STF 2017 - Program at a Glance

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January 26th to 28th, 2017 Delta Lodge, Kananaskis, AB

SHAPING THE FUTURE Program at a Glance Thursday, January 26th, 2017 - Pre-conference Morning Sessions

Time 9:30am - 12:00pm

Overcoming the Barriers to Giving Your Class More Education and Activity in Natural Outdoor Environments

Pathways to Wellbeing: Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program

Student in Mind: Traumainformed Environments

Thriving in a 24/7 World with Peter Jensen

Presented by: the Outdoor Council Presented by: Dr. Jon of Canada McGavock and Community Members of the AYMP Project

Presented by: the Alberta School Board Association

Presented by: the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan

Wildflower/Outdoors *Come prepared for the weather

Mt. Kidd Ballroom



12:00pm - 1:00pm

Lunch and Exhibitor Marketplace

Afternoon Sessions 1:00pm - 3:30pm *Show up at Noon for lunch!

Addressing Prejudice and Discrimination, and Fostering Resilience in First Nations, MĂŠtis and Inuit Students

Learning in Motion

Re-wilding: Get them Outside!

Wisdom is in the Room: an ongoing conversation among division level leaders

Presented by: The Alberta Teachers’ Association Walking Together Team

Presented by: Ever Active Schools

Presented by: Barbara Schmidt, Education Liaison, Palisades Stewardship Education Centre

Hosted by: Alberta Healthy School Community Wellness Fund and Alberta Health Services *THIS SESSION ENDS AT 4:00PM*



Wildflower/Outdoors *Come prepared for the weather


Thursday, January 26th, 2017 - Main Conference Time


4:30pm - 6:00pm

Exhibitor Marketplace Reception - Convention Lobby

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Daring Ideas Powered by Petchakucha - Olympic Ballroom

7:00pm - 7:30pm

Intermission and Cocktails - Olympic Ballroom

7:30pm - 8:30pm

An Evening with Ryan McMahon - Olympic Ballroom

Friday, January 27th, 2017 - Main Conference Session

Time 6:45am - 7:15am

Alberta Medical Association Youth Run Club Run and Walk - Hotel Lobby Yoga with Chesa - Champion

7:15am - 8:00am

Breakfast in Workshop Rooms

Workshops 8:00am - 10:00am

Nutrition in any Classroom: Engaging Today’s Youth

Connecting to All Students: Inclusive Learning Environments

Supporting Staff Wellness Through a Comprehensive School Health Approach

Sweat until you’re happy: Learning from the Land Making the connection and Outdoor Environment between physical & mental health

Presented by : Alberta Health Services

Facilitated by: Ever Active Schools

Presented by: Ever Active Schools & Joyce Sunada

Presented by: Ever Active Schools

Presented by: Ghost River Rediscovery




Mt. Kidd Ballroom


10:00am 10:20am

Break and Visit the Exhibitor Marketplace

10:25am 12:15pm

Ceremony - Helmer Twoyoungmen - Olympic Ballroom Conference Opening - Annette Bruisedhead - To Be Wisely Aware - Olympic Ballroom Student Keynote Presentation - Abu Bakr al Rabeeah - Olympic Ballroom Keynote Presentation - Laval St. Germain - Olympic Ballroom

12:15pm - 1:15pm

Lunch and Exhibitor Marketplace

Concurrent Session #1 Rooms 1:15pm - 2:05pm




Sinclair/ Palliser

Dawson/ Stewart

Mt. Kidd A

Mt. Kidd B/C


Supporting Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments through Mentoring in Schools

Engaging and The F Word: Who Cares? We Promoting Engaging Essential condiEmpowering Why Body Do!!! Healthy Students to Be tions for the imStudents to Weight Has No Relationships Active Using plementation of Change School Place in Schools in the School Social Media­­ - Comprehensive Culture Setting: The #active365 School Health to The Revised Challenge! achieve changes JCSH Positive in school culture Mental Health and improveToolkit ments in health behaviours of students

Saws and Tires Loose Parts and Adventure Play

Presenter: Caroline Missal

Presenter: Joseph Dumont

Presenters: Keely Willment, Nalini Mohan

Presenters: Presenters: Presenter: Shelly RussellWanda Katherine Kelly Mayhew, Angela Christensen, Alberga, Alana Patricia MacRaeIreland and Sarah Pasula Nutter

Organization: Organization: Organization: Organizations: Organization: School and Elk Island Werklund School Chinook’s Pan-Canadian Community Catholic Schools/ of Education Edge School Joint Supports for Holy Redeemer Division, Red Consortium for Children and Catholic School Deer Catholic School Health Youth, Alberta Regional Schools Education

Presenter: Lisa Taylor

Presenters: Dr. Kate Storey, Genevieve Montemurro

Organization: Organization: Organization: Calgary Board School of Public University of Calgary of Education Health, University - Lord of Alberta Location: Beaverbrook Walker/Outdoors High School

Friday, January 27th, 2017 - Main Conference (Cont’d) 2:05pm - 2:25pm

Break and Visit the Exhibitors Marketplace

Concurrent Session #2 Rooms 2:25pm - 3:15pm




Design Thinking Considerations and 21st Century for School-Based Learning Spaces Extracurricular Physical Activity Programs: Is it Time for a ReDesign?

Wellness Through Student Leadership

Sinclair/ Palliser

Teaching Sexual Making Space Health with for Learning – Confidence! Responding to Developmental Trauma

Presenters: Presenters: Presenters: Presenter: Donna Gimbel, Dr. Lauren Sulz, Dr. Kevin Van Lagen, Jennifer Munoz Lisa Hanson Louise Humbert; Nadine Hein Dr. Doug Gleddie Organization: Douglasdale School

Organization: University of Alberta

Dawson/ Stewart

Presenters: Chelsea Hobbs, Angela Hill

Mt. Kidd A

Mt. Kidd B/C


Culturally Responsive Health Promotion: Strategies for inclusion

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Dip, Dive & Glide Immersing Physical Literacy in Aquatic Activities

Presenters: Regan Holt & Naima Abbas

Presenter: Aimee Furey

Presenters: Brittney Tomyn, Ryan Fahey

Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Organization: Prarie Land Alberta Health Early Childhood Edmonton Public Calgary Board of Ever Active Regional Division Services Development Schools Education Schools 25 Support Services (ECDSS) Location: Pool

3:30pm - 3:45pm

Minister Message - Minister Ricardo Miranda, Healthy Snack & Don’t Walk in the Hallway Giveaway - Olympic Ballroom

3:45pm - 5:45pm

Afternoon Wellness Break

5:45pm - 6:45pm

Cocktail Hour and Poster Presentations - Explorer

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Banquet - Olympic Ballroom

8:30pm - 1:00am

Social & Dance - Olympic Ballroom

Saturday, January 28th, 2017 - Main Conference Session

Time 6:45am - 7:15am

Alberta Medical Association Youth Run Club Run and Walk - Hotel Lobby Yoga with Chesa - Champion

7:30am - 8:30am

Conference Breakfast - Olympic Ballroom Alberta Medical Association Youth Run Club Breakfast - Keynote Presentation - Beckie Scott - Rockies

Concurrent Session #3 Rooms 8:30am - 9:20am




Sinclair/ Palliser

Practical Tools to Build Your Healthy School: The Enhanced Action Schools! BC

Assessment in PE: Strategies and Practices That Motivate, Engage, and Place Students at the Centre of Their Learning

Presenters: Sandra Vamos, Kathy Cassels

Presenter: Josh Ogilvie

Presenters: Landra Walker, Erin Gates

Presenters: Presenters: Presenters: Tracey Martin, Dr. Colleen Wright, Dr. Lauren Sulz Dwayne Sheehan, Jazmin and Kim HordalJarret Hoebers & Bonizzoni, Hlewka Nicole Dawe William Roy

Organization: DASH BC

Organization: Burnaby School District/Burnaby South Secondary School

Organization: APPLE Schools

Organization: Organization: Organizations: Organization: The Organization: VIVO for HealthiThe Alberta University of Canadian Mental Ever Active er Generations Healthy School Alberta and Ever Health AssociaSchools Community Active Schools tion - Edmonton Wellness Fund Region

An Essential ConGeneration dition in Compre- Healthy Lab Suphensive School ports Community Health - Students Leading Change

Dawson/ Stewart

Mt. Kidd A

Mt. Kidd B/C


Student ConSupporting Mental Illness Grounding Into nectedness and Mentor and Recovery in Nature Relationships – Educators Youth - Classroom Impacts on Suc- and Practicum Accommodations cess in School Students for Students Location: and Beyond Through a CSH Walker/ Lens Outdoors Presenter: Tracy Johnson

Presenter: Chesa Corsiatto

Saturday, January 28th, 2017 - Main Conference (Cont’d) 9:20am - 9:40am


9:40am - 10:40am

Keynote Presentation - Lisa Hilsenteger - Olympic Ballroom

10:40am - 11:10am

Break and Hotel Check Out

Concurrent Session #4 Rooms 11:10am 12:10pm Session 1: *11:10am 11:35am*

Dawson/ Mt. Kidd A Mt. Kidd B/C Other Stewart ENCORE! ENCORE! Alberta’s Session 1: Session 1: Session 1: Session 1: Woga: Woods Rate all Rate all Nutrition Report The DevelRed Deer Public Strengthening The combined Inspired Yoga Friday Concurrent Friday Concurrent Card on Food opment of a a First Nation impact of Sessions on the Sessions on the Environments Comprehensive Moving It School’s Nutrition diet, physical STF app and top STF app and top for Children School Health Policy by activity, screen two sessions will two sessions will and Youth: Course For exploring the time and sleep be repeated! be repeated! Supporting Teacher Educafacilitators and on academic 11:10am 11:10am Local School tion barriers of policy achievement: Location: 12:10pm 12:10pm Communities in implementation a prospective Walker/ Taking Action study of Outdoors elementary school students in Nova Scotia, Canada Gold




Presenters: Presenters: Presenters: Dr. Kim Raine, Dr. Shelly Russell- Jackie Tomalty, Laurie DrozdowsMayhew, Del Lomsnes ki, Kayla Atkey Kerri Murray, Alana Ireland, Sarah Nutter, Angela Alberga, Tina Gabriele, Gavin Peat, Dianne Gereluk Organization: Organization: School of Public University of Health, University Calgary of Alberta 11:10pm 12:10pm Session 2: *11:45am 12:10pm*

11:10am 12:00pm

Session 2: Physicians - A Natural Fit for Health Advocacy in Schools

Presenter: Erin Faught

Presenter: Shirley Jorgensen

11:10pm 12:00pm

Organization: Organizations: Organization: Organization: Red Deer Public University of School of Public Black Gold Schools Alberta, Alexander Health, University Outreach School First Nation of Alberta Education Session 2: Session 2: Session 2: Communication Engaging Research in - Overcoming Indigenous youth school settings: Geography as and Communities Identifying and a Shool District in physical activity overcoming Barrier to barriers to Wellness successful partnerships Presenters: Melaney Sexsmith, Stephanie Sutherland

Presenter: Don Patterson

Presenters: Carla Vandenberg, Megan McKinlay

Organizations: Organization: Belgravia School, Northland School University of Division 61 Calgary

Organization: Every Kid Deserves a Chance Inc.

Organizations: University of Calgary & Ever Active Schools

Presenters: Dr. Kim Kelly, Dr. Venessa Shaneman

12:10pm - 1:30pm

Presenters: Christina Davey, Joanna Campiou

Lunch with Her Honour, The Honourable Lois Mitchell, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Ceremony - Helmer Twoyoungmen, Celebration and Prizes - Olympic Ballroom

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