12.06.2012 Charleston Scene

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E2: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier


COVER STORY: The top-selling music duo Hall & Oates is coming to the Lowcountry, but one will be staying beyond the Wednesday show. Pages 20-21

what’s inside 4 | get out

david Quick previews outdoor options

5 | dollar days

check out dollar days, written by charleston scene editor allison nugent

14-15 | arts

a look at upcoming events

16-17 | music

cd reviews, upcoming shows

18-19 | weekend events

9 | movies

“playing for keeps�

10 | movie listings 11-13 | food + bev chew on this, roadside seafood, the shelter kitchen + bar

134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403 charleston scene is published every thursday by evening post publishing co. at 134 columbus st., charleston, sc 29403-9621 (usps 385-360). periodical postage paid at charleston, s.c., and additional mailing offices. Volume 3 No. 40 36 Pages


editor: allison nugent, anugent@postandcourier.com copy editors: angie blackburn, sandy schopfer and laura bradshaw freelance writers: rebekah bradford, matthew godbey, devin grant, stratton lawrence, olivia pool, deidre schipani and rob young calendar, night life listings: liz foster and abigail darlington. calendar@postandcourier.com, clubs@postandcourier.com sales: deseret scharett, descharett@postandcourier.com graphic designers: chad dunbar and fred smith

on the cover: mick rock

22-28 | calendar, nightlife, sudoku 30-34 | comics + tv grid with horoscopes and crossword puzzle

35 | trivia, abby

ad designers: tamara wright, Jason clark, kathy simes, krena lanham, shannon mccarty, melinda carlos, ashlee kositz, anita hepburn, marybeth patterson, amber nungesser, sherry rourk, terri riley, andrew sprague, sheryl martin, swan richards, melissa kelley, laurie hellmann and Julie noccida

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The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E3

E4: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

mud run of cycling to hold 2-day event

Mount pleasant Velo and the charleston county park and recreation commission present the two-day charleston cyclocross doubleheader at old towne creek plantation, located next to charles towne Landing, on saturday and sunday. it’s the third year cyclocross events have been held f you didn’t sign up for this in the area in december. The weekend’s biggest event, previous two were at wanthe 35th annual kiawah namaker county park. island Marathon and half chris Moore, president of Marathon on saturday (reg- Mount pleasant Velo, said istration is closed), there he hopes to draw 60-100 are still a few options to cyclists to the event, which consider as we head into the features the south carolina holiday lull. state cyclocross championships on sunday. cyclocross returns But, Moore said, people perhaps the most engagwanting to try cyclocross for ing bicycling event to watch, the first time are welcome and perhaps participate in, is to participate in a category cyclocross, a form of racing 4 race. and Moore said a that features obstacles, steep mountain bike will suffice hills and trails. for beginners. Think of it as the mud races for beginners and run for cycling. (riders ofintermediates last 30 or 40 ten have to dismount and minutes, and it’ll be a good carry the bike to get over workout, Moore said. The obstacles.) fee to race is $30 for adults and while cyclocross is and $15 for juniors ages 10more popular in northern 14 and 15-18. europe than the u.s., it for a complete schedule, comes to town this weekend. go to www.usacycling.org/


events or the facebook page for Mount pleasant Velo. whether you race or not, the event could be a good diversion from the shopping and holiday madness. Besides being spectator friendly, the event will feature food from The proud purveyors of pork food truck and a specially brewed beer, ghost rider, by palmetto Brewing co.

pajamas in public

among the most fun 5ks in charleston in the past five years has been knology’s annual pajama run, where most wear pajamas or pajama-like costumes. The fifth annual event ($40) will be at 10 a.m. saturday at riley park. This is the first time the event has been held in december. todd trevillian, event director, said the switch from november to december was due more to schedule conflicts with citadel football games and other events than experimenting with a different time. since its start in charleston in 2008, the event has raised $50,000 for research on “below the waist” cancers at the Medical university of south carolina. knology has established pajama runs in charlotte, augusta, ga., denver and Long Beach, calif. trevillian said demand for more pJ runs in other cities likely will require knology to hire help to expand the event across the nation. www.pajamarun.org

A participant at a past cyclocross event takes his bike over a hurdle.

Jingle bells

The second of two holidaythemed 5ks, the second annual Jingle Bell run and walk, takes place at 9 a.m. saturday at roper st. francis Mount pleasant hospital. The event ($35) is a fundraiser for the arthritis foundation. http://www.kintera. org/faf/home/default. Participants break out the curlers and robes for a past Pajama Run. asp?ievent=1023257

file photographs

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E5

holiday events at every turn


t’s beginning to look a lot like christmas. we’re in the thick of it, file/staff folks — every corner you turn there are holiday events The lighting of the menorah in Marion Square. happening. mt. p. light parade This weekend is crazy busy (see My charleston weekThe town of Mount pleasend on pages 18-19 for more ant is putting on its annual festive fun), so let’s get to it. parade, which features more than 100 floats. chanukah in square The free festivities begin with charleston’s christat about 5:30 p.m. sunday mas tree lit last weekend, at Moultrie Middle school, this weekend will honor hawhere the town will hold a nukkah, also referred to as tree lighting ceremony and chanukah. fireworks display. The festival of Lights, at about 5:45 p.m., the which begins saturday parade will march down night, will be celebrated in coleman Boulevard from Marion square, at king and pelzer drive and continue calhoun streets, 4-6 p.m. past shem creek to conclude file/staff sunday with a festive party. at the sea island shopping The event will feature mu- Santa waves to the crowd center around 7:15 p.m. sic, dancing, crafts and tasty at a past Summerville go to www.townofmount treats, including latkes and Christmas parade. pleasant.com. other traditional hanukkah iop street festival foods. But the highlight will spectators. The isle of palms will The parade is free to attend be the lighting of the 9-foot hold its holiday street menorah by charleston ho- and starts at 2 p.m., but it’s locaust survivors. suggested you get there early festival in coordination The party is free to attend with the lighting of the city’s to stake out a spot. and all are invited. View a map of the route at tree. call 724-7305 or go to from 3-7 p.m. saturday, www.summervilledream. www.charlestonarts.org. head over to front Beach org. on the isle of palms and also happening in sumsummerville parade merville this weekend is the enjoy carnival rides, a photo are you ready to visit san- famous Low country singbooth, jump castles, climbta’s workshop? ing wall and live music ing christmas tree, which if you are, then head to is quite a spectacle to behold. throughout the day provided summerville on sunday by sol driven train, fowler’s friday through Monday as the theme of this year’s Mustache, the sies choir, at summerville Baptist christmas parade is “santa’s church, 417 central ave., scottie frier Band and Jef summerville workshop.” wilson. this production features put on by the summerville dozens of singers performand don’t forget to stop in fire department and suming atop risers built to form for a visit with santa. merville dreaM, this paadmission is free, and a living christmas tree, as rade is “traditionally known well as a live orchestra, light local restaurants and venas one of the largest parades show and nativity play. dors will be offering food in south carolina,” featurspecials. tickets are $8. call 873ing as many as 3,000 partici- 2440 or go to www.sumcall 886-8294 or go to pants and well over 10,000 www.iop.net. mervillebaptist.org.

edisto parade The 22nd annual edisto christmas parade will begin at 2 p.m. saturday. The theme this year is “christmas on the coast.” Before the parade, at 1:30 p.m., the town will hold the lighting ceremony for the christmas tree. Later than night, 6-9 p.m., will be a christmas Light display at the serpentarium. attendees can enjoy the lights and roast marshmallows by the campfire. Local businesses also will be featuring special afternoon and evening events. on sunday at 7 p.m., the annual edisto community chorus christmas concert will be held at edisto Beach Baptist church. call 869-3867 or go to www.edistochamber.com.

tarantino XX

in a decidedly less holidaythemed realm, Quentin tarantino is continuing his celebration of the 20th anniversary of “reservoir dogs.” This time around, it’s “pulp fiction” that’s making its way back into theaters. for one night only, 7 p.m. today, catch John travolta, samuel L. Jackson, uma Thurman and Bruce willis in this academy awardwinning film, named one of afi’s “top 100 films of the Last 100 years.” in addition to the screening, the event will include a special feature showcasing tarantino’s 20-year career and a selection of handpicked movie trailers from films that inspired him as a filmmaker. This screening will take place at azalea square stadium 16, 215 azalea square Blvd. in summerville, and charlestowne square 18, 2401 Mall drive in north charleston. tickets are $12.50. go to www.Fathom Events.com or www. tarantinoxx.com.

E6: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E7

E8: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E9

Q&a with ‘playing for Keeps’ star butler By Lewis BeaLe Newsday

as a lawyer but gave it up to become an actor. Are you still interested in the law? a: it’s so completely out of my life. when i trained as a lawyer, i trained with a civil firm in edinburgh that was very old school, and we did everything from corporate law to litigation, everything i pretty much had no interest in. i had an interest when i was studying it. There was a romantic notion to being a lawyer, but the more i dealt with the reality, i realized it was not where my talents were, it didn’t pique my interest, and i didn’t want to do something that didn’t excite me.


erard Butler must have the most famous abs in the film business, thanks to his muscular performance as king Leonidas in “300.” But the 43-year-old scotsman has proven he’s more than just a beefcake and has shown serious versatility in musicals (“The phantom of the opera”), action films (“Law abiding citizen”) and romances (“p.s. i Love you”). in his latest, “playing for keeps,” which opens friday, Butler plays a former soccer star trying to recharge his life and maintain a relationship with his young son. Q: One of the teams you supposedly played for in this new film is Glasgow Celtic, a team you’ve rooted for all your life. They recently beat Barcelona, which is like a college team beating the Yankees. What was that like for you? a: i was in dubai, of all places. i was in the middle of a dinner with important people, and i said we had to get to an irish pub to watch the game. i was crying, i had tears in my eyes, i had everyone around congratulating me. it brings up something so primal, so old, it was a lifetime of pride and joy and tragedy that you’ve been through with this club. re-

dale robinette/filmdistrict/mct

Gerard Butler stars in ”Playing for Keeps,” directed by Gabriele Muccino. sults like this are so few and far between. it was a really powerful moment.

a: They were both seducing factors. i read the script, and i thought it was hilarious; it was “shampoo” meets Q: So I assume playing a “Meet the parents” meets soccer star, and co-starring “about a Boy.” These women with incredibly beautiful are trying to get their claws women like Jessica Biel, into him, and he’s trying to Uma Thurman and Cathstop being a philanderer. erine Zeta-Jones, were what Then there was something attracted you to this film. very sexy in the movie, to

have these beautiful women trying to seduce you. and i thought it really touching, gives the audience something to think about, lost love, second chances, fatherson relationship. i find those themes fascinating and moving. Q: You actually trained

Q: After you made “300,” did it bother you that so many people were discussing your abs and not your acting? a: no. it didn’t bother me. i know a lot of people who tell me, “i watched that movie, and now i go to the gym.” what bothered me was people telling me i was wearing a body suit. i worked too hard for you to deny me working so hard. i wanted to try and look like a sculpture, like Leonidas deserved to look. i wanted to be big, and cut. i think that movie worked on so many levels, and people appreciated it for more than the abs; it’s about team spirit, sacri-

fice and honor. Q: You recently got into a very serious accident while shooting the surfing film “Chasing Mavericks.” Do you think you’re getting to the age where you might want to cut back on the big, and sometimes dangerous, physical roles? a: right now, i’m looking for a cool action project. i’m a complete idiot, and i have to learn a lesson 10 times. The one thing i do think is i have to not take so many risks in movies. Me being in “Mavericks” was maybe not a great idea. ... But that’s all part of the challenge. i love the challenges. you have these panicked moments, but they’re the jobs that give me the most satisfaction. i think it’s my scottish spirit. Q: Speaking of your Scottish roots, it seems Scotland will be holding a referendum in 2014 on whether or not to leave the United Kingdom. What’s your opinion on the matter? a: i used to have stronger feelings for an independent scotland. But now i’m more federal, or working together, like unions. coming together, rather than a separation, is a better idea. i think some separate taxation, more of a connection with local government, but i don’t think an independent scotland, i’m not 100 percent sold on

E10: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier score: Out of 5 stars g: General Audiences pg: Parental Guidance pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned, some content unsuitable for children under 13 nr: Not Rated r: Restricted

Note: Dates and times are subject to change. Call the theater to make sure times are correct.


12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 9:50 terrace: today: 1:05, 2:10, 4, 5:10, 7:05, 8, 9:45; fri-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 8:20, 9:45

Playing for Keeps pg-13

The Polar Express

a romantic comedy about a former sports star who finds himself pursued by attractive soccer moms when he starts coaching his son’s team.


on christmas eve, a doubting young boy boards a mysterious, magical train on an adventure to the north pole for a visit with santa claus.

cinebarre: fri: 1:25, 4:25, 7:30, 9:50; satsun: 11;05, 1:25, 4:25, 7:30, 9:50; mon-thurs dec. 13: 1:25, 4:25, 7:30, 9:50 citadel: fri-thurs dec. 13: 1:05, 3:50, 7:05, 9:35 northwoods: fri-thurs dec. 13: 1:15, 3:55, 7:10, 9:40

citadel: fri-thurs dec. 13: noon

Red Dawn 1/2 pg-13


a group of teens organizes as guerilla fighters to save their town from an invasion of north korean paratroopers.

Anna Karenina 1/2 r

a high-society russian aristocrat has a life-changing adulterous affair with an affluent count in this tragic love story, set in the late 19th century. terrace: today: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:20, 9:35; fri-thurs dec. 13: 12:10, 2:30, 3:30, 4:50, 6, 7:20, 9:35

Argo 1/2 r

this film chronicles a cia operation to free six american hostages during the 1979 iranian revolution.

citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40

The Collection 1/2 r

the psychopathic serial killer known as “the collector” returns, kidnaps a girl from a party and takes her to a trapfilled labyrinth, and her wealthy father coerces the killer’s only escapee to help rescue her. citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 James island: today-fri: 4, 7:10, 9:30; sat-sun: 1:45, 4, 7:10, 9:30; mon-thurs dec. 13: 4, 7:10, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:20, 9:35

End of Watch 1/2 r

after a routine traffic stop, two young lapd cops become targets of a notorious drug cartel.

cinebarre: fri-thurs dec. 13: 7:50, 10:35

dale robinette/courtesy filmdistrict/mct

Gerard Butler (foreground) stars in “Playing for Keeps,” directed by Gabriele Muccino.

Flight 1/2 r

an investigation into a midair catastrophe and the pilot’s successful emergency landing creates more mystery than answers.

cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:55, 7:40, 10:45; fri: 12:50, 3:55, 7:20, 10:30; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:50, 3:55, 7:20, 10:30; mon-thurs dec. 13: 12:50, 3:55, 7:20, 10:30 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 1, 4, 7, 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:50

Killing Them Softly 1/2 r

brad pitt plays a mob enforcer who investigates a heist that occurred during a high-stakes poker game. cinebarre: today: 1:05, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55; fri: 1:05, 4:05, 7:40, 10:10; sat-sun: 10:40, 1:05, 4:05, 7:40, 10:10; mon-thurs dec. 13: 1:05, 4:05, 7:40, 10:10 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10, 9:40

Life of Pi  pg

epic adventure of a 16-year-old boy


who survives a sinking ship, only to end up in a lifeboat with a bengal tiger.

cinebarre: today: 12:45, 7:10; fri: 4:15, 10:40; sat-sun: 10:25, 4:15, 10:40; monthurs dec. 13: 4:15, 10:40 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 7:35, 10, 10:40; fri: 12:45, 1:15, 3:45, 7:05, 7:35, 9:55; sat-sun: 9:55, 12:45, 1:15, 3:45, 7:05, 7:35, 9:55; mon-thurs dec. 13: 12:45, 1:15, 3:45, 7:05, 7:35, 9:55 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:05, 7:05 citadel 3d: today-thurs dec. 13: 3:40, 9:45 James island: today-fri: 3:25, 6:30, 9:25; sat-sun: 12:30, 3:25, 6:30, 9:25; monthurs dec. 13: 3:25, 6:30, 9:25 James island 3d: today-fri: 3:45, 6:45, 9:40; sat-sun: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40; monthurs dec. 13: 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:05, 7 northwoods 3d: today-thurs dec. 13: 3:55, 9:40

Lincoln  pg-13

this drama focuses on president abraham lincoln through his final months in office as he fights to end the civil war, abolish slavery and unite the country. cinebarre: today: noon, 3:30, 7:15, 10:30; fri-thurs dec. 13: noon, 3:30, 7, 10:15 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:45, 1:30, 4, 5, 7:20, 9 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13:

cinebarre: today: 1:10, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10; fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7:45, 10; sat-sun: 10:50, 1:10, 4:10, 7:45, 10; mon-thurs dec. 13: 1:10, 4:10, 7:45, 10 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:20, 9:35 hwy 21: fri-sun: 9:30 James island: today-fri: 4:05, 7:05, 9:50; sat-sun: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:50; monthurs dec. 13: 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30

Rise of the Guardians  pg

when the nightmare king plans to engulf the world in darkness, the immortal guardians join together to protect the innocence and imagination of the children of the world.

cinebarre: today: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:20; fri: 1, 3:50, 7:10, 9:35; sat-sun: 10:35, 1, 3:50, 7:10, 9:35; mon-thurs dec. 13: 1, 3:50, 7:10, 9:35 cinebarre 3d: today: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45; fri: 1:20, 4:20; sat-sun: 10:55, 1:20, 4:20; mon-thurs dec. 13: 1:20, 4:20 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:10, 2:25, 4:40, 7, 9:15 citadel 3d: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 hwy 21: fri-sun: 7 James island: today-fri: 3:45, 6:25, 8:55; sat-sun: 1:15, 3:45, 6:25, 8:55; monthurs dec. 13: 3:45, 6:25, 8:55 James island 3d: today-fri: 4:10, 6:55, 9:20; sat-sun: 1:30, 4:10, 6:55, 9:20; monthurs dec. 13: 4:10, 6:55, 9:20 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55, 7:30, 9:45 northwoods 3d: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:30, 4, 7, 9:10

The Sessions 1/2 r

his virginity and is referred to a professional sex surrogate by his therapist and his priest. terrace: today: 12:10

Skyfall  pg-13

James bond is back and must destroy a threat to mi6, but his loyalty to m is tested when her past comes back to haunt her.

cinebarre: today: 12:50, 3:55, 7:25, 10:35; fri: 12:50, 3:55, 7:15, 10:25; sat-sun: 9:45, 12:50, 3:55, 7:15, 10:25; mon-thurs dec. 13: 12:50, 3:55, 7:15, 10:25 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:50, 5, 8:10 citadel imaX: today-thurs dec. 13: noon, 3:30, 7, 10 hwy 21: fri-sun: 7 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 3:30, 7, 10 terrace: today-thurs dec. 13: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:35

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2 1/2 pg-13

the cullens and the wolf pack team up with foreign vampire clans.

cinebarre: today: 12:55, 4:15, 7:45, 10:25; fri: 12:55, 4, 7:25, 10:05; sat-sun: 10, 12:55, 4, 7:25, 10:05; mon-thurs dec. 13: 12:55, 4, 7:25, 10:05 citadel: today: noon, 12:30, 1, 2:40, 3:40, 4, 5:10, 7, 7:20, 8, 9:30, 10; fri-thurs dec. 13: noon, 12:30, 2:40, 3:40, 5:10, 7, 8, 9:45 James island: today-fri: 4, 7, 9:45; satsun: 1, 4, 7, 9:45; mon-thurs dec. 13: 4, 7, 9:45 northwoods: today: 11:30, 12:15, 1, 2:10, 2:55, 3:30, 4:50, 5:40, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:30, 10:05; fri-thurs dec. 13: 12:15, 1, 2:55, 3:30, 5:40, 7, 8:15, 9:45

Wreck-It Ralph  pg

this animated film follows a video game villain on his havoc-making, game-hopping quest through the arcade to become the “good guy.” cinebarre: today: 1, 4, 7:05, 9:40 citadel: today-thurs dec. 13: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:15, 9:30 hwy 21: fri-sun: 8:45 James island: today: 6:50; fri: 4:15, 6:50, 9:20; sat-sun: 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:20; mon-thurs dec. 13: 4:15, 6:50, 9:20 James island 3d: today: 4:15, 9:20 northwoods: today-thurs dec. 13: 1:20, 4, 7, 9:20

a man in an iron lung wants to lose

azalea square, 215 Azalea Square Blvd., Summerville, 821-8000 | cinebarre, 963 Houston-Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 884-7885 | citadel mall stadium 16 with imaX, 2072 Sam Rittenberg Blvd., 556-4629 | highway 21 drive in, Beaufort, 846-4500 | James island 8, Folly and Central Park Rd., 795-9499 | hippodrome, 360 Concord St., Suite 100, 724-9132 | cinemark movies 8, 4488 Ladson Rd., Summerville, 800-326-3264 (dial 1415#) | palmetto grande, U.S. 17 North, Mount Pleasant, 216-TOWN | park circle films, 4820 Jenkins Ave., Park Circle, North Charleston, 628-5534 | regal cinemas 18, 2401 Mall Drive, North Charleston, 529-1946 | terrace, 1956-D Maybank Hwy., 762-9494 | ivanhoe cinema 4, Walterboro, 549-6400 | northwoods stadium cinemas, 2181 Northwoods Blvd., North Charleston, 518-6000

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E11

By deidre schipani Special to The Post and Courier

progressive dinner

circa 1886 restaurant and charming inns again will host the charleston holiday progressive dinner. The evening begins with hors d’oeuvres at historic kings courtyard at 198 king st., then journeys to a three-course dinner at circa 1886 at 149 wentworth st., and concludes with coffee and dessert at the historic John rutledge house inn at 116 Broad st. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. horse-drawn carriages will provide transportation for all guests to each location. dates for the dinner begin this week — friday, saturday, tuesday and wednesday — and continue dec. 13-15, 17-18, and 20-22. The cost is $95, excluding beverages. payment must be received seven days prior to the dinner, and there is a 72-hour cancellation policy. to make a reservation, call 853-7828. for more information, go to www.circa1886. com.

Chef Robert Carter


ave. formerly served as d’s grocery. rutledge cab company will be open daily from 10:30 a.m.-1 a.m. in January, the restaurant also will be open starting at 8 a.m. for breakfast and brunch on saturdays and sundays. call 720-1440 or go to www.rutledgecabco.com for more.

wine-selection tool

cypress has debuted an ipad application for its wine list, which has received the award of excellence from wine spectator every year since 2001. The application features more than 400 wines, wine dinner including half- and largeosteria la Bottiglia hosts a bottle formats, as well as bywine dinner tonight. four the-glass. courses, each served with a corresponding informacomplementary wine, begins tion from vineyards at 6 p.m. and wineries is listed, acThe cost is $58, plus tax companied by tasting notes and gratuity. The restaurant from the respective wineis at 420 king st. call 727makers and renowned wine 4158. writers. while browsing the list, calling a cab a “favorite” button enables chef robert carter and diners to move bottles into a managing partner Brad basket, allowing side-by-side creger have announced comparisons before a final their plans for the rutledge selection is made. cab co., a restaurant find out more at www. slated to open in midmagnolias-blossomdecember. cypress.com. rutledge cab co. is cartcypress is at 167 east Bay er’s wagener terrace neigh- st. call 727-0111. borhood restaurant and bar. feast of fish it is a retro concept that will offer throwback cockThe feast of seven fishes is tails, craft beer and classic a longtime italian tradition service. of eating seafood on christoriginally a gas station, the mas eve. building at 1300 rutledge in celebration of the holi-

days, the old Village post house will present this italian tradition at 6:30 p.m. wednesday. The dinner is $75, plus tax and gratuity. reservations are required and must be made by calling 388-8935. online reservations are not accepted for special dinners. The old Village post house is at 101 pitt st. in Mount pleasant. go to www. mavericksouthernkitchens. com for more.

brunch among stars

stars rooftop & grill room, 495 king st., is now open for sunday brunch. The restaurant’s cuisine is centered on live-fire cooking, and the brunch menu will exemplify that cooking method. reservations for sunday brunch, served 11 a.m.3 p.m., can be made by calling 577-0100 or via opentable.

brunch on daniel is.

sermet’s courtyard, 115 river Landing drive on daniel island, is now serving brunch from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. reservations are suggested. call 471-1777.

music on the side

high cotton is offering live music seven days a week. Music will start at 5 p.m. and run until 9 p.m. The genre ranges from jazz to acoustic folk. during the live music, enjoy a high steppin’ happy hour 4-7 p.m. seven days a week. high cotton is at 199 east Bay st. for more information, go to www.highcotton charleston.com or call 7243815.

renovations on menu Jestine’s kitchen, 251 Meeting st., will be closed for renovations Jan. 2-7. call 722-7224 for details.

under construction

falyn’s on forty-one is now under construction at 1039 s.c. highway 41.

E12: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

roadside on James island serves up fresh seafood By roB young

if you go


what: roadside seafood where: outside true value hardware, 866 folly road hours: noon-6 p.m. tuesdaysaturday for more: 754-5890

Special to The Post and Courier

he roadside, in the case of roadside seafood, is usually off folly road on James island. More specifically, the parking lot of the true Value hardware store. Though roadside seafood bills itself as a mobile food truck, it’s more akin to a mobile food trailer, making pop-up appearances at food festivals and several businesses in north charleston and Mount pleasant. But no matter the location, it’s certainly worth the drive, wait or walkup to the window. roadside seafood is a nifty lil’ fish wagon, serving up tasty takeout dishes from local waters. roadside smartly seeks out other area purveyors, as well, such as buying breads from ashley Bakery and organic spices

from the charleston spice company. need proof? dive into one of the hand-helds, the sobriquet roadside seafood uses to describe its sandwiches. Though it’s sort of a misnomer because these offerings are typically two-handed beasts. take the peacemaker ($9), made with big honking oysters, fried up and laid out on a hoagie roll with bacon, lettuce, tomato and a fresh dill tartar sauce. There’s also the Big easy ($8), this one featuring lightly breaded shrimp plus fried green tomatoes

photographs by rob young

The Spartacus taco from Roadside Seafood features grilled shrimp. and a special tangy sauce. really, it’s tough to go wrong with either of the two, though neither is likely the most popular item. That distinction belongs to

The Peacemaker is a fried oyster po’ boy with bacon and a dill tartar sauce.

roadside’s Bam Bam shrimp, served by itself over slaw ($8) or as a taco (1 for $5 or 2 for $8) with sriracha mayo and a zesty sour cream. The spartacus taco is quite good,

too, made with nicely flayed grilled shrimp. in general, the menu helps prove a greater point. from the seaside to roadside, customers are wellcovered here.

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E13

the shelter Kitchen + bar

Restaurant a port for casual eating in Mount Pleasant

By deidre schipani friends were focused on each Special to The Post and Courier other: champagne popping in celebration of a certain t’s amazing what a couple jewel placed on a ring finger; of friends can do with tool the holidays being toasted belts and a coping saw. That with an eggnog and brandy is, if your friends happen to ($4) drink special; and the be builders in search of a wa- merits of toasted pecans in tering hole to call their own. Lazy Magnolia’s southern This past summer, a storm pecan ale ($6) being debated of activity took place at cole- as happy hour came to a man Boulevard and Mill close. street. This former restaurant The menu is slanted with site swirled in sawdust as bar-friendly salt, crunch and the kaufmann construcooze. The Mcclellanville tion team (dave and ryan, shrimp dip ($9.50) and Buffather and son) along with falo chicken wings-inspired fellow builder-buddy Thomas chicken dip ($7) are perfect Berry set about framing what foils for the brews served was to become The shelter from a special tap system that kitchen + Bar. They opened keeps the beer icy-cold. in the peak of coastal caroan order of fried picklina hurricane season, and les and slender okra pods they have been in the eye of ($7) was far superior to the the storm for Mount pleasant frozen-then-fried nuggets eating and drinking since that pass for fried okra in opening day. many eateries around town. al fresco defines the seating a neighboring table caught areas with porches, picnic a glimpse of the bangle tables and an outside bar bracelet-size onion rings providing most of the dining ($4) and flagged down their space. server for an order. inside, you will find a stanThe Lowcountry rolls ($9) dard pool table with a few were highly rated by our tables in one interior room, a server and justly so. an eggcleverly directed “evacuation roll wrapper was filled with route” and a wall of high pulled pork, house-made tops flanking the inside of collards and mustard-based the u-shaped bar that winds barbecue sauce, then fried to its way outside. a crisp finish and plated on The walls are paneled an aluminum pan lined with with galvanized metal and a fresh collard leaf. crowned with a customa grilled caesar salad ($8) designed “bottle molding” needs a redo. The greens that will have you humming were limp, not grilled, and “a hundred bottles of beer on the dressing served on the the wall, a hundred bottles of side was more spackle than beer.” salad dressing. a credit to the subway lights and rustic dressing, as it did taste of anlanterns illuminate the chovy and garlic — two basic porches and patio areas, and ingredients that go missing the bar stools are as misin many salads served in the matched as Murtaugh and name of “caesar.” riggs in “Lethal weapon.” you can top any of the The decor is dressed down. salads with a protein of as it should be for a location your choosing and we were that may be called on to bat- intrigued by the “smoked ten down the hatches. chicken salad.” nary a bit of The requisite flat screens are smoke flavor, not even the there, but at the time of our fake kind, was detected in the chicken. But the salad visit, groups of family and


The Shelter Kitchen + Bar is on Coleman Boulevard in Mount Pleasant. itself was quite nice with freshly roasted chicken and just enough mayonnaise to bind it. fish and chips ($10.50) vary with the day, and mahi cheeks were featured at the time of our visit. fresh and mild, they were a bit greasy from the fry basket, but the generous portion of tartar sauce that partnered with them was nice and lemony. anything you can do to a burger ($9.50-$11.50), you can do to a chicken breast, portobello mushroom cap or veggie patty. The real value at shelter is the bog ($5). for the money, you would be hard pressed to find a better (and more filling) deal in town, a heaping bowl of seasoned rice layered with bits of chicken and vegetables. The menu is priced at $15

and under for all offerings (with the possible exception of a daily special). The kitchen hunkers down in the south with Beaufort stew ($15), pimiento cheese, collard greens, fried green tomatoes, okra and tomato soup, texas toast, bacon vinaigrette, sweet potato pie and banana pudding. early reports had some timing issues, but during our visit, the kitchen maintained the pressure bars of service. our friendly server was wellschooled on the path of the ingredients from pantry to plate and sustained in her checking back on food quality and beverage needs. The kaufmanns and the Berrys have constructed a port in the storm for your thirst and your hunger, and though not on shem creek, you can see it from there.

wade spees/staff

the shelter Kitchen + bar

cuisine: american south category: neighborhood favorite location: 202 coleman blvd., mount pleasant phone: 388-3625 hours: daily 11 a.m.-2 a.m., saturday-sunday brunch 11 a.m.-3 p.m. parKing: lot food: 1/2 atmosphere:  service:  price: $-$$ costs: appetizers $4-$9.50, soups and salads $4-$9.50, protein add-ons $3, burgers $9.50-$11.50, sandwiches and wraps $8.50-$10.50, specialties $5-$15, sides $4, desserts $4-$5, daily specials mp, brunch menu $8-$14. vegetarian options: yes bar: full-service bar; specialty cocktails; happy hour daily, seasonal and local beer menu decibel level: varies; entertainment and special events wheelchair access: yes other: outdoor porch and patio; happy hour with special prices on drinks, beers and half-price select appetizer menu; dog-friendly porch and patio; pool table and cornhole; special events; entertainment venues, facebook, www.theshelterkitchenandbar.com

E14: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

final friday art walk at center of busy weekend


t’s hard to believe it’s december already! time really does move faster the older you get. The unavoidable madness of the christmas season is upon us. when you’re shopping around for gifts, i urge you to go local this year. it’s your support that helps our great creative community continue to grow.


Join north charleston’s cultural arts department this evening for a reception showcasing the exhibition of works by indiana-based Michelle peterlin and tennessee-based Jennifer stoneking-stewart. “peterlin’s paintings are often of glass, store fronts and windows with a view, depicted on a large scale,” arts coordinator ann simmons said of “window dressing.” in regards to stonekingstewart’s exhibition of woodcuts, simmons sees “nostalgia, wistful longing, fascination, absence and a sense of home” as part of the message. “her collection of images of distorted homes take inspiration from numerous experiences with the past and present, as well as the landscape of the rural southeast with its dilapidated, abandoned relics of lives past,” she continues. The two exhibitions will open with a reception 57 p.m. today at the north charleston city gallery in the charleston area convention center, 5001 coliseum drive. call 740-5854 or go to

photographs provided

“Packed up” by Jennifer Stoneking-Stewart. also will be a cinderella carriage available for rides on Broad street. Atrium Art Gallery: karen Vournakis’ latest body of work, “working charleston plantations,” is a mixedmedia exhibition that pays homage to the Lowcountry artisans who created art at some of our historic plantations. Many of the pieces are Karen Vournakis’ work will of the stableyards at Middlebe on display at Atrium ton place, where artisans Art Gallery. made pottery, weaved cloth, created wagon wheels — all www.northcharleston.org. activities that were “critical to the success of the plantafriday tion,” said Vournakis. This friday’s art walk will 61 Queen st. www.atrium be the last of the year and a artgallery.com great place to purchase some Charleston Artist Guild unique pieces for your loved Gallery: faye sullivan’s “ ones. ‘soft whisper’ is a collecall art walk receptions are tion of oil paintings that free and open to the public, combines the softness of taking place 5-8 p.m. unless pastels with the clarity and otherwise noted. substance of oils,” said the The gallery row folks gallery representative at the are putting on a “postcards charleston artist guild. from charleston show,” “faye believes the essence with works in each of the please see pool, page e15 following galleries. There

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E15

pool from page e14

of a painting is light and how that light touches the subject. her work with color and shadow enables the viewer to experience the light and mood of the painting.” 160 east Bay st. www. charlestonartistguild.com Coco Vivo Fine Art and Design: Love toy trains? This is the exhibit for you. angela trotta Thomas, official artist of the Lionel train corp., will be showcasing her collection of nostalgic toy train paintings. “angela’s powerful images are a mixture of Lionel trains, childhood and the holiday season,” said gallery owner Mary phelps. 25 Broad st. www.cocovivofineart.com Corrigan Gallery: fabric artist/painter karin olah long has been a Lowcountry favorite. she moved to colorado last year and has been missed, so her local fans are excited that she’ll be having a local show this month called “happy go Lucky.” “i take printmaking and quilt making principles, add a dash of painting and come up with a new process ... which i call collage paintings,” olah said. The artist will be present. 62 Queen st. www.lesecorrigan.com Edward Dare Gallery: sometimes smaller paintings are easier to afford and easier to place in your home. check out the large variety of small paintings by local and national artists at the “small works” exhibit. 31 Broad st. www.edward dare.com Ella W. Richardson Fine Art: Local character and painter Mickey williams never disappoints. his new collection is “a change of season.” expect to see his “signature marsh and wetlands paintings as well as some pieces for his winter beach series,” said gallery director elizabeth todd. “Mickey is currently focusing on the coast and its erosion and ever-changing form,” she added. 58 Broad st. www.ellarichardson. com Hamlet Fine Art Gallery: patricia puckett, Jane woodward and stephanie shuler hamlet recently spent several weeks painting


Up close and personal.

Saturdays in

Home& Garden Sundays in “Out and Into the Sky” by Reynier Llanes. in tuscany, italy. naturally inspired by their trip, the three painters have returned with an extensive collection of works, “italian at heart,” featuring cortona, assissi, florence and sienna. 7 Broad st. www.hamlet gallery.com Lambert Gray Gallery: a collection of “small treasures” by artists hilarie Lambert, Michael gray and tina christophillis will be on display. Look for the special new horse pieces by Lambert. 54 Broad st. www. lambertgraygallery.com Robert Lange Studios: nathan durfee has become famous for the storytelling nature of his paintings, and Megan aline excels in creating interesting atmospheres. This show, called “humming Velvet,” will be an interesting one as it will showcase aline’s and durfee’s individual works as well as several paintings that they have done together by merging their different styles on one canvas. 2 Queen st. www.robert langestudios.com Robison and Richard Fine Art: ray ellis is 91 and still painting. and he’s still one of the southeast’s favorite artists. ellis has done a lot of traveling throughout his lifetime and has been inspired by many of those places. scoop up one of his 24 paintings that will be part of the exhibit “seven continents, around the world with ray ellis.” 39 Broad st. www.robison andrichard.com Spencer Art Galleries: as the spencer art galleries


cover more than one space, they are having two separate exhibits. gallery i will feature new works helping us to find our way called “guiding Lights” by claudette Bell. gallery ii will be showing “gifts” by ann Von rosenberg. 55 and 57 Broad st. www.spencer artgallery.com


cuban-born artist reynier Llanes now considers charleston his home. famous for his coffee paintings, distinct style and work ethic, he is one to watch as his works already are appearing in museums. “My work cannot be detached from a pictorial narration, where exist a reading on the composition of the painting,” Llanes said. “i rely on magical realism to establish very specific symbols of my experiences and the tender memories of my childhood. The academy is from the beginning of my career, but when i discovered the beauty of metaphor, the mixes of these two vocations gave life to poems and dreams in my work. My culture and my cuban roots are my seal; as well knowing i can use or adapt any concept of which i want to express. ‘anecdotes from a diary’ are a collection of personal works — my intention is for the viewers to identify with the art or at least feel them.” There will be an opening reception 5:30-8 p.m. saturday at the real estate studio, 214 king st. call 722-5628.

Spruce things up.

E16: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

sadler vaden

Radio Road/Shrimp Records


it’s been a pretty amazing past 18 months or so for local musician sadler Vaden. after fronting local rock powerhouse Leslie, Vaden left for nashville, tenn., when the group disbanded last year. Before you could protest the breakup of that band, it was announced that Vaden had taken a gig as the lead guitarist of drivin’ n cryin’. Vaden has spent much of 2012 recording and touring with drivin’ n cryin’, but he

bonnie bishop Free/Be Squared


The first thing you notice about Bonnie Bishop is that incredible voice. sounding like a cross between Bonnie raitt and Janis Joplin, Bishop’s vocals are as powerful as they are beautiful. on her latest cd, “free,” that power is on great display on tracks such as “shrinking Violets” and “The Best songs come from Broken hearts.” That latter song likely was inspired by the recent breakup of Bishop’s marriage, and you can hear the heartbreak happening as Bishop sings, “went back in the house and

graham parker & the rumour

Three Chords Good/Primary Wave


if you had to pick a united kingdom equivalent to america’s Bruce springsteen in terms of a band with a blue-collar sound and an amazing live stage presence, the logical choice would be graham parker & The rumours. while springsteen has achieved just as much fame in europe as he has here in the u.s., it seems that parker’s fame in england hasn’t translated quite as well on this side of the pond.

also has found time to record his first solo album, “radio road.” for a bunch of songs that started out as home recordings, this debut solo album is pretty impressive. aside from a bit of pedal steel guitar, Vaden plays all the instruments on the album. The leadoff track, “wolf,” is a cover of a song by another local band, The working title, with which Vaden has a working history. The first two songs on the album are pretty straight-ahead rock songs and benefit from Vaden’s top-notch guitar playing. on track 3, “come Back home My dear,” Vaden starts the song with a Byrds-like

guitar angle before settling into a decidedly country feel, complete with that aforementioned pedal steel. other standout tracks include the folky “someplace new” and the last track, “no Love,” which features a wonderful three-part harmony between Vaden and fellow shrimp records artists Michael trent and cary ann hearst. “radio road” is a satisfying release from a local musician who obviously loves what he does.

picked up this guitar/somehow my fingers found their way to my heart.” her songwriting is every bit as strong as her voice, so it’s no surprise that raitt chose one of Bishop’s songs, “not cause i wanted to,” for inclusion on her recent album, “slipstream.” Bishop’s new cd is a tight eight songs, which leaves little room for filler. to her credit, she wisely included songs that held a certain amount of emotional weight to them, and on every track you can hear the singer-songwriter become emotionally involved. This isn’t a songwriter sitting down to write about some life event that they can only imagine. instead, “free” is a document

of the emotional ups and downs that Bishop knows all too well. That sort of musical passion can’t be faked, at least not well. That isn’t to say that “free” is all emotional, heavy stuff. The tune “Bad seed” is a lot of fun, and the cd includes both a full band version and an “unplugged” acoustic version featuring just Bishop and her guitar. Bishop has been around the americana music scene for a while, but based on the strength of the material on “free,” she’s ready to take it to the next level.

That’s a shame because parker is every bit as good as The Boss when it comes to songwriting and performing live. now, after years of separation from The rumour, the band with which most agree parker made his best music between 1976 and 1980, he has reunited with the original five members for a new album, “Three chords good.” while diehard fans of classic parker albums such as “squeezing out sparks” might be apprehensive about what they’ll hear from a band that hasn’t recorded as a whole in more than 30 years (various members have shown up on parker solo albums over the years), the truth is that the new album is

almost ridiculously good. with a voice that sounds like a cross between the styles of Van Morrison and elvis costello, parker and The rumours seem to have fallen right back into their old groove on tracks such as “snake oil capital of The world,” “Long emotional ride” and the album’s title track. if r&B-infused rock ’n’ roll appeals to you, or if you were a parker fan back in the day, then this album will make for welcome listening.

Key tracKs: “radio road,” “come back home my dear,” “no love”

Key tracKs: “shrinking violets,” “the best songs come from broken hearts,” “bad seed”

Key tracKs: “snake oil capital of the world,” “long emotional ride,” “three chords good”

— by devin grant

The post and courier

By Matthew godBey than 20 albums, including Special to The Post and Courier last year’s “Back to new york city.” popa chubby popa chubby will perform born-and-raised new tuesday at The pour house, yorker, ted horowitz, 1977 Maybank highway. better known as popa tickets are $10 in advance, chubby, grew up in the $12 the day of the show, and Bronx during perhaps one are available online at etix. of the most explosive and com or at the door. doors evolving times for rock mu- open at 8:30 p.m. sic in the city: the ’70s. go to charlestonpour artists like The ramones, house.com or call 571-4343. television, talking heads, Keller williams Blondie and patti smith, anyone who has ever along with their english counterparts, were busy in- heard keller williams play troducing the world to punk knows that there is little that rock and a broader, more words can do to describe jarring, rebellious form of his one-man orchestra of rock music in general. amazement. it’s just somenew york city had become thing you have to see for the epicenter of a historical yourself. change in music that would whether you want to call span the globe, but for popa him a guitar god, a musical chubby, he found more inpoltergeist or just a master of trigue in the blues that had his trade, the one constant in laid the foundation for that any description of williams change. is that he is unlike any other it was the pain, the yearn- artist. ing, the danger and limeven though his baby face itlessness of the blues that and shaggy, college-bro hair drew chubby in, and he set might suggest otherwise, out to learn its ways at an williams is actually a veterearly age. an of the jam and bluegrass he quickly made a name circuit, having been an acfor himself as a guitarist by tive musician for more than playing in blues clubs while 20 years. also frequenting the growing The self-taught guitarist number of punk shows. began his career in the late when richard hell of ’80s around his native fredtelevision did his side work ericksburg, Va. he soon after as a stand-up poet, chubby joined the likes of The string landed a gig as his backing cheese incident; Larry keel, guitar player, a position that rob wasserman (grateful expanded his playing style dead) and Bob weir’s ratand fan base. dog; and other revolutionchubby won a national izing jam and bluegrass acts talent contest in the early of the early ’90s on the road, ’90s, leading to a headlining a place he has more or less spot at the Long Beach Blues remained ever since. festival. following the nadespite never having a tional attention, chubby set major commercial breakout to make his solo work a through, williams has refull-time venture, recording leased nearly 20 albums, not his debut full-length album, including his work with side “gas Money,” in 1994. projects and other artists, he has since released more and remains one of the big-


thursday, december 6, 2012: E17

gest draws of the jam band circuit. keller williams will perform a special two-night stay at The pour house, 1977 Maybank highway. advance tickets are $25 for each night with a limited number of two-night tickets available for $40. tickets are available online at etix.com or at the door. doors open at 8:30 p.m. friday and saturday.

Popa Chubby

blair crimmins

Blair crimmins is a stubborn man. when everyone said the music of the ’20s and ’30s was dead, crimmins forged on in a determined effort to resurrect the overshadowed era. a musical historian of sorts, crimmins plays the liveliest music of the dead with such an authentic form that one often finds himself wondering if he has stumbled on some obscure, depression-era, gypsy-jazz recording. crimmins takes patches of ragtime, blues and jazz and stitches them onto the fabric of modern-day bluegrass and americana. he creates a sound that echoes the ghosts of its musical past as garishly as the city streets and clubs in which crimmins plays today. haunting yet advancing, crimmins brings back the music that helped heal the hearts of a struggling nation at a time when perhaps they could all use a little healing. Blair crimmins & the hookers will perform sunday at The pour house, 1977 Maybank highway, with Megan Jean and the kfB. tickets are $8 in advance, $10 the day of the show, and are available online at etix.com or at the door. doors open at 9 p.m.

clay patrick mcbride

E18: Thursday, december 6, 2012

thursday, december 6, 2012 : 19E

MYCharLesTONWeeKeND ‘on a winter’s night’ best-selling pianist Jim brickman will bring his 17th annual holiday concert to north charleston. brickman, along with special guests luke mcmaster, anne cochran and tracy silverman, will perform classic and contemporary holiday music, fan favorites and songs from brickman’s latest cd, “believe.” when: 3 p.m. sunday where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $31-$76 for more info: www. northcharleston coliseumpac.com or www.Jimbrickman.com

second sunday on King street this month’s second sunday is all about celebrating the holiday season. le creuset will be cooking pralines, holiday music will play on every corner, the horticultural society will be selling fresh wreaths and greens, and more. organizers promise a day full of holiday surprises. when: 1-5 p.m. sunday where: king street price: free for more info: susanlucas.typepad.com/ secondsundayonkingstreet

holiday open houses

Family Yuletide

gather ’round for an afternoon of sipping seasonal fun. local vendors will be on-site selling gift options; shoppers 21 and over will get a complimentary glass of homemade hot mulled wine. in addition to shopping, there will be wine and firefly vodka tastings, food from the stono cafe and live music from de gullah singers and the plantation singers. when: 1-5 p.m. saturday and dec. 15 where: irvin-house vineyards, 6775 bears bluff road, wadmalaw island price: free admission for more info: 559-6867 or www.irvin housevineyards.com file/staff

‘a lowcountry christmas, featuring larnelle harris’ north charleston pops! continues its inaugural season with this special performance of holiday music. fivetime grammy winner larnelle harris will join north charleston pops! to perform a selection of secular and sacred christmas classics, including “silent night,” “o holy night,” “o come, all ye faithful,” “let it snow,” “the christmas song,” “silver bells,” “sleigh ride” and more. harris also will perform some selections from his grammy-winning christmas cd, “a larnelle christmas.” when: 7:30 p.m. saturday where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $15-$35 for more info: www.northcharleston coliseumpac.com or www.larnelle.com

cabooty party this all-inclusive event is one of the biggest holiday parties of the year. the 23rd annual event will feature music, food, drinks, and a live and silent auction. and attendees will be partying for a purpose, as all proceeds will benefit camp happy days’ year-round programs for south carolina’s children fighting cancer. when: 7 p.m. friday where: memminger auditorium, 56 beaufain st. price: $50 for more info: www.camphappydays.com

‘the charleston christmas special’


be transported to another time as you celebrate the season with storytelling around a fire, caroling and crafters working in their shops by candlelight. get in on the holiday preparations with hands-on crafts, including wreath and ornament making. enjoy seasonal treats, hot chocolate and cider to complete the evening. a special gullah holiday program, which will take place at eliza’s house, will be held at 7 p.m.

when: 5:30-8 p.m. saturday where: middleton place, 4300 ashley river road price: $15, $5 for kids 4-13 for more info: 556-6020 or www.middletonplace.org

leap holiday fundraiser

holiday party & oyster roast

lowcountry-equine assisted psychotherapy will hold its annual art & oysters fundraiser this weekend. with a silent auction, music by yeehaw Junction, all-youcan-eat oysters, beer, wine and more, you’re sure to have a good time. funds will go toward providing services at leap’s three facilities in the tri-county area. when: 3-6 p.m. sunday where: a.w. shucks, 70 state st. price: $30 in advance, $35 at the door for more info: 559-2392 or leapinsc@comcast.net

the charleston audubon society, a local chapter of the national organization, will hold its annual oyster roast fundraiser. the event, in its fifth year, will feature a silent auction, raffles, live music, chili and, of course, oysters. when: 2-5 p.m. sunday where: bowen’s island restaurant, 1870 bowen’s island road, James island price: $25 in advance, $30 at the door for more info: www.charlestonaudubon.org

brad and Jennifer moranz present this two-hour musical spectacular, newly revamped for 2012. watch an all-star cast of 30 singers, dancers and musicians from all over the country as they perform traditional and contemporary christmas songs and carols, along with hilarious yuletide comedy. performers include a number of broadway and offbroadway actors, a former radio city rockette, an eight-piece live orchestra and more. when: 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. saturday, 3 p.m. sunday; show continues through dec. 22 where: charleston music hall, 37 John st. price: $34, $31 for military and seniors 62 and over, $19 for students 21 and under with valid id, $16 for kids 12 and under for more info: 800-514-3849, 416-8453 or www.bradandjennifermoranz.com

christmas 1860 go back to christmas 1860, where attendees will enjoy candlelight performances at the edmondston-alston house, which will be decorated for the holidays. living historians in period clothing tell the story of charleston’s last opulent christmas, complete with traditions of the day, before the start of the civil war. in the courtyard, visitors may enjoy hot cider and hear christmas carols and spirituals sung by the washingtons. when: 6:30-8:30 p.m. friday where: edmondston-alston house, 21 east battery price: $17.50 in advance, $22.50 at the door for more info: 556-6020 or www.middleton place.org

Moxie Fridays in

Courage. Vigor. Determination. Verve. Skill. Pep. Know-how.

E20: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

hall & oates the world’s best-selling musical duo still brings the hits

By stratton Lawrence || SpecialtoThePostandCourier


hen hall & oates take the stage wednesday at the north charleston performing arts center, consider it a housewarming party for a new neighbor. amid the musical duo’s ever-growing schedule, lead vocalist daryl hall has decided to hang his hat in the holy city, at least for the first half of 2013. “i’m a big fan of antique architecture, and you’ve got a town full of it,” explains hall. “i love coming down there, so i rented a house downtown. i’ll be out walking around. i’m going to be a resident.”

That should be welcome news to longtime fans of the songwriter and his musical partner, John oates, who together have sold more albums than any other duo in history. from the mid-’70s into the ’80s, the pair scored a series of hits, including six that reached no. 1: “Maneater,” “i can’t go for That (no can do),” “rich girl,” “kiss on My List,” “private eyes” and “out of touch.” Throughout the ’90s and early 2000s, the pair continued to release new material, including 1997’s “Marigold sky” and 2003’s “do it for Love,” but none gained the traction or ubiquitous popularity of the earlier material. still, the duo has persisted, leading to a recent resurgence that’s largely been fueled by “Live from daryl’s

house,” a web broadcast begun in 2007 that features influences like smokey rob- Daryl Hall (left) and John Oates at a live performance. inson and up-and-coming acts playing with hall at his internet allows an audirestored historic mansion in hall said, echoing strong feelings about the “laziness” ence to find musicians on upstate new york. of music journalists that he their own and decide for in the fall, the show made expressed in an early epithemselves what’s real, the jump to Vh1’s sister sode of “Live from daryl’s what’s good, what’s bad, channel, palladia. house.” and all the positives and New popularity “i’ll soften the blow by negatives.” hall attributes the band’s saying that i think the hall cites his two teenage resurgence to a number world of journalism has children as living examples, of “watershed moments,” had to change with the who seek out their music on including a cameo in the advent of the internet, the internet instead of the hBo show “flight of the but unfortunately, a good radio. conchords” and the inclupart of my career was “They don’t just listen to sion of their song, “you controlled by the press,” their own generation’s muMake My dreams,” in the hall said. “i didn’t have a sic. They listen to me, they 2009 film “(500) days of whole lot of respect for the listen to frank sinatra, they summer.” people that were in control listen to everything, and i “i think it’s also the loosin those days, and are still think there’s a new freedom ening of the stranglehold trying to grasp in music that’s not fettered by the journalistic comcontrol now, but i think by preconceived notions munity, where self-styled there’s a new generation of that were fostered by a jourtastemakers decided who journalists that i wouldn’t nalistic community who was cool and who wasn’t,” tar with that brush. The wouldn’t allow the audience

mark maglio

to think that hall & oates was cool.” cool or not, hall & oates made plenty of impact on the charts while critics labeled them “yacht rock,” lumping them into a category with smooth rock acts like kenny Loggins and Michael Mcdonald. hall contests that pigeonholing, pointing out the multigenre approach the duo took on albums like 1973’s “abandoned Luncheonette,” which features the hit “she’s gone” but varies between funk and banjo and fiddle. “i’m not a person who is easily boxed into a please see duo, page e21

if you go what: hall & oates when: 8 p.m. wednesday where: north charleston performing arts center, 5001 coliseum drive price: $56-$68 for more info: www.northcharleston coliseumpac.com

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thursday, december 6, 2012: E21

duo from page e20 perception,” hall said. “i grew up in philly, so my baby food was soul music, but other than that, i’m all over the place. even the hit songs are all different. not one sounds like another one, and really, that’s part of our trademark — the ‘all over the place’ thing.”

From stage to screen

That’s an approach hall echoes in his “Live from daryl’s house” line-ups, which have included everyone from ceeLo green to robinson, an early idol to the host. “philadelphia was sort of a second home city to smokey. he used to come play all the time,” hall explains. “he was a god to me. when he came to my house, it was a major, major experience. it was early on in the show, so we hadn’t settled into anything. it was all this brand-new thing, and to have him hanging out and telling his war stories was really wonderful.” in five years of monthly filming, the show has grown from a low-budget webcast into a full-scale production featuring first-rate recording equipment and a cooking and dinner segment led by notable chefs. hosting the program has led to unexpected collaborations, including a late-night set at the 2010 Bonnaroo music festival with electronic duo chromeo. “i started the show by trolling around the web, looking for people that mentioned me in articles as influences,” explains hall. “That’s how i found chromeo. They were influenced by my early ’80s material, so i asked them to come on the show. it’s hard to get people to drive 100 miles from new york city, so they have to really want to be here.” with the jump to cable, the task of finding musicians for the show has gotten easier. The day before speaking with charleston scene, an undisclosed group flew from seattle to record a taping, returning home immediately after. hall describes his current selection process as


Daryl Hall (left) and John Oates an “anti-‘american idol’ philosophy.” “in other words, we prefer either fantastic veterans that changed the world of music or brand-new artists that have amazing potential,” said hall, citing recent guest and singer-songwriter allen stone as an example of the latter. “it benefits the musician because they get this outrageous exposure, and i benefit because i find them, and people look to me as being a go-to person for new talent. it’s a two-way street.”

Still going strong

despite his obligations to “Live from daryl’s house,” hall still prioritizes the duo with oates, emphasizing that they’ve remained together since the first meeting when they “beat it out the door together” after gang-related gunfire broke out at a 1967 band competition in philadelphia where they both were performing. “John and i started as brothers, and that’s never changed. we’ve taken a little time off to do separate projects, but we have a band that we gotta pay. we’re a

working organization, and we have never stopped, ever.” surviving more than 40 years with no break-ups or infighting seems almost unheard of in the music world, a fact that hall attributes to the pair’s mutual vision for the band. at hall & oates shows, they don’t play their solo material, focusing solely on music they’ve written and recorded together. “we don’t stick to arrangements,” he explains. “There may be a structure to a song, but it evolves and evolves until none of the songs sound like they did when we recorded them.” hall admits that guests on “Live from daryl’s house” have given him new ideas for how to perform classic songs, some of which transpire during hall & oates performances, particularly during improvisational sections. That’s part of what’s helped draw a younger crowd to their shows, rather than simply rattling off tired hits for an aging audience, hall said. “we’ve managed to be one

of those rare bands that crosses generations, where i don’t feel at all locked in the past. it’s very freeing,” said hall. “our audience is now split 50-50 between people who have been watching us for years and others who are literally just discovering us. i don’t look at it as renewed interest, but i do feel like it makes the hall & oates experience a lot more fun.” That’s a good time that could grow more familiar to charlestonians as hall joins darius rucker and Bill Murray among the ranks of celebrities who call our city home, albeit temporarily. The singer even said he’s considered taping an episode or two of “Live from daryl’s house” in the Lowcountry. “The place i rented isn’t quite big enough, but you never know. an on-location shoot is a good possibility,” said hall, adding, “i’m going to be doing everything here. i’ll be writing, coming up with new things, and i’ve got a new project to work on. i’m basing myself out of charleston.”

E22: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

for more weekend events, go online to www.charlestonscene.com.

photographs provided

A snowman snowglobe display at the Holiday Festival of Lights at James Island County Park.

Today Festival of Lights

what: light up your holidays with more than 2 million gleaming lights. when: through dec. 31 where: James island county park, 871 riverland drive price: $12 per vehicle sundaythursday, $15 friday-saturday more info: 795-4386 or www. holidayfestivaloflights.com

That Holiday Book Sale

what: books, dvds and cds will be available with prices starting at $1 for paperbacks and $3 for hardback books. items include mysteries, romances, classics, children’s books, local histories, cookbooks and a variety of nonfiction topics. when: 5:30-7:30 p.m. dec. 6; 9 a.m.-6 p.m. dec. 7; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. dec. 8 where: mount pleasant regional library, 1133 mathis ferry road price: $1 more info: 805-6882 or www. charlestonlibraryfriends.org

Madrigal Feast

what: the college of charleston madrigal singers will perform sacred and secular holiday arrangements. dinner will include cornish hen, haricots verts, wild rice, apple caramel tart, coffee and wine. when: 7 p.m. dec. 6-8 where: alumni memorial hall of randolph hall, 66 george st. price: $60 general admission, $40 for c of c faculty and staff

The “Hickory Dickory Dock” display at the Holiday Festival of Lights. more info: 953-8231

‘Peter and the Wolf’ and the ‘Angel Tree’

what: performed by robert ivey ballet company, featuring local children from the community. “peter and the wolf” is a teaching ballet which has been delighting charleston families since 1979. “peter and the wolf” is performed with the “angel tree,” a beloved

charleston christmas tradition in which local children perform with professional dancers to create a snow court. when: 9:30 and 11 a.m. dec. 6 and 7; 4 p.m. dec. 8 where: sottile theatre, 44 george st. price: $25 more info: 556-1343 or http://

please see events page e24

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E23

the deadline for night life items is friday at 5p.m. the week before the event or concert takes place. items should be faxed to the newsroom at 937-5579 or e-mailed to clubs@postandcourier.com. items submitted after the deadline will not be printed. for more information, call 937-5582.

Today Shrimp City Slim

what: lowcountry blues man on piano and vocals during happy hour. when: 5 p.m. dec. 6 where: toast restaurant, 155 meeting st.

Frank Duvall Trio

what: Jazz standards and originals with drink specials at tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. thursdays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

Keith Bruce

what: guitarist/songwriter. when: 5 p.m. dec. 6 where: gilligan’s, 582 dock road

2 Cool

what: acoustic and electric favorites. when: 6 p.m. dec. 6 where: ms. rose’s, 1090 sam rittenberg blvd.

Dan Clamp

what: acoustic guitarist. when: 6-9 p.m. thursdays where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st.

Steve Simon quintet

what: “cool jazz” clarinetist and a group of lowcountry jazz pros. when: 7-10 p.m. thursdays where: barsa tapas, lounge, 58 line st.

Folly Beach Bluegrass

what: open jam of “bluegrass, old-time, country, folk.” when: 7-10 p.m. thursdays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Steve Carroll & The Bograts

what: traditional irish folk tunes and tavern favorites. when: 8:30 p.m. every thursday, friday and saturday where: tommy condon’s irish pub, 160 church st.

Swamp Pop Shelly Duo what: americana/louisiana/ cajun-style singer/guitarist. when: 7 p.m. dec. 6 where: the shelter kitchen and bar, 202 coleman blvd.

Ronnie Johnson & Dale Baker

what: classic pop/southern rock/ vintage country/blues and “everything in between.” when: 7 p.m. thursdays where: buddyroe’s shrimp

shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Steve Joy & Chris Christ

what: Jazz standards from steve Joy on sax and chris christ on guitar. when: 7-10:30 p.m. thursdays where: gaslight art & wine, 1715 hollydale court more info: 559-8877

Karaoke w/ DJ E

when: 8:30-11:30 p.m. dec. 6 where: applebee’s neighborhood grill & bar, 7818 rivers ave.

Dirk quinn Band

what: self-described “high energy funk/jazz/improv” out of philadelphia. when: 9 p.m.-midnight dec. 6 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover.

Dynamic Duo

what: island reggae night with high rankin’ of the gullah rootz and Jimmy Jamms of mystic vibrations. when: 9 p.m.-1 a.m. dec. 6 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: free

Plane Jane

what: seven-piece party band covers all favorites from the ’60s to today. when: thursdays where: wild wing cafe, 644 coleman blvd.

Yo Mama’s

what: yo mama’s big fat booty band is a ock/nu-funk/ funk rock band out of asheville, n.c. when: 9 p.m. doors dec. 6 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $11 advance, $13 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Friday Rene Russell Trio

what: acoustic rock, pop, alternative and country from the ’60s to today. when: 4-7 p.m. dec. 7 where: holy city brewing, 4155 dorchester road

James Slater Trio

what: indie jazz with drink specials at tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. fridays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www.highcottoncharleston. com

Frank & Ronnie

what: live music. when: 6-10 p.m. dec. 7 where: blackbeard’s cove family fun park, 3255 u.s. highway 17

Nick Black

what: live music. when: 6-9 p.m. fridays and saturdays where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st.

Gin House Boys

what: acoustic trio playing the best music of the’ 60s through today. when: 6-9 p.m. dec. 7 where: castaways grille, 1291 folly road

John Cusatis

what: John cusatis will perform his audience-interactive acoustic show with guest saxophonist gregory heyward during happy hour. when: 6 p.m. dec. 7 where: mueller’s pub, 630 skylark drive

Jess Strickland

what: rock/reggae. when: 6-9 p.m. dec. 7 and 8 where: the grill on the edge, 41 center st.

Tristina Miller

what: acoustic pop singersongwriter. when: 7 p.m. where: single smile cafe, 100-a s. main st. price: free more info: 875-7745 or www. summervilledream.org/singlesmilecafe

Ballroom Dance Club

what: charleston ballroom dance club holds dance lessons followed by a dance party. private and group lessons available. when: 7:30-11 p.m. fridays and saturdays where: charleston ballroom dance club, 1632 ashley hall road price: $5 members, $10 nonmembers more info: 871-6575 or www. ballroomdancecharleston.org

Plane Jane

what: seven-piece party band covers all favorites from the ’60s to today. when: fridays where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

Keb’ Mo’

what: contemporary americana/ blues singing and songwriting sensation out of california will have a solo acoustic performance.

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The post and courier

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when: 8 p.m. dec. 7 where: charleston music hall, 37 John st. price: $36 more info: 853-2252 or www. etix.com or www.charleston musichall.com/shows.html

Spark! Awards

what: the charleston american marketing association will recognize winners of the spark! awards for marketing excellence as well as this year’s marketer of the year at a luncheon. emcee for the event is brandy sullivan, founder of the have nots! comedy improv company and theatre 99.. when: noon-1:30 p.m. dec. 6 where: marriott charleston, 170 lockwood drive price: member $15/$20 at the door/nonmember $25/$30 at the door/student $15/$20 at the door

Juliette Neil

‘More Than a Label’

what: maia, a local philanthropy offering support to single moms, will host this fashion show to help raise funds for its projects. there will be refreshments, a silent auction, performances by a string quartet from the school of the arts and a men’s game theater. when: 7 p.m. dec. 6 where: sanctuary hall and gardens, 2125 u.s. highway 17 price: $35/single $60/couple more info: 452-9266 or http:// maiamoms.org/events

‘A Christmas Story’

what: the only thing little ralphie parker wants for christmas is a daisy brand red ryder bb rifle. the only things standing in his way are his no-nonsense “you’ll shoot your eye out” parents and the mishaps and misadventures that plague the 10-year-old. based on the beloved holiday movie classic “a christmas story,” on stage it includes even more of ralphie’s adventures drawn from humorist Jean shepherds’s memoir, “in god we trust: all others pay cash.” when: 7:30-9 p.m. dec. 6-8, dec. 13-15, 3-5 p.m. dec. 9, 16 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: adults $34.50-$48.50, seniors (60+) $32.50-$38.50, students (25 and under) $22.50$48.50 more info: 577-7183 or www. charlestonstage.com

‘A Tuna Christmas’

what: set in texas’ third-smallest town, tuna, this comedic play shines a light on life in a small

Frank Duvall Trio

Works by Lisa Graves

what: the meeting place windows will display a collection of

works by local artist lisa graves. “lowcountry reflections” features landscapes and seascapes inspired by graves’ travels throughout the lowcountry. window viewing anytime. when: through dec. 30 where: the meeting place, 1077 e. montague ave. price: free more info: 740-5854 or http:// bit.ly/culturalarts

Works by Michelle Peterlin & Jennifer Stoneking-Stewart

what: concurrent solo exhibitions. indiana-based mixed media artist michelle peterlin will

display paintings of objects and mementos from her travels over the last five years in her exhibit, window dressing. tennessee-based printmaker Jennifer stoneking-stewart will present images of nature reclaiming a place in packed up. the public is invited to attend a free reception hosted by Jennifer stonekingstewart on dec. 6 from 5-7 p.m. on view: dec 1-30. gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. when: dec. 1-30 where: north charleston city gallery, 5001 coliseum drive price: free more info: 740-5854 or http://

please see events page e25

saturday Jeff Liberty Blues Band

what: self-described “acoustic dance music (aka jazzfunkreggaelectronicagrass)” out of fredericksburg, va. when: 8:30 p.m. doors dec. 7-8 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $25 advance, tbd day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

what: Jazz standards and originals with drink specials at the high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. saturdays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

Screamin’ Junior & The utter Tuggers

what: local americana roots rock band will perform at the isle of palms christmas tree lighting ceremony. when: 5:45 p.m. dec. 8 where: front beach, isle of palms

Sol Driven Train

Rene Russell

what: party rock band. when: 9 p.m.-midnight fridays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

what: alternative, rock and pop 12-string guitarist/vocalist. when: 6 p.m. dec. 8 where: the shelter, 202 coleman blvd. price: free

Baby D


Davis Coen

southern town during the holiday season. centered on the town’s annual christmas lawn display contest and the “christmas phantom” who is mysteriously vandalizing the entries, a tuna christmas is a yuletide lampoon that’s hysterically entertaining. when: 8 p.m. dec. 6-8, dec. 1315; 3 p.m. dec. 9, 16 where: the footlight players, 20 Queen st. price: adult $25/senior $22/ student $15 more info: 722-4487 or www. footlightplayers.net

what: a holiday mystery that’s a little bit sweet and a whole lot of silly. professional actors, volunteer audience roles, video short, a la carte beer/wine/desserts. $24 (half-price student id thursdays; $20-sundays, seniors/military.) mystery shoppe with holiday gifts. when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 6 where: the black fedora comedy mystery theatre, 164 church st. more info: www.charlestonmysteries.com

Keller Williams

what: live music. when: dec. 7 where: tru blues, 1039 Johnnie dodds blvd.

‘A Sweet T. Christmas’

what: pop, rock, dance and party covers. when: 10 p.m. dec. 7-8 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st.

what: columbia-based blues guitarist will play this week’s oyster roast event. when: 4-8 p.m. saturdays where: morgan creek grill, 80 41st ave. more info: 886-8980

Calhoun’s Calling

kayla brown

The Cool

what: local country artist will have her ep release and video premiere party, with special guest local rock/pop/country band adalya. when: 8 p.m. dec. 7 where: the music farm, 32 ann st. price: $10 more info: 722-8904 or www. Julietteneil.com

what: “wild party rock, r&b, blues, top 40 chestnuts and loads of theater.” when: 9 p.m. dec. 7 where: smokey’s place sports bar & grill, 1213 remount road

JC Conway as Thurston Wheelis (left) and Daniel Kuhn as Arles Struvie in “A Tuna Christmas.”

when: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. dec. 7 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5

what: self-described “bluntry,” or blues and country out of memphis, tenn. when: 9 p.m.-midnight dec. 7 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: no cover.

Ronnie Johnson Band

what: blues/southern rock/ country/roots rock. when: 9 p.m. fridays and saturdays where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Luke Cunningham

what: acoustic rock/southern rock singer-songwriter. when: dec. 7 where: new moon pizzeria & pub, 2817 maybank highway

Josh Roberts & The Hinges

what: americana/indie/rock out of columbia.

what: covers of motown, r&b and easy listening hits from the ’60s to today, including some holiday season classics. when: 7-10 p.m. dec. 8 where: gullah cuisine, 1717 u.s. highway 17 price: $15 advance, $20 at-thedoor more info: 881-9076

Ocean Drive Party Band

what: dance tunes from the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. when: 7 p.m. where: vfw post 3142, 3555 dorchester road price: $5 more info: 224-6206 or www.oceandrivepartyband. com

Ryan Bailey

what: lead vocalist of the alternative country/folk rock/americana/rock band cumberland belle. when: dec. 8 where: new moon pizzeria & pub, 2817 maybank highway

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events from page e24 bit.ly/culturalarts

Friday Beneath the Rising Tide

what: the coastal community foundation is hosting a show to celebrate amanda mclenon’s new works, created with the support of the 2012 griffith/reyburn lowcountry artist award, with an opening reception dec. 7. experience what lies “beneath the rising tide” with mclenon’s perspectives painted on glass surrounded in antique frames. many of the works will be available for purchase. the reception will feature local music, food, beer and wine and is open to the public. when: 5:30-8 p.m. dec. 7 where: 635 rutledge ave. price: free

Palmetto Society Roast

what: food and drinks included with the oyster roast. live music with weird science. a portion of the proceeds will go to help fund yescarolina, an organization that teaches young south carolinians of all socio-economic classes about the benefits of entrepreneurship. when: 7 p.m. dec. 7 where: charleston visitor center bus shed, 375 meeting st. downtown

clubs from page e24

Guilt Ridden Troubadour

what: americana/rock/roots music. when: dec. 8 where: brick, 213 e. bay st.

The Fairy God Muthas what: singer/guitarist street d and drummer skip debeatte (both of torture town) provide a fuzzy rock and roll affair. when: 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. dec. 8 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 1205 ashley river road price: $5

Sara Smile

thursday, december 6, 2012: E25 price: $25

Santa Claus Play

what: “santa claus conquers the martians.” the children of mars are missing out on the joys of childhood, so the martian leaders hatch a plot to kidnap santa claus and bring him to their planet. landing on earth, the alien crew and their robot encounter plucky earth kids, angry elves, and even a polar bear as they make their way to santa’s workshop at the north pole. when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 7-8, 13-15; 2 p.m. dec. 9, 16. where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: $10-$15 more info: 367-7653 or www. misfitboy.com

saturday ‘Christmas Special’

what: brad and Jennifer moranz present “the charleston christmas special.” it’s a twohour, all-singing, all-dancing, all comedy-musical spectacular for the whole family. this show has become a family tradition since 1995. when: 2 p.m. dec. 8, dec. 15, 22; 7 p.m. dec. 8, 13-15, 20-22; 3 p.m. dec. 9, 16 where: charleston music hall, 37 John st. price: $16-$34 more info: 800-514-3849 or http://bradandJennifermoranz. com

Johnny Mac & The Booty Ranch

what: blues/funk/rock. when: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. dec. 8 where: fiery ron’s home team bbQ, 2209 middle st. price: $5

The Louie D. Project

what: four-piece post-modern funk band featuring louis dixson on lead vocals and sax. when: 10:30 p.m. dec. 8 where: silver dollar, 478 king st. more info: www.louied.com

sunday Brian Widlowski Trio

what: acoustic rock covers from sara atchison and robert alvarez. when: dec. 8 where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

what: live jazz during brunch. when: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sundays where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

The Bill Show


what: acoustic rock/alternative. when: 3-6 p.m. sundays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Karaoke w/ DJ E

when: 10 p.m.-1 a.m. saturdays where: finz bar and grill, 440 w. coleman blvd. price: free more info: 532-6221

what: the self-described “postmodern ragtime/gypsy/jazz/ swing/jugband” will perform at its eighth annual holiday extravaganza and the event will include tap and swing dancers, singalongs and more. when: 3 p.m. dec. 9 where: charleston county public library, 68 calhoun st. price: free

Flowertown Players

what: the flowertown players will present the “old timey radio christmas comedy show extravaganza.” from 1938-1946, the center theater has been a venue for staged plays, screened films and the popular “fireside radio hour” program. unfortunately, the theater has since been closed. it is now 1961, and the center theater players are staging an old-timey christmas radio show to raise money to revitalize the theater and start an acting troupe. the ghosts who reside in the theater, however, are not pleased at this intrusion. they decide to sabotage the production and reclaim their home. when: 2 p.m. dec. 8, 9, 15, 16 where: 133 s. main st. price: $25 more info: 875-9251 or www. flowertownplayers.org/radiochristmas

‘Madeline’s Christmas’

what: celebrate christmas with a french accent this year with a delightful musical adaptation of the children’s classic “madeline.” madeline and her friends are off on adventures beyond their wildest dreams. when: 3-5 p.m. dec. 8, 15; 7:309:30 p.m. dec. 9, 16 where: dock street theatre, 135 church st. price: adults $22.50, seniors (60+) $22.50, students (25 and under) $22.50 more info: 577-7183 or www. charlestonstage.com

Cool Yule Benefit

what: pop/rock party band the cool will host its annual cool yule toys for tots christmas event, which will feature performances by the cool, neverthaless, Jami sun, sarah cole & the hawkes, hot sauce, the Jefferson coker band, hollow point, Jeff dent, the sandanistas, and other special guests. there will also be complimentary food provided by piggly wiggly, prizes and giveways, and the tides oceanfront hotel is offering reduced room rates for the event. marines will be present to collect toys and donations. when: 4 p.m. dec. 9 where: sand dollar social club, 7 center st. price: $10 or one new unwrapped toy per person

Cattle in the Cane

what: bluegrass/folk/country/ blues/gypsy jazz with drink specials at tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. sundays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

Jazz Jam

what: the annual charleston Jazz Jam has been rescheduled and will include performances

Drayton Hall Spirituals

what: drayton hall presents african-american spiritual music with three concerts by ann caldwell and the magnolia singers. the event begins with a catered reception and informal tours of the house by drayton hall’s experienced museum guides, and is followed by the concert. when: 3-5 p.m. and 5:307:30 p.m. dec. 8; 3-5 p.m. dec. 9 where: 3380 ashley river road price: $35 for adults, $30 for friends of drayton hall more info: 769-2638 or www. draytonhall.org

Holiday Street Festival

what: bring the family out to the isle of palms and kick off the holiday season with carnival rides, face painters, balloon artists, a photo booth, jump castles, climbing wall and local restaurants serving up their best dishes. enjoy free concerts throughout the day from sol driven train, fowler’s mustache, scottie frier band, sies choir and other local talent. kids can visit with santa and enjoy the lighting of the 22-foot holiday tree. when: 3-7 p.m. dec. 8 where: front beach, isle of palms, ocean boulevard price: free more info: 886-8294 or www.iop.net/departments/ recreation_family_treelighting. aspx?section=holiday events

please see events page e26 by duda lucena, lyndsey goodman moynihan, Joe clarke, big george collier, starr acheson, steve simon, oscar rivers, george kenney, Jamie harris, chuck king, Joe wilson, muni natarajan, max moore, smoky weiner and more. high-schoolers tyler sims and olivia pharis also will make their debut. there will be an italian buffet and cash bar, and donations will benefit the charleston Jazz club. when: 5-9 p.m. dec. 9 where: pal Joey’s martini lounge, 1035 Johnnie dodds blvd. price: $10 donation at door

Dale Baker Pro Jam

what: local musicians join in for an evening of southern rock, country, blues and more. when: 6 p.m. sundays where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

Gracious Day

what: southern/country. when: sundays where: wolf track inn, 1807 parsonage road

Plane Jane

what: seven-piece party band covers favorites from the ’60s to today. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 36 n. market st.

please see clubs page e26

E26: Thursday, december 6, 2012

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events from page e25


Christmas Book Signing Christmas at Sottile

what: give the perfect southern stocking stuffer ... a personally signed copy of ken burger’s award-winning book “baptized in sweet tea.” when: 5-9 p.m. dec. 8 where: old santee canal park, 900 stony landing road price: $5 park entrance more info: 899-5200 or www. oldsanteecanalpark.org/ celebratetheseason

‘The Nutcracker’

A past Christmas at the Sottile concert presented by the Charleston Men’s Chorus. clubs from page e25

Blair Crimmins

what: rock/blues/jazz/show tunes from blair crimmins and the hookers out of atlanta and selfdescribed “foot-stompin’, guitar beatin’, upright lickin’, washboard scratchin,’ banjo pickin’ madness” from locals megan Jean and the kfb. when: 9 p.m. doors dec. 9 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $8 advance, $10 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www.charlestonpourhouse. com


Open Mic

what: acoustic/lounge/rock. when: sundays where: wild wing cafe, 7618 rivers ave.

what: with dave grunstra when: 9:30 p.m. mondays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.



Margaret Coleman & Wayne Dawes

Shrimp City Slim

what: acoustic/folk/jazz with drink specials during tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. mondays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

what: classic lowcountry, chicago, and new orleans blues piano/vocals. when: 5 p.m. dec. 11 where: mad river bar & grill, 32 n. market st. price: free more info: 723-0032 or www. shrimpcityslim.com

what: mount pleasant performing arts company will present its eighth annual production of the nutcracker on dec. 8 at 7 p.m. and dec. 9 at 3 p.m. at charleston southern university lightsey chapel auditorium. advance tickets $15, at the door $18. when: 7-9 p.m. dec. 8 and 35 p.m. dec. 9 where: charleston southern university lightsey chapel auditorium, 9200 university blvd. price: advance tickets $15; at the door $18 more info: 971-7880 or www. provided mpspa.com

James Slater Trio

what: indie jazz with drink specials at tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. tuesdays; happy hour 4-7 p.m. where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

Acoustic Open Mic

what: enjoy live music while enjoying a dessert , craft brew or specialty coffee. when: tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. where: bakehouse charleston, 160 e. bay st. price: free

more info: 577-2180 or www.bakehousecharleston. com

Shag Dance w/ DJ E

when: 6-9 p.m. tuesdays where: mercury bar, 547 king st. price: free more info: 532-6221

Open Mic

what: performers need to check in with keith miller or greg neff upon arrival to get on the schedule. when: 6 p.m. tuesdays where: single smile cafe, 100-a s. main st. price: free more info: 875-7745 or www.

what: the charleston men’s chorus will present a concert filled with joyful and sacred holiday music. chorus director ricard bordas will conduct, and pamela nelson will accompany on the piano. tickets for the concert are available online and at monster music & movies (west ashley) and royall hardware (mount pleasant). when: 3 p.m. dec. 9 where: sottile theatre, 44 george st. price: $15 plus $1 surcharge at applicable locations; free to ages 6 and under. more info: 720-8505 or www. cmchorus.com

Oyster Roast

what: annual holiday natural history society oyster roast (with music by wrenwood) at bowen’s island restaurant near folly beach. tickets benefit the society, and there will be a silent auction. when: 2 p.m. dec. 9 where: 1870 bowen’s island road price: advance $25, $30 at the gate more info: 953-7076 or www.

please see events, page e27 summervilledream.com/singlesmilecafe

Plane Jane’s Holiday Party

what: the seven-piece party band will host a private holiday celebration with an open buffet, open bar, live music and a 42-inch flat-screen television giveaway. tickets are limited. when: 6:30-11 p.m. dec. 11 where: J paul’z, 1739 maybank highway price: $65 per person or $60 per person for 2+ tickets more info: 557-0785 or black treegroup@gmail.com

please see clubs, page e27

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events from page e26 charlestonaudubon.org/calendar. html

Women Authors

what: sixty women authors in one place at one time. each year end, the center for women gathers local women authors — from well-known, national figures like dorothea benton frank, mary alice monroe, sue monk kidd and nathalie dupree to inspired, self-published writers. you get a chance to meet and chat with your favorite authors, purchase books and have them signed. readings by the better-known authors are conducted throughout the afternoon. when: 2-5 p.m. dec. 9 where: the citadel’s e. Johnson hagood stadium, club level, 4th floor, 69 hagood ave. price: free admission more info: 763-7333 or http:// c4women.org/book_signing.html

Tea with Mr. Dickens

what: step back in time to christmas past at cypress gardens. Join storyteller tim lowry and his dickens friends. lowry will perform the tale of the christmas carol in the style of dickens himself. pamela ward, owner of art & soul, as well as the art & soul players, will assist lowry in creating an elegant christmas tea with

thursday, december 6, 2012: E27 delicacies from the dickens era and an evening of parlor games, dancing and christmas cheer. a wassail toast and a rare torch-lit boat ride in the swamp will cap the evening off. when: 4-8 p.m. dec. 9 where: cypress gardens, 3030 cypress gardens road price: $35 advance tickets only. more info: 553-0515 or www. cypressgardens.info

Chanukah in Square

what: the yaschik/arnold Jewish studies program will team up with the city of charleston’s office of cultural affairs, chabad of the lowcountry and many other community organizations to create its most festive chanukah in the square yet. when: 4-6 p.m. dec. 9 where: marion square, calhoun and king streets price: free more info: 953-5682 or http:// jewish.cofc.edu

Monday George Younts

what: threshold repertory theatre and merchants of society street will present the first society party and the one-man “a christmas carol” written and performed by george younts. refreshments from christophe artisan chocolatier, chopsticks house, the pit stop

deli and muse. enjoy caroling and a cup of hot cider with threshold; discover treats from stella nova. 6:30 p.m. threshold rep presents the one-man “a christmas carol.” when: 5 p.m. dec. 10 where: threshold repertory theatre, 84 society st. price: free more info: 801-1041 or www. thresholdrep.org

Tuesday Holiday Band Concert

what: the charleston community band will perform its annual holiday concert at the citadel. when: 7-8 p.m. dec. 11 where: summerall chapel at the citadel, 171 moultrie st. price: free more info: www.charlestoncommunityband.com

Wednesday Woolfe Street Playhouse

what: the village repertory co. celebrates the opening of its new venue with a gala cocktail reception and performance of “the man who came to dinner,” a comedy starring regional actor nat Jones. proceeds will benefit the playhouse renovation project when: 6:30 p.m. dec. 12

please see events, page e28

clubs from page e26

Popa Chubby

lounge, 15 magnolia road price: $3

Mac Calhoun

what: blues/psychobilly/rock out of new york. when: 8:30 p.m. doors dec. 11 where: the pour house, 1977 maybank highway price: $10 advance, $12 day-ofshow more info: 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

what: local singer-songwriter. when: 9 p.m.-midnight tuesdays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

Fire & Ice Karaoke

what: Jazz standards with drink specials at tonight’s high steppin’ happy hour. when: 5-9 p.m. wednesdays; 4-7 p.m. happy hour where: high cotton, 199 e. bay st. more info: 724-3815 or www. highcottoncharleston.com

what: karaoke with dJ wild bill. when: 9 p.m. tuesdays where: wet willie’s, 209 e. bay st. price: no cover. more info: 826-2193 or www. facebook.com/fire-ice-karaoke

Looka Looka Looka

what: self-described “dumpster-swing/trash-folk” band out of florida. when: 9 p.m. dec. 11 where: tattooed moose, 1137 morrison drive

The Gradual Lean

what: Jazz from Quentin baxter, charlton singleton, kevin hamilton and lee barbour. when: 9 p.m. dec. 11 where: voodoo tiki bar &

Wednesday Anne Caldwell & Larry Ford

Keith Bruce

what: guitarist/songwriter. when: 6 p.m. dec. 12 where: castaways grille, 1291 folly road

2 Cool

what: acoustic and electric favorites. when: 6-9 p.m. dec. 12 where: southside 17 bar & grill, 3632 savannah highway

Barn Jam

what: live music from alex simpson, 72nd and central, the sun brothers and nutnlikeu. when: 6-10 p.m. dec. 12 where: sewee outpost, 4853 u.s. highway 17, awendaw price: $5 suggested donation more info: www.awendawgreen.com

Cotton Blue

what: gator rob & detroit debbie play variety, rock and blues. when: 6:30 p.m. dec. 12 where: finz bar and grill, 440 w. coleman blvd.

Acoustic Jam

what: open mic jam session. when: 7 p.m. wednesdays where: buddyroe’s shrimp shack, 1528 ben sawyer blvd.

The Bushels

what: acoustic/bluegrass/ americana. when: 7:30-10:30 p.m. wednesdays where: tbonz gill & grill, 80 n. market st. more info: 577-2511

please see clubs, page e28

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events from page e27 where: woolfe street playhouse, 34 woolfe st. price: $125 per person, $200 per couple more info: 856-1579 or www. woolfestreetplayhouse.com

‘Little Mermaid’ Musical

what: the crabpot players present the musical version of disney’s “the little mermaid.” in a magical kingdom fathoms below, the beautiful young mermaid ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. but first, she’ll have to defy her father, king triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch ursula, and convince prince eric that she’s the girl with the enchanting voice. when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 12-15 where: palmetto hall, 4600 palm blvd., isle of palms price: $10-$15 more info: 410-8886 or www. crabpotplayers.com/tickets

Thursday, Dec. 13 Grand Illumination

what: step back in time to christmas 1782. arthur middleton has finally come home after years of service to the new nation during the american revolution. the gardens will be illuminated by torchlight, and costumed interpreters will tell stories of the joyous holiday season when the british evacuated charleston at

clubs from page e27

Open Mic

what: with skye paige when: wednesdays where: wolf track, 1807 parsonage road

Plane Jane

what: seven-piece party band covers favorites from the ’60s to today for ladies’ night. when: wednesdays where: J paul’z, 1739 maybank highway

Jeff Houts

what: acoustic/classic rock/ reggae. when: 9 p.m.-midnight wednesdays where: folly beach crab shack, 24 center st.

The Word Open Mic

what: open to all performers, poets, musicians and singers. when: 10 p.m.-1 a.m. wednesdays where: the pulse sports bar & grill, 7550 dorchester road, no. g price: $5 entry fee more info: 803-719-6722 or www.facebook.com/ events/182368291879137/

The Big Gun Show

what: stand-up comedy open

the end of the revolution. the house museum will be seasonally decorated and candlelit. guests may enjoy live music and refreshments. the cost includes a southern buffet. when: 6-8 p.m. dec. 13 and 14 where: middleton place, 4300 ashley river road price: $45 adults; $20 children 12 and under. spaces are limited more info: 556-6020 or www. middletonplace.org

Eric Church

what: eric church with special guests Justin moore and kip moore on “the blood, sweat & tears tour.” when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 13 where: north charleston coliseum, 5001 coliseum drive price: $47.50 g.a. pit/$42.50 and $37.50 reserved floor and bowl (plus applicable fees)

Friday, Dec. 14 Holiday Pops!

what: holiday favorites with the cso chorus and conductor James stephenson, whose arrangements have been performed by the boston pops, cincinnati pops, new york pops and more. when: 7:30 p.m. dec. 14 and 15 where: sottile theatre, 44 george st. price: tickets start at $24 in advance or $29 at the door, if available more info: 723-7528 or www. charlestonsymphony.org

mic hosted by local comic dusty slay. when: 10:30 p.m. wednesdays where: big gun burger shop, 137 calhoun st. price: free more info: 789-3821

more games at postand courier. com/games.

ace’s on bridge


When you hold a long strong major facing a balanced hand, the nine-trick game may prove easier to make. Today’s deal was just such an example though one can hardly blame North here for insisting on playing hearts, after East’s two-diamond bid, which was explained as weak with diamonds,oftenonlyafive-cardsuit nonvulnerable. In four hearts, declarer won the lead of the diamond king, drew trump, and played a club. When West had the ace and East did not have both spade honors, declarer had no real chances left. South should have ducked the diamond king at trick one, the right play even if the lead was a singleton. If West switches to a club and East has the ace, that

player can continue with the diamond queen, but declarer ducks again. Then he ruffs the diamond continuation and, after drawing trump, discards dummy’s two spades on his diamond ace and club king. Best defense after the diamond king holds is to switch to a spade to the king and ace. Declarer draws trump with the jack and queen of hearts, and playsanotherdiamond.Eastmust split his honors so declarer wins the ace and gives up a diamond to East’s queen, establishing a trick for his seven. If West did not find the spade switch earlier, declarer is now home. If West did switch to a spade at trick two, East can play another spade now, but declarer should guess this correctly by running it to dummy’s nine.

© United Feature Syndicate

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E29

E30: Thursday, december 6, 2012

DOONESBuRY By Garry Trudeau

The post and courier

B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Craig Macintosh

PEANuTS By Charles Schulz

JuMP START By Robb Armstrong

BLONDIE By Dean Young

DuSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

CuRTIS By Ray Billingsley


word game yesterday’s word: tamper

tame tamer tamp average mark 19 tape words time limit 35 minutes taper tare can you find 27 tarp or more words in team episodic? tear the list will be published tomorrow. term tram – united feature syndicate 12/6 tramp

today’s word: episodic

trap aper mare mart mate meat pare part pate pear peat pert

the rules pram prate ramp rape rapt rate ream reap

words must be four or more letters. words which acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats,” are not used. only one form of a verb is used. for example, either “pose” or “posed,” not both. no proper nouns or slang words are used.

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E31

DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham THE LOCKHORNS By Bunny Hoest & John Reiner

MARMADuKE By Brad & Paul Anderson

BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

Yesterday’s Solution

ZIGGY By Tom Wilson

crossword puzzle

More gaMes and puzzles at postandcourier.com/games

E32: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

NON SEquITuR By Wiley Miller

BEETLE BAILEY By Mort, Greg & Brian Walker


JuDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley


ROSE IS ROSE By Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

MARY WORTH By Joe Giella & Karen Moy


HI AND LOIS By Brian & Greg Walker & Chris Browne

LuANN By Greg Evans

thursday, december 6, 2012: E33

The post and courier

THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker

BABY BLuES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

DILBERT By Scott Adams

ANDY CAPP By Reg Smythe

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne GET FuZZY By Darby Conley

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

GRAND AVENuE By Steve Breen

today’s horoscope aries (march 21-april 19): bide your time. keep a watchful eye over what’s going on around you. patience, precision and plenty of detail will help you avoid a mishap that is preventable. taurus (april 20-may 20): check your options and call in people you know you can rely on. a partnership will help make a difference to a project you want to pursue. gemini (may 21-June 20): don’t downplay an event that obviously means something to someone who is important in your life. cancer (June 21-July 22): get involved in a creative project or social event that utilizes your expertise in making a situation warm and cozy.

leo (July 23-aug. 22): expect to face a domestic challenge. Quick decisions will have to be made if you don’t want things to spin out of control.

sagittarius (nov. 22dec. 21): watch your back. if you have shared personal information, you may want to request that you aren’t the topic of conversation.

virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22): take care of your business and issues first and foremost, and make suggestions for those looking for hands-on help. love is magnified.

capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19): push through paperwork that needs to be addressed before the year ends. luck is with you and money is headed your way.

libra (sept. 23oct. 22): get your priorities straight with regard to how you are living and what you are going to do to maintain your status quo next year.

aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18): don’t look for handouts or rely on what someone else tells you. do your own legwork and make things happen.

scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21): embrace what comes your way and make it work for you. partnerships and updating the way you do things will make a difference that will shape things to come.

pisces (feb. 19-march 20): make last-minute changes if it will help you gain momentum and sprint to the finish line. a commitment made will help you finalize a deal.

E34: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

Prime-Time Television DEC 6


6 PM


7 PM

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= Broadcast


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM




11 PM




12 AM







2 at 6PM NBC Nightly Wheel: Bed & Jeopardy! (N) 30 Rock (N) (HD)All Night: I Can’t Office: Dwight Parks: Ron and Rock Center with Brian Williams News 2 at 11PM (:35) The Tonight Show with Jay 3 News WCBD (N) News (N) (HD) Breakfast. (N) (HD) Quit You. Christmas. Diane. (HD) (N) (HD) (N) Leno Bill O’Reilly. (N) (HD) ABC News 4 @ ABC World News ABC News 4 @ Entertainment Last Resort: Cinderella Liberty. Grey’s Anatomy: Love Turns You Scandal: Happy Birthday, Mr. Presi- ABC News 4 @ (:35) Nightline Jimmy Kimmel 8 WCIV 6 (N) (N) (HD) 7 (N) (N) (HD) Visiting family. (N) (HD) Upside Down. (N) (HD) dent. Olivia returns. (HD) 11 (N) (N) (HD) Live (HD) Live 5 News at 6 CBS Evening Live 5 News at 7 2 1/2 Men (HD) Big Bang (N) 2 1/2 Men (N) (:01) Person of Interest: C.O.D.. Elementary: You Do It to Yourself. Live 5 News at 11 (:35) Late Show with David Letter9 (N) (HD) WCSC News (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) Cabbie protection. (N) (HD) Dead professor. (N) (HD) (N) (HD) man Bill Murray. 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Kidnap White Collar: Unfinished Business. Baggage (HD) Excused (R) 30 Rock: 100, Christine: The 30 Rock: Floyd. 13 liposuction. WMMP of Hearts. date. (HD) victim. (HD) Bonds are stolen. (HD) (HD) Part 1. (HD) Real Thing. (HD) 48: Brother’s Blood; Trapped. The First 48: Brutal Business. 48 Drive-by shooting. (N) (HD) Panic 911 (N) (HD) Panic 911 Store shooting. (HD) 48 (R) (HD) 49 First 48: Marked for Death. (R) A&E “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” (‘93) aac (Cary Miami: Sunblock. Killer strikes “The Princess Bride” (‘87) A mysterious stranger attempts to rescue a “Yours, Mine and Ours” (‘05) a A widower raising eight children 58 CSI: AMC during solar eclipse. (HD) kidnapped princess from conspirators. af (HD) meets and marries a woman with 10 children. af (HD) Elwes) Robin outwits the dim-witted prince. (HD) Apollo Live (N) Soul Train Awards 2012 Cedric presents an R&B celebration. (R) Keyshia (R) Wendy (N) 18 106 & Park Top 10 videos selected by the viewers. (N) (HD) BET Housewives (R) (HD) Housewives Kim’s excuses. Housewives (N) (HD) (:01) Housewives (R) (HD) Watch What (:31) Housewives (R) (HD) 63 Housewives (R) (HD) BRAVO Art Walking Shop Talk SE Spine In the News Savage Rpt Judge T. NewsMakers Tammy Mayor Riley Computer Shop Talk 2 Tammy C2 Colbert (HD) Daily (R) (HD) Futurama (R) Tosh.0 (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) Larry the Cable Guy Roast (R) (HD) Daily (N) (HD) Colbert (HD) Tosh.0 (HD) COMEDY 53 South Prk (R) Tosh.0 (HD) Queens (HD) Rules (HD) Rules (HD) Diaries Investigation. (N) (HD) Beauty Beast: Trapped. (HD) News (N) Seinfeld ‘Til Death ‘Til Death ‘70s (HD) 14 Queens (HD) CW Jungle Gold: Mad Scramble. Moonshiner Risky run. (R) (HD) Moonshiner (R) (HD) Ghost Town (N) (HD) Moonshiner (R) (HD) Ghost Town 27 Jungle: Desperate Measures. DISC Soup (R) (HD) Love You (R) Kardashian Kardashian (R) (HD) Kardashian C. Lately (HD) E! News (R) (HD) 45 “Office Space” (‘99) aaac (HD) E! News (N) (HD) E! Sugar Dome (R) (HD) Cupcake Chicago parade. (HD) Sweet: Speechless Genius. Sweet: Holiday Genius. (HD) The Next Iron Chef: Risk. (R) Sweet (HD) 34 Cupcake (R) (HD) FOOD 2 1/2 Men 2 1/2 Men “The Other Guys” (‘10) aac Two mismatched New York City detectives. rsx Sunny (HD) League (HD) League (HD) Unsuperv. (N) Sunny (HD) 23 How I Met FX Relentless Relentless Relentless N.F.R. (N) 147 George Strait: ACM Artist of the Decade All-Star Concert GAC _ Wrangler National Finals Rodeo: Round 1. z{| Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Newlywed (N) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage (R) 179 Fam. Feud GSN “A Bride for Christmas” (‘12, Romance) (Arielle Kebbel) (HD) “Eve’s Christmas” (‘04, Holiday) aa (Elisa Donovan) (HD) “Wish” (HD) 47 “It’s Christmas, Carol!” Woman visited by boss’s ghost. (HD) HALL Selling NY Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Buying: Kristin & Craig. (HD) Homes Unusual homes. (N) Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Home Usual homes. (R) Homes (R) 98 Selling NY HGTV Ax Men: Out of Control. (HD) American: Full Steam Ahead. American: Jurassic Pick. (HD) American (R) (HD) American: The Belly Dance. American (R) HISTORY 126 Ax Men: Wake-up Call. (HD) Happy Days Dr. Quinn Uncle Theodore. The Waltons: The Ceremony. The Waltons: The Legend. Matlock: The Therapist. Dr. Quinn A Christmas vow. Big Valley 244 Happy Days INSP Trading Mothers return home. Project: You’ve Got Male. (HD) Project (N) (HD) Abby’s: Cirque Du Solos. (HD) (:01) Project (R) (HD) Project (HD) 29 Trading Moms trade places. LIFE Clueless (R) Clueless (R) Clueless (R) Jersey: Make It Unofficial. (R) Jersey Shore: Shore Shower. Jersey Shore: Awkward!. (HD) Jersey (HD) Jersey Shore: Awkward!. (HD) 35 Clueless (R) MTV Who Bleep Who Bleep Who Bleep 48 Hrs.: Conspiracy to Kill. 48 Hours Mystery: Drawn to Murder. (HD) 48 Hrs.: Conspiracy to Kill. 48 Hrs. (HD) 64 Who Bleep OWN Jail (R) (HD) Jail (R) (HD) Jail (N) (HD) Impact Wrestling (N) (HD) Ink Master: Blowing Chunks. MMA Live (N) GT Academy (N) (HD) 44 Jail (R) (HD) SPIKE “Constantine” (‘05) (Keanu Reeves) A detective battles with Satan’s son. (HD) “Serenity” (‘05) ab (HD) 57 “Starship Troopers” (‘97, Science Fiction) (Casper Van Dien) Giant alien insects attack. (HD) SYFY Good News Potter Touch Scenes Joel Osteen Destined Houston Praise the Lord Holyland 242 (5:00) Praise the Lord TBN Queens (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Seinfeld (HD) Family Family Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan W. Kamau Bell. (N) (HD) Office (HD) 12 Queens (HD) TBS Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and De- “Casablanca” (‘42, Drama) (Humphrey Bogart) A gin-joint owner in on the Wild Side” (‘62, “The Third Man” (‘49, Suspense) (Joseph Cotten) An American novel- “Days of Heaven” 55 “Walk TCM Nazi-occupied Morocco encounters an old flame. f a Drama) aaa (Laurence Harvey) sire Life and career. ist probes a friend’s death in Vienna after World War II. (‘78) aaac LI Medium Bride (N) (HD) Bride: Katey. Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Four Wedd (N) (HD) Say Yes (HD) Say Yes (HD) Four Wedd (R) (HD) Say Yes (HD) 68 LI Medium TLC The Mentalist: Bloodhounds. 4 The Mentalist: Bloodsport. TNT A NBA Basketball: New York Knicks at Miami Heat z{| (HD) A NBA Basketball: Dallas Mavericks at Phoenix Suns z{| v Food (HD) v Food (HD) Mysteries Museum facts. (R) Mysteries Museum facts. (N) Mysteries (R) Dead Files (R) (HD) Mysteries (R) 52 Bizarre Foods: Morocco. (R) TRAVEL Wipeout Big Balls. (HD) Wipeout Log Roll. (HD) Dumbest Gravy wrestling. (R) Jokers (R) Jokers (R) Killer Karaoke (R) Top 20 (R) 72 Cops: Florida. Cops (HD) TRUTV Noticiero (HD) Corona de lágrimas (HD) Por ella soy Eva (HD) Amores verdaderos (HD) Amor bravío (HD) Primer (HD) Noticiero (HD) Al diablo con 50 Casa risa UNI NCIS: Borderland. (HD) NCIS: Engaged (Part 1). (HD) NCIS: Engaged (Part 2). (HD) Burn Notice: Best Laid Plans. (:01) NCIS: Moonlighting. (HD) (:01) SVU (HD) 16 NCIS: Guilty Pleasure. (HD) USA Basketball Wives LA (R) (HD) Basketball Wives LA (R) (HD) Game (R) Game (R) “Menace II Society” (‘93, Drama) (Tyrin Turner) b a (HD) “Dangerous” 21 Basketball Wives LA (R) (HD) VH1 Christine Funniest Home Videos (HD) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Rules (HD) 71 Christine WGN The Kudlow Report (N) Filthy Rich Oil and corruption. Fugitives Bail jumpers. (R) Greed The founder escaped. Mad Money (R) Fugitives (R) 33 Mad Money (N) CNBC Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Piers Morgan Tonight (HD) Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (R) Tonight (HD) 10 (4:00) Situation Room (N) (HD) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) CNN Tonight from Washington The day’s top public policy events. (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Capital News Today (N) Capital News 30 U.S. House of Representatives (N) CSPAN The FOX Report (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) Hannity (N) (HD) On the Record (N) (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (R) (HD) Hannity (HD) FOXNEW 32 Special Report (N) (HD) Hardball with Chris (R) (HD) The Ed Show (N) (HD) Rachel Maddow (N) (HD) Lawrence O’Donnell (N) (HD) The Ed Show (R) (HD) Maddow (HD) 31 PoliticsNation (N) (HD) MSNBC 30 for 30: 9.79*. (HD) SportsCenter (HD) SportsCenter 7 SportsCenter: from Bristol, Conn. (HD) ESPN C The Home Depot College Football Awards z{| Audibles (HD) NFL Live (HD) 41 SportsNation (HD) ESPN-2 A College Basketball: Long Beach State vs Syracuse z{| V Friday Fights Special: Raymundo Beltran vs. Ji-Hoon Kim. New College (HD) Access (HD) Preview (HD) Octagon: Henderson vs Diaz. New College (HD) SEC Gridiron Live (HD) Predators 59 Preview (HD) Access (HD) FSS Golf Cntrl 66 (3:30) Euro Golf: from Dubai, U.A.E no~ GOLF F PGA Tour Australasia: Emirates Australian Open: Second Round.: from The Lakes Golf Course in Sydney, Australia z{| NBC Sports Network: Gabriel Rosado vs. Charles Whittaker. Costas Tonight Fight (HD) Costas Tonight CNBC (HD) NFL (HD) NBCSPO 56 NBC Sports Talk (HD) Pass Time Pass Time Car: ‘73 Datsun 240Z. (HD) Wrecked (HD) Wrecked (HD) Pinks! (HD) Pinks! (HD) Car: ‘73 Datsun 240Z. (HD) Wrecked (HD) 99 NASCAR (HD) Pinks! (HD) SPEED Own Wrds Fight Sports: Tomasz Adamek vs. Andrew Golota. no} (HD) Fight (HD) Access (HD) Southern (HD) College College 28 C-USA (HD) SPSO Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Rattlesnake: Hell ‘n’ Back. (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) Wildman (R) 62 Swamp Wars (R) (HD) ANIMAL Adventure Gumball (R) Orange (R) (:15) MAD (R) Regular (R) King King Dad (HD) Dad (HD) Family Family NTSF:SD (N) CARTOON 124 Jangle (R) Luck (R) Jessie The private Austin Jam con- Dog With A Blog: “Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christmas!” (‘11) aac Family travels to Phineas (R) (HD)Austin (R) (HD) A.N.T. Farm: phi- Wizards: Fashion 38 Phineas (R) (HD)Good DISNEY test. (R) (HD) Wingstan. lANThropy. Week. (R) (HD) jet. (HD) California to celebrate holidays with wife’s parents. pqw “Elf” (‘03, Holiday) “Elf” (‘03) (Will “The Polar Express” (‘04) aac (Tom Hanks) A boy who doubt’s “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” (‘09) A wealthy old miser is visited by aaa (Will Ferrell) A man who is raised by elves 20 Santa existence is invited to take a train to the North Pole. (HD) FAMILY Ferrell) (HD) three ghosts who help him change his life. af (HD) travels to New York to find his real father. pqv af (HD) Sponge (R) SpongeBob: Truth or Square. Sponge (N) Sponge (R) Dad Run (R) Full Hse Nanny Nanny Friends (:33) Friends (:06) Friends 26 Sponge (R) NICK (:22) MASH MASH Cosby Cosby Cosby Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) 61 Bonanza TVLAND “Something Borrowed” (‘11) In Vogue: The Editor’s Eye Artists Boardwalk Empire: Margate Sands. Real Sex “In Time” (‘11) aaa A corrupt poaa An attorney bumps into her old (:50) 24/7 (HD) (:20) “In Time” 302 lice force chases a man. (HD) HBO featured. (N) (HD) Relationship ends. (HD) crush who happens to be her best friend’s fiancé. rsx (HD) (‘11) aaa (HD) Haunting” (:35) “Green Lantern” (‘11, Action) aac (Ryan Reynolds) A mysteri- “Project X” (‘12, Comedy) aac (Thomas Mann) “Aliens” (‘86) aaac (Sigourney Weaver) A warrant officer and a “Dolls Behind 320 “The MAX (‘99) aa (HD) ous ring grants a cocksure test pilot superpowers. (HD) Three seniors make name for themselves. (HD) group of Marines search for a missing space colony. (HD) Bars” (‘12) c Dave’s Old Porn (:55) “Fair Game” (‘10, Drama) aac (Naomi Watts) “Fright Night” (‘11, Horror) (Anton Yelchin) A teen begins to suspect “Piranha” (‘10, Action) aac (Richard Dreyfuss) A Dave’s Old Porn The Reality: Ma340 A CIA agent’s identity is revealed. (HD) SHOW nipulation. (R) that his neighbor is actually a dangerous vampire. (HD) swarm of ancient, man-eating fish. (HD) (N)

The post and courier

thursday, december 6, 2012: E35

Co-workers saw signs of dementia

the history of hanukkah


By reBekah Bradford Special to The Post and Courier


anukkah, also known as chanukah, begins at sundown saturday, so this week’s trivia is all about the festival of Lights. our current champ is aaron Barse, who’s looking for a third win. his opponent is grad student Justin klein.


1. how many days does hanukkah last? 2. what is the hanukkah candelabra known as? 3. what is the traditional dish that is the Jewish version of potato pancakes? 4. what Jewish warrior is commemorated during hanukkah? 5. what comedian sang the following song: “put on your yarmulke, here comes hanukkah. it’s so much fun-akkah to celebrate hanukkah.” 6. what rule were the Jews under during the hanukkah story: roman, syrian-greek or hasmonian? 7. how many blessings are said on the first night of hanukkah? 8. in which hebrew month does hanukkah fall: nisan, elul or kislev? 9. what is the missing line in the following song: “oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel ... and when it’s dry and ready, then dreidel i shall play!” 10. which actor from the movie “talladega nights” had a brother who released the cd “songs in the key of hanukkah” several years ago?


While dreidels aren’t made of clay much anymore, they’re still a huge part of the Hanukkah tradition.

aaron’s answers

1. there are eight nights. 2. menorah 3. latkes 4. i know this is wrong but i’m going to guess my namesake, aaron. 5. adam sandler 6. roman? i am awful with history. 7. seven? 8. five years ago i could’ve answered this ... no idea. elul? 9. “i made you out of clay” or “we made you out of clay.” 10. sacha baron cohen

conclusion our two-time trivia champ aaron goes down as Justin got an almost-perfect score to become the new head2head champ. Justin will be back next week to attempt win number two. happy hanukkah!

Justin’s answers

1. eight days 2. a menorah 3. latkes

4. Judas maccabee 5. adam sandler 6. the second one, syriangreek. 7. three on the first night. 8. kislev 9. “i made it

out of clay” 10. didn’t see it but i know will ferrell was in it.

correct answers 1. eight 2. menorah 3. latkes 4. Judas maccabeus, also called Judah maccabee

5. adam sandler 6. syrian-greek 7. three 8. kislev 9. “i made it out of clay” 10. sacha baron cohen

ear aBBy: alzheimer’s and other dementias are a growing epidemic in america. frequently, co-workers are the ones who notice a decline in functioning. could you please remind your readers to speak up to a family member when they see their co-workers struggling? My 62-year-old husband was recently diagnosed, and i have since learned that his co-workers spotted his troubles long before i did at home. had i been informed, he possibly could have retired on disability and have Medicare today (which he does not now). additionally, he would have known to have structured his retirement to include survivorship on his pension, which he did not. i realize his co-workers were in a difficult spot, so i’m not blaming them, but i’m hoping a few words from you might get the word out to others: friends, when you

dear abby

notice someone is declining, please speak up. — donna in Virginia DEAR DONNA: I’m sorry about your husband’s diagnosis. As you have so poignantly stated, there are benefits to the early detection of Alzheimer’s. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, knowing the warning signs of Alzheimer’s and speaking up when you notice them are critical to receiving the best possible care. The person should be evaluated by a physician. To learn the 10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s, visit alz.org/10signs or call 800-272-3900. www.dearabby.com

E36: Thursday, december 6, 2012

The post and courier

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