Around SoCO Magazine September 2013

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Our Mission… Everything AroundUS is dedicated to bringing

communities together and building relationships with the businesses, organizations, government entities, educational institutions and residents. Our focus is to provide information so individuals can rediscover their hometowns and visitors can see them SHINE!

About US… Everything AroundUS and Merged Media, the

Around SoCO 1

Around SoCO’s 1st Anniversary A Whirlwind Year


Norwest Supports Oil and Gas Industry

Make Your House a Home


It’s All About the GREEN


Responsible, Sustainable Growth Interview with Trinidad Mayor Bernadette Baca Gonzalez


Stand Up and Cheer!

Miners Prepare for New Era


Rocky Mountain Collector Con


Air in Motion

It’s All about the Customers


Hospice - When Choice Matters


Fresh Air Let’s Get Ready to Rumble into Fall


We’re Here to Help Phil Long Toyota of Trinidad Service Department


Healthy Living Got Polyps?

Benefits of Integrating Yoga and Massage Therapy


Winning Films in the Can


Celebrating Patriotism


Try It, You Might Like It


Blue Man Group

Pueblo Memorial Hall Events


New Trinidad State President: “I’m in this for the long haul”


Walsenburg Gets Inked


Hot Tips How to Henna


The Black Sheep


Lingering Beauty


The RW Artist Experience Fan Fair

Back to School Supply Drive a Great Success!


Sensory Diet at Home and School


Baby Love


Hall of Fame Jay Cimino: A man of ideas, action, generosity and faith.


The Story of Ludlow: September 1913 The Strike Begins


Hall of Shame Scales of Justice Unbalanced


99th Annual UMWA Ludlow Memorial Service


Makani Airborne Wind Turbine


Colorado State Fair: Shaping the Future of Agriculture


Champ Bailey


Free Your Mind Is it really hard to decide?

Agricultural Exports Increase $14.5 Million




The train is leaving the station. Get on board!


Paw News Signs Your Pet is Depressed


SoCO Cellular


Around SoCO Map


SoCO Treasures The Spirit of Friendship

A Fulfilling Journey Together

parent companies of Around Trinidad and Around SoCO, can help with internet strategies such as customized website design, traffic, search engine optimization, articles, banners, links and website validation. We also offer traditional marketing services such as branding, product design, print media, audio and video. Our companies offer more opportunities for businesses by promoting events and social activities in communities. We take the world around us and bring it to you! Everything AroundUS pushes social networking to the next level by using our platform to promote businesses with giveaways, social activities and exciting events! Our team merges the virtual elements of social networking with traditional promotions to give businesses the ultimate marketing experience. Everything AroundUS brings the community together and builds value for local businesses and services by helping people access everything a community has to offer. We use the power of one communication platform to highlight the fun and excitement around us. With over 40 years of combined marketing experience Everything AroundUS has developed an incomparable social networking solution. We make it easy for individuals and businesses to enjoy and connect with their communities.

AROUND SoCO CREDITS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/OWNER E.R.A. McCarthey ART & DESIGN DIRECTOR/OWNER Jay Martinez EXECUTIVE MANAGING EDITOR Kathleen Donnelly WEB DESIGNER/ONLINE EDITOR Ellie Nenova FEATURES DIRECTOR David J. Santistevan Jr. FEATURES DIRECTOR Marty Hackett Around SoCO has been funded by Merged Media and Everything AroundUS. It was built by Jay Martinez, E.R.A. McCarthey, David J. Santistevan Jr., Marty Hackett and many lovely people in the SoCO Area.


Around SoCO’s

1 st Anniversary A Whirlwind Year It is the first anniversary of Around SoCO magazine, owned and published by Jay Martinez and E.R.A. McCarthey, and oh, what a fast-paced, exciting year it has been! Actually, that is an understatement. For Jay, E.R.A. and the small, close-knit staff of Around SoCO, it has been an electrifying trip at what feels like warp speed through the past 12 months. This month’s anniversary edition will be the eighteenth magazine published. Talented thirty-somethings, Jay and E.R.A. have the experience and education to undertake this trip into the publishing universe. Between them, they have degrees in Graphic Design, Marketing, Computer Animation, Videography, Art, Education, Neuroscience, and Art History. E.R.A. worked as an artist and teacher for twelve years. After graduating from the Art Institute of Phoenix, Jay worked for Marvel, DC and Image Comics, then started his own business, a technology marketing company that had big-name clients such as Hummer. Along with traditional marketing his company created websites, interactive CDs, 4D video and motion theaters. Jay was also a marketing director for Axway, a world-wide software company based in Paris. He was in charge of marketing divisions in 8 countries; he traveled all over the world and gained a great deal of experience. E.R.A. and Jay met and fell in love in Phoenix where E.R.A. had grown up. They complement each other like bees and honey. They formed Everything AroundUS and Merged Media, two amazing marketing and business consulting companies, then moved to Ft. Collins, where they started marketing and building business systems for a national Auto Buyer’s agency. After just ten months, they had increased the annual revenues from about $25,000 to $860,000. It was on their way back to Phoenix from Ft. Collins that the fates intervened. Jay and E.R.A. stopped in Trinidad for what was to be a short visit with Jay’s family. E.R.A. stopped to smell the roses and fell in love with the picturesque and friendly town. She convinced Jay that they should set down roots where their baby daughter, Tora, and soon to follow, baby son, Jay Jr. would have the love and attention of grandparents and the support of family. They could operate their internet-based businesses from Trinidad and also offer their marketing abilities to local businesses and communities. Jay says, “E.R.A. wants to save the world. I want to build a strong and economically stable company.” At first Jay was reluctant to give up the excitement of city life. “I like big cities. I’ve worked in Europe, New York, California and Arizona where I spent twelve years building my reputation. This is the hardest market I have ever worked in, but I want to stay here for the kids, where there are traditional values and morals and they are safe,” he said. E.R.A. and Jay purchased and remodeled a house, worked on a few local projects, and continued to build their nationwide company. Then they met the


By Kathleen Donnelly

gregarious David Santistevan through Mike and Yolanda Romero in February of 2012. David says they instantly clicked. “We talked about helping the community move into the future and teaching people to go to the internet where they can both share and receive instant news. We started working on the website, and by the end of April it was complete,” David said. David said they received so much positive feedback and encouragement from members of the community who were hungry for positive news that he and E.R.A. wanted to create a printed piece for everyone who wasn’t online. Jay came up with the concept of publishing a community magazine. His first company produced magazines and he knew they could do it. He warned everyone it would be an enormous amount of work. They thought about who would be able to help and Yolanda Romero suggested Marty Hackett, Dave seconded the idea. Dave had worked with her at the Chronicle-News years before. “We brought Marty Hackett on board as Managing Editor that summer, and within weeks we had the first magazine,” he said. David expressed his appreciation to the various writers and photographers who have contributed to the magazine, including Joe Van Loon, Mike Tranter, Doc Leonetti, Mike Garrett, David Frank, Bertha Sandoval and numerous contributors on behalf of the community. He especially appreciates the magazine staff members he has worked with, Jay, E.R.A., previously Marty, and now Kathleen Donnelly as Managing Editor. “What a great team! We might have been limited in staff, but we all are such hard workers. I look forward to going to work every morning. Thank you to the community for embracing us and allowing us to produce this website and this magazine,” he said. Marty Hackett is still proud of the role she played in getting AroundTrinidad started, and “it is amazing to see it grow to encompass the whole southern Colorado region,” she said. When E.R.A. first called her and asked if she would be interested in helping start-up the magazine, it was exciting to brainstorm all of the positive stories about kids and people and events. E.R.A. told her,” I want this to be all positive. Get both sides of any story, just use good, basic journalism.” “We started coming up with features like Style & Beauty, Sports, Horoscopes, Trinidad Treasures. We wanted to cover admirable groups like the police and firefighters who protect us. We added a pretty face, positive accomplishments,” Marty said. Marty’s favorite story was ‘Looking Forward to Life’ in the January 18, 2013 issue, in which she wrote about teenager, Josh Cordova who was just a normal teenager, who liked to ride bikes and hunt, had been diagnosed in the fall of 2011 with a rare type of tumor that mostly affects children. He spent a year being treated at Children’s Hospital in Denver, much of the time as an in-patient. In October, 2012 doctors told him that he was cancer free. He undergoes scans every three months for a couple of years, and if he remains cancer

free for 5 years, there is a 98% chance that it won’t come back. “You don’t always think something like this can happen to you,” Josh told Marty, who had known him before the cancer diagnosis. He and his parents were very appreciative of all of the prayers and moral support from friends and the community as well as the fundraisers that were held for them. Kathleen Donnelly was TSJC’s Director of Marketing and Public Information when Jay and E.R.A. built the website and started publishing the magazine. “I jumped at the chance to market the college both online and in such a positive and attractive print piece. They gave us a lot of space for very affordable rates. Jay and E.R.A. and members of the Hispanic Chamber even cooked and served a Welcome Back to School barbecue for the students in August, and donated proceeds from their Haunted House at Halloween for scholarships. Even though I planned to retire in November, I wrote feature articles about the college and placed ads in advance to ensure continuity through the beginning of the new semester.” “After I retired from the college, and Marty had moved on to a position that provided health insurance with the Mt. Carmel Center, E.R.A. contacted me about taking over as Managing Editor. It has been very enjoyable and they are keeping me young. I have always been a writer, and enjoy the editing. There isn’t enough room to cite all of the interesting stories, beautiful photography and wonderful art in the eighteen issues, (including this one), published so far, but I really loved the creativity of the “I Saw a UFO” marketing campaign that was launched in the October 19, 2012 magazine. It was fun that Dan Leonetti, local author of Joe and the UFO, received a plug for his book, and that the business spotlight was focused on the UFO plate (stacked enchiladas) served at Diana Velarde’s Hot Spot Café on Commercial Street. I loved the little alien Jay created and I really like the coinage of the acronym UFO to stand for “U Found Out about us @AroundTrinidad,” said Donnelly. “I knew that we had made the right choice in starting our business here when we first launched the website. We had many people thanking us for the positive stories we were writing. We get comments all the time, that people read the website to find out what is going on, and they tell us the magazine is beautiful,” E.R.A. said. “I get a lot of satisfaction in helping local businesses communicate to residents and travelers what they have to offer, and building relationships between the businesses and the community,” she added. I have been motivated by E.R.A.’s idea of helping the communities we are serving, not just with the magazine, but with our technology and marketing abilities. “I see a big need for what we do. When we first started the magazine, it was not as a vision to make money. We had been asked by others to provide positive informa-

tion to the community, and we started thinking about a magazine as a companion piece to the website,” Jay said. Martinez admitted that at first he was reluctant to produce a print magazine. “I ran two magazines in Arizona for almost four years. I have always been the boss and I knew how much work it was, even though I had a team of twenty people working with me. “It’s incredible that so few people are able to produce this magazine,” he said. He believes that he and E.R.A. work well together because they both have the same tastes, goals and the strong work ethic. E.R.A. is well organized and an amazing writer, Jay handles the production end and keeps things going. Their desks are side by side and they routinely work 18+ hour days. Jay said he couldn’t do it with anyone other than E.R.A. “We are both smart people, and both driven, but we do have different ideas. There is a big misconception that you have to either agree or totally disagree. I feel that if you are both open minded, and willing to listen and communicate, you will come up with a whole new concept that is so much better than your original ideas. It happens to us all the time,” E.R.A. said. “There is nobody else I would rather be sitting next to than E.R.A. We have learned how to communicate better. The business has helped us,” Jay said. Jay also believes in something he learned from his dad, “If you do everything like you’re doing it for God, everyone will like it,” he said. Asked what their favorite issue or story is so far, Jay said “Everything is interesting,” but he likes the March 2013 issue, featuring the story about how E.R.A. was the official E.R.A. baby, named for the Equal Rights Amendment. E.R.A. said, “Every issue has amazing stories. Every issue has gotten better and better.” She enjoyed writing the humorous Martinez/McCarthey family spoof she wrote, ‘Recall Baby Jay’ that appeared in the October 19, 2012 issue during the time that Trinidad was going through several ugly and mean spirited recall elections. She also loved ‘The End of the World’ by Kathleen Donnelly, a satirical article for the March 2013 Hall of Shame about Congress’ inability to pass budgets and all of the gloom and doom surrounding the subject. Jamie Passarelli, General Manager of Phil Long Ford in Raton was one the first and most enthusiastic supporters of AroundTrinidad magazine. “Jay and E.R.A. are a breath of fresh air in this community,” he said. Besides the magazine and online advertising, they have provided him with other marketing services including window tint, and graphics for his store’s windows “They are very reliable. It is good to have great ideas, but it’s the execution that really counts. They have both,” he said.

region while providing the opportunity to continue to showcase Trinidad. “The original concept was to sell subscriptions and deliver the magazine to individuals for $4.95/month. Now most of the magazines are distributed free of charge. They are available at convenience stores and gas stations as well as the offices and businesses of our advertisers. They are flying off the newsstands. People stop us all the time and ask if the magazine is out, and where they can get one. For those who really want to be assured they will receive a copy, you can still purchase a subscription,” Martinez said. And of course, the magazine and all of the back issues are available free of charge online. What hasn’t changed is the quality of the content, including locally oriented, professional news coverage focusing on the regional cities, suburbs and small towns it serves and also targeted to reach the interest people traveling through the I-25 corridor of southern Colorado. The magazine also offers a detailed database of events and things to do and see in the area as well as a comprehensive centerfold map. It includes stories about exciting businesses and interesting people of all ages of southern Colorado. Stories about famous people who have a connection to us are important to Around SoCO. The magazine offers a variety of sections from sports to comics, horoscopes to style and beauty. There is something that will appeal to everyone. There are literary, humor, and opinion pieces, and beautiful photography. Maintaining a focus on education, from pre-school through college, is important to the editors,” Donnelly said.

enthusiastic about Trinidad, “Trinidad is an amazing place. It could be a wonderful technology center,” E.R.A. enthused. She has decided to run for a seat on Trinidad City Council in this November’s elections. For information about advertising on the Around SoCO website or in the AroundSoCO magazine, contact Jay at 719.433.9364 or go to advertise@aroundsoco. com. AroundUS and Merged Media, the parent companies of AroundSoCO offer assistance with internet strategies, such as customized website design, traffic, search engine optimization, articles, banners, links and website validation. We also offer traditional marketing services such as branding, product design, print media, audio and video and uses social networking, events and social activities to build value for local businesses and services by helping people access everything that southern Colorado has to offer.

The magazine still has the luxurious, full color gloss, Madison-Avenue quality, coffee table worthy, Jay Martinez design. “The most frequent comment we get about the magazine is that it is classy,” said E.R.A. The mission of Around SoCO also remains the same: bringing communities together and building relationships with the businesses, organizations, government entities, educational institutions and residents. Our focus is to provide information so individuals can rediscover their hometown and visitors can see them shine! Each issue is better than the last and the magazine continues to build value for its advertisers as the number of readers have steadily increased. “We printed 3,000 copies, the first issue and were getting 300-500 people/ day viewing it on the website. As we moved to publishing twice a month, we were printing 4,000 magazines and we had 4,000 online readers. When we became AroundSoCO, we started printing 5,000 copies and dthe first month we jumped to 8,000 online readers, the second and third months it jumped to 16,000 readers; in June it jumped to 40,000 online readers, in July it was over 80,000 readers, and the August issue had over 100,000 readers,” Martinez said. He monitors analytics from the website’s back office, facebook, google and Issuu, the digital publishing platform he uses.

Lisa Camarillo, who became the General Manager of Trinidad’s Phil Long Toyota in March said that Jay and E.R.A. take care of her on many levels. “Besides the beautiful quality ads they produce, they have provided help with the website, updated pictures, and automatically post notices for our hiring needs. They have provided banners, window graphics, advertising and promoting. They are very professional and tops in customer service. They get involved in the community and spread our name around,” Camarillo said.

Jay and E.R.A. want to encourage other young people to start their own businesses.“First, get the necessary training and skills and then go and get experience by working in the industry. You learn your trade by doing it. Then you will be ready to go out on your own,” said Jay. “The key to success is persistence. Don’t take no for an answer and keep trying. The product or service you offer has to be quality. Be creative, you have to stand out. Always take pride in what you do. If you’re not going to do it right, why even bother?” said E.R.A.

The business model for the magazine has undergone several adjustments throughout its first year. It began as Around Trinidad, a weekly, subscription-supported magazine, and has metamorphosed into Around SoCO, a monthly, advertising-based, regional piece that continues to highlight the positive attributes of the

We can expect Jay and E.R.A. to continue to move at warp speed in the year to come. They are always thinking, and will always be working to improve their businesses and the services. They have more plans for the near future. “In the next thirty days Around SoCO will be adding new features,” said E.R.A. They are still

Meet S of th ome e Aroun d SoC O Fa mily!


Norwest Supports Oil and Gas Industry

Courtesy of Stacey Rivera, Environmental Field Technician Norwest established a field presence in the heart of the Raton Basin in Colorado in 1998 and launched an office in Trinidad in 2000 to provide hydrologic and environmental consulting services for existing and proposed coal bed methane (CBM) operations. Our personnel have extensive experience in developing appropriate water management strategies; design, and construction of water handling facilities; implementation of stormwater management plans and practices; and providing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting and compliance support. Field technicians routinely collect a variety of samples for compliance with Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regulation, from baseline domestic water quality sampling to soil sampling for production pit closure and reclamation. We have also developed permitting and water quality database management systems for our clients including a web-based GIS interface to more easily share compliance status and information with clients in multiple locations simultaneously.

response to investigate environmental compliance related issues. Another important aspect of a local presence in Trinidad is our ability to live in the community and to participate in community outreach through civic and other local organizations. By being involved in the community, Norwest strives to educate and continually disseminate information on the measures we and our clients take to protect the environment and our water supplies to be good stewards of both in the process. Listed below are a few of the events and organizations we continue to support and be involved in: • • • • • • •

Aguilar’s 1st Community Clean-Up Chamber of Commerce Business Expo Santa Fe Trail Days Aguilar Source Water Protection Plan Steering Committee Comcast Cares Day Purgatoire River Clean-Up Las Animas County Economic Development Raton Basin API/COGA Chapters

• • • • •

Trinidad and Las Animas County Chamber of Commerce Purgatoire River Anglers Trout Unlimited Purgatoire Watershed Partnership 2014 Rural Philanthropy Days Trinidad Water Festival

Norwest’s experience in water resources has benefited many clients in planning and permitting new projects, as well as offering an understanding of the hydrologic impacts and environmental constraints facing existing established operations with our clients and look forward to supporting their long term needs. Please visit our website at for more information on our company. For more information on the Purgatoire and Apishapa Monitoring programs please visit the websites at, and These websites contain recent data on the monitoring programs, helpful information, and local happenings.

The expertise of our Trinidad office technicians ensures our clients will be provided with unsurpassed environmental compliance on their projects. Water quality sampling, surface water monitoring, and stormwater management specialists work cohesively to ensure all permit requirements are met. Our locale allows for ongoing support and maintenance of area stream monitoring stations, monitoring wells, and stormwater management installations, along with immediate

Make Your House a Home By E.R.A. McCarthey

When you first approach Woody’s Furniture and Appliance in Raton, New Mexico you are immediately charmed by the lovely classic building but it doesn’t give a hint at the spacious and well equipped three level store inside. Beautifully decorated, with an air of elegance, the store is a perfect place to shop when making your house a home. Robert, Diane and the staff are friendly and helpful, always ready to assist customers in finding that perfect piece of furnishing or appliance. Robert and Diane Atencio officially took ownership of Woody’s Furniture and Appliance in January of 2012. A year ago Robert was quoted as saying, “We are very happy with all of the local support. We are pleased to serve northern New Mexico and southern Colorado,” an area where the Atencios have roots, with Diane growing up in Trinidad and Robert growing up in Raton. The Atencio’s now live in Raton but often visit family and friends in Trinidad. Robert and Diane enjoy raising their children in Raton and at times the children can be seen merrily visiting their parents at the store. Diane’s sister works at the store in the appliance repair and service area. They have one graduate and two children still in school. Robert and Diane enjoy supporting them in all their school events and sports activities. Robert says, “Our family is the foundation of how we do business - we make shopping with us convenient and easy so you


can enjoy your family.” Woody’s offers services to customers you can’t get from commercialized stores in the city, such as a genuinely kind welcome and personalized attention. They offer both layaway and no credit check financing options and have FREE delivery up to 40 miles from Raton. This includes Trinidad, Colorado, and as far as Cimarron, New Mexico. They offer a variety of products to make it a one-stop store. They have furniture such as living, dining, and bedroom sets, but also have accessories like throw rugs, wall art, and lamps. There is flooring, including carpet, sheet vinyl, tile, laminate and hardwood. But that’s not all! They also stock kitchen and laundry appliances by Maytag, Whirlpool, Amana, Frigidaire, Danby, Hanover, and more. Woody’s even has beverage coolers and freezers. Let’s not leave out window coverings, such as vertical, horizontal, and roller blinds. They are custom made to fit your exact

space, and Woody’s prides itself on offering measuring and installation services for all its window treatments. The Atencios appreciate the community support they have received and would like to thank everyone that has given Woody’s the opportunity to meet their needs over the last few years. The Atencios look forward to many years of service and invite you to stop by and see for yourself. Woody’s carries everything you need to make your house a home. Store hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; closed Sunday. 139 S 2nd St, Raton, NM 87740

(575) 445-9211

It’s All About the GREEN By E.R.A. McCarthey

When people say “it’s all about the green” they are usually referring to money but the Power Team of Redwing Electric Inc. have a different priority. “Genuine Green” is a new division of Redwing Electric Inc. dedicated to green products and practices. Redwing Electric Inc. President, Samantha Quintana, explained how the idea came about, “I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Denver so my passion, and one of our great passions at Redwing, is the conservation of natural resources and our environment. Redwing Electric Inc. already utilizes energy efficient products and we always have. We recycle our wire, recycle our products and recycle anything else we can. We created the Genuine Green division to enhance and expand our conservation efforts and explore technologies that harnesses energy generated by natural elements.” Green methods and products are growing in popularity. People are becoming cognizant of diminishing resources and the need for conservation. The term “Green” refers to energy that satisfies current needs without damaging or depleting resources, technologies designed to improve energy efficiency, or renewable energy that is continually replenished such as sunlight, wind and wave power. Green technologies are advancing rapidly and will gain popularity as they evolve to meet consumer needs.

Ms. Quintana illustrated the necessity of non-grid systems in rural areas. “We have customers that use solar or wind energy for a backup system. In rural areas if power from the grid is down people can be without electricity for a week or more. A number of these people get water using their own electric pumps because they don’t have access to city sewer or water services. When the grid is down no water is pumped to their residence. Some can’t afford a few days without water, especially if they have animals or crops. They need a non-grid system in place as a safety measure.” The electric grid in Southern Colorado is expansive and includes many rural areas but some remote structures may not have access to it. It can be expensive to get the residence on the grid. An alternative would be to use a solar or wind energy system to provide electricity. Both solar and wind energy can be installed at a location as long as the area is large enough. Ms. Quintana stated some of the requirements and benefits of non-grid renewable energy systems, “The turbines used to generate wind energy have a great deal of height but are not wide and require less space. One of the challenges with solar panels is they require a large area but the new solar panels can be installed on a roof. The new panels require minimum space and are less noticeable. The good thing about all of the systems in our green division is that you can keep adding to them as you need more energy. You can get off the grid completely or have a backup in case you lose power from the grid. With some of these systems you can even sell excess energy back to the utilities company and you consume less.” Training and professional development keep the Power Team of Redwing Electric Inc. and Genuine Green knowledgeable about current sustainable energy

products, practices and information. Genuine Green is working on a solar project for Denver International Airport Hertz. They’re also in the development stages of providing electric vehicle(EV) stations and the early stages of sustainable energy system design. “The message we want to share with consumers is that we must conserve our environment. We have to embrace sustainable energy and green business practices as much as possible. We want to ensure that our children have a clean environment and plenty of resources,” Genuine Green – Pure Elemental Energy If you plan on purchasing a Telsa, or any other electric vehicle, call Genuine Green to install your personal EV station.

The 2014 Tesla Model X is the third all-electric model following the Roadster and Model S sedan. The sevenpassenger Model X promises to be more versatile and family-friendly than the Model S, and will double the size of Tesla’s current U.S. lineup when it becomes available for purchase in 2014.


Responsible, Sustainable Growth Interview with Trinidad Mayor Bernadette Baca Gonzalez By E.R.A. McCarthey “I got into politics because I love Trinidad and I wanted to do something civic minded. I felt I had a responsibility to come here and try to make life better for children, residents, citizens, and seniors.” - Mayor Baca Gonzalez Mayor Baca Gonzalez is a hard working self-made woman. She outlines her history, “I was born and raised here in Trinidad. I graduated from Hoehne High School and then went to the University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo and obtained my Law Degree from the University of Boulder, at that time it was called Fleming Law School. I spent a major part of my career in Texas. First with the oil and gas industry and then subsequently I transferred to the private sector where I worked as a school attorney, which is basically representing a political subdivision. Upon retirement I wanted to come home and I’m back in my beloved Trinidad. Retail and medical marijuana, Amendment 64, and Trinidad’s current ban on medical marijuana have been hot topics at recent city council meetings. There is a small group that would like to allow retail marijuana and most of them expect to profit from it. There is a portion of Trinidad residents that feel retail marijuana should be banned but medical marijuana should be sold. Another faction of residents wants both retail and

medical banned. Residents that wanted to discuss the benefits of selling retail marijuana in Trinidad accused Mayor Baca Gonzalez of not listening to them. She addresses this, “I would dispute anyone that says I didn’t listen to the public comments for the sale of retail marijuana. During the public input section I took four pages of notes and I can summarize for you what the various speakers said. I took careful notes. Following the meeting I studied the notes. I compared those with additional information that I had already conducted research on. I did listen but I have to tell you there were very impassioned arguments on both sides of the issue but I did listen to their concerns. And I appreciate and thank those individuals for taking the time from their personal schedules to come and talk not only to me but to the other members of council.” Mayor Baca Gonzalez explains why she is against having marijuana in Trinidad, “If you look at minutes from meetings that occurred several months back you’ll find comments I made that suggested I might be in favor of medical or retail marijuana. Over the months I have done my own research and I have purchased my own books, and talked with experts, and I spent a considerable amount of time reviewing the resources that were provided to us by city staff. I have come to a point where I believe this is not right for us, particularly our young people.”

The community has been discussing the answer Mayor Baca Gonzalez gave when asked about selling marijuana in Trinidad, “not only no, but hell no.” Some community members felt she was too harsh while others believe she is just “old school,” and doesn’t put up with foolishness or disrespect. Mayor Baca Gonzalez explains, “I know some people think maybe I kind of lost my temper but let me tell you what’s operating here. When I was in Texas I represented school districts and my job was to protect children. Protect them from abuse, protect them from violence, protect them from drugs and when I believe that there is anything that is going to adversely affect the young people in this town I have to speak up about that and I believe our young people have been forgotten in this whole process. We have adults fighting among themselves and we’re forgetting that our decisions, particularly decisions we make about marijuana, are going to affect those young people. We need to put the focus where it has to be, back on our young people. My vision for Trinidad is that we have responsible, sustainable growth and obviously if we have sales of marijuana, information provided to us by the Trinidad Police Department shows there is a clear correlation between the availability of medical marijuana in a community and an increase in the use of marijuana by middle school and high school students. Again, that hits my heart string, it’s not right, it is going to be bad for the kids.”

Mayor Baca Gonzalez references an article by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “He points out and confirms what I had read elsewhere, the frontal cortex for young people isn’t fully developed until they’re approximately 24 years of age and Dr. Gupta points out that youngsters who use marijuana are running the risk of damaging that frontal cortex. Based on my research I just could not see this as being a viable option for the young people here in Trinidad.”

Another argument being made is Trinidad only has a population of 9000 and just 1.37 percent use medical marijuana. Mayor Baca Gonzalez pointed out that we have more people who need medical services such as kidney dialysis, radiation therapy and assistance giving birth. Right now none of those services are available locally and individuals have to travel over 90 miles to get them. Mayor Baca Gonzalez said, “I’m not minimizing or criticizing individuals that may need medical

marijuana but I was trying to make the point that our priorities aren’t where they need to be. Our priorities should be on listening to our hospitals, listening to our medical providers, finding out what gaps we have here in Trinidad and addressing those.”

chasing this quick fix, bad idea of selling marijuana that we may turn off those very investors who are poised to come right now and put significant investments here in Trinidad. We have to focus on sustainable economic development.”

Mayor Baca Gonzalez believes that selling marijuana is not the way to increase Trinidad’s economy or bring more economic development. She outlines the main questions and concerns of employers and individuals considering relocating to the Trinidad area, “What is the condition of your schools? What is the quality of your medical care in the area? And it just seems to me that if we have challenges in those two areas we do not need to put another rock on our back in terms of the availability of marijuana. Reality is many employers are going to perceive that as a negative.”

Mayor Baca Gonzalez describes her vision for Trinidad, “My vision is for sustainable growth, recognizing we need to remember our children. They are our biggest resource. And I think we also need to remember that many people are relocating or have relocated to Trinidad because they want a better quality of life for their children and that’s why it’s so important we focus our energy on enhancing our educational opportunities for these families, that we enhance our medical services for these families. Many people don’t want to stay in large cities. They come through Trinidad and they see it like a sweet little Mayberry and they would prefer to come here and raise their families in a climate where there is minimal crime and certainly every city, and in every place in this country, there are some problems with substance abuse and drug abuse but Trinidad still is perceived as a sweet little town and we do not need to put an additional rock on our back by basically allowing these sales to occur.”

There have already been local investors and business owners telling Mayor Baca Gonzalez if marijuana is sold here they will completely pull away from Trinidad. Mayor Baca Gonzalez states, “We need to have some sustainable growth. I’m encouraged that we do have one development that will be taking off I think very shortly and it will create tourist attractions right off Exit 14. Now the construction of that facility is going to create hundreds of construction jobs. Once it is built it will create many, many jobs that pay a living wage and that are sustainable for our community. I’m afraid if we go

You can watch a video of the complete interview at

SoCO Services Colorado Springs

Veda Salon & Spa- University Village 5182 N Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719.265.5660 Elements Massage Springs Ranch Shopping Center 3703 Bloomington St., Colorado Springs, CO 80922 719.602.4321 Phil Long Ford Motor City 1212 Motor City Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80905 888.524.1984 Bowers Automotive Service 1120 Ford St., Colorado Springs, CO 80915 719.325.7538

Pueblo Sound and Cinema 1237 W. Elegante Ct, Pueblo, CO 81007 719.240.2606 Mobile Record Shredders 205 N. Elizabeth Suite 120, Pueblo, CO 81008 719.544.5460 Myxed Up Creations 217 W. Northern Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81004 719.404.3030

Trinidad Phil Long Toyota 3019 Toupal Drive, Trinidad, CO 81082 877.600.5942 Commercial Street Salon & Day 257 N Commercial St, Trinidad, CO 719.846.6610 M & M Repair and Towing 1901 N Linden Ave, Trinidad, CO 719.846.8546 Redwing Electric Inc 225 E Goddard Ave, Trinidad, CO 719.846.1716 Leone Sand & Gravel Ready Mix 2400 E Main St, Trinidad, CO 719.846.4170 New Image Advanced Dental 417 Univerity St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.7387 Griego Insurance Agency (GIA) 300 N. Commercial st. Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.9871


Stand Up and Cheer! The Mighty Miner Cheer Team was selected earlier this summer to compete at the National Cheerleaders Association Senior and Junior High School Championships to be held on January 25th & 26th, 2014 in Dallas, Texas at the Dallas Convention Center. Two Miner Cheerleaders, Andrea Lopez Media and Cecily Begano, were named to the NCA All-American Squad. “We have worked hard; the girls are really excited to compete at the nationals.” Kimber Begano told Around SoCO with a smile. “For Nationals you must be invited to attend. If it’s by airplane or bus the Miner Cheer Team will be going to represent our school and make our town proud to be Miners!” The Miner Cheer squad is comprised of five seniors, one junior, three sophomores, and three freshmen. All of them have been talking about goals for the upcoming season. On Monday, for the first time, the girls cheered for the Miner Golf Team as they won the Miner Golf Invite. Begano is in her first year as head cheer coach. She is CHSAA Certified and brings a bright positive attitude when coaching the girls. She stated, “We are coming together as a team. What cheers to do for games at halftime, everyone has a say. We are a team.” The Mighty Miner Cheer Team needs to raise over $5,600 in order to go to nationals. For more information or to help fundraise please call 719.859.4636 or e-mail

Miners Prepare for New Era By Doc Leonetti

For the first time in 28 years, the Miners will take the field without the leadership of Randy Begano. The former long time Coach, along with his assistants, were, without explanation, not rehired by Trinidad High School District I. Newly hired Coach John Huitt, from Altamont, Utah, is aware of the administration’s recent proceedings, but is upbeat about the coming season. “We lost a few good kids through graduation, one of them a good quarterback,” said Huitt. “There has been some turmoil, and for all the things they went through last year, their attitude is incredible. The resilience of these kids proves that they want to play football; they just want to get it going. They’re working hard and they want to succeed.” Huitt, with extensive experience as an offensive and defensive coach at Grand County High School in Moab, Utah, will take the reins. In 2005, the new head coach assisted with the staff that took Grand County to the state championship playoff. Assisting Huitt is Jason Dalton, a Montana native with nine years experience as an assistant defensive line coach at Dawson City High School and Park High School (Montana). He will work with the receivers and serve as the defensive coordinator. Mark Horn, a native of Spur, Texas, who has resided in Trinidad for the past 11 years, will work with the offensive and defensive line, and Zack “Tank” Resendez, a former Begano protégé who played nose guard, will mentor the running backs and linebackers. Horn, with Resendez, volunteered to assist with the THS program when the previous coaches were fired. “I

coached pee-wee football with “Tank,” said Horn. “One day I saw him at Wal-Mart. We had a conversation and decided we would like to help the kids who wanted to play football, so we volunteered. It’s all for the kids.”

bevy of skilled kids will be returning. The Miner roster continues to be evaluated, and standout senior Eric Lopez, now converted full time to the offensive and defensive line, is one of those prime time returnees.

“I’ve been there, done that,” said Resendez about his new position at Trinidad High. “I’m looking forward to the coming season, and am excited to see what our guys can do. We know we have a lot of talent on this team.”

“We lost some good players, but we’ve got a good group coming back,” said Lopez. “It’s too bad about all that’s happened, but we’re looking forward to this fall. We’ll miss Coach Begano and his staff, but we’ll keep working hard. I hope he and his coaches will be in the stands supporting us.”

Horn, too, is enthused about the Miner football team. “Defensively, we have a solid starting 11,” explained Horn. “They’re big and have a lot of speed. We’ll be trying to develop some depth. I think we could be six or seven deep because we have a lot of good athletes. I’m excited now more than ever. I know that in Trinidad expectations are very high and we want to keep that going. We’ll see how the kids react. They’re making some great adjustments.” The Miners, with a long-time winning tradition, completed a successful 6-4 season last year, losing their first playoff game to Bayfield, 21-12.

THS MINER FOOTBALL SCHEDULE: Aug. 30 Sep. 6 Sep. 13 Sep. 20 Sep. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25

Albuquerque Academy 7:00 p.m. Raton 7:00 p.m. Dolores Huerta 7:00 p.m. La Junta 7:00 p.m. Lamar 7:00 p.m. Alamosa (Homecoming) 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s 7:00 p.m. Manitou Springs 7:00 p.m. Florence 7:00 p.m.

Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Away

“We have a lot of talent here, and a lot of enthusiasm,” added Huitt. “The kids want to work hard and play football. I don’t know anything about our opponents, and I can’t tell you that we will win it all, but I do know we have good kids. I’m looking forward to the challenge. I’ve been an assistant, now I’ve got an opportunity as Coach. I can’t wait for our first game. I’ll be a little nervous, but it will be a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to Raton. I come from a small coal mining town and there is nothing better than a great rivalry.” The Miners lost Devon Payne, Devon Miller, Chris DeAngeles, Brian Shaw, Louie Santistevan, Josh Griego, David Ortiz, and Raymond Riggins to graduation, but a



Tickets go on sale for Sin City Kiss Tribute Band Saturday, October 5th at 8:00a.m. Rocky Mountain Collector Con is making its inaugural debut in Pueblo, Colorado October 4-6. The event will take place at The Pueblo Convention Center with a special performance by the tribute band SIN CITY KISS on the night of August 5th at Memorial Hall. Rocky Mountain Collector Con is thrilled to announce special guest Noel G, who has been in such shows as Fast and Furious, Dark Knight Rises, and the Walking Dead. Also in attendance, Musseta Vander, who has starred in Kicking and Screaming, Wild, Wild, West, and O’brother, Johnny Jimenez, best known as the “Toy Expert” on Pawn Stars, and the Power Rangers celebrating their 20th year anniversary. The tribute band SIN CITY KISS will be performing at Memorial Hall Saturday, October 5th, at 8:00p.m. To purchase general admission or VIP level passes go to To purchase tickets for SIN CITY KISS tribute band go to www., call 866-722-8844 or pur-

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chase in person at Pueblo Convention Center. Prices in advance ($14/$19) day of show($15/$20). Noel G, also known as Noel Gugliemi, is an accomplished actor and producer with over 110 movies and television shows to his credit including Batman: Dark Knight Rises, Training Day, and Fast and Furious Best known for her roles in Sci-Fi and fantasy films. Musetta has had roles in movies such as Super force, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Wild Wild West. Known for his expertise of collectible toys and occasional appearances on History Channel’s TV hit show “Pawn Stars”. Johnny owns The Toy Shop in downtown Las Vegas. Sin City KISS is Las Vegas’ Premier KISS Tribute Band covering all eras of KISS music. The band consists of seasoned musicians with an appetite to ROCK!! 20th year Anniversary. Global Spectrum( manages Memorial Hall and Pueblo Convention Center as well as more than 100 public assembly facilities around the world. Over 20-million people attended more than 12,000 events in Global Spectrum venues last year. Based in Philadelphia, PA, Global Spectrum is part of Comcast-Spectacor, one of the world’s largest sports and entertainment companies. Comcast-Spectacor also owns the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League, Ovations Food Service, a food and beverage services provider, New Era Tickets, a full-service ticketing and marketing product for public assembly facilities, Paciolan, the leading provider of venue establishment ticketing, fundraising and marketing technology solutions, Front Row Marketing Services, a commercial rights sales company, and Flyers Skate Zone, a series of community ice skating rinks.

Walsenburg Gets Inked By E.R.A. McCarthey

Sick Side Tattoos in Walsenburg is now open for business. The owner, Luciano Ozzello, is excited to service the SoCO area and provide beautiful, sterile and professional body art that is affordable. “Here at Sick Side the art and customer satisfaction is more important than large financial gains. We will pour our creativity into each new work of art while taking the time to assure our clients’ satisfaction and safety in all we do,” stated Luciano. Permanent ink is warrantied for life and Sick Side will touch up any of their tattoos that fade over time free of charge. Luciano says Sick Side also provides cover ups and color restoration of old tattoos.

body art to southern Colorado and staying involved in youth programs and community projects for years to come. Luciano says they do accept walk-ins but it is best to schedule an appointment and avoid long wait times. Sick Side Tattoos 123 W. 7th Street Walsenburg, CO 81089 Shop: 719.890.1065

Sick Side is a family owned establishment. Luciano says “My children are my passion. I am one of three owners at Sick Side Tattoos. The others are my little daughter Sophia Bella Marie Ozzello who is four and my 15 year old son who is my right hand man.” Sick Side Tattoos is taking a new approach to the traditional tattoo parlor. Along with traditional tattoos they offer nontoxic temporary tattoos for kids. Luciano’s son helps with the temporary tattoos and also other fun items such as balloons. Children are welcome until 7:30 p.m. each business day. Luciano states, “With my partners being children we hope you will swing by our shop and checkout our temp tatts and balloons but kiddos please try to keep your parents under control.” Sick Side is located just off I-25 in Walsenburg and is a convenient location for most in SoCO. The Ozzello family looks forward to providing affordable and quality


How to Henna By E.R.A. McCarthey • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Materials for the Henna Paste: Henna powder, 1/4 cup Black Tea, strongly brewed, 2-3 tablespoons Juice from 1/2 of a Lemon Tea Tree Oil, 3-5 drops Materials for Applying the Tattoo: Squeeze bottle with various tips Small zip lock bag Various sized watercolor brushes Straight pin Cotton swab Cotton balls Sugar Juice from a Lemon Materials to Remove the Paste: Tea Tree Oil Cotton balls

Step 1: Sift henna powder. Mix tea with ½ of lemon juice. Slowly add liquid to henna powder. Add liquid until henna mixture is a little thicker than the consistency of body lotion. Once you have the perfect blend let it sit for at least one hour. If henna is too thick, add some more tea. It if is too thin, add more henna powder. You can put the paste in a small zip lock bag and cut a tiny hole in the end to apply henna, you can use small squeeze bottle with tiny openings or you can apply it with watercolor brushes. Use the straight pen to

remove clogs from the squeeze bottle tip. Try all three options and see which method you prefer. Step 2: Before painting clean chosen area to remove all skin oil. Dry the skin. It’s easy to smudge the wet henna so work out from the center when painting designs. Step 3: Use moistened cotton swabs to remove any mistakes you make while painting. Make sure to remove the unwanted henna right away to avoid coloring the skin. Step 4: As soon as the henna is applied to the skin, it will begin to dry. It will crack as it dries. When it starts to crack cover it with a mixture of lemon and sugar. Squeeze a wedge of lemon and mix it with a tablespoon of sugar. When the henna dries, rewet it by dabbing it with the sugar mixture. The acid in lemon helps the skin absorb the stain and the sugar creates a coating to hold the henna in place. The more you rewet the henna, the darker it will be. Try to keep the henna on for 12 hours. Step 5: To keep the henna design a dark color do not use water to remove the paste. Instead soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and then rub the paste off gently. After you remove the henna the design will continue to darken for 10-12 hours. Try not to wet the design at all for 18-24 hrs. Some people cover henna decorated areas with plastic wrap and tape while they shower for the first day. The henna tattoo should last about 2 weeks.



Bea d n a e l Sty

The Black Sheep has been Colorado Springs’ premier live music venue for 8 years and counting. In October 2005, Soda Jerk Presents and The Black Sheep opened their doors, bringing world renowned national touring acts to the Front Range. The Black Sheep has been honored to present artists such as Five Finger Death Punch, Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, Flogging Molly, Killswitch Engage, Tech N9ne, Rahzel, Slick Rick, Imagine Dragons, Plain White T’s, Jet, Mac Miller, Drowning Pool, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Reverend Horton Heat, Macklemore, Wiz Kahlifa, G-Eazy, Daughtry and numerous others. Striving since day one for a music-oriented positive environment, The Black Sheep welcomes all age groups and artists in an attempt to encompass the ever changing music scene. Get more information:,,


SoCO Eat & Drink Colorado Springs The Melting Pot 30-A East Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.385.0300 Tabeguache Steak House & Winebar 407 E Us Highway 24, Woodland Park, CO 80863 719.687.8536 Sushi O Sushi 3643 Star Ranch Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.576.9830

Pueblo Mr. Tandoori Urban Bar & Grill 310 S. Victoria Ave., Pueblo, CO 81003 719.544.3000, El Nopal 1435 E. Evans Ave., Pueblo, CO 81082 719.423.8128 Do Drop Inn 1201 S. Santa Fe Ave Pueblo Co 81006 719.542.0818

Colorado City Obie’s Fillin’ Station – Exit 74 off I-25 Home cookin’; country store; saloon 719.676.4227,

Walsenburg Fireside Café 606 Main St., Walsenburg, CO 81089 719.738.1109

Trinidad Rino’s Italian Restaurant & Steakhouse 400 E. Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0949 Nana & Nano Monteleones Deli and Pasta House 418 Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.2696 Lee’s Bar-B-Q 825 San Pedro St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.7621 Purgatoire on Elm 516 E. Elm St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.3901

Raton The Historic ICE House Barbecue Restaurant 945 South Second, Raton, NM 87740 575.445.0003


Lingering Beauty By Ellie Nenova

“A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” Coco Chanel

Opium Yves Saint Laurent Opium by Yves Saint Laurent is an oriental spicy fragrance for women. Opium was launched in 1977. Top notes are coriander, plum, citrus, tangerine, pepper, jasmine, cloves, west indian bay and bergamot, middle notes are carnation, sandalwood, patchouli, cinnamon, orris root, peach, lily and rose, base notes are labdanum Tolu balsam, sandalwood, amber, opoponax, musk, coconut, vanilla, incense, vetiver, incense, cedar and myrrh.

The history of perfume is woven throughout the history of mankind. The word “perfume” comes from the Latin term perfumum (through the smoke) and it means a sacrifice to the gods, specifically burning aromatic grasses and herbs on special altars. There is archaeological and paper evidence to confirm that ancient civilizations(Egypt, Sumer, India and China) have used aromatic ointments and perfumes. Scents were used not only in everyday life but also in religious rituals. Egyptians used perfumes more than 3000 years ago. Egyptian papyri show women bonding resin dots on their faces containing different aromatic compounds. Perfumes have been used for embalming the Pharaohs. Perfume from Egypt reached Greece and Rome. The Greeks used spices to pay homage to those killed in the war, warrior’s massages, and there is even evidence that Roman emperors used perfume to cover up traces of nocturnal orgies. In Corinth the first perfume bottles were manufactured. Crusaders carried perfume across Europe. Interestingly, it was used as a disinfectant against major epidemics such as the black plague and cholera. Particularly popular perfumes extracted during the Renaissance. In places scents of rose, orange, and menthol were popular. Scents of cocoa gillyflower and vanilla were carried from India and America across the globe. The use of perfumes peaked with Louis XIV of France. The boom of perfumes occurred in the second half of the 20th century, when many technologies developed for the creation of perfumes. In the world there are more than 2,000 natural and synthetic scents that modern companies use to create new flavors.

Timeless Perfumes

“Perfume disclosed the appearance of a woman before she came and stayed long after she left.” Coco Chanel Chanel № 5 Gentle, floral fragrance. Incredible, irresistibly feminine. Only the most beautiful women are wearing this fragrance. Purified, refined, gentle, floral fragrance. This perfume was the favorite flavor of many celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, and Jacqueline Kennedy. Nina Ricci L’air du Temps The fragrance was launched after World War II in 1948, a dove on top of a symbol of peace. Floral-spicy with hints of cloves. Bergamot and rosewood support the development of carnation theme, refined with hints of rose and jasmine. Violets and iris are in harmony with woody notes of cedar and sandal, while sensual musk and amber fragrance ends. Christian Dior Poison Christian Dior Poison is the revolutionary fragrance that, since 1985, has become a classic of fashion house Dior. Aromatic notes of the fragrance with notes describing coriandar, orange, honey, and tuberose. Dior Poison won the FiFi award for best women’s perfume market. Its author is a perfumer Edouard Flechier.

Guerlain Shalimar Guerlain Shalimar was created by Jacques Guerlain in 1925 in memory of the legendary love story between Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Before he became emperor his name was Prince Kurama. According to legend, 21 year old Prince Kurama met a young girl, named Arjumand Banu at a market where her family worked. Fascinated by her beauty, after he became emperor, he took her as his wife and named her “Mumtaz Mahal”, which means “jewel of the palace.” After the wedding, the prince and Mumtaz were inseparable. She gave the Prince 13 children and died during the birth of the 14th child at 39 years old. Her death devastated Shah Jahan and he built the Taj Mahal in memory of his beloved and their undying love. Guerlain Shalimar is named after “The Gardens of Shalimar.” This was a favorite garden Mumtaz Mahal. The perfume is composed of citrus notes of lemon and bergamot, jasmine, May rose, tonka beans, vanilla, iris, Peruvian balsam and gray amber. Guerlain Shalimar is one of the bestselling perfumes and its magic is undeniable.



The RW “ARTIST EXPERIENCE“ FAN FAIR was held at the Colorado State Fair this year. The designated charity was Neighborhood Works of Colorado, they will use the funds to revitalize neighborhoods in Colorado.

The fan fair featured 19 artists, some were up and coming and others were headliners. The headliners included Brett Eldredge, featured artist on CMT that has over 5 top 10 hits and on tour with Taylor Swift, Andy Griggs, CMA Artists Brandon Maddox, Bill Archer, Celeste Kellogg and Lucy Angel plus international artist Adrian Tigen. Miss Colorado USA, Amanda Wiley, announced the artists and had a following of her own fans. Brett Eldredge, who recently celebrated his first No. 1 hit single, “Don’t Ya,” is continuing the momentum with his first-ever headlining club tour. The “Bring You Back” Fall 2013 Tour commences in the Midwest in October and includes an already sold-out hometown show at Joe’s Bar in Chicago on Oct. 5. On August 6, Eldredge released his debut album, Bring You Back. Andy Griggs often says his influences in music are like a pot of gumbo. Growing up in Monroe, LA, he was raised on Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Swaggert, Waylon, Bill Monroe, hardcore blues, and hardcore rock & roll, sprinkled with a touch of jazz. Brandon Maddox was Eldredg’s opening act at the Artist Experience Fan Fair. His influences range from the Beatles to Ralph Stanley. Brandon just completed his

debut CD “Weightless”. While working as a staff writer, he had 12 songs being played on independent radio, and several more cuts by artists. International Artist Adrian Tigen is Argentina’s top male vocal artist with numerous awards. He performs in country music festivals all around South America. A sought after performer, he has played with Daryl Worley, The Grascals, The Roys, and Trent Tomlinson. He is the opening act for Andy Griggs at the Artist Experience Event. He calls himself a “Spanish Cowboy” and says he loves country music. Wyatt Turner possesses one of those instant-classic country voices. His natural charm, infectious sense of humor and effortless stage presence make him strikingly charismatic. “You Remind Me of WV”, Wyatt’s current single has claimed the attention of many record labels! wyattturnermusic?ref=br_rs Emerging artist, Sydney Hutchko, is a vocal powerhouse. Born and raised in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, Sydney is proud of her roots, but loves to now call Nashville home. She has performed at many big events including the CMA Music Festival! She is a dynamic and energetic performer that really engages the audience. Lucy Angel is an exciting team of a mother and her two daughters. All three are gorgeous and it can be hard to tell which one is the mother. The ladies are singers and songwriters, they have a playful dynamic and an attention getting style. The only thing that makes it better is they are wonderful singers and musicians.

Other artists at the fair were Holly Sommers and Laura Sommers, sisters-in-law and great friends that perform both separately and together. Bill Archer, whose sorrowful eyes and rustic voice catch your attention. Megan Redmond, a lady with a beautiful voice and a personality that matches it. Anthony K., as much an entertainer as a musician. He has a rock star style and attitude paired with a smooth country voice. RW, Roldan Webster, put together the “Artist Experience” Fan Fair. The idea was to bring a country music fan fair like the ones hosted in Nashville to Southern Colorado. The event was wonderfully planned and featured a range of country music from artists like Christophe Murdock, who has a punk rock style to music from the sweet voiced song bird, Celleste Kellogg. All the artists had booths and talked with fans. Get more information on Roldan Webster at Around SoCO covered the event. It was much more than a traditional music event. It really was a “fan fair” where fans can engage the artists and learn about them, then watch them perform. Some of the most enjoyable moments were jokes told by an artist, entertaining stories of Nashville nightlife, and amazing backgrounds on people from across the country, at different levels of success, who all wanted to reach out to the audience at a more personal level. The close personal aspects of the RW “Artist Experience” Fan Fair increased the level of engagement from the audience and the intensity of the experience. We’ll be posting interviews and music clips from the event on

Brett Eldredge


SoCO LODGING Colorado Springs The Broadmoor Resort & Hotel 1 Lake Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.623.5112 888.974.4990 The Academy Hotel 8110 N Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO, 80920 719.598.5770 | 800.766.8524 Cheyenne Mountain Resort 3225 Broadmoor Valley Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.538.4000 | 800.588.0250 Antlers Hilton 4 S Cascade Ave. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 719.955.5600

Pueblo Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Pueblo 4530 Dillon Dr., Pueblo, CO 81008 877.508.1762 Hampton Inn & Suites Southgate 3315 Gateway Drive, Pueblo, CO 81004 719.566.1726

Trinidad Holiday Inn 3130 Santa Fe Trail Dr., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.8400 La Quinta Inn & Suites 2873 Toupal Dr., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0102 Royse Ranch Bed & Breakfast 10000 C.R. 43.6, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0353 Quality Inn Trinidad 3125 Toupal Dr., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.2529 Budget Host Inn & RV Park 10301 Santa Fe Trail, Trinidad, CO 81082 I-25 & Exit 11 719.846.3307


Sensory Diet at Home and School By Katrina Mclaughlin Trinidad Pediatric & Adult Therapy Service

The term “Sensory Diet” was coined by Patricia Wilbarger- occupational therapist and leading expert in the area of sensory defensiveness. It is used to describe an individual program of activities that provide sensory information to the nervous system of a person that needs it to be focused and organized throughout the day. A person whose nervous system is overloaded needs a soothing touch input, while another more “sluggish” person needs stimulating sensory input so the nervous system can be “awakened.” Children, teens and adults have much to gain from a well-defined sensory diet. To create an effective sensory diet, you need “sensory” activities and to fully understand sensory difficulties of your child. A qualified occupational therapist must use their experience and skills assessment to make an appropriate sensory diet for a child. Meanwhile, here are some activities that can be started. You can modify them for the child’s age, level of arousal (what needs stimulation or relaxation), whether at school, at home, outdoors, and if you have special equipment or not. Sample Sensory Diet Here is a sample sensory diet, created for a second grade child with sensory processing disorder In the Morning Massage feet and back to help wake up Listen to recommended therapeutic listening CD Use vibrating toothbrush and/or vibrating hairbrush Eat crunchy cereal with fruit and some protein Spin on Dizzy Disc Jr. as directed

Jump on mini-trampoline as directed After school Go to playground for at least 30 minutes Push grocery cart or stroller Spinning as directed Mini-trampoline. Add variety: have child play catch or toss toys into a basket while jumping. Massage feet to “reorganize,” use therapy putty, make “body sandwiches,” wheelbarrow walk Do ball exercises as directed Listen to therapeutic listening CD Oral work — suck thick liquids through a straw, eat crunchy and chewy snacks, or chew gum before and/or during tabletop activities At dinnertime Help with cooking, mixing, chopping, set a table, using two hands to carry and balance a tray Provide crunchy and chewy foods At night Family time: clay projects, painting projects, etc. Warm bath with bubbles and calming essential oil Massage during reading time Working with Schools -A sensory diet at school might include: Walking. Brushing-going to the bathroom, where child can enter a stall and brush him/herself using the deep touch pressure technique for sensory defensiveness taught by the occupational therapist. Listen to calming music. The great news is that the effects of a sensory diet are usually immediate and cumulative. Activities that perk up your child or calm him/her down are not only effective in the moment



HALL OF Jay Cimino: A man of ideas, action, generosity and faith By Kathleen Donnelly

In 1975, Cimino made a career choice that would ultimately catapult him to the highest levels of achievement and success: he joined Phil Long, owner of Phil Long Ford in Motor City in Colorado Springs. Long, who espoused a vision of quality customer service, exceptional value, and a commitment to the community, became his mentor, and Cimino steadily achieved advancement and promotions in the company, now known as the Phil Long Family of Dealerships, which includes ten franchises located in Denver, Colorado Springs, Trinidad, and Raton, NM. Cimino is humble, but the record of his commitment to the community and to his fellow man is clear. Since 1991, the Phil Long Community Fund has granted more than $2 million to youth organizations across the front range. Cimino has created fifteen ‘Fantasy Playgrounds’, two athletic fields, a teen center, the Memorial Park skate park, and established a scholarship fund. After September 11, 2001, Cimino spearheaded efforts that raised more than $600,000.00 in one day for the American Red Cross. After 9/11, he reinstated a program within the Phil Long Family of Dealerships, called ‘Operation Home Support,’ that provides transportation assistance to military families.

Well known as the president/CEO of Phil Long Dealerships, as well as for his many philanthropical projects, Trinidad native Jay Cimino is recognized in Around SoCO’s Hall of Fame for his positive and lasting impact in Trinidad and all around southern Colorado Jay Cimino was born in Trinidad in 1936. He attended Holy Trinity School, where he excelled in football, baseball and track. After graduating in 1954, he joined the Marine Corps and then attended Trinidad State Junior College and the University of Denver from which he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. In 1960 he was united in marriage to Emily Roitz at Holy Trinity Church. They have four children and eight grandchildren. After college graduation Jay went to work for BF Goodrich Co. as a territory manager throughout Colorado, New Mexico and Kansas. In 1965 he began his career in the auto industry working for Jess Hunter Ford in Pueblo. He moved his family to Santa Fe, NM in 1972 for a position as General Manager of Santa Fe Buick and Pontiac.


His commitment to the United Way includes corporate and employee donations of nearly $2 million in the last ten years. He has supported the Good Neighbor Campaign, Care & Share, The Home Front Cares, Citizen Soldier Connection, Wounded Warriors, and Life Quest Transitions. He has raised funds for the Marian House soup kitchens, and during the last two summers’ devastating fires in the Colorado Springs area, he has opened the doors to his service centers for repairs to fire trucks and provided vehicles for the Red Cross volunteers and Firefighters. Jay’s extensive philanthropy also supports the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Silver Key Senior Services, Meals on Wheels, American Red Cross, Toys for Tots, MADD, National Mill Dog Rescue, The Humane Society, and regional colleges. Cimino has been recognized by the El Pomar Foundation who gave him the prestigious Gov. John A. Love Award; he received Fort Carson Army Post’s Good Neighbor Award; was installed in Trinidad State Junior College’s Hall of Fame; received the Jesuits of Regis University’s CIVIS PRINCEPS; and the American Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year Award, as well as many other honors and awards.

Jay has a special place in his heart for his hometown. In 2005 he founded the Trinidad Community Foundation. In 2007, working with the City of Trinidad, he transformed the site of an abandoned cement plant along the banks of the Purgatoire river into a beautifully landscaped, flowing and lyrical park, where children run and splash in the water fountain, their moms chatting in the shade, while old men play Bocce, and shoppers browse through the summer/fall Farmer’s Market. In 2007, he and his family acquired the vacant former Mt. Carmel Catholic Church that he had attended as a child. Vacant for more than a decade, run down with the roof caved in, it became a Cimino family commitment to restore and turn it into a show place with an indoor theatre, chapel, health clinic, meeting rooms, an amphitheater, and beautiful gardens. It was their family vision to create a center that focused on nurturing the whole person, mind, body, spirit, as well as the community as a whole. Cimino has spent more than $10 million of his own money to fulfill this dream. Jay’s daughter, Gina Cimino, president of the Mt. Carmel Center said that one of her father’s priorities was what he saw as a need for health care that was going unfulfilled in Trinidad. A 2008 study showed that more than 50% of residents in Trinidad and Las Animas County went outside of the community to obtain the health care they needed. Cimino also wanted to provide primary care and a place for same day appointments, an alternative to expensive emergency rooms. The Mt. Carmel Health, Wellness & Community Center opened in May, 2012. The medical clinic and professional offices are serving increasing numbers of clients, and fulfilling the Cimino family’s vision, the center is a busy, living place for the community to come together, it now regularly hosts festivals, weddings, meetings, concerts, plays and even Friday pizza nights on the patio. Jay Cimino is now turning his imagination to another project in Trinidad, ‘La Puerta de Colorado’ (Gateway to Colorado), an 11- acre development which will be located in a blighted warehouse district along I-25. It will contain a car museum featuring 80 rare muscle cars and Babe Ruth’s 1948 Lincoln Continental, an 80 room hotel, and event center, a movie theater, a swimming pool, and a Hall of Famer, Goose Gossage brewery and restaurant. Cimino is also promoting regional tourism marketing and cooperation between Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Walsenburg and Trinidad to convince travelers on I-25 to get off the interstate and spend time enjoying the attractions and friendly people in these communities, at the same time bringing additional money into the southern Colorado economy. For his big ideas, for being a man of action, and for his generosity, Around SoCO salutes Jay Cimino.

HALL OF SHAME Scales of Justice Unbalanced

By Kathleen Donnelly

Why are there always so many vagaries in the laws of the land and the application of justice? There are peculiarities, eccentricities, and exceptions in every area of the law from those that Congress passes or does not, to the Judiciary that hands down fluctuating decisions and sentences. There are ludicrous civil suits that are extravagantly awarded, and, at other times the failure to provide for fair restitution and compensation for people who are harmed and living with an expensive medical condition for the rest of their lives. And why don’t we seem to have a good grasp on criminal penalties? They are either too rigid or too lax. And why do penalties seem to be handled differently for different ethnic groups? How does one lying defendant get off scott-free and another caught in the web of her lies? Is it because we are hoarders of old outdated laws? Have we stuffed too many new laws in the closet on top of the old ones? Many laws are based on precedent, so maybe we are unwilling to throw out the old, out-of-date laws and clean house because we would be throwing out our precedents. In recent years, it seems like economics, in terms of an empty public purse, may be to blame as the scales of justice are unbalanced with a heavy public debt as counterweight. And then, there are just plain human flaws and differences. We just haven’t replicated the wisdom of Solomon. Our Hall of Shame this month is Colorado criminal law’s methods of calculating felony prison sentences. This is actually a fairly arcane subject, one that most readers have not had to consider. However, for me and my family who have suffered the murder of a family member, and for other victims of

30% of the sentence, including pre-sentence confinement credit. The automatic eligibility to be considered for a 50% deduction in the sentence was established twenty years ago.

An offender may receive earned time of up to ten days per month for every month served. Earned time is discretionary, depending upon participation in DOC programs such as work, training, group living, progress towards goals, compliance with parole, no harassment of victims, progress in literacy or education. The DOC uses a computer program to figure out each individual’s earned time. The general rule is that if an inmate earns and keeps the maximum amount of earned time after the 50% automatic deduction, the parole eligibility date will be at approximately 37.5% of the imposed sentence less presentence confinement credit. While prison populations in the United States are notoriously high, and state legislatures seek to lessen the financial burden of housing so many prisoners, it may make sense to allow early release dates for non-violent offenders, although those who are serving time for drug crimes should be treated in rehabilitation centers and required to live drug-free in half-way houses, rather than being turned out on the streets to relapse. There are two major categories of exceptions to the rules: violent offenders and sex offenders. If the conviction is for a crime of violence, the automatic 50% deduction for good behavior is reduced to 25%. The parole eligibility date for violent crimes is 75% of the imposed sentence. This is called the 75% rule. The offender must serve 75% of their sentence with no earned time deduction before they may be paroled. This rule apparently was either mistakenly not applied in the case involving my family member, or perhaps the District Attorney took this off the table in the plea bargain. I am looking into this.

Offenders sentenced under the 1998 Colorado Sex Offender Lifetime Supervision Act receive a potential life sentence for Class 4 and more serious sex felonies. Individuals sentenced under this act receive an indeterminate life sentence. They are not eligible for the automatic 50% sentence reduction, nor for the automatic 25% deduction allowed for crimes of violence. When Colorado Department of Corrections Executive Director, Tom Clements was shot and killed at his home in Monument on March 19, 2013, it should have turned the spotlight on DOC policies. Clements was killed by Evan Ebel, who also killed a pizza delivery driver on March 17 in order to steal his uniform to use as a disguise when appearing at Clements’ door. Ebel was released from prison four years early due to a clerical error. He violated his parole five days before Clements was killed. In Colorado, parole decisions provide the biggest variable in time served. Legislative and executive decisions are made regarding funding and available prison space. Annual projections are provided by the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice and the Legislative Council.

Criminal justice and corrections personnel, as well as lawmakers struggle to devise plans to deal with offenders. Under the federal system, a prisoner must serve 85% of the sentence imposed. In Georgia, offenders serve 100% of the sentence for 6 of “Georgia’s seven deadly sins.” No state has a truth in sentencing scheme under which all types of offenders serve 100% of their sentences. Keeping bad guys in jail where they cannot harm others, while not being so repressive as to turn our nation into one big Gulag, these are the challenges that face us. In Colorado there needs to be more attention and organization to prevent errors and early release. The parole offices need funding to hire additional parole officers, who have inordinately high caseloads. We need to come up with a plan to allow offenders to actually be allowed to rehabilitate themselves once they have served their sentences. Society does not prosper when hopeless people live desperate lives.

violent crimes, the complex calculations in actual time served in Colorado criminal cases is a subject that causes us more grief. The purpose of this Hall of Shame is not to discuss the offender or tell our sorrowful tale, it is the general lack of application of common sense that is the subject of our disbelief and scorn. However, a short explanation is called for: When the murder occurred, the defendant was originally charged with first degree murder. The family reluctantly agreed to allow a plea bargain for the defendant to plead guilty to 2nd degree murder and a sentence of 30 years. At sentencing, the judge told the defendant he wished the law allowed him to give the defendant more time. After just 12 years, the offender was recently eligible for parole. Due to prior violent crimes and an incident in prison, he was not paroled this time. Colorado is not one of the states that has adopted truth in sentencing laws. There are several discretionary awards of incentive for ‘good time’, and ‘earned time’, in addition to time served (while the case is pending before the conviction). These awards are provided due to the rehabilitative theory of punishment. Colorado follows a mixed indeterminate model of sentencing for all felony crimes, except Colorado sex crimes. No one, including the sentencing judge, can accurately calculate a release date for an individual at the time of sentencing due to the exercise of discretion by the Department of Corrections. This discretionary system not only robs victims of a sense of satisfaction that justice has been done, it seems that it could also be subject to abuse or privilege for different offenders at the worst, and that it could cause deeper disappointment and worse behavior for offenders who are looking forward to an early release but do not get it. Psychologically, knowing exactly what to expect, allows the human being to cope and adjust. In calculating actual time served, several factors are taken into account: previous criminal activities, eligibility for earned time for good behavior, correctional programs’ earned time, credit for time served, and community corrections eligibility. It is difficult to know which theory is fairer and makes more sense. Inmates may not be released on parole until they reach their parole eligibility date which generally means they will be eligible to meet the parole board after serving 50% of their sentence less earned time, not to exceed


Fabilis Pasta By Lisa Martinez of Fabilis Wings - 103 W Main St, Trinidad, CO 81082

| 719.846.7298

By Lisa Martinez of Fabilis Wings

Yields 4 servings.

1- pint of heavy cream 1- pkg cream cheese softened 1- pkg parmesan shredded cheese 1- small can of cream of mushrooms 2 tbl spoons of butter 2 large mushrooms sliced 1 pkg of fettuccini

Feel free to add grilled chicken, sliced grilled ham or beef patty

• • • • •

Environmental conservation, tax incentives, grants, and a global marketplace have motivated companies to develop sustainable energy technologies. There are numerous solar and wind energy systems but green products must become more practical, affordable and consumer friendly for the industry to grow in the U.S. Google, a leading entrepreneurial internet business, is known for financing groundbreaking projects and investing in both wind and solar energy. This summer Google acquired Makani Power, a company developing wind turbines similar in design to kites. In a press release Makani states, “We are happy to announce that Makani Power has been acquired by Google. This formalizes a long and productive relationship between our two companies and will provide Makani with the resources to accelerate our work to make wind energy cost competitive with fossil fuels. The timing couldn’t be better, as we completed the first ever autonomous all-modes flight with our Wing 7 prototype this May. Makani could not have reached this point without the support of the US Department of Energy’s ARPA-E program and the hard work of our talented team, past and present. We look forward to working with our new colleagues at Google to make airborne wind a costeffective reality.” The Makani Airborne Wind Turbine is often compared to a kite. The tethered wing flies in large circles using strong and consistent wind to generate power. The flying wind turbine has a sleek and light design that

Colorado Springs REI 1376 E Woodmen Rd., Colorado Springs , CO 80920 719.260.1455 Eve’s Revolution 1312 W Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs , CO 80904 719.633.1357 Mountain Moppets Children’s Clothing & Baby Boutique 2532 W Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs , CO 80905 719.633.5544

Cook noodles according to package. In a sauce pan melt butter, sauté mushrooms until clear. Then add cream cheese, parmesan cheese and 1/4 cup heavy cream, can of cream of mushroom. Stir until smooth and creamy, add rest of cream. Simmer for 10 min. Add noodles into mixture and serve.

Makani Airborne Wind Turbine

SoCO Shopping

Christal’s 2582 S Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80916 719.393.9903

Pueblo Springside Cheese Shop 517 W. 5th St., Pueblo, CO 81003 719.696.9120 enables it to handle strong winds at higher altitudes and above deep waters offshore, it can even operate during hurricanes. This design also eliminates 90% of the materials used in conventional wind turbines and is optimized to be efficient in low wind. The Makani system can run on air when wind is not available and during long periods of low wind conditions the flying turbine will land and take off again when conditions improve. The flying wind turbine is equipped with battery power in the event that a decrease in wind speed coincides with the collapse of the grid. It is simple to change the size of Makani flying wind turbines because of their low mass and material usage. It could easily be adapted for widespread use. Makani systems could replace approximately 19.7 TWh/yr of energy production by 2020 (based on the expected installation of 4.5 GW). This is roughly the amount of electricity used by 1,713,640 average U.S. households. For more information visit

WING 7 AT MAKANI POWER’S TEST SITE IN ALAMEDA, CA, DECEMBER 2011. Turbines on the wing generate energy during flight. At present, excess electricity powers a panel of 1,000 watt lights, but future prototypes will send power down the tether into the grid. COPYRIGHT: MAKANI POWER, A. DUNLAP, 2011.

Rebound Sports 1214 S. Prairie Ave., Pueblo, CO 81005 719.564.2002 Jack Armstrong Jewelers 119 W. 4th St., Pueblo, CO 81002 877.689.6972 Allen Heart Fabric 1021 N. Market Plaza Ste. 107, Pueblo West, CO 81007 877.511.8864

Aguilar Ringo’s Food Market 213 E. Main St., Aguilar, CO 81020 719.941.4450

Trinidad A.R. Mitchell Museum Gift Shop & Gallery 150 E. Main, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.4224 Teri’s Hallmark & Floral 155 E. Main St, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.3544 i Love Sugar Shoppe 259 Commercial Street, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.2000

Raton Woody’s Furniture 139 S. 2nd St., Raton, NM 87740 575.445.9211



Champ Bailey By David J. Santistevan Jr.

The Black Sheep 2106 E Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909 719.227.7625

Champ was traded from the Redskins to the Broncos in March of 2004, along with Tatum Bell, in exchange for former Bronco running back Clinton Portis. The resilient Champ started 99 consecutive regular season games to begin his NFL career and has over 209 starts as a cornerback since 1999. Champ is tied for fourth in Bronco history with 34 interceptions and he is among the top in Denver franchise history with eight pro bowl selections. He has over 50 career interceptions which puts him third among active players, and close to 35 as a Bronco.

The Dinner Detective At Antlers Hilton 4 S Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 888.575.3884 40 Thieves Hookah Lounge 1524 N Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 719.591.8315 Karaoke Bar 3768 Astrozon Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80910 719.390.8824

Pueblo Pueblo Symphony Performs for the Riverwalk every year, provides concerts and promotes arts in education Concerts performed in Hoag Recital Hall at CSU-Pueblo 2200 Bonforte Blvd., Pueblo, CO 81001 719.545.7967 Sangre de Cristo Arts Ballet, Buell Children’s Museum, arts classes, family theatre and more 210 N. Santa Fe Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.295.7200

Trinidad SCRT-Year-round theatre at The Famous Performing Arts Center Professional and Resident 131 W. Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.4765 Purgatoire on Elm 516 E. Elm St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.3901 Gino’s Sports Bar 991 E. Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0388 Monte Cristo Bar 124 Santa Fe Trail Dr., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.6314

Champ continued his education at the University of Georgia and won the Bronko Nagurski Award in 1998 as the nation’s best defensive player while also being a consensus All-American in the same year. As a rookie playing for the Washington Redskins, Champ became the youngest player in NFL history to intercept three passes in a single game against the Arizona Cardinals in October of 1999. Champ was selected seventh overall by the Redskins in the first round of the 1999 NFL draft.

Future National Football League Hall of Famer Champ Bailey is without a doubt one of the most respected and talented shut down defensive backs in the NFL. Champ is known for his speed, knowledge of the game, and ability to read offensive plays that incites fits from opposing teams. Champ has been in the NFL for 15-years, the last 10-years as a Denver Bronco. He has been selected for 12 Pro Bowls, more than any other defensive back currently playing in the NFL. Champ was also named to the NFL’s All-Decade Team for the 2000’s, chosen by the Pro Football Hall of Fame Committee. Champ currently leads all active cornerbacks/defensive backs (third all time) with 52 career interceptions. Champ Bailey and his brother Boss Bailey are a rare find. Very few brothers have played for the Broncos. The Bailey brothers were raised in Folkston, Georgia. Champ’s mother, Elaine Bailey, was a strong influence in his life. Elaine and father, Ronald Bailey, were active in raising their children and remain close to them. Boss and Champ credit their older brother, Ron Bailey, for contributing to their success. Ron taught his younger brothers discipline, strong work ethics, and a drive to succeed. He was an integral part of preparing Champ and Boss for the difficult but rewarding NFL career. Champ graduated from Chalton County High School where he played football, basketball and was state champion in the 1994 high jump. He was a free safety and quarterback. During Champ’s senior year he was moved to tailback where he ran over 1,800 yards and scored 28 touchdowns in just 12 games.

Orace Vallejos, a lifelong fan of the orange and blue said, “We got the better end of the trade for Champ. He is a true leader and one of the best. This year he will be key for our Broncos to make it to the Super Bowl and win. This will be an exciting year for all Bronco fans! Go Broncos!” Bronco fanatic Tony Veltri told Around SoCO, “We are excited about this season and Mr. Champ Bailey along with Mr. Peyton Manning will help the Broncos have a great season in 2013. With some of the new players acquired by Denver to help out our secondary, Champ and Denver will be hard to beat. I think we are going to the Super Bowl!” Photos Courtesy of Denver Broncos Team Photography Stats taken from

SoCO Nightlife Colorado Springs Ritz Grill 15 S Tejon St Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.635.8484 Club Q 3430 N Academy Blvd ., Colorado Springs, CO 80917 719.570.1429 SoDo Nightclub 527 S Tejon St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.314.0420 Zodiac Venue 930 Pueblo Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.632.5059

Pueblo Mr. Tandoori Urban Bar & Grill 310 S. Victoria Ave., Pueblo, CO 81003 719.544.3000, Phil’s Radiator Service 109 E C Street, Pueblo, Colorado 81003 164202106967771 The Downtown Bar 103 Central Plaza, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.544.1499 Patsy’s Niteclub 425 S Santa Fe Ave, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.542.9776

Trinidad Rino’s Italian Restaurant & Steakhouse 400 E. Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0949 Purgatoire on Elm 516 E. Elm St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.3901 Ginos Sports Bar 991 E Main St., Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0388 Mantelli’s Bar 137 W Main St, Trinidad, CO 719.846.9923

FREE Your Mind Opinions From Dawn & Shane

Dawn & Shane are two opinionated SoCO residents and are ready to speak their mind about any issue submitted to Around SoCO. They are not afraid to say what others are thinking! Nothing in this section is FACT, just opinions from two individuals practicing freedom of speech. DAWN: Mr. Shelton asked to read a letter at the September 3rd Trinidad city council meeting addressing the marijuana issue but was denied because of a three minute time restriction. You can see him read the city council letter at and you can watch the SoCO interview at Mr. Shelton travels across the country with Babe Ruth’s car inspiring young people and raising funds to provide medical care for seriously ill children. In February of 2013 he brought the Babe Ruth car to Trinidad. He is working on the La Puerta de Colorado project with Jay Cimino, CEO of the Phil Long Family of Dealerships. La Puerta de Colorado will feature a classic car museum displaying more than sixty vehicles from Mr. Shelton’s collection which includes a 1948 Lincoln Continental once owned by Babe Ruth. The first phase of the La Puerta project includes a gift shop, and a 50-room hotel. Later phases will include a brewery, a restaurant named for Hall of Fame pitcher Richard “Goose” Gossage of Colorado Springs, a sporting goods store, fishing clinics and a theatre and training center. It is estimated the project will provide a $75 million economic benefit for the city. If marijuana is sold in Trinidad Mr. Shelton may not want to invest in the community any longer. He owns a home here, stays in Trinidad often, and is considering spending his retirement years here. Mr. Shelton has strong moral convictions and doesn’t want to contribute to a community that is not considering local children when making important decisions. Many families with children say if marijuana is openly grown and sold in Trinidad they will leave. Trinidad is a small community; a preschool child knows what the neighbors are up to. Marijuana distribution will negatively impact the values, morals and safe environment that are Trinidad’s strongest selling points for young families. Producing and selling marijuana is a desperate attempt to add to the struggling economy but very few people will profit from it and we will lose more revenue when accomplished and upstanding citizens leave Trinidad. People with education and means will not have their children in environments of open drug use.

This submission is from Lonnie Shelton about the sell of marijuana in Trinidad. Is it really hard to decide?

Romero’s Liquors 1804 N Linden Ave, Trinidad, CO 719.846.8234

Most decisions in life are not as hard as we try to make them if we really want to make the right decision! This is one of those decisions!

Main Street Liquors 803 E Main St, Trinidad, CO 719.846.3525

This community is standing at a fork in the road and what makes it seem to be a difficult decision is this - people on one side are saying “if you go this way it will PRODUCE certain things in the community.” The people on the other side are saying “go this way and it will PRODUCE certain things”. The confusion is created

Trinidad Peaks Lounge 3130 Santa Fe Trail, Trinidad, CO 719.845.8400

because each side is saying it will produce the SAME thing! What are they promising? Jobs, economic growth, increases to the tax base, better health in the community and surrounding areas, support to the schools, new opportunities, new business growth and the list goes on and on… Who is telling the truth? Let us use a very simple and proven way of knowing! A couple thousand years ago was written a principle that said you will know a tree by the fruit it produces. Have you ever known of an apple tree to produce anything but apples? Have you ever known a locust tree to produce anything but thorns? It most certainly will not produce apples. History is one of our greatest teachers; there is no reason to not learn from it. We do not have to make the same mistake over and over! History has taught us that sustainable jobs, honesty, commitment to the good of all, strong healthy families, and good schools are some apples that are produced by healthy growing communities. You fill in the blanks of what has been produced by the drug culture. There are no apples produced except for the few who want to benefit at the expense of many! There is a group of people that serve on a very small council that are going to determine which road Trinidad goes down and the future of the town. It is really not a hard decision to make if you want to make the right one! What kind of trees do we want growing in Trinidad? I salute those on the council that already know the right fork in the road! Does making something legal make it right? Slavery used to be legal- how right was it?

If you want to ask us for advice or talk about a current issue in SoCO please send us an email at If you don’t like what we have to say submit your own comments and we’ll print them in the magazine or post them on Make sure you don’t use ugly or threatening language. This is a family magazine. Thank you,

Dawn & Shane

September Horoscopes Aries Perhaps until now you have believed that no matter

Libra Cultivate the ability to face any surprise with a smile.

Taurus It is time for new things. Your innermost desire to do

Pisces Scorpio You will achieve your goals, but you need to work for it. Opportunities are popping up as Mars is providing you Start by planning tasks and create a precise timetable

what you do, you are just unlucky, and nothing happens according to your wishes. If so, this month you will find out that you were wrong. It will be memorable as you pursue everything your heart desires. You will respond to challenges quickly, and find creative solutions. You will be able to stabilize your financial situation, to increase revenues and even realize profits from some risky investments. However, be careful.

something different, exciting, and romantic can come true this month. You are communicating easily and making your needs and desires known. This is a great month for you to relax and take a vacation. Enjoy the little things: smile for the good you’ve encountered and share every minute possible with your loved ones. The less you think about material things and devote more to the spiritual, the more prosperous you will become.

You will find it very useful and it gives good results. You will have many surprises this month. A well-deserved wave of abundance is coming your way. Other surprises are not likely to be labeled with absolute certainty as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Their effects will be known much later, so it’s pointless to worry now. Share fresh ideas that you have with relatives or colleagues that you can trust. They will help to bring some improvements in your daily routine.

with courage and discipline. You will be surprised with your favorable finances this month. You will receive revenue from various sources. Maybe someone will return an old loan, it is possible to receive an award for good work, or even to win some money gambling. Try to control your enthusiasm to spend any income as soon as you receive it. Be frugal.

Aquarius The question of how to relax will gain importance

this month. While your work ethic inspires others, you need to take time to find a quiet spot, indulge in favorite activities, and to immerse yourself in activities with friends. Be honest with yourself about romantic troubles, you may have to make an intuitive decision. If you have pushed the romance in the background it is time to pay attention to it again. Find some good friends for adventure, you will not be disappointed.

for everything. Allocate your time objectively. You should not miss any important meeting this week, because things will be interconnected. You will communicate well as you are projecting a vibe of happiness and harmony. People will listen to you, and you need to listen to others. Do not give up in difficult times, you can rely on yourself. You can do it.

Sagittarius Gemini The best orientation for you this month is intellectual You can’t complain that your life is boring this month. and mental activities. Stretch your limits and challenge Something is continually happening that is interesting and noteworthy both in private and public aspects of your life. It is likely that you will move forward in your career. Ascertain the facts objectively and believe in yourself. Your ability to respond appropriately in all circumstances will help you a lot. Unleash your unique talents. You will be able to arrange a long-term deal or sign a long-term contract. Do not hesitate.

your brilliant mind. You have your reasons to depend on logic and analytical ability, but it will be difficult to deal with several issues simultaneously without losing concentration. The wonderful combination of sociability, resourcefulness and wit will open doors that previously seemed insurmountable.

Cancer Your ability to progress is due to your diligence and

Everyone you meet falls under your spell. The days will be filled with so many activities, experiences, and commitments that the days will fly away like autumn leaves. Your difficult job and busy schedule will not darken your mood, because you will have the opportunity to have fun, and this will balance your energy level and restore you quickly. Be sure to get enough sleep.

responsible attitude towards your work, not that “your path is paved with roses.” This month you will make much more progress than usual with much less effort. You need to create your own luck. Do not give rise to doubts in your mind. Do not slow down. You have enough talent to show it off with pride. Do not miss the chance to do so. Romance is waiting around the corner.

Capricorn This month your self-esteem is through the roof.

Leo Work, work, and more work is swirling around your

head. September is an awesome month, your self-confidence is at an all-time high, but take time for home, family, relatives and friends. It is time to be aware that your life forces are not infinite and to think of yourself as a human being and not as just a source of ideas and energy. Try to be calmer, more consensual, and have more confidence in the initiatives of others . Watch and observe, rather than managing the processes.

Virgo There’s a lot to be happy about, and this month the

universe will grant you smooth sailing. It is likely that you will take a few short trips. Work will not interfere with your plans, you will not need to rearrange your schedule for unpleasant tasks. You will be able to alternate work with rest and actually have time for your own thoughts. You are gifted with communication skills that will lead you to golden adventures and opportunities in the year ahead.

Get Your Daily Horoscope at



Paw News Signs Your Pet is Depressed By Ellie Nenova

We often say that animals are like people. They feel joy, sorrow, love and a range of other emotions. Sometimes we forget to pay enough attention to our pets. Feeding them and brief moments of interaction is not enough. Dogs and cats can experience depression. Signs of depression are changes in eating habits, destruction of property, listlessness and any behavior that seems out of character for your pet. Typically, dogs and cats in depression eat less than usual and drink less water. Sometimes they stop eating completely. When you are bored, lonely or sad you don’t act like yourself. When your pet experiences these same feelings it doesn’t behave normally either.

all the time. A dog will move its tails less enthusiastically and may even tuck the tail down between its legs. If your pet is hiding under the bed, in the closet or another secluded spot something may be making your pet fell like it needs to remain hidden. It is possible a person or animal newly introduced into your pet’s environment is making it feel unsafe. Sometimes pets like privacy but you can tell the difference easily. If your pet is suffering it will not eat well, engage you, or come out of hiding. Pets that want privacy hide for a while, sometimes hours, and then bounce back to being social and energetic. Constant whining, howling or meowing means your pet desperately needs your attention. It may need to go outside or have the litter box cleaned, it may want food, or it may be demanding the attention it feels you are withholding. Pay attention to your little friends. They love you unconditionally and depend on you completely.

Your pet can become upset with you. A major sign that your animal is angry or upset is urinating or defecating on beds, shoes, or anything the pet perceives as “yours.” Don’t scold your pet. It will make things worse. Try to pay more attention to the animal and when it looks like it may have an ‘intentional” accident take it to the litter box or special spot in the yard. The more loving you are to your pet the sooner it will stop the terrible behavior. Loss of interest and decreased activity should be monitored. If your pet is usually active, playful, and loves to go for walks but suddenly just lies around with no energy you know something is wrong. Some pets begin to sleep


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Did you hear about the NEW Around SoCO App!







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REI 1376 E Woodmen Rd. Colorado Springs , CO 80920 719.260.1455 |

Karaoke Bar 3768 Astrozon Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80910 719.390.8824

Tabeguache Steak House & Winebar 407 E Us Highway 24, Woodland Park, CO 80863 719.687.8536

Club Q 3430 N Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80917 719.570.1429 |

Sushi O Sushi 3643 Star Ranch Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.576.9830

SoDo Nightclub 527 S Tejon St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.314.0420

Cheyenne Mountain Resort 3225 Broadmoor Valley Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.538.4000 | 800.588.0250

Zodiac Venue 930 Pueblo Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719.632.5059 |

Sound and Cinema 1237 W. Elegante Ct, Pueblo, CO 81007 .719.240.2606 Mobile Record Shredders 205 N. Elizabeth Suite 120, Pueblo, CO 81008 719.544.5460

To Lamar

Bent’s Old Fort


Damon Runyon Theatre 611 N. Main St, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.564.0579

John Martin Reservoir

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Comanche National Grasslands


Sunset Inn 2808 Thatcher Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005 719.564.9841 Big Daddy’s Sunset Bowl 1227 S. Prairie Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005 719.561.8570 Angelo's Pizza Parlor And-a-More' 105 East Riverwalk, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.845.9999 Sisters' Courtyard 517 W. 5th Street Ste. 101, Pueblo, CO 81003 719.543.1947 Holiday Inn Express & Suites 4530 Dillon Drive, Pueblo, CO 81008 719.542.8888

Commercial St. Salon & Day Spa 257 N. Commercial Street, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.6610

Phil Long Toyota 3019 Toupal Drive, Trinidad, CO 81082 877.600.5942

Corner Shop & Cafe 101 E Main St, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.9999

Redwing Electric Inc. 225 E. Goddard Avenue, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.1716

Griego Insurance Agency (GIA) 300 N. Commercial st. Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.9871

Rino's Italian Restaurant 400 E Main St, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0949

Wendy’s I-25 Exit 11, Trinidad, CO 81081 719.845.9143

Royse Ranch Bed & Breakfast 10,000 County Road 43.6, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.845.0353 , 806.662.0113

New Image Advanced Dental 417 University St. Suite 1, Trinidad, CO 81082 877.721.2001

TLAC Economic Development 134 W. Main St, Trinidad, CO 81082 719.846.9412

Featured Businesses




PS I Love You Flowers & Gifts 2918 N. Elizabeth St, Pueblo, CO 81008 719.542.5408

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Myxed Up Creations 217 W. Northern Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81004 719.404.3030

Phil Long Ford Motor City 1212 Motor City Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80905 888.524.1984 |

Featured Businesses

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The Dinner Detective At Antlers Hilton 4 S Cascade Ave.,Colorado Springs, CO 80903 888.575.3884

Featured Businesses


Air in Motion By Ellie Nenova

Wind is air in motion. It is caused by the sun heating the earth’s surface unevenly. The earth consists of many different types of land and water that absorb the sun’s heat to varying degrees. During the day the air above the land is heated faster than the air above water. The warm air over land expands and rises in height while heavier, cooler air rushes in to take its place, creating wind. During the night winds are reversed because the air over land cools faster than air over water. In the same way, the large atmospheric winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the equator is heated more by the sun than the land located near the North and South Poles.

It’s All about the Customers

Trinidad Sears Hometown Store Receives National Honor for Outstanding Customer Service The Sears Hometown Store of Trinidad, Colorado, has been named a 2013 recipient of the honor of “Sears Hometown Premier Store”. This award recognizes Sears Hometown Stores across the country that consistently offer the highest levels of customer service, outstanding store performance and standards. The Trinidad store was one of only 442 locations throughout the U.S. to receive this national recognition for this past Quarter.

Since ancient times people have used wind energy. More than 5000 years ago the Egyptians used wind to sail ships on the Nile River. Later, people built windmills to grind wheat and other grains. The earliest known windmills were in Persia and looked like large paddle wheels. Centuries later, the people of Holland improved the windmills design by adding blades similar to propellers. The first colonists in American are thought to have used windmills to grind wheat and corn, to pump water and to cut wood at sawmills. In 1920, Americans started using smaller windmills to generate electricity in rural areas without electric service. In 1930, power lines began to transport electricity to rural areas and local windmills were used less and less.

“To be honored as a Premier Store is a great achievement not only for our store, but also for the community we strive to serve every day,” said Josie Rael and Cindy Rael, co-owners and operators of the Sears Hometown Store in Trinidad. “We could not have earned this without the support of our community, and we want to thank our customers for shopping with us throughout the year.”

Today there is a “wind farm” just outside of Walsenburg in Southern Colorado. New Centennial Power, LLC established the Huerfano River Wind Project. The project is five 2MW wind turbines aligned with each other to create a farm that generates 10MW and 27,487mWh annually. The turbines transform the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy that can generate electricity for consumer use or be sold to utility companies. The Huerfano River Wind Project is the first community wind project that enables Colorado residents to take advantage of federal and state incentives providing greater returns on investments in renewable energy. San Isabel Electric Association has an offtake agreement with New Centennial Power, LLC to purchase electrical energy generated by the wind farm. The project will lower energy costs for Huerfano County and offset about 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.

“We are thrilled to designate Josephine Rael and Cynthia Mitchell and the Sears Hometown Store of Trinidad as a Premier Store, as a testament to the hard work and dedication shown each and every day to support the community,” said Will Powell, Senior Vice President / COO of Sears Hometown Stores and Outlet Stores, Inc. “We are committed to continually assisting Hometown Stores and their communities, so that customers everywhere can shop closer to home and enjoy the quality and value found at Sears.”

Only 49 percent of Sears Hometown Stores receive this prestigious award for this past Quarter, and this year, each store receiving Premier Store status will be given the opportunity to participate in special events along with other Premier Stores.

Sears Hometown Stores are a unique retailing concept; they combine the value, selection and services associated with larger retail stores but are owned and operated by a member of the local community. Sears Hometown Stores provide exceptional customer service along with a wide assortment of appliances, tools, electronics, fitness equipment and lawn & garden merchandise. In addition, Sears Hometown Store associates can order anything from the entire selection of merchandise offered by Sears Holdings including apparel, footwear, jewelry and much more for the customer. This unique format allows customers in small communities to have access to the great products and brands usually found only in Sears’s stores. To learn more about Sears Hometown Stores, visit the Sears Hometown Store of Trinidad, at 2128 Freedom Road or

Sears Hometown Store 3858

39 31

Josie and Cindy Rael, Co-Owners 2128 Freedom Rd. Trinidad, CO 81082 phone 719-846-1400 719-846-2011 fax


Hospice - When Choice matters… By Kathy M. Bueno, RN -Branch Administrator -Trinidad -Vice President of Compliance & Licensure Sangre de Cristo Hospice & Palliative Care Hospice- A word that can instill images and fear in the minds of those who read it. Why? Often those who see the word hospice have a picture of a loved one lying in a bed, without food or water- just being left to die. With these types of images also comes the idea that hospice “kills” or “hurries along” the dying process by starving, or over medicating the patients. Sometimes the picture is that of a place where a person is taken to die, which discourages physicians and families from referring patients to hospice because it is just “too soon”. In reality, the majority of families who respond to surveys sent out by hospices, report family members stating “I wish we would have signed up sooner.” Studies show that the majority of hospice patients live on average 90 days longer than those who don’t seek out hospice services. Why would this be? Well, hospice services treat the patient and the distressing symptoms that they are experiencing that make life so unbearable. When symptoms of pain, nausea, anxiety, agitation, emotional and spiritual pain are addressed, then the person is able to relax and enjoy whatever time is left. We can all relate to how much more we enjoy our days when we are “feeling good” as opposed to feeling “sick”. Another important reason, is that Hospice patients don’t have to be “home bound”. The mission of hospice is to make people feel as good as possible so they can enjoy the time they have left, however long that is. We want them to be able to “live a normal life” and do the things they want to do for as long as possible. If someone wants to go fishing, we make every attempt to get them to the point that they can do that at least one more time. We have had patients who want to see the colors change, or spend some time on a boat fishing, and with excellent symptom management, we have been able to make that happen. Hospice is about “living life with the highest quality possible for whatever time you have left.” It really isn’t about dying at all. Yes the patients on hospice have a terminal illness that is going to most likely take their life, but we can make living with that knowledge a more pleasant, and comfortable experience for the patient and the family if we are invited in sooner. How do we know it is time for hospice? Well no one has a crystal ball to give an exact expected time of death, we go by medical guidelines, and if the disease should take its normal course, the person would perhaps die in 6 months or less, however, many patients can go well beyond those six months with good symptom management. They will continue to decline in abilities, as we are not “healing, or curing” the disease, but we are making living with the condition tolerable. Patients are re-evaluated at timed certification periods that allow the clinical staff to make educated decisions

on the continued service with notable decline. The patient and family members are kept updated with any changes in condition, and we do our best to notify you if we expect a major change to occur, again, we are not gifted with a crystal ball, but we have the expertise and training to make the best possible judgments when death will possibly occur. We also have opportunities to inform patients and families that the prognosis (outcome) has been extended and the patient is no longer hospice appropriate. It is a feeling of mixed emotions for the staff and the patient/family when we tell them that they are not declining, and those we have to make arrangements for them to be discharged…. We know they may be back on service at a later time, but the fact that they have grown stronger and healthier is a great feeling for the staff that does this work. Imagine being the patient that is told you have about 6 months left to live then after some hospice services you are told, you are no longer appropriate for hospice, you are too healthy! New outlook, new freedom, what a blessing! It doesn’t happen a lot, but it does happen, and we are glad to share the news. Hospice is not just there for the patient but for the family. We provide support, education and training for the family tending to the patient. We understand that this may all be new to the person who is suddenly thrown into the caregiver role. We also understand the multiple levels of grieving that go on, for instance, the anticipatory grief of losing a loved one, or the sudden loss of freedom that being a caregiver can cause some grief, that is when our counselors can step in and provide some support, understanding and coping mechanisms that will assist with the feelings of grief one may be experiencing. Sangre de Cristo Hospice offers groups, individual counseling and resources for anyone suffering with the feelings listed above. If you or someone you know is experiencing grief related to the death of a loved one, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and see if we can help. For more information visit or call 719.846.5940.

SoCOol for Kids 2013 Historical Ghost Walk A STORYTELLING OF PUEBLO’S PAST

September 27th & 28th and October 4th & 5th 5:30 P.M to 8:30 P.M. Walking tours leave every 15 minutes from El Pueblo History Museum Cost: $8 per person Advance tickets available at the YWCA, El Pueblo History Museum and Southeastern Colorado Heritage Center Children 5 years of age and under accompanied by an adult – free. Pueblo Domestic Violence Task Force eliminating racism empowering women ywca _____________________________________________

City Parks To engage curious kids the best activities involve the outdoors — lakes, ponds, and, conservation areas and trails offer the opportunity to explore rocks, bugs, birds, and plants and use up some of that boundless kid energy! Summer is a great time to explore parks in your area: Colorado Springs America the Beautiful Park Memorial Park Monument Valley Park Quail Lake Park Rampart Park Wilson Ranch Park Pueblo Arkansas River Kayak Course City Park Lake Minnequa Park Mineral Palace Rose Gardens Pueblo Riverwalk Trinidad Central Park Kit Carson Park Round Up Park Southside Park Trinidad Riverwalk


Let’s get ready to rumble into fall… By Sophie Leone of SRG’s Landscaping Supply

It is that beautiful time of year when the colors of the leaves change from green to red, orange or yellow! The air is crisp in the mornings and the temperature perfect in the afternoons. Here is a checklist of the essentials for this time of year. September is time to winterize your lawn. Pay a little extra attention to the lawn now by applying a winter fertilizer and Huma Balance for the soil, and spray once more for weeds. This will ensure a healthy quick start with fewer weeds next spring. You may also want to divide any bulbous plants and replant them. Also plant any spring bulbs for next spring’s show of flowers. Our first frost will probably be this month, so make sure to drain delicate fountains and all pumps and put them away for the winter so the hard frosts don’t damage them. If possible cover or store your fountains away for the winter as our extreme temperatures are very hard on any surface.

You can extend your annual and perennial flower show and your warm weather vegetable crop production by a few weeks if you cover plants at night with frost protection fleece or even old sheets or light blankets if there is a frost warning. Remember to keep watering if we don’t get adequate rain this month. Watering in the morning rather than evening keeps the soil warmer at night. This too will extend your gardening season as the soil must stay warm for the plants to keep growing. Wait until leaves fall from trees and shrubs to prune those that require fall pruning (i.e. ones that flower on new growth in spring). After perennials die back, you should cut off all dead leaves so no pests can overwinter in them. It is always a good time to mulch around your perennials if you haven’t already as this will give your plants extra protection from the cold winds and help keep the moisture in the soil. If you find yourself a little let down at this time of year just come to one of our miniature gardening classes this September and you will have Spring last all winter long! Check our Facebook page “SRG’s Landscaping Supply” for class times. www.

Fresh Air


We’re Here to Help Phil Long Toyota of Trinidad Service Department “We are always going to put the community first and foremost because our roots are here, Phil Long’s roots are here. We’re going to put everything we have into providing the best service for Trinidad.” - Joe Camarillo, Service Manager at Phil Long Toyota Joe and Lisa Camarillo relocated to Trinidad from Albuquerque, New Mexico about 6 months ago to become part of the Phil Long Family of Dealerships. Initially, Joe worked as the buyer’s agent for Phil Long Toyota of Trinidad and Lisa became the general manager. Recently Joe took over management of the service department. He explained, “I am still a buyer’s agent, I continue helping with that area of sales but now my priority is making sure the service department is running the way it should. We’ve encountered some things that needed to be improved and we’re making those changes.” It is vital to have your vehicle regularly serviced. If your car was purchased outside Trinidad it can be hard to set aside an entire day to go to the dealership for service with major cities being more than 90 miles away. Phil Long Toyota can provide those services on any vehicle. Joe explains, “We want people to feel comfortable that no matter where they purchased their vehicle they can come here and have it serviced. They don’t have to leave Trinidad. We can do regular maintenance for any make or model of vehicle right here in town. In some cases warranty work can be done with manufacturer approval.” When a vehicle requires a service or repair that is an out of pocket cost sometimes individuals postpone it. “Getting your car worked on is never fun because you’re spending money. People are very conscious of that. Brakes, steering and alignment are important. People look at their tires and decide to wait on replacing them. These are all safety issues, they really need to be addressed. There are people who can’t afford to fix the problem and they take their chances. One thing I really like about working here is that we are really trying to help,” stated Shannon Henderson, of the service department. Phil Long Toyota is helping customers in a big way. Joe explains, “We are working with one of the local credit unions and they’re extending an instant credit for any service, I believe it’s up to $1,500, and in some cases it could be more. Many vehicle issues occur quickly and need to be addressed immediately. If a customer doesn’t have the money available we can help them. We can setup an instant credit so they can have the work done and not have to worry about an out of pocket expense right away.” Joe talks about his vision for the service department, “I’d like to provide Trinidad with a place where people can feel comfortable having their vehicles serviced. Make sure their needs are met. In many cases if they can’t make it in they can call us and we go pickup their vehicle, bring it in and service it. There is no extra charge for us to go get the vehicle. When a vehicle has to be towed we work with the customer because most people have roadside assistance of some type with the vehicle purchase or through their auto insurance. We do our best to find a way to cover that expense. We want to help the customers any way we can.” “People are seeing that we’re here to help and we want to be a part of everything. We work with a local credit

union to get lines of credit for repairs in the service department. The service specials are doing awesome. I think business should pick up even more because I think the word’s getting out that we’re here to help. This community has a lot of potential and I think we are a big part of that. I’m just so excited to see what’s going to come in the future. I think good things are going to happen and I’m excited to be a part of that,” - Kylie Armstrong, service advisor/service writer at Phil Long Toyota. The Service Department at Phil Long Toyota has daily service specials that are the same every week and weekly service specials that are always changing. They’re also giving FREE car washes every time the Broncos win!


HEALTHY LIVING Got Polyps? Leo Bonfadini, D. Min., DCSW, Lt. Col. USAF (retired) Mt. Carmel Health, Wellness and Community Center What? Did I just ask you about whether or not you have polyps? Heck, most people don’t even know what polyps are. Specifically, I am talking about colon polyps. So, let me explain. Colon polyps are a small clump of cells that form on the lining of your colon. I’m sure you know what a colon is. Just in case let me tell you. The colon is the last part of your digestive system. It’s the final residence of our body’s solid waste. So when the question is asked, “Got Polyps?” you fully know in your body to what I am referring. Now, here’s the fact we all must consider. Colon cancer occurs when these colon polyps start to grow abnormally. Anyone, ANYONE can develop colon polyps, even the Pope. Not that we’ll ever know. Now, not all polyps develop into cancer, but nearly all colon cancer comes from polyps. Here is another fact you need to know. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the USA. And, Colon Cancer is PREVENTABLE. Talk to your medical provider. Your personal risks will vary. You’re at higher risk if you’re over 50. 1 in 3 people over 65

Benefits of Integrating Yoga and Massage Therapy By Gina Ojeda

Many people are aware that the benefits of yoga and massage therapy are phenomenal. Clients who practice yoga are usually fond of massage therapy as well. Integrating yoga with massage therapy is a profound experience that everyone should encounter. I am a yoga instructor, certified with the yoga alliance. I graduated from AAAI and ISMA Yoga Certification Phase 1 and 2 in 2010. I then attended the 200 hour Sacred Hot Yoga Method training and graduated in April of 2011. I am also a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT # 7585). I graduated from Crystal Mountain School of Therapeutic Massage. I enjoy working on athletes, incorporating stretching and deep myofascial work. I also love working with pregnant soon to be mothers as well as geriatric clients, using a gentle, yet nurturing touch. Yoga is an ancient healing art that can be used to treat physical or emotional tension and pain, encourage spiritual well-being, bring awareness to the breath and the body, and aid in general relaxation. The Sacred Hot Yoga Method combines physical workout with spirituality, focusing on the body’s alignment, breath, and energy flow. By setting an intention and creating affirmation, one will be able to direct the life force generated by postures, ultimately creating healing and happiness. Massage as a healing tool, has been around for thousands of years in many cultures. Touching is a natural

has a colon polyp. In Trinidad, that’s more than just a few of us. In fact the other night I was sitting in a local bar and I became a little obsessed about how many colon polyps were having a beer with me. Yes, I do have better things to do. Not too many people contemplate such matters. Perhaps, if you’re a colorectal surgeon you might be similarly entertained. You’re even at a higher risk if you’re overweight and/ or a smoker, eat a high-fat, low-fiber diet, and have a family history of colon polyps or colon cancer. There are NO exceptions. Talk to your medical provider. You need to be proactive. Your medical provider can inform you about regular screening. Keep in mind that colon polyps don’t cause symptoms. Regular screening for polyps that are found in the early stages can be easily, safely and completely removed. Colonoscopies are the primary test for colon polyps and most polyps can be removed during the same procedure. Finally, remember that the second major cause of death in the USA is colon cancer. This is a cancer that, as I said, is essentially preventable. Don’t put it off. TALK TO YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER. Take responsibility. Be proactive. Be well and live well.

human reaction to pain and stress, and for conveying compassion and support. Massage is a perfect elixir for good health, but it can also provide an integration of body and mind. By producing a meditative state or heightened awareness of living in the present moment, massage can provide emotional and spiritual balance, bringing with it true relaxation and peace. In an age of technical and at times impersonal medicine, massage offers a drug-free, non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. So what exactly are the benefits of practicing yoga and receiving regular massages and/or bodywork treatments: Studies have found that yoga increases flexibility, balance, strength, stamina and endurance and systematically stretches and strengthens muscles throughout your body. Massage is helpful for: stress relief, managing anxiety and depression, releases endorphins, relieving pain, reducing stiffness, blood pressure control, sports related injuries, boosting immunity, cancer treatments, and increased joint flexibility. I will offer private sessions integrating yoga and massage therapy. The private consists of setting goals and intentions and physically learning how to perform the asanas using the correct alignment, as well as utilizing hands on adjustments. We will explore the anatomy of your body and discover any postural, skeletal or muscular issues. After the muscles are lengthened and warmed up, the massage will begin, incorporating aromatherapy and your choice of any specific modality (deep tissue, polarity, sports, etc.). We will focus on creating relaxation, balance, flexibility, strength, vitality and BLISS in your practice and body. You don’t have to be able to twist into a pretzel, just come in with an open mind and open heart willing to learn the healing attributes of yoga and massage. Yoga and massage therapy is not only my passion, but I feel it is my destiny to assist in the evolution of our consciousness. My goal is to help my students tune

into their breath and find the joy of being alive in their bodies. I feel it is my duty to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of physical and energetic anatomy to aid my students and clients in becoming more aware of the body and the subtle energy that flows through the body with the use affirmations, visualizations, and meditation. I am eager to share my passion and love for yoga and bodywork with the world. I am determined to help my clients heal and renew their bodies and mind as well as assist them in bringing peace and clarity into their lives.

Pricing: • 1 hour session25 minute-yoga//35 minute massage $60 • 1 ½ hour session40 minute-yoga//50 minute massage $80 • 2 hour session60 minute- yoga//60 minute massage $100 Call Gina to schedule a healing private session integrating yoga and massage at 719.422.3899 or check out for more details.



Winning Films in the Can By Daniel Leonetti

The winning films are in the can. And there are some gems. “We have some really good films,” said Julie Loudon, co-director of the upcoming Trindiefest Film Festival slated for September 12-15 in historic and beautiful Trinidad, Colo. “We expanded in genres as well,” she said, “to include horror, live action and animated short films. We believe we have some great diversity in this year’s showcase.” The second annual Trindiefest will introduce audiences to 18 feature films in the categories of drama, comedy, thriller, and horror. In addition, the festival will include five winning documentary films, seven live action shorts and one animated short film. “Some of our shorts are the best ones of all,” Loudon said. Mon Ami, a horror/comedy in the same vein as Shawn of the Dead but without the zombies, has created some ripples in this year’s batch of submissions. And Trinidad’s Ron Vigil bucked enormous odds to qualify his film, Manhattan Crack’r, into the finals as a feature film.

Trindiefest has grown in the span of one year, increasing the prize winning films from 14 in 2012 to 26 in 2013. With the increase in film submissions and winners, Trindiefest needed to garnish more space to showcase the winning films. The Trindiefest venues have doubled from three to six, including a showing of a mini-festival in Raton, N.M. at the historic El Raton Theatre in an effort to draw in the artistic crowds from Raton, Taos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque. “The Raton Chamber has been very helpful with our film festival,” Loudon said, where El Raton will host four time slots with seven feature films and shorts on Friday, September 13, and on Saturday, September 14. “We’re totally excited about the film festival coming to our town,” said Raton Chamber of Commerce Director Christina Boyce. “It’s a wonderful thing for the communities of Raton and Trinidad. I was interested in the festival last year as a citizen. I’m looking forward to see how it goes and working with this year’s venue. We’re in the planning stages of having our own reception at the El Raton and anxious to see what guest speakers we can get for the Raton showing.” In a co-op merging of artistic minds, Trindiefest will also showcase films at the Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre at 131 W. Main Street as a location convenient to attendees of the film festival. Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre already had most of the equipment needed, beyond a sufficient movie screen, to host such an event. The other venue for films will be featured at Trinidad State Junior College. One of the most anticipated events of the film festival is slated for 7 p.m. at Mullare Murphy Funeral Home on Friday, September 13. Don Shanks, the actor and stunt coordinator, will be guest speaker for the one-day horror theme of the festival. Shanks widely known for his role of Michael Myers in Halloween 5 and as the infamous Ben Willis, the serial killer in “I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer,” will speak on his iconic horror film roles and his expertise as a stuntman and coordinator in Hollywood. Shanks is of Cherokee and Choctaw descent and was a major character in the television series: “The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams.” All attendees in horror dress will receive a Trindiefest Horror Tee-Shirt.

A special guest of honor will be Donald Zuckerman, the Colorado Film Commisioner, who will speak on feature filmmaking—from screenplay to casting—financing, production and finally film distribution. A question and answer segment will follow his presentation on Saturday, September 14 at 10:30 a.m. A film is impossible without a screenplay. Trindiefest will honor 15 screenplay winners in five genres at the Awards Dinner at Purgatorie on Elm on Sunday, September 15. All winning screenplays will be vying for the Best of Show Award. As an added bonus, local actors will perform excerpts from works of the Screenplay Finalists. The excerpts will be filmed and viewed during the festival to help screenwriters gain recognition for their winning works. For the complete schedule visit uploads/2013/09/2013-Festival-Schedule.pdf

Celebrating Patriotism By Michelle Kinder

The Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated patriotism and honored America’s brave soldiers with wounded veteran turned celebrity speaker and author, Brian Fleming, on Saturday, August 3. At 28 years of age, Fleming retired from the service after being blown up twice in Afghanistan while on tour with the 10th Mountain Brigade. The second attempt left him severely burned after a suicide bomber exploded a minivan beside Fleming as he passed within three feet in his Humvee. Fleming survived a half hour ordeal of having his burned skin removed with razors under no anesthetics by the medical crew. Having survived, Fleming discovered a calling finding healing through helping others. Fleming shared the way a soldier prepares for deployment, even comparing the feelings the night before to “a man on his way to the gas chamber.” He acknowledged how most enlist voluntarily, but yet at that moment know there is no escape from the mission. During his first tour, Fleming’s Humvee drove over a landmine. Luckily, Fleming and the other soldiers traveling with him survived with minor injuries. Instead of avoiding harm, Fleming volunteered to transfer from infantry to explosives. On his way a suicide bomber stopped beside the passenger side of the Humvee where Fleming sat. He credits the military medics with saving his life and his wife for never leaving his side on his road to recovery. His mentor en-

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couraged Fleming to share his experience with others. Fleming mentioned the positive response of audience members, including one woman who stated awareness of Fleming overcoming his struggles let her know she would overcome her own that paled in comparison. Talking about how he overcame his own battles helped Fleming.

mission of the organization to inform, educate, preserve, and honor the nation’s soldiers, American heritage, and the country’s freedoms. Fleming remained a perfect example of the soldiers who risk their lives daily to protect the country’s liberties and yet survived to inspire hope in those he encounters.

Now with a new book released entitled “Redeployed” Fleming encouraged the audience to assist others dealing with difficult circumstances. As part of Fleming’s project, the books he sells are not reflections of profits. Instead Fleming takes the purchases as a donation to provide the books to the veterans he encounters while on tour for no charge.

The DAR event committee, Patty Kinder, Pam Russell, Michelle Kinder, and Lori Mann, worked for two months collecting donations and preparing the event for the public. It was Patty Kinder’s enthusiasm and passion after reading a magazine article about Fleming’s efforts that spearheaded the committee’s mission. Fleming told the committee he loved the town’s energy and would love to return.

With a good turnout the Daughters of the American Revolution believed Fleming’s presentation spread the

For more information on Fleming and his cause, please visit

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Try It, You Might Like It Domonique Quintana of Trinidad is Running for Miss Colorado Teen USA

By E.R.A. McCarthey

“Try everything because you never know what you’re going to be good at,” is Domonique Quintana’s philosophy. She is only 15 but has a calm maturity and open-mind that help her accomplish anything she sets out to do. Domonique credits her mother, Shantell, for her adventurous spirit. “The biggest influence in my life is my mom. She pushes me to do things I don’t want to do and then I end up liking it. She wants me to try new things and if I don’t like it she tells me to wait and see if I do.” Domonique is running for Miss Colorado Teen USA. “I never thought I’d be in a pageant but once I tried it I realized that it’s something I like. It fits me,” Domonique said with a smile. “My biggest reason for being in the pageant is to show myself I can do it, gain confidence I never thought I’d be able to have. To meet new people and have that experience. If someone wants to try being in a pageant they should know that they don’t just judge you on how you look, it’s also about how you act and what you do,” she added. Domonique described the pageant workshop, “They showed you how to walk, how you should do your makeup. They talked about everything you need to know for the pageant and different tips. I met contestants there, some were from Trinidad. I met Miss Colorado, Amanda Wiley, she was there and she was really nice. After the workshop I went back and I asked her

and Miss Teen Colorado, Chloe Brown, if I could have their autographs and they gave me a little autograph card and signed it for me. I was really happy. The most important tip I learned was during the interview not to just give quick answers. You need to give them background stories to help them get to know you more.” Pageant judges consider grades and involvement in school activities when scoring contestants. Domonique does her best in school and maintains a 4.0. She explains, “I’ve never gotten anything except As. My favorite subject is English because I like to write stories. I played volleyball since third grade but this year I switched to cheerleading, I play soccer, I’m involved with student council and key club. In student council we organize all the events for the school. For the super bowl we put out chips and decorated the cafeteria. We give out cupcakes for holidays. Right now I’m a member of student council but I think next year I’m going to run for Treasurer.” Community involvement is very important when running in a pageant. Domonique talked about what she likes to do, “Outside of school I enjoy spending time with little kids and seniors. Sometimes on holidays we go to the independent living home and have little activities with the seniors, like crafts. For spring we made little frogs and they liked it a lot. We go to the preschool sometimes and dress the preschooler girls up as princesses. It was nice to see how they felt prettier when they were princesses. For the Christmas Toy Drive my sister and I dressed up as elves and went with the Santa to houses that couldn’t afford presents for Christmas and we just took them little presents and handed them out with candy canes. The one I remember most was a house that had a bunch of kids running around and they were all screaming because Santa was there. They were so excited and it felt good to see them so excited.” Domonique shared her future career plans, “I’m not sure what I want to do as a career but I think something in law. I enjoyed civics and I’m really good at it so I want to go to law school.” Anyone that’s had the pleasure of meeting this young lady knows that she will be successful at anything she puts her heart into. She works hard at school, reaches out to the community, and enjoys helping others. Domonique would be a wonderful Miss Colorado Teen USA.

Miss Colorado Teen USA Pageant Location: Union Colony Civic Center 701 10th Avenue Greeley, CO 80631

Schedule: Saturday, October 26, 2013 7:30 PM Doors open to the general public 8:00 PM Miss Colorado USA & Miss Colorado Teen USA Pageant Preliminaries Sunday, October 27, 2013 3:30 PM Doors open to the general public 4:00 PM Miss Colorado USA & Miss Colorado Teen USA Pageant Finals For more information visit

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From 0 to over 100,000 readers in one year! Good ideas can only be great when you have amazing people behind you. The support we have received has allowed us to develop one of the largest internet presences in Southern Colorado that highlights some of the best SoCO has to offer and gives everyone an opportunity to be heard. We are just getting started with our vision and have BIG plans for this coming year. We are merging traditional communications with technology to bring our communities together and attract even more to our beautiful and colorful Southern Colorado. We look forward to continuing to bring you the very best in products and services available in our region. A special thank you, to all our readers, subscribers, advertisers, sponsors, writers, partners, family, friends and God for making this new publication and internet platform possible. We would also like to thank a few special people: David J. Santistevan Jr., Kathleen Donnelly, Ellie Nenova, Andrey Nenov, and Marty Hackett for your hard work and dedication to us. Shantell, Samantha, and Sue Quintana, for all of your help, support, and friendship. Frank and Toots Leone, you have supported us from day one and gave us an opportunity to show what we can do. Liz Torres and family, you have supported and promoted us so much. Yolanda and Mike Romero, you have been great friends and supporters. Mayor Bernadette Baca Gonzalez, thank you for all you do for the community. Jesse Manzaneres, Cristina and Paul Marques, Joe Cordova, Linda Velasquez and family, Kitsy Winter, Sandy Torres, Steven Kelly, Luanne Brannen, John, Steve and James Fernandez, Ed and Karen Griego, Frank and Harriet Vaugeois, Jim and Marsha Royce, Danial and Doc Leonetti, Franklin Azar, Lou Simpleman, Dr. Amy Wilson, Greg Boise, Norma Wiggens, JJ Rivera, Katrina L. McLaughlin, Paula Little, thank you for giving us a chance and being such great people. Our very first advertiser was Jay Cimino ‘s Phil Long dealerships and it continues to be one of our biggest supporters. Jamie Passarelli and Lisa Camarillo you and your teams ROCK! Without Robert and Elsie Martinez we would not be able to do all we do. Thank you for everything you do for us daily and for being the best role models and amazing grandparents to our Tora and Baby Jay! Our brothers and sisters, Robert, Matthew, and Carol, you are always there when we need you. May and John Donahue, you have been so good to us. Judy Tallwing McCarthey and David McCarthey, thank for all your support you have given us over the years. Now we can’t list everyone that has been good to us and our business, so please know that we are grateful for all of you.

Thank You and God Bless,

Jay and E.R.A.

Around SoCO

STOMP Matchboxes, brooms, garbage cans, Zippo lighters and more fill the stage with energizing beats at STOMP, the inventive and invigorating stage show that’s dance, music and theatrical performance blended together in one electrifying rhythm. Event Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:30 pm Onsale Date: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:00 am

Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Experience the Magic! Mannheim Steamroller Christmas by Chip Davis has been America’s favorite holiday celebration for over 25 years. Grammy Award winner Chip Davis has created a show that features the beloved Christmas music of Mannheim Steamroller along with dazzling multimedia effects performed in an intimate setting. The spirit of the season comes alive with the signature sound of Mannheim Steamroller. Don’t miss this ultimate holiday tradition from the #1 Christmas music artist in history! Event Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 7:30 pm Onsale Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 10:00 am

CIRQUE DREAMS: HOLIDAZE CIRQUE DREAMS HOLIDAZE is “so full of energy it could end our dependence on oil” according to the New York Daily News and “stuffed with so much holiday cheer and audacious acts, Scrooge would exit with a big ol’ smile on his face” proclaims the Erie Times News about this “Broadway-worthy spectacle”. Event Date: Monday, December 23, 2013 7:30 pm Onsale Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:00 am

ELVIS LIVES Elvis Lives is an unforgettable multi-media and live musical journey across Elvis’ life. His iconic style, embraced by many of today’s artists, continues to intrigue audiences of all generations. Featuring finalists from Elvis Presley Enterprises’ worldwide Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, as well as a tribute to Ann-Margret, audiences “Can’t Help Falling In Love”r with this phenomenal theatrical concert experience. Event Date: Monday, January 13, 2014 7:30 pm Onsale Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:00 am

Pueblo Memorial Hall 1 City Hall Place, Pueblo, CO 81003 1-888-813-BWAY

Experience the Phenomenon. BLUE MAN GROUP is best known for their wildly popular theatrical shows and concerts which combine comedy, music, and technology to produce a totally unique form of entertainment. The New York Times heralds the show as “One of the most delightful performance pieces ever staged.” E! Entertainment News exclaims, “BLUE MAN GROUP is what every live performance aspires to be.” The Baltimore Sun raves, “Blue Man Group packs a wallop. It’s a big, loud, funny, silly, visually arresting production!” Although it is impossible to describe, people of all ages agree that BLUE MAN GROUP is an intensely exciting and wildly outrageous show that leaves the entire audience in a blissful, euphoric state. With no spoken language, BLUE MAN GROUP is perfect for people of all ages, languages, and cultures. BLUE MAN GROUP is now on the road for its first U.S. theatrical tour. This unique experience is a form of entertainment like nothing else; guaranteed to be an outing you will never forget.

Event Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:30 pm Event Date: Friday, September 19, 2014 7:30 pm Onsale Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 10:00 am


New Trinidad State President: “I’m in this for the long haul” Courtesy of Trinidad State

The new president at Trinidad State Junior College has long had an appreciation for community colleges. So, for Dr. Carmen Simone, coming to Trinidad State is like coming home. She moved to Colorado in June from Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho where she served as provost for two years.

Chuck (Bohlen) started when he got here, and we have a seat on the board there and we’re going to continue that, obviously. I also attend economic development meetings in Trinidad. I believe economic development is integral to our mission at Trinidad State. Question: What’s your vision for Trinidad State? Answer: A lot of our students coming to a community college don’t necessarily know what they want to be when they grow up. It’s important that we give career paths, not only in academic transfers, so that students can start here and end up at a four-year institution and get a bachelor’s degree and go on and get to do whatever it is they want to do. But we also have to have two-year vocational programs for people who may not want to transfer but are looking for a job and they want to stay in the community. We need to have those pathways well established, too and it’s important that a college balance that. Because both of those facets are very different from one another and they’re both very important functions for a community college. Question: How are community colleges different from four-year institutions?

She grew up in a small town in western North Dakota and got a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry in Grand Forks. She then got a Ph.D. at CSU in Fort Collins. “When I got my Ph.D. and graduated,” said Simone, “I started looking for that first job and didn’t really know much about the community college system at all, I just happened to see a job open at Casper College in Casper, Wyoming. I really wanted to stay in Colorado, but couldn’t find a position at that point, so I thought, ‘Casper was close enough to Fort Collins, this is a nice fit,’ so I took that position.” She had taught chemistry at CSU while getting her doctorate and was able to continue teaching in Fort Collins in the summers for the next decade, while also teaching in Casper during the regular school year. Simone then moved into administration at Casper, first as a division chair, then as academic vice president. She worked at Casper for 18 years before moving on to Lewis-Clark. Simone is married and has two children. “My older son is named Tony and he is now 25 and he lives in Casper. He does environmental testing. My younger son is 11 and his name is Ed.” Question: What role does a community college play in its community? Answer: We have to have our ear to the ground listening to what the community needs and then we need to make that happen. We’re involved in economic development in Alamosa. It’s something that

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Answer: Community colleges are really good at connecting with the communities that they’re serving and they’re good at listening and being responsive to community needs. I’ve just found that four-year institutions have a little tougher time doing that and for me, that’s just where I needed to be. A place that welcomes all students, a place that reaches out and shows people what’s possible. It doesn’t sit back and wait for the students to come to them but actually helps people recognize the potential that’s out there for them and there are a lot of students that are afraid and don’t recognize what the future could hold and our job is to reach out and make those connections and help show them what’s possible. Question: Having two campuses more than a hundred miles apart certainly raises some challenges. Answer: Each of our campuses is going to grow in different ways because they are serving different communities and we need to recognize that and allow that to happen. They need to develop in a way their community needs them to and yet as they’re doing that, they need to work together to support one another and recognize that we are one college and we should have one vision, one goal as an institution. And I think that it’s possible to do that. Simone says she’s excited about the possibilities at Trinidad State. She says she sees great potential. “I’m thrilled to be a part of the TSJC family. I am very excited and looking forward to working to further the institution,” said Simone. “And still at the same time as we’re moving toward the future, recognizing the rich tradition we have as an institution. We’re the oldest community college in the state and we always will be and I think it’s exciting to be a part of that. I’d love to retire from here, someday. I think that the institution is at a point in their history where they need solid, stable, leadership. I want to give that to TSJC.” Watch the SoCO interview of Dr. Simone at

BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE A GREAT SUCCESS! The school supply drive recently held by The First National Bank in Trinidad was, once again, an overwhelming success! The thirteenth annual donation drive brought in over $2,500.00 in school supplies and cash donations, of which $1,000 was matched by The First National Bank. The $3,500.00 worth of supplies were distributed to ten schools in Las Animas County, which include Holy Trinity Academy, Grace Christian, Hoehne, Primero, Kim, Branson, Aguilar, Fisher’s Peak Elementary, Trinidad Junior and Senior High Schools. Each school received a percentage of the donated supplies based upon enrollment numbers; the teachers will then distribute them to the children who have a need. “We received many positive comments and notes of appreciation for the supplies that were donated over the past thirteen years,” says Bank Vice President, Chris Huffman. “It’s a project we decided to do to help the schools and children in the area, and it’s been very successful. The generosity shown by area businesses, organizations, and individuals has made this project a rewarding one for all involved.” A special ‘thank you’ was extended by the Bank to Jack Bearden from Ed R. Bearden – Insurors, Irene Sanchez, Shirley Donachy, Rick & Sue Lassiter of Lassiter Construction, Michael and Glenda Mayer McMaster, Emma Carnevale, Velma Piacentini, Michael and Adele Montoya, U.M.W.A. Local 6126 - Las Animas County, Frank and Sophie Leone of Leone Sand and Gravel, Darlene Gumz, Larry French, Trinidad Area School and Public Employees Retirement Association, Zac Vigil, Kimberly Schultz, Tom Beardslee, Sr., Raymond Gonzales, Comi Funderal Home, Purgatoire River Trading Company, Confederation Mutualista, Jon Mangino Insurance Agency, Pioneer Natural Resources, and many anonymous donors for their contributions. The First National Bank in Trinidad also held a similar drive at the Loan Production Office in Raton, and at the Huerfano County Branch in Walsenburg. The supplies collected at those locations are being distributed to schools within those communities. Photo Caption: Local students, Matthew DeAngelis and Carlee and Khayla Garrison, sort school supplies for delivery. Photo courtesy of First National Bank.


Baby Love At the young age of one, Belle Medina already has two little boys wrapped around her tiny fingers, and she doesn’t know which one to choose. One of the boys is a few months older than she, and the other is a week younger. Belle doesn’t know whether she prefers the more mature baby or the fun-loving younger man. This love story is between three babies who met through their parents. Belle’s dad, Derek, works with Keoni’s mom, Whitney, at the Commercial Street Salon, and Travis’ mom, Gianna, works next door at the candy store. This made the babies’ meeting inevitable, and due to the close knit work environment, the babies then grew close to one another, and from that spun the tangled web of the babies’ love story. The number one date spot for the babies is the I Love Sugar Candy and Sweet Shoppe. Every time Belle goes in, Liz Torres, (the boys’ grandma, and candy shop owner), is always trying to be a match maker between Belle and Travis. Belle doesn’t want to disappoint or lose out on all of the wonderful treats at the Candy Shoppe. But Belle just can’t make up her mind. Keoni Torres is the calm, quiet, laid-back type, which makes it hard for her to know what his true feelings are. Travis Aragon is the happy-go-lucky type, who is always more than excited to see her. Belle likes to be with both little boys, depending on her own mood that day. Sometimes she is feeling quiet

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and composed and other times she’s just in a funny, goofy baby mood. Another twist in the love triangle is that the two boys are cousins. Both boys truly have hearts of gold, making it more impossible for Belle to choose. If she could spend all her time with both of them without either getting jealous she would. Belle loves to spend her time playing with them so much she invited both boys to her birthday party, where both boys attended and took pictures with her! Keoni even stopped to take her for a ride on the baby bike. Little Belle, and her two gallant princes, have formed a strong bond and friendship that will hopefully last a long, long time.

The Story of Ludlow: September 1913 The Strike Begins By Kathleen Donnelly Beginning this month, in commemoration of the September 23, 1913 coal strike in Las Animas County, and leading up to the 100th anniversary of the Ludlow Massacre in April, Around SoCO will take you back to the dramatic events that were unfolding and that would culminate in the horrific massacre that occurred April 20, 1914, that ultimately brought meaningful reform to the working conditions and rights of laborers throughout the nation. One hundred years ago, a series of life and death events were unfolding in Trinidad, Walsenburg, and the scores of surrounding coal camps, where thousands of men toiled underground in dangerous gaseous mines, their families lived in poverty in company owned houses in fenced camps with menacing, armed guards. They came from twenty-one different ethnic backgrounds and were virtual prisoners, living like indentured servants. They had no voice, no power to change their bleak condition but they summoned the courage to protest and resist with the assistance and Herculean efforts of organizers for the United Mine Workers of America. The UMWA ran out of money and had to call off the strike a few weeks after the tragedy of the Ludlow Massacre, battles continued, and UMWA organizer John Lawson was unjustly imprisoned, but the struggle, and even the lives lost, had not been in vain. Eventually the efforts of the miners and the UMWA did result in winning the battle of public opinion. They established their right to share in the basic human rights granted by the Constitution of the United States, religious and political freedom, free speech, the right to assembly. Changes were made in the political system that had been so long manipulated and controlled by


the wealthy and powerful men and corporations from the East Coal miners in Colorado and other western states had been trying to join the union for several years. This was opposed by the coal operators, led by the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I) which was controlled by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In the months leading up to the strike, UMWA organizers, led by John R. Lawson, and the mine operators, coal company guards, and operatives played a deadly cat and mouse game. The UMWA began preparing for a strike, they leased land near the mouths of the mine canyons and bought tents to be used when miners were evicted. They prepared to provide shelter, clothing and medical care and pay cash benefits to any miner who was discharged for being a union member and for participating in the strike. The national union had $1 million on hand and pledged an additional $250,000 per month if needed. On September 15, the UMWA held a two day convention in Trinidad. Although the miners knew they would be discharged if they left camp to attend, and despite the vigilance of hundreds of guards, spies, and deputies, over 300 miners from the various camps made their way to the convention. Miners aired their grievances, including being cheated on the weight of the coal they dug, being paid in company scrip which was only worth ninety cents on the dollar and charged 25-40 % more for goods at company stores where they had to go to spend their scrip, the manipulation of coroners’ juries to find most miners’ deaths attributable to the miner himself in order to avoid death awards to widows and orphans, although most miners died by gas explosions, collapses and coal dust, working days longer than 8 hours as provided by Colorado State statute. One of the highlights of the convention was Mother Jones’ speech, “Rise up and strike! If you are too cowardly to fight for your rights there are enough women in this country to come in and beat hell out of you. If it is slavery or strike, I say strike until the last one of you

drop into your graves. Strike and stay with it as we did in West Virginia. We are going to stay here in Southern Colorado until the banner of industrial freedom floats over every coal mine. We are going to stand together and never surrender.” The UMWA called a strike to take effect Tuesday, September 23, 1913, with seven demands: recognition of the union as a bargaining agent; setting up a fair pay scale for wages; adhering to the eight-hour work day law; pay for all of the additional work required such as laying track and timbering, an independent check weigh man in each mine elected by the miners, to ensure fair weighing of the coal; the right to trade in any store and elimination of the use of scrip, enforcement of the Colorado mine safety rules and the abolition of the notorious and criminal guard system. September 23 was a miserable day, with freezing rain and blowing snow, as more than 12,000 miners with their families moved slowly through the mud in caravans of wagons from the canons to the tent cities that had been set up at the mouths of the canons. In cases where striking miners had not yet secured a wagon to transport their families and pitiful household goods, armed guards evicted them and threw their possessions into the muddy streets. Frightened and anxious, bedraggled, ragged and freezing families made their way out of the coal camps to what they could only hope would be a better life in the future. On television we see people in countries across the globe out in the streets, seeking prosperity and freedom, it strikes the imagination to realize that one hundred years ago, intrigue, danger, strife, demonstration, courage, infamy, cowardice, murder and massacre were happening right here. People were struggling for their lives in our own peaceful, sleepy little towns in southern Colorado. Next month: October 1913 Murder, Violence and The Death Special Source: Out of the Depths by Barron B. Beshoar


Colorado State Fair: Shaping the Future of Agriculture By John Salazar, Commissioner of Agriculture

Coloradans from across the state converged on Pueblo for the 141st Colorado State Fair. While the event provides a top notch carnival, national recording artists, and entertainment galore, don’t forget the true mission of the fair is based on agriculture and education. The Colorado State Fair is the centerpiece of our effort to educate the public on the importance of, not only the food system, but on the efforts of the entire agricultural community and the Colorado Department of Agriculture. It’s more than a state fair—it’s Colorado’s premier celebration of agriculture. Don’t overlook the importance of agriculture. It is one of the most important, vibrant industries in our state. It contributes more than 40 billion dollars to our state’s economy, and it supports over 170,000 jobs. The Colorado State Fair is a valuable partner in that effort. The Fairgrounds provides nearly $34 million in economic activity to Colorado throughout the year; $29 million of that activity is driven by the annual State Fair event. During the annual event, the State Fair also expands to a tremendous job creator; the jobs provided by the Fair equates to 371 year-around positions. This industry doesn’t just impact our economy-- it impacts you. Our Colorado farmers and ranchers help feed you, your family, your friends and the world. The Colorado State Fair provides the opportunity to educate fairgoers on this amazing industry. Intertwined between the carnival rides and funnel cakes, are livestock, rodeos, crops and youth who have dedicated their lives to this vital industry. The Fair provides $340,000 of its annual budget and facilities for the FFA and 4H organizations. These organizations do more than teach students about agriculture, they provide valuable lessons in leadership, animal husbandry, and becoming the future leaders of our state. This year, the Colorado State Fair celebrated the 50th annual Colorado’s Touchstone Energy Cooperative

Junior Livestock Sale. The Sale is instrumental in supporting the future of Colorado‘s agribusiness as it demonstrates to youth the importance of raising quality livestock and the work required of those who pursue careers in agriculture. Over the past 33 years the Colorado State Fair Junior Livestock Sale has raised a combined total of $7,801,265 for the youth involved in 4H and FFA; proceeds from the sale go to the education funds of youth exhibitors or towards reinvestment in future agriculture projects.

Vincent/Grenadines, Anguilla and Aruba. “Colorado’s broad market reach is critical for our industry,” said Colorado Commissioner of Agriculture John Salazar. “By increasing our global markets, Colorado can continue to increase sales well into the future.”

The importance of teaching new generations about agriculture and where their food comes from is priceless. To take it one step further everyone who visited the Colorado Proud Store supported local agriculture. All the products there were made by Colorado businesses, in Colorado.

Decreases in exports were reported for several markets, most notably Russia, which dropped over $27 million in this period due to the continued closure of the market to Colorado and U.S. red meats. Mexico’s weak economy also contributed to a $26 million decrease in imports of Colorado agricultural products despite the fact that Mexico imports of U.S. beef increased in June, reversing a trend of the first five months of reduced imports of U.S. beef according to the Denver headquarters of the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

The Colorado Department of Agriculture fills the Agriculture Pavilion every year with educational fun and excitement designed to entertain and educate the young and young-at-heart. Take the opportunity to learn as much as you can about the Colorado Department of Agriculture and role the agricultural community plays in your way of life.

“Colorado’s cattle industry continues to focus on not only expanding current markets, but also to advocate for the opening of both the Russian and Chinese markets, which will provide additional export opportunities for the Colorado beef industry,” continued Salazar. “Gaining access to these markets represents a critical element of our industry’s future viability.”

Item of Interest Our fair has earned its place in history. Before Colorado became a state, approximately 2,000 people converged on what is now Pueblo for a horse exhibition and from that was born the Colorado State Fair. The Fair continues to call Pueblo home, and in fact, has only cancelled the fair once during its entire history. In 1917, during World War I, the Fairgrounds’ horse stables and open space offered an ideal training facility for the Army National Guard, thus cancelling the Fair for that year.

International marketing specialists are available to assist in beginning and expanding Colorado’s export markets. Assistance includes training for export operations, assessment of market options, international finance and accessing USDA funding support for exporters. For more information visit, call (303) 239-4118 or email Timothy.

For more information about the fair visit and for more information about agriculture in Colorado visit or

Agricultural Exports Increase $14.5 Million in First Six Months of 2013 Colorado’s agricultural exports for the first six months of 2013 totaled $725.6 million, an increase of $14.5 million over the same period for 2012. Increases in exports to Canada of $23.1 million and to Hong Kong of $18.2 million helped to offset a $27 million decrease in exports to Russia. The $725.6 million level recorded for the first six months of 2013 represents a twenty percent increase in just the past two years. Colorado’s agricultural export growth included increased imports by seven of Colorado’s top ten markets. While Canada’s increase covered a wide spectrum of products, Hong Kong’s import increase was all red meats. Brazil joined the top ten markets in the first six months of 2013, increasing their imports of Colorado agricultural products from $328,000 to more than $9 million. Brazil is importing wheat directly from Colorado for the first time with purchases of $8.5 million. Colorado’s exports went to 102 countries, with new markets opening in Tunisia, Guyana, St. Lucia, St.

The train is leaving the station. Get on board! By Kim Krisco

The poet Robert Burns may not always be right. The best laid plans of mice and men do not always go awry. And, with all the great plans bubbling up in Trinidad right now, the community is on track to go “from coal to cool” – as someone remarked at a recent Community Roundtable planning session. At this moment, there are at least four efforts focused on creating and implementing plans to revitalize and develop Trinidad and Las Animas County: •

The City is taking action on a Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) assessment sponsored by the USDA Rural Development Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) and completed in collaboration with the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). The Creative District team is working from another set of recommendations and ideas that came with this prestigious designation. Also, our community will soon be participating in Colorado’s Main Street Program, which will undoubtedly generate more ideas, recommendations, and plans. And the Community Roundtable has just released a Draft Community Development Plan that its members created in addition to the projects that have been launched during the past year.

These initiatives are people-powered. While governmental cooperation will be needed along the way, it is the citizens of this community that are leading positive change, and this makes all the difference. Downtown Colorado, Inc. Assessment If you want a good snapshot of what’s happening in the City or Trinidad check out the 2012 Trinidad Community Assessment. It’s available on the City’s website


at: Trinidad%20Community%20Assessment.pdf

strengthening our local economy by embracing the importance of creative industries.”

There is an action plan matrix to go with it that tracks monthly progress on addressing the 72 recommendations within this assessment. One of those recommendations is that Trinidad considers implementing the Colorado Main Street Program.

Community Roundtable

Colorado Main Street Program The Colorado Main Street® Program is focused on revitalizing traditional downtown districts within the context of historic preservation. The program is intended to support and empower local citizens as they rebuild their central business district using proven approach that leverages personal service, local ownership, and the unique sense of community that Trinidad possesses. The Main Street Program provides resources, training and technical services in the four areas of economic restructuring, design, organization, and promotion. Mayor Baca Gonzales noted, “It’s is a good “fit” for Trinidad. We just need to coordinate the positive spirit of volunteerism present in our community. The Main Street Program appears to be the perfect vehicle for doing that.”

Creative District One of Trinidad’s key assets is its creative industries – artists, creative entrepreneurs, and cultural organizations, and this fact was recognized by the State of Colorado when it designated our community as the Corazon de Trinidad Creative District. This is a new opportunity for Trinidad to develop a sustainable economic model that will enhance and celebrate the creativity, historical importance and cultural diversity that defines our community. Marilyn Leuszler, a member of the Creative District core team remarked, “Our community should be very proud that we were selected as one of the newly designated Colorado Creative Districts. With this designation Trinidad has become part of the state’s strategies for revitalizing and

This grassroots community development organization recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. The Roundtable usually focuses on projects like the painting of a building facade on Main Street, the upcoming publication of a comprehensive Health and Wellness Resource Guide, or an exciting new effort to keep locally grown Colorado beef local. Recently however, all the project teams in the Community Roundtable worked together to create a Draft Community Development Plan that can be found on the website of the Trinidad Community Foundation: community-development-plan/ The Roundtable’s draft plan, like many of the others, demonstrates that revitalizing our community is not “pie in the sky” because: • • •

The majority of the goals is short-term and can be accomplished in 1 or 2 years. A large percentage of the goals require little or no money. And, action on many of the goals is already underway.

Especially encouraging is that the sponsors of these four plans and initiatives are working together to coordinate their efforts. The people of Trinidad are breaking with the past by creating a new future through cooperation, sharing resources, and supporting one another, for the greater good. Hopefully these positive, future-focused initiatives mark the end of one era and the beginning of another. We cannot have a better tomorrow if we’re relying on old outdated thinking, including the belief that it’s somebody else’s job to rebuild and revitalize our community. The people can do it . . . and they’re doing it. Everyone’s welcome. The train is leaving the station. Get on board!

SoCO Cellular By Maria Nenova It’s time for an upgrade, and you’re still bickering between the latest smartphones, say no more. Whether you’re an Apple or an Android user, the question remains the same. Which phone is right for you? Although we all want the latest and newest models, are they really sold for what they’re worth? IF YOU’RE AN APPLE FAN: The Apple Iphone 5 is a step up version of the Iphone 4s, its slimmer, lighter, has a higher megapixel camera and a larger screen. The Iphone 5 sells at $650.00, while the Iphone 4s sells at $550.00. Later this fall when IOS 7 is available both phones will get the upgrade, which means both will run the same way. When it comes to quality the aluminum back on the Iphone 5 is slick and pleasing to the eye, but is that really worth the extra $120? If you want to stay affordable I would purchase the iphone 4s, and if you want to upgrade to the latest Apple product; apple should be announcing their latest and greatest model in the upcoming fall and winter months.

ANDROID FANS: The android world is much more complex and difficult to choose from. Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Motorola have all set the bar very high and competition level at an extraordinary standard. Samsung just released the Galaxy S4 and don’t get us wrong, it’s an incredible phone, its graphic design and high tech features make it practically a delicious piece of cake. Its older brother the Galaxy S3 doesn’t run far behind though. Both phones run on Jelly Bean, are crazy fast and very high in quality. Bottom line, If you’re looking for the affordable Samsung phone the S3 is the way to go, but if you’re looking for a model a step up and are willing to spend another $200 the S4 will do you good. If you’re choosing between the HTC One and the Galaxy S4 the answer is clear. For the price you pay for the HTC One, the galaxy S4 will give you far more features and options. Not to mention that the HTC One lacks in battery efficiency and the metal back heats up very fast making it uncomfortable to hold. Sony and LG phones are ok, but may not rank the highest in customer satisfaction. While Samsung ranks the highest, HTC isn’t far behind. Although the HTC One wasn’t our favorite some of HTC’s older models are amazing and sell for an incredible price such as the HTC Ones and the HTC One x. Whatever phone you decide to get, the latest models won’t disappoint you.

SoCO TREASURES The Spirit of Friendship By Bertha Sandoval Alfonso and Mary Ercilia (Ercie) Maes, are an extraordinary couple and testaments to the success of versatile ambitions. Alfonso was born in Delrose, CO into the home of Tony and Ercilia-Garcia Maes. His dad was a dryland farmer while mom cared for the family. He attended local schools and joined the U.S. Navy following graduation in 1954, attaining the rank of E-6 Assistant Navigator while serving aboard five submarines during his 20-year career. Receiving an Honorable Discharge in 1973, Alfonso returned to the area and became employed by Trinidad State Junior College as a maintenance-mechanic, from which he is now retired. Mary Ercilia (Ercie), is a lady with a pleasant smile and blessed with the kindness of joyful giving. She was born in Trinidad to the union of Maclovia & Jose Tafoya. Her dad was a coalminer while mom managed the family home, caring for Ercie and her siblings. She attended area schools, graduating from Trinidad High School in 1957. She married her classmate, Alfonso Maes in 1959 and the couple celebrated 50 golden years of marriage in April 2009. During the time Mr. Maes was in the Navy, the couple lived in Hawaii, Connecticut, Chicago,

A Fulfilling Journey Together By Bertha Sandoval Pete and Margaret (Margie) Fiorenzi are a remarkable, friendly couple whose roots are deep within the community. Pete was born to the union of Pete and Teresa Fiorenzi. Growing up in a farm and ranch environment, he learned the value of land and the beneficial rewards from tending to both animals and crops. Pete attended school in the Hoehne district, and following graduation; he joined the U.S. Army and was stationed in Japan. Having received an Honorable Discharge in November of 1946, he returned home and worked on the family ranch for a couple of years. After he and Margie were married, he attended TSJC for two years, and then transferred to New Mexico Highlands University graduating in 1954. He taught school in Las Vegas, NM for one year, and then returned with his family to help on the homestead ranch. He taught school for nine years at Primero High School and in 1964, transferred to Hoehne where he taught for the next 23 years, retiring in 1987. Following retirement, Pete continued to drive a school bus for the Hoehne School District until 2005.

and South Carolina.

Ercie gained her expertise in the wonderful world of cake baking & decorating when she joined a group during the time Mr. Maes was on naval assignment at sea, and her children were in school. With her proficient knowledge she became employed as an instructor at a youth center in Hawaii, and taught both cake decorating and sewing at TSJC when the family returned. In 1975, Ercie opened a local cake shop which flourished for several years; however, upon being diagnosed with tendonitis, she closed her shop and became a partner in a catering business followed by a 5-year employment at Safeway’s bakery department. Now retired, Ercie states “one never retires from cake baking.”

Ercie’s hobbies include quilting and handiwork, while Alfonso enjoys woodworking in his shop. The elderly citizens at Sayre Senior Center, as well as the community have been recipients of Ercilia’s kindness for several years, as her artistically decorated, delicious cakes have warmed many human hearts. And everyone who has had the pleasure of tasting Ercie’s cakes truly admire the festive beauty of the decorations, and appreciate the patience which she possesses to share this unique talent. Mr. & Mrs. Maes are members of the Trinidad Catholic Community, highly admired and respected members of the Sayre Senior Center and the local community which they serve, and give true meaning to the spirit of friendship.

One child having passed away at age fourteen months, Mr. and Mrs. Maes are proud of their four children, all of whom share the pleasure of cake-baking which they learned from their Mom. Son, Glenn served the U.S. Navy in Iraq, then worked as head cook for 20 years at the White House earning the distinction of baking cakes for Presidents Bush Sr, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Jr. as well as many visiting dignitaries. Daughter, Kim Bettger and her husband reside in Vancouver, WA, both retired from the U.S. Air Corps, having served in Desert Storm. Son, Troy served in the U.S. Navy, and is currently employed in Trinidad. Daughter, Kelly Maes, employed as an accountant for a private firm, lives in Basalt, CO. Ercie and Alfonso enjoy spending time with their ten grandchildren, having endured the loss of one grandchild in 2001.

Margaret (Margie) was born into the home of Rudolph and Adeline Cordova in El Moro. Her dad was a farmer while mom tended the family home raising Margie and twelve siblings. Margie graduated from Hoehne High School, married Pete, and enjoyed her primary role of caring for her family. Margie and Pete are the proud parents of three sons: Michael, a Pharmacist, resides in Trinidad with his wife Debbie. Robert, also a Pharmacist, lives in Trinidad with his wife Linda. And Jim who graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1974, currently lives in Alaska with his wife Joan and is employed as assistant manager for the Fairbanks Airport. Their eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren fill their lives with happiness and joy.

Riviera, and a Mediterranean cruise. They are dedicated members of the Sayre Senior Center, the area Catholic Community, and volunteers at the Colorado Welcome Center. Mr. & Mrs. Fiorenzi are highly respected, admirable members of the community and have had a fulfilling journey together through their accomplishments.

Margie’s employment pyramid includes a 16-year employment with the Colorado Historical Society at the Baca-Bloom Mansion, as well as the Hoehne Mercantile, and receptionist for Hillside Pharmacy which was owned and operated by her son Michael. Leaving the Hoehne area to be near their children, the couple relocated to Trinidad in 2002. Celebrating 64 years of marriage, since Pete’s recovery from two knee surgeries, they have traveled extensively, including trips to Hawaii, the Panama Canal, the Mexican


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