SUITCASE CIRCUS - Portfolio for Participants

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Portfolio of (name): Support worker (if applicable): Support Agency: Learner Workshop: Suitcase Circus Country: UK Grundtvig Learner Workshop Co-ordinator: Clair Brown Participant contact details: Address: E-mail: Phone:



What is Grundtvig Learner Workshop? The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) is a European funding programme which supports education and training across Europe. The LLP provides funding for all stages of lifelong learning; for activities at school, at college, at university, in the workplace and in the community. The LLP is made up of several different programmes offering a variety of opportunities: Objectives: •To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among people •To help people meet and mix with other young people in the European Union •To promote active citizenship and help young people across the EU understand each other •To allow individuals to develop and acquire vocational skills for their personal, educational and professional development as well as for their social integration through various learning experiences


The Grundtvig Learner Workshop Grundtvig Learner Workshops …a pascircus to European learning


What are Grundtvig Workshops? Workshops are fun learning events which bring together individual or small groups of adult learners from several countries for an innovative multinational learning experience. Learners are also encouraged to share their competences and insights actively with others. The Workshop topic has to be relevant to the objectives of the Grundtvig programme and not too heavily dependant on language skills, for example: Visual arts, music and creativity Numeracy, maths and science Language learning Active citizenship and intercultural exchange Environment, farm & factory industries and art & crafts etc. As you know our workshop is about culture and heritage


Your Grundtvig Learner Workshop experience We are here to support you right through your Grundtvig Learner Workshop project . Actually joining us for the workshop is just part of the picture. The preparation you do and meetings you attend are all things that help you gain experience, show commitment and prepare yourself as well as developing key competencies which will benefit your future. These are all skills a potential employer or college admissions officer will value. Before you leave and when you get back, we will work closely with the people who know you best to ensure that Grundtvig Learner Workshop helps you move forward and achieve the things you want to in life. We will help you recognise your achievements and make sure you are able to gain credit for the positive steps you make.

Your Grundtvig Learner Workshop experience This Grundtvig Learner Workshop Portfolio tracks your progress from the very start of your training experience, through your preparation and your placement and beyond. It is very important to look after this as it will be made up purely of your work. If you loose it, you will loose all the evidence of everything you have achieved.

As part of your preparation and to show your commitment to every step of your Grundtvig Learner Workshop journey, please make sure you complete the tasks on the following pages with your support worker.

It can’t happen without you! Your input is vital in the process. You are doing something amazing: you are taking yourself out of your comfort zone, doing something unlike anything you’ve ever done before. You are going to be staying and training with people who speak different languages and have a different way of life. Good preparation is essential and the commitment you show to the project before you go is as important and valuable as actually being there.



Task 1 –The Learner Workshop

Find the answers to the following questions. Some you will need to research on the internet and information from Everything’s Possible. Others you will be able to think about yourself The title of my Learner Workshop is: Suitcase Circus It is in (country, region and town): The person responsible there will be: The Grundtvig Learner Workshop contact details are:

The types of learning activities I will be doing are:


The Learner workshop portfolio is going to help you consider and develop your key competencies in the following areas: Communication in the mother tongue; How effectively have I used my own language? What opportunities have I had to use it? Communication in the foreign languages; How well have I coped using my host country’s language, did I learn phrases from other participants languages? What difficulties did I have and how did I overcome them? Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; What sort of problems have I faced and how have I solved them? When have I used my number skills? Digital competence; What information sources did I use to prepare myself for this workshop? Did I use computers and the internet before the project? Did I learn anything about the use of I.T in other countries? Learning to learn; What were my goals before the project and did I achieve them? Which activities do I feel I got the most out of? How will I use what I have learnt? Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and Civic competence; What have I learned about other cultures? When have I been successful in communicating with others? What have I done to resolve any conflicts within the group? Sense of Initiative and entrepreneurship; When have I turned ideas into action? Have I taken any risks and what have I learned from them? Cultural awareness and expression - How willing was I to get involved with different cultures? What cultural differences have I learned between my sending and hosting countries and the countries of my heritage? When was I able to use different media to express myself?


Task 2 -The Country where I live It is important to understand your own country to be able to compare it with others and see how you fit in. This task draws on knowledge about political systems, social issues and cultural issues, all of which are important in learning about Citizenship. It also requires you to use your literacy, research and summary skills, and you may learn some new things about your own country and culture. Use the internet and/or books to help you find out the following. Be creative with this– you could add graphs, pie charts, pictures, recipes – anything you like! We will share some of this in the Learner Workshop Country: Currency:

Task 2 –The Country where I live

Republic or Monarchy? Who is the head of state? Name and political orientation of the political party or parties in government. Who is the leader of the government? Main religions and percentage of population who belong to them: Unemployment levels: Crime levels and main types of crime that take place:


Social issues/problems for young people:

Countries it shares its borders with: Languages spoken: (You might need an extra sheet for this!)

Main topics in the news about your home country:



Task 2 –The Country where I live

Task 2 –The Country where I live

Famous people from your country. What are they famous for?:

Typical food and drink from your country: (Think about why this question is difficult to answer)

Popular types of music/musicians/bands:

Typical food and drink from my town/region:

Folk music/dance/national costume:

Any other interesting facts about your country:



Task 3 –Suitcase Circus Use the internet and/or books to help you find out the following.

Task 3 –Suitcase Circus

Any other interesting facts about circus in your country, for example can you research the history of circus or stick a typical circus photo below:

Be creative with this– you could add graphs, pie charts, pictures, recipes – anything you like! We will share some of this in the Learner Workshop Is there anything in circus your country is famous for (a famous performing art, national circus etc.)?:

Which forms of circus are most popular?: e.g. acrobatics, travelling circus, or does your country not have any circus activities?

Do you normally take part in any performing arts?:

Does your national TV station show any regular performing arts or circus?:



Task 3 –Suitcase Circus

Do you have a performing dream?

Could you anticipate any way of sharing this dream with others at the workshop?

Do you have experience of performing in front of an audience?:

Task 4 -UK It is useful to know about the country, region and town you are coming to. Not only will it help you understand a bit about the culture of the people you meet while are here, but the knowledge will make you more aware of the world and cultural differences/similarities. Understanding other cultures makes you more open-minded and gives you a wider view of the world. This task requires you to use your literacy, research and summary skills, and you may learn some new things about political and social issues. Use the internet and/or books to find out the following. If you know of someone who comes from the country you are going to, you could ask them. You could add graphs, pictures and websites where people can find out more. Country: United Kingdom Currency and conversion rate:

Whilst in the UK you will be involved in developing circus activities do you have any suggestions for the theme?:

Population: Countries we share our borders with: Languages spoken:



Task 4 – UK

Republic or Monarchy? Who is the head of state? Name and political orientation of the political party or parties in government. Who is the leader of the government?

Task 4 -UK

Famous people from this country. What are they famous for?: Please depict (draw or stick a photo) of your view on circus in the UK

Main religions: Unemployment levels: Crime levels and main types of crime that take place: Social issues/problems for young people: Main topics in the news about the UK at the moment:



Task 4 -UK

Typical food and drink from UK:

Task 4 – UK Mark Glasgow and the UK on the map of Europe below. Make sure you can identify the countries surrounding it too. Please also identify where you live

Typical food and drink from the region where I will be staying (Yorkshire)

Any other interesting facts about the UK:



Task 5 – Differences & Similarities

Task 5 – Differences & Similarities

Time to think about your opinions….

Is there anything you think is better about your home country than the UK? If so, what?

Have you learnt anything new about your country and circus? If so, what?

Were you surprised by anything you found out? If so, why?

Do you know the countries of other participants on the Learner Workshop?

What are you expecting people to be like ? Why?

What do you think are the biggest differences between your home country and the UK? When you return we’ll revisit some of these questions and see if your opinion has changed!



Task 6 –My skills development

Task 6 –My skills development

You will gain a lot from your Grundtvig Learner Workshop, but so will other participants by having you there. You have a lot to offer already, and as you learn new things it may benefit the other learners as well as you. You may already have some or all of the following skills, and many of them are useful in all types of employment, and also for your future. Circle the skills you think will be useful in the Grundtvig workshop. Talk about why you think they are useful? How will you need them?

Motivating myself

Other languages

Interpersonal skills

Listening skills


Cultural awareness/expression Digital Competence Performance Planning Skills

Team work

Working under pressure

Circus Competence


When you’ve completed this task it will help you to write a motivation letter for a job – highlighting these transferable skills and key competencies and examples of using them make it clear to a potential employer that you have the skills to make you a good employee.

Motivating others

Mathematical competence

Communication in own language

Which of the skills do you have? Which do you want to develop? If you feel you have the skill put a tick in the small box and an example of when you have used the skill in the large box. If you want to develop it, write D in the small box and how you can achieve this either before you join us or when you are on the workshop in the large box..

Communication in my own language Motivating others Mathematical skills

Public Speaking


Task 6 –My skills and competencies development Which of the skills and competencies below do you already have? Which do you want to develop? If you feel you have the skill or competence put a tick in the small box and an example of when you have used the skill or competence in the large box. If you want to develop it, write D in the small box and how you can achieve this either before you go or when you are on your project in the large box..

Digital Competence

Circus Competence

Planning Skills Listening skills Cultural awareness and expression

Interpersonal & social skills

Working under pressure


Public Speaking

Team work

Communicating in other languages

Motivating myself



Task 6–My skills development

Task 7 – My motivation

If you can think of any more skills that you either have or want to develop, fill them in here.

Complete the spider diagram with your answers to the questions. Add as many ideas as you can think of.

What skills and competencies can I gain?

What do I want to achieve?

Why am I doing this

Grundtvig Learner Workshop ?

What skills can I give?

How can I use it in the future?

Why am I interested in this workshop?



Task 7 – Preparation for the learner workshop When you arrive in the UK, you will meet lots of people from other countries through the workshop. Put together a pack of information and typical items you could take to show people what the country you live in is like. Learners will take part in themed evening and meal, when each participant prepares some food or a meal from their country to share with everyone. You could bring along some recipes of things to make for this occasions!

Task 7 – Preparation for the learner workshop Write a packing list for the workshop below (don’t forget it’s not just clothes, think of the cultural things we will need for your intercultural presentations and how you will express yourself as an individual and a country group.)

•You could go to the Tourist Information Office in your town, or the nearest big town to collect leaflets •You could print off some pictures from the internet of the flag, your town, interesting places in your country, your food •You could go and buy some typical food that people from other countries may never have tried before. Suggestions: •You could get recipes from cookery books or from the internet Is there anything you need, but don’t have?



The next section is for you to collect together all the information you will need for the workshop – you may have to get in touch with us for some of the answers. Grundtvig Learner Workshop Pre-departure Preparation Dates:

Grundtvig Learner Workshop – To discuss as a group Pre-departure activity information Learning outcomes By the end of the pre-departure activities you will: •Know who will be there to support you throughout the Grundtvig Learner Workshop, and how to contact them •Have met other learners you will travel with


•Know what to expect and what is expected of you

Method of travel:

•Have thought about why you are doing this training, what it means to you, what you hope to gain from it and what it could mean for you in the future

Departure Time:

•Considered what qualities, skills and knowledge you will bring to the workshop, and what you have to offer as well as which key competencies you may develop

How will I get my ticket?:

•Know some more about the workshop you are going to be attending and the country you are going to

Who should I call to let them know I’m on my way?:

•Understand the practical aspects of your time abroad - money, accommodation, food, health insurance, what to do if there is a problem...

Which station should I get off at?

•Know what you need to do before you leave for your Grundtvig Learner Workshop •Have discussed any worries, concerns or questions you have about the project

Who will meet me when I arrive?

•Understand the opportunities available on your return and have considered the options available to you

Where will I be staying?

•Be looking forward to your Grundtvig Learner Workshop placement and ready to go!



Training Action Plan (Group Meeting activity) Action

How will I do it?


Preparation for your project How will it help me?

Fill in your travel details: How am I getting to the airport?: What time do I need to be at the station so I don’t miss my bus/train?: What time is my bus/train?: Which station do I get off at?: What time does my plane depart?: What time do I need to be at the airport?: Which airline am I flying with?: What is the flight number?: Which airport am I flying to?: What do I need to be able to fly?: What time do I arrive?: How do I get to the learner workshop?:



At my Grundtvig Learner Workshop We will fill in this diary sheet in daily at the workshop

Day and Date:: What happened today?:

What was good about today?:

At the Learner Workshop In which areas of my key competencies have I developed today ? Communication in the mother tongue; Communication in the foreign languages; Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; Digital competence; Learning to learn; Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and Civic competence; Sense of Initiative and entrepreneurship; Cultural awareness and expression

What new things/skills have I learnt today?:

What could I have improved about today and how?: How do I feel about my Grundtvig Learner Workshop so far? What are my aims for tomorrow?:

How have you worked towards the targets on your action plan today?



Back home

Back home

Look back at your Action Plan. Did you achieve all you wanted to achieve?

Look back to the page on which you answered the questions in task 5:

List 5 successes or key competence areas you feel you have achieved on your Grundtvig Learner Workshop: 1. 2.

Were you right with your answers to these questions?

Now you’ve been on the workshop, answer the questions again‌

3. 4. 5. What is your proudest achievement from taking part in the workshop?



Back home

Back home

Answer these questions again now you are an expert on your host country! • What do you think are the biggest differences between the UK and your home country?

• Is there anything you feel is better about your home country than in the UK? If so, what?

• Is there anything you prefer about the UK than your home country? If so, what?


What are people like you met on the workshop is this different to your expectations?

Did you have stereotypes of the countries of other participants and were these stereotypes correct?

• How were the people and countries different from your expectations?


Back home Before you went on the learner workshop, In task 6 you looked at the skills you had, as well as the ones you wanted to develop while you were on your Grundtvig Learner Workshop. List below any new skills you now have, and examples of where you needed them. Don’t forget to add these in when writing job or college applications.


Back home

Put a copy of your competency certificate from Everything’s Possible in here.


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