Which herbs are used by manufacturers in cosmetic range?
Herbal cosmetics have changed the outlook of cosmetic industry. Today, cosmetic manufacturers in India are making more ayurvedic range due to bulk orders. Organic and ayurvedic beauty treatment products are extremely effective and posing no threat to human skin. It is because of the herbs that manufacturing companies include in the recipe that bring out amazing results with constant usage. Before chemical-based cosmetics, people were managed to maintain youthful skin and good health. It was all possible with the herbal plants. Some of these plants may be consumed while others are used as ingredients in the formulation. By gaining some knowledge, you can even use these effective herbs to create your own cosmetics at home. Here are top herbs used by cosmetic manufacturers in preparation of herbal range1. Aloe vera Aloe vera is a significant herb used by cosmetic industry as a great moisturizer. It helps soften the skin and provides you youthful skin. Aloe vera has vitamins, minerals, enzymes, lignin, saponins, amino acids, salicylic acid and sugars. The healing property of aloe vera makes it suitable for making herbal products to treat rashes, cuts, sunburn, bruises, and other skin issues. 2. Avocado Avocado oil contains the rare vitamin D that nourishes the skin. This oil penetrates through the dermis and epidermis effectively and helps rejuvenate the skin from within.
An individual who cannot move out in sunlight due to illness can use this herb to get vitamin D. 3. Almond oil Almond oil is the safest oil that can be used as key ingredient in cosmetics, including lipsticks and hair serum. Almond oil has less acidic reaction compared to other oil. The oil has been used by cosmetic manufacturers to prepare skin care range. Almonds have special property that provide fair glow. 4. Henna Henna has been used by people for centuries to color hair naturally. It is the safest dye and besides this, it also has curative property to boost shine and health to hair. Even tattoos of henna don’t pose any harm to skin. 5. Saffron Saffron is the most beneficial herb that treats various skin ailments. Manufacturers use saffron to prepare fairness creams, anti-blemish lotions and moisturizers and cleansers. 6. Neem Neem is antifungal, antibacterial, and an herb that detoxifies your skin. It is being used as key ingredient to produce lotions, creams, soaps, toothpaste, and other products. Medicinal products that are meant for skin care generally include neem as an ingredient. Other than these herbs, lavender, amla, sandalwood, and elder tree are also considered by cosmetic manufacturers in India for preparation of herbal cosmetic range. This Article is originally Posted on:http://everydayherbal.hatenablog.com/entry/Which_herbs_are_used_by_manufactur ers_in_cosmetic_range