youth initiatives Visit our website:
NATIONAL or EUROPEAN? There are two types of Youth Initiative projects: Transnational – community based projects with at least one partner group from another European country, dealing with the same theme or topic. National – projects that benefit your group or the community with no partners but dealing with a theme or topic that is common across Europe e.g. climate change or unemployment.
Main criteria: minimum of 4 young people aged 15–30 •A • projects must last between 3–18 months.
If you want more information please contact:
Youth in Action Programme, British Council, Connect Youth, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN, United Kingdom T + 44 (0)20 7389 4030 F + 44 (0)20 7389 4033 Email
Applications are also sent to the above address. Youth Initiatives are part of the Youth in Action programme, which is funded by the European Commission. The British Council is the UK National Agency for the Youth in Action programme.
Funding: • Transnational projects up to 10,000 euros activity costs (+ 1000 euros for a coach + travel support costs) • national projects up to 8,000 euros activity costs (+ 1000 euros for a coach). Design: Photography © Patrick Klein Printed on paper sourced from fully sustainable managed forest.
Youth Initiatives
www.british / connectyouth
What you can achieve
Want to make a change? Want to make a difference? Youth Initiatives are all about young people working together and making a difference in the community at a local, regional, national or European level. As a start, all you need is: • A minimum of four young people between 15 and 30 * • some project ideas • creativity and • a lot of enthusiasm! *Young people between 15 and 17 must be supported by a named coach or youth worker
For young people by young people Youth Initiatives are about you and your community! It’s about learning new skills and making a difference while you and your group design, plan and deliver a project which might involve: • Improving facilities in your local community • creating a youth forum or a website • running workshops or • holding an exhibition.
Interested but need some help? Before you apply: Youth Initiative Coaches can show you how to: • Turn your ideas into reality • choose a topic • e xplore your topic through different activities • p ut together a project plan • d o a risk assessment if its needed and help you with your grant application. During and after your project Coaches can show you how to: • Work as a team • resolve problems • manage your grant • evaluate your experience • and what to do next. If you don’t know a youth leader or youth worker who could be your Coach you can find a list of trained Coaches on our website. Some project ideas from young people: group from Scotland started a • A newspaper and website to promote positive stories of young people. • A group in Birmingham created a soap opera series on issues of crime that affect young people. • A project in London promoted the Youth in Action programme at various young people’s events around the UK. For more project ideas please visit our website.
Youth Initiative projects are all about YOU! Your self expression and participation. This experience can: • Make you more confident • give you leadership skills • improve your communication skills • make you a team-player • help you be creative • give you basic project management skills like managing money, time and activities. All of which can look very impressive on your CV!
Recording your experience All young people involved in a Youth Initiative project can receive a Youthpass certificate after the project has been completed. The certificate is recognised across Europe and will briefly describe your project and highlight the skills that you have gained.
Visit our website:
www.british / connectyouth