09.06.12 Charleston Scene

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E2: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E3

E4: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

summit entertainment

COVER STORY: Twi-hards have been waiting with bated breath for “The Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2,” set to come out in November. See what other films you should be on the look out for in our fall movie preview. Pages 20-22

what’s inside 5 | dollar days

16-17 | music

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

cd reviews, upcoming shows

6 | get out

david Quick previews outdoor fitness options

7-11 | movies

“robot & Frank,” “bachelorette,” “2016: obama’s america,” “the words”

18-19 | weekend events 24 | arts a look at upcoming events

25 | see and be scene

12 | movie listings

26-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku

13-15 | food + bev

30-34 | comics + tv grid

steel city pizza, burrell & Flynn’s, chew on this

with horoscopes and crossword puzzle

35 | trivia, abby

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 294039621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 3 No. 27 36 Pages


editor: allison nugent, anugent@postand courier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: kristy crum and liz Foster. calendar@postand courier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: deseret scharett, descharett@ postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and

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on the cover: provided image

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E5

whirlin’ waters goes to the dogs — literally


’ve never been shy about my adoration for my fourlegged fur baby. in my attempts to be a good puppy parent, i’m always looking for new things to do with my dog, so i was beyond excited to hear about dog day afternoon. held noon-5 p.m. Sunday at whirlin’ waters adventure waterpark in north charleston, charleston county park and rec is inviting doggies to have their day. Big dogs are invited

recommended. proofs of your dog’s current vaccinations are required for entry into the event. Find out more by calling 795-4386 or going to www. ccprc.com.

shaggin’ on cooper

photos provided

A pup plays at a past Dog Day Afternoon at Whirlin’ Waters Adventure Waterpark. to paddle in the wave pool while the smaller dogs will likely be sticking to the kiddie pool area. note that this fourth annual event is for dogs only as the water park will officially

Ready, set, jump! close for the season to humans on Saturday. concessions will be available for purchase.

tickets are $10, $8 for charleston county residents. tickets are limited, so advance purchase is

i hope you’re ready to party! The second-to-last Shaggin’ on the cooper, put on by charleston county park and rec, will be 7-11 p.m. Saturday. enjoy the scene at the Mount pleasant pier, 71 harry hallman Blvd., and the tunes provided by coastrunner. a party and dance band, coastrunner aims to get you out of your seat and on the dance floor. Beverages will be available for purchase. tickets are $10, $8 for

charleston county residents. only 800 tickets will be sold, so advance purchase is recommended. For more info, call 7954386 or go to www.ccprc. com.

music in the park

This monthly musical event is presented by hanahan recreation and parks. on Sunday, head out to hanahan city hall, 1255 yeamans hall road, for a “traditional country and variety music open mike session,” so don’t forget to bring your instruments. hosted by The talk of the town band led by larry villa, this free event is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m. For more info, call 2255365.

E6: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

five races in three places: fall is here


ike clockwork, the fall running season bursts wide open in the lowcountry following labor day. Saturday features three race events, one of which has three races, and all for special causes.

dirt dash

The third annual Francis Marion dirt dash, which has become the largest “trail” run (it’s on Forest Service dirt roads) in the tricounty area, will be at 7 a.m. Saturday in awendaw and is expected to draw at least 325 people, according to race director chad haffa. to give people an option in addition to the dirt dash’s half-marathon and 5k this year, haffa added a 12k (7.5 miles) to the event. The dirt dash is part of the trail runner trophy Series, a national points-based trail running contest, and received a short mention in runner’s world earlier this year. as a result, haffa said, the event is drawing significantly more out-of-state participation. So far, it has drawn registrants from 16 states, including california and Montana. like many runs, however, some register because they plan to be visiting anyway. registration cost $55 for the half, $35 for the 12k and $25 for the 5k, not including online registration fees. a portion of the proceeds from the half supports the Mount pleasant Fire department’s wildland Firefight-

Food Wednesdays in


The third annual Francis Marion Dirt Dash, a half-marathon, 5K and 12K, starts at 7 a.m. Saturday. ing program, while portions from the 12k event and 5k benefit research at the hollings cancer center at the Medical university of South carolina and for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, respectively. in-person registration and packet pickup will be noon-6 p.m. today and Friday at trySports in Mount pleasant. There will be no race-day registration. More information is available at www.eagleendurance.com.

soar on folly

on the other side of town, the Special olympics annual run, or Soar, is a 5k at 8 a.m. starting at the Folly Beach pier. Benefiting the Special olympics of the lowcountry, the event is $30 for runners over age 12, $20 for those 11 and under. online registration closed wednesday, but in-person registration will available at packet pickup, which will be

Whet your appetite.

4-8 p.m. today and Friday at trySports in Mount pleasant and 7-7:30 a.m. at the pier. check out active.com for more info.

9/11 heroes run

tuesday marks the 11th anniversary of one of the worst days in america’s history, but one local run seeks not only to remember it but make something positive of it. The 9/11 heroes run is a national effort, billed as a “5k for the 9k who have lost their lives since 9/11.” put on by the travis Manion Foundation, the 5k aims to raise money not only for the foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to helping veterans and their families, but for locals who serve the community. half of the proceeds from charleston’s heroes run, set for 8 a.m. Saturday at Mount pleasant Memorial waterfront park, will go to the charleston Fire department, gifting warriors, charleston 9 Memorial Fund and

Business Review

distressed officers Fund, according to an organizer, Theresa Faircloth. The fee is $25 online or $30 on race day. go to 911heroesrun.com for more information. in addition to the run, a special ceremony honoring those who responded and died will be Sunday at patriots point. Find out more on Pages 18-19.

best of summer

and finally, for people who aren’t quite ready to let go of summer, earth & air store in Mount pleasant is coordinating charleston’s Best of Summer party to benefit the South carolina cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The party on Saturday is free but features the opportunity to buy $5 tickets for a chance to win donated outdoor stuff such as surfboards, paddleboards, gopro cameras and more. For details on the event, see Pages 18-19.

Knowledge is power.

Mondays in

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E7

Frank (Frank Langella) and Robot (voiced by Peter Sarsgaard) in “Robot & Frank.”

samuel goldwyn Films/stage 6 Films

‘robot & frank’

There’s nothing robotic about this well-acted film

By colin covert Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

movie review

he time is the near future. phones are slicker. libraries are closing because books are obsolete. people still eat corn flakes and drive regular cars and there’s no cure for alzheimer’s. Frank (Frank langella) is too proud and stubborn to admit that his forgetfulness is getting to be a problem, so his son gets him a caretaker. a robot. “if you don’t mind my saying so, Frank, i think i could be a big help to you,” it remarks. Frank resists, but it’s the robot or the retirement home. after a contentious period of adjustment, the calmvoiced, infinitely patient little helper has Frank eating healthier, more focused, better connected to life. in fact, he’s feeling so confident that he wants to slip back into his old line of work: cat burglary. and he makes his automated assis-

tant his partner in crime. “robot & Frank” is an absurdist comedy that’s also a moving drama about the human experience and a touching portrait of old age. it’s seriously emotional, occasionally deeply sad and even pessimistic, but very funny. The film owes a large measure of its success to langella’s perfectly modulated performance. his performance captures the plight of an intelligent man who’s beginning to lose his


 (out of five stars) director: Jake schreier cast: Frank langella, susan sarandon, James marsden, liv tyler, voice of peter sarsgaard rated: pg-13 for some language running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes what did you think?: Find this review at charlestonscene.com and offer your opinion.

grip. Much of the film is a one-man show, as he interacts with the visor-faced android (which speaks in the soft, tranquil tones of peter Sarsgaard). one can only marvel at the emotional depth this talented actor brings forth. Burglars by and large are not personable or charming, and Frank is no exception. he is serious and gruff, almost a bit of a heavy. he’s distant from his children (played by James Marsden and liv tyler, each of whom has made a turbulent sort of peace with this difficult old man). he’s perversely admirable for his daring, his skill at larceny and his lawless code. he only steals diamonds and “nobody gets hurt except the insurance company.” and the more Frank denies his growing vulnerability, the more protective we feel toward him. Frank’s first foray back into criminality is a rare-book heist intended to impress the kind local librarian (Susan

Sarandon). There’s a warm and poignant interplay between the co-stars. you might predict that they will fall into a saccharine late-life romance, but christopher Ford’s canny script and Jake Schreier’s deft direction make the relationship richer and more intelligent than that. They also create an oddly affecting bond between the testy old man and his placid surrogate caretaker. Frank decides to rob the house of a patronizing technology consultant who’s transforming the library into a sterile virtual-reality museum. it’s an act of poetic revenge on a man who’s wiping the community’s memory banks, but it boomerangs on Frank and his faithful robot in a way that hits painfully close to home. The underlying theme of this marvelous movie is the pain of losing connections — to family, to the past, even to cherished objects — but it never loses its connection to the audience.

E8: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

‘bachelorette’ tries to out-raunch ‘bridesmaids’ By roger Moore MCT

movie review

ou could, if you wanted, sit in a dark theater and check off the similarities between the blockbuster “Bridesmaids” and this fall’s “Bridesmaids” knockoff, titled “Bachelorette.” Female bodily function jokes? check. inappropriate come-ons on an airline flight? check. crass, crude and fearlessly frank talk about sex, once reserved for the fraternity house? check. wedding dress disasters? check. “My So-called life” and “Fast ties at ridgemont high” references, singing along with the over-used “i’m gonna be 500 Miles”? uh, no. enthusiastic cocaine snorting, Xanax and alcohol abuse ... wait, say what? writer-director leslye headland aimed for “Bachelorette” to out-bridesmaid

1/2 (out of five stars) director: leslye headland cast: kirsten dunst, lizzy caplan, isla Fisher, James marsden, rebel wilson, adam scott rated: r for sexual content, pervasive language and drug use running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes what did you think?: Find this review at charlestonscene. com and offer your opinion.



Isla Fisher (from left), Lizzy Caplan and Kirsten Dunst in “Bachelorette.” “Bridesmaids.” She’s taken an equally accomplished cast (and a better-looking one) and hurled them at the same heartbreak, fiascoes and emotionally overwrought pathos of an impending wedding, filled their dialogue with Fbombs and amped up their behavior on coke, not the diet

kind, either. and what she’s given us is a romp that never quite romps, a teary-eyed string of taking-stock moments without tears, and a serious squandering of major league movie talent. The four “B-Faces” have reunited because one of their

number is winning that race to the altar, 13 years after graduation. kirsten dunst is icy, cool and bitter as regan, the 30-something, hyperorganized professional

woman, at a loss as to why she hasn’t been the first in her quartet of high school pals to marry. That the dizzy, loose katie (isla Fisher) is still single, she understands. gena (a fierce lizzy caplan) has been living a drug-and-booze fueled nightmare since a romantic high school trauma. and rebel wilson of “Bridesmaids” is to be the bride. one of the real rewards of the film is figuring out what connected her to the others. regan is in the home stretch of organizing this fete as the maid of honor. But over the weekend of the wedding, we get to see much of her good work come undone. it’s part reunion movie, part wedding disaster, and both parts are filled with bridesmaids behaving badly. headland goes for cheap, broad shocks. and even if the situations are mostly recycled, the words can trigger

a laugh. it’s a well-cast film, with dunst playing against her natural earthy warmth, and Fisher doing the looseand-dumb thing well. But caplan is the real breakout here. She lets us see the impulsive mood swings of an addict and manages to keep gena likable. it’s another movie aiming to show women who are “hangover” crude, with a hint of wedding wish-fulfillment fantasy. The transitions from silly to “serious” don’t work. at all. we don’t invest in anybody, so there’s no mourning for the picked-on bride, the wedding or wedding dress that these self-absorbed brats are ruining. So “Bachelorette” is like the abortive bachelorette party the film trots out, complete with stripper in a scene cut short. it’s a tease for a movie the filmmaker couldn’t deliver.

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E9

audiences finding documentary about obama

rush,” the kristen Bell comedy “hit and run” and the ashley greene horror film t wasn’t backed by any “The apparition.” hollywood movie studio. The film continued to reviews were mostly nega- do well during the slower tive. it premiered in housweekday period, especially ton, not los angeles or new considering that it was up york. against the republican nayet despite the uncontional convention in tampa, ventional release of “2016: Fla. obama’s america,” the The film, which expanded movie is among the most from 1,091 screens to nearly successful political docu1,800 last weekend, has mentaries of all time — and sold $20.3 million worth of it doesn’t show signs of cool- tickets, more than Michael ing down ahead of the presi- Moore’s 2009 film, “capitaldential election. ism: a love Story,” but far The conservative film less than his 2004 hit, “Fahrexploring the roots of presi- enheit 9/11,” which made dent Barack obama’s politi- nearly $120 million in the cal views surprised the film united States. industry when it took in That makes “2016” the $6.5 million to land at no. 7 most successful conservative at aug.25-26’s domestic box documentary of all time. office ahead of three new it’s also the fifth overall releases: the Joseph gordon- highest grossing political levitt action flick “premium documentary behind three By derrik J. lang Associated Press


was largely absent from the president’s life. The film premiered July 13 on one screen in houston and slowly expanded over the past month in such cities as nashville, tenn.; Baton rouge, la.; denver; phoenix; wichita, kan.; washington, d.c.; and charleston. MJM entertainment’s Mark Joseph, who is handling the film’s marketing, attested rocky mountain pictures/ap that “2016” had to be proDirector Dinesh D’Souza (left) interviews George moted differently than typiObama in “2016: Obama’ America.” cal hollywood fare. “you can’t just throw up Michael Moore movies and by dinesh d’Souza, a former your star on Thursday night former vice president al staffer for president ronald on a talk show,” said Joseph. gore’s environmental film, reagan who is president of “That’s not how this works. “an inconvenient truth.” it king’s college in new york The traditionalist audience all adds up to a remarkable and author of several books, needed to hear about the triumph for an indie film including “The roots of film much sooner than what that circumvented the liberal obama’s rage,” the basis for hollywood is used to doing. waters of hollywood. “2016” that claims obama’s it’s also important that they distributed by Salt lake beliefs are rooted in the anti- heard about it from people city-based rocky Mountain colonialism of his late father, that they trust and admire. pictures, “2016” is directed a kenyan academic who it’s a different way of engag-

ing the audience.” Joseph and the film’s co-director, John Sullivan, launched a stealthy campaign for the film that attracted the attention and support of right-wing superstars like rush limbaugh and glenn Beck. Buzz for the movie simmered over the summer, bubbling up ahead of the republican convention in tampa. while the release of “2016” just before the gop convention and its portrait of a gloomy future if obama is re-elected might make the film feel like an hourand-a-half-long political ad, the “2016” filmmakers said they received funding only from private investors, not the republican party, and the movie’s proceeds aren’t headed to Mitt romney’s presidential bid.

E10: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

cooper doesn’t feel guilty over success By roger Moore MCT


radley cooper knows something about american culture’s fast track. The “hangover” star has been on it for a couple of years. But any connection between his own sudden rise and his new movie, “The words,” about a young novelist who swipes somebody else’s book and rides that to fame, is circumstantial. and neither you nor dr. Freud has any business suggesting that “The words,” or his previous turn as a leading man, “limitless,” in which he played a young slacker who takes a pill to give him the edge over the rest of the world, come out of some sense of “success guilt” he might harbor. “whoa,” cooper said, taken aback. at 37, he’s paid some dues and earned his breaks. and if he’s playing these characters caught up in glory not entirely of their own making, that’s just because he’s in a position to make interesting choices now, and have those choices become star vehicles. “The guy in ‘limitless’ was able to actually accomplish the things he accomplishes him-

self — after he’s taken the pill,” cooper said, trying to separate the characters. “he kind of deserved it, right?” rory in “The words” “didn’t do anything to deserve the acclaim he won.” cooper was drawn to “The words,” he said, because of the murky moral ground rory stands on. like generations of aspiring writers, he’s taken something he admires and copied it as a way of absorbing the writer’s style. “For me, him copying the manuscript was like a pianist playing a great piece of music,” said writer/director Brian klugman. “he wants to hear it, to feel it.” But that copying leads to a misunderstanding, to publication, to awards and limos and wealth. rory’s chief sin, according to cooper, is that, “he’s impatient. he’s not willing to wait to get his break. really, what he does is rob himself of the bliss of creating something really wonderful. he’ll never know if he could have made it on his own merits. no matter what great works he could write in the future that will get published, he will never know if he’s any good.”

klugman and co-screenwriter lee Sternthal, who also shared directing duties on “The words,” saw the film as a chance to ruminate on the notion of guilt as punishment. rory’s punishment, said Sternthal, is “not knowing” if he had what it takes to become a literary star. “we talked about the idea of living with guilt, and whether or not you can alleviate that or ever truly escape it,” klugman said. “guilt is a tough emotion to carry with you. it doesn’t help you with anything, near as i can tell.” “we’re used to seeing movies and books where somebody faces terrible punishments for their crimes,” Sternthal said. “it’s almost like guilt has gone out of the conversation. we wanted to reintroduce ‘guilt’ into the culture, the idea that it can be a punishment in and of itself.” reviewers are praising cooper and “The words” for having literary ambition, but are panning its actual execution. todd gilchrist at indiewire noted that “cooper successfully communicates the idea of a guy who’s not as talented as he wishes.” But ray greene in Box office joked that it is “a

movie for people who buy their novels at Starbucks, made by people who write their novels at Starbucks.” in other words, screenwriters, he said. cooper should be able to shrug those notices off. he’s in the film adaptation of “The Silver linings playbook” later this fall. and if nothing else, “The words” gave him the chance to add Jeremy irons to a list of “screen legends” he’s gotten to work with, from christopher walken (“wedding crashers”) to liam neeson (“The a-team”) and robert de niro (“limitless”). “ ‘limitless’ provided me with the ability to make more interesting choices, to take a bigger, more creative role in the collaboration,” cooper said. he used that to produce and help cast “The words.” “you want to learn from the really great actors you work with. ... and what i’m learning is that the great ones share one thing, this sort of integrity about the work. They’re easy to get along with, generous.” and like cooper, every one of them earned a big break, one they didn’t have to feel guilty about, no matter how many characters they play who feel that way.


Bradley Cooper (as Rory Jansen) and Zoe Saldana (as Dora Jansen) star in “The Words.”

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E11

melodrama plays as a bit too wordy to work

By roger Moore MCT

There’s the dull framework of the piece, a book reading by a novelist, clay hamhe words” is, as its mond (dennis Quaid), who name suggests, a delivers the beyond-banal wordy melodrama lines from his latest novel about a young writer, rory about “a young struggling Jansen (Bradley cooper), writer struggling to make who finishes his first novel, his voice heard.” how did three years in the making, this dullard get to be a fawhich is promptly rejected. mous novelist, with olivia Maybe he’s not who he wilde as his new wide-eyed thought he was: a writer. groupie, no less? cbs Films Then he stumbles across he tells us, after a fashion. Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana in “The Words.” a yellowed, unpublished hammond narrates the secmanuscript from long ago ond story, rory’s romance directors Brian klugman and sees his salvation, his ever write. his adoring wife with the fair dora (Saldana). shortcut to fame. Maybe he’s and lee Sternthal (“tron (the luminous Zoe Saldana) we see rory’s years of strugnot who he thought he was: legacy”) attempt to do can tell him, “you are every- gle and his discovery of the with it is get at the guilt that thing you always wanted to an ethical, honest man. novel he would ride to fame. “The words” is a pleasant comes with ill-gotten glory. be,” but rory knows better. and hammond, giving but complex variation on an rory is cursed with being every word of praise for this away the whole novel in this idea woody allen toyed-with good enough to recognize book he copied is a slap at the one reading, apparently, tells in his stumbling “you will the gem he’s stumbled across writer and man he really is. of the day rory meets “The Meet a tall dark Stranger,” in an attache case bought in “The words,” in a fit of am- old Man,” the one person this notion of counterfeit a paris antique shop, cursed bition, goes after its themes on earth who recognized literary fame, a stolen manu- with knowing this novel is by telling three stories, each this book as his own, writscript. what co-writers/ better than anything he’ll existing within the others. ten more than half a century


movie review

off as a lousy storyteller. cooper, earnest as ever,  (out of five stars) nicely underplays rory’s director: brian frustrations but does little klugman, lee sternthal to suggest a guy supposedly cast: bradley cooper, wracked with guilt over the zoe saldana, Jeremy irons, limo lifestyle he’s stolen. dennis Quaid, olivia wilde, as the old Man, Jeremy nora arnezeder, ben barnes irons is the best natural rated: pg-13 for brief storyteller in the cast, lendstrong language and ing warmth to very generic smoking narration of post-world running time: 1 hour, war ii romance, tragedy 31 minutes and the fervor in which he what did you think?: created the novel that makes Find this review at rory famous. Ben Barnes charlestonscene. and nora arnezeder play com and offer your the young couple in the old opinion. Man’s flashback within a flashback. irons has the disarming earlier, the one man who twinkle of old age, but he knows rory is a fraud. can still turn on the steely is hammond suggesting glint of accusation and this is his own secret? menace. no wonder cooper Quaid has a nice gravitas, looks in awe and ill at ease but is saddled with a “book” in their scenes together (the that makes hammond come best scenes in the movie).

E12: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted

Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.


The Avengers

The Cold Light of Day

 pg-13

a sailing trip goes bad when a man’s family is kidnapped and he must go on the run from cia agents searching for a stolen briefcase.

iron man, thor, captain america, the hulk, hawkeye and black widow fight to save earth from loki.


citadel: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:35 northwoods: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 4, 7:20, 9:35

Kumare nr

documentary about a man who impersonates an indian guru, builds a devoted following and must reveal the truth. park circle: sat: 8

citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 3:30, 9:20 James island: today: 9:20 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 3:45, 9:30 palmetto grande: today: 6:40, 9:50 regal 18: today: 1, 4, 7

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1/2 pg-13

british retirees find their lives transformed in india.

Robot & Frank

terrace: today: 12:05; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 12:25


The Bourne Legacy

an aging, retired cat burglar is given a robot butler and he uses him to commit a heist to win over the local librarian.



terrace: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1:05, 3:05, 5, 7:15

The Words  pg-13

a young writer achieves success with a new novel but is haunted by the fact that he didn’t write it and must face the consequences. citadel: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 4:10, 7, 9:35 northwoods: 1, 4:10, 7, 9:40

Playing 2016: Obama’s America 1/2 pg

a look at president barack obama’s past and a look at how it could shape and define his future if re-elected for a second term. citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:15 James island: today: 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 northwoods: today: 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15 palmetto grande: today: 2:10, 5, 7:40, 10:05 regal 18: today: 2, 4:10, 7:35



cinebarre: today: 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 9:50 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 James island: today: 4, 6:50, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 3:45, 7, 9:30 palmetto grande: today: 2:30, 5:10, 8, 10:15 regal 18: today: 1:45, 3:45, 7:05

Celeste and Jesse Forever 1/2 r

high school sweethearts try to maintain their friendship while divorcing and dating other people.

palmetto grande: today: 2, 4:50, 7:45, 10:05 terrace: today: 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1, 3, 4:50, 8:55

The Dark Knight Rises



a new black ops field agent, aaron cross, escapes the cia’s attempts to execute him and sets out to expose their crimes.

batman emerges from exile to protect gotham city from the ruthless terrorist bane.


cinebarre: today: 12:45, 3:45, 7:20, 10:20 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:40, 3:45, 7, 9:45 James island: today-thurs sept. 13: 4:05, 7:05, 10 northwoods: today: 1:15, 4:25, 7, 9:40 palmetto grande: today: 12:40, 3:50, 7, 10 regal 18: today: 1:15, 4:15, 7:55

cinebarre: today: 3:10, 7, 10:25 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13thu: 1, 4:30, 8 James island: today: 7:50 northwoods: today: 7:15; Frithurs sept. 13: 9:25 palmetto grande: today: 12:30, 4:10, 8:10 regal 18: today: 1:05, 4:25, 7:45



 pg

a scottish princess must rely on her bravery and skills to undo a beastly curse on her kingdom.

citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 7 James island: today: 6:50 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 7 palmetto grande: today: 12:50, 3:45 regal 18: today: 1:20, 3:50

The Campaign 

The Expendables 2 r

action superstars are back in this mercenaries’ revenge sequel.

cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:50, 10:20 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:40, 3:30, 7, 9:50 James island: today: 4:20, 7:10, 9:45 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45 palmetto grande: today: 1:15, 4:35, 7:15, 9:45 regal 18: today: 2:10, 4:50, 7:20, 7:50

Farewell, My queen



will Ferrell and zach galifianakis play rival politicians in a mudslinging, back-stabbing race for

a fictional account of marie antoinette’s last days in power dur-


ing the French revolution.

terrace: today: 12:25; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 12:35, 4:20

Hit and Run  r

a former getaway driver risks his witness protection identity when he takes a road trip to l.a. with his girlfriend.

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:05 citadel: today: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 James island: today: 6:45, 9:20 northwoods: today: 1:30, 4, 7, 9:30 palmetto grande: today: 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:40 regal 18: today: 2:05, 4:30, 7:25

Hope Springs

brothers, a prohibition-era bootlegging gang in virginia.

cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:50, 7:30, 10:10 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 James island: today: 4:05, 6:55, 9:35 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 palmetto grande: today: 1:30, 4:20, 7:30, 10:10 regal 18: today: 1:40, 4:40, 8

Moonrise Kingdom  pg-13

in the summer of 1965, two 12-year-olds fall in love.

terrace: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 7, 9:15

Odd Life of Timothy Green

1/2 pg-13


after 30 years of marriage, a woman wants to spice things up and takes her skeptical husband on a marriage retreat.

a couple’s hopes for a child seem all but lost when young timothy green appears as an answer to their wishes.


cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:15, 9:40 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:50, 3:50, 7:15, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 7:05, 9:35 palmetto grande: today: 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 regal 18: today: 1:35, 3:55, 6:50 terrace: today: 2:20, 4:10, 7:45, 9:30; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 2:25, 9:10

cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:10, 9:40 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 3:55, 7, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 3:55, 7:05, 9:25 palmetto grande: today: 1:10, 4, 7:10, 9:50 regal 18: today: 1:05, 3:30, 6:55 terrace: today: 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9

The Intouchables


 r

the true story of the unlikely friendship between a quadriplegic millionaire and his ex-con caretaker from the projects.

terrace: today: 2:15, 4:20, 7; Frithurs sept. 13: 2:35, 4:30, 7:10

Killer Joe  nc-17

a young drug dealer hires a hitman to kill his much-hated mother for the insurance money.

terrace: today: 6, 9:10; Fri-thurs sept. 13: 7:20, 9:15

Lawless  r

the true story of the bondurant


goobie, zoozie and toofie search for lost magical balloons for schluufy’s surprise birthday party in lovelyloveville.

citadel: 12:50, 3, 5:10 James island: today: 4:25 northwoods: today: 12:40, 2:50, 5 palmetto grande: today: 1:20, 4:10, 6:55, 9:20 regal 18: today: 1:35, 3:35, 6:45

ParaNorman 1/2 pg

animated tale of a young ghoulwhisperer who takes on witches, zombies and grown-ups.

cinebarre: today: 4:15, 9:20 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 7:05 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:10, 9:20

James island: today: 6:15 James island 3d: today: 8:45 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:35, 2:50, 5 palmetto grande: today: 1:40, 7:35, 10 palmetto grande 3d: today: 4:45 regal 18: today: 2:15, 7:25 regal 18 3d: today: 4:35

The Possession 


an antique box contains an ancient evil spirit that curses the young girl who bought it.

cinebarre: today: 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 9:45 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 palmetto grande: today: 2:20, 5:20, 7:50, 10:15 regal 18: today: 1:10, 3:40, 7:10

Premium Rush 1/2 pg-13

a routine pickup turns into a lifeor-death chase as a manhattan bike messenger is pursued by a desperate, dirty cop.

cinebarre: today: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10 citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 palmetto grande: today: 1:45, 4:15, 6:50, 9:30 regal 18: today: 1:25, 4:55, 7:40

Raiders of the Lost Ark pg-13

indiana Jones is hired by the u.s. army to recover the ark of the covenant before the nazi operatives.

citadel imax: Fri-thurs sept. 13: 1:10, 4, 7, 9:40

Sparkle 1/2 pg-13

three sisters in 1960s detroit become motown sensations at the expense of their relationships.

citadel: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 4:15, 7, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs sept. 13: 1, 4, 7, 9:40 regal 18: today: 1:55, 4:45, 7:15, 8:05

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imax, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E13

steel city pizza brings the ‘burgh’ to town

By deidre Schipani Special to The Post and Courier


ou knew it as giuseppi’s. it is now Steel city pizza, and it has expanded from Mount pleasant to a second location in north charleston at 8600 dorchester road. The website tells us “giuseppi’s” was too hard to spell, so they have rebranded as Steel city pizza and are building pizza memories one pie at a time. Step into Steel city pizza and you could be in the “burgh” — pittsburgh, an american city that can lay claim to many firsts, such as the first professional football game in 1895. it is the breeder of quarterbacks including Jim kelly, george Blanda, dan Marino, Joe Montana and Johnny unitas. The city is the home of heinz ketchup and arnold palmer and birthplace of gertrude Stein. This city of champions not only claimed victories in five Super Bowls but also saw hockey’s Stanley cup return in 2009. pittsburgh is a city of neighborhoods, family and tradition, and Steel city pizza does a very good job of capturing the neighborhood bar vibe and re-creating it in Mount pleasant. it is a popular spot for team trivia competitions, a favorite casual dining spot for families and fairly priced for anyone’s budget. The food is Southern italian, meaning old school sauces reinforced with tomato paste, tender meatballs as only a nonna could roll them, and baked pasta “casseroles” smothered with ricotta, mozzarella and provolone. Much of what they serve is scratch cooking: family recipes for sauces, classic italian wedding soup ($2.95, $3.95) with meatballs and spinach swirls, homemade salad dressings and fried zeppoli ($5.95). The latter are fried dough puffs sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with a variety of sauces. For those who plan to try

tyrone walker/staFF

Steel City Pizza on Ben Sawyer Boulevard in Mount Pleasant. one of the 12 beers on tap, the ambitious menu has a gooey mess of starters including baked Buffalo chicken dip ($6.25), cheesecovered toasts with sides of marinara sauce ($3.50$4.25), baskets of chicken fingers, shrimp fries and onion rings ($3.25-$8.95) for sharing at the table. pizzas are 12 and 16 inches. They can be customized with your choice of 27 toppings, stuffed for an upcharge of $2 or selected from 11 options starting with a basic cheese ($9.95, $12.95) to a bacon cheeseburger complete with cheese whiz ($15.95, $19.95). The crust is thin and crisp and the sauce well-seasoned. They use a cheese blend of mozzarella, provolone and parmesan. The mushroom topping i ordered used fresh mushrooms, but in the time it takes to bake the pie, the raw mushrooms never really cook down, so that is a negative flavor profile for me. The

sausage pie fared better with a topping of ground sausage meat scattered over the pie’s surface. Steel city pizza also offers a sandwich menu of subs and cheesesteaks, and its original philly ($7.50) came close to the city of Brotherly love’s classic. it just needed a bit more meat and a little less “insides” of the roll. Salads are available in two sizes, and based on what we ordered, an iceberg wedge ($3.25), and what we saw around us, they make an effort to serve crisp, chilled greens and a variety of toppings to turn a salad into a meal: fried chicken salad ($3.95, $7.50), chef salad with ham and turkey ($3.75, $7.25), and farmhouse chicken with a grilled breast ($3.75, $7.75), for example. Spaghetti ($6.75, $8.50) with meat sauce ($1.50) is a classic, and the pasta was al dente. Most entrees are under $11 and are served with a side of garlic toast.

Steel city pizza also has a signature sandwich called the weggie (all $8.25). Just picture a small round of pizza dough, baked as if it were a taco shell and then stuffed with a variety of fillings. it would remind you of an open-ended calzone, which is also on their menu ($8.25). Beer drinkers will be pleased with the rotating list featuring locally brewed westbrook white Thai ($4.25) and holy city washout ($5.50) as well as other imported options. Servers are polite and friendly. even if yours is not the neighborhood of Jones and laughlin or Bethlehem Steel, and even if you have not felt your stomach lurch at w (the roller coaster capital of the world), and if you have never waved the terrible towel of the late broadcaster Myron cope, Steel city pizza will have you “bleeding” black and gold, one pizza at a time.

steel city pizza

cuisine: italian-american, pizza category: neighborhood Favorite location: 1440 ben sawyer blvd., mount pleasant phone: 856-2525 hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. sunday-thursday, 11 a.m.11 p.m. Friday-saturday food:  service:  atmosphere: 1/2 price: $-$$ costs: appetizers $3.25-$8.95, soups and sides 75 cents-$3.95, wings $7.95-$38.95, salads $2.95-$7.95, sandwiches and burgers $7.25-$8.50, pizzas $9.95$18.95, subs $7.50, pastas $6.50-$10.95, kids menu $2.75-$5.75, desserts $3.25-$5.95 vegetarian options: yes bar: Full-service bar, drink specials, happy hour, 12 beers on tap, craft beers decibel level: varies wheelchair access: yes parking: shopping center lot other: daily and weekly specials for pizza, sandwiches and dessert, daily deals, $4 “happitizers,” delivery, catering, take-and-bake orders, online ordering coming soon, fireplace, Facebook, check website for daily specials and events, team trivia, info@steelcitypizza. com, steelcitypizza.com, two locations: 1440 ben sawyer blvd. in mount pleasant and 8600 dorchester road in north charleston.

E14: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

burrell & flynn’s serves up some tasty treats

By roB young Special to The Post and Courier

if you go

eth Burrell and Seana Flynn run the eponymously named Burrell & Flynn’s, serving up locally roasted coffees, top-notch craft sandwiches and a tasty assortment of treats. The pair aren’t newcomers, having previously run the lil’ Mama’s on Folly Beach, a splendid lil’ restaurant with a solid rep for its pizza pies, and red pepper Squirrel. These two delight in their work and their service, and that much is apparent, be it beach side or from the thoroughfare. The setup, there’s only one table, is in the same space on Savannah highway once occupied by the catering and carry-out establishment on The Fly. Though small, the servings are not. Slices of big, hearty

what: burrell & Flynn’s where: 1209 savannah highway hours: 7 a.m.-3 p.m. mon.-Fri.; 8 a.m.-3 p.m. sat. for more info: 2254851


cappuccinos and lattes. Fruit smoothies ($3.95$4.50) include strawberry, strawberry-banana, wild berry, acai berry and tropical mango. and then there’s the photos by rob young The chicken salad croissant from Burrell & Flynn’s. brownies ($3), which are Burrell & Flynn’s mighty club sandwich. sized like bricks: joyfuly soft, super moist, one-pound (one granny Smith apples, toast- pimiento cheese and fresh country bread provide the other selections feature the ed almonds, fresh strawber- fruit. take home a container, pound!) bricks made with layers of chocolate or dolproper buttressing to supvery same pimiento cheese; a ries and feta cheese, dressed too. The chicken salad and lops of peanut butter. They’re port sandwiches like B & F’s ham, apple and brie panini; with creamy buttermilk, bal- pimiento cheese run $5 for seriously addictive, seriously club, amped up with turkey chicken salad croissant; and samic vinaigrette or sweet half a pound and $9 per dangerous. and seriously, bacon, ham, three pieces of alternating specials. mandarin ginger. pound. just another reason for visitbread and terrifically sharp Salads ($7-$9) also include Sample the trio if you wish; coffee drinks abound, ing Burrell & Flynn’s. pimiento cheese. several varieties made with it’s a combo of chicken salad, counting espresso, frappes,

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E15

By deidre Schipani

Special to The Post and Courier

restaurant week perk

as if enjoying specialtypriced dining in charleston restaurant week weren’t treat enough, the indigo road restaurant group has given you another incentive. receive a $5 specialty cocktail at The cocktail club during restaurant week if you present your dining receipt from oak, The Macintosh or o-ku. to view other charleston restaurant week participants and their menus, go to www.charlestonrestaurant association.com.


Eat at O-Ku, 446 King St., or any other Indigo Road Restaurant Group property during Charleston Restaurant Week and receive a $5 specialty cocktail at The Cocktail Club when you present your dinner receipt.

town charleston. The menu will reflect the era when the The BB&t charleston fort was originally in use, wine + Food Festival, and will spotlight traditogether with the charlestional lowcountry cuisine. ton area convention and tickets for the benefit will visitors Bureau, revealed last be available later this month week that the James Beard at charlestonwineandfood. Foundation award finalists com. will be announced live in gluten-free night charleston on March 18. The finalist announceStarting wednesday, The ments will take place at grill on the edge will launch historic lowndes grove a gluten-free night, to take plantation. winners will place every wednesday. it be announced at the James will start by cleaning all the Beard Foundation awards fryers and serving seafood on May 6 at lincoln cenbaskets tossed in gluten-free ter’s avery Fisher hall in breading along with fries, new york. burgers, sandwiches, as well as part of the event here, as pasta, buns and breads the two organizations that certified gluten-free. The made the announcement grill is at 41 center St. on will host a fundraiser for the Folly Beach. call 633-0143 foundation at Fort Moultrie, or go to www.follygrill.com. a national park site. local special The fundraiser will be one of the first prirosebank Farms cafe has vate events held at Fort started offering daily dinner Moultrie and will feature specials, including half-price charleston chefs who have bottles of wine, discounted received a James Beard dinner plates and half-price award, received a nomina- appetizers at the bar. The tion or recently cooked at specials offer a chance to the James Beard house. enjoy Southern fare with other charlestonians with a local flair at a discount. ties to the foundation, such rosebank Farms cafe is as the authors of awardopen daily for lunch 11 a.m.winning cookbooks, will 2 p.m.; dinner 5-9:30 p.m. also participate. celebrating ‘grands’ The fundraiser will begin with cocktails and hors Burtons grill at 1875 u.S. d’oeuvres, allowing guests to highway 17 in Mount pleastour the structure and listen ant is celebrating grandparto historians. guests then ents day on Sunday, offering will move to the beachside 50 percent off all food, all lawn for dinner and views of day for all “grands.” go to Fort Sumter, the Sullivan’s www.burtonsgrill.com or island lighthouse and down- call 606-2590.

making history

coming this week pal Joey’s Martini lounge is set to open this week at 1035 Johnnie dodds Blvd. in Mount pleasant. run by Joe pisasale of club trio fame, the bar will offer an all-tapas menu by chef gary langevin, martinis and classic cocktails, and live entertainment, including salsa and swing music, comedy and Joe clarke on piano.

back to beginnings

cuoca pazzo has returned to its original location at 1035 Johnnie dodds Blvd. in Mount pleasant and continues to serve authentic italian cuisine. call 971-9034.

still going strong

The la Fontana group of restaurants, at 1759 Savannah highway in west ashley and 7648 northwoods Blvd. in north charleston, are still serving up authentic italian and pizza. to contact the west ashely location, call 556-1111, for north charleston, call 225-4786.

opening set

Mi Xao is scheduled to open on Monday at Station 41, 1055 highway 41 in Mount pleasant. call 3885733 or go to facebook.com/ mixaocafe.

shelter from storm

Shelter kitchen + Bar has opened at 202 coleman Blvd. open daily 11 a.m.2 a.m., it serves lunch, dinner and Saturday-Sunday brunch. call 388-3817.

The post and courier

E16: Thursday, September 6, 2012

nightmare river band

Last Goodbye/Independent


if you happened to be at The Mill on Sunday, then you might have been lucky enough to catch the performance by the nightmare river Band. The north charleston stop was the latest on the band’s tour in support of its new album, “last goodbye.” From here, the band was headed for louisiana and texas before heading back through the South on its way up to the final date in new york. with any luck, the band hopefully will gather some new fans in each city along the way.

and the quality of the music on “last goodbye” should help. The band’s sound is a combination of alt-country and modern rock with strong similarities to more established acts such as The avett Brothers and Mumford and Sons. The songs on the album are well-written and impeccably performed, especially tracks such as “oh Me oh My” and “Mary.” The album’s title track remains my favorite, though. it’s a bold, brash song about putting

things to rest. Midway through the song, it breaks down into a chantey of “la-dada-da,” before building to a crescendo that will impress the listener, as well as possibly make them a bit misty-eyed. The remainder of the album contains a couple of throwaway tracks, but for the most part, this is a solid release that will delight fans of the current alt-rock and folkie scenes.

There has never been a better time in this country to be a performer or a purveyor of garage rock. case in point is charleston’s very own Sans Jose. (The band was once known as go for launch but changed it earlier this year.) on the band’s new cd, “go for launch,” Sans Jose performs five songs in little more than 10 minutes. Between the distorted guitars, the frenzied vocals and the

rapid-fire drumming, there is a lot to love here. each song, even with its collective brevity, has its own personality, from the retro-British invasion sound of “Shoot Shoot” to the more contemporary “red giant” with its consistent wall of organ, guitars and drums. Still other tracks have a surf-guitar vibe. This is a must-listen for fans of garage

rock that gives way to obvious admiration of bands such as The Specials, The electric prunes and Jan & dean. The cd is over in a flash. But in that brief time, you’ll wonder what hit you the first time you spin it. i don’t know about you, but i love it when a record can do that to you.

i’ll be honest, i never really “got” korn, or much of the whole nu-metal movement that came to prominence in the mid-’90s. it had a very powerful and popular few years of life, then seemed to pass like so many other musical styles do. korn was easily one of the most popular bands among the legions of nu-metal acts that sprung to life during that time, and you have to give the outfit credit for lasting way beyond what most would consider its sell-by date. part of the reason korn continues to be relevant in the music world is because it innovates. take its latest studio album, “The path of totality.” korn enlisted the assistance of some of today’s hottest

dJs, including Skrillex, 12th planet and datsik, to enhance the new music. They also played in front of a sold-out crowd at the hollywood palladium in celebration of that album’s release. That live performance is now available as a cd/dvd set, and really shows off korn’s stage prowess. again, i’m no korn fan, but even i have to hand it to lead singer Jonathan davis and the rest of the band for keeping what is essentially a dead musical genre somewhat interesting more than a decade after the fact. The dvd is the part of the package to really pay attention to here. Between the light show, the swirling crowd of moshers (another throwback practice) and what

has to be the coolest microphone stand i’ve ever seen, there is plenty to look at here. you get plenty of korn classics, including “illuminati,” “Freak on a leash” and “got the life,” as well as covers of pink Floyd’s “another Brick in The wall” and Metallica’s “one.” heck, Skrillex even shows up to play guitar with the band on a few songs. like i said, it’s all about staying relevant through innovation, and korn still seems to have it figured out.

key tracks: “mary,” “oh me o my,” “last goodbye”

sans Jose

Go for Launch/Independent


key tracks: “shoot shoot,” “red giant,” “we should’ve known”


Live At The Hollywood Palladium/ Shout!Factory


key tracks: “Freak on a leash,” “got the life,” “another brick in the wall” — by devin grant

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E17

By Matthew godBey Special to The Post and Courier

built to spill

There was a time when the term “indie rock” wasn’t so cliche, a beginning when the sound was hard to categorize and even harder to explain. nowadays, every band that is lighter than heavy, heavier than pop and weirder than radio is slackly tossed into the familiar indie-rock bucket. Built to Spill is a band that came before the proverbial labelmaker for a genre so widely stamped and defined that it now defies its own meaning and parameters. The Boise, idaho-based band formed in 1992 during the reign of grunge, and slightly before the takeover of neo-metal and pop punk. close enough to Seattle and portland to feel their influences yet remote and pristine enough not to be interrupted or strangled by them, Boise offered Built to Spill co-founder, vocalist/guitarist and lead songwriter doug Martsch and bandmates the perfect location to develop an alternative sound. Built to Spill will perform Saturday at the Music Farm, 32 ann St., with helvetica. tickets are $20 in advance, $23 the day of the show and are available online at etix. com or at the Music Farm box office. doors open at 8 p.m. call 577-6989 or go to musicfarm.com for more information.


Built to Spill pour house, 1977 Maybank highway. tickets are $20 in advance, $23 the day of the show and are available at the door or online at etix.com. go to charlestonpourhouse.com or call 571-4343 for more information.

ben rector

oklahoma-born, nashville-based singer/ songwriter Ben rector isn’t snazzy or overthe-top. his music isn’t groundbreaking, nor is it contrived or gimmicky. no, rector has made quite a name for himself just by doing things the old-fashioned way: chops and late nights. midnite The 25-year-old college graduate began with nearly four dozen albums released in writing songs as a teenager and became the its 23 years together, Midnite has spread its youngest winner of the John lennon Songroots reggae sound to fans all over the world writing contest when his song “conversaand back again during a career spanning tion” won the top prize in the contest’s pop longer than many of its fans have been alive. category six years ago. rector was a freshhailing from St. croix in the virgin isman at the university of arkansas at the lands, Midnite is one of the only authentic time, and went on to build the foundation of rastafarian reggae groups that adhere to the a respected music career during his tenure traditional reggae style first made popular in there. 1970s Jamaica. his emotionally dawning lyrics and a cain recent years, Midnite has mostly bepability for immersing himself in his vocals come the work of singer/songwriter vaughn has led many of rector’s songs to appear on Benjamin and his producer/bassist/keyfilm and television soundtracks. his latest boardist brother ron. a revolving cast of record, last year’s “Something like This,” musicians tours with the group while the charted on itunes in several categories, even other founding members rarely all perform reaching the fourth spot on the top overall together. album sales chart. Midnite’s feverish pace has not slowed as Ben rector will perform tonight at the it approaches its quarter-century mark. The Music Farm, 32 ann St. tickets are $15 band has released its third recording of the and are available online at etix.com or at year and recently wrapped a west coast the Music Farm box office. doors open at tour before embarking on a brief east coast 8 p.m. run. call 577-6989 or go to musicfarm.com for Midnite will perform wednesday at The more information.

People Saturdays in

Up close and personal.

E18: Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012: E19

MYCharLesTONWeeKeND Iron Brew Competition


second sunday on king street

the monthly pedestrian takeover of king street is here again. head downtown 1-5 p.m. sunday for an afternoon of car-free strolling and shopping. this free event offers up outdoor dining options, special merchant deals, live music and more. this month, get info on charleston restaurant week or buy tickets for the southern living taste of charleston; hear violinist daniel d. perform; check out baker motor co. cadillacs, including the new Xts; and check out the tasting demo of magnolia’s grits. Find out more at www.2ndsundayonkingstreet.com.

end of summer luau, pig roast

tides Folly beach and blu restaurant & bar are getting in on the end of summer action with a seaside luau and pig roast. From 7-11 p.m. Friday, enjoy traditional hula dancing, fire throwing, live music and fireworks. there also will be an all-you-can-eat buffet and an open bar. and don’t forget your lei! tickets are $65, and room packages are available. call 588-6464 for more info.

presented by mellow mushroom charleston and holy city brewing, more than 60 home-brewer teams from across the lowcountry will compete in this inaugural competition. From 3-7 p.m. saturday, each team will present its beer to a panel of judges: holy city owners chris brown, sean nemitz, Joe carl and mac minaudo, along with beer enthusiast and restaurant critic eric doksa. but don’t feel left out, attendees will get to vote for the “people’s choice” brew, all of which will be made using honey. in addition, mellow mushroom will be serving up $2 slices from its food truck while holy city will be selling $3 beers from its truck, and south street and champagne with Friends will provide musical entertainment. the event is open to the public. a $10 donation is recommended; benefits will go to the gavalas-kolanko Foundation, a public charity established to help students with disabilities reach their secondary educational goals at the college of charleston. the event will be at holy city brewing, 4155-c dorchester road, in north charleston. the top 10 home brews and the winner of the iron brew competition will be revealed at 4 p.m. sunday at mellow mushroom in avondale. Find out more at www. facebook.com/ mellowavondale.

charleston gun and knife show swap, buy, sell or browse the hundreds of tables of shooting and hunting gear that will be at the exchange park Fairgrounds on u.s. highway 78 in ladson. running 9 a.m.-5 p.m. saturday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. sunday, peruse 300 tables of guns, knives, ammo, surplus, reloading supplies and shooting accessories from some of south carolina’s biggest and best dealers. admission is $8, kids 12 and under get in free. For more info, call 770-6307296.

super saturday open car, truck and bike show this benefit for camp happy days is being hosted by marchant chevrolet and the coastal carolina corvette club. From 10 a.m.-2 p.m. saturday, head out to 5700 savannah highway in ravenel for this competition that will include 12 classes and 30 trophies in categories broken down by year (1900-39, 1940-62, 196371, etc.), make (corvette, mustang, etc.) and type (street rods, sport compacts, etc.). it’s $10 per vehicle; registration runs until 11:30 a.m. and voting closes at 1 p.m. For more info, go to www.4ccc.org.

Family Fun Fair st. timothy lutheran church at evatt drive and u.s. highway 52 in goose creek will host its annual Family Fun Fair on sunday. From 36 p.m., enjoy live music, games, face-painting, jump castles, pony rides, food and more. the event is free and open to the public. For more info, call 553-4175.

charleston ‘watch day’ preservation pedal

bar car olympics do you have what it takes? this second annual “summer games” pub crawl has five competitions at five bars, including the blind tiger pub, big John’s tavern and the brick. put together a team of eight (all age 21 and over) and compete for the gold, and best team name, best team costume and additional bonus games. tickets are $25 per person, $200 per team if purchased prior to the event at www.scbarcar.com/bar-car-olympics.html; prices are $30 per person, $240 per team the day of. tickets include two drinks at each bar, transportation and food at the medal ceremony, which will be at recovery room, 685 king st. the games begin at 3:30 p.m. saturday and go until about 8 p.m. For more info on how to compete, call 300-9995 or email scbarcar@gmail.com.

this inaugural event, to be held saturday, is all about celebrating charleston’s maritime history and historic waterfront. starting at 8:30 a.m. at white point garden, pedal along historic wharves, past monumental maritime buildings and significant private homes. the preservation society of charleston also will celebrate the centennial of a gateway into charleston, as the event will conclude with a late breakfast at the immigration station. the ride will coincide with the launch of the society’s new historic waterfront mobile app. “watch day” is a new global initiative of the new york-based world monuments Fund, an organization dedicated to saving landmarks worldwide. tickets for the pedal are $15 for nonmembers, $10 for members, and includes the app, a baseball cap featuring the event,and breakfast. bike rentals will be available at white point garden for an additional fee. go to www.preservation society.org or email preserve@ preservationsociety.org.

burke high school palmetto invitational band classic this marching band event will feature performances by south carolina state university, benedict college, bethune-cookman university, edward waters college, stall high school and burke high school. sponsored by the burke band booster club, this band classic acts as a fundraiser for band scholarships and instrument purchases. gates at Johnson hagood stadium at the cidatel will open at 1:30 p.m. sunday. tickets are $12 in advance, $15 the day of. tickets can be purchased at reuben’s mens & boys wear, 480 king st., or at the burke high band room. For more info, call 724-7296.

patriots point honors first responders in commemoration of the 11th anniversary of 9/11, patriots point naval & maritime museum is offering free admission to first responders and their families on sunday, with extended hours 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; a valid identification card is required. at 1:30 p.m., a special ceremony honoring those who served and died in 9/11 will be held, featuring music by the charleston police pipes and drums. For information about the ceremony, go to www.patriotspoint. org. For details about the 9/11 heroes run to be held saturday at patriots point, see get out on page e6.


‘the last Flapper’ after a successful first run in January of william luce’s onewoman show, “the last Flapper,” based on the writings of F. scott Fitzgerald, the south of broadway theatre company is bringing it back. zelda Fitzgerald was F. scott Fitzgerald’s main inspiration for all the ’20s Jazz age glam flapper party girls in many of his novels, including the famed “great gatsby.” leslie vicary will return as zelda in a run that begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday. tickets are $18. south of broadway theatre company is at 1080 e. montague ave. in north charleston. For more performance dates, call 745-0317 or go to www. southofbroadway.com.

best of summer spectacular party with a purpose 7 p.m.-midnight saturday at air & earth, 1313 long grove drive, mount pleasant. this party is about celebrating the best of summer, with music, food, drinks, raffles and more. admission is free, and food and drinks will be available for purchase. raffle tickets for items such as ipads, surfboards, paddleboards and more will be available for $5. you’ll also have a chance to throw a pie at the police chief of mount pleasant. all of the proceeds will go to the south carolina cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Find out more at facebook.com/bestofsummer.

chucktown after 5 this new happy hour concert series kicks off its first show with reggae band dub island and the dubplates. From 5-9 p.m. Friday, head out to the charleston hippodrome, 360 concord st., for an evening of live music. Food and drinks will be available at special happy hour rates. admission is buy one, get one free and costs $5. check out www.chucktownafter5.com for more info.

E20: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

fall movie preview

James Fisher/warner bros. pictures

Ian McKellen stars as Gandalf in New Line Cinema’s and MGM’s fantasy adventure “The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey.”

Questions abound as season begins By roger Moore MCT

Master,” “les Miserables” and liam neeson (“taken 2”). it’s the serious cinema season, aking attendance for big mov- when comic-book adaptations like ies you’re looking forward “dredd 3d” open opposite oscar’s to this fall? you’re going to beloved Judge clint (eastwood, in be marking a lot of hotly expected “trouble with the curve”). films “absent” and handing out More than anything else, this fall tardy slips. is a movie mystery — which films From “world war Z” to “The will break out, which will earn great gatsby,” Sandra Bullock’s awards buzz and become oscar sci-fi epic “gravity” to the rencontenders? egade cops period piece “gangster and that mystery bears the quesSquad,” you could have built a seri- tion: will this fall and winter have ously buzzed-about cinema season us begging for January, when all over the films yanked for more these delayed movies start trickling work or for greener pastures among out as the (possibly) “best of 2013”? 2013’s release dates. here’s a look at what’s coming up But enough bad news. we’ll make (please note that release dates are do with “The hobbit” and “The subject to change):



“for a good time call” (focus): ari graynor and lauren miller play former college roommates who start a sex phone line service to help make ends meet in this comedy, co-written by miller. “10 years” (anchor bay): channing tatum, rosario dawson, chris pratt, kate mara and ari graynor star in this drama about a high school reunion. “arbitrage” (lionsgate/ roadside attractions): richard gere is a hedge-fund titan trying to maintain his public image as successful, philanthropic and happily married with his secret life of having a mistress, a failing company and troubles with the Feds. susan sarandon and brit marling also star. “finding nemo 3d” (disney/ pixar): pixar’s animated classic, newly converted to 3d, returns to theaters. “the master” (weinstein):

Joaquin phoenix returns to the screen in this tale of a world war ii vet who falls under the influence of a charismatic writer and cult leader (philip seymour hoffman). paul thomas anderson supposedly based this on the beginnings of scientology. “resident evil: retribution” (screen gems): milla Jovovich is still vengeful, still out there in the post-apocalyptic future and still killing the undead. “the perks of being a wallflower” (summit): stephen chbosky adapted his novel into a script and then directed that script, about a naive college freshman learning the ways of the world from the more experienced. emma watson and logan lerman star. “stolen” (millennium): nicolas cage reteams with his “con air” director simon west for this new orleans-mardi gras tale of an ex-con whose daughter (sami gayle) has

been kidnapped by his old gang. “dredd 3d” (lionsgate): another attempt at the comic-book purveyor of sci-fi justice, Judge dredd, this time starring karl urban, with lena headey and olivia thirlby. “end of watch” (open road): Jake gyllenhaal and michael pena star in this drama about cops who pick the wrong drug lord to cross. anna kendrick and america Ferrera also star. “house at the end of the street” (relativity): elizabeth shue and Jennifer lawrence are mother and daughter who move next door to a home where a girl murdered her parents. horror ensues. “trouble with the curve” (warners): clint eastwood’s an aged, cantankerous baseball scout losing his eyesight and amy adams is the daughter who goes on his last recruiting trip in this dramedy.

please see movies, page 21

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E21

sony pictures

Dracula, voiced by Adam Sandler, and Johnnystein, voiced by Andy Samberg, in a scene from “Hotel Transylvania.” movies from page 20 “hotel transylvania” (sony columbia): adam sandler is the voice of dracula, an overprotective vampire dad, with selena gomez as his daughter, and the voices of kevin James, steve buscemi and molly shannon fleshing out this animated romp. “looper” (sony tristar): Joseph gordon-levitt stars in this sci-fi thriller in which a hit man sees his future self (bruce willis) as one of his targets. emily blunt and paul dano also star. “won’t back down” (fox): viola davis, maggie gyllenhaal and holly hunter are the stars of this drama about moms from different backgrounds who team up to make a local school better.


“butter” (the weinstein co.): Jennifer garner, olivia wilde and yara shadihi are caught up in an iowa butter-carving contest full of treachery and intrigue in this r-rated comedy. “frankenweenie 3d” (walt disney): tim burton turns his stopmotion animated short film about the boy who brings his dachshund back to life, Frankenstein fashion, into a feature film with the voices of winona ryder, martin landau and martin short. “the paperboy” (millennium): nicole kidman, zac efron and John cusack star in lee daniels’ follow-up to “precious,” a dark and kinky tale of the paperboy (efron) who could free a convict (cusack) with the right persuasion from a femme fatale (kidman). “pitch perfect” (universal): anna kendrick (“up in the air”) stars in this college comedy about competitive glee clubs. brittany snow and rebel wilson also star. “sinister” (summit): ethan hawke plays a true-crime novelist who uses found footage to discover the truth about a gruesome crime, a truth that puts his family in danger. “v/ h/ s” (magnet): more foundvideo horror as would-be burglars stumble across a stash of footage full of unspeakable horror. if only they still owned a vcr. “taken 2” (fox): this sequel has the ex-cia agent (liam neeson) whose daughter (maggie grace) was kidnapped in “taken” kidnapped himself,

along with his ex-wife (Famke Janssen). luc besson scripted it; olivier megaton directed. “argo” (warner bros.): ben affleck directed and stars in this thriller about a cia agent charged with getting a small group of americans out of iran in the middle of that country’s islamic revolution. the omnipresent bryan cranston also is in the cast. “here comes the boom” (columbia): kevin James plays a high school teacher who moonlights as a mixed martial arts fighter to save the school’s music program. a “warrior” with laughs? salma hayek co-stars. “nobody walks” (magnolia): John krasinski is a music producer happily married to rosemarie dewitt but tempted by musician olivia thirlby in this layered, multicharacter romantic drama. “seven psychopaths” (cbs films): colin Farrell plays a screenwriter comically mixed up with a mobster (woody harrelson) after his pals (christopher walken, sam rockwell) kidnap the mobster’s dog. martin (“in bruges”) mcdonaugh wrote and directed it. “smashed” (sony classics): mary elizabeth winstead and aaron paul star in this drama about two drunks who try to survive as a couple after one of them goes sober. “special forces” (eone films): diane kruger and djimon hounsou star in this thriller about French commandos sent to rescue a kidnapped journalist in pakistan. “alex cross” (summit): tyler perry takes over the tracker-of-serial-killers role that morgan Freeman made famous in this murder mystery/ ticking clock thriller. matthew Fox, cicely tyson, Jean reno, edward burns and rachel nichols are also in the cast. “killing them softly” (weinstein): brad pitt is a hit man called in to make things right when a mob-connected poker game is robbed. ray liotta and richard Jenkins also star. “paranormal activity 4” (paramount): a better-looking cast is the hook for this fourth installment in the found-video horror series. “the big wedding” (lionsgate): robert de niro and diane keaton have to pretend to be married (leaving

the weinstein company

Joaquin Phoenix (left) and Philip Seymour Hoffman in a scene from “The Master.” moss and deborah kara unger along for the scary 3d ride.



Victor, voiced by Charlie Tahan, and his pet dog Sparky in a scene from “Frankenweenie.” new flame susan sarandon out of the picture) to avoid upsetting the future in-laws. as if having robin williams as the presiding clergyman isn’t upsetting enough. that’s four oscar winners right there, people. “chasing mavericks” (fox): Jonny weston and gerard butler star in curtis hanson’s film about a legendary surfer who tackled an infamous surf break in 1960s california. “cloud atlas” (warner bros.): tom hanks and halle berry star in this multilayered, multicharacter drama, based on david mitchell’s novel, about how lives and choices we make “ripple across the centuries.” tom (“run lola run”) tykwer and the wachowskis (“the matrix”) collaborated on this epic. “fun size” (paramount): victoria Justice of tv’s “victorious” plays a teen

who loses her nuisance little brother on halloween, and spends all night finding him in this comedy. Johnny knoxville, chelsea handler and ana gasteyer also star. “halloween 3d” (dimension): yet another installment, the third in this current reboot, of the michael myers saga. “the sessions” (fox searchlight): John hawkes, helen hunt, william h. macy and moon bloodgood star in this dramedy about a man confined to an iron lung in search of a “professional sex surrogate.” “silent hill: revelation 3d” (open road): the last of the october horror sequels serves up adelaide clemens as our heroine and sean bean as her missing dad, with malcolm mcdowell, rahda mitchell, carrie-anne

“Jack and diane” (magnolia): Juno temple, riley keough, cara seymour and kylie minogue star in this young-lesbians-in-love romance. “flight” (paramount): robert zemeckis leaves his “polar express” motion-capture mania behind for this live-action thriller about a pilot (denzel washington) who becomes a hero after a crash, only to be questioned as further details of his behavior come to light. with don cheadle and John goodman. “the man with the iron fists” (universal): russell crowe is the heavy hitter in this martial arts-slasher picture about a weapons-maker/blacksmith (rza) in feudal china who gets caught up in sword-slashing powergrab. rza also directed this, with rick yune and lucy liu in the cast. “this must be the place” (weinstein): sean penn, Frances mcdormand and Judd hirsch star in this oddball dramedy about a bored cross-dressing rocker (penn) who sets out to find his father’s world war ii-era tormentor. “wreck-it ralph” (walt disney): there’s trouble in the arcade when a longtime video-game villain who wants to be a hero breaks out and into a new game and unleashes mayhem in the form of a new super-villain in this animated action comedy starring the voice of John c. reilly. “anna karenina” (focus): keira knightley has the title role and Jude law is her cuckolded husband in this lush period piece based on the tolstoy

please see movies, page 22

E22: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

columbia pictures

In the darkest hour of the night, elite Navy SEALs raid Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Columbia Pictures’ ultra realistic new thriller about the greatest manhunt in history, “Zero Dark Thirty.” movies from page 21 novel of the same name. “nature calls” (magnolia): the year’s second scout troop camping comedy (after “moonrise kingdom”) stars patton oswalt, Johnny knoxville, rob riggle, maura tierney, patrice o’neal and darrell hammond. “skyfall” (sony): daniel craig returns as James bond, with Judi dench, Javier bardem and ralph Fiennes along for the ride as bond must face an enemy from his boss’ past. “a late Quartet” (eone films): oscar winners philip seymour hoffman and christopher walken, with catherine keener and imogen poots, are in the cast of this drama about a world-famous string quartet coping with the death of a member and that member’s replacement. “insuppressible lust” and “egos,” the studio promises us. yes, that’s classical music all right. “lincoln” (touchstone): steven spielberg’s film biography stars daniel day-lewis as abraham lincoln, presiding over a bipartisan cabinet during the civil war; based on doris kearns goodwin’s book “team of rivals.” “the twilight saga: breaking dawn — part 2” (summit): the sweeping saga of teens bella, edward and Jacob comes to a toothy conclusion as bella and her new baby face one last threat from the volturi. “rust & bone” (sony classics): marion cotillard and matthias schoenaerts star in this French romantic drama about second-chance love and an “accident” involving a killer whale trainer. “life of pi 3d” (fox 2000): ang lee’s film of yann martel’s novel about an indian zookeeper’s son who is shipwrecked with a lifeboat full of animals stars tobey maguire, irrfan khan and tabu. “red dawn” (mgm/ open road): this remake of the reagan-era commie-invasion thriller features chris hemsworth, Josh hutcherson and Josh peck in a tale of high school kids who lead a revolt against the, um, north koreans, after they take over their town. (no sense offending the chinese or

sony pictures

Daniel Craig as James Bond in the action adventure film “Skyfall.”

summit entertainment

Kristen Stewart in “The Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2.”

russian audiences, is there?) “rise of the guardians” (paramount): the easter bunny (hugh Jackman), the tooth Fairy (isla Fisher), Jack Frost (chris pine) and others team up to save santa (alec baldwin) from the boogeyman in this animated holiday comedy. “the silver linings playbook” (the weinstein co.): bradley cooper stars in this david o. russell film, based on the matthew Quick novel, about a teacher who goes to live with his parents after getting out of a mental institution, and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. robert de niro plays his dad, with Julia stiles and Jennifer lawrence. “universal soldier”: day of reckoning” (magnet): Jeanclaude van damme and dolph lundgren reunite in this revival of the b-movie action franchise.


“the collection” (ld entertainment): Josh stewart plays a guy who survives an encounter with the serial killer known as “the collector” in this slasher picture. “deadfall” (magnolia): eric bana and olivia wilde play siblings-robbers on the run from a heist gone wrong. it’s snowing. and they stumble into a thanksgiving family gathering where

paramount pictures-dreamworks animation/ap

“Rise of the Guardians” is an adventure with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and other mythical beings battling an evil spirit. oscar winner sissy spacek presides. “hyde park on the hudson” (focus): bill murray is Fdr in this serio-comic period piece about the king and queen coming to visit the president at his private home. “the hobbit: an unexpected Journey 3d” (new line/warner bros.): peter Jackson goes back to middle-earth for this three-part prequel to “lord of the rings,” with martin Freeman starring as the young bilbo baggins, a hobbit sent on an epic adventure by the wizard gandalf the grey (ian mckellen). “les miserables” (universal): victor hugo’s classic novel, rendered into a hit musical, comes to the screen with hugh Jackman’s Jean valjean squaring off against russell crowe’s inspector Javert. anne hathaway, helena bonham carter and sacha baron

cohen also are in the cast. “zero dark thirty” (columbia): more than a few brits and one aussie have been cast in this film from the “hurt locker” writer and director about the hunt for and killing of osama bin laden: tom hardy, idris elba, rooney mara, Jennifer ehle and guy pearce star. “the impossible” (summit): naomi watts and ewan mcgregor star in this drama-spectacle set against the backdrop of the worst tsunami disaster of modern times. “Jack reacher” (paramount): tom cruise is the ex-mp-turnedprivate eye in this possible action franchise, based on the lee child novels. “this is 40” (universal): Judd apatow’s growing-older-but-not-up comedy stars that “knocked up” supporting couple, paul rudd and leslie

disney-dreamworks ii

Daniel Day-Lewis portrays Abraham Lincoln.

mann, and Jason segel and megan Fox. “dJango unchained” (weinstein): Jamie Foxx, samuel l. Jackson and leonardo dicaprio star in Quentin tarantino’s tale of violence and revenge in the post-civil war south. “the guilt trip” (paramount): seth rogen is the inventor who has to take his annoying mom (barbra streisand) on the road with him as he tries to sell his latest invention. “parental guidance” (fox): billy crystal co-wrote and stars in this comedy about a grandpa who resorts to “old school” methods when he’s stuck baby-sitting the grandkids. bette midler, marisa tomei and bailee madison also star.

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E23

E24: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

first friday on gallery row will keep you busy


rt walk weeks are always so busy, it is quite tough to fit it all in here. here’s an alphabetically listed smattering of “must sees” for this First Friday art walk from gallery row on Broad Street and beyond. unless otherwise noted, all receptions are free and open to the public and take place 5-8 p.m. 12-A Rutledge Ave.: in her third solo show, austin grace Smith explores natural wood grain, sunsets, sunrises and the ebb and flow of the tidal waters in charleston. “The Beautiful unknown” describes the process of her work, and the finished work itself. “i love picking out a piece of wood and letting the grain tell a story,” Smith said. The show will conclude Sept. 28. email austingracesmith@gmail. com or call 364-5847 for more info. Charleston Artist Guild Gallery: with her exhibit, “hidden treasure,” dian hammett wants the viewer to look deeply into each painting to find what may be “hidden” in her style of mixed-media painting collages. The gallery is at 160 east Bay St. call 722-2425 for more. Coco Vivo Fine Art: “it’s surprising what you discover when you take the time to really look,” said plein-air painter John caggiano. view works by caggiano and nationally known artist Stuart roper in the exhibition “inspirations en plein air.” The gallery is at 25 Broad St. call 720-4027 for more. Edward Dare Gallery: The gallery at 31 Broad St. is a haven for local artists with their special take on the

nar Bueno, world-renowned Spanish painter called the new Sorolla” dean said. Hamlet Fine Art Gallery: “as one of charleston’s best-selling artists for over 10 years, she is nationally recognized for the poetic tranquillity of her images,” gallery owner Stephanie hamlet said of exhibiting artist alice dobbin. Meet the artist and view her new “water lily Series” at 7 Broad St. Lambert Gray Gallery: photos provided accomplished painters hi“Daybreaking” by Austin Grace Smith. larie lambert and Michael gray of lambert gray gallery have recently added contemporary painter Fotini christophilis to their space at 54 Broad St. christophilis formerly had her studio at redux and she still teaches workshops there. Mary Martin Gallery: inspired by horse therapy for autistic and developmentally challenged children, nationally known painter peter Justl has created a collection of works featuring these noble animals. “From the start, i was taken with their beauty, power, spirit, grace and playful exuberance. i knew then that i wanted to learn more about these magnificent creatures,” he said of the horses he now paints. Meet Justl in person at 103 Broad St. call 723-0303 or “Barrel Dancer” from Peter Justl’s “Hoofbeats and go to www.marymartinart. Heartbeats” collection. com. Martin Gallery: check out lowcountry. get inspired their work together. “Both the newest works by artist by where we live. call 853accomplished artists in their william crosby at 18 Broad 5002. chosen medium, thought it St. This abstract expressionElla Walton Richardson would be challenging to use ist landscape painter will Fine Art: For the past deinspiration from each other’s be showing small and large cade, the gallery at 58 Broad art as stimuli to create new pieces this month. St. has shown the works of works,” said gallery owner Robert Lange Studios: famed russian-born artJeannette nicholson. The over the past few years, ists aleksander and lyuba show is “nightdreams and charles williams has graced titovets. “Their unprecdaydreams.” The gallery numerous magazine covers edented work has garnered is at 1½ Broad St. call 722and received all kinds of acnational and international 5353 or go to www.elliscolades. his paintings are a attention over the years, nicholsongallery.com. fantastic combination of a with innumerable accolades Galerie on Broad: known precise yet free-flowing style. and awards in the reperfor gallery owner dee Beard The gallery is at 2 Queen St. toire.” call 722-3660. dean’s impressive pleincall 805-8052 or go to www. Ellis-Nicholson Gallery: air work, this gallery at robertlangestudios.com. painter deidre Black and 29 Broad St. houses some Spencer Art Galleries: porcelain pottery artist interesting national and now with three galleries on Mary nicholson have purinternational talent. “we’re Broad Street, the Spencer posefully chosen to exhibit thrilled to now represent gi- galleries host a variety of

different art and artists. Join them for the exhibition of new works focused on different artist’s travels called “The artists’ Journey.” Utopia: at 27 Broad St., this is a place where art and fashion are one. owner Beki crowell’s paintings adorn the walls of the boutique, creating a “utopian environment of sensuality, vitality, authentic self expression.”

South atlantic and South pacific, said local artist Marty Biernbaum. “when they dropped anchor in charleston, they decided to stay.” one day, the couple were biking around downtown and decided to check out the charleston artist guild gallery. it was here that they met exhibiting artist Biernbaum. They decided to put together a special show at the charlesopen arts expo ton county library. The charleston regional The exhibit, “images of alliance for the arts presSouth america: Sailing ents the third annual open with art,” is intended to art expo noon-4 p.m. Sun- be a “multicultural art day in the cistern yard at dialogue to promote educathe college of charleston. tional interaction and good“open is a multidisciwill between the two conplinary arts event open to tinents of the americas,” the public and features an Biernbaum explains. “one of isabel’s major concerns is abundance of artistic and cultural offerings in the tri- that the average american has little knowledge about county area,” said Maggie hendricks, the acting execu- our southern neighbors, tive director of the alliance. typically lumping all of over the past few years, the these culturally diverse expo has attracted more than countries into a single im2,500 people with its diverse age. They hope that this art exhibit will help to change lineup of activities aimed at that impression.” getting folks more involved The exhibit will include powith the various arts organizations in the area. expect etry from castillo-Mercer’s new book, “Sailing Through to see all kinds of perforlife with art,” art by South mances, folks in interesting outfits, multimedia presenta- american artist yaneth lutions, kid-friendly activities, cia castillo cruz and works by nine charleston artists: giveaways and more. Biernbaum, karole turner “open is not just the name of our event. our goal campbell, danita cole, arianne king comer, andrea for the expo is to serve as a hazel, pat huff, Brenda literal open doorway that orcutt, addelle Sanders and connects the arts commuMary Sayas. nity in charleston to all of The monthlong exhibit the people in the tri-county opens with a reception 6area,” hendricks said. This event is happening on 8 p.m. Friday in the lobby the same day as the popular of the charleston county library. Second Sunday on king There will be two other Street, so walk a block over special events for the show: to the cistern and check it on Sept. 20, castillo-Mercer out. will present her new book call 577-5288 or go to of poetry, and on oct. 4, www.artscharleston.org. Jacqueline kelm, a local ‘sailing with art’ author, will give a presentaisabel cristina castillotion about “The art of Joy,” Mercer and her husband, based on her book “The Joy Barry Steve, a professional of appreciative living: your nautical engineer, have 28-day plan for greater spent the past 10 years on happiness in 3 incredibly their 38-foot, double-mast- easy Steps.” ed sailboat, arabella, sailFor more information, call ing around the caribbean, 795-6470.

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E25

lowcountry beer & wine Festival photographs by marie rodriguez

The sixth annual lowcountry Beer & wine Festival returned to Freshfields village on Sunday. attendees enjoyed tastings of fine wines and craft beers, noshing on items from the hege’s restaurant buffet, enjoyed live music by lilly B’ and more. a silent auction, which featured items such as an in-shore fishing trip, african safari and golf packages, was a smashing success, helping earn funds for the Barrier islands Free Medical clinic. For more pictures from the festival, go to charlestonscene.com.

Ruth Miller and Kathy VanHeirseele

Jennifer Maiden, Connie Medley and Tony Batson with baby Jamiyah

Sarah Ford, Angel Frizelle and Katie Coleman

Keri Brame, Sid Dudley and Joseph Cullon

Mike Polyachenko serves sparking wine to Mark and Kathryn Richardson.

E26: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier For more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com.

Family Life Mondays in

Today ‘Legally Blonde’

what: sorority sweetheart and homecoming queen elle woods doesn’t take no for an answer. when her boyfriend dumps her for someone “serious” and heads off to harvard, elle sets out to prove him wrong by enrolling at harvard law school herself. soon she is turning heads and turning the tables on staid ol’ harvard. based on the best-selling film starring reese witherspoon, “legally blonde” rocks with the music of blonde ambition. presented by charleston stage. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 6-8, 13-15, 20-22; 3 p.m. sept. 9, 16, 23 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: $38.50-$52.50 for adults, $36.50-$52.50 for seniors (60+), and $22.50-$52.50 for students (25 and under) more info: 577-7183 or www. charlestonstage.com

Murder Mystery

what: live comic mystery whodunit. against a redneck butler, gold-digging maid, and tie-dyed dude, can inspector noclue hope to deduce whodunit before whodoesit again? professional actors, volunteer audience roles, video short, a la carte beer/wine and desserts. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 6 where: the black Fedora come-

dy mystery theatre, 164 church st. price: $24 (thursdays: half price with student id; sunday: $20 seniors/military)

Friday Sound of Charleston

what: experience the sounds that define charleston and its unique southern charm — jazz, gospel, gershwin, gullah, spirituals, civil war songs — coming to life in sacred and historic spaces during a 75-minute live concert. when: 7 p.m. sept. 7 where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. price: $28 adults, $25 seniors, $16 students, children 12 and under free more info: 270-4903 or www. soundofcharleston.com

Zelda Fitzgerald

what: “the last Flapper” by william luce is a one-woman show based on the writings of mrs. F. scott Fitzgerald. leslie vicary portrays zelda under the expert direction of sobtc’s artistic director mark gorman. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 7, 10, 14, 15; 3 p.m. sept. 16 where: south of broadway theatre company, 1080 e. montague ave. price: $18 more info: 745-0317 or www. southofbroadway.com

saturday Sippin’ Saturday

what: each saturday, the winery will serve up a different local food vendor and musical group. the famous irvin-house vineyards wine-a-ritas will be served on the patio and wine may be purchased by the glass or bottle. tastings in the Firefly vodka distillery and irvin-house vineyard winery are $6 to taste six of 15 flavors of Firefly vodka and sea island rums and $4 to taste five wines. bring your lawn chairs and blankets to picnic under the oaks and relish in the lowcountry beauty. when: 1-5 p.m. saturdays, through oct. 27 where: 6775 bears bluff road, wadmalaw island price: Free more info: 559-6867 or www. charlestonwine.com

Shaggin’ on the Cooper

what: spend an evening dancing on the scenic mount pleasant pier to live classic oldies and beach music. beverages will be available for purchase on-site. only 800 tickets will be sold for this event. advance purchase is recommended. when: 7-11 p.m. sept. 8 where: mount pleasant pier, 71 harry hallman blvd. price: $10/$8 ccr discount/$10 on-site if still available more info: 795-4386 or www.


sunday Music in the Park

what: hanahan recreation and parks presents music in the park. traditional country and variety music open mike session, so bring your musical instrument and join in. hosted by the talk of the town band led by larry villa. when: 2 p.m. sept. 9 where: hanahan city hall, 1255 yeamans hall road price: Free open to the public more info: 225-5365

Wednesday Food for Friends Affair

what: vidalco wine sc, go charleston deals and the local palate invite you to a unique event at 7:30 p.m. sept. 12 at the charleston visitors center. all proceeds from Food for Friends affair, a lowcountry foodraising event, will go to lowcountry Food bank’s Foodworks program. Food prepared by apprentice chefs benefits the seniors and children in need of the Food bank’s help. when: 7:30-11 p.m. sept. 12 where: charleston visitors center bus shed, 375 meeting st. price: $55 in advance, $75 at the door

please see events, page e27

the deadline for items is Friday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be submitted online at events.postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. For more information, call 937-5582.

Today Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues quartet does blues & bbQ harbor cruise with a buffet from Fiery ron’s home team bbQ. when: 5:30 p.m. boarding where: carolina belle, 10 wharfside st. price: $39.95 more info: 722-1112 or www. charlestonharbortours.com

2 Cool

what: acoustic and electric favorites. when: 8 p.m. sept. 6 where: hunleys tavern, 1750 savannah highway

Matt Mackelcan

what: acoustic/indie/rock. when: 9 p.m.-midnight sept. 6 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 225-7427

Soul Fish Duo

what: morgan and rotie take rock and pop requests.

when: 9 p.m. sept. 6 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 556-2378


what: local roots-rock band. when: 6:30 p.m. sept. 6 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.

Ras Bonghi

what: reggae all-stars. when: sept. 6 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5


what: local roots-rock band. when: sept. 6 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

Swamp Gypsies

what: self-described “southern, gypsy, swamp-rock.” when: 10 p.m. sept. 6 where: planet Follywood, 32 center st.

Friday Rene Russell

what: acoustic singer/guitarist on the creekside stage. when: 4-7 p.m. where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave. price: Free

Dub Island & Dubplates

what: reggae/dance hall band will play this week’s charleston after 5 happy hour concert series. when: 5-9 p.m. sept. 7 where: the charleston hippodrome, 360 concord st. price: $5 buy one, get one free

The Rip Tones

what: rock, blues, dance, beach, country and originals. when: 6-10 p.m. sept. 7 where: blackbeard’s cove Family Fun park, 3255 u.s. 17

Tristina Miller

what: acoustic pop singersongwriter. when: 7 p.m. sept. 7 where: single smile cafe,

100-a south main st. price: Free more info: 875-7745 or www. summervilledream.org/single smilecafe

Bil Krauss

what: bil plays music and jokes on you on the upper deck. when: 7-10:30 p.m. where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave. price: Free

Cotton Blue

i 7




what: gator rob and detroit debbie play blues, rock and variety. when: 8 p.m. sept. 7 where: pierpont pub, 2366 ash- t e ley river road c t Chris Sullivan m what: acoustic rock singerc songwriter. b when: 8 p.m. sept. 7 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie s c dodds blvd. w more info: 881-1858 t

please see clubs, page e27


The post and courier

clubs from page e26

Dan Clamp

what: acoustic covers. when: 9 p.m. sept. 7 where: planet Follywood, 32 center st.

Calhoun’s Calling

thursday, September 6, 2012: E27

Joe Taylor Group

what: new york session guitarist, producer and composer. when: 10 p.m. sept. 7 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: $5

Lefty Williams Band

what: Jam/alternative/folk rock party band. when: 9 p.m.-midnight Fridays where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

what: southern rock/blues-rock. when: sept. 7 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5 more info: 883-3131

Soul Fish Duo

Plane Jane

what: rotie and morgan take rock and pop requests. when: sept. 7 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.

Cherry Bomb

what: party rock music from the 80s to today. when: 9 p.m. sept. 7 where: k.c. mulligan’s, 8410 rivers ave.

Kurly Wolf

what: rock/classic rock. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 7 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: Free

Early Ray

what: country/rock band from charlotte when: sept. 7 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.


what: seven-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock and roll favorites from every era. when: Fridays where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Homemade Wine

price: Free

32 center st.

Virginia Street

Howard Dlugasch

what: singer/songwriter/pianist. when: 7 p.m. sept. 8 where: troubadour’s coffee house, long grove drive price: Free more info: 906-3979 or www. iamvirginiastreet.com

Frank Duvall Trio

what: live jazz. when: 7-11 p.m. saturdays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news

Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues piano & vocals. when: saturday where: gaslight art & wine bar, 11 hollydale ave.

Cotton Blue

what: country/southern rock/ americana/trop-rock band out of knoxville, tenn. when: sept. 7 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.

what: gator rob & detroit debbie play blues and variety. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 8 where: the hydeout at dolphin cove, 2079 austin ave.

The Cool

One-Man Band

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 10 p.m. sept. 7 and 8 where: the strike zone at dorchester lanes, 10015 dorchester road

saturday Justin Mackie

what: carl brunson plays country, beach, oldies/goodies. when: 8-11 p.m. sept. 8 where: vFw post 3142, 3555 dorchester road price: $5 per person more info: 744-9260 or www. vfwpost3142.com

Nathan Calhoun

what: Jazz/funk band. when: 10 p.m. Fridays where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.

what: one-man band plays pink Floyd and other classic tunes. when: 7-10:30 p.m. sept. 8 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave.

what: singer-songwriter of local jam/rock/party band calhoun’s calling. when: 9 p.m. sept. 8 where: planet Follywood,

events from page e26

price: $10-$35 more info: 763-4941 or www. mozartinthesouth.org

Frances hsieh and nonoko okada, violist ben weiss and cellist timothy o’malley for mozart’s piano Quartet in g minor and brahms masterful piano Quintet in F minor. a garden reception follows the performance, providing the audience the opportunity to meet the musicians. when: 3 p.m. sept. 16 where: cathedral of st. luke and st. paul, 126 coming st. price: $5-$30 more info: 763-4941 or www. mozartinthesouth.org

Laugh For a Lincoln

what: two to three acts hilarious improv comedy for $5. arrive by 7:30 p.m. for tickets. when: 8-10 p.m. wednesdays, through dec. 26 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $5 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com

Friday, sept. 14 ‘The Impresario’

what: chamber music charleston and charleston chamber opera join forces to present mozart’s comic opera “the impresario.” this staged production features musicians of chamber music charleston joined by sopranos rebecca Flaherty and diana thompson and baritone christian elser of charleston chamber opera along with clarence Felder of the actors’s theatre of south carolina. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 14 where: college of charleston sottile theatre, 44 george st.

saturday, sept. 15 Little Mozart Circus

what: this free, festive, family event present a variety of miniperformances under the main tent, interactive performance opportunities under the side tent and numerous individual tents hosted by a variety of musicbased performing arts organizations. when: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. sept. 15 where: marion square, king at calhoun streets price: Free more info: 763-4941 or www. mozartinthesouth.org

sunday, sept. 16 Festival Finale

what: the 2012 mozart in the south Festival concludes with a grand finale performance of chamber music in the cathedral of st. luke & st. paul. guest pianist andrew armstrong joins violinists

what: Folk/rock/roots music. when: sept. 8 where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Kurly Wolf

what: rock/classic rock. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 8 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: Free

Flying Cribb Brothers what: rik & derek play an

experimental mix of rock, reggae and more. when: sept. 8 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd. price: Free

Soul Fish

what: Four-piece party rock band. when: sept. 8 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

Pluto For Planet

what: alt rock/southern rock band out of charlotte.

when: sept. 8 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.

sunday Dori Chitayat

what: spanish/Flamenco guitar during brunch. when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net

please see clubs, page e28

E28: Thursday, September 6, 2012

clubs from page e27

New South Jazzmen

what: traditional jazz band plays teens and 20s standards. when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news/

The Bill Show

what: acoustic rock/alternative. when: 3-6 p.m. sundays where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Whiskey Diablo what: live jazz.

The post and courier when: 6-10 p.m. sundays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news

2 Cool

what: acoustic and electric favorites. when: 8:30 p.m. sept. 9 where: wings neighborhood bar & grill, greenridge road

Lefty Williams Band

what: southern rock/blues-rock. when: sept. 9 where: surf bar, 103 w. cooper ave. price: Free

Acoustic Tiger w/ Jess

when: 9 p.m. sundays where: planet Follywood, 32 center st.

Plane Jane

what: seven-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock and roll favorites from every era. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st. more info: 722-9464


what: acoustic/lounge/rock. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464

Monday Shrimp City Slim

what: live piano/vocal blues. when: 7-10 p.m. mondays where: med bistro, 90 Folly road blvd. more info: 766-0323

Tuesday Swamp Pop Shelly

what: country band features female singer/guitarist from the bayou performing “swamp pop, cajun rock” and more for the louisiana hayride happy hour. when: 5-8 p.m. sept. 11 where: mad river bar & grill, 32 north market st. price: no cover.

James Slater Trio

what: live jazz. when: 6-10 p.m. tuesdays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: Free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news

The Reckoning Duo

what: acoustic grateful dead tunes. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. tuesdays where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.

The Algar Rhythms

what: Jim and whit algar on the deck and thai specials on the menu. when: 7-10 p.m. tuesdays where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net

Matt Jordan

what: live music with matt Jordan & friends. when: 8 p.m. sept. 11 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 556-2378

Angela Easterling

what: americana/folk/roots music. when: 9 p.m.-midnight sept. 11 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover.

Wednesday Noodle & Friends

what: noodle mcdoodle, ukulele guru from the v-tones. when: 6:30-8 p.m. wednesdays where: city lights coffee, 141 market st.

Cotton Blue

what: gator rob and detroit

debbie play blues and variety. when: 7 p.m. where: gas light art and wine, 1715 hollydale court

Carroll Brown

what: acoustic/country/folk. when: 8 p.m. wednesdays where: tommy condon’s irish pub, 160 church st.

Henri Gates

what: Folk/indie/rock from the lead guitarist of southwood. when: 8 p.m. sept. 12, where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 556-2378

Not So Serious

what: side project from matt Jordan of trickknee. when: wednesdays where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.

Graham Whorley

what: rock and funk guitar. when: 9 p.m.-midnight sept. 12 where: Fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st., sullivan’s island price: no cover. more info: 883-3131

Jeff Houts

what: acoustic/classic rock/ reggae. when: 9 p.m.-midnight wednesdays where: Folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

The Big Gun Show

what: stand-up comedy open mic hosted by local stand-up comic dusty slay. when: 10:30 p.m. wednesdays where: big gun burger shop, 137 calhoun st. price: Free more info: 789-3821

more games at postandcourier.com/ games.

ace’s on bridge


Today’s deal between the Netherlands and Germany was played in the quarterfinals of the world championships in Beijing four years ago. At most tables, East showed both minors, West selected diamonds, and North doubled for takeout. In the first room, the German South, Joseph Piekarek, sat for the double of three diamonds. The heart lead got the defenders off on the right track (not everybody found it). Declarer now had no chance to avoid losing one trick in each major, two clubs and two trumps, down 500. The Dutch South, Huub Bertens, escaped from three diamonds doubled, to three spades, and I’m sure if the German EastWesthadknowntheirteammates

had collected 500, they would have happily conceded 140. But East chose to double Bertens in the pass-out seat to show extras for his two-suited action, a good idea in theory. West passed it out, and his opening club lead went to the queen and king. But that persuaded East to continue the suit ratherthanshifttodiamonds.Declarer won the club ace, then led a heart to the queen and another heart to the 10 and ace. Now he ruffed a club, led a spade to the six,cashedtheheartking,andled a fourth heart, pitching a second diamond. West could ruff in, but Bertens could trump the next diamond in dummy, draw one more round of spades, then run hearts and give West his trump trick for 730.

© United Feature Syndicate

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E29

E30: Thursday, September 6, 2012

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: inverse

nerve neve never average mark 19 veer words time limit 35 minutes vein verse can you find 29 vine or more words in vise kolinsky? envier the list will be published tomorrow. envies erne – united Feature syndicate 9/6 even

today’s word: kolinsky

ever rein resin revise rinse rise risen rive riven seen seer seine

the rules

sere serin serve seven sever sieve sine sire siren sneer

-words must be four or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. For example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

E32: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, September 6, 2012: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope

taurus (april 20may 20): don’t hold back. pick a quiet but appropriate place for meetings and you will make an impression that will lead to a long-lasting contractual venture.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): Feeling good about you and the direction you choose will make it easier to deal with difficult individuals who try to meddle in your affairs.

sagittarius (nov. 22dec. 21): the less said, the better. you are likely to get into trouble if you are outspoken or try to push your plans on others.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): don’t take on too much. interacting with people from different backgrounds will open your eyes to all sorts of possibilities.

gemini (may 21-June 20): don’t let restlessness lead to a mistake. keep your secrets to yourself until you are in a better position to deal with opposition.

libra (sept. 23-oct. 22): think outside the box. take on tasks that no one else will tackle. don’t allow anyone to pressure you or control your decisions.

capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): don’t let minor setbacks stunt your desire or your chance to advance. contracts can be negotiated, and your personal life can be adjusted to meet your current needs.

cancer (June 21-July 22): you can pick up information that will lead to greater success. your insight coupled with your compassion and desire to help someone will pay high returns.

scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21): don’t wait when you already know the answer. take charge and let everyone see your leadership ability. Focus on getting things done in record time.

aries (march 21-april 19): there is no time to rest if you want to reach your destination. hard work will pay off in the end.

aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): don’t let anger ruin your day. take the time to do things right and avoid a mishap. Focus on money. don’t fight the inevitable. pisces (feb. 19-march 20): do what makes you happy. giving in or being a chameleon will not help you gain respect. stick to a set of rules.

E34: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television SEP 6


6 PM


7 PM

C = Comcast Cable (N) = New (HD) = High Definition See complete TV listings Online at postandcourier.com/tv

= Broadcast


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM







News 2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel Fortune: Jeopardy (R) America’s Got Talent: Episode 29. NBC News Special: 2012 Democratic National Convention The can- News 2 at 11PM The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 3 (N) WCBD News (N) (HD) Big Money. (HD) Finalists revealed. (HD) didates accept their nominations. (HD) (N) Ellen DeGeneres. (N) (HD) News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Wipeout: Rats!. Rodent infested Rookie Blue: I Never. A kidnapper 2012 Democratic National Con- ABC News 4 @ (:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel 8 ABC WCIV 6 (N) (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) first round. (N) (HD) escapes. (N) (HD) vention (HD) 11 (N) (N) (HD) Live (HD) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (R) (:31) 2 1/2 Men Big Brother 14 (N) (HD) CBS News: The 2012 Democratic Live 5 News at 11 Late Show with David Letterman 9 (N) (HD) WCSC News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (R) (HD) National Convention (N) (HD) Howard Stern. (N) (HD) Equitrek: Georgia Big Picture: BBQ PBS Convention Coverage - A Newshour Special Report: Democratic Convention. President Barack Tavis Smiley (N) BBC World Charlie Rose (N) 11 The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) WITV Coast. (R) 2012. (R) Obama and Vice President Joe Biden accept their nominations. (HD) (HD) News (HD) Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Prophecy New Manna (N) Know Cause Empowered Awakening Awakening 230 Jewish Voice Kolenda WLCN Tunéame (N) Tunéame (N) La Isla (N) Convención Al extremo Lo que la gente cuenta (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 El milagro de los Santos (N) WAZS Judy Judge Judy Bail Family Feud (R) Family Feud (R) Hope (R) (HD) New Girl: See Ya. Glee: Goodbye. Graduation. (R) The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) 30 Rock (HD) Loves Raymond: 6 Judge WTAT Daughter sued. money. (R) (R) (HD) (HD) and weather forecast. (N) The Bird. Family Guy: Simpsons (HD) Big Bang (HD) High School Football z{ | Without a Trace: The Stranger. Without a Trace: Blood Out. Everybody (HD) 13 FOX-y Lady. WMMP Missing housewife. (HD) EMT’s gang ties. (HD) The First 48: Underworld. (HD) 48 Deadly party. (R) (HD) 48 4 people attacked. (R) (HD) 48: Murder in Pleasant Grove. First 48: Cold Light of Day. (R) 48 (R) (HD) 49 48 Residential street. (R) (HD) A&E “Four Brothers” (‘05, Action) (Mark Wahlberg) Four men revert to their CSI: Miami: Spring Breakdown. CSI: Miami: Backfire. Calleigh “Four Brothers” (‘05, Action) aac (Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese) Four men revert to their 58 Spring break murder. (HD) AMC criminal roots to get their foster mother’s killers. (HD) haunted. (HD) criminal roots to get their foster mother’s killers. not ab (HD) “Of Boys and Men” aac A father must unite his family together. BET News (N) BET News (N) BET News (N) Reed (R) (HD) Wendy: Glee. 18 106 & Park Top music videos. (N) (HD) BET Watch What Flipping: A House Divided. (R) “Collateral Damage” (‘02) aa A man hunts for his family’s killer. not “Collateral Damage” (‘02) aa A man hunts for his family’s killer. 63 Housewives BRAVO Gullah Grub Healthcare SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk Silver 2 Tammy C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) South Prk (R) South Prk (R) Futurama: Overclockwise. (R) Futurama (R) Futurama (R) Futurama (R) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 Tosh.0 (HD) Queens (HD) Seinfeld Seinfeld Vampire: Heart of Darkness. The Next: Fame: Chicago. (N) WCBD News ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Texas Car Wars (N) Auction (HD) Auction (HD) Texas Car (R) 27 Auction (HD) DISC E! News (N) (HD) “Julie & Julia” (‘09, Drama) (Meryl Streep) A writer learns from a chef’s insights. af (HD) C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 Kardashian Apology. (R) (HD) E! Chopped: A Nori Story. (HD) Chopped: Make a Splash!. (R) Chopped: Drawing A Flank. Extreme: Off to Thailand. (HD) Race Baseball cuisine. (R) Chopped (R) 34 Chopped: Thyme Flies. (HD) FOOD Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) Anger (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met 23 Anger (HD) FX Collection: Jason Aldean. (R) GAC Hits: Carrie Underwood. GAC Hits: Carrie Underwood. Headline (R) Late Shift (N) Collection (R) 147 Mainstreet Music Videos (N) GAC Fam. Feud To Be Announced American Bible (N) Beat the Chefs (N) To Be Announced American Bible (R) Beat Chefs 179 Pyramid (R) GSN Little House: Mortal Mission. Little House: The Odyssey. Prairie: Back to School, Part 1. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Prairie Horses and alcohol. HALL Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Buying; Selling: Paul & Terri. You Live in What? (R) (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Abroad (N) Hunters (HD) You Live (HD) 98 Extreme Homes (R) HGTV Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cars (R) (HD) Cars (R) (HD) Warriors: The Final Battle. (N) Pawn Stars HISTORY 126 Titanic’s Achilles Heel Titanic theories. (R) (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn: Thanksgiving. The Waltons: The Collision. Waltons: The First Edition. Prairie: The Spring Dance. Dr. Quinn Newspaper article. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Runway: Fix My Friend. (HD) Runway Time capsule. (R) (HD) Project Runway: Starving Artist. (N) (HD) Project Runway: Starving Artist. (R) (HD) Runway (HD) 29 Runway Marie Claire. (R) (HD) LIFE 2012 VMA Pre Show (N) 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Favorite videos. (N) (HD) 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Favorite videos. (R) (HD) 2012 VMAs 35 Jersey: Gym, Tan, Look Back. MTV Who Bleep Who Bleep Who Bleep 48 Hrs. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Matchmakers. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Nightmare in Napa. 48 Hrs. (HD) 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 Who Bleep OWN Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) UFC Unleashed (R) (HD) MMA Live (N) 1000 Ways 1000 Ways 44 Jail (R) (HD) SPIKE “Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead” (‘09) ac (Tom Frederic) (HD) “Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings” (‘11) (Sean Skene) (HD) “The Hills Have Eyes II” (‘07) aa ab (HD) 57 Star Trek: NG: The Hunted. SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 (5:00) Praise the Lord TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan & (N) Big Bang Conan Seth Green. (N) (HD) Sullivan & (R) 12 Queens (HD) TBS Dozen” “The Maltese Bippy” (‘69) (Dan Rowan) A film pro- (:13) “Comrades” “A Dash Through” (:19) “Wedding (:47) “A Fishy Af- (:11) “Mabel’s Ca- “The Speed “The Knockout” (:43) “Great Toe” “Shot Excite55 “Cheaper TCM (‘50) aaa ducer’s main star believes he is a werewolf. (‘11) aac (‘12) aac Day” (‘13) fair” (‘13) reer” (‘13) Kings” (‘13) (‘14) aa (‘14) ment” (‘14) Honey Boo Atlanta (HD) Atlanta (HD) Four Wedd Peach-y. (N) (HD) Four Wedd (R) (HD) Four Wedd Peach-y. (R) (HD) Four Wedd 68 Tiaras Pageant prince. (R) (HD) Honey Boo TLC Mentalist: The Scarlet Letter. Mentalist: Little Red Book. Mentalist: Pretty Red Balloon. Mentalist Future murder. (HD) CSI: NY: Tri-Borough. (HD) CSI NY (HD) 4 The Mentalist: Redemption. TNT v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Sandwich (R) Sandwich (R) Trip Flip (HD) Trip Flip (HD) Extreme Tours (N) Xtreme (HD) Xtreme (HD) Trip Flip (HD) 52 Bizarre: New York City. (R) TRAVEL Cops (HD) World’s Dumbest... (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (N) Jokers (R) Top 20 Fire basketball. (R) Jokers (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Un refugio para el amor (HD) Por ella soy Eva (HD) Abismo de pasión (N) (HD) Noticias En directo. (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Hasta que 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Aliyah. (HD) NCIS: Shalom. (HD) NCIS: Escaped. (HD) NCIS: Singled Out. (HD) Covert Affairs: Glass Spider. “He’s Not” 16 NCIS: Semper Fidelis. (HD) USA TI & Tiny (R) TI & Tiny (R) 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Favorite videos. 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Favorite videos. Love & Hip 21 Basketball Wives LA (R) (HD) VH1 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Christine 71 30 Rock (HD) 30 Rock (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) WGN The Kudlow Report (N) Crime Inc.: Secrets For Sale. Crime Inc. (N) Your Money Your Vote: DNC Mad Money (R) Crime Inc. (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) America’s Choice 2012: The Democratic National Convention President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden accept their nominations. CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) America’s Election Headquarters: 2012 Democratic National Convention On the Record (N) (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) MSNBC Special Coverage: Democratic National Convention President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden accept their nominations. 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC College Football Live (HD) College Football: Pittsburgh Panthers at Cincinnati Bearcats from Nippert Stadium z{| (HD) SportsCenter (HD) SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN 2012 U.S. Open Tennis: Pro-Celebrity Exo/ Men’s Quarterfinal. z{| (HD) NFL Live (HD) Baseball (HD) 41 NFL32 (HD) ESPN-2 New College (HD) Preview (HD) Wrld Poker 59 Preview (HD) Access (HD) FSS C College Football: Bowie State Bulldogs at Benedict Tigers from Charlie W. Johnson Stadium z{| (HD) LPGA Tournament: Kingsmill Championship: First Round. (HD) PGA Tournament: BMW Championship: First Round. no} (HD) Golf Cntrl 19th Hole 66 Golf Cntrl GOLF Paralympic no~ (HD) EA Madden Show Caught (HD) Caught (HD) The Journey of Wembley (HD) Caught (HD) NBCSPO 56 NBC Sports Talk (HD) Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors: Trans Am. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Hard Parts Hard Parts Car Warriors: Trans Am. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 NASCAR Race Hub (HD) SPEED Big 12 Replay MLB Baseball: Colorado Rockies at Atlanta Braves from Turner Field no} (HD) Access (HD) Under (HD) MLB Baseball: Colorado vs Atlanta no} 28 Dan Mullen SPSO Swamp Wars (R) (HD) Gator Boys (R) (HD) Gator Boys (R) (HD) Off Hook (R) Off Hook (R) Gator Boys (R) (HD) Gator Boys 62 Swamp Wars (R) (HD) ANIMAL Gumball (R) Adventure Adventure (:15) MAD (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family NTSF:SD (N) CARTOON 124 Regular (R) Jessie: Badfellas. (:35) Phineas (R) Jessie (R) (HD) A.N.T. Pop super- Waverly Place: Luck (R) Jessie Another Gravity: Double Shake It CeCe’s “16 Wishes” (‘10, Family) aa (Debby Ryan) 38 Phineas (R) (HD)Good DISNEY star. (HD) Fairy Tale. (R) (HD) (HD) nanny. (HD) Dipper. (HD) idol. (R) (HD) Granted wish changes young girl’s life. nou (HD) (HD) Melissa: I Can Melissa (R) (HD) “Mulan” (‘98, Animated) aaa (Jerry Tondo) A young woman dresses “Mulan” (‘98, Animated) aaa (Miguel Ferrer) A young woman The 700 Club (N) Prince: Just Say 20 FAMILY Manage. (R) like a man and goes to war in her elderly father’s place. dresses like a man and goes to war in her elderly father’s place. Yo. VICTOR. (R) Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (:33) Friends (:14) Friends 26 iCarly (R) (HD) iCarly (R) (HD) VICTOR. (R) NICK (:32) MASH (:05) MASH (:43) M*A*S*H: Officers Only. (:21) MASH Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 Bonanza TVLAND “DOA: Dead or “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (‘01, Fantasy) (Daniel Radcliffe) An orphan (:15) Chavez, Jr. Hard Knocks (R) (HD) 24/7 (HD) Cathouse (R) Real Sex: ‘Same “The Change302 Alive” (HD) HBO learns the truth about his past after enrolling in a school of magic. (HD) (R) (HD) (HD) Sex’ Sex. Up” (‘11) (HD) (5:45) “The A-Team” (‘10, Adventure) aaa A group of soldiers tries “The Bone Collector” (‘99) aac A gifted, though disabled, detective “Man on Fire” (‘04, Drama) aaa (Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning) A former as320 to MAX sassin hunts the people who kidnapped his nine-year-old charge. (HD) clear their names after being convicted of a crime. (HD) tries to get inside the mind of a murderer. not (HD) The Real L Word: The Perfect Gigolos The extra The Real L Word: The Perfect Amy” (‘97) aaac (Ben Affleck) A comic-book creator falls “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” (‘03, Action) aa 340 “Chasing SHOW (Angelina Jolie) Key to Pandora’s Box is up for grabs. (HD) Day. (N) (HD) mile. (HD) Day. (R) (HD) in love with his friend, who is a committed lesbian. (HD)


The post and courier

thursday, September 6, 2012: E35

Bride stands up to mother d

batter up! By reBekah BradFord Special to The Post and Courier head2head is sticking to a sports theme for the second week in a row because even though football season has started, Major league Baseball is still going strong. our current champ is peter Jenkins, who will be trying for his third victory. Self-employed John campbell is his latest opponent.


1. in John Fogerty’s song “centerfield,” three baseball players are mentioned by name. name one. 2. who’s the youngest player to participate in an all-star game? 3. who was the only u.s. president to throw out the first pitches in a season opener both right-handed and left-handed? 4. what number did Joe dimaggio wear until he retired in 1951? 5. who hit his 500th home run on aug. 11, 1929? 6. who was the opposing team when Jackie robinson played his first major league game? 7. what was the original name of the houston astros? 8. what is the only mlb team that always opens the season at home? 9. name all the homes for major league baseball’s athletics? 10. who was the first major league baseball player to earn $1 million in one season?


This man broke a salary barrier in Major League Baseball. Do you know who he is?

peter’s answers

1. this is just a guess ... ted williams. 2. roger clemens 3. kennedy 4. i don’t know. how ’bout

number 9? 5. pretty sure it’s babe ruth. 6. the yankees 7. houston oilers 8. the red sox 9. oakland and before that kansas city. 10. pete rose

conclusion the third time was not the charm for peter. proving more knowledgeable, at least in matters of baseball, John took the head2head win and will attempt to defend his title next week with a new trivia theme.

John’s answers 1. dimaggio 2. ken griffey Jr. 3. harry truman 4. 5 5. babe ruth 6. white sox

7. colt .45s 8. the reds 9. philly, kansas city and oakland 10. reggie Jackson

correct answers 1. willie mays, ty cobb, Joe dimaggio 2. dwight gooden (19 years old) 3. harry truman 4. 5 5. babe ruth

6. boston braves 7. houston colt .45s 8. cincinnati reds 9. philadelphia, kansas city, oakland 10. nolan ryan

ear aBBy: “disappearing Stepmother’s” letter brought back memories of my stepdaughter, “amy’s,” wedding. her mother also tried her best to prevent us from being involved. however, amy included all four of her parents in the wedding. dad and Stepdad walked her down the aisle together, and her mom and i lit the bride’s candle together (though i’m sure she gritted her teeth when she did it). The bride needs to develop a backbone and stand up to her mother. The dad (who’s paying for half the wedding) should at least put his foot down about the guest list, and invite whomever he and his wife would like to be there. wedding photos can be of the two families separately, including the stepmom. otherwise, resentment will linger and poison the relationship between stepmom and stepdaughter. — another StepMoM DEAR STEPMOM: I encouraged “Disappearing” to attend the wedding to support her stepdaughter and inject a dose of reality into the “fantasy,” and readers were quick to share their views: dear aBBy: i, too, am stepmom to two beautiful young women whose mother harbors animosity toward me and my husband. when the girls were kids, she filled their heads with lies about us. Their father and i remained noncritical, loving and constant. There were some rocky years, but my stepdaughters and i have made it through. when the younger one was married two years ago, she did a beautiful job of including me. her mother spent the wedding day spewing vile lies about us to anyone who’d listen, and is still bitter these 26 years later. The girls see their mother as she is and do not let her affect their relationship with us. For this, i credit my

dear abby

husband, who never tolerated her ill treatment of me. Stepmoms are not looking to be in the spotlight or take anyone’s place. But we are an important part of the modern family and should be treated with the honor and respect we deserve. — Made it through dear aBBy: i work in the wedding industry, and all too frequently i see the engaged couple manipulated by a parent in order to hurt the former spouse and alienate the stepparent. it is the bane of my professional existence. They cause so much stress for the couple that i’ve had brides break down and cry in my office and choose to elope rather than deal with the drama. parents must realize that their children are loved by many people, and the best gift they can give them on their wedding day is to set aside differences and old grudges in order to support the couple as they begin their marriage. — FruStrated wedding planner dear aBBy: My husband’s former wife has been a huge challenge for me, even showing up at our small wedding ceremony and slapping me in the face. The children were all there, and i kept the evening going by hugging them and saying i was sorry their mom was so upset. now, as i watch these grown kids and their kids making their way through life, i am proud to have been part of showing them what a solid, loving family can be without alienation and selfishness. — BarBara in illinoiS write dear abby at p.o. box 69440, los angeles, ca 90069.

E36: Thursday, September 6, 2012

The post and courier

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