Effective oily skin care remedies

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Effective Oily Skin Care Remedies

Oily skin can give you nightmares about dull and acne prone skin that may look ugly and unappealing. Even if you wash your face, oily skin never leaves its greasy texture forever. People with oily skin often have to deal with acne and breakouts. The issue with such people is how to moisturize their skin. There are manufacturers of herbal body lotion in India providing a range of moisturizing products for oily to normal skin people. But you can prepare your own moisturizer at home. Before that, you should be aware of the causes of oily skin. There are numerous factors behind the oily skin problem, such as1.


Genes play a crucial role. There are people with oily skin and the unfortunate thing is that they cannot get rid of their complexion. But there are methods to control sebum secretion and skin eruption. ¡ Use of retinoids can be the best prescribed medicine to treat acne and excess oil production. However, before using this medication, we would advise you to talk to your dermatologists. ¡ Use of estrogen containing contraceptives can also answer your acne and excess oil secretion issue. You can have a word with your doctor before taking this medicine to reduce oiliness of the skin.


Use of laser treatments can sometimes work



If your skin surface has grit and dirt, it can clog your pores and this result in oil accumulation. For best skin care, it is important to clean your face properly. ·

You should wash your face with gentle cleanser


Rinse your face with warm water to remove oil


Use aloe mask for hydrating skin


Stripping essential oils

Heavy use of toners and cleansers having salicylic acid may remove your skin’s natural oil and induce excessive oil secretion. Oily skin requires extra skin care as compared to normal and dry skin. It causes more skin problems like premature wrinkles, acne, blackheads, white heads, spots, etc. ·

Use toners and clay masks to get rid of excess of oil

· Change cleanser according to climatic conditions. In summers, body produces more oil so get a separate cleanser for summer use. Make your own body lotion at home ·

Milk and olive oil moisturizer


Rose aloe moisturizer


Jojoba oil


Carnauba wax

Don’t wait! Try these simple tips and pamper your oily skin because it deserves your care and attention. For more moisturizing products, you can visit the store of herbal body lotion India suppliers and get the right product for your oily skin.

Source: Effective Oily Skin Care Remedies

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