Just 6 ingredients and your anti-ageing cream are ready!
Manufacturers of anti-ageing creams in India have a vast range of cosmetics that treat your wrinkles, and lift up your saggy skin. These products are costly and a middle class woman cannot use these premium products every time. But you can easily make an antiageing formula at home using 6 ingredients. All you need is almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E capsule, shea butter, and essential oil of your choice. How to make the anti-ageing cream at home? There are simple steps to follow1. Take a glass jar 2. Take a double boiler and put the jar without lid into double boiler. 3. Add coconut oil, almond oil, beeswax, shea butter, 8-10 drops of essential oil and squeeze vitamin E capsule at the end. 4. Heat the mix until oils get melted. 5. Mix the formula well and let it sit at room temperature After few minutes, you will see that cream has turned bit hard. You can close the glass jar lid and store this mixture in a cool place. Use this cream in morning and night after washing your face. Benefits of the ingredients used in this recipe1. Coconut oil – Coconut oil is becoming popular everywhere. This oil has excellent therapeutic properties and along with that, people are also using it for cooking
purposes. Coconut oil is highly nutritious and great for skin application. It moisturizes the skin deeply without making it greasy. Almond oil – Almond oil promotes glowing and flawless skin. It deep cleanses skin and protects it against acne. You can treat your tan skin, dark circle, psoriasis, eczema, and skin rashes with almond oil. It is also popular for reducing signs of ageing. Beeswax – most of the lip care products have this beeswax as a key ingredient. It locks the moisture in your skin and keep it hydrated. Beeswax is a natural barrier to environmental damage like smoke, pollution, etc. Your skin remains protected against harmful contaminants present in the air if you use beeswax on your skin. Vitamin E – vitamin E is a miracle nutrient that is essential for human body. It works to block free radicals from our body and slows down the effect of ageing process. You can use vitamin E capsule in the recipe to extract vitamin E oil and avail its benefits. Shea butter – shea butter is extremely nourishing and moisturizing product for skin. It has natural vitamins and fatty acids that keep your skin supple, soft, and younger looking. Essential oils – essential oils improve your mood and give you soothing impact in few seconds.
Manufacturers of anti-ageing creams in India are using these ingredients in combination or separately to create different products range. You can experiment at home and prepare this recipe to remain young! Don’t forget to share your experience with others. This Article is originally Posted on:http://everydayherbalcare.blogspot.in/2017/11/just-6-ingredients-and-your-antiageing.html