System 2 Thinking

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SYSTEM 2 THINKING Title Insurance Consultant

TITLE INSURANCE LICENSING The client's information is entered into the first agency and individual agent title insurance licensing forms by System 2 Thinking staff. The client then checks the applications for accuracy, runs them, and sends them back to System 2 Thinking to be processed by the proper licensing authorities. Staff from System 2 Thinking monitors the status of applications, troubleshoots issues, and oversee the application process from start to finish.

SYSTEM 2 THINKING The staff at System 2 Thinking populates Incorporation with the client's information to create Business apps. After that, the client checks the applications for accuracy and signs off on the draught copies of the applications. System 2 Thinking sends draught applications to National Corporate Research, Ltd. who will turn them into final applications that the client will sign.

THANK YOU • Contact us • 81 MURRAY STREET SUITE #1 New York, NY 10007 • • 917.420.0333

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