4.3 Inclusion In International Youth Work

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For M More inforrmation a about INCLLUSION IN N INTERNA ATIONAL YYOUTH W WORK, visit t he official blog:

http p://incllusionin ninternaationalyyouthwo ork.bloggspot.co om/ Or scaan this QR RCode

Projecct supported by the British Coouncil and d the Youth in Actionn program mme of the Euroopean Com mmission. This bo ooklet reflectts the views only of the aauthor, and tthe Commisssion cannot bbe held resp ponsible for aany use which may be maade of the in nformation co ontained theerein.

About Me: Petaar PETROV V / ARIA BULGA Picture o of yourself

Abou ut my orga anisation:: Describe thhe objecttives and activities of youur organisatio on

m 32 years oold, EUROP PEAN MULT TICULTURAL ASSOCIATIO ON I`m i`m m a computeer BULGA ARIA , Registtred in februuari 2010. Ou ur aims specialist activitties : Intteresting/fu nn ‐ Participatiion in Europpean Projectss y ffacts about m me: ‐ Volunteering ‐ Youth worrk ‐ I studyy ‐ Non forma maste r al educationn ‐ Multicultu degreee ural integratiion and coop peration Nationnal securitty ‐ I`m ve ry motivaatio n guy Myy experiencee in wo orking with exxcluded Youtth an nd NEET younng pe eople

About my place e: Describe yyour city/regiion/country (interesting facts) Sliven (b before 1945: Slivena) is a town in southeastern Bulgarria. At the po opulation (911 h in the coun ntry, is the 620) is ranked eighth administtrative centeer of Sliven M Municipality and the District of Slliven is located near Novva Zagora aand Yambol. The biggest port in Bulgariaa ‐ the Burgass ‐ situated 1 102 km east of own as the "city of 100 the city. Sliven is kno chieftain ns" related h haidouck movvement. Thee old nam me of the city is Savolen and semantically related d to the mergger of three rivers ‐ tthe Danube A Assenovska Novoselska Danube River and m monastery in the city. [1] agglomeeration area of Sliven (9th in Bulgariaa) covers aan area of 22 243 , 5 square e kilometerss

Picture e about my ccountry/regioon/city

and a po opulation of 173,722 peo ople, includees the mun nicipalities off Sliven and N Nova Zagoraa Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you wou uld like to sh hare with the e group? Pleease bring any document with you (posterrs, leaflets, eelectronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).

About Me: Marttin PETRO OV / ARIA BULGA

About m my organisation: Deescribe the objectives

Picture o of yourselff

EUROPEA AN MULTICU ULTURAL ASSSOCIATION BULGARIA A , Registred d in februari 2010. Our aims activities : ‐ Pa articipation in Europeann Projects ‐ Vo olunteering ‐ Yo outh work ‐ Non formal ed ducation ‐ Multicultural integration and coopera M ation

d, student I`m 23 years old masster degree Inte eresting/funny facts abo out me: master ‐ I study m degree National securityy ‐ I`m veryy motivation guy My experience in working h excluded Y Youth and with NEEET young peo ople

Websitee of my organisaation:

and activitties of your o organisationn

Pictures abou t the activitiies of my org ganisations

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture ab bout my coun ntry/region/ccity

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) Sliven (b before 1945: Slivena) is a town in southeastern Bulgarria. At the po opulation (91 620)) is ranked eiighth in the ccountry, is the adm ministrative center of Slive en Municip pality and thee District of SSliven is located near Nova Zagora and Ya ambol. The biggest p port in Bulgaaria ‐ the Burrgas ‐ situated d 102 km east of the city. Sliven is known aas the "city o of 100 chiefta ains" related h haidouck mo ovement. The old name of the ciity is Savolen n and semantically related tto the mergeer of three rivers ‐ the Danube Assenovska Novoselska Danube River and monasteryy in the city. [1] agglomeeration area of Sliven (9th in Bulgariaa) covers an aarea of 2243 , 5 square kilometeers and a population of 1 173,722 people, includes thee municipalities of Sliven and Novva Zagora Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would like to share witth the groupp? Please b bring any document with h you (posteers, leaflets,, electronic d documents tthrough USB B key that we could includ de in a DVD at the end oof the training).

About Me: Elena KONSTA ANTINOVA A / BULGA ARIA Abo out my orrganisation: Picture o of yourself

Websitee of my organisaation: http://w www.fac ebook.com/iyac .bulgariaa www.iyaac‐ bg.org

Interessting/funny ffacts about m me: I am a tteacher in Spanishh language in n a privatee elementaryy school and I adore childre n. My expperience in workinng with exclu uded Youth aand NEET yo oung peoplee

Desccribe the objjectives and activvities of yourr organisatio on The main activityy of IYAC BULGARIA is related to partticipation in projects er the Europpean Commisssion’s unde “You uth in Actionn” program. A A num mber of team ms are involve ed in impllementing vaarious initiatives to the benefit of thhe youth com mmunity. ng with the bbeauties of Europe, Alon we p provide younng people with the oppo ortunity to gget to know tthe natu ural and histooric treasure es of our coun ntry – the “TTravel Bulgaria” team orga anizes monthhly visits to vvarious tourrist destinatioons in Bulgaria.

ut the activitties of my organisations Piictures abou htttp://www.facebook.com m/l.php?u=h http%3A%2F% %2Fwww.yooutube.com% %2Fwatc h% %3Fv%3D2kzzhML9YZWA A%26feature%3Dyoutu.b be&h=6AQFjm mCSDAQGjgHDxQgb TQ Q4Mc7frqvZZfyGkK64L8JrryUVNw

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country

Pictu ure about myy coun ntry/region/ccity

(interestting facts) Sofia is tthe capital of Bulgaria wiith a populattion of aboutt 2 million p people. The ccity lies in ce entral Weste rn Europe, surrounded by the B Balkan mountains, the Loozen mountaain and Lyullin mountain n. In the wintter, many citty residents ttake the 30‐440minute ride to enjoy th he mountainn’s ski and snowboard tracks w while in the su ummer, Vitoosha attracts families for hiking orr just a picnicc. Do you h have any too ols about I will bringg a ppt document about my country,, Bulgaria, with some your orgganisation th hat you would liike to share with the basic info rmation, historical facts, and photos s of the main towns group? P Please bringg any os of typical Bulgarian meeals. I also have an and mounntains, photo documeent with you (posters, Adobe Addition file abo out my organ nisation thatt includes photos leaflets,, electronic d documents from diffeerent activities. through h USB key thaat we could include in a DVD at the end of ning). the train


About m my organissation: Deescribe the objecttives and acttivities of you ur organisation

Picture o of yourself

     

Websitee of my organisaation:

Intteresting/fuunny facts ab bout me: Alw ways smilingg and full of en nergy Co ommunicativve and open minded ove to travel and Lo exxplore Study Finance , but don’t likke figures En njoy watchingg football an nd handsomee footballers/su pport Levski Sf,Evertton, Herta, Lazio, Ajax/

My experience in wor king with excluded Y Youth and N NEET young people  Orrganising connferences an nd local evennts about yo oung people who suffer lacck of educatiion and wo ork  Pa articipation inn Intternational pprojects, TC , e exchanges Pictures about the activities of my organisa ations

About my place e: Describe

Picture aboout my country/region/city

your cityy/region/cou untry (interestting facts) Stara Zagora (Bulgarrian: Стара Загора) is the sixth largest city in Bulgaria, and a naationally important economicc center. Located in Southern Bulgaria, it is the administrative capital of the ho omonymouss Stara Zagora P Province. As of Februaryy 2011, the ccity has a populatiion of 136,36 63 inhabitaants.[1] According to Operativve Program R Regional Develop pment of Bulggaria the agglomeeration of Staara Zagora is the fiffth largest in Bulgaria and has a population n of 213,4444 inhabtans wn as the Stara Zagora is know city of sttraight streets, linden trees, an nd poets Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisaation that yo ou would like e to share w with the group? Please brring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electron nic documen nts through U USB key that we could includ de in a DVD at the end of the training)..

About Me: Josip p BROZOV VIC / CROA ATIA Picture o of yourself

Aboutt my organnisation: Describe D

the obje ectives and aactivities of yyour organisa ation nteresting/ffunny facts Deaf and Hard d of In Associattion of the D about me: a Hearing Nova Gradisska is the only organiza ation that deeals with the by problem ms of the deaaf and hard o of I learn Englishh language b watching TV w hearing people in thhe town of Nova Gradiska I love to traveel a and surrouunding For someone F e very funny municip palities. The m main activities of fo or others bo ring person, I NGOs arre concentraated in the area of don’t have m d middle  social ad djustment, eeducation and preparation of deaf and hard of hearing people tto participatte in everyda ay My experienc M ce in workin ng community life. Othher activities are with exclude w d Youth and d related to breaking tthe stigma and discrimination. NEET young p N people In n my everydaay job I workk Our members are diifferent age and with with deaf and w d hard of different problems, so we plan a hearing youth h h. I write activities projects, and p to satisffied needs pff every gender and organise workshops to w o help them in every ag ge. social integraation.

Websitee of my organisation: w.ugng.hr www

Pictures ab bout the activities of myy organisatio ons

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country

Picture about my coountry/region n/city

(interestting facts) I come ffrom a small town called Nova Gradišška. It’s a parrt of Slavonija region in n Croatia. We are part off continentall Croatia, far a way fo orm a coast. T Town was esstablished during A Austria empirre, so the strructure of th e town is similar tto others tow wn from thatt time. Durin g the war time cityy was destro oyed, but now w you have ffeeling like nothing happen. Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic docum ments through h USB key thaat we could include in a DVD at the end of the train ning).


Abouut my orgaanisation: Descrribe the obje ectives and aactivities of yyour organnisation

Picture o of yourself

Interesting//funny facts about me: I like keepin ng mugs from m wherever u go for coffee My experience in workiing with exclud ded Youth an nd NEET youngg people Volunteer in n Prosvasi Day to day iinteraction w with special need ds children in n special scho ool

Websitee of my organisation: http://w www.faceboo ok.com/page es/NGO‐ PROSVA ASI/11401028 88610621?skk=info#!/proofile.php?id= =100000 0463441144


Piictures abouut the activities of my organisati m ions

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country (interesting

Picturre about my counttry/region/ciity

facts) ‐City: Lim massol‐Cypru us ‐ events: carnival fesstival/wine fe estival/sun‐ssummer ‐ many m monuments and attractio ons to see Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would like to share w with the group? Please brring any docuument with you (posters, leaflets,, electronic d documents tthrough USB B key that we e could inclu ude in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).


About m my organissation:

‐ like traavelling/read ding/theatre Describe thhe objectivess and ‐volunteeer in NGO Prosvasi activities off your organ nisation ‐membeer of my village youth clu ub NGO STAR RT THE Intteresting/fu nny facts ab Picture o of yourself bout me: OPERATIO ON OF THE 2OO2 HAVING TH HE PURPOS SE OF ‐likkes travellingg/reading/th heatre PROMOTIN NG THE SOCIAL ‐co ollect leaflet INCLUSION N OF PEOPLE WITH SPE ECIAL NEEDS IN A social envirronment thatt resists INEQUALIT TIES, OFFERING Myy experiencee in workingg with EQUAL OP PPORTUNIT TIES TO exxcluded Youtth and NEET young EVERYON NE. pe eople ‐vo olunteer in N NGO Prosvassi ‐vo olunteer at SSpecial Olympics 2011 in Athens Websitee of my organisation: e activities oof my organiisations Picturres about the http://w www.faceboo ok.com/page es/NGO‐ PROSVA ASI/11401028 88610621?skk=info#!/proofile .php?id==100000046344144

e: Describe yyour city/region/country About my place (interestting facts) ‐City: Lim massol‐Cypru us ‐ events: carnival fesstival/wine fe estival/sun‐ssummer monuments and attractio ons to see ‐ many m My villagge: Agios Konstantinos Small graphic villagee Kouman ndaria‐traditiional wine Youth club

Picture aboout my country/re gion/city

Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would like to share witth the grou up? Please b bring any doccument withh you (posters, leaflets, e electronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at the end of the training).

About Me: Dervviş COMUN NOGLU / C CYPRUS

Aboutt my organnisation: Describe D the obje ectives and aactivities of yyour organisa ation

Picture o of yourself

Interesting/f I funny facts about me: a I am a heavyy smoker. My experien M nce in working with w h excluded Youth and N Y NEET young people p We are takin W ng part in “Youth in Act “ tion “activities ab “ broad and arranging a seminars,wo s orkshops in Cyprus. C

Since its s formation, tthe Associattion has undertaken a numbeer of activities to engage educators aand education nal policy-m makers. The A AHDR’s activ vities, primarily y center on: 

Design and implementattion of research annd dissemination of research finddings.

Developmennt of policy recommenddations.

o Creation annd updating of Library and Archive. Organizatioon of teacherr training seminars, diiscussions and conferencess

Publication oof supplementary educational materials

v Organizationn of on-site visits, walks, and ffilm festivals

Developmennt of tools forr outreach ca mpaigns - video blogs, publicc service announcemeents, radio programmess, monthly ne ewsletter and other puublic events. Establishmeent of synerg gies between inddividuals and d organizationns at a local, European annd internatio onal level.

Websitee of my organisation: www.ah hdr.info

Picture es about the activities off my organisations

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country

Picture about my coountry/region n/city

(interestting facts) Cyprus is divided as North and South. Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic docum ments through h USB key thaat we could include in a DVD at the end of the trraining).

We made a projject is called”Nicosia is ca alling” for yooung people in order to in ntroduce thee historical p places to them .

About Me: Maria CHRISTOPHI / CYYPRUS Picture o of yourself

Websitee of my organisation: www.cyyprusdylexia.com

Interestingg/funny factss about me: I have studiied modern history, butt... My experieence in working wiith excluded d Youth and NEET youngg people I work as ann office director forr the Cyprus Dyslexia Asssociation

Abou ut my orgaanisation:: Describe the objecctives and activities of your organisatioon Cypruss Dyslexia Asssociation he elps people e with Dyslexxia to defend d their rights. Also it takess part to the policy‐ making g, regarding people with special needs.. Our goal is tto create an environment wherre dyslexic pe eople will have equal oppportunities in educattion and worrk‐market.

Picturres about the e activities oof my organisations

bring more o on a usb I will b

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country (interestting facts) Cyprus is a little islan nd in the sou uth‐east Medditerranean. It us for its gold den beaches and the deliicious food, a is famou well‐kno own tourists’’ destination n. Howeveer, the island is divided to o the Turkishh‐Cypriot and d Greek‐C Cypriot comm munities. Nicosia, the capital o of Cyprus, is the only diviided capital left in the w world, due to the Turkish invasion in 11974!

Picture e about my ccountry/region/city

Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic docum ments through h USB key thaat we could include in a DVD at the end of the train ning).

We ‘ve got som W me leaflets, however evverything is i n greek. I will see what i can do tto bring som mething with me in Engglish.


About my y organisaation: Describe the

Picture o of yourself

The main activity of SVČ D Déčko Náchod is nonformal education of children and youth. Th here are bby groups suiitable for childrren and around 90 hob youth from 5 to 18 years aand for more than t 50 ps aim at differrent styles of dancing, d parents. Group painting, music c, pottery, art-ccraft activity, climbing, c hiking, cycling, canoeing andd other wide ra ange of s non-formal activities. We alsoo organise 20 summer camps (for ag ge groups 4-200 years) with different d topics.

Interestingg/funny factts about me: I a am very serioous . My dog look m more like bear. a b I am goingg to GB for thhe first time. My experiience in worrking with excluded Y Youth and N NEET young peo ople I cooperatte with romaa communitty centre. So me of my EVS voluntteers are exl uded.

objectives and activities of your orga anisation

Déčko’s coope eration with schhools and NGOs in our region is very y important. T Together we organise o numerous com mpetitions and ssports events. We are prepared to host more than 31 competitio ons. We he information for youth abou ut youth also provide th projects in ourr region, differeent cultural and d sports events, job offfers for youth, language lesso ons and offers for social life. The staff of SV VČ Déčko Náchhod is comprised from 10 members, 5 of them with ppedagogical education; 50 part time employees and 80 Czech volunteers, eers 11 EVS volunte SVČ Déčko Náchod N coopeerates with Da ay Care Centre Cesta a for childreen with disa abilities, Association off handicapped Nachod and Roma community centre. Within thee limits progrram the or Roma Roma center organizes clubs and activities fo children and youth, y aimed aat developing their t ITskills, their understanding u of traditional Roma culture, dance and songs, tuutoring school subjects s and personal development.

Websitee of my organisation: www.deecko‐nachod.cz

Picctures about the activitie es of my orgaanisations

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture abou ut my countrry/region/city

city/regiion/country (interesting facts)

The tow wn of Náchood is situateed 346 metrees above sea leveel on both riiver-banks of o river Mettuje and it is the town zone of conservaation. First w written mentionns of the tow wn originateed in 1254.L Little town haad consecuttively spread d over the toown walls, ssignificant boom b occureed in the ennd of 18th cenntury togethher with thee expansion of textile iindustry. Thhe town has recently beeen a natural,, historical, tourist, adm ministrative and industriial centre off the area - from f the ent ntry "Brankaa = Gate" upp to the who ole Broumoov edge. There aare many moonuments here h in the toown Renaisssance castlee with Frencch garden, S St. Lawrennce´s gothic church in Masaryk M squuare, the old barooque town hall, h the new w neo-renaiissance town haall, the post office. Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).

How to o involve EVSS volunteers into work w with excludedd youths.

About Me: Sarah OLSZEW WSKI / GER RMANY Picture o of yourself

About my y organisaation: Describe the

objectives an nd activities of your orga anisation Interestingg/funny factts about SALEM Interrnational is aa non‐ me: denominatio onal Christiann non‐profit welfare organisation n, founded inn 1957 by Go ottfried I have five little brotheers Müller and a a circle of frieends in Stutttgart. The name SA T ALEM stems from the He ebrew ‘Shalom’, me eaning ‘peacce’. All of the e SALEM projects are affiliated thrrough the sh hared My experiience in worrking with values of peace, helping those in nee ed and excluded Y Youth and N NEET respect for life. young peo ople I study spe ecial educatioon Volunteering in Moldoova in a day centre e for childrenn I am horse e riding theraapist right now: organisatio n of an inclusive e ecological yo uth exchange in Russia I grew up iin a children home

Websitee of my organisation: http://w www.salemin nternational.org

In this sense e SALEM is acctively working in global hotspots to help ppeople in diffficult situations re egardless of ttheir beliefs or nationality. projects all oover the worlld, e.g. in SALEM has p Germany, Ru ussia, Ugandda, Ecuador, Israel there are children villagees.

es of my orgaanisations Picctures about the activitie

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture abou ut my countrry/region/city

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) I come ffrom the north of Germany. We call oour region “free republicc Wendland””. It is the “gaarbage can” of G Germany, beecause they ccarry all the nuclear waste neear to our place. Therefo ore there aree many demonstrations and people in m my region havve a high ecologiccal awarenesss. Many artists live heree. We havee a lot of foreest and many very small villages. In my ho ome village ““Kovahl” there are only 2200 people living. The nextt big city is H Hamburg, wh hich is also veery beautifu ul. It the city of “The Beattles”. Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic documeents through USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).

About Me: Sebaastian PET TRICH / ANY GERMA Picture o of yourself

About my A organisattion: Describe the objectives an o d activities oof your organ nisation

Intere esting/funnyy facts aboutt me:  I am Sant a Claus  I like singiing  I make myy own wine mber in a  I am mem fraternityy  member iin a folklore‐ggroup  play acco rdeon My exxperience inn workiing with exc luded Youth h and NEET yyoung peoplle  I study sppecial educationn  I organisee a inklusive YOUTHca mp  worked inn different institutionns for NEET you ng people

SALEM S Inte ernational iss a nondenominatio d onal Christiaan non-proffit welfare w orga anisation, foounded in 1957 by Gottfried G Mü üller and a ccircle of friends in Stuttgart. S The name SA T LEM stems ffrom the Heb brew ‘SShalom’, meaning ‘peacee’. All of the SALEM projects are a p affiliated throough the sha ared values of pea v ce, helping tthose in need and respect for liffe. n this sense SALEM is acttively workin ng in In global hotspo g ots to help peeople in diffiicult situations reg gardless of thheir beliefs o or nationality. n Our O vision and a guiding g principles are: respect r for every living g being, lov ve of people, p anim mals, plantts and Creation, non-violent, n , respectfull and peace eful treatment of o our fellow w humans, promotion p of o a non-de enomination nal Christian, C holistic way of life, a healthy and a vegetarrian, whole e food diet. Our O activitie es all over tthe world are: a social s work,, education , developm ment cooperation, o protection p o of environm ment, nature n and animals an nd health an nd nutrition n pro ojects. Our O social work w is focu used on inclusion.

Websitee of my organisation: www.sa aleminternational.org

Picctures about the activitie es of my orgaanisations

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture about P t my countryy/region/cityy

city/regiion/country (interesting facts)  east of Germ many oland and CZ  corner to Po  al lot of prob blems with u unemploymeent → young people are on the e walk to findd sense  biggest “villaage‐church” in Germany  very long village ( 8km )  special dialeect Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic documeents through USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).


About Me: VASIILIKI TEA // GREECE Picture o of yourself

Interestting/funny faacts about m me: My expeerience in working with excluded Yoouth and NEEET young people I have sspent one year y working g as a teach her in a juve enile reform m school ffor youths and a an interrnational vie ew of the matter will be e ueful

RED CR ROSS Handlin ng immigran nts and youtth from fore eign countrie es adapting g to ours, an nd medical service


A About myy organisa ation: Desc ribe the objeectives

Picture o of yourself

Human Integgra Foundatiion is non prrofit making, public benefit foun ndation. Human Inte egra Foundattion has beeen establish hed as a result of a private inittiative the ooriginal purpose of which is to promote th he reintegraation of peo ople and groups floatted to the pe eriphery of tthe society o owing to tthe circumsttances beyon nd their conttrol. Our TARGETT group: - Youn ng people ( 1 12‐19 year o ld ) - Ethn nic minority (( gipsy ) ACTIVITIES oluntary - Youtth and childrren club oncce a week, vo train ning, summe er camps - Projects for th he minorityy groups (gipsies): nings and co ourses, conssultative asssistance, train orientations an nd mentorring for th he civil orgaanizations - Donation: collecct food and cclothes

and activitie es of your org ganisation

esting/ Intere funnyy facts aboutt me: I like ssporting: playin ng badm minton. I play the flute. My exxperience in working with e excluded Youth h and NEET young peoplle: Youth h in Action n, EURO OMED, EVS, vvoluntary training.

Websitee of my organisation: www.hu umanintegra.hu

Pictures abbout the activvities of my organisationns

About my place e: Describe yyour city/regiion/country (interesting facts)

Pictture about m my country/region/city

I come ffrom North ––Hungary. Miskolc is the 3rd largest city in Hungaryy. It is calleed city of ope en gates. W We have Avass Hil which iss rising above th he city centre for around d 70 thousan nd years. Thee Castle of Diósgyőr is a renaisssance castle,, it is nificant sights in one of the most sign Miskolc,, its history ggoes back sevveral centuriees. The firstt stone theattre of the cou untry acting in n Hungarian language wa as also opened in Miskolc, in 1823. Now wadays the theaatre hosts the region’s most important musical eevent, the ‘Bartók++...’ Internatiional Opera Festival celebrated eevery year. Miskolc ‐Tapolca theere is the Cavve spa: the waters and cave air of the spa com mplex are ren nowned all ovver Europe, have beneficial impact o of heart disseases, respiratory complaints. Miskolcc is surrounded by Bükk Hills. Lillafüred is a famous mountain resort cen ntre, where yyou can row a boat on th he lake Hámo ori, beautifu ul building off the Palace H Hotel is erecteed on the hillside.

Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisaation that yo ou would like e to share w with the group? Please brring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electron nic documen nts through U USB key that we could includ de in a DVD at the end of the training)..

I have leaflet which is inttroduce our organization n, and DVD about ccampaign of voluntary annd a short vid deo about Hungaary.

About Me: Noraa Gaal Picture o of yourself

A About myy organisa ation: Desc ribe the objeectives

and activitie es of your org ganisation Intere esting/ Human Integgra Foundatiion is non prrofit making, public funnyy facts benefit foun ndation. aboutt me: Human Inte egra Foundattion has beeen establish hed as a result of a private inittiative the ooriginal purpose of I like ssporting: which is to promote th he reintegraation of peo ople and skiingg, diving, groups floatted to the pe eriphery of tthe society o owing to playin ng tthe circumsttances beyon nd their conttrol. baske etball. I Our TARGETT group: like sh hopping - Youn ng people ( 1 12‐19 year o ld ) bags a and - Ethn nic minority (( gipsy ) shoess. ACTIVITIES - Youtth and childrren club oncce a week, vo oluntary train ning, summe er camps - Projects for th he minorityy groups (gipsies): nings and co ourses, conssultative asssistance, train My exxperience orientations an nd mentorring for th he civil in working orgaanizations with e excluded - Donation: collecct food and cclothes Youth h and NEET young peoplle

Websitee of my organisation: www.hu umanintegra.hu

Pictures abbout the activvities of my organisationns

About my place e: Describe yyour city/regiion/country (interesting facts)

Picture abo out my country/region/ccity

I come ffrom North ––Hungary. Miskolc is the 3rd largest city in H Hungary. It is calleed city of opeen gates. We e have Avas Hil which is rising above the e city centre fo or around 70 0 thousand yyears. The Castle of Diósgyőr iss a renaissan nce castle, it is one of the most significant ssights in Miskolc,, its history ggoes back sevveral centuriees. The firstt stone theattre of the cou untry acting in n Hungarian language wa as also opened in Miskolc, in 1823. Now wadays the theatre hosts the reggion’s most important musical event, the ‘B Bartók+...’ Internattional Opera Festival cele ebrated every yeear. Miskolc ‐‐Tapolca the ere is the Cave spaa: the waterss and cave air of the spa com mplex are ren nowned all ovver Europe, have beneficial impact o of heart diseasess, respiratoryy complaintss. Miskolc is surrou unded by Bükk Hills. Lillafüred is a famous mountain reesort centre, where you he lake Hámo ori, can row a boat on th beautifu ul building off the Palace H Hotel is erected on the hillsid de. Do you h have any too ols about yo our I have leaflet which is inttroduce our organization n, and DVD about ccampaign of voluntary. organisaation that yo ou would like e to share w with the group? Please brring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electron nic documen nts through U USB key that we could includ de in a DVD at the end of the training)..

About Me: Fran ncesco LEO ONE / ITALY

About m my organissation: Desscribe the obbjectives andd

Picture o of yourself

ASSOCIAZIIONE CULTURALE MADA ART Our missiion is to promote a n understa anding of active a participatio on of young people withh fewer opp portunities and to develop different wayys to ensurre their imp pact on the local ultural communityy by using non‐formal education and intercu learning m methods. Madart orrganizes cultural eventss, seminars,, workshopss and rship, study sesssions to promote ccreativity, entrepreneu e environme ent protection, youth employmen nt and to share experience es, ideas and imaginati on in orderr to foster social cohesion, aactive youth participatio n and inclusion. Located in n rural area of Basilicataa region, ou ur target gro oup is youngsterss with social, economicaal and geogrraphical obsttacles in order to o give them chance to eexpress them mselves and their needs and d promote their activee participation in our local communityy

Interestting/funny faacts about m me: I like travelling, phottography and d tennis. My 3 bigg passions. My expeerience in working with excluded Youth and NEET you ung people 2004, I coo ordinate and d manage Since 2 activitie es, workshops, seminars and special events in order to develop an understtanding of active a partic cipation of young p people and d to develop different ways to ensure their impac ct on the ommunity by using non-formal n local co education and intercultural learning ds. method

activities o of your organ nisation

I also w work as proje ect manage er and trainer ffor training courses and axchanges which aims a at crea ating awareness among European youngsters about human h rightts education and inclusion of you ungsters with few wer opportunities and exploring e best pra actices in th he field of yo outh work Websitee of my organisation: Pictures aboout the activvities of my o organisationss Workshop a W about puppets

About my place e: Describe yyour

Pictuure about myy country/region/city

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) Pisticci is small town n of Basilicata a region lo ocated In sou uthern Italy. The charracteristic is the white houses o of the old paart and the big cathedraal of XII centtury. It s locatted on a hill but we are lu ucky to reach h the sea in 1 15 minutes by car. Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisaation that yo ou would like e to share with thee group? Please bring an ny documentt with you u (posters, le eaflets, electtronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at the end of the training)..

About Me: Loreenzo MOTT TA / ITALYY

Picture o of yourself

Websitee of my organisation: info@ed dizionisetten note.it izone@eedizionisetteenote.it

Abouut my orgaanisation:

Descrribe the obje ectives and a ctivities of your organnisation Intteresting/fu unny facts ab bout My O rganization iis in the m e: every yea ar I live for six middlle of Italy in a small m onths in a sm town called Pesarro, it s a mall island in n thhe mediterea non pprofit organizzation an sea called d Laampedusa fro om May to and w we called it I‐‐Zone, Occtober, the o other six ours ffield is musicc where m onths I live iin Pesaro. we invvolved young people to havve a professiional approoach with mu usic progrrams and how w to work in a professiional M y experience studioo, also how tto e in working g wiith excluded d Youth and produuce their own music. NEEET young people

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country (interesting facts) My city Pesaro is in tthe middle o of Italy in a veery nice seasside just in frront of Adriaatic sea, it s a a small place wiith 90 thousaand inhabitants.

About Me: Funda ACAR// TURKEY

About my A organisattion: Descrribe the objectives an o nd activities oof your organisation

Picture off yourself

Interestin ng/funny facts aabout me: No funny things, I am sorrry. I am a borin ng person My experience in workin ng with exclude ed Youth and N NEET young peo ople I have beeen working Lifelong Learning P Programme andd Youth in Action Pro ogramme projeect expert in Tekkkeköy District Directoratte of National EEducation since July, 2009. I am m responsible to make projjects under tho ose two main programm mes and make aall related instittutions, organissations, and assocciations be involved in the proggrammes activeely by training th hem, giving guid dance, establishing contacts bbetween them and other organisaations in Europe e. I always try tto develop my professsional and perssonal skills. I ha ave been in sev eral countries such as Spain, Italy, The UK, P Poland, Denmarrk, Romania, Hungary, Austrria and France. I am good at u sing computerr and Microsoft Office Program mmes.

Websitee of my organisation: http://teekkekoy.meb b.gov.tr/

Our O institution is Tekkeköy District Direcctorate of National N Educattion which is ssituated in the e centre of the district, Tek kkeköy. It is cooordinating and d operating all the educatio a nal activities ovver the district as it is the most authorized m d educational iinstitution in Te ekkeköy. It has h a core stafff with the num mber of 20, bu ut with our schools, teache ers and studennts, we have about ten thousand people involved in oour directorate.. There are 4 4 workers in th he project cooordination unit. We have been accredited b d by our Nationnal Agency as se ending and coordinating c organisation for EVS (2010‐TR‐4 49) in July, 2010. 2 With ourr project coorddination unit, we always search for the e programmess, national/intternational projects, contac p cts for making aall people who are related to our instituttion (studentss, youngsters, teachers, workers, w manag gers, parents, etc.) be familiar with all concepts c of yo outh in actionn, come togetther, have contact c and work w with othher people frrom other countries c of Europe. Since wee are in a rural area, our young people d y on't have so m many opportuniities as the people p in urban n area. We try to develop an nd improve our o education and social activity opportunities provided to stud p dents and younng people by fo ollowing all new n technologiies and best ppedagogical, cu ultural and social methods in order to ppresent the mo ost desired and beneficial e a education for o ur society. We would like to make our ch hildren and youung people be e ready for the life mentally, psychologiccally and physsically and eventually uppe e er the social, ecconomic and e educational le evel of the society.

PPictures about the activities of my orrganisationss

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture about P t my countryy/region/cityy

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) Samsun (tthen known as A Amisos, alterna ative spelling A misus) was setttled between th he years of 7600 ‐ 750 BC by pe eople from Miletus,[44] who establish hed a flourishin ng trade relationnship with the ancient peoples of Anatolia. SSamsun's ideal combinatiion of fertile ground and shallo ow waters attraacted numerou us traders. In the 3rd century BC, Saamsun came under the expandded rule of the Kingdom of Pontus.[5] The Kinngdom of Pontus had been part of the empire of Alexander th he Great. Howeever, the empire was fractured d soon after Aleexander's death h in the 4th century BC. At its heiight, the kingdo om controlled tthe north of cen ntral Anatolia and mercantile ttowns on the n northern Black Sea shores. The Romaans took over in n 47 BC, and we ere replaced byy the Byzantiness after the fall o of Rome. In 1200 Saamsun was captured by the Se eljuks, to be lateer taken over b by the İlhanlılar. Samsun w was incorporateed into the netw work of Genoesse trading postss and was taken n by the Ottomaans in the begin nning of the 15th ccentury. Beforee leaving, the Ge enoese razed thhe town. In the lateer Ottoman perriod the land around the town mainly producced tobacco. The town was connnected to the railway system in the second hallf of the 19th ce entury, and tobbacco trade boo omed. dıma, which carrried Atatürk frrom Istanbul an nd arrived in Samsun on May 119th 1919, the date Replica off the ferry Band which trad ditionally markss the beginningg of the Turkish War of Indepe endence. Mustafa K Kemal Atatürk eestablished the Turkish liberattion movement in Samsun on May 19, 1919, tthe date which traditionally marks the b beginning of the e Turkish War oof Independence. Places to see: Statue of A Atatürk by the Austrian sculpttor Heinrich Kri ppel in Samsun n's city center. Kültür Sarrayı (Palace of C Culture). Concerts and other pperformances are held at the K Kultur Sarayi, w which is shaped much like a ski jump p. Archaeolo ogical and Atatü ürk Museum. Th he archaeologiccal part of the m museum displays ancient artiffacts found in th he Samsun area. The Atatürk section n includes phottographs of his life and some p personal belong gings. The museeum is open fro om 8:30 till 12:00 and d from 14:00 tilll 17:00. Yabancılarr Pazari (Foreigners Market) Statue of Atatürk. By Au ustrian sculptor Heinrich Kripp el, from 1928 to 1931. The sta atue was depictted on the obve erse of the Turkish 1000,000 lira bankknotes of 1991‐‐2001.[8] Atatürk (G Gazi) Museum. It houses Atatü ürk's bedroom, his study and cconference room m as well somee personal belongings. Pazar Mossque, Samsun'ss oldest survivin ng building, a m mosque built by the Ilkhanate M Mongols in the 13th century. Karadağ G Geçidi (Karadag Pass) (at an alttitude of 940 m metres). The landscape, on the way to Amasyaa. Tumuli, in n one of which ccan be seen a skeleton dated bbetween 300BC C and 30BC, are e a short walk uup the hill from Baruthanee tram station. Alternatively th hey can be reacched by car or b by teleferique.

Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).

Powerpoint presenttation, bookklet, etc.

About Me: Daviid PLUMTR REE / UNITTED DOM KINGD Picture o of yourself

About m my organissation: Describe the objecttives and act ivities of you ur organisation To supporrt the develoopment of youth‐led y social entterprises, p rojects and events. Engaging young peopple in what they are truly passsionate abouut and interrested in and developing thesee ideas into o reality. We foster these proojects (such h as Old School Clo othing Co, LLTBL) until they are ready for ssustainable iindependencce.

Interestting/funny faacts about m me: To deliverr youth workk projects to o address V quiz show ‘The I once caame runner‐‐up on the TV areas of identified need. Ba ased on Weakestt Link’ to a h hermit with a a glass eye w who claimed consultation with youung people we will to drink his own urin ne. develop projects to pprovide oppo ortunities for young people to deevelop – for example My expeerience in working with excluded Yoouth and our new project Ho rizons, focu ussed on NEET yo oung people European work with ddisadvantage ed young I have beeen a Youth and Commu unity Workerr for over 5 people. years no ow. I have wo orked on varried projectss including sexual h health, homeelessness, volunteering, aand employaability aswell as generic yyouth work. Websitee of my organisation: Picture es about the activities of f my organisa ations www.ind Let The diependent.org.uk ere Be Light (Young Peop le’s Film Pro oduction Company) (comingg soon...) ut Town (Streeet Art Workkshops) All Abou

Fashion Shows

Old Sch hool Clothing g Co (Vintagee Clothes sto ore run by youn ng volunteerrs)

About my place e: Describe yyour

Picture about my counntry/region/ccity

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) orpe is a small industrial ttown built arround the Scuntho Steel ind dustry. As that has sufferred in recentt years so has the ffortunes of tthe town and d accordinglyy it now has high h levels of deeprivation and unemployyment. It’s describeed as an indu ustrial garden n town, whicch makes no sensee whatsoeveer!

Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that you u would liike to share with the gro oup? Please bring any documeent with you (posters, lea aflets, electrronic documeents through h USB key tha at we could include in a DVD at tthe end of th he training).

I have e a short DVD D (1 minute 3 30 sec) which h is quite effeective in outlining our orrganisationa and our work.

About Me: Basil RICHARD DS / UNITEED KINGDO OM Interestting/funny faacts about m me: My expeerience in working with excluded Yoouth and NEEET young people As a Spo orts Development Coordiinator, in succh a diverse Community Huddersfieldd. I believe itt is our responsibility to enssure that eve eryone ‐ ethnnic minoritiess, NEET grou up, women & & girls, disabled people eetc.; all have access to Sp port. d foremost w we see our ro ole as encourraging all people, to enjo oy the positivve benefits that First and sport haas to offer, an nd helping th hem to reachh their poten ntial.

About my orga anisation: Describe thee objectives and activitiees of your orrganisation PORT PROJEC CT DEIGHTTON INTO SP www.ddisp.org.uk We aree a voluntaryy group which as just receently become a limitedd company aand we aim to representss all sportingg groups who usse the Lottery‐ funded D Deighton Spoorts Arena. All membeers are committed to th he belief thatt through sport we munity to tryy and can woork together for the good d of the comm rectify some of the problems asssociated witth the area. We o groups of yyoung adults . have iddentified two Our coaaches some who have be een with ourr organisation for ten years, w who live in the area and who are now w good role models and aree attemptingg to improve the image oof the area. W We have a hard to `reach NEEET group' who seem to bbe working a against the com mmunity by anti social behaviour and criminal activities. We havve found thatt the people who have m most influencce on the beh haviour of thhese young p people are thosse coaches w who the youn ng people knoow and trustt. ourage the yyoung people e who are ca using proble ems to attend sessions ruun by our coa aches. We enco Encouraage them to w work on our activities su ch as footbaall, basketball, athletics a nd playschemes.

Give theem the opportunity to he elp to run thee Annual Carrnival as stew wards or helpping to organ nise the sports activities as sttewards or h helping to orgganise the sp ports activities We also oorganize training leading tto qualificatiions, (footba all, basketballl, athletics ccoaching),you ung people and engage them in shaping their future and that of their commuunity


About my place e Hudderrsfield (/ˈhʌd dərzfiːld/ ( listen), locallly /ˈhʊdəsfiːld/) is a larg ge market ttown within the Metropo olitan Borou ugh of Kirkle ees, in Wesst Yorkshire e, England, situated haalfway betwe een Leeds a and Manche ester. It lies s 190 miles (310 km) no orth of Lond don, and 100.3 miles (16 6.6 km) south o of Bradford, the nearestt city.

Hudderrsfield is nea ar the confluence of th e River Collne and the River Holm me. Located within the historic county boundaries s of the Wesst Riding off Yorkshire, according tto the 2001 st town in th he UK and with w a total resident r poppulation of Censuss it was the 10th larges 146,234 4. It is the la argest urban area in th he metropoliitan borough of Kirkleees and the adminisstrative centtre of the bo orough. The e town is we ell known fo or its importtant role in the t Industrial Revolutio on, for being g the birthp place of rugb by league and a for beingg the birthp place of the late e British Prim me Ministerr Harold Wil son. Hudderrsfield todayy is a town of o higher ed ducation, the media and sports, beeing home to t the rugby le eague team m, Huddersfiield Giants, founded in n 1895, who o currently pplay in the European Super League and Football Le eague One football f team Huddersffield Town F.C., founded d in 1908. The T town is home to the e University y of Hudderrsfield and tthe sixth forrm d New Colleege collegess Greenhea ad College, Kirklees Co ollege and Huddersfiel H Hudderrsfield is a to own of Victo orian archite ecture. Hud ddersfield ra ailway statioon is a Grad de I listed building and was described by Joh n Betjeman n as 'the mo ost splendidd station facade in England d' second only o to St Pa ancras, Lon ndon. The sttation stand ds in St Geoorge's Squa are; having been renovvated at a co ost of £1 m illion it subs sequently won w the Euroopa Nostra award opean archiitecture. for Euro

About Me: Lee W WILSON // UNITED KKINGDOM M Picture o of yourself

About my o A organisation: Describe the oobjectives an nd acctivities of yoour organisation CR RI is a healthh and social ccare ch harity workinng with indivviduals, fa amilies and ccommunities across En ngland and W Wales that are afffected by drrugs, alcohol, crime, ho omelessnesss, domestic a abuse, an nd antisociall behaviour. Our projects, delivered in co ommunities aand prisons, en ncourage an d empower people to o regain conttrol of their lives and motivate them m m to tackle their prroblems.

Interestting/funny faacts about m me: I have beeen working w within the Subsstance misusse field for 6 years now, w working with h a variety o of individualss. I studied LLaw at univerrsity. My expeerience in working with excluded Yoouth and NEEET young p people: Altho ough Cri in Harrogate woorks with clients aged 18 and over, m my role is to sspecialise in w working with h clients under th he ages of 30 0 whose livess have been affected by drugs and alco ohol. Websitee of my organisation: Pictures about tthe activitiess of my orga anisations: www.crii.org.uk Pleaase visit the C CRi website aand the Harrrogate link for local info ormation aboout the Harrrogate projject as activitties are consstantly changging and evolving.

About my place e: Describe yyour city/region/country (interesting facts) North Yo orkshire is th he largest county in Englaand. The Harrrogate proje ect covers al l areas with a HG postcode. This includ des: Harroga ate, Ripon, K naresborouggh and manyy others sma ll towns and rural commun nities. 40% o of the countyy is covered bby national p parks including the Yorksshire Dales. P Places of interest in the countty include Bo olton abbey, Ripley castle e, Ripon Cath hedral and Inngleborough C ave to name a few.


About my organisation: Describe the oobjectives annd

Picture o of yourselff

Progressiions is a placce where you u can do furtther educatio on such as mathss English and ICT. Also the ey do Busineess and Administtration appre enticeships w which is whatt I am doing.. When I am theree I do course work. I will b be learning sskills such as dealing with visittors, using ITT systems, wo orking with oother people e and managingg customer rrelations. The foundationn learning co ourse is for peoplle aged 16 – 18. The apprenticeships s are for the ssame age rangee and it help ps you work ttowards a NV VQ Business and Admin Leevel 2 qualification.

Interessting/funny facts about me: I am veery outgoing and easy to get along w with. My exp perience in workin ng with excluded Youth and NEEET young people e

activities of your orgaanisation

Websitee of my organisation: http://w www.learnaliiving.co.uk

About my place e: Describe your cityy/region/cou untry (interestting facts) Leeds is a very intereesting place.. We havee lots of attraactions such as the Yo orkshire Dalees. We have lots to d do in the city centre such as the Leeeds Museum m and the Royal Arrmouries which are both free entry. We have the Canary Wharf w which stretch hes right across th he city centrre. Lots of shopping plazas and d plenty of complexxes to go to tthe cinemas,, bowling or just for so omething to eat.

Picture a bout my cou untry/region//city

About my orgganisation About Me: n: Describe the objectivees and activities of your o organisation n EVERYYTHING IS POSSIB BLE/ UNITTED KINGD DOM Picture o of yourself

The ma ain aim of Everyything is Possib ble is to help ma arginalised you ng people to find their directio on in life and too strengthen th heir understanding of global cittizenship. Everyything is Possiblle set up in 19999 as a small orrganisation and now, althoughh we are still relatively small, w we are a team oof eight enthussiastic people th hat are active oon an internatio onal level, sending and hosting yyoung people on volunteering, training and leearning placem ments from anythin ng from two weeeks to one yeaar in length. 1999 Everythingg is Possible hass developed partnerships withh local and international Since 1 organissations who suppport young pe eople with fewe er opportunitie s (such as homeless young people, those w with drug & alccohol problems,, those in prisonn, young people with no educattion or excludedd from school, individuals with h a history of m mental health, b black & minoritty ethnic groupps, those who h have been throu ugh the system of local authorrity care and young parents). Our current aims and the work we have done over the last few yeears have allowe ed us to work w with more & moore marginalise ed young people e. We would likke to build on th his experie ence and multipply the opportu unities we offerr through dissem minating what we do within the programm e more diverse ely to organisatiions working inn new fields and d also new countries we do not w work in partnerrship with

Pictuures about the activitiess of my organnisations Websitee of my organisation: http://w www.everyth hingispossible e.eu/ Faceboo ok: Everythin ng is Possible e http://o on.fb.me/eveeULJ Twitter: eispossible http://b bit.ly/ia8W6rr Youtubee Channel: Evverything is Possiblee http://b bit.ly/f8S8Es

About my place e: Describe yyour

Pictu ure about myy country/reegion/city

city/regiion/country (interesting facts) Leeds is situated in tthe North of England, approxim mately 200 m miles from Lo ondon. The populatiion is around d 715,000 an nd consists o f many diverse comm munities. Leed ds is a vibrannt ndly city, rich h in history w with a thrivinng and frien cultural scene and co osmopolitan n atmospheree. The city caters for alll lifestyles, tastes and budgetss in a safe, afffordable envvironment. Around Leeds: York hossts the famous Cathedral and its tradition nal street layyouts, period d English buildinggs and architeecture. Trave elling west frrom Leeds is Manchesterr, famous forr hosting thee Common Wealth Gaames in 2002 2 and Liverpoool, known ffor the Beatlees and world d class footbaall teams. Climatee: UK has a ttemperate climate, with a lot of rainfaall all year ro ound. The temperature vvaries with thee seasons between b ‐10 0 in winderr and above 30 °C during tthe summer. System of Go overnment: Constituttional monarch hy Capital: London Currenccy: Pound stterling (GBP) Language: English one: GMT (U UTC+0) Time zo Do you h have any too ols about yo our organisattion that Website, you wou uld like to sh hare with the e group? Pleease bring Videos, any document with you (posterrs, leaflets, eelectronic Leaflet. h USB key tha at we could include in documeents through a DVD aat the end off the trainingg).

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