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We are grateful to the many people who have contributed to bring Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax to where it is today. A special thanks to:
The residents and neighbours of North End Halifax-Kjipuktuk.
Pamela Glode Desrochers, Executive Director, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre Jayne Engle, Co-Director, Participatory City Canada/Global Tessy Britton, Founder, Participatory City Foundation Jennifer Angel, former Chief Executive Officer, Develop Nova Scotia
Every One Every Day Project Team Members (Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre) Aimee Gasparetto, Program Director Tammy Mudge, Learning and Evaluation Jocelyn Spence, Media and Design Killa Atencio, Neighbourhood Project Designer Julie Melanson, Nieghbourhood Project Designer Kate Sunabacka, Neighbourhood Project Designer With Support from MNFC Elder, Debbie Eisan, Theresa Meuse, and Wyatt White
Participatory City Foundation
Nat Defriend, Chief Executive Officer Tim Warin, PC City Tutor Aggie Paulauskaite, PC City Tutor Saira Awan, PC City Tutor Laura Rogocki, PC City Tutor
Participatory City Canada/Global
Our newest friends and colleagues who have recently joined this journey of collaboration and co-creation. Tanya Chung Tiam-Fook, Co-Director Prachir Pasricha, Coordinator
Local Organizations & Businesses
Collaborators within the emerging local ecosystem. AlterEgos Café Common Good Solutions Halifax North Library Hope Blooms North End Business Association OSO planning + design Wonder’neath Art Society
McConnell Foundation Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Invest Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Covid-19 Response Council Emera
Halifax Regional Municipality Shaune Mackinlay, Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Halifax Cheryl Copage-Gehue, Indigenous Community Engagement Advisor, Office of Diversity & Inclusion Conor O’dea, Social Policy Advisor, Government Relations and External Affairs Paul Johnston, Managing Director, Government Relations and External Affairs
Our warmest thanks and appreciation to everyone who has contributed space, inspiration, ideas, and resources, and engaged in the vision of inclusive participation and Reconciliation in Kjipuktuk-Halifax.