isn’t the only one.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E9

‘lawless’ mixes blood, bad accents with moonshine By roger Moore MCT


s anybody who’s watched The Discovery channel knows, if you’re looking for moonshine, the place to start is in the foothills of south central and southwest virginia. as the new movie “lawless” makes clear, ’shine was never a passing fancy among the folk there. it’s a tradition that goes back generations. “lawless” is based on Matt Bondurant’s “The wettest county in the world,” a historical novel spun out of Bondurant’s franklin county, va., moonshinerancestors. Bondurant whipped up a war between the local off-the-books distillers and the prohibitionera chicago mob, which aimed to take over the lucrative illegal liquor trade, from production to distribution. The Bondurants are led by forrest (tom hardy), the tough-minded world war i vet who formed the family legend that the Bondurants are “indestructible.” his wild-eyed brother howard (Jason clarke) seems to second that notion. it’s only younger brother Jack (shia laBeouf) who seems vulnerable. he reads the newspapers and idolizes gangsters. he has a taste for fancy clothes and fancy convertible roadsters. it’s just that he’s not tough enough to get them. so he sets out to change that. he’ll hook up with a mobster (gary oldman) laying low nearby. he’ll make his own deals. and when forrest is put out of commission by one of his many battles with the other unsavories, Jack has his chance. a dapper, sadistic chicago mobster (guy pearce) has arrived to help the real Mob take control of the business, with the aid of the

richard Foreman Jr./mct

Tom Hardy and Jessica Chastain star in “Lawless.”

movie review  (out of five stars) director: John hillcoat cast: shia labeouf, mia wasikowska, guy pearce, tom hardy, Jessica chastain rated: r for strong bloody violence, language and some sexuality/nudity running time: 1 hour, 55 minutes What did you think?: Find this review at charlestonscene. com and offer your opinion. local prosecutor. charlie rakes wears bow ties and gloves and a little too much cologne. But don’t call him “nancy.” he takes such aspersions personally. a dance-hall girl (Jessica chastain) has taken a job in the Bondurants’ Black water station roadhouse, and she’s taken a shine to forrest. and a local Mennonite preacher’s daughter (Mia wasikowska) has poor Jack trying to figure out how to be a rich,

hard-drinking crook and still get her attention. The proper ingredients are here to cook up a fine backwoods liquor war tale. The archetypes are broad and obvious, the violence is shocking, unflinching and in your face. amazingly, people are sliced and shot to beat the band, but 1930s-era franklin county emergency rooms were up to the challenge. Mostly. But aussie director John hillcoat (“The road”) and rocker-turned-screenwriter nick cave deliver a movie that never finds the right tone. it’s alternately grim and bemused. too many tough guys tell other tough guys “look at me” too many times. There are too many characters to juggle for any of them to truly get their due. oldman has a glorified cameo, laBeouf was the bigger star when production began, and turning hardy into the lead in the editing booth doesn’t quite work out. and what’s the deal with

hardy’s accents these days? he was fine in British period pieces and crime pictures, played nick nolte’s son convincingly in “warrior.” Then came “The Dark knight rises,” where he tried out some sean connery as Darth vader for the villain Bane. and here his southwest virginia accent is neither virginia nor southwest. only wasikowska nails it. “you sure got a funny way’a courtin, Jack Bondurant!” hardy should have listened to laBeouf, who takes a shot at a drawl in some scenes, and says “to heck with it” in others. all those elements conspire to render “lawless” inauthentic, a movie pulled together by a lot of folks who had no feel for the setting or the story they were telling. a backwoods “Boardwalk empire” is what they wanted. The only scenes that work involve moving the moonshine by tin lizzy. a 1930s “Dukes of hazzard” would have been more within their reach.

E10: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E11

spike lee takes aim with fiery ‘red hook’ movie review

By Betsy sharkey Los Angeles Times


nyone worried that the years have worn down spike lee’s edge, rest assured. The filmmaker is just as prickly as ever and intent on getting under your skin. his new drama, “red hook summer,” takes aim at poverty, pollution, politicians, pedophiles, pimps and pushers with a religious fervor. even Barack obama does not escape his ire. always a personal filmmaker, lee has turned the movie read an inter- into his view with spike personal lee, Pages 12-13. bully pulpit in a far more literal way than he has in the past. as you listen to Da good Bishop enoch rouse (clarke peters) rant about what ails society today, you can’t help but hear lee’s voice in the proselytizing preacher at the center of “red hook.” But there are saints among the sinners, too, and before the end, nearly everyone in the film, including the pushers, will get into the finger-pointing act. “red hook summer” is also the product of a conflicted soul. you can see it in the passion play unfolding inside the church where much of the film is set. The

david lee/40 acres and a mule Filmworks

Kimberly Hebert-Gregory (from left) as Sister Sweet, Toni Lysaith as Chazz Morningstar, Jules Brown as Flik Royale and Clarke Peters as Bishop Enoch Rouse in “Red Hook Summer.” Bishop’s flock is dwindling, he’s desperate for a financial good samaritan to come along, and then his grandson flik (Jules Brown) comes for the summer and the preacher has a new soul to save. in time, there will be even greater crosses for the bishop to bear as vengeance and forgiveness fight it out within the crumbling walls of lil’ peace of heaven. (The church name would seem ironic if it weren’t the actual name of a local congregation.) The conflict contributes to the mess of a film that lee has made, but it also brings “red hook summer” a measure of saving grace. with its script co-written with James McBride, some of the diatribes about doing the right thing soar, others thunder with righteous in-

dignation, and some simply fizzle. in truth, the film fizzles as much as it fumes. There is a kind of lassitude that sets in, even as it builds toward some kind of reckoning. it can be felt in the difficulty the filmmaker has knitting all the grievances together. Much of the debate is framed by the dissonance between the bishop and his resistant grandson. Their clashes echo themes that can be found in lee’s distinctive body of work. issues of race, empowerment and class are there. But in a fundamental way, when the final shoe is dropped, the film fails us. “red hook summer” is billed as part of lee’s Brooklyn chronicles, which began years ago and includes, among others, the seminal 1989 “Do the right Thing.”

 (out of five stars) director: spike lee. cast: Jules brown, thomas Jefferson byrd, toni lysaith. rated: r for brief violence, language and a disturbing situation. running time: 2 hours, 1 minute. What did you think?: Find this review at charleston scene.com and offer your opinion. That sense of place does indeed inform “red hook.” and the polemics seem cherry-picked from any number of his films: “Malcolm X” is one, while the flavoring of its lighter moments is straight out of “she’s gotta have it.” as the film opens, it’s clear that something has caused a major riff between the bishop and flik’s mother (De’adre aziza), but it will be a long time before we know just how dark a thing it is. Their conversation is clipped, careful. flik is not quite a teenager, but he’s working on it, wearing a sullen look and a sour attitude. it happens that he’s a filmmaker, too, his ipad capturing the projects in stark and often depressing terms.

while flik is dismissive of red hook, lee loves his Brooklyn backyard, and with cinematographer kerwin Devonish, he makes time to play. There are nods to his long love affair with the region scattered throughout the film, a little like postcards from the edge. The projects themselves feel spruced up and uncluttered, even the local thugs pushing their drugs look freshly bathed. lee has always favored strong female characters and flik’s friend, chazz (a terrific toni lysaith), is cut from the same cloth as nola Darling from “she’s gotta have it.” There is none of the sensuality of that 1986 classic about a brazen beauty in the hood, but all of the funny, smart sass. chazz’s bubbly presence literally lifts the film any time she’s on screen. another bright spot and a familiar spike lee type comes from Deacon Zee (Thomas Jefferson Byrd). he’s the church’s janitor who beds down in the building’s basement and is forever reeling from booze and ranting about apple stock. But his ramblings are worth paying attention to because lee has slipped a wise man into the deacon’s shuffling shoes. There are jabs at the cruise ships that are said to pollute the area and the asthma that affects the kids, specifically

chazz. and the film takes a few harmless shots at encroaching gentrification by well-heeled whites. But these are minor asides from the real business at hand: the bishop and the boy. The world may pull at flik, but the Bishop is determined to save him — from apathy as much as the devil — in ways that are sometimes laced with humor and at other points saturated with pain. Despite the film’s standout performances, “red hook summer” is weakened by the great divide between its characters. too many that play pivotal roles are only half-formed and fade against the bishop’s fire. indeed, nearly all of the emotional upheaval of “red hook summer” is carried on the fiery shoulders of the exceptional peters. he is the pillar on which this house is built. But even the right reverend is left perpetually in a sweat and must eventually pay for his sins, for nothing can stand up to the heat of lee’s long, hot summer. even so, peters imbues his pastor with such a vital and visceral energy that, like his congregation, you’ll want to raise your hands and shout “amen.” and if he doesn’t move you, the spirited lil’ peace of heaven gospel choir (the real one is used in the film) surely will.

E12: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

spike lee’s latest film takes him back home

Spike Lee on the set of “Red Hook Summer.”

By stratton “This is an independent lawrence film. it’s been financed by Special to The Post and Courier myself and it’s being distributed independently, so hen spike lee’s we don’t have millions and millions of dollars to buy tv “red hook sumand print ads,” lee explains, mer” played at the on the phone with charlessundance film festival in ton scene from a car after a January, the overall reception wasn’t necessarily what radio appearance in los angeles. “i gotta get the word the veteran director might out, baby. you’ve got to do have hoped to receive for what you’ve got to do, and his first feature film in four i’m happy to do it.” years. lee has been mum about tweets by critics ranged from “his most interesting/ his actual expenditures on the film, although he’s said ambitious film in years” to that it was under $1 million. “one of the worst movies to ever premiere” at the festival. That’s a stark departure from industry juggernaut lee’s post-showing infilms back to a very indie terview garnered most of vibe. the press, however, when “There has been a general he ranted that hollywood “knows nothing about black thought that i have turned my back on hollywood, or people. nothing!” entirely self-produced and hollywood has turned its back on me, and that is not financed, without hollywood’s money or influence, the case at all,” lee clarifies. “from the very beginning, “red hook summer” was released to the public earlier i’ve been an independent filmmaker who also does this month and debuts in hollywood films, so that has charleston on friday. not changed. i go back and The two-hour film is a forth.” return to familiar terriThe filming process for tory for lee and an abrupt “red hook summer” was about-face from his most actually strikingly similar recent major work, including 2006’s “inside Man” and to “she’s gotta have it,” the 2008’s “Miracle at st. anna.” 1986 feature that put lee on each of those films was cre- the map. Just as that black-andated and distributed with a white classic was shot in $45 million budget. “inside 12 days exclusively in new Man,” a bank-heist thriller york, “red hook summer” starring Denzel washingwent from start to finish in ton, became lee’s most just three weeks of filming profitable project to date, within a 10-block radius while world war ii drama “Miracle” flopped at the box in Brooklyn’s red hook neighborhood. office. for his next project, lee Independence has confirmed a remake of the korean film “oldboy,” in Hollywood a major movie with studio since 2008, lee’s most backing. still, he admits that significant work has been his energy has been focused “if god is willing and Da lately on other projects, creek Don’t rise,” a follow- including directing “undisup documentary to his 2006 puted truth,” Mike tyson’s post-hurricane katrina new one-man Broadway show orleans film, “when the le- that ran earlier this month. vees Broke.” lee also hints at creating he’s publicly struggled to a musical sequel to “Do the gain support and funding right Thing,” his groundfor a sequel to “inside Man” breaking 1989 film that, to and for “red hook summany, is the definitive lee mer,” leading the famously masterpiece. outspoken director to fund “i won’t be in it,” answers the latter film with his own please see lee, page e13 savings.


david lee/40 acres and a mule Filmworks

thursday, august 30, 2012: E13

The post and courier

lee from page e12 lee to the suggestion that he might reprise his iconic role as pizza boy Mookie on stage. “hell no. i can’t sing.”

The return of Mookie

Despite lee’s reluctance to bring his take on Mookie to Broadway, fans of “Do the right Thing” are especially exciting about the character’s return in “red hook summer.” although lee has explicitly denied that his new film is a sequel of any sort, it does fit into his “chronicles of Brooklyn” series that also includes “she’s gotta have it,” “crooklyn,” “clockers” and “he got game.” lee’s portrayal of Mookie, in particular, played the pivotal role in “Do the right Thing,” serving as a lovable underdog who “gotta get his money” by delivering pizzas for italian-american-owned sal’s pizzeria. after a racially heated fight breaks out in the restaurant, Mookie’s friend, radio raheem, is killed by police using excessive force. it’s Mookie who sparks the culminating riot that closes the film. twenty-three years later, Mookie makes an appearance in “red hook summer,” still delivering for a presumably rebuilt sal’s. “Mookie wanted to be doing something else, but that’s the cards he’s been dealt,” lee said. “he’s the best pizza delivery man in Brooklyn. That’s his lot in life.” Despite that character’s re-emergence, lee is careful to draw a line between the films. “how ‘Do the right Thing’ was written and conceived has nothing to do with ‘red hook summer,’ ” lee explains. “The pizza that was delivered to the hostages in ‘inside Man’ came from sal’s pizzeria. The two cops that murdered radio raheem also appeared in ‘Jungle fever’ as they try to arrest the character played by wesley snipes. and one of them appears in ‘clockers.’ it’s not new. These characters go in and out of the universe i’ve created with my films.”

david lee/40 acres and a mule Filmworks

Jules Brown (from left), Spike Lee and Toni Lysaith discuss an upcoming scene on the set of “Red Hook Summer.”

The Hook

in “red hook summer,” a preteen atlanta boy is sent to spend the summer with his grandfather, an evangelical preacher, in Brooklyn. Through interactions with gang members, sundays at church and a chance meeting with Mookie, he discovers the modern-day red hook neighborhood as lee knows it. The story is not unlike lee’s own history, whose family moved from atlanta to red hook when he was a boy. lee later returned to atlanta to attend Morehouse college before going back to film school at new york university.

at the film’s aug. 10 debut in new york, the reception was warm from locals. “They say we got it right. They say, ‘That’s the hook,’ ” lee said. after spending the majority of his life there, lee frets about his home gentrifying and becoming inaccessible to the africanamerican families that have long inhabited the neighborhood. “i worry about red hook changing because i want people to be able to have affordable housing in new york city,” he explains. “new york has always had a diversity in culture and income, and without it, it will

not continue to be the greatest city in the world.” audiences in red hook were presumably undeterred by an unexpected twist in the film’s final halfhour, an abrupt shocker that leaves his usual statements about racial relations behind and instead examines an even more timely, yet taboo, issue. The decision to shake up the film in the 11th hour has contributed to many of the negative reviews “red hook summer” has received. “i can’t help what critics think,” said lee, who has derided fellow-director tyler perry’s depictions of black culture. “There are

critics who said ‘Do the right Thing’ was going to cause riots all across america. i can’t do nothing about that. if people are thrown by the twist, could it be that they’ve been so conditioned by the connect-the-dots version of hollywood that’s very formulaic, that anything that doesn’t fit into that neat structure they just can’t handle?” in characteristic form, lee isn’t concerned about critical reception. after chronicling black soldiers in “Miracle at st. anna,” which lost millions of dollars, lee claimed that even if he knew nobody would show up, he still would have

made that film. chances are, people will show up for “red hook summer.” it’s a return to hot summer days in Brooklyn, the setting that lee knows best. furthermore, the director promises that more films in his home are still to come. “i don’t know what’s next or what the story will be,” said lee, turning the attention back toward his film of the moment. “you should go see this film. i don’t tell audiences what to think anymore. audiences are very intelligent, and they should come out of the theater thinking. That’s how i approach making films.”

E14: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences Pg: Parental Guidance Pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted

Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.




Celeste and Jesse Forever

2016: Obama’s America


1/2 r

high school sweethearts try to maintain their friendship while divorcing and dating other people. terrace: Fri-thurs sept. 6: 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9

Killer Joe  nc-17

a young drug dealer hires a hitman to kill his much-hated mother for the insurance money. terrace: Fri-thurs sept. 6: 6, 9:10

Lawless  r

the true story of the bondurant brothers, a prohibition-era bootlegging gang in Franklin county, va.

cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 10:10; Fri: 12:50, 3:50, 7:30, 10:10; sat-sun: 10:10, 12:50, 3:50, 7:30, 10:10; mon-thurs sept. 6: 12:50, 3:50, 7:30, 10:10 citadel: today: 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 James island: Fri: 4:05, 6:55, 9:35; sat-mon: 1:20, 4:05, 6:55, 9:35; tues-thurs sept. 6: 4:05, 6:55, 9:35 northWoods: today: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40

Oogieloves g

goobie, zoozie and toofie search for lost magical balloons for schluufy’s surprise birthday party in lovelyloveville.

James island: Fri: 5:30; satmon: 1, 3:15, 5:30; tues-thurs sept. 6: 5:30

The Possession 


an antique box contains an ancient evil spirit that curses the young girl that bought it.

cinebarre: Fri: 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 9:45; sat-sun: 11, 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 9:45; mon-thurs sept. 6: 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 9:45



a look at president barack obama’s past and a look at how it could shape and define his future if re-elected for a second term.

citadel: today: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:15 James island: Fri: 4:10, 7:10, 9:40; sat-mon: 1:30, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40; tues-thurs sept. 6: 4:10, 7:10, 9:40

The Avengers  Pg-13

iron man, thor, captain america, the hulk, hawkeye and black widow fight to save earth from loki.

hWy 21: Fri-mon: 10:15 James island: Fri: 9:20; satmon: 3:30, 9:20; tues-thurs sept. 6: 9:20

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1/2 Pg-13

british retirees find their lives transformed in india.

 a scottish princess must rely on her bravery and skills to undo a beastly curse on her kingdom.

James island: Fri: 6:50; satmon: 1, 6:50; tues-thurs sept. 6: 6:50

The Campaign  r

will Ferrell and zach galifianakis play rival politicians in a mudslinging, back-stabbing race for congressman.

Palmetto grande: today: 12:50, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 regal 18: today: 2:15, 4:25, 6:55

The Expendables 2 1/2 r

action superstars are back in this mercenaries’ revenge sequel. cinebarre: today: 12:40, 3:40, 7:45, 10:20; Fri: 1, 4, 7:50, 10:20; satsun: 10:30, 1, 4, 7:50, 10:20; monthurs sept. 6: 1, 4, 7:50, 10:20 citadel: today: 12:40, 3:30, 7, 9:20, 9:50 hWy 21: today: 8; Fri-mon: 12:45 James island: today: 4:20, 7:10, 9:45 northWoods: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45 Palmetto grande: today: 1:15, 4, 7:15, 9:45 regal 18: today: 1:30, 2:10, 4, 4:45, 7:15, 7:40

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:35, 9:50; Fri: 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 9:50; sat-sun: 11:15, 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 9:50; mon-thurs sept. 6: 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 9:50 citadel: today: 12:25, 1, 2:40, 3:20, 4:55, 5:40, 7:10, 8:10, 9:40 James island: today-Fri: 4, 6:50, 9:40; sat-mon: 1:35, 4, 6:50, 9:40; tues-thurs sept. 6: 4, 6:50, 9:40 northWoods: today: 1, 3:45, 7, 9:30 Palmetto grande: today: 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:10 regal 18: today: 1:35, 3:45, 7:25

terrace: today: 12:30, 4:55, 7:10; Fri-thurs sept. 6: 12:25

The Dark Knight Rises

Hit and Run

Farewell, My queen 1/2 r

a fictional account of marie antoinette’s last days in power during the French revolution.

terrace: today: 2:45; Fri-thurs sept. 6: 12:05



The Bourne Legacy

batman emerges from exile to protect gotham city from the ruthless terrorist bane.

a former getaway driver risks his witness protection identity when he takes a road trip to l.a. with his girlfriend.

1/2 Pg-13

a new black ops field agent, aaron cross, escapes the cia’s attempts to execute him and sets out to expose their crimes.

cinebarre: today: 12:35, 3:35, 7:40, 10:35; Fri: 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:20; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:20; mon-thurs sept. 6: 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:20 citadel: today: 12:40, 3:45, 7, 9:45 hWy 21: Fri-mon: 8 James island: today-Fri: 4:05, 7:05, 10; sat-mon: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10; tues-thurs sept. 6: 4:05, 7:05, 10 northWoods: today: 1:15, 4:25, 7, 9:40 Palmetto grande: today: 1:40, 4:50, 8 regal 18: today: 1, 2:05, 4:10, 4:55, 7, 8:05


cinebarre: today-Fri: 3:10, 7, 10:25; sat-sun: 11:45, 3:10, 7, 10:25; mon-thurs sept. 6: 3:10, 7, 10:25 citadel: today: 9:30 citadel imaX: today: noon, 3:30, 7 James island: today: 5:15, 9; Frithurs sept. 6: 7:50 northWoods: today: 12:30, 4, 8 Palmetto grande: today: 12:30, 4:10, 8:10 regal 18: today: 1:05, 4:35, 7:55

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days 1/2


cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:30, 10:05; Fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:05; sat-sun: 10:45, 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:05; mon-thurs sept. 6: 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:05 citadel: today: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 James island: today-Fri: 4:15, 7, 9:50; sat-mon: 1:40, 4:15, 7, 9:50; tues-thurs sept. 6: 4:15, 7, 9:50 northWoods: today: 1:30, 4, 7, 9:30 Palmetto grande: today: 1:30, 4:20, 7:10, 10:05 regal 18: today: 1:25, 3:55, 6:55


Hope Springs

greg heffley has a summer of embarrassing mishaps and plans gone wrong.


citadel: today: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15 hWy 21: today: 9:40 James island: today: 4:10, 6:45, 9:10


after 30 years of marriage, a woman wants to spice things up and takes her skeptical husband on a marriage retreat. cinebarre: today: 12:45, 3:45,

7:20, 9:55; Fri: 1:05, 4:05, 7:15, 9:40; sat-sun: 10:40, 1:05, 4:05, 7:15, 9:40; mon-thurs sept. 6: 1:05, 4:05, 7:15, 9:40 citadel: today: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 northWoods: today: 1:20, 4:05, 7:05, 9:35 Palmetto grande: today: 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 regal 18: today: 1:25, 3:50, 6:50 terrace: today: 12:45, 3, 5:05, 7:15, 9:15; Fri-thurs sept. 6: 2:20, 4:10, 7:45, 9:30

James island 3d: today: 3:30, 8:45; Fri: 8:45; sat-mon: 3:30, 8:45; tues-thurs sept. 16: 3:30, 8:45 northWoods: today: 12:35, 2:50, 7:10 northWoods 3d: today: 5, 9:30 Palmetto grande: today: 12:40, 7:35 Palmetto grande 3d: today: 4:45, 10 regal 18: today: 1:05, 3:40 regal 18 3d: today: 1:45, 4:15, 7:45

The Intouchables

Premium Rush



the true story of the unlikely friendship between a quadriplegic millionaire and his ex-con caretaker from the projects.

a routine pickup turns into a lifeor-death chase as a manhattan bike messenger is pursued by a desperate, dirty cop.


terrace: today: 12:15, 2:25, 4:35, 7;20, 9:25; Fri-thurs sept. 6: 2:15, 4:20, 7

Odd Life of Timothy Green 1/2 Pg

a couple’s hopes for a child seem all but lost when young timothy green appears as an answer to their wishes. cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:50, 7:05, 9:35; Fri: 12:55, 3:55, 7:10, 9:40; sat-sun: 10:25, 12:55, 3:55, 7:10, 9:40; mon-thurs sept. 6: 12:55, 3:55, 7:10, 9:40 citadel: today: 1:10, 3:55, 7, 9:30 northWoods: today: 1:10, 3:55, 7:05, 9:25 Palmetto grande: today: 1:10, 3:50, 7, 9:40 regal 18: today: 1:15, 3:35, 6:45 terrace: today: 12:15, 2:15, 4:25, 7, 8:55; Fri-thurs sept. 6: 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9

ParaNorman 1/2 Pg

animated tale of a young ghoulwhisperer who takes on witches, zombies and grown-ups.

cinebarre: today: 4:15, 9:40; Fri: 4:15, 9:20; sat-sun: 10:55, 4:15, 9:20; mon-thurs sept. 6: 4:15, 9:20 cinebarre 3d: today-thurs sept. 6: 1:15, 7:05 citadel: today: 12:40, 2:50, 7:10 citadel 3d: today: 5, 9:20 hWy 21:today: 8; Fri-mon: 9:35 James island: today-Fri: 6:15; sat-mon: 1, 6:15; tues-thurs sept. 16: 6:15


cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:25, 10; Fri: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10; sat-sun: 11:05, 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10; monthurs sept. 6: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10 citadel: today: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 northWoods: today: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 Palmetto grande: today: 2:05, 4:35, 7:30, 9:50 regal 18: today: 1:50, 5, 7:50

Safety Not Guaranteed  r

three seattle magazine employees look for the story behind a man who places an ad seeking a time-traveling companion. terrace: today: 9:05

Sparkle 1/2 Pg-13

three sisters in 1960s detroit become motown sensations at the expense of their relationships. cinebarre: today: 12:30, 3:30, 7:15, 10:10 citadel: today: 12:30, 1, 3:15, 4:15, 5:50, 7, 8, 9:40 James island: today: 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 northWoods: today: 1, 4, 7, 9:40 Palmetto grande: today: 1, 4:25, 7:25, 10:15 regal 18: today: 1:20, 2, 4:05, 4:50, 7:30, 8

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | Palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | Park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E15

blind tiger strays from straight pub fare

By roB young Special to The Post and Courier

if you go

espite its traditions and landmark status, The Blind tiger isn’t a pub to avoid change. The much admired, much frequented bar/restaurant no longer maintains a menu reliant upon french influence: bistro burgers, pommes frites, mussels and the like. sure, the menu still primes favorites like the pierogies, nachos and n.y. strip sandwich, only now the spectrum swings much wider. Maybe most ambitious, The Blind tiger cranks out a half-pound burger made from elk meat ($12), and another patty assembled from ground alligator meat and cajun spices called the

gator hater ($12). expect this one to be a popular order among georgia fans this football season. Both are lean, the elk less beefy, less flavorful than a typical burger, while the ground alligator is comparable to a spicy sausage. neither is something you’d order every day, just every once in a while.


What: the blind tiger Where: 36-38 broad st. kitchen hours: 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. mondaythursday, 11:30 a.m.9:30 p.m. Friday-saturday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 6-11 p.m. sunday for more info: 5770088 or www.blindtiger charleston.com

The elk burger from The Blind Tiger. But both items fit well given The Blind tiger’s context. somehow, a seat on the patio, the exposed brick, the great outdoors, beckon an order of game. The menu reveals a few

other surprises, too, like the Banh Mi, ($8.50) a vietnamese sandwich with fresh jalapenos and cilantro on a french baguette. There’s also the “hangover helper tomato soup” ($4-$6), a creamy tomato basil concoction muddled up with a bloody mary mix and vodka. of course, it’s only for ages 21 and up. The other offerings — ahi tuna tacos, pitas, pimiento cheese or even the bold country cuban (fried pork chop, country ham, bacon, pickles, cheddar cheese and fried egg on a hoagie) — are eligible to all eaters. The same goes for sunday brunch, where diners can enjoy a leisurely meal indoors or outdoors, made up of omelets, bagels and photographs by rob young lox, fried green tomatoes or The Gator Hater alligator burger from The Blind Tiger. blackened salmon.

E16: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

high cotton serves up philosophy of hospitality high cotton

By DeiDre schipani Special to The Post and Courier


class act: That is what you will find in executive chef Joseph palma at high cotton. when he parted ways with westend Bistro by eric ripert in washington, he posted a letter to his staff, his customers and his mentor, ripert, thanking them for their support, opportunity and patronage. he came on board as executive chef at high cotton, and it was a homecoming of sorts. During his college days at the college of charleston, he worked for executive chef frank lee at slightly north of Broad. There, the philosophy and economics major found his passion, and it was not the dialogues of socrates. palma started this past spring in a restaurant that apprises the canon of Maverick southern kitchen properties: local, seasonal, inspired by the region — a sense of place.

Flavors abound

Deft touches that separate a novice from a master are apparent in palma’s sauces and plate compositions. flavoring

High Cotton is at 199 East Bay St. an oil with Madras curry speaks to this port city and its former spice routes; the “supremes” of citrus that not only garnish his dishes but elevate flavors in a simple crab amuse show the thoughtful process of palma’s kitchen. if the yellow tomato gazpacho remains through late summer, do try it ($4, $6). fresh dill and marinated cucumbers percolate to new levels in this simple tomato soup. a classic caesar ($8) is made with earthy escarole, and local peaches blossom in sweetness when dressed with picholine-caper vinaigrette. The charcuterie plate ($15)

tyrone walker/staFF

is textbook in its marriage of fat and flavor. The pepperoni is supple and picante, the rillettes are smooth pork “butter.” only the sopressata seemed off in size and taste. accompanied by grilled, buttered baguette slices, you can order a bowl of soup and easily satisfy your appetite. The picnic plate ($15) celebrates all things southern: fried green tomatoes, pickled okra and peaches, barbecue lowcountry peanuts, pimiento cheese and that same baguette. i ordered the local snapper ($28). This crisp, fresh fillet was seared and served in a

bouillabaisse nage whose “eyes” of the stock spoke with such flavor that i would not cuisine: american-southern be surprised if palma based category: night out; neighborhood Favorite his recipe on the 13 steps and location: 199 east bay st. 25 ingredients used by gilPhone: 724-3815 bert le coze, who mentored hours: dinner nightly at 5:30 p.m., lunch saturday ripert. it was good enough 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., sunday brunch 10 a. m.-2 p.m. bar to drink. The thin scrapes open daily at 4 p.m. of fresh fennel were perfect food:  flavor boosters, and only the service: 1/2 demi-lune of neutra-tasting atmosPhere:  spoonbread seemed pale in Price: $$-$$$$$ comparison to the robust flacosts: appetizers $12-$14, soups and salads $4-$10, vors of this dish. sharing plates $15, entrees $23-$37, sides $4-$6, desserts italy, by way of the low$7.50, daily specials mp, happy hour menu $7-$15. country, shows up in a vegetarian oPtions: yes keegan-filion farms chickbar: Full-service bar menu, private-label spirits; specialty en cooked “under the brick.” cocktail menu; reserve wine list The chicken was nicely decibel level: varies crusted and evenly seasoned, Wheelchair access: yes and was served with hoppin’ Parking: street and parking garages John and okra pods crisped other: effective sept. 30, happy hour in the bar 4in a fine sleeve of batter. 7 p.m. daily. live music 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at sunday brunch, The menu is balanced with special events, Facebook, opentable, live music in the bar pork, pasta, and shrimp and (see website). private dining rooms, www.highcotton grits as well as steaks and veal charleston.com, www.mavericksouthernkitchens. chops that can be sauced to com. partner: sustainable seafood initiative, south your preference. These are carolina Fresh on the menu, green hospitality. accompanied by creative side dishes ($4-$6): black-eyed pea salad with mustard oil, Brussels sprouts with smoked menu with wines by the glass treated to a grand Marnier and the bottle with care. creme brulee and peanut paprika and smoked twiceDesserts ($7.50) mine a butter mousse cake on a salty baked potatoes are but a few. textural strata of cold ice chocolate crust with gently Right touches creams and sorbets, key whipped banana cream and Beverage director patrick lime pie, peanut butter cake paper-thin banana slices emerson has matched the and creme brulee. we were torched to a tawny crackle.

The post and courier

charleston restaurant week

Mark your calendars and make your reservations! charleston restaurant week starts wednesday and runs through sept. 16. orchestrated by the charleston restaurant association, restaurant week has become an event that has proven to be one of the most highly anticipated culinary events in the area. charleston restaurant week offers diners prix fixe menus consisting of three items for $20, $30 or $40, depending on the restaurant. There are more than 125 restaurants participating, the highest number to date. to find out which restaurants are taking part and to get a glimpse of the menu offerings, check out www.charleston restaurantassociation.com. Many restaurants are still working on their menus and may not be available on the site, but be sure to check back often for updates. The charleston restaurant association encourages diners to make reservations as early as possible. over the past few installments, many restaurants were booked to capacity before the event started. not all participating restaurants accept reservations, but many provide access to a reservation link through the association’s website. Diners also can contact the restaurants directly. find out all you need to know about charleston restaurant week in the advertising supplement in today’s paper, including a list of participating restaurants, tips on how to make the most out of your experience, answers to frequently asked questions and more.

thursday, august 30, 2012: E17

By DeiDre schipani to virginia tech. Mellow Special to The Post and Courier Mushroom is at 309 king st. call 723-7374.

farewell to summer

The tides hotel and Blu restaurant and Bar will host their inaugural end of summer party 7-11 p.m. sept. 7. The tides and Blu will provide live entertainment complete with a hula fire show direct from hawaii, live music and fireworks to mark the end of summer. The party begins at 7 p.m. on the deck at Blu restaurant and Bar with calvin taylor performing. unkle funkle performs at 9 p.m., with fireworks at 11 p.m. This oceanfront party is $65 and includes open bar, pig roast, buffet and entertainment. room packages are available. reservations can be made at www.tidesfollybeach. com or call 588-6464.

salute trattoria lucca

declaring its colors

more evo

Mellow Mushroom on king street is the official local bar of virginia tech alumni. an hour before each game, it will host a pregame party, during which 10 percent of sales will go to the virginia tech alumni association. The alumni association will use those funds to send lowcountry students

kudos to trattoria lucca chef and owner ken vedrinski, whose restaurant was selected by travel + leisure magazine as one of the best italian restaurants in the united states. trattoria lucca is at 41 Bogard st. call 973-3323.

flavors of vietnam

vietnamese cafe Mi Xao plans to open this week at 1055 highway 41 at station 41 in Mount pleasant. anh toan ho was ready for a planned opening aug. 29. Designed for takeout, there is a small seating area. on the menu: banh mi, pho bo, goi and bun salads. call 388-5733 or check out www. facebook.com/mixaocafe for more.

evo bakery and pizzeria is now open on Monday, serving lunch 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and dinner 5-10 p.m. evo is at 1075 east Montague ave. in north charleston. email info@evopizza.com or call 225-1796.


after a short hiatus and

a return to previous menu favorites, iacofano’s chef and owner John iacofano reopened aug. 23 at 626 coleman Blvd. call 485-3663 or go to www.iacofanos.com.

local chef featured

chef Jeremiah Bacon of The Macintosh had his scallop recipe featured in Bon appetit’s september issue. check out page 42 for some good eating.

Pal Joey’s

la fontana opened this summer on Johnnie Dodds Boulevard. sister property cuoco pazzo closed, and then was said to reopen as a pizza place. now, both properties are closed and pal Joey’s Martini Bar plans to open in la fontana’s former location in early september. pal Joey’s will be at 1035 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. in Mount pleasant.

three squares

The square onion at 18 resolute lane in i’on is now offering a wednesday night supper program. call 856-4246 for details.

mini bar opens

anna faenza has opened the elliotborough Mini Bar in the former enoteca loca-

tion at 18 percy st. it is open 5-10 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 5-11 p.m. fridaysaturday. call 577-0028.


vino Burgerz has closed at 1039 s.c. highway 41 in Mount pleasant.

manicures, martinis

style Bar has opened at 125 cannon st. check out the grand opening sept. 21 with a special happy hour beginning at 5 p.m. for a whole new way to look at salons. call 577-7595 or go to tabularasacharleston.com for more info.


tickets to the BB&t charleston wine + food festival, scheduled feb. 28March 3 are available as of today (see pages 18-19 for more information). if you’re inclined to make a week of it, hotel packages are available. More than 13 of charles-ton’s most highly regarded hotels are offering packages, including accommo-dations and tickets to various festival events, with some adding special touches such as transportation, drink specials and gourmet meals. There is a variety of events, locations and price points.

E18: Thursday, august 30, 2012

Thursday, august 30, 2012: E19


bb&t charleston wine + Food ticket launch weekend

this annual event is celebrating the start of 2013 festival ticket sales (9 a.m. today) with a weekend of fun. today, head out to the charleston harbor resort & marina 5:30-7:30 p.m. for the ticket launch party. For $40, get a “taste” of the upcoming festival by sampling offerings from some of the local chefs participating, enjoy live music from dub island & the dubplates and sip on refreshing drinks. For $75 on saturday, head to the lookout pavilion at charleston harbor resort & marina staFF/File 7-10 p.m. for the new local catch cookout. dine on seafood offerings caught the day before and served up by Jeremiah bacon (the macintosh), sean brock (husk, mccrady’s), drew hedlund (Fleet landing), mike lata (Fig) and Frank lee (snob), among others. if you’re interested in attending both events, a combo ticket is available for $100. check out charlestonwineandfood. com.

Barbecue Championship & Bluegrass Festival

rock for Jude this benefit concert will be held Friday in memory of Jude michael chauvin, a 5-month-old diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, and will serve as an opportunity to raise awareness for cancer research. Featuring two-song performances and an in-the-round, rock for Jude will include headliners danielle howle and luke cunningham, along with John wesley satterfield, sean kelly, tyler boone, matt megrue, keon masters, nathan merli, harrison ray, dallas corbett and dan rainey. the 8 p.m. show will be held at pure theatre, 477 king st.; doors will open at 7 p.m. tickets are $10, $8 with a student id. all proceeds will be going toward the american cancer society and the chauvin family.

presented by awendaw green and suncoast promotions, the circular congressional church kicks off the charleston listening room series at 8 p.m. Friday. enjoy the soulful sounds of the soloist as she performs ahead of her october-release project, “Free.” the series is all about “planting the seed for grassroots music to grow.” so make sure you don’t miss it. tickets are $12 and can be purchased at etix.com. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. call 343-4057 or go to www. suncoastpromotions. com.


beer & wine Festival File/staFF

People dance during the Barbecue and Bluegrass Festival at Boone Hall.


what better way is there to spend a day of a long holiday weekend than tapping your toes and licking your fingers? we couldn’t come up with a better answer either. on sunday, head out to boone hall plantation in mount pleasant for this sixth annual barbecue competition and bluegrass festival. sample offerings from competitors of bone-in chicken, ribs (spare ribs, loin and baby back) and more; there’s a category of griller’s choice, which means the master of the barbecue could serve up beef, chicken, pork, freshwater fish or seafood. Judging will include best set-up: best theme, team appearance, originality and creativity. if you’re hankering for something bigger than a nibble, full plates will be available for purchase by a variety of vendors. a beer truck or two also is expected to be on-site. the other half of the event is the music. kick up your heels and enjoy live performances from nationally recognized bluegrass acts. in addition to the barbecue and bluegrass, there will be a mechanical bull riding contest with a chance to win a large flat-screen hdtv, a celebrity dunking booth, jump castles for the kids, a huge fireworks show in the evening and more. gates open at 10:30 a.m. the event will run until 8:30 p.m. tickets are $25 in advance, $30 the day of; tickets for kids ages 6-12 are $8 in advance, $10 the day of; kiddos 5 and under get in free. Find out more by calling 884-4371.

bluegrass & country music Jamboree if you’re up for a bit of a drive, consider heading out to this 10th annual labor day weekend event in santee held at lone star barbecue and mercantile, 2212 santee state park road. enjoy three days of live music, with performances by talk of the town, the pine hill ramblers, the claude lucas bluegrass band, bell’s highway, common ground, the blue iguanas, ladies of the pickin’ parler, the sugar loaf mountain boys, tristina & brent, eden graves, the black bottom biscuits and more. the family-friendly event also will have antique automobiles on display saturday. the Friday-sunday event is free (but the bands do expect tips). Food will be available for purchase at the lone star restaurant. call 803-854-2000 or check out lonestarbbq.net.

cooper river challenge enjoy a day of fishing saturday at the foot of the arthur ravenel Jr. bridge. compete in categories including adult angler, lady angler, youth angler (3-12), senior angler (60-plus) and total weight of five fish. held rain or shine at the mount pleasant pier off harry m. hallman boulevard, the tournament runs 6 a.m.-4 p.m. with prizes awarded at 4:15 p.m. the fee to compete is $12 or $9 for charleston county residents. an adult chaperon is required for participants ages 15 and under. call 762-9946.

a taste of d.c.

catch everyone’s favorite blond sorority sweetheart as she heads off to harvard law school in an effort to win back her boyfriend. elle woods, played in the film version by reese witherspoon, won’t take no for an answer and takes harvard by storm. Find out where her blond ambition gets her in this show presented by charleston stage at dock street theatre, 135 church st. tickets range from $22.50-$52.50. the run starts at 7:30 p.m. Friday and continues throughout the month. catch the schedule of show times at www.charlestonstage.com or by calling 577-7183.

end of the summer labor day weekend party

momma and the redemption band, cotton blue and smoky weiner will be celebrating the end of summer in style 4-8 p.m. sunday at bowen’s island restaurant, 1868 bowen’s island road. admission is $10; food and beverages will be available for purchase. call 300-5411 or go to bowensislandrestaurant.com.

help the pour house wrap up its weeklong celebration of its 10th anniversary. toubab krewe will headline Friday and saturday, while larry keel and natural bridge will headline sunday. the mural competition, which has been going on since aug. 27, features local artists painting the outside and interior walls of the venue with the theme of the pour house’s motto: “love. live. music.” attendees of the final day of events, sunday, will vote for their favorites; the top three winners will receive awards, including a $500 grand prize. Find out pricing information at charlestonpourhouse. com.

bonnie bishop

‘legally blonde: the musical’

edisto beach music and shag Fest

bay creek park will be invaded Friday and saturday as shaggers from three states have been invited to take part in this music and shag festival. savor the last few “official” days of summer with music, dancing, shopping and good eating. starting at noon Friday, check out the arts and crafts fair and see what the food vendors are serving up; the east coast party band will perform 8-11 p.m. starting at 10 a.m. saturday, again check out the arts and crafts fair and the food vendors, and bring the kids as children’s activities will be offered; dJ Jim bowers will spin tunes noon-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m., with the headliners performing 7-11 p.m. a shag competition will begin at 9 p.m. tickets are $5 each day, with kids 13 and under getting in free. call 869-3867 or go to www.edistochamber.com.

the pour house’s 10th anniversary

this sixth annual event returns to Freshfields village on sunday. attendees can enjoy tastings of fine wines and craft beers, nosh on items from the hege’s restaurant buffet, enjoy live music by lilly b’ and more 4-7:30 p.m. a silent auction featuring items such as an in-shore fishing trip, african safari and golf packages is one you won’t want to miss. proceeds from the silent auction and from ticket sales will go toward the barrier islands Free medical clinic. tickets are $35 in advance, $40 at the gate, and can be purchased at indigo books at Freshfields village, kiawah town hall, seabrook island real estate, the ups store on maybank highway, schoen ace hardware on Johns island, Forsberg’s wine and spirits, hyams garden & accent store and paul’s hairstyling on James island, and dr. marta hampton’s office in west ashley. call 266-9800 or 768-3151.

this washingtonthemed event brings the music, art, food and drinks from the nation’s capital to charleston. dig in to maryland blue crabcakes and half-smokes and chili from ben’s chili bowl, a washington institution, as you sip on beer from dc brau brewing company, the only brewery located within the district. in addition to the good eats, visual artist scott parsons will be doing live spray paint art, including scenes of the d.c. skyline. super deluxe will perform live funk music featuring go go, a subgenre of funk made popular by the legendary chuck brown, e.u., rare essence and countless other washington musicians. get your d.c. on at the brick house kitchen, 1575 Folly road on James island, starting at 5 p.m. tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door, and include the price of food. go to superdeluxe live.com.

E20: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

lowcountry Jazz fest

Smooth sounds get funky for a healthy cause By stratton lawrence Special to The Post and Courier


s it a coincidence that the musicians we most often hear piped in at the doctor’s office are banding together to help “close the gap” in health care disparities in the lowcountry? no, not exactly. when Dr. Thaddeus Bell and his wife dreamed up the idea for a jazz festival to promote their charitable organization, closing the gap in health care, they naturally looked to the artists they admired and enjoyed the most.

if you go

“i play a lot of music in my practice, so it’s not uncommon for patients to come in- What: lowcountry Jazz to my office and hear jazz,” Festival Bell said. “a lot of the artists When: Friday-sunday that you’ll hear on stage this Where: north charleston year are playing in my office performing arts center, all day.” 5001 coliseum drive now in its fourth year, the Price: $20-$60 depending lowcountry Jazz festival is on the event coordinated and produced for more info: www. by charlotte-based prolowcountryjazzfestival.com moter tammy greene of Jazz Diva entertainment. at another of her concerts, she met lowcountry DJ and “This is the way i dreamed producer Jazzy Jay (at that of it all along,” greene said. time of r&B station Magic “Dr. Bell has been going on 107.3), who told her about faith with me.” Bell’s organization and his All-star lineup jazz festival idea. each evening of the 2012 “i’d been thinking that charleston would be a great lowcountry Jazz festival includes three acts, highlightplace for a festival,” said ed by a national headliner to greene, who kicked off the close the show. first year with a one-day friday’s lineup begins with event featuring saxophonpianist Marcus Johnson and ist Boney James and pianist alex Bugnon. “That went re- guitarist Matt Marshak before culminating with ally well and made closing keyboardist/trombonist the gap some money, so we Brian culbertson and saxodid it again in 2010.” Doubling their attendance phonist David sanborn, who are touring the country toin the second year, the fesgether on “The Dream tour.” tival expanded to two days for the 39-year-old culin 2011. bertson, who has recorded with interest growing with herb alpert and reeven more, this weekend’s cently released his 13th event now encompasses three full nights and a special jazz brunch on sunday. please see Jazz, page 21

nicolas zur

Jessy J


Al Jarreau


Brian Culbertson


Gerald Albright and Norman Brown

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E21

Jazz from page 20 full-length album, “Dreams,” playing with the six-time grammywinning sanborn is a dream come true. “it’s incredible,” said culbertson, on the phone with charleston scene from a soundcheck at a gig with sanborn in Milwaukee. “we’d been running into each other at various festivals for a while, and we ended up hanging out with each other on the smooth Jazz cruise last January.” for their current tour, sanborn and culbertson combine their bands into one, sharing the stage for the duration of the show. “it’s a true collaborative duo show, which i think is truly exciting,” culbertson said. “There’s a lot of great ups and downs in the musical moments. it’s a good flow, with a lot of funky stuff and a lot of beautiful arrangements.” for the set list, the duo draws from culbertson’s catalog as well as sanborn’s entire career, dating back to 1975. as a session sax player, sanborn’s resume includes recordings with a who’s who of musical icons, including stevie wonder, The grateful Dead, Billy Joel, Bruce springsteen, David Bowie and James Brown. “Mixing in David’s classic material is what i’m really excited about,” culbertson said. “That’s the stuff that really got me going in high school.” culbertson has his own impressive resume, including 2008’s “Bringing Back the funk,” which drew on players and influences like earth, wind & fire’s Maurice white and parliamentfunkadelic’s Bootsy collins. The festival’s all-star lineup continues saturday, when returning favorite saxophonist gerald albright pairs with guitarist norman Brown for another duo show. They’re preceded by saxophonist ronnie laws and festival veteran alex Bugnon. promoter greene is quick to mention albright among her favorite performers from last year’s festival,


Marcus Johnson Charlton Singleton


David Sanborn jumping at the chance to book him again. “people are still talking about that performance,” she exclaims. “from the music to the energy, it’s a moment that people remember.” albright is a session veteran with credits that include The temptations, whitney houston and anita Baker. he and Brown are touring on their joint 2012 release, “24/7.” “it’s a special festival,” said albright, speaking last week as he boarded a flight after a show in new york. “everything is just top notch, and we really enjoy the audience in charleston. They embrace the performers, and that makes for a wonderful experience. “plus, it’s nice to know it’s for a worthy cause. Music is a magnet for bringing people together, so we’re glad to be a part of that.” on sunday morning, the festival debuts the low-

country Jazz Brunch at 11 a.m., featuring saxophonist Jessy J. That evening, the weekend concludes with headliner al Jarreau, preceded by pianist cyrus chestnut, and local trumpeter and bandleader charlton singleton. Jarreau, a seven-time grammy-winning jazz singer, counts george Benson, Bill withers and al green among his contemporaries. with a discography dating back to 1975, the 72-yearold still records and tours internationally. his most recent grammy award came in 2007 for Best traditional r&B vocal performance for the song “god Bless the child,” a collaboration with Jill scott and Benson. with three nights of headliners, greene said that the “stars aligned” for this year’s festival, allowing for just the right combination of diverse performers. “i’ve never heard al Jar-


reau in person before,” said closing the gap’s Bell when asked who he’s most excited about seeing this year. “he’s an icon in the smooth jazz community.”

Healthy community

from 1995-2004, Bell served as the director of the office of student Diversity at the Medical university of south carolina. it was during that time that he fully realized the disparity in health care for african-americans in the state. Determined to take action, Bell formed closing the gap. today, the organization hosts youth fitness seminars throughout predominately black neighborhoods in the lowcountry and has a daily presence on fM radio stations across the lowcountry that are popular with the black community. The group also contributes to scholarships for

african-american students at Musc, an award given in Bell’s honor. “we were looking for a better way to raise funds for our scholarship when my wife suggested the jazz festival,” explains Bell. “There were not a whole lot of resources to help african-american students attend the Medical university, so my major focus has been trying to promote the health care professions, so that we can do a better job of fixing the disparities.” when the coastal community foundation offered to partner with closing the gap to promote the scholarship, they challenged Bell to raise $250,000 in an endowment. “we were trying to do it the old fashioned way, and we weren’t making a whole lot of money,” Bell recalls. since beginning the jazz festival, they’ve increased the coffers from $80,000 to $193,000, and they’re hopeful this year’s event will push them to their goal. “i don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch, but there’s a good chance that we could reach the goal this year,” Bell said. in addition to increasing radio addresses and fitness festivals geared toward children, Bell also contributes to his high school alma mater, c.a. Johnson high school in columbia, which now includes an immersive health academy that prepares students for health care professions. “everything we do is trying to get children to appreciate the importance of being in shape,” Bell said. organizing the lowcountry Jazz festival goes part and parcel with their mission, said Bell, bringing the

community together with a common purpose. he emphasizes the multifaceted involvement of supporters like local gullah artist Jonathan green, who contributed a print for this year’s commemorative poster. “if there’s one person who is passionate about what he does, it’s Dr. Bell,” greene said. “There are so many people who support the festival, in part because they’ve been impacted by closing the gap. That’s a big reason the festival has grown like it has.” as a genre, smooth jazz doesn’t enjoy the popularity it did during the late ’80s and early ’90s, when artists like Jarreau, george Benson and kenny g were household names. contemporary performer culbertson says that it’s still extremely popular, however, despite falling out of the mainstream consciousness. “The fans are still there, and they’re passionate about it,” culbertson said. “what’s changed is the radio format. we rely on internet and satellite radio now for getting our music out there. let’s face it, instrumental music is not going to be on today’s pop radio.” The annual success of the festival serves to underscore culbertson’s claims. whether the crowds are coming out as longtime fans of the artists or supporters of closing the gap, the charity and the festival are enjoying success that further inspires Bell to continue on his mission. “our entire purpose is to decrease the health disparity in the african-american community,” Bell said. “we like to say, ‘we’re jazzing with a purpose.’ ”

E22: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

the darkness

Hot Cakes/Wind-Up


when the band The Darkness released its debut, “permission to land,” in 2003, many thought it was a parody album, and it was in a way. The band was riding the wave of heavy metal nostalgia that was cresting at the time. and while there was a definite tongue-in-cheek quality, the music also was surprisingly good. unfortunately, the follow-up album, “one way ticket to hell ... and Back,” was absolutely dreadful, exhibiting none of the fun that made the debut so

memorable. now, after a lengthy hiatus, The Darkness is back. and from a listen to the material on the new album, “hot cakes,” the members apparently have regained the frame of mind they were in while writing and recording their debut. The music on “hot cakes” once again harks back to the days when bands like Def leppard and Motley crue ruled the roost. The material here doesn’t quite measure up to songs from the debut, such as “i Believe in a Thing called love” and

“get your hands off of My woman,” but it’s a vast improvement over that horrible sophomore effort. lead singer Justin hawkins’ voice is as strong as ever and remains the band’s best asset. after coming back from the brink, it appears that The Darkness is working together for the benefit of metal heads everywhere.

when it comes to established musicians who double as music historians, they don’t come much better than ry cooder. having spent his career exploring countless musical styles and instruments, fans have come to see a new cooder release as entertainment and education. cooder’s latest, “election special,” is a collection of songs directly related to the presidential campaign. with titles such as “Mutt romney Blues” and “going to tampa,” it’s fairly easy to

see on which side of the fence cooder sits, and he’ll likely take more than a bit of flak from his more conservative fans for the songs here. That’s a shame, because even with the fairly one-sided subject matter, cooder is still making some lovely music. The gently strummed mandolin on “Brother is gone” and the guitar riff on “guantanamo,” reminiscent of ’70s era rolling stones, are great. while i’m sure this won’t be the last

politically themed music we’ll hear before november, at least “election special” features some superb string playing by cooder. if you tend to lean to the right politically, then might i suggest listening while ignoring the lyrics.

it is almost impossible to have listened to folk or rock over the past half-century without coming across the voice of art garfunkel. as half of simon & garfunkel, he was in possession of the high-soaring voice that punctuated songs such as “Bridge over troubled water” and “scarborough fair/ canticle.” outside of that successful partnership with paul simon, garfunkel has released an impressive catalog of solo albums. for the first time, garfunkel’s best songs, with and without simon, have been collected in a two-cD set, simply titled “The singer.”

garfunkel sings with a quiet intensity that sets him apart from any other vocalist out there. even if the simon & garfunkel songs had been left off this collection, it still would be an impressive package. standout solo tracks include “Bright eyes,” which was used in the film “watership Down,” as well as garfunkel’s duet with James taylor, “crying in the rain.” some of the solo stuff gets a bit strained toward the end, especially since garfunkel becomes the umpteenth artist to release an album of covers (represented here by a mediocre “some enchanted evening”).

key tracks: “nothing’s gonna stop us,” “keep me hangin’ on,” “concrete”

ry cooder

Election Special/Nonesuch


key tracks: “brother is gone,” going to tampa,” “the 90 and the 9”

art garfunkel

The Singer/Columbia/Legacy


The two cDs hold a total of 33 garfunkel performances, and in addition to taylor making an appearance, garfunkel has a duet with amy grant. The set also includes two new performances, “lena” and “long way home.” true fans will likely have a lot of what’s here already, especially the simon & garfunkel material, but for those who don’t and enjoy garfunkel’s work, this is the most well-rounded collection yet. key tracks: “bright eyes,” “crying in the rain,” “my little town” — by devin grant

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E23

drivin’ n cryin’

if you go What: drivin’ n cryin’ with danielle howle When: saturday; doors open at 9 p.m. Where: the windjammer, 1008 ocean blvd., isle of palms Price: $15 for more info: 886-8596 or www.thewindjammer.com

Atlanta band gets infusion from Lowcountry

By Devin grant Special to The Post and Courier

match for Drivin’ n cryin’, and charleston scene had a chance to talk to him, as well or nearly three decades, as founding member tim the band Drivin’ n cry- nielsen, about the history of in’ has been bringing its the band and what the fusouthern-flavored brand of ture holds. rock ’n’ roll to fans around nielsen, who plays bass for the world. the group, spoke by phone started in atlanta in 1985, from his home in Mount Drivin’ n cryin’ hit its pleasant, and downplayed stride a few years later when the band’s longevity. it released “Mystery road” “i don’t think you really in 1989. That album, which think about long term when featured radio singles such you’re 20,” said nielsen, who as “honeysuckle Blue” and counts “Mystery road” as his “straight to hell,” lit the fuse, favorite Drivin’ n cryin’ alwhile the follow-up album, bum. “The band really jelled 1991’s “fly Me courageous,” when Jeff sullivan joined as shot the band to stardom. drummer after we got signed The band has continued to island (records).” to tour and release new alnielsen relocated to Mount bums, the latest of which, pleasant from atlanta last “songs from the laundroyear just as vaden was premat,” was released in June. paring to move to nashville, last year, the band received tenn., after the breakup of a shot in the arm courtesy his band leslie. of the lowcountry when lo“we’d met sadler while cal guitarist sadler vaden playing on a lynyrd skyjoined the lineup. vaden nyrd rock cruise,” explained has proven to be a perfect nielsen. “he was there


By Matthew goDBey Special to The Post and Courier

quintet formed in 2007 with austin native Joe lewis at its helm. black Joe lewis lewis’ determination to escape his life as a factory & the honeybears worker and pawnshop clerk you hear it in a band like drove the band to hit the road this, the sturdy, tight preciearly, as lewis considered getsion that still manages to ting out and playing live to be sway with the rhythm of the best form of practice. whatever moment in which The band hit the road hard, it finds itself. developing a strong live it’s a thing, a coolness, a show and quickly drawing swagger, if you will, that bigger and bigger crowds. bands like Black Joe lewis & The word spread to Jim The honeybears obtain only eno, drummer and proafter years spent crammed ducer of fellow austin band in a van, counting down spoon. eno decided to take mile markers and hours the quintet under his wing to the next few minutes of and brought the band on glory before packing up and tour with spoon and proenduring the countdown all duced the 2009 lost highover again. way debut, “tell ’em what out there, a band finds itself, your name is.” sharpens itself and, if it surin just five years, the ambivives the grind, defines itself. tious band from austin has The texas-based blues-rock managed to release two full-

performing with Blue Dogs, and he got on stage with us one night to play. “he came to us last year as he was moving and said he’d like to work with us. not too long after, our guitarist quit and we asked him to play a few shows with us. Then we asked him to join the band,” nielsen said. for vaden, being asked to join meant a lot more than most folks realized. “when i was 10, my parents took me to see The who,” vaden recalled. “Drivin’ n cryin’ opened up for them, and they were amazing. They were on the radio all the time while i was growing up.” vaden also remembers playing with Drivin’ n cryin’ on that rock cruise, as well as the events that led to getting asked to join the band. “tim had just moved to Mount pleasant,” vaden said, “and he asked me to give him

new material, and it may continue to put out eps every few months instead of a ride to asheville (n.c.), pretty heavy things happen full-length albums. where the band was playing. to him in his life.” “people seem to have i gave him a lift, and ended vaden seemed humbled by shorter attention spans these days,” nielsen said. “i think up playing with them for half the praise. it’s cool to write and record the show. Then kevn (kin“That’s flattering coming ney) asked me right then and from someone who is in one five songs and release them on an ep. it’s cheaper and there to come on the road of my favorite bands growwith the band for a few dates. ing up,” he said. “i love mu- faster than recording a fulli said yes, but i had to go to sic, and it’s all i know how to length album.” nielsen and vaden said walmart to buy some socks do. i’m fortunate to make a and underwear because i living and i try not to take it that fans coming to the show saturday at The windjamthought i was just driving to for granted.” mer can expect a good, long asheville and back.” The band plans to release rock ’n’ roll show with a lot nielsen has nothing but a new ep, “songs about praise for vaden as an addi- cars and space and The ra- of new material, but they also promise to play the hits. tion to the band. mones,” in september, and “if you come up to the “he brings energy,” nielsen vaden is working on his first said. “he’s a great guitar solo album, which he hopes stage and yell out your favorite Drivin’ n cryin’ player. he’s a great person. to have out later this fall. song, we’ll probably play it,” he’s so bright and upbeat, nielsen also said that the nielsen said. even though he’s had some band is always working on provided

Drivin’ N Cryin’

king of spain

we all know that the British have no trouble producing good music. But there’s also an american sentiment that if it’s indie and British, well, then it must be cool. But what elevates the south london band king of spain above the trendy assumptions isn’t that it’s British, but that it’s unafraid to push past the assumptions and Jay Janner/american-statesman expectations to find new Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears musical ground to explore, which is what made British length albums; perform at honeybears will perform music so great to begin with. festivals such as Bonnaroo, wednesday at The pour The band released its coachella, outside lands house, 1977 Maybank high- dairy farm-recorded debut, and sasquatch; tour with the way, with Dikes of holland. “Battleships & aeroplanes,” new york Dolls; and receive tickets are $15 in advance, in 2008 and immediately invites from famed televi$17 the day of the show and caused a rift among critics. sion shows like “late show are available online at etix. some adored the band for its with David letterman,” com or at the door. Doors traditional, very British folk “later with Jools holland” open at 9 p.m. structure and indie-popand “austin city limits.” go to charlestonpour punk union, while others Black Joe lewis & The house.com or call 571-4343. missed it all together. some

slathered founder/singer/ songwriter Matt slate with praise and flowery adjectives, while others were left perplexed, disappointed or, as the band itself says, angry. Maybe it’s not the contemplation and innovative complexity behind king of spain’s music that i like; maybe it’s the rebelliousness, the comfort in discomfort, the apathy toward pleasing everyone, or even anyone, that appeals to me. Then again, it’s probably a more complicated combination of both that has me nodding along. king of spain will perform at the tin roof, 1117 Magnolia road, tonight in support of its recently released album, “all i Did was tell Them the truth and They Thought it was hell.” Doors open at 9 p.m. call 571-0775.

E24: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

Pop-up show aims to add color to ‘gray area’


hink edge,” gris galerie’s elizabeth Bowers said of friday’s art show at the old gadsden funeral home on st. philip street. This will be Bowers’ and partner greg colleton’s third pop-up art show at the old funeral home, and each one has showcased some of charleston’s edgier artists in a professional but unconventional manner. and that is exactly the aim to “highlight the gray area of art in charleston.” The pair explains that the shows are “meant to bring about progression and help to change contemporary art in charleston for the better.” friday’s show will feature graffiti and mural artists from the southeast as local favorite ishmael brings his friends to the lowcountry. from asheville, n.c., will be Dustin spagnola, ted harper, old faithfull and vincent luca. trek6 will come from Miami, while ishmael and patch whisky will bring the charleston vibe. artists will create an original mural that evening on the 100-foot cinder block wall in the courtyard of the funeral home. There will be hanging art for sale. refreshments will be provided, and Dr. fuzz will DJ the show, which will run 610 p.m. at 221 st. philip st. call 754-5533.

duckworth exhibit

also looking to do something different in the charleston arts scene are John Duckworth, a local painter and photographer, and Josh silverman, a finan-

A piece by Ishmael, who will be part of the Gris Galerie pop-up art show.

folklore, washington has decided to curate a show of fiber arts called “Mermaids and Merwomen in Black folklore,” which will be on display through oct. 28 at the city gallery at waterfront park. The show will bring together well-known and emerging fiber artists and educate the public about this little-known folklore. “each piece is a storyteller, using color, texture, form and embellishment to express a narrative,” washington said. in addition to the fiber arts, there will be a variety of events and performers, including poet and quilter Jacqueline Johnson, poets Joanna sophia crowell and Maritza rivera, spoken word poet and musician kurtis lamkin, filmmaker and poet Bianca spriggs, akua lezli hope, Mariahadessa ekere tallie, poet laureate of south carolina Marjory heath wentworth and more. There are so many events planned for the two months it would be difficult to list them all here. to find out what’s going on when, email cookiesews1960@gmail.com or call 259-8108.

‘Quiet sea’

images provided

A piece by Trek6, who will participate in Gris Galerie’s pop-up art show at the old Gadsden Funeral Home on St. Philip Street. cial adviser and DJ. silverman’s company, Jericho advisors, has hosted numerous art shows at the office on st. philip street. silverman said that they “encourage the artists they feature to explore new ideas that may not typically work in traditional gallery spaces.” for september and october, look to see works by

Duckworth at Jericho. as a constantly evolving artist, Duckworth often rides his bicycle all over the lowcountry in search of inspiration. Most people are familiar, maybe unknowingly, with his landscape photographs (they look like paintings) that have been hanging in places like fig restaurant, but he’s got a

get in touch with your emotions through photography. allison evans uses “photography as a mode of meditation, and her recent work explores how images, particularly in nature, can A piece from the “Mermaids and Merwomen in Black equate with emotional or Folklore” exhibit curated by Torreah “Cookie” Washing- psychological states. her collection of seascapes, ton at the City Gallery at Waterfront Park. depicting water in various whole other body of work ‘mermaids’ stages of motion, is a rep“Mermaid stories may that would surprise most. resentation of this internal This exhibition is a chance have first come to the usa exploration.” to see some of the pieces that through the south carolina Meet evans and see her are not normally on display. lowcountry with the first works 6-9 p.m. saturday at three black slaves that arThere will be a reception an opening reception at rick 5-8 p.m. sept. 5 at the office, rived in the year 1670 along rhodes photography & im207-a st. philip st. refresh- with colonial Barbadian aging, 1842 Belgrade ave., ments will be provided, and immigrants,” said torreah west ashley. “cookie” washington. the public may attend. call 766-7425 or go fascinated by this incall 276-6316 or go to to www.rickrhodes www.jerichoadvisors.com. triguing and niche-specific photography.com.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E25

gin & Jazz photographs by marie rodriguez

This year, Theatre charleston decided to ditch the “stuffy fundraiser” for an “anyone-is-welcome theater party.” The result was sunday’s third annual gin & Jazz party at Mercury Bar. The ’20s-themed event was all about celebrating the inaugural Theatre charleston awards season and announcing new projects. with a costume contest and Theatre charleston members providing live entertainment, music, dancing, a photo booth, all had a roaring good time. Mercury Bar provided the food, and a cash bar offered up drink specials, including a signature gin cocktail. all proceeds went to Theatre charleston. check out more photos at charlestonscene.com.

Billy Rinaldi, Kelly McDavid and Mary Fishburne

Joyce and Cara Crompton

Becca Anderson, Coe Sarah and Joyel Crawford

Charley Boyd and Noah Smith

E26: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier For more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com.

Today ‘Red Light Winter’

What: presented as part of the latenight @ the Footlight series, “red light winter” follows two former college friends from manhattan who take a trip to the netherlands. they begin a bizarre love triangle with a young prostitute, only to have their illusions shattered by startling truths discovered with the return home. mature audiences only. show contains nudity, drug use and sex. When: 9 p.m. aug. 30-sept. 1, sept. 6-8, 4 p.m. sept. 2, 9 Where: the Footlight players, 20 Queen st. Price: thursday $10, Fridaysunday $15 more info: 722-4487 or www. footlightplayers.net

Murder Mystery

What: live comic mystery whodunit! against a redneck butler, gold-digging maid, and tie-dyed dude, can inspector noclue hope to deduce whodunit before whodoesit again? professional actors, volunteer audience roles, video short, a la carte beer/wine and desserts. $24. When: 7:30 p.m. aug. 30 Where: the black Fedora comedy mystery theatre, 164 church st. Price: $24 (thursday: half price with student id; sunday: $20


Works by Vordai

What: local artist vordai will showcase modern, abstract paintings. created in mixed media, her works are heavily influenced by mark rothko and Jackson pollock. When: 7 a.m.-10 p.m. through aug. 31, window viewing anytime. Where: the meeting place, 1077 e. montague ave. Price: Free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Friday Living Room Series

What: presented by awendaw green and suncoast promotions, this monthly series will feature local and regional up-andcoming acts in americana music. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. aug. 31: tyler mechem and bonnie bishop; sept. 22: angel snow; oct. 27: shelby lynne. When: 7 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. music aug. 31 Where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. Price: $12

Improv Jam

What: this fast-paced show takes your audience suggestions and spins them into scenes. When: 8 p.m. aug. 31 Where: theatre 99, 280 meet-

ing st. Price: $10 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

Comedy Festival

What: there are four preliminary rounds this fall for the charleston comedy Festival stand-up competition. each round will feature 14 comedians performing five minutes each. the audience will vote for the top four favorites who will move on to the next round. When: 10 p.m. aug. 31, sept. 21, oct. 12, nov. 2 Where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. Price: $5 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

saturday Jennifer J. Daly

What: local photographer Jennifer J. daly will display a collection of color photographs featuring a variety of subjects in her exhibit, orange. When: sept. 1-oct. 31 Where: the meeting place, 1077 e. montague ave. Price: Free admission/free parking more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Sippin’ Saturday

What: each saturday, irvin-house

vineyard will serve up a different local food vendor and musical group. wine-a-ritas will be served on the patio and wine may be purchased by the glass or bottle. tastings in the Firefly vodka distillery and winery are $6 to taste six of 15 flavors of Firefly vodka and sea island rums and $4 to taste five wines. bring lawn chairs and blankets to picnic under the oaks. When: 1-5 p.m. saturdays, through oct. 27 Where: irvin-house vineyards, 6775 bears bluff road Price: Free more info: 559-6867 or www. charlestonwine.com

Sound of Charleston

What: experience the sounds that define charleston and its unique southern charm — jazz, gospel, gershwin, gullah, spirituals, civil war songs — coming to life in sacred and historic spaces during a 75-minute live concert. For more than three centuries, charleston’s musical heritage has been as diverse as the people who’ve lived here. When: 7 p.m. sept. 1 Where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. Price: $28 adults, $25 seniors, $16 students, children 12 and under free more info: 270-4903 or www. soundofcharleston.com

please see events, page e29 more games at postandcourier.com/ games.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E27 the deadline for items is Friday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be submitted online at events.postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. For more information, call 937-5582.

Today Steel Rollers

What: local bluegrass/folk band. When: 5 p.m. doors aug. 30 Where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway Price: Free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Bill Johnson

What: acoustic rock/alternative. When: 6-9 p.m. aug.30 Where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.

Graham Whorley

What: rock and funk guitar. When: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.

The Amazing Mittens

What: swing/tropicalia/old country/early jazz/ragtime/parlor and carnival songs. When: 7-9 p.m. aug. 30 Where: cupcakes, 433 king st.

Dan Clamp

When: 7-10 p.m. thursdays Where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st. more info: 633-0143 or www. follygrill.com

2 Cool

When: 7-9 p.m. aug. 30 Where: tbonz gill & grill, 1668 old towne road

Ronnie Johnson Band

What: acoustic country, pop, rock, beach, boogie and blues to keep you dancing. When: 7 p.m. aug. 30, 9 p.m. aug. 31 and sept. 1 Where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Island Duo

What: calypso music. When: 7-10 p.m. thursdays Where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Swamp Gypsy Duo

What: self-described “southern, gypsy, swamp-rock.” When: 9 p.m. aug. 30 Where: planet Follywood, 32 center st.

Hotter Than July

What: stevie wonder tribute band. When: 9 p.m. doors aug. 30 Where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway Price: $8 advance, $10 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Port City Prophets

What: acoustic/electric favorites.

What: electric blues/r&b. When: aug. 30

ace’s on bridge


At the 2011 Lederer, Artur Malinowski, declarer in today’s deal, won the award for bestplayed hand. The play was simple, but his reasoning was excellent. After the normal start to the auction, Janet de Botton made a responsive double with the North hand, and East competed further to four hearts. When this came back to de Botton, she tried again with four no-trump. (In a similar position, another North had tried an intellectual bid of four spades, but declarer was forced to go one off on the club lead, either sustaining a ruff or losing control.) Against Malinowski’s contract of five clubs, Tony Priday led the heart king and switched to a spade, which cleared up any doubts in that suit. Declarer won East’s king with the ace, then played the club king and finessed the jack for plus 400. Why did he do this? There were two reasons: The first was that if East had been dealt a doubleton club, he would have been less inclined to go on to four hearts and, equally, West might have

Where: brick, 213 e. bay st. What: local roots rock band. When: aug. 30 Where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Friday Rik Cribb Duo

What: local rock singer-songwriter. When: 5-8 p.m. aug. 31 Where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.

Riggs & Huthwaite

What: live music from Joseph riggs and peter huthwaite. When: 6-10 p.m. aug. 31 Where: blackbeard’s cove Family Fun park, 3255 n. highway 17

Strickland & Stearn

What: old-time string band out of Fresno, calif., plays bluegrass, country and americana music. When: 9 p.m. aug. 31 Where: brick house kitchen, 1575 Folly road Price: no cover.

Mechem & Bishop

What: Jam/alternative/folk rock party band. When: 9 p.m.-midnight Fridays Where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

What: americana music from singer-songwriter/guitarist tyler mechem of local band crowfield and singer-songwriter bonnie bishop out of nashville, tenn., play the charleston living room series presented by awendaw green and suncoast promotions. When: 7 p.m. doors aug. 31 Where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. Price: $12 What: blues rock. When: 8 p.m. Where: hunley’s tavern, 1750 savannah highway


Bindlestiff Duo

What: live music from brian graham of disco demolition nights. When: 7 p.m. aug. 31 Where: salty mike’s bar, 17 lockwood drive

The Old Tire Swingers

What: acoustic pop singersongwriter. When: 7 p.m. aug. 31 Where: single smile cafe, 100-a s. main st., summerville Price: Free more info: 875-7745 or www. summervilledream.org/single smilecafe

What: rock, reggae and more. When: 6-9 p.m. Fridays and saturdays Where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st. more info: 633-0143 or www. follygrill.com

led or switched to a club with a East appeared to have extra doubleton rather than playing a shape, and thus West was more dangerous spade. With queen- likely to have long clubs. third of clubs he was never leading one. The odds might favor playing the bidder for the missing high cards, but here the inferences pointed in the other direction:

© United Feature Syndicate

Tristina Miller

Stuck Like Chuck

What: local alternative country/ americana band. When: 9 p.m. aug. 31 Where: planet Follywood, 32 center st.

Calhoun’s Calling

Cherry Bomb

What: party rock music from the ’80s to today. When: 9 p.m. aug. 31 Where: art’s bar and grill, 413 coleman blvd., mount pleasant


What: blues-rock and funk out of savannah When: aug. 31 Where: mad river bar & grill, 32 north market st.

The Cool

What: rock/classic rock. When: 9:30 p.m. aug. 31, sept. 1 and 2 Where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. Price: Free

Almost Steve

What: acoustic rock. When: 10 p.m. aug. 31 Where: mac’s place, 215 e. bay st. more info: 793-4653 or www. macsplacecharleston.com

Ellen Drive

What: nu-jazz/r&b/rock. When: aug. 31 Where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd. more info: 971-9464

Mac Leaphart & His Ragged Co.

What: americana/country/ southern rock. When: aug. 31 Where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. Price: $5 more info: 883-3131

saturday Reverend Jeff Mosier

What: the “purveyor of psychedelic hick-hop bluesgrass” from blueground undergrass and aquarium rescue unit. When: 5 p.m. sept. 1 Where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway Price: Free more info: 571-4343 or www.

please see clubs, page e28

E28: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

events from page e26

clubs from page e27



Laugh for a Lincoln

What: two to three acts of improv comedy for $5. arrive by 7:30 p.m. for tickets. When: 8-10 p.m. wednesdays, through dec. 26 Where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. Price: $5 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

Friday, sept. 7 Zelda Fitzgerald

What: described by the new york times as “a cry of the heart that relentlessly delivers the truth,” “the last Flapper” by william luce is a one-woman show based on the writings of zelda Fitzgerald. leslie vicary portrays the wife of F. scott Fitzgerald under the direction of south of broadway theatre company’s artistic director mark gorman. When: 7:30 p.m. sept. 7, 10, 14, 15; 3 p.m. sept. 16 Where: south of broadway theatre company, 1080 e. montague ave. Price: $18 more info: 745-0317 or www. southofbroadway.com

Cotton Blue

What: gator rob and detroit debbie play blues and variety. When: 7 p.m. Where: gas light art and wine, 1715 hollydale court

Cherry Bomb

What: party rock music from the ’80s to today. When: 9 p.m. sept. 1 Where: bighorns sports grill, 7832 rivers ave.

Chinese Firedrill

What: all-request cover band. When: sept. 1 Where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.

New South Jazzmen

What: traditional jazz bandplays variety of teens and ’20s standards during brunch. When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays Where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. Price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news

Whiskey Diablo

What: live jazz. When: 6-10 p.m. sundays Where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. Price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news

Ted McKee & Friends

What: nu-jazz/r&b/rock. When: sept. 1 Where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

What: ted mckee and various pickers perform. When: sundays Where: d.d. peckers wing shack, 1660 savannah highway Price: Free


Market Street Trio

Ellen Drive

Dori Chitayat

What: spanish/Flamenco guitar during brunch. When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays Where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net

What: live jazz. When: sundays Where: tristan, 10 linguard st.

Analog Moon

What: indie rock band out of asheville, n.c. When: sept. 2 Where: tin roof, 1117 magnolia road

Ronnie & Dale

What: ronnie Johnson and dale baker play a variety of pop, southern rock and country favorites. When: 6 p.m. sept. 2 Where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Nightmare River Band

What: americana/alt folk/alt country/punk/rock band out of new york on tour promoting their latest album, “last goodbye.” When: sept. 2 Where: the mill, 1026 e. montague ave. more info: 225-2650

Monday Coleman & Dawes

What: acoustic folk/jazz from margaret coleman & wayne dawes. When: 6-10 p.m. mondays Where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. Price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

Flannel Church

What: self-described “funky new orleans rhythm & blues.” When: 9 p.m. doors sept. 3 Where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway Price: Free more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Tuesday Lousiana Hayride

What: vintage bayou weepers, classic swamp pop, old-time country and early rock from swamp pop shelly. When: 5-8 p.m. sept. 4 Where: mad river bar & grill, 32 north market st.

The Reckoning Duo

What: acoustic grateful dead tunes. When: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.

The Algar Rhythms

What: live music on the deck by Jim and whit algar and thai specials on the menu. When: 7-10 p.m. tuesdays Where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net

Mark Christian

What: acoustic covers of Jim croce, the beatles, the moody blues, cat stevens and more. When: 7 p.m. sept. 4 Where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Guilt Ridden Troubadour

What: americana/rock/roots music.

When: 9 p.m.-midnight sept. 4 Where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road Price: no cover. more info: 225-7427

Wednesday One Eyed Doll

What: glam/metal/rock from one eyed doll out of austin, texas, along with experimental/ metal/rock from otep of los angeles. When: sept. 5 Where: the music Farm, 32 ann st. Price: $13 advance, $16 under 21 What: noodle mcdoodle, ukelele guru from the v-tones. When: 6:30-8 p.m. wednesdays Where: city lights coffee, 141 market st.

Lefty Williams Band

What: southern rock/blues rock. When: sept. 5 Where: surf bar, 103 w. cooper ave. Price: Free

Jeff Houts

What: acoustic/classic rock/ reggae. When: 9 p.m.-midnight wednesdays Where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E29

E30: Thursday, august 30, 2012

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s Word: imPlant

inapt mail main average mark 19 malt words time limit 35 minutes matin mint can you find 29 pail or more words in pain gorgeous? paint the list will be published tomorrow. palm pant – united Feature syndicate 8/30 pint

today’s Word: gorgeous

pita plain plaint plait plan plant plat pliant lain lamp lapin limn

limp lint alit anil anti nail nipa tail tamp

the rules -words must be four

or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. For example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

E32: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, august 30, 2012: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope aries (march 21-april 19): share your feelings and your plans for the future. someone you work alongside will let you know if you are not being realistic.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): a money deal with an unusual twist will entice you, but before you take part, find out how much input you will have in the outcome.

taurus (april 20may 20): don’t give in to a bully when you are far smarter and more capable. saying no will give you greater control and the feeling of power. love is in the stars.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): someone will be quick to remind you of some of your less favorable moments if you brag or try to control a situation that needs expertise you can’t offer.

gemini (may 21-June 20): don’t let responsibilities overwhelm you. emotional confusion will set in. a change may be required, but it shouldn’t cost you.

libra (sept. 23oct. 22): you will be a magnet for information. listen up; the knowledge you receive will help you diversify and excel.

cancer (June 21-July 22): sign up for a seminar, tradeshow or something that will inspire you to make some much-needed changes at home or at work.

scorPio (oct. 23-nov. 21): make the changes that will allow you to remain in control of your future prospects. take competition by surprise by offering something unique.

sagittarius (nov. 22dec. 21): communicating with people who share your enthusiasm and energy will lead to an opportunity to join a team or partnership on the rise. caPricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): personal investments can pay off, but only if you stick to what works for you instead of being enticed to follow someone else. aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): a false sense of belonging will lead to problems. try not to make assumptions that will cause friction with someone you love. Pisces (feb. 19-march 20): get serious about your professional goals. talk to anyone in a position to help you advance. honesty will alleviate confusion.

E34: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television AUG 30


6 PM


7 PM

C = Comcast Cable (N) = New (HD) = High Definition See complete TV listings Online at postandcourier.com/tv

= Broadcast


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM

News 2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel: Great Ad- Jeopardy (R) Office Stolen dia- Parks: Win, Lose, Saving Hope: The Law of Contagion. 2012 Republican National Con- News 2 at 11PM The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 3 (N) WCBD News (N) (HD) ventures. (HD) per. (R) (HD) or Draw. Deadly virus. (N) (HD) vention (HD) (N) Savannah Guthrie. (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment NFL Preseason Football: Carolina Panthers at Pittsburgh Steelers ABC News 2012 Republican Na(:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel ABC News 4 @ 8 6 (N) WCIV from Heinz Field z{| (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) (N) (HD) Live (HD) tional Convention (HD) 11 (N) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (R) (:31) 2 1/2 Men Big Brother 14 (N) (HD) CBS News: The 2012 Republican Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) WCSC (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (R) (HD) National Convention (N) (HD) man Bruce Willis. (N) (HD) PBS Convention Coverage: RepubEquitrekking: Big (N) To Be Announced Program information is unavailable at this time. Tavis Smiley Ben BBC World Charlie Rose (N) 11 lican Convention. (HD) WITV Carolinas. (R) Stein. (HD) News (HD) Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Prophecy New Manna (N) Know Cause Empowered Awakening Awakening 230 Olive Tree WLCN Tunéame (N) Tunéame (N) La Isla (N) Convención Al extremo Lo que la gente cuenta (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 El milagro de los Santos (N) WAZS Judy (R) NFL Preseason Football: Atlanta Falcons at Jacksonville Jaguars from EverBank Field z{| Spine Institute The News at 10 Local news report Raise Hope: In- New Girl: Back- Glee: Nationals. 6 Judge WTAT slide. (HD) (R) (HD) af and weather forecast. (N) side Probe. Family “Star Simpsons (HD) Big Bang (HD) High School Football z{ | Without a Trace: Odds or Evens. Without a Trace: When Darkness Everybody (HD) 13 Wars” saga. WMMP Missing marine. (HD) Falls. (HD) 48: The Chase; One Shot. (R) 48: A Simple Plan/The Rip-Off. The First 48: Shattered. (HD) 48 Dark past. (N) (HD) 48 Grandfather killed. (R) (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 First 48: Mother and Child. (R) A&E “Pretty Woman” (‘90) CSI: Miami: Dude, Where’s My CSI: Miami: Bone Voyage. “Pretty Woman” (‘90, Romance) (Richard Gere, Julia Roberts) An emotionally-detached aaa (Richard Gere) An emotionally-detached 58 Groom?. Bachelor party. (HD) AMC Langston in Miami. (HD) businessman hires a streetwalker to be his companion. af (HD) businessman hires a streetwalker to be his companion. (HD) “Major Payne” (‘95) Strict soldier trains unruly cadets. ab BET News (N) BET News (N) BET News (N) Reed (R) (HD) Wendy: Katie. 18 106 & Park Top music videos. (N) (HD) BET “Ocean’s Eleven” (‘60) aac (Frank Sinatra) Friends plot a daring Vegas heist. (:37) “Ocean’s Eleven” (‘60) (Frank Sinatra) Friends plot a daring Vegas heist. (:15) TBA 63 New York Open house fight. BRAVO Art Walking Healthcare SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk Bella Luce 2 Tammy C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) (:44) Chapplle (:17) Chapplle (:50) Tosh.0 (R) (HD) Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne (R) (HD) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 Tosh.0 (HD) Queens (HD) Seinfeld Seinfeld Vampire: The Murder of One. The Next: Fame: New York. WCBD News ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Saw Dogs Saw Dogs Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Saw Dogs 27 Auction (HD) DISC E! News (N) (HD) Soup (R) (HD) Jonas (HD) “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason” (‘04) aa af (HD) C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 Kardashian (R) (HD) E! Chopped: Go for It!. (R) (HD) Chopped: Easy Peasy?. (HD) Chopped: Oui, Oui, Confit. (R) Extreme: Desert Survival. (HD) Race Flagstaff, Ariz. (R) Chopped (R) 34 Chopped: My Way. (R) (HD) FOOD “Date Night” (‘10) aac A couple gets in trouble with the mob. Wilfred (HD) Louie (N) (HD) Biased (N) Louie (R) (HD) Wilfred (HD) 23 “Step Brothers” Two grown men must share a bedroom. (HD) FX Mainstreet Music Videos (N) Reba: All the Woman I Am Reba McEntire. (R) Videos Music Videos Headline (R) Late Shift (N) Reba (R) 147 Day Jobs Police recruit. (R) GAC Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American Bible (N) Beat the Chefs (N) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American Bible (R) Beat Chefs 179 Fam. Feud GSN Little House on Prairie: Fagin. Prairie: Harriet’s Happenings. Little House: The Wedding. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Little House: Man Inside. HALL You Live in What? (R) (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) You Live (HD) 98 Bang (R) (HD) Bang (R) (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Prop Bro (R) (HD) HGTV Cars (R) (HD) Cars (R) (HD) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cars (R) (HD) Cars (R) (HD) Warriors: Friday the 13th. (N) Pawn Stars HISTORY 126 Discovery (R) (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn: Halloween II. The Waltons: The Fox. The Waltons: The Big Brother. Little House: Four Eyes. Dr. Quinn: Reunion. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Runway Marie Claire. (R) (HD) Runway: Fix My Friend. (HD) Project Runway: Oh My Lord and Taylor. (HD) Project Runway: Oh My Lord and Taylor. (HD) Runway (HD) 29 Runway: Women on the Go. LIFE Awkward (R) Awkward (R) Snooki: Meet the In-Laws. (R) Snooki (HD) Snooki (HD) Snooki (HD) Snooki (HD) Awkward (N) First Time (N) Snooki (HD) Awkward (R) 35 Awkward (R) MTV I Married I Married I Married 48 Hours Myst.: Kidnapped. 48 Hrs. Couple murdered. (HD) 48 Hrs. Millionaire killed. (HD) 48 Hours Myst.: Kidnapped. 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 I Married OWN Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) “The Marine 2” (‘09) A Marine is threatened by terrorists. (HD) 1000 Ways 44 Jail (R) (HD) SPIKE Paranormal: Man in the Attic. Paranormal Mysterious door. Paranormal: The Dybbuk Box. Paranormal (R) Paranormal Mental asylum. Paranormal 57 “Thir13en Ghosts” (‘01) (HD) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 (5:00) Praise the Lord TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Murder mystery. Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan & (N) Big Bang Conan Kyra Sedgwick. (N) (HD) Sullivan & (R) 12 Queens (HD) TBS Diggers (:45) “Times Square Playboy” (‘36) (Warren William) “Lady for a Day” (‘33, Comedy) aaa (Warren Wil- (:45) “Cleopatra” (‘34, Drama) (Claudette) The queen of Egypt seduces (:45) “Employees’ Entrance” (‘33, 55 “Gold TCM 33” (‘33) Man breaks-up his friend’s relationship. liam) A street vendor becomes an aristocrat. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and then Marc Antony. Drama) (Loretta Young) Honey Boo Honey Boo Atlanta (HD) Atlanta (HD) Four Wedd New ending. (HD) Four Wedd (N) (HD) Four Wedd New ending. (HD) Four Wedd 68 Tiaras Offstage fun. (R) (HD) TLC The Mentalist: Carnelian Inc.. The Mentalist: Redacted. (HD) Mentalist (HD) Mentalist: Rhapsody in Red. CSI: NY: Blink. (HD) CSI NY (HD) 4 The Mentalist: Bloodshot. TNT v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Sandwich (R) (HD) Trip Flip (HD) Trip Flip (HD) Xtreme: Worlds Best Rides. Coaster Wars: The Top Ten. Trip Flip (HD) 52 Bizarre Foods: Chile. (R) TRAVEL Cops (HD) Dumbest A toilet paper cake. Top 20: Prank Wars. (N) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Top 20: Dumb Dudes 4. (R) Top 20 (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Un refugio para el amor (HD) Por ella soy Eva (HD) Abismo de pasión (N) (HD) Noticias (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Hasta que 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Heartland. (HD) NCIS: Nine Lives. (HD) NCIS: Murder 2.0. (HD) NCIS: Love & War. (HD) Covert: Loving the Alien. (R) “Diamond” 16 NCIS: Capitol Offense. (HD) USA Big Ang (HD) Big Ang (HD) “Rock Star” (‘01) aa (Mark Wahlberg) Singer recruited by a famous rock band. Greatest Jokes recalled. (R) Greatest Jokes recalled. (R) Mama Drama 21 Hollywood VH1 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Funniest Home Videos (HD) 30 Rock: Generalissimo. (HD) Christine 71 30 Rock (HD) 30 Rock (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) WGN Kudlow Rpt Crime Inc. Illicit copying. (R) Crime Inc. Pirated recordings. Your Money, Your Vote RNC Mad Money (R) Crime Inc. (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) America’s Choice 2012: The Republican National Convention Wolf Blitzer and other CNN anchors cover the 2012 Republican Convention. CNN Republican National Convention As the convention ends, C-SPAN’s political experts continue to provide coverage. C-SPAN Review (N) Wrap Up (N) 30 C-SPAN Preview (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) National Convention The final day. On the Record (N) (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) MSNBC Special Coverage: Republican National Convention. Anchors Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews report on the convention. (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN C College Football: South Carolina Gamecocks at Vanderbilt Commodores z{| (HD) C (:15) College Football: Washington State vs Brigham Young z{| (HD) 2012 U.S. Open Tennis: Second Round. z{| (HD) SportsCenter (HD) SportsCenter 41 U.S. Open: Second Round. ESPN-2 New College (HD) SEC Gridiron Live (HD) Wrld Poker 59 Preview (HD) Access (HD) FSS & High School Football: Lafayette (Miss.) Commodores at Oxford (Miss.) Chargers z{| (HD) American American American On the PGA no} (HD) On the PGA Tour Golf Cntrl “Caddyshack” 66 Golf Cntrl GOLF Swimming & Diving: US Diving National Championships. Caught Looking (HD) Caught Looking (HD) Costas Tonight Caught (HD) NBCSPO 56 NBC Sports Talk (HD) Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors: Chevelle. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Hard Parts Hard Parts Car Warriors: Chevelle. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 NASCAR Race Hub (HD) SPEED At Home (HD) A WNBA Basketball: Washington vs Atlanta z{| (HD) Under (HD) At Home Access (HD) Under (HD) WNBA Basketball: Washington vs Atlanta (HD) 28 At Home SPSO Swamp Wars (R) (HD) River Monsters: Unhooked: Killer Catfish. (R) (HD) Swamp Wars (R) (HD) River Monsters: Unhooked: Killer Catfish. (R) 62 Gator Boys: Stormin’ Gators. ANIMAL Drama (R) Drama (R) Adventure (:15) MAD (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family NTSF:SD (N) CARTOON 124 Regular (R) Good Luck (R) Good Luck: Ditch Phineas (R) (HD)A.N.T. Scare tac“Underdog” (‘07) Jessie Friend at Jessie (R) (HD) Austin: Deejays & Shake It Up!: ApPhineas (R) (HD)Good Luck: Tera (Brad Garrett) A dog becomes a 38 DISNEY tics. (R) (HD) ply It Up. (HD) Day. (HD) mite Queen. dinner. (HD) Demos. superhero with powers. af (HD) “Gone in 60 Seconds” (‘00, Action) aa (Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie) A mobster de- The 700 Club Scheduled: Prince: P.S. I Mel “Wild Hogs” (‘07, Adventure) aac (Tim Allen) A group of mid20 Melissa: FAMILY dle-aged men take a motorcycle trip to adjust their attitudes. (HD) mands a retired car thief to supply him with 50 exotic cars. ab (HD) slow-cooking techniques. (N) Love You. Marries Joe. Figure It (R) Surge (R) “Best Player” (‘11) Video game player’s battle for house. Lopez Lopez Friends (:33) Friends (:06) Friends 26 iCarly (R) (HD) VICTOR. (R) NICK (:32) MASH (:05) MASH (:43) M*A*S*H: Dear Comrade. (:21) MASH Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 MASH TVLAND “The Change-Up” (‘11, Comedy) (Ryan Reynolds) Two best friends, a The Newsroom: The Greater Fool. True Blood: Save Yourself. Eric Real Sex: Some “Green Lantern” (‘11, Action) aa (Clancy Brown) A mysterious ring 302 grants a cocksure test pilot superpowers. rsx (HD) HBO lawyer and a playboy, accidentally switch bodies. (HD) Tense meeting. (R) (HD) helps Bill. (R) (HD) Like It Hot. “The Rage: Carrie 2” (‘99, Thriller) ac (Emily Bergl, (:45) “Die Hard: With a Vengeance” (‘95, Action) (Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons) A cop and “50 First Dates” (‘04, Comedy) aac (Adam (:40) “Life on Top Feature 07: Back 320 Jason MAX London) Outcast teen teased. (HD) a reluctant civilian race against time to stop a bomber’s attack. (HD) Sandler) Man falls for girl with memory loss. (HD) on Top” (‘11, Adult) Son” (‘08, Comedy) aac (Alan Rickman) “The Rock” (‘96, Action) aaa (Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage) Two men try to rescue a The Real L Word: Premonitions. Gigolos A new The Real L Word: Premonitions. 340 “Nobel SHOW (N) (HD) client. (HD) (R) (HD) Kidnappers snatch a Nobel Prize winner. (HD) group of tourists that were taken hostage by a madman. not (HD)










The post and courier

thursday, august 30, 2012: E35

Wife can’t stop cheater hubby d

sec football trivia has competitors scratching their heads By reBekah BraDforD Special to The Post and Courier


ollege football season kicks off this week, with no. 9 south carolina playing tonight and some big games on saturday, such as no. 2 alabama playing no. 8 Michigan and no. 14 clemson vs. auburn. seems like a good time for some southeastern conference football trivia. current head2head champ peter Jenkins is going up against soon-to-be grandmother tami price.

Questions 1. what school has tailgating in the grove? 2. what team has its own flotilla at its home games? 3. which year did the sec first play a conference football schedule? 4. at which school do they “roll toomer’s corner?” 5. how many different u.s. states are the 14 sec members from? 6. name the two teams that play in “the world’s largest outdoor cocktail party?” 7. prior to each home game, what school takes a “walk down victory hill?” 8. name the two schools that play “the 90 mile drive.” 9. what team plays its home games at “the swamp?” 10. name the school that has its “tiger burn” during rivalry week.

File/kim kim Foster-tobin/the state

This ritual is performed at which South Carolina school? Check the final answer to see if you’re right.

peter’s answers

tami’s answers

1. more of a big ten fan, but i’ll do my best. this one’s ole miss. 2. huh. not gonna know this one. 3. guessing the ’50s sometime. 4. auburn 5. nine different states. 6. alabama vs. auburn 7. no idea, but i’ll say georgia. 8. ole miss and mississippi state 9. Florida 10. betting it’s usc.

1. is it Florida? i’m thinking oranges. grove. 2. Flotilla? like boats? 3. sometime before i was born, i’m sure. 4. i know about roll tide, so alabama is my answer. 5. 12 6. lsu and auburn 7. how big is the hill? 8. Florida and south carolina, although i’m pretty sure there’s more than 90 miles between them. 9. (clapping her hands) one i know! Florida. 10. clemson

conclusion this week, head2head might have found the two people in charleston who knew the least about southern football. but like we’ve said before, it’s not how much you know, just that you know more than your opponent. in this case, peter manages a second win and will be back next week for another go.

correct answers 1. ole miss 2. university of tennessee 3. 1933 4. auburn 5. 11 6. university of Florida and university of georgia

7. louisiana state university 8. university of alabama and mississippi state 9. university of Florida 10. university of south carolina

ear aBBy: i am 20 years younger than my husband. we have a great relationship except for one thing. i can’t trust him! i have caught him emailing women he met at work, inviting our neighbor to go with him on a motorcycle ride and heard many stories about him asking women on dates. But the worst was when i found out he was calling a woman every day and going to her house when i was at work. when i confronted him, he said nothing sexual happened, but he moved out for a month. why does he feel he has to have other women? i really believe some men are cheaters no matter what. oh, yeah — i’m his fourth wife. he cheated on the others, too. how can i make him want only me? — cheateD on in the MiDwest DEAR CHEATED ON: You can’t. The behavior you have described has nothing to do with you. It is compulsive. You were naive to think if you married a serial cheater that he would be a faithful husband to you. The only person who can “make” him think differently is him. Dear aBBy: i have been a single mother for seven years raising a wonderful 16-yearold daughter. she is an honor

dear abby student, works part time and is very mature. i am dating an older man, “gary,” who has grown children. gary feels my daughter is old enough to spend a couple of nights a week alone in our house while i spend the night with him. his house is 14 miles away. i live in a safe neighborhood, but the idea of leaving her alone makes me very uncomfortable. This is causing a rift between gary and me. he feels i am having a hard time “cutting the apron strings.” is he right? — single MoM in the MiDwest DEAR SINGLE MOM: Inform Gary you are not ready to “cut the apron strings” because you don’t want your relationship with your daughter to turn to shreds. Although you say your daughter is mature, you are responsible for her safety and welfare until she turns 18. That includes setting a good example. www.dearabby.com.

E36: Thursday, august 30, 2012

The post and courier

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