2 minute read
Now you’re going to tell me that houses aren’t safe right?
Data from the Office of National Statistics in the UK showing average house prices in the UK since 1987 compared to global equities: Source: FE
Stock Market Value
Ok well then, the stock market is overvalued surely?
Graph of the price earnings ratio for the S&P 500 for the last 90 years:
The market isn’t currently cheap like in say in December 1979, but neither is it really expensive like in 2000. Over this whole period the index averaged to return investors about 10%pa. Time in the market is more important than attempting to time the market.
Whilst there is a heightened possibility of a recession, history tells us that the market reaction is forward looking and by the time the recession is upon us, the markets may have already begun to increase again.
Source Dimensional Fund Advisors
It is said that the market ‘climbs a wall of worry’. There is always some news story trying to grab investors’ attention or more accurately make them abandon their well-thought-out investment portfolios and jump on whatever passes as the latest fad.
But, the evidence is clear, over the long term, equities are the investment of choice and as the graph below clearly shows, equity investors should be more concerned with the spectre of deflation as we saw in the 1930s rather than inflation.
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References to Taxation have been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable and are based on our understanding of Irish Tax legislation at the time of writing. The level and bases of taxation are based on current legislation (tax year 2022) and may change in the future. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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