Working together to
EvergreenHealth will advance the health of the community it serves through dedication to high-quality, safe, compassionate and cost-effective health care.
Message from the CEO & Board Chair
Each year we look forward to the opportunity to share stories from across our community-owned hospital system that highlight our commitment to providing high-quality care and exceptional service. It’s our pleasure to welcome you to our 2022 Community Annual Report.
In 2022, we continued to fulfill our responsibilities as your public hospital district by ensuring our patients and their families have access to excellent, comprehensive care, services and programs delivered by compassionate and skilled doctors in the safest setting possible.
Throughout this Annual Report, you’ll see how we continue to address our growing community’s needs by proactively investing in enhanced clinical services and capital projects, along with health education programs, which we recognize will become even more important as our population continues to age. We also continue to invest in our community partners whom you’ll read about in this year’s report, as we work together to address top concerns like mental health and education.
Over our 51-year history, EvergreenHealth has been able to focus on the needs of everyone in our community because we are an independent, not-for-profit hospital. This means, as opposed to many other hospitals in our region and across the country, we are not run by a national health care corporation or other organization, giving us the ability to put 100% of our efforts into serving our diverse residents with equal access to high-value care.
Like hospitals and health systems across Washington and beyond, EvergreenHealth continued to experience the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022 in the form of economic forces that have strained our organization financially. Nonetheless, we remain focused on our mission to provide access to high-quality, high-value care for everyone we serve in our district. We’re working collaboratively to find solutions to these industry-wide challenges to ensure we can maintain and sustain viable access to quality health care for you, your family and your neighbors.
All of us at EvergreenHealth are guided by our purpose, mission, vision and values, keeping our patients top of mind with every decision we make. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve you as we work together to enrich the health and well-being of every life we touch.
Jeff Tomlin, MD Virgil Snyder CEO, EvergreenHealth Chair, EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2
enrich the health and well-being of every life we touch.
2 | Message from the CEO & Board Chair 3 | 2022 Highlights 5 | Community Benefit Spotlight 11 | EvergreenHealth Financial Report 13 | Message from the EvergreenHealth Foundation Chief Philanthropy Officer & Board Chair 14 | EvergreenHealth Foundation Financial Report
| EvergreenHealth Foundation Donors
the EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation Director & Board Chair
EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation Financial Report
EvergreenHealth Monroe
of Commissioners
EvergreenHealth will create an inclusive community health system that is the most trusted source for health care solutions.
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Table of Contents
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation Values Compassion • Respect • Excellence • Collaboration • Accountability
2022 Community Annual Report
Named among America’s 50 Best Hospitals for Clinical Excellence – Again!
EvergreenHealth once again earned Healthgrades’ America’s 50 Best Hospitals distinction in 2022, placing the hospital system among the top 1% of hospitals nationwide for clinical outcomes. It was the only hospital in the Puget Sound region to be named a 50 Best Hospital and receive Healthgrades’ Outstanding Patient Experience Award in 2022. Find more of our Healthgrades awards and recognitions at www. evergreenhealth.com/healthgrades.
Awarded for Outstanding Safety and Quality
Independent safety and quality organizations The Leapfrog Group and Healthgrades recognized EvergreenHealth as one of the area’s highest-ranked hospitals for patient care. The accolades include an “A” rating for patient safety from The Leapfrog Group and new recognition from Healthgrades that distinguishes EvergreenHealth as the No. 1 hospital in the state for stroke care and the highest-ranked hospital in the Seattle area for pulmonary and critical care. Read more about our Leapfrog rating and what it means for you at www.evergreenhealth.com/leapfrog.
Earned CMS 5-star Overall Rating
EvergreenHealth Medical Center became one of seven hospitals in the Seattle area to receive a five-star overall rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Achieving a fivestar rating represents EvergreenHealth’s high scores across a range of quality measures and places it in the top 13% of hospitals nationwide, alongside just 431 other hospitals in the nation for quality.
50 Years as the Eastside’s Independent Public Hospital District
EvergreenHealth celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding as the Eastside’s public hospital district, marking five decades of care, service and gratitude for its community. To honor the occasion, the cities of Kirkland, Bothell, Redmond, Woodinville, Kenmore and Duvall proclaimed March 9, 2022 “EvergreenHealth Day.”
Ranked No. 1 for Clinical Outcomes
The Lown Institute ranked EvergreenHealth No. 1 in the nation for clinical outcomes in 2022. Each year, the Lown Institute Hospital Index examines and ranks hospitals’ performance based on outcomes, value and equity. EvergreenHealth also ranked second in Washington state for delivering high-value care.
Awarded for Exceptional Stroke Care
EvergreenHealth received a Comprehensive Stroke Center certification from Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Healthcare for providing the highest level of stroke care. This certification recognizes EvergreenHealth as having the experts on staff and advanced equipment necessary to diagnose, treat and support stroke patients who require highly intensive medical or surgical treatment, specialized tests and interventional therapies. EvergreenHealth is part of the Eastside Neuroscience Institute. Learn more at www.eastsideneuroinstitute.org.
Dr. Mark Freeborn
Named CMO of EHMG
Mark Freeborn, MD, was named chief medical officer of EvergreenHealth Medical Group (EHMG). Dr. Freeborn, who specializes in orthopedic spine surgery, continues to serve as EvergreenHealth’s chief surgeon while he also oversees operations, staff and provider engagement, stewardship, clinical quality and strategic growth of the medical group.
Launched the CommunityFunded Grant Program
EvergreenHealth launched a new grant program aimed at improving the health and well-being of the community. The Community Funded Grant Program awarded three regional nonprofits with a $25,000 one-year grant to advance their work providing youth mental health services and educational support. The first grant award recipients include Catholic Community Services, Empower Youth Network and the Eastside affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Health. Learn more about the Community-Funded Grant Program at www.evergreenhealth.com/community-grants.
Opened Primary Care at Redmond Town Center
EvergreenHealth opened a new primary care clinic at Redmond Town Center, which joined the health system’s Bella Bottega clinic to offer primary care from two Redmond locations with a full range of family medicine, preventive and chronic care and services.
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 3 4
EvergreenHealth Kirkland by the Numbers Outpatient Visits ................................ 415,862 Primary Care Visits ............................ 294,791 Total Calls to Nurse Navigator & Healthline ...................................... 100,598 Emergency Department Visits ......... 62,462 Total Surgeries ....................................... 20,565 Adult and Pediatric Admissions ........ 15,400 Home Health Patients ............................ 8,360 Babies Delivered ....................................... 4,529 Hospice Patients 3,470 Health Education Classes 602 Hours of Volunteer Service ................. 28,140 EvergreenHealth Monroe by the Numbers Emergency Department Visits ........... 17,369 Outpatient Visits .................................... 14,837 Addiction Recovery Patient Days .......... 6,319 Critical and Acute Patient Days ............ 3,080 Total Surgeries 1,010 Adult and Pediatric Admissions .................. 739 Recovery Center Admissions ....................... 708 Gastrointestinal Procedures ........................ 631 Detox/Rehab Admissions .......................... 400 Hours of Volunteer Service ............................ 179
2022 Highlights
Community Healthcare Access Team (CHAT)
Community Benefit Spotlight
Supporting patients and families with levy-funded programs
As a public hospital district, EvergreenHealth provides a special benefit to the greater community. Every year, the organization is entrusted to responsibly invest the community’s resources by using tax levy funds to support important community health and wellness needs.
In 2022, more than $6.2 million in levy funds were invested back into community health through a range of programs designed to provide quality health care, services and resources—often at no charge to the community.
EvergreenHealth 24/7 Nurse Navigator & Healthline
The Nurse Navigator & Healthline is a levy-funded resource providing 24/7 on-call nurse support, as well as help with scheduling, referrals and registration for health programs and classes.
In 2022, Healthline served callers in the following ways:
100,598 callers served
66,904 callers received assistance with nurse triage advice
2,452 physician referrals
4,486 residents and employees registered for community classes offered at EvergreenHealth
14,901 residents received referrals for community services
“You are all so knowledgeable, professional and kind. You make us, the community, feel less stressed about what is going on with health care. You make us feel comfortable, confident and empower us in our choices. I have used Healthline for years now and have recommended your service to many friends of mine. I just want to sincerely thank you for coming in to work every day and helping people like you do.”
– Grateful Nurse Navigator & Healthline caller
The levy-funded Community Healthcare Access Team (CHAT) serves low-income, underinsured and uninsured residents throughout the hospital district, with the help of a range of community partners. CHAT social workers serve as the point of contact for people in the community to access health care information, resources and referrals. They also assist with enrollment in health care coverage and so much more.
In 2022, CHAT worked to remove barriers for patients whose treatment plan included orthopedic surgery, but faced obstacles scheduling their care due to support issues and hospital discharge logistics after surgery.
To address this community need, a dedicated CHAT social worker helped 59 patients overcome obstacles to securing pre- and post-operative support by coordinating with medical and surgical staff, family members and other loved ones. Some patients have behavioral or social barriers that make it difficult to organize these kinds of arrangements, and CHAT’s assistance is vital to ensuring they get the care they need – and have a successful recovery. With a post-surgical care and discharge plan, these patients typically experience a shorter hospital stay and are better prepared to partner with their care team for a quicker recovery.
EvergreenHealth Community Education Services
EvergreenHealth’s Community Education Services provides hundreds of free and low-cost seminars, workshops and health education classes each year that offer resources geared toward helping our community members live well. Whether it is cooking demonstrations to inspire nutritious eating, exercise groups, emergency preparedness or parenting classes, the health system offers a wide range of courses to address our community’s diverse needs and interests.
Among the year-round programs, EvergreenHealth’s Childbirth and Early Parenting Education programs offer dozens of classes to help families navigate the joys and challenges of parenting. Its Parent-Baby Groups provide education and support through facilitator-led discussions that encourage new families to share successes and challenges on a range of topics, including feeding, relationships, postpartum adjustment, developmental stages, sleep and more.
In 2022, CHAT social workers:
Connected with 2,605 individual community members
Facilitated 6,290 total encounters with community members
Provided community education and outreach through 45 community events and group sessions
In 2022, EvergreenHealth Community Education Services:
Offered 602 virtual classes and programs
Served 5,314 participants, resulting in 11,672 encounters
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 5 6
EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline Call us 24/7: 425.899.3000
Supporting Eastside Students with Education & Mental Health Resources
Youth Mental Health Programs
EvergreenHealth’s levy-funded Youth Mental Health programs provide support and resources to help community members identify solutions and take action to promote awareness of the mental health challenges facing
young adults.
The health system’s levy-funded Youth Mental Health Task Force brings to light crucial issues facing today’s youth by connecting community members who share a passion for supporting young adults. The task force meets regularly for inspiring discussions that encourage the exchange of information and resources among community members and foster grassroots solutions.
Partnership with NAMI Eastside Recipient of EvergreenHealth’s Community Funded Grant
In 2022, EvergreenHealth continued to partner with NAMI Eastside, the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This year, NAMI Eastside became one of three nonprofit organizations to receive EvergreenHealth’s first levy-funded grants. As a recipient, NAMI Eastside is using a $25,000 one-year grant to grow several of its programs, expanding its reach and impact.
NAMI Executive Director Marc Oommen highlighted the organization’s Youth Ambassadors program as one example tangibly improving mental health for Eastside youth. Youth Ambassadors complete community service projects and conduct research and outreach to promote mental health education and mental health support for their peers.
“Youth ambassadors are mental health champions in their community,” Oommen said. “It’s been exciting to see these kids get involved and generate new ideas to improve mental health resources for their peers. Our goal is to have a presence in every middle and high school in the Eastside area.”
Support for Northshore School District Students
Grant Funds Full-Time Mental Health Therapists
EvergreenHealth levy dollars continued to provide funding for full-time, onsite mental health therapists for each high school in the Northshore School District. These therapists support students referred to them by high school guidance counselors. During the 2022-23 school year, the district’s mental health therapists met with students individually and in small groups to address their needs.
For the 2022-23 school year Northshore School District Mental Health Therapists:
Served 1,154 students
Held 3,677 total visits
Responded to 46 crisis visits
Advancing STEM Education Partnering with local schools
In 2022, EvergreenHealth and Juanita High School marked the 10th year of a collaborative partnership to advance education and learning for students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
With help from the community’s levy dollars, Juanita High School’s Global Health STEM program provides opportunities for EvergreenHealth leaders and physicians to present to students on important health care topics. The interactive sessions provide students with insight into health care-related career fields and encourages them to ask questions and immerse themselves in learning about career paths in science, health care and many more industries.
“A presentation I personally am grateful for as a prospective OB/GYN, was about childbirth education by Melissa Steiner, a childbirth and early parenting specialist at EvergreenHealth.
“Her [presentation on] oxytocin captured our attention on how the ‘love hormone’ is responsible for allowing the new mother to care for her child. We were surprised at how all organs work as a team during pregnancy and by the description of the body being designed to give birth.
“A captivating teacher, Ms. Steiner used models to inform us on the importance and skill of the body and solidify invaluable concepts about pregnancy and the human body.”
–Dikshita R., Juanita High School student
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 7 8
In 2022, NAMI Eastside partnered with EvergreenHealth to host six educational forums, open to the community, covering a variety of topics about mental health.
Promoting Health and Well-Being for Eastside Seniors, Caregivers & Families
Northshore Senior Center
Nonprofit helps enrich seniors and loved ones through supportive programming
In 2022, EvergreenHealth continued its partnership with Northshore Senior Center (NSC) to support the Bothell-based nonprofit’s mission to promote healthy living and wellbeing in the community through programs, services, resources and civic engagement. Among NSC’s more than 300 programs designed to support seniors and their caregivers is the center’s Adult Day Health program, which is funded in part by EvergreenHealth levy funds. Adult Day Health provides half-day programming to seniors who require physical, mental or social assistance that is typically provided by a caregiver. In addition to offering expert clinical care, the program invites participants to engage in exercise, art, music and conversation, while their caregivers get an extended respite and the assurance that their loved ones are in good hands.
Levy funding also supports NSC’s social day program, known as WISDOM, for individuals experiencing early memory loss. The WISDOM program serves adults with minor memory impairment in a small group setting, hosted twice a week. Participants find themselves among friends with similar challenges where they experience camaraderie and support. By becoming involved in cognitive, physical, and socially enriching activities, participants can help preserve memory and acuity.
EvergreenHealth Geriatric Care
EvergreenHealth Geriatric Care works as an interdisciplinary team of board-certified specialists including geriatricians, nurses, social workers and pharmacists — all with special training and experience to care for seniors.
Served 281 family caregivers through 685 touch points via programming, consultations and services
Served 104 Adult Day Health participants by offering programming to enhance wellness through 2,963 touch points via in-person visits, telephone checks and virtual classes
Geriatric Care is dedicated exclusively to serving patients who reside in the district and are 65 years and older. In 2022, the practice continued to increase access for new patients while also maintaining patient-to-provider ratios that allow doctors to spend time addressing all their patients’ concerns in a relaxed setting. This care model is possible thanks to levy funding from the Eastside community. The team also provides comprehensive assessments to determine the most suitable treatment for each person. In 2022, the practice continued to prioritize depression screenings performed by trained social workers for all new patients. These are designed to gauge patients’ satisfaction, happiness and overall mood, creating an opportunity for further treatment as needed. Given that many elderly adults experienced isolation throughout the pandemic, the objective screening aims to identify potential concerns that may have gone undetected.
In addition to screenings and wellness checks, the Geriatric Care team provides comprehensive transitional care management (TCM) to help patients with a more seamless transition back home after a stay in the hospital. When a senior patient is discharged, a Geriatric Care RN and pharmacist review the patient’s condition and medication interactions with the patient or family. This work in addition to a post-hospitalization visit with the physician helps to avoid hospital readmissions, which pose an especially high risk to geriatric patients.
All of these offerings – plus many more – are made possible by EvergreenHealth’s status as a publicly funded hospital district. The community’s support is vital to keep these programs running – and expanding to meet the needs of the Eastside’s growing senior population.
Helped 476 older adults maintain and improve their mental and emotional well-being through support groups, personal consultations, meditation, conversation groups and more
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 9 10
In 2022, EvergreenHealth’s partnership with NSC:
EvergreenHealth’s status as a public hospital district allows doctors to spend time addressing this special population of patients’ questions in a relaxed setting. Screenings, wellness checks and transitions to home after hospital stays are just some of our geriatric care offerings.
EvergreenHealth Financial Report
In 2022, EvergreenHealth maintained the highest quality of care and sustained important programs, while continuing to address the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and other financial issues affecting Washington’s health care system.
Coming out of the pandemic, hospitals across the state and nation are experiencing severe financial losses due to many complex factors. In 2022, Washington hospitals lost $2.7 billion, with operational expenses accounting for more than
2022 Significant Capital Projects
$2.1 billion of statewide health care industry losses. EvergreenHealth experienced a $91.6 million loss due to the high cost of supplies, equipment and labor caused by inflation and other market influencers. However, EvergreenHealth has continued to prioritize community benefit services including charity care and subsidized health services as well as necessary capital improvement projects across the hospital system to meet patients’ and families’ evolving health and wellness needs.
2022 Gross Revenue Sources
2022 EvergreenHealth Revenues and Expenses
EvergreenHealth Monroe was an exception to the concerning statewide trend of significant losses, realizing a net income of $1 million, and investing $7 million toward community benefit services including charity care and subsidized services, while also contributing $1.2 million toward capital projects.
2022 Significant Capital Projects
PRIMARY PROJECTS: $1.1 million
Upgrade Infrastructure for EPIC
Create Progressive Care Unit rooms
Update Radiographic Fluoroscopy room
OTHER: $0.1 million
Other Clinical Equipment and Facility Improvements
TOTAL: $1.2 million
Community Benefit
Charity Care Costs 5.7% $0.4
Subsidized Medicaid Costs .............................................82.9% $5.8
Subsidized Health Services 11.4% $0.8
TOTAL .............................................................................. 100% $7.0
Community Benefit
Community Benefit Gross Revenue Sources
2022 EvergreenHealth Monroe Revenues and Expenses
and outpatient care $151.7 Less amounts written off for discounts to payers including commercial insurances, Medicare and Medicaid $94.6
amounts written off to charity care and bad debt .......... $10.1
Net Revenue $47.0
We also had additional sources of revenue:
Other operating revenue $1.4
Levy operations ................................................................................. $2.8
Levy funds for debt repayment $2.3
Behavioral Health Workforce Stabilization Funding ............... $0.1
In 2022 we had expenses for:
Salaries and benefits $31.6
Supplies, services and other operating expenses ..................... $17.3
Depreciation expenses $2.9
Interest expense and other non-operating expenses ............. $0.8
TOTAL NET INCOME AVAILABLE .............................................. $1.0
After expenses, for improvement of services and repayment of debt
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 11 12
CATEGORY PERCENTAGE IN MILLIONS Commercial 45.8% $1,044.8 Medicare 41.9% $957.6 Medicaid .............................................................................. 9.0% $204.9 Other Operating 2.0% $45.3 Self Pay ................................................................................... 1.1% $24.2 Tax Revenue for Levy Programs 0.3% $6.2 TOTAL REVENUE .............................................................. 100% $2,283.0
SOURCES OF REVENUE IN MILLIONS In 2022 we billed patients for: Inpatient and outpatient care $2,231.5 Less amounts written off for discounts to payers including commercial insurances, Medicare and Medicaid ..................... $1,400.2 Less amounts written off to charity care and bad debt $42.0 Net Revenue $789.3 We also had additional sources of revenue: Other operating revenue $45.4 Federal Assistance Funding ........................................................... $3.5 Levy funds for programs $6.2 Levy funds for debt repayment ..................................................... $22.4 TOTAL REVENUE ......................................................................... $866.8 EXPENSES IN MILLIONS In 2022 we had expenses for: Salaries and benefits $610.6 Supplies, services and other operating expenses ..................... $257.0 Levy supported programs $19.3 Depreciation expenses .................................................................... $50.6 Interest expense and other non-operating expenses $20.9 TOTAL EXPENSES ........................................................................ $958.4 NET INCOME IN MILLIONS TOTAL NET INCOME AVAILABLE ....................................... ($91.6) After expenses, for improvement of services and repayment of debt
PERCENTAGE IN MILLIONS Charity Care Costs ............................................................... 7.2% $3.3 Subsidized Medicaid Costs .......................................... 63.9% $29.4 Levy Programs (before levy funding) 26.9% $12.4 Subsidized Health Services 1.8% $0.8 Sponsorships 0.2% $0.1 TOTAL ................................................................................. 100% $46.0 Levy-Funded Programs PERCENTAGE IN MILLIONS Community Programs 32% $2.0 Senior Programs 42% $2.6 Clinical Programs ................................................................ 26% $1.6 TOTAL FUNDS PROVIDED 100% $6.2
PRIMARY PROJECTS: $68.5 million Master Planning Plan Phase I Master Planning Plan Phase II EPIC Implementation Mako NICU Philips Clinical Monitors daVinci Xi Systems CT Simulator Replacement Neurosurgical O Arm IT Server, Storage and Network Replacements OTHER: $6.5 million Other Clinical Equipment and Facility Improvements TOTAL: $75.1 million Levy-Funded Programs Gross Revenue Sources Community Benefit
Gross Revenue Sources CATEGORY PERCENTAGE IN MILLIONS Medicare ............................................................................34.0% $53.0 Commercial 32.1% $50.1 Medicaid 22.1% $34.5 Government........................................................................... 3.1% $4.8 Self Pay 6.0% $9.3 Tax Revenue for Levy Programs.........................................1.8% $2.8 Other Operating 0.9% $1.4 TOTAL REVENUE .......................................................... 100% $155.9
SOURCES OF REVENUE IN MILLIONS In 2022 we billed patients for:
Message from the Chief Philanthropy Officer and Board Chair 2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation Financial Report
Dear Friends,
It’s our pleasure to share with you the EvergreenHealth Foundation’s highlights from this past year as we extend our deepest gratitude for your continued support of our community-owned health system.
Despite our 32-year history supporting EvergreenHealth’s mission, last year brought many firsts for us. I joined the Foundation as Chief Philanthropy Officer in early 2022 and enjoyed the opportunity to engage with this generous community throughout my first year. Seeing your passion for supporting EvergreenHealth’s people, programs, initiatives and growth has been inspiring and was an energizing way to hit the ground running together.
We also enjoyed the first opportunity in several years to gather as a community as the 2022 Evergreen Gala returned in person. With your support, the Gala raised $1.3 million to honor the work of our outstanding radiation oncology physicians and cancer support team, and funded the purchase of a new linear accelerator to enhance the precision of radiation treatment. It was wonderful to share stories of hope and healing together and meet many families whose lives have been positively impacted by the health system’s radiation oncology physicians. Your generosity helped us raise an additional $2 million for cancer care beyond the Gala’s proceeds, as well.
In 2022, we began the transition from supporting EvergreenHealth’s COVID-19 response and stabilization to looking ahead to the health system’s long-term growth. We look forward to envisioning how philanthropy can play an even more significant role in helping EvergreenHealth reach new heights and are profoundly appreciative of your partnership at every step of the way.
Lori Kloes
Anthony Ambrose Chief Philanthropy Officer Chair, Board of Trustees
2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation Board of Trustees
2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation
Board of Trustees Officers
Anthony Ambrose
Data I/O
Board Chair
Jeff Cashman
SCS Financial
Vice Chair
Rachel Knight
LPL Financial
Program Chair
Vicky Nollette
Community Volunteer
Michele Rutherford
Former Nordstrom Executive
Gala Chair
Kelly Williams
Optimum Value Advisors
Board Treasurer
Lori Kloes
EvergreenHealth Chief Philanthropy Officer
2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation
Board of Trustees Members
Megan Baumgartner
SCS Financial
Sandy Cairns
Wells Fargo
Drew Copitzky
Community Volunteer
Shawn D’Amelio
Community Volunteer
Don Dicks
Community Volunteer
Doug Edlund
PAC Promotions
Bob Ferguson
Ben Franklin Crafts and Frame Shop
Suzanne Greathouse
TierOne Performance Consulting/ REPSVR
Gurleen Gulati
City of Seattle
Molly Hill
Community Volunteer
Leah Hoge
Jason Hollaway
Heritage Bank
Matt Larkin
Karl Lindor
Windermere Real Estate/East, Inc.
Hong Qi
Pacific International Education
2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation
Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Members
Chad Bentsen, MD
EvergreenHealth Medical Staff
Rebecca Hirt
Community Volunteer
Lori Kloes
Chief Philanthropy Officer
Tim McLaughlin
Community Volunteer
Eric Taylor, MD
Jeff Tomlin, MD
EvergreenHealth, CEO
$9,099,622 Total Investments $14,776,316 TOTAL ASSETS
$1,148,911 Total Liabilities FUND BALANCE $13,627,405 Total Fund Balance $14,776,316 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 13 14
CATEGORY PERCENTAGE Individual ......................................................... 20% Corporation ...................................................... 21% Donor Advised Funds ........................................ 3% EvergreenHealth Staff 7% Foundations 42% Associations/Organizations/ Estates/Trusts ..................................................... 7% TOTAL ....................................................... 100% Assets
CASH $4,464,665 Total Cash $1,162,852 Total Pledge Receivables $49,177 Total Prepaid Expense INVESTMENTS
Contributions by Source FUND NAME PERCENTAGE Evergreen Gala ........................................... 22.7% Radiation Oncology/Cancer ................... 26.7% Hospice ......................................................... 22.7% Evergreen Fund 3.4% Give Together, Grow Together 3.8% Women’s & Children’s 10.6% Quality & Infection Control ........................ 2.5% Other ................................................................ 7.6% TOTAL ....................................................... 100% Fund Distribution
Balance Sheet
2022 EvergreenHealth Foundation Donors
Champion Donor
$1,000,000 +
Weidner Apartment Homes
Influencer Donors
$100,000 - $999,999
The Phil and Katie Carter
Estate of Pamela A.
Maynard Martin Estate
The Norcliffe Foundation
Rainier Heli International Inc
Estate of Barbara B. Rambo
Jack and Betty Wockner
Christopher and Margery
Benefactor Donors
$25,000 - $99,999
The Anderson Foundation
Bellevue Healthcare
Denali Advanced Integration
Al and Donna DeYoung
Doug Edlund and Cathy
Dr. Mark and Jayme
The Hill Family
Dr. Alex Hsi and Wendy Hsu
Dr. Michael and Kayoko
Keyes Foundation
Derek Luhn and Jennifer
D.V. & Ida McEachern
Charitable Trust
Teddy Lou Overleese
Linda and Jerome Paros
Caryl A. Reese
Dr. Eric Taylor and Ms.
Sheena Aebig
Dr. Jeffrey and Merrie Tomlin
John Wechkin
Whidbey Coffee Company
Wise Hospice Options
William E. Wockner
Dr. Rosanna Yeung and Michael Lin
Sustainer Donors
$10,000 - $24,999
Adler Giersch Law Firm
Aldrich & Associates, Inc.
Jeanne Barker
Bill & Melinda Gates
Jeff and Judy Cashman
James and Nancy Crim
Evergreen Emergency Services
EvergreenHealth Medical Staff
First Choice Health
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Suzanne Greathouse
Hall Render
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Laboratory Corporation of America
Matrix Anesthesia, PS
McKeirnan Porter PLLC
Merchants Credit Association
Steve Messmer and Roxanne
William and Judith Moritz
Timothy and Mary Ord
Pacific Office Automation
Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc.
Pediatrix Medical Group -
Eastside Maternal Fetal Medicine
Pediatrix Medical GroupSeattle Neonatology
PRK Livengood
The Rabuchin Family
Radia, Inc.
Regence BlueShield (AKA
Cambia Health Solutions)
Nancy and Ben Remak
The Schuler Family Foundation
Skony Resources, Inc.
Commissioner Virgil and Kelly Snyder
Team Snepp Charitable Fund
Sponsor Donors
$5,000 - $9,999
Richard and Donna Adler
Ash Consulting LLC
Constance Baring-Gould
Bella Baby Pacific, LLC
Bennett Bigelow & Leedom
Boeing Company Gift
Matching Program
Christopher and Darla
Cheetham Family Trust
Davis Wright Tremaine
Delta Dental of Washington
John and Diane DeYoung
Bob and Shirley Ferguson
Gobo Enterprises, LLC
Jessika and Ryan Groce
Lon and Colleen Halvorson
Heritage Bank
Dr. Wayne and Deborah Hill
Helge Hoeing
Gretchen and Lyman Hull Fund
Patricia Kinnaird
Lori and Daren Kloes
Little Family Foundation
Tina and Randy Mycroft
Ali Naqvi
Northwest Synergy, Inc.
Dr. Ettore and Setareh
Payden & Rygel Investment Management
Jennifer Pointer
Premera Blue Cross
Jack and Marilyn Price
Quest Diagnostics
Ronald and Susan Runyon
Dianne and Patrick Schultheis
Mary and Randy Shepler
Laura and John Smiley
Drs. Narender and Rekha
Nancy and Tom Stewart
Kris B. and Gregory A. Taylor
Thomas Cuisine
Leonard Tracy
Elisa M. Vila
Angelina Wallent
Advocate Donors
$1,000 - $4,999
Anthony Ambrose and Kelly
Gregg and Kirsten Aoyama
Yuriy Babadzhanov
Les Baer and Gerry Fox
The Banks Family Banner Bank
Terri L. Bardsley
Laura and Lamont Beckner
Dr. and Mrs. Chad M.
Caren-Christiane Berry
Patrick and Jacualyn Bonnell
Pat Braddock
Keith Brandt
Drs. John and Kimberly
Bill and Judy Brodsky
Jeffrey Bronstein
Peggy Brown
Rodney Brown
Dr. Michael Bundesmann and Mrs. Merkys Gomez
Drs. Daniel and Cynthia Burdick
Richard Cain
Nina Cantrell
Pete and Marianne Caputo
Carolyn Day Foundation
The Phil and Katie Carter
Cheryl Chamberlin
Debra M. Chaput, M.D.
Rick Chatterton and Steven
Russell and Claudia
Steve N. Connelly, M.D.
Pamela Cope
David and Jane Cottrell
Judith Curley
Diane Dake
Dan Danhof
Douglas Davis
Art deVaux
Diane and John DeYoung
Lucy DeYoung
Dr. Brian and Juliana Dial
Larry and Paula Dime
Joycelyn Dorsey
Oliver Dreitzler
Jodi and John Duggan
Ellsworth Charitable
Emerald Communities
Guy Farmer and Family
Clare Farnsworth
Kim Fay
Arash Fazl, M.D.
Firmani + Associates
Kris Fitting
Barb Follett
Lynley Fow
Jon French and Family
Jeffrey and Kelly Friedman
Monique and Adam Gablehouse
Resa and Nick Galash
Katharyn Alvord Gerlich
Family Fund
Oscar Gonzalez, M.D.
Karen Griffin
Julie Hagglund
Jon and June Hahn
Brenda Halvorson and Mark Rex
Kent and Suzie Halvorson
Nancy and Darrell Hamilton
Gary and Carrol Harris
Heather and Michael Hatada
Michael and Mary Healy
Daria and Ben Heimerman
Shelly and Neil Henderson
Brett and Shelia Herner
Drs. Jennifer and Nathan
Rebecca and Tom Hirt
Dr. Priscilla Hoang and Mr. Adrian Synal
Leah and Ryan Hoge
Hoover Charitable Giving Fund
Marlene Taylor Houtchens
Dr. and Mr. Karlyn and Daniel Huddy
Dr. Stephen G. and Jan Hyde
Jo Iaciofano
Debra Ingersol
Alan Irvine
Kaj Johansen
Darol Johnson
Beth Kahn
Roan Kang
Elizabeth Keeshan
Meredith Kenyon
Greg B. and Lauri King
Dr. Lindy Klaff and Scott
KLB Construction
Rachel D. Knight
Kristen Krebs
Eric LaFrance
Lisa LaPlante
Dr. Yung and Christina Lee
Drs. David and Laurin Likosky
Jacob Lin, M.D.
Pauline and Ping-Yu Liu
David B. and Charlotte J.
M. & D. Gift Fund at Schwab
Lynne Magie
Mark and Susan Vossler
Charitable Fund
Mr. and Dr. Jeff and Nancy Marshall
Mary Eileen and Stephen Knoff Charitable Fund
Mark and Tammera Mason
Stephanie McCann
Lynn McLaughlin
Tim and Priscilla McLaughlin
Richard and Jennifer Meeks
Dr. Michael and Leah Mena
Susan Morgan
Ken and Andree Nelson
Dr. Nancy J. and Larry Neubauer
Annie Nguyen-Vermillion, M.D.
Vicky Nollette
Esther Norton
Notkin a P2S Company
Tammy Nye
O.D. Fisher Charitable Fund
Dr. Komal Patil-Sisodia and Harshal Sisodia
Jill Peterson
Randal and Donna Peterson
Leanne Philipovich
James and Jessica Pierson
Meg and Bridget Powers
Sandra and Bradley Prescott
Vickie L. Ravenscroft, RN
Dr. Francis X. and Judy Riedo
Penelope Robinson
Thomas and Jeanie Robinson
Debra Ann Rossman
Adam and Stephanie Rothenberg
Michele Rutherford
Marco Salazar, M.D.
Benn Schreiber and Liz Hunt
Pat and Carol Schuette
DeWayne Sennett
Deena Sindler and Craig McCallum
Sue Smiley
Dr. Sheila Smith
Deborah Snell
Joseph and Allison Springer
Starbucks Matching Gifts Program
Debra and Brian Stemmerman
Kimberly and Allon Stone
Debra Styner
Symetra Matching Gift Center
Family of Ralph Syverson
Teal Family Fund
Wayne Thomas III
Shirly A. Torpin and Family
Wen Tseng
Estate of Bernice E. Tutt
Alan and Greta Upshall
Prakash Varadarajan, M.D.
Anne Volk
Ming Wang
Lynda Watson
Julie Wentz
Ginger White
John J. and Joan White
Jeffrey Wildey
Kelly Williams
Marlene Wissler
Woodinville Pediatrics
Dr. Joseph and Kyla Woodward
Carmen Wright
Zobrist Family
Partner Donors
$500 - $999
Lucy Acker
Nathan Ahn
Susan Allen
Donna and William Anderson
Molly Anderson
Dr. Timothy S. Anderson and Mrs. Susan S. Anderson
Lisa Baer
Diana Baird
Holly E. Baker, RN
Shelley Bennett
Walter and Eunice Binz
Gwen Blake
Steven Bourque
Marilyn J. Braarud
Billie J. Brandon, RN
Mary Brentnall
Ralph and Katharine Brindley
Doug and Amy Brown
FXR Group
Rodney Brown
Mike and Sarah Bruemmer
R. Scott and Karen Burger
Glenn Cantor
Joan Capili
Sharon Carter
Marjorie Chamberlain
Estate of Dolores Chapman
Jessica Clark, RN
The Estate of Catherine
Elizabeth Conn
Thank you to the individuals, families, foundations and businesses that supported EvergreenHealth in 2022. Thank
Antoine Cotton
Robert and Gail Cranmer
Ryan Cudney
Kristen Deleganes
Everett and Kim Diemer
Juliann Dillhoff
Paul Dolan
Deann and Peter Edgers
Suzan Elder
Janee Evans
Marji and Pete Fortman
Debra Francis
Richard Freedman
Ida Freilinger
Paulina Gauthier
Robert and Michele Gilb
Bob and Karen Gillespie
Marjorie Gorodko
Jessica Granger
Sandra Gray
Ann Green, RN
Randy and Anne-Sofie
Grove Family Donation Fund
Timothy Hackbart
Kevin and Patty Hansen
Joy and Kurt Hanson
Jamie J. Haraden, ARNP
Christine Hawkins
Holly Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Heffron
Archie Henninger
Barry Hogrefe
Ray Holden
Iverson Enterprises
Ellinor James
Tara James and Timothy McRoberts
The Jang Family
David and Sarah Johnston
Janet and Kurtis Jones
Hitesh Kanwathirtha
Nicole Kihlman
Angelika T. Koch-Leibmann, M.D.
Sandra Kreider, RN
Andrea Kucirek
David LaMarche
Rosemary and Fred Langford
Karen Liebel
Deena Lorraine
Li Lu
Douglas MacLachlan
Elizabeth Mahan
Violet Mar
Brenda McCue
Yazmin Mehdi and Liam
Mary Beth Menagh
Anna Menne
Gareth Merrifield
Katherine Mihalek
Daryl Moe
Brendon Moodley
Lisa Mulligan
Laurie Naylor
Noeledge Consulting
Patricia Norris
Jennifer and Tom Norton
Jaja Okigwe and Teresita
Drs. Raymond D. Park and
Mazie Park
Nathan Paul
Melissa and Mark Pederson
Ann and Jon Peterson
Pick Family Giving Fund
Sheri and Tracy Pierce
Rolin and Megan Pruyn
Carol Radforth
Carrie Reichel
Jared W. Remington, M.D.
Konnie Rincon
Sandra Ritchie
Dennis and Nancy Rood
Adam Sangeorzan, M.D.
Jill and Lane Savitch
Schoenfeld-Gardner Foundation
Seattle 380-Club
Richard Seibert
James Sheffler
Lynn Shomber
Lynne Singer
Ingrid Skacel
Julie Smith
Mona Solomon
Robert Spreadborough
Spring/Neuhauser Fund
Tina and Floyd Swift
Jeanna L. Taylor, RN
Gifford E. Thomas
Andrew F. Thurman, M.D.
Mario and Kate Tremblay
Barbara Troyer
Dr. Andrew and Bobye
Dr. Joseph E. and Virginia Turner
Kenneth Tuurie
Kate Tylee Herz and Matt Herz
Faith Uyesugi
Kiko Van Zandt
Philip Vande Pol
Robert Voiss
Stacy Webb
Joel and Marisa Weber
Megan Whitman
Willis J. Price Survivor’s Trust
Mark Wimley
Megan and Sam Wirsching
Barry Witham
Sharon Wolf
Steven Wong
Jason and Nattawan Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Zehnder
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 15 16
you to all of our donors who ensure that the EvergreenHealth Foundation can impact those we serve well into the future. To learn more about ways to give, visit www.evergreenhealthfoundation.com/ways-to-give.
Message from the Director and Board Chair
Dear Neighbors,
In 2022, our EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation upheld its tradition of making significant and strategic investments to elevate the standard of care at EvergreenHealth Monroe. With great pride, we unite to honor the unwavering support of our exceptional community, whose contributions have made these great investments possible. Among the highlights of our investments is acquiring a new van to deliver meals and equipment to and from our Drug & Alcohol Recovery Center. Additionally, we outfitted the Recovery Center dining room with brand-new tables, chairs, an ice machine, phones and kitchen appliances. Moreover, we continued to provide our recovery patients with essential toiletry items, ensuring their well-being and comfort during their journey to wellness. Within the hospital, the Foundation purchased new inpatient beds, iPads to foster connectivity with a support system for patients in the Emergency Department and a LUCAS chest compression system to aid in the event of cardiac arrest.
Our signature Blue Jeans and Boots Gala was another threshold-breaking success and raised $202,000 to replace and purchase new equipment for our increasingly busy operating rooms. We welcomed over 200 community members, hospital staff, patients and local leaders to the Gala. These funds will improve the quality of care and patient experience. By the end of 2023, the hospital will put into service a new ultrasound machine, eight additional OR stretchers, a microscope and a ligature device.
Lastly, we want to recognize the unwavering dedication of the EvergreenHealth Monroe Board of Trustees, who invest their time, energy, and guidance to advance the health care our community depends on.
EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation
Financial Report
EvergreenHealth Monroe
EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation Foundation Board of Trustees
2022 EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation
Board of Trustees Officers
Scot Noel
NOELEDGE Consulting, Monroe
Bridgett Edgar
Pharm-A-Save, Gold Bar
Dianne Forth
Immediate Past Chair
Community Volunteer, Monroe
Torri Howard Secretary
Parker, Smith & Feek, Bothell
Stacy Morse
The Urban Art Preservation Project, Snohomish
2022 EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation
Board of Trustees Members
Janie Botting
Community Volunteer, Sultan
Petra Dungan
AT&T, Monroe
Patty Fountain
Community Volunteer, Retired RN, Startup
Heather Fulcher
Original Pilot House Coffee, Monroe
Doug Hobbs
Evergreen Speedway, Snohomish
Tod Johnson
Speedway Chevrolet, Snohomish
Kellie Jones
Horton & Associates, Snohomish
Brian Metcalf
Edward Jones, Monroe
Allison Raduziner
Pilchuck Business Consulting, Snohomish
Derelynn Williams
Parker, Smith & Feek, Sultan
Sam Wirsching
Sam’s Cats & Dogs Naturally, Monroe
2022 EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation
Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Members
Lisa M. LaPlante
EvergreenHealth Monroe Chief Administrative Officer
Blake Vintertun
Foundation Director, Duvall
Last year we had an amazing in-person event after being virtual for two years, and we cannot wait to see what this year brings. Join us at our beautiful NEW venue, Liljebeck Farms in Woodinville, to support the expansion of the Progressive Care Unit at EvergreenHealth Monroe.
You won’t want to miss out on the fun. Reserve your spot today at www.bluejeansandbootsgala.com.
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 17 18
Vintertun, Director Scot Noel, R.T.(R)(MR), Chair
FUND NAME PERCENTAGE Surgical Services ....................................... 62.6% Equipment Fund ......................................... 13.8% Recovery Center ........................................... 11.3% Small Grants Programs ................................ 3.9% Greatest Need ............................................... 2.6% Critical Care Needs ........................................ 1.8% Susan Chatlos Endowment......................... 1.6% 2021 Blue Jeans and Boots Gala .................. 1.3% Emergency Services Fund ............................ 0.5% Other ............................................................... 0.6% TOTAL ........................................................ 100%
2022 EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation Board of Trustees
Fund Distribution
ready for the 10th annual Blue Jeans and Boots Gala coming Friday, September 15, 2023!
EvergreenHealth Monroe Foundation Donors
$25,000 - $49,999
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound
William E. Wockner Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Coastal Community Bank
EHM Medical Staff
Evergreen Emergency Services
Lisa M. LaPlante
Merchants Credit Association
Radia, Inc.
$5,000 - $9,999
BNSF Railway Foundation
Cutis Care LLC
EvergreenHealth Foundation
Fairfax Behavioral Health
First Choice Health
Pacific Office Automation, Inc
Parker, Smith & Feek
Renton Collections, Inc
Sam and Megan Wirsching
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians
Susan Chatlos-Susor and Tom
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Fund
$1,000 - $4,999
Ash Consulting
Pam Baker
Bridgett Edgar and Larry Barnes
John Bigelow
Chris and Darla Bredeson
Alice and Jim Cabe
Pat Castiglione
Rick Chatterton
Dr. Kenneth Y. and Peggy Chiou
Colin Construction Company
Columbia Bank
Mike and Bretta Cosman
Dr. Chad and Lilya Crystal
DA Davidson
Petra and Dan Dungan
EHK MSK & Surgical Care Team
Dr. Michael S. and Janelle
Firm Revenue Cycle Management Services, Inc.
Diane and Richard Forth
Dr. Mark and Jayme Freeborn
Katy Fridrich
Monique Gablehouse
John Gepford
Mrs. Jessika Groce
Kristen Krebs
Laboratory Corporation of America - Monroe
Patrick and Kristin Maher
Tim and Priscilla McLaughlin
Medical Solutions
Richard Meeks
Monroe Anesthesia Physicians, PLLC
Scot and Janan Noel
Ann Peterson
Pharm-A-Save of Monroe
Piper Sandler & Co.
Diane Pollari
Premera Blue Cross
Nancy and Ben Remak
Stacey Riden
Dr. Adam and Stephanie
Judge Mara Rozzano
Sam’s Cats & Dogs, Naturally
Mary and Randy Shepler
Robin Stake
Dr. Charles R. and Sue Strub
Carol Taylor
Thomas Cuisine
Deborah Tombs, RN
Dr. Jeff J and Merrie Tomlin
Tanya Toner
Kelly Underwood
Elisa Vila
Western Washington Medical Group, Inc.
Megan and Sam Wirsching
Lilin Wu, M.D.
Partners $500 - $999
Greg and Diana Accetturo
Lauretta Barmon
Heather Beierle
Dr. Bentsen
Chris Bosworth
Janie Botting
Eric and Samantha Britt
Paul and Kathy Challancin
Cheryl Chamberlin
Jocelyn Clark
Robert and Maria Coghill
Coin-O-Matic Vending, LLC
Debbie Copple
Holly Crownhart
Darrin Davis
Rhiannon and Brian Drake
Ian Fairweather and Amy
Julie Force
Judy Forth
Patty Fountain
Jeffrey and Kelly Friedman
Audra and Travis Fulton
Karen Gahm
Sean Guimond
Mike and Leigh-Ann Gutmann
Becky Hasart
Brett and Sheila Herner
Jeni and Joshua Herschlip
Clinton Hibbert
Maren Higbee
Samantha Idle
Jett Medical
Kellie and Brent Jones
Janell Kaholokula-Huestis
Dr. Michael S. Kincaid and Mrs. Susan Li
Tami Kinney
Lori and Daren Kloes
Megan Lee
Stephen and Susan Matuschak
Danielle McConnell
Stacy and Lans Morse
Gaila Palo
Dr. Charles A. and Barbara Pilcher
Patricia Presley
Jaci and Beau Sanders
Abigail Sayler
Zebb Seabrook
Rachel Shrewsbury
Diane Shubert
Sue and Mike Skillen
Katie Starhelm
Milan Stefanec, M.D.
Steve and Angela Stewart
Kristian Stone
Kenny Strong
Deb Wendt
Katy and Brad Woods
Activists $100 - $499
Deanna Allaway
Margarethe and Matthew Allen
AmazonSmile Foundation
Judy Anderson
Kelly Backstrom
Anthony and Lynne Balk
Joe Beavers
Kristyn Boede
Bill and Jenny Coan
Andrea Compton
Martha and Johannes Dankers
Selena Davis
Sandra Ellis
Candy Ermey
John Feldman
Jeff Ferri
Rebecca Fisher-Saad
Kelsey Garka
Janell Goodwin
Shelly Goss
Melissa Gray
John and Sue Green
Jackie Gregory
David and Kimberly Hajek
Dr. Kevin and Jenay Hanson
May and May Heichel
Marylynne Henry
Cindy Hill
Karen Holt
Alison Keck
Shawn Kish
John Klister
Deanne Koch
Jessica LaBuda
Felicia Langhans
Jodi Larsen
Deb Lindgren
Melanie Lockhart
Bethany Martinell
Paul Masson
Jerry and Michele Metcalf
Julianna Middaugh
Ashley Noriega
Rubyann Pandiangan
Shelly Peterson
Julie Ann Potter-Castro
Megan Powers
Luisa Reyes
Barbara Ritzie
Siamon Roth
Maria Rubi
Melanie Ryan
Michael and Cynthia Sfanos
Nino Rogelito Signey
Serena Swarthout
Margaret Szymanski
Kay Taylor
Dr. Ashley Tran-Morin and Corey Morin
Blake and Kaitlin Vintertun
Roni Walsh
John Weber
Jolene Welever
Derelynn Williams
Mrs. Terri Wineman
Gina Wunderlich
13th Ave Pub and Eatery
A Seattle Collection
Alaska Airlines
Auclair Winery
Auntie Anne’s
Chris Bensen
Big 5 Sporting Goods/Donation Committee
Blanc & Rouge
Bliss Yoga Studio Monroe
Board & Brush
Briotech, Inc.
Busy Bee Quilters
Butler Wine Tours
Alice and Jim Cabe
Calcifer Glass
Complete Acupuncture
Daniel’s Broiler
DeLille Cellars
Dusty Beard Woodcrafts
Bridgett Edgar and Larry Barnes
EHM Environmental Services
Elephant Seven Winery
Erickson Furniture Company
Eternal Wines
Ethan Stowell Restaurants
Evergreen Speedway
EvergreenHealth Monroe
Dietary & Environmental Services
EvergreenHealth Monroe
Emergency Department
EvergreenHealth Monroe Executive Team
EvergreenHealth Monroe
Laboratory Services
Fire & Vine Hospitality
Flower World
Patty Fountain
Friends of EvergreenHealth
Karen Gahm
Guardian Cellars
Heavenly Soap
Hometown Values Coupon
House of Smith
Torri and Jim Howard
Icicle Brewing
Images by Torri Howard
John Howie Restaurants
Tod and Margaret Johnson
Sandi Kish
Kool Change Printing
Lisa M. LaPlante
Long Cellars
Looking Glass Coffee
Maples and More Nursery, LLC
Dr. David Marlow and Jinhui
McMenamins Headquarters
Milne Electric, Inc.
Miyar Adventures
Monroe Floral
Monroe Pizza & Pints
Monroe Public School Foundation
Munchen Haus
Northwest Liquor & Wine
Ohme Gardens County Park
Patterson Cellars
Pharm-A-Save of Monroe
Pilchuck Business Consulting
Queen Bee Quilters
Rairdon’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Monroe
Sam’s Cats & Dogs, Naturally
Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Seaplanes
Seattle Shakespeare
See’s Candies
Sigillo Cellars
Slidewaters Waterpark
The Black Flag
The Highlander
The Keg
The Pizza Coop & Ale House
The Woodhouse Wine Estate
Tito’s Vodka
Total Wine & More
Tuscano’s Italian Kitchen
Blake and Kaitlin Vintertun
Walmart - Monroe
Willamette Valley Vineyards
Derelynn Williams
Board of Commissioners
EvergreenHealth Board of Commissioners for 2022
Snohomish County Public Hospital District #1 Board of Commissioners for 2022
Tim McLaughlin*, Board Chair
Representing Redmond/Sammamish Member since 2016
Alice Cabe, Board Chair Member since 1994
Virgil Snyder, Board Secretary
At-large representative Member since 2016
Chuck Strub, MD, Board Secretary Member since 2014
Minerva Butler
At-large representative Member since 2016
Gregory Accetturo* Member since 2015
Al DeYoung
Representing Bothell/Duvall/Woodinville Member since 1980
Karen Gahm Member since 2020
David Edwards
At-large representative Member since 2020
Steve Matuschak* Member since 2014
Rebecca Hirt*
Representing Kirkland/Kenmore Member since 1984
Charles Pilcher, MD
At-large representative Member since 2010
*Denotes member of the Alliance Governance Board, which provides local governance to EvergreenHealth Monroe, and consists of members from King County Public Hospital #2 (EvergreenHealth), Snohomish County Public Hospital District #1 (EvergreenHealth Monroe) and the CEO of EvergreenHealth.
EvergreenHealth & EvergreenHealth Foundation 2022 Community Annual Report 19 20
Thank you to the individuals, families, foundations and businesses that supported EvergreenHealth Monroe in 2022.