11.29.12 Charleston Scene

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E2: Thursday, november 29, 2012

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403-9621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices.


Volume 3 No. 39 36 Pages

editor: allison nugent, anugent@postandcourier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: liz foster and abigail darlington. calendar@postandcourier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: deseret scharett, descharett@postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and fred smith

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file/grace beahm/staff

COVER STORY: The holiday season officially kicks off this weekend with a number of events, including the lighting of the Christmas tree in Marion Square and the Parade of Boats. Pages 20-24

what’s inside 4 | get out

15 | arts

david Quick previews outdoor options

a look at upcoming events

5 | dollar days

16-17 | music

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

6-9 | movies

“killing them softly,” “anna karenina”

10 | movie listings 12-14 | food + bev chew on this, salty waters raw bar and grill, mixson market

on the cover: file staff photograph

cd reviews, upcoming shows

18-19 | weekend events 26-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics + tv grid with horoscopes and crossword puzzle

35 | trivia, abby

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E3

E4: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

reindeer run kicks off festive holiday weekend


he second of what i’ve long considered the triple crown of charleston’s running year-end finale comes saturday with the 22nd annual reindeer run, which starts at 9 a.m. in front of southend Brewery on east Bay street. sandwiched between the turkey day run on Thanksgiving and the kiawah island marathon and half marathon on the second saturday of december, both of which celebrate 35th anniversaries this year, the reindeer run is the most festive. Though prize money isn’t significant enough to draw super-fast kenyans and russians out of the woodwork, this event is all about the holiday season, from the costumes and music to snowmaking machines periodi-

The Reindeer Run is one of the most festive and fun 5Ks of the year.

photographs by david Quick/staff

Every participant in the annual Reindeer Run gets a pair of antlers to wear. Of course, donning them is optional. cally shooting snowflakes on participants from the Vendue inn. The reindeer run, pre-

sented by piggly wiggly and half-moon outfitters, is organized by the charitable society of charleston as a fundraiser for the medical university of south carolina children’s hospital. last year, the society raised $71,000 for the hospital from the event.

Necessary changes

society member and race director cameron widman said the event will have its usual festivities, including holiday costume contests and live music, but will add an outdoor beer garden on a closed-off Queen street next to the brewery. The large crowd inside southend following the race led to the addition of the garden, widman said. widman also wanted to remind people that late registration and packet pickup 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday has been moved to the mount pleasant national guard armory at u.s. highway 17

and mathis Ferry road. For years, it was held at the gailliard auditorium, which is under renovation. as of late last week, widman said the society was running about 100 registrants ahead of last year’s numbers and that she’s hoping for between 3,200 and 3,500 sign-ups.

conservative “no show” rate of 20 percent, last year’s 3,200 registrants translates into 2,560 finishers, a record. widman said the society doesn’t offer to time all participants because of the extra expense. “we really like to donate as much money to the children’s hospital as we can and try to cut corners where we can,” she said. www.reindeerrun.org

kiawah convenience

timed with the reindeer run, officials of the kiawah island marathon will be ofJust because you dress fering in-person packet pickup for the Reindeer Run up noon-4 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. saturday at the doesn’t mean you can’t charleston area senior cenpush it all the way to the ter, 259 meeting st. next to finish line. Jestine’s kitchen downtown. Counting uncounted 3 biggest single races in south The pickup is for people who The run is popular becarolina and on the top 40 registered by nov. 18. cause of its post-race festivi- Biggest 5ks in the united Those wanting to take adties and downtown course, states, the latter compiled an- vantage of that opportunity but may need to take a lesnually by running usa. need to bring a valid photo son from two other large Though the charitable identification card. Friends local races. The turkey day society claimed 3,200 regisand family are not permitted run and the komen lowtrants at last year’s reindeer to pick up anyone’s bib but country race for the cure run, the official head count their own. timed and counted runners was 1,559 timed finishers. also, people are encouraged and walkers. (The record is 1,750 in 2010.) to bring at least two nonperishable canned items for the This year, both set new why is it important to refinisher records. turkey day cord bigger numbers? other charleston senior center. officials have closed the recorded 5,770 and race for than an accurate accounting marathon to registration the cure, which timed and for history, bigger races get counted walkers for the first on lists and are tracked more, but expect to keep the halftime, set a new record of resulting in potentially more marathon open until dec. 7. www.kiawahresort.com/ 5,379, up from 3,070 in 2010. national and regional exporecreation/kiawah-islandThose numbers will secure sure and participants. spots on important lists: top even with the standard, marathon

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E5

variety adds spice to a fun-filled week


holiday tradition for many, “The nutcracker” will be jumping from the stage to the screen this year — and in 3-d. Filmed last year at the historic mariinsky Theatre in st. petersburg, russia, where the original “nutcracker” first made its debut 120 years ago, watch clara and her nutcracker take a magical journey. This special screening will take place at 7:30 p.m. monday at azalea square stadium 16, 215 azalea square Blvd. in summerville, and charlestowne square 18, 2401 mall drive in north charleston. tickets are $12.50. go to www.Fathom Events.com.


“The Nutcracker” will have a 3-D screening Monday. glamour and gourmet pizza. attendees are encouraged to show up in the best Victoria’s secret pink outfit for the pink contest. a drink special will be offered and dJ natty heavy will spin beats at the official afterparty. The party is free to the public. sales will raise money and awareness for the local nonprofit for domestic violence, my sister’s house. go to mellowmushroom. com for more.

motorcycle ride

as i mentioned a few weeks ago, an event that holds a special place in my heart is the toys for tots motorcycle ride, put on by the law riders motorcycle club and the marine corps reserve. This 16th annual event, which is all about collecting toys that will be distributed to less fortunate children during the holidays, and having a good time while doing so, was postponed due to inclement weather. tarantino XX The ride will be held sunit’s hard to believe that day. Quentin tarantino’s acto participate in the victoria’s secret party claimed film “reservoir police-escorted motorcycle yet another holiday favor- dogs” came out 20 years ride, folks are asked to bring ite is the Victoria’s secret ago. one unwrapped toy per rider Fashion show. in honor of the anniver(or $20) and one unwrapped you might think i’m joksary, the film will be headtoy per passenger (or $10). ing, but seriously, it’s a big ing back to theaters for one registration begins at 10 deal. night only. a.m. with the ride scheduled Filled with fanciful cosin addition to the screento pull out at noon. tumes, beautiful people and ing, the event will include a expect to see santa and top-billing musical acts, it’s special feature showcasing his elves, and possibly the quite a spectacle, drawing tarantino’s 20-year career grinch participating, as ma10.3 million total viewers and a selection of handny deck out their bikes and last year alone. picked movie trailers from themselves in holiday gear. This year marks the 17th films that inspired him as a The event also will feature annual fashion show and filmmaker. music, food vendors and a will include performances This special screening will 50/50 raffle. by rihanna, Justin Bieber take place at 7 p.m. tuesday The collection ride, which and Bruno mars. at azalea square stadium 16, is normally held in the local pizzeria mellow 215 azalea square Blvd. in north charleston coliseum mushroom has teamed up summerville, and charlesparking lot, this year has with the local Victoria’s towne square 18, 2401 mall moved to a new location. secret stores to host charles- drive in north charleston. The ride will leave from and ton’s official Viewing party. tickets are $12.50. return to the exchange park starting at 9 p.m. tuesgo to www.Fathom Fairgrounds, u.s. highway day, head over to the king Events.com or www. 78 in ladson. go to Lawriders.org. street location for a night of tarantinoxx.com.

E6: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

‘killing them softly’ strips glitz from hit men By roger moore MCT

movie review

illing Them softly” is, in its own chatty and slight way, the “unforgiven” of hit-man thrillers. it’s a gritty, riveting nuts-and-bolts-of-murder tale that vividly illustrates what it is that these muchglamorized thugs do, and the gruesome, agonizing fate of their victims. The guys the contract killer (Brad pitt) comes after fit this memorable “unforgiven” quote: “i guess they had it coming.” But this reply is just as apt: “we all got it coming, kid.” The mob lawyer (richard Jenkins) arranging all this mayhem tries to minimize the death toll, calling one target “a nice guy.” The cynical Jackie (pitt) informs him that, “They’re all nice guys.” There was this mobprotected underground poker game that markie (ray liotta) ran. markie has a history of having his games robbed. and this one mug, Johnny the squirrel (Vincent curatola), figures a way to pull another heist and let markie take the fall. of course, getting ex-con Frankie (scoot mcnairy) and Frankie’s aussie-junky pal, russell (Ben men-

1/2 (out of five stars) director: andrew dominik cast: brad pitt, James gandolfini, ray liotta, scoot mcnairy, ben mendelsohn rated: r for violence, sexual references, pervasive language, and some drug use running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes what did you think?: find this review at charlestonscene.com and offer your opinion of the film.


guy as realistic as the movie around him. This isn’t “seven psychopaths” — murder and those who commelinda sue gordon/cogans productions/mct mit murder (and those who Brad Pitt stars as Jackie Cogan in “Killing Them Softly.” make glib movies about psychopaths) played for laughs. delsohn), to do the deed a hotel emptying bottles and in which the sober one tries Jackie’s encounters with wasn’t the smartest move. insulting hookers. events are to wring information out of associates, subordinates and That’s why Jackie’s been going to outrun them all if the swaggering drug addict victims all have a nervous called. That, and because Jackie doesn’t get a handle from down under, whose edge about them. we can everybody’s favorite local hit on things and tidy up. point of view is mimicked guess what he’s capable of. man (sam shepard) is sick. as on “The sopranos,” by a series of blurred images, he’s not sadistic, not interJackie figures there’s a lot of gandolfini has the confesslowed-down conversation ested in making someone work here, something he lays sional role here, playing a and blackouts. guys this suffer. But he’s also not out to the lawyer in a couple character paranoid about nervous may be able to steel sentimental, and not fond of long, heart-to-heart talks. what his wife will do if he’s themselves, briefly, for the of those who wail for their so Jackie brings in a subcon- imprisoned, a sentimental robbery. The consequences mama and wet their pants tractor, new york mickey boor who is rude to one of that still are going to when he draws down on (James gandolfini). But and all, but misty-eyed over make them weepy little girls. them. he’d rather “kill them mickey’s a mess, an aggres- past “jobs.” mcnairy and pitt dials Jackie down a softly, from a distance.” sive drunk who holes up in mendelsohn share scenes few notches, keeping the That “distance” is not a

copout that writer-director andrew dominik (working from a george V. higgins novel) stumbles into. These characters are, to a one, lowlifes, the sort who’d steal a tip off a diner table. The deaths here are gory, gurgly and depressingly real. where dominik and pitt’s previous movie together (“The assassination of Jesse James by the coward robert Ford”) was daguerreotype slow and stately, “softly” is slow and freighted with obscure meaning. dominik labored over the soundtrack, stuffing in vintage records, tV news clips and talkinghead chatter about the 200708 economic meltdown and the presidential election that followed. so the “real criminals” get away with this sort of thing? “hope” and “change” are gossamer promises, because there are always guys like Jackie to clean up a mess filled with wall street types who “have it coming”? That leaves “killing Them softly” with just a hint of the underdeveloped, a big metaphor not quite digested. But even that shortcoming doesn’t obscure the fine, flinty performances and unflinching realism of the one hit-man thriller among many to not seem redundant, worshipful and glamorous.

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E7

director of ’killing’ goes by the book By lewis Beale Newsday


ndrew dominik was watching “The Friends of eddie coyle,” a 1973 crime film starring robert mitchum, and was struck by the authenticity of its lowlife Boston hoods and their colorful dialogue. he then discovered the film had been based on a novel by george V. higgins, who had been a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney for years. intrigued, dominik ordered all of higgins’ two dozen novels, many of which were out of print. and once he read “cogan’s trade,” a 1974 work about a hit man hired to whack some robbers who ripped off a mob-protected card game, dominik knew he had the subject for his next film. “The book had great characters, the dialogue was extraordinary and the plot was very simple,” said dominik, director of “killing Them softly,” starring Brad pitt and based on the higgins novel. “i liked higgins’ use of language, and the way the plot is incidentally tucked inside long monologues.” The movie co-stars ray liotta and James gandolfini. dominik is obviously not the first director to film a crime novel. in fact, almost as long as there have been crime films, there have been movies based on crime fiction. The 1932 classic “scarface” was originally a novel. immortal hard-boiled writers like dashiell hammett (“The maltese Falcon”), James m. cain (“double indemnity”) and raymond chandler (“The Big sleep”) have long been hollywood favorites. and more contemporary authors such as James ellroy (“l.a. confidential”), Jim Thompson (“The getaway”) and walter mosley (“devil in a Blue dress”) also have captured filmmakers’ fancies. The reason for this, said geoff mayer, author of “The

kimberly french/the weinstein co./mct

Andrew Dominik is the director of “Killing Them Softly.” historical dictionary of crime Films,” is that “filmmakers adapting well-known crime novels have a ready audience and bypass some of the complexities of film marketing.” and, “crime stories have an added advantage of verisimilitude — a strong sense of plausibility and relevance to audiences who experience life in the big city.” it’s also about the Benjamins, said dominik, who feels “the unconscious appeal of the crime novel is that they’re stories about capitalism, the american dream. it’s one genre where your characters can be concerned about money above all things.” and there’s this: crime stories allow us to live vicariously through characters who live life on their own terms. not that every good crime novel has been turned into a good movie. and not that every good adaptation has been utterly faithful to the source material. what many filmmakers like about these novels isn’t necessarily the plot, but the “atmosphere, character and dialogue,” said

geoffrey o’Brien, editor-inchief of the library of america, which recently published “american noir,” a twovolume set of classic crime fiction. These characteristics, said o’Brien, “offer a certain freedom to filmmakers, and sometimes the key is to be very free; it’s not necessarily about being literally faithful.” it’s up to the director and screenwriter to decide what direction to take when adapting crime fiction. and when they go wrong, it’s because, said o’Brien, “the emotional life goes out of them. There has to be some sense of edge to (the film) or else it just becomes a tV show.” mayer said he feels bad adaptations involve “an inability to capture the moral nuances of a powerful crime novel.” he’s particularly disdainful of the sherlock holmes movies starring robert downey Jr., which he says “abandon all semblance of (author arthur) conan doyle’s world and his characterizations. They are overproduced, smarmy and bear no

resemblance to the source.” as far as dominik is concerned, “it’s always about the characters. am i interested in these people (in the book)? That’s the main thing. i’m not a big one for plot; a good story is fine, but a movie for me is what illustrates human behavior.” so in “killing Them softly,” based on a novel that is told almost entirely in long swatches of dialogue, dominik has retained the chatter and kept the essence of higgins’ characters while weaving in the plot as seamlessly as possible. “i’m sure every adaptation is different,” he said. “it depends what they’re aiming for. trying to make people likable, or spending a lot of time on back story, i find that tiresome in a film.” The bottom line, said mayer, is that a good conversion basically involves “an ability to extract the essence of the novel while adapting it to a different medium — and to transform the world of the novel without slavishly following every detail.”

E8: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier


w p w h e d

s l

o w a t p c “ t focus features p Aaron Taylor-Johnson stars as Count Vronsky and Keira Knightley is Anna in Joe o Wright’s “Anna Karenina.” m r

keira and ‘karenina’: made for each other

By roger moore MCT

movie review

he new “anna karenina” is as regal, romantic and tragic as ever. The tolstoy tale of a bored wife and doting mother martyred by her scandalous love for a rakish cavalry officer in imperial russia is a perfect period vehicle for keira knightley, who always brings a chest-heaving sexuality to such pieces — even the understated romances of Jane austen. But her reunion with her “pride & prejudice” director, Joe wright, has been stage-managed by the great playwright and screenwriter tom stoppard. and he’s given tolstoy something no earlier screen version could claim: playfulness. stoppard, of “rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead,” and wright imagine the whole of tolstoy’s rich canvas of 1870s russia as a stage — the many melodramatic characters in his upper-crust soap opera mere players, actors stepping into the spotlight, leaning over the

footlights or ducking backstage where the ugly “real” world of just-freed peasants and poverty live among the catwalks and ropes used to raise and lower scenery. a stellar cast waltzes through stunning sets, mixed with painted backdrops and model locomotives, some covered with snow from the pre-soviet winters. it’s an obvious artifice that renders the over-the-top emotions and overly Baroque decadence


1/2 (out of five stars) director: Joe wright cast: keira knightley, Jude law, aaron taylor-Johnson, kelly macdonald, matthew macfadyen, domhnall gleeson, emily watson, shirley henderson rated: r for some sexuality and violence running time: 2 hours, 9 minutes what did you think?: find this review at charlestonscene.com and offer your opinion of the film.

a f t d w r c of russia’s ruling classes, t “polite society,” just a tad w risible. and it’s a welcome f touch. b anna karenina (knight- g ley) is lost the moment she m locks eyes with the preening pretty boy count Vron- ‘ sky (played here by aaron w taylor-Johnson). g “give me back my peace,” . she pants as he curls his mustache and simmers over her. “There can be no peace between us.” it’s wrong. it’s sinful. and as anna’s statesmanhusband (Jude law, spot on) lectures, “sin has a price. you may be sure of that.” anna has a sort of emma Bovary boredom about her knuckle-cracking spouse. Vronsky forgets he is supposed to be smitten by kitty — princess ekaterina (alicia Vikander), younger sister to anna’s sister-in-law. as reckless as he is rakish, he is catnip to anna. countess lydia (emily watson) may lecture her that her husband is a “saint” and that, “we please see movie, page e9

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E9

Knightley’s ‘Karenina’ flips costume drama on its head By daVid germain Associated Press

The idea was inspired by wright’s reading of historian orlando Figes, who comkeira knightley’s language mented that 19th-century was anything but prim and russian socialites modeled proper when she discovered themselves on parisians and what director Joe wright lived their lives as though on had planned for “anna karstage, emulating that ideal. enina,” their latest period wright has built a career drama together. emulating the ideal of the to hear knightley tell it, period drama, once a mainsome expletives were soundstay for movie audiences ly dropped. now mainly interested in knightley wasn’t swearing futuristic action or stories out of anger with wright, of the here and now. But who directed her to an wright keeps looking for academy award nominafresh ways to tell those old tion for 2005’s “pride & stories to modern crowds. prejudice” and to similar “i feel that the stories critical success on 2007’s themselves are rich and focus features relevant,” wright said. “The “atonement.” she worried Keira Knightley in “Anna Karenina” that wright’s unusual apconcern really is that the proach to leo tolstoy’s epic form that those stories are “i also was going, ... you’re of doomed romance would & prejudice” co-star mattold in, it has become kind taking it and spinning it on thew macfadyen), like a make the hard-sell of a peof stuffy and old-fashioned.” riod drama even harder. its head and turning it into matador approaching a bull But he adds, “just because while “pride & prejudice” something that is potentially and shaves him clean with it’s set in the 19th century, it and “atonement” were totally uncommercial. into three lightning strokes of his doesn’t mean it has to look fresh, lively takes for an age an experimental sort of art- razor. walls roll aside, props like it was shot in the 19th that finds costume drama house film. ... “i also went ... rise up from trapdoors, a century.” drowsy, wright planned a yeah. let’s give it a go.’ ” swirl of clerks in an office one of the first people wild and possibly off-putting The result is a fluid story turns into a rush of waiters wright had to win over on ride on “anna karenina,” that unfolds as much like in a restaurant as wright confining most of the acdance as film, with a brisk dispenses with realistic and tion to a dilapidated theater pace compared to most peri- time-consuming transitions where the actors would per- od stories and contemporary in favor of a motion picture form in a stylized cinematic sensibilities next to earlier perpetually in motion. ballet without the usual takes on “karenina,” whose The action in moscow grand sweep of period-dra- previous big-screen adapta- and st. petersburg, where ma locations. tions have featured greta knightley’s anna forsakes “The first thing i said was garbo and Vivien leigh. her staid husband (Jude ‘oh, (expletive)!’ i was like, reality gives way to fantasy law) in an affair with a well, people are really either in the opening moment, as young cavalry officer (aaron going to love it or absolutely a barber approaches anna’s taylor-Johnson), shifts ... hate it,” knightley said. brother, oblonsky (“pride around an aging theater. movie from page e8

must cherish him, for russia’s sake,” but anna’s not buying it. and even though anna just talked her sister-in-law (kelly macdonald, earthy and distraught) into forgiving and taking back anna’s wayward brother (the hilarious matthew macfadyen, knightley’s “pride & prejudice” co-star), she tumbles into an affair that will be her ruin. will she herself be forgiven, taken back and “saved”? every “karenina” is a product of its times, and wright and stoppard take pains to “see” the people the nobility do not: the rail

worker killed in an early scene, assorted peasant field workers, servants and the like. in trimming the bulky book, stoppard makes sure to include the alcoholic prerevolution revolutionary (david wilmot), brother to the sensitive landowner konstantin levin (domhnall gleeson), who is the noble suitor kitty rejects for Vronsky. knightley and taylorJohnson, dolled up so that he looks like a younger Jonathan rhys-myers here, have a certain chemistry. But the icy parameters of a stale marriage were never more vividly captured than in law’s scenes with

knightley. count karenin has a sort of compassionate severity that law, who would have made quite the Vronsky himself, ably translates. it’s an over-familiar story, thanks to the many bigand small-screen versions of it over the years. There are too many characters to juggle, not enough scenes suggesting anna’s obsessive devotion to her young son. But this “karenina,” from its dancers-frozen-in-place waltzes to the public whispers that play like shouted indiscretions, reminds us that all the great period romances weren’t written by austen, or even written in english.

his bold approach to “anna karenina” was playwright tom stoppard, an oscar winner for the “shakespeare in love” screenplay who had adapted tolstoy’s novel with a conventional location shoot in mind. two months before production began, wright decided to switch the action to a confined space and sprang it on stoppard, saying he would only go ahead if his writer agreed. “he came around with a big folder of storyboards, and the more i got into it, the more interested and finally excited i was about it,” stoppard said. “it gives the movie a modern spirit, that’s what it does. it’s not the costume drama we’ve seen before.” it’s not even the costume drama we’ve seen before from wright and knightley, who defied expectations with “pride & prejudice” and “atonement.” knightley had just scored

with “pirates of the caribbean: The curse of the Black pearl” and flopped as guinevere in “king arthur” when “pride & prejudice” came along, while wright had directed only for television. so they looked like upstarts taking on Jane austen’s bestloved novel. after that worked, they raised eyebrows again with “atonement,” based on ian mcewan’s celebrated novel, which many considered unfilmmable because of its elliptical structure that spans six decades. “Then that worked, too,” knightley said. For “anna karenina,” “There was a general feeling that if we’re all going to do this again, then we really need to push ourselves. The idea with this is we were very much walking hand in hand with total, absolute failure all the time. ... if it fails, it fails, but at least you know that everybody’s put everything into it.”

E10: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted

Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.


Red Dawn 1/2

Anna Karenina


1/2 a high-society russian aristocrat has a life-changing adulterous affair with an affluent count in this tragic love story, set in the late 19th century.

cinebarre: today: 1:25, 4:25, 7:45, 10:05; fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10; sat-sun: 10:50, 1:10, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10; mon-thurs dec. 6: 1:10, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:20, 9:35 James island: today-fri: 4:05, 7:05, 9:50; sat-sun: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:50; monthurs dec. 6: 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30

terrace: fri-thurs dec. 6: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:20, 9:35

The Collection r

the psychopathic serial killer known as “the collector” returns, kidnaps a girl from a party and takes her to a trapfilled labyrinth, and her wealthy father coerces the killer’s only escapee to help rescue her.

Rise of the Guardians  pg

citadel: fri-thurs dec. 6: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 James island: fri: 4, 7:10, 9:30; sat-sun: 1:45, 4, 7:10, 9:30; mon-thurs dec. 6: 4, 7:10, 9:30 northwoods: fri-thurs dec. 6: 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:20, 9:35

1/2 r

brad pitt plays a mob enforcer who investigates a heist that occurred during a high-stakes poker game.

cinebarre: fri: 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55; satsun: 10:40, 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55; mon-thurs dec. 6: 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55 citadel: fri-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30 northwoods: fri-thurs dec. 6: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40

Playing Argo 1/2 r

this film chronicles a cia operation to free six american hostages during the 1979 iranian revolution.

cinebarre: today: 4:05, 10:20 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40

Flight 1/2 r

an investigation into a midair catastrophe and the pilot’s successful emergency landing creates more mystery than answers.

cinebarre: today-fri: 12:50, 3:55, 7:25,

10:35; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:50, 3:55, 7:25, 10:35; a group of teens organizes as guerilla dec. 6: 12:50, 3:55, 7:25, 10:35 fighters to save their town from an inva- mon-thurs citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:50, 5, 8:10 sion of north korean paratroopers. citadel imaX: today-thurs dec. 6:


Killing Them Softly

a threat to mi6, but his loyalty to m is tested when her past comes back to haunt her.

when the nightmare king plans to engulf the world in darkness, the immortal guardians join together to protect the innocence and imagination of the children of the world. focus features

Aaron Taylor-Johnson stars as Vronsky and Alicia Vikander as Kitty in “Anna Karenina.” cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:55, 7:50, 9:55; fri: 12:50, 3:55, 7:40, 10:45; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:50, 3:55, 7:40, 10:45; mon-thurs dec. 6: 12:50, 3:55, 7:40, 10:45 citadel: today: 1, 4, 7, 9, 9:50; fri-thurs dec. 6: 1, 4, 7, 9:50 James island: today: 4:55, 7:25 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:50

Here Comes the Boom  pg

a high school teacher moonlights as a mixed martial arts fighter to save the school’s music program. hwy 21: 9:15

Life of Pi  pg

epic adventure of a 16-year-old boy who survives a sinking ship, only to end up in a lifeboat with a bengal tiger. cinebarre: today-fri: 12:45, 7:10; satsun: 9:55, 12:45, 7:10; mon-thurs dec. 6: 12:45, 7:10 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 7:35, 10, 10:25; fri: 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 7:35, 10, 10:40; sat-sun: 10:25, 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 7:35, 10, 10:40; mon-thurs dec. 6: 1:15, 3:45,


4:15, 7:35, 10, 10:40 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:05, 7:05 citadel 3d: today-thurs dec. 6: 3:40, 9:45 James island: today-fri: 3:25, 6:30, 9:25; sat-sun: 12:30, 3:25, 6:30, 9:25; monthurs dec. 6: 3:25, 6:30, 9:25 James island 3d: today-fri: 3:45, 6:45, 9:40; sat-sun: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40; monthurs dec. 6: 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:05, 7 northwoods 3d: today-thurs dec. 6: 3:55, 9:40

Lincoln 

cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7, 10:20; fri: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:20; sat-sun: 10:35, 1, 3:50, 7, 9:20; mon-thurs dec. 6: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:20 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:50; fri: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45; sat-sun: 10:55, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45; mon-thurs dec. 6: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:10, 2:25, 4:40, 7, 9:15 citadel 3d: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 hwy 21: fri-sun: 7 James island: today-fri: 3:45, 6:25, 8:55; sat-sun: 1:15, 3:45, 6:25, 8:55; monthurs dec. 6: 3:45, 6:25, 8:55 James island 3d: today-fri: 4:10, 6:55, 9:20; sat-sun: 1:30, 4:10, 6:55, 9:20; monthurs dec. 6: 4:10, 6:55, 9:20 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:30, 9:45 northwoods 3d: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:30, 4, 7, 9:10


The Sessions

this drama focuses on president abraham lincoln through his final months in office as he fights to end the civil war, abolish slavery and unite the country.


cinebarre: today-thurs dec. 6: noon, 3:30, 7:15, 10:30 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:45, 1:30, 4, 5, 7:20, 9 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 9:50 terrace: today: 12:10, 1:05, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8:45, 9:45; fri-thurs dec. 6: 1:05, 2:10, 4, 5:10, 7:05, 8, 9:45


a man in an iron lung wants to lose his virginity and is referred to a professional sex surrogate by his therapist and his priest.

terrace: today: 1, 3:55, 6:55, 8:45; frithurs dec. 6: 12:10

Skyfall  pg-13

James bond is back and must destroy

noon, 3:30, 7, 10 northwoods: today: 12:30, 3:30, 4, 7, 9:10, 10; fri-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 3:30, 7, 10 terrace: today: 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35; frithurs dec. 6: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:35

Taken 2 


liam neeson returns as retired cia operative bryan mills, who this time must save himself and his family. northwoods: today: 1:10, 7

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2 1/2 pg-13

the cullens and the wolf pack team up with foreign vampire clans.

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 1:30, 4:10, 7:15, 7:40, 9:55; fri: 12:55, 4:15, 7:45, 10:25; satsun: 10, 12:55, 4:15, 7:45, 10:25; mon-thurs dec. 6: 12:55, 4:15, 7:45, 10:25 citadel: today: 12:30, 1, 1:30, 2:40, 3:40, 4, 4:30, 5:10, 7, 7:20, 7:40, 8, 9:30, 10, 10:10; fri-thurs dec. 6: noon, 12:30, 1, 2:40, 3:40, 4, 5:10, 7, 7:20, 8, 9:30, 10 hwy 21: fri-sun: 7 James island: today-fri: 4, 7, 9:45; sat-sun: 1, 4, 7, 9:45; mon-thurs dec. 6: 4, 7, 9:45 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 11:30, 12:15, 1, 2:10, 2:55, 3:30, 4:50, 5:40, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:30, 10:05

Wreck-It Ralph  pg

this animated film follows a video game villain on his havoc-making, game-hopping quest through the arcade to become the “good guy.”

cinebarre: today: 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 9:45; fri: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40; sat-sun: 10:20, 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40; mon-thurs nov. 6: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40 citadel: today-thurs dec. 6: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:15, 9:30 citadel 3d: today: 12:45, 3:30, 6:40 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8:40 James island: today-fri: 6:50; sat-sun: 1:40, 6:50; mon-thurs dec. 6: 6:50 James island 3d: today-thurs dec. 6: 4:15, 9:20 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 6: 1:20, 4, 7, 9:20

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E11

E12: Thursday, november 29, 2012

Craig Deihl, executive chef at Cypress, is serving up an expanded menu.

The post and courier

By deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier

wine dinner

tonight, osteria la Bottiglia will host a wine dinner. details were not available at press time. it is at 420 king st. call 727-4158 for details.

lunch blooms


Blossom has introduced a new lunch menu. new additions include butter lettuce wraps with buttermilk fried shrimp, cucumber, bell peppers, cilantro, hass avocado and lime; tomatillo salsa verde with a shellfish cocktail; and southwest chicken cobb salad with hard-boiled farm egg, corn relish, hass avocado, black bean salsa, cheddar and chipotle dressing. Blossom also will continue to offer its tuesday lunch program: each week, a different lunch item will be priced at $7, but diners have to be in the restaurant to find out the special. Blossom is at 171 east Bay st. For reservations, go to www.magnolias-blossomcypress.com or call 7229200.

new happy hour

al di la in west ashley is open for happy hour 4:306:30 p.m. tuesday through Friday. look for drink specials and small plates priced up to $10. complimentary valet parking also is available starting at 5 p.m. wednesdaysaturday. it is at 25 magnolia road. For more, go to www. AlDiLaRestaurant.com.

tuscany & umbria


Al Di La in West Ashley is now offering happy hour. airport transfer, driver and the hosts. call 822-8444 for details.

branching out

cypress is offering an expanded menu, which blends its popular seasonal and classic favorites with new additions to showcase the talents of two-time James Beard award-nominated executive chef craig deihl and his team. deihl’s popular charcuterie program, the artisan meat share, is enhanced by the addition of the carpetbagger and house cured hams. oysters also will be highlighted in their own section on the menu, and guests can enjoy east coast oysters from nearby Folly river as well as mcclellanville and kiawah island, depending on the oysterman’s catch of the day For main course selections, the seafood enthusiast will be pleased to find a variety of choices, including diver scallops and wood-grilled monkfish and charleston clams. cypress’ dry-age program, which the restaurant trailblazed in charleston more than seven years ago, continues to fabricate new york strip, tenderloin, chateaubriand and rib-eye inhouse. cypress is at 167 east Bay st. For more information or reservations, go to www. magnolias-blossomcypress.com or call 7270111.

take your taste buds on a tour of tuscany and umbria with chef massi sarrocchi and his wife, natasha. This food, wine and culture tour begins in tuscany and ends in rome. you will begin in a sienese villa that also is an organic farm; tour hilltop towns, take cooking lessons, tour and taste vineyards, travel to Florence, siena, umbria, assisi and onto rome. limited to 12 tourists, this manny’s downtown is an all-inclusive trip with manny’s mediterranean

cafe at 41 george st. opens Friday. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at 12:30 p.m. with charleston mayor Joe riley, s.c. rep. leon stavrinakis and charleston county councilman elliott summey. View the menu at landing. mannysgrills.com.

Queuing up

sticky Fingers plans to expand with an “express” location in northwoods mall. look for its traditional menu along with a few family-style options. it’s celebrating 20 years in business, so look for specials on the 20th of each month through march in all of its locations. Find out more at www. stickyfingers.com.

hard hat zone

z The ordinary Fancy seafood oyster Bar at 544 king st. has projected a late december opening for the new venture from chef mike lata and adam nemirow. call 805-5900 or go to eattheordinary. com. z rutledge grill and d’s liquor Bar at 207 rutledge ave. is expecting a January opening for chef robert carter. call 9370930.

closed z sweetwater grill and cafe in summerville. z Jon’s mixed drinks in mount pleasant.

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E13

salty waters: game on for seafood, sports fans salty waters raw bar and grill

By deidre schipani

Special to The Post and Courier


tarfish grille closed in late may with the retirement of owner kerry gionis. The property at 520 Folly road in the merchants Village shopping center was acquired by Justin and Jamey parfrey. Justin parfrey is a graduate of Johnson & wales university (charleston) and earned his shucking chops at water’s edge restaurant on shem creek and gilligan’s steamer and raw Bar. when the opportunity presented itself, this young chef was ready to belly up to the bar — the raw bar, that is. august saw the parfreys open the restaurant as salty waters raw Bar and grill. They kept the footprint of the previous restaurant but took down the short wall that divided the bar and dining spaces and added a wooden bar. long gone are the pane-less window frames, taxidermied fish mounts and coastal colors. a simple graphic design of a fish percolating oxygen bubbles to the surface identifies the raw bar among the shops in the center. The design is repeated along the rear wall of the restaurant. The nautical ambience is minimal, and the atmosphere is one of a casual, school-fueled rivalry with a side of the sea. The scalloped tabletops remain from the previous establishment, and the booths have been repositioned to maximize space and seating. a large chalkboard announces daily specials, the oysters of the day and events that will be hosted at salty waters. The color palette is a somber one: navy blue and grey. They strike a stormy note in a spot that is all about cheering on your home team and slurping down some bivalves. The parfreys take pride in offering James islanders a “true” raw bar. They added a mahogany bar to support

Salty Waters restaurant is at 520 Folly Road on James Island. this concept, but it was not being used at the time of our visit. Their seafood menu is nicely structured with a classic shrimp cocktail ($9), oysters and clams on the half-shell ($7-mp), steamed clams or mussels ($6, $8) and smoked mussels served chilled. create your own oyster samplers ($9 half-dozen; $17 dozen) and top them with cocktail or mignonette sauces. The “combo towers” are fun. This take on a classic French plateau allows you to create your own platter from the raw bar offerings, beginning with a simple shrimp cocktail and a halfdozen each of clams and oysters ($17) and moving up to their signature salty waters ($39) with three dozen clams and oysters, a halfdozen smoked mussels and shrimp cocktail. cooked seafood also is available. choose any of the oyster varieties for frying

($6), which is a nice option, or try a crabcake and fried green tomato tower ($9), though i will quibble with calling the crabcake “maryland” style. salads ($5) can be topped with shrimp, oysters or chicken for $5; scallops or salmon for $7. we began with the down south tower ($17): seafood icy cold and fresh. The six littleneck clams sat in a pool of briny liquor, and the gulf coast oysters were fat and salty. The shrimp, tender and well-seasoned, were nestled in a martini glass with a “salad” of cucumber and onion vinaigrette. it made eating awkward as you fished out the shrimp to dip into the cocktail sauce. But there was no faulting freshness, the message of any raw bar. salty waters is proud of its oyster shooters menu ($1.75$4.50). you choose any oyster and then its shooter mixture. They range from the classic vodka and cock-

leroy burnell/staff

tail sauce to the salty water that drops an oyster into southern tier ipa with hot sauce ($1.75). entrees are nicely priced ($15-$20) and include two generous sides. shrimp and grits ($18) did justice to this regional dish with ample shrimp, red and green bell peppers, seared onions and spicy andouille sausage, all heaped on stoneground yellow grits. The portion was plentiful and the seasoning wellbalanced. Flounder and scallops ($17) did not fare as well. The flounder, ordered panseared, merely sputtered in the pan. The scallops, cooked to a tender finish, were disrobed of their veil of batter when they cooled on the plate, as liquid wept from the leafy greens that cushioned the fish and soaked the scallops and grilled asparagus. That was unfortunate as the asparagus were tender-cooked and grilled to a sweet char and the red-

cuisine: seafood category: neighborhood favorite location: 520 folly road, James island phone: 762-9252 hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. monday-thursday, 11 a.m.midnight friday-saturday parking: shopping center lot food:  atmosphere:  service:  price: $-$$$$$ costs: appetizers $6-$9; raw bar $7-mp; seafood combination towers $17-$39; soups and salads $5; seafood $14-$22; burgers and sandwiches $9-$11; entrees $14-$21. lunch $8-$12. vegetarian options: yes, if one eats seafood. bar: full-service bar, happy hour 4-8 p.m. daily, special drink menu. decibel level: varies; local sports fans are encouraged on game days; special events with dJs. wheelchair access: yes other: outside dining tables, ladies night, live broadcasts, special events (such as pig and oyster roasts), gameday specials, takeout, reservations, children welcome. monday-thursday happy hour: all-you-can-eat oysters $18; oyster buckets $10; on saturdays, all-you-can-eat oysters $15, oyster buckets $8. saltywatersrawbar@aol. com, facebook skinned mashed potatoes had nice flavor before the plate liquid created soggy eating. desserts are outsourced from a local bakery and include coconut cake, tiramisu, pumpkin pie, chocolate-toffee cake and a cranberry-apple cobbler. we tried the pumpkin pie ($6.95). it was presented with dots of caramel, swirls of sweetened whipped cream and a dusting of pumpkin pie spice. a soft crust and artificial-tasting topping detracted from its decent filling. The front of the house does need some serious “fixing.” The execution of seating, serving and educating the servers about the menu was seriously lacking. guests were informed to seat themselves, but the servers were not keeping up with the new guests in their sections. The bartender also was shucking, so that handicapped drink service. Then when those signature seafood towers were ready at

the bar, they sat. here is where either awareness or a “runner” could expedite the raw bar service. it is clear there is talent in the kitchen. it is in the details of execution that need a sharper focus. if the restaurant considers itself a raw bar and takes pride in sourcing its oysters from a variety of regions, be sure your servers are not passing off “cape may” oysters as being from Virginia. school them in providing condiments to complement the shellfish. and maybe spend some time developing a menu of beers and wines that complement your menu of shellfish and finfish. The parfreys are committed to success. with a smidgen of training, i am confident that the staff will know the difference between a scorten creek and a malpeque, serve the creamer and sugar with the coffee, and keep an eye open for those towers, bellying up to the raw bar with expedience.

E14: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

photographs by rob young

Speck and Parmesan on a baguette at Mixson Market in North Charleston.

mixson market a modern take on the corner store By roB young

Special to The Post and Courier


he advent of the mixed-use mixson community in north charleston’s park circle most recently has given rise to perhaps the modernized version of today’s corner store: the appropriately titled mixson market. By boasting of its “curated goods” and “quality provisions,” mixson market clearly falls on the precious side of things. really, where else could one buy a woolrich blanket, caw caw creek pastured pork, a pint of Jeni’s splendid ice cream, complete Thomas keller cookbook set, maybe a seed bomb or two, plus an organic peanut butter and jelly sandwich? The market is a sweet, sentimental and studied build. But it’s mixson’s knockout collection of sandwiches that should drive the market’s new customer base. start with the speck and parmesan ($8), the thin, salty ham layered onto a crunchy, buttery baguette. Then try the chicken salad ($7), which draws might-

Roast beef on toasted ciabatta.

if you go

additionally, mixson market offers a breakfast what: mixson market sandwich ($6) composed of where: 4338 mccarthy st., a fried egg, aged, rich chednorth charleston dar cheese, arugula and balhours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. samic reduction. monday-sunday and make sure to take a more info: 471-2850 gander at one of mixson market’s soon-to-be-famous pickled, cured, cultured ily from the taste of dried platters. cherries and toasted local pick a board, any board, pecans. and fill it with a choice selecor select from the roast tion of charcuterie, pickled beef and horseradish cream vegetables and cheeses. sauce on ciabatta ($8), a pair ranging from $12 to $30, of croque madame sliders options include chorizo ($8) or a pimiento cheese serrano, salami calabrese, and pickled green tomato pickled okra, green tomasandwich on sourdough toes, green beans and gour($8). met cheeses.

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E15

holiday shows add kick to season


t’s 24 hours before christmas and all comic hell is about to break loose in the town of tuna, the ‘third-smallest’ town in texas where the lion’s club is too liberal and patsy cline never dies,” explains chrissy oddi of the Footlight players, which again is putting on the popular “a tuna christmas.” “in addition to the usual seasonal traumas that the holidays bring, a mysterious ‘christmas phantom’ has been vandalizing the yard displays in the town’s annual christmas yard display contest, threatening to throw the contest into turmoil. and if that wasn’t trouble enough, the disasterprone production of ‘a christmas carol’ is falling apart,” oddi went on. with actors Jc conway and daniel kuhn performing as all 22 eccentric tuna residents, both male and female, in this show, hilarity is sure to ensue. “They bring to life those beloved texans: didi snavely, who runs the used gun shop; her husband, r.r., who sees uFos; Vera carp, who’s defending her 15-year reign as christmas yard display champion; aunt pearl, who poisons poodles trespassing on her yard; and all of their neighbors,” said oddi. kristen kos directs. The show will be performed at 8 p.m. Fridaysaturday, dec. 6-8 and 13-15, with 3 p.m. matinee shows sunday, dec. 9 and dec. 16 at the Footlight players Theatre, 20 Queen st. tickets are $25, $22 for seniors and $15 for students.

christmas stories involves a red ryder BB gun, a leg lamp and the infamous “you’ll shoot your eye out” line. yes, folks. “a christmas story” is coming to a stage near you. you’ll get to watch the misadventure of little ralphie and his cohorts, frozen flagpole and all, as the anticipation builds toward christmas morning. Based on the beloved holiday movie classic, the stage version includes even more of ralphie’s adventures drawn from humorist Jean shepherd’s memoir, “in god kayla brown we trust: all others pay JC Conway as Pearl Burras (left) and Daniel Kuhn as Vera cash.” Carp in “A Tuna Christmas.” presented by charleston stage at the dock street student rush tickets avail500 tickets to schoolchilTheatre, 135 church st., the able at the door for $10 dren who typically wouldn’t show will go on 7:30-9 p.m. 10 minutes prior to perforhave the funds to attend Friday-saturday, dec. 6-8 mance with a valid student such a performance. and 13-15; 5-7 p.m. sunday; id. “There are so many stuand 3-5 p.m. dec. 9 and 16. call 722-4487 or go to dents in our community tickets are $34.50-$48.50, www.footlightplayers.net. who never have the opporwith seniors 60 and over tunity to attend live perforpaying $32.50-$38.50, and ‘merry medieval’ mances,” said mary gould, students 25 and under payBoeing south carolina founder of soBtc. “By ing $22.50-$48.50. and the south of Broadway giving underserved youth call 577-7183 or go to Theatre company are putthe opportunity to attend www.charlestonstage.com. ting on “a merry medieval ‘a merry medieval holiday ‘the no hole holiday’ holiday show” on sunday at show,’ we are encouraging sprouts musical Theatre the north charleston perthem to engage their imagiforming arts center, 5001 nation, stimulate their inter- at creative spark center for the arts will put on “The no coliseum drive. est in the arts, and thereby hole holiday,” an interacThe show is a humorous foster their own creativity tive, modern musical fairyexample of the early “mirand growth.” tale of fantasy and glee. acle plays” of the middle another interesting thing The holiday world is a ages, short productions is that the show is entirely strange and unusual place. that were started in church cast with local youngsters and when axel the elf is but quickly became more between the ages of 10 and promoted to santa’s personal popular than the service, so 18. staff, he runs into industrithey were removed from that There will be one perforous gnomes, mischievous environment. mance at 4 p.m. sunday. expect to hear elegant tickets to “a merry medi- halloween goblins and a olde english mixed with eval holiday show” are $23 machine you must see to believe. funny contemporary lanfor grand tier seating and showtimes are 6:30 p.m. guage, and odd, funny $33 for orchestra seating. Friday, 3 p.m. saturday and characters and situations They can be purchased at where the crowd is encour- the coliseum advance ticket 5 p.m. sunday, with shows aged to “cheer the heroes office, ticketmaster outlets continuing for the next two weekends. and boo the villains.” (including select publix tickets are $15 in advance, The play sounds humorstores), or at 800-745-3000 $17 at the door, and are ous and like a great famor www.ticketmaster.com. available at www.creative ily activity, but the coolest call south of Broadway spark.org or by calling 881thing about this is that in Theatre company at 7453780. addition to selling tickets 0317. creative spark is at 757 to the public, soBtc, part‘a christmas story’ long point road in mount nered with communities pleasant. in schools, will be donating one of the more popular

E16: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

rod stewart

Merry Christmas, Baby/Verve


once upon a time in rock ’n’ roll history, rod stewart was one of the genre’s bad boys. he was also one of rock’s most successful artists thanks to hits such as “hot legs” and “maggie may.” in recent years, though, stewart has been taking the easy route music-wise, recording his renditions of songs from the great american songbook.

various artists

A Very Special Christmas: 25 Years/ Big Machine


a quarter-century ago, a group of the biggest music artists of the day got together to record some holiday songs to benefit the special olympics. The resulting album, “a Very special christmas,” was a smash success as far as holiday albums go. many of the tracks from that release, including run-dmc’s “christmas in hollis” and Bruce springsteen’s “merry christmas,

various artists

The Classic Christmas Album series/ Sony Legacy


with the holidays now in full swing, you’re likely either digging through your collection of holiday music or looking for something new yet familiar to play. legacy has you covered either way with its new series “The classic christmas album.”

That’s fine and dandy, especially when you consider that the singer is approaching 70. i’m not going to fault the guy for his musical direction. Just about everyone settles down and matures as they get older. what’s truly amazing though is that up until this year stewart had never recorded a christmas album. For most established artists, the recording of a collection of holiday songs early in their career has been a no-brainer. stewart must have missed that

memo, though, because here he is at 67 releasing his first yuletide collection. The mood of “merry christmas, Baby” is a lot closer to stewart’s more recent releases than anything from his ’70s and ’80s heyday. There is one lone original song here, the mediocre “red-suited super man,” but there are some good moments. stewart’s duet with ceelo green on the album’s title track is quite good, as are classic takes on “have yourself a merry little christ-

mas” and “Blue christmas.” his duet with michael Buble on “winter wonderland” leaves a bit to be desired, although that’s more Buble’s fault than stewart’s. if you’re a stewart fan and looking for a collection of classic holiday tunes sung in an equally classy way by stewart, then you definitely could do worse than this cd.

Baby,” have become contemporary classics themselves. That initial compilation has spawned numerous sequels, and on the 25th anniversary, we get yet another collection. somewhere along the way, though, it seems that the basic idea of simply recording some holiday songs has become lost in the shuffle of commercialism. let’s start with the fact that the second track on this new album is actually called “something in the air (coca-cola 2012 christmas anthem).” really? we need to stick a soft

drink advert right in the middle of a charity album? i’m hoping coca-cola made a huge contribution to special olympics in return for being able to include a lyric about “raising a coke in celebration.” once we make it past that blatant bit of commercialism, the album is a mixed bag of holiday hits. among the good stuff are cheap trick’s “i want you for christmas” (which is a clever redo of the band’s hit “i want you to want me”), onerepublic’s “christmas without you” and dave matthews Band’s live

version of “christmas song.” easily forgettable are train’s horrid “Joy to the world” and Jordin sparks’ uninspired “do you hear what i hear,” which was done so much better by the late whitney houston on the first charity compilation. it appears that the well may finally be running dry on this series, especially when you get a soft drink commercial two songs in.

Featuring iconic artists such as willie nelson, luther Vandross, kenny g, John denver, Barry manilow, tony Bennett and elvis presley, this series of albums is devoted to artists who have released more than one christmas album in the past, and each artist’s respective album collects the best moments from those multiple releases. it’s sort of like a greatest holiday hits compilation for each

artist, saving you the bother of looking for the best stuff from each one. among the initial releases, the cds by nelson, Bennett and Vandross are probably the best here. denver’s does suffer a bit by not having any sign of his frequent holiday collaborations with Jim henson’s muppets. presley’s collection is quite good, but there have been previ-

ous collections of his holiday hits. only kenny g’s compilation is questionable. For fans of any of these artists though, these holiday compilations allow them to hear the choice cuts from their favorite artist’s holiday releases.

key tracks: “have yourself a merry little christmas,” “merry christmas, baby,” “blue christmas”

key tracks: “i want you for christmas,” “christmas without you,” “christmas song”

key albums: willie nelson, tony bennett, luther vandross — by devin grant

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E17

By matthew godBey

with electronica and hiphop in a revolutionary manner that has earned nods flogging molly from the traditional and dave king wasn’t always progressive sects of reggae. this way — the bespectacled, with its eight members jovial lad standing before a hailing from Boston and sonic wall constructed with new york, John Brown’s his native land’s folk instruBody earned best world ments, but with a significant- music act at the 2001 Boston ly quickened pace, to be sure. music awards and best live no, king was once a metal act in 2002. god, a screeching, big-haired The band has released eight version of himself frontalbums, including its 2008 ing the heavy metal band effort, “amplify,” which deFastway alongside former buted at no. 1 on Billboard’s motorhead guitarist “Fast” reggae chart. eddie clarke, former uFo The band is touring in bassist pete way and former support of its latest studio humble pie drummer Jerry album, this year’s “JBB in shirley. dub.” when king left Fastway John Brown’s Body will in the late ’80s, he dabbled perform at The pour house, in the metal scene for a few 1977 maybank highway, on more years before deciding saturday with the asheville, on an experimental approach n.c.-based toubab krewe. with his music, one that tickets are $15 in advance, could incorporate his love for $18 the day of the show and traditional irish music and are available at the door or his passion for loud and fast online at etix.com. doors rock ’n’ roll. open at 8 p.m. By 1997, he had found his go to charlestonpour solution: Flogging molly. house.com or call 571-4343. today, king and his six Jason isbell bandmates seem to be as at 22, Jason isbell joined an sharp as ever. up-and-coming band from The band taped the season muscle shoals, ala., though premiere of “austin city based in athens, ga., called limits” last year to coincide the drive-By truckers and with the release of its fifth found himself at the forefront studio album, “speed of of one of alternative country’s darkness,” which ranked on the charts in nearly every most beloved new groups. he spent half a decade with major market worldwide, the band before embarking even cracking the top 10 in on a solo career, facing down the united states. a skeptical public with an imFlogging molly will perpressive debut, 2007’s “sirens form Friday at the music Farm, 32 ann st. tickets are of the ditch.” as a guitarist, singer and $30 and are available online at etix.com, the music Farm songwriter for dBt, isbell box office or the door. doors penned some of the band’s most popular songs, including open at 8 p.m. “outfit,” “danko/manuel,” go to musicfarm.com or “The day John henry died” call 577-6969. and “never gonna change” John brown’s body among others. since 1995, John Brown’s Bringing the same obserBody has been fusing reggae vational storytelling and Special to The Post and Courier

People Saturdays in

lindsay hutchens

simple-man style to his solo work, alabama-born isbell continues to write about what he knows rather than stretching himself for dramatic appeal. isbell released his third studio album, “here we rest,” last year to roaring critical praise from such outlets as usa today, gQ, esquire, spin, paste and npr. isbell also celebrated the release of his second live album, “live From alabama,” earlier this year and finished a european tour with ryan adams last spring. Jason isbell and the 400 unit will perform at The pour house, 1977 maybank highway, on sunday with communist daughter. tickets are $15 in advance, $17 the day of the show and are available online at etix.com or at the door. doors open at 8 p.m. call 571-4343 or go to charlestonpourhouse. com.

Up close and personal.

Flogging Molly will perform Friday at the Music Farm downtown.

E18: Thursday, november 29, 2012

thursday, november 29, 2012 : 19E

MYCharLesTONWeeKeND no stress Jam fest

charleston music fest

student-run record label seventeen70 records will host this jam fest. formed within the getting music to the marketplace class in the arts management department, the label is committed to educating students in the business and supporting local music. performances from south street, long miles, stoplight observations and sun-dried vibes are on the bill, along with special appearances by c of c jazz students and denz. when: 1-6 p.m. saturday where: cistern yard, college of charleston, 66 george st. more info: www.facebook.com seventeen70records

the college of charleston school of the arts opens its seventh season by welcoming back cofounder and violinist lee-chin siow, who will be performing for the first time since a car crash that broke her arm. the concert, curtis night: lee-chin & friends, will feature internationally known alumni of the curtis institute of music performing popular masterworks by ludwig van beethoven and richard strauss, paul schoenfield’s energetic and jazzy cafe music, and ralph vaughan williams’ “six studies in english folk song.” when: 8 p.m. friday where: recital hall, simons center for the arts, 54 st. philip st. price: $25 more info: 953-0935, charlestonmusic fest.com or charlestonmusicfest@gmail.com

oyster roast


c of c dog show

the 2013 relay for life of mount pleasant is hosting this kickoff party for its upcoming spring event. benefiting the american cancer society, the roast and the race aid lowcountry patients. featuring food file/staff and drink specials, live music will be provided by cody walker and meet the sky. when: noon-5 p.m. saturday where: shem creek bar and grill, 508 mill st. price: $6 more info: www.relayforlife.org/ mtpleasantsc

the women’s tennis team at the college of charleston will host this fourth annual dog show to benefit pet helpers. open to the public, come out and watch or enter your dog. categories include most holiday spirit, best c of c spirit, best owner look-a-like, best trick, prettiest mutt and best dog in the world. dogs are required to be on nonretractable leashes. when: registration at 1:30 p.m., show starts at 2 p.m. friday where: rivers green (behind addlestone library) college of charleston, 205 calhoun st. price: $5 to register per category more info: www.pethelpers.com or 795-1110


wine under the oaks

what once used to be a “casual but elegant affair” has grown, aiming to be one of the finest holiday wine festivals in the southeast. sample wines provided by 15 distributors and eight wineries on boone hall’s back lawn, enjoy a wine and food pairing exhibit, breads and spreads, and make sure you hit the champagne and desserts tent. live entertainment will be provided by local favorite tyler boone, followed by headliner christopher cross, a five-time grammy winner. this event is for ages 21 and over. a portion of the proceeds will benefit the american red cross. when: 1-5 p.m. sunday where: boone hall plantation, 1235 long point road, mount pleasant price: $35 in advance, $40 the day of more info: 884-4371 or www.boonehallplantation.com

Business Review

Knowledge is power.

Mondays in

shopping with friends lowcountry aids services is hosting its ninth annual holiday fundraiser to coincide with world aids day. guests will gather at the riviera theater next to charleston place 10 a.m.-noon for a traditional southern brunch hosted by belk, charleston magazine and las. afterward, folks will join their friends for a day of shopping all over charleston, where more than 100 red ribbon retailers and restaurants will contribute 10 percent of every dollar spent to las. friday night will feature a kickoff party at gwynn’s of mount pleasant 6-8 p.m., where attendees can enjoy champagne and a night of shopping with proceeds benefiting las. when: saturday where: downtown charleston price: $50; the kick-off party is $10 more info: www.aids-services.com

E20: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

holiday happenings lowcountry events kick into high gear

ing in for the city or just an exuberance for the holidays, we’ll take it. while the sheer number of holiday he holidays are always a busy time. happenings in the area is overwhelming, Between shopping for gifts, hitting we’ve taken the time to go through them the numerous parties, family gather- and pick out some prime choices. ings, community events and more, there’s But please don’t think this is all the barely time to breathe. lowcountry has to offer. The elves here while the charleston area has always have been hard at work creating a more been busy this time of year, it seems as comprehensive list of everything going though the festivities have kicked into on, so make sure you block out some time overdrive this season. to check out www.postandcourier.com/ a result of being named the top tourist section/my-charleston-holiday. city in the world by conde nast, maybe? in the meantime, here are some events whether it’s the accolades that keep roll- you won’t want to miss.

By allison nugent anugent@postandcourier.com


Chanukah in the square


his festive party will feature music, dancing, crafts and tasty treats. but the highlight will be the lighting of the 9-foot menorah by charleston’s holocaust survivors. this is a great multicultural event that’s definitely worth checking out. all are invited to attend. when: 4-6 p.m. dec. 9 where: marion square, king and calhoun streets price: free for more info: 7247305 or www.charleston arts.org


Festival of Wreaths


his seventh annual event is a celebration of the innovative work of notable charleston designers and doctors, all inspired by their shared commitment to children’s care and wellness. guests are invited to eat, drink and be merry as they bid on their favorite wreaths

created by some of the area’s top designers. sip on champagne and nibble on festive treats as you enjoy live music and peruse the creations in the running for prizes such as most holiday cheer, most inspired, best in show and all the glitz and glamour. proceeds will benefit musc children’s hospital.

when: 6-9 p.m. dec. 13 where: palmetto cafe, the shops at charleston place, 205 meeting st. price: $15 in advance, $20 at the door more info: 937-9142 or charlestonplace. com/fow

photographs provided

holiday Festival of Lights


ne of the lowcountry’s most beloved holiday traditions, this spectacle of more than 2 million lights illuminates James island county park. drawing 225,000 people during its two-month run last year, the festival features hundreds of light-up displays, including everything from a prehistoric cluster of dinosaurs (with an erupting volcano) to traditional holiday fare, such as cartwheel-turning gingerbread men and santa practicing his golf swing. there’s also plenty of charleston imagery, including st. michael’s church, the morris island lighthouse and the 30-foottall juxtaposition of the new and old

cooper river bridges. the light show frequently ranks among lists of the top 10 in the country, alongside those in bigger cities like new orleans and atlanta. it’s also been voted a top 20 event by the southeastern tourism society, receiving attention from the travel channel and southern living magazine. but the fun doesn’t end there. also available to folks who want to get out of their car and stretch their legs is the winter wonderland and santa’s village. while there, visit with santa, roast marshmallows, stroll through the enchanted forest walking trail, enjoy the winter carnival and so much more.

when: through dec. 31; 5:30-10 p.m. sundays-thursdays; 5:30-11 p.m. fridayssaturdays where: James island county park, 871 riverland drive price: $12 sunday-thursday, $15 per vehicle friday-saturday; get a $2 discount sunday-thursday with the donation of a canned food item more info: 795-4386 or www.holidayfestivaloflights.com

holiday happenings

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E21

cabooty party

mannheim steamroller


ne of the biggest holiday parties each year, this event always delivers. the 23rd annual event will feature music, food, drinks, and a live and silent auction. and what’s better, you are partying for a purpose as all proceeds will benefit camp happy days’ yearround programs for south carolina’s children fighting cancer. when: 7 p.m. dec. 7 where: memminger auditorium, 56 beaufain st. price: $50 more info: www.camphappy days.com


‘a lowcountry christmas, featuring larnelle harris’


orth charleston pops! continues its inaugural season with this special performance of holiday music. five-time grammy winner larnelle harris will join the north charleston pops! to perform a selection of secular and sacred christmas classics, including “silent night,” “o holy night,” “o come, all ye faithful,” “let it snow,” “the christmas song,” “silver bells,” “sleigh ride” and more. harris also will perform some selections from his grammy-winning christmas cd, “a larnelle christmas.” when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 8 where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $15-$35 more info: www.northcharlestoncoliseum pac.com or www.larnelle.com

christmas made in the south


Mannheim Steamroller Christmas


hat better way to celebrate the holidays than with the no. 1-selling christmas artist of all time. in its 27th year, the mannheim steamroller christmas is coming to north charleston for one show only. part of the north charleston performing arts center’s best of broadway series,

expect to hear the favorite christmas music of mannheim steamroller combining the group’s signature mix of renaissance instruments with rock ’n’ roll beats, along with state-of-the-art multimedia effects in an intimate setting. named one of the top 20 concert tours in the nation last year, this show will not disappoint.

when: 8 p.m. saturday where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $65 more info: www.northcharlestoncoliseumpac.com or www.mannheimsteamroller.com


elebrating 20 years, this holiday arts event is sure to please. whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, you’ll likely find something, even for that hard to shop for person in your life. artisans and crafters will be on-site selling their wares and demonstrating their talents. expect to see everything from jewelry to wearables. live entertainment and food are part of the fun. when: friday-sunday where: exchange park fairgrounds, 9850 u.s. highway 78, ladson price: $6, children 12 and under get in free more info: madeinthesouth shows.com

holiday happenings

E22: Thursday, november 29, 2012

‘on a winter’s night’


est-selling piano artist Jim brickman will bring his 17th annual holiday concert to north charleston. brickman, along with special guests luke mcmaster, anne cochran and tracy silverman, will perform classic and contemporary holiday music, fan favorites and songs from brickman’s latest cd, “believe.” presented by y1025 fm, the show will feature a local choir group that competed for the chance to perform. when: 3 p.m. dec. 9 where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $31-$76 more info: www.north charlestoncoliseumpac. com or www.Jimbrickman .com

The post and courier

‘the charleston christmas special’



rad and Jennifer moranz present this two-hour musical spectacular. watch an all-star cast of 30 singers, dancers and musicians from all over the country as they perform traditional and contemporary christmas songs and carols, along with hilarious yuletide comedy. performers include a number of broadway and off-broadway actors, a former radio city rockette, an eight-piece live orchestra and more. this show is fast becoming a lowcountry favorite. when: dec. 8-22 where: charleston music hall, 37 John st. price: $34, $31 for military and seniors 62 and over, $19 for students 21 and under with valid id, $16 for kids 12 and under more info: 800-514-3849, 4168453 or www.bradandjennifer moranz.com

The post and courier

holiday happenings

thursday, november 29, 2012: E23



t wouldn’t be christmas without a performance of the “nutcracker,” a holiday staple in so many minds. and the great thing is, charlestonians will get a double shot as the charleston ballet theatre is putting on a performance midmonth before the moscow ballet brings its “great russian nutcracker” to town. the cbt will be bringing its 26th annual performance of “nutcracker” to the north charleston performing arts center. it also will be joining forces with the charleston animal society for the second annual “muttcracker,” which aims to find dogs homes for the holidays. with 90 children’s roles in the cbt version, they are performed


by rotating casts of the charleston ballet theatre school as well as dance students from throughout the lowcountry who auditioned. the moscow ballet is presenting a 20th anniversary production of the “great russian nutcracker” featuring more than 40 russian dancers. starring some of the best dancers, the moscow ballet’s show features a christmas tree that grows to seven stories tall, falling snow, 200 costumes and the new “dove of peace,” where two dancers become one stunning bird. without a doubt, the holidays wouldn’t be complete if you missed out on catching this classic story.

when: cbt performing dec. 15-16; moscow ballet performing dec. 23 where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $30-$50 for the cbt shows; $29-$89 for the moscow ballet shows more info: northcharlestoncoliseumpac.com

E24: Thursday, november 29, 2012

holiday happenings

The post and courier

holiday magic in downtown charleston

Santa makes his way along the parade route.

file photographs /staff

The annual Holiday Parade of Boats.

A child looks up into the Christmas tree of lights in Marion Square.


hile some events have transpired on the holiday calendar, this weekend in charleston really kicks off the season. things begin saturday morning with the reindeer run, a family-oriented, petfriendly 5k run and walk that’s all about celebrating the season. whether you participate or are watching in amusement, expect to see tons of costumes, hear holiday tunes and maybe see a few snowflakes. find out more in get out on page 4. events continue later in the day in marion square as mayor Joe riley and santa claus light the 60-foot tree of lights. entertainment starts at 4:30 p.m. afterward, head over to the waterfront for the parade of boats. starting about 5 p.m., catch boats of all sizes as they parade across the harbor decked out in their holiday best. head back downtown 24 p.m. sunday for the 32nd annual charleston christmas parade. the parade begins at calhoun and meeting streets and proceeds down king street to broad street and lockwood drive. when: saturday-sunday where: downtown charleston price: free to attend; the reindeer run requires participants to pay a fee more info: www. charlestoncity.info or www.charlestonarts.org

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E25

E26: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

for more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com.

Today Gathering of the Elves

what: child abuse is a grim reality here in the community, and the goal of the event is to give the community a tangible way to give back to the children in need during the holidays, and raise awareness about the issue of abuse and the healing resources available at dee norton lowcountry children’s center. all proceeds from gathering of the elves will support the children and families seen at dnlcc. every toy donated is distributed to dnlcc clients in need during the holiday season. when: 7-10 p.m. nov. 29 where: taco boy downtown, 217 huger st. price: donation of a toy or $10 more info: 723-3600 or www. dnlcc.org

Friday Holly Hill Festival

what: cozy up to the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the snow flurries or watch the live nativity scene. the christmas parade

will begin at 11 a.m. santa will take part in the parade and will be available later for photos. other events include live music, craft and commercial vendors, food vendors, creche scene displays, inflatables, a rock wall, bungee trampolines and some free activities for the kids. when: 3-8 p.m. nov. 30 and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. dec. 1 where: holly hill depot, 8603 old state road price: free admission more info: vendors call: 7093706; basic festival information: 803-496- or http://hollyhillchristmasfestival.com

Sound of Charleston

what: experience the sounds that define charleston and its southern charm — jazz, gospel, gershwin, gullah, spirituals, civil war songs — coming to life in sacred and historic spaces during a 75-minute live concert. when: 7 p.m. nov. 30 where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. price: $28 adults, $25 seniors, $16 students, children 12 and un-

der free more info: 270-4903 or www. soundofcharleston.com

Gospel Celebration

what: rejoice! a spiritual & gospel celebration offers the joyous sounds of the holiday featuring the cso spiritual ensemble and the cso gospel choir performing african-american spirituals and toe-tapping holiday gospel gems. when: 7:30 p.m. nov. 30 and dec. 1 where: sottile theatre, 44 george st. price: tickets may be purchased at www.charlestonsymphony. org or by calling patron services at 723-7528, ext. 110

Santa Claus & Martians

what: in “santa claus conquers the martians,” the children of mars are missing out on the joys of childhood, so the martian leaders hatch a plot to kidnap santa claus and bring him to their planet. landing on earth, the alien crew and their robot encounter plucky earth kids, angry elves, and even a polar bear as they make their way

to santa’s workshop at the north pole. when: 7:30 p.m. nov. 30, dec. 1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15; 2 p.m. dec. 2, 9 14, 16, where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: $10-$15 more info: 367-7653 or www. misfitboy.com

Candlelight Service

what: the annual christmas candlelight service at the citadel will celebrate its 75th year of entertaining holiday audiences. a citadel and lowcountry tradition, the hourlong program is free and open to the public. guests are encouraged to arrive early to secure parking on campus and seating in the chapel. when: 7:30-8:30 p.m. nov. 30, dec. 1, 2 where: summerall chapel at the citadel, 171 moultrie st. price: free more info: 953-5049 or www.citadel.edu/ root/2012candlelightservice

please see events, page e27

the deadline for night life items is friday at 5 p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be faxed to the newsroom at 937-5579 or e-mailed to clubs@postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.

Today Thomas Champagne

what: acoustic/funk reggae. when: 6 p.m. nov. 29 where: pearlz oyster bar, 9 magnolia road

Graham Whorley

what: rock and funk guitar. when: 6:30-9:30 p.m. nov. 29 where: Juanita greenberg’s nacho royale, 410 w. coleman blvd.

Bubba Bryant

what: lead vocalist and guitarist from local band high tide. when: 7-10 p.m. nov. 29 where: poe’s tavern, 2210 middle st.

Art of Trio Music Series

what: Jazz piano trio features richard h. white Jr. (piano), Jeremy wolf (bass) and Quentin e. baxter (drums). when: 8 p.m. nov. 29 where: the mezz - charleston Jazz bar, 276 king st. price: $10 more info: 853-4515 or www. mezzdowntown.com

Soul Fish

what: morgan & rotie with an allrequest show. when: 9 p.m.-midnight nov. 29

where: trayce’s too neighborhood grille and pub, 2578 ashley river road price: free more info: 556-2378

where: pal Joey’s martini lounge, 1035 Johnnie dodds blvd. more info: www.louied.com

Gracious Day

Johnny Breeze

what: southern/country. when: 9 p.m.-midnight nov. 29 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover.


what: roots rock/alternative country. when: nov. 29 where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

Cosmic Charlie

what: americana/psychedelic/ jam band out of athens, ga., will play some high-energy grateful dead. when: 9 p.m. doors nov. 29 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

The Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post-modern funk and party band featuring louie d. on sax and lead vocals. when: 9 p.m. nov. 29

Friday what: acoustic singer/guitarist. when: 6-10 p.m. nov. 30 where: blackbeard’s cove family fun park, 3255 u.s. highway 17

Luke Cunningham

what: local rock/southern rock singer-songwriter will play the hoedown throwdown refresh party, with a chance to win two eric church concert tickets. when: 7 p.m.-2 a.m. throwdown, 9:30 p.m. band nov. 30 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd. more info: 971-wing or www. on.fb.me/unh1na

Tristina Miller

what: acoustic pop singersongwriter. when: 7 p.m. where: single smile cafe, n. main st. price: free more info: 875-7745 or www. summervilledream.org/single smilecafe

please see clubs, page e27

The post and courier

events from page e26


Works on Display

what: concurrent solo exhibitions. indiana-based mixedmedia artist michelle peterlin will display paintings of objects and mementos from her travels over the past five years in her exhibit, window dressing. tennessee-based printmaker Jennifer stoneking-stewart will present images of nature reclaiming a place in packed up. the public is invited to attend a free reception hosted by Jennifer stonekingstewart on dec. 6 from 5-7 p.m. on view: dec 1-30. gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. when: dec. 1-30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Daniel Island Festival

what: the 2012 holiday festival on daniel island. when: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. dec. 1 where: family circle cup stadium, 161 seven farms drive price: no admission

clubs from page e26

quentin Baxter quintet

what: featuring charlton singleton (trumpet), mark sterbank (tenor saxophone), richard h. white Jr. (piano), kevin hamilton (bass) and Quentin e. baxter (drums). when: 8 p.m. nov. 30 where: the mezz-charleston Jazz bar, 276 king st. price: $10 more info: 853-4515 or www. mezzdowntown.com

The Cool

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 8 p.m.-midnight nov. 30 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie dodds blvd.

Dub Island Duo

what: dub/jungle/reggae. when: 9 p.m.-midnight nov. 30 where: tides folly beach, one center st. price: free

Tarlatans Duo

what: americana/indie/folk rock. when: nov. 30 where: new moon pizzeria & pub, 2817 maybank highway


what: americana/roots/alternative country band out of brooklyn. when: 9 p.m. doors nov. 30 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $8 advance, $10 day-ofshow

thursday, november 29, 2012: E27

Snowboard Rail Jam

what: this family-friendly event will feature live music, local oysters, food trucks and the only snowboard ramp in the lowcountry. the ramp will be open all day with the final Jam at 10 p.m., where the winner will leave with $300. the event is benefiting “chase after a cure.” a silent disco begins at 11 p.m. and offers a way to listen and dance to music that is broadcast over wireless headphone. the headphones have two channels, and listeners can easily toggle between dueling dJs. when: 2 p.m.-3 a.m. dec. 1 where: brick house kitchen, 1575 folly road price: $10 more info: 834-4328 or www.facebook.com/ events/320681021372672

N. Charleston Parade

what: this annual city event is a holiday gift to the community. families, friends and neighbors share the joys of the season through delightful entertainment, children’s activities, carriage rides, festive food and decorations, thousands of twinkling lights, visits with santa and an evening parade. children’s activities begin at 4 p.m., entermore info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com


what: alternative rock band out of charlotte. when: nov. 30 where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.

Zero to Never

what: pop/rock/party band. when: nov. 30 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.

Wild Cub

what: indie/electric/pop composer and multi-instrumentalist out of nashville, tenn. when: 9 p.m. nov. 30 where: the royal american, 970 morrison drive price: $10 more info: 853-3524 or www. theroyalamerican.com

Hed Shop Boys

what: rock/classic rock. when: 9:30 p.m. nov. 30 and dec. 1 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: free

Swamp Gypsies

what: self-described “southern, gypsy, swamp-rock.” when: 10 p.m. nov. 30 where: planet follywood, 32 center st.

Henry’s Attic

what: classic rock/jam band/ roots music. when: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. nov. 30

tainment begins at 5 p.m. and christmas parade at 6 p.m. ample parking is available on the islands around park circle. when: 4-9 p.m. dec. 1 where: felix davis community center, 4800 park circle price: free more info: 745-1028 or www. northcharleston.org


‘A Sweet T. Christmas’

what: a night to give 1 hope raises funds for an adoption matching grant fund through the hope fund. tickets are $37 and $57 per couple; visit www.eventbrite.com. when: 4-7 p.m. dec. 1 where: historic rice mill building, 17 lockwood drive

what: “a sweet t. christmas (a holiday whodunit with spirit)” is recommended for friends, family and co-workers looking to share some laughs this season with mystery that’s a little bit sweet and a whole lot of silly. professional actors, volunteer audience roles, video short, a la carte beer/ wine/desserts. $24. half-price student id thursdays; $20-sundays, seniors/military). when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 1 where: the black fedora comedy mystery theatre, 164 church st. price: $24 more info: www.charlestonmysteries.com

‘General Store’

‘A Celtic Christmas’

A Night to Give 1 Hope

what: pure theater will host local musicians, including singersongwriter steven fiore and instrumentalist group entropy ensemble, for an acoustic varietystyle concert. when: dec. 1, 7 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. show where: 477 king st. price: $15 more info: 303-4049 or www. showclix.com/event/ where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: $5

Bare Knuckle Champions

what: self-described “indieamericana-folk-grass” out of columbia. when: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. nov. 30 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5


what: the self-described “postmodern ragtime/gypsy/jazz/ swing/jugband” will perform at the tibetan society’s fundraiser and noodle will be the evening’s auctioneer. when: 6-9 p.m. dec. 1 where: charleston tibetan society, 12 parkwood ave. price: $10 suggested donation.

‘General Store’

what: the theater will host local musicians, including singersongwriter steven fiore and instrumentalist group entropy ensemble, for an acoustic varietystyle concert. when: 8 p.m. dec. 1 where: pure theatre, 477 king st. price: $15 more info: 303-4049 or www. showclix.com/event/thegeneral store

16th anniversary party what: the restaurant’s anniversary party will feature acoustic/

please see clubs, page e28

what: the taylor festival choir, the youth celtic fiddlers, na fidleiri, are joined by grammy-nominated irish singer John doyle for their annual holiday celebration called “a celtic christmas.” many of the songs are from their cd, “sing we now of christmas,” along with newly commissioned songs such as “love came down on christmas.” when: 7:30-9 p.m. dec. 1

where: st. matthew’s lutheran church, 405 king st. price: $18 general, $25 preferred seating, $10 students more info: 559-0358 or www. taylormusicgroup.net

sunday ‘O Wondrous Light’

what: the horton school of

music at charleston southern university offers “o wondrous light,” a celebration of christmas music featuring the csu choral ensembles bel canto, concert singers and singing buccaneers as well as the csu wind ensemble and the university children’s chorus performing a variety of selections.

please see events, page e28

E28: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

events from page e27 when: 3 p.m. dec. 2 where: lightsey chapel auditorium, 9200 university blvd. price: $10 general admission, $5 for seniors and students with id more info: 863-7966 or www. charlestonsouthern.edu

Moncks Corner Parade

what: moncks corner will hold its annual christmas parade beginning at 3:30 p.m. dec. 2 at berkeley high school, proceeding down main street to u.s. highway 52 extension. following the parade will be the christmas program and tree lighting in unity park. the program will begin at 5:15 p.m. with local performers, the lighting of the tree and a visit from santa. when: 3:30 p.m. dec. 2 where: moncks corner depot, 100 behrman st. price: free more info: 899-4708 or www. townofmonckscorner.sc.gov

CSO Strings & Brass

what: get in the spirit of the season with an afternoon of holiday favorites performed by the string ensemble, woodwind Quintet and the brass Quintet of charleston symphony orchestra. yuriy bekker, concertmaster, has selected repertoire by bach, elgar, gabrieli and

clubs from page e27 alternative/rock artist dave landeo for his cd release party, the sec and acc championship games and sailor Jerry’s rum trailer. when: 7 p.m. dec. 1 where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd. more info: 971-wing or www. on.fb.me/Qgt0m6

Slow Runner

what: indie/pop/alternative from slow runner and rock/folk rock/soul from rachel kate at this charleston listening room series event, presented by awendaw green and suncoast promotions. when: 7 p.m. doors dec. 1 where: circular congregational church, 150 meeting st. price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow

Estee Gabay

what: indie pop. when: dec. 1 where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

The Cool

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 9 p.m. dec. 1 where: ivory moon, 1580 old trolley road

David Grunstra

what: live music from half of the local acoustic americana band, wire and wood.

tchaikovsky and popular holiday tunes. sponsored by the town of kiawah island arts council. free tickets available at kiawah town hall, 21 beachwalker drive. when: 4-5:30 p.m. dec. 2 where: holy spirit catholic church, 3871 betsy kerrison parkway price: free more info: 768-9166 or www. kiawahisland.org/artscouncil

Tuesday Step up for Israel

what: israel is constantly in the public view, but there is much more to the Jewish state than meets the eye. this film series will help viewers to discover core israeli values and successes, explain why israel is consistently in the headlines, and provide answers to the hardest questions about israel. dec. 4: “israel and the west.” dec. 11: “creation of a state.” dec. 18: “speak up for israel.” when: 10-11 a.m. dec. 4, 11, 18 where: charleston Jewish community center, 1645 wallenberg blvd. price: free more info: 614-6487

Music Club Carol Fest

what: the charleston music club will present its annual, free when: dec. 1 where: new moon pizzeria & pub, 2817 maybank highway

Tuesday Shrimp City Slim

what: classic lowcountry, chicago, and new orleans blues piano/vocals. when: 5 p.m. dec. 4 where: mad river bar & grill, 32 north market st. price: free more info: 723-0032 or www. shrimpcityslim.com

Keith Bruce

what: guitarist/songwriter. when: 6 p.m. dec. 4 where: castaways grille, 1291 folly road

‘Eclectic Evenings’

what: the music initiative & holy city brewing will present live filming for season 3 of charleston’s only music television series, “eclectic evenings.” when: 7:30-10:30 p.m. dec. 4 where: the royal american, 970 morrison drive price: free more info: 803-210-6519 or www.themusicinitiative.com/ tvvideo-series/

Church of Bass Tour

what: self-described “glitched out bass music” out of toronto, crunk/dub/electro from stephan Jacobs out of los angeles and electro dJ/producer Jay fay out of st. louis.

inter-generational holiday carol fest at 7 p.m. dec. 4 in the chapel at franke at seaside, 1885 rifle range road. sarah fitzgerald will direct. middle and high school and adult instrumentalists are invited to sight-read christmas carols. instrumentalists should rsvp to Jean breza at 224-9933 or jbreza1@gmail.com to ensure music availability. others not playing an instrument are invited to sing. refreshments will be served. more info: 886-0245 or www. charlestonmusicclub.org

WWE Smackdown

what: world wrestling entertainment presents wwe smackdown. when: 7 p.m. dec. 4 where: north charleston coliseum, 5001 coliseum drive more info: visit www.north charlestoncoliseumpac.com

Carols in the Round

what: charleston southern university celebrates the holiday with carols in the round featuring csu’s concert singers. this event is held in the science building. when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 4 where: charleston southern university-science building, 9200 university blvd. price: tickets $5 at the door. more info: 863-7966, music@ csuniv.edu or www.charleston southern.edu

when: 7 p.m. doors dec. 4 where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $15 advance, $18 day-ofshow more info: 722-8904 or www. musicfarm.com

Hibachi Heroes

what: rock/funk/blues fusion. when: 9 p.m.-midnight dec. 4 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road

more games at postand courier. com/games.

ace’s on bridge


One aspect of the game that defeats beginners and intermediate players is the concept that every card means something. Take this deal from the second semifinal session of the Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs from Seattle last year, and focus just on East’s cards and the North hand (dummy). North-South were playing Precision, which led to an inelegant sequenceendinginoneno-trump rather than two diamonds. But it was up to East-West to punish them. Using fourth-highest leads, West started with the club four: jack, queen, six. The club two went to the nine and 10, and the club three was returned to East’s king. When West let the club eight hold the trick, East had to

decide how to continue. Dummy had pitched a heart and two diamonds on the clubs; declarer had thrown a heart. Should East play a spade, in case declarer started with the doubleton spade ace and five solid diamonds? Or should he play a diamond, in case declarer had the spade king and not the diamond king? The answer came from West’s decision to win the second club trick with the 10, not the ace. (He knows East has the club king from the play to the first two tricks, so he has a choice of playsfromequals.)Whenhethen returns the club three, not the ace or five, he has played his lowest card at each turn, signaling for a diamond through.

© United Feature Syndicate

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E29

E30: Thursday, november 29, 2012

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: ocarinas

orca cairn casino average mark 22 coin words time limit 35 minutes coir corn can you find 28 acorn or more words in anoa affiliate? aria the list will be published tomorrow. arnica arson – united feature syndicate 11/29 racon

today’s word: affiliate

rain rani roan rosin icon iron naris saran sari scan scar scion

scoria scorn soar sonar sonic sora

the rules -words must be four

or more letters. -words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. -only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. -no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

E32: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, november 29, 2012: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope

taurus (april 20-may 20): speak up. there is plenty you can do to secure your position or find a new one. traveling will allow you to promote what you have to offer. love is highlighted.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): take a closer look at your personal situation and you will discover something that may help you avoid a turn of events that will cost you emotionally or financially.

sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21): size up any relationships that are causing you concern. be truthful regarding your motives and you will avoid an unsavory situation.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): getting involved in an event that will enable you to meet new people will help you adjust to a new way of life.

capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): do whatever is necessary to get ahead. live up to your promises and take control of whatever you face.

gemini (may 21-June 20): someone from your past will help plug you into a good group of people in your chosen field. share your creative ideas.

libra (sept. 23oct. 22): consider how you can earn more money. update your resume and discuss future prospects with people you have worked with.

aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): do what’s expected of you and you will avoid backlash. show responsibility and you will gain respect.

cancer (June 21-July 22): interacting with friends or colleagues will lead to an unusual change in the way you move forward or the lifestyle you choose to live.

scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21): money matters will cause uncertainty. an impulsive move to overcome your lack of funds will set you back. stick to a budget.

aries (march 21-april 19): listen to what’s being asked of you. don’t let anger take over. assess what you are dealing with and minimize any negativity.

pisces (feb. 19-march 20): you can make some favorable changes at home that will influence your financial situation as well as your relationship with those you live with.

E34: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television NOV 29


6 PM


7 PM

C = Comcast Cable (N) = New (HD) = High Definition See complete TV listings Online at postandcourier.com/tv

= Broadcast


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM







News 2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel (N) (HD) Jeopardy! (N) 30 Rock Start a All Night (N) The Office: The Parks: Pawnee Rock Center with Brian Williams News 2 at 11PM The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 3 (N) WCBD News (N) (HD) (HD) family. (HD) (HD) Target. (N) Commons. Employed homeless. (HD) (N) Newt Gingrich. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Last Resort: Big Chicken Dinner. Grey’s Anatomy: I Was Made For (:02) Scandal: Defiance. James in(:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel ABC News 4 @ 8 6 (N) WCIV (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) Thanksgiving feast. (N) (HD) Lovin’ You. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) Live (HD) vestigates Cytron. (N) (HD) 11 (N) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (N) 2 1/2 Men (N) (:01) Person of Interest: ‘Til Death. (:01) Elementary: The Long Fuse. Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) WCSC (HD) News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) Husband and wife. (N) (HD) Dormant crime. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) man Tom Hanks. (R) (HD) The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD) My Music: Motown: Big Hits and More. The Temptations, the Four Boundless Potential with Mark Walton Host gives Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones Live MusiDr. Rudy Tanzi 11 WITV Tops, and more perform original Motown classics. (R) (HD) advice second half of life. (R) (HD) cians’ impromptu performance. (R) (HD) (R) (HD) Kolenda Rose Clear Great Awakening Tour One on One Miracles New Manna (N) Know Cause CBN News Awakening Awakening 230 CBN News WLCN Lo que callamos (N) La Isla Al extremo (N) Extranormal 2012 (N) Deporte caliente Noticiero (R) 250 El milagro de los Santos (N) WAZS Dish Nation (N) Raymond: Meant Judy Sex- Judge Judy False Family Feud (R) Family Feud (R) The X Factor Final eight; elimina- Glee: Thanksgiving. Alumni help The News at 10 Local news report TMZ (N) 6 Judge WTAT tion. (N) (HD) out. (N) (HD) and weather forecast. (N) to Be. ual assault. arrest. (R) (HD) (HD) Family: Let’s Go Simpsons: Big Bang (HD) Big Bang (HD) White Collar: Need to Know. CorWhite Collar: Copycat Caffrey. Baggage (HD) Excused Dater 30 Rock DisChristine (HD) 30 Rock: Winter 13 to the Hop. WMMP Donnie Fatso. rupt politician. (HD) Crime revisited. (HD) returns. (HD) tracting Liz. (HD) Madness. 48 Skeletal remains. (R) (HD) 48: A Simple Plan/The Rip-Off. 48 Drive-by shooting. (N) (HD) Panic 911 Store shooting. (HD) Panic 911 Store shooting. (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 First 48: Caught in the Middle. A&E CSI: Miami: Bait. Shark attack and CSI: Miami: Dead Zone. Sunken “Fargo” (‘96, Thriller) aaa (Frances McDormand) A pregnant police “Casino” (‘95, Drama) aaac (Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone) A casino boss struggles 58 gun shot death. (HD) AMC treasure. (HD) chief trails two bumbling kidnappers wanted for murder. (HD) to survive in mob-controlled 1970s Las Vegas. not ab (HD) Apollo Live (N) BET Hip Hop Awards 2011 Honoring hip-hop. (R) (HD) Game (R) (HD) Game (R) (HD) Wendy (N) 18 106 & Park Top 10 videos selected by the viewers. (N) (HD) BET Real Housewives: Unmoved. Housewives (N) (HD) (:01) Housewives (R) (HD) Watch What (:31) Housewives (R) (HD) 63 “Bad Boys II” (‘03) aac Tough narcotics cops stop drug kingpin. BRAVO Art Walking Shop Talk SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk 2 Tammy C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) (:59) “Accepted” (‘06) Slacker creates a university. ab (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Key; Peele COMEDY 53 South Prk (R) Tosh.0 (HD) Queens (HD) Rules (HD) Rules (HD) Diaries: My Brother’s Keeper. Beauty Beast: Out of Control. News (N) Seinfeld ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Jungle: Desperate Measures. Moonshiner Broken still. (HD) Moonshiner Risky run. (R) (HD) Ghost Town: Trailing Outlaws. Moonshiner Risky run. (R) (HD) Ghost Town 27 Jungle Gold: Broken Man. (R) DISC Soup (R) (HD) Love You (R) Kardashian Kardashian Kourtney (R) Kardashian C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 Ice; Coco (R) Ice; Coco (R) E! News (N) (HD) E! Cupcake (R) (HD) Sugar Dome (R) (HD) Sweet: Golden Genius. (HD) Sweet Genius: Magic Genius. Iron Chef: Transformation. (R) Sweet (HD) 34 Chopped: Have a Heart. (HD) FOOD 2 1/2 Men “Iron Man” (‘08) aaac (Robert Downey Jr.) An arms dealer becomes a superhero. ab (HD) Sunny (HD) League (HD) Biased (HD) (:31) Russell Brand (N) (HD) 23 2 1/2 Men FX Farm Kings Sports team. (R) Farm Kings First Fall Festival. Christmas in Black Hills (R) Headline (R) Late Shift (N) Farm Kings 147 GAC Daily Countdown (R) GAC Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage (R) 179 Fam. Feud GSN “Naughty or Nice” (‘12, Drama) (Hilarie Burton) pqw (HD) “The Santa Incident” (‘10, Holiday) (Ione Skye) pqw (HD) “Christmas” 47 “A Princess for Christmas” (‘11) aac (Sir Roger Moore) (HD) HALL Extreme Homes (N) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Homes: Mud, Cave, Snake. Homes (R) 98 Property (HD) Property (HD) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Buying: Halley & Justin. (HD) HGTV Ancient: Aliens and Bigfoot. Ancient Stegosaurus site. (HD) Ancient (R) (HD) (:02) Ancient (R) (HD) Ancient (HD) HISTORY 126 101 Gadgets That Changed the World (R) (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn: The Tempest. The Waltons: The Hostage. The Waltons: The Revel. Matlock: The Rat Pack. Dr. Quinn: Running Ghost. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Trading: Pilek/Bowers, Part 2. Project Social media. (R) (HD) Project Runway All Stars: You’ve Got Male. Abby’s: Bend It Like Abby. (R) Project (HD) Project (HD) 29 Trading: Pilek/Bowers, Part 1. LIFE Teen Mom Clueless (N) Pranked (N) Jersey: Control the Crazy. (R) Jersey: Make It Unofficial. (R) Jersey Shore: Shore Shower. Jersey (HD) Jersey (HD) Jersey (HD) 35 Teen Mom MTV Will: Family Secrets (HD) 48 Hrs.: Nightmare in Napa. 48 Hrs.: Texas Confidential. 48 Hours Myst.: Sleep Tight. 48 Hrs.: Nightmare in Napa. 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 Will A musician’s estate. (HD) OWN Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Jail (N) (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) Nightmares Nightmares MMA Live (N) GT Academy “The Keeper” 44 Jail (R) (HD) SPIKE “Dungeons and Dragons: Book of Vile and Darkness” (HD) “Age of the Dragons” (‘11) a ab (HD) 57 “The Name” a “Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God” (‘05) aa (Mark Dymond) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 (5:00) Praise the Lord TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Jason Sudeikis. (N) (HD) Office (HD) 12 Queens (HD) TBS (:45) “Silk Stockings” (‘57, Musical) (Fred Astaire) Bumbling Soviet (5:30) “Cimarron” (‘60, Western) (Glenn Ford) A cowboy runs an influ- “The Iron Petticoat” (‘56, Comedy) aac (Bob (:45) “Comrade X” (‘40) aac A re55 ential TCM newspaper during the Oklahoma land rush of 1899. Hope) A captain defects from Russia. af agents fail in their mission to retrieve a Russian composer. porter poses as a Communist. LI Medium Bride: Aki. (R) Bride (R) (HD) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Four Wedd: ...and a Circus. Along for the Bride: Kara. (N) Four Wedd: ...and a Circus. Bride: Kara. 68 LI Medium TLC Mentalist Family suspect. (HD) 4 Mentalist: Red Sky at Night. TNT A NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat z{| (HD) A NBA Basketball: Denver vs Golden State z{| (HD) v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Mysteries Museum facts. (R) Mysteries Museum facts. (N) Mysteries (R) Dead Files (R) (HD) Mysteries (R) 52 Bizarre Foods: Hong Kong. TRAVEL Cops (HD) Wipeout “Love Train.” (HD) Wipeout “Love Train.” (HD) Dumbest Girl on a tightrope. Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Killer Karaoke (R) Top 20 (R) 72 Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Un refugio para el amor (HD) Por ella soy Eva (HD) Amores verdaderos (HD) Amor bravío (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Al diablo con 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Ships in the Night. (HD) NCIS: Safe Harbor. (HD) NCIS: Thirst. (HD) Burn Notice: Down & Out. (N) (:01) NCIS: Jetlag. (HD) (:01) SVU (HD) 16 NCIS: Truth or Consequences. USA Therapy: Final Confrontations. Couples Therapy Final days. Greatest 100 - 81 since 90s. Greatest 80 - 61 since 90s. (N) Greatest 100 - 81 since 90s. Greatest (R) 21 Therapy Dourtney returns. (R) VH1 Christine Funniest Home Videos (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Rules (HD) 71 Christine WGN The Kudlow Report (N) The NEW Age of Walmart (R) Fugitives A securities dealer. Greed A shell company. (R) Mad Money (R) Fugitives (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan Tonight (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) The Ed Show (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) The Ed Show (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC College (HD) SportsCenter: from Bristol, Conn. (HD) SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter (HD) ESPN C College Football: Louisville Cardinals at Rutgers Scarlet Knights z{| (HD) 24/7 24/7 NFL Live (HD) 41 SportsNation (HD) ESPN-2 A College Basketball: SEC/Big East Challenge. z{| (HD) A College Basketball: SEC/Big East Challenge. z{| (HD) New College (HD) Access (HD) Preview (HD) Premier League Review (HD) New College (HD) SEC Gridiron Live (HD) Review (HD) 59 Preview (HD) Access (HD) FSS Greenbrier: Hot Spell. LPGA (HD) Golf Cntrl PGA Tournament: World Challenge: First Round. no} (HD) Golf Cntrl 19th Hole 66 Golf Cntrl GOLF CNBC (HD) “North Dallas Forty” (‘79) A football player fights labor abuse. “North Dallas Forty” (‘79) A football player fights labor abuse. CNBC (HD) NFL (HD) NBCSPO 56 NBC Sports Talk (HD) Kurt Busch The Outlaw (HD) NASCAR Awards: Nationwide & Camping World Truck Series. 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The 700 Club Scheduled: molested “The Christmas Be- (:35) “Aladdin” (‘92, Fantasy) (Robin Williams) Youth who lives on (:35) “Happy Feet” (‘06, Comedy) aaa (Robin Williams) A young Emperor penguin 20 “Nightmare FAMILY fore” (HD) by a babysitter. (R) List” (‘97) streets of Arabian kingdom frees wise-cracking genie. (HD) who cannot sing to find a mate turns to his tap-dancing. pqv af (HD) Sponge (R) “A Fairly Odd Christmas” (‘12) (Daran Norris) Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Nanny Nanny Friends Friends (HD) (:06) Friends 26 Sponge (R) NICK (:22) MASH MASH Cosby Cosby Cosby Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 Bonanza TVLAND “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (‘04) “Tower Heist” aaa (Daniel Radcliffe) A young “Safe House” (‘12) aaa (Denzel Washington) In South Africa, a CIA Cathouse: Menage a trois. Fantasy (:55) 24/7 (HD) 302 (‘11) aac (HD) wizard learns that an escaped convict may have betrayed his parents. (HD) HBO rookie and a rogue agent are attacked by mercenaries. (HD) to reality. (R) (HD) Rocketeer” “Mercury Rising” (‘98, Suspense) (Bruce Willis) A disgraced FBI agent “Firestorm” (‘98, Action) ac (Howie Long, Scott “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (‘11) aaa Ge- (:45) “The Teenie Weenie Bikini 320 “The MAX netically enhanced ape starts war. rsx (HD) (‘91) (HD) protects a 9-year-old autistic boy from assassins. (HD) Glenn) Smokejumpers battle a forest fire. (HD) Squad” (‘12, Adult) (HD) “50/50” (‘11) (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) After being diagnosed with “Apollo 18” (‘11, Horror) aa (Warren Christie) (:25) “Goon” (‘12, Comedy) aaa (Seann William Dave’s Old Porn The Reality: Dave’s Old Porn 340 (:20) SHOW cancer, a young man attempts to beat the disease. (HD) NASA’s abandoned mission to the moon. (HD) Scott) Bar bouncer turns into a hockey player. (N) Fired-Up. (N) (R)

The post and courier

thursday, november 29, 2012: E35

Live-in boyfriend dislikes 9-year-old

contestants get artistic with answers By reBekah BradFord Special to The Post and Courier



he next event in the art with a twist series at the gibbes museum of art is an antiques walk wednesday along lower king street. seems like a perfect time for some art trivia. current head2head champ aaron “rat” Barse is being challenged by carrie miller, who works in retail. file/sotheby’s auction house

Everyone recognizes “The Scream,” but do you know the name of the artist behind this iconic painting?

Questions 1. this artist “frenemy” of vincent van gogh worked as a laborer on the panama canal. 2. how many years was da vinci’s famous “mona lisa” painting missing after it was stolen from the louvre in 1911? 3. what year did the gibbes museum of art open to the public? 4. what was the first word picasso spoke? 5. the painting “the persistence of memory” has melting watches in it. who’s the artist? 6. name the painter who was married to the mexican artist diego rivera. 7. what was the principal art form in colonial south carolina? 8. who painted “the scream”? 9. which american artist is still alive: Jackson pollock, Jasper Johns, robert rauschenberg? 10. who painted “nighthawks”?

one bringing in an income while we raise two young boys. i love the holidays except for shopping for others. i hate spending money i don’t have looking for that perfect gift for everyone on my list. dear abby more often than not, the gift ear aBBy: my ends up being regifted or in husband committed the summer garage sale. For suicide 21/2 years ago. the past two years, i have we had been married for 13 asked that if people want years and have two daughto give gifts, to please give them to the kids and leave us ters who are now 15 and 9. The 15-year-old seems to be adults out of it. my requests have been ignored. doing fine. The 9-year-old i know for a fact that is not. my extended family is as But my biggest problem is my live-in boyfriend, “tim.” strapped for cash as i am, while i love him and mostly but they charge on credit cards. should i refuse a gift enjoy his company, he api can’t reciprocate or thank pears to dislike my 9-yearthem and try not to feel old. she needs male attention because her dad was an guilty? The name exchange opattentive, wonderful father. tion didn’t work. i feel there i have discussed this with should be more to the holitim. his response is he has a hard time doing it because days than going into debt for she is “totally out of control gifts. — ma humBug in oregon and crazy.” DEAR MA HUMBUG: abby, she is none of that. I agree with you, and so she is a child with a lot of would credit counselors energy. i don’t know what coast to coast. Thank your to do. i know it isn’t fair to my daughter, but i’m lonely relatives for their gifts. Reiterate that money is and miss tim when he’s not there. i’d appreciate any tight, so you will be giving gifts to the youngest family advice you can give me. — trying to moVe on in members only. If you feel you must reciprocate in ohio some way, whip up a batch DEAR TRYING: I am so of holiday cookies or fudge sorry for your loss. Howbrownies, wrap them with ever, parents get only one chance at parenting, which a colorful ribbon and make that your holiday gift. is why it’s so important to do it right the first time. dear abby is written by What is happening in your household is unfair to your abigail van buren, also known as Jeanne phillips, daughter. She should not be forced to live with a man and was founded by her mother, pauline phillips. who doesn’t like her and can’t give her positive rein- write dear abby at www. dearabby.com or p.o. box forcement. That’s why, for 69440, los angeles, ca her sake, it would be bet90069. for everything you ter for you and Tim to live need to know about wedapart. If you choose him ding planning, order “how over your daughter, you will later regret it and could to have a lovely wedding.” cause her serious emotional send your name and mailing address, plus check or problems for decades. dear aBBy: The holidays money order for $7 to: dear are right around the corner, abby, wedding booklet, and my husband and i have p.o. box 447, mount morris, il 61054-0447. (shipping had a difficult couple of and handling are included years financially. i’m a fulltime student; he is the only in the price.)

aaron’s answers 1. so glad i did a bunch of research on him: gauguin 2. i know there is some controversy about if it actually did return, and i know he painted multiples, but i don’t know how many years the original disappeared for. 3. 1960s? 4. art 5. salvador dali 6. frida kahlo 7. oil paint? 8. ed munch 9. rauschenberg 10. i really should know this, but i don’t.

conclusion aaron makes it two in a row. he’ll be back next week to attempt three wins in a row. for information about art with a twist, go to www.gibbesmuseum.org.

carrie’s answers 1. i remember reading he was friends with paul gauguin. 2. this is a guess, but 10 years. 3. sometime in the ’20s? 4. paint, but whatever the spanish word is. 5. i’ve seen a picture of it but can’t think who painted it. 6. frida kahlo 7. sculpture? 8. oh, the painting that’s like what the kid in “home alone” does. i don’t know. 9. Johns? 10. wyeth maybe.

correct answers 1. paul gauguin 2. two years 3. 1905 4. “piz,” short for “lapiz,” which is the spanish word for pencil

5. salvador dali 6. frida kahlo 7. portraiture 8. edvard munch 9. Jasper Johns 10. edward hopper

E36: Thursday, november 29, 2012

The post and courier

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