E2: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E3
E4: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
COVER STORY: Hope you’re hungry! The Southern Living Taste of Charleston has been expanded to three days, with the Main Event taking place Sunday at Boone Hall. Pages 20-23.
what’s inside 6 | Dollar Days
16-17 | arts
check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent
a look at upcoming events
7 | get out
david Quick previews outdoor fitness options
8-10 | movies
“looper,” “hotel transylvania”
11 | movie listings 13-15 | food + bev
chew on this, tJ’s beef and brew, cook-out
18-19 | weekend events 24-25 | music cd reviews, upcoming shows
26-29 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics + tv grid
with horoscopes and crossword puzzle
35 | trivia, abby
134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 294039621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 3 No. 30 36 Pages
editor: allison nugent, anugent@postand courier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: liz foster. calendar@postandcourier.com, clubs@post andcourier.com sales: deseret scharett, descharett@ postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and
fred smith ad designers: tamara wright, Jason clark, kathy simes, krena lanham, shannon mccarty, melinda carlos, ashlee kositz, anita hepburn, laurie brenneman, marybeth patterson, amber dumas and sherry rourk
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on the cover: provided image
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E5
E6: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
e.t. to phone home again w
ho hasn’t, at some point, uttered the words “e.t. phone
home.” i know i have, and i’d be willing to bet money that you have, too, especially if you were a kid in the ’80s. released in 1982, “e.t.: The extra-terrestrial” was, at the time, the highest-grossing film of all time, a record it held for 10 years. it’s currently the fourth most successful movie of all time in the domestic box office. celebrating its 30th anniversary (wow, that makes me feel old), “e.t.” is returning to theaters for one night, wednesday. a special taped introduction by turner classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz will play before the film. fans will discover how Spielberg came up with the idea for “e.t.” and learn what working on the movie was like for the film’s three young stars. as an added treat, drew Barrymore, who plays gertie in the film and co-hosts tcM’s “The essentials” showcase, shares what the film means to her 30 years later. The newly remastered version of Steven Spielberg’s film, which was nominated for nine academy awards, will be shown at 7 p.m. at azalea Square Stadium 16, 215 azalea Square Blvd. in Summerville, and charlestowne Square 18, 2401 Mall drive in north charleston. tickets are $12.50. go to www.fathomevents. com.
universal studios
Henry Thomas (center) as Elliott in “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.”
This Fat Tire Cruiser will be auctioned off tonight at “Clips of Faith.”
will host the third annual “clips of faith,” a screening of short films. held at 7 p.m. today in Marion Square, this free event will feature a compilation of winning short films submitted by new Belgium’s “filmmaking friends.” The films that will be shown are “The canning Queen of the desert: classie parker,” “damnation” and “foxy Shazam-unstoppable.” in addition to the films, more than a dozen of new Belgium’s finest (and hard-to-find) beers will be ‘clips of faith’ on-site for fans to sip on. new Belgium Brewing co., a 3-ounce sample will be the folks behind fat tire, available for $1.25, while
12-ounce beers will be $5. The offerings available will include cocoa Mole, Biere de Mars, tart Lychee, The Lost abbey, Super ipa, peach porch Lounger, Matt’s dubbel, red hoptober, La folie, fat tire, ranger, 1554, trippel, abbey, Blue paddle, Belgo ipa and Shift. while the event is free, proceeds from beer and merchandise sales will go to charleston Moves. a fat tire cruiser also will be auctioned off. call 303-433-7020 or 720-244-4268, or check out www.newbelgium.com or clipsoffaith.com.
independent films
another event happening at 7 tonight is a free screening of the documentary film “age of champions,” a story that follows five competitors as they vie for gold at the national Senior olympics. Showing at the Simons center for the arts’ recital hall, 54 St. philip St., the filmmaker, christopher
rufo, will be in attendance. a question-and-answer session will follow the screening, along with a refreshment reception. go to halsey.cofc.edu or ageofchampions.org.
fall film series
another contender today, this one at 6 p.m., is a showing of “el Bulli” at The american Theater, 456 king St. put on by Slow food charleston along with whole foods Market, patrick properties hospitality group, cinebarre and holy city Brewing, the series spotlights films that pertain to food culture and community activism. admission is free. Beers from holy city will be available for $2 before the film, and film-inspired foods will be available. a reception ($10) will follow the showing at fish, 442 king St., and will feature appetizers inspired by the film as well as cocktails. check out www.slowfood charleston.org.
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E7
file/rich glickstein/the state.com
Be prepared to get dirty at Saturday’s inaugural Monster Mega Mud Run at Legare Farms on Johns Island.
monster mega mud run debuts on Johns island
wo guys long known in the charleston bodybuilding scene are branching out into the world of mud runs. tres Bennett and glenn herring have done everything from organizing bodybuilding contests to owning gyms and supplement stores and training bodybuilders, but kept hearing about the obstacle-course runs, which usually feature mud, from clients. it sounded to them like a fun way to promote fitness and a business opportunity. So with Bennett’s experience in promotions and herring’s skills in building stuff, they created an obstacle course on Legare farms on Johns island and got a decent sponsor, Monster energy drinks. and the Monster Mega Mud run was born. They originally planned to put on the first run next spring, but planning went so smoothly that they decided to hold the first event Saturday. as of last weekend, they already had 100 people signed up. Those who haven’t register still can via the website, www.monstermegamud run.com, or before the race participant meeting at
70-foot floating bridge of plywood and foam that requires a swift foot. Like many mud runs, the event will feature a postrace party with live music performed by hollow point and Midlife crisis, food and beer. 10 a.m. Saturday. registration is $60. participants can compete as individuals or in teams of eight (four males and four females). The race starts at noon. Bennett, who organizes four bodybuilding contests a year, is excited about the new venture and location. “don’t get me wrong, bodybuilding is my love, but sometimes it feels like you’re selling the same car yearafter-year. This is something new and different,” he said. Bennett said Monster Mega is designed and constructed like no other. The course, which is somewhere between 5k and 7k, will consist of at least 17 obstacles spread out over 350 acres of farmland, tidal creeks, lakes and islands. among the obstacles are the “hang ’n’ crawl,” where athletes will have to shimmy upside down 30 feet to “The island of no return,” and the “Broken Bridge,” a
heart walk
earlier on Saturday, the largest walking event in charleston, the american heart association’s Lowcountry heart walk, will be held starting and finishing in Liberty Square adjacent to the S.c. aquarium. while the event is free, participants are asked to raise money. activities start at 8 a.m. with the walk commencing at 9 a.m. according to robyn reese of the american heart association’s Mid atlantic affiliate, last year’s event raised $607,000, and the goal this year is to draw 5,5006,000 participants and raise $700,000. Lowcountry heart walk chairwoman anita zucker said she hopes the event will “help jump start a culture of healthy living among participants and increase passion for supporting the lifesaving work of the american heart association. go to www.heart.org.
E8: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
actors will throw you for a ‘looper’ By roger Moore MCT
oseph gordon-Levitt utterly masters the Bruce willis squint, where the action hero narrows his eyes, furrows his brow and purses his lips. he gives us a little of the willis smirk, the one Bruce breaks out when he’s about to let go a whispered threat. yeah, gordon-Levitt has that whispered threat thing down, too. gordon-Levitt needs to master all Things willis for “Looper,” in which he plays a time travel-era assassin who discovers that his latest hit is on himself — the aarpeligible version of himself. Loopers are the fellows who, in the future, stand next to the very spot that some poor hoodlum from the future is shipped back to, already bound and hooded. The looper shoots the guy with a short-range shotgun, still called a blunderbuss. and if the looper is smart, he’s already got the victim lined up to land on a tarp to make cleanup a snap. Joe is such a looper, a favorite of The Boss (Jeff daniels), a loner who hoards the silver ingots that future crooks use to pay him (strapped to the victim’s body), who is addicted to the latest drug, administered through eyedrops, and a little too fond
Bruce Willis in “Looper.”
movie review 1/2 (out of five stars) Director: rian Johnson cast: Joseph gordonlevitt, bruce willis, emily blunt, Jeff daniels, paul dano rateD: r for strong violence, language, some sexuality/nudity and drug content running time: 1 hour, 55 minutes what DiD you think?: find this review at charlestonscene. com and offer your opinion. of a stripper/hooker (piper perabo). But a crime boss of the future, nicknamed “The rain Maker,” is sending aged
loopers back through time to be executed by their younger selves. which they dutifully do even as they realize they now have only X-number of years left to live. Joe is tipped to the agony of this decision by his nervous pal, Seth (paul dano). So when his future self (willis) shows up, Joe is downright conflicted. “why don’t you do what old men do — and die!” imagine a young Bruce willis blurting that out to the grizzled, bald actionhero willis we’ve all grown to know and adore. “i remember what you do right after you do it,” old Joe explains to his “selfabsorbed and stupid” younger self, and us. Botching this job means
Joseph Gordon-Levitt in “Looper.” that Joe present and Joe future are on the run from The Boss’ minions and each other. each Joe wants to stop the other Joe from “ruining my life.” emily Blunt shows up as a rural kansas farmer who figures into the story. children enter into the plot. and things get a lot more complicated, to say the least, with flashbacks, alternative futures and the like. what would einstein say to all this? or doc Brown and Marty Mcfly? Movies about time travel always present their impon-
derables: what sort of future could it be where “disposing of a body is pretty much impossible?” and when we see somebody die in that future, what sort of dilemma are those future-killers facing? using silver as a timeless currency makes sense. But ingots are not exactly pocket money, are they? writer-director rian Johnson has concocted a tale with elements of “terminator” and “Back to the future” as well as “Jumpers” and “The omen.” it’s a science fiction film that gives you a lot of plot to chew on
photographs by sony pictures
and some genuine moral dilemmas about sacrifice, guilt, heinous crimes to protect the greater good and what-not. The whole thing bogs down on the farm, and at times, figuring out where this clue or that map came from, why this time-jumper loses body parts, one by one, and old Joe doesn’t, trips it up. But “Looper” is loads of fun. and when that “die hard” reboot comes around, here’s gordon-Levitt’s audition for John Mcclane. can he say “yippee ki-yay?” don’t you know it.
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E9
‘looper’ director reinvents the time-travel genre By rene rodriguez The Miami Herald
efore he made his debut with “Brick,” his awardwinning 2005 film noir set in a high school, director rian Johnson already had the idea for “Looper” down on paper. “it was a three-page script for a short film that i ended up never shooting,” he said. “i wrote it about 10 years ago, and it had been sitting in a drawer for a while — just the basic sci-fi premise of the mob in the future sending people back in time to be executed by hit men in the present.” after directing the 2008 drama “The Brothers Bloom” and two episodes of tV’s “Breaking Bad” (including the controversial “fly” episode), Johnson finally got to make his time-travel adventure, and the central idea remains intact. The film stars Joseph gordon-Levitt (who also starred in “Brick”) as Joe, a hit man living in kansas in 2044. time travel hasn’t been invented yet, but it will be in the future. when the mob wants to execute an enemy, the target gets sent
didn’t end. So there’s that. “But yes, when i was writing the scene, i was figuring out how to tame this timetravel element and not let it take over the movie. That’s why i’m so in awe of movies like ‘Back to the future’ or ‘primer’ or ‘12 Monkeys,’ any movie that figures out a way to deal with time travel, because it’s a real beast, and it has so many repercussions. i was frustrated for a while, until i decided all that stuff doesn’t matter. you get to a point in the narrative sony pictures where to stop and explain Joseph Gordon-Levitt in “Looper.” all this stuff would be so cumbersome. hopefully back in time to a cornfield, a ing paradox would cause the by that point, the audience bag over the head to conceal universe to implode. isn’t thinking about those his identity. Joe is waiting instead of wasting screen things anyway. So having there with a shotgun. time explaining away the Bruce tell Joe, ‘i don’t want it’s dirty work but easy and repercussions of such a to talk about time travel profitable, until Joe’s latest meeting, “Looper” disposes because then we’ll be here target shows up: an older with the holes in its plot in all day drawing diagrams version of himself (Bruce a quick scene at a diner in and stuff’ takes care of it. i willis), who has for some which the two Joes decide also think people have seen reason been sent back for not to dwell too much about enough time-travel movies execution. the impossibility of their by this point that they’re one of the many twists of situation. very savvy.” the time-travel genre that “i should point out that There is a lot more to “Looper” explores is the we’re not the first movie to “Looper” than a simple notion laid out in countless do this,” Johnson said with a chase film — we haven’t previous films: if someone laugh. “in ‘Back to the future even mentioned the telekiwere to travel in time and ii,’ old Biff and young Biff nesis yet — but one of the meet themselves, the result- met each other, and the world most startling things in
the movie are what willis’ Joe will resort to in order to change the past so he no longer needs to execute himself, including a shocking act most stars of his caliber would never agree to perform, even if it happens off-screen. “i totally expected there to be a big discussion with Bruce about that scene,” Johnson said. “But the only discussion we had was how excited he was about the extreme places this character went to. he wasn’t apprehensive about it, and he wasn’t protective of his movie-star image, either.” gordon-Levitt spent three hours in the makeup chair each morning donning subtle prosthetics and make-up to help him resemble a younger version of willis. The effect is initially startling — you know it’s gordon-Levitt playing the part, but he looks so different — but it ultimately helps sell the illusion that the two men are playing the same man. The actor said he remembers talking about “Looper” with Johnson as far back as the filming of “Brick” and being intrigued by the moral
complexity of the piece. “he wrote the part specifically for me, which is the first time someone has done that,” gordon-Levitt said. “The first time he showed me a draft of the completed script was two years ago. normally you get the script a few months before shooting, so it was unusual to be involved with a movie like this from such an early stage. it’s a really smart story about how violence begets violence. people do horrible things, but it’s never actually as simple as good guys and bad guys. real life is much more complicated than that.” But although the actor was excited about his role and reuniting with his director friend, when willis signed on, gordon-Levitt really went over the moon for “Looper.” “when i heard he was going to do it, i was thrilled, because he is so perfect for it: a guy who is 30 years older than me but believes he could still beat me in a fight! There are probably not that many 60-year-old dudes out there who could beat me in a fight! But he could do it. Maybe.”
E10: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
sony pictures/ap
Dracula, voiced by Adam Sandler, in a scene from “Hotel Transylvania.”
glum ‘hotel transylvania’ earns its ‘no vacancy’ sign By roger Moore MCT
movie review
elcome to the “hotel transylvania,” where you can check out any time you like, but you will never laugh. with apologies to The eagles, “almost never.” Sony animation got into the adam Sandler business this time out. The “cloudy with a chance of Meatballs” folks must never have seen “eight crazy nights,” Sandler’s first effort at turning his “gift” for funny voices into a cartoon. it’s a good-looking, laughstarved farce that puts dracula (Sandler) in charge of a hotel for monsters — “human-free since 1895” — and makes him an overprotective single father with a teenage daughter (Selena gomez). drac dotes on Mavis, calling her ghoulish pet-names: “My honey guts ... Sweet fangs ...” She’s turning 118 and is ready to see the world. But all daddy drac can think to do is stage a “visit” to the human village, where they all want to “eat your toes” and “shove garlic in your face.” So a birthday party at home it is, home being the hotel
with its headless doorman, witches for housekeepers and skeletal staff (literally). continental breakfast? a bagel with “scream cheese,” of course. Monsters like frankenstein (kevin James), The Mummy (ceeLo green) and The invisible Man (david Spade) are honored guests. But darned if nerdy human hiker Jonathan (andy Samberg) doesn’t stumble in and make Mavis go “zing,” as in “zing zing zing went my heartstrings.” So daddy has a problem: how to frighten the boy into skeedaddling. The movie, from “clone
(out of five stars) Director: genndy tartakovsky cast: voices of adam sandler, selena gomez, andy samberg, kevin James, ceelo green, david spade rateD: pg for some rude humor, action and scary images running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes what DiD you think?: find this review at charlestonscene. com and offer your opinion.
wars” and “dexter’s Laboratory” tV vet genndy tartakovsky, has a generous helping of sight gags — zombie construction workers who whistle at whatever corpse floats by, Steve Buscemi’s hang-dog werewolf with his vast brood of unruly pups, a cadaverous house mariachi band, Quasimodo (Jon Lovitz) as a chef with a rat pal (a “ratatouille” joke). The grossest thing in a hotel that has The Blob, Bigfoot and zombies staying in it? a human fiddling with the contact lens on his eyeball. eyewwwwww. The best gags come from quick cuts — drac zipping hither and thither to keep Mavis fooled, his sudden and shocking transitions to scary. The rest of what is most decidedly a “boys” comedy is humor of the toilet variety, pg-rated stuff Sandler and his cronies would reject from his “grown ups”/“zookeeper”/“That’s My Boy” screenplays. Sandler’s dracula voice isn’t awful. nor is it distinct or funny, and he is given precious little funny to say. This “hotel” was never going to earn a five-star rating. But maybe under different management ...
thursday, September 27, 2012: E11
The post and courier
score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.
Won’t Back Down
a teacher and a bartender, both mothers, fight the bureaucracy of their children’s failing innercity school.
1/2 r
the night before the wedding, bridesmaids get more than they bargained for when the bachelorette party gets out of control. terrace: fri- oct. 4: 1:30, 3:30, 5:15, 7:20, 9:10
Hotel Transylvania pg
animated tale of a human’s discovery of dracula’s hotel and his falling for dracula’s daughter.
cinebarre: fri: 1:35, 4:35, 7:15; sat-sun: 11:15, 1:35, 4:35, 7:15; monoct. 4: 1:35, 4:35, 7:15 cinebarre 3D : fri- oct. 4: 9:35 citaDel: fri- oct. 4: 12:40, 2:50, 7:10 citaDel 3D : fri- oct. 4: 5, 9:20 James islanD: fri: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15; sat-sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15; mon- oct. 4: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 James islanD 3D : fri- oct. 4: 4:15 northwooDs: fri- oct. 4: 12:50, 3, 7:20 northwooDs 3D : fri- oct. 4: 5:10, 9:30
Looper 1/2 r
a time-traveling assassin becomes the target of his employers and must save his 55-year-old self from his 25-year-old self.
cinebarre: fri: 12:55, 3:55, 7:30, 10:15; sat-sun: 10:10, 12:55, 3:55, 7:30, 10:15; mon- oct. 4: 12:55, 3:55, 7:30, 10:15 citaDel: fri- oct. 4: 1:15, 4, 7, 9:35 James islanD: fri: 4:05, 6:55, 9:45; sat-sun: 1:15, 4:05, 6:55, 9:45; mon- oct. 4: 4:05, 6:55, 9:45 northwooDs: fri- oct. 4: 1, 3:45, 7, 9:35
The Magic of Belle Isle pg
a wheelchair-bound, alcoholic writer moves to a lakeside cabin for inspiration and befriends the family next door,. park circle: sat: 8
cinebarre: fri: 12:50, 3:50, 7:25, 10:05; sat-sun: 10:05, 12:50, 3:50, 7:25, 10:05; mon- oct. 4: 12:50, 3:50, 7:25, 10:05 citaDel: fri- oct. 5: 1:05, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30 northwooDs: fri- oct. 5: 1:20, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35 terrace: fri- oct. 4: 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:20
Playing 2016: Obama’s America 1/2 pg
a look at president barack obama’s past and a look at how it could shape and define his future.
citaDel: today- oct. 4: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:15 palmetto granDe: today: 2:15, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45 regal 18: today: 1
Arbitrage r
a desperate hedge-fund magnate struggles to sell his empire before his fraudulent activities are discovered.
citaDel: today- oct. 4: 12:55, 3:45, 7:20, 9:40 terrace: today- oct. 4: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
The Bourne Legacy 1/2 pg-13
cinebarre: today: 1:15, 4:15, 7:45, 10:15; fri: 1:20, 4:20, 7:50, 10:20; satsun: 10:55, 1:20, 4:20, 7:50, 10:20; mon- oct. 4: 1:20, 4:20, 7:50, 10:20 citaDel: today: 7:10, 9:40; frioct. 4: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 James islanD: today: 4, 6:50, 9:40; fri: 6:50, 9:40; sat-sun: 1:35, 6:50, 9:40; mon- oct. 4: 6:50, 9:40 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1:30, 4, 7:10, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 2:20, 5:20, 7:50, 10:05 regal 18: today: 1:05
Dredd r
the ultimate cop uses his role as judge, jury and executioner to fight a dangerous drug epidemic.
cinebarre: today: 4:20, 9:55; fri: 4:30, 10; sat-sun: 11:05, 4:30, 10; mon- oct. 4: 4:30, 10 cinebarre 3D : today: 1:20, 7:35; fri- oct. 4: 1:30, 7:40 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 2:50 citaDel 3D : today- oct. 4: 12:40, 5, 7:15, 9:30 northwooDs: today-thrus oct. 4: 2:50 northwooDs 3D : today- oct. 4: 12:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 5:10 palmetto granDe 3D : today: 2:10, 7:45, 10:10 regal 18: today: 3:20, 7 regal 18 3D : today: 1:30, 3:50, 7:50
End of Watch 1/2 r
after a routine traffic stop, two young lapd cops become targets of a notorious drug cartel.
cinebarre: today-fri: 12:45, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:45, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55; mon- oct. 4: 12:45, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55 citaDel: today: 3:55, 9:30 James islanD: today: 4:10, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:50 regal 18: today: 1:25, 4:15, 7:25
cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 10:05; fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7:35, 10:10; sat-sun: 10:35, 1:10, 4:10, 7:35, 10:10; mon- oct. 4: 1:10, 4:10, 7:35, 10:10 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35 James islanD: today-fri: 4:20, 7, 9:40; sat-sun: 1:35, 4:20, 7, 9:40; mon- oct. 4: 4:20, 7, 9:40 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1:20, 3:55, 7:05, 9:30 palmetto granDe: today: 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 regal 18: today: 1:40, 4:10, 7:40
The Campaign
The Expendables 2
a new black ops field agent, aaron cross, escapes the cia’s attempts to execute him and sets out to expose their crimes.
will ferrell and zach galifianakis play rival politicians in a mud-
slinging race for congressman.
1/2 r
action superstars are back in this mercenaries’ revenge sequel.
northwooDs: fri- oct. 4: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45 regal 18: today: 6:50
Finding Nemo 3D 1/2 g
marlin and dory search the great barrier reef for nemo, who was captured and dumped in a dentist office’s fish tank.
cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7, 9:30; fri: 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:30: sat-sun: 10:40, 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:30; mon- oct. 4: 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:30 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 1, 3:50, 6:55, 9:15 James islanD: today-fri: 4, 6:30, 9; sat-sun: 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9; monoct. 4: 4, 6:30, 9 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1:15, 3:55, 6:55, 9:15 palmetto granDe: today: 1:10,
4, 7:10, 9:50
regal 18: today: 1:25, 1:55, 3:55, 4:25, 7:05
House at the End of the Street r
a mother and daughter relocate to what they think is their dream town, but the house next door holds some chilling secrets.
cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:10; fri: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10:10; satsun: 11, 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10:10; monoct. 4: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10:10 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8 James islanD: today-fri: 4:10, 6:45, 9:10; sat-sun: 1:45, 4:10, 6:45, 9:10; mon- oct. 4: 4:10, 6:45, 9:10 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1:15, 4:05, 7:10, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 2, 5, 7:30, 10 regal 18: today: 1:50, 3:40, 4:30, 7:30, 8
Last Ounce of Courage pg
a grieving man is inspired by his grandson to stand up for faith, family and freedom in his town.
citaDel: today: 1:15, 3:55, 7:10, 9:30; fri- oct. 4: 1:15, 7:10 James islanD: today: 7:10 northwooDs: today: 7:15, 9:35 palmetto granDe: today: 1, 4:10 regal 18: today: 1:15
Lawless r
the true story of the bondurant brothers, a prohibition-era bootlegging gang in virginia.
cinebarre: today: 12:55, 3:55, 7:15, 9:50; fri: 1, 4, 7:10, 9:50; satsun: 10:20, 1, 4, 7:10, 9:50; monoct. 4: 1, 4, 7:10, 9:50 citaDel: today: 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30; fri- oct. 4: 7:30 James islanD: today: 4:05, 6:55, 9:35 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:05 regal 18: today: 2:15, 5, 7:55
The Master r
in post-wwii america, a young navy veteran becomes fascinated with the charismatic leader of a faith-based organization.
citaDel: today- oct. 4: 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 12:50, 1:30, 4:40, 8, 9:30 terrace: today: 12:30, 1:30, 3:15, 4:20, 6, 7:15, 8:35, 9:35; fri- oct. 4: 1:20, 4:15, 7:15, 9:35
ParaNorman 1/2 pg
animated tale of a young ghoulwhisperer who takes on witches, zombies and grown-ups.
citaDel: today- oct. 4: 12:40, 2:50, 5 James islanD: today-fri: 6:15; satsun: 1, 6:15; mon- oct. 4: 6:15 James islanD 3D: today-fri: 8:45; sat-sun: 3:30, 8:45; mon- oct. 4: 8:45 northwooDs: today: 12:35, 2:50, 5 palmetto granDe: today: 12:30, 3:40 regal 18: today: 2:10, 6:55 regal 18 3D: today: 4:35
The Possession
an antique box contains an ancient evil spirit that curses the young girl who bought it. cinebarre: today: 1:35, 4:35, 7:50, 10:20 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 12:35,
2:45, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 10:20 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30 palmetto granDe: today: 1:35, 4:35, 7:40, 10 regal 18: today: 1:35, 3:45, 6:45
Resident Evil: Retribution 1/2 r
alice continues her fight against the umbrella corporation and the undead.
cinebarre: today: 4:25, 9:45 cinebarre 3D: today: 1:25, 7:20 citaDel: today: 1, 4, 7 citaDel 3D: today: 9:15 citaDel imaX 3D: today- oct. 4: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:25, 9:45 northwooDs: today: 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:25; fri- oct. 4: 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:25, 9:40 northwooDs 3D: today: 9:40 palmetto granDe: today: 7:05, 9:40 palmetto granDe 3D: today: 1:45, 4:45, 7:20, 9:55 regal 18: today: 4:20, 7:15 regal 18 3D: today: 1:45, 4:50, 7:45
Sleepwalk With Me 1/2 nr
an aspiring comedian stresses over his girlfriend, his career and his sleepwalking disorder.
citaDel: today: 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:30; fri- oct. 4: 3:55, 9:30
Trouble With the Curve 1/2 pg-13
an aging atlanta braves’ baseball scout begrudgingly allows his daughter to join him on a recruiting trip to north carolina.
cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:50, 7:25, 10; fri: 1:05, 4:05, 7:20, 9:55; sat-sun: 10:30, 1:05, 4:05, 7:20, 9:55; mon- oct. 4; 1:05, 4:05, 7:20, 9:55 citaDel: today- oct. 4: 1:10, 4, 7, 9:30 James islanD: today-fri: 4:15, 6:50, 9:25; sat-sun: 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25; mon- oct. 4: 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 northwooDs: today- oct. 4: 1, 3:45, 7, 9:35 palmetto granDe: today: 1:20, 4:20, 7, 7:30, 9:40 regal 18: today: 1:20, 4, 4:40, 7:20, 8:10
azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 Drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000
E12: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E13
Sundays in
By deidre Schipani Special to The Post and Courier
oysters at pearlz
pearlz oyster Bar in west ashley has announced its first seasonal oyster roast 2-5 p.m. oct. 7 on the patio at 9 Magfile/tyrone walker/staff nolia road in the avondale neighborhood of west ashley. Oyster season is upon us. Are you ready? call 573-2277 or see www. pearlzoysterbar.com.
Decade of delights
award for a maverick
dick elliott, founder and paolo zorza, owner of president of Maverick Southpaolo’s gelato italiano, is ern kitchens, was presented celebrating his 10th anniwith the Joseph p. riley versary in business by giving Leadership award by the away 10,000 mini-cones of charleston Metro chamber gelato from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. of commerce at its 2012 oct. 10. he is also launchhonors night. ing a new flavor menu of The Leadership award charleston-inspired gelato celebrates a visionary leader recipes: carolina gold rice doing extraordinary work to pudding, Black tea with strengthen the community Mint, Lemon chess pie, and an outstanding commuMarsh Mud and Banana nity volunteer demonstratrum pudding. paolo’s is at ing a lifetime of leadership. 41 John St. call 577-0099. Through his vision, creativity and management of goat dinner his restaurant group, elliott hominy grill has anhas played a critical role in nounced a special five-course charleston’s emergence on goat dinner that will take the world’s culinary stage. place at 6:30 p.m. oct. 14. inspired to help others Special guest patrick Marthrough education, economtins of heritage foods and ic development and the arts, no goat Left Behind will elliott is active in area civic discuss the future of goat and charitable efforts. he on the table. James Beard was the 2001-02 chairman of award-winning chef robert the board of directors of the Stehling will craft a menu charleston Metro chamber matched with appropriate of commerce, where he wines. The cost is $85 for this served as an officer or board all-inclusive dinner. hominy member from 1992 to 2012. grill is at 207 rutledge ave. he has served on many call 937-0930 to reserve a boards, including the trispot. check it out online at dent tech and college of hominygrill.com. charleston foundations, trident ceo council, MuSc vegetarian demos foundation and charleston amanda cohen, restauindustry roundtable of the rateur and co-author of federal reserve Board. “dirt candy,” will conduct a Maverick Southern kitchdemonstration of vegetarian ens includes Slightly north recipes from 3-6 p.m. at the of Broad, high cotton, old Square onion in i’on, 188 Village post house and resolute Lane, Mount pleas- charleston cooks! go to ant. call 856-4246. www.mavericksouthern kitchens.com.
fit for a queen
il cortile del re has announced that Thursdays are now Ladies night at the restaurant, where all beers, wines and liquors are halfprice from 4 p.m. to close. il cortile del re is at 193 king St. go to ilcortiledelre.com.
new at pour house
el Bohio has closed, and the pour house at 1977 Maybank highway welcomes The Lot (as in parking). This new dining concept will feature locally sourced foods, a celebration
of farm-to-table ingredients, and house-ground burgers and a variety of sausages. chef alex Lira is running the kitchen, and it is open 5:30-10 p.m. Mondaywednesday, 5:30-11 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, and 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. for Sunday brunch. go to www. charlestonpourhouse.com.
lunch now served
p.i.e. Bake Shoppe is now serving lunch at 5 warren St., but you can still eat dessert first. call 720-7467 or go to piecharleston.com.
october opening
The original Ms. rose’s fine food & cocktails will open in october at 1090 Sam rittenberg Blvd. on the menu: modern Southern comfort food with a techno spin. call 766-0223.
island closure
Lana’s Mexican restaurant at 885 island park drive on daniel island has closed.
no bark, no quack
dog & duck’s location at Sam rittenberg and orange grove road in orange grove plaza has closed.
redo for atlanticville
atlanticville owner Brad creger has said the restaurant will close Sunday for renovations. a spring reopening is planned in time for the cooper river Bridge run. The restaurant is at 2063 Middle St., Sullivan’s island. See atlanticville.net.
construction zone
The gathering is under construction in the former Sweetsmith Bakery & coffee space at 1124 Sam rittenberg Blvd. an opening date has not been set.
branching out
Steve palmer and the indigo road restaurant group have expanded into columbia. The oak table is set to open this weekend at 1221 Main St. oak Steakhouse chef de cuisine Joseph Jacobson will be the executive chef at The oak table. go to www.theoak tablesc.com.
Attitudes and understanding.
E14: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
tJ’s beef and brew: hoof and hops on Daniel is. tJ’s beef and brew
By deidre Schipani Special to The Post and Courier
J’s Beef and Brew takes its name from owners tim Breckenridge and James nease: the “t” and “J.” Breckenridge earned his culinary credentials on the South carolina barbecue circuit, and nease shared a common passion for food and worked for Breckenridge when the twosome opened tJ’s Beef and Brew in goose creek in 2011. in early 2012, a Beef and Brew sign unfurled across the front of dublin down, an irish-inspired pub on daniel island. dublin down had replaced the guinness pub called Mccaffrey’s that ran a short lease at 245 Seven farms drive. into this restaurant landscape comes tJ’s Beef and Brew. The nooks and crannies that defined the pub are gone. floor space is dedicated to the real estate of the restaurant world: seats at the table. a small area is designated for kids with chalk, crayons, and enough “dora the explorer” and “Sesame Street” friends to entertain little ones. But this area is on the way to the restrooms — not the best
tyrone walker/staff
TJ’s Beef and Brew on Daniel Island. spot for the kids corner. tJ’s works very hard at adjusting their business vision and becoming part of the island community, offering support for race for the cure and an open mind to their patrons’ needs. a “Make it healthy” menu joins the beef-centric offerings. poultry leads the charge with turkey burgers ($8.99), turkey wraps ($8.99), chicken caesar ($8.99) and lemon pepper chicken breast ($11.99) providing lowered calorie and fat dining options. a veggie wrap ($7.99) with mushrooms, peppers, onions, Swiss cheese, lettuce,
tomatoes and dill sauce is flavorful and filling. They take their beef seriously with more than 19 menu items that moo, from french dip ($8.99) to roast beef flatbreads ($8.99), rib-eye steak ($16.99) and black-and-blue caesar salad ($10.99). tJ’s also offers pizza, pasta, sandwiches, soups and other typical bar fare. and it’s here they struggle with unevenness, which was found on multiple visits. a beef-and-brew stew ($3.49, $4.49) billed as slow-cooked sirloin (not a cut that lends itself to slow cooking), russet potatoes, newcastle beer, spic-
or displease. The salad accompaniments of coleslaw (tame cuisine: american bar: full-service bar, happy in flavor, underseasoned and bland) was trumped by potato category: neighborhour 4-7 p.m. mondaysalad nicely dressed with a hood favorite friday, $2 mystery beer, lush dressing and on-point location: 245 seven specialty cocktails cooked potatoes. farms drive, suite 130, dan- Decibel level: happy The food has been uneven iel island hour is animated; varies at best. phone: 216-3903 other times. tJ’s offers a bit of “Man hours: daily, 11 a.m.-until; wheelchair access: v. food” with its “can you sunday brunch, 11 a.m.-2 yes tame the Beast” challenge. p.m. parking: street and rear down a half-pound burger, fooD: lot quarter-pound of bacon, mac service: other: outdoor bar, and cheese, cheddar, provoatmosphere: 1/2 patio, takeout, delivery, lone, caramelized onions, price: $-$$ catering, monday nights quarter pound of roast beef, costs: appetizers $7.99“kids eat free” 5-8 p.m., lettuce, tomato and an egg $8.99, soups and salads tuesday trivia, wednesand 1 pound of steak fries $2.99-$10.99, entrees day ladies night half-off $9.99-$14.99, burgers $8.99- bottled wine, live music sat- in 8 minutes and you will be posted on the wall of cham$15.99, pasta $7.99-$13.99, urdays, game day specials, pions. it will cost you $15.99. hot dogs $6.99-$8.49, sand- nfl sports package, kids They also offer the sunrise wiches $7.99-$8.99, healthy corner, weekend specials menu $8.99-$11.99, desserts such as frogmore stew, the donut burger ($9.99) in which a breakfast burger with $4.99-$5.99. daily specials. beast burger challenge, bacon and egg is layered bevegetarian options: @tjsbeefbrew, tjsbb.com, tween a glazed donut. limited; upon request. facebook. The kitchen wanders into italy with pasta alfredo es and cheese comes out as a mild. dipping sauces lacked ($7.99), chicken parmesan potato soup in tomato sauce the punch of the fermented ($9.99), lasagna ($9.99) and with large chunks of potatoes blue cheese and herbaceous steak Bolognaise ($13.99). taking up most of the space. green notes of ranch. tJ’s may better serve its pubJumbo wings ($8.99), a ubiqThe BBQ meatloaf ($9.99) lic by editing and streamlinuitous menu item on any res- fared better in flavor. The taurant that tunes into sports, ground beef was studded with ing the menu. it is clear that warmth and pride intersect were flat, neither crisped by onion chunks, and when the frying nor crunched by roast- slice of meatloaf was “grilled,” in the business that Breckening. ordered “medium,” their the onion bits picked up some ridge and nease are trying to build on daniel island. heat index was to the left of char. This can either delight
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E15
cook-out offers up char-grilled goods fast
By roB young Special to The Post and Courier
if you go
with lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and mustard. unfortunately, with the what: cook-out harleston recently aim being speed, the sandwhere: 2036 savannah welcomed the north wiches often are haphazhighway carolina-based restau- more info: 547-0011 or ardly slapped together, little rant chain cook-out to the eatcookout.com heed given to the mixing of market, a fast-food joint that ingredients or slathering of has more than 100 locations condiments. lines and smoky flavors proacross the carolinas, tenMuch more impressively, nessee and Virginia. viding distinctive pull. cook-out presents an asThe restaurant contains prepped in sizes from 1/8 sortment of 40-odd milktwo drive-thru lanes and an of a pound to a half-pound shakes ($2.39). to name a additional window where ($1.19-$2.79), the burgers al- few: banana fudge, caramel, walk-ups can place their low for several variants. cappuccino, mint chocolate orders. The cheddar style, for inchip, oreo, orange push up, a few picnic tables provide stance, is a gooey mess of peanut butter banana, peach outdoor seating. cheese, bacon, grilled onions cobbler, Snickers and strawit’s speedy service, which and mayonnaise. The out berry cheesecake. means the lines move rapidly. west contains barbecue These are of the thicker vacook-out bases its menu sauce, and the signature riety, almost like soft-serve on, no surprise here, cookcook-out style has homeice cream, but man are they out style offerings: barbecue, made chili, slaw, mustard oh-so tasty. They saddle up burgers, hot dogs, french and onions. nicely to the sandwiches fries and onion rings. The same holds for the and fries, though they’re terrob young The burgers and hot dogs char-grilled chicken breast rific stand-alone desserts or A quarter-pound cheddar-style burger, fries and a Snickers shake from Cook-Out. are char-grilled, the griddle sandwiches, the original set drive-thru treats.
E16: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
moJa offerings run the gamut
very year around this time, the streets and venues of charleston come alive with the colorful sights and festive sounds of the MoJa arts festival. This year marks the 29th anniversary of this festival that celebrates the africanamerican and caribbean cultures. “Moja” is actually a Swahili word meaning “one,” and it is oneness that is being celebrated for 11 days. The festival begins today and will continue through oct. 7. Many of the events are free, and others are priced modestly, $5-$35. expect to see a variety of events including visual arts, classical music, dance, gospel, jazz, poetry, r&B music, storytelling, theater, children’s activities, traditional crafts, ethnic food and more. MoJa also has an extensive educational outreach component with workshops in public schools and a senior outreach in area homes. we were lucky enough to catch up with a few key people involved in the festival, including charleston office of cultural affairs executive director ellen dressler Moryl and local artist torrea “cookie” washington, who has curated an exhibit for this year’s event. Q: What inspired the creation of this particular type of festival many years ago? Moryl: established in 1979 to celebrate africanamerican and caribbean arts and culture in the Lowcountry, the charleston Black arts festival evolved into what is known today as the MoJa arts festival, an annual 11-day festival of
“Carolina Jam,” the 2012 MOJA Arts Festival poster image by James Denmark.
visual arts, classical music, theater, poetry, storytelling, dance, educational and senior outreach, jazz, gospel, rhythm and blues, children’s activities and traditional crafts for an audience of 50,000 people. MoJa stimulates and celebrates cultural harmony within the community and encourages participation in and access to a rich variety of traditional arts and cultures, as well as educational programs. MoJa’s mission is built around the concept of building bridges of understanding and respect for the beauty of artistic and cultural expression among all parts of the community. Q: How do you feel that the MOJA Arts Festival has affected people in the Lowcountry? Moryl: it’s raised the consciousness of the community about the importance of african-american and caribbean-american culture and how it has enhanced culture all over the Lowcountry. in addition, a lot more people have been coming out to enjoy all of the variety that the festival has to offer. Q: Cookie, as someone who has been part of the Charleston creative community for quite some time, how do you think MOJA impacts the community? washington: i think that MoJa can be a marvelous showcase for local talented artists and musicians of all kinds. good art can educate as well as entertain. Q: Tell us a little bit of how you will be participating in MOJA this year. washington: This year i will be promoting the “fin-tabulous” art exhibit i have curated that is now on view at the city gallery at waterfront park, “Mermaids and Merwomen in Black folklore: a fiber arts exhibition.” i will be giving
at the city gallery at waterfront park. washington: This year it has to be, “Mermaids and Merwomen in Black folklore: a fiber arts exhibition,” and the block dances.
The events
There really are so many things going on in coordination with MoJa that it’s impossible to fit it all here. if you have to pick and choose, make sure you hit the big ones: photographs provided
Denyce Graves private tours and a couple of lectures. i will also, of course, go see the offerings from art forms & Theatre concepts and as many of the dance programs as i can squeeze in. Q: Which performances are crowd favorites from year to year? Moryl: The reggae Block dance, the jazz events, the classical encounter and the finale at hampton park. Q: What are you most excited about seeing this year? Moryl: international opera singer denyce graves at the dock Street Theatre in cooperation with opera charleston, rising star violinist Seth gilliard at the city gallery at waterfront park, international jazz star will downing (with opening band the oscar rivers Quartet) at family circle Stadium and the fabulous mermaid show
z The MoJa arts festival opening reception 6-8 tonight at the dock Street Theatre, 135 church St. z The caribbean Street parade and opening ceremonies at Brittlebank park, fishburne Street and Lockwood drive, that starts at 6 p.m. friday. z The reggae Block dance 6:30-11 p.m. friday at Brittlebank park. z heritage day at the charleston farmers Market 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday in Marion Square. z The classical encounter with mezzo-soprano denyce graves at the dock Street Theatre, 135 church St., on Sunday; the show starts at 7 p.m. z r&B concert: Maze featuring frankie Beverly and Joe on oct. 6 at Johnson hagood Stadium, please see pool, page e17
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E17
pool from page e16 68 hagood ave.; the gates open at 7 p.m., and the show begins at 8 p.m. z The MoJa finale 39 p.m. oct. 7 at hampton park, 30 Mary Murray Blvd. get details on events and download a program at www.mojafestival.com. purchase tickets in advance at the MoJa box office, 180 Meeting St., or call 866-811-4111. tickets for most events also can be purchased the day of.
Local artist Savannah rusher grew up in Myrtle Beach, where she said “the amusement parks, neon and marketed theme of eternal summer were abundant.” her upcoming show, “poolside,” is inspired by that culture. her vibrant and nostalgic compositions often are created using fluorescent pigments and salt water, which seem an interesting ode to Myrtle Beach, as well. She also works with printmaking, photography, watercolor and acrylics. Join her for her opening reception 6-9 p.m. friday at christophe chocolatier, 90 Society St. call 442-0164 or email savannah.rusher@ gmail.com.
photographs provided
“Sunset Rhapsody” by Shar Duffy.
‘forest and field’
“Think edge,” said gris galerie co-owner elizabeth Bowers. with the mission of promoting alternative art and artists, this edgy, new popup gallery has been doing a great job. for its fourth installment, it is featuring new yorkbased photographer Mia Berg on friday night at the charleston Music hall. Berg’s series “forest and field” is all about the relationship of the human form to nature. “Since graduating from parsons School of design in 2007, Berg has had four solo shows around new york city and has been a part of numerous group shows. “her adoration of charleston and a chance meeting over brunch brings Berg back to the Lowcountry to
Midtown Productions will be putting on the show “Tell Me on a Sunday.” showcase her self-portraits,” Bowers said. Join them for the opening reception 6-9 p.m. friday at the charleston Music hall, 37 John St. entertainment and refreshments will be provided. call 754-5533 or email grisgalerie@gmail.com.
kiawah island art
inspired by the Lowcoun-
try, kiawah island artist Shar duffy’s oil paintings are breathtaking landscapes depicting the beautiful hues of the surroundings we’re lucky to live in every day. when she moved here 12 years ago, duffy felt so inspired by the environment that she started really studying how to paint. after numerous classes with famous artists and lots
of hard work on her own, she’s excited to showcase her endeavors through october at the real estate Studio. “i am moved by the ever-changing marsh and expansive landscape on kiawah island,” duffy said. “after moving to a home on the kiawah river, i became enamored with the complexity of the colors in every sunset. when people see my work, i’d like them to feel a moment of awe, from the intense feeling of a storm to the light emerging from a sunset.” The real estate Studio is at 214 king St., and duffy’s show will be on display until oct. 23. call 722-5618.
‘tell me on a sunday’
if you’re not already in love with andrew Lloyd webber’s amazing musicals, get ready to fall as Sheri grace wenger directs “tell Me on a Sunday” at Midtown productions. wenger summed up the show: “This delightful and moving one-woman musical charts the course of a young, British hat designer, newly arrived in new york. She has come to follow her boyfriend, a new yorkbased musician she met in London, and she’s brimming with optimism for love and success as a new york designer. But alas, disappointment kicks in upon arrival, which sets her on a path that takes her from new york to L.a. and back ... all in the course of 75 minutes.” “tell Me on a Sunday” features some of Lloyd webber’s most famous songs, including “take That Look off your face,” “capped teeth and caesar Salad” and the haunting ballads “unexpected Song,” “nothing Like you’ve ever known” and the title song, “tell Me on a Sunday.” The London times has called this musical “achingly gorgeous.” There will be performances at 8 p.m. today-Saturday, oct. 4-6 and 11-13, with 3 p.m. matinees Sunday and oct. 7. tickets range $10$25 and can be purchased by calling 795-2223 or online at www.midtown productions.org.
E18: Thursday, September 27, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012: E19
MYCharLesTONWeeKeND edisto beach shrimp fest this second annual event will be held saturday at bay creek park on edisto beach. from noon-5 p.m., help celebrate the fishing industry and its contributions to edisto. local seafood will be center stage, prepared using celebrated edisto recipes. arts and crafts vendors will offer some shopping, and entertainment, including activities for the kids, will be provided. for details, call 869-3867 or go to www.edistochamber.com.
Jay mohr
Fall happenings at Boone hall
family weekend at the college of charleston brings with it a name that should ring a bell. having made a name for himself in tv and film roles, including “saturday night live,” “gary unmarried” and “Jerry maguire,” comedian Jay mohr will be bringing his wicked sense of humor to saturday’s comedy showcase. named by comedy central as one of the greatest stand-up comics of all time, mohr will perform at 9 p.m. (doors open at 8 p.m.) at the charleston music hall, 37 John st. tickets are $20; $15 for family weekend registrants, c of c students and kids under 12. for more information, go to www.charlestonmusichall. com/shows.html or familyweekend.cofc.edu/ registration/index.php.
bbQ cook-off sponsored by the moncks corner and st. stephen lions clubs, this 16th annual event includes food vendors offering up barbecue and other items, jump castles for the kids, live music and more. the cook-off will begin at 6 p.m. friday, with the band getting things rocking at 7 p.m. the event will be held in the berkeley museum parking lot, 950 stony landing road, moncks corner. admission is $3, with ages 12 and under getting in free. for more info, call 899-5200 or go to www.oldsantee canalpark.org.
fall tours of homes and gardens Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros performs.
Jack dempsey/ap
celebratory send-off
edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros
on friday, three of the lowcountry’s homegrown bands will share the stage for the first time. spearheaded by soul/roots band gaslight street, the concert brings the group back together with mac leaphart and my ragged company, along with yellowknife. the event acts as a send-off for leaphart, who’s set to make a careerchanging move to nashville, tenn. the show and send-off will begin at 10 p.m. friday at the pour house, 1977 maybank highway. tickets are $8 in advance, $10 the day of the show. for more info, check out www.charlestonpour house.com.
the 10-member troupe edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros is making the rounds, on tour in support of its second album, “here.” the band has been busy at festivals (coachella, bonnaroo, lollapalooza, leeds, austin city limits) while keeping busy in the studio (a third album is expected early next year). it makes a stop saturday at the north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive. it will perform with special guest clap your hands say yeah, also on tour in support of an album, hysterical,” at 7:30 p.m. tickets are $30. for more, check out www.northcharlestoncoliseumpac.com.
teachers’ supply closet benefit a benefit for the supply closet, which had damage and losses from the recent flooding in charleston, will go toward helping the nonprofit continue to give out free school supplies to teachers in tri-county schools. the benefit, which begins at 8 p.m. friday at the windjammer, 1008 ocean blvd. on the isle of palms, will feature a night of live music for $5 plus whatever else attendees would like to donate, including paper, pencils, notebooks, etc. the show will kick off with a songwriter’s round featuring lindsay holler, chris boone, stephanie schecter and tom mackell. the show will then kick into high gear with performances by shatterdog, tyler boone, danielle howle and south street. for more info, check out www.the-windjammer. com.
fright nights
pumpkin patch
starting friday at sundown, south carolina’s largest multiattraction haunted event will be back in action, scaring the wits out of anyone brave enough to attend. combining live performers, scary settings and the darkness, fright night offers up four terrifying attractions: the asylum, chaos Quarantine, the terror trail haunted hayride and little amy’s nightmare in 3-d. you can pick your poison ($10, $9, $12 and $6, respectively) or, if you dare, tempt fate and attend all four for $25. for days and hours of operation, and more gruesome details, check out www.boonehall frightnights.com. boone hall is off u.s. highway 17 in mount pleasant.
weave your way through the corn maze, take a hayride down monster alley, climb hay mountain, dress up like a scarecrow, participate in the duck race, play a game of cornhole, pick out your pumpkin and so much more. starting monday, head out to boone hall for the annual pumpkin patch, which offers familyfriendly activities. admission is $8 monday, wednesday and thursday; two for tuesday, which allows an adult free admission with a paid child’s entrance; $10 friday-sunday; kids 2 and under get in free. the boone hall pumpkin patch runs 9 a.m.-6 p.m. monday-saturday and noon-6 p.m. sunday through oct. 31. for more info, go to boonehallpumpkinpatch.com.
bubbly & brew
an autumn affair
this fourth annual benefit for my sister’s house will be held 7-11 p.m. friday at harborside east on bridgeside boulevard. attendees can enjoy champagne, wine and beer from local brewers, and dine on food from home team bbQ, high thyme cuisine, 39 rue de Jean, long island cafe, the glass onion, kudzu bakery and more. there will be live music from party band love butter and a live and silent auction. tickets are $60 in advance, $75 at the door. for more info, check out www.bubblyandbrew.com. for additional information about my sister’s house, go to www.my sistershouse.org.
taste more than 100 wines and offerings from local food artisans at this scholarship fundraiser. put on by the charleston chapter of les dames d’escoffier (women in the food, beverage and hospitality industries), hobnob with ldei authors nathalie dupree, holly herrick, sarah o’kelley, susan slack and nancie mcdermott while enjoying live music from lime and the coconuts. held 6-9 p.m. today at lowndes grove plantation, 266 st. margaret st., there will be a silent auction to benefit local food charities and scholarships for women in the hospitality industry. tickets are $45 and available at ldeicharleston.com.
the preservation society of charleston will host its 36th annual fall tours of homes and gardens todayoct. 28. tours take place 6-9 p.m. thursdays and 25 p.m. fridays, saturdays and sundays. on a self-paced walking tour, visit some of the peninsula’s gardens and architecturally significant homes, churches and public buildings. highlighting the best of american architecture from the early georgian period to the 21st century, each tour shares a unique neighborhood that represents charleston’s flourishing culture from the colonial era to the present. most of the properties on tour are privately owned and are open to the public exclusively for this event. tickets are $45 and can be purchased online at www.preservationsociety.org, in person at its book & gift shop at 147 king st. or by calling 7224630.
shaggin’ on the cooper
the final event of this year’s charleston county parks and rec summer dance series will be held saturday night at the mount pleasant pier. featuring groove train, enjoy the cooler weather with some dancing by the water. gates open at 7 p.m. tickets are $10, $8 for charleston county residents. tickets are limited, so advance purchase is recommended. food, beverage or parking fees are not included in ticket price. call 795-4386 or go to www. ccprc.com.
derby days
Join the lowcountry highrollers’ bruisin’ betties as they welcome the soul city sirens from augusta for some flat-track action saturday at the citadel’s mcalister field house, 171 moultrie st. the day begins at 5 p.m. with junior derby team holy city chaos playing augusta’s junior skaters, goddaughters of soul. the headliner bout starts at 6 p.m. beer, music, raffle prizes and more are part of the fun. tickets are $10 in advance, $14 at the door; kids 10 and under get in free. vip tickets are available for $40. a portion of the proceeds will benefit fields to families. an after-party will be held at the recovery room tavern, 685 king st. for more info, check out www.lowcountryhighrollers.com.
The post and courier
E20: Thursday, September 27, 2012
southern living taste of charleston marquee culinary event returns with three-day fest
ByStrattonLawrence || SpecialtoThePostandCourier
ost of the recent national press for charleston’s culinary scene has gone to a handful of farm-to-table restaurants dotting the peninsula. Their chefs are national celebrities in culinary circles, bringing the Lowcountry attention for traditional dishes and innovative ideas. although those chefs and restaurants will be well-represented at the 32nd annual Southern Living taste of charleston this weekend, the threeday event is a chance to highlight the hundreds of other restaurants where locals eat on a daily basis, forming the base of our culinary scene.
tion on friday; the debut wing joints and seafood of Sweet and Southern on shacks provide the foundation of a thriving food and Shem creek, an indoor/ beverage industry. without outdoor dinner and party the charleston restaurant on Saturday; and a twoassociation’s more than 400 night dine around featurmembers, the city couldn’t ing three-course meals and support the graduates of beer pairings at restaurants two culinary schools. throughout the city. on it’s that everyman, commu- Sunday, the Main event nity attitude that differentireturns to Boone hall planates taste of charleston from tation, bringing together 50 other culinary events in town. restaurants to show off their in 1981, its first year, the very best to thousands of event drew about 600 athungry attendees. tendees. Last year, the twofor the second year, day affair counted more Southern Living magazine than 13,000 people through serves as the festival’s title the gates. sponsor, bringing its edito“at the end of the day, we’re rial team to town for a long just trying to share charlesweekend of eating and hostton and what it’s about with ing workshops. as many people as possible, charleston restaurant aslocals and tourists alike,” sociation executive director said Steve carroll, president kathy Britzius also promises of the charleston restaurant that any parking issues from association. previous years have been with that goal in mind, solved by the incorporation the 2012 taste of charleston of a third-party company that expands into a three-day arrives days in advance to affair, including the fifth annual iron chef competi- please see taste, page 21
The Taste of Charleston Waiters’ Race is tricky business.
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thursday, September 27, 2012: E21
taste from page 20 plan routes and navigate the speediest entry and exit possible for attendees. Britzius emphasizes the event’s charitable aspect, as well. over the course of its threedecade run, taste of charleston, along with the restaurant association’s Lowcountry oyster festival, has donated just over $1 million to the ronald Mcdonald house, hollings cancer center, hospitality heroes, Shriners hospitals for children and charleston county schools. Mickey Bakst, general manager of charleston grill (and emcee of the iron chef competition), emphasizes the role the restaurant association and taste of charleston have played in putting the holy city on the national culinary map. “when i travel to new york, people always tell me how they can’t wait to come back to charleston to eat,” Bakst said. “people are being drawn here by the culinary community. our history is great for tourism, but it’s the restaurants that give people that little something more to come here for.” The holy city now supports a second major culinary event, the BB&t charleston wine + food festival, each spring. “what’s great is that we have enough restaurants to support both,” said Britzius, emphasizing differences like the “come-one, come-all” attitude of taste of charleston, gathering the city’s scene into one place on Sunday, versus the intimacy of many wine + food festival events. Britzius recalls 1989, when hurricane hugo arrived and forced taste of charleston to be postponed. “we were under the care of the national guard, with no electricity,” she said. “The ceiling was caved in at my office, but i went up there to get something and the phone rang. it was a restaurant owner asking if we were still doing the taste.” two months later, they pulled off the event in Brittlebank park, attracting 10,000 people. favorite events like the waiters’ race have lasted over the years, but the main attraction is still the food. when your product is great, it’s natural to want to show it off. and that’s what taste of charleston is all about.
iron chef competition if you go what: four top chefs duke it out over the flames. when: 6-9 p.m. friday where: culinary institute of charleston, palmer campus, 66 columbus st. price: $50 general admission, $100 amphitheater seating for more info: www.charlestonrestaurantassociation.com/taste-ofcharleston every cook is accustomed to intensity. even at a short-order lunch counter, balanc-
Chefs compete during the 2010 Iron Chef Competition. The chefs were given a secret ingredient and had 45 minutes to prepare three dishes that were ready to eat. ing the volume of orders and ensuring that each plate goes out hot and fresh can be a challenge. add to that the pressure of a live audience that’s judging your abilities, and it’s enough to make even a seasoned pro sweat. “it’s the most thrilling 45 minutes that i can remember having in a kitchen,” said Steven Lusby, head chef of 82 Queen and half of last year’s winning iron chef team, along with Matthew niessner of halls chophouse. hosted by the culinary institute of charleston in its state-of-the-art amphitheater kitchen at trident technical college’s palmer campus downtown, the annual contest pits two teams of two chefs against each other in a head-to-head battle centered around a mystery ingredient. in the competition’s four-year history, the mystery ingredient has included local golden tilefish, carolina gold rice and oyster mushrooms. Last year, niessner and Lusby were victorious using pumpkin and chocolate, crafting a menu that included a
coconut-dusted lamb chop with pumpkin risotto and a chocolate Bordelaise sauce. This year, the pair will serve as judges when chefs from Lana and graze take on poogan’s porch and Burwell’s Stone fire grill. “it’s certainly not just another day in the kitchen,” niessner said. “when you’re in competition, you’re in it to win. it comes down to getting a rhythm together with your partner chef and having a good flow and understanding of each others’ philosophies. There’s a lot of strategy involved.” to break the intensity and keep the mood light for the audience, emcees tom crawford, meteorologist at aBc news 4, and Bakst will provide a play by play of the action, taking questions from the audience and samples from the chefs. “at the end of it, i’m exhausted to the core of my soul,” admits Bakst. “The attendees come from all over the country, and it’s our job to give them a show and let them see how we do it in the charleston culinary community.”
attendees have the option of purchasing tickets for a seat in the amphitheater at $100 or participating via live televised viewing areas in the vicinity for $50. all tickets include beer, wine and heavy hors d’oeuvres, as well as the possibility of sampling the chefs’ creations. “The audio/visual aspects of it are really intriguing,” culinary institute dean Michael Saboe said, touting the investment the school has made in technology for the amphitheater kitchen. “for the viewer, it’s exciting to see how the chefs interact. one may be creating a sauce while the other pan sears a fillet of grouper, while they’re constantly working in harmony on multiple dishes within a tight time frame.” The iron chef competition’s mystery ingredient this year will be supplied by growfood carolina, a collaborative nonprofit food hub that helps expand local food offerings in area restaurants. Last year, niessner attributes his win to please see taste, page 22
E22: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
Restaurants light up Shem Creek as a boat’s lights streak toward the bridge on Coleman Boulevard. taste from page 21 going above and beyond, including creating six dishes (the requirement is three) and offering every audience member a snack of chocolate pumpkin spice caramel corn. “once the gun starts, it’s all adrenaline,” niessner said. “half the battle is engaging the judges and the audience. if you’re not having fun, you won’t be good at it.” as a judge this year, niessner explains that the criteria go beyond flavor. with variables ranging from humidity level to different burners than the chefs are accustomed to, it’s how the competitors react under pressure that determines their success. “at the end of the day, you look at the combination of dishes, the colors, the presentation, their speed, accuracy and how the chefs are performing personally in front of the audience,” niessner said. “There’s more behind winning than just flavor profiles. you have to be unique and creative and find combinations of things that you might think would never work and put them into complete harmony.”
sweet & southern if you go what: hospitality, down-home cooking and a harbor sunset on full display when: 6-11 p.m. saturday where: the lighthouse at shem creek, 100 church st., mount pleasant price: $50 advance, $60 at the door for more info: www.charleston restaurantassociation.com/ taste-of-charleston
when guests come to town, it’s only proper to show off charleston’s best. for scenery and food close to the source, nowhere in town beats Shem creek. That’s the idea behind the inaugural Sweet & Southern on Shem creek event, dreamed up by charleston restaurant association organizers as an excuse to throw a party along the iconic waterway, aiming to impress the visiting editorial staff of Southern Living in the process. “it comes down to trying to raise as much money for our charities as possible, and this seemed like an ideal signature event for taste of charleston,” said charleston restaurant association president and red’s ice house general Manager Steve carroll. “it’s an indoor and outdoor party with lots of Southern comfort food and a showcase of singer/songwriters.” featuring four local caterers, the menu draws entirely from Southern cuisine, including oyster tables, a pig pickin’, frogmore stew and everything in between. Throughout the evening, local boatmaker Scout will offer moonlight cruises down the creek to the harbor, complimentary with the event’s allinclusive ticket. “The idea is to show off Shem creek,” carroll said. “we want to give Southern Living and our other visitors a little more insight into what’s really cool in charleston, and show them the nooks and crannies.” Sumter-born and nashville, tenn.based songwriter rob crosby anchors the musical lineup. The author of numerous hit songs, including Martina McBride’s “concrete angel” and Lee greenwood’s “holdin’ a good hand,” crosby will lead a songwriter-in-the-round per-
formance featuring several of his friends from nashville. “rob has ties with Southern Living and with local venues like The windjammer, so we thought he’d provide the perfect setting for a night of great music and food,” carroll said. “we’re trying to make it a who’s who of charleston.”
the Dine around if you go what: a mini-charleston restaurant week that adds beer to the threecourse mix when: friday and saturday where: participating restaurants price: varies by location; no tickets required for more info: www.charleston restaurantassociation.com/tasteof-charleston even for the die-hard diners, it’s impossible to come close to sampling all of the appetizing menus offered during early September’s charleston restaurant week. for those who missed a spot they were hoping to try, the taste of charleston’s inaugural charleston dine around features a two-day blitz at restaurants throughout the Lowcountry. designed as a way to incorporate charleston restaurant association members unable to nab one of the 50 booths at Sunday’s Main event, the dine around is similar to restaurant week in its incorporation of three courses at a deeply discounted price. in addition, however, each course is paired with a different craft beer offered by sponsor Lee please see taste, page 23
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thursday, September 27, 2012: E23
taste from page 22 distributors, at the discretion of each restaurant’s individual chef. at halls chophouse, chef niessner plans to incorporate a fried green tomato recipe from taste of charleston title sponsor Southern Living, pairing it with succotash, crab, corn, shrimp and bacon, and served with a pale ale from abita Brewery. his other courses include a filet mignon with lobster mac and cheese, balancing an abita amber with the dish’s smoky flavors, followed by a chocolate chambord pate with wild berries and an abita pecan harvest beer. Lusby of 82 Queen is equally excited about showcasing his friends at north carolina’s french Broad Brewery, pairing courses that include a goat cheese pimiento tomato pie and a deconstructed duck jambalaya. “This is a way to incorporate all of our members, bring new business in to restaurants, and offer diners a threecourse meal at a reduced cost,” charleston restaurant association’s Britzius said, pointing out the diversity and inclusion of white tablecloth establishments and casual spots. participating restaurants include: z Downtown: 82 Queen, Lowcountry Bistro, tristan, halls chophouse, ’cesca, noisy oyster, tsunami, Jim ’n nick’s, a.w. Shucks, tommy condon’s, Sermet’s downtown, eli’s restaurant, toast!, tabbuli, hyman’s Seafood, Southend Brewery, fulton five and Basil. z Mount Pleasant: 17 north roadside kitchen, graze, zeus grill and Seafood, Langdon’s, opal restaurant and Bar, eurasia, Mosaic cafe, next door Bistro, red drum, Basil, gullah cuisine, finz Bar & grill, fuji Sushi Bar and grill, Bricco Bracco and carter’s kitchen. z West Ashley: Lucky’s Southern grill and al di La. z North Charleston and Summerville: palm tree grill at embassy Suites, noisy oyster, cork neighborhood Bistro and firewater grille. z Isle of Palms and Sullivan’s Island: huck’s Lowcountry table, Sea island grill at wild dunes and Station 22 restaurant & Bar. z Johns Island: gilligan’s. z Kiawah Island: The ocean room and Jasmine porch.
the main event
if you go
what: stuff yourself with offerings from 50 restaurants while you enjoy the entertainment when: 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. sunday where: boone hall plantation, 1235 long point road, mount pleasant price: $15 in advance, $20 at the gate; $2 food and drink tickets for more: www.charleston restaurantassociation.com/tasteof-charleston or boonehall plantation.com on Sunday, come hungry and pace yourself. with 50 restaurants dishing out their very best, from alligator ribs to juicy steaks, it’s easy to go overboard at the taste of charleston Main event. The restaurant tents range from familiar sports bars and chicken wing joints all the way up to the peninsula’s finest establishments. food and beverages are sold in $2 increments, with nothing topping $6. favorite events like the waiters’ race are back this year, pitting charleston’s food and beverage employees against each other in a competition to open and pour a bottle of wine, carry it through an obstacle course and serve it to a table in the fastest time possible. “we keep elements like the waiters’ race and the ice carving the same each year, while incorporating new additions like a beer garden and food and wine pairings,” said Monique Semper-flynn, special events manager for the charleston restaurant association. This year, the participating finedining restaurants will pair a wine with any menu item by request. at the 82 Queen tent, chef Lusby reveals
that he’s working up a special batch of watermelon and blackberry sangria to go along with the cuban smoked pork loin he plans to serve. whether you’re full or pacing yourself, the event offers far more than just food sampling, including a play area for children and live music from tropicalrock band homemade wine. title sponsor Southern Living expands its involvement this year with a variety of workshops in the Southern Living tent, including a “tackle your tailgate!” session at 11 a.m. drawing from the book “The official Sec tailgating cookbook.” at 12:30 p.m., editor rebecca Lang hosts a tasting of finalists from the magazine’s “Big white cake cover contest” before mediating a “Quick-fix Supper challenge” at 3:30 p.m., where attendees get to square off in their own iron chef-like battle for the chance to win an american express gift card. in addition, at 2 p.m., the magazine will give a presentation on “farm to table container gardening” that any would-be green thumb can learn from to get started with his own kitchen or windowsill flower and herb garden. “The idea is to bring Southern Living to life through interactive exhibits,” Semper-flynn said. for libations, patrons can choose between full beers or enjoy sample-size tastes from a variety of craft breweries in the beer garden. Semper-flynn points out that the taste of charleston entry price is less than the regular admission to Boone hall, and patrons are free to roam the grounds and explore the waterfront historic cabins and buildings. That is, of course, if you can manage to walk after making your way down the rows and rows of restaurant tents beckoning you to enjoy a taste of charleston’s finest.
E24: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
bob Dylan Tempest/Columbia
when i was growing up, my father idolized Bob dylan. naturally, i rebelled. as a teenager, i thought his voice sounded funny, and as he didn’t exactly release his best work in the ’80s when i was in high school, i largely ignored him. i eventually came around, though. even if you don’t like dylan, you can’t deny his influence over american rock and folk music over the past halfcentury. The last decade or so has been some of dylan’s most fruitful years creatively, with albums such as “Modern
times” and “Love and Theft” showing the singer-songwriter could still write complete albums of great music. dylan’s latest, “tempest,” continues the streak. not many artists could get away with recording a 14-minute celtic-tinged waltz about the sinking of the titanic, but dylan makes it work on the album’s title track. The album is full of tunes that are retro sounding in their own ways. “duquesne whistle” sounds like an outtake from a western swing album from the ’50s, while on “Soon after Midnight” you almost expect dylan to
when i heard that former talking heads frontman david Byrne was recording an album with singer St. Vincent (aka annie erin clark), i was definitely intrigued. Both artists are known for their musical visions, so a collaboration was likely to be beyond interesting. for the most part, the album should have been billed as “david Byrne with special guest St. Vincent.” clark does get plenty of chances to shine here, but after a few spins, one really gets
the feeling that Byrne was calling all the shots. it isn’t necessarily a bad strategy. Byrne isn’t getting any younger, and while i would hope that any teen or 20-something these days would be aware of his contributions to popular music, it’s entirely possible that some younger music fans might not recognize Mr. Same as it ever was. The album incorporates a brass band and electronic music, sometimes in the same song, and mixes it deftly with the two voices.
Byrne shines on tracks such as “who” and “i am an ape,” while St. Vincent has her moments on “ice age” and “The forest awakes.” for the most part, though, the music is reminiscent of past Bryne releases such as “everything That happens will happen today” and “feelings.” That isn’t a bad thing, but folks tuning in for more St. Vincent than Byrne might be in for disappointment.
Singer-songwriter haley dreis grew up in columbia, and according to her bio, she can’t remember a time when she wasn’t playing or writing music. Starting with violin lessons at 6 (after begging her mom), dreis has stayed busy musically all her life, and has previously released two well-received independent albums. for her third full-length studio recording, dreis shot for the stars. and from the first few spins of “Lady with a rocket,” i’d have to say that she has found her groove as far as songwriting
and performing go. with a style reminiscent of Sara Bareilles, the songs on the new album are just the right balance of lyrical substance and pop goodness. That balance could so easily have been upset on songs such as “Little white Lies” and the title track, but dreis absolutely nails it. The music on “Lady with a rocket will likely appeal to a range of ages and musical tastes. i’ll put it this way: when i played the cd in my car, i actually let it run through without skipping songs. also, my 6-year-old son, who normally
goes out of his way to ignore music i like (he’s perfecting his eye roll as we speak), laughed at the lyrics about eating chunky Monkey ice cream on “Snuggly,” and actually asked me to play “Mr. know it all” a second time so he could sing the “uhoh, uh-oh” parts. if that doesn’t scream accessibility, then i don’t know what does.
break into a round of doo-wop singing (he doesn’t). other subjects for songs include John Lennon (“roll on John”), suicide and murder (“tin angel”) and massacres (the bluesy “early roman kings”). dylan’s voice is a raspy, phlegmy shadow of its former self, sounding more like tom waits these days, but even that somehow works here. “tempest” is dylan’s 35th studio album, and it ranks right up there with his best stuff. key tracks: “duquesne whistle,” “early roman kings,” “tempest”
David byrne & st. vincent Love This Giant/ 4AD/Todo Mundo
key tracks: “who,” “i am an ape,” “the forest awakes”
haley Dreis
Lady With a Rocket/ Independent
key tracks: “lady with a rocket,” “gonna be all right,” “mr. know it all” — by devin grant
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E25
Curren$y By Matthew godBey Special to The Post and Courier
Louisiana-based rapper curren$y always seemed a little ahead of his time. Matching well-read lyrics with an understated delivery and rhythm, curren$y has set himself apart from the pack of new orleans rappers in recent years. But the emergence has been long fought and complicated, lingering for more than a decade and twisting through multiple label contracts and fallouts. after a few years on the new orleans circuit, curren$y first surfaced in 2002 as a member of Master p’s 504 Boyz, serving as a featured artist on several tracks with Master p, c-Murder and Soulja Slim but never releasing an album of his own. he joined Birdman and Slim’s cash Money records, in conjunction with Lil wayne’s young Money entertainment, in 2004. again, he would be used as a featured artist, this time on Lil wayne’s “dedication 2” and “Tha carter ii.” The label released a mixtape in 2004 and a single, “where da cash at,” in 2006. a second mixtape was released in 2007, but all of curren$y’s other projects were shelved, prompting him to leave the label that year. Things began looking up in 2009 when the young rapper released his digital-only debut, “This ain’t no Mixtape,” through amalgam digital. But the road to stardom again began to wash out after curren$y signed with damon dash’s dd172 imprint, which was distributed by def Jam, in 2010 and released “pilot talk” and “pilot talk ii” the same year. after a disagreement over distribution rights, curren$y sued dash for allegedly illegally releasing his albums and misappropriating the profits. curren$y carried on the way he had his entire career, releasing three albums in two years and joining the ranks of the latest hiphop all-stars.
today, he is being regarded as one of the pioneers of the modern-day wave of smarter, smoother hip-hop alongside such well-known rappers as drake, wiz khalifa, wale, yelawolf and kendrick Lamar, among others. curren$y will perform tonight at the Music farm, 32 ann St. tickets are $50 Vip and are available online at etix.com or at the Music farm box office. doors open at 8:30 p.m. go to musicfarm.com or call 577-6989.
probably the last place you would expect to hear the beginnings of a new music sensation is on the front porch of a Massachusetts frat house, coming from the mouths of a couple of college bros sporting the latest air flights and clean cuts. But then again, the last place you would expect to look is often where you find the biggest surprises. Such a fortune cookie statement holds true for Boston-based duo fresh aer Movement, or simply aer. equal parts Mcs and acoustic singers, david von Mering and carter Schultz released their debut mixtape, “The reach,” last year, an online introduction to audiences that already has garnered 100,000 downloads. The pair played off the mixtape’s success by releasing its debut ep, “what you need,” in october of the same year. The ep quickly became the no. 1 album on the itunes hip-hop charts, eventually climbing into the top 10 on the itunes overall album charts. The duo’s full-length debut, “The Bright Side,” was released in July, climbing in popularity on the heels of the group’s wellreceived singles, “Like the way” and “floats My Boat.” to date, aer has grown its following after performances alongside Mac Miller, Shwayze, cisco adler and others. aer will perform wednesday with yonas at the Music farm, 32 ann St. tickets are $12 in advance, $14 the day of the show and are available at the door or online at etix.com. go to musicfarm.com or call 577-6989.
E26: Thursday, September 27, 2012
‘Tell Me on a Sunday’
what: midtown productions will present andrew lloyd webber’s one-woman musical about an ordinary, young british designer who follows her musician boyfriend to new york, optimistic for love and success but also discovers disappointment, hollywood and much more. when: 8 p.m. sept. 27, 28, 29; oct. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13; 3 p.m. sept. 30, oct. 7 where: charleston acting studio, 915 folly road price: $25 adults, $20 seniors, $18 students more info: 795-2223 or www. midtownproductions.org/
India Association Gala
what: guests in their best evening formal wear will taste authentic indian cuisine prepared on-site by master chef anil kumar from washington, d.c., and watch dances of india performed by nalanda school of dance led by indira satyapriya from ohio. for tickets and more information, call 571-3082 or 849-9240. when: tickets are on sale for the oct. 13 event where: embassy suites north charleston, 5055 international blvd. price: $50 more info: 670-3600 or www.
The post and courier for more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com. indiaassociationofgreater charleston.com
Works by Daly
what: local photographer Jennifer J. daly will display a collection of current color photographs featuring a variety of subjects in her exhibit, orange. on view sept. 1-oct. 31. window viewing anytime. when: sept. 1-oct. 31 where: the meeting place, 1077 e. montague ave. price: free admission/free parking more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts
City Gallery Exhibit
what: friends with brushes, a group of painters based in mount pleasant, will exhibit works in oil featuring a variety of subjects. members include roberta byron, sandra wrenn, denise avera, kathy clark, Janie schloss, martina yearwood and phyllis leventis. on view: sept. 1-30. gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. when: through sept. 30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free admission free parking more info: http://bit.ly/cultural arts
Death by Chocolate what: girl scouts of eastern
south carolina celebrate 100 years of girl scouting with an adult event that features the best in chocolate treats and lots of bubbly. death by chocolate features local chefs offering creations made with chocolate as an ingredient. all proceeds benefit girl scouts of eastern south carolina. when: 6-9 p.m. sept. 27 where: the westin hilton head island resort & spa, 2 grasslawn ave., hilton head island price: $40 more info: 342-6932 or www. girlscoutsesc.org
‘Clips of Faith’
what: the new belgium brewing co. will host the third annual amateur film screening to benefit charleston moves, a lowcountry bicycle and pedestrian advocacy group. a fat tire cruiser will be auctioned off and craft beer will be served throughout the screening of three films: “the canning Queen of the desert: classie parker,” “damnation” and “foxy shazam-unstoppable.” when: 7 p.m. sept. 27; films begin at dark. where: marion square, calhoun and king streets price: free more info: 303-433-7020 or 720-244-4268 or www.new belgium.com
Independent Films
what: the featured film this month is “age of champions,” a documentary that follows five athletes in the national senior olympics. when: 7 p.m. sept. 27 where: halsey institute of contemporary art at the college of charleston, 54 st philip st. price: free
Inspector NoClue
destiny being fulfilled whether he likes it or not. a smooth and creamy blend of sketch, improv and music. when: 8 p.m. sept. 27 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $10 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com
Friday Chucktown After 5
what: live comic mystery whodunit! against a redneck butler, gold-digging maid, and tie-dyed dude, can inspector noclue hope to deduce whodunit before whodoesit again? professional actors, volunteer audience roles, video short, a la carte beer/wine and desserts. $24. when: 7:30 p.m. sept. 27 where: the black fedora comedy mystery theatre, 164 church st. price: $24 (thursday: half-price with student id; sunday: $20 seniors/military)
what: this happy hour concert series is presented by ear for music with food and drinks available at special happy hour rates. live music from sgt. submarine (sept. 28), fowler’s mustache (oct. 5, nick collins fundraiser) and a special guest for the season finale (oct. 12). when: 5-9 p.m. sept. 28 and oct. 5, 12 where: the charleston hippodrome, 360 concord st. price: $5 buy one, get one free
Introducing Fish Taco
Taste of Charleston
what: charleston’s premier (by default) comedy band, introducing fish taco, returns to the stage with a new musical. come see dan hanf and charles carmody singlehandedly bring your favorite breakfast cereal mascots to life and weave a tale of epic proportions involving the downfall of the cereal gods, and one man’s
what: the 31st annual southern living taste of charleston will be held sept. 28-30. the three-day celebration is being hosted once again by southern living magazine and the charleston restaurant association. where: various sites in the charleston area. when: 6 p.m. sept. 28 and 29, and
e 10:30 a.m. sept. 30 more info: 577-4030 or www. t charlestonrestaurantassociation. com/taste-of-charleston
Iron Chef Competition
s what: this kickoff event for the a “southern living taste of charles- — ton” weekend will showcase local s chefs in head-to-head battle in i the institute’s state-of-the-art am- s phitheater kitchen. two teams of c chefs will be challenged to make several dishes featuring the “secret ingredient.” ticket price includes c heavy hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer. $ when: 6-9 p.m. sept. 28 u where: palmer campus, culinary institute of charleston, 66 colum- s bus st. price: $50 general (televised view), $100 amphitheater (live view) h more info: 577-4030 or www. s charlestonrestaurantassociation. a com/taste-of-charleston
2012 Bubbly & Brew
what: the fourth annual bubbly & brew will benefit my sister’s o house. guests will dine on tasty e food selections as well as sip on champagne, wine and beers from local brewers. additionally, there will be a silent auction and live music from party band love butter.
please see events, page e27
the deadline for items is friday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be submitted online at events.postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.
Today Frank Duvall Trio
what: live jazz. when: 6-10 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news
Shrimp City Slim
what: lowcountry blues quartet does blues & bbQ harbor cruise with a buffet from fiery ron’s home team bbQ. when: 5:30 p.m. boarding where: carolina belle, 10 wharfside st. price: $39.95 more info: 722-1112 or www. charlestonharbortours.com
Jim Marshall
what: americana/country/folk rock. when: 9 p.m.-midnight sept. 27
where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: free more info: 225-7427 or www. hometeambbq.com
Bill Johnson
what: acoustic rock/alternative. when: sept. 27 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.
Cranford & Sons
what: self-described “lowcountry stomp” out of hilton head island, s.c. when: sept. 27 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.
Soul Fish Duo
what: morgan and rotie take rock and pop requests. when: 9 p.m. sept. 27 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley
please see clubs, page e27
The post and courier
events from page e26 when: 7-11 p.m. sept. 28 where: harborside east, bridgeside blvd. price: $60 in advance or $75 at the door
Sound of Charleston
what: experience the sounds that define charleston and its unique southern charm — jazz, gospel, gershwin, gullah, spirituals, civil war songs — coming to life in sacred and historic spaces during a 75-minute live concert. when: 7 p.m. sept. 28 where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. price: $28 adults, $25 seniors, $16 students, children 12 and under free more info: 270-4903 or www. soundofcharleston.com
thursday, September 27, 2012: E27
what: after years at the forefront of nashville’s alt-comedy scene, corporate Juggernaut is taking its secret comedy recipe all over the southeast with the help of friend Jane borden, who has long been a staple of the new york stand-up scene. now a resident of tennessee, she’s joined forces with corporate Juggernaut for stand-up, storytelling and a few surprises. when: 10 p.m. sept. 28 where: theatre 99, 280 meeting st. price: $8 more info: 853-6687 or www. theatre99.com
vendor and musical group. the famous irvin-house vineyards wine-a-ritas will be served on the patio and wine may be purchased by the glass or bottle. tastings in the firefly vodka distillery and irvin-house vineyard winery are $6 to taste six of 15 flavors of firefly vodka and sea island rums and $4 to taste five wines. bring your lawn chairs and blankets to picnic under the oaks and relish in the lowcountry beauty. when: 1-5 p.m. saturdays, through oct. 27 where: 6775 bears bluff road, wadmalaw island price: free more info: 559-6867 or www. charlestonwine.com
Derby Days
Corporate Juggernaut
southern living” taste of charleston, guests will be served lowcountry cuisine from local caterers, have an opportunity to take a moonlit harbor cruise and listen to live entertainment. when: 6-11 p.m. sept. 29 where: the lighthouse at shem creek, 100 church st. price: $50 advance, $60 door more info: 577-4030 or www. charlestonrestaurantassociation. com
Harvest for Habitat
what: the bruisin’ betties host the soul city sirens at 6 p.m. sept. 29 at the citadel’s mcalister field house. holy city chaos play the goddaughters of soul at 5 p.m. buy tickets from any roller girl or at http://charleston.stranger tickets.com/events/5713940/ lchr-home-bout. when: 5 p.m. sept. 29 where: mcalister field house, 171 moultrie st. price: $10 advance/$14 door/ 10 and younger free
what: bring the family and enjoy the silent and live auctions, dinner by outback steakhouse, kid-friendly activities, dancing and music by wendell, televised football on large screen tvs, cash bar and fireworks. tickets are $35 for adults and $10 for children under 12. purchase in advance at www.dorchesterhabitat.org, -851-1414, or at people, places, & Quilts, 129 w. richardson ave., summerville. when: 6-10 p.m. sept. 29 where: summerville country club, 400 country club blvd. price: $35 adults, $10 kids under 12 more info: 851-1414 or www. dorchesterhabitat.org
what: each saturday, the winery will serve up a different local food
‘Sweet & Southern’
Shaggin’ on Cooper
clubs from page e26
more info: 559-8877 or www. gaslightartandwine.com
Toro Y Moi
river road price: no cover. more info: 556-2378
Fulcrum & JI3
stress out of athens, ga. and the bareknuckle band. when: 10 p.m. sept. 28 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5 more info: 883-3131
The Satire Diaries
what: nothing is sacred in this hilarious satirical roast of movies, sex, dating, men and women, the arts, politics and much more. wnen: 8:15 sept. 28 where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: $22 general admission or $19 for students/seniors/ educators more info: 881-3780 or www.
Ric Wooten
what: acoustic singer-songwriter. when: 10 p.m. sept. 27 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.
what: local roots rock band. when: sept. 27 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.
Friday Red Fraley
what: guitarist and vocalist from columbia-based wishful thinkin’ at the creekside bar. when: 4-7 p.m. sept. 28 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave. price: free
Mad Crow
Edisto Shrimp Fest
what: enjoy local seafood and arts and crafts vendors at this celebration of the fishing industry and its contributions to edisto island. when: noon-5 p.m. sept. 29 where: bay creek park, edisto island more info: 869-2505 or www. townofedistobeach.com
Sippin’ Saturday
what: live rock. when: 8 p.m. where: the oasis bar & grill, 778 folly road
The Cool
what: classic rock/pop/rock. when: 8 p.m. sept. 28 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie dodds blvd. more info: 881-1858
The Louie D. Project
what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals. when: 8-10 p.m. sept. 28 where: shugs, 1250 old gilliard road more info: www.louied.com
Takes Two
what: live music. when: sept. 28 where: coosaw creek crab shack, 8486 dorchester road more info: 552-7171
what: preteen punk/rock band. when: 6-9 p.m. sept. 28 where: blackbeard’s cove family fun park, 3255 u.s. highway 17 more info: 971-1223 or www. blackbeardscove.net
what: local rock band. when: sept. 28 where: rita’s seaside grille, 2 center st.
Caldwell and Ford
Jefferson Coker Band
what: live jazz. when: 7-10 p.m. fridays where: gaslight art & wine, 1715 hollydale court price: free
The Tarlatans Duo
what: americana/blues/roots rock/country. when: sept. 28 where: cat daddy’s, 1442 old gilliard road more info: 688-6000
what: as part of the annual
what: “electronic, chillwave, synthpop, funk” out of columbia, s.c. when: 8 p.m. doors sept. 28 where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow more info: 722-8904 or www. musicfarm.com
Jess Strickland Band
what: rock/reggae. when: 9 p.m. sept. 28 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.
Midnight City
what: multi-genre cover band. when: sept. 28 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.
Irresponsible Beach Life
what: local modern-rock cover band. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 28 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: free more info: 556-2378
Nu Attitude
what: rock/classic rock. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 28 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: free
Betsy Franck & The BKB
what: blues/country/rock song-
what: shaggin’ on the cooper
what: Jazz/funk band. when: 10 p.m. fridays where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.
what: local roots rock band. when: sept. 28 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.
Disco Demolition Knights
what: self-described “schizophrenic rock outfit steeped in southern blues/rock with flavors of jazz, soul and reggae.” when: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. sept. 28 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: $5 more info: 225-7427 or www. hometeambbq.com
saturday Noodle & Friends
what: noodle mcdoodle, jazz ukelele guru from the v-tones, will be joined by other band members during brunch. when: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. sept. 29 where: hello my name is bbQ world headquarters, 616 meeting st.
finale. spend an evening dancing to live classic oldies and beach music from groove train. beverages will be available for purchase on-site. only 800 tickets will be sold for this event. advance purchase is recommended. ages 3 and up. when: 7-11 p.m. sept. 29 where: mount pleasant pier, 71 harry hallman blvd. price: $10/$8 ccr discount/ $10 on-site if still available more info: 795-4386 for tickets or www.ccprc.com/
sunday Stop the Violence
what: the osns coalition was formed in order to restore peace and safety to the community. this is a free family event (car show participants and vendors must pay). picnic while listening to clean music, live acts and powerful speakers with a positive message. included will be a jump castle and free popcorn, snow cones and cotton candy for the kids. also free health screenings, voter registration and more. when: 1-7 p.m. sept. 30 where: harmon park and burke high school, 244 president st. price: car show participants:
what: americana/reggae/roots/ rock. when: 2:30 p.m. sept. 29 where: folly floatilla fest, 48 ninth st. w. price: $5 more info: www.facebook. com/events/409489105779834
Cotton Blue
what: live blues with gator rob & detroit debbie. when: 1 p.m. where: irvin-house vineyards, 6775 bears bluff road
Ben Fagan & The Holy City Hooligans
what: funk/rock/reggae/soul band will play the weihenstephan craft beer boat cruise. when: 6:30 p.m. boarding. where: the carolina Queen, city marina mega dock, 17 lockwood drive price: $20 advance, $25 onthe-dock - free marina parking included. more info: www.facebook. com/events/399191200129379
what: blend of acoustic country, folk and contemporary bluegrass. when: 6:30 p.m. sept. 29 where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave.
Jazz under the Stars
what: grammy award-nominee will downing will perform in a cabaret setting as part of the
please see clubs, page e28
cars $20; bikes $10; vendors $25 more info: elder James Johnson at 532-0787; thomas dixon at 437-1949
Denyce Graves
what: opera charleston presents international and metropolitan opera sensation denyce graves in a return to the holy city. graves opens opera charleston’s 2012-13 season in a gala recital following the success of her appearance as carmen in opera charleston’s inaugural performances. charleston’s moJa arts festival provides the perfect setting for this exclusive performance. when: 7 p.m. sept. 30 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: $65-$80 more info: 866-811-4111 or www.operacharlestonsc.org/
Tuesday ‘Eclectic Evenings’
what: the music initiative and holy city brewing present live filming for season three of charleston’s only music television series, “eclectic evenings,” at the royal american on oct. 2. this
please see events, page e28
E28: Thursday, September 27, 2012
events from page e27 week showcases pierce edens, the green, run dan run, and weighstation. televised “eclectic evenings” airs every friday and saturday night at 7:30 and 11 p.m. on c2. when: 7:30 p.m. oct. 2 where: the royal american, 970 morrison drive price: free more info: 803-210-6519 or www.themusicinitiative.com/ tvvideo-series/
Thursday, Oct. 4 MOJA arts reception
what: “the art of pyrography defined by heritage.” there will be an opening reception for the series by artists dewayne sykes and curtis stephens, who create their works of art through wood burning. the event is in conjunction with the moJa arts festival
The post and courier and will be on display sept. 27oct. 30. when: 4-6 p.m. oct. 4 where: art institute of charleston, 24 n. market st. price: free
Sugar & Spice Soiree
what: florence crittenton programs of south carolina will host the sugar & spice soiree in mount pleasant. it will feature live music by southern flavor bluegrass, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres from fork catering, and a live and silent auction. all proceeds from the event will benefit florence crittenton programs, which provide a safe haven for young mothers in need. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. oct. 4 where: alhambra hall, 131 middle st. price: $75/individuals $125/ couple more info: 722-7526 or www. florencecrittentonsc.org
Friday, Oct. 5 Treefest! Reggae Fest
what: treefest, a two-day outdoor reggae Jam festival. lineup includes treehouse!, ben fagan & the holy city hooligans, sun-dried vibes, of good nature, lionz of zion, the resolvers, south street, tidal Jive, ras dave and more. there will be live art, body paint, fire dancing and free spinning. note that this is not a camping event. advance tickets available online at http://treehousetheband.ticketleap.com/ treefest/ when: 4 p.m.-2:30 a.m. oct. 5 and 2 p.m.-2:30 a.m. oct. 6; local and regional reggae, jam and funk bands; each day begins with a drum circle. where: brick house kitchen, 1575 folly road price: friday $10, saturday $15, two-day pass $20 more info: 360-9815 or http://
clubs from page e28 moJa arts festival. when: 7 p.m. sept. 29 where: family circle cup stadium, 161 seven farms drive price: $21 general, $36 reserved table seating more info: 866-811-4111 or www.mojafestival.com/home
Ocean Drive Party Band
what: country, beach and oldies. when: 8-11 p.m. where: vfw post 3142, 3555 dorchester road price: $ 5, nonmembers welcome. more info: 744-9260 after 3 p.m.
Sean Rowe
what: alternative/folk/funk singer-songwriter out of troy, n.y., promoting his newest cd. when: 8:30 p.m. doors sept. 29 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com
Neon Rage
what: scheduled dJs include rocky horror, skitch, dJ united, dJ kutter, elementz, maiki, bananas, including a breaker battle for cash prizes. when: 9 p.m. doors sept. 29 where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $15 advance, $20 day-ofshow, additional fees added for under 21 more info: www.musicfarm. com or www.facebook.com/ events/167968423339759
Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers
what: self-described “rocking country soul with a tinge of
treehousetheband.ticketleap. com/treefest
saturday, Oct. 6 IOP Connector Run
what: the isle of palms connector run and walk for the child is celebrating its 20th year and invites those with an interest in fitness, health, family and community to join. the race offers a 5k run, 5k walk and a 10k run with one of the most scenic views in the south. all funds raised go to local organizations for the prevention of child abuse in charleston. entertainment following the race includes live bands, children’s fun and a beer garden. when: 8 a.m. oct. 6 where: isle of palms connector, palm boulevard price: $20-$35 more info: 886-8294 or http:// ioprun.com
vintage” out of san francisco. when: 8:30 p.m. doors sept. 29 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com
Howard Dlugasch
what: folk/rock/roots music. when: sept. 29 where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.
Jon Rooks
what: rock/jazz/reggae/r&b and more. when: 9 p.m. sept. 29 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.
please see clubs, page e29
more games at postandcourier.com/ games.
ace’s on bridge
Timing the play to take advantage of all possibilities can be very difficult. Today’s deal defeated one of the best declarers in the country (who shall remain nameless). Against four spades West led the diamond ace and king, then switched to the club four. Declarer won in the dummy and took a spade finesse. When thatwaswrongandclubsfailedto break 3-3, he had to go one down. Can you see how he could have done better? Since he needed one of the major-suit finesses for certain, he should have won the club in hand and run the heart queen. In practice, West would have covered with the king (it doesn’t help him to duck), and declarer wins with dummy’s ace. Only now
does declarer play a spade to the queen. West wins and no doubt continues with another club. Declarer wins in dummy, draws trump, then cashes the heart jack and crosses to the club king. If clubs are 3-3, he has no more losers. He can ruff a heart, cash his long club, and ruff a diamond with dummy’s last trump. However, when clubs fail to break, he can take a ruffing heart finesse. The king and 10 have gone, and East just has the nine poised over dummy’s eight-seven. This finesse is certain to succeed because declarer knows that West started with two spades,fourclubs,fivediamonds (for his overcall) and therefore only two hearts, both of which have been played.
© United Feature Syndicate
The post and courier
clubs from page e28
Category 6
what: top 40 rock covers from the ’80s to today. when: sept. 29 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.
thursday, September 27, 2012: E29 2213 middle st.
Acoustic Tiger w/ Jess
what: live music. when: 9 p.m. sundays where: planet follywood, 32 center st.
Cranford & Sons
what: funk/jazz/soul. when: sept. 29 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.
what: self-described “lowcountry stomp” band will play the post-taste of charleston party. when: sept. 30 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.
Tokyo Joe
Plane Jane
The Secrets
what: alternative/pop/rock band out of columbia. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 29 where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 556-2378
what: seven-piece party band covers hip-hop, funk, shag and disco songs and rock-’n’-roll favorites from every era. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st. more info: 722-9464
Nu Attitude
what: rock/classic rock. when: 9:30 p.m. sept. 29 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: free
what: acoustic/lounge/rock. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave. more info: 818-9464
The Louie D. Project
what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals. when: 11 p.m. sept. 29 where: silver dollar, 478 king st. more info: www.louied.com
sunday New South Jazzmen
what: live jazz during brunch. when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815 or www.mavericksouthernkitchens. com/highcotton/charleston/ news
Dori Chitayat
what: spanish/flamenco guitar during brunch. when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net
The Bill Show
what: acoustic rock/alternative. when: 3-6 p.m. sundays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.
Whiskey Diablo
what: self-described “dirty rockn-roll and country with a sprinkle of jazz.” when: 6-10 p.m. sundays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. price: free more info: 724-3815 or www. mavericksouthernkitchens.com/ highcotton/charleston/news
Carroll Brown
what: acoustic/country/folk. when: 8 p.m. sept. 30 where: dunleavy’s pub,
T-Bird & The Breaks
what: self-described “soul, chunk, funk, r&b, hip-hop” group out of austin, texas play this benefit for the charleston autism academy. when: 8:30 p.m. doors oct. 1 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $3 more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com
Tuesday The Reckoning Duo
what: acoustic grateful dead tunes. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. tuesdays where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.
The Algar Rhythms
what: Jim and whit algar on the deck and thai specials on the menu. when: 7-10 p.m. tuesdays where: atlanticville restaurant, 2063 middle st. more info: 883-9452 or www. atlanticville.net
The Green
what: blend of “roots reggae with traditional hawaiian vibes” out of oahu, hawaii. when: 9 p.m. doors oct. 2 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $13 advance, $15 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com
what: live blues. when: 9 p.m. tuesdays where: the oasis bar &grill, 778 folly road price: free
Swamp Gypsies
what: self-described “southern gypsy, swamp-rock.” when: 9 p.m.-midnight oct. 2 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover. more info: 225-7427
Wednesday Awendaw Barn Jam
what: live music by forty floz, matthew santos, disco demolition knights and the black cadillacs. when: 6 p.m. oct. 3 where: sewee outpost, 4853 u.s. highway 17 price: $5 requested donation. more info: www.awendaw green.com
Noodle & Friends
what: noodle mcdoodle, ukelele guru from the v-tones. when: 6:30-8 p.m. wednesdays where: city lights coffee, 141 market st.
Cotton Blue
what: gator rob and detroit debbie play blues and variety. when: 7 p.m. where: gas light art and wine, 1715 hollydale court
Rawberry Jam
what: acoustic/reggae/jam band. when: 8 p.m. oct. 3 where: salty mike’s bar, 17 lockwood drive
Lowcountry Blues Club
what: local blues musicians rotate. when: 8 p.m.-midnight wednesdays where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road more info: 225-7427
Danielle Howle
what: alternative/americana/ roots singer-songwriter. when: 9 p.m.-midnight oct. 3 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: no cover. more info: 883-3131
Polish Ambassador
what: self-described “electro, glitch-hop” out of pennsylvania. when: 9 p.m. oct. 3 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $12 advance, $15 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com
The Big Gun Show
what: stand-up comedy open mic hosted by local stand-up comic dusty slay. when: 10:30 p.m. wednesdays where: big gun burger shop, 137 calhoun st. price: free more info: 789-3821
E30: Thursday, September 27, 2012
DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau
The post and courier
B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart
SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh
PEANuTS By Charles Schulz
JuMP START By Robb Armstrong
BLONDIE By Dean Young
DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker
CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley
word game yesterDay’s worD: implosion
milo mini miso average mark 17 moil words time limit 35 minutes mono moon can you find 27 poison or more words in polio bungalow? polo the list will be published tomorrow. pool limn – united feature syndicate 9/27 limp
toDay’s worD: bungalow
lion lisp loin loom loon loop olio silo simoon slim slip sloop
slog snip snoop soil solo solon soon spin spoil spool spoon noil
the rules -words must be four
or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E31
DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner
MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
BIZARRO By Dan Piraro
Yesterday’s Solution
ZIGGY By Tom Wilson
crossword puzzle
More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games
E32: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller
BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker
JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley
ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer
MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy
HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne
LuANN By Greg Evans
thursday, September 27, 2012: E33
The post and courier
THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker
BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman
DILBERT By Scott Adams
ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe
HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley
ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman
GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen
today’s horoscope aries (march 21-april 19): listen carefully and observe what those around you are doing. it will be important to stay in the loop. taurus (april 20-may 20): pick and choose your arguments and make sure you know what you are talking about before you engage in a conversation. gemini (may 21-June 20): you won’t see what’s going on around you. your emotions will supersede practicality, resulting in trouble at work and with those you count on for help. cancer (June 21-July 22): don’t hold back; clear the air, even if it means you’ll have to face adversity. it’s better to know where you stand and who is by your side at the end of the day.
leo (July 23-aug. 22): gravitate toward the people who do share your sentiments and are striving to make the same improvements as you.
sagittarius (nov. 22-Dec. 21): avoid serious pursuits that are not clearly defined. you will end up running in circles if you believe everything you hear.
virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): choose your friends wisely. you may be attracted to someone for the wrong reasons. don’t let emotional deception lead to a problem.
capricorn (Dec. 22Jan. 19): learn from the past. expose what hasn’t worked and remember who may have gotten in your way.
libra (sept. 23oct. 22): leave the past behind you and look to new opportunities that will enhance your chance to be successful.
aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): don’t let anger show your weakness. concentrate on improvement and getting the most out of whatever you pursue.
scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21): rely on your intuition and you will make good personal and creative choices. a chance to make money is available, but will only happen if you adjust what and the way you invest.
pisces (feb. 19-march 20): follow your intuition, but don’t overreact, overdo or overspend. not everyone will tell you the truth, and it’s up to you to decide what is fact and what is fiction.
E34: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier
Prime-Time Television SEP 27
6 PM
7 PM
C = Comcast Cable (N) = New (HD) = High Definition See complete TV listings Online at postandcourier.com/tv
= Broadcast
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
News 2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel (N) (HD) Jeopardy! (N) SNL Comedy Up All Night: The Office: Roy’s Parks & Rec.: Rock Center with Brian Williams News 2 at 11PM (:35) The Tonight Show with Jay 3 (N) WCBD News (N) (HD) (HD) skits. (N) (HD) Home; Office. Wedding. Soda Tax. (N) Military assault. (N) (HD) (N) Leno Liam Neeson. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Last Resort: Captain. Sub crew on Grey’s Anatomy: Going, Going, (:02) Scandal: White Hat’s Off. ABC News 4 @ (:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel 8 6 (N) WCIV (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) island. (N) (HD) Gone. Moving forward. (HD) Quinn’s identity. (N) (HD) 11 (N) (N) (HD) Live (HD) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (N) (:31) 2 1/2 Men Person of Interest: The ContinElementary: Pilot. Home invasion Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) WCSC (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (N) (HD) gency. Finding Finch. (N) (HD) turns into murder. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) man Regis Philbin. (N) (HD) The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) Equitrekking: Big Picture: Live from Lincoln Center: The Philharmonic OpenSouthern: SpanPOV: El Velador (The Night WatchTavis Smiley (N) BBC World Charlie Rose (N) 11 WITV Spain. (R) Women in SC. ing Gala with Itzhak Perlman. (N) (HD) ish Voices. man). (N) (HD) (HD) News (HD) Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Miracles New Manna (N) Know Cause CBN News Awakening Awakening 230 CBN News WLCN Lo que callamos las mujer La Isla (N) Al extremo (N) Lo que la gente cuenta (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 El milagro de los Santos (N) WAZS Judy Judge Judy (R) Family Feud (N) Family Feud (N) The X Factor: Auditions #6. Hope- Glee: Makeover. Kurt’s new boss The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) Dish Nation (N) Raymond 6 Judge WTAT Drunk boating. af (HD) (HD) fuls audition. (N) (HD) makes Rachel over. (N) (HD) and weather forecast. (N) Family Guy: BusiSimpsons Hair Big Bang (HD) High School Football z{ | Without a Trace: Undertow. Without a Trace: True. Hannah’s 30 Rock: Seinfeld 13 ness Guy. WMMP salon. (HD) Missing diver. (HD) boyfriend. (HD) Vision. 48 Witness trouble. (R) (HD) 48 Lies lead to killer. (R) (HD) The First 48: Brutal Business. 48 Shocking revelation. (HD) First 48: Hot Lot; Blind Faith. 48 (R) (HD) 49 48 Illegal game room. (R) (HD) A&E “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (‘77, Science Fiction) (Richard Dreyfuss) A kind, CSI: Miami: Caged. Horatio must CSI: Miami: Paint It Black. Dead “The Princess Bride” (‘87) A mysterious stranger attempts to rescue a 58 protect a MMA fighter. (HD) AMC ordinary man from Indiana becomes fixated with extraterrestrials. (HD) co-ed. (HD) kidnapped princess from conspirators. af (HD) “The Best Man” (‘99) aa (Taye Diggs) A writer’s new novel annoys his friends. Game (R) (HD) Game (R) (HD) Game (R) (HD) Game (R) (HD) Wendy (N) 18 106 & Park Top music videos. (N) (HD) BET Housewives (R) (HD) Housewives Reconnect. (HD) Housewives Reconnect. (HD) Watch What Housewives Reconnect. (HD) 63 Housewives Fashion show. (R) Housewives Family ties. (R) BRAVO Gullah Grub Healthcare SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk Gemstones 2 Tammy C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) Futurama (R) Futurama (R) (:50) Futurama (R) ab (HD) Futurama (R) South Prk (R) Brickle (HD) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Brickle (HD) COMEDY 53 Tosh.0 (HD) Queens (HD) Rules (HD) Rules (HD) Vampire Diaries: Departed. Next Semis begin. (N) (HD) WCBD News Seinfeld ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Auction (HD) Fast Loud (R) (HD) Fast Loud Car auction. (HD) Fast Loud: Woodill Woodfire. Texas Car: Dukin’ Donuts. (N) Fast Loud: Woodill Woodfire. Texas Car (R) 27 Auction (HD) DISC E! News (N) (HD) Soup (R) (HD) Jonas (HD) Kardashians: The Wedding. Kardashian Kardashian C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 E! Spec.: Kevin & Dani Jonas. E! Chopped: Squashed. (R) (HD) Chopped: Sunny Side Apps. Chopped Red jalapenos. (HD) Chopped: Everything’s Rosy. Race: Mistake By The Lake?. Chopped (R) 34 Chopped (R) (HD) FOOD How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men Louie (N) (HD) Louie (R) (HD) Louie (R) (HD) Wilfred (HD) “xXx: State” 23 “Black Hawk Down” (‘01) FX Mainstreet Music Videos (N) Backstory: Jason Aldean. (N) Farm Kings: Partner Dan. (N) Southern: Tailgate Playbook. Headline (R) Late Shift (N) Backstory (R) 147 Top 10 (R) GAC Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American Bible (N) Pyramid (N) Pyramid (R) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud American Bible (R) Pyramid (R) 179 Pyramid (N) GSN Little House: Growin’ Pains. Little House: Dark Sage. Little House: A Wiser Heart. Frasier Frasier: Boo. Frasier Frasier Gold Girl 47 Prairie Nancy connives. HALL Selling NY Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Buying and Selling (R) (HD) Extreme Homes (R) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Abroad (N) Hunters (HD) Homes (R) 98 Selling NY HGTV Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Cars (R) (HD) Cars (R) (HD) Cowboys (N) American (R) Pawn Stars HISTORY 126 Clash of the Gods: Thor. (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn: Washita, Part #2. Waltons New baby arrival. Waltons Stolen baby. Little House: Soldier’s Return. Dr. Quinn: A Place to Die. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Runway: It’s All About Me. (R) Runway Rockettes. (R) (HD) Project Runway: It’s Fashion Baby. (N) (HD) Prank Mom Dance Moms (R) (HD) Runway (HD) 29 Runway: Starving Artist. (HD) LIFE True Life: I’m a Textaholic. (R) True Life Texts; social site. (R) Challenge Alliances begin. (R) Jersey: Gym, Tan, Look Back. Jersey Shore: A New Family. Jersey (R) 35 True Life: I Hate My Tattoos. MTV Breaking: Beyond the Bars. 48 Hrs.: Judging Dr. Morgan. 48 Hours Mystery: Scammed. 48 Hrs. Racer murdered. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Judging Dr. Morgan. 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 Breaking (R) (HD) OWN Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) MMA Uncensored Live (HD) 1000 Ways 1000 Ways 1000 Ways 44 Jail (R) (HD) SPIKE “Saw V” (‘08) aac Agent Strahm investigates Det. Hoffman. (HD) Warehouse (R) (HD) Warehouse 57 (4:30) “Saw III” (‘06) aac (HD) “Saw IV” (‘07) Dead killer leaves a deadly puzzle. ab (HD) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 (5:00) Glenn BeckRestoring TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Jake Gyllenhaal. (HD) Office (HD) 12 Queens (HD) TBS (:20) (:40) (5:45) “The Hound of the TCM’s Elvis Mitchell: Under the In“Saturday After(:50) “Hoboken (:10) “A Harem (:50) “Broke in (:10) “Pride “The Golf Nut” “Fiddlesticks” “Run, Girl, “The Best Man” 55 Baskervilles” (‘59) (Peter Cushing) fluence: Sydney Pollack. TCM noon” (‘26) to” (‘26) Knight” (‘26) China” (‘27) Pikeville” (‘27) (‘27) pqw (‘27) aac Run” (‘28) (‘28) aa Atlanta (HD) Atlanta (HD) Four Wedd: ...and a Ballet. (N) Bling It Malfunction. (N) (HD) Four Wedd: ...and a Ballet. (R) Bling It (HD) 68 Toddlers: Glitzy Divas. (R) (HD) Honey Boo: It Is What It Is. (R) TLC The Mentalist: Red Moon. Mentalist: The Crimson Hat. The Mentalist: Pilot. (HD) Mentalist Napa Valley. (HD) CSI: NY: Super Men. (HD) CSI NY (HD) 4 The Mentalist: Ball of Fire. TNT v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Bizarre Foods: Tokyo. (R) Bourdain: Sydney. (R) Mysteries Miniature head. (R) Mysteries (R) Bourdain (R) 52 Bizarre Foods: Madagascar. TRAVEL Cops (HD) Wipeout: At Full Tilt. (HD) Wipeout Scarecases. (HD) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (N) Jokers (R) Top 20: Losers in Love 2. (R) Wipeout (HD) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Un refugio para el amor (HD) Por ella soy Eva (HD) Abismo de pasión (N) (HD) Amor bravío (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Al diablo con 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: The Immortals. (HD) NCIS: Cover Story. (HD) NCIS: In The Dark. (HD) NCIS: Trojan Horse. (HD) Burn Notice: Scorched Earth. “Quantum” 16 NCIS: Sea Dog. af (HD) USA Love: Reality Check. (R) (HD) Jones (HD) TI & Tiny (R) “Romeo Must Die” (‘00) (Jet Li) Man seeks to avenge his brother’s death. (HD) Jones (HD) Behind (HD) 21 Basketball Wives LA (R) (HD) VH1 Christine Funniest Home Videos (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) 30 Rock (HD) 30 Rock (HD) Rules: Pilot. 71 Christine WGN The Kudlow Report (N) The Facebook Obsession (R) Crime Inc. (R) Greed A Ponzi scheme. (R) Mad Money (R) Crime Inc. (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan Tonight (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) The Ed Show (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) The Ed Show (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC Audibles (HD) College (HD) SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN C College Football: Stanford Cardinal at Washington Huskies from Husky Stadium z{| (HD) E:60 (HD) WNBA Playoffs: Eastern Conference Semifinals, Game 1. (HD) NFL Live (HD) 41 NFL32 (HD) ESPN-2 A WNBA Playoffs: Western Conference Semifinals, Game 1. New College (HD) SEC Gridiron Live (HD) Wrld Poker 59 Preview (HD) Access (HD) FSS & High School Football: Oak Grove (Miss.) Warriors at Petal Panthers z{| (HD) Live from the Ryder Cup (HD) Live from the Ryder Cup (HD) Ryder Cup 66 Live from the Ryder Cup (HD) GOLF Sports Illustrated Show War by the Shore (HD) Caught Looking (HD) Caught Looking (HD) War by the Shore (HD) Caught (HD) NBCSPO 56 NBC Sports Talk (HD) Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors: Mustang. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Hard Parts Hard Parts Car Warriors: Mustang. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 NASCAR Race Hub (HD) SPEED Braves (HD) Post Game Post Game MLB Baseball: Miami vs Atlanta no} (HD) 28 Dan Mullen SPSO @ MLB Baseball: Miami Marlins at Atlanta Braves from Turner Field z{| (HD) Swamp Wars (R) (HD) River: Invisible Executioner. River: Killer Weapons. (R) (HD) Swamp Wars (R) (HD) River: Invisible Executioner. River (R) (HD) 62 River: Hidden Predator. (HD) ANIMAL Gumball (R) Adventure Orange (R) (:15) MAD (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family NTSF:SD (N) CARTOON 124 Regular (R) Phineas Buford’s Good Luck (R) Austin: Albums & Babysitter: Shake It CeCe’s “Hannah Montana The Movie” (‘09) a Starlet relaxes in small home- Phineas (R) (HD)Good Luck: Ditch Shake It Up!: Re- Wizards: New 38 vow. DISNEY town, meets man and considers leaving life behind. nou union It Up. Employee. (R) (HD) (HD) Auditions. Jockenstein. (R) idol. (R) (HD) Day. (HD) Prince: Reality “The Last Song” (‘10, Drama) a (Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear) An angry and rebellious “Sweet Home Alabama” (‘02, Comedy) aac (Reese Witherspoon) A New York fash- The 700 Club (N) 20 FAMILY ion designer tries to divorce her redneck Alabama husband. ab (HD) Bites. teenager spends the summer with her estranged father. af (HD) Sponge (R) Drake Drake Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Nanny Nanny Friends (:33) Friends (:06) Friends 26 Sponge (R) NICK MASH Home Home Cosby (:36) Cosby Raymond (:48) Raymond Flashback. (HD) Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 MASH TVLAND The Latino List: Volume Two His- Klitschko A look is taken at the lives & boxing careers of Wladimir and “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (‘11) aaa An ape with genetically Real Sex (:50) The Latino List: Volume Two 302 panic HBO culture. (R) (HD) Vitali Klitschko. (R) (HD) enhanced intelligence starts a war against humans. (HD) “Macbeth” nude. Hispanic culture. (R) (HD) “Your Highness” (‘11, Comedy) aa (Danny (5:30) “Collateral” (‘04, Drama) (Tom Cruise) Cabbie “Forrest Gump” (‘94, Drama) aaac (Tom Hanks, Sally Field) A slow-witted man (:45) “Erotic Karma” (‘12, Adult) c 320 becomes MAX hostage of busy hitman. (HD) grows to adulthood amid the historic events of four decades. rsx (HD) McBride) Sibling knights go to rescue maiden. (HD) (India Summer) (HD) “Fair Game” (‘10, Drama) (Naomi Watts) A woman’s identity as a CIA (:55) “I Melt with You” (‘11, Drama) aa (Rob Lowe) An annual cele- Gigolos (N) (HD) Polyamory: Poly Gigolos (R) (HD) “Deception” (‘93, Mystery) 340 (5:30) SHOW bration between old college buddies goes awry. not (HD) ac (Andie MacDowell) (HD) agent is revealed by a Washington Post journalist. (HD) Lovers. (R)
The post and courier
thursday, September 27, 2012: E35
sweat it out in honor of the heart walk By reBekah Bradford Special to The Post and Courier
he heart walk sponsored by the american heart association is Saturday (see get out on page 7 for details). it’s the association’s major event to raise awareness about the country’s no. 1 killer, heart disease, and stroke (no. 3) by promoting exercise. This week, we test our two opponents, current champ Meg Lawrence and newcomer doug easton, on healthy living.
dear abby
Ah, Richard Simmons. Scaring people with his short shorts for more than 35 years.
1. how many pounds per week is considered a safe amount to lose? 2. what burns more calories, 30 minutes of jumping rope or jogging? 3. what oscar-winning actress was hugely involved in the early 1980s aerobics craze and released a series of workout videos? 4. alison sweeney, who stars on the soap opera “days of our lives,” also hosts what reality tv show? 5. how many miles is a marathon? 6. what fitness personality is known for his “sweatin’ to the oldies” videos? 7. this popular diet book is named after a beach in florida. 8. which of the following is not a “superfood”: salmon, cucumber, blueberries or green tea? 9. what does bmi stand for? 10. how many servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended every day?
Marriage breakup may be short term
doug’s answers
1. i’m thinking five. 2. gotta say jumping rope. 3. Jane fonda, right? 4. “biggest loser” 5. 26.2 6. richard simmons 7. i don’t know. fort lauderdale diet. 8. cucumber 9. body mass index 10. way more than i eat.
conclusion meg is on a roll. as the champ of this week’s head2head trivia, she has three wins under her belt and will be going for a fourth next week.
meg’s answers
1. i think it’s something low, like two pounds. 2. Jump rope 3. Jane fonda. my mom was into those for a while. 4. “the biggest loser” 5. it’s 26.2 miles. 6. richard simmons, who never ages. 7. tried it. south beach diet. 8. the green tea. 9. body mass index 10. i’m pretty sure it’s five.
correct answers 1. two 2. Jumping rope 3. Jane fonda 4. “the biggest loser” 5. 26.2
6. richard simmons 7. south beach diet 8. cucumber 9. body mass index 10. at least five
ear aBBy: My husband and i just got some shocking news. his father, 81, is leaving his wife of 60 years! Mom is not entirely self-sufficient and seems dependent on him. dad found himself a younger woman, a “chick” of 70. he has announced that he still has sexual needs and wants to enjoy the rest of his life. My husband thinks it will be a short-term fling and he’ll return to Mom, but she says she won’t take him back. (who knows how she’ll feel later?) My problem is, no matter what happens between them, i’m having a hard time even considering forgiving him for his selfishness. i know it’s not my place as his daughter-in-law, but i don’t know how i can bring myself to face him feeling as i do. — JudgMentaL Judy in arizona DEAR JUDGMENTAL JUDY: If your mother-inlaw hasn’t already done so, make sure she gets the best legal advice possible. After 60 years of marriage, there should be plenty of assets to split. They will make her financially independent, and from that, emotional independence will follow. While it’s possible your father-in-law may want to reunite after the fling, it is equally possible that when the “chick” sees his nest egg is cracked in half, he will be less appealing to her. Only time will tell. In the meantime, keep the peace, bide your time, and as tempting as it may be to voice everything that’s on your mind, keep your lip zipped. This isn’t your marriage, so don’t stir the pot. dear aBBy: i have been married to “tom,” the love of my life, for four years. we
have been together more than 10 years and have a 2-year-old daughter. tom was diagnosed with a terminal illness early last year and is close to the end now. he’s very angry, which i understand, but he takes it out on me since i am his caregiver. i’m also a fulltime student about to graduate with my degree in registered nursing, so i’m busy all the time. Between school, my daughter and giving full care to my husband, i’m stressed out. he yells a lot about everything, from money woes to the wrong bread on his sandwich. to top it off, we haven’t been intimate since our daughter was born. i’m not considering straying from our marriage, but at times i feel i’ll be ready to date as soon as he’s gone. it makes me feel guilty. is it wrong to feel this way? do you have any advice to help me through this tragic time in our lives? — depreSSed and LoneLy in Michigan DEAR DEPRESSED: Yes. Stop beating yourself up for experiencing human emotions at a time when you’re hauling a load that would crush an ox. Of course your husband is angry. He has good reason to be, but he’s misdirecting it on you. Guilt is the last thing you need to add to what you’re dealing with. It’s normal to crave the closeness you haven’t experienced. If there are counseling services offered at your nursing school, please avail yourself of them. Venting your feelings in a supportive environment will lighten your load and help you cope with your husband. There are also online support groups for caregivers. If you reach out in either direction, you’ll feel better. It also could be helpful to ask your husband’s doctor for a referral to someone who does end-of-life counseling for him. visit www.dearabby.com.
E36: Thursday, September 27, 2012
The post and courier